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Jr. . . the March of Dimes will accept the following challenges plus a public debate on "THE TRUTH ABOUT
POLIO" and let the public know all the facts . . , POLIO can be eradicated within 90 days.
If. . . Basil O'Connor's "gang" were TRULY interested in little children, they would gladly join in this cru-
sade vs. POLIO, and accept these challenges. It's time the National Foundation stop their FEAR propa-
ganda . . . "bleeding" the public out of MILLIONS of DOLLARS while innocent little children are offered
in sacrifice on the altar of GREED for the almighty DOLLAR.
* * *

"We submit this challenge to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Dr.
Jonas Salk, and the United States Public Health Service.
By agreement of all parties concerned, we will go into any designated hospital and
take an unlimited number of acute polio patients, apply the Chiropractic methods
of polio care we have been applying and welcome Life Magazine, Associated Press,
United Press, Christian Science Monitor, and all reporters and commentators who
desire to observe the results. WE WILL PROVE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL
be made of the cases handled that there may be no misunderstanding or denying
the results. This is an open challenge made for the benefit of the American People
and the Public Health."
"As an addition to this challenge we will:
Permit the nation to view the proceedings of the work via T.V. across the nation.
We are ready to stand before the nation with our proof. Telecasts from the hospital
wards every 6 hours that the entire nation may see for themselves. This would save
thousands of lives! The most important news and interesting events are being
brought to our nation via T.V. — Why should American people be denied this
TRUTH and thousands die."
(Notarized) Dr. Zenna H. Mills, D.C.
Dr. Samuel A. Mills, D.C, Ph.C
Burlington, Kansas
* * *
AN OPEN CHALLENGE. To prove, to the "skeptical" and the world in general that Polio is NOT caused by
any LIVE VIRUS (or 'mysterious little bug'), but is merely a disease of malnutrition and a problem in body
chemistry, I offer the following:
"I, Duon H. Miller, President of Polio Prevention, Inc., Coral Gables, Florida:
hereby offer to personally serve as a 'human guinea-pig' by allowing blood from a
new polio patient to be injected DIRECTLY into my bloodstream, or if the skeptics
prefer they may administer this polio blood to me ORALLY."
According to Bacteriology, any disease caused by a (so-called) virus is capable of reproducing by injection,
the same disease as that undergone by the body from which they are taken.


(Notarized) Duon H. Miller
Coral Gables, Florida .
* * *
How about it Basil O'Connor? Are you MAN enough to accept these challenges for the good of little
children everywhere???
Now is the time for the National Foundation to come out in the open or follow the suggestion of a New
York newspaper which recently printed (together with other facts regarding Polio): "WE L O O K
(Reprints SO for $1.00 postpaid) [ Send 25c for a complete file of our factual polio literature.
America has just witnessed the most hor- NO VACCINE HAS OR CAN ACHIEVE Scientist and physician, Dr. William
rible, unthinkable, dangerous, vicious ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. Vaccines have Koch, M.D., Ph.D., says, "the injection of
crusade against HEALTH ever conceived. only filled countless cemeteries with in- any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin,
Millions of little children offered as sac-nocent victims killed prematurely by has shown a very marked increase in the
rifices on the altar of greed . . . having FRAUDULENT injections. incidence of POLIO, at least 400%.
their life's blood "polluted" with Dr. Salk's Statistics on this are so conclusive, no
Smallpox and other plagues were eradi- one can deny it."
fradulent vaccine . . . dead virus "pickled"
cated by sanitation engineers AFTER all
in formalin, (formaldehyde) . . . embalm- vaccines and serums had FAILED COM-
ing fluid if you please. This vaccination The famous Doctor Harry R. Bybee says,
PLETELY. It has now been documented "My honest opinion is that vaccina-
FRAUD is a frantic effort by the boon- and published that smallpox is traced only tion is the cause of more disease and
doggling, charity brokers to prevent the to the common BEDBUG! Sanitation suffering than anything I could
public from learning the TRUTH about eradicated SMALLPOX by eradicating the name." Doctor William H. Hay, M.D.,
the UTTER WORTHLESSNESS of The BEDBUG! (read Bacteria, Inc.) in reporting on the Philippine vaccination
March of Dimes. program with a death rate running in
September 20, 1953, The UNITED NA- places to almost 70% says, If the record of
TIONS WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZA- 2 British Medic Papers Urge vaccination in the Philippines were ever
TION COMMITTEE reports, "Efforts to to become a matter of general knowledge
Control Polio Complete Failure and Caution on Salk's Vaccine it would FINISH vaccination.
condemns any large scale intra-
muscular injections." As late as October LONDON, April 22, 1955 (Reu- In the Philippines in a period of three
21, 1953, didn't Dr. William M. Hammon, ters)—The British Medical Journal years following compulsory vaccination,
(University of Pittsburgh) discover of today warned physicians against occurred the greatest smallpox epidemic
Gamma Globulin as a polio treatment, says overenthusiastic acceptance of the in Philippine history . . . with 162,503
"the new polio vaccine, being de- Salk anti-polio vaccine citing "the cases and 7 1 , 4 5 3 deaths. In 1918,
veloped by Dr. Salk should not be possibility of toxic effects." 47,369 of those vaccinated came down
treated with too much optimism." with Smallpox . . . 16,477 DIED. In 1919
It's conclusions were echoed by . . . 65,180 were stricken with Smallpox
ISN'T IT A FACT . . . as recent as Octo- the Lancet, weekly medical jour- . . 44,408 DIED.
ber 26th, Mr. Joseph F. Nee, director of nal which said it would be "Very
the fund raising drive for The National reluctant" to see the vaccine used Among our own soldiers, in the Philip-
Foundation stated, "the next step will be on a large scale in Britain with- pines, 674 were stricken from the vac-
toward perfection of the serum. We are out further tests . . . it may prove cination and 249 DIED. In Japan, (by
very hopeful and feel that this time we harmful. compulsion) EVERYONE is vaccinated
are on the right track." Note Dr. Salk's for smallpox but, they had 285,061 cases
serum was NOT PERFECTED . . . neither Also, it warned, "the possibility of smallpox and 77,500 DEATHS.
do they KNOW if they are "on the right of toxic effects from repeated in-
track" . . . THEY ARE NOT! Yet, they jections with monkey tissues must Diphtheria vaccine . . . under our Army's
want to inject this "embalming fluid" be considered." orders in Japan . . . killed 61 infants in
protein compound into the body of YOUR April 14, 1955 a single group in a single night. These
little child . . . just how LOW can hu- are FACTS . . . not fancies. You cannot
mans stoop? Don't forget the case of little prevent any disease by poisoning the blood
10 year old Eleanor Briggs, returning Associated Press (Feb. 23, 1954 reports, stream. The pharmaceutical houses would
home after her injection of anti-toxin on "A group of 17 polio experts appointed by like to forget the "epidemic" in Dallas,
reaching the front porch collapsed crying, the U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Texas, and surrounding towns when their
"I am dying" . . . and she DIED. reported last night that: It had found "antitoxins" killed 100 children and
NO EVIDENCE that gamma globulin, a ruined the health of thousands.
The "promoters" of this dangerous vac- blood derivitive, PREVENTED or MITI- Our Creator SEALED our bloodstreams
cine give NO GUARANTEE or NO AS- GATED paralytic polio when given in mass . . . it should be kept PURE and UN-
SURANCE that it will not KILL your child inoculation programs to all children in BROKEN
. . . so . . . why should you take a the 23 areas in 13 states which had "medicos"andfornotthe"polluted"mere
benefit of The
chance? epidemics last summer." March of Dimes unscrupulous "money-
ISN'T IT A FACT . . . that one of Dr. Gamma Globulin (scientifically a FRAUD) grabbers," who from its very inception
Salk's "instructors," a few years ago, came was such a COMPLETE FAILURE that the have conducted a colossal FRAUD.
out with a vaccine? It was injected into March of Dimes had to come up with Dr. T. M. Schippell of Washington, D. C,
innocent children many of the contracting something new to keep the DOLLARS writes,
polio and many DIED . . . the "instructor' rolling in. GAMMA GLOBULIN now "Parents—play safe! Let other
then committed SUICIDE. secretly abandoned as WORTHLESS in callous parents permit this poisoning of
ISN'T IT FACT . . . that Dr. Salk himself Polio (even tho a good "money getter") their children. Just take your youngster
off candy, soft drinks and colas and in-
stated that after he had injected his serum POISONED the bodies of MILLIONS as fantile paralysis will pass your family by.
into "test" children that he couldn't sleep we WARNED in 1953. A FRAUD. Remember, polio is not 'catching'—it comes
for a few weeks? Sickening . . . isn't it?? Now, they inject this unproven, un- from the insides of 'over indulged' kiddies."
Inoculation is NOT based upon any scientific, DANGEROUS vaccine into the It's a lot of "monkey-business" when you
scientific FACT, but upon "it's supposed bodies of little innocent children for NO inject "MONKEY-JUICE" into perfect,
to do" and "it seems to do" and "we REASON in the world other than to pro- clean bodies that our GOD created. This
believe it does" and so forth. It is "sup- tect their "racket." All vaccines against CRIME against GOD and Nature by the
posed" to produce antibodies, antigerms all diseases have always left in their paths forces of "anti-Christ" money-grabbers
and antigens. These are "myths." DEATH and ill h e a l t h . must he stopped.

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