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Teacher’s Words & Actions Student’s Words & Actions

Activity N° 1 – 5th Grade (35sts-Private) – Can/Can’t
T says, “Well, look under your chair” Sts look under their chair (sts take pictures
about sports/hobbies/activities, T put these
T asks “What do you have?” pictures before starting the class)
Sts say “swim, play football, play basketball,
T says “So, I have some friends” (And unveils the pictures of three Gravity ride a bike, play volleyball..”
Falls characters) “He is Dipper and she is Mabel” Sts give the pictures to the teacher
T says “ok, look, Dipper can ride a bike (To do this the teacher will overlap
Dipper’s figure to the sport/hobby flashcard).
T says “well, Mabel can’t play football (To do this the teacher will overlap
Mabel’s figure to the sport/hobby flashcard).
(And so on with the others sports/hobbies) Sts look and listen what T says
Activity N°2: 3rd Grade (35sts-Private) - Seasons
T says “Well, What’s the weather like today?” (T takes out flashcards of the Sts say “No/yes, It’s….(depends on the
weather) and ask sts “is it sunny? Is it cloudy? (and so on, leaving the actual weather of the day)
weather of that day flashcards for the end).
 Sunny: Flashcard of a sunny field
 Cloudy: Flashcard of a cloudy sky
 Windy: Flashcard of a cloud blowing
 Snowy: Flashcard with snow and snowflakes Sts look and listen to the T
 Rainy: Flashcard with rain and thunders

After that the T will stick on the BB four trees A3 size representing the four
The trees will look like this:
 Summer: A tree full of leaves with some fruits
 Autumn: A tree with some brown leaves and a lot of leaves in the
ground. Sts look and listen to the T
 Winter: A tree without leaves and cover with snow.
 Spring: A tree full of leaves and flowers.

Then the teacher will take cutouts of different characteristics of the seasons
and will say sunny and hot, here or here? pointing to the different trees
(While miming and holding the cut out of a sun), as the sts probably will
answer in spanish the T will provide the English word reformulating their
answers “Yes! in Summer!”,and he will stick the cutouts in the correct season Sts may answer: “In summer!”
(Then T will add other elements like a beach, an umbrella, kids dressed with
beach clothes, etc). The same will be done with the other seasons.
Activity N°3: 6th Grade (20 sts-Public) - Routines
“Ok! Now! Let's meet some famous people!” Sts listen and look
T1 ask turns around and masked as Messi, then T2 says “Do you know who is
he?” Sts say “Messi!!!”
T2 says “Yes! He is Messi!!”
Then T1 asks “And who is he?” T2 masked as Homer Sts listen
T says “Yes! He is Homer!!! Sts say “Homer!”
T shows a time table with different activities of Messi and Homer
T1 masked as Messi will talk about his routine adding it to a chart on the Sts look the time table
board then T2 masked as Homer will do the same to contrast the two Sts listen
Activity N°4: 2nd Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
T ask sts to put everything away then T sticks on the board a poster of a
closed house. After they greet each other T says “Look! What is it? It is
a.........” House!
Great! Very good! This is my house!, Let’s see what is inside? Do you want to
see? Let’s see. This is the kitchen and look in the kitchen there is a fridge.
T continues in the same way with the other rooms
Activity N°5: 1st Grade (20sts-Public) - Clothes
After they greet each other T ask sts to put everything away and come to sit Sts guess
in the floor in a small circle then T take a Closet from his bag but without
showing the front of it, in order to create expectation have sts guess.
Then T says “Look! What is it?
This is a closet! Sticks on the board a poster of a closed closet.
“Well, in the closet we put clothes” (While carefully opening the main doors
of the closet) and oh! (T opens a door where there is a picture of Mabel)
“Who is she?
yes she is Mabel, and oh, this is her closet (T takes out the picture of Mabel
and sticks it at one side of the closet) and let’s see here (While opening
another hidden door and finding Dipper) oh look!, who is he? Yes he is
Dipper! and this is his closet too (While taking out the Dipper cut out and Mabel!
sticking it at one side).
Ok let’ see what clothes they have here, look there are (while pointing at the
different clothes) T-shirt/trousers/jackets, and so on…. Dipper!

Activity N° 1 – 5th Grade (35sts-Private) – Can/Can’t
T draws a chart on the board (on the top there is a tick and a cross and on
the left the picture of Dipper and Mabel)
T ask sts to repeat after him while completing the chart with the flashcards of Sts repeat after the “Dipper can ride a
the hobbies/sports they can/can’t “Dipper can ride a bike (Putting the bike”(and so on)
correspondent flashcard in the tick column)
Activity N°2: 3rd Grade (35sts-Private) – Seasons
Cover your eyes memory game
T will say “Ok, now let’s play a game!, look” And the Ts will model the game, Sts listen the T
T1 says to T2, “Cover your eyes”, and T1 will take out one of the cutouts &
the other teacher has to guess in which season there is a missing one. Then
T1 asks T2 “Where was the missing one?” T2 guesses and answers, “In
Then T1 says, looking at the sts, “Ok now you, cover your eyes” (Miming the
action), when Ts make sure all of them have their eyes covered and while
one of them is watching the sts don’t cheat, the other will take out one cut
out and will say “Ready!, tell me, where was the missing one?”
Sts answer: “In summer!”, “In winter!”
Activity N°3: 6th Grade (20 sts-Public) – Routines
Point and Say
T says “Ok. Listen.” Sts look
T asks “What does Messi do at 7 o'clock?” (While pointing with the finger the Sts listen
routine and the time)
T says “Messi gets up at 7 o’clock. Ok now you. Come on. Say it.” (T takes out Sts listen and say “Messi gets up at 7 o'clock”
the this routine). Sts look and listen.
T takes out the following routine.
T asks “What does Messi do at 9 o'clock (while pointing) Sts say “Messi go to the gym at 9 o'clock.
T says “yes!!. So.. Messi gets up at 7 o'clock...Messi go to the gym at 9 Sts say “Messi gets up at 7 o'clock...Messi go
o'clock. Now you! come on!. to the gym at 9 o'clock
T does the same with the rest of the routines
T says “ok, let’s see XXXXX . Tell me! (T takes out the first routine and guides Sts say the routine and the time. (They do the
them with his finger.” same with the rest of the routines)
(The idea is that sts have to remember the routines of Messi and XXXXX
Activity N°4: 2nd Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
Finding Waddles
“Ok now I want you two meet to friends of mine” T takes out images of two Dipper, Mabel!
characters of Disney’s Gravity Falls, “Do you know them?” “Yes! they are
Dipper and Mabel!
and they have a friend but he is lost (Showing a Lost sing of Waddles The Pig)
and they say he is in my house (Pointing at the house)”
So can you help me?
And the teacher goes through the house opening doors (Like the fridge door,
the oven door, the closet door and waddles would be always there) And ask Yes teacher ahí está!
“Is it in the kitchen?” (But he acts as if he doesn’t see Waddles and close the
door again) “No”
T acts surprised and ask “What?, Where is Waddles?, Is it in the bathroom?,
In the garden? Yes! he is in the Kitchen! (T corrects and provides the full
sentence the first time) Kitchen
Then T continues like this with the other rooms. In the kitchen/ In the fridge
Activity N°5: 1st Grade (20sts-Public) – Clothes
Dressing Game
“Ok now make two lines! Boys here and girls here, now let’s dress Dipper and St takes one of the cutouts
Mabel” While taking out the clothes cutouts that were stuck over the
characters presented in the Practice I. “Ok girls you will dress Mabel and boys
Dipper” (While pointing at the characters). Jumper
Then T will go to the bottom of the line and ask Two of the attached sts to St pass it to the partner
hold one bag each one with cutouts of the clothes for each characters, then T Jumper
will say to the last sts of one of the line “Take one, now tell me what is this?”
Great! now pass it to your partner
Now you tell me what is this?
All the sts in the line have to say the name of the clothes and the first in line
has to tick it in the right place, then he goes back to the end of the line.
Activity N° 1 – 5th Grade (35sts-Private) – Can/Can’t
T shows new flashcards of Dipper and Mabel actually performing the Sts say “Yes!, “No!”
different actions, then T asks to sts where it should go in the chart -See
picture N°3 in the appendix-. eliciting the construction:
E.g, T takes the image of Mabel on the floor next to a bike, (meaning she Sts say “Mabel can’t ride a bike”
can’t ride a bike) and shows it to the class the he asks “Can Mabel ride a
bike?” while swinging the flashcard between the two columns, then T elicits
the right answer in order to model the activity and the expected answer
“Mabel… can’t ride a…. bike”
T does this with different actions.

Sts must recognize that the character “ can or can´t do the action and the T
moves the image under the correct column.
Activity N°2: 3rd Grade (35sts-Private) – Seasons
Guessing Game
T will stick some cutouts of a season and the students have to guess what Sts look what the T sticks
season is it:
“Ok look, it is cloudy, and it is rainy, and you have to wear a scarf, what is Sts say “It is winter! It is summer!”...(and so
the season? on)
Activity N°3: 6th Grade (20 sts-Public) – Routines
True or False
“Ok kids, now let’s play a game! It’s True of False! I'll say something and you
tell me if it’s true or false ok?” then T1 models the activity with T2, T1 first
says a false sentence “I wake up at 10 Am!”, T2 crosses his arms and says
“false” while nodding his head, T1 confirms his answer saying “Yes, great!”
and showing the right answer in the chart exaggerating the differences
between what he said and the right answer “I wake up at 7Am NOT at 10”.
Then they repeat the process with a true sentence and T1 says “I learn to
draw at 5pm” and T2 raises his hand and says “True!” T1 confirms his answer
saying “Yes, great!” and showing the right answer in the chart , “Yes!, I learn
to draw at 5pm”
Ok now it’s your turn, for 4 groups” And the teacher will guide them to from
the groups quickly.Then the T will hand each group a sheet of paper with a
different colour “Ok you will be Team red, you team blue, you team yellow
and you team green”
Meanwhile the other teacher will stick the same sheets of paper on the
board to give each team a point when they get it right.
“Ok now let’s play!, I play football at 11pm, is it true or false?, c´mon decide…
3,2,1 time time, let's see, Team red? Is it true or false?, False? Yes! Great! 1
point for team red!”And so on with the other teams and more phrases.
The team who wins gets the masks as a prize
Activity N°4: 2nd Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
Pin the tail on the Donkey
“Ok now let’s play a game it's called Pin the pig on the house (Pin the tail on
the donkey) so, first make two groups, from here to here and from here to
here. Ok, now one volunteer please, yes you, come here, now from this
group one volunteer, now make a line” T arranges the two groups in two
lines then gives the first sts a picture of Waddles and says “Ok you take this,
then listen to your partner and put Waddles in the room your partner says”,
Then T goes with the second one in the line and ask him to pick one of the
room flashcards and say it out loud to his/her partner, then he ask the first
sts of that line to go to the indicated room and put Waddles there, then he
repeats the same process with the other group/line. Then T ask the first sts
to go back at the end of the line.
Then T ask “Ok are you ready?” And they play the game, the T continues with
the next sts
Activity N°5: 1st Grade (20sts-Public) – Clothes
Listen & Go
T says, “Ok ok now let´s play another game!” With the help of the attached
sts T will move away all the seats and stick big pictures of each item of
clothing in each wall (Some may be repeated but with different colours).
“Listen, I say an item and you have to find it” T models the game with the
help of one attached sts, T says “Skirt” and the attached sts goes and stands
in front of the mentioned item, “Ok now it’s your turn! Let’s see.. mmm…
trousers! Go go go go” (And so on with the others items)
Activity N°6: 4th Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
“Ok now let’s play a game so, first make two rows” And T help sts to form the
two rows.
Then T extends a Hopscotch court over the floor and then T will say “Ok now
look at me” and he will take out a dice from his bag “You throw the dice” and
the teacher throws the dice “Oh I’ve got 4!, so you jump and say the rooms
until the number you’ve got, let’s see.. Bathroom, kitchen, living room,
garden!, then you continue” And T finishes the hopscotch “And if you do it
well you get points for your group!”
Then T will ask one of the sts to do it “Ok now you, take the dice, ready?
throw it, oh you got 5! Ok now come here, now hop and say Bathroom,
kitchen, …. and? Great! now finish in silent (While miming), Great so you got
5 points for your team!”
Then T will ask a member of the other group to be the next.
And the game goes on until each of them had played
Activity N° 1 – 5th Grade (35sts-Private) – Can/Can’t
Throw the Dice
T says “Ok let’s play a game, now watch”, (Teachers will model the game)
T1 shows a dice that has a different hobby/activity/sport in each side.
T1 gives T2 the dice and T2 rolls the dice and show the resulting face with it’s
image to the class while saying if he can or can´t do the sport/hobby, eg “I
can’t play football” (If he can’t he makes a sad face). St says “I can swim”....“I can’t ride a bike”
T says “Ok now you” (Teacher ask one student to roll the dice and say if he or (and so on according the dice).
she can or can’t do the sport/hobby, and he continues doing this with some
other sts)
Activity N°2: 3rd Grade (35sts-Private) – Seasons
Dressing Game
T says “Ok, now let’s play a game” (T takes out for boxes and each of which Sts listen to the T
contains costumes representative to the four season)
T1 says “A volunteer please. Come on.” (After that T2 dresses up with some
of the clothes from one box while T1 with the st cover him, so sts can’t see, St says “Me T, please”
after T2 dress up , T1 and st uncover T2) And T1 ask sts: “What is the
season?”. Sts say “Summer”
Then, T1 says: “Ok now you” (To the volunteer), “Choose one” (After that the
st dresses up with some of the clothes from the chosen box while T1 and T2
cover him, so sts can’t see, after the St dress up , T1 and T2 uncover the st) Sts say “Winter”
And T1 ask sts: “What is the season?”
Then the teacher ask for another volunteer “Ok another volunteer” Me teacher!
“Ok come!” (And they repeat the game)
Activity N°3: 6th Grade (20 sts-Public) – Routines
“Ok ok now we want to know your routine, let’s see… mmm… you, come
here please” So tell me, What time do you wake up?, Seven
Oh ok so you say I…. (While miming) I wake up… at…? I… I wake up… I wake up at seven am!
Yes great!
And so on with other random sts
Activity N°4: 2nd Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
T will take a bunch of cards from a mystery box “Let’s see, what is this?” T
will show students the cards which will be halves of each room on them
“They are cards! Yeah let’s play another game, I’ll give you this (While
pretending to give it to a sts) and you have to look (While doing the gesture
of looking) who has the other half” (While joining two cards)
T will deliver the cards
“Ok kids! Now you have to LOOK for the other half c’mon, c’mon”
“Ok, ready, time time time, let’s see, Who are in the bathroom? You and Me teacher,
you? Where are you?, Where?” (Like if he was deaf) and so on with the other Bathroom
Activity N°5: 1st Grade (20sts-Public) – Clothes
Close your eyes
T will say “Ok, now let’s play a game!, look” And the Ts will model the game,
T1 says “You cover your eyes”, (While pointing at them and doing the mimic)
and I take out one (While taking out one of the clothes cutouts from the
closet in the BB) and you guess, what is missing?. (This can be modeled with
one of the attached sts).
“Ok now you, let’s play!, cover your eyes” (Miming the action), then T will Skirt/trousers/jumper
make sure all sts have their eyes covered and they don’t cheat, then T will
take out one cut out and will say “Ready!, tell me, what is missing?
Activity N° 1 – 5th Grade (35sts-Private) – Can/Can’t
Draw & Tell
T says “Ok, this is me and I can play football (T draws himself playing football Sts look what T draws
on the board) but I can’t ride a bike (T draws himself riding a bike on the
board). Sts draw themselves
“Now, take one paper and your pencils, let me see your papers and pencils,
ok now you draw what you can do and what you can’t do, c’mon, c’mon you “No teacher”, “Wait teacher”
have 5 minutes...4 minutes.... 3 minutes….1 minute, time, time, time stop”
(Meanwhile T draws a chart with the different sports so after Sts finish St shows the teacher his/her drawing
drawing T can count how many sts can do each sport/activity) -See picture
N°4 in the appendix-
“Ok, now, you show me your drawing”, “Great!”, “Now tell me what you can “I can swim”
“Great! 1 point for swimming!”
“Now tell me, what you can’t do” “I can’t play volleyball”
(And so on until the bell rings)
Activity N°2: 3rd Grade (35sts-Private) – Seasons
Jigsaw Puzzle
T says “Ok now let’s make a jigsaw puzzle!, look (T models the activity making Sts listen and look to the T
a giant jigsaw puzzle on a cardboard sticked on the board in which he draws Sts draw on the sheet of paper
a season). Sts cut the jigsaw puzzle
T gives sts a sheet of paper with the line of the jigsaw puzzle. Sts give the their partner
T says “draw a season, come on!. Two minutes” Sts do the jigsaw puzzle and say what the
T cuts the giant jigsaw puzzle and says “now you. Come on! One minute!” season is
Then T says “now give it to the partner behind you. One minute”. “Summer”, “Winter”, etc.
Then T says “now solve it, ready?, Ok, what season is this?”
Activity N°3: 6th Grade (20 sts-Public) – Routines
Pass the Ball
T says “ok let’s play a game” St gets the ball
T takes out a ball and says “ok look and listen” St says “I get up at 7 o'clock”
T says “I get up at 7 o’clock” (while holding the ball) I get up at 7 o’clock.” St passes the ball to his/her classmate”
T1 passes the ball to T2 St says “I play football at half past 12”
T2 says “He (pointing T1) gets up at 7 o’clock and I play football at half past St says “He gets up at 7 o'clock”
9” St says “He gets up at 7 o'clock and I play
T2 says “Ok now you!!” football at half past 12”
T2 passes the ball to one st St passes the ball
T2 says “come on say what do you do?” (Sts do this so everybody can say what
T2 says “OK now pass the ball” he/she does)
T2 says “OK now you”
T1 says “Ok but what does he/she do?”
T1 says “yes! say it with your routine”
T1 says “Excellent!! pass the ball again”
Activity N°4: 2nd Grade (20 sts-Public) – Parts of the House
Foldable House
“Do you like my house? I’ll give you one like mine but we have to build it”
T delivers foldable house of paper to each sts
“Ok now, are you ready?, Show me your papers! Great!, now put it like this”
And the teacher will make sure all the sts position the foldable house with
the arrow pointing at the front, he will guide the sts with a larger version of it
from sticked in the BB the he will guide the sts into the following steps.
After the house is finished the T will ask the sts to paint the inside/give little
cutouts of furniture to put inside and fill the blanks with the names of the
Finally T will help sts to paste it in their copybooks
Activity N°5: 1st Grade (20sts-Public) – Clothes
Dressing and Painting
Dress the character and paint
With the help of the attached sts the T will put all the seats on its place again Sts take their copy books
and then ask sts to sit and take out their copy books and pencil.Then T will
deliver A5 sized b&w drawings of Dipper and Mabel the he will say open your
copybooks, now paste this there (Attached sts will help to make sure all of Sts paste the drawing
them have the coloring drawing pasted in their copybooks).
Then T will deliver sets of cutouts of the different items of clothing and ask
sts to paste it with the help of the attached sts, “Ok now have this and dress Sts paste the clothes
Dipper and Mabel as you like”
Once sts finish pasting the different items of clothes T will ask sts to paint it Sts paint
“Ok now you have to paint! As you like!”

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