Sie sind auf Seite 1von 92

Cf),~ ~"''"._'"~~~~'.'.~_~''
for this special time of the year-a time of harvest, a lime
for us all to count our many blessings. LeI us pause and
give thanks for the beauty 01 our lands. lor the courage and
dedication of our forefathers, for our hard won freedoms and
liberties, lor the rights guaranteed us all. and for lile ilsell.
Thank you, Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day

• .'
15th St .• N .W.
\\IMhloK1o". D.C. 2000~
hr.'R"a''''al Sur~f...",
lin 15th St.• N.W.
Wn.hlnRton, D.C. 2000;;
IroS·ll Jew~1 A"."ue
J'luahlns. N.Y. 11165
FI .. t OI.tcict. WILI. IAM LADYM ,\N Volum e 71, No. 11 November, 1972
S8 U"ke,.,lty Blvd .. Suite GO!.
'I'oron(o I. Ont .. CaRl"I"
s..~nd D;~trlct. JOliN K FLYNN
128 om"" '·1 ....... Buildlnll
220 }>'or"- Ro",1 Ff!Cltllres
U r.inlr~. &I au •• hu_u 02111
Third DiHtrlot. A. It. JO H NSON
607 lJulltlinK. Room 301 IBEW Founders' Scholarship 3
GOl W" shlnlll.On H,1.
I' lt Uoburllh. PII. 15228 Giant Sign Program Gets Unde r Way 4
FOllrlh nl.trir!. n r;. WII.T.I ,\Ml'iON
7710 Headin" ItoAd 9th District Progress Meeting in Portland, Oregon 6
Amhe.lllwn ExCC'Uti"e 01011{.
Suite (,
Clnd ""n!!. Ohio lr.~3j
1st Dist rict Progress Meetings Held 8
!,irth I)lotr!ct. J. Il . I'AT~: Local 2228 Consults with New Federal Department 13
1·111 l·~",·ht".., !it .. N.E .. Suit .. ~O l
IIl1l1ntQ. C<!Orll:!n 303(1(1
Sixth Il ;'tckt. T. 1';. MALON~:
International txecutive CounCil Minutes 18
I ~/H) ll Pl"g~C 1101101
Socth O~kbm<>k lluiMinlt". !illite 30 ISEW Fisca l Report 78
Ollk Brook. 1II1nol. 60:,21
Scvc llth 1)i.lri,·t. 1:,\ YMONO C. O(JIa:
~701 A,c""" Ie, 1ellO\
Suite 412
,\rlln(llon. Ta,.. 76011 Departments
El,l hth Dilnrlet. S. F:. THOMPSON
Room 102 . W11"O," 010111" .. Editorial Comment 2
S30~ ~''''' tt h Ave .• N,,,·th
1' . O. Dox
Uiltln lol"s, Mont. ~UIO~
1~1'~ Apprenticeship ann Training 14
Nimh nr.tdct. W. L. VIN SON
1700 ~uth EI Cnmlno Il t"/ll
Safety Tips 16
1lo ....1 SitUR ..... Suite 301
San Mntto. c"nrorni" flt10~ Handyman's Corner 27
T~nth !>isldr!. FI(ANK T. CL,\D!>rF.Y
tI·lt ~r" UlH~" Uuilolln.c 1. Suite 100
With the Ladies 28
10100 W. l!1.cll"i". 11.... ,1
I!o.. ~mont, Ulinoi . 600 18 Local lines 30
EI""~nth III Uict. 1l00H:i{T K. C ,\RIHTY
Suitt 3~. l.akin 1110111" . Research and Education Department 44
8!llfO w. Dodge no...l
Om"hll. Nehrukll Gill U In Memoriam 85
TW"llth J)j~trlcl. W. 11. I'~:rTY
Whlt~lt~ iJuilding, Urn Ga t. 2100 POI,lnr Death Claims 87
l>Ien,pnl •• T~nn~".ee 3S112


Eo J. f.'IlAN SWAY
Chai ...,...., On Ou r Cover-
2121 \\" .. \ WI ... onoi n Ave"I'"
Mil\\"!\u k«>. WI 'CQ n ~ ;n b3~03
I'I,..t J)islrlct . II A 1.1'11 IlA !.LQi{,\ N
2·,1/ W. Wnter Strt",t. ~n(1 Hooc ibew
El ml ..... New York 1 tPOI These high·voltage transmission lines
Seo:un..t 1)I.trIN . J,UIF:S F. ~IULLO!H:Y are outlined in western sunset skies in
I G~ Clinton Str""t
l>!nrl bo",. ~l n"ftc hu"c\t" Ol,r,~ this month's Journal front cover. Inside
Thl n l1)iat ri et. II ,\HH\' J. WII.I.I ,\MS this issue are reports on the 1st and
1II1 (;il .,·~· ' \"enuc
Clndnnhtl. Obio ",20:, 9th District Progress Meetings. Your
t"ourth Oi ,triot. II \llIt\' nt;Xu,,' attention is also called to the announce·
;,01 Pulllnm St .• S.W.
'\tlnnln. C"" cl'li " 30~1~ ment of the ISEW Founders' Scholarship
Filth m,I";CI, J ,\CK r. ~100nl': Program on page 3. The entire Journal
~"O~ E~"t Ilivi. i011 staff wishes all our members a joyous
Sp rinjtllchl. MIO$<)uri 6:,80~
Sixlh Ullrict. TIiOll AS 11. l'UIlS I.EY Thank sgiving Day.
'!~7 Broad,,".~
Cnlv ... ton. Tuu 11650
S'!V~nlh Di5lricl. H.\LI'II A. Lf;ICO:.t
1130 Sw .... 1\~y '\\'enut
u.. Veil''''' NevAdn 8!' 10 1
Elllhth J)1.tri~t, CI-:OI((;I'; I' . I ',\TTEH~(JI\'
...,., '"

l";,.il~ 1\(1;1. 333 11,",11 ...,-1"" e,.. .. ·.,nl

Winnil"'jt U. Man .• Cnn.uln

" ~" ..... :'<';'

" ,.'
editorial COlnlnellt
• Many impo rta nt issues will be 01 slake for the millions of union members
this year as we go to Ihe polls to vole in the November elections. Such oreol 0$
jobs. heohh core, consumer protection. lox reform, air and water pollution.
welfare. and many more. all affect Ihe doily lives of American workers.
Probably never before in Ihe political history of our nolion, hos Ihe worker
hod so much riding directly on his vole, particularly in Ihe election of Congressmen
10 Ihe Senate and House of Representatives.
By Election Ooy, union members will hove before them the records of their
friends in Congress and the records of their enemies, The question wilt be. do we
bock the proven friendly candidotes and help them to gel re-elected so that
they may return 10 do a job for the workers and protect us from those who
wish 10 destroy the labor movemenl? I know the answer is yes.
lobor's oim this yeor mus t be to elecl a Congreu that is committed to the
interests of the good of all the people and nOI just the selfish interests of 0 few.
These ore troubled times. The goin5 in social legislation which hove been fought
for must be protected. New fronliers 10 improve the welfare of Ihe counlry
musl be forthcoming by good, sound judgment, not by the get-rich schemes of
those who seek privote profit. Organized labor wontli congrenmen ond senators
who are committed to working for justice, equality, and progress for the
whole country.
Since its beginning, organized lobar has been a stalwart champion for
social progress. Its political views hove been geared mainly in thaI direction. The
bread-and-buller issues Ihal determine Ihe standord of life of a worker are most
vital today.
Through hard work and pragre n ive aclian, working people have become
the reol bockbone of this notion. Re gardless of what has appeared in the ne ws
media, argani:ted lobor has not become divided or split because of the AFl-CIO
Executive Council taking a pOsition of ne utrality in the Presidential race.
The lobar movement is not now, or ever has been, bound to anyone
political party or parties. Organi:ted lobar has always judged condidotes on the ir
own merits. In Ihe post, one political party, Ihe Democratic Party, has hod a
favorable balance of polilical office holders who have lined up on Ihe side of
the working people. But, each and eve ry affiliate me mber of any union has hod,
and stilt has Ihe right, 10 malee up his or he r own mind on whom to vole. The re
can be no other way in a democracy of free people.
Therefor e, I urge each me mber of the IBEW 10 e xe rcise his right a nd
responsibility, as a cili:ten, to go 10 Ihe polls and vole for Ihe candidole of his
own choice. regordless of polilical party affiliotion. Vole for the mon, no t
the porty.
I do, howe ve r, encouroge our membe rs to cost 0 favo rable vole fo r those
condidotes endorsed by lobar's political arm, COPE. I have complete confidence
in Ihe judgment of our members ond fe e l sure thot the members of our greal
Brothe rhood will turn auf 10 vote on Electio n Day.

Complete information on this and other requirements, instructions, and
official application forms may be obtained from your tocal union or by
mailing the coupon below to:
IBEW Founders' Scholarship Committee
1125 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Please note this is an adult program for ISEW members
only. It is not open to sons and daughters of members
unless the sons and daughters are themselves qualified.
The officers of the IBEW are indeed pleased that the
Brotherhood is able to offer these IS EW Founders' Scholar·
ships to its members. It is the hope th aI. ove r the years,
the awards will contribute not only to the personal de·
velopment and achievement of the successfu l candidates,
but also to the deve lopment and improvement of the
electrical industry, of which we are a vital part.
Founders' B.S,AeroSp.E.
Bache:or of
Bacl1elor of
Science In Aero·Space Engineering
Civil Engineering

Scholarship B.S.C.E.
Bachelor of
Bachelor of
Bacl1elor of
Science In Civil Engineering
Chemical [nglneeling
Science in Chemical Engineering

Program B.E.
Bacl1elor of
Bachelor of
Bachelor of
Science In Engineering
Electrical Engineering
B.S,U. Bachelor of Science In Eleclrical Engineering
BLS. Bachelor of Engineering Science
The IBEW takes great pleasure in announcing the Founders' B.S.E.S. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science
Scholarship Program for the 1973 Competition. B.M.E. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineer ing
The IBEW offers to its members a maximum of 12 B.S M.E. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Founders' Scholarships annually lor university study leading B.S.I.L Bachelor of Science In Industrial Engineer,ng
to bachelor's degree~ in specified fields. The number of
scholarships awarded is determined by the number of OTHER COURSES
Qualified applicants. One scholarship rs awarded for each 25
Qualified applicants or major fraction thereof. They will be B.S.ACC. Bachelor of Science In Accounting
granted on a competitive basis 10 Qualrfled candidates from B.Arch. Bachelor of Archilecture
all branches of the ISEW. !l.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration
The mEW Founders' Scholarships honor a small group of B,S.B. Bachelor of Science in Bllsiness
skill ed and dedicated wiremen and linemen who, in Novem- B.S.BA Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
ber, 1891, organized the International Brotherhood of B,S.Et. Bachelor of Science in Economics
Electrical Workers. B.I.D. Bache~or of Industrial Design
The scho larships are worth $2,500 a year for up to four B.SJ.M. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management
years of study. They can be applied to study toward B.S.I.R. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Relations
a bachelor's degree in any of Ih e approved fields listed B.S.Mel. Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy
El igibility-The IBEW Founders' Scholarships are open to -------------- -- ------- -------~
ISEW members who have been in con tinuous good standing Please send me the leaffet, "1973 ISEW FOUNDERS' SCHOL·
for al least four (4) years by the time they begin college ARSHIPS " and necessary application matenals. I WII! halJe been
study or an original member of a local union chartered less an ISEW member in continuous good standin g for at lea st
than four (4) years. It is further required that app rentices four (4) years before I would start uSing this scholarship next
sha ll have completed a full, formal apprenticeship as estab· fall.
lished in their trade and area. Applicants are required to
take the Scholarship Aptitude Test (SAT), which will be
admin istered in communities throughout the United States NAME: ____________~~~~~-----------
and Canada. They can be taken on any of the following (!>,In ! 0 ' type)
dates: November 4. 1972, December 2. ]972, or January 13, ADDRESS:
1973. 1 (st 'eel)
SEND FOR IBEW I (crry) ($ 18te) (l ip)

I ________ ___ _ _ _____ _____ ___ ___ J1
Ca rd No. 1

N o~.mb. " 1972 3


• One o f Ihe largest oil com- Installation was scheduled to be-
panies in the world hlls slarted an gi n 0 11 Novembcr I st a nd continue
outdoor, ilJ u rninal..:d sign program through the first quaTl~' r of 1973,
estimated 011 S IOO-rniHion. with sp.::ci fic installations to be de-
The International omco.! Electric Il!fm ined through Ih.: company's re-
Sign and MOlor Shop D..:parl ment gional distribution :lllti o:nginecring
has bl'en following this program group:--. January I, 1')73, is the
si nce thc initial announcement in onidal, dfl!ctive date for the name
fi nancial publicalion~. The Inlde change from th,,;: lIumbl..: Oil and
journal of Ihe sign industry. SigllJ vI Relin ing Company 10 I:.XXON.
Ihl! Tifl/el. rccentl) report..:d that It is Undl!rslO<X.i that the chtmge
verbal agrel!lllenb have rl'~ullcd in of nallle i., bdng made to pro\ido.!
production award .. for outdoor. il- unit) in corporate id~'ntilication of
luminall'd EXXON sign .. al nine the company and il:-. f"cilities and
production ~ign companie .. across producb throughout the United
the (·ounlry. They are Dualilc Prod- State\ :md in various parts of the
ucls, Inc .. WiJJi:ull'"burg. Ohio; Ev- world. Legal r('striclions invol ...... d in in Athens, Georgia: Battle Creek.
eTbrit .... Electric Signs. Inc .. South the. breakup of the old Standard O il Michigan: Manche..,tcr, New I-Iarnp-
Milwaukee. Wiscon.,in; Gelll'ral [ n- Trust have pre ...ented the u\,,;: of the shire; Nacogdoches. Texas: San Lui s
dicator Corporation. P:mb.'\ ille. ES\Q trademark in 20 ,tates. TIll' Obispo, Califurnia; and Zancwille.
Wiscon.. in; [I agen Sign Corporation, multiplicity of br:lIId names and Ohio.
Cincinnali, Ohio; Mulholland-Har- trademark\ b.;:cal11e growing hand i- The 1.0. i.., Iwppy to announce
per Company. Denton. M:Hyland; cap~ in national and international that the IB EW has contraC1Un[ rel:l-
N PI Divi .. ion of Essl'x Intel'l1:ltlOl1:11. advcnhing, promotion, and market- tions with nearly ,Ill of the an-
Inc .. Li ma, Ohio ; PBR Comp:lI1y, ing :Ietivitic~. The three grades of nounced production companie..,. Th.:
Anah,,;:im, Ca lifoTllia; T e[-A-Sign gasoline now being introduced by Sign Department plan~ il vigorous
Division, Sign Corporation of Amer- Ihe new pump ~igns arc Exxon, Ex- rollow-up in the 1ll.H1er o f the pro-
ica, Elk Grove Village, Illinoi .. ; and xun Plus, and Exxun Extra. duction of these ~igns, with tll,,;: ob-
Tencon. Cen tl'rv ill e, Tennessee. Sclcctinll of thc Exxol1 l1<1n1,,;: rc- jective o f an IB EW [abel on all of
sultl'd from more than five years of thL!lI1.
linguistic ana lysis and psychologic:!! Th,,;: IB EW has ~ubst:ln ti al cquity
:!Ild mark,,;:t tcsting. Final I,,;:stings of in the L! rectiOll and connecting of
tho.! new trademark we rc conduc ted thcse illuminated .<.igns. By vinlle of
this anie1c , all IDEW local uniollS
having sign ju r i~diction arc ~ unici ­
ently alerted and ~llI)uk[ be comid-
c ring means of obta ining this work
for IBEW sign members.
The Electric Sign and Motor
Shop Department will conduct oth,,;:r
follow-up opcrntion .... H ow~'\er, the
department l' mpha ~jzes that thc ob-
taining of work falling within I BEW
jurisdiction will require dilig~'nl ef-
forI al the loeal union level. All
loe;1 1 unions hav ing sign jurisdiction
arc hcrcby reque~led to keep the
Electric Sign and MOlar Shop D.:-
partmcnt in the International Onice
advised as to how thi~ work is
;lw;lrded in their r':sJX'ctive juri s·
dictions. Likc\\i ~e, the respective
lru,,;:rnationa[ Vicc I)resident..,' omccs
must be k,,;:pt postcd.
Director Robert V. Coulter sug-
gc..,ts that Ihe most expcditiou.l.
nwnne r of advising thc Intcrnational
Otlke be used; i.,,;:., handwri!lo.!ll
postcards, telephone calls, etc., so
thut thc 1.0. will be in a belll.'r
posilion to assis t the local un ions in
trying to control this new sign work.


T he 28th Anllun! Ninth Di>il ric \ P rog ress Jl,l ccl ing for 1972 was held
in Port land . Oregon. Au!!u\, 24 Jnd 25. Under lhe direCtion of Ninth
D I~lricl Vice I'rc<,idcnl w. I . Vin .."n, the meeting .... :IS .... ell al\cndcd
and h.ld an arra} of important guc,", spe.lkers. Allcmling "ere Inlerna·
lion,11 Secret;lf} Jo-.cph Keenan: Internalional Trca~urcr Harr) Van
Arsd,I1e: I . J. 1-r3nw,ay. ("h.lirm;Ln. International E\cculivc Council;
Ralph I clgon. Sc\cnth J)"lricl Intern.llional EXL'Cutin:: Council memo
ber: b l .... urJ Whelan. I ·rc~illcnt. Oregon State AI L-C IO: M. NClrthrup.
We,lern I rcelric Co.: ;lI1U a grc;I\ friend of the mr w, $en,ltor Wayne
,\I or~c. who i~ again running \(l regain his '\Cat in the U.S. Senate. Also
on the program \\crc ("hMlc!> Tupper. Safety Dircctor. and Ed Francc.
As.~i\t.lIlt to $ccreliLry Keenan Wor~hop!> \\ere held under the direc-
lion of Ninth D i~lricl Inh:rnutll)nul K epn::scn t all\e~. :md Ilrolhe r F rance
conducted a ~~~ion {or finllncial secretaries. LocJI I ::!:5. Portland.
Oregon. held a 50 year pm ;1I~ard ceremony ;md b;lIlqucl "here Sec-
retary Keenan and other ~pc;\ prai"cd the lo)al ;1111.1 ,eleran m EW
f1Iemhcr~ who recched their 50 )C;If pins.

Vi ce Pre si dent Vinson reported o n th e progre ss mad e du ring the ye ar in

til e IBEW Ninth Distri ct .
Treasu rer Van Arsdale reported t hat millions of U.S. jobs are being los t
due to mult matlonal corpo rations building plants overseas.
Delegates up front IIsl en as Secretary Keenan repo rt s on the sou nd
financial status of the IBEw.
Edwa rd J. Whelan, Presiden t, Oregon State AFL-CIO, addressing t he

These local union officers and delegates lis-
tened very closely to the reports and spea k·
four 50-year members are shown with local
and International officers at the awards ban -
Quet 0 1 local 125, honoring the m. In the
front row left, are Brothers George Derf and
Arnold Oaue and Secretary Keenan. On e)(·
Ireme ri ght is Brother Bill Hayden and fourth
from right is Brother I .... an Hannaford.

Mike Northrup. Manager, Columbia River Plant,
Western Electric Co., explained plant operations to
At the podium Is Jack Kegg, business manager of
Local 125, Portland Oregon.
lEe member Ralph Legion reminded delegates 01
their opportun ity to lIote for la bor-sponsored candl '
dates in the forthcoming election.
Shown are delegates from Manufacturing Branch
local uniOns at the workshop wtlere manufacturing
problems were discussed.
IBEW Safety Director Ch<lrtp.~ Tupper nuttinp.rf the
new Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Guests at th e "O!d Timers" banquet are, left to
rlsht, International Representative Ed France, lEe
Chairman E. J. "Rex" Fransway, Secretary Joseph 10
Keenan, and Vice President W. L. Vinson.
1st District

Vice President William

shown at the Western
Progress Meeting in Victoria.
The Central Provinces meeting delegates afe attentive as Canada, held June 1·3, 1972.
they listen to the remarks 01 a speaker.

picture at right of the delegates and International Officers and

Representatives who attended the meeting of the Central Provinces was
l aken in the beautiful ballroom of the Royal York Hotel. Toronto, Onto
Canada. International President Charles H. Pillard Is seated in the front
row center,

• IIEW J ourna l
• The 1972 First District Prog- Van Arsdale. and Chairman of the of the Utility Department, 1.0 ., at-
rc~" Meeting, consisting of thrce International Executive Council Rex tended the Central Canada meeting.
separale meetings, was held in Vic- Fransway. The International Exceu- Kim Parker, Director of the Con-
toria, 8ritish Columbia, June Ist- ,1\'e Council Subcommiuee To Study struction and Maintenance Depart-
3rd: Toronto. Ontario, April 4th- the Canadian Operation of the mcnt, 1.0., aucndcd the Eastern
6th; and Saint John, New Bruns- IBEW, headed by Committcc Chair- Canada meeting. Charles Tupper,
wick, June 13th- 15th. Eighty-..:: ight man and l EC &crclary George Pat- Director of thc Safety Department ,
local unions wc re rcpresented, and tcrson, along with l Ee llIembers Jim 1. 0. , att":: lukd nil three meetings and
over 200 delegates were present at Multoney and I-larry Bexley. wus di sc ussed the cjuestion of safety.
:.11 meetings. prcsent. IEC mcmber R. Hallora n All meetings followed a similar
Guests who attended the various attended the Saint John meeting. pattern. The fir~t day was devoted
meetings included Int..::rnational T . E. Bobbitt, Director of the to study sessions by the various
Pr..::sidcnt Charles H. Pillard, Inter- Agreement Approva l Department , branches of the IBEW, and all ses-
national Sceret:.ry Joseph D. Keen- 1.0., attended the Western meeting, sions submitted reports on their rec-
an, International Treasurer Harry and Richard R. Rapattoni , Director om mendations and the state of their

At the head table addressins the deleltltes to the Attending the Central First District ProRress MeetmR are, lelt
Central First District Progress Meeting IS tnternatlonal to rlSht, Second District International Executive CounCil memo
Trea surer Harry Van Arsdale: seated on the lelt is Vice ber James Mulloney. Fourth District International Executive
President W. Ladyman and on the right are Ken Rose. Council member Harry Bexley, and International Represent a·
Interna tional Representative, and Intarnational Execu· tlve from the First District, Arthur Matthews.
tlve Council Secretary George Patterson.

November, 1972 •
partic ular indusuics.
International Vice President
Lad) man opened the meeting with a
resume of the activities of the Inte r-
national Oflice and :,tressed those
problems concerni ng each of the 10
provinces and the federal govern-
I-h: outlined the problems of the
insidl.: construction locals in Britbh
Columbia. which were facing a lock-
out by the contractors. The matter
wa~ reaching serious proportiom in
that the Social Credit Government

A beautiful portrait of Her Majesty

Queen Elizabeth II. most sover-
eign ruler of the United Kingdom,
adorns the wa11 behind speakers'
table at the nrst District Meeting
in the Empress Hotel, Victoria,
B.C.• Canada. T. E. Bobbitt. In-
ternational Representative is the

IBEW Journal
had se rved no tice it would invo kc but the matt.:r has 1101 been finali:red IOba Communication .. Wo rkers Un-
the mediation pro vj~ion of B ill.:t~, in the courts. In the meantime, the ion into its association.
plls~cd by the B riti~h Columbia Leg· Social Credit Governmellt was de- I-Ie outlined the problems of La·
isl:llurc, which, in effec t. is a sub- (e'lIed in the rceelll election ;!lll.l the c:1 1 2228. which \ \ ,1\ fac..:d with an
stitute nallle for compulsory :lJ'bilra- New Democratic Party \\as electcd :ut.:mpt b} the Federal TreBs ur)
tion. The government further 10 power. Board to instl1ute prosecution ...
stres!;cd that failu rc of the local Vic..: Pre~ident Lad) lIlan in- :lg:lin\1 144 of it .. melllbl!~ ,lnd il\
unio n olliecrs to instruct their mCIlI- formetl th..:: tI.:iegates of the forma- ollie..:rs. Th..: sit uation wa\ the result
b.::r~ to return to work would result tlun of the Communic;lIions Work- nf a recent .. trike by I BEW tech-
in pro!>eeution~ fo r \ iolations of said er... of Canada and jl\ attempt 10 nicians. The 144 members :m.: cla~ ~­
act . build o ne, over-all, n;ltion:J1 union in ifil'd a'> "d':loignat.:d employee!!:' or
Loea l union ollieers did nOI in- Canada. hopi ng to a!traet s U\.'h ':lI1plo)o:=..:s \\ho arc not pcrmill..:d 10
StruCt their memb.:rs to return to groups as thc Brili .. h Columbia
work, and 1\\0 ha\c been charged. Telephonc Workers and the Mani- omlillli/·'/ "" II,· It pn'!f

International Representative T. JaCk Bob·

bitt attended the Western First District
Meellng and talked to the delegates on
agreemen t procedures at the International

Th iS picture shows part of the delegates

that attended the Western Progress Meet·
ing o f the First Dis triCt.

A handsome group pictu re o f Brothers and

Sisters representing t he ISEW locals of
Western Canada at the FIrst District Prog·
ress Meeting pose with International
o ffi cers.

N~v.mb ••• 1912

strike because tlleir work assign- ference :lnd rest ric tive legislat ion in bers to ensure that the !B EW Pen-
ments have to continue (so the agree- the field of labour. He said govern- sion Plan remains actuarially sound.
mell( goes) in orde r to protect the ments seem to be com'inccd that International T reasu rer Van Ars-
safl!ty of the public. ates at the cxpcme of such workcrs. dale spoke o n Vice President Lady-
However, the Treasury Board at- He reported that thc I BEW con- m:II"s rccent \isit to Local 3, New
tempted to usc the 144 members ns tinues to g row, while the majority of York City, and how his visit proved
nothing less Ihan strikebreakers, :lm.1 othe r unions show lillie or no llIern- informative to all. Brot hc r Van Ars·
thcy walked off their jobs and joined bcrship improvcment. The IOEW is dale spokc on the cultu ral program
the striking members of Local 2228. now the second largest union in the of Local 3 a nti of the need for mo re
(After five months of heari ngs. all AFL-CIO. preceded only by the and improved programs along these
144 members were e xonerated . or Steelworkers. lines. lie said that members from
the ch:lrgcs against them wem with- Brother Pill:lrd !itrcsseu the im- Canada and the United States
drawn . ) portance of loca l unions' organizing !>hould live, work. ,tnd study to-
Brother Ladym;1Il repon ed on the the workers in the electric:.1 indul>try gether in order to understand the
successful st rike by Loca l 2330 in thei r jurisdiclioll\. He pointed out problems of each and to bu ild a
against the Elect rical Contr:lctors that thc memhl..·n.hip of Ihe First greater international unio n.
A ssociation of Newfound land and Dbtrict has d ropped. A full di scu%ion was held with
conveyed the appreciation of the International Secretary Kee mlll membe rs of th c IEC Com mittee on
local to Ihe delegates fo r their llssist- told the delegates thm :. large por- C:tnadian AlTnirs. with the point be-
ance during the strike. ing made that autonom), from the
tio n of big construction projects is
He warned the delegates of the going non-union because of wo rk Brothers in th~ United States is the
dangers of the new accrcditation jurisdictional probkms that arc en- f:lfIhcst thing from the minds of
procc!.s that had been adopted by countcrctl by the building trades. He Canadian, or Fi rst District . mem-
virtually all labour boards in Can- said that all locals must make an bers. All e.o;: pressed confidence Ihat
ada. which would give contractors cffort 10 prevcnt work stoppagcs in stich problems can be bro ught to a
the right to join together as a recog- ortlc r for trade unil>ns to retain work satisfacto ry conclusion within the
nizcd lxxIy 10 combat the so-called which is properly theirs. Brotherhood.
powcr of the building trades unio ns. The dclegate, viewed the film .
He informed the dclegmc!i of the
Hc informed the delegates of the mo nies in various I BEW fundl>. such "Convention 70." and agr~ed that it
conti nu ing problems in the [)rovince as Ihe Ge neral Fund and the is the type of film which sho uld be
of Quebec and of Ihe conti nuing EWBA . He st rc,\Cd that. while the shown to all local union members to
fight with the Con fede ral ion of Na- workers cause inflation. regardless make them more awar~ of th ~ af-
tional Tradc Unions "hich is mak- of the profits realized by conglolllcr- fairs of the !BEW.
ing every attempt to oust the build- mEW has over 45.000 mcmbers o n The Welliern Progre!>s Ml'ct ing
ing trades or any international union pension, it is ext remely important to was abo the occallion of the 70t h
from that province. conti nue to bring in you nger mcm- Annive rsary of Local 230. Victor;:!.
J ntcrnational Presid..:nt Pillard and Local 25H. Vancouve r. Briti sh
spoke on the newly-cstablished de- Columbia. and all who parlicipatl'd
paflment in the International Oflkc in the meeti ng cxt~nd to tho,..: locals
which assillls those going on pension thei r si ncere :.pprcciatioll for their
and "orks closely with those mem- hospi tality amI ~xte nd their be,t
bers 10 make their retirement more wbhes fo r ,muther 70 ),e;lrs.
pleallant anti meaningful. He urged
the delegates 10 promote and assist
CIVIC and community programs
CARBON The deleg:lles also thank the local
unio ns in the Saint J ohn. New
Orun!>wick. aTCa for lhe banquet and
which a id reti r~es who require ~ uch
he lp. MONOXIDE danc\! spo n so r~d by them and fo r
their hospi tality and extend their aI'-
He ex tcmkd an invitation to all
I BEW lIlembers to visit the new
1.0. o rtices in Washingto n, D. C., to
CAN pn.:ciation to the Centra l Cmwd a
Progress Meeti ng loc;tl!> fo r thei r
observe. firsthand, the operatio n of
the IB EW.
KILL I (Editor's /lOll': The Jo urllol staff is
President Pillard poin tcd out that illdl'bled tv JI/fCrIIll1iUllll1 RCIJresell-
the cconomic situat ion in Ca rlllda is tmin! K ell Um e fo r th e aIJo~'e ar-
the s;tme as in the United Stales and ticle lIml the !Jl!orogmphl·. PllolO-
that bath countries fa ce the ever-in- graphs lor the Ells/erll m ee /illg were
c reasing threat of government inte r- I/ot m·l/ila/)/e .J

IIEW Jo"rnol
Local 2228 Consults
With New Federal Department

Attendin g a session of the Central Consultatio n Committee, Davidge, Business Manager, local 2228; Gilles Dulude.
Communications Canada, are , left to right. Garry Myers, Chie f 0 1 Staff Relations, Communica t ions Canada ; Gil
Assistant Busrness Manager, Local 2228, Ottilwa, Ont.: Joe SegUin, labou r· Management Consultation Branch, Canada
Belland, becutlve Secretary, Postal Communications Com· Department o f Labour; Tony Hall. sta ff officer, Professional
ponent, Pubhc ServIce Alliance o f Canada; Bernard Major, Institute 0 1 the Public Service; and Leon Gasnon, Labour·
Dlrector·General 01 Personnel, CommunIcations Canada; Des Management Consultation BranCh .

• Con!>ultation programs in Ca· other com m iucc~ deal \\ ilh local individual should go outside \\ ilh
nadian ft:dcra l <.kpartl1lems arc COlli· proble m!> al Ihe local le"eI. a gric\ancc. Yet it haplX'ns. I have
ing into their own, :md I BEW Local Local 2228 Busi ness Manger Des \0 a,I.. 'Why arc they ignoring their
Union 222 8, Ott awa. Ontario, i~ Davidg.: explains part or [he draw- union'! Why don', th..::y try 10 settle
one of three labor groups co n~lIltin g ing power for acti ve l>Uppon of ~ u c h theIr problems (II horne'!' I f labour
with Co m mun k(l tion ~ Canada. Ihe joinl consu ltatio n thu sly-the intro- relation .. iSIl', doing Ihe job, you c:ln
fede ral communications department, ductiun and collecti ve bargaining, a be ,>Ufe th..:: slad is being taken up
to strengthen la bou r rdations and younger work fo rce, .md the grow- in some othe r way."
develop dialogue. The o ther twO ing expectations of w o rl.. cr~. Brother (I:·,Ii/{)r'.~ /lOi/!: T M)' /lr/ide is bmed
labour groups in ... nlwd in this con- Davidge ~ a ys th at publ ic "en ke o ut· 1I{)01/ "Nell' Fetll'ral J)('{J(lr/II/I'1If
sult:ltion program. b.:gun la<.,t yea r, grew palcrnalism sc'vl!L1 or eighl Go!> COl/slilftlfiull Progra m, " (lp-
arc the POSla l COIllIllunic:lliom }CHrS ago and lhal no onc uI1Lh:r- pellrillg ;11 the M a\', 1972, j5~lIe of
Component of the Public Service stands thil> bette r than Ihl' )'ounger Tl'{J/I/1I'orli. il/ I m/lll/rv, IJllblhJher/ by
Alliance of Canada and the Profes-;, who file most of the grie\'· lIlt' LtlllOur-MwllIgell/{'1It C01l5111w-
sional In!>titute of the Pu blic Ser· ancc!>. lioll /J rallch,)
vice. "They don·t want 10 be lool..ed
J oi nt Con'iultation in feder:l] de- after any more," Brother D.1\idg..:
partment" began in 196R, when says. ··They want to Ix: r..:cogni7cd
federal public sen ant.!. gained the for thci r :Ibility and for Vohat the}' IBEW Bowli ng Tourna ment
right to bargain collccti\cly. do."
In the ca!>C of Communications Bernard Major. Director-General The 29th Annual IBEW Bowl·
Calmd;l. the consultatio n progra m is of r'crsunllel. Communica[ion~ C;II1- ing Tournament will be held in
guided by a central committce in ada, belicv~'" strongly in frc..: col Icl'- Kansas City, Missouri. on June
Ottawa. rcprc.!.Cnting the departlllent t;\C bargaining and \\orri..:~ morc 8, 9, and 10, 1973. Write to
nnd the three unions. There l1r..: also when Ihen: ar.: 110 grit'\;l1ll'e<ii Ihan Bowling Tournament, Mr. Henry
five regional committees. when [herc ;l re gri..:\·ance". He n:c- Brunke, Local Union 124, IBEW,
The nationa l co mmin..:e dea ls ognizes the grie\'ance ]Jrm.:edur..: as 104 West 40th Street. Kan sas
with the principks behind good an intrin~ic part of industrial rei,l- City, Missouri 64 11 1.
communica tio ns and policies affect· [ions.
ing the dcpartment as a whole. The He expll1ins, "There is no reason

Nove mb, r, 197 2

& training


~ix (6) shori cOUP,>cs now puhli'hcd which cnuhlc a journeyman to find OUI
The N:ttional 1 1l.'t:lricnl ('our~c for
Apprentice In~idc Wiremen .... iIl pro- 'Ihich ofTer a brO;ld fange of funda- whether ho.: needs to 1:ll..e training in
1I1cnlals in a wal \\l1ich aIlO\~'i th ... Ihc~c sllhject~ or nol. These short
vide tMllY'S apprentices with a good
journeyman to I:;I;,C training in only cour,e~ lire nil written to pre,cnt the
foundation upon which advanced jour-
I ho~c ~ u hjcch which he need\. 'I here mUlerial HI H level which any journey-
neyman courses C:111 he huilt. Further
li re al,o three OJ ~ ;" or CO;Jr,c~ which man \\orking at the Irade can llndcr-
National JournC)IllHn Cour'>C~ .... ill a~­
;Ire dc\igncd 10 he fol1ov.-up and ex- ..!rInd. We recommend that a journey-
sumo! Ihi~ bad..grouml of fuml:ullcnl;,l
tension of the four >cars of llppren- man "ireman he the teacher for each
ticc material. ~Iore arc pl:lnnc,1 for of these cour~~. We ha\c found thaI
Wh<l\ about tooay'\ jouTlle) men \\ho
Ihe fmure. they m,Lke the Ocst teachers \\ hen pro-
ma}' or Ill:!) nOl po"c~s th i\ founda-
For ~ome of the,c co ... r~e~. Theory vided "L\h "ell organil.ed material to
tion of fundamcnl<ll~ II ho III l\ II i~h
to "Ike advanced If'lining'! There arc I, CIC .. \\C offer I \ahmtion Quincs work from.


look at some 01 Ihelf mdustrlat applicatIons. The course
1. Fundamentals of Motor Control (Code J· l) consists 01 seventeen assignments. Men wishing to take
ThiS Is a cour se In the bas'c ideas of motor control. It this course should take the Bastc Theory, AC Theory
does not reqUire an "expert" to teach. It consists of and ElectrOniCs Evaluation Quizzes, AC Theory is not
twenty·one lessons. a necessity lor thIS course but Will certamly be needed
In any advanced course mateTtal m Electronics.
2. Theory I (Code J ·2)
This is a very elementary course in some of the funda· 7. Fundamentals 01 Process Control and Instrumentation
mentals of electncal theOry and consists of thIrty· live (Code J·7)
lessons. ThiS course provides a broad took at the field of process
control and Instrumentation and does not attempt to
3. National Electrica l Code (Code J ·3) make an e~pert In this field. The course consists of
Thi s is not a Code Interpretation cou rse but rather it is nine assignments. The background needed by the stu·
a gUided study of the Code consisting 01 t hirty assign' dent in thiS course is provided by the lour year appren·
ments containing 577 questions touchlllg on all sections tice course or Its eqUivalent. This can be checked by
the use 01 the evaluatIon qUizzes.
of the Code,
8. Fundamentals of Semiconductor EIKtronics (Code J·8)
4. Blueprint Readin g (Code J·4)
This is a down·to-earth course on the fundamental de·
This course consists of eighteen assignments. An on· vice and basic cirCUits mvolved in a new field which
the.job, practical approach to the subject is made in promises to eventually replace the magnetic devices we
which each person must have a set of bluepnnts and take for granted such as relays, motor starters. contac·
specifications The course assumes a baSIC knowledge tors, etc., even the motor generator set. The course
of lundamentals of bluepnnts. assumes that the student has completed the National
ApprentIce Course or its eqUivalent. Evaluation qUizzes
5. Theory II (Code J ·5) are prOVIded. Demonstrations and films are available.
This course consists o f thirteen assignmen ts. This mate· The course consis ts of twelve assignments.
rial approaches th e subject of AC Theory fronl the
power and power faclor correction Viewpoint, With a 9 . Static Control (Code J·9)
very limited amount 01 math necessary. A good loun· This course is a follow·up to Fundamentals of Motor
dalton In Basic Theory is required for thiS course. Control. Any student who has completed the National
Apprentice Course or "Motor Control' has t he neces·
6. Fundamentals 01 Vacuum Tube Electronics (Code J·6) sary background. The COurse "Fundamentals of SemI'
This is a non·mathematlcal course In the fundamentals conductor Electronics," while not essential, WOuld be
of vacuum tubes and Ulelr baSIC circuits plus a brief helpful.

IIIEW JOllrnol

~ APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINING CDMMITTE~ All journc) men who complete an} of the National

Prout/I)) /Weutl', to:
:oliur! wurStS arc entitled 10 a pocl..ct-sizc certificate for
that course.
Req uest" for jOllrnc)man c..:rtificat.:.. 1l111:.t be made
o by the JATe or Local Un ion :100 !>hou ld include:
c ~J"o>JhOln,,-,Q
.L......JD.LQ>JelL_ _.f L .U 13
I. Name or course.
i., C••,i.u
'liJ u,Ii!,u l • • / ~n.,lid.u' I.,
n .. ,fdjo. 0/ J •• , ••, . . . Tr•• 2. Currect name or journeyman.
BLUEPIIIT IEIIIII 3. I lis Locll i Union Number.
4. Dar e of Completi o n of the Course.
6- 1-72

For information about how you can enroll in a Journeyman 's Course. contact your local Joint Ap-
prentice ship and Training Committee, or the office of the Director of the NJATC at the address
li sted above.


Arc you an ac ti ve member. the kind that ,""ould be
Or a rc yo u just cont ent ed that your nam e is o n the li ... t?
Do you attend the mee tings a nd mi ngle wit h the Ilock-
Or do you stay a t home and criti cize :.nul knock?
Do yo u !;:Ike an :'lcti,e pari to help thc work a lo ng-
O r are yOll sati:-.fied to be the kind th:'H "J ust Belong?"
Do YO li eve r go to visit a member who is sick-
Or Ica vc the work to just a few and tal\.. abolll the cli que?
We have so me Seri Ol] S prob lems that I' m sure you've heard a bout-
And we' ll appreciate it if you. too. will co me and help us o ul.
So co me to the meetings often a nd help with hand and hea rt .
Do n', be just a member. bu t I<lke an ac ti ve pur l.
Think thi s ove r, remember you know right from wrong.
Are you an acti ve member o r do you "J tlst Bdo ng?"
- Author Unk nown

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Pen,ion and Death Benefit Payment Report


DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH $ 221,29375 $ 516.106.55
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS $ . 1364 $ 6,575.093.39

Novembe r, 1972
safety tips
for you and your fam ily

Editor's Not e: The following IS the th ird

part of a continuing series of questions More Job Safety Law Questions and Answers
and answers we have been pre senting
In the Journal expl aining the recent ly
passed Job Safety Law. The questions Future rules will be issued under Sec. tides an injury Is not reportable, and
and answers were prepared by the 6(b) procedures. later finds it should have been re-
Occupa tional Sa fety and Health Ad· Q. When d oes the authority to Issue ported, can the log be amended?
mimstration 0 1 th e U.S, Oepartment of standards through the " national con- A. Ye s, when he d eterm ines the injury
Labor. sensus standard s" procedure end? Is recordable, even though th is may
A. April 28, 1973. occur after th e ti me limit for record ·
Q. How can a com pany or individual ins·
help set standards In the future? Q, Is recordkeepin g on the basis of
Q. H ow can an employer obtain II A. Any intere sted person may submit. th e calendar or Federal fiscal year
"permanent variance" from a stand· In wr iting. information requ es ting a (July l ·June 30)?
ard? new or modified standard to the As- A, The initial recordkeeping period was
A. Employers and classes of employer s Sis tant Secretary of labor for Occupa for SII( months-July 1. 1971. t o De'
may apply to the ASSistant Secretary tlonal Safety and Health, U.S. Depart, cember 3 1, 1971 . Thereafter, It IS on
01 Labor for Occupational Sa fely and ment of labor, Washington, D.C. a calendar yea r basis-January 1 to
Health . The applicant must demon- 202lO. December 31.
strate that t he conditions, practices, Q. Why were no public hearings held Q. How is lost time determined for a
means, methods, opera tions or proc- on the initial standard s? casual, day-tet-day worker who is In-
esses used or proposed would provide A. Congress in effect determined that jured and does not return to his ori g-
employment and places of employment the "esta blished Federal standards" inal employer?
that are safe and healthful as those and " national consensus standards" as A. If the injury is compensable, wtth
required by the standard from which defined In th e Act had adequate pub· medical cos ts. the employer would
a variance is sought. hc exposure while being adopted and know of It and make an appropriate
Q. II an individual believes a newly that no furth er public proceedings entry. But in cases where. after a few
promulgated standard to be unjust or would be required. days, the employer never hears from
unnecessary, what may he do~ Q. Where can I obtain clarification of the employee, the employer canno t be
A. Any person adversely affected by the varying effec tive dates of the expected to coun t lost Workdays. so
a sta ndard may challenge its validity standards~ these should be conSide red a termina-
Within 60 days by petitioning the U.S. A. Clarification of the delays in effec' ti on of employmen t .
CirCUit Court 0 1 Appeals. tive dates was published in th e Federal Q. II an employee working in an es·
Q. Where no standard ellsts cove r ing Register on Au gust 13, 1971. tablishment on a contract basi s is in·
a part icula r wor kplace hazard, is the Q. What provisions ha s OSHA made to Jured, is he recordable on the estab·
employer free from all re sponsibilities? update continually the standard S? IIshment summary, or on t hat of th e
A. No, he must as a general duty A. Special groups Within t he OSHA Of· contractor?
furn ish a place of employment t hat is fice 0 1 Safety and Health Standard s A. The cont ractor who is the immediate
free from recognized hazards that are are responSible for updating each 0 1 employer would record this.
causing o r are likely to cause death the subparts on th e basis o f t he most Q. Is there a t ime limit for an em·
o r senous physical harm to his em· recen t informatton available. ployee to report an in jury?
ployees. Q. Will a variance in standard s granted A, No, the duty to report is on the
Q. How fa st will reque sts for variances under OSHA be vaUd under another employer, not the employee. The em -
be acted upon7 act such as th e Walsh -Healey Public ployer must record the inju ry WIthin
A. OSHA must act Within a reasonable Contracts Act, the Service Contract she working days of receipt of infor·
t ime. Act, the Construction Safety Act or the matlon,
Q. What effect do new standards have Maritime Safety Act? Q. Must record s be kept by "depart-
upon the Inspection Survey Guide? A. Yes. ment" at a multi-building establish -
A. The standards must be followed as ment where various departments have
st ated In the Federal Regist er. The significantly different potential haz-
Inspection Survey Guide illustrates RECORDKEE PING ards?
some o f the important points that Q, When should an employer r ecord A, No, if the departments comprise
will be stressed in compliance inspec· a d isputed job illness? one "establishment," only one set of
tlons. A. The employer or his designee should conSOlidated records need be main·
Q. Why are some provisions in the decide at the ttme he learns o f an tatned.
initial standards advi sory rather than alleged occupational ill ness whether It Q, Can the summary at the end of a
mandatory~ is recordable and, based on that de· period be on a total company basi s
A. Some advisory language was reo cision. record It or not. II It later de' or must it be broken down into the
tained when it serve d to illustra te, or vel ops t hat the Hlness was not wo r k- Individual reportIng loca tions?
amplify, a mandatory provision. connec ted, it can be lined out 01 the A_ It sho uld be provided at the local
Q. When do the initial standa rds cease record. However, failu re to record may esta bltshmen t level rather than at III
to be in force? subject an employer to penalties. cen tral location, si nce the purpose of
A. Only when amended or revoked. Q, If a n employer In good fait h de- the summary is to provide employees

16 IIEW Joumal
and ma nagement at the local level A. As of the date o f diagnOSiS o r, if atlon for at least t hree years before
with information on the experience at t he diagnOSIS follows a period i n which the Secretary o f labor can relinqu ish
the local establishment level. t he em pl oyee has been unBble t o work his en forcemen t authority in that State.
Q. If an establishment has more than for unknown reasons, the date of the Q. During the 18(h) period, will em·
one operational facility. each with its first day of absence under that illness. ployers be subject to Inspection by
own management but where all facll · Q. How long must the summary be both Federal and State governments?
lties utilize a single medIcal depart· posted at each establishment? A. In States wi th 18(h) agreemen ts,
ment and onc personnel office, must A. The summary will be completed and during t he interim penod belOIt; State
separate logs be kept at each facility posted no later than February 1 and plans are approved, both t he State and
or can one log and summary be kept Will remain in place for 30 consecu· the Federal Government have full au·
for all facilities at one location? tlve calendar days. th orlty over thelf respectIve standards.
A. IndiVidual logs must be kept for Q. If an employee tran sfers to another In States Without 18(h) agreements,
each facility. job within his occupational clas sifica· Federal authority prevails. In all cases,
Q. If each of several manufacturing tion becau se of an injury, must this OSHA IS coordinating with the States
facilities has separate trucking opera· be recorded? to minimize duplicat ion of inspectIons.
tions, must separate logs be main · A. If the transfer is caused by an in- Q. What must a State do to obtain
tained by each fleet? jury or Illness, It is reportable. approval of It s Dccup.ational safety and
A. If each lIeet is a separate estab· Q. Why can't OSHA obtain the needed health plan?
IIshment. It must keep a separa te rec· information from e)(isting workmen's A, It must submIt a plan that is at
ord. compensation records? least as effective as the Federal pro·
Q. If there is more than one folow·up A. Because workmen 's compensation gram according to th e cTiteTia speci·
vi si t to the nurse for cut s or burn s, records are not uniform from state to l ied in Section 18(c) of the Act.
is such an injury to be recorded? sta te. Q. Must a State file for 100 percent
A. If the follow·u p viSit IS only for Q. If a doctor Indicates an employee coverage of etl Federal standards?
observation or to change a bandage, is able to work but the employee misses A. No, a State may develop its plan
the mJury would not hI'! rl'!r.orl1el1. a day or more because he feel s un- nn nne nr more occupational safety
Q. If an injured employee returns to able to work, must the se be recorded and health issues. However, OSHA en·
his normal duties after receiving first as lost workdays? courages States to assume the ma~i·
aid, is thi s recordable? A. II t he employee cannot perform all mum compliance package.
A. If he receives only fIrst aid, the the duties of his job, th en his absent Q. Must State plan enforcement be
CiiSIl IS nut IIlCuldiilble. SImilarl y, if no d ays are counted as lost workdays. Identical to th e Federal?
lime .s lost except on the day on Where there IS a difference of opinion, A. Not idenhcal, but the State plan
which the injury occurred, it is not the Judgment rests with the employer. must satisfy the mandatory crllena of
recordable as a lost workday case. Q. I s It necessary to give a doctor's the Act, and .ts development and en·
Q. If an employee receives a minor diagnosis as received on the claim fo rcemen t of standard!> mllsl hp. fi t
injury requiring only fir st aid but pre· form , or can an employer use a gen· least as e ffective as the Federal pro·
ven ting him from performing his nor· eral diagnosis by the company nurse? gram.
mal tab duties for one or two days, Is A. Only a brief diagnOSIs is neces· Q. Who will pay for State salety and
the injUry recordable ? sary. An accurate nurse's d iagnOSIs health progrlms?
A. Yes. will do. A. StittllS lIIay receive Federal fun ds
Q. When an injured employee returns Q. If a long·term occupational disease up to 90 percent of the cost o f develop·
to work with Iong·term medical reo was contracted and diagnosed before ing t heir plans, and up to 50 percen t
strictions, when do lost workdays cease July I , 1971, and it results in a death, of the cost o f operat ing t hose parts 01
to accumulate? must it be recorded? th eir progra ms covered by State plans
A. If the restrictions prevent him from A. No. approved by the Secretary of labor.
performing any dut ies normally as· States will pay the fult cos t for achvl t les
SIgned to his job, each day he cannot not covered by State plans.
perform such dut ies must be counted. STATE PROGRAMS Q, When State plans are approved,
At !;oml'! point, t hl!. joh may be r/!d e· Q. What is thc immediate role of tho must such Stotcs adopt the same reo
fined as a new one, the coun t ing of States? porting form s as are requ ired by the
lost workd ays Will cease, and I he em· A. Most States are working on the Bureau of labor Statistics?
ployee will be treated as terminated In development of State plans under Sec· A. Yes. but the States could require
the former Job. tlon 18(b) for submission to the Sec· additional items.
Q. If total d isability end s the counting retary of Labor. Most States also have Q. What are the Target Industry Pro-
of lost workdays, does retirement also intenm agreements under Section 18 gr am inspection agreements signed
do so? (h) and will con t inue enforcing their with eight States?
A. Yes, separ at ion by total disability cu rrent State standard s while they de· A. They iovolve an e)(perlmental pro·
and by retirement have th e same ef· vplop their new State plans gram throu gh 7(cHl) aGreemen ts WIth
fect. Both are treated as terminations. Q. What is the difference between an the Slates under which compliance
Q. If normal work schedules include 18(h) agreement and an 18(b) State officers from eight States are inspecting
overtime days, are they counted as plan? establishments employmg 20 o r more
lost workdays for an injured employee? A. An 18(h) agreement is temporary, persons in four of the five Targe t In·
A. Yes, if t he employee W(iuld have prolllo..tmK Shltll slandards -seUm8 and dustrles (Iongshormg is excluded). The
worked the overtime days had he not enforcement from preemption by the State inspect or s are acting as OSHA
been injured. Federal Government whUe the State agent s and are usmg Federal pro·
Q. If an employer reports or records devetops Its plan for submission to cedures and standards. Any enforce·
accidents and illnesses to another Fed· the Secretary 01 labor. ThiS agreement ment action will be hanl1l~ hy Federal
eral agency, must he participate In e)(plres automatically when a State officials. The partlcipatmg States were
OSHA recordk eeplng? plan IS approved or on December 28, selected because of the concentration
A. Not if t he accidents and illnesses 1972, whichever IS earlier. An 18(b) of T arget Industry establishments Within
are req uired to be reported under the plan is th e Stat e's program fo r de· them. The eight States are: New York,
Fl'!np.r1l1 C01l1 Mine Hpillth a nd Safety veloping and .nforcing its own occupa· Pe"11!;ylvsllia, No .. th COlolma. Flullda,
Act or the Federal Metal and Non· tional safety and health standards. It liIillOis. Washington, Oregon and call·
metalliC Mine Safety Act. must be at least as effectllle as the fornia.
Q. When should an occupa tional ill· Federal program. An approved State
ness be recorded? plan must be evaluated In actual oper· cOl/tilllltll 011 pllf!(' 77

N..",mb,r, 1912
executive council meeting

The following members or the International E:\eeutive Roy L. Nolte S7.137.79

Council were present : Chuirman F'ransway and members (deccased 8/12/72)
Williams, Leigon, Hnlloran, Moore, Mulloney, Bexley, to hi~ bcnefieiury
Pursley. find P atler~on.
In accordance \\ith the provi~ion\ of Article XIV, $cc- The Inlernnt ionnl E\ccutive Coullcil approved the re·
tion II of the Con~titlLtion, the !oum of $78,927.90 was que\ts for retirement of the following International Rep·
tr:msferred from the Military Sen'ice Fund to the /B EW resentatives:
Pension Benefit Fund, cove ring the months of May, J une, J . C. epperson, effect ive September I. 1972
and Jul y, 1972, Dorothy M. Dnvi'iOn, effective October I, 1972
Geor!;e A. Mulkey, effecthe October I, 1972
INTERNATIONAL I'RESID ENT A. W. Schmidt. elTective Di..'Cember I, 1972
Presidc", l)illarJ Lli~us~cLl with the International Exceu·
li\'e Council the following maUer~: strike benefits; the pro- U :GAL DEFENSE
no~LI local union onicen' pension plan: local union5 under Paymcnt \ for legal defense, made from thc Defense
1.0. supen ision: Sitfety program~: util ity workers' prob· Fund, wcre c\nmined and appro\ed. in accordance with
Icms: the Council on Industri:,1 Relations: CISC; the new thc reqUIrements of Articlc X I, Section 2 of the Con·
headquarters nnd the WaShington. D.C.. operation: spe- stitution .
cial ~ rvicc onicer,' reports: clections in Canada and the
USA: and a numher of othCr mane...,. C IIA RGE FII. I-: O WITI I T il E
Secretary Keennn prc~mcd reports covering the mEW Brother Hendr} is recciving the IU EW Pension Benefit
I~ension Benefit Fund, the EWIlA Fund, nnd the invest· Fund pension. He is a former member of Local Union
ment portfOlios of the Bro therhOOd in the United States 136. Cha rge~ have been filed with the International E~eeu·
a nd Canad:l. "Ie ul~o as~hted the council on other rnntter~. tive Council, Linder the provj~ions of Article XII , Section
6 of the IIlFW Constitution, alleging violntions of the
LOCAL UN ION N D F,R SUI'F.RVISION prO\' I ~iom of Article X II , Section 4 (dl. spec ifically charg·
The Interna tional EAecutive Council. acting upon arc· ing thut Brother Hendry is ncthely engaged in the elee·
quest from the 11'. approved the continuance of 1.0. super- tricul trade while on IIlLW pension benefit. The IEC re·
vision over I ocnl Union 568. MOntreal, Quebec, Cnnada. vie\\ed the clmrges nnd ordered a full investigation, he:1r.
This W:IS refcrrcd to the IEC undcr the provisiom of ing. [lnd report.
Article IV, Scction ] (9) of the !BEW Constitution.
The Internntional E,ttuthe Council appro\'ed one ap-
plication for Pre-retirement Widow's Ilenefit, as provided Brother SarH~r is recciving the IIlEW Pension Fund
for under the [ erm~ of Article lit. Section II (10) of the pension. He is a former member or I ocnl Union 146.
Chnrge~ h:l\c been filed with the International Executive
!B EW Const itut ion.
Council. undcr the provi ~ ion~ of Article X II . Sect ion 6 of
J OINT AN I) SURVIVO R OI'T ION the IBCW Constitution. lltleging viDlations of the provi.
~ion~ of Article X II , Section 4 (d). specificully charging
The I EC uppro\ed three applications for Joint and thaI Brother $."... er is aeli\cI} engaged in the electrical
Sun'ivor Option, provided for under the terms of Article trade while on IIl EW pension benefit. The lEe revie\\eJ
I II . Section II (10) of the Constiltllion. the charges and ordered a full investigation, hearing. and
In 3ceordance \\lith the provi~ion~ of Article I II , Section A I'I' [ A I..8 O F JOH N J. MA RK
II (5) of the Con~titu tion, the following refunds wcre 3U' WILLI AM E. HORAN
thorized: John J . Mark is vice president o[ Local Union 10),
Carlos Orti1. S919.05 William E. Horan is a member of the Executive Board of
(orr payroll 811/72 the local.

tBEW Jou,n.. 1

Urother Mark was charged "ilh violating the pronslons justice during the proceedmgs against them . T here remajn~
of the follo"ing articles of the IDEW Constitution: Article no douht that they n.'Cei\cd that protection in substantial
XIX. Section 2: Article X IX, Section 14; and Article measure.
XXV II , Section I. Sub-sections (3), (6). (7). (8). (9). (II). There is little to be gained b) ICI,olling here. in deTail.
und ( 13), the actions and conduct of these two onicers of The loe .. 1
Brother Horan wus charged with viol1lling the provi- union,
$iol15 of the fo llowing articles of Ihe Con~IjHuion: Article In the e35e o f Vice President John Mark. his ac t ion~
XIX. Section 14 ami Ar ticle XXV II. &'(:Iion I. Sub·sec- :lIld conduct were clearly nOt those \\ hich were dictated
tion~ (3). (9). and (13). hy the heat of the moment. There is testimony leading to
The InternaTional Executive Counci l ha~ combined S('p- no other conclusion than tha t hi~ conduct was premedi-
ar:l!e a p pcul~ ~uhmilled by the (Ihove·named Brothers. be· 1Il1ed. The remarks he made when the directive from the
coni§(! the chargc~ were laid on relnTed incidents that District IVP was read to the a~scmhlt.'d mcmbers can he
occurred at a regular mecting of Local Union 103. held on construed in no other way than thai he, Ihe ,·ice president
or nbout December 8.1971. of the local umon. was ad\OCallng thatthosc present refuse
The record ~hows that the District Vice President wa<; to compl) with the bona fide directi\e of the International
\ery concerned about the siluation Ihut hud existed for Vice President. His conduct contrihuted 10 Ihe meeting'~
..ome time in Ihe juri~diclion of Local Umon 103, relativc hccomi ng di:wrderly. When the pre~idi n g officer asked for
10 the Ilcceptanct.' of qualified \\orkmcn inlo membt.'Nihip. Vice President Mark's a~sistance in restoring order. he
rhc Vice I)residcnt had. on a number of occasion~, at· ~tood hy and ignored the request. The presiding officer was.
t(:lI\.lel.l Executive Iloa.rd and local union mectings to ad- forced to adjourn Ihc mcclin~. becau'iC he could no longer
vi~ the local union officers and ll1emhcr, on Internntional con trol the meeting by himself.
OrliC\! policy rclative to organi7ing the unorganized wilhin Turn to the case of E\eculi\e HOard member William
Ihul local union's punicular jur i ~diction A[ 1m LU E'eCll- Hor:ln. He. 100. hy his aClion~ and remar ks before the
li\'e Board meeting hctd on September 28. 1971. Ihe suh- n~'>Cmbled members. was ccrlarnt~ tldvoc:lIing. with con·
)l.'Ct of admission of applicants for memhenhip was dis- ~iderable heal and emolion. th;lI the members in session
eu~sed. and it was agreed that an effort would be to gain refuse to comply with the order of the District Vice Pre\i·
f,,\onable action on a motion to accept the above-men- den I. 0 other construction can re3~nabl) be placed on
tioned applican ts al [he regu lar mceting of I. U 10) 10 be hi~ conduct.
hcld on OclOber 27, 197 1. Having becn informed that thi<; E'l:tlmintllion of the testimon~' hefore the hea ring onicer
action was not taken at the October 27th meeting. the in this mailer ind i Ci\te~ thai there wa~ much more on
Di,triet Vice President advised the I U: Irialthan the conduct of thesc two tocal IInion officers, ., he
"I. Local Union 103 is to procc~d immediately to members who were prescnt at the meeting and the re-
ohligate all applicants who ha\c worked for IWO 1ll:linder of the orlicers "ere vcr) much on trial also.
ycars in the jurisdiction of I.ocal Union 103 and At one point during the meeting. the presidenT of the
havc passed an examirJlltion given hy the Exam- local union asked the ~crgeant-at·arm~ to assist in re-
.., ining Board of Local Union lor and
Any applicam for membe~hrp trom units
mo\ing an unruly member from the meeting. Testimon~
~hows that thi.)o uffir;il;J ... ppointed by the local union pres;
already organized, such a~ wire in~pcctors of dent for the purpose: of assisting him to keep order in the
the cily of DoslOn; maintenance electricians in mccting. walked to n microphone. pUl his arm acros~ the
thc cmploy o f Harva rd University: maintenance ~hnll i der of the Unruly member. and ~ll id. "Mr. Chairma n,
electricia ns in Ihe employ of the T urnpike Au· I don't believe he should be put out of this hall , I agn.::e
tho rity: or any Olher applicant. ot her [han an with everything he said." Such WIlS hi~ rcrus.'I1 10 perfo rm
a pplicant in the employ of an electrical con[rac· his ussigned lU~ k , T here is no evidence to show tha t the
tor. wi ll be obligated immedi:l tcJy and withoUl members assembled or the omcer~ present. who had a
exam inaTion by Ihe Exumining Hoard. sworn obl igalion to uphold the laws of the I !J EW. lif[ed .so
"This directive will be el\Tried out no latcr tha n much as a fi nger to assis t the president in res toring or
December 8. 1971," maintaining order, The presiding ollicer. the refore , cnn-
The record shows tha t. as directed. the president and cluded that he could no longer conduct an orderly assembly
husine,s manager of Local Union 103 had arranged to and adjourned the meeting. This typc of conduct by mem-
have the aforementioned applicants available oll t..icle Ihe bers and oflicers can bring nothing but ridicule and con·
meeting room on December 8 th . When the directive was tempt upon those working men who carnest ly seek the
formally presented to the members as\Cmbled. the inci- democ ratic control of thei r own uffairs withi n the labor
dents which rt.'sultcd in the cite c h argc~ too k place. movement.
T he International Execut ive Coulleil has e'<3rnined the Tn review. iT 15 the opi nion of the IEC tha t S wi llers
compleTe reco rd to determine whethe r the$C! two Brothers Mark and Hor.. n have received sU~l a nti u l justice. Their
ha\'e been afforded the protection of the ru les of natura l appcals tire, therefore. denied.

N o~.mb. t, t 972

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•__ ,..... 135
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SH[lHY, G J,

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"" '"'" HUCHIiNG. E. II(

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'"U, '"'"
"" OAGGIn J. M,
~, .1459 3

JOHNS, It• p, ItS9


"" eOUW5I(I, j f "m

~, MUU l. O.
- '"
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•" ......
__ 451 '" DUNI'!, II, L
_•• _ (193 BRECKEtl, J.
,~. ,,
..'"'•" ...•••• • ,.,
S".AIlU. C. S,


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cR([N£. H, D
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,, •••


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1245 ANoERER. J.

'"'" '"
1265 IAU"'A'!, S. r
124S eUGER. f,
1245 UllL$OfI, 8.
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, •
1245 3

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". ,,, ,,,•

124~ CASSIA. W
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'"M' ,, , ,,
1~49 eRIl"!N. W. 1
,~ O(IINER, II. [
_ _ _ 131
DE IUCA. /I , ,,,
,.. , ,,,
_ ~ 131 DICKENS, B
"',,. -, ,
- ,'"
, ,,
'" ...'"'" , _'n'
r_utLl. 0
.. •
--'" '"'" ""'''' 'RUKAUF, (


BIlwns. p, M

_-_.1319 GAl[HA, S.
'"'M ".'" ,'''' CUlAS. J.
."DUSIIN. 0, V

lefW Jo ... nol


111 LU
SMIl~" W ~. _ _ _ .... ""uc

IlABCOCI!.. L. lI'. _
ClARl!.. I. W '"

WOHL G[MUTH. A. f. _
SI NGLETON. H C... _ _
WIIALEH J. A. _,. _ _ _ . M
• '"'" enDWEll. G. G.
BELLUI Mt. I. L. _____ MO~R. M. P. ___ :_.::-_ m
u BRITTIN. E. E. _ ..... ___ .•
GRiffiN, H. _ .. __ ... ___ "" "
BYERS. C. __ ..... __ .__ .. ",_ 246
NEWM~N. R, C. ____ 252

U WAGON[R. f. II, "" "" '"'" HUNT. C. H. _. _ _ _ ,~
UCKHOFf, B....... _ _ ~,
tRECCO, I. ~ ..
~ ~
• '"'" BAllW'l, THOMAS .. _ _ ' "
GILlM N. O. t. _. _ 2S8

•• .."".. '"'" HOBMANtI C. ". _ _ _ ' "

SLiNCER NO. I, _ ... ___ 25/1
llEUIlICH. r . p.
MEYER[ w. J... ,, ___ .... __ ~ '"'" KOROn!, N. J. _ .. ,,_. __ 259

" U
SCHAf R, W. H. ___
SIN~ f. A. ..


~ ....
O·MALEY. I, W. _._ ... _... _" ~9
EFfUOINC. S. E. __ .___ 261
KOCH. H. J. _
HANSEll. H. C.

SMA I!., G D.
El WIN G 1
TATE, W . A. ;...

.A._ _ _ I()3
_ ,ro . IDROAN. J. L.
Rllnt. C. Ii.
CANTWElL. J. 101 _ _ _ 5'
--'" ___ m
WElB()RN, r. I. _ _ _ _ m

u ._ 100 JOHNSON. r. N.

UICKS bN, M. "" -,~ '"
__ '"
"•" :';:\,'H.[· """ -,.,.
,~ mEGU. J. L.
OOTY. H. l. _

-,.,. '"'"
L HARVEY. L ( __ m __ m
Pllaci'OI. C. T. ,~ PAT£RSOII, G.
" "" ,.

-- """ BALLARD, C £. ~ '"'" STAAl!., A

EHAI fR, 'II' MOOR£. A. E,
"" ..
._ 103 IiIJMBIJS, I, _ _ _ 2'1l
"" f lSHU, M. A.
HIRSCH. G, M, ... ,,' _ _ 2'1l

HIER. C. E. _ _
. " .

,'" ''""
W~U. i'•..
•• c. _". __ "' 292
-'" _ 2'1l 2'1l

IOH1'I501'l. R
NAGLE. G 101
_._-- ""
PO K~IEfllA , /R" A-:-I"=

BAlIn. J.
LONG, f . A.
BALL. H R. __ '"'"
N SMIfH H. A. .. _-- ._ 110
• '"'" HUNTER, W E. _"' ... -___ m
- "'" STEVENS, T. W ~ - III ,'" YANOAMENT, I. W. _ _ ' "
"• '"'" c. ,''"".
"..... '"'"

~ " WEST E.1. ,
. ~

•X '"'" '"
SOOTER. l. W. _

CLAYTON, C, E. __. ._ ... _
SMil H, I. t. I. __ ._ ... ___ .. '"
. _.,,_ m
_m '"
"._._ .. _ 111
Wi llIS/ w. R... _ '"
R08£R SON, D. f .. ___. _ »I

._-- •..•
flUME, R. C. _ ..... _____
BLOCKS A. f. ___ .. __ ..
JOBBE , A. J. _.. _ _ _
.." " Il2
.._ III

_. _ _ _ n!
".. 180

._ II]
C~RGILl. W. A..... ".......... _ 300
WillARD , C. _ _ .___ 306
eonOM. P L _ _ _ _ ""
GINSBrRC. A. __ ._ _ _ ""
IIOUK. A. t.

COLE. C. A. _
n! -,~
_ ]9] wun. A. W """"
•• , ---'"
ROBERt SON H 'C-- ._ 121 YERMILLlON. W. l. _ _ J09
IoIAAS. I'I . II •
. '"'"
10Nn, D. E. _____ " 310

... _..
._ 19] fISHEA. A, F... ___ .. _ 311
BARNrn. L 101
B[RGEN. J. A. .. " '" '" ,~
GREGORY. S D. _ _ ....... 312
BUfHHR , II H. BEns. R. W . _ _ _ 31'

tUII"QUIST. [ G. _'
,~ ,'"
WUSON. C A. _ ... _ _ '"
MttlJLTY, T. A. , _ _ lU

,~ STOWERS, STOlUE 8, _ Ji1
MHlOR, l. E. " n ,~
,~ , "" WAlTDP!. SR .. C [. _ _ lU
HUGHUT. I, F... _ _ _ . .
NnSON . A. C. ~

.."• S"'''H. P. D. _
snuvE. C. G.
TUR'I(R. 8. l.

, ". ...
KNICHt, 101 B. _ .. _ . _ 323
fUUEk. 'II'
,•• _--",
"" ,.

SILL. £. 0
fRl[D. A. 0 "" 'N
TIJR NER, M. E. _ _ _ ' " -'"
• n ,~ II.EYuJ,i S, .. ____ 3Jl

leB C. B. M. _ _ _ '"
"" '"
• - ..
HART. . 'II'
'" '" ACE. f, 11..
----- '"
KERII, t . C.
MORLOCK. A. _ _ ""

._ 134 '"
__ __
OeK£tVU. A. A. _ _ _ ' "
CUYSON, W. H _ _ _ ' "
_ 'DO "

..'" , ----""

""" ROSE. . S, , BLOOM. 'II'

.. __ .__ ,1)4 n. TURNER, O. W. __ .____ 3«
E." :::
WHE ElU. R. H... "
KEU l U . ~ . P. _ ", ___ 22'6 n. McQlJlll£'tI y, H..... ___ 347
" _-- ""
~ PAL(N. D, r. ~ .. SNUSON, . H _____ ~,
COftDlNGL(V. W. S. _ _ ~.
SINCER. £. r ...L _ _ _
ORR, W. r. '"'" L
'"'" BRADSHAW, S. E. _
CAMMAC£. R. C. _ _ _ . .

Nov . ...II. f, '912


NENB[U MIP UtNl C. P. _._ .. 461 WERLING . II . B _ ._ _ 7Q2


.. _.. _.. _._.. 349

_............. _ 349
., NENO dMCA. M. A. _ _
~ArfA(U. ERNESI ._ .....
LOCKMAN. O. l. _."
,.,, __
.. " ..
RANDAll, C. F.
WEBB£!!, (, l.
BRADlE!, R f,
_ _ ._ .. _ 103
_____ ._ 70J
.. '. ..... "",,_ 112
."....._ ____ 712
____ .. 113
______ NEWLIN, ~. R... ".•_... 477
WHIIUELL. £. E. en BARRET or , E. 101
CLAU, "ft. D.
__ .
_ _ _ 116
" 349 COPP INS. G. R. 179
- 350
.... _
_ 353
"" ~OWDEN. W. I.
GAMBl . C, W,
kUtn , 0
_ 716
___ " .
w, ___ " .
__ 353 H(RRING. I. f. _ 419 MARTIN , D. V. _ _ _ " .
_h 353 lA ROCCA. N. _.. (19 MORIN, J. R ... _ _ " 716

- "' ~,

M. ______ ,
C. A.
aORSI~ f. F••. ,.... "
,_ 419
'" 0131
PARKINSON, L. O. _ , 1 16
CUNNINGHAM , R. P. _ .. "" 718
WELLS. R. B, ._._. 121
.. _ J54 KRAMlR, F. A. _. __ ,,_ ( 61 ASIES, B. t , ,_,, __ ._.123

__ 357 WHIfNn N. R. _ 481 BOON . C, H ... ____ ._ ... 725
___ 351 PEARSON, W _ _ _ ns
. .,
BROWN. i . A. __ 482
DURNFORD. l . S. 482 DAY. G. O. ____ '"

.....'' _._'"
,;'~:!:';~';:'. -_ ."- ~I MAHLU £. H _ 483 PITTMAN, J. B __ '"
... _- '"
MAtfAIi'. H. A. 48J SHOIIIE , G H. ,_ _ _ '"
H._ ~~ HUNT. A. W. __ 491 PUTMAN , W, p, 732
RABY~ P. _____ . 492 JONES. G J ._.... , 13'
.. ~2 OST(HHAUS. J. H. .."" 49( BA ILEY, It E. ...... ___ .. 136
.,, _._._ 362 SHINNERS, f. M....... _ ...... _ 4~ BISH, C, H. 136
.... ' _ ... . H .. ))1 WASHKO. J, V. _.._... " .... _. 495 BRANDT, D. G. .......... " . .-. 1~1
, " ... ... :l6-I CULP. C. F. _.__ .._,, __ ,. 491 CYRWAY, E __ ",, __ .. _, .

•• _ _ _ _ _ .. e " 367 'ITU~~ D. A. __ .. ___ 491 HESS. G A ,____
.. _ 369 BOYLt J. G. _ _ _ ~I MAURER , L II. _ _ .._ 7-"
_ _ _ 369
CULSbH. C. G. _.. _ ~I KEE NAN. F, p, 7H
.. _ .. _ 369
__ 313
HARVIE. R. It __
.. __ SOl
_, _ SC2
BOtLWAGE. W II . _ _
BERRVHILL, [, R. ,_ _
--- '" EANES, C. A. _..
LUll, G. A. .__ "
BurrURINI . C. W. _ _
COH~ , L H. __ .______ 760

'" MABRY, C. c. _.•___.... _ 76C

:{..; ;~:::~~.'. '"

SAVACOOl. O. E, " .. _ .. 505
.. 377 SORS~EEN, L. B. _ .. ....._.. 5000 MUSTA Nc H. C. ..."........ ,, " 760
.... 380 ARNOLD. . E. _ ..... _. _" 508 STEPHEN~. J. f . .. _........... _ 750
...____..._ ~O
lB4 HODDl J. E. __ ""_" .. 508 WESI. C. P " .. __ ._ _ . .
'ET[~SON. W, M. 518 WRIGHT. G r. ______ ... 7bC1
IROtlS. W A ______ ..... 165
" :..-:==
COOPU. L O. _ _ _ _ 520
--- ~,
SHADDIX , G ___ 1M
_ _ _ . 381 fRAlIER, t. l. "
HHO . J. A. __ _ _
,,524 BERTHELOTE . T. J. _ _ ..

-- "" .__ J90

.... J90
. 527
POULSON~ F. O. _ _ _

SMITHb~· B ___ '"

STANT N. H. E. _ _ .._ 168

m NIKOLAJEW . G _ _ '"
.. "".....
BLANKENSHIP. H. B..... "_,, 540
O£LlE NBERC. E. _.. _._.... 770
SMA RT , J. W. .. ..........." 713
HARPER. C, W. '_' e"",_ '_ 71S
PAIRIC~. S, l. .... _"._. 540
:0;,", ... ' "---". -
____ .. _ (04
408 "'AIZ, M. R••.,, ___
RANDALL, A. t. __ .
ClAUSEN . C, H. ....."._ 783
CASWElL . l. M _ 7fJ1
_____ 412 BOTTARI , C J. .._ _ m

_ .. _ _ " 421 CAMPBEll. L E. S«
__ 421 SCHROEDER. J. _. 545 BROWN , C. I 799
HOPPER. L £ _ _ 799
._ '"
__ m
'RYE , E. H. _
PAULSON , O. _ _ _
WHITEHEAD. C. f . .. _..
_ ~I
BURSON. J. S. _ _ ~,
WILLINGH_M. A I. _ _ .01
BAilEY, A 101 _ _ _ 11 2
IRVING. l. H. _.. _ " ...... __ $5/
.. _ 428 WOOARAK. J, ___ •• _ .. __ 557 SCIIAeH, C, II ,_ .._ .. 81 2
... 429 rRAN~SL. O.•. __ . ,.___ 553 STUART , T R _... _.. _._ 8!3
" ...... ,___.. 4tg JOHNSON. w. I. ... .. .. ". 558 VINYARO. C E. ".......... __ .... 811
..... _ _ 429 COPLAND. D•. _ _.. ___ ... _ 561 GIBSON, r. O. ___ ..... _ 816
• _____ 429 GilLHAM. 1'1 , F. ___ . , 816
_ _ _ 435 O'BRIEN. f. P. ___ . 567
GIVENS, C • _. ___ .. 116

fORTIER, l. _ _ ~.
.. __ 435 I£MVRE . V. _ __ '" ~ YATES, WE " 116

:= ~
l, ~).":.=--_ SAINDON. AlPHONSE
BREWER, E. L __ .
O'SULLIVAN. C _ _ _ '"
8] 7

---_ .,
L •_ ___ (.II
•• __ ..... __ 441
CONDIT. E. R.. __
ELLIS , L. A. __ •
fORO. T. _ _ _
WALkER. I W. " _ _ _ ' "
IiECK, C I _.,, ____ 82S
MAMMEN, r M. __ .. _... _ 128

HORNAK. C. P. 56~
...... __ ..._ .. ",,_ 441 SHOP~, H....... ,," ..• 5li9 EXUM\ M l . .___ ..... ... 835 .1
R. _ ......... "._ 441 rITlMAURICE. 1, B. _...... _ 570 HILt. J F ".... __ .. _ ._ .. _. 835 ," . .............. ................ 1
M. .... e _ _ ._. __ (41 $ANCEDO. J. H. .. ...... _... _ 570 RYAN. 0 A. .. ._ .... _.__ &l6 I
' ... _ _ _ 441 IHORNTON , G. ..... _ _ _ 570 fiNCHER, A C, _ .. __ ... I
C. A. ,__ (.II WALLACE, W. B _ .... __ 570 MILES. R C. _ _ .,
I. . _ _
O. _ _ «,
... TRAMNELl. R. B _ _
01 lULLO. O. C.
5n PINION. C C. _ _ _ • • ,
HANCOCIt 0 J. _ _ ...
.. ,, _ _ «,
'0 SCHNEIOfA. W. A. _
ROURKE. M. J. _ _ _
_ _ '"
.__ .. 146
L _ _ ... NORTON . W H .. _ _ ••
ElLIS. M. M. _.. 5Il2 ¥/tNOUGRlfF . It L _ ...
_."_,,_ 450 SIMMONS, C. H. Sat
.~ JONES. [. M. .•.. _ ,, __ • aso
£. ..... ,,' _ .. 4~
ANGRlIlA, S. _.
58!1 lOIINS~V. I. P. _"_"_.H 854
W• • ,... , . . ...... . 459 -.-... ,_..... WOLfE, K. E. .. ...... _..... _•• aS4
_ .. _ _
._._ 460
CONWAY. E. "I , _,_"
CfORGE . L. W. ._..
ROEll. W. A. _ _ _
_ 589
- ..---.-
" , ..
t~~Vs. c , EN -:=.:::::~=:::
OEROHN R, A _____ 51 m
, W, _ _. ' " STEVENS. f. _ _ _ ... ' " UM.tJIAITIS. W. _ _ _ E'

-- '"
_ _ _ 0' TOV . G J 589 MAS1RIANI. r. ___ 5'
DOYlE. l. _ 1M
._--- '"
SPRADliNG. IR. , W T. _ 59()
- - '" BAHR. R. M. 591 lADO, CECil D. __ _ _ E'

IHEW Journol


•• llEMKIEWICl. E, 8 2~S

_ ".

ElCHELBERCER. 0, H. . -2011
LOn. v
ANKU$ON, (, 101
'RHIf. If E.
"'<CO~MICK. w. C

SAfifDRO, J. ...

-!~ ALOUSON, M. _ DAVIS, W E. 2S3 ,~
(VANS, II R "" THOMAS, A, ,...
.. 295
3IXI '"'"
"" DUBOIS, J -.22Sl EVA,IIS, I " ADA"'S, C. E 302
--"" """
INF:IfIH H 1\ .mJ flrSllf~, M. O. SECO, A.. V. _ _ _ '"
1212 ~y[:cl1frl. C [ .~ GAGfiON, f, /.
OWEII. M V, 309 '"'"
,,1212 CL EMEN TS, W E. _2295 HU~SON J. D
MAHAN, /, F.
310 _ 613
_. _ _ 61J '"
... 2m
"" C100I\, RoaUI C
CREEN, D. o. ,
316 .".n
"" "" ,.'"
MillS, 0 , ".n9S PrTlr( "'. I. NICHOLS, C, £ :r.?ll

1231 PU.RCE, H G 2295 PORGA M, A.. 8UROICK. OOIiAlO R, 112
RAXER, /. A.. ...n9S Sf'RI~/:ER, It ....
w_OE, C. w
112 ••
WlllSE', R. R
HRICHI, 101 L "" lII1BY ..... E

Ileg .14CI
12e~ '''' '.11 .....
I.., 1.,.,1 a~""N, 101
LA~S£N, I, R, .. ,
" tff[RSOI'I W. W

,eM I ... ~t .,.hnt, HI AlHHOIIY, I. C. 349
.,I~l MOHR, D, £. .
"g, ..ere WOOJlER~ CECIL W•
BURCH. \;. F ~ SCHOlL. M. V
tUD 1M
'ME I O.
Of l U
GOt[I( f. J.
DUARTE. It, L. .."" LAMKIN, B 101
DllOII, W. M,
HONOR, J II, .~_

WltuA"'S S. T .
C4NTOR. l.
J19 .,,m
, ~,
W~STI R, E, •. " LEE. H. JI9
CRAe U, D. O. ,...
MeCAVIN, M. W. "" COL TRANE, A, 8.
rn[RS. r. O.

" ".'"mH'
n. • ." nt'

~"lICll l52 CROUCH. IR .• W A.. CHAPM4N, L H, J9I
I,UI ',ul'!!I, ."hul•• " II 51
. 1~1 MIIRPHt. w, P. 51 SfoIlnt. I. W

t,lIfW1: 41)'
Ug, ROSS. I V 51 WILSON. S. COl '51
~~:rlri ~ ' W - - ~~

1311 SIiAIfItER. R M NEWPORT. II E. (12 S. 135
un "" ElLIOTT. R. 0
"" S~YOER. 1. 413

'''' "" SISSOII. II A

BRIlI'IN. r, r.

'"' "• LAOD. II, W P 429 ~

uw,S. S. (
fOIiAII, H. O. _.,._
KNOl, P. L
""n ROBERTS, I. f

le21 'IIOSI R. O. BROWN, G G, 436
,.. Nusb.... K. A,

_ 160
L""",CER '
FAlLEN, I. .
10NU. A. C
ClOllIlACH. l. A


~8ERG[ H. r

,... ''""
.IUC SCOTT, E, C, BRYAN. IR .. P W 474
",." .....,'"'",
lilLiS, H. G TAYlOR. S. .\II m

STOCK WEll. W L WEINRICH. IR. W. I, 47e .~

BUTlER. A R.... 418
"" LOCKWOOO, I, O. '"' [Avn. I. 471

UfU. e.

,"" ,....'" '"o.on


""... IEPlN($$, P W
- '" GlIN!CII. A. B 494

,,15JS OOItAlOSON, R H._ ,~ _IJUK RAYMO~D S. 494

'"' " 957 BURRUS, A. A. HOSPODAR. G SOl

"_,15047 . ll5l HAnnnCK. It ~ ,n EOWARDS, W j, 505
1149 M(HORSE, H B
RIISSf~!. H. W ,n eRon, C. v
~1 ~,

". 1319 "" B(llD ..~, L. f ,a ROGERS. O.

$1,11111. J. C , .
". llVIS~V. J.

". U11

,.'" 8AHII, C. H 5019 ~,

flIlK. {,
OlAllN~, tO$W\ 101
SSS '"'"
'51 RAfiDOLPH, 1. l.
MCnU. 0, C
GA"'UfLl. J 101
lnu. II (

OU$!I~G. C. S 1 ",AHU'. f, t IIoU MDeER. w. If !l;9 lUI
.. 1710 ELLEOCE. A 1 C.I.IINH. 1 W !II UMI't(S. IA"'ES f 569
. 1710 SCliutHUDT, H 1 Mun£lffUSS. II v In BlItCH, L. W 510
17U SIt(IRT, t 1 R08[RSOr;, B. E. In W[SI. £. H 510 C, 1199
; 'i,;,,~v,r~:""
..l7!>!i "'cGOWIN, I, 2
.1162 SCMUlIl, f _ J
10HNS, C. T.
SNEll, I V
EARL. £. P
GREEN. I. hi
5n 1245
__ 1245 ""
~ARMlll, M V.
ROSE, D.. _
51~ . _
.. 1:112
NAWllDCItI, t, J. _ _
VAllERY, H. T. _
SII --".
_ _ _ 1116

Naw.mb. <, 1912



fASANO, V. E. 6
- ,.
CHnK, B. B,
TEMPlE, w. I,
.... ...... 1311 The IDllowin, lour ipplici'
MoU(RAS, J. P.
KNIPrER, C. t,
SLaTU. J. C.
~ -'"
BE~N, E. R. .._ 1326 ,ro '"._ 332
lions lor ,fsltd righl 10 pu· S[lVAGE, J. L....... 9 _.W
-- '"
SMITH" W, W. 1340
sian butfil 'IIere denied: aNDERSON, JAMES H, II
!)QRS(., I. I. IJII9 B~RNEn. / . .I.. II ____ 10J
81EGl{R, P. S.
HARt, R. H
,~ .,""no
HOWARO. lao, H. V.
NEWlON, I, . _ _ _ on
KUNTZ. iii, I.
Mec;AtLUM. A, H,
.,,_ 110
v, ""
-- ., ~.
HARDV. J. C. ",., 1579 IANSEN, 0, C _ .. _. __ . 9-4'3 MGOU. C. V "" II
SMIlII, CH~RLES C, ...... ,1519 HEOPNU, G L ..... Clrd ,n 1.0. PARSONS WAYNE J. II .... _ 349
YONCE, II M _.. _ 1511 POUS. S, E. ____ " II
- '"
RO?U, C. _ .
ORHGA, R. A. ._
_. l81( Tilt IRternalioul hecutin
HULL, l" " ... ,"
'"'"'" ."''"
HICKS, C. C. ..2227 CincH Ipprofed I.e pall1ut "'AKI, T. E. 17
!REMIL.l.Y. C. R, 2253 01 lIIe dell. beaefit Inder AlLARII. M, 18
WYCHUlEY, II ( _-"" Ibe prnisiau 01 Article XII,
Sechon 2 Dj the Constitution
to tile btneficiaries or the
£VUS, l, L
f(NGU, A,

.. . .. __ , 361


The IDllowi., 21 IGt~1
jollowinl 1,258 non·retired
~::.-.: ..:.:.:.:".. :~
.~_ J119
._ J119
CUD IN fORMEll , HOBERT. A. W 25 .--. ,»
I~mty pmian IN!nefit appli· tHE 1.0. or LU MLB, W. G. 26 -,~ '"
cations were duid ;
GORV. O. 11
LAII08USH, f. E,
LORIG, L 8. .
2'6 -~ '"'"
IN LU Vl{HMAN'f, E. C _ _ U MARPLE. C L 26 ,~
~NDERSON, C, E ._.. ~-"
RIlfNOUR. C. C. _
BAtLEV. R J. _ _ .
TOWNSEND. R. W "... _
STONE. P. C. ..._._ .... __ 276
,.,. "!"~,,i''''':
-'" ~N
BANWART, MElVIN M n 8ECK, D. 'II '''' 41 ". '2~
WILSON, C. 1./, ................. _ 292

;..! ;;=; ::-- ,.'"'"'"

SCHULTZ. IR,. C. II 41 ._ 424
CRIDER, P. E. "._."_ .. _~ J(l( OA K£S, WA~El P 42 _.• ~Z5

... ,
"""" GU~Cl£R, L to. _ . _ '"
llOYD. 'II E _ _ _ _ 379
KUl{R, D. I'
'",. '",

BUll"'AN, WIlliAM A m NE{OHAN. a E. _ _ _ '" WARUN, R. T. ..
RICK(tT. I O. _ _ _ ' . HONOR. J, II (/
RIDOl(, M ___ ' " UNINGER. E (1
'" '"'"
GUNI. J. t ~,
KRAfn. [ W '-' ___ " 500 SCHMIDT. C. E. ~7
RYAN. R F .. _._~" .. _.. 663

HUlET, I B, "........ ___ 714 AD AMS , S. $. 48

HOR~, 0, R,

'00 KLEINHANS. J. D.. " ......... ~ 723 ARNOLD, A. L 48
CO TTON. HERMAN E. q, __ ,_
PETERSON. C. A. "........ _ 757 £RICKSON, A. l. 48 _ _ _ _ 164

BEl TRAM. ANTHONV KARAIJ. f I _ _ ... 9~9 LENT, K. 10 48

HOPKINS. W R. _ _ . 9S2 RE(SE. { I ~8 __ . 166

,.,.'" .'"'"••..
MINOR, B, L JOHNSO't H. H. _ _ _ 11'7
PUOINGTDN, ERIC IARED, .. 1'. ._. _ _ ""
" ---If,
PENN, IHDMAS A CI.d ,n 1.0, -"" BR[NN[lUN. [. I.
.. -.---,~
IULLY, V. V. CIr<lI" 1.0.
RITO, H r "' ___ 14$9
CHAMP[NE, C, O. _.. _... 153!1
51 ."

1M LU CROUCH, JR,. W, A. ~ .~
RleHT TO PENSION fOWL£R, SR" I. 'II, ~ __ 210 ~,

Th 1.len l tionl £lec.tin
___ ,
GOAS~!,. J, A
CoucU ilpprned ~p,liutins
HOOCK. S' .• £. ' ' ( " - -
HOPIlU'IS, H. l. _ _ _
58 '" ,~

lor wntd ri,.1 Ie pusiDn

benefit 01 t~e !DIIDwln, 13
HUEGL£. W. S, _ _ _
RICHARD, E, I. _._._
M~KtSStCIl, W D.
60 '"'" .,
_ 521
1081N. R, P... _ _ _ ...
Lli. ~: ...:::::::::: .. _.. ~
SEDlACEK , £. r.
WALLER, G A. _".~ .. "._~_ ..
A. I. _2'61
A, ___ ...... _.... 2'62
O. ___ ._._ .... 2r.J
........ 543
IN LU LONG, J, P• •__ •___ ............ 2 CARLSON. C, A, _".. 68 I ... _._ ... __ 26Ii ,~
BOEHLER. C. _._ ... _~_.. 3 DAVIDSON, W. E. 68 O. .It.. _ ... _ 210 ,~
OEBUSK, HARRISON M. __ II BRENNAN, R, _ _ _ _ , USICKI, 1. S. 68 _ .__ VO
._~.. ~
BRESLAY. M .. _ _ _
CAllEGARI. I l. .. ___ ,
CARIIO'Hno. l. B. _ _ ,
, BRYANt, C. W
---m -".'"
- '"
THOMPSO~. /, O. 211 CONROY. /AMfS T. _ _ ,
n ,.--m'"
.. ,,' 2SI
_$' ,~

ll£LlEY, I. f.
DOWNS. HOWARO I, 58!1 COS\JUCII, P M. ___ 3 n
PROCHERA-, WALTER 589 fERRARA, I I .. _ . _ _ 3
"'ARCHESI, S, I .. __ .. __ J
LONGENECKER. III O. 77 --'" ... _ 51;9

IVRDI~, EDWIN f. 589 STALLCUP. E. S 17 ,_" !J69
MIllER. AL6!;ftT
,,~'" 1547
................ _
,__ "._
WELLS, II, iii
'"'" I
"_ •. _ 570
I. __ 570
Card ," 1.0. OHLEY t F
s.tVRE. 'II II, _
84 '" ~,
_ _ . 571
~ __ "
Cald in 1.0.
C,t,d ,ft 1.0.
ARL[DG{, 0
SOLUM, /, 8
"""" '"
IA'I'lOR. ROY Card ,n 10.
3 GIL81110£ B 0,
95 '" --'"

,. ISEW Jou.nal

R£EVE~. T P•.. _.
JOHNSON. WILLIAM P. 915 The lEe apprmd t~e pay·
~ROCHU. p, B _ ~
HDREDGE~ E. I. _.,
_ il9
Alut of dnt~ benefits. au·
"tllud nder 1M pr,mitu ""
THORN. D. L _ _ _ '"
WILCOX. G. Y. _ _ _ _ .. ., Article XII. Settioe 2 .,
t~e ClIIIstltltion to Ult lof.
~~m:' R~Nli.DJ:' ~~
._ lo.'AI 135 retired members'
SULLI'(AN. J, D............. _ ... 99S beneficiaries:
WAf KFR. ~!MON R. _........ !!9!i
M~CAR T HY. J, C. __ ..
HARTL£SS. D. _ ...
IN LU ""
MURD. 1 10)5
B£LMOAE. A B. 1010 I
LANDIS. L w. 10/6 PETERS. I. B 1
PHIUII'S. W L lOIli POlTHorf. W f I

IOkES A. _ 1(195 SCHMIOT, II, D, I
MOORE. II T. 1141 HIlTNER, N, M 2

SAtlOBlOM. ), ". 1155 "~NIS, C,'" ]
DOYLE. A, A. ""~ ...... _ , llSS BARIN I C~. W. E, 3
JUET, M ______ .. _"_ .• IISS BiRMAN. p. 3

UNAKA, M. _ _ _ 1186 BlfSS. R, R, 3
COX. II. 0 1200 CARUSU. 0, L J
BAll. A B, ,. 1210 OANNUNZIO. M 3

lAO~U. H l 1111 OHG. A. _... ~ J
FLUECK, S. S. 122. DOWEll. C W J
IIOUS(. L G me OOW/yARO. A t. J
REGAN. MARTIN ... _., 12.5 DUNl. L 3
~MIIH. HAHULLI L _.... " ... " 1,4~ EAGAN. J J. "'" J
UECKER!, Willy ......... ,.. ", ,,12.S
fRE[!'~A~. C .... _ . _ 12.9
ElstER. H
3 ""
MALL(N . C, K ~ _ _ .. 1249
LEAHEY. JAMU P. _ . . m9
PAPA M 1:>S]
GALlENT. I .. ,
M ""
fl(JDIK, f, l
J "
SIEGWALo. S. '-C-"
IstH. C A
Kill. A E.
] ""
FOSTU. W. A. _~.". 13021 LEnNSIEIN. S. J
MAY. 0, S. 1]16 UNNANL P J
FlfOl.ER, £. . .1l11 lOP£Z. A. ]
BUYDENS. l. III. _ . . 1m lOWeER. E E, 3 "
LEOIIARO II. C, _ _ "" no'ls. W 1 3
ABPLANAlp. CARt E, 1191 MtCIION. W W J ~
CAIi$.ON, PAUL H. 1393 MEIER E, J ~
CHRISTIe. G, L ___ .. 1J91 MIIRRAY. J. J 3
DUNBAR, H p. '_". ..1393 NILSON. BENOT £ 3 n
HA~OlO. P. C ..l421i
rm PULMA~. I, ,
~£UTER, W P..
3 ""
KUt~EOY, W, II _ _ _ 1421 ItOTBER~] W J, J
YOUNG. L L .1461 ItOTHM"". II J
ALLEN. H J _ _ ,14M
WOLfE. J ~ _ _ _ _ 10M
FReY. B £ 1484
SUHR, hi E
J "
DOYlE. G. A .............. lSOI VANA, C J ~
SMlTli. S G __ .. _._._~_I~It> VOGT. C 3

UHOING. JR. l. 0, 1s.41 WEINSTfiN hi 3
WULF. C, 3
SCHIIOEon. H W 1~7
l. H
5 ••
ROWUIID. J, C. 1626
1S82 1 (
5 ••
10'lE5, SR. W E 5

CAS IA GNOLI. G R. " e ' ' ' , 16B7
TOW NSEND. W. W. __ . .1701 KILMEYER. M. 5
$MIl H, P. W , 5
W£BB. C. 101 .....,,' ,1149 UCZANOWSKY. W. 5
MIJIO~(y . 1 B. _ _ , 181B
17. K£llH. G. S,
KEITH. R, G 11123
WAILGUM. R J , . _ _ ,
SMITH. V. A 1928 REINHART, f, __ .. 8
BAERWA.",, __
GUBB INS, 10 , P• ... _ ......... _.
9 ""
HAND. I E. ~
BHANGU. t. J. _._ ........ " 2142
ORGAN. t. T, _._ .. ___ .2145 HENRY. f. I. 9
SHARPE. OONAlO M...--2166 MATT.PG 9 ~
PERCY. ), H _ 9

DEARBORN. II.. H. --229S SCH WARfl D. D. _ _ _ ,
JOINER, D. S. 2295 WILSON, j • p. _ _ _ , D


III til
___ ,u .. ..'"
,.'"'"'" "
.... .,.,
WilSON. II ,m - ~,

A ~ OlRSON. J. l. '"
,ro '"

HEBARD, J. C. ,ro
,OJ ,w
".''"M ........,

J(HSE~. E. O.
LINDSAY. J. W. ,ro • $. --",
MALANAY, II. r. ,ro
_ ,ro ~,

SClltAICK. W. J. ,OJ ".
S~OOK. H. M.
'"' '"'" ___ 390

un. W. J.
hlOR .."N . R.
.au, I ...

". .
••m O~

10RGA. P. ''"''" '"'" ..'"'",
." L. 595
GOlJl£!. I. £.
LEIIH. R. (. '"''"

... ." ...'"

'"'"'" ___ ""n. "'
_ _ _ '" '" ,'"'"..
CROSS. L _ ..

H[hlPST£AO. C. A. O. _ 212
MAX WELL, P. (. '"
'" '"'" '"
- ON

'" ...'"'"
BURNS~ H. E. ,~ .~

II1IlE~, V. D. ,~
C~IHS, C. B. ,~
'" ,
-'" ". m
1. ,!II'

~UEMpn. II M. ,~

,.,. ......
MARKU, R. f. ,~ m A. ~S9

......... .,.,.,••
PAUY. C. II. ,~

STOPPlR. C. J. ,~
SCIIUfI, C W ,~ £. ,_ 2~S

OESlAnE5. C.J.
)01l1l50 N. R

,~ '"
...",, ...••
,,,.'"'".. '"'"
IR18011, ". A.

M'LUit, J E. ~,
m j . 611

SAtVAT, I, on
BA~ U. C. £. m
Bnt . A. W,

,.,.'" '"'" 'm

COONEY, J, '"'" ...'"'"
", .~

DAlEY. j, I.

nAYIS, R, R. ".
......•• '"n,
HA"'''ARQijIST. D.
L ...•••• '"nono
"" ...••••
-_ .,.,.
- "" ,.
,. '"
,. - '"'" """" '",.
"'~I ( RNAN P. P.
••,.,. ,===::: '" ""

MUlES . • C. ~, ~,
MUTH, IR, ., II,

N1XD~. M.
. -_.. '"
- - - '" '" ',.M ••••.•. '-L_ 7fiO ,
,,.,.,.,.. '"'"'"on
HOMUN, •. £.
O'IIHU, L •.
PIC KA R, A. P ---'"
!~:~~iw;.•, :.· .
RIHCSTRAND , T. P. '"•• '" ,w c.
L _:!120
S( IU NG, l. L. '" 3010
"' ,. SU OIC, lSoIl

,,.,.,.. .,'"
SI RE ET , C. 0 J. )(~ EDWARDS, W 1575

SULLIVAN, I . • SMIT I!, R II , :142 __ ~J8 SCHAUER, J. 1'. _ _ _ " "
IMORNTON, E. BOSt H, T O. _ _ '" 341 m "'ARTIN. W A. lis:)

"~:;~~~/~ ~
wnB.•. W. SMII H, C, A _ _ _ .. 3011 SLAUG HtE R. C L _ _" .
E. _ _ 114
HAIISFORD, R. _ _ "" .. )Q
HANSEN, II , C. _ _ . . ,
"'I ICllnl, 0\. _ _ _ _ ' " HAIINOIS, II. --'"


MOOAE , L P. _ _ _ ... 180
,. BUTtER. f . H _ _ _. ' "
KER$HN{R, P. B. _ _ " .
DO SI N, R. A. li1S6
-- '"'" BANKIER, I. _ m CA MB Lf. H. A. _ _ _ . . DEL ANEY, JOH N J, _ 1M FI NN, E. B. _ _ _ _ , ...

18EW Journ,d


Acceptable duumuU were
Ublllitt.ed, ud
BA~NES , ruo
l. ,. .
)M.lES. BENNIE _.. ... ltt4
)l[NNEDV, IUMN J. "C..o ," 1.0•
KNASE. ~ . C. __ ... Clrd ,~ 1.0.
NElSON, J D. ____ C.,d ,n 1.0. "U ,. _ttli.,
T~ II . t.~la,
~t '~
If Ih Illt,.. Ii"'1 htt.".. tn.cil
WU.,,,,I.., U.C. nl _ulll' l.rll,U. II 4:"
DUNNEll, ARTHUR R. RUST, CARL E. __ Ca,d ,n 1.0.
h,! kfl .aN ill 1M 1.0.
ttur.s If tU h1lm.,


' .M•. t"." , S.,lnllle, IS, lIU.
tN .UI It,olaf _HI", .,11 C. ..,.CI II 11." .l..M., ......"
Out.h, 4, 1111.

PlUSH. It ~,
• •kn: RANDOl'H (
GR£{/~, A rt.Hsl fer Chili it

WEHIit ISAAC W IN IlteB,lilul Dflic:e rtC-
o....nEI. PlHIIO ~.
O~8[R, IRVING ~ . J BIDDY Wi lliAM J ~er was denied:
10Hll SON, UJll L
lACH. CH.l.RlU
CHUIIA. .I. J ,.,'" fl."'.OERS. IR_. JOSU'H t _1346
h"'11 P. Pl1Iers.., s".,1JI1')'
1.1t... I, ... , htel"" tt.dl

handYlnan's cOlnel
Be the First on Your Block
• For millions of our readers
\dlll make their own outdoor Christ·
Illa~ di'play!>, thc pleasure and ex·
cilmelit of Ih i) mOM pleasurable and
excit ing holiday ~Iart the moment
the) begin \\ork on thdr first decor·
alion. And of course, since d(Ht·
your·!>clfers neet.! to start early, they
get the mOSI OUI of Christmas. Of all
yard decorations. our :!£ck!>s Sanl:!
with his deer and sleigh. remains
Ihe most popular.
1 he Sanl:l shuwlI heu.:
i~ liksize. Santa is al most six fect
1:111. It's a vc ry colorful display suit·
or you nwy orde r any of the figures
sc paratdy. ADDRESS
uble fUI roof or y:lrd. It will not
only spread the Christmas spirit, To obt:lin the completc display CHANGED?
but \\ ill make your home thc bright number C-20 wilh all figure .. as
shO\\n here. send $ 12.00 by cur· Brothers, we want you to have
spot in you r neighborhood. You'll your JOURNAl! When you
notice that Mrs. S:mla has come rency. chcck or nloncy ord..:r to:
have a change of address,
along th is yea r with her tray of Steve Ellingson
Electrical Worke rs' Journal please let us know, Be s ure
cookies fo r all good youngsters.
The d i~pl;ty i!o easy and inexpcn·
P.O. Box 2383 to include your old address
Van Nuys. Ca. 91409 and please don't forget to fill
si\'c to make. All thaCs neces!>ary is
to glue the waterproof, fade·resi~l· Indtllidual Items ar e listed below: in l. U. a nd Card Na. This
ant pictures 10 hardbo:lrd or ply- No. 18. Giant Santa $ 2.50 information will be helpful in
wood . then S:IW them OU1. Complete No . 335 Mrs. Santa $ 2.50 checking and keeping our rec-
No. 257 Sle'gh $2.50 ords straight. Use the blank
directions arc incl uded. No. 25. Ow ...... (ea~h) $ .7!:;
You may savc $1.50 by order- on page 88.
ing the complete group as pictured .

'Nitll tile ladies
Let Your Fingers Do the Talking
Hi, ga!!.! J got to thinking reccnt· which r ill sure we'rc all familiar, Iy. R epeat this proccss ih often a~
Iy abo ut how ncar the holiday ~ca­ lire lI,>uaJly due III minor inju ries or needed .
son is and how important it is al- prc~!>ufe on the nail and arc ta~cn Spca~jllg of hangnails-and aren't
ways to look your bc"t-c\I:>ccially cu rc of by the body without ,IllY they un~ightly and painful-thc),
at th is lime of year with all of the outside help frOIll ymL ,lren '! really a major problem. but
e ntertain ing thaI goes on. You There's not Illuch \\C can do to they can collect bacteria. so treat
know, someone invariably notices lIIa~e our nails grow fa~ter, but we them \\itl1 antil)eptic until th<'y'w
your appcanmcc lind your groom- c:tn help them grow longer OIml healed.
illg al these alTair.... Wc!1. YOLI can stronger. Good COiling h'lbits arc a Ir you're prone to ailillg ll<lih.
guess what ['m kading up to-I mu\t, of course. Nail conditioners Iry Ihis simple therapeulic rcmed~.
decided Ihal it \\;'h tim!.! for unOlher and hardeners al",) help. Dip your fingernails in w;trllled oli\\'
one of our ,elf-improvement "fti- oil once or I\\ice :1 wed. anti be
Comlitiom'r, help to ,>trcnglhen
ele.... this lime on a pan of the body surc 10 p,unpcr yourself \\ith the
nails. Brush Ihe Ctlndilion..:r onto
that :lttr,lcts a 101 of u!lcnlioll :md once-3-wl.'d manicur..: that is l's'>en-
the eXJ>O"cd nail surfacl' anlJ under
comments-Ihe lingcrn:llls. Inciden- tial for nail beaut)".
the nail tip. Be su r\! to allow three
tally, before we go any further, I Your manicure .. hould always
or four minulCS for it to ury, and
:un including tlnc rcrnimkr-nail start with perfectly-clean nails.
~C\!p you r hands out of watcr for
care is jus, as importalll for mell Moisten cotton with :tn oily polish
an hour. If you phln to apply nail
and children a~ for the l;uJic ... rcmo\<,r 10 13~C ofT any old poli'>h
polish O\\!T the conditioner. allow
Basically, nails arc Inycrs of I~rc,>s thl' colton against each nail
about four hours. The best way 10
packcd-togcthcr ~kill cdls. com- linn!) for a few seconds. and thc
u\e a conditioner i.. to :lpply it daily
p()\cd largd y of a protein c;llled old poli,h \\ill come ofT o.:a,ily.
for the firs t wcck. then once or
keratin ;md growing from a root Then, clean umkr the nair...
twice :t week aftcr that.
concealed in th(! ... ~in at the nail Next. fil e your lIails with an
base. Your heredity and body c heJ1l~ I larucncrs provide a lough. pro· emery board. ming lighl stro~es and
i'>try playa major role in the ~truc~ tect i\ c '>h ield Ihal ,>eal, o\'er crads tiling in one direction on ly. Inci ~
lUre of your nail~, bUI outside ra c~ ami .. plils in your naiJ... Your choice dentally, if you suITer from nair..
lor:. also afTccl yo ur nai!l.. h mu- of a cond itioner or hardener will Ihat split or crack, it lila) be hc~
natel y, bad eIT..:ct'> on n ;t i l~ from in- depend on how yo ur nail~ rc,pond cause you file in a seesaw pall ern,
juries, i " ne~s, poor nutrition, ;md to each . Eithcr produci can be uscd instc:ld of in one d irect ion only.
the work you dt) ;lr..: temporary and alone or unlJ..:r a ba .. e I;oa\ or nail UC sur<, to w.e an emery bO<lrd.
can be relll(!dielJ, pf.)li~h.
imle;ld or a lI1<'tal file, and dnn't
The of an ;l\erag(!, henilhy Cuticle care is an import:lIll part file tno deeply into the corners.
fingernail i~ .. bout I 30th of an of altracti\e. he:llthy nails. Cuticle-\ Thl'n, U\C your cuticle ,>oftene-r.
inch n \\ed. or a full n.. il length arc wpposed to keep 0111 unwanted a!> \\e tal~ed about e:lrlier, ma",ag~
in approximately ~h month,>, If Y(lU dirt and germs; th..:y ,>hould ne\er ing it \\<,11 inlo the cU licie. Whir..., Ihe
arc generally in good phy<,ical c()1Il1i~ hc cut; 10 do ..0 C~)tt1J cow,c injury '>oftener i'> wor~ing, clip and tfcat
tion. any rtaw~ thai may <lppcar in or Ihe loss of an entire nail. l'u,>h ,IllY h:lllgnail".
your nails \\ill probably b(! tellllxlr- your cuticles bac~ \\ith :1 h:rr~dl)th Run :1 v.hitc pencil under the
ary , Small ridg(!'> ami ~poiS often tuwd (If !h~' end of an oran~e\\(xxl nail tip\. and buff thc upper part
~how up in hcalthy per:.ons from '>tic~ wrapped in cotlun. Usc a cuti- of your nail,>. If you li~e the nat~
time to time. General ridging and cle ,oftener (cream or uil) to ~eep ural I(x)~ , your lTlanicur~' i\ COI1l~
wavine'>$ of the nail\ \orncliJ1l(!\ in~ the cuticle pliable and neat \\itI1llIit plcte.
dicates a nutrition:11 problem . A hangnail~ and rough ..:dge,. Apply Ir YOIl poli'h your lIail~. finish
M!VCrc ridge mny be [h..: n::~ult of a the \oftener along the ba~e and your manicur<, wilh one coat nf
serious dis(!a~e which int..:rrujlts the ~idc, of your fingernail,; thcn. mas· ha\e. tWtl coats or polish (apply
growth of Ihe nail<.: \\ hen nail sag..: it in and push hac~ the ,>oftcilcd nai l poli<,h in l>ewrai. smooth, quick
growth is rc)ullled. the ridge be- tiS$ue. Wash with hOI water and s tro~ cs: do the cClller of Ihe nail
comes visible. White spotl!, with soa p :lIId rinse your nail,> thornugh~ first and then the skies), and a lOp

" '!lE W
coon to make your manicure last Slid..:: small item~, like pins :lIld :.\\ ilches.
longl!r. needks. o\l.'r th..:: ,urface of a desk Follow these few words of :Id-
If you have a broken nail, usc a or lable, until they project over the "icc. and 1"11 guarantee you that
nail patch that can be cut to thc edgc. where they may be easi ly your hands and nails will evoke
... hap" you desire and apply it to the grasped. comment!> of praisc.
nail. Then. cover the patch with Usc the knutkli: of your ind ... x Happy Thank~gi\'ing and happy
colorless nail base. If thl' nail is
Inn far ~onc to be p:lIchrd. Iry one
of Ihe pr\!-shaped. pre~s-on n:lils.
1---___________________ ____________ _
fingcr on elevator buttons and light holida}\, /adies.

The) ·f\! made of a sort film that I
won't smother your rcal nails. and
thl!) help shield your 0\\ n nail, :I Fat-Controlled, Low-Cholesterol
whil\! they're growing out. You'll
find Ihc)C artificial nails in all
color<;. too. Recipes
II goe~ without saying that, when
you'r\! working on your nails. you
1'0111:110 Soup
I11I1\t work on your hand:., too.
I un tomllio juju (12 ounces) I tl..,poon chopped Pllr'!IJ"y
After all , when someone is noticing ,~ lellspoon thymi 2 tl •.spoonS co,n 0,1
I small onIon, .,.I"d ~P"'" lind »11 10 IIISI"
ynur nails. he or she will al ..o notice
you r hands. and the skin of o ur Heat the toma\() juice and add Ihe oil and spices. Do not boi l.
hand, receives lOughcr treatment Serve in a cup wilh a thin lemon slice. '1'\\0 servings. Approximately
than the ~kin on any other part of 50 calories per serving.
our bodies. 1"11 also add here Ihat.
a~ lough as our fingernails appear. Herb Ba ked ChickclI
thc)·rc really no match for the I whol" tOlSlln, chicken '" leaSpoon Ihyme
'h I ... sp~on SiJll 4 1;I,blesPOOn' cO,n 0,1
abra~ives, detergents. chemicals. Ii, leUPOQn ,o.srnal')'
COlht:lnl water baths. and everyday ClCiIll chick"11 Ihoroughly and wipe dry. Sprinkle inside with sail.
dirt the) 'rl! exposed 10. roscm.H)'. ami thyme Tic Irgs ;lOr! wing~ to bO(ly. Coat chicken with
U:.c a hand cream or lotion fre- com oil and wrap in foil. Pl ace in shallow b:tking dish nnd bake nt
(]uently and regularly. Lotitln or 350" F. for 45 minutes. Tum down the foil and bake until lender
cream is a must after your hands and golden brown. Four servings, Approximately 190 calories pl!r
have been in water. AIMl :I pply ju~t serving.
bcfofl: you put on your work gloves
and afler you·ve taken them oil It's Sau leed Zucchini
a good idea 10 usc a IOlion that con- 2 pounds zucchinI
wins ~ilieones before starling in on 'I.2: cup co.n oil
.",llc clove,. mlnc"d
''.','J,I, lenpoon Ihyme
t ... spoon peppe'
l"upOon nil
'[Jch jobs as gardening, heavy
hOIl .. ework, working on the car or
Wash zucchini thoroughly. Cut l,4-i nch-lhick slices dbgonally.
:lround any machinery, etc. The Heat corn oi l in large skillet and add renltlining ingred ients. Saute
s ilicones link together to form an mixture until tender. Do nOI overcook. Serve hot. Four servings. Ap-
invi,ihle glove. for protection again\t proximately 95 calories per serv ing.
the dirt and grime that would other-
wise elllocd themselves into your
knuckles or nails. "I, cup v ...alable oil " . h,upu......... I'V«'
" , cup ", ...... o. lemon ju,ee 'i l"aSl>OOn 5·~ •• r
Iry to keep your hands as dry I t ••• poon ••11 " leaspoon papuk.
as po"~ible, ladies. To protcct your Combine ingredients in jar and shake well. Vary seasonings to
hal1l.l, .mel fingernails and to keep (:iste with dry rnu~tard, minced onion, garlic, elc. M:tkes one cup.
lhe manicure looking its bc~t for a<;
long as pmsiblc. usc rubber glove<; UiscuilS
hll \Ji.,hwashillg and all other wct- 2 cum .Utld, ,II pU'POse Ilol,lr 'I, cup ".,el.bll oil
ckaning jobs and wear COllon 3 teaspoons b.k,n, POwd", til cup ,k,m milk
''': leaspoon IlIlt
gJm e, for cleaning chorc\ and P reheat o\l,:r to 475 0 • Sift nour, baking powder, and salt togct he r
garden ing.
I into a mixing bowl. Pour oi l and milk into one measuring cup but
Thc\C other liule hint~ should I do nO! stir. Add all at once to nour mi.~tllre. Stir quickly wilh a fork
hell) keep your hands and fingcr- I until dough clillJPi together. Knead the dough lightly about 10 times.
lIaib in thc pink uf CU1HJitiulI. U'>C I
I I'Jace dough nn a ptece of waxed paper 1~ mches by 16 inches. Pat
:1 pencil or one of the manufactured I dough out tll ;tbml! r 1-inch thicknes~. Cut with unnoured, medium-
dinl rod,. instead of your fingcr- I size cookk cutle r. Placc bi~cuits on ungre:l\Cd cookie sheet and bake
IIIlil,. when dinling Ihe telephone. I for 12·15 minutes. Makes 12 bbcuit:..
US\., Ihe cushions of your fingers I
I ___ _
when you pick things up.

local lilies
Completion Ceremony Held; Local , Graduation
69 Graduat es Are Honored
LU. I, ST. I.OU 'S, \lO.-Grccliol!~ 10
Ollr ~I~[cr 1{~;II~ from 1 0..;:11 r
On !)cplcmnef 171 h, 69 of our apprcn-
tk.,s \I,ne !;r;'UU"h,-\t ,md bcC:Ullc JOur-
nc~m cn. I he> ;lre I', kc B. Barl'clt. Jr.,
I{II ~scll I . Ila}'a, DllIl S I:l ~ A . Ikavcr.
Jury Bcdcnnal1n. " hom;l~ A. Ikmscn.
I{a ymond W. Hue...:. John G . IJollc. I d·
\\<inl .. . Bo}u, ( ' ;IT) J, Bro;uJwalcr.
rhOn1OlS I . Burn" Jr" ) :11111.') J. Byrnes.
Richard I. Caml'hcll, " ermelh ;\1.
Cooper. John \Y, I).I\I~. ROl1al d 1-, Dr-
1!1 ;1 ~i. Stephen 1 . DlI v:.I.l'auri" n.
hmc~ I ader. Jon 1'. J-rkdrkh, Don·
;. Id Ie Gnrri'>On. \\ illi:lm I . (,ibbon~.
Jr .. Jamc.') \1. (.len. "cvin A. (jralza.
I -d .... in I (;rec\c" Ri.h,mJ \I Gregory.
Willi;tm J . GrolO.1.'. 1'.1111 D . /I ,Ll .... c. An- Highlights from Local 3
lhon) 1'. II ccl1C). !-led L. Heider, WOjI·
ler J. Helm,. Roben I . 1I0ffmci'le:r, M i·
c h:lc:I J . 1I0me:wOOlI, I ;lrl G II nrt. J r ..
Larry II. Johnson. O.\Vi,J E. K:llioo"ski,
Ro na ld h., Char1e) R h. ruse.
Robert fool. Kruse, Robert M . I indo,cy.
'1homa, II l ogan.
Jo hn I . 'l o lly. J r .. J mHnie G. Mo n·
IlIig nc. Wilh ,lIn I . Mo rri s. Arthur W.
i\ fuo.:gge. l errence O . " ' urp h ). Ihom:15
A. Obcrhccl.. I horn:l\ 1. I'cn i\lon. C. Some 01 the gradulI"na IIpp.ent.ces and
I imOlhy Quinn. A. (jary Rc:hm, Ste\'c the" gUest5 al Ihe graduatIOn d,nne'
C. RO:lch, I hom;l~ O. R O'>~, J r, Ra)·

mond I'. Rue>c, Lecroy L. S:muel, Jo h n
J. Schnahlc, UI}s,e~ Sl"an n. Mil' had I' .
Su!wan. Will:1I'\1 W. Slov:III, Kal'l E.
$II'cdfll'S. Ric hard I'. S"c~ncy, l :l me s Buslnns Manuae. Thomas Van A.5dale.
B. Sweet Ill. Iknni~ I , 'I c nd id. Charle~ Loclil 3. New Yo,k City, lett. and P'",.denl
E. Th ar p, etwrles II I homson , 'I hom:' 5 EdwII'd J, Clel'~, fi,hl. I .. see" w,'h New
K. 'I iI/m an. I rank Ulr ic h. Wilham G , Yo.k Slate I"dull".1 Commossioneo Lo"'s
La~",e al a mammoth rallr hono"n, Lev,ne
Weber. Gary C Werner. leOtI Wil!lOn. lor h" HfVlce to the WO'~"'8 mlln and
and Gordon D Wril>hl. woman In the Illi te ,
We ;111 1001. for\Oo,ml, e\,ct'y }e:lr, to
Ihi s evenins. "hich " II mile,tone in nte~. who loiled, wilh their hLl~hal1<k tl)
InternatIonal V"e Presidenl Gllmly ad
these )ollnl> men') li\'e\, '1he) ha\e de· dre5$es the IIraduales To the lell. IS Dille Hlhic\c Ihj~ co\eted goal.
\otw four )c:t() to IC;lrn their trade and Mou lder. ViCe Presidenl 01 1M N(CA Chap- '1he elcltion i" onl) ,I.,)'~ ;o".l~ \0110
to be called journe)men, '1he apprcntice· ter 10 the fI,hl. BUI.nen Manace, and (Of'lahar.
Il0l\'5 , Roy Sa<;h,...
,hip progr:lm is ge"red for g,OOO hour). J \MI~ R G~M\CIII, I'.!o.
Of this time:. IHm hours of rcl:lIed in. , hould he "ell please,1 "ith Ihe l;lliher
siruetion incl ude ph >,ics: lIl,Lth : funda· of gr.lduates. ami "c ,hould :III Ih;lnk
menl:, ls of cleclridt): mech;,nkal dno" · Ih eSt: "\0 It..ol hcrs for Iheir ,lcdil;,tion
Canad ian Business Managers
ing: residenlia l. c0f11nu:rci:l l. :LIId llnu unsclfish gh·ing of them'>C"c ~ 10 Visi t Bayberry;
induslrial hl ueprilll re;lding; 1l\;llcri:l ls c~ery appremice. We llrc gr;.lcfu1. 100. V.P. Pate Speaks
a nd their u'>Cs; Ihe National I leelrical to Brol he rs Andy Fahrcnl..og. I mnl In·
Code; job managemenl; and electronics. t:lgliala. Roy Sachse. and Jame, \\ heeler 1,. 1 , J. 'IE \\ 'O KK , 'I, " .- Arrh illg ill
Our journe)men :Ire ~s \Ooell tr:lined in of Ih e Joinl Appremkcship :Hld I raining New Yorl on September 91h. bu,ine'\
the ekeu ical mdu,lry u, :1II)'Olle in Ihc Commi!!ce. m,1Il11J,lcr\ from 24 CU !l;.di,m loe'lls ~pcnt
world. Our Apprentice I r;,ining Ce nte r lJusincss 1\I :. nager S"dl')C "H~ 1ll,I\\er Ihe following wcd <I t l ocal )'s re,iden·
is a p rototY llC Ih"l h:" been vi,ile d hy of ce rcm onie~. nnd , llgain, Imern;,tiomd li:ll edllc:llion,11 cen ter. 1~:l ybcrry 1 ;1111.1.
cd ucalors from a ll over Ihe "arId , Scc- Vice " re,iucnt Robert K. Gar";ty \\:I~ parlieipatinl; III a COUr<iC on Crnic,,1
re: laf)'· Diree tor Mic h.lel S. Ciihbon' lmd Ihe p rincipal ~pe:ll er. IJLI\ine~.. \I ,tn:lgcr I hmlin g.
A ~ist:ln . /) irector W ill i;,m A . T ule, J r. S;u;hse Ihanl.ed the" he .. of the I>r:lllu· rhe) represented W EW mcrnlx-r~ \\ho

" IS EW Jo .. 'nol
wor ~ al ull ph:tscs of Ihe e]ec tricll l in- New Building Und er Way; Long Island Officers
dustry. from tile Mariti me Provinces ill
Fasterll Canada to British Columbiu in
Support for Bill Urged r
the Far West. Because of the \a5tncss of I..U. 2-', " " t T I\IORE. I\1I). -B)' the
Vice I' reside nt Ladyman's m EW d istrict. time Ihis art ide appear-... in Ihe JOllrnal.
Ihree progress mee tin gs have to be held th c con'itl"llction of our new building
yearly. olle eac h in the euSle rn. eentr:, l. , hould be under way. I he Buildi ng
and I'.esterns P.'HIS of C;.nadu: therefore. Conll1lillee has Ixen \Ooor~ing diligen tl y
some of Ihe bu~inc!iS managers met eac h on thi~ pro)Cct. "nd the huildine .... ("
other for Ihe first time at UJyberr) h;l\e beell loo~ing ror .... ard \0 h no
Land. 10nJ,!~r:l dr~ .. m. We .... i11 h,{\e a progre~~
While here. they vi,ilcd Local 3 head- report ;lIId pklUre, ilt ;1 titer datc.
quarter<!: Ihe I Icc tchcsler Coorerilli'~ I .... ;~h elcr)one \Ooould 1,,~e lillie 0111
H ou~i ng; the Eleclric:l] Ind ustry (enter, -ju~1 a fc .... lIlinule-.-lo ..... rile to hi~
.... hich houses the Joint InduSlr) Ito ......h: ~n;ltors :lnd lon!;rc~~mllll, ur!;i ng Ihem
our med ical and dcntu l departmcn": and 10 \upporl the lI ur~c- II :1rtlc IJil I whic h
,\\Ir rel;lI lar mOlllhly Illcetilll;. On the limit~ Ihe importinll of ];ooch from for· The offic.... 01 Local 25, Long Island. NY .•
final day of their \i)it, Allan Schroc:der. ei£n coulltries and the e,portin!; of jok. lelt to riahl, I •• Joseph F. Reilly. Jr .. Tr.ll·
LIIl.. dl'ln Labor Atlathc to the Ullitcd ur.'; £. BUSiness M.n
III fi\e ye .. rs. more Ihan 900.000 johs _g.r, Ever.1I W Lehmann, Prelodent: JI"'.'
St:lIes, "'as a dinner gue~t and ~pea~er. ha\e \ani\hed. due to imrort~. '1 he SilU' Cramer. Vleo P,e~rdont: J;>mc,. H. N.u.
A~ p:.n of mlr progra m to h:we the IItion is gellin!; wor~ evcry day. In meye r. F,naneial Secrelary; and (uaene
PHI. for Ihe fir,1 lime sillce H11I8, .... e Parrington. ReCOrding Secre lary.
ran ~ ·nnd-lilc me mbers llIeel our Inlern;!-
\ion .. 1 omcers.. Vice I'resident J . B I';\tc h;l;] a h"lance of 11";ldc dclidt of S2-bi l-
of the rifth District allend(:d our rcl;u- lion. We imported S::!-t>iIIioll more ill
lar monlhl) meetillg 0 11 September I-'th. goolh than M' c\ported 1 he proj,/:Cled
Vke President 1'.lIe .... as inili.. led into deficil for 197::! i~ Sj.j-hillioll. alld l' res-
Local 1196 in 193j ,I nd subsequently ident Nixon i~ mn~ing no re;11 etfort \0
M:f\'e;] :., presidenl. record ing sccretar). clo'>!; the loophole~ on forcilln tall credo
,lIld flll;lIlr:iill secrelliry. its.
III 19-'2. he trunsferred his mcnlber- Becau-.e of the loopholes in our ta:.:
hip to I (Kal 1316, .... hcre he \\,I~ hu,i- \),11'111. 111 prr cent of Ihe corporations
lIe\S m:llla£er unti l 1')j3, whe n he .... ;IS p;lid no federa l tu\cs, .... hi le the ;l\eruse.
appointed In te m ational Represcnt<l ti\e. middle Amerk;ln fumil) p;lid 20 per
~·cnl of its income in fedcr:t l ta\~s.
A~ Internalional Vice I·resident. The b.e"tt.... Board. lelt to ,ighl. Anthony
Itcmembcr 10 IO<.I~ for Ullioll-Illude, UeMlYO. U..nlrd Met.;lvanlgn. VICI .... nl·
Brother P:lle has 1411 loca l ~ in live stlltes
Amerk,lII good' .... hCIl )OU hu)'. The job dent Grim ••. Walle. LIPuma. Paut R. llr·
under hi~ jurisdit:tion Vice I're,ident len. and W,lier Skretch.
)·011 ,;IIC may be your o ..... n.
I'ate e~plilined Ihal four of the fi\e
"late' t:omprisinJ: the Fifth Di,trict. I he officers :Ind members than~ Ihe
(j~'()rl;ia. Horidll. Alal-ama. and ~­ 111<.:<11 :-' SOllhall te;lm tor the Ime JOb It
~ippi. ha\c strong :lIId stringent Righl-
did rcprC'>i'nting lhe !lx;.!1 The te,m,
to-Wor~ La .... ~: 0111) in Louisi:lna doe~
\\on the Ibltililorc Butl;]in!; TTiI;]cs'
lahor have Ihe lel;:,1 rig ht to nel:0ti"tl' I e:.gue champion, hip and c;.me in ~c·
agreeme ntS whieh Sivc ils members joh ond in the 1111 W r ourn:llnenl held in
')C:curit) Lon!; Isla lid. Ntl'. Yor~. J hall~s. fcl-
10.... S. for a joh .... ell done.
I'ollo ...';ng Ihe meeting. a reception
Remember to go oul amJ \ote on 1'-0-
.... a' heM. :lnd Vice I'residellt T';ltc met
\emtJcr 7\h for 1;lbor\ friend\. I-~amine
and 1;II~ed person;.l1y wilh man} l oc;.1
the r~cords of the ~"ndi\I;.le~. espedl]])
3 mcmhcrs. Ilm<,c in the tonllre~~ioI1;l1 r:.ces. I hen,
I h(l!!"'lIId ~ IIf I nea l 1 and nlher Th .. r."m,ning Rn~"l Lett In rililht. Georle
mOilc yuur d.vkc. but .,lc.l.)<; Jv }v,u Martin. Douglas A. JIgg.'. Donald K•• lln.
union members a nd emplo)ees filled the ;]UI) and \ote. Richard Kloudl, and Thomas G. Cornell.
hllge 111;111 of Ollr eooperati\·e hou~ing lJe ,III acthe union mClllber :lnd at·
de\dopmenl. 1' 1c~I~he~ler, at a mam· len;] )our I11cetin£\. Rt'member, he opened from 3:30 10 9:00 1'.\1 .. in
mOl h rail)' to hOllor New Yor~ Slate In- order to allo .... ollr memix-rs to \ote.
unioll. bUl union.
;]u,lrial Commi~sioner Loui\ Le\ inc. The teller.. h;)d I() \otinll machinc\ loCI
lI ighlighlinl; Ihe C\ellt. 1\:15 the pre<,Cnta- FD\\ \RD R. L "lOS, I>.S.
up. \1cmbers .... ho \olcd included those
lion o f a 1)istill!;u i,hed Service PI:'qlle in hnn<.i' "iring nelln ~i~n. pump lind
10 CommissiOller l.c~ine by n u~ine,s Long Island Local 25 Inn~. p l ~nt nwil1lcnan~e. and "A" con·
~ l n n;l!;er Thoma~ Villi Ar.$(l:lle nll d .. d- ~truction. A li!.!urc of u\cr 1500 Brolh-
;]re~~ hy GO\ernor Ne l<;()n Rod.efeller.
Gives Election Results
cr-... \oting \Ooa, ghen.
Intern;llional Trea~urer lI arr)' \:111 ,,,- LL. 25. I O'G lSI \ ' U. i' , V.-·l hi, Th ... n:~ults of the 'oling urc r\erctt
dale. President Fd\Oo.lrd ete.. r). and .... ;1\ekction )e,lr for our local. I he w, l..chm;mn. l're~iuellt. James Gramer,
olher .:il) labor leaders :tnu go\Crnrnent nomin:Olion of l·andidale, for omee .... :.~ Vice ]>re,ident: Rkh:lfd R. Segall, Re·
oflki;ll~ who huu..led Ihe ac hievement' of held at Ihe regu lnr union medin£ III "oruin!; Secretar), (re\i£ned I;.ter :In;]
Com'lli"iOller " 'vinl' Inh-rnatioll;11 \111). ,001J the nOlllin.1lion, included two I'.;!.!i rcpl,lce;] h) I u!;enc I'arrington}:
Tre;.,urer Van Ar<;(l;tle explailled Ih;ll for president. 1\\0 rot ,·ke president. 1.... 0 hmn II Ncumc)cr. I-inancial Seere-
Mr. I.e\ine i~ Ihe fint man from the for recordin£ '>Ccrel;!r). three fot t>u,i· 1;lr): JO"ICph 1 _ lI.eilh, Jr .. Trea\urc:r;
ranls of labor to be IIFrainted to hh lIe~~ lIl,mager. one for fin:.ncial 'iCcre- anll Jo-.cph E. Ca\.1II:1Ilh, Bu~ine\s l\1nn·
pos.tl0n. 1;lr)". onc lor tre,,,lIrcr. III for the I \ec' ageL
Imme;]i,llely folluwinll the nlll),. I. re- utile lIo:trd, ;Ind I' for the F\amininll The I ~ecUlhc Hoar;] memocn .... ho
ception \Ioas held in the auditorium of I~o;.nl . .... on election arc Anthony Oe ll.1:.)O,
Ihe Uectria l In.. hl,tr), Cenler, "hcre l)oo~l;] O:lile) .... :I~ eleoo:d 10 sene 11\ Paul R. l arsen. W:llter Li PUma. Alell
\ Ir. l evine per<;OlIally greeled m,lII) judse. and 2t1 tellers .... ere elected 10 :IS- \I arlin. 1-"red i-.erll<i trc~igned to becomc
Loca l ) members. ,,,Ihim. t>u~ine~~ repre'>Clltative: replaced by Wa l-
TIIO~ I AS VAN ARSI)\t l . B. ~ 1. On J une I ~Ih, our union h,,11 ...... , tcr SI; retch), and Eugene Parrinllton

Nov.mlter, 19 72
(replaced on bo;lrd by Ifernard Me- Annual Clambak e S'ag Ouring
Cavan!lsh ).
! he E)(amining Uo.1rd members arc
Thomas G. Cornell. Dougla~ /I.. Jagger.
Donald Keelan. R i~hard .... Iouda. and
(,eorgc Marlin.
We wi.<.h the ne",I)-ekded officers the
be~t of health and ,\ lery \ucee"sful
ternl 10 office. The: term of office is now
Ihrce }e;lr~.
HOR (iOM"", 1'5
The clam 5t"nd " 11>11 Annual SUg Ouhnl
hetd by Local 41. B"I1"IO. N.Y.
Two Broth ers Mourned ;
Election Results Give n
I..U. 32. 1.1\1 \ . (}JIlO \\ nh deep re-
grel, we reporl Ih;1I 11'0 o f our Brother\
ha,e recently --crm~d Iha t hourne from Takong In the lutivlllH 0 1 the Annual Clam
H bake 0 ' \.<H::al 36. Northampton. Man. a.e.
"'hkh no Ir;I"eler reHirnclh le ft to righi, Bob McGrl w. B" 51neSS Min
Mcrrill M,ll in p.1,~d .I"':J) on Augu'l 118er of Ihe ee.pen le.s locII; Ceo •• e
Illh. llO t! Roy Cnmphcll on A118u~t O'S.len. Local 36 BuSIness Menllger; Red
191h. We c~tcnd our Ilec(X'\1 ,}mpal hics Letoy, Presldenl, Local 256, Fllchbu'II,
Mau.; Don Soule. BU51neu Manager, Loc. I
to th e families lInd fl iend' of the~ t"O 284. P'Usl;etd, Min., and Alan .... ostlnl,
dcparted I~rolher~. JATC member of Local 284
Our elec tion on June 19t h hrought
forth Ihe folio" ing re~u lt ~: President
Fran l. Schroll:, Vice " re,ilkn! William
'!c Kn is ht (inl.'umhc nl ). Rccordi ng Sec·
retary Fllrl Ch;lndler. ' re;"ure r I'd",:ml
" enn, ;md Bu~ine~\ \ 1,1Il;1{,,'<!r- l-in;meial
Secretary James I.allrencc lincunlbent.
fou rth tl.'rm),
J ame~ Lallrc nce is Ihe trU\lee for
/l c.l1th ,I nt! Welfllre. I he ' .'(e,'uli,e
Board cOII~i~t~ of /l ei bert Slric\d;md (in'
eurnbcnt), J:lmes Bowghm;on. Ned Ben-
ham finCUlllhcnt) . !',ull 1 1ey (incu m'
he lll ). and Donald Ci',lnt,
., hc I n~ide EA,lmi llll1g llo;lrd i~ made Some 0 1 Ih" .eli,ed B.othe.s who "ten~
up of Da"id Ri wr. \li, h" eI Bodey. tha cl.mbake. Left 10 . llht, Rene Bouche ••
John \l ei oughlin. Vernon Sun\JerhLOd. lnitoa led in t937, S tanley Whilelock, 1937;
Ceor.e Lall ey. Sr .• 1923; and Rocha.d M"'o,
!lnd B,'Try i-IlId, I he Qllhide Fxamin· 1924
LOg Uo;,rd's memhcn :tre Leonard
Ho)er. Fn'd (jrae\\le, I dwJrd l ane.
I mnl. Nu~bllum, 'I ml I rl.',1 Wolt/,
After a ~ery <.:ordi al and ga l;1 dinner-
.Iancc, held on June IIIth. our loc!!1
,tarled planning for it~ 73t h Annher_
~Iry. to be ce1cbnul.'d during Ihe coming
)ear, We hopc 10 nMl.e this -- I he Ce1c-
t>r;lt ion of Cc1cbrallon~." The CO PE commi" •• WIS on hand too.
ReleVant to the pre\idenlial election
011 NOlember 7th. I c,lrne~t l y urgc <Ill
uOloni~ts to ponder ...:rioll\ly theo;e I<lst V"ri ed Activities Kee p
four )ears of Ni~oni,m, IIhi,h h,IIC Buffalo Members Busy
been anti- labor lind IIhi,'h ha\e brousht
massi\'c uncmp lo)nJent. ~piralling infta· L.U. ·u . II UfFA LO. " . \'.- \I any inler-
tion. c~orhil;lnt 1",(<;. elel;tted intere~t Lah 10 "8ht.. Moe T.bac.zynsh who ran Ihe e-'tin8 e\'ems transpire-d during the ~um '
rates. and a <;tl:ret pc.ICC pl.1II 100 scnet hOBHnoe 1O<J.n"me"I, and DIck Boud •• au, mer. We had a \ery spirited election III
10 reH!al.
... no netd h.m up 10. IhOS poetu.e. June: the ",inners of that election lIere
Also give thou}!ht to thc fact Ihat Imlallet.l in J ul)'. and "c held our An·
{1.lmrole was held ;tt ('O\JIure~ Gro\e nU'1 1 SI"S Outing in August. " he nell
four )cars are olt'r one-tenth of the: a'-
in 1I 01~0I.e. Ma~lehll..clh, lIilh JI'pro\i· cl;I\\ of ;Ipprentil:c) \00;0\ al'iO seJcded in
erage "orling m'III·~ tot;\1 "'01"
,",lleI) 80 members ;Ind gue\'s in JIII.·nd- Augus,1.
)ears. Fight )e:lr~ are oler one-fift h of
the-.c import'lnt le"r\. Do )OLl re;IIl)' ,trICe A\ a result of oftil:cr\' relirin}! .ifill
want thal1 '! hinl. ,trout it! I e\ your I he horsc~hoe tournament ""5 \\on others' 1c:l\ing oftice because of ilIne".
I:on'>i:ie nl'e he )our guide. "y Brothers lI o\\ard Oon'll. and Alm;md the e\cclion 11,1$ leT) dow and exciting
QlIcnne"ille. 1\11 of the e:lIldid,ttes lIorl.ed \'cry h,t!'J:
(j~MMll l' M . IJM liLI IM , JM" I'.s. rhe biggesl e,ent of the d"y O<:l:urrcd some of the re~uh~ ,,-ere ~urplI~III".
\Iohcn onc of the more-quiel ;"tnd lIith- After tcn\C momenh of :tI\iliting, the
80 Members Guests dnn"1 Brothers in the 101::11 promi.\.C11 to fill'" tally lIa~ taken, lind eongTnlulmion\
wa ll. :!eross the pond heforc dark. I were offered 10 I' re ~ide nt Joseph C,lnniz-
Attend Annu,,1 C lamb"ke don't ~now if he IIwde II; J h,l\cn't \Cell laro: Vice !'resi dent Va lent ine ~ l a1i·
I..U. 36. NO ln 11 ,\ ,\ 11'1 0"11 . \lASS.- him since. Ilow~ ki : Record ing Secrelary Th eodof~
On Septcmher \)Ih, the Annual l ocal 36 N OIIM ~N G, A .... /.01 ~" I'.S, lI,w lIsik ; I'inll ndul Secretary Wil liam

tBEW Jou",ol
Dru ler: Business Mana ger. T rea, urer. Portland Personalities
and Delega te to the International Co n·
\'cnlion Ra)'mond Schlemmer; rxcelllivc
1J0ard me mbers Donil ld Banks. Daniel
U u~owski. Wil bu r HolTman. Willi;I01
Mar itmccio. William McCa nh y. H ori;1O
1':lwel ~ U. l.nd Melbourne Rice: 1-,:0.1' 0110.
ing Board members I'_ugene B achO\\~I.i .
Ken net h Did. AnI/clue Don .. hue. 1-r:1O'
ci~ l ord. li nd I-"r:tnk lin Schafer: and Del·
~lolutC) to thc International Convenlion
Fu{!enc Ullc ho\\-\ J. i. Joseph CanniUHro.
WilIi;!m Drulcr, William M.lrin;u.;cio.
and Melbourne Rice.
'1he oath of ollke was adminl\ler;:d
by Ikr! "Curle)"' f SJ;leSlOn. a nd II boun·
tiful ba nquet follo\\ed the ceremony.
When . he new class of :lppren1ice~
W:I' ..elected. :t \ery difficult lind tedious
tll~1. came to :In end. r he Appren!JCc'
ship COlnmiuce had 10 select 20 SUI·
dent ~ from :tlrll0~t 600 applicants. 1 he
V:ISI nHojorit ) of Ihese were hi ghl y '1u"li·
Th .. M.. trn ~J'll'IrkIlY's, th lt c hampionship soflball tum O. Loc~1 48. Portl and. Ore. First row,
fled. Ihus m:lking Ihe ~e} n even lelt 10 righi , M I ~e HOUCk. Tom Siel, Bill PiCkard . Dou8 Rh~r. Ch uck Mell"n, and Sieve
more dinicuh. lIa.s orf for" joh \\ell Newman. Second rOw, Jim Houck. Norm Keisl". [rn,e Fumen. Phil NorSl rom. Run
JOrM! to the committee, especiall) to Reed. Olck Dwyre. end Larry Mill"
h;IflJ·\\orl.ins "'Pete" Rice. Secretary of
tlte JI -AC.
rhe AnnU ll l Stag Outing \\as held.
lmd once agnin •• he Picnic Commiuee,
headed by VHI M "li no" s ~i. did a n excel·
lent Joh. Food lind refrl!shmenh wcre of
their u\ll:Il. high c:.liher, :lOd the games
and eve nl \ or Ihe day "cre mort tAcit·
ing Ihnn evcr, I\n ~one missing the oUI·
int: in .he I II~I (('w yl'ar~ shott ld Iry ILl
make it ne~t ye;lr. New ideal> afe hcing
introduced. and fIlan~ surprises nrc III
,lore. Try ;t: )011 '11 like it!
'1 his fall has a 101 of :lctivit\ for u~.
lIe,ujing the Iht b Ihe 75th Anniler"'lry
Banquet at Ihe lIearthstone Munor, Local 48 Pr esiden t Ed Ba 'n " appe,n;
Depe\\ . New York. on Octoher 21->t We pleased. as he unw raps a silver plll1er pre-
Oavld Sp,&eher. Local 48 member. is tha
senl~ 10 hIm in hono. 0 1 hIs blflhd., duro
hll\e h:.d the '>tnTl of <'chool and Ihe rc· WInne. O. Ihe Nonlll Annual Si a le Conlest
Ing 11>11 IOC:oI'~ Annu:ol PICruC,
,ump.ion of OUf Jou rne\ fIlan j-dUl;.tion 10' IMIde EleclrlCal App.enllces. Spreclle. '.
Ihe hrsl WInner 01 11>11 Sian Adams Memo-
Program. New courses arc bein/! olTered. "al Aw •• d, whIch 01 n~mad in memory of
:lnd wilh Ihe i ndu ,tr)'~ hecomi ng morc Ille Portllnd a lactrical conl,aelo, who was I
eompelilile. "I) uq:;e everyonc 1U p;I!'lki. 10 "11 t lma member 0 1 Iha JATe.
N I'('A. Ihrough Ihe /-OldlO T fllining
Qctoher is Ihe monlh during "hich
T rll,l.
our 1lI00d Donor I>rogram must mee t ;ts
'I he pl,,)ers ;Ire journeymen lind ap--
quotll. Chairman Val \lal ino"~I.i a~~!>
prentkc~; thcI aOO thcir coac h are to he
that \\e all get do"n to Ihc Red Cnll>I>
commended for Iheir cfTorh in huilding
(enter l ind gilt blood. \I emhe,", may
a team of "hieh \\ e arc all proud.
I>ring Iheir wive) and others 10 don"te,
Inc ce is open eVer} I"ucsda) ele' \\1111.\" I . A'tJI R':.U .... " .S.
EliG I ~L "('HOII."' B \CIIOV.S M , 1'.5. Work Pace Maintained;
Voting Duty Stressed
Local Holds Annual Picnic; Clyde EnK ploced th ird In Ihll .llte conlest L.U. 5 1, SI'H IN(;F IE1. J), ILL.-Con.
for inSide elac'"cal ~pp'ln!lCIt._ ~lIl1clion ~olllinlle, .11 It fl. ir pliCC. wi.h
President's Day Noted
Ollf co n,Iruc.ion me m hcr~ being kept
I ..U. -It!. l'O tHtA '0. O IU:.- Our 10000ai not seem lilc much to mlhl people. but "orkin/:: mO.1 of Ihe !Jme.
membcr. a nd their familics enJO)cd OUf II is notc"orlh) here in the ntin} North· '1hing' lire nC;lr nornJ;t1 "it h our uti l·
Ann",,} Picnic. held on AnguM l'Jth :.1 west. il) members. mdlldiug Ihe griev.IIIl,,.,,
Mch ·er I'arl.. ncar ht:.cada, Oregon. One o f the hillh}illhl~ o f Ihe picnic "hidl :Ire .. p.lrt of :t ll contracts. I he
II rOlhzr Hoh BJur a nd hi~ I'll'ni..: "a5 the prc)I;!nt;lIion of ;. ,i"er pl:tttcr eontroh "hieh h.I'e hc:en impo!roCd I>y
('Olllmince arc to be complimented for to I're~ident I d i:h rncs m honor of his Ihe FO\ernmen. do httlt' to help the
the tine ~h the) 1J1f.! III gelling it all or· birthda). "orle ...... and il hclOme\ more ;lIld more
1:;lni/.cd, I'icnic lum:hllS o n the gr;t\\. re· The I.oc;al 411 -.oftb;11I ''''''01. tke Metro ;IPparent thai Ihey :Ire desiFned \0 help
fre'hm ems. games, prize dra" ing'- Sp;trJ. ey'". did it all;li n. l ur the :.c~ond prohl' ;lIId hig hlhlll':,", 1";lth.:r Ihan Ihe
th O'>C are Ihe Ihin g~ n pienic is rmnle of year in H row, it "on Ihe d1:. lllpion~hi p pcopl.:,
.Itld Ille Ihill g~ everyo ne seems 10 enJo) . of its leullue; .hi, ye:tr .• he leli Ul also Shorll) uflel' this I.: u ~r hilS been pu h
I he "emhernllLII even eoopcr:l led :lnd won Ihe cil)' eh:lmpionship. r he le:UIl is li~hed, it "ill be l' lecl;oll Day. II is 10
provided a nicc. sunil)' da y. '1 his llIay jointly spon~red by our loe:11 (illd he ho ped that :011 union members lire

Nov .... b .., 19/2 33

reg islereu to \ole nnu thlll they will
vOle. It is understandable Ih:1I Ihe ennd i-
uales for Presiueni (rom the IWO major
pan ics lea\-e much 10 be de.sired, as far
as 1:lbor is concerned. T hiJ. does not
me:ln. however. IhOit rhis c:ln be uscu as
- ...... Local 53 Picnic 10
We h:l\e graduated nine :Ipprenl iees
journc) me n o\er rhe past ninc
mo nths. '01 ilh about ninc more 10 gradu·
ate by ne\ t spring. AI this raIl.'. \\e arc:
going ro h;II'e to rec rui l -.orne more. We
li~c 10 Ihi nk th:1\ we h~\e one of Ihe
a n c.~cu'ic for nOI ~oting. heller ",",prentice programs and Ih;1\ it
No I' re~idenl c:ln make nmjor changes IlIros oul ,{)(II.!. qua Iii} linemen. Of
\l,ilhoul lhe .lpprO\;J1 of Congress. In I:OUI"Se. Ihe instruclor. Brolher ,\Ia~
Ihis ell'I;lIon. more Ih.ln in :Iny in a long Wil~inson. probabl) has a lot to do wilh
lime. it h.!comcs npp:lrenl rh,11. if orga- Ihar.
nized Inbor doc~ not \ote for i l ~ friends AI thc time or Ihis writi ng. \\C :Ire in
in order 10 defeat ir~ e nernll:~. the .... or~­ the flood \Iage. As all of }OU h,l\e read.
ing people .... ill fi nd Ihe) :Ire gelling rhe we arc h,l\i ng plenty of rilin Oler our
shorl end of rhe Mid more and 1I10re. \Iate anu quire a lot of flooding. A~ of
It is hard to under~land Ihe alliruuc ThIS I"G. ,un al 11>0 ,,"cent picnic hlld by )<."1. i($ 100 carl} 10 a~se~s the damage
of some membeN of union\. who :.eem Local 53. Kansas C.,y. MG .. COMi,l. of, Ilfl accuratel) ~one or our members has
ro Jx-lic\e thnr it is u n nece~sary for Ie> "Sh!• •etlree J. Harvey Wlllon, John been in~ohetlrh:rt we kno .... of.
them ro do ' ln ything ro prOIC('1 the gains SmlH•. Bnd Executive BOI.d Chl!.",an Leo
Hoyle. AIr·e:rdy. fa ll j~ here: I jll~1 don'l
tha t hHve been rnllue over rhe yen rs 10 !. now .... here the yc:rr hn~ gone. Seems as
sec thltl wor"er~ li re givcn a ('Iir rcru rn if il were only resterllay I h ~, t the Demo-
on the resu hs of thcir \\ork_ I hOM: \\ho crats \\ere sure I-I um phre) \l,t!\ going 10
are dedicated 10 the elinunalion of un· be Ihe cllndid:llc. Vcr) , horH}. \\e ge t to
io ns as nn ctrecti~e force in hel ping thc \'ote for Geor!;e or Die!. . T he Ihought of
wor),. c r~ Me simply awaiting Ihe proper Nixon for ilnOl her four }i.':rr, a l ll1~t
lime 10 do 'o. ma),.i.'~ me ill. Maybe I don'r like every·
If :m anti·union President is elected. rhing the other c:tnllid;tle is promIsing.
a long wilh a n anti-union Congre\s. )OU hut he is sliII beller rhan Die),. and
can be sure il '01 III mea n 1I0thing but Spiro
trouble for all \l,or),.((s. Onl) union Le(s gel )Orne good scn.. to~ a nd rep-
members with Iheir \'ores can !.eep Ihis re~nlatiles inlO office a ny .... a). In that
from happening. I he :.n\wer :II\I, a)s is \I,:IY, perhaps we can ),.e<:p Dk !. in line
" Hclp your fricnd~ (lnll defeal )our enc:- II· he lIocs wi n.
lilies." Local 53 members and the" ' Im,"11 enjoy
11'1" picnic. meal. On reading Ihe hll/rIIlIl. I nole thaI
lie \ure )OU \Ole. 01lC' 1.-01e can ma!.e mOSt of the press 'lCCrel:lries arc con-
a diffuenee. VOle. cerned about lhe eleclion. Lc(~ hope
O. I-I. '" RAY, P.S. Ihat Ihe meS)3ge has gOllen 1Icro~~. We'lI
know soon.
Area W ork Is Good ;
Contracts Are Settled 75th Anniversary Noted
l.u. 53, t.::ANSAS C ITY, l\IO.-Since With Dinne r·Dan ce
last mom h. nll or our Slrikes have been
scil led, lind e-\cr)'onc is worki ng. So, L.U. 56, ERm, I''\.-On ~ I nrch 24,
ha ppi ly. I can allai n re port goou wor k IH97. Ihe III FW preM: nled Lo.-::ll 56 II--ilh
a nd u nccd for mol'C linemen. i l ~ ch:rrler. signed by 20 membeT\. To
We h:rve mct With Ihe com nrclors on celebrale Ihc :rnniver!>llry of thh great
our comtTllclion conlraCI. :rnd .... c have ()ec:"ion. lI u,i ncss ,\I amll!'er F. J . Sinnoll
alre'ld y reac hell li n agreemenl. Our con- arranged to ha\e our 7!ilh Annile!";ll!"),
Ir;rct.s :Ire :.ellled, pending n lliticntion. Dinner·l),mce on Seplemhcr 3(l1 h :II Ihc
7em Zell1 Mll'q ue in Erie.
Evef)'one seemed 10 have II greill time
A~ \\c look back OI'Cf th.' }ear, our
at our loca l picnic. I here wns a Iurnout
of :lboU! 150 people. I he rcfre~hments loca l h:l\ been in e~i~tencc. \\1.' 'oCe the
urrhed in lime. Ih,IIl~~ 10 the H ow Line progrc\s nmlle in Ollr field :_nll the chal-
lenge~ Ihe futllre le1l\e .. for us. The need
Comp,IIlY and I rme l'el1 il 1 10'01 Line
furn i,hed Ihe IftK!.. ;lnll I-mie rurnished for rurlhc.'r education eonlinuc~ to gro\\,
Ihe lIriving. even :.fler "e complele our apprentke
Th" ehild.en enjoy Ihe eames. Ilrogfal1l\. Jou rneymen who do 11111 ta),.e
"fler d inner. there were g,Hlles for
advantagc or Iraining rrograrn~ ;ore not
bot h }oung ll nd old. While ..orne of the
men enJO~ed hor ..... \hoc~. l»hen enter-
Non-Union C ontractors prep:!ring rhemsch'C\ to meet Ihh chal-
Taking Local W ork lenge. I r.!u~ation in our IidJ h a \cT)'
Ir.. incll rhe children with ~IKh gamcs u~
imporlnnt p;Jrt or rhe lrade.
three-legged racc'!. \olle)nall. basehall.
L.U. 55. DES '101:"E5 . I \ .-Wor!. in Our SMety CommillC<.' chainn:!n. Er.!
a nd othe".
our :Ire" is holuing il~ own. hUl wc arc IIc\\. conr.!ueled a Hry fine in\lrueror\
T he rienic hrought oUI. nol onl~' :rc· losi ng some to non-unron I:unlnlctors o n COUN! in fi"l-a ir.!. r he purpo<re of this
tive members, bUI retir ... d me mbers. REC Co·op property. COllrM: is to proville more qua[jfiell fiNI-
'00. As I .)Ce it. \\c·r., i,"Oing 10 hit\e to air.! men on tubs. Thcre wdl be more
A lot o f .... or~ \l,enl inlO Ihe planning male an org'lIlization Jrhe ;rnJ ma),.e cour~~ Ih:1I ollr Safely Comminee .... iII
of this ric nic. :lnd ,I lot or war!. went several or these RFC, union people. 11'5 Rllempt to bring 10 Ihe membcn. in
into Ihe prepllralion~. I thinl; the Recre- go\e rn ment money th:lr h heing uscd. order to hRve them bcller educaTed on
at ion Committee .. hollld he commended. lind if they aren't organized. lIe can't \afer~ ru!c~ and the o..:Cllpaliona l Safel}
.tion" wi lh a ll of Ihe peo ple who ju rn pe.1 SlOp scabs from doing the .... ork. I' m an d Hcalth ACI o f t970.
in and hcJpeu to mll),.e this picnic so Mire Busi ness Ma nager $WlJII t CIT)' will On July 1.5lh. we held our A nnual
much of n slleccs~. do ever) lh ing in hi ~ power 10 rec tify Summe r Picnic at T urn wald Par!.. O\'er
R ON" I II F . UOW\ I,\N, P .5 . Ihis Sil ulllio n. 600 mcmbers were preM:nt. \\ ilh games

IBEW Jo... nol

Local 56 Wiring Job millie, of Iht" offker~ for 1971·72 on it,
ft."Cognlltllg their fore~ight :lOd h,ud Picnic in Den ver
\lorJ... in llla~inJl; the a_soc iation Ilhat it
........- r - b lOda},
Brolher;; AI l .odmtLII and Leo Long,
repn::\Cnt:uive, of the as,ocialion, and
reliree JOo,' Mill recehed Ihe certificate
on IlchlLlf of tht" n~..ociution.
In.:id<·m,,!!}, Ihe reliree, IIi!! be h:t\'·
in!: their Annual I'cather I)an} on No·
vernhcr UHh, It i~ Iheir hope tu have a
real good turnoul thaI c,·cning. I'flJ<:ee<h
fronl parue, lO thl.' pa~1 ha,(' been u'\Cd
10 help diSlre~;,.ed member, of Ihe locn l
unll Ihc retiree,. I ry 10 maJ...e the ell"
ning ,dlh thcm: Ihe} \lill enjoy having BusIness Manage. Bob Leglno and Jack
Members 01 Local 56, Efie.. wired this
Bloom work ove. (I,e ha l coals 81 the An-
,od· .. nd·"i~t"". ~nmllul""lf'd macll;",!,. whlrh }'Oll alh'OII Ih,.ir P;lrl). nual Summer P,cnic 01 Local 68. Dl'nvt'.,
consists o f four modules. The job took eight COtOL
months '0. completion. Pre,idem Fred lI arris announced Ihal
card~ lIn:: going to be sent out 10 the
meml'>cr, in regard 10 ..erving on com·
r11itlee~. [llld he ul'se~ all rnemher, 10 fi!!
Ihem Olll and gel them relilrllcd, I'lea~c
Sl:ile I,hal eomrnillce~ )OU \lould con·
sider \oCr. ing On
WorJ... in Ihe aren i, ~liII ~I o", ;Ind our
1l1ll.·rnlllo\menl Ii,t nl n~e, in Ihe :,re:1 of
npproximalcl} 175,
,\1 our mcetin~ of SeplemOcr 19th. a
motion \Ia.~ mad.: and ,upported 10 give
Attorney Gcneral 1 ranJ... Kelley our full
5uppori in hi" t:iuldidaq for Ihe U.S,
Scnal~. Attome) "':eltC}. nOI only ha~
Ihe 'lipporl of Ihe Detroil Building
T rnde,. bUI nl..o Ihal of the Mil."higan
Slale Building and CorNnletion Trades
It \ reall} 100 h:,d thai \Ie -ee so
man} empty <oeah M our regular meel·
in g~. Thi, i~ one Ilay 10 leI }'ollr lInion
go ~our. Try to maJ...e at lea,1 one nlf'f"1-
ing a monlh.
J leI( WIE 1;11'501"', p.s.

Pi cnic, Wage Increase ,

Remodeling Make Up Ne ws
LU. 6K, f)E N \ ' F.K , COLO.-BneJ... again
left to , ll1hl. B'Olh".s He.bslnll and Mu- arl.:r I'>cing ;\b,enl lil\\ momh \)(:ellUsc of
zik ... Adolph Lukew,cz. "nd Harry Fenton. \'Henlion. Since Ihe IH~t repurt. our local
ha, hccn VC I") bu,y "ilh iI, ~ummcr Renew,ng friendsh,ps, lelt 10 righi, are Cecil
pi~·nk. Ihe wage incrc:I..e Ihat came bacJ... Riggs, Joe Cito, Dave Gilbert, Bob Bl azek,
for children :mu adlll1~ fC;llurcd. A good and George SPOfl
time \\iI~ had by all. lind many \3luablc from the Pa} Ih>:lrd. and rcmodeling
door prilC~ \len: gh'en 11\\(1)'. [ thnnk plun, ror our union h"lI. I'll Iry 10 c:llch
the ml!rnbcr~ who hcl[)Cd me on the up \lilh "hm and "here now.
On Seplember 101h. 1110,1 of ollr

commiucc_a job well done!
Local 56 rncmbcr~ l\ired a rod-and- memncr, and in' iled travelcr~ and Iheir
pi~lon. compulcriLeti machine manuf;tC-
ftl milie, paded up in the morning: left
lured h) S\\;m~on Frie. "hieh look all of Ihal hOlJ ...... \lor~ }anhlorJ.... and
monlh, to complete. The machine will \lhateler: and heltJl.'d OUI for Ihe
require only four operators. Ad:mh ('ount} hlirl!roun(h for the 10-
cul\ Annuul Summcr Picnic, ~Iarlillg
In Ihe ciection, VOle for the friclld~ or carl}' in Ihe :Iflcrnoon .Ind 11I~linl! till
labor only. II i~ vl'ry imrnrwnl
\Vc "cleome three nc" confractors laiC :.flcmoon ,lhJ"l.'n. bruJ...~ il "p.
Wilh plenl} 10 cal and more Ihan
who recent l y~ig.neU "ilh us-Rich !-ICl'·
Iric, Bnker Eleclric, (md Aerinl Fleclric. enolll!h 10 drinJ.... "Id fricnd~ 10 :.Ce. tInd
ne\l illcrnbcro, to mec\. the day w:" all
D.WI II IIUISTR tTf, P,S, Ihal II ,huuld have b~en. The young and
the noho-younj; r.1I1 racc, for prizes
Retirees Club Receives ;lnd rihhon •. D nt\\ins, were helJ fOf Pres,dent Benny Feldman gelS the message
Certificate of Merit olher prile" induding four hiJ...e~ and aCrOSs to his wrle. F,ances.
IWO IriJ...~. \lOll hy Richard B:lrl;l.
L.U. 58, DETROIT. MI CII.-The Asso- W~nd} ()uno,~ilkh. ('ind) I \'('y . 1~ laine J\ tip of Ihe hard hOlI 10 Kcilh B.. mff,
ciation of I{ clil'ce~, Wive" and Widows Smilh. I on} Lani. :lJIli Dann> Il ou,:II1<.I. ChHirllHIII o f Ihe Fnlcrtainrllcnl Commil·
of LocHI Union SR received a Cenificale Prize, \lcrc :d~o givcn 10 IlIeJ...y licke t tt.'i!, !l1ll1 hi, cornrnillec mcmbers-Ioo
of Merit from In ternatiomll I' fe~idenl holdc,"" for ~lIch gifl~ :1, a dod radio. mnny 10 lllcniion here. Thanks "Iso go
Charles 1-1 , l'iI1ard, wilh all of the hair dr}en.. and elc':lric can opener... 10 the m!l ny nlcmhcr-;' J...ids \lho were in

Nov ember, 1972 3S

charge of Ihe sofl drin\.. machine; they to la~c a second 1001.. at oursche~ and
had Iheir hands full, with a line all of
On th e Job see how \\'c c:m again m,," these joO~
the time, lInu sec Ihat our conlractors gel Ihi ~
A ~ I said, ou r pa y r.. i<,e came oul of \lor\... This i, our .... or\... not Ihat of
Washington, and OlJr new :Igr«mcnl i~ \Ome oUI·of·to",n )o\..el~. Let"~ face it,
now in force. Three rrin~c bcnclih are a fcllo"',. wille of the lurger job, are ,lirt-
part of the progr.. rn-new; not all of ping right through our linge .... to non·un·
the it~m~ ha\e been lO.or\..~d 0111 OIt Ihi~ ion \hop'.
lime. !>lIt lO.ith a Io..:al union pension We lO.elcomed 110.0 ne .... membe .... at
plan, paid hoi ida>,. and a dC:llh bc:nc:fit our la\t nleettnj!. Robert Baile) and
plan ,taned ..... e ~ .. n "uild for Ihe fu· Larr), A,hbrooL Welcome aNtarJ. rei·
ture. It j, a ~Inrt in Ih~ ril!hl dircction. lo .... ,!
Anolher it~m of OCIO." h Ih". rcmodel· Pre\idcnt Jad, )-lic\.., ha\ C:llled on the
in~ program plannc(1 for ollr union hall. 53fet)' Committee to gel bu~y and .... or\..
I'lan, c;11I for revamping of Ihe omce on a ~afcty progrnm for the local. Kccr
'Irea. enlarging it .. Ii~hlly :.nd ma\ il tn mind that it I"\..C \ a minule to be ,afe
more \u itable to thl; ocelh of Ihe onice in ~our lO.or~.
'Iillf. [I i, al..o planned to u-e the ~pace l .ft to ,ight. NIck Pene .... Ralph Kniaht, Our local has cndo~u CongrC'>~m:ln
aVOlilal:>le bct .... cen thc onice are:a :md Ihe .nd J l h CUlMer of LOClI SO. Norfotk, VI, Willi,lm ··Hill" \\h itehu ..... , \lho ha, gonc
~cncr.ll mC1."ting rOtlUl fur conference put the finishing louch 10 a hUle fixture at to !>al 111:10) limh for the local. for rc·
room,. \I;tiling roonlS for dhp:llching, the Gotd!!n TII .nlll! Hotel
alill ,lornge roOln... Of COllr~, Ihe gcn· Retiree Clarence I . I'ar\.., pa' ..... d
eral mceting hall h tu he re dune, com· a\lily on Scptcllll'Cr 3rd. \l any of 11'
plele \lilh !>Camle" fluor, !lnd :1 dropped lO.or\..ed with him :IIlU ha\e many good
ceiling, IICIO. lighling, and a bad l ~·needed rnemoric~ o f hilll_ Our ,incerc '),lIlp:t·
,uund ,},Iem. I ~ce pt for th e enlr:.nce thie, 10 hi, f(!flli l)': our prn)er~ arc \Ioith
area, the oul\idc \Io ill ,t:ly abou t lhe them.
',:ulle '" it h nO\l. I he projected eOIll- You ladies \I ho hawn't joincd the
plelion dille i~ hcfore thc first of nC.\t I OCil 1 110 I adi.::\ f\ll.~iliary arc mi"ing
)'e;lr. I hope 10 ha\e piclures for the 0111 on a lot of good fel1olO.'hip . Re·
J />/mw/ a, \lor\.. progre ...,e,.
cenlly, Ihe au;\iliary had a pool pan)
Wor\.. here: in thc Den\er arc:. re- and a family pknic. 11 ,pon,ored a, ,tahle. Wc're hoping that it re- booth in a hil7ilar al I'emhro\..e \Iall.
mllin~ that \la y v.ith winh: r ju~t around
for \lhich m:my of Ihe ladie~ don:tled
the corner. ilcm'. such a. craft •. va-.e,. \..nicHnad,.
Sec you at the union meeting: that's elc. The iHl\iliary Ihan~, ever)'one \\ ho
W.h!!, Aodel"Son end Rob .... CluCk p,epl'"
wh ere it\ h .. ppcning, Brother. 10 ins tall One 01 the many .eceu 1.. lu,es IrI helped to m :t~ e Ihe hooth " , ucee".
J OII'l M . lh.dIK I , JR., 1'.5. Ihl! remodeling of the hOl,1 An in\italion 10 join i~ e.~lendc d to all
\\i\e,. ~hte,",. and daughler~ of Loc"l lH)
Bob Johnston Resigns; Conference. which \\:1\ ",," eduled to be
memhcr~. r hc m,lin pur~ of the au~·
held at the Ol ~mpk 1I 0iel. lO.a, Ifan,·
John McEwen Named iliary h to create II clo~r relation,hip
fcrrcd 10 the RiUpa th Il ulel in Spo\..unc.
an d unueT\tandin[l lI'ilhin Ihc locur,
T hat i\ Ihe: only \Ill) 10 ltel )our poinl
t ,U, 77. st-;Arru·:. " Mil l.- Onc of ;lero-.s to a lot of companie, -hil them
familie,. I"he au,.ili:try meCI, on the -.ce·
our hll,ine~s re pre\Cntati~e,. Bob John· ond Monday of e :l ~ h mon th at 8:00
in the pod..ctbool.:.
~ton. who. along with lI u~ine~, Repr ... · P.M.. :11 Ihe J:lnaf Office Bui lding Con·
-.:nllilhe Bill J ohn~on , hud ncen rep rO,'· ference Room. If you are inlere,leU.
-.enling Ihe comtru ct iun member; on Ihe plea:.!: ea ll M:lltie atllifcr a1 ~~O·I:!3X.
\I ... ,t ,i,le of Ihe mOlinHun,. ha, re~igned. Local 80 Work Slow; Retm'mber our sic\.. and \isit Ihcrn
B u,ine,~ M:lnagcr J ohn Sturcevich ha~ Non-Union Shops In vading \I hen you C:l n. I t"~ good medicine!
appoint ed John Mel \len to replace Word 10 the \li;,c- rhere arc a 101 of
John'ton. Bob pul II 101 of effort into L,U. 110. i\'ORFOI.K. "".- The pll<,1 su-c:l lled Chrblian~ \lho .lfC doing not h·
Ihe JOb, a nd he .... il l be mh.-.ed. monlh ha~ been another one .... hen \\ur\.. ing. hUI there arc no Chri"lian, \100
John has a great de;ll of experience in in Ihe area ,>,as ~ Iow. Who ~no",,·1 h'l\e nOlhing to do.
the con<, truclion rlC ld. "' hk h ~houl d gi\c Ma}bc, before long, lO.e·1I be calling for
J. I). 1-101 to'IOS. JR .. P.S.
him an edge in hi ' new (IO">lIion. I-Ie \lill men. I et's hope th at day h j",t around
nccd it. Ilceau'>e \Ie ha\e had ..orne !oCri· the- corner.
ou<; problem~ (In COn,lrudion thi~ pa,t Mean\lhile. many ,mall jo'" are ~«p­ 400 Members. 29 Retirees
summer and \Ie arc nOi 0111 of .he ing quile a relO. o f our I! rothe-r;, bmy_
lO.oo;)(h )el. AnOlhcr lug and barge .... eOl throuJ!h the Atte nd Local Outing
An initiative on the ballot of Ihe reo B:IY Bridge Tunnel. and wmc of ollr I..U. 90, :-'E\\ 11\'1-::-' . CO~N.- ' p,
cenl election in $c:lItle that .... 01110.1 ha\'c benched Brolhcrs \Ioenl to lO.orl,; on that. pro\im:lIciy 400 member.. and 19 retir-
required the numncr of ciectric Irac\..1e,» re,loring to the hlilflu,. elc. ee\ attendc-d our Annual DUlin,!! :11 Re'l-
lrol le)) to be fe,tored to the 196) le,el H u~iness \I :lflager I-ugene I.each re·
land I arm \. "\Iorthford. ConrlC'cticm.
was o\'erYohelmingl} \olcd do", n. In· mind, each of }OU \lho \lor\..~ out or
Softhal!. hor'iClhoc". bocci. , hurne-
steud, :tnolher mea~ure. providing for a to\\n Ihat }OU repre'tCnl I ()I.·al 80 and
board. golf. \lO.imming. :lnu plenty of
counly-",idc Iflln,porlalion ,)~ . cm. \Io>a~ Ihal the \Ioay lOU lO.or\.. and act has a
beer :lnU food .... ere enJo~ed b) all.
p:",<u unu pul under lhe cou nt y metro Ilcaring on \lhelher Ikother Leach v.ill
be a"le 10 <;cnd oth er, inlo tho'>!: area. On bchlilf of the local. I Ihan\.. Ihe
body. l OIS o f people :Ire wre goi ng 10
laler. Let ... all \..eep up our good repum· Duling Commillee member... Jerry I,s'
mh, those quiel lind clean e lectric Iro l·
tion \lith our 5i,ler loc:lh. po,ilO. Ray Fill'>Conaro. Gary Finnegan.
Ic}s. 11 may al<oO re, uh in the Io-.s of
'he non·union clectrk:.l ~ h(lp. have Bill Chriitina, I arTY Dc Bar ro-.. w . Lee
joh, for Wille of Ou!' mem bers.
ta~en million;; of dollar\ uf undcrJ!round
B.dley. Joe Lip uma, Bill Fill,!!era ld.
The Wa~hington Slate I.abor Council
dbtrihUlion \lor~ here in ri de\l:tter. I)om I) anasro~~i, !"ran T inari. Bill "\Iu·
i ~ hcing ~ued by the Olym pic HOlel in
Fvery one of the ~'on lr:t c \Ors i, from Qut 1l,le. and Hob Coyle, for a job \lell
Seattlc. The hOlel had ,orne la ho r prob-
lem, wilh the SC:lI tlc Building Tradc ~ of th e ,laiC. 111i<; i~ "ori.: thnl we al ways done.
Council, ,0 the Wa,hington State L:lbor ha\1 Ihe prh ikge of doing. We hl(Ve bOI Bolt G A l LIG I. II. I'.S.

18~W JOII,not
Annual Outing Award Recipients'nlne .etl.1td memben 01 loc.' 90.

Now H;)lItn. Conn .. look time ou t dutl"a II••

-- -
local', Annual Ou,ln8 to pose for this 8'OuP

tBEW life.Savlnl AW~lId~ we.e presenttl'd 10 twO mem"'" 01 1.00;11 98, Ph.$adelph .., P.. ,
1.1" 10 righi, woU~ G.. b,il-I, Iwerd ... ,nn": Jim Morris, ... hOM "'I ... u uvtl'd; Buslnln Man
Ig.. Henry fo.nlr.; Georll Bruck. .w.. 'd· ... 'n"..,.; Inlem .. t,Onol V'CI P,e~.denl And~ John-
son: .nd s.,fety Comm,uII Ch .... m .. n f, .. nk M'SII

Th, w",nin& soltb.1I tum.

5'11,,1"8 up for CO PE.

Thl aw,..d·,.,inne,s end SO·year members 01 1.00;,1 98 ... ho ,ee,lvod their service pin ••• e
Hln he,e ",,'h locil Ind Inle,nll,on.1 olf,ce, •. Boltom 'ow, lell U' "Shl. 50 yea. members
IBEW life-Saving Awards, een Sheppa.d. S". een B'ewste'. Jo~eph P ... kes. f ... nk Lynch ... nd Relph EfIlIlo; Brothe.
Mo."s; and B.othor Gab.ili. Second row. 5().year membe •• F'ank Gupa.o. Hen.y MoSloo,
50-Year Pins Presented Phil OoIan, and GI'(I'SI Acker: B,other B,uck; . ell." Tom Ne"son: Ind 5().yea, momber
Ca,1 Bar1h. Top 'ow. Inle.nll,onll Rep.esen'ative Joseph Spark •• Internat'onal V,ce
L U. 9g, "III1. AOEU'II IA, "A.-On dent Johnson. 50·year memblr frank HOIIO.,n, Susmen M,n,U, fom .. a. 50-yea, membe.
J uly 25th. ollr local a\tardcd Inl \\ f,ank We'gand and Pre,ldent Tom lanSln.
l ,ire·Saving Aw:m.h 10 \'010 mcmber~ and
~O·)car 'o('nice pin, to 13 membch. Sl'ar~" ro:ad a ~'ons;r;tlulatm) leller from ,piril of Ihe\e men in Ihe earl) da), of
The\(' ll .... ard, .... ere prc'iCnlcd b) [nU:rnll ' Inlrrn:llion:tl I're,i.lent (harle:, II. "il- orraOl/("tt l:thnr "'!wn "or~ "u, warn'
tion:!1 Vice I)rc ~idcnl Andy J ohn..oll. hlrd. in II hi.:h ht: ..aIU. "\\ h.,1 finer ....,Jf- and money "(I~ in lohorl loupply, To
On No,ember 22. 1971. Jim Morri,. gr:ltitude can a man attain lhan 10 the" m('n, "C ,illcerel) ,,,),, .. I Imnl.
white on the joh ,ite. came into contnct" Ihal he help,:U 10 rt:,lore the life you
"ilh II live, 277-voh cir<:uil and \\:I~ ",. of 1\ fello" humun hchlg'!" B(hinc" \l ullllga !-urnurn ,p-o~c on
'erc!) ~hoc Lcd and Oec:.rnc um;:on...ciou,. I ocat 9H pn....... nle,1 Ihe 1\\0 a\\ard· lhe c:ontrihlllion, m;ttle b) Ihe'>C rnen
George Ih11 CL and Wall) Gabriel "it· \\ inner-. II ilh S IIMI U..,. S:n ing, Bond" .,nd Iho: m"r~ the) Idl on Ollr pre ..... "'
nC''oCd the accidcOl und imr1M:diatcl) On the 'i.'une eH~ning. Vice "re,idt:111 membcr-.hlp
",cnl 10 hi" ai d. The) removed him frolll 10hn-.on ;I~"'led tl u,ine" \I :mager !BI'W memhel"' :Ire COtl5lantl) ~alle,1
the energized circuit and hcgan mouth· Uenr)' Forn;lr.! ;uhl I're,idenl 10m I ;,n· IIpon 10 rendn :"';'Iancc 10 Iheir fellow
to-mouth re"u'>Cllation, IIhich the) con, ~an in pre ..... nlinl! _~tI·}e;lr -.eniee pin, 10 rnan. Brother l ornara ciled tllO recent
tlnued unlil It rother \l orri~ ",,,, hreath- George Adcr. Carl Barth. B. J . Ilrc"- o:~amplc'>-lhC' I'h iladelphia Building
inl! on hi, own, ~Ier. Fl"ilnl. L ~nch, I'hilhp Dolan. I ran~ r radcs Coumil, m,lr~h 011 Ihe eounl)
On pre-.('ntint: the I ifc-S:lVing Allahl\ Gu,pam. I'r;m~ lI olI,)ran, Hen!') \ielol- <,cal of \Ionl~orncr) ('oum) in prOle"
to the« t\\O IJrothcr~, Inlernational Vkc lio. Joe I'"r~e,. ltell ')h~l'l';[rd. Sr.. ;lnu of an ABC' contr;,elor'l> IAllemo-.(' Com-
J>re,id~nt Johnson pfllio.ed them for Frunl Weigand , Juhn McArdle and pany) dC"rO)lI1g 0111' "age r;lle~ (In(1
bringing honor to the IBI' W, their loc:tl, John Young III , IIho "erc too ill to at- benefit .. and Ihe help for Ihe home I.:,)
Ihem;,el\'cs, and their farnilie~, lend. "ere :tl,o honorc,I, ami de'tihllt: in tht: Wil~t: ~· Barre l.rea
InternRliona l Representative Joe Vice I'rc \i d ~m John-on 'pol.e o f Ihe after r ropical <;Iorm Agnes.

No wombl', 1972
Brot her Fornllm received a call for
help on J uly 2 h t; on July 22nd, :1 bU'>-
past. Welcome aboard, Earl!
Besl whhes for a long and happy re-
Annual Outing
load of Local 911 dectricianl> was en- tirement are eXlended 10 Vincent Bru·
rOlile to Ihe di':I~h: r are:l to help. ne lli. IJ rolher IIrunelli is currenlly enjoy-
Ilcnry closed hi, remnrl.s by eongrut- ing his reliremenl in 1I0Iida). I-lorida,
Ielaling the 1 ife-S;lving A\\,ard·\linner<; \Iilh hb \Iife. r';LLltine.
for their courage; the 50·)ear members Congrawlalion, are al,o in onler for
for Iheir endur:lnce, dedi~:ltion. :md 10)- Ihe ma~nifkenl ~howing onr ~oflhall
all): and Ihe memhc .... for ~hjn~ of [e:lm 1ll:lde hy eal"luring a Ihird-place
Iheir free lime [0 hell" [heir fel1o .... 1II;ln Irophy in Ihe 10urnarlK'n[ held in 'ew
Pre,i.!en[ Langnn do'>C:d [he meeling Yor!... This hal. gol 10 he quite a fcat.
\lilh an in\ilalion 10 :111 for rcfn:,h· y,hen )OU con,ider thai the [C:Hll .... a~
menh. competing again'l bigger Il."am, from Ihe
1 1110 J. CO\I I'fIIS, I'.s. 1- ..,1 Coa'l 11)1;:11. Thc local uniun mem· The Oullna Comm.ltee 10' Ihe Annual Oul
ber; e'lcnd lheir <;incerl' congr:uUhtllon, In. held b~ local 102. p.larson. N.J left
10 all of Ihc eo;o~he, and pl:l)e(\ for Ihl' 10 ".hl. JOfI Fiore. Nell llcomla. HairY
Election Proves Exciting; B"am•• nd Ed l~den_
man.elOlh Irophy Ihey \Ion on behalf of
Vincent Brunelli Retires the I(K:II. Wc h:l\e a great team ••lnd I
I•. U. 1)1), I' ROVll>fo:,"C E. I{.I.-Flection th:u il \lilt do jml :1' \\1.'11. if not
fe\er ha~ jn ..' ~lIh,idcd in Providem;:e. beuer. ne\1 )car.
:lfra \I hal proved !oJ he one of the hOl- Unlil Ihe next lime. I hupt.' thaI e,er)·
te" ~OntC'h [hi, loe:11 h:1\ \Cen in m:lII) one ha, a happy Thanbgiving.
)e;tr,. It "as c.,ciling, ,piri'ed, lIn,1 VICTOR C. I I III ", It.S.
denn, \lhich pro\c, Ihal, in a demo-
cralic ,),ICI11. dilT.::renl \ic\\~ can be Work Is Improving ;
openly e\l"rc,\Co hUI Ihal, Ihen. It i\ up
10 c:Kh mcmhcr 10 !>Cle" the candid:ue
of hi. choice_
'0\\ Ihal il h o\er. lel\ ;LII get to-
Retirees ' Cl ub Meets
L U. fO l. I' \T ..:RSO'. '.J.- Our \lorl.
~iIU:llion rt'Ol;tin" a) il \la' al our la'>l
... ~
RCllred members who Iuende-cl Ihe oullnll:
included, 11011 10 naht. Ph,l M;anl_ch , John
gether. roll up our ~Ie ... 'e,. ;)nd pil,h r ... port. Although Ihe<;(' ;Lren·1 hoom DielrlCh, Ind v,c COnSlan"n. Sr_
right in \lilh >,(jme ne\\ Ihou~hh ;Ind time,. \lorl. " Inlpro'in~, and \Ie h<l'e
frc,h approaehe, for Ihe benelit of the enough to I.up u~ ~oing.
loca.l, Inc Relircd \Iembeh Cluh of I (Kal
102 held ih second m... eling on AUllust
Swearing -In Ceremony 181h. A letter from Imern;oti\ln;tl "re,i-
dent Charle~ Ii. Pillard, l.Commcnding
the rncmhc .... on forming their dub ..... a~
read and .... arml) rccej,ed, In hi~ lell.:r.
Pre~idenl I'lliurd ;tho olfcred lhe a"ht-
ance of Ihc Inlernalional Ollkc in \lhat·
c\'cr "';)Y roo-.,>iblc.
( ') Compll'ling the onicial \lulf of Ihe
club. Jamc) Waldron 1\:1' cle..:!cJ \ice AI Georae Dr.ea,r bit.. Inlo • 5andwICh.
pre~ident :lnd George \er\\er, In.';I,urer. I,fl to "Shl .round hIm. "10 Vince Phalon,

Joseph Ilnldn), \iclor (on\I:\Olin. Sr.. L;orry Lyons. PhIl DeFino• • nd S.I Sanlo.o,
and 01.1.0 Van l)elden \lcr.: elecled
A cOlleclion \las laken up by Ihe
Rlch •• d Stromb.II., n.wl~·.I.c'.d buslnen ml'mbc:~ 10 huy ;1 docl. r .. dio. \I hieh
man.ger of Loc.I 99. Providence, R.I .. lefl.
w.1 .ecenlly swo.n ,nlO oH,ce by h'l f.n, •• , \\llS donaled 10 Ihe Local 102 OUling
Gunn.r, • ~II p.uldenl 01 Ihe loc.l. At Commillce 10 be offered 3\ a prile at
Ihe "ahl. II newly elected Presidenl E.d the outing drn\linS\, The ne:\1 meeling
of Ihe ctub "iII!'C held in 'olcmher.
J lake Ihis opportunily 10 complimenl Our Annu:tl DUling \\,a, held on Sep-
D icl. SlroOlhcrg on Ihe IreOlelH.lou~ job tember 161h al \laldahroo~ I :Irnh. A
he':; doing a, hu,ine .... managcr. 11 \ no good job turned in \:I) Joe I iore. Fd
'>Ccrt'l Ihat Dj,1. ha, Ix'('n pUlling in L)den, /-larry Barum. and '\Ieil I :Icoillia.
leI! to ,Iahl. Cal Voaa. Bob Tale. Joe Cay.
'>Orne \ery long and liring hOUri. bUI. plLl~ a ~Ilnn) d,,) of \I.lrm. hreez) .110•• nd C.,I DeFino.
I.oo"ing Diel.. I can lI,,"ure )OU Ih:'1 it \lcalher. blended to mal.c it II ,ucc:e,\ful
doc,n'l hot her him in Ihe ka~l. bc:cau'>C e'cnl.
he enjo) ~ \I h;lrd. The fare. \lell prepared. \1.1' enough Local 10J Hold s Clambake;
Alw. il i\ heartening 10 nOlc Ihe 10 S-.1lhfy the appetitc, of hhe hungr). Contract Is Finalized
'oland he h;t~ la~en. nOI only \\ ith the An innO\all0n. Ihis )ear. \\;h lhe I"re~·
conlfl":IOf'>, but ",ilh Ihe Narl<lSan'>Ctt enlation of a \ariel) of Illu,kal ..elce- I ~U. 103. nosrON. 'I.\SS. -I nm a iii.
Flectric Company. ';0. I.eel" up the Bood lions, I"la)cd h) Ihl' Do\er ' l udgull~r lie 1;lIe in reporting on Ihe c1:tmb:tl.e.
.... orl.. Did. be"UI'>C y,.:: all I. now )OU H:md, I\hkh furthcr li~hlen"d Ihe OCC;L- I he l·lIl1lmincc comiSI.:d of J" 'ra)-
h.t'e :111 of the qU:llifil':'li()n~ of being a ,ion. lor IInJ red Maher a, I."o-chairmen. "jlh
very capable bu,ine~~ l11:lnag.:r. Latcr in Ih" da). urn\lin/;, "ere held. :""i,[al1ce from Paul O' \l ara. Hud
!'re,i,lent I-arl (urtin. y,ho i~ no \I ilh some of Ihe beller prill" ,on,i'ling O·Conncll. Jack Mc(jlome. Hill \\ alker.
,lflUlger to Ihe savel, j, back :II the of a color '1 V. :1 hlael.-and-\lhitc IV.;I Okl. Mad nc h.:rn. ~ I i~e Kceg:ln. hel.
helm once again. II "a, an up·lhe· hili ba~kel of checr. and doc~ n,.!uh do· (,roncy. Charlie O·Conncli. AI Wied"r-
bultle for F:trl. who h>ld -.cvcral oppo- naled mainly I'y the P""ak (nullt) hold. I)""e Ally, lack "':llIoy. and Rcd
nenh 10 overcome in hj~ r:lCC for lIn: mcmbe .... of NECA. Wilh "-'\~fIIl g:""e~, Sall'\.
prc,i()cncy. t am ('onlhknl Ih"t I' rc,idcn\ incil,()ing ,uflh,,11 :md hOl""-',hoc pilCh· '1 he ~on1rni1tec I.ei'll 400-odd I3 rOlher~
Curlin will -.crve the IoK:,1 in the 'time ing. il all add.:.! up to it plc'hall! day. bLl'y with Ihings 10 do. ,"eh as hol'l>C-
eflkicnl manner he h:l' di~phL}'l'lI in Ihe JlI Till 1'. 1'1 ~ClflS I . I'.S. ~ h ocs, hil~cball. egg-throwing con tc~I~,

18lW Jou.nol
Boston Clambake

A p"rt <>1 Ih'" I:nmmlt!1I1I whi,::h planntld and directed the el~mba ~~
h eld recel'ltly by Local 103, Bos ton, Is Sl!<!n her.. with International
Rep. esllnlalive Waller Monahan, II Local 103 member, 11> ..11 from A few 0 1 Ih. II>" retl",d members who enloy&d a day In the sun.
tigh t in the second row.

It CO~1 our local lhou~:lnd, of do!lar~. studio arts. Her objective is to leach art
when the conlr a elOr~ knew thn t they und St:lI lptlire tll the hig h sc hool level.
woulil go to Wa~hington and ~ule for l\·l r. Morin is u graduale of Rooscvelt
Nixon·s 5.5 per ccnt. When are \Ie lI iSh School in l\Iinne:,poli~, \\here he
!loins 10 \\ake up'! \\on Iwa lellers :1\ :1 mcmber of the
While \\C Me lalkin!; about the ton- lraek team. He h,ls bee n fictive in the
tractor,. I wi ll menlion Ihe fact thl11. for Boy Scouts of America an d h:ls att:uned
the P;l~t }'ear or '0, 'orne COl1lraClors the grade of el'gle scou!. He has en-
have h:ld a bl:lckli~t. T hey keep records rolled in Ihe electrical course al Dun-
on tho-.c BrOlhers \I ho do nOL produce, woody Industrial Institute in l\ l in ncapo·
\lho quit jobs. if Ihey are laIC 10 \lor~, lis. His present plans arc to become :l
if lhe)· So home earl). if lhey lake Ihe journe} man electrician.
:lfternoon ofT, etc. I hope ~o!llething c~n T he Elec tricians and AssociHles. Inc.
be done 10 ~top thh injuslice from 5dlOhifShip i~ in the amount of S500
which wille o f our Brolheh lInd their per ye:lr for a period of four )ears. The
f~miliC'" mu~1 sufTer. The Boston blatk· uward is made on the b;lsis of '>Cholar-
lisl is unfair to all members of the ship. charactcr. :lnd need. The scleclion
Brotherhood. It mu,t be Slopped. of rccipiems is hy means of a syslem as-
Don'l forget the election on Novem- suri ng complete :tpplicam ano nymity, by
ber 7th. When votin~. stamp out all Ihe Elcctridan~ ;'nd A~$OCi:'les. Inc.
anli·onion candidales anil deVille the xholarship Commillee. with prafcs-
frie nd, of labor to office. ~ion:t l assistance from two accredited
Bill. HORAN, P.S. high school counselors.
r he mcmbers of Electrida ns lind As-
14th Annual Scholarship 50cill\c5. Inc. (Ire pleased to be of assist·
ante to Ihese two. nne, young people
Award Presented :tnd e'l[lend Iheir sincere best \li,hes for
L.U. 110. ST, " AU!., l\IIN;\!.- F lectri· ,ucce1>l> to botb.
cbn~ and Associates. Inc.. a non· profit 1011101 MOl Lt 1 R. I'.S.
Local 103 Brothers at Ille clambake .
organil.:l!ion fO ll nded to promOte the
welfare of people engaged in the electri· Negotiations Nea r End;
etc. Of COUN:, Ihc re was pknly of food cal industry and consisting primarily of
and liquid refre,hmenh. Employment Is Good
memhcrs of Local 110. made its 141h
If ~Oll ll,C a Brother who has never Annual Scholarship Award at the regu· L. U. III , O.: NVlm, COLO.- We finally
attended (I cI:unbalc. YOIl are really lar August meeting. have ~ padage tha t is being submimed
mi~~ i ng oul on a good lime and lh~ T he award, this year. consisted of two to the Public Service Co mpany of Colo-
chance to meet old friend) and make scholMShips on a olle·lime ha\is because ruilo employees for their TfltinC;llion,
fie" aClluninlances. o f IInU"I'd funds from prcvious ')chol ~r· The packa~e includes a 5.9% increase in
T he ;l!;(,:ompanying photos were taken ship IIwllrds <lnd other tonsideT<llions. wa~es and various fringes. includi ng an
or ami ,ubmiucd by Frank T he recipients are Rosanne Spilman. upgr:ldi ng in Ihe ]'ension Plan.
Thanl, for 1\ joh well done. daughter of Brother and Mrs. Kenneth Abo. we have been in negotiations
O ur cumrae t has been fi!1alizcd. T he Spilman of 51. Paul. ;Ind Michael ~ ' Or'i n , Wilh the Citizen Utili ties COntp:lny of
lenglh o f 1h" conlraCI \\ill run 13 >011 uf BlOtl,e, "nd Mrs. M ... rvin Morin Lu Junta. Colormlo, with a Mllllled·
monlh~. nnd SO cenl~ in wage., "ill be of Minneapolis. Brolher Spilm.,n is em- :lgc of 6% in \lages ,mil approx.itm,tcly
directed a~ the member~ <;cc Iii. ·1 his plo)cd 1:>y the Cily of SI. P,tUl Police 1.'2 'lo in fringe~, Other contr;lcts being
wilt be decided on at a special meeting, and !-ire Alarm DcpaTl11lent. alld negOl iated are wilh thc Pueb lo Gas and
so try \0 al1end and don't complain Inter Brother t. lorin is an employee of the Fuel Cumpany. the We,te!'ll Slope Gas
00_ Communwealth Elcctric Company of 51. CornpllllY, ;lIld the I'audre VHlky Rural
Just a few word~ on how negoti .. tions Paul . Fleetric Associ"liort at Fori Collins,
\\en1. It seem~ as if the contr<lclOTS \lere Mi...~ Spilman 11.':15 gr;ldll;lted from Color;ldo. All of these .Ire unsetllcd at
leading our Negotiating Commiuee and Harding High School in SI. I'aul \lilh the present.
tl ..: IIlcmbenhip do\\n II dcud -end ~tre",t. Ihe t"'~\ of 1971. While in hil'h ~chnol , The outside line ~onslru~tiQn tontratl
It seem' that when peopl<! bnrg;lin in she w;,s ;Iclive in the fielils of arl. pha- is being negoti:lIed, but it becomes very
bad fa ith. ha rmony will never prev;lil. togr;lphy, scu lplllre, and pou ery. She has dimeu lt to determine the progress of
We we re not ;I~king for the moon, jU~1 since completed one year of 5tudy ;11 the the!>!: negotialions because of past item)
rewards for our ~\leal and labor. Un iversity o f Minnesota, majoring in \l hic h \lere ncgoti<lted but not approved

November, 1972 ,.
Local J JO Personalities 60-Year Member

R~clpients o f tleclricl .. ns and Auoclares, Inc, Schola.ships are piclured with Ihel. proud
pa.en ts and memba" o f tlla tlecl';cl.". and Associates, Inc. Board o f Ol.aclo". I.e ll to
riShl. Local 110, 51. Paul, Minn., Brothe ... James Cu".n, wa .... n Hu n tt UI, and K"nnelh
Spilman, M••. Spilman: Brolhu Jam". f lynn: Rosanna Spilman; Brolhers John Mueller and Slxly·y... member CtlarlH Ski nner, Local
Il l. ColoradO Springs, Colo .• w<'lS honored
I.a w.anca Houska; Michael Mo.ln; B.olhar Thomas Baber; Mrs, and B.olha•• Gao.""
Kl ein and Marvin Morin. 'Klnlly a l " local meetinB III whICh he , t!-
c"I"ed his 60.,.0.' pIn. Seen du .inB Ihe
p,,,.nll tion. le I! 10 riBhl. are Treuu,e,
Werd SCOII. PreSldenl Oeorge K. Wa le,'
houlI, Jr., l)rothe, Sklnn ...., and BUilrl .. U
ManllBe. JoI", J . Oonlon,

pay tribute 10 Char1e~ Slinner. \l ho .... as

initi;tlw into Local nion 233, Colo-
rudo Sprinp. o n February I. 1912,
II rother Skinner I>o :lS a\l(lrJed his 60-
rear lioen.iee pi n b)' Bminess Manage r
John J, Donlon. who recalled Ihal
" rolher Skinner is probably lhe only
member \0000 was initialed into Local
233 .... ho is lefl in lhe loca l. Loe:t! 233
bec:,me Loe,,1 113 ill September. 1912.
Bu ~incss Manager Donlon rend nn
loc al 110 officar._ front .ow, ,,, I! to riaht, Recording Secretary J oh n Mu.ller; Examlnln" agreement. d:t1ed June 4, 1937. \Oohich
Board member Rudolph Vllralh, P,ulden t Klein; Bus,nns Ma nas", F,n.nciat Sac ••
I~<y J ame. Curran; Inlernallona' Represenlatlve James Conway, who adminIStered Ih' OIIlh Brolher Skinner had hl.'lped 10 negoti·
of off"l; heeul,"a Board membe.. J.mlfs Flynn and J acob Halfllel.; Voc. P'Hldent ate with Ihe conlr(lcto~ in Colorado
Thomas Baber; and Euculi". Board m.mbef'S John Thoemke and Wa, ... n Hunl'"s. Springs. II was a one'p:lge "J;rccmcnt.
row, E•• cullv. Boa,d memba'i Gao'ae Hob.ecke, and John f ranU,n. Treasurer Rochlfd far· \lhieh spelled OUI such Ihings a~ th-c faci
3gh•• , and hamlnln. Boa.d ",embe" RIChard O'eilin. and Ceo, •• Ad.m,
Ihut Ihe journeymen \lould be respon~i·
for vnried rea~on~. includ ing Ihe ceo· guiu clines haS ea\l~ed us to ncgOlialc all hlc for elcctri~al worl "nd .... 1.'1".:: re-
nomiral gu idelines impo~ed by the Niwn of Ihem o n a )I.'ar-to-year ha~i~. 'I ,!ired 10 In:l~e correction, on th.::ir own
Adnllllislr;l1ion in 1971. Hopefull y. :111 time. unless Ihe mi~l:tke lIas m;lue on
I IIpologizc 10 Ih.:: loeH I members for
of Ihe'>e ilcm~ I>oi ll be sel l led )OOn and the I:tck of :Irticles in Ihe JO/lf/"'/ re- Ihe order of Ihc COntt;lctor. a nd Ih:'1 Ihe
Ihe cont rac.:1 c.:an he SlI bmil1ed 10 Ihe cently. I can only say Ihal contract lie· eOll\ raClOrs would pay car farc to any
member; for ralitkalion. gOlialiolls. a heavy bu~ine~~ load, :md job oUl,iuc Ihe city l imil~ a nd Ihe return
scvenll olher ilems ha\e ~epl me from fMe 10 Ihe city limils. rhe journeyman
We hnve cnJO )Cf../ good em ployme nt in nile of p:ly WllS $ 1.25 l~r hour. a nd Ihe
the cOllstruclion indll~lry I'l.'eent ly be· ~ u bmiuing articles.
Anolher on.:: of our loe:11 union apprenlicc's mte \\';IS :t minimum of
cause of Ihe re build of storm dallmges $2.00 per day,
earlier in Ih.:: )I.'>lr. hUI il has been hard offieers. Reeoruing S«-relury I rallk It ,
Pettee. had a plc:l5ant \urprise r«ellily IlmineS5 \lanager Donlon Ihanked
10 !.eep people .. orking o n these di~lri­
\Oohen the Pu blic Comp.1n), of IJ rOlher Skinner for his conlribution, 1101
bUlion project~ hecause of lu~t 40·hour only 10 l oe:11 11 3. bUI 10 the mEW.
condil ions. We lire hoping that th e Colorado adopled one of his sugge'tion~
and :Iwardcd him $1,000. We say, UrOlhe r [}onlon soLid. " 1I's :1 \l ondcrfu l
good em plo}ment \lill continuc slraiGhl o pportunity when a bu~ines~ m:m:lger
through Ihe wintl.'r inlO neXI )I.'ar, "Frank, congratulations!"
In dosillg, I a,1.; all of our members e:m ~h:tke the hand :Ind offer a small
IJ u,iness \ l an3i,OCr Joe: I)uffey i5 inler· loken of 3J"1precialion to sucb ;1 f;lilhful
10 eOlllinue \Oojlh their \iGil of lhe: polili-
\iewing applicanl~ for the posilion of member.
qal c.:andidates in Ihe up.;oming dedion.
aoother assistant hu~iness m:lIlager. alld Ilrother Skillocr commented thai he
by the tinle the ne ... 1 artkle is out. this Keep aCCOUlI1 of Ihe COJ>F-i:ndor<;td
W;t~ and ~Iill i~ a Icry proud member of
will have been uceomplished :'lnd WIllC c:lndidates <lnd ge t 0111 :lIld \ote, 'hallks
10 nil for }our eontribulions 10 COPF. thc IB FW, III.' rcccived II ~ t a nd inll ova·
of Ihe heav)' hll ~inl.'ss loml will h:t\e lion from Ihe /llenlbers prc-SC1lI al th e
... ubsidcd, \lhich ~hou ld ghe all of us a Let us lecp up the good I>oorl,
little more opporlunilY 10 lake care of Jom.: C. MnDllts. A ~sr. H.M.
JOliN J , 1)0'1.01', I1. M.
rouline office bll~in('ss.
The economic:11 guidelines have prob- Charles Skinn er Honore d
ab ly done more 10 eonlrihtlle 10 Ihe Are a Work Ve ry Good;
heav)' work load 111:111 11I1)'l hin g cl~l.'. For 60 Yea rs of Se rvice Unit Picnic Is Success
~i llcc we have 17 eOll1melS which. ordi· L. U. 11 3, COLOKAUO SI'K INGS. t .U. 125, l'O IULANIJ, ORE. -Work in
naril y. c:ln be SluGger.::d on OIlC', 11"0-. or CotO,- The memhcr~ of our loeu l tool ollr lIrc:! is ~ery good :11 th is time. and
Ihr.::c·)car Icrm~. I he ill\1"bility o f the time out from Ihcir regu lM meelinl: 10 ir I>oe c;ln be: of an y help 10 a n~' of )0\1

" IIiEW JournoJ

Brothers, give u~ a call.
On J ul y 29th. II-C had our Construc- Retirees' Club to",n und neighborhood. Whelher lour
lion Unil 36 picnic a t ]J1l ]m Grove I'ar k. ...---, splLre lime is spent he lpi ng the Scouts.
lending a h:lnd 10 )OLlf c hLi rch '~ IIl,;tl\ I.
O\cr J65 (Iucndcd . II was a huge suc-
lies, or pc-rhap, llC'eoming im·olH'd in
ces~. and our thanks go out to the com-
local politic-s. Ihe cOlllribulions )OU
miuce members. Chairman I-Ioward mILle are imporlant. II is Ihese cOlil rihu.
Ch'lfin, JOurne)man lineman: Vice lion~, :Ilthouj!h Ihe) mIL) ~'em :.m.LII,
Ch;lirmlln Denni~ Roberlson. journey_ "'hieh h;lle m;uJc Amenc;1 great.
man ]in.. mlln: G:unc Conlllliucc Fd
111 ) per~nill ""h for )OU i~ Ih,'1 )OU
I/ olm, Journetnwn lmem:m: Refresh- lool forwa rd to the )e;lrs (Ihead ",th
ment Comm iuee Dan GalJllgher. heavy confidence and f,' ith lind that )"u.
cquipmem operalor: Iheir wh'cs a nd through the RClired Mcmbers (]uh, will
Part Dr the $Cene al Ihe or8l1n.n l lon mUI.
friend:.: and Ihe O1lln)'. many peop]e .... 110 lng of the tBEW Retired Members Club 129. conltnue to \hare )our h"rd·c;lrned
helped and who ;\ltcndcd to !nOlle it a LUll"", Oh",_ I.nolllcugc ;Lnu ""porie-nees '''Ih the
members of our loc,LI.
Our thllnls also go OUI to our union
comractors. "ho contrihuted prizes and 11M SllIW. P.S.

money 10 be l;iven away. Several of Ihe
comrllctors hlLd ~uperime ndent~ lmd ge n- Soup Plant Crew
em l foremen there-D;I}ton Bullinger
frllm Saq;em-T}ee. Jerry Dorcherdt :and
D" ve Jones from IIcnlels & McCoy.
Jilll H :l nlin~. ,\I r. lmd ,\I rs, Einar Rob- E' ECTR!.!:
erhOIl. U·Flco.
Our Nonh ..... cst Apprcmice Program
\oIas represen ted hy Direclor Dale Snod-
gmss a nd his wife and A \\i~llmt D irec- La l! 10 fight. Local 12'9 Sec .. la"
tor Jim I\Idnlo~h lmd hi~ \oIife, The y Paul Knight. Rat,,1'd Mambers Club 129
Hbo don aled a pump shol gu n, which Prnldent Dominic Surae•• a nd Mra. Surace.
wa~ won by Oa\e Jones, journe yman
linenm n.
Not 10 be forl;ouen or o\·er]ool ed,
"'cre Dcan Bro"'n. journeyml'ln lineman.
anu his b.1 nd. I'll tell you. there \oIeT.: Thne membera of local Ill, Kalamazoo,
Mich.. make up part 0 1 a cre,., that pe,.
wille fllst rect lind ~ ha lin g hi ps to thlLI formed elKt"cal WOrk on the C&mpbell
hand·~ O1u~ic! I he IlLlent of OUT reorl!' Soup Ptant a t Glenn, Mic h. Kneeling, leU to
is unlimiled. rlahl. L. Widner, Jaque Brand, F. McCa,ly.
Ind R Slone. Slandlni. F. Elliol. B. Bu,"e r.
W. I.CO.. one of OLir un ion conlrac- O. Stanton, Toudln •. and O. Wilde,.
tors. donalrd a SIOO ce-rtificale to be
~i\e n :0"(0)' h.l UII": of the ladies. J im
1I0;lllOl'I n\ \01 ife w a~ the ludy one. lind Radio-TV Broadcast
it l'OLlldn·1 h:Lve go ne 10 a more wort hy Local J oins Local J 31
fami lv. J im WOlS budly burned wilh
12.5· KV lind has been 011 worl. lor over LU, IJI. KALA \l AZOO. '''CI I._
:, ) ear. I-Ie is improving lLl] lhe time-. Fir\1 of all. I "'lint 10 "'elcome the
lUld \ole hope 10 see him b.1C],. in lhe ~~r memhers of Local 1:!95. lhe r.luio·le!e\j.
hools soon. Secretary·Treasur.r R.~ Slanlc and hIs .. II", sion broadcasl IQl.:al of Grand R'lpju,.
Many !lood Ihings could be said. and [d"a. Michigltn, for joiuing our 100.;11, L...... ,I
I hore we. Iwvcn'l overlooled anyt hin g 12<)5 lIas cOlllpo!.C11 of tclevi,io n and
Of anyonc. radio hro:ltlca~linl! engineers, camcra.
Our construction meelings are held on men. and lUlnounC('T\. Welcome,P
Ihe ~nd Saturday !II ]0;00 A.M. al rhc accomp..1n}illg photo sho\ols p.ul
Local 125. Yo u h;l\e 10 ha\ie l'I paid·up of Ihe- crew Ihal diu Ihe e-Ieclrica l \oIor],.
liclct 10 l' tlend. on Ihc C:lmpbell Soup !'lam at Glcnn.
Michil,mn, This pl unt l;/'OWS (lml pmc-
e~ses rt1l1~hf<)()m'. Il ) the lime Ihi, urt i·
IBEW Retired Members de is in Ihe JOlfrlllll. thc planl should he
Club 129 Is Form ed complC'led. Hc). Slone). 00'" come
)ou're Ioiuing ntxt 10 the foreman? Are
I" U. 129. tO H: A I ...... OI I1O-As nn un· Ctub otltc"rs. Front ' 0", 1,,1t to .. ghl. E.acu
Ilwe Board member And~ B"re~n.y. Ser. )ou looling for:1 ~lc;uJ) Job?
lnown lLuthor ~OLiu, agc is a Ilualily of I".nt II·Arms Lee Fie ld , and Pre.ide"L Sur. One of the hillge~1 topics of the ) eilr,
lI1in,l. aCe Back row, [Ucull"a Board m.mb .... of courllC. i~ Ihe election. I t:lke Ihe lillle
·1 his was rrO\'cd recently. I,hen se\i· C.,I "'ackln and ',a"k Kniffin, s..""'I~'1' now 10 thanl 11""1 uf Iht; I'''.''~ ....:~!e·
Treasur" r S tanic. E.ecuU"" Board mamber
er:11 mcmbers of our l()I;:al nlet 10 form B,I Stanton. and Voc. P,n.d"nls Tom Bur- tafies around Ihe ~ounlry for doin!.: ;1
Ihe IHEW Relin:d \lembers Club 129. Ion and Jus Bellettl. liule cll!\lpaigning. I re.llil.e Ih'lI ~n'llor
Do minic Sur:,ce. Ch:li rm;on of the Org(l· "' ~(;o\crn i~ 001 for Ihe l;Lhor 010\e·
nilalio n Commiltee. spole of the ro le of Whcll you Ihin]" [l.OOul il. onc's reI ire- menl. Ilhich I"m ~"u 10 !hL). bill nctlher
the retirccs" club, li e ~aid Ihe dub wi ll men! day is M)nlething ~ h ared I\jth Ihou· i~ Ihe Ni~on Admilli\lr;Llion. rrc~idcnl
help pcn sioncr~ 10 hclp themselves. pro- s;tnd ~ here in thc'i\: Un iled S!atc~. I :Kh Ni~on want~ 10 leI the hig money men
\ijue- a means for ""ified e~preMion, person IIho sh;lre~ Ih i~ da y "ilh )OU gel as mLlch mllney a~ JlO'isihlc. tLn)-
mainlain a fmlcrnal lit- "ith the local, lIill lLlso be looljlll; to Ihe da}, l,hc;ld ",he-re from S200.()()U to S87S.00n per
rrol'ide social and recrcalion,,1 :LClivilie~. -<,Ome .. ilh gr".11 jo) and SQme \oIilh )C;lr· -as nlLLch ;IS "<: "ould <:arn in a
u e~do p educ:llion:1 1 rrOl;rams for th05C d{)u hl~ and fe;lr~. lifetime,
ne;,ring retirement, be 1, bource for polit· I hc gn:al AIIICI ;... ,,11 J re;Lnl is. and In elo~inc. I ~. ). " Voi r for Ihl' l)cnlf)·
ic,, 1 " nd le Gi~lalive mllnpo"er. and be a fore\er will he. molded hy Ihc cOlll ribu- CflIIS; :1\ lell)!, thc pari ) h for la hor."
rC!iOurce for community involvement. tions e:u;:h of lOU can !\l;lle in lour W I s ell\;>.u II. P.S,

Graduation Ceremonies

The g.adualtnl clus 01 local IJ., Chicalo, W,lh local off,clrs. The YOlln& lady Is Mrs, Thom31 F.
O"KolI, aCC.plinllo. he. hlllb.nd, who wn ill.

Lift 10 'ilht. Mr. t(dbu ... Bustness ManaSI.

lelt 10 .;pl. HII IUlbu.... Jr_. President. Soudan, Ind s.aduille Cllt"in L AlIen_
ChlCIIO Chlpter, NCCA; Olltstand,nl lradll'
Ita N,ck Annl; Ind BUSIness Mln llle, At

Left 10 rllht. Mr, t(,lhurl. Bus'ness Mlnlle.

Soudln. and .,aduill e Ollie P"do.

Beca u'iC: of Ihe large c1:tS~. speeche1

\l.cre ~epl III a minimum. An opening Li lt to .llht. M. Kilburl: AI U,bans kl. Vter
speech of welcome anu congr:llUhltiun~ ,,1m IIcte.en Ind OIItsl Bndon8'year ap
hy Apprentice Coordinator I'll Pi"rce plen llce; and BU5;ness MII""ler Soudln.
w:,s followed by :1 tal~ on "Conlinued
left to .ilh t, "1 ,. t(IlbU'I. OIlISlandln. grld- FlIucation~ by Ha l Kilnurg. Jr .. I 're~i­ IJ rother Soudan a nll \l r. Kilhurg pre·
uatl John F. Kahlel . lind BUSIness dent, Chicago Chapter. 1\ 1 CA. IJill sented the aw;trus to the (:r;tllu.tles.
Soudln. ta\l.;y. Director. Wnshnurfle Traue Afler the awaruing of diplom;t~. ~pecia l
School. Chicago Boaru o f Ldu cilliun. aW;lrd~ "crc malle to the OUhr"nuing
Semi· Annual Graduation gil"e a finc speech on "'Cooperation Be· apprentices in the first. <oCeOllU. :.nll third
t"ccn our Apprentice I' rogr:lm ;IOU the )c;tr~ .•lOlI ,pecial honors "ere ghe n to
Is Local's Larg est Chicago Board of Euu~alion.- l ollu"inl; two oUlSt:,nding gr:lduates.
L. U. 1 3~. ClII C,\ GO. II. I..-On Ju] y hin •. was n short spt.'Cch on "' I he Gn'at Al Urbansld. a returning Vietn:,m \'ct-
29th. L..oo:.IJ 1)4 ceJehrateu il\ )tmi·,I0· Electrical Industry in C hicagO" by efltn "ho "on the Sihcr SI:tr for nra\··
nual :Ipprenlice gr:lduation in the 1I0ule- Tim Bresnahan, Seniority Adminhlr.llor, cry in the line of lIul)'. "as lhe OUl-
\'ard Room of the Conrad Uilton Hotcf again uemonSlraling r~ fine k:luer, hip standing firs t·)car npprentke: the
in C hicago. It ";IS a gala e\ening. :",d and cooper:lrion in the in.tu,tr). scconll-)ear "inner "as Dc:... Rohcrh:
a ll "ho attended thoroLJghly enjo)ell the C losing Ihe speeches. wa~ :In Olll~tanu· the thiru-)ear \I inner, 1 arry Kaspa ri
din ing. lIuncmg. :",(1 commencement cx' ing tull.; by Business Man;lgcf Al Sou· III .
ercises. dan, who aCCenl Ualeu the fine I"Icndit5 'I he outstanding grauualCS "ere hon-
Thi ~ gr:nlu:ltion "as the largest c\cr (Ind " (Iges open to all nlemhl:r~ :Ind ored wilh engraH:u warehes. one from
helll in the hbtory of our loe:,I, anll it their lIependenlS. Ue ~Ire~,><,d Ihat Ihc!>C the loea l and one from the Chic:lgo
was most signifk:tnr thar thc tol:11 num- benefl1S come from a long hi-l Or) of co· Cha pt er, NECA. The loc:,l's "':lleh \lcnt
ber of IIruuu:'l c~ C:lme to 134. opeT:tlion. unuerslanuing, and m"l he· to 10hn K :ohle~; Nick Anasl \la ~ the re-
We wcrc honorell hy the attcnu:tnce twee n the conlr:lctors a n\1 lhe union !lnu cipient of the eQnlrilctors' "'OIt~'h,
of the I11cmhcr~ uf the 10im Apprentice. pointcd OUI th:11 the .. ppr~mkc Imining A ,urprbc aw;ml "itS GiH!n to Ap-
ship :Iml Training 'I fll\lcCS. lhe seniorit y :tnll journeyman (r;rining p rogrilm~ :11'1,1 prentice Cooruinalor Pierce fur his part
aumini~tr;llor. I'cpt'e,cntati\es of lhe C hi- p:liu for by [he [ ru~t~cs IIn\1 lhut the in helping to organiz.e an cXlr;t-currku·
cago BOMlI of FlIlical ion. clcclrk:ol COI\- fund ~ come from the cOlllrlOctofs' contri· lar program for the ap pren tices. Mike
tnle tOl'~, amI ofli cia l ~ of the loca l. bulion~. Nugent. spokesman foJ' lhc ap pren tices,

lBEW Journol
presented him with a silve r whistle. The
apprentices had an organized hockey
league and an organiud IIOftl>:.1I league
this ye:.r; Ihey :ore forward to a
beller ye:or In \973.
I'hoto~ 'Were then tal.en in the Nor-
mandie Room. after which the cocl.tail
-- Family Picnic Golf Outing

ban WCI'C reopened :md tile whes.

tnend~. :md relat"e, gOi tOl;ethcr with
the gnuh';ltu for d:.ncing to the musk
of Fr:ml.e M aster~.
At. 5o"t)l>':. II.M.

Family Picn ic Held;

Officer Goes After Work Obv.ousty enJoy,na the FlIm.ty Picnic
loe,t aJ. H."lsbu'a, P,~ are, t"ft 10 "aht
1I,0und Ih" plcn,c IIbl", "Bubb" Flickle',
L.U. l -U, IIMHUSU ltG, I' A.-On '·M.k~"·, Bob Emanuel. Rick
August 121h. the Family Picnic .... a~ held Rhlln, Marc Rhlln, Jon Rhlln. Georae Go-
at In~ian Echo (a\e I'arl.. lI ummels- Inch. lind BU$lneu Man,.et Georae SI.le.
town. I'cn n,yhani". IIml it ..... I ~ one of
the best picnk~ 1 have :Iltendcd. •
The food wa~ huffet-style. and if you
went hungry. it .... as your f:oult. liS there
..... IIS plenty and a variet) to please all. Ad
BrOlher Jamts Sha ..... Jr. and tommitlec
membcTl< Garnel 1_ I/umeiiine, James
H ildebrant. ;\111.1 l'au1 /IiI did ltn out-
Manding jt'b, 1 he\(: BrOlhers ..... erc con-
fronted wilh ;. I:tSI-minute chn nge of
pJ:ms. a~ Ihe nood changed Ihem with
the clo~mg 01 Ihe ongmlll location, and
the menu hiLd 10 he changed ,md a 10\
of pl:tnninl.l had \0 be done : then. the
"old nmn." 1'.1U1 Mu s~r. had 10 get a AtloG enlerma lnlO It'le plcn,e sphll, are
brol.en :mlil'. Ilut in spite of nil this JlImes Shaw. J,. teh. and Jlmes Hitde·
lhey :.11 did a ~ood job.
I)on't !K"1I the\.C young Brother.~ short.
for the) .... iII come on ....·hen needed. The
I.iddies had a good time riJing Iht pon-
ies: the) h".:! lillie re,l.
While al the picnic, I met Lulhe r
" Petey" Wolfen,hcrger, J r.. who. for
some time. had been in charge of the
Vio;co planl job al Le .... blown. l'enns,l-
\ania. that closed with aboul Ii~e }C'ars' These It'I, . . . .roUp$ a,. ready to t ... off al
.... ork on the hoards. H e'~ now l.t the the Annuat GoII Oulln. 01 loeat ISO. Wau
Wesl f'erry Count) High School addi- UI
tion ..... hich Ihe place of a new
building thnt tthe School flo:ml .....:lnted
to put up but .... hi ch the t:, .~ p:tyer~ won Another 8'ouP 01 picntckers.
:t battle to SlOp. Brother George Staple- a.... n). His four ;;on ... of .... hom he .... ;1.\
Ion is the forem:.n in charge. vcr) proud. I-nin E.. J r .. James C..
In my re(lOfl allout our new husiness l(on;tI,1 n. alljl I( Kj·nllC:th. art all
mnn:.ger. nOI mueh was 5:lid rellM.:!ing Loc;!1 143 llIemhcr~. Our s)mpathies are
his onlee. hul he had only cOllle in and e\lended to Ihe rl'lllily_
hml no ch;tnce 10 ~ay anything . ..... ow I lll'iO extend our deepest sympathi.:s
thaI he's been in amI gotten his feel on to the Ilidow of William Gu)er. Ui ~ tl'oO
the J.1 fonnd. I will s:.y that he h soing MlI1\. l(a)lIlullll :lIId RUI1'lld . are al'>!)
to (10 11 job. He is pmling another ;ls<,ist- loe:t l l11emhcr...
ont on the Sireet full time to police the Our oldest memher in point of mem-
ICrritory :tnd that lhe local I>et~ the hcrihip. ErJ .... in W. Schaffner ..... 00 joined
..... orl. it ha' coming to it. Thi, may cost, Ihe IBFW on Ma~ 10. 1\116.
but it is ..... orth It. as v.e are 10,101> out a .... uy on ALl1!lI~t )Olh. II I." .... ill be mi\>cd
h} not,) .... lng what i~ going on. by all who ~ncw hinl.
Brother S:lg1c is looking om for the in- rhc\C m~n h;l\c m:lde thi~ 1.X::11 union
tere\lS of the local. ;JIId I ltm ~ure Iha\ .... h"l it is.
lit-- .... ill ftn ;t~ tf>Olt a toh a~ he did .... hen
.... orking .... ilh the tool~. CII\II.U<; D "I'\rr," N1\o~. I'.s
The hc~t .... ny for the Brolhers 10
~now what i~ ~oing on in the loe:tl is to
54 Golfers Take Part
altend meeting,. nOl to c:<pc~1 H ne ..... s In Annual Golf Outing
item tu lclllhe111. L.U, ISO. W"lI"' I~G"'-I. IU .,-Thc
With deep re¥ret. I inform )011 of the Maple Cre~t Golf (OIlT"oC. norlln,e,t or
passing of <;c:vera l IJrOlheT"o. 011 August Kcno-h;t, .... ," the \Clling for l ocnl 150', And IMII lWO !ourSOm.. ar. ,eheshin. at
251h. Frvin "While)" b cl.lcr passed CQllli'lIIl't/ <)II rm'?c 46 Ihe nlnlh hole.

November, 1972

departlnent of Research 1/ l"- v
and Edllcation 0' ......
Labor: Champion of Educational Opportunity
• Tho.! American public ~cllOOI problems. Wcalth \\a\ centralilcd in in 1829. included a\ one uf ih prin-
!<>yMcm. although not perkel, has monopolies: child latxlr \\ a\ not rcg- cipal planks a demand for a ~hool
long Ixcn n.:cognilcd hy Ihe rc .. t of ulal.;d; I:ll\''> wl!rc needlessly O\er- 'iystem "that shall unJte under th..::
thc workl :I ... one of the IxSI and complicalcd. and penpk could be sam.: roof Ihe childr~'n of the poor
most accc .... iblc- 10 mak and fe- imprisoned for their dchh: the rich man and th..:: rich. the \\i(/ow\
male. blad allli while. rich and poor, could buy thdr way out of ,crving charg.: and Ihe orphan. whae the
academic and \'ocalional----of thc in the militia; and lhe working day rO'ld to di"inclioll ~hall lx' \upcrior
world's cduc;uillllal ')'~[Cm ... but Ihis W:IS oftcn 14 or Illor~' hour, lung. indu\try. virtue. and :lcquiremcTlt
wa., not al\\:lp \0. \Vc han! contc a Yel. \\'h:1I th('sc mo:n felt mll'>t kccnly without refercnce to d..:: ..c..:nl.·· The
long way .. incc the I ~OO, <Iud what \\ as the need fur educ:uion for dforts of thc\c org;lIIi/atiOil'> pro-
Samuel GOInpcr\ called "thc damna- Ihem~clvcs :lIId for thl!ir children. duced rl·~ulh. and in 183-1. unions
blc \)"\CII1 \\hich permi ... young and Thc lack of a 'i) ,tel\1 uf public ... du- fmm all o .....·r the nation mel :1t a
innocclil chlldr~'n to ha\l' their lin,s calion occ:IIIlC Iheir kading grit."\- con\cntion in '1e\\ York hi discuv.
\\ UUI of them in facloric~. ;lI1ee. "the social. civic. and political con-
mill .. , workshop .. , and .. torcs.·' The The Working Men', Pilfty. orga- dition'i of the laboring <:I;I\" One
organii'..:d labor /ll{)\'cmcnt. morc nized in Phi/allelphia in July. 1828. of Ih~' mO~1 important r.:commenda-
th.m any other 111\111111;011, \\as in- demanded public ,chool, a~ right, tion\ m .. de there \\,1'.. for the .:sl:lb-
sirunu:nla! in bringing alxmt Ihis not a::. a gift of charily. The ,~·w lishment of "an Cqllill. ul!i\,
chan!l.... England A",.oeiation of F:IfI11CrS, rcpublican S}~lel11 of cducation:'
Thl\ progre...... \\:" far from easy \icchanics. and Othcr \\'orl.lIlgmen 8} ISH I. \\ hen till' ,..\mcrical!
to achicv.:. While Union, Of- hc:mil) :lgrccd. The \\'orl.ingl11en·~ Feder:uion of Labor wao; founded,
ganizing ~upporl fur free public Party. organiled in New Yllrl. City the public school sy.stem had Ix·
school~. other gmup<; \\ere g:lIhcring
into an oppO'.ilion force. 'I II(' No-
tiollal Ga:.:l'ttl' of Phil:lddphi:l ar- CONSUMER PRICE INDEX-UNITED STATES AVERAGE
gued Ihat uni\er~:l1. equal cdU(::IIion
Source: U. S. Deportment of l abor Bureau of Labor Statistics
W;IS impo<;~ibk if Iradc. manufactur-
ing. :lnd ll1arHwl latxl( \\crc to con- REVISED INDEX SERIES-Reference Bose, U. S. AYerage. 1967 ::::; 100
tinue to mCl't Ihc need .. of our
11:1liol1'" p..·opk .. uccc~~fully-unkss All All
!"dn 001 .. It.. ",.
It"",. Appo.,,1 Health
the .. t:lnd:lnl .. uf ellucalion \\ere
great ly luwcrl'd amJ narrowed.
Month Yeo. COlli.
b in"d'
bin .. d F~d Houli ng

& Re( •

The friend, of frcc schoo l ~ were, Aug. 1972 146.2 125.7 124 .6 129.9 120.8 120.5 126.5
at firsl, cOllllllonly regarded :IS fa- July 1972 145.9 125.5 124.2 129.5 121.1 120.3 126.3
n:uics and dangcrou, 10 the Sl:Itc, June 1972 145.4 125.0 123.0 129.0 122. 1 120.0 126.1
:lnd the ide:J of providing fr.;e cdu- May 1972 145.0 124.7 122 .3 128.5 122.5 119.5 125.8
c;ltion for all out of public l:ix:ltion
April 1972 144 .5 124.3 122.4 128.2 121.8 118.6 125.5
wa.\o denounced a, socialislic :lnd
destructive of indi\idual initiative.
March 1972 144.2 124.0 122.4 127.9 121 .3 118.4 125.0
Mureovcr, during mmt of the 1800s, Aug. 1971 142. 1 122.2 120.0 125.1 11 9.0 120.1 123.1
m:lIly people as'iul1led tiwi there was Aug. 1970 136.0
a natural and high correlation be- Aug. 1969 128.7
tween inldligcnce and inCOJlll'. The Aug. 196B 121.9
majorily of Iho~ being educated Aug. 1967 116.9
were rich. while male,. and Illilny , lU7.$t t"r".eft<. . . . .
fl' lt Ihal was 01.\0 it ,hollkl be. Those NOTf, Con,u",,,, Pr;,e I"de- for all it""" ;""..
c", .. d .2 Inde. Point during Ih" pO.1 mol\l".
wcre Ihe prevalent attitutks of the Or 0.2% . Thi. equaUed all "nnuol .ore 01 inc'80 •• 01 2 .• % 112 X 0.2). The inc,,,co ••
day. and labor had 10 work hard in CPI during ,h. pOll }eo. WOI 3.5 Poi .." o. 2.'%.
to change them. Pefte .. tago ;""'(J'.
b"'wotn two dotes i. <ol<ulo l.d by I .. bl,<>cling th . Ind •• Num_
be. lor th" eodi •• dole Irom lhol for rh , 10'''' dOle, on d by dividj~9 the .elui!
In 1827, the growing number of by 'h" indu <lumbe. /0' the eo.lie. dale. then multiplying by 100.
working men who joil1l'd uniom in
EXAMPLE: Fa. the pe.iod Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972: 12.5.1 _ 122.2 = 3 ..5 Index Pain";
I)hiladelphia. New York. 1l0~lon. 3..5 diyid,d bv 122.2 = .0286 X 100 = 2 _9% .
a nd other citic~ f:u;cd Illuny seriuus

!lEW Jourfl o l
come ;1 reality. due in considerable thc AFL convention adopted a reso- ing cqual opportunity for all Amcri-
part to the effort~ of early unions lution calling for the establishme nt can s 10 acqu ire the necessa ry tools
and workingmen's parties. of e\ening schools in all parts of th\; (ur a bencr life.
Like the unions that had prcc~dcd nation . The ocnefits derived from educa-
it, the A FL was a champion of /{ was thc AFL which granted an tion were not limited 10 thc :Idvances
the schools, the ~ tuuent.'., :1111.1 the onicia l charte r to the Americun Fed- made in thc schools, nor cven to
teachers. It knew that avai lability era tio n of Teachers in 1910 so th:1I the personal advances made by the
of schools did not ml'an that :111 t"::lchers might have a depl.!ndabk studen ts them,elves,
chi ld r~n :It!ended, and it wa ... con- way tn improve Ihe ir eon- For e xample, Ihe beginning of the
cerned that ,hi lllr"l1 he in the diti()I\S anel their s:II,lrics, as well as 1800s saw thousands of children
school.. which had Ix'en l'slablbhed a tool wilh which to attain llis nil)', :llId thcir parents working 84 hours
fo r Ihem. Support for compul-.ory freedoill. and independence, The :1 week or longer. Thereforc. Ihe cx~
sc hool anendance was one rart of 1916 AFL convention hailed the tension of edueation:11 opportunity
this enort: ht\\ s against child labor, new AmeriCllll Fcderution of Teach- had to await it rcdul:tion in the
anoth.::r part. er~ as a '"1l10VC1l1elll which will work week. Dil l' to l abol"~ lireks~
The AFL also reeOl!.ni7l'd the evell tu ally democr:Hizc o ur public clrort~, thl' w(lrk week is now only
need fo r Hxational edtlcat ion. It schools." 40 hours long. ;Ind e ven shorter fo r
favo rl'J iud uuillg ... ocational da~~cs Thl.! AFL supported federal aiu some, and the majority of those in
which would leach ~t ll(l e nI S variolls to cdueat io n in clver)' conve ntion the work fo rce arc adults.
traJe .. in ~e hool curr icul um .. bUI in- since 19 16. Therefore, il is nOI sur- In the e:lrly 1900s, when imllli-
sisted thm th . . se CJ:I~'I.'~ be ... upple- pri'ing that. when Ihe AFL and Ihe grants poured into the country by
ments to rather than ,>ubstlltltes fo r C IO merged in 1955, the new orga- the th ousand~. they-not ~ IJC;I"-il\g
instruction in ~uch ... ubjccts as gov- nization reanirll\cd labors wpport the language :rnd being unaware of
anmcnt, Engli~h. ~cil'nce, and his- for the usc of federa l funds for till': complexity of the sit uation in
lory. Vocational ~ItJlkn t s need 10 schoul conslnKt ion. improving which they Were invol ved-were of-
know more than thc ~I..ilb of their teachers' salaries. health and \~cJfare tI'll uscd as ~t rik eb rcaken. At first,
trade, unionist... bcli\.'vcd; they also se n ices for children. loans ,md angry worken. lried 10 restrict immi-
need 10 kno\\ the ~I..i ll ~ incidental scholarships for all \~orthy ~tlldents, gration. but it wasn't long before
to eitizen~hip in a democratic nation. llnd tIll.: crud icution of adult illit- lahor S,IW Ihb WitS not the umwer.
As George Ml'uny ~o doqucntly eracy, Perce ptive labor leaders knew that.
said ... /t ·s a grea t rn i~fortu nc that. Since its incl.!ption in 1955, the if the ilnmigrant wor"-er were not to
~omew hcn:: a lo ng Ihc way. ma ny AFL-C IO has been extremely active undermine the ga ins won \~ ith stich
AIlll'ricans have rll1~l"iu Ihe old con- in It-. 'U pp0rl of 'Iuality ed ucat ion difliculty by org:lI1izcd l;l ixlr o\('r Ihe
cept of tli\! dignity of l'lbor . Too for aiL For in ~ t , lI1 ee, as one of its previous century, labor must join in
few of our c itizen~ realize thm m od ~ first iIC\!;, it whokhe:'lrIedly sup- teaching adult immigrants somethi ng
ern technology h" .. incr.,:a.'.eu, r:llhcr ported the decision of thc U.S. Su- about the traditions and standards of
than diminished. Ihe ski lls required pn:rne Court outlawing racial scgre- thdr adopted cuuntry, Adult educa-
of the: individ ual crafhrnan . Too:ly's gation in Ihe schools. In 11)(,1. il lion for the foreign-born is now
m:lchi nbt is w ught to work rOLlt inely support ed Public Law 276, which commonplace.
with tolerance of a thll1l'ianuth of (Ill a utho rizes grutHs 10 trai n t C;l c h e r ~ of Thu s, labor's struggle 10 make
inch. The pipcfil\cr o n a Polaris Ihe deaf. It has also .!o upporlcd thc education accessible 10 alJ who have
submarine mu~t be able to kecp Man power De\ cJop1l1elll and T ra in- a dcsire to Jearn has ocnclited, not
allowilblc ~ce page do\\ n to one: drop in!; Act, the Vocational Educ,lIion on ly the schools. the students, a nd
.1 ytilr. The mcn who ca n do these Act. tho.! Menta l Retardalion F:lc ili- the tcachers, but the natio n as a
things deserve c,v.:ry bit as much tics and Commun ity Melll.r l I lcalth whole. The quality of our lives has
respect :IS Ihe man who can pr..:parc Cente r~ Con~trtlction Act. the Equal ocen enric hed . and where once there
a J.:·ga l bricf:' Educational Opportunities !)rogram. was fe:lr and hatred. there is now a
The A FL realized that est ablIsh- Ihe Econo mic 0PIXlrlu ll ilY Act. the de~irc for understanding

ing ~chools mul encouraging children Elementary and Secondary Educ:l- In Ihe words of Harold I-Iowc 11 ,
to a"cnd Ih em W:IS o nly a p:11'lia l li o n Act. Ihe I ligher Education Act , former U.S, COlllmissioner of Edu-
solulio n to the problems of the day. and Illanyoth ers, cation , "education is a bridge be-
It ocl!:ln to conccrn itself wit h ad ult Taday's AFL-C IO conti nues to t\\oecll 1Il"'1I a nd his work , .. be-
educ;tion, advocating ~ueh innova- strive for the gO:l ls visualizcd by o r- twccn the pre.!oenl a nd the future .. ,
tions :IS public libraries with re,rding ganized labor almost 200 years ago. between whal we a rc anel what wc
and lec ture or dC'I101tc rooms vpen II lirrnly s uppor1 s iI 111a s~ iv e national may become . .. as individual s, :IS a
during Ihe eveni ng hours and on effOrt to provide quality education nalion, as a world ..
SundHYs. In 1888. Sa muel Go mpcrs for ;il l children and )ollng people, The I BEW is pro ud to be a part
helped \~ in the passage of a law in \\hcrcver they Illay Jive. \~hate ... er of lhe labor movc ment and, as ;In
New Yo rk uutho c\'enillg lec- their race or n'l tion:ll ha"kcround, "nitiate of the AFL-CIO, it has act-
tures in the schools all s ltch subject s wh:Hevc l' their f.unily income. Only ed, in lhe p'ISt, and will continue to
:LS science, political theory, econom- through such effort s, can wc realize :ICt as a champio n of public educa-
ics, art, and literature, and in 1893, our goals and object i... es of provid- lion :It each :md every opportunity.

November , 1972
j (m/ill/led from I'llt:/' 4J We note \li lh ~;H.lne'lS Ihe p:I';~ing of
Annua l Golr Outing o n Auguq 2Uth,
Local 159 Honorees Eve rett r. t. Comefor<l on J uly 7th and
wi th tee·off li me :11 9:00 A. M. Approxi· Arthur W. Bahr on July 11th. Brother
ma tely 54 golfers \lere tllt're. B:lhr Jomed i..<X',,1 159 in 1913 and
The first nillt' holn \lent :l lon# VeT) ..cncd a1 recordm{! !t4.'('rClar~ in 19:!7.
\lell, although tilt' 1;I~t h'llf 1001. con,id- financial <;cerelaT) from J9~9·'969, ;lnd
era hi) longer :,her the n:fre~hm""n\ ~Iop un the I \,tmining BO'lrd. He \I"~ an
at Ihe ninlh hole. elcelri~,ol in~rcClor for the eil) of \l aui·
The \linncr~ \lere l)a\'C Reg:11. longest ~on from 1952· 1966. I'h.::n he rctired.
drh-e: Boh Cahlc, IO\lc\1 ,cries: :Ind Ted I I I \'0 C. Lt \II ',.1'.5.
Dell, d<N.'~t 10 the pin on the fourlh
hole. Annual Outing Held;
After the oming. e\er)one relurneJ 10 Retirees' Club Und er Way
the union h'lll. \lhere a\lards and food
\lere di,pen ...... d I.. U. 16... JERSEY erry. ;"\.J.-On
Thanl.~ 10 the Party Commillee, Tom
Seplember 16th. our Annual OUling I'as
Cur1cy, Curl.) Ilrudner, Bill VII I.II;I. Hpns Haugen. Local 159. "'''dIson, held III i-oreM Lodge in Wilrren, I'oew
Roy Bell. D,III Curley. Hnd John Az·
telt, "I<:e,v,,,. his 50'yell' urv,ce JeNCY, I he weather wa\ jmt perfeci on
BUSiness "'anllge, Rplph Conr.d. that da)·. \\hich helped 10 mal.c the af-
zone. for II \\ell·pklllncd OIuing.
fllir II 101,,1 ~ucte~.

Hans Haugen, Graduates

01 I' M~)S, I'.s,
.- ('here \I,h plenl) of foo..t ;IIIU liquid
rcrre~hmcnl for e~er)one. r. l ~n}
I'ere gi\'cn oul for Ihe man) ~cti\'ilic~
Hon ored at Meeting Ihm had t:l~cn pl:oec throughmlt the d:I)'.
t. v. 1S9. ~ I I\IJI SON, \VISC. -Il uns T he ollting WI" honored with Ihe
prc~encc of U.s. Senator I-i Hri,on A.
1-[:lUgen \1:1\ presented h i~ 5()·ye;lr serv-
"" etc" William" I'ho found room in his
ice pin during our June 81 h meeting.
bu~} ..cllt'd"le to SlOp mer Dn<l !oay.
and tomplciion cel"llnc;tlc~ \lere pre·
" lIello." " he latch~lring h all'a)~ OUlIO
:;cnted 10 our new journe) men,
I'dcollle I'ele William~.
iJrother lI :mgen \1.1\ horn on June 9.
The retircu mernhe", I'ere OUI in
1 89~. ;lIId \I"~ initi;lled Inlo l oca l iS9 fel"HS gre"t numbcr\ and en)O)'ed IhCIll'>l:lvcs
on No\emher II. 1922, lie relired on b rlle Bfother Haugen's lenllfhy servICe LeU
10 righi, Walter Pomrenke, Bfolher Haugen, immen-.el) . B ) lhe \lay. Ihe Relircd
No\emhcr I. 1959, A lunc heon \I,IS held
Wal,er, HenfY Suchomln, ReI>' Member, Cluh, IInu~r the ch:lirm:mship
in his honor after tilt' meeting, .,.n "'ohl, .nd Walter Schlough of rom \I urra}. St" i, l'oeil under \\a) •
J>re~nl 10 honor lI an), \lere rei ired
\lllh applicalion\ arri\'IIIg dail)
memhcr~ Walter &'hlough, ReuhC'n Our mlln) Ihanl., :l.i!:lin Ihi, )car to
\ lohl. former busillC:~s mana~:er Walter Fd lIept and Ihe OullllS Committe(' for
Schnurhu\I;h, Walter Pomrenl.e. and their p!:Lnning and h'lrd I'orl. thai made
Uenr) Su~honmn. the oulin!! possil'ole 'Ig;lill thi, leaT.
The nel' journe)lIlen I'ho reeei"ed T he ('01'1' Commillee ha, been worl.-
their IIU·W com pletion certi lk;lles :ore ing \ery hard thi, pa_t )ear for IOU per
Rohert Ace. Dc ll l~ Dennis, Thomas tcnl \-oter rcghualion in our local, Our
Duren, Gerald Uuggel. Jefr) h.:lpra!. thanl\ 10 10m Donia), Joe ThomJ)"On.
red Ro\\ie). I'r«l Shc:pilrd, Wa}ne V:III and ., 0111 \1 for their efforb in
Derg:llien. an\1 Rich"nl Viney. tryin!! to mal.c th,) program a complete
Our J ul) meeting un,'w a good ero\l d ~ucce",
The ne .. Journeymen 01 local 159 PO" .. ,I"
"nd \\:o~ one of Ihe he~1 I'e IHld hud for Iwo members o f the Apprenllce Commi ll u, K I N N"'0f I. ,'.s.
quil l.' 11 while. Then.. were mOlion~ 10 cn·
dOl',c Se nator M ~' (, overn for l'l'c,idcnl
lHld 10 -.eml a re,ollilion to Ihc IIU'W to
Outing Figures
do the ~:Imc, BOlh p",..ed h) a 77-t0-5 pi
'Ole .., here: was :1 \el) gOOl1 ui!'CII~~ion
of the iss"c~, It 1',1\ :111 interesting mco!!'
\Ve ft'ci Ihat, :lllhlln~ h McGO\'crn
may nol always VOle the Ilay labor
I\ould lil.c for him 10, I'ohon ve ry sel·
dom doc\. AI...o, Ni\l)n ~1I,pended Ihe
Davis·Hacon Act once; \lhal'~ 10 SlOp
hilll ;I!;;un? '-ii, p"rt)' ha~ introduced :1
nUlllhcr of "nli·I:IOOr hill, I'hKh \lould
hurl lahor. 110: :olso h;l\ Ihe v:llue lidded
t'l\ (n:ltion:11 ,>,l les 1;1\) under cunwJera·
lion, I' I"eh I'ill :llfed I"hor Hlld r~lire d
(lI."Oplc trelllendou~I~. l ie i~ in f"vor o f
oil depletion aIlOI'.lncc:~ :Ind 1,Irge t:IX
breal.s for I'ousinc ...,: he UOC\ not \I ant
iln~ ~h .. n1=e~ in lho~ :tre:\\. Nhon made
one other ~t:l1emenl on Cklobcr 9, 19611,
when running for " Te\iuent. " r hO'\C I'ho
h;lve hnd !I ch:.nce for four )c;LT~ :IlId
cOlild not produce pca~c ~ h ould nOI be
siven :.nolher ch:lI1~e." Nol'. fOil I' )c:ors
Four 01 the Oul;ng 0 1 Local 164, J e,"y C,ty,
:LIlU 141.000 de:ld men lplus the ones
N.J ..a succeu .fe, I ClISey. U S. Senator H.,,,son A.
wounded ,L1ul cripple<l) 1,ltcr, he '!.;I)S, WillIams, Bus,ness "'an.gof Duling Commiuee Chairman Ed

"VOle for lIIe :lnd pc'lce in the I\orld." Hept.

IIEW Joumol
Activities Florida quite a turnout. Approximalely H25 per-
sons :mended all of Ihe fun and frolic.
Annual Picnic
It "a, :tn all·tla} :tffair, beginnin!:: \lith ~
lunch al aile alld concludin!:: II ilh ,upper
around ~ix.
There "ere fun and garlIC' fur Ihe
adulh and children. I'rize, lIere :I\lurdcd
10 (,H"ry "innl"r r lrr)"nl~ '>Ccmed 10
enjoy the picnic. in,'luding Ihe p;lMy-
pourer, Ilho gOI Ihrolln inlo Ihe drink. r' ,
It IIa, all in fun, hOllcl'cr, and ell,'ryonc
h:ld quile a d:I).
\\e Ih:mk elel)Urre \11m 1l<.'lpc,i the
Pa rly COtllmiuee anu. espedall). Broth-
Membe,s of local 111, Jacksonv,lIe, Fla"
er, Bill Roli-,oll, Paul Jone,. Bill (; ... hm. 1\ wu BonllO fo, Ihe lad,es 1\ the Annu,,1
and their gUllSts line ~p for food at the 10' Pic;nic; of loc;al 191. Everett. Wash.
cars Annual labor Oay Picnic. lien I lio:ginbOI IWIll. RoOo:.'rt Junlan,
CIc\C Loveland, ami \li~e Roli~on.
I h;ul a .;h:lI1c", hJ "ttend Ihe 1I0rida
A I I -(10 Annu:tl I :IOOr School. held in
Fort I.uluerdalc from Augu\1 ;!.Oth 10
Ihe 251h. Some of Ihe particiranr, ;Jnd
leacher, in Ihe ,chuol were Chllrlie Har-
ri,. I're~ident. I lorilia SI"te AI·L-CIO:
An I iallgren. Vice Pre~iden1. I lorida
Stale /\FL·ClO; William I~ Allen. Sec-
relary. Hariua St:lle A I- L·C IO: :Inu
Waller I . Li!::hhey. Coordinator. F lurida
Sliite AF I -C IO: ahu. Jim O'lIricn, Rlldy
OswllM. Don I'o"cll, and Rohert Cre- The penny hunl waS for Ihe p,e·schoo!
Couptes v,e in the sac k '8ce. gar. ,,11 of the nalion,,1 AI·I.·(IO. crowd.
Ir ";I~ :1 ,cry informalile school.
\,hich rCloh..-d around Ihe prescnl polit-
ical situ:llion. "e:m Labor Siand An-
olher I'uur Years of Ihe Nixon Adminis-
In the lifetime luli"l1 le,,-olds of
NiXOn anu ,\ lcGo\ern. r-.hon vOled
ag:lin~1 1:lbor 54 lirnc~ and for labor 10
lil11e~ : McGovern \'Oled :1!;Hin't labor
tille limes and for InOOI" 71 limes.
L:lbor sirongl} !>upporls the Burke_
H :trt~e Bill. Thi~ 1:'rilJ v.iII SlOp Ihe ex- Ttle raw·egg tou waS for all ales.
POI'1 of jubs and regula te Ihe flood of
imports. I hanb 10 AI Youngb lOOU. our ,carch
We ol~o hilU Ml\'eral cl:l~~e~ on Ihe for pictures of Ihe Annu:" Pic nic finally
WilliillllS-Sleiger O":clIpaliooal S:lfcly :Ind bore fruit-a hit I;lle to (Icrompany the
He:llih Act of 1970 ...... hich pro\ides for picnic article. ho"eller. Mike Flke. \lho
Local 171 P'IlS,dent Paul Jones gives ;n- tab \;lfCl) and hC;llth rroleclion for loets ;1) the local union phologr;lpher,
struct,ons On pole climbing. worlen. The purpo ..... of this feder:tl act W:lS in MonlHml :ll Ihe lime of Ihe
h 10 H'>SUl'e s~fe nnd he:llthful Ilorking P'COtC.
conllilions throughOUllhe nation. There arc quite a few new faces on
J I.\tl S C. "C~M I " S~lt nt, Il.S. ihe politic:!1 "~'e ne for Ihe gcner,ll elec-
lion. Our COUrtly was one of Ihe pilot
Work Is Non-Existent; ar.":t~ for the ne\l. compuleri1cd. punch-

Pay Raise Approved canJ·st}le of _Oling. Li ke :1 11 new iOllo-

latrOI\~. il had a few hllg~. hut Ihe
L. U. 191 . EVElmTT. WASII .- Work in Oller-all concepl was 10 ma~e locating
our ;lreli is still non_existent. \lith nOlh- }our canlliU:lles easier :.nd Ihe com-
ing of lIn} m:tgnitude III sighi. Our per- pleted n:lurtl\ f""te. an,l more accurale,
centage of unentplo} ment is Mill close to \lhich it did.
Ihe 25 p.:;r cenl marl. Man} Illelllbcrs We regretFully :tnnounce the passing
arc \\ol' ~ing in ncighhoring slate~. Mon- of 1\10 of our rctireu Illcmbcn. Rc.~
l eft to right, A, I Holts,on, 'Ileo P,uid.nt . t:tna. Idaho. Or<'l.'on. California. A[;ls ka. Brcchncr ~utfered :1 heart att:!ck. which
Florida State AFL.CIO; Ch.rlie Harris. Presi. and Htlllai i. until our \Ior~ picture provl'd fat:,I. and A. 1'. "Lee" OughlOn
dent. Flo,ida Slate AFL·CtO: and a,II Allen, \I"~ :1 victim of c:tneer. We dmped our
SecreU,r)'. Florida Slate AFl·CIO. .I I Ihe change~.
Siale Ilroup'S Annual labor School In Fort Augll~1 finall} -,lIW the re~ult~ of our ch:.rter in their me mory :Ind ",,01 our
lauderdale, which was also attended by ca~c before Ihe Con)lnlction l nuustry condolencc~ 10 Iheir fllOlilies.
lo.:4 1 177 I',en ~ecreHlry Jomes C. Sml l h. Stahili/mlon ('omlllilke (e lsc)' wilh r; lwood Reher. Marilin Wilsan. A:lron
the enlire :'iO-(·ent-:.ppro\ed r;ri'>\! from Hcrshire. J:lm.::~ Le:lry, and J ~~~ Towne
Annual Picnic Successful; lhe Cou ncil on l nuUSlria l Relations hale joined Ihe ranks of the retired.
Labor School H eld being gr.tnleu. Thi ~ now makes our SCille T\lO former local members who h:'lIe
$8.4-15. y,ith a dClh,,:ted four per cent had their card~ in the 1.0 .. Ing\lliu Vik
L.V. 177. JACKSONVILLE. I~ J.A.­ \'acalion fund ilnd n 2S-cenl hc;.hh and and ( ,eorge Uradt. ha\'e 1I1'iO rei ire..!,
Our Annu;11 LHhor Day I'icnic was 11eld we lr,lre ftinge . . [ he raise w:\s relruactive May ,,1\ of you enjoy YOllr retiremenl
on Scptelllber 2nd al King,ley Lake. to Ihe firsl of Jun~: nOli :111 \Ie need is 10 its fulle~1.
II \\tIS a beautiful day'. so \Ie had some lIor~ 10 appl) it to! Riddle of the month-When is an

Nov e mb.., 1972

Ohm not an o hm ? A ns~er-When it i~ Local 212 Picnic An :.pprcciation awarJ .... as gi \'c n hy
a lea n. long. 1;l nl. )'. recenl l)'-Iumed-out DircClor Ganey to Broth er HotTman for
appre ntice. Our congrulu laliom 10 Gary hl~ !>Cf\icc liS former arca dtreclor of
Ohm nnd Ron Oa\l.\oOn. Gordo n lIam. Ihe program. Lcx:al~ 31. Lima. Ohio:
mingo hme,> "u~hun, Wilham li mn- 24.5: 6811: and 867. S"ndusl). Ohio: also
phre). James Slone. Daniel Quimby, cuendet.! Iheir Ihanl.) to John for Ihe
Doug Wehley. "en Perrigolle. R,I) fine "pprentices he has contributed 10
Thoma~. CIa) CarOl.'II. Grorge Urdlluin. our junStJi~tion,.
and I)_Hid Il o~'>On on Ihc ~uc<:e~~f\ll Anolher fir~1 fOf Ihe committee ~as
complelion of their four )e;\r\ of ,Ip- the inlCT\ie"ing of applicanl Joan 1'0"-
premiceship and the p'I:)~ing of Iheir ell for A I IlAI Jo;tO i~. not onl) a fine
jouTOC)mnn c\ilmin;llion prO~flCd. hUI il bc;lllliful laJ).
Be \Ufe 10 \'Ole on '-o\emN:r 11h. It
S. R. '"\lIK'" \VI'oOIlO\\1>KI. P.s.
i~ a mml 10 in~ure Ih;11 lahor "ill h,l~e
proper rcpre)Cnt;llion 10 rolh the 11011*
and Ihe Senale. 5/;ene Irom the Ann Besket P,cn,/; .... Id
Graduation Banquet Held;
L. 1'1 KI, I'.S. by Loc:al 212, CinCinnati, OhIO
COPE Contributions 100 jlo
Local 210 Negotiates L.U_ 252. ,\ NN AlUlO I{. l\ IIC II .-The
On Wag es , Fring e Benefits Appremice GradUlllion Ba nquel was
hcltl :It Ihe Fire,ide Lounge on Septem-
L.V. liD. ATI ,,\NTI C c rry . N .J.-The ber 1.5lh.
wagc rate, and fr'illge~ of Agreement ·I h... 17 new journc)ntcn receiving
No. 19 h;\\e bcen rcopelled for ncguti'I' grad""liOl1 eertilie"le, arc J il11 Augus-
lion. line. \Va) ne Bi~hop. Jo~ ph Chanteloi~.
Our Negoli;llins Commiuec mCnlh;;:r) J im I ellcr~. Keit h F i~her. Don 1·r.I~"re.
arc I' resident ( h;!fles K. Arnold. Busl - L)'nn Gre nier. LrSler H •• I!. W,I)ne Han-
nes.~ Mamlger Ed Ritchie. 10m " in-cll. -..: n. C:thm Ua .... l.ins. Kent Kille!. Wi l-
John (;a)l.o. SIll I homp'>On. and vene '>On I illle. 1:>O1l~1:" I'arr, Jesse Pen).
uuion. Did 1'1i~~o. Ir,l Shubcl. and Da\e Spi-
Willi ... " I 1i \IJI II , I' .S. cer.
I he Reuhcn Rose A .... ,mJ for Ihe OUI-
M.. mber-s of Loc:al 2.5, TOledO. OhIO. ... ho
Area Work Very Good ; <ec;entJr ........ \l<8dU8led from I.... Northwest 'landing \pprenli~e "'IS won h) Ira
Albert Behrman Mourned Oh.o Ame ..can L,_ B..,lde.s App.entoce5h,p Shuhel. Reuhen Ro\(' made the preS('nta-
Tre,n;n\l P,o\lt8m (ALBAn dlspla), the .. ce.· lion. "ilh his usu,,1 Mories on his \alest
L U. 21Z, C Il'""C I;"\ N \TI. 01 11 0 - tif,<;eles of completion Canadi;," fishing jaunt.
Worl. in our juri\dluion IS \I:r) ~'OOlI. Arnold Laubengayer W<lS Ihe masler
for a change. -I he po~cr pl,lnl al Mus· of ceremonies. President Richard Kcn
CO". OhiO. ha\ '1;lrled. 11'1> 'Iill .1 lillie and NI' (A Pre~idenl 'I om SI:1Olon ga'c
slo ...... bm it "ill pid up. pearl, of "isdom 10 Ihe ne" journe}-
Sorr} 10 :Innounce Ihe .lc;lIh of Alherl mcn I he cla.'!..\ presc nled in~trll<:tor
Behrm:.n ..... ho ",1\ inilialed into our Gcorl;e PerrO'! .... llh a gold-:tnd·,ihcr-
local in No\emlx-r. 19UI. "hcn our plaled dlC\~ !>Ct. Robert Ferris. the 10-
loe:11 charter .... ;t~ forme.1. AI died on C,,!") SC(fet:lry or Ihe Appremiceship
Seplemher 11h. li e ..... ill I'C mi, hy his COllllllillee. ~a\'e an ins pi red speeeh on
m:.n) friend~. Al .... :1\ one of Ihe Ilelc- Ihe fUlure of Ihe eleclrical induslry and
g:ltc\ 10 Ihe Fi r,1 Inlcrnational (ome n- Ihe pari Ihe'iC new journeymen will pia),
lion. in i1.
QUI" Ol ympic hopeful in Canadhm I am happ y 10 report here Ihal l ocal
c;t lloei ng. Roland i\luhlcn. fini~hcd si"t h John Hoffm an, a lo.n.e, aru III,ect", 01 Ihl! 2.52 hu, gune over IUO per cellI in
ill Ihe fin,tls IhHI .... CIC .... on h) I{u, ~ill. pr"lIram. lelt. .ec;elvu In Ipp,.clallon CO I' F eontrihulion ~ for 1912. I he
All wII~i,lcrcd . Ihal'~ prell)' gOOtl. ......d h om ALBAT Dlr"cto< Joe C.rvey.
cheel. 11:1, heen forll:trdcd 10 Interna-
Our o,I'lCh"ll le;<m had :1 goOO !>c'I~on . lion:tl SeCrelltr) Joseph D. Keena n. All
It "on Ihe BLl ilding I radc) I ea~ucs and (0 1'1- f"nd~ arc lI'iCd for the elecllon of
Ihe firsl An nual IBrW -I OUl"n'llncnl in friendl) United SI,IIes l'ongre,smen: not
Ihis "re:l. one cent of CO I'I: monies has e'er bee n
G ... R\ III 5\\-';1, 1'.5. eonlributed 10 It prcsiden\lal e:tndid:,le.
I he AI I -C 10 pot)S all of Ihe O\'crhead
ALBAl Graduates Honored; on lk,1:trie~ ami expensc\ for COPE. I
Female Applicant Quiue d rrpcal. e'er) penn} of )our COI' F dol-
lar\ goe~ 10";,rJ~ elecling Ihe friends of
I__ U. 245. '1'01.(1)0. 01110 -An appre- lahor 10 ('onl!re~,
cialion dinner ~,h heloJ m l oledo for \'Of'~ in the juri..diclion is slo"·. and
lhe gradUate, of the '-orlh"e~1 Ohio il looh Iile a ,10" .... inter.
Amerit:,m Line lJuilder~ Apprcnliceship , hi, 1\ Ill) laSI ('r!ide as press secre-
The ALBAT CommlU" 'nll.\"e_ tiS 1"51
Training I'rogram I AI BA I I epplkanl, Jo.n Po_II t;tr),. I ha\i: reluclanll) rcsigned because
W;llehe) ,md cerlifk;Itc~ .... ere pre- of Ihe increil'\('d ~orl. load of my other
scnted to rom Bod. "enn) lI ureh. Phil Briner. :Ind Danny WOnl;ro",l.i. from union IIcli vlltes. BesiJes being re~i'lrar
Buch!'""r. Roherl P:tr~er. William I'.• lligh Vol!:lgc Sy~h:m\. Inc.: 1I.lrold ,lilt.! ('hairman of Ihe Arhilr.llion und
Rohert Ze h, ~ h ~e !);In<,one. lIarr) Fherw!c. 11usinc\s \1 .lna8er. I.ocal 61111. Colteeli~e lIarg,l illing Commillee of
Ad ams. I';oul 1>'lnnlng. 1),l\id (1I1,h<lll. ~ I a n .,fieltl . Ohio: Bt"ine\s \l:lnagcr C:lrl Local 2.~2. I <1m pre'it.lent of Ihe Il uron
D:I ~'e M e~er. and Da\c Mc( lure. M. Ycnricl. and Reeofdin~ Scnel<lry V:llley Cenlrlll I :thor Council :tnd editor
Guests al Ihc meeling included Joe Jolltl HofTman of OUf loe:.l: in'trllctor of Ihe eou nc il'~ nc"sp:tpcr.
I' rigllon ,tnd Arnold I'uge!. from Ihe L. Bill Sto~es; lind A l BA J Director Joe The ncw pres, secfet;try ..... ill be Ar-

E. Myer\ CompHn),: George B ,,~I, Dave G:orvey. Ih ur" A-.cltine. Record ing Seerelar), of

ISEW Jg ...... 011

New Journeymen Breakfast Meeting cia l Sccrt'tllry Arlie Heald; Executive
Bo.1ru membcr~-a l - Iarge Gale Cra lsc n-
berg. Jml I)Qnovan, Roy La mb. Joh n
Meyer, Orville R(»C. and Ron SW:trIZ:
anU 1'~;lmini ng I~oord members MiLe
Martin. Gary M en~born. anu Bill ROlls-
I he 11th ubl"cl !'rogress ~lceting
wa~ hdd. Ihb )car. ut the Omaha lI il·
Ion 1I 00d. Omaha...... ebrasl.:r. on J uly
27th. 2Rlh. anl.l ::!91h '1hee meeTing ~.lJ;.lIy Sl:heuuleu for Kapil.l Cit)'.
South O;II.Otii. but it w,,, eh:lnGeu 10
Onwh,l after Iht tr;.gic flood Ihal levcted
ro .... ,
Lynn Grenier. LeU 10 "Shl. BU',neu Manase. A,lIe F. pan of R.Lpid Cit}. l<X"al 26.5 extends
FeUe~, lInd Kent • H. .ld, Local 265. Lincoln, Neb •. ; Robe.t W. il\ l.Iecre~t ~)mpalhies 10 lhe \iclims of
I . . lImon. Ih. ne'w:~;""~::~,;;:~;::~j:
McIIlwcc, M:>n:>.,nli Ed,to •• IBEW Journ:>I:
Ihal Ue\a~I:'ILnll nO<..ll!.
252, Ann Arbor, MIch.. ::::C:
.... .... : ••• Charles H. P Illard, In le.nalional P,e.ldent:
Ind Robert K. G•• ll ly, Inlernat,onll VIce I he l .oc:11 265 uelegalC$ 10 The pros·
honored 8t • • ,aduallon banqual.
Presiden t. attend , Neb.aska B'nkl"1- reloS meetin!,! \lere Arl ie Heald. Virgil
sponsored by Ihe Nobreska Slale (Iec t.lca l Rueter, Jary Cralscnbcrg. La rry A me n,
Council, du,inli Ihe 11th Distric t P.oll.en
Meet 'nl. anu I. Li n Willer, reTired anl.l living in
Oma h;l. a lso .Hlended Ihe meeling.
On the Illst l.Iay of the meeling, Ihe
Nebr:ls~a State Electrica l Cuunci l spon-
sore u a Nehras ~ a Bre aL fast for ;L! l l.Ie lc·
gales from Ncbraskll Io<:ul unions. Inter·
national oflicers. anU olher l.Iignilaries.
I!u~tne\\ Manager lIealu has 5t"leclel.l
Jerry Cntl\Cnbcrg as his ;ts.,istanl.
Brol her Cralscnbcrg W:I~ an Ext'cutive
BOilfd Illembcr for scver.. 1 years lInU is
Hry anl'e in local union affaih.
ROS"ID N. 1\1 \JlK[Y, P.S.
TlIlk"'l over a CUP 01 collee. leU
ue tnterna lronal Treasurer HI"y
10 "alii.
van Ars·
Wor k Slows Down;
dale. Local 265 A U ' ~lanl Buslnen Mlnlaer Ne w Office rs Named
J erry CralSenbe r.; Ind local 265 PreSIden t
V"SII Rueter. L.U. 29-1. IIIIJBING. I\1J"N.-The "'orl.
in our jurisdiction i~ .. lowing uO\ln. The
one hiG job \It' hau at the Minnlac Plant
al Mounl Iron. Minnt''\()la. is jU_1 ahou l
1 he higgesl eleclrical COlllrattur \las
Mil.llanl.l lnl.luslrial Eleclric. \lhil·h. allhe
peal.. had 1.'i0 men. It nO\l has onl} eight
me n left 10 clean up. Malton Electric
an d !'i,chNich and Moore each have .'i0
lIIen. \\ilh lnyolf\ corning ,oon.
AI Ihe present. lie hille one joh Iha t
j~ emplo) In!; Ihe large'l numher of men.
It i, II ]1<.\lcr plant in C'oha\5C1. Minne-
\Cia. whi,·h. hopcCnlly. I\ill I:L~T through
Le ft 10 right . Rftlph Crowl, P,ulden t 0 1 Ihe II inler.
Local 22. Omaha. Neb .. : (d Callihan. 8usl
nlSS Manage •. locil I:. .. :.. Umahl: Ind In· We ,till h;l\c ~I holll "0 Ir,l\'clinl:
ternlhonal Reprrnentltlve Run Mundo.1 B rolhC"r~ \ in Ollr Juri,diction.
hold I d.scu»ion. We h;l\c h.ld some changes in our
local 1II1Ion oftlte ..... ., he EXetUli~c BO:lrl.l
ha, ;Lppoinlc<1 Llo}'u Nil'""n as pre~idenl,
\\ illiam "'Bill"' Nelson liS Vil'C prc~idcnt.

Bowling Patch
App.ent'ce 'rom ~rOllle r

our loc:ll. 1 he "'ill 1.10 a line job,

",ilh )Ollr help :,"1.1 ne\\s IIrK.
FlU 0 V l t{,1 L, I'.S.

New Officers Take O ver;

Progress Meeting Attend ed eleeleu P re~jl.lenl Virgil RUl'ler, \\ho hau
1:ll.en Ihe oolh of offite from I in Wiuer,
I" U. 2.65. U i' CQ I. ...... i"f: lm.- Midway a P;ISI prcsiue nl.
Ih rough the J uly 11th rl'g uln r union Olher officers ~wor n in by Bro th er
The bll wllns palch rll i l Is p roudly worn by
mee ting. o ur o Ul goi ng presiul'lIl. John Willer are Vite I' rc~ idcnt Le\ler R. tile I"m memb,." Ir o m Locil 294 . HibbIng.
Me) ... r. IU rnel.l Ihe ga\ c! O\l;'r 10 nl'wl)- Wic ken kallljl: Busi ness M:lnuller· 1 imm· Minn.

and Ma rk Olagoue to the Executive
Board. Graduation Dinner
Co ngralUlation.s to Mr. and Mrs. Ga ry
Lindsc)' on the newest addi tion to their
ram ily, Hcather \ licheJle. born on Sep-
tember 18th.
Our Local Union 294 80",ling Team
got off IV a One ~Ian. We are in third
place at thh lime. We lost one membe r
of the team. AI Bozicevich. Vern Wingl'l! n
ha.~ ta~en hi~ place, wilh leRoy Lahde,
Willie Spelt~. Hoh \ anep~. nill and Bob
Nel:.on, and D;I\c Carlson mll~ing up
the rest of the 1I:;lnl
Remember. Brothers, this election is
onc or the most important oncs we may
ha~e . so let's all 1;0 oul 10 \'Otc on No-
\cmber 71 h. We need jobs. ;!nd the best
insuram;:e is to set candidate) '" ho arc
for the "'or~inJ man at all le\l:I.s of the
gOI'crnmenl. Your VOle doe~ roun!.
Don'l ror~-et CO PE. Your contribu-
tions arc gre:uly (Ippreciated. und they
are used 10 help l(thor causes and candi·
Remember. our union protecls liS. so
lei \l~ protect our union and rarticipatc
in ollr next union meeting. Tho new journey"'en o f local 302. Mar tinez, Call t ., honored at the local's Annuat Appren-
E. LlR oy L,\Ill>Il, r .S. !lce Graduation Dlnn", are seen here wllh Presiden t Bud Dyer, Busin ... MlnaBer·Flnancial
Secretary J lc k McCann, the ApprentIceship Commtllee, and apprentice Instructo r Fred
Ken Cordy Mourn ed; Gales.
Dinner Honors Graduates winner of Ihe Eric Fealherstone /II emo-
I..U, 302. MARTI'.a,:Z, CA UF.-Our rilll Trophy.
IOC:ll mourns the untimcly death of Ken We e",tend thllnk .. to the Social Cluh
Cord y, who W('~ ~i lled in nll :lulOmobile (,nd the many members Hlld their \I ives
ncdJent just a few \\-eds after ucting ,1S for their dedicativn and hard \\or~ in
mUSler of ceremonies at our AnnUl'] Ap- ma~mg thesc aClivities II Mlecess.
prentice Graduation Dinner. Ag:lin, our loc:11 i~ experiencing unem·
nrot her Cordy W,l~ a llcdicHted :md ployment. a fter completmg .. few of our
very aet i"e memher of our IOC'll. !-Ie larger projects. Ilopefull). 'iOme or the
was genera l chairmlln or the Executive projected \Ior k will gel rolling ~oon. so
Commillee for the Contra Cost:I County that our members do not experience too
Joint Apprenlice~hip Committee and was much hllrdshiplhi ~ winler,
ehainnan of our Apprenliceship Com- We eerlainly ",ould apprecillie (my
miui."e. He ",or~ed hard to uphold and help rrom our siSler loca ls, hoth in Can·
maint"in Ihe high 'Iandards of our ap- i.oft to "aht. I<en Cordy, Chalr"'ln 01 the ;Id;\ llud the United Swtes. during Ihe'>C
prent iceship program. rhe eleclrical in- Apprentic_hlp Committee. wha acted as hard times.
dustry h"s 10Sl a good nmn. muter a l ceremanies at Ihe dinner and
who was ~lIIld In an automobile a«ident ORIo\N O'GRADY, 0.1'11.
AI the apprentice gradU:l tion di nne r $<IIvI,al weeki Iltlr: Inslruclar G,,"; and
aod cercmon). 16 line )oung men "'ere Busineu Manaee, McCann. Local 317 Mourns Death
pre'\Cnted their diplomas as journe}man
inside ",ifemen. The Orothers ",dcomcd
Of Roy Lee Nolte
Local 303 Holds Picnic,
as new jourllC}men include Jac~ D. I..U. 317, H U:-''TINGTO'll. W. VA ._
Brown. Richard D Eiscnbel~. Gregory Golf Tournament Our local mourns the death of Ro ~' Lee
I'. Engle, Ron:l ld J , G:lgli,mli. James T. L.U. 303. ~rr. CA'I"II ARINI-:S. O'llT. - Nolte, (I long·time memher ,lOd Urolher,
Ilclberg. Thoma ~ F. Hoselton. Slc,en The lir~t J.Ot:a l ]03 pieni!;' W;I'> held this UrOlher "olle "';IS horn on f'Ioo\em ber
La)~hol . Val L. Lichens. '\I ichael P. 4. 1925. and passed a",ay on August 12.
year al Shangri La VlIlIey ;Ind "as an
/IIacrus~y. Frweric D. l-lIl1er, Peter J. 1972, "'hile alleoding Ihe Fourlh Di)lricl
outslaoding ~uceess. '" ith the ",cather
\I urray. William t' Osc. t' mnl A. Puc- idt'1I1 for s\limming lind other flCli\ities ProJ;reu Meeting 111 W;I\hington. D.C.
cio. Robert \1. Smith, John C. Templer, held throughout lhe day. Il rolher "olte "';') Initi,,\cd inlO Ihe
un.1 Roberl L Van I'eh Illi W on Arril 4. 1!.I5U. lie scf\'cd liS
Mcmbe rs and their families ute heart-
It is "'ell \lorlh noting Ih;!t our busi- recording '\tcretary of o ur local. a~si~l·
iI~ during the dll). ",ilh 400 pounds of
ness manager and financial secretMY. ani hu,ine'oS mamlger, :Ind husiness man·
S. R. "Jac~"' /II cC;,nn. has been gi\'en an roast bed: 1.000 hot dogs; lind plenty of ager. lie was promoted 10 the Fourth
ice cream ;md drin~s being !lened.
appointmenl al commis~ioner to lhe Di,lrid \Iaff. as an Internalional RepTC'
St:lle Apprenlice,hip Board_ Our locll! We "erc \ery pleased to h,,\e many scnmlhe. in January, 1963.
has wor~ed hard to upsmde lind uphold or our meillbers OUt 10 receive their 20-, li e 'oCned in v:l riou~ po~itions \lith
ou r apprentice sta ndurd ~, lind Brolher 25-, :t1lL1 )O-yeur -.c:rvice pins. the We\t Virginia Stute lIuildinS 'J n,de~.
l-h:Cann says thnl he inlends 10 do the ' I he Local 30) Golf Tournament WIIS Ihe We~t Virginia Stltll: AI' L-CIO. the
Solme on a st:ltcv.ille h.. ~i~. held this ~ummer ,II Westhroo~ Golf We't Virginia Slate Ileclricnl Wor~er5
At the la~t imille ",iremen's meeting. Cl ub. although ",cather cond i tion~ ",ere Associ;1110n. and the West Virginia·Ohio
I'resident W . B. "'lIud- D)er nppointcd I10t up to par for this e\cn!. Congrulula- Valle) Apprenliccllhi" Tntlning Progr:lnl,
Bill Dunca n 10 fill the vaCiLncy of chair· lions to Arl Culp. "ho "':IS the low- r hc cha rier of our loc:, 1 was dmped
man of the Apprenliec\hip Commillee. gross winner or the Lnbalt"s J"roph y this on AlI gu~t 151h for :1 period of 30 da) s
I' AtJl D, S-I UTil UIl. I'.S. yellr Hnd to Stan ShymLl as th e low-nct in memory of Brolher Nolte.

UIEW Jou,no!
Locol 303 Activities Retirees

These arlt the 20., 25-. lind 30·yea, rnembe,.,. 0' Local 303. St. Calh ..ines, Dnl" who re-
ceived their service pi", III thlt local'S recent picn1c.
These retirees 01 Loc~1 325. Binghamton.
N,V .. took lime ou t Irom .lte !oc~I's Annlial
Clamb3ke to pose for thiS plel\JIe ~ ront
lOW, Ie" 10 "Iltl, H Manv,lIe , 72: A Be"r·
kel, 65: Ed Sh.nahan. 72; H SCheffer. 72:
S. Sh'mer. 15: H Con.ow. 11; .nd C Sm,th.
18 Sech rOW, J. Nielson. 12; Tom Genl, 74;
R. Vall. 61; J. Obhnsk,. 70; G. H,nman, 71;
and Sml1h Brooker, 69.

wilh lhe coo~r:.lion of Bu,inc" ,\ lan-

:Ij:cr K. J. Broil. n also '1ualifie\ aUf
meml'>cr$ in the !l;lfe a"d prop•.:r "'" of
Ihe* lools.
Some of 111..: husines, rnilfHlgCI"S w hu
nl1cnded our "tfair arc Donald J. I un},.
Local 303 m"mh .. '~ lin .. UP In, mo,e foast Art Clilp (O(:e,"e$ Ih e Labell's Tn;>ph~ . U I.ut'a l 1(,6. Sch~neCl;ld}. ""cw \ OI},:
beef. low·gross winner of Ihe local 303 Goll
TOlirn amen l. from WiIIll ShePlenko. cenler. Gordon Rus..:hcr. local S(" l{o,:hC~ler .
and B"s,nen Manager Brian O·Gr.d~. Nc.... Yor},: Kcnnelh WiIllam\. l ocal
1111. Ulir;:a, i'ew Yor~: John Cortright,
Wilh the help of :1 r"tlk, Don Sew ing L<I~al 24 1. Ilhnea. New Yor},: Allen S.

cOllecteu >IIiU tor <. U I' I- . /IIind1cr. Local IIn6. E lknlill{" Nrw
It W;IS a chan/;~' for Erne~1 Ahhou'\C. Yor},; and Jad \1c~ully I Vice Presi-
P resi,lenl of Cenlral II lIu..on, .lIId I r;m}, .lent,. Local III. &Tanton, Pcnns\ h ania.
Maher. B usinc~~ \lana};cr: 1111.'\ were Don Gioi;) "ilS rhairman -of thc
hOlh ~milinl: iWl! hn~ln£ ;1 heer. - Claillhake Commil1ec. which .:on,blcd
One of IWO 600'll1e!::tlVall generalOrs of nu~iness /o.·I:lnagcr Brown , 1' lc,idc II I
i~ bein!: OUI herore Ihe lin~' i) Don Wilo;on. As~ i~[:m t B u~ine~s \I ;tn;\gcr
pUI on ,II Ollr Rowton I' I"nl. Ra} A~hman. Hoh Scheller, Jalllc~ Van-
"h\, and John Sn,l~hall. Thc} ,,11 ocscne
I' r. ClI\tlltl, p.s.
;0 \Ole of than},s for a iob .... cll oonc.
Don H inds, our pholUgnlphu for Ihe
Annual Cla mbak e Held ; 11;1>'. 100}' Ihe ;t,'COlllpnn>,ing pholo of
~ome of our pcrhioners \\ho could be
COPE Contribution 100/,0 found in Lhe cro .... d.
L. 1I. 325. 1I1,,'GIIA'ITO."'l. i' .\'._Our At Ihis lime ..... e ,Ire happ} 10 report
local enjoycd ils Annual Clamha},e on Ihal our loclil ha~ :1 ,olu ntccr conlrilm.
P resident Don arys"" prUen ts a bicycle to
the winne. 0 1 the d r awing. DOU8 Bous/ie ld's Augu,t 261h ill 1\1 1. ' l op (,I",)\C in lion of IOU rer cc nl 10 CO PE. N o\\,
son. Dou". Jr. Binghamton. Illemhcrs. get 0111 lIn d VOle, Vole for Ihe
More Ihan -''i0 ('I("r-.on, \I,:re in a I- mcn who favor lahor. rcg;mllc\~ of Ihcir
On h(:half of all th ... m ... mlx'r.... I ex- tenUitncc. including !:IIC~tS. contra~tors, J"lart~ afliliation,

tenJ Ollf dccf'C~1 ~ymralhies 10 1-1rs. rctircc~, and mcntl'ocr~. A 10[:,1 of 60 Inl-idcnt:oll}. Ihe rOO<.! at Ihe damb.a!:c
door pri~cs Ilit' dona ted hy Ihe c1C~lricnl ~on'i~lcd of rail clams. ~lcanlc(1 CblllS,
Ch<lrloltc Nolle and 'on. Rid.,
conlra ctor, and CI~l'II' kal whulesale. ,hl'il1lp, roa~1 beef. Sica}, . .':tndwidlc~,
W II I I ~~1 t . "nuu" IkI\IIY, IJ, ~1.
hou\C,: Ihe~ i";wgell f,um ~ulf halls, ~:",~allc. hOI dot', harnhllrj,!""'. clam
100h. ami hoole !oj clcc[ric,,1 apph"ncc~ chowder. and cold '·U I~. If lUl)'onc wcnt
400 Attend Local 320', ani' a he;llllifui. 1'J·in,-h Il'lcli,ion ...:1. home hungr). it W;l~ hb o .... n f"uit.
Annual Clambake won h~ Brolhcr John Ohlin,}'i. R. A~II" ,I'I, AS~l. B.I\I .
1 he member, enjo~cJ pla}ing horse·
loU. 320. I'O UG II"EIU>S IE. N.\' . -In ~ hoe,. c;tnl~. el":. We alway' h,lIe mem-
C)lCC)S of ·HlO <lucn.lcd our Annual be~ and j:ubb Ilho bring Ihdr Oll.n
Trades Band Togeth er,
CI:mlb.1lc ;\1 the (emr:,] H udson (illS gun, for our ~~eel·'hOOlinl! come~l. Fight Anti-Labor Tactics.
;and FIc~lrjc Com ran) \ Rccrc:llion C ... n· \\hkh i\ enjo)cd .• 11 d,,~ I(mg. This Win Political Victo ry
le r at Riftun. New Vorl. ~C'lr\ evem W:" h"n\lkJ h} J \ "nah,.
II wa~ :lnother fille job by C lam ha ke J. Sna~hall. lind Don I-I aw kins. the rep-- L. U, 3 44. l'IU~l:": RU l'E ltT, U.C.-
Ctw irm:1Il Jim Gallllghcr and Co·(. hHir· resenlali.'c for K:lmloel 1'0\\Jcr 10015, rh e co nSlruction in Brilis h Co-
man " ony Dullan. Even the beer was "' ho. elcry )C:lr. uunatcs p~n \If the Jumhi:o. Ih is rear. wcnt th rough onc of
1;00ll. 5heUs alll.! his time 10 th is clem. Don, the I1IOSI fru'iflliing and li me·con~u ming

November, 1912 51
On the Job called . :lnd wil h Ihe full support of or· or COUN:. :In)'one entenaining such
ganized labour behind us. the govern· ideas is Ih ing in a fool's world and h
ment wilhdre ..... the bill bUI laid do .... n a nOI a"are of lhe constant and tremen-
condilion that the 8uilding I r:ldes dou~ effOrb Iliade by hi~ officen. in at·
Council must conduci a stud) and come templ~ 10 fighl off non·union eompeli·
up. b)- tbe end of Ihe lear. ""ith ditTer· lion and 10 comrol IhC' union's
ent protective clauses. juri'lliclion.
The rIC..-1 mO\e of Ihe Social Credit Onl) rc.:entl), \lben a large number
Go\ernment \las 10 gl\e Ihe huilding of our memhcrs "ere unemplo)ed. a
trddes a deadline 10 reach agreement. hundred or more non·union electricians
Failing thi~, ""e ""ould he faced \lllh \lcre manning ""orl- in our jurisdiction.
hinding arthilration. \lany of Ihe trades This one prohlc-m alone should occupy
'>euled. lea\ ing only the Carpenlc~. Ihe mind of el'cT} member of Ihe union.
Plumbers. Electrical Worl-ers, 80iler- [t lIIay be thai the re:l.>On for a lacl.:
mal-ers, Insululors. and Cemenl MaloOns of intere'l in allending meetings and in
"ho defil'd the go\ernemnt. ~pcal.:ing oul on union mailers is due 10
E~eeutive Board Chairman Graham Kelder.
The I1<!xl mo~e "":IS a r:lid on the a smug feeling by man) members thaI.
Local 320. PO"l!h~"p$I" N.Y., ChIef Ope,,.·
tor at the Centr,,' Hudson Gas and Electric offices of these unions by Ihe Roya l Ca· rc!!ardle~~ of encroochments on the: un-
Company, and forme. Brother Ray Mulllg"n, nadian l\Ioun[ed Police. '1 his massive ion\ juri'llliction. their 0"" iob~ ..... ill re·
OperatIons SupeN;sor, kUp a close eye on !";lid W:lS carried out throughout the en- main loCeurc. Of cuur-.e. ~uch idea, arc
Slart-up cond, t ions
tiTe province by it force of 60 or rnorc f;, lw.
oflkers. who were covered by ,C;trch Only recenlly, a nOll·union contrac tor.
w;lrrant~ to ohl:dn evidcnce IlwI we whose bid "a, approximatcly S!/.!-
were dcfying the law. rnillion below thc lo ..... e't union cuntrac'
Aflcr the raid. chargc'i were laid lor\ bid. \\a~ awarded a job. Thi~ lo-.s
agai nsl locals of Ihe Carpenlers, Plumb· of more than S2·million in eleclrical
ers. In~ulalor~. and Cement " l aloOn~ and wor~ should arou'iC e\'en Ihe mUSI Ie·
:lg:lin~t Locals 21J ami 34..1 of Ihe Ih:lrgic from their ,Iulllben and cau>\!
!BEW. Defore lhe charges \lere proc- them to ,hoI'. up at union meetings.
l.'"'>5Cd and Irials held, a pro\ineial dec· It h. matters ~ueh 3\ lhe lIbo\e that
lion \las c-alled. The labour 1II0l'C'ment ~hould encourage ever} member to regis·
in the prolinc;.' joined forces and. \lith ter amI ~ote for union-c-ndon;c-d candi-
hard work and money. defealed lhe S0- date~ and to )upport union·made prod-
cial Credit Go\ernmenl. .... hich had bt, u'l~ anti union·manned >\!n.icc!>.
come more anli·labour Ihe longer il \I as Perhap-., il I'.ould be \lell for each
"Red" Baodner, a planl teehnil;~n. cl>e<:ks in pol'.er. It had formed Ihe go\crnmenl member to refresh hb memor), in regard
one 01 the mo'e·'hlln-32,OOO term,"a' in this province for 20 )·cal"$. 10 hi~ obligalion of membe~hip, in
COnneCIOO<l$ Otl the boll,. board. \lhleh he pledged, "I will further the
The Nl!w Democratic Part) \la~
clectOO ""ilh a large mujo.-il). J heliel'C' purposes for .... hieh the I DEW is in~li­
• Ihat organized labour in Canda \hould
heed whal happened in our pro .. incc. as
IlIled. I "ill bear true allegiance to it
and will nOI S3erifice its inlerest in an)
J am sure:. had the: go\crnnlent been manner."
5ueeessful in imposing compu lsory arhi· Surely, il's not too much of a sacrifice
Iration on us. it "ould have spread like or too much to ask thaI a member
~pend :1 l'Ouplc of houn. once a month
fire throughoul thl! eounlry.
10 allend hi~ union meeling.
T he officers of the B.C. Federation of
Labour. the Duilding T r:ldcs Council. FR.t:D H. I'OW[I\5. I'.S.
and 1he organizations involved did ;1 tre·
mendou5 job in this flght ;lnd. by keep- 4,200 Attend Annual Picnic;
ing their lllembers fu ll y infurmed of G ettis W, Riles Honored
e:lch move. were able 10 turn bad Ihe
"Rusty" Aikins, chief 'echnlcian and II Local
320 E~ecu l lve Board memb<!.. maintains tide of :lnti-Iabour legisla tion in this L.U. 349, 1\1IA1\1I. n. ,\ ,-Augu~1 261h
electrical equipment. province. wa .. dc~ignated a~ Ihe da)' for our 16th
L. G. eRAMI·TO..... B.M. Annu:ll Old·F:l~hioncd I'icnie for memo
negotiation $Cssions in their history. ber" their familic,. and their gue)t~. Ap-
Loca ls 21), V;tncolJ\'cr; 2.l0. Vit'loria: proximatcl) 4.200 perwns IlImed Ollt.
344: 99), Kaml()()p~: 1003. Nelson: and Scribe Discusses Meeting s, With a lot of hard worl- by many vol·
2203. I'rinct GeOTi;c: joined together in 'Good of the Union' unteers. Ihe day was a great success.
an eITort 10 COunteract the Construction although early in lhe morning, il ap-
Labour Relations AS!>Otialion. an em- L. U. 3..17, Df:S ;\IO;"IF£. I'\ .-E\ery peared Ihal the "'ealherman hadn't
plo~ers' organi7. mion. 10 Jlre\C~nt the loss union member is perhaps familiar \lith heard of our big da). HO""c\'er, it
of conditions we ha\(: enjo}cd fOf" more the: phrase:. -good of the union," in the cleared, and Ihe day ended beautiful1).
than 30 )ears. regul:u order of busine5S al union met· We consumed 2.1..16 ehidcns: 960 ham·
I belie~e the emplo}ers' allad. ""as a ling~. burge~: 120 pounds of hm dQgs: 2,700
joint ellon wilh Ihe hacl.:in!! of the S0- Under thi~ head. any member is privi. ear"'i of corn: 31 half·barreh of beer:
cial Credil Government to "'e:ll-en and leged to ~pcal- hb mind on mallcr; per- 6.656 M)ft drinl-s: 2.111 bags of pop-
destroy the constnlction locals in this tinenl to Ihe I'.elrare of the union. corn: 3.030 cOiton cand)' cones: and
pro~ ince. The:ir allacl.: "as directed Howel·er. il is astonbhing how o;.eldom 2,556 ~no·l-ones.
ag.'1ins( :III building trades Union, in and how few member. avail Ihem<'cl\e~ One of the highlighh of the day "as
8ritish Columbia. When it appeared th:ll of the privilege 10 offer ~ugge~tions or ha\ing Gellis W. Riles presented \ljlh
the buildinG trades "ere winning the ad\·ke 10 the member_hip. One "ould he hi~ 50')e:lr pin by 8rother Vernon C.
h:lnle. the labour mini~ter thrcutened to led 10 believe Ihat no problem~ ui,1 Qr lIollow:!y, o"ner of Intenolate Eclctric
introduce: a bill oUlI,l .... ing our protecli~e thaI no aetion~ are needed tQ protect the and a member of Ihe Florida House of
c1ausc~. utopia affording union member. job )C. Rcpre-.cntati~e'. BrOlher Rile~ came to
A sped:11 convention of the Briti~h curity and the means of providing thc ,\Iiami in 192 1. was obligated on Sep-
Colurnoia !-eder:ltion of Labour W:IS ncce)silies of life, tembcr 20. 1922. and holds the oldest

S2 1SE W Journal
thanl. Almigh ty God for our .... onderful
Picnic Sce ne s blCl>,ing'!i and ,>I,,) for elernal pc'lIoce.
r-:;~~~, R. E. "Dice YOUSG. P.S.

Local Wins Parad e Prizes ;

Bill Re ynold s Wins Award
1_ U. JSJ. TQROZ"TO. Oi\T_-Unlil.e
\ncu\t. 'ic-pl~mhtr "'a~ a leI) eventful
month for u,.
I he month \I:,rled off 110 ith our memo
ber,' taling the lOp thn'e prize, in the
Luhour Da) r he prile ..... erf'
t1l1oarded for he.1 Olcr-:,II, be~1 in da~~
(cOl1)lru<:lion trades). and be~t lehicle.
OUT thanl.s 10 tnc I'arade Committee
and the 23~ 1II<:lIIl>e" who IOO~ part in
B,other Han,)' Dukas ."d Iflends unde, Ill. the ~i~·mi1e-lony .... ;111. under :1 ~unny
"big lenl."
Bill i{e)-,nold\, an apprentice in ollr
l(Xul. receiled an award lor heing Ihc
lOp :.pprclllicc of lhe year from Brolher
Gettis W. Riles, Locel le9, MI.mi. Fie .. laft. M:lrtin McBride. l\dminiSIr.uor of our
",~"",,,~ ' ''~ 5O,~." .. ",1'1 pIn f<o .... JA Ie. al our rqwlar O1omhl) meeting.
Brolher Ve,non C, Holloway, OWner of Inle.· Our congralUlation~ 10 Bill. \lho con-
5111" Elecl,;e and. n"mhe . of Ihe tribule~ much of hi~ lime to our local
Hl)use of Represen,allves. dUflng Ihe 16,h
Annuli Old FeShloned PicniC held by Ihl nCIlo~I':lper, "SpeClrum." by doing Ihe
loc.' pr •• phies. lie al..o cI.mlribllh'II fin article
on fencing. :. pa)time io .... hich Iw h
al-.o illlolved.
On ptember 23rd. the Golf Com·
mitke I,au r. 1:.11 Tournament. \lilh 97
,hooter-, inl'olled. I he re,ults lIoili be in
neXl monlh\ article. A ~pecial lhan~l> to
Ihose IIoho donated gifh.
SIEVE K.... 01T, 1',5.

Annual Clambake H eld;

Ha.e. Preside"l' eha" wllh Nell Son.
Sports Events Planned
net! and United Slain Repru.nU,,,v.
Cleude Pepper. I., ll. JS I!. I'ERTII ,\\IBOV. N.V.-Oll

Loca l 3e9 P,esidln! Bill Lenser welcomes

1 Our 00.... ling league h;\'> goucn um!.!r
Augu\1 191h. our local held ill> Annual
Clumba~e al John'~ (irOle ill CIitTlIoood Gove,"or Tom Adems.

lIouy. and .... e !ool. forv.ard 10 ,eeiny Ikach.
wme of )011 in K(ln':I' Cil). You 01)110- II lIoa\ It vcry nice d(lY, and \Ie had a
krs .. ~ro,~ lhe courl1ry will ..... ;ml 10 be good IUrn01l1 of members. both relired
card i~~lItd hy I)ur 10.,::,1. He ha~ served
preparing )our:.eIIlC\. lIa' und llel;v\:. '1Ire fOoXl wa3 excellent, and
on Ihe City of Minmi I-,Icelricul F ~:tmin­
We hale ,ome nic~' ~talc pMI., in Ihere \las Illenty or prizes. A \\ell done
ing IJoard. Ihe 1 0<:111 3.19 Examining
!·!orida. and if :IIlY of >'011 I~rolher~ (lnd 10 "Big :'1I~t''' KonolloiCl. aod Ihc corn·
Huard. Ihe Welfare Uomd, lind a~ Ireas-
Si,le"" tan finll the lillIe. I e~tend an in- millee.
IIrer fur u~~r 2S )~,Ir,. We exlend, 10
vilation 10 )011 to hring ~ollr rig~ Ihis rhe Sporl, tommillee ha~ plltnned a
him, our sincere Ih!ln ~ ~ nod j!n,jiIlIlJc
\lintCT and Iry OUI our par~.,. I think blls trip 10 lhe Nulre D:lIlle-l'la\y game
for IHiving pl:,yc\1 a Illlri in c~lablij,hing
you will cnjo) )our...:lvc\, an) .... hcfe on l'lovember 41h III I'hilade!phia', Vel·
'iOmc of the Ihing\ \\c enjoy loday. Our
from Ihe Panhandle 10 the Kc)~. eran~ St:ldiurn. An)one inlere,leu ~ho\lld
be,1 v.i-hc\ go v.llh him an hi~ fmure
As Thanl.sghing apprOlKhh, lei us contaci I'elc Manial or Larry Sc:,I:r for
Severol nolable di~nilaric, mam,ged 10
l a~C lime from Ihrir hll~y 'iChcdult~ \0
Labour Day Parade
come OUI and be with I". Among them,
l\t're Ihe HOllorllhle CI:lude Pepper,
Unlled Slal~ ReprC-.l:nlalile: the 1I0nor-
able 10m Adllm" I iCllleoam GOI'emor
of Florida: and I lorida State Rcpre~nl'
:tlilh 1I01i01loa) and J oe lang ";'crshaw.
We hope Ihey enjo)ed the day a~ mueh
:1\ v.e lIld.

Our eonlmct negotialiom arc finally

oler. and Ihrough the lIiligent efTort~ of
our l'le.oliating Committet', v.c hope to
hale :1 prell)·f:lir P.1cl.:lge. Thc contract
b now before Ihe Con"rUClion I nd\l~lry
Stabiliza tion Commillec: for approval,
bUI ;,s or Ihh .... ril illC. \\r !\lIve had no
reporl from il. We lile 10 Ihin~ lhHI lhe
conlTact will he: flpproved. bUI lIe wi ll Some o f Ihe 235 01 Loe.' 353, Toron to, O"t., whl) look part In the si~,mlt. long
hUllc 10 w:lit for Ihe finu l IIoOrd. Lebour Day

No .... mb ... 19 72
Annual Clambake more information.
Another hu~ [rip j, plunncd for b ou-
ary 141h to lhe Philadclphi;! Spectrum 10
sec lhe New Yor~ Rangers lind Ihe Phil-
ildelphi:! H}cr" Brolher Scala ",ill
handle the arrangcmcnl~.
I'hUl' afC hoeing nlUll.: for our Anmml
Dinner· I);lncc. rhi, }car. il \\ill be hdd
on I ChnHlr) 2-llh :II Ihe I·int.·~ in Edi·
son. Willilll11 \ I or~an aud I'd Fofrich
hcad Ihe commillec ror Ihi~ ;,"nllal af·

Dinn er-Dance Is Success;

Seen al the Annu.1 Cillmhah 01 local 358,
Perth Amboy, N.J, a,e. lel\ to "Sht. Dan Annual Clambake Held
NDble. Ernie Sherry, Rlchy PBvnllk, Steve
FlaChllk, Joe Va. Sa, Cu,tis Brink, Bnd Rich· Lell 10 right. Bernie Bachon$kl. John L U. 363. NEW CITY. N.Y.-Over 700
ard K,ami. "Chockey" Boll. and Larry .. Monlyba .... people J"mnlcd inlO Ripplc, of Rock l;lnd
Scala. on Ihe evcnin!; of June 171h to allemJ
Ihe Annual Apprcnliee Grnduation ami
SchoiJu',hiJl AWHrd Dinner·Dance.
J he :lff:. iI· lIas ~pon,ored hy Ihe 10int
Apprcnlicc\hip and r r .. ining COlllmillec
of Local 363 and Ihe H\U.hon V:Llley
ChaJllcr of NEe".
The Jl rincipal :lddre" ":,s given hy
J udge Alfred Weiner. "ho rcl:,led 10 Ihe
overflowing crowd his o"n pcr-.onal ex·
perience, "' :1 former plum Ocr. durin!;
\\hich lime hi, rcl:Hhe~ quidly agreed
thai h" fUlUre "ould more readily Oc
:Is~ured in law.
The rna,leT of ceremonie .. ":" Pal F-
Dami:lni, lIu~ine~s Man:tl,.'tr. "ho 1001..
Lllit to ,i&ht, B~I Wilhelm. Geo',11 Sable. lefl to tight. ,ali'ad Brothar, Frllnchl. T.u-
timc to introduce from Ihe audience Ihe
Tom Chincha., 6,11 Cllusen, Ind DavII Wig. dnu. John Gade'. Joe And.Kbllk. Joe uriOU\ lnbor. public, nnd poillical fig·
gert. Bash, and V'c Th",klliun. \lTe~ whu "ere in ;.lIelmnee.

Local 363 Social s


The gradualln. f;lau of Local 363, New City. N.V .. honored durin.
The i~holarshlp winners who were ~wa,ded mo.e than $10,000 worth

Ihe Annual Apprenll~e Grildual,on and S~holarship Awa'd Omne.· of "holar$hlpi lIthe d;nne,·d.n~e.

, Fighleen apprenlicc~ received their
Ihe')e(.r cCrlilica!e:;. Ccnilicah!~ "ere
:t1'>O a":lrdcd 10 .!>C\'l.'ral member-; who
(lUcnded Ihe s:lfcly cl:tw.!~ spon-.ored
joinll) h) Ihe J ATC l.nd the New York
51;.11.' [)cpal1rnCnl of l":lbor.
Over lU.OOO "orth of \cholar5hips
",(.s ,,";,rdcd 10 high school 1;mduales
\\ho nrc 111)11 allending culk!;e.
The Joenl held il~ Annmll Clambal..e
on ALlgLl'[ 51h al Ripple, or Rocl..llInd,
wilh mure th:Jn 800 people ;ltlcndin,g.
There "ere rcpreo;.clliative .. from Locah
IOZ. Paler'ull. Ncw Jcr~ey: 164, lcr,cy
Cil}', NCII Jer,cy: SOl, White Plain~,
A scene III Ihe Aonul'l Clambake held by New York 806. F[1cnvillc, New Yorl..:
Local 363,
1049, Long l'hl!\d. New Yorl..: 124~,
Th e supervisor of O,.ngelown. John Komar, Syrncll'>C. New York: and 1255, Orange· via h~li~oP t e' from the cla",bah, burg, New York,

'BEW Journal
We are proud o f our members who
JATC Meet, he lped 0111 with food, clot hing, vo lunteer
work. an d financial donat ions for t he
W ilke~- B arre Hell when it was ~o hurd
hil by Ihc dis,,~trotls floo(h.
I congratulate Ihe new journeymen ill
our local v.ho rompleled Iheir appren-
ticeship on AUllust hI.

J ATC Meets , Discusses

Grading, Curriculum
L. U. J !!O, NOIHUSTOWN. I' A.- A spc·
(;iul mccting uf tl,e Joi,\I Apprcnlkc,hip
lind I raining Commillee wa~ held on
the e'cning of Augusl 3rd al the Valley
Forge Holiday Inn. The meeting wa~ !It·
The Jail'll Apprenticeship and T ralnlnl Commi ttee of Local 380, N,,,,btuwn, P;o" 1,~ld .. ~I*" lended by contractor reprC»i:ntlltives,
<;1,,1 meel lng .ecem ly. Presen t, were, Iront .ow. left to right. Ins\,uC\Ors R. O'Con nor. M.
Cuff. lind T . Cuff and un,on repre$ont8lives w. Schaeffer, J . Mayall. lind J . Petit. Back row, union repre'>i:nt:llive~. and the ~j\ in·
instruc tor R. Rurode. conl ....;IO' ,epresen tatlve H. linn, instructor G. Sellers, contractor rep. struelOI1l of Ihe union school.
r"sen tal,ves D. Walke. and W. Gillespie, lind instructor K. Sub".s. After a dl'lid<>u~ dinner, the Illen en-
I he ~upcr ... hor of DranGelo\\-". John Ihal he has placed :,11 20 new appren· le red into a long dhcussion on the ~ys­
K0"1:1r. boarJcd a helicopter after at- lice~ on job~. H i~ efforh. along "ith Ihe
tem of srading apprentices. hoth at
te nding the clambake to rthh ofF 10 an- hllrd v.or ~ of the Apprenlice,hip Com- school and on the job. T hey Ihen pro--
o ther p;JrI},. millee, ,Ire to he commcnde d (or gelling reeded to analyze the Cllrrirull1m , wilh
A !;ood time lIas had by all. these line )OUnS men ooto our induslr). attention focu~d 011 any demon\lrations
that mighl be u~ fullO the course.
J O liN .\1 IIIAI I, SII., P.S. KOOIR JOit .... SOS, P .S. Othcr topics co\erea ... ere the ~si­
bility of a sc p;mlle pipe-hcnding school
Full Employment W on; Busin ess Manag er Mourned; and Ihe attendancc of th e JAT C a l th e
W ork O utloo k Vague Area W ork Is Very Good school while ehlsses arc in ::.c~,ion for
Ihe pu rprn.c of fir..t·hand observ:l1ion.
lo U. 36-1. ROCKFQRf), II.L.-By the L.U. 367, F.ASI·UN, I' A. -I apoloSlze I he dj~CU\, ion Ihe n tu rned 10 pl;wning
cnd of August. our local founJ it'>Clf for Ihe l atene~s of thi, report. the annua l banquel for the gradu;uing
\Iith full cmplo}mcnt for the fi r-t time Btlsine~~ Ma nager Robert 1. SchatTer apprentice~. the event sched uled to be
in over II YCIIL The work olul ook i, \ti ll pns'l'd nway nn 11101" '.Ith. ~I c w a~ a fine held at the Valley Forge l-Io lidllY Inn
questio nab lc, though, because 1"'0 major labor leader and i~ greally mi.-.scd by on September Brd.
proJcct~ hlwc not yet hrol..en. our local. It wa~ then decided Ihat the in~truc·
Thc first is the Sl6-million (herr) Andrew t\. CU\O .... a~ appoimed by lars for the nexi )ear arc to he Roberl
Vale Mall job. All hough the finanl' inll j, tl,,; EAelLltiH;: 1l0.,rJ to fill Ihe unexpired Ru,<,ell, fir;t y,,:,r; Rona ld Runxlo;, '>Ce-
through a private (;oncem, everything i~ tcrm of Brother SCh:11I cr. olld )'ear; Robert O'Connor, thin.! year;
rendy to go e.l cc pl the ,tarting date. T he We are prc'>CllIly planninll 0111' First George Sellers. fourth year: Michael
second project i~ our uo"n\O"'11 urban Annual Dinncr· D:lnce 10 be :1 tributc 10 Cuff. special math instructor: and
lelll:"al. ;",d it i, '''lu,illS ,I lot of con- our hue bll,inc~ manaller. Thomal> Cuff nnd J.:enneth SUOcf'>, :11I0:-r.
cern. from :1 construction \ta ndpoinl. nate in~truclors.
Work in ollr urea 11:\, he.:n \ery good.
The SII·million needed to finance utlr This is the !hird year o f our prog rllln.
and the future looks brillll1.
dec:lying inner city were prorni<,cu to nn d v.e arc quite ple:t~ed with the re~lI l ts
1 :1111 plen,cd to report that we werl' thus (lIr: ho"e~cr. wc du CApc,-t them to
our cllY fathers almo,t IWO ye"r~ :ISO by
Ihe Dep<lrtmenl of Hou,ing and Urban able \0 cmploy a nllmber of Brot hers I;CI better 3~ Ihe in~tnlclOr) and the
[};l\cloprneni ( I/ UD ). AI Ihi, time. only from ,i<'ler loc:II' v. hkh have helped us committee gain morc e.tpericnce.
S2.S-million h:lve been funneled into our 0111 many lime, in Ihe pa:.t v.hen v.i:
"':IC ,low. H. ROBERT O'C(tN~!1R, I'.S.
are:l. and downtov.n con,truclion i~ nil.
II U I) has already ~\\'indlcd II, out of T he renovation of our ncw headq uar·
0111' ~tringent building cOlIes with it\ al- ters at 32 North Second Street i~ a l mo~t
luring promi\C\. One wonder~ what complete. Elect ion Results Gi ve n;
other concc~,ion\ the (ity Council v.ilI I hope 10 include ~ome pholOgr:lphs Neg ot iations Complet ed
h;I\1: to make to Ihe H Un org:lIlilluion of some of the job~ in otlr Juri,diction
before the other $iU-mi11ion nrc al1o- v.ilh my next report. l.. U, 387, l'I/O N ENlX, ARIZ._ II ha~
lu ted for use hcr.:. It !;Ccrns thut the We have t h~ lafl~l"1 Vi1Hmin c: pln nt been qui te ~OIllC time ~i n ee our locul has
only way 10 gCI ahead of H U ll i, to be in lhe ,,"orld ncar completion at Ihe had an article in the Jo,mllll, bill o~er
in the nagpolc bu,ine-.s. HolTman- La Roche I'lam. lkl'idere. New the P[I~t year. Ihe oflicers and \latT ha\e
Our l':Ii*. due o n June h t. 1m!> finally Jersey. We al'>O ha'e twO new unils been invohcd in a number of projects.
been apprO"ed by the I'ay HO:lrd. Basi- unde r ..... ay at the renn~) I,aniu F ir)t or all. in 1969, "e pet itiol\cd rOI
cally, we gOI liv.: cent~ :ld,led tu 0\11' and Lighl Po"erhol"c al Martins Crcc~, :l c.:rtilkution election of tho:- Arizona
pen,ion. five ce nts added to our heal1h PCllnsylv:Jllia. I'lIhlic Service Company\ load .Ii-patc h·
i n ~uran!;e. and 35 cent~ added to our Preliminary '10'01'1.. has jusl ocgun at er.\ . a unil of approxima tely 20 employ·
c hec l.. ~. 1 hb b all relro:lcthe 10 11lc the Gilhen (';eoeratlllg ~tu!io ... in Hoi- eel>. The company obje(led on I;fOunds
J une lSI dale. Our contracl 'loa, ~lIbnlit· land To"n~hip. '\lew lhat the emp lo~ees werc ~uperv;"ors. as
led 10 Ihe Con~lruction I ndtl~lry St:lbili- T he Equitable l ife Imur:Joce Com- defined in she National Labor Rclalons
zalion COnl lll iu ee (eI SC) for the fir~ t pa ny h:l ~ broken ground for :I SS-mill ion Ac t. T he NL RU fina ll y overniled the
lime in mid·Ap ril. Fi nal approva l was com piller ce n!!!f. company's objecti ons and o rdered :In
gi\l~n by the C ISC in mid·Augusl. We .... ere fortunute thai "c were 0 01 election in 1970. The e mpl oyee~ voted
Il usinhs r. 1:mager Damt Deitz reports hit by Ihe flood!> of thb past sum me r. for Ihe un ion 100%. but Ihe tompany

Novem ber. 1972

re rused to bargain. The union filed a n This bill \I(M.ll d restrai n the import of
unfair labor charge. IO.hic h thc N UUJ Family Picnic goods and the upon of jobs. 10. hic h. ta-
uphe ld. The company thcn lIppc/lkd the gc ther. ha\c already tal.en a beav} toll
N LR8 lIedsion \0 lhe Ninlh Circuit aOlong Amcricall \lorl.cro; and which
Coon of Appcab. and the union lost. menace the structure and job-producing
Two. Ni.\on·appoinled judges \'oted capacily of the American econom). A
again~t lhe union. :Ind onc lIoted in our lot of O\lr IIU· W Brothen. \lhat I
fallor. Thh ca..e tool. :Ipproxinmu:ly 1\10 ntc:m.
years. A few lI:t}, frolll nolO.. \Ie ha\e a
Whilc the aOO\'e ca\C \la, in litigation. \ery important election coming up.
IO."C held :t certilk:uion clection :unong Nonc of u~ I.:no","~ \lill be elected.
approximately 40 \larehou'C emplo}ce~ but "'"c do" "hu our friend., h:l\c
at ArilOna I'u hlil' Scrvke. '1 he union heen: IO.C" that. ill the next >ear Of
lo,t the lir,t elec tion. but a }e:tf later. in so, there will be man y '>ClllllOrs and con-
1971. we IO.UI1 :1 -.econd election hy a t;re ..... mcn PII\hing HlriOlh 1cgi,1:ttjve pro·
~lIbst<lntilil mar~il1 po,al, Rimed at re,trieting the rights of
In the '11m mer of 1')7 1. \Ie al..o ~ti· VICe President Jim WillIe. Local 399. Sprlnl' worl,.cr, :IIId tmiun\. ,0 IIC mu,t vOle for
tiol1ed for :1 certili~ntion election at fieLd. ILL, presenh~d 25-year "rvlce pinl to :1 pro·\lurl,.er Cun~re" We mu" vute.
Component~. Inc.. a Corning Glas\ the members pictured here With him at the Remember. our 18-year·old\ are our fu·
Com pan} munufnrturins phil!! in I'hoc- family pIcnic lleLd by Unl! 10. SIerlln8
Kneeling. feft to "lilt. RotBnd Ketse~. Rod lUre leHdeh: Ihe) mu~t be guiJed the
nix. and al a (jeneral l1ectric pl:Ull in Chlmberll'in. Frank Hunsberget, lind Georlle right w:I}I-the AllleriClln war. A fa-
Ph(X'nix, We lo~t ooth election, hy Mr· Mohr. Star>dinl!- Rkhard S~ott. V,ce Prell· mou\ IIl An "li(1. " I-: Ie(t >our frielld~ and
to\l marglll". bUI we petuioncd the dent Wllite. Joe Rothe,ham, and Nell Jlnl' defcllt )'our CllCllIle),"
Corning planl IIsain In 1972 and \Ion by -I hc loml IIl1ion ml'Cling j, held al
more Ihun a tlO.o· maTsin. This 7:30 I'M. on the ..ceond hiday of
plant has appro ... imntel) ~H cmplo}ec~. e~ery monlh. at the VI-\\' Clu b. 2211
At the time of thi\ \I riting. \lC arc in Old Jacl.)()nville RooJ. Sprillgficld.
negotil!.tion\ \lith Corlllng. and \Ie art Jo" PH I'. i{OJltERU"M, P.S,
optimistic than :In equimhle agreement
can"" reached. I he organi/ing of thb
plant m ..} open lhe duor for other mOlI1'
Jad Griffith Wins State
uracluring orgilnizing in thi \ are;l. Apprentice of Year Title
We completed ncgotl:ltion\ \lith Ari·
lOnn i'u hlic Sen,ice in June. The ~cttlc· I..U. -105. CEDt\ R i{ A I'IDS. IA .-We
ment "01\ a three-),e:tr :Igr«mcnt on arc e,peci:tll~ proliJ. thh month. to tell
e~er)'one libout one of our fine young
condit ion\ anll one )e:lr 011 \I:llle\, wilh
improvell vacation lime o\'cr Ihe Ihr<.,<· II rother" J ncl. Cirifllih. "ho \\'on Ih ..
yea r period. one IIddiliuI1l11 holidllY. im· Apprcrttii;:c of the Ycar fur th c State o f
10\1;1 Allard,
pro\emenh in he .. lth and "clf:lre :Ind
Mori picr>iekers from Unit 10. Juel. rccch'cll hi, (,".lrd from Franl.
reliremellt. !md a ~ ..; illl'tCII-.c for all
cla~~ific;.lion~. Thi~ broughl our "'erage
Ketterer. IU"a Statc J A I C Pre,idcn\' at
lO.age to $5.18 per hour, phl\ $1.7U p.!r grown·ups. It \la) lil.e an old faOlily the ,pe~ial lI":lrd hanquet held in Des
~e l ·IOil:elhcr. ~ l lIine,. 10\la. III AugLJ)I. III addition to
hour in frillge" Our ,cllic for journc)'-
J im Whitc, Vice President. and hi\ winning thc general over-all competition.
man linemen i~ $~.II!l pe r hour, Thc
\life. LorrOline. uro\e from Onawa, Unil J .,d ~on the home·,tretch dri.'(: o,er
3srecment \Oo:h rctroaeth'e to Apri l I.
1972. S. to attend the picnic. J im prc<;cnlcd the finah'" fmlll -.e\cn lIrea~ or the
25'),car -.ervice pin) 10 Frallk Hunsber- \lflle,
Our 3gn:emenl \\ith the Arizona
ger, George Mohr. Neil Jallsscn. Rich· Thi \ certuinl~ i, :1Il ilchie_ement of
W:ller Compan)' w:., ~ubject to be
ani Scott. Rod Chamberlain, Rol:tnd which IJ rol her Griffilh can be extremely
opened for \I!I~C" onl) in J une, blll ,ince
\I e hilt! a gUlira nh:cd 71 l r; \I :ll;e in· h. ehey. and Joe Rothcrhmn. rhree othcr proud. une "hkh hc can carry \lilh him
2S·}'ear OIell1ber~. Ed /'\ehrinJ;. i{ich:lrd all of hi~ d,,~\, r hi, i, trul> onc of
crell'>C. \lC did not feel "C cuuld im·
Br:mut. :md Robert Pasley. "ere Iho\C Ihms' that no une can tal,.e alO.ay
pro\'c on that.
The agrrcmenl "Ilh Ihe \/avop;lche duc to other commitments. from :t nmn. li e hn' Pili fonh Ihe effort
Electric Co-Operative, Inc, \Ooa, '>Clllcd The\C nrc the I-.inds of function, th3t alld demOIl~lratc(1 the ability 10 earn thi)
prior to the cxpinllion Itate, \lith the people never forget. A hig thanl., to the recognition.
'>Cttcment practiclltly the ~nrne as that co-.: hairmen. Ray E'i'SClh an d John
\lith Ari/on:. Pub lic S~rvicc. Wenl-., State Winn er
In gener;ll, thing, 10 he progre",~· I heard thaI Unit 5 entered :1 nOllt ill
ing, allhuugh 'ole :Ire ':l\llIlell \lilh m:lIly the Ottawa Friendship Day P:lrallc :IOd
anti-labor elemenl\, We arc entitled 10 th:1I the noat was decorated to represent
olle more COlIgre"mlm no". und \Ie arc l ocal 399 and cxpre ....... d communicOl-
opUmi'lic aholll helpmg 10 elect :1 per- tion\ from coa~t to coa .. t. Thc fio:lt was
wn 10.110 i\ \)mpalhetic In lhe need\ ;md lIeeorated by '\It. and Mr~. H:lrhhorn.
goals of \ mell lind IO.OUlcn. \I r, and \I rs. Grihbon, and J ames Min-
CI "01 Bo\\UI N. U.M. dcr and \I,,, lO.ell recehed ill thc com-
nllmity. Thc.c are the I.inds of people of
Family Picni c Held; "hoOl I.ocal 399 and all it .. member."
are proud.
Service Pins Award ed
I lO.a~ reading an anicl;: about the
L.U. 399. S I'i{I'GFIEI ,n . 11.1.._Au· 14url.e·llartl.e Bill in a COPf paper.
gu ..1 20th \III' II \Cry \londerful d.l) for One of the I.e) que)tion, thai ,hould
Slerlmg'~ Ullit 10, It \In, the lIa} or the ha~e hcen asl.ed of all ealllli\.llncs for Jack Grllfilh, LOCit 405. Cldar Rapids. II,
ycarly f;tmil}' pidnic. federal office-the I're~ident and mem- Iccepte th. Iward fOT Appren\l~e of tile
The "cather W:L' perfect. and fun WM bers of the House of Repre\cnlatiw) V... oj the Slala of lo.. a AI the spe<:ial
had by all- [(;IIIlC" ~\lil1lming. um! pop lind the Senatc-should ha\c been. "Will ;!w.,d banquet held In Des Momu recently.
Frink Kellerer. President. toW!! Stl" JATC,
for the ~ alit! rcfre,hl1lent~ for the you sup port Ihe Burke·Hartke Bitl'!" makn the prl.. ntatlon.

" tBEW Journcol

It is only fair to ,laic that tho-.e of us
who have "orked with lad. froOl his
La bou r Da y Parade
fir-t days as a cub. h1l\'e recogn ized him !":':.1.:::.:r-3 D!l :.."'._ _Pit?':&::---
;I~ a "illing anu proficient "or~er on the
Job. one "ho i~ elleryet,e allU intelligent.
:1\ I\ell a~ being per-onallle and friendly.
lie has demon-Ifaled eon..ciemiOlh eOIl-
'ern for our union. anJ now Ih:u he be-
come~ a journe)l1lo1ll. he \\ill ~ a deli-
nite to our memllcr'hip.
While all of u, \\oulu 1i~e 10 ~hare ;'I
little of hi~ glor) oIIU.! he proull of him.
I~e trust thai till, e~pcricnce \lill abo
provitle an ineentilc amJ .1 go:1I for oth-
er'. Sinecre conr:r;lllliru inn~ , Illd. amI
Ilc on guard, fOl' )ou hale become :1 ThIS il the 1I0a, .nte"d b)' loeal "35, W,n.
,)mhol, n,pe .. Man and I .... Man"ou Telephone
With the gouoJ ne\l, mu~t come ..orne System ,n lhe Annult labou, Da)' Pa.adtl. Da~ W,tson addl a ""'Ihlng tovch to , ....
b;ld, For tht ..e~onU month. \Ie rep<JTI loear, Ca. lUi' be'o,e Che pa,ade.
thc I'a~'ing of a fine Brother. IJcrnanl
M . Chri~ICn~rl. ~no\ln to II'; : " " Buo." Lile-Savers
pa"cd away at the age of 42-nurch tOO
~oung. but he had been ill for '>('\eml
month~ and enuurell ullKh ~urfering. I....,t
u, pr.trerfull) InN th,lt he ha, found
I:omfort ami pc;IlC.
IJUlL W,h a true. working Broth<:r and
l\ man 01 eharal:ter amI pel">On;llit)',
which brought hint nl,rny frienJs ami
die re\pec i of nil. \\e l11i" him lIml loin
IOgclher in I'ra)er Ih.,1 Goo I\ill Rive
~oUlfvlt, 't"':1I8th .•lnJ eour:tge to hi~
"ire ,lI1d fhe ~hilllren.
During Ihb time, /llilny Brothers in~ti· A part of .he parade paiwi In Ironl 01 the
sateu OInu promoted larious ";1)' of Man"oba lell'ilac,~e Bu,ldlnllS.
help for Brothc l' ( hli .. tcn~cn ~nd his Inte.nalional 'lice P,,,.ldent Robert K. G''''I),
fanuly. They de\i'>4:u (olle"ion,. benelll und c\'er}-one ..... cmed 10 enjoy it. nigger d,splays the Iwo IlllW Uf, Savin. Awa,d~
program~, \olunlllry "urk projech. con·
unu beucr things nrc 1I1,lnned (or ne't which he has juSI p,eten'ed 10 ta.fY Stevens
)ear and Oeo •• " SIOllSd,lI. Local "53. SpronS"eld,
IrihlUion~ frQm the wiles. etc. NQw, :1 Md .. who UVold the ",. o. Bro,her W,lIlam
rrnllp Ilf "i~e, i, III the plnnnin!! ,\:Iile T urnmj; 10 the !oo.:i,11 :\Cene. the A n- Cecil B,own,
rQr an :luJ(iliar). intended 10 provide the m',11 U,lit :2 1I 'llIoween Dinner :Jnti
bil,h Qf :111 OIi.! progril/ll for future Dance \I;t\ "<:1 for Oclohcr 27,h rn We e.~pt'ci Ihe 1)olh;ln job to he t;ll.
r nmscona this year. nnll frolll :,11 Imli- inl: traveler, )Omelirne ,Ifter the Iir~1 of
~l\tion~. it W:l~ :, selloul 'Ij,!;.in. We are the )e;tr. The joh at J ones lil ufr will
'Iany member) :.n,,] their "ile. h;lle
gi\en of Ihem-.ehe,. ,L~ the)' have beC'n h;lpp} 10 not .. Ih:ll Unit 7 jorned L'nil 2 pmbuhly eominue .1\ il i~ unlil 1lC"
ahle. arnJ Ihi\ rC'\lore, uur faith in in ~pon<,()rinl! the ;lff;lir ,lIld th,11 sc-~eral ~rring \\ e ill~ h;l\c II few small JO .....
\lignU;lrie~ from holh .he union and Ihe gomg on,
human compa"ron for our fellQ" man.
It i~ not my imenl10m to pinpoint crclht M,miloo., I elephonc S}~tCIl1 ( tilTS) We hopt' Ihat we lire e)(p!:Cleli in the
<lr 10 OVI.'Tlook liluw who Jid the mo,1. I\Wt irl\itcd, We I\ili hOl"e pktlrres ;rml NH'A-IHFW Welf:rreltust !-- und. Wc
'I his is one of Ihole areas in "hkh I I1C"~ covC'r;l ~e 011 this gala even1 in a I'ote,,] 10 go 10 this prugrlllll I<ilh our
feel thul we get the 1110,1 rewarding feel- future is\ue. nc~1 ..:ontntct. I nlll lt1all to sec ~\'''ral
109 in the lnow leJge Ihal \Ie hah' )uch Now Ihu. f:l!l hots senled in ... ith I". il loc;ll~ going 10 the '><Ime progr,un. I
people arvunu u,. \Ct'm~ a~ if e\er}-onc is coilling out of hope that more 11)I;al\ I', ill illso join in
his cocoon ,u\(1 Ih"t mecting~ arc hcing This cenainl) will help organiud lahar.
hdJ almo)1 e\ery weel all o\er Ihe \\ell, Ihe ("hoke for I' rcsident. thi,
pro\in~e, \lemhcrs 'Ire reminded to time. looh lile ,lim ;11111 none. I hope
Local 435 Particip",tes chec!. 10 fin d 0111 ",h~n a meeling is Ihe union people :111 o\er Ihe country
being h~ld in therr 'Lreu. It tOOls li~e a will just ~IOp and luo~ at Ihr whole
In Social Affairs rc;rl hll!>y ;.c;I!oOn ahc,,"] of 11'. I\ IWI with Ihilly and rcali7.e Ihat. if we "oliid all
I•. U, .US, "1;"\ 'lI'I-:C. 'IA " .-Our thc loc:!1 union Policy BO;IHI meeling\ 'lid" together. "e woultl hn\'c a Ocltcr
local lOO~ arlil/' p;lrti~ipation in (he An- bemg held on Ihe fiht weekend in 1'0- cboice. I belie-Ie th,ll. if labor wuuiJ
nU;11 Labour D,l\ I',lr.,de al!ain. whIch \·ember anJ prepar,ltiou) fVI ,oc};vt",tions ,till togelher. v.e could l'vntrvl tl", 1>I>li.
\\-a, held on Seplember 91h. a week after to )tarl ~hortly. tici;ln). The way il i~ now, Ihe polru-
the Labour Day wee~end. on the :L~­ I he ~n 5 I'lam anu the Tclc~"hlcs C;'1II1 eonlrol lhe people.
$umplion that ntore p!:ople wOlrl,,] he on Hnd Wires "llfeemcnlS •• re due to expire lll ~t a lillie rcminJer 10 most Qf our
h;rnll to ~e it. Our th,ln~s to D;L\e Wil_ III the not too di~tunt (lI\IIr('. So. every. ntem\'lers-Our n'celinl:l~ ure on the Iir~1
!>On for his helping Imnd. one i\ reminded 10 ~t.'I:P hi, ~ houltler~ to and third r ucsU:I}S of Ihe lIIomh :,1
,he wheel. Sec )OU in the lie\! r~ue. 7 J(J 1' ./11 . We I\ill be looling for )011
We mUSI admit Ih;11 Ihis }ear's p:lrade
\\-,1' the best of the I:ISI Ihree Ihat our J . O. Ku:It\lUJ. P.S "I Ihe nc~1 meeling,
local has p.-.rtidpa.ed in. We ecrl:.inly P ~lRIn.. T I)oRIlt;(JI1, "S.
arc happy to 'iCe mOle labour people Work Picks Up
geuing inler"~led in it. us it loo~e,j (or a For Montgomery Local Two Brothers Receive
while as if Ihe l abour Day Par,Lde ISEW Life-Saying Awards
would become II thlnj; of the pa)l. I he L.U. U J, 'IO;'llTCO \l i::RV. ,\I_A.-
sidewalks of bot h I'orlage Avenue lind Work is Ocl:innillg to pic~ lip. with our LU. -'53. SI'IU"Cl'l EU), 1\10.--On
Main Street were I,"ell wilh onloo~cn, higger jolls startinj; 10 put on 'lOme men April 2 1, 1972. William Cecil Brown. a

stead}. pict..-it. up and la)'.it-<lown, gct-
lineman a nd member of this l()I;a l, was Annual Picnic Ihe·;Ob-done.
sta nding beside a City Ulilit ies lruc~.
ta on the radio, when the truck be· M:,ssaehu!IClIs has 10\l ercd the breal h·
came energized with a 7,600-\011 charge. aliur test. li nd Ihat drive r'S license
"" hic h entered h i~ risht hand lind came means )our income. Don't Dc as useless
out of his feci. as a CO"" boy " ithoU! his hor5t'.
When George StoI:'idill. lineman. and USI I for~l. and il i. rather impor·
l:tn!. thc bustne~s m<ln:tgers of the \ar-
Larry Stevens, groundm:ln. gol 10 him.
8rolher Bro"" n had no pul~ and .... as iou~ Ir;Ldes met I'oilh MlI)or George
..;lros lind tal~cd ahom ""or~ aSp«"ls in
not hreathing. Through mouth·to-mouth
rt'sus.;itation and do~ · h<:arl ma».'1ge. the lit}. Tbc} emphasized urban reoe"" .L I
they .... t'rc: able 10 revi\e him and had \lorl.. and thc~ referred 10 the fal.'l Ih;lt
him bre:l\bing amI hiS heart bc,,11Og leI! to riaht. Bob Scoll. 8111 Zuael. and J 04 Ihere i'i a predominance of membeu
prior to the luubulance'S arrhing to lal.e Yu.kin II the .eheshmen' bar durina Ihe I'n .... ho Ihe in Ihe cit) limils.
nual Summer PICnic 0 1 Local 465. San D,eaO. When }OLl ca~h ~our pay check. Ihanl.
him 10 the hospital. Calli.
IJ rol her 8 rown lO!ot II portion of bis Ihe l ord for \lh;LI )OL(ve got. a nd I'oorl.
ri(l.hl h:lnd in th e accident. \lith pridc in ~'our emft. You're no bel-
1111 W Ufc-Sa\ing A.... ard ~ "ere pre· Ief than )OU thin~ you are. bllt )ou'd he
.sented 10 BrOlhers Ste\em :I nd Stog..uill nOlhin g by )·oursclf. It starts \I ith a
f:Llllll~ and mulliplie, wilh numbers. :.nd
by Internalion:11 Vice I' residell! Roherl
K. Garrily at our local union meeting o f Ihe Wil} ),O Ll li ve i~ \Ihal you ~et 0111 of
AUI:II ~1 IOlh.
life. Loot.. to YOll r f:ullily: th ai is whac
J ... c ~ F, MOOKI', 1lf-1. Slrength :Intl \I!ILlcr~tmlding musl COIllC
If }OU don'l belielc Ille. visit the 10c:,1
Two Social Events Held; police, the cou rt~. probation dcparl-
Negotiating Team Chosen mems. ell.'. I)on't a\t.. the dOlh; they're
al \I il\ end and haflled.
L. U. 465, SAN OJ EGO, CA I.IF.- D ur· A colns·[.Hhe·hayslaCk sc.amble lor the kids ,",or no\l. Ir} to ha\e a good d ay. :Lnd
ing September. the local sponsored t .... o al Iha picnic. mnl.e il plcas"nt for someone
social e\ents f« ilS members and their JOIIS" ~o .... , ".S.
families. Lile-Saver
r or Ihe second con!ICcothe i..:lbor
Day. Ihe local boughl 01\1 a !\Cction of Work Is Plentiful;
5t':,\5 :,1 Ihe San Diego Stadium for lhe J oe Schilling Mourned
game bet""een the San Diego Padres and
lbe S,lD Frand~o Gianh. 'J he e\ening L . • ~H . 'IDII'IIiS. Tt::-.':"'.-Worl. in
was top~d off .... lIh a tremendous fire- ottr area is plenliful-cnough 10 pro\ide
I'oor"'~ displa~. and to mal.e things e\en empJo)mcnt for all of our members.
heuer. our I'adrcs ""on the Ipnle! ' r here arc also a fel'o mcmbers or olbcr
On September 17th. the local held i15 101.';\1\ emplo)cu in our jurisdiction.
Fi r~t Annual Picnic at Aeres I rej!rct 11.1 ;lnnounce the death of Joe
I'icnk Ra nch, ea'>l o f S;\O I)icgo in Ra- Schilling on September ISlh . Joe ""as in·
mona. '1 he we.Llhcr \I:lS ['Crr",t;I. •lOd iti"t~d on June IS. 19.17.
o\er 600 people allended Ihe oUling. Our I!OOI.I Iud wishes go out to C. W.
OLi r drawing produced hou'\Chold gifls Loca' 465's Pat Teh.n. len, Is belna pre-
.enled w;U, an iSEW Ule·Savlna Award by D.\vi~. \lho h.,\ relireLi. Brot her D a\i~
for fOLir of our mcmbcr'~' ran1ilie~. Ihe San Diego Gas and Clectrlc Superintendent wa~ initialed on l\Iarl h 21. 19:!.j.
winncl'~ being r.t1~h;Lcl i\bboll. junior Jack cenle •• lind BUSIness Mll nft8er We hale been attempting to get all of
sloc l.~ ccpcr: f- l il.e 1I :L11c~IILd. ~;IS \lcILlt::r:
Olck Robbins. Pars quick thinking ,.~ed the Ullr Brothers rCl!i~lereu 10 \Ole in order
IIle 01 his pole parln~r. who contllcted an en
\ llIrt in Rogen. apprentice linema n; and .rllnd conducto •. to thruw our support he hi nd Ihe dC!>Cf\I-
Richnrd Ash'lill. meter re:,dcr. illl! Democratic call\li dal~ S for Congress.
J he picnic's succe~~ W;t~ very cneour· G roveland lUIS a ~m!L1I commercial job Of ntur~e. wc have no \lay of ~nowin~
:'ging 10 Ihc Pilnie ("ol1llllil1cC and thc going. a~ h;ts (jeorg(·tuwn ",hh il" old- ,\ho will be decleu 10 Ihe Presi(kncy of
olfiecrs. :lnd I'oC ;,rc ;111 fOf"";lrd asc hou~in£. The elementary ~chool b the United State~. I'ul as one of the Sl.!n-
10 anothcr picnic ncxl )CiLr. compldL'd. In Ne\lhuryport, :0 high-ri-c "tors from \Ii ,~i~\ippi Solid. " ('residenl
AI our Seplember general meeting, Ihc i\ finishing up. We :tre fOTlI;,rd Ni~on h,,~ jU\1 "hILt hI.' needs. . . a
loc;11 held ils Negoliating CommiHee 1011 high school :uldlion in the cil)". a\ Ilcrnocr.L1k (ungre .. ~ \lilh "hich 10 do
clclliun. ;Lnol II. C. ~IlMiI1in :md C:,r! "ell a\ a telephone hui lding. T here arc t>usine~5 ...
C. lI ovbnd "erc clc"cd 11.1 reprcsenl u few othcr jobs pendin\l.. too. All of us ~houlLi he concerned to lICe
Ihe loca l during the 19B full-conlr-Iet We ha\c appro~im;t\cI} ~O men ""orl.· Ih:LI our friends are rc·eleclcd. \I an) of
negoli .. lion$ "ilh the San Diego Ga,> and ing in Ihe area <1M ~ hould ha\e aNul them arc thairmen of \er)' imponunt
IICClric Compan~. l hc) ""ill .ser'e on 60. We arc nOI a numerkal1}-hig local. committees in Congress. and of cour'>C.
Ihe commiuee. ;Llong \\llh AS~I\tJnl t>llt "I.' Irt 10 Ihinl. nig. if lhe) arc dde:'ted ..... e \lould 105t' Ih;LI
H usil"le"s~ Man;Lger Hoh Carle) .1Od Bu~i· Sin.;c the adIent uf the o.:cup.Ltiun.LI help. \ly undentanding is that Ihe con-
oe!>S \!:magcr Dkl. H.ohhins. 5.LfCI} and lIe;llth At;1 of 1970 gre,\men ""e ele<.:1 ;Lre repr~ntinll lhe
ROIIIRI I (.\RL". P.S. I O~ H \ J. things h;l\e t>«n up. people, not Ihe " resiolent. as some of the
'>;Ifet\"ise. on the job. It had ~n diffi- ltepubli.:an c;andid.lles "ould ha'e )ou
Work Looks Promising; cult 10 gCI Ihe men inlo hard hat\. "Ill helie\e.
,,', l'our"'lng OLlt mu~h J.;cHer lately• I \er~one i~ enlilled 10 his own opin·
Safety Efforts Pushed .... 0". if \Ie c:,n onl~ get both m;ln.L~e· lion. hut mioe i.. Ih,L1 the most imporl:lnt
L V. 410. II \\ 1-;1(1111.1 .. 'IASS.- h menl ilnd labor 10 I.ecp the job de.1II at'"olllpli~hmell! "e ean :lchieve in Ihi'>
\Ie approac h thc "inler month~. it luul.~ ;Ind 10 t.,ke care of Ihe tool~ and equip· cle<':lion b to sec th.LI all of our friends
111 if "e nM) be hu\). We ;LTe m,mlling ment as an :L ~ltt;t 1 ~:L\ ing~ in lime .lIId lII"e re·elected to Congress. So. ple"lIC.
.sever:,l jobs here in the monc), \lc'l! be gelling pl l\ce~. One \I,L) /lrOl hers. get ULlt lI nd \'Ole for thaI eon·
Tech in i-Iaverhill uml :, hi ~h·ris.c :Ipart- to cum bat non-union job .. is 10 show
thcm \lh,1I know- how rel\l!~' is-the 01Ll. Douo FI ~H[lI. 1'.5.
mcnt builLiing. :l lw in the tily.

18EW Joumc"
Fred Wright Honored t.30\)-man IOC11[ forced him 10 re"l;n
Ihis POSI in 1970.
Picnic In Austin
Ue presenll) sc:r,"es a, :I mc:m~r of
the E.xecIIII\·e Commillc:e for Ihe \\e,l-
cheSler "iliiding 1 r.l.des Coundl ,,,ll!
on Ihe Bo;lrd of D ireelOh of \\e~l~he~­
ler\ Cerehnll Palsy Comrniucc. :111 org"-
ni1.nlion for "'hich our loe,,1 h,,~ I."
more Ih"n $50.000 O\er Ihe I."t h\e

In 1960. a~ :I result of a Ihnnc:r

lendered him by the menlhe"h,p of
1.x,11 !lOt. Brolher Wright .In(\ hi, "',fc.
Glad ~~. c'lahl i5hed Ihe I red Wri!;hl
Schol:tr~hip :11 WC)lche,ler (omllmnilY
College. In Ihe )ears ~jn,;e ii' e\l'tencc,
WUlche,t,.. County [~...;ultv.. [d .. "" M,- man) )ounl; rcople h,,\e been I;i\en an
ch •• Han .~Iois Fred W"llhl, auslnen Man
a.I', Local SOL Wh,re PI.lns, N V" 81 .. Opportunil) to furlher their CdU~.llion
".Clnt local "'lion ml.llnl dutlnll which Tbc fund C:X I)IS today. lind )ounl; ~1i­
W"ght was honored 1o. hI' COnltlbul,ans to ch:ld Ilu ~ci of While !'Inin, j~ Ihe
the con,munity
l!ln-'3 Ic~jpienl.
Fred Wright H onored (, ....\1 MI D .... 1111. P.S.

For Community Work

Labor Day Picnic H eld ;
L .U. 501, \\ IIrn: I' LAIi'S, "\ .Y. -
W(~t;:hcstcr ('ount) I \Clllli\c bJwin Work Situation Fair
\ Ikhaclhm rece ntl y 'lI'I'CllfCd III J toeill LU. 520, Al)STI". n ·:x. Our 11)(;11 1
union meeting and rn;ldc lL I'rc~nHltion union L:lho r Day picnic ";t\ helll ;11 Scenes the L.bor Day picnic of Locil
of a h:lnu·in'>Cribed ~cro ll 10 lJu ~inc~~ Camp Crafl on Ihe .!61h of Au!;u~l. "I\h 520. Austin. Tn
\1;1""'£l:r hed /I.. WriSh!. il good allend"nce of o\er 310.<\ ~1Il.
I he ......·~·,I"U" "." lu ~olllrncmo)rat(' cere Ih;,n~~ 10 Picnic Commiuox (h.lir- Our firlil-aid pl08mm i'i mo\ing 11101'151
Brother Wrighe, I~ )CM\ of .'>e"IlC 10 man D,ln $(:hieffc:r and ,Ill of lhe IIloth· ~leadl1), .... ith appro.\imalel) 90'", of Ihe
Wcs!"hcstcr CommUml) Collc"c a\ ,icc ers "'ho ""ned on Ihe committee .lI1d .Ipprenliee, no.... lrained. The Rome\
thairma n of the 1I00Ir.l of r ru~h.:c~. OJ "'or~ed so hard 10 ma~e Ihe p;lrly Ihe trainee, "ere ne\1 in line. and clasM:, for
post from I'ohich he rC"J; llCd on June ~U~CC)S it W;I\. Ihem hcg"n In Seplember. CI:ls~, in
101h. Wri ght haJ ..ened ,'IKe 19 .~7, rherc "'ere acti-ilies for .III. )ounj; fir~t-;.iu will :llso he oITered to journe)·
When he ""IS "ppomted, 11K' l"Ollcgc :lI1d old :llil.e. The ~il.b enjoyed , .... im men ;100 their ",iles. The Apprcnlice~hip
"' .. ) nOl the be;uniful complex it is ming ... arl) in the lIfternoon, and ~l1C Committee :IIIU the loe .. 1 feel Ihal Ihe
10<);!.). II w,,~ being COodu(h:J in Ihe old of the adults enJo)ed s.... inlmin!; laler COUN! will greal l~ benefit mothe" in
liauk IIiIl School. M r. Wril1ht h,l~ see n Ihat e\enins. I he only prot-kIll ...... \ Ih •• 1 dealing .... I\h the cler-prese nl d .. n{,'t'r of
it I1row and ha, ptl)CJ :1 [:lrKc p;lrl in wmc of Ihe :.duits. "'cll, :In)w;I). 'onre injury 10 children. A good poinl 10 re-
ii, devc[opment. For 1m (ontflbu,ion~ 10 o f Ihe "older ~ rds:· foryot Ihl·i,. ~wim IIlCI11tx:r i~ Ihat m~l :rcddem\ occur III
Ihe cOm mUnilY. \l r. \[lclwcli.1I1 hau )uih. hilI several of our helpful /lrOlhers Ihe home. Any ;ourneyrn:.n iniere'led III
m:lny .... t)ru~ uf praise. )ho"'eu 'hem Ihal you re .. ll) don'l nce,1 Ihe cour:.c for himsclf lind his .... ife l',UI
r he ~roll read,. "County WCSI-"r " s .... im SUil-JUSI "'car "'h.1\ )011 h.l\e COnl;1(1 Uilt C:rOU~'h for informalion a nd
che,lI:r <':crlifh..ll" of Ap ilreeil\tlon. In UII. 10 ,illtl lip.
recognillon of 15 )e:tr~ uf ue\olcd ~erv­ In addition 10 rhe sWllllmin.t,:. \ohm- A JourncynUtn code sludy (om""
icc 10 WC\lchc~h:r <":"mmunilY (uilcgc. lary 0)" not. there ",ere ),tver,1I roll"n~ hcg;1Il on Seplember 61h. "'ilh an enroll-
:Iw:m[cd \0 I-reu A. Wri ghl, Jr .. [ rU~ICc games of \'o ll e~hal l . "'hich no une won. 111elll of 1() c(l lI,dell'iou~ jOllrnC)ll\cn
and Vice Chninnan, Iloard o! [ rtl ,lees. am! cr()(j uel . "'h"h lIuhod~' 10," I hc ,II h ilill lu improve themsel\'es ;r1l,1 Ihcir
P rc:'Cnled wilh Ihanl. , for hi, m:lny (on- high1ighl of Ihe :. flernoon l"ame .... it lt ~no"'1cdge o f Ihe Irallc. A previolls code
trilnnion\ for the advantemenl of c:lIuca- Ihat ~rueling "OJ}mpic )1'10(1," the ~t). ,Iudy couro;;c. compleled on Au!;,,,t 21rd.
lion al Wc: ~tchesl(:r C-onllllunuy Col- )ard ~ac~ I1lCe, .... il h IJrOlher ).Imc, had :!1 JOurneymen compleling iL I hi~
Icge." Wier .... lIlmng Ihe gold; lilll Wih.on. Ihe I),pc 01 tnlerest 1$ good and ne<:e5S;lr). If
Brother Wright h,,, heen hu)ine-.s sll\'l.~r; and Billy lJu~O"~~~ . Ihe t>rollle. "'e don'l ~eep up "ilh ollr indu~lr) :Ind
llmn;lger of our loe<ll )in~e 1957. Under Aeluutt). Ihe) "'ere 25-eent rihhom. hUI Ihe coml:lnl ( h:tnges ..... 1' will be. lefl he·
hi~ Ihe I()(ul purch;I'>Cd :HI'[ .... Iml do you exrcel for two·hil ;,lhI"II"" hind. Keep up Ihe interesl. BrolheT\
moved II1to a new huiMing :11 20 The h;tr-h-quc "'as deliciou, ,,",I plen· Spc" of inreresl. lel's all gel 0111
IJloomingdale Road. "hile l'I;lins. in tiful. The liquid refreshmcll1 "';I~ equ."!y ,Ind ,lI\end om nexl Ullion meeling.
1969 . He i~ a lifelonl1 n:sidc:nl of White as ~ood. hcc",u.loe there cerl,,,nl) 1'0.1\ ,I ROlllltr J. Uooc.LS. PS
1'[,liM lind has .$Cnc:d on muny CI\IC and lot of it con~lImed.
scndce (ommillee$ o\'cr lhe )e;lfS. II c b Only one Ihilly .... as "rong "'lIh Ihl~ Work Is Plentiful;
:. formcr cll ptain o f the Wh ile !'I:. ins )ear'S pit.-ni1;. <IS far liS I could '>Cc. Local Reciprocates O th ers
Volu nleer Fire o..:parln":III. a formcr ' I a n y of our IJrOlhcr, didn'l allen.! lind
memher of Ihe Fleclrk.,1 BamJ. and a were mi~scd hy Ihose of us "'ho .... erc I..u. 55 1, SA"'TA H:OSA. CA LlF'.- 1
member of the Board of TrusleeS of Ihe lhere Lel \ .. 11 tr} 10 m;t~C II 10 Ihe ;om pleased 11,1 report Ihal Ihe Reu",ood
White Pluins I'n:sb) leri,1I1 Chun.:h nc:~1 one and Ir) 10 gel 10 ~no'" .111 of Imp ire i$ )li ll "'or~ing he)ond lhe 1::1·
Brolher Wrig ht .... as appoinled by In- our Iholhcr~; Ihe) rea II) arc prell} ~ood p."'Icil), of il~ nlemhers and Ihal .... e h,l\e
lernallon:! 1 I're)idenl Ch;tTle~ II Pilt;IT<J people. ;lppTO\llllalcly 90 Ir:l~ e lers from olhel
to !>Crve [I) a member of Ihe Coun~i[ on Thc ",or~ sil ualion. prel>Cnlly. i, fair. loe:ds .... or~j nK in Ihe arc:..
I ndu~trial Re lations. I[ e i§ one of on ly wilh :tll loc:. 1 hll",h who 11:1111 "'or~ em- llu,illess Marmgcr ·1 heooore N. " .• ell'·
~i'\ IHEW bu~iness In!tnaj:er~ in Amerkll p lo~ed, plus :Ibout 40 !r:t\'elen. Don', fobener &1lid. (1\ the Scplember meeting.
10 sit on the 1;ouncil lind 1I\lc:nded ses- p;tcl. your bags Ihough. :IS M:~enl l loh) Ilml Ihi~ i~ the Il rM lime thai Otl r local
,ion~ IhroughOUI Ihe United Slnte~. Un· tire finishing up and new one, .Ire .~ Io .... ha~ pllid reciprocilY 10 ils siSler loc:!ls.
fortunnlely. his dUlih n~ lender of a in gclling ~ Iarted. Then, the trn"e lers ",ere asked 10 SI:lnd .

Local 551 Faces Wayne I'> lorse of Oregon. who receh·ed and those produced by non-union work-
a standing ovation wben he eltplained ers under sweatshop condilions.
how we have aU been deceived a nd lied Four large jobs arc now under con-
to by President Nixon. nOI only about struetion in the T uls.l are". Number one
Vietnam. bill a lso about our emplo}·. is the 41·story First National BanK
ment problems and our economy in gen- Building. which is now being lOpped
eral. out. The others include the Texaco re-
The other. and final, speech "as gh'en finery. the powerhouse in 1enl...s. "nd the
by Brother Harry Van Arsda le. the for· Gardner Denn'r Foundry at Pryor.
mer busine>s manager o( Local 3. New OUf Blood Bank Drhe is no\\ under
Yorl... City ..... ho is now the International wa}. When 25 per cent of our members
Treasurer. His speech formed a filling give one pint of blood. all melllbers and
close to the three-day meeting. their families will be eligible 10 rccei\'e
JOliN A. FRI£IlRICHSLN, P.S. blood. at no charge. through the Ameri-
Robert Mountjoy. Assisl~nt Business Manager, can Red Cross. Our members on the
Local 551. Santa Rosa, Cati,., at work at his Offi cer Urges Members Blood Bank Committee nrc Jim Pitts.
J inun)" Lees, and Harold Painter.
To Read [BEW Journal The 1972 grnduating class had three
L.U. 569, S,\ N m EGO, CAUF.- T was firsts. Elmer Palmer berame the first
looking back over some old issues of the blac!... apprentice to be graduated since
IBEIV IOl/rlllll. \<·hen it was known as the full-time program .... ent into effect.
T Il(' IOllrtlal 01 Electricill lVorkerl· 111111 We offer Ollr sincere congralulations 10
OpC'rtllors. and came across the follow- Elmer.
ing in thc April. 1941. issue. We achieved ollr firSI father-son grad-
''This magazine. uatc> Ihrough this class. Bud Cooper,
"An international publication with :1 class of 1957, proudly watched his son.
preferred circulation. Richard. receive his graduation certifi-
"Re,ld religious ly by the pic!: of the cate. Lil...e father. like son. Both ,Ire
electrical workers of tbe American conti- good at the tradc.
Lout 551"5 representatives to the Ninth Dis- nrnt. T his W<lS the first year that we pre-
trict Progren MeetIng. Left to righI, Business '·Enjo~s the marked confidence of its sented two outstanding apprentice
Manage. Theodore N. Toben .. , and Executive plaques. Charle~ Ree :md lohn Houchin
Soard member Jack Giem.
readers. who own and operatc ilS col-
umns. were presented plaques for four ~'ears of
followed by the local Brothers standing. "Serves as a mirror of the happenings. dedicMcd. hard work and for excelling
J must say. the visiling Brothers "ere ideas. plans. accomplishments. and aims as apprentices.
well repn."~nlcd. of the labor mOllement throughout ewr} All of the graduates are winners in
Evcrrone enjoyed a magnificent smor- industrial center of the United Slates many ways and deser\'e a special pat on
gasbord after the meeting. T hai meeting and Can'lda. the b(lCk. The graduates afe Fred Bene·
dealt primarily wit h far-range plans for "Publishes exclusivc articles of interest fie l. lack Boyd. Vic Rich"rd
medical CO\'crage a nd for selling in mo- to labor everyw here and to the gener"l Cooper. Ray Creel. Gerald De\·in. Wil-
tion the nomination of a Negotiating public. liam Drake. Fred Duncan, Dennis Ervin.
Committee. '" Fights for progre.s and the rights of David Gnles, lohn Houchin. Lewis Hill.
I man<lged 10 ta lk with Ted i!nd Exec. wage-e:.rners. for cillilized industry. for l ames Unds,1Y, l ames Lilliefieid. ClifT
IItive Board member l ac k Gicrtz. our clean government. for a highe r pl"ne of McCall. H;lrIlCY Millcr, Richard Miller.
representatives to the Ninth D istrict Ii-'ing. and (or human welfare." Elmer P;llmer. Charles Ree, Dean Rob·
Progress Meeting. about the rnteliog, I am glad that the WEW lOl/fllll1 has inson. Harry Shaull. Jess 5;1111.0. Robert
which VIas hel d in Portland. Oregon. not changed OVCT all of these years. Sullon. Bob Webb, Larry Willis. an d
from August 23rd to the 25th. r.l ake the IOllrlllll (I reading habit fOI" Ted Zellers.
The first day was spent in a work- nil of the members of your family. L ,\RRY WtLI.IS, P.S.
shop. in whic h many Nint h District In- H OWARU J. VOLZ. B. I\-1 .
ternationa l Representat ives took p:lrt in
informative discu5sions, wi th question- Auxiliary Reorganizing; Area Work Slows Down;
and-answer sessions that wcre slanted to-
Fo ur Big Jobs Und er Way H ealth Costs Discussed
wan!> the problems found in individual
loe'lls. L. U. 584, TULSA, OKLA.-The ladies' L.U. 595. OAKLAND. CA UF.-Work
On the' second da~' . the deleg:ltcs were au xiliary is now being reorganized has ~lowed down considerably in the
privileged to hear many fine speakers: through the efforts of 1-. lr5. CliO! Sroufe. area. due mainly to lhe recent ncar-com·
however. the !...e'ynote address \\3S given Mrs. Clarence C loud. and Mrs. O. Wat· pletion of the Ba} Area Rapid Transit
by i nlernational Secretary Joseph D. son. Application for a charter was made (BA RT) Srstem. Three cOllnties are
Keenan. His speech touched upon many to the National Ladies Auxiliary. The now linl...ed to (orm the net .....ork.
important subjects that are \·il:11. not firsl meeting \0 organize Ihe auxiliary We have found that federally·subsi-
only 10 Ihe Urolherhood. but to the en- and to ciCCI officers was hcld on Augu~t dized projects can also help. but this
lire nation. He spoke about the decline 23rd. money al ..... a)s seems to go to the south-
of the American (aclory worker. basi· There arc many oppor!unitie~ offered ern part of Co.lifornia. or. in other
cally because American oomp<lnies. such by the auxiliary. You share experiences word~. to President Nixon·s fa\orite p..lft
as clectronics firms. are producing their "ith women \\hose husbands. sons. and of the statc---espedally. in the marine:
producls in foreign countries .... ilh the fathers fight for a common caUSC-.1 yards. Of cour..c. this is not meant to
intent of imporling them for consum!)" better \\ay of life in their craft. You ofTend our Brothers in the southern 10-
tion by thc Am<-rican public. join the ranl...s of an organization which !;als.
The final day was utilized to good ad- is sening its community in many ways Another one of our woes is the cost
\'amagc by a series of t;llks. one of -by seding better public education. of our Health and Welfare Plan. Broth-
which was on the Occupational Safety beHer ho,pital and service facilities. bet· ers. it seellls hard to belie\'e IhM. by
and Health An (OS HA). Ho .... ever. two teT .... orl...;ng conditions (or all. and many 1915. the estimated cost of II 24·hour
tall...s that day stuck in the minds of our other vilal objectives. You learn the sta}' in the hospi tal. with minor surgery.
representatives more than the others. difference betwee n goods and services will be in the neig hborhood o( $100.
The first was given by former senator produced by lInion workers in fair shops gh'e or t:tke a few bucks. What happens

00 ISEW JOllrna l
if Ihe number of hou rs ~houl d \lh Je h \IllS inslruelcu hy Le~ler Purse r
dro p d rn~lie:l ll y o\'cr OJ Ghc n lime? /\ ny
First-Aid Cla ss nnu W. E. Sellers from Ihe Mississi ppi
~roup pl;m is baseu o n comribution_ Po .... er and I ;I;hl ('omplm). These em
hou rs-per-e ligiblc-worl.cr_ All I en n );lY plo)'cts are Ch;.rle) Goodnighl. Cunis
i~ Ihal somc IJrolhcr~ ",,11 linu them- AlI<la). Irby Alld:. y. I(:.ymond Allday.
sch'es wal~ing :1 fe,ll ti.,hlrope in Ihe I .. milr Sim,. Co1cll1:Ln J ohn..on, D . I .
C\'cnt lhey uO nOI h:lvc :.dditional me<li- 1iIcJ.wn. Ra yford Si\lrun~. DCliter Cole-
cal covc rage through a prhale plan. man. and J. W. Russell. ;tll of 10(;;11
On Ihe gooeJ new s ~ide, is Ihe upcom-
ing union pk nic. bery )C'Lr. OIue nding
mem bers nnd Iheir fanHlies h,,\e " joy_
"" I he cmpJo)CC'S li~tcd :.oo\C lire ~o\-
ered limier Ihe 111 1 W h;lrl:;Linins unit.
OU5 lime wit h all of Ihe fCMivities. Lei ', il lm" ,1 "ilholll l'u()1lion. they ilfe mem·
filCC il: nil thc Il U}~ I::e t together 10 I!LI ~ her, of Loc;LI (IUS or l oc:ll 9115. Cle\ e-
ovcr old til1lc ~ MId 10 mee t Ilew friends; 1:\nd, Mississippi
Ihitl's wh1\! ii's a ll aOOU I, We nrc vcr) gllld 10 'ICC thi\ 'il.'gmcnt
Old-limers Nig ht i~ IU,' as imporla nt Mem be,. 0 1 local 605, J .,kson. M,". who or our induslry and our IJ rOl herhood
10 lhe union, si n!;C Ihc'>C membc'rs arc .'" empl"f"d by "1 .... 1,,.... t L..... " .... lu' .... ..J la~e Ihis ~tc p rOl"v..lrd in Ihe illl~II.. 't uf
a lwa)'s to be respected m the C)CS of who .ecenll)' en.olled In e I,rsl·eod de •• e,e
~n he'e w,th Ihe" Ins,.""lors. .ow
"lfelY .Ind. al the same lime. I.«p
CI't'r) Ollt of u\. No more e'\ctl'iC~. fel- lelt 10 flShl. Ra)'mond Alld.y. Coleman John ;tllrc"~1 of Ihe timc~ :md in <.;ompiL;mL,·e
10"'5, be sure 10 be :H;li~c in Ihe mler- son. C"rtis Alida),. Deot" Cotem.n•• nd .n \\;th Ihe law of Ihe I,md.
c ~u o[ you r local union an d atlend all 61 , u"o, W E. Sell". aB'~ ' 0 .... . lob)' Allday. II i:hc~ us grcllt pride 10 \~,hI\C 1111 uf
Cha, l,y GOOdnight. Ray lo,·d S is trunk. O. l.
meeting,. Jeckson,, Sims•• nd InstruClo. l u ter the p"nies concerncu in Ihi ~ 1;1'1.';11 cn·
WILLI HoI I I'AUI l! U ), P.S. Pur",. de;\vor. Safel), ~ ccp~ us arou nd to '<:~.
",hat i~ next.
Local 60S Members Enroll J. \\ . R USS ll t. I'.S.

In First·Aid Course s Work Picture Good;

I_.U. 60S, JACKSO'i'. 'IISS.- So th:11 Workers Protest Order
IIC ilIa), he in com pJ i:L1lce ",ith the Oc-
cupation:1 1 Safety :md llelllih Act of I..U. 607, S II \ " IUK I". I'A.-Construe-
1970. we h:l l'e quite .. 1,lr&e numhcr o f lion in this Centra l Ea,tern l'enn,}h.mi,1 B rOLhel~ v.ho h.'l e !leen trained anlhracile region finds S/:\cr:lJ joh~ near-
:l~ 1i~1·"iu instruelor, find ;I~ Iirsl';liden ing l'o mplclion stage,. \l hile opemng'
in thaI Urt :111(1 imprm(mc nl ~ arc notcd on other
All of Ih.!..c Brothel\ le<.;c;'c<1 Iheir prole<.;IS.
tnlinm!:! throush Ihe All1eric.. n ..... al ional Northumhe rlanu CounlY Vo- r elh
Red C'rO\~. SI,mdanj (our ....·. \I ul li-Me- School ,houJd he m u<;c ll) Ihe lime )011
di;1 S}~tem. Wc are Icry happy 10 Iht rC:l d thh. :md Ihe Nonhumherland
I)clow those \I ho h'IIC "Ithr.tctorily ('ount y N""i,,~ Il u,,,e .,n,1 Ilo'l'il,11
com pleted tho,:ir cour'\\!,_ The Iwo inslruC IOr$_ W ( Seller5. rell .nd ,hould be completed soo n.
I he emplo}ees uf Ihe M i~'i,~ip pi llSler PUrseL C,rauing ;md C~cil\;l\ion :tre under
1'0\lcr Him I ighl ('omp,III Y ",ho ;tre now wa) for Ihe new Sh;ulloldn Are:1 lI igh
qU;llirLed Iir~I ';lid in, ' rudur\ arc Olho encc, D;mny Joe Sinl;, Ron.1.Jd " ~(;IIIY, &hool. while .... orl. h.\\ been ,t .. rleu "t
' I"y. W I' Sellen. I c~lic Crippen. t arr) Joe llo .... ie. 1',lu l Dolvid I dw.nds. Rkh.tTd'lOn H eld o f Ihe Northumberlanu
I.arr) \I arti n. Lc~ll'r I'Lllwr. J imm} I(i- and A J <>dom. JT. (ount y Airport , whl~h indudt~ the n-
th.udsun. Johnny l ower). J r.. Curti\ ·1 h~ emplo)ee~ of Ihe electric;!1 ..:on· p;ln,ion or run ...... )~. new lighlin}; ... nu
Ai gee. William CUler. I( I.. Hoorcr. Iractors :11 ~0 enroHeu in H fir~hlid ll;I'~. <)fher Hll pro\Cme nIS.
W. f' . Rou rL J{ . L l-ufllU<;OII. Williul11
1-. YOUIIl. J al11c~ Broadwale r. Spur~ctl n
,' insworth. J . F Fo,hee. \lilton Me('n ll. W 607 O ffice rs

Armour IngrJIIJ. l-r'lIll. Cau..ey. J e~se
1I 1Immad., Millon Gill. F . O. Wh itaker.
W;llI;lCe (;0/ ... Harold 1I ,lr~cr ... nd Ri·
thotTd F ~"ns.
r he elnpl o}ee~ uf Ihc 'Ji "i~~ip pi
I'o\lcr :lnd I i!!hl Company ",ho arc now
ltUltlificd Iirsl'aidt'r, lIrl' ladi'} \lny,l.
J immy I in~l.::a. Johnn) 10Ilcr),. W. I ..
Str:lw hridgc. Jim \\al~in\. J .. mc~ W.
Ste .... OIrt, Jur) I rOl~i,. llollh) .... Tin\ley.
bme~ /-l Mel ellan. Bllll l)un~-:IIl. \I on·
roc 10flOn. Ri<.; hanJ Wrig ht. Midmcl
II nw l. in~. I-ra n~ "'ccl~. (ieorgc Lofton.
I nlllcis M . I' rice. J im An,icrson. Georgc
I). WallS. I(ormld I) (li1rL A,If'on
Cummins. William WehlleT. bmcs
('h"mller,. Brian Jj urlle". Richard Wit·
liamson. I ranI. lIu,h)'. J r.. Clifton
II r)a n!. SlcwOlrt 1(01'>o:n\, I hom;" C, .
IIodges. Joe C h.. lmnn. Rill:) Glo~cr,
George Brc\lcr. JC\SC I MI'y Smit h. Spur-
I;con Arnold. I(ich;lrd Sl11ilh. Albert The n .. wly·elecled attic .... o f l ocal 601. Shamo k,n. P •. , . re. l ro" , 'aw. left 10 .Iaht. Re<:o,d·
Berc h. Charles Young. 1I11) .... ood $.;:011, ins Sec,eU,'1' Leo n KarpinskI. Vice P ,esoden l R"hard I.... anski. P, .. ld.n l W,ll,.m Daksh.w.
ausln... M.naSI . Roy Zlmme,m.n. Flna"ciel s.c,etl'1' John Z.welick. •nd T.e uu." r
Jerry MII)'lield. &\mmy Moone y. Wil yne Chl.tes Oakshaw SlInd,nll. Enculiva B... ,d mambers Roberl Mlc h.el, Seo;'8te'1' Gilbert
A. Simmon,. Evere tl Red. Jumes l<Lwr- Carlson. Ch.lrman Gena R.up, M"haet Slne.vase, .nd Robe'l Hlrl.

No v.mb." t972 6\
A de legation composed o r B u~iness 1c:gos for U.S. re presenlal h·e. Districl I, Rogers. Frotnl. Staggs, J r., and Hursel
Manager Roy Zimmerman. Bob lklfonti. is highl )' regarded by all New Me.\ic;lIls. Wat!>Qn.
Amoony MiKosld. Thornton Wallmrn. Both men gil'e prom ise 10 for\\ard pro- Business Manager Daniel has asked
and Local 686. Ihzleton. Penns) hania. gresshe legislation in Congress. me 10 mention a ((0 ..... of the- tra"eling
Business Manager Carl Shermer jour· We also belie\'e that Ihe endorsement Brothers .... ho ha,'C he lped us here in
neyed to Norristo .... n. .... here it W>lS of incumbent Harold Runnels for U.S. Loc;11 619 in man) ways--from the Far
joined by more than 20.000 construction representatl\e. Second District; Colum· West. E. F. ··SI.eet"' B)rum. Larr)
....·orler$ on a march to the \Iont!;omer) bus Ferguson for the stale Corpor,uion A. 7_ Turnbo. Don Willis. Al
County Court liouse to proteSt a judi- Commission: Joseph L l-o larlinc::c for Su- Hughe ... "nd \Tart)' H;ITmon: from the
cial order I.eeping union pidets a dis· preme Court justice. posilion I ; :Ind DeiCrt Country. Tom Scanlon. Char1c)
tance of one mile from a Valley forge 5..'1muel Z. Montoya. Supreme Court jus- Bo) Miesch. Leo Hooper, Tolly Hopper.
construction job. tice. po,ition 2; is \\orth) of )'our ,up- ItafT) Couch. BI;ICI.y Wallace. Bob 101s-
Another enjoYOlb[e Annu;][ Famil) port.'s all, in unity. help elect all or nor. and Harold Stel'-nrt; from the r-.orth.
Picnic was held lit Kreb~' Gro\c on our endorscd candidates. Red " "rsons. Fd Naponsl.i. Tom Mc-
Iri, h Valley Rood. II here S<::I'cnll [\ is "ith iny that I report that a gen- CIIliIiIT. and Billy M. Johnson: frolll the
hundred person~ p<lrtkip:Lted durin!; OIn tleman by the name of Lige '"Red"' South. J acl. P. Oglesby. Warren "A-
ideal day and found pleasure and deli!;ht De;lringer. 87. retired m EW lineman. Fr;Lllle" Robin~on. Pe<lnUl l-I a .... I.ins.
in OImiablc surroundings. enjo)ing food. paid a short visit to our loelii. Brother Bill) 81ad. Ace Henderson. Pat
refre~hments. g;1I11es. and music. Dearinger has a 62-)"ear-old eMd: he O·Donnell. Bob Tate. Billy Lude}'.
GuC\ts included IntermLtional Reprc· was initialed on June 10, [910, in E\,- Franl. Gavrocl.. and Billy Hearn: and
sentatlve Joe Sparl.s ;lI1d hu~iness 01;111- :lnsllille. Indiana. from the ChoctllV. Nation, Victor Roc-
a!;er, from E:I~ton. H;II.leton. Reading. H is tmvels. a~ a lineman. :Ire exten· bucl. ,md Mel Stevens.
Ser;mton, ;Ind Wi11.e~·IJ:.rre. Other) "cre 5ive. He v.orl.ed in areas at the time There arc many more tr;welers I'- ho
omei<lls of Eb;lsco Services. engineers \Oohcn pa) \lias $30 per \leel. for ;1 ~i.\_ should t>c n;lmed. and \\e hope to do
and constructors of Ihe Montour Steam da) \\eek and the hours \Ooere from "can thai won.
Electric St;ltion al W;I~hingtonli11e .md to l-an·t.~ He \\orled ;IS a lineman .... hen \I:tr) Ruth I);mid. our business man-
representathe~ of regional electrical con- one out of t\OoO survhed a f:lli or a :Iger's \\ife. reprewnted the Arbns.'1~
tractins groups. retired memhers. and , experience. ....hen tra\eling State A I I ·C[O in a debate on President
members with their f"milies. from job 10 job b) freight train .... as ixon'\ !,.'i;onomic politics. held in Hot
Terry Dobrl.)11. Kulpmont. catered the fair!) common ...... hen finding a business Spring, recently. Repre.scntathes from
picnic .... ith his usual satisf)ing ser\ice. mana!;er \\a~ almost as dimcult as find- gO\ernment. big busine.,~. and labor par-
and the Diamond, supplied the music. ing OJ job, and .... hen a m;ln carried his lieipated. Mary Ruth h;ls nc\er lost a
with Charles Gulba al the organ. union dues receiPI in hi) ~hoes so he debOlte.
A correction should be noted here- could stay on a job. Trn H ISSI:U, P.5.
thaI amended loc;11 union b) law pro- Brother Dearinger \lorked in Hoc;1
vides that the regular meeting~ will he Raton. Florid". I'- here he \ulTered :1 (,,11 Local 636 Men Contribute
held once a momh on the second Fri- off a pole and lay on his bacl. ror a
d;1Y- numt-.:r of months. His dLlc~ to the Ev- To Growth of Utility
All IBE\'V members are urged to re- ans\ille local were 51.00 per monlh. In I.. U. 636, TORONTO. OYJ". -The ac·
member Tuesday, No\embcr 7th. as the his days. Ihere \\ere no apprentice~hip comp,lIl) ing photographs arc of mem-
day on \\hieh to lIote and cast their bal- pfogrOlm). no safet), equipment. and no bers of Unit' of our local. who are in
lots for tDe election of senalors and rep- health or life insur;,nce for linemen. the employ of Ihe Missi.ssauga Ii)dro
rescnlatiles ..... ith ra\'orable records ..... 00 Bllt. alas. through the po .... er of God, l'Ie~trk Commis~ion. in the lo .... n of
reprc~nl Ihe intere~t, of the I'-orling he i~ retired and li\l."5 h3ppil), enjo)ing l-o l i~S1~>-;lUga.
people of Ihe COlmlry. good heahh in the Land of " nehantment Mi,\i\>-;LUg'l. \Ooith a population of
Rm I I. ZIM'III!.M'!". B..\ '- in Albuquerque. more than 160.000. h an e\·er·gro\\ing
Our best \\ ishes 10 Brother De;lringer. community. lying beyond thc westcrn
17th State Con ve ntion I'-ho \\ilI be 811 in Fehruury. Long lile boundM) o( Metropolitan Toronto. Mis-
the pioneers of our progress in the elec- siS$;luga Hydro hns an enliable record.
Held in Carlsbad trica[ industry. both in s;lfety and productivit)" and enl-
L. U. 611. ALII UQ UEKQ UE, N. ~IEX. plo)ee~ such a,> long·timer Peter Wright
-Tho.' 17th State AI·I.-C IO and COPF hale contributed much to the sro .... lh of
Convention ..... as held from Augu~t 18th this Ulility.
Ihrough the 20th in Carlsbad. l\.e\\
Local 's First Unopposed
M c~ieo. amidst good will and cheer. Business Manager Elected
It was a fruitfu l :md eventful conlcn- New Training Facility
tion. T he various commillees brought I..U. 6 19. IIOT SI'K INGS, ARK,-The
rorth additions and c h ange~ that ~OOLild scnior local of Ar~ansas is happy 10 OIn- Planned for Phoen ix
ma~e our org;mil'.::jtions beller able to nounee that it h;,s finall) h;uJ a business
1.. 1I. 6"0, l'1I0E:--.IIX. AK IZ. -Reccntly,
serle their conSlitucnts. Our ,r;LtilUde 10 man;lger run unopposed for omee.
some of our members and members of
all parlieipants. D. C. "'Dan"' Daniel i~ Ihe first busi-
the JATC and the Ari:cona Chapter of
The part pl:lyed b) COI'E at the con- ness manager-finOlneial St.ocretary to be NFCA 1001. a 1001. at the beginning of
vention encompasses the needs o f I'- orl.- elected unopposed in more than 59 )cars our nc:w training faeili l). The new build-
ins people and of all eitil'.:ens. COPE. :I) of continuous good standing for the
ing .... ill be: jusl acro!;S the Sireet from
all should, is our political arm. local. the mEW building on land Ihat .... as
.... hich encourages the labor movement to Also elected to sene for the next purchOl'>td by the JATe..
cleCI the true rriends of all America. three years ..... cre President James J . Th()!;C \\ho ha\'e been inloh'ed in the
The endorsement of qualified candidales. Grci~. Vice Prel.ident Gerald G. John- planning include Doug Johnson. Train-
.... e beliele, enhances the opporlUnilies of son. Recording Sc:eretary Charles Ljl'- ing Director: George- H;mds, NECA
our people to partielpille in ell ic duties. ingston. and Treasurer Rex Sind linger. Chapter l-o l anager: Fred Va lderama.
T he recommend;llions from COPE hal<e The E.\ccutil"e Bo.ud members are N FCA commilleeman: Mitchell DrOl.
bee n siven carcfu l consideralion from Ray Cevda. El\\ood Du nn. D:.. id NECA commilleeman; Glynn Ross,
all st;] ndpoints of the polilical process. Easter. Ted Hasscll, George Helms, Don Uusines\ Manager: Dave T homas, Presi-
The endorscment of Jac k D:jniels for Howard. and John Wet7.ler. dent: Dcrral Haddox, IBEW eommillee-
U.S. senatOr is ;L must ror all New t<,'lex- T he me mbers o f the Examining Board mom: Anhur Vll lenlUe1a. /B EW; Rusty
ieans. The endorsement of EUGene Gal- aTe Wilford Godwin, J im Grissom, Pat Warren, WEW; 10hnnie L. Ha ll, IB EW;

" t8EW Journat

Plan New Facility
-- Utility Workers

TtI •• e members of Local 640, Phoen;~. ",,(., 111& JATC. and the Anzona Ct."pte. o f NEeA
.~. lookh'8 lit the Site 01 their ne .... 1"'I'I'n8 faeility. Left to right. Doug Johnlon, Tla,nln.
Director; George HandS, NEe ... Chlpte. Manase.; Fred V~ldefam •• NEe" commUUteman;
M"clloU D'Ol, NEeA com,"'II,.mlo"; Glynn RO$J. local 6-40 BUlin.u "" .. 11"8a,; Oa" ..
Thomn. local 6'10 President; 0."., Heddo,.. .SEW committeeman; A.lhur VlIlenlUel •.
tBI:W; and RU51y Warren. IBEW.

own wor~ers--direct ed mainly :Igaiml

organized lahar and its contr:lClor~,
We marched. an(] the r:tins fell; we
got weI and sore-damn wre, :tnd we
won'l forgel it.
T, FR\~CIS "JU ,," HM"U y, 1'.5.
Long-timer Peter Wright has contributed
mueh to the g.owlh of the ul,lity.
New Officers Installed;
Local' s Agre ement Approve d
I.. U. 665, LANS ING , \II C II .-Our in·
sl:lllalion of officers "U~ held iu July I,)
Left to 'i8hl. John Papili; Chuck Simmons
Glenn Coryell.
and John McNally, w, th placards; Ray Mc- InSlal1r(] for Ihe neXt Ihree }cars,
Cool; Pres. Secreta'Y •. J .... p" Hanle~: Lou were I' rcsi(]ent Tom Kc,lcnholtl, Viec
P,plll; and lou Filipone; LDCal 654. Ch .. ~I~',
PII., nsemble for a p.otesl mMch to the
President John Deady. Recording Seere-
Montlomery Coun t y Court H ouse. t:try Wayne Kne(h t ge~, Trc:l\urer Ken
Cox. and B usincs~ M:tn[,ger and ,·in:lIl·
cial Secrctar)' Dale Daulc).
The F\cculhe Bo:m.! con,isl~ of
George Wilson, Deane D:lll ley. Sr ..
Ae"al units o f Miss,U"UI8 Hydro In new sub- Deane Baliley. J r.• Jim Criddle, Glenn
dlv'sio", whirh "t" un<lr.r "onstruction. Coryell. Jr .. lJyron R. Wright. and ASH
and Gene TschulllY. l'-.ECA committee· Delegates 10 the International convcn-
nwn. lion :Ire D;tle Ibuley and George Wil-
I his project ~hows '01 hat can I'C done son, \\ilh Tom Kestenhol11. hr~1 :tller·
when our indu~try members Ilorl.. to- n:,le. and L,rr} Fo~. wcond :tltern;tte.
gether. A lot of h:ml work has paid off. Our local agreement W:I~ fin;llIy
Most of the h;trd wor~ wa, performed !}:t_\\ed on by thc Council on [ ndu~trial
by T rnining Director Johnson. I h,tn~S, Relalions and Ihe Pay Board. (In,1 0111
0 01 11;. Cxecu t ive Board member Ray Gardner. Bu,l·
neu Man.gD r H ugh Sno ...... and Jack G'0S50 of Ihe smo~c. came ;1 Iwo·}ear COntract
Bill. WIIR. 1'.5. check ou' much·needed rain gear. \\ ith a 50-cem raise Ihis June and SIl
cenlS next June,
Trades Membe rs March We n!;lrched. and the rain~ fell. We WI." have mo\-cd inlO our nell hall on
were there-union men from Ihrou!;hout Soulh l'enns)lvani:1 A'emll: in Lansin!;.
Against Company Practice and thc dedication will be held in lhe
Ihe an:!!. Ihe stale. and OUI of the Stale
L.U. 654. CH ESTER I' ,\.-June 12nd - 10 march in :1 peaceful protcK We nC;lr future, I' icwres 1,ller.
was Ihe llny Ihat the Philadelphia Build· Illnrched, :1I1d Ihe raim fell. Our Retirees' Club is progre\sing fa~l,
ing ami COIl'truClion T ralks declarc d ;t~ \ Ve marched :,gain'l Ihe unfa;,' adv:\ll. with new ",,,,mbcrs joining :,11 the lill1e,
il holiday. '1 he unioniSh me l amI IHge pn,elked by the Allemo'oC Con- O ne item marred lhe 1I10~1 recent lI1eet-
m:ITehed, en 1ll;ISse. 10 Ih c ~ l oOlgomery ~Iructio n Com p:tny and its hcnefieiaries ing. with the passin!; of Cleo I-ox.
Cou nty Court House in Norristown, and protected by Ihe cOllrt. We marched charter me m ber and 50·)'ear mem ber.
Pen n,ylv<lnia. against the e,\ ploitalion of the comp:tny'S A lso, the passing of Fred Davidson

COlme to our attention rt'ce ntl y. May As one of its lin t politic .. l ;Icti,ities wdl done and. in a ppreciation, "' ere
God ha,'e mercy on their souls. I e.\tend for this year. the comminee planned a presented a ··Good Tum Award" b)
the sympat hies o f our union members to coc"t:lil part~ to be held al the Winfield SeOIlI Eltecuti\e Le" is Seh"oerL:e. The
their families. SeOIt HOlel in Elizabelh. The idea be· u"aru "ill be d i~pla)ed in our union
Be kind to eac h other. hind such an affair is to ha"e the c:lndi· h;!11 for .111 to see.
W"YNI KNI.CIlH,LS. P.S. dales meel "ith our mernhers :lnd Iheir Although "or" has been slo\\ and
"h·es for Ihe purpo-.e of ~h;lring and man) Brothers arc tra'eling. it is 'IInaz-
50- Year Member discu.ssing issues and poinh of 'Ic"S ing tu '>Ce ho" man} (Urn OUI to si\e of
thai affect all of liS on e\er) le'el. frorn their time anu lalenl to a worth"hilc
local to n.;llional. Amon!,! the man) C",II'oC. proHng to Ihe pu!"rlie Ihat union
guests in\ited 10 thi~ "ftlir. "ere U.S member~ care for Ihe "elfare of the
Sen:rtors Clifford Case. Repuhlk an. and people
H"rri.'>On Willi::lm~. lknll)Cr.l1: St;lIe Sen· We ha'e lost ..orne \tT} good jobs in
ator Mattbe" Rinaldo. Republiea n: and lhi~ ;Ire" in the last rear. one 10 Ihe no-
Elizabeth \Ia}or T homa\ Dunn. Demo- toriOU\ D.miel COnstruction. It seems as
Croll. if Alh~·Chalmers clIn depend on selling
Along \\ith this affair. m.lo) Olhcr equipmenl and proouets for union elec-
satherin!l~ and atti\ it it'" .tre ",heuilled. tric ian, to in~tal1: ho"e\er. "hen the
nOt on l ~ for the,e months. hut for Ihe contraCI to conSlruct nl:" plants is
ne .~1 ye;rr. Our COPt- Committee rcul· award.:u. it i, lu a non· union comp;,n)'.
izes the need for an active polilicHI life. We hope that .tli Brothers "ill ~ eep in
and its efforts arc tireless throughout th~ mimi th~ need 10 b:md togelher again'l
ye;r r. All of Ihe membcr~ uf Loc.t! 675 unju-t ca\l~es and to see Ihe need for
Cleo Fox, SO·yn, mamlH:r 0 1 l ocal 665. Lan . are graleful that "e hale ,ulh a dedi· improvement in Ihe ran~·and·lile mem-
sinK. Mich,. recaives h" SO·yea, ce'lill icite. caled cornrniUee. bership in e~er("ising the ri ght 10 'ole in
n h'5 wile looks on. SUllneu Manage. Dile
Sattley and fo.mer p,esident Spence Mead The efforb of anolher of our commil' a ll eleeliom. \Ve. as un ions. arc in dire
I.e in tha backBtound . B,othi!. fox has S'nCe tees also proled fruitful recently. The need of h;lvin~ people. from Ihe court-
passed on. Ent~rtainment Committee ag;!in did a hou)(' to the \\ hile Hou'>C. on our side.
line job "'ith our Annual I'icnit. held at The onl) "a) to get Ihem therl'" is 10 ex'
Annual Outing bergreen lodge" in Springfield. Allend- erci'oC lhe righl to 'ole. A negalhe \'ote.
ance was grt'at. as USUill. nOt onl), "ilh not to \ote. ",ill mean a long lerm of
members from our local. bUI Brothoers unemplo)ment. Please. expre~\ ),our dh-
from man) neighboring locals. ple;!\ure "ith the l·urrent admini,tralion
There "as plt'nt)' of food and drin" on ,,"o\ember 7th
for a ll. The menu ra nged frorn hot doS' H . CO/\RT. P.S.
to ro'l~t beef. from corn·on-the cob to C. J ONES, B.M.
clam chO"der. and Ihere "as plenty of
cold beer on lap. Again. there "as a \a-
riet} of oUI~tanding door prizC"s. "ilh Loc al Aids Flood Victims ;
the grand prize being a portable color Annual Family O uting Held
There "ere games and emenainment L.U. 686, II.\ZI.ETO:'\'. PA.-Jul)'
for aiL At the end of the da), e'er)one found man) mcmbers of our local join·
Bob V,nac loins Ihe olhi!, picnicke., II lhi! ";IS a!"rlc 10 sa) he .:ouldn·t .t ,~ for "n)' ing \olunlt:ers from sister locals in aid·
Annual Family Oul,ng held by local 686. Ha'
zlelon, Pa. thin!,! more. We are loo~ing for",aTd to ing and ilssis!in!,! the flood lictims in the
another greal outing ne~t )ear. Willes· Barre area of Penn5)I"a ni.1.
Thall~ s 10 our Enlertainment Comrnit· Some 500 IBFW members "ere there to
IcC. Chairman Nic~ Philippa. Fd Ki r ~ . don"te Iheir lime and cffort~ in this hu-
Fran ~ Wherril} , Hob Gi rgus, l loyd \I1;lnilarian C;rU..e.
Rom ance. ;rnd Ra y Gscll. for the "or~ Augu~1 broug ht our Annu;ll Fam il y
:tnd lime contributed for Ihe ~Ut;CC,~ of Oluing "I I'llstics Grol"e. All "ho at-
this Annual Picnic. Icnued were in :lgreement Ihal thi~ om·
DO~1 TIIIO!.", ".5. illS ran ~ ed Hmong the best "c hale cler
h'ld. /II ,,") rctired rnt'mbers of Ihe loe"l
Members Perform Volunteer .li tendeu the outing: amon); them. "as
I homa~ Ullr~e. Sr. Tom sen·ed our
Work at Boy Scout Camps local a~ presiuent for 18 )e:ors unlil his
L.U. 68 1. \\ICHIT,\ "-A u .s, T ..: X. . /\ retirement. When as~ed ho" h.! is enjo)·
Lellio "aht. Thoma. St .• lou's Panza· number of members of our local galh. ing retirement. he jusl laugh~ and replies
rella, Bern" Evancho. and M. and Mrl Pete. thilt he ne\er had it <;(J good
trAmalo &'''1 the cameraman ered al Ihe Per~in~ So) 001 Re '>Cr\.t·
tion near the Red Ri'er. .'>Ome 10 mile~ Other relired memher~ \\ho allended
from Wichita Faits. to rewire e\istins include Gus R'lles. Louie Goodman. T ed
C OPE Plan s Acti vit ies; "uildings and 10 "ire ne" ~lru.:tUrc\ S.lntorc. Joe S"an:.on. and Georse Har-
Annual Picnic Is Success The job was done on a S"lUrd,,}. "ith ron. God "iliing. fcllo"~. "e hupe )OU
lunch heing ser\ed by the :;coutma\ter ull h;l\e it good for )e'lrs 10
L U. 675. ELlZ,\II ETlI . NJ .- \\ilh f;,11 and hi5 help. come.
hl'"re. our local union CO I'E Comrnillee Some three "eels later. members of I he rnl'rnbers of the Ollting Commil-
gOI its machinery inlo full opeHilion. our local" ired another Ho) Scoul \ile tee. Ten) \IcGovern. John Conahan.
The comrnittee lined up "ariou5 m:ti\ i· near Bo"ie. Tuas. about 55 miles from Ton) Cerullo. :lnd F r;ln~ T;1rcnlino. arc
tics on "hkh our man) \OIUnleeu c:on Wichita F:JII~. 10 he congralliialed on a fine job.
"or ~ in this politil'":11 c;lJnp;li~n 'oC;llIOn. Materiah for bolh johs "ere donal ed Gene h " n,;ho ".I S hospitali1.Cd in
Our rnernbers ;rnd their f"rnilie~ ~no" b, local contractor\. member.!> uf Jill ) for a few "eels and is now home
the irnpOrlam:e of ;1 \igoruu~ amI tire le~~ NEC,\. \I:l1eri.. ls a nd laOor donated b) recupcr.tllng frOIll his illness. Hope }Oll
carnpaign effort to U'>5ure the eh.'1;tion of the 1"0 !,!rou[>S amounted to sc\'eral arc "ell ;rnd bac~ ,II wor~ again soon.
candid:ttcs who :tre h:lded by the labor Ihous.1nd dollars. Gene.
movement. The membe rs "cre praised for a ju b GIOII (.. I: K IIISSINGt. R. I' .S.

tBEW Journa!
Local Officers Annual Picnic

10 ,,.hl,
Ca,t ... I, cook
lerv.d al th' Annual
Fort Smith. A,k.

Tlr. bUlln ••• manage. and Board member. 0 1 Loc:.1 697. G;IIY _tid Hammond.
Inti I ~ Il to r ilCh !. R ob~rt L.u~r, Sill
Blair. BUlin"u Marl.S.' H arOld P Hagberg. WIlliam
"Ja"y" COllins. Don Billner, Ind Ctoadu Yealle •.

Local Union Officers Annual Picnic H eld;

Are Introduced New Officers Named
1..1'. 697. GARY ""I)
INn.- l n Ihe accom ran~m!: riCi urc. all"
IIA\ I\lO:"O, 1..11, 700• •,-r. S\ IITII. AHK.-On
AUl:u~t 26th. our local had its Annual
pcM our Executi"c BOMd members and P icnIC. "'Ih ~e~enl l hundred memhcn
oll'lne~~ mlmllgcr. und lheir friends altending.
Robert Lauer is scr\ing hj~ fir~1 term I here was plcnt)' of food ami drinks Jerry Wllliami cult Ihl beel. as o l he< memo
o n the FXCI;u l i,c " oOln,! 1;>111 h ••s o;o:r\l~d ben; lone up 10 lal.
for :1 11. We h;ld 270 pound, or bed, JS
' ""0 )'cars Oil lhe L 'l:amining Board and pou!I\h of rin.;. 1"0 ooxes o f chidell, 75
sc\cr:.J )'cars on Ihe SafclY Commin.::c. C;I\CS of beer. and ~O cases of sod,l.
Bill Ubit is now '>Ccrcl.lrY of Ihe 1'.:0;- Afler elcr)one signed the gue,1 book.
eCLllivc Board. He ha\ ~.::rH:d o n Ihe "J'l",i"l1 ",I~ hclll. l CII) Willi'llll~ "Ull
00;.((1 for fh'c )cars, and he has been a an electric knife : lerry Worman "on an
memller of pranicall) "H~ry commillce eleelric hlender. !lnd Tommie lIarris
YoI.' ha\C~ had in lh(' past 20 lean. "on;\ hand mi\er
lI ,lrolJ Hagho:rg, ,n nlosl of lOU Thant..~ to Ihe Brothers II ho did a lot
~now. ha~ Oc!."n Ollr hll,iness manager
of hurd "Ol"~ to ma~e the picnic a sue-
for 22 yeHrs. Prior to Ih[lt. he served as cc,,-Hob Brod. WHit Strain. Bob CM-
recordi ng sccret~lry for six yea rs a nd as lisle, Kooney Greer, J ilmcs Wright,
vice president lor two )e;I(5. i),wid Whitling. lerry Williams. and Bill
William "JeIT)·' Collins iJ S/:ning his Dorscy.
finl )Caf on the F "(ecmhc lloanl : prior bmes W lI ight :lOll noh \leAlcsler
to Ihal, he ".IS a mcmocr of ';Cleral of hille rcpln~'cd Boh Bicker lind ROOI1CY
OUf comm rUe.:s. Greer on the I \Ci;:lIl i\"l: BO;"lfd . BrOlhcrs
Don ililllier is our lice presiuenl li nd
Bickcr ;lnd Greer tool.. johs as ,lssbtHnl Local 700 membe<. and lh~l, W'''U dance.
ha, ..crve.! on Ihe Lxeullhc BO,Ifd ;IS
bu~inc~~ m:Jm1Ilets.
vice Jlre,illent of Ihe Im:a l IInion for
II \la, lefl ofT of the eJecllon l"erorl.
four )ear'i, 1960 IhrOllllh 1964 lie ;llso
scned as instructor of the app~nticc but Ji m Bond is our local", new record-
and journe)nlan training program. as inl: secretar).
wcll ;l~ dirl'etor of the apprenticeship BILL M. DoRSLY. 1'.5.
!>Chool for s<:vcral )eaf\. Dun has also
'lCncd on m an y eornmillees down Trad es Council H elp s
Ihrough the )1.":1 1"5. Boys at Trades Center
( 110111<;:. Yo;<lI;':I h;I !> hccu 1111: IIIC",k"l
of Ihe Icc;.1 for eight )eaN. Prior 10 L,U. 716. 1I0 USTO ....'. T":X.-Too
thai. he SCrled a~ rerording s«:rclary for oftcn. org.o'mizcd labor recei\'c.! only had
eight )ea". As presidem. he nppoinls all puhlidt)·. Consequently, Ihe a'crnse eiti·
tomnll\tecs a nd [leIS a~ an u..olhclO zen nOI H~ ialed with a union think'
member on all commillce~. only had thoughts ;IOOut II~. I he rollo"-
IJ rolhers Blnir. Bill ner, an d Yeager ing ~houli.l ghe )OU some good ;lIumllni-
hnvc been I·ey aClh·c in our Bowling tion to combat Ihis Iyllt of thinkinG.
Lc:l\j:uc for many )ears. .. nd nil bUI In lalc·July. 1970, SC\ern l 1I0uSlon
Lu uer arc golfers-or Ihinl.. the) arc. un ion leaders ilnd represcnmlives from
e ll 1111 [ S O. WI~N, 1'.5. various federal age ncic~ organi;,:cd a Jerry Pope dane.. w1th hll l .rnily.

No", rnb,<, 1972

Scenes in Texas Iheor)' behind this progr:om IS to help Party Honors Retirees
lhe boys help tbemsehn: to g he the m
direction. motilation. and education; and Of Fort Wayne Local
10 intrOOuce lhem to a trade 50 that L. U. 72J. ,:mr r W,\ ""E. ""I>.-A
Ihey may become uscful. prOOucthe. and part) for our r~lired members \I<1S held
re~pected cilizens. at Ihe Union 1I0use o n Jul y 281h to
1'110 of the pernmnenl ,mfT are Loe:!! honor all of Iho ...... members \lho h;I\e
7 16 me m bt-rs. I lar(l!'r W i lli am~ (elcctri- r<:tired in Ihe la~r fhe )Cars.
c:!, mainlenance ~upen.iMJr) :lIld Fmmcl I he part) \I,I~ atrcnded b) 170 per-
Sleele fElectrica l De"artment instruc- wn~. of IIhom 40 lIere the honored
lor). BOI.h an~ 10 he complimenled for gllc~I~. Fspe~-ial1) honort'd. ... ere Sam
the ,pkodid joh they nrc doing lIilh the [,·an\. IIho ha. been an IHEW mcmber
boys. I fcc l Ihat all union memhe" can for 60 }e;lr~. ;lI1d (,u) H;llI. \lho h;l~
he proud 10 be a part of ~uch a well· Ocen n IIlcmhcr for SO )c .. rs.
meaning program 10 help Ihe ),olllh of r-.-1an ~ old friend~hips wcre renc\\ed
Ihis area. during f. buirel d inner. \\hich II;I~ fvl·
Emm.t Sle.t•. Loul 716. Houston. Tex., ••. Afler 12 long, h:lrd IICel.. S of around·
pla,ns I ci rcu,t boilfd to boy.. at tl>. Gul f lOlled h) refre~hmeniS :md the prescnl:!-
COI,t T.ldes Clnter al New W.v•• ly. T.x. thc·ciocl pielelinG. the 5tri l e aGain\1 lion of :tll:!rds. B u~inc~s \ t anager·Fi n;ln·
DQ\\ Chemie;11 in I rcerorl. T exa~. has cial Secrel;.r) Ga) Schmidl :lOd
been sellied. Th i~ is good nellS for nil I' re~idcnt lI arfY Uplon prc ...... nted
of our mcmbe" crupJo)ed hy 1)011' Blot her I· ,,,n, :.nd Brother 1·1:111 lIit h
Chemical II ho have ~acrificcd so much cenifk;.te~ and ~cr\icc pins; Ihey :llso
til lI'in !hi~ fi!;hl Unoflicially. I (1m loh.l PIC'-CIlIN/ pin, :.nd cil:are(l~ lighters. cm·
Ihat lie Call1\' oU! of Ihi~ fight as lIin- hlulOncd \\ilh the II I1~ W cmblem. 10 th e
ncr,. rt, h:l\e mOre dct:!ils on this in Olher reliree, IIho \\ere prescnt.
m) ne\l :miele. Local 71~ \li,hes lhese memk-"
li en:. in Ihe Houston ;Irra. the non- m,ln) nlorc )ellr~ of ple:\s.:lnl relirement.
union elcment is lile ;111 uncontrollat>le Our loc.. 1 mOuf", Ihe recenl death of
cancer. gro"ing hi~~er d:l) h) da~. With e lrl I IJogcn'>ChUIZ. 74. a ,el~ran City
Slate lalls and Ihe l'\hon·conlrolled Utililie, emplo}cc and Slalll:lrt supporter
N I RB slOlcled again~t 11\. i t'~ bc~vllling of l ocal 723 for Sf; )~, .. ). OUt Jeepe~1
morc :lIId mo re diflicult 10 II in a oollie. \)mp:llhies 10 hi~ bmil)' and m:lI1)
but lie II ill conlinue 10 fighl. friend ...
If ~ou lno" of nn)lhing of inlereSlIO Our local ;\~lno\\kd~es ils 60th Anni-
Some of the students ..,1 I little;IOCil! ex' our memhers.. plc;lsc t:onl;l ~t me. \eroar)·. Chartered on :s.:pleml:>.:r .!l,
pe..ence ilt 1116 RIV.n wo.~ Cente•• n Silm Sec )011 :11 the nt,t meeting. 1912. a, a lincman'~ union for C il)
Houslon NallOnll Plrl!.. Uli1ilic~. \lith ;In inili,,1 membership of
I I \IIK \ KIVU., I'.S.

Party for Retirees

Thn. ,et"ees of Local 723. Fo.t Wayne. Ind .. were hono.ed fK.ntly by tn. tocal at a pa.ty
at Ihe Union Hou,e. Snled In Ih e fi,st '0". lall 10 "lIhl. C. Niblick. E. Delaney. P. Slallhl.
Sam EViins. Guy Hall. H. Pickett. and N. Hohman. S.cond 'ow. D, G.e.nwood. f. Ch,":"ln.
Local 716 memt>.r A, R, Henkel does 1>" Pilrt W [Ilis. J. Tennant. A. Schilrloch. R Leedy. T, Chandl.r. G. flruhne. G. FrOSI. C. Dan .. t•.
to h..11' f~hl the non·unlon Inllu. Thrs prchl L HOlY-"holder. M WI.d. C. Plumb. M !>urfIlCl. B. Eld.r. ilnd H. Webe •. Third .ow. W. Cur·
was on I t.ChooI Job In Cle.. lIk •. T.... 1'5. B. Brown. P. P. H.n"I),. and K Bordn.r

pl;lnning group. The group learned that Left to "aht. Busin.s. Mlnilse. Schmidt w,th
a r... centl~-de!oCrled Joh ('orl"'l installa- ,.t,,", Sim EViln~ 6Q_y••• member. and
tion m ight he uVlIilnhle for a \Iorlh· Guy 11111. 50 yG~' memt>. •.
II hil e cOmmunity-uriented program. Afler
m>ll1) momhs of inle~ti~;IIIOI1 and meet-
il11!~. the Gulf rn;I~1 ., rades Ccnter nl
z."ell " iLlerl). Te~il\. hc~-;II11e ;\ re"htl.
funding \I;lS mnde 111.lilahle b) the
Mootl Citin [kp;.lrtmtnt of the City of
1I0011tol1. the I 11\1 l'nfor~eme l1t Ani~t·
;l1ICC Adillini~tr .. llon. the l e'~I\ Crimin,,1
Ju ,ti~e Dcparllllcnt. IInll thc (rulf Coa,t
Building ;Ind COIl,ttu~tion I nl<.le~ Coun· Seated. leh to .Iaht .• ell.en
ell. A full·tilllc Ji.",Llv" J ohn D rislell. bllck. :i. E~lns. G. H.lI. .",,1 H P,GkeU
\lll\ hired. ;lOd thing~ hcgOln 10 roll. Stilndonll.•eli." K. [,I ••• pa,1 p<esident J
In less than n )car. enroll mcnt grew Mlloney. Inte,nal,onll Repfesentallve La"y
Kellar .... P....'den t H. UpiOn. past p.esldent B
from 20 10 liS ho)~; el'enlll:lll)', 200 Zahn. ilnd Business Man Dae.·flnanclal Sec ••

btl)! lIill he handled alone lime. The II'Y Gay SchmIdt .
fewer than 20 men, il now has jurisdic· -Carl West. Area W ork Is Good ;
tion over nine contracis with Cily Utili. If )'ou're interested in helping on the
lies, General Telephone, and local TV Christmas p.1.rty, I ex ~tewurt is the man New O ffi cers Named
and radio broadcllsling slalion~, repn:· to see. All volunteers who can be had
L.U. 7611. KA L!SI'F,U ., 1\IOI'I.-Worl..
~nli n g Illore Ihan 1.000 me mbers, arc needed, a) Ihis is II monument,1I ef- in our area IQlS good :.11 ~umrner. with
C. A, W\;ll11l1('II, 1'.5. fort.
5C\·erJI. good·sized. commercial toM
Not mu~h else is h;tppenin!!. to ~pca!:
sui,,~ ;uk.! ,I 101 of shop ""orl... mO!otly
Steven Flick Receives of at this \\oriling: jll)t remcmner Ihat. if
out of our ~li~:.Oula Unit
)OU (lon'l t=et out and 'Ole. don't gripe
ISEW life .Saving Award ;Ibout "ho gets elc(led. We need I"bor
rhe powcrhou'iC: on Ihc gillnt l ibby
Dam project is gellinJ,! ~tllrled lIurl...:
l..U. 71:8. FT. LAUDERUAl.E, n~A . people in W"shint=ton 11m! I ,,1I.Ih;I~M'e.
I !cetric hlh the contr;t~·t. :mu il \houh.l
-A Ghml congr.llUl;Ilton is in order lor 50 let's get them there.
he good b) next ~ummer.
II job well done by Sle~e n Hie!.. Brolher LIM \' (()I>I'Ol \. I' 5 We hilt! our lac:d de(tions in June.
I lie!: i~ a recipient of Ihe IIl !:.W Life· JII"'I.. ('usid "as clectcu bu~ine" man·
Sll\'ing A .... Jfd. O ld· Tim ers' Night Held ; ;Ij;t'r: Jerry Oftedahl. pr.:\idcnt: Di~~
li ii courage ha~ nllo\\ed a.nOlher Two Agreements Re ached I'tern'. \'ice prC"~idcnt· Jrm Hunt re~lIrU·
Ilrulner 10 continue _Imong thc Ii,ing. ing sccrelar): :lnd Gonion Nesten. tre;l~·
when he could be ,i~ feel under. Once I..U. 735. II U IU.l ~(; I'Q'I, IA _Old- IIrer
;Igllin, .... e otfer our heartfelt Ihan~s 10 limer..' 'iighl. held in Jul~ \la~ a ~uc­ I leeted to thc [,e",uthe lJoard. "ere
BrOlher I lid. ce'S. bolh in enthlhia~m and turnout. Doc; Brady, Bill Arthur. !Joh "i,'n.".
The presldenti;ll e1c'tivII is ",onoing Ull ""hidl IHI~ IMgc. I)on P hmip~, Ed Stefall:ltl.. amI I.:K,,),
,oon. hill ~o lire the ICX'ILI election~. A. F. Kcl!t:y W:t~ the glle,t of honor. Wirtl..
Wilh anti·union M'nlimenl bein" "hat it I' .. e~idcnt I loyd lI eincy prc'-Cnted Our former bmine\s m:magCf. Jim
i~. \\c need to ciccI c,\uS "ho \\ill BrOlher Kelley with a !lO-YC;lr )(On-icc Wehr. ga'e up his job to go into a "11'1'
help and ",ho .... iII )l:ln\J up for labor. pIn ;lOd a ~rlifieate of recognition from nC\5 of his o""n. Il t,I~O franchise. ""ith
Rcmembcr Ihal when )OU go 10 \ote. Inlcrnalional President Charles II I'll· grC;It hopes of bc(orlllng a grc;u t;I~O
The Central Labor Union's Labor l;lrd baron \\oilh thc slog;lII. "We Arc the
Day picnic ....·as 'cry slIctt"ssful. Those: Retired Brothers on hand for Ihe I ;I~test Taco lu~~er~ in l o""n." (,OOtt
.... ho IlIIended tbe afTair. whkh wns hocld elent arc Roy Ulfclm,lII. R.• lph Ilell. lucl... J im!
ILl the I.elter Carrieh Union Ibll. hl!d Willinm Ilertel. ChlllmC"t I- I;lr\h:ll1. K os.~ Our Pacific Power :llld Liphl utility
an cnjO)'Hh le day. JenninGS. Clarence Rupc, Rcx Ahlr;"; h, and telep hone contracts hll ve bo!cn SCI·
In caSe )OU ha\'en'l heard, the Disney :mu Walt Hatton. tIed. Also. our inside and out~itle Hnd
World Mugic Kingdom Cards are slill r\lenty-)e:.r pin~ ""ere presented 10 go\ernment conlrar;h urc senlcd. hul
;mlilable III the hall. I ach cnrd entitles Wesley Cone. Floyd Grossman. Keith Ii~e e"cr)one else, "e ure a",,;!ilmg 1',1),
)011 10 II reduced rate on \ldets III the Korell, II lhon OJle. II cnry Perry. l.I ... ~J lJoaru apprO\iI I.
\I,lgic Kingdom. If )011 hlnen't been l1eincy. Phil Seliger, lind Richllrd
WAYr-l JOIlI"'STOS, 1'.5.
there. )OU o""e it to )our-.cU 10 ma~e Schneider.
Ihe trip . ., here is )IOmelhing for ever)- I ho<.e "ho received 100ye:IT pins 1m:
une. yonne amI 0111 uli!:e. The Magie (iydc ]·.ri.;l:,on. Clarence Loga n, J:unes Powerhouse Crew
Kingdom Club olfcr expires D.:ccmber Shon. and K on~ld Thon1lon.
J 1)1. in C:l'-C you arc interesteu in going Afler the Im~ine~s rneetinl!- """s ad·
journed. the usual. informal mceting
A Sllfety Commillee ~I!S recently or- :Ifter tne m«ling, lhal l'haraeterites
ganized. Its ",hainllllll i)-),our gue5~ed it Old··1 imeTs' Night, wn~ held. r he re o
ne"";11 of old :lequ;Jlntllncnhips :md
memories of mlln)" jo"s long since done
In Ft. Lauderdale al"",,}s ma~e this e\emng 'cry ~pccial.
At the AUGI1~t III1:etinG, we \lcre in-
formed that lin agreement I">elw.::cn the
journeyman "iTemen lind NFCA hlld
neen reached. I th:ml.: IJI"ioe~ \ Ianllger
I)aul Hale and the Negoti;ui ng COlllmil·
tee. J im tle~,ine. lilll Short. anU AI
J:icl..son. for a job ""ell done.
A comract 'OCulcment bet""een the Th. .e membe" of Locet 168. K.h5pett, Mo,,'-.
m~k. up the e.ew wo.hml on the Libby O.m
Local 7l.'i IAAI' maintenance ekclri· Powerhouse. L.ft 10 dint, DH;k Coombs. ,lew·
cliLns amI the r-.·t IL~on llllli lI angar Silas IIfd Bob Fi!lpIlItICk, Rex MCMurdo. Oene Rle
Mawn Cuml",ny wn, reached end)' in ben. BUleh McLouth. and Hy M ~'~
I~usiness Manager 11:lle reported on
, Ihe 10""1! St:l1e Flcclr;";111 Worl..ers Can·
whic:h ~enlion and the 51 ,Ltc Federlltion of
Labor Con\emion.
IIr01her 1';lul Murph)', ""ho now reo
~ides in I"U C!IOI1. ArilOn.l, has applied
for pen~ion.
Our ~)mp:lthie~ nrl' utemled to the
f:lmily :lnd frienus of Kffi French, for·
mcrly of our loclIl. ""ho I'a ...<;ed II\\;IY in!.
Kelired BrOlher (h.llmer \IIIT\hall
j"IolS<ocd 11"":1)" Tel·Cull). an,1 ollr heartfelt
s),mp:llhies are c;o.:tendet] to hiS flllllily
lind friends.

Fow th·y •• r .pp,enUe. ArI.y Johnson on the
Get OUI :11111 vote on November 71 h.
RI O tAR1> '1. SeIl"1 1l)1 M. 1'.5.
Le U to dah l. superintendent Oeo'ae Laurence
.nd lorem~n Al Ab5hi ...

No ~. mb .., 1972
New Contract Approved; l'ill:I((1 has Mlid . --You hnve a right to Pa rting Gilt
your o",n opinion nnd the rig hl to \ote
Edward Mayer Mourned a~ )OU choose: this is thc onl) "':.). but
u'>C )our \ote a .. a "'capon to fight for a
L U. 81M. EI.I.ENYII. LE. N. Y.-The uecent 5Iand.. rd-of- lhing and a decent
Con\ll1lction Industry Stabilization Com· 1101) of life."
millee has nppron'd Ollr nel' contract. Buy Amerlc:lIl. Sa\e )our job :lnd the
relro;lcli~e to April I. 1972. Uniled S':lIe~ of I\mcrica.
The loclli was saddened I'oilh the l ou DUIIISI R. I'.S.
death of Edward Ma~er on September
4th. lie was an ucellcnt journC)man William Bear Mourned;
and a genial fellow. We c\tcnd our
heanfelt ~~m"lIlhies 10 hi., ben:aH:d Leland Em ery Retires
Llmily. "1fI)' he rest in everla)linG pcace. I.. U. 839. ,\ U(; I STA, \l E.-The Mainc
On the sid. Iht. arc Mike Koval. lahor 1ll0\ernent h:l~ ~ufTerl!d a great lo,s
Mike Ulra. :lIld I' ranI Meier. GLld 10 I'ilh th~ death of Wi1li:lm lJear, A~\hl­
sec Flo~d Crantel.: up lind Mound llfler Lelt 10 dah t. Leland Ernef)'. the '111"ng linan·
:UlI Director for lhe Unl\enit) of Maine elal . ec,etary 01 Local 839. Augus la. Me .•
some bad )lJrgery. It wa~ nice to see Joe Llhor Education Departmcnt. rece'Ves a .,It Irom the new flnanc,al secre·
D:l\i\ fit the union office. And how I're\iollsl) . .\Ir. Ikilr had 'iCned (I .. tary. Ted Moon_
ubout ambulant MI~e I.:.r:. al the el:ml' president of II lar!;e steel locul in Ifldi-
,,'Iarvin Krafl nnd Conn".! Slrwcr arc
:111;1. His conl;ICI I'oilh thl' IIl!:-W I'o~~ in Merger Talk
cond,,,ting ~hop ~tcWards' schools. He
joininG Ihe retirees. Slny helillh) :Ind donatl!d ;1 Siltul·day in May for an ttlu-
h,, ~e a happy holi(luy. fellow,.
calion;,1 progr<lm for our 'Icwards. I rue
November is truly the monlh in \\hich mid purl! uniooislll 110"'etl in hi~ \ein~.
to celebrate our eountry'5 hirthd,,)-the he 10leu lind respected the
I'il,gfims' SUfvivul. the f:lrming and har· American wor~ing people.
'estin!: of their cmp~ ",ilh the aid of President IIl1r", requestw a mOlllCI1l
friendly Indians, the "Th:m~ YOII. God." of silence at our meeting in menlOrial 10
with prn)cr lmd fe,thal. I hu\. '1h:mh· \lr. Bear's IIn'iClfish efforu for ollr 1000al.
ghing Day W:IS inauguraleu . . . the .\Ill) his "'ifc. Cllrol. lind hi~ ramil) find
gene~l) of a u:llion "'hose cilizeory \I;L\
comfort in the remintler Iha t he lived
comprbed of inlllligraolS I'ho ned their hi, lifc for the betterment of the "'Of~'
home Innl.h 10 "'orship God ;I~ Ihe) ing dd'>!>.
pleased. Lelanu Emer) retired liS financial M'C-
t-.ow. "'e. their descendants. pra) for retnr). He '" as first elecloo to thc oOke
fortiwde, support. "rotection. and delh- At a .eeeni me" .. meehng 01 u l ,loly locals
in 1953. 'Ied Moon, his replacemcnt. in MaIne and New Hampstllre. lnternattOnat
erOln.:e thnt this nation shall not pcri~h presented IIf01her Emcr) with an en- Rep"H,nU,I,ve Maurice Murphy. 11ft. dis·
but shall ulways be fir~t lind foremost in gra\eJ brief.;nse from the loe:.1. as II cusns Ihe mlrg.. with Local 839 steward
",orldl)' enueuvors. We thank God that to~en of t h:lI1~' for 11 thankless job we ll
Bob Tul (Rockland).
lhis world o f tooay h;15 the United done.
Stales of Americli. Th~ E,eculi-e SOMU named Willium
Business Munuger Al Minc~kr re· Crocker to fill the une_\pired term of re-
ported on a conference in W!"hiogton. cortlin!; !lCCfetJr) a nd appro\<ed 1);1\'(,'
D.C.. ho~ted by Congressm:1n Il amilton Ba~cr as lhe recording secretary of Unit
Fish. who WilS the moderulOr nct\\l'Cn I. We Ih:ln~ Gene Smilh for performing
reprc~lIIatives of sevcrnl federal age o_ lhe dUlies as 101.'.:11 secretary tlmil lhe
CIcS an d lhe b",incss manll gers of n!] ]"Il'rma ncnt lIpp()in lllwnt wa~ made.
trade uniolls in this congre~sionnJ distrkl. The New Fngl:lIld Utilities Confer-
Mun y qtle~tions were "s~ed and :111- ence in BO)lon conducted :1 major d is-
s"'ered. which led to a con,trucli\e d is, cus~ion on the Ilarri nglon 8i1l , which is
cussion. At Ihc end. all rcprc..cnt .. ti\c~ hdore Congress :1110.1 \lhkh ",ould e,w]).
dep:lrteu with the hope th:lt the other Ihh the New Fnglantl Region:l l l'Ol'oer
side understood their situ[ltion~. and I' n\ ironme ntal Protection AgenC) 10
AI lllso reported that more than I.m insure adequllte and rcli:lb1c. 10\l-co~t
delegateS and al ternates had IIl1ellded the electric poller 10 lhe pcople of New lonl 839 st ..... 'd Joe Pt1i11po" (lewi$lo,,)
New Yor~ Slate A I-L-CIO Comcntion. l'lngland. John Ste\·;:m. I' uhlic Relations ask. a quesl'O" 0" the merle •• as sleward
Ed Fourn'" (Uv ......o'e) Ii$len._
D;'I(:IIS\;On5 were helu on the JO\s and Director for the Ne'" I ngland l'lectrk
protection of JObs. A re..olution ",as S)Slem. requested IDEW ~upport in op-
p;'lw,od that local unions hll\"e their position 10 the bill. International Rcpre·
memtx:rs write to their ""nalOrS and IoCntllti\e .\Iaurice Murphy named Bu~i­
congressmen. ;\.,,,inl; them to \ote ··Ye~" ness Manal;er Joe Ni\on to .. commillee
for the Surke- B nrtke IJiII . "'hlch will to con~idcr a LA.\II'AX mUlIwl
close loopho le~ in foreign illlport\. IIgreement ",ilh m:lnagemems of lhe
",hich hu\e ca\l~d the loss of more than New Engl;lnd Uli l ilie~.
two-million jobs for Amcri(;ln ... International Repre-.enl:lti\e \llIrphy
Another re~lution was r-;1'iSed Iha! ch:lired a recent merger mecting of the
IOCll1 union members .. upport lhe t>o)COIl M,line ;Ind "ell 1i ;lmp~hire utilit) 10-
of Ihe Farah Mllnufactur;ng (omp.. n). cah. Allendillg. were ddei;"tes from lo-
which manufactures pnnl~ lind \lhkh cal, .~33. 1:139. 1407, lind 1837. hncrn;l-
l'iI! not negOliate with its el11plo)ee~ tional Vi"'e Presidenl John E. H ) nil has
who hlllle hcen on strike for many cl:limed IllHny time~ th:lt a ~Ula ll locul
mOnlhs. Clln only :11.'1 ns a dues collection aGency.
l ocal 839 steward Dennis Sanbo,n holds a
The subject th:1I held top priorit) \IllS '" ilhout lll-inG proper represcmlllio n to d,Ku .. lon on the merger with OOCk Pray.
the declion and re·election of friends of its members and can o nl y be as efTecthe BusIness Mana,er. locat 1837. Porlsmouth.
\1$ the too ls made ,,~'ail:lblc will perm it. N. H.

labor. International I'resiuenl Chnrles II.

IBEW J ov.nol
He snid tha I the only purpose o f a ny
union has to be towards the bellerment
Labor Day Picnic
of wages, hours, and conditions of em-
ploynlent and pointed out Ih:.t our
members should ha"e full-time re presen-
tation, He h a~ sct a December I. 1972,
Ill Hgcr de.nJlinc.
Imernlltional RcprCSCmllt ive Murphy
re l1lted his elforl5 of three year~ on this
merger and said tha t the Inh:rn"lional
could coordinale organi:ring, I'.hich has
~ulfered beC;IUs.: of the [;Ick of fu ll·time
re prese nta tion.
I( kh~rd Pray. Bll~i n ess Mnnngcr,
Loc~ 1 1837. Portsmouth, New I-Iamp-
~hire, plnns for a Kith,'ry or r' onsmouth
ofhce and ~n nOllnced th~t he wants
Left 10 rtah!. H.rotd ROleau. John MonUtt-
Uu~jne.'>S Mnn;lger Nj~on !IS his assistant bano, Jr., and Samm)' Naquin ,ot tOle lhe. lit Left to "&ht, M.s. Jack W. Den$O<l. Mrs.
for Maine. He discussed the financia l Ihe Lllbor Oil), Picn;,; 01 Local 86t, Lake Frank R. Allord, Brolher Frank. and Brother
condition and opcr;l[ins budget of the Ch~.tes. L8 , Jack enioy I '"endty ,et. togelher.
merger, ~cing no need for a dues in-
Bob Burns. l oe Nixon. Dave Adams,
Bill Crocker. Too Moon F(I Fmery.
Sinn Soboleski. W1I~ne Smith . Gene
Smith, Joe I' hilipon, Ocnnis Sanborn. Ed
Fournier. Bob Teel. Joe Bourrlssa, Er nie
Grover. and Sid Ames attcndc,1 from
uur lOCal. !'rcsiJent Hurn~ has indicnted
that he will issue. [he voting call before
the December deadline.
D\\ I I\U\\I<;, V. P .

Mr$, J oseph Camllto, Jr. L). Local 86t',

Contract Talb Progress; secretary.

Area J obs Shut Down Gtenn Sum.alt, John Montalbeno, J . .. Burns

Logan (bae k to cemera). and 0, R Padden. lifieales arc J CSU\ A, Alv:trez, Chark, C.
L V, 861. LAKE CIIAItLI<:S. l.A .- At Arendcs. D.. , id I . Beckley. 10hn S. Bell.
our la~t reJ,;ular meeting. held on ScP- Donald F. Boolhe, Damiam N. Brander
'1hc I ;.hur D~)
I'ic"i<- w,,~ :.g,,,.1 I.dd
lemlx-r j[h. BusincJ;s \hmager Jimmie Bruce L. Byth"a}. Allen B. Campbell.
at Ci[ie~ Service'~ "ecnn Grove Recrea·
Fox reported on [he progress Ix-ing Donald W. Clfler, Alfred N. Ca'lOn.
tion Pnr~ : it "a~ a hugc ~ucccss again
made on the new contract negotiations. Ronald S. Che,llIl1, William D. (lc(l\'-
this year. Ollr tha nks tu thc committee.
B u~incss "la nager rox also rcported enger, Michael W. Giltnc r. Gordon L.
whIch W'I~ appo,nted hy I' re~iJen[ l Iar-
that pickets from Ihc i':linters local Hoffmun. l r.. Ronald S. Law, Richard
Ian Duhon and which did nn excellen!
union were still up at the industrial V, "'laTlin, Robert A. ,\ l iles, Ronald G.
plant sites hut thai Ihey I'.ere meeling Mongio'i. Denni\ I-I, Mc Michael. Raben
thai night 10 vult: Ull tlll: j, new cantraci. Avon 1\ , l'uHw . ['.5.
F . McMichael. Jon T, Nunn. Robert B.
Suhsequcntly. the Painters approved O\\cn\. IIcnny G, P:t~~tnore, Fdl"in I .
their contract and removed the pickets 29 New Journeym en Feted Payne. Milton L. !'cre7, Jamc~ '1, Sim-
o n September 6th. rnon~, Inl P. Solomon. Samuel W. '1':11-
T he Steamfillcrs :1nd i'lumher~ Ix-gan
At Completion Ceremony
lent. and Da,id L. Watson,
pideting industrial jah s ites on Septem- L V, 11 15, '1'1\\11'.\, FL.A .-Congr:t[ul:l- On the ht. 3nl. ;tnu 41h of J \ll~. our
ber 7th but removeJ them lhe following lion' are in order for our 29 ~r;llh':uing local ~pon'iOred Ihe Lillie League I)i~­
week. In addition to the Slenmfillers. nl'prt"ntil·'·'. \\hn "crr hunurcJ .11 the tricl (1 StniC)( '1:lIional Leal!ue r uurn:!-
there ;Ire three other uniOIl\ that h'l\'e 10lh Annual rampa Area Gcner;11 Ap- menl. which i~ comprised of IS-~ear-old
not COme to all agreement wjth the gen· prenticc)hip rommil!~'e Complelion Cer- boys. We f"rni~hed trO[lhies for Ihe \1 in-
er;11 COntractors. emony on June 301h. ning team player,. coa~hc~. :,nd
Al the pre~enl. 1111 industri:d :ltld most The gu;:,t 'pCllk;:r for till' gr"dua,ing runnl.'r~ up, '1 he local \\'a~ oflki:llI~ fep-
{'ommercial jobs in the arca ;tre ~hLJI cereillony I'. it' Sam FdwarJ~, 1'.110 save rc'>Cnlcd and I'rCloCnted the Irophie, aftcr
Jown. Berore all of Ihe jobs ImJ shut an infurm;rtiH.·. alllU~iIlS, and thllught- Ihe final gllmc W;'~ pla~ed.
uown, [Jusine~ M:lnager Fo'\: h;ld re- [lro\oking ~pccch. ~Ir. I'dw ,lrJ, j, it Roulllr o\ l c ~I IClL-\II, ['.S.
ported Ih.. 1 \~e still haJ ahvut 8] 'lIen ,~l11ed trade (tnal~sl and j, l.flili;,u:d
on the bench. with the Mini\tr)" of Apprell1 ice, hip. On·
Alvin Winfree had a rather di<;a~trou; tario. Canadn. New Officers Sworn In;
""'imming accident ami fractured his Robert "Iilc~, who wa~ dl\JWIl ap- Powerhouse Progresses
;,rlll in four places. Chester Bergeron prentice of Ihe ),ear al the ceremony,
1'.:,' ill the hospital for surger) Juring \\ill he reprc'oCllIing ollr local al Ihe L.V_ 9(;·t COSlluC rON. 01110 \1
Augu~[. and S.. mmy Naquin hOld surgery Soulhea,lern Apprelllic~,hip Conference our regular meelin!: of J uly 7th. the n..:w
on hi~ bad. I~rother N<lquin i'l up lInd ;11 Dall,,~. Te~as. oflicer, Ilere sworn in b) the Oll1gning
:lboLJI, but it will be 'iOr1lC time before Thc compleliun certificate, "CIC [lre- pre,iden!. Robert Babcock .
he is able 10 relllrn 10 work. ....·nted by ['hilip Humphre y, App"..:nlicc- flte oflker~ arc Prc,idenl Cornelilh
We offcr our sincere condoknccs [0 ,hip [)i,'c<: tOr: Angelo Del :r1':.rlC. Wihon, Vice I' rc,idcnt Paul Cumming.
Billy :1I1IJ Charles Mos~, J r. lind their 'J F('A ('h;tph::r l're,iJcnt: and Andrew Busincss Mllnaj!.er Jacob MllllcH, Finan-
families o n Ihe passi ng of their f:u her, F. Dann, Jr .. Apprentice~hip Ourcau, cia( Sccremry Willard Kobel. and Ke-
II rOlhcr Ch:trlcs, Sr. on the first of Sep- )--Iorid;1 SI:ttC Ocp.lrtment of Commerce. coruing Secrelary William Barcrofl,

h::mber. The gmdlmte\ who fl'ceivcd Iheir eer- The Execlltive Bo:.rd members nre

Nov . mll.., 1972

Tampa Activities Local 964 Officers, Work

.c..• :::, ... : .:•.o:' i Local

. a,e.

Th .. 1::,,,<I""Ilnll clal~ 01 L.oi:al 915. Tampil. Fla .. at the 10th A,.mull Timpi Aru Genaral II 8u~in"u Manase,
Apprlnllcuhlp Committee Com pillion Ce,emony
;._."_.,':;''''~':.,::: I Secretary WII ·.
I 'ow. I eoarel mem
be, .. J ames Guinl"e, and Robe,1 Llvlna510n.
Vlee PrUldent Paul Cummin,. and Exe.;ulive
eoa,d maml>tt' JM"'''~ e'4"duII,

The local 91S-sponsored pllye~ '" lhe lJ\tle leaaue DiM"ct 13 SenlO' National lUlue Wo.~ In the Local 96-4 area con tInues on Un.!
Tournament. A, tha lelt, .. P'nod""t KItIII" Gllber'!son; on the 'iaht. B,other Gaorla Hotm" 4 01 the Columbus and Southern EJecifoc
~nd Voca P,alldant Henry Gonuln
Cu.""",,,, Puw•• 'I0" .... t COIW!s",lIe Oh,o. The
new .tac~ IS 800 leel hilh

I.I.E.•• lOCAL 9/5 5POISOA

A" ... 1,,1 photo 01 the powe,l\ou$e. Unils

I. 2. and 3 al 1he lefl. In Iha lorea.ound. Is
tha 3'51(V s wllchyald. In the fllht lo,e·
around. I, Ihe water.lreatlna area.
Charle\ Bow::n. J r.. HO\lllrJ.! SCOll. Ions of coal in a 2"·hour pcrioo ,Ind
Jumc, BrnnJ.!on. bllles Guinther. ilnJ.! \Iill generate 800 MW Itt 34~ KY. Graduation Dinner
!tobert 1 iving~lOn. W"' I TLK L. !JOR!)' NKtllCIlI II, 1'.5.
'1hree Hpprentices. T holll3 ~ II rchi.
John I'ortcus. anJ.! Allen Bid.el. lo.c:re:
~\lorn into IlICIllu.:I~I"" al that meeting.
Graduating Apprentices
WOf'L h progressing \lell on linit " of Honored at Dinner
the Coluntbu~ and Southern 1 Itttric
Company Po .... erhousc al COrK'"ille. L. U. ' 79. ..:SC \. , ,\.K A. 'II CII.-Our
Ohio. in Coshocton Lount}. Unit" h :'I Juiut App~nlice\hip and Tr.lIning Com·
joml project and \la) ~tarted in the \Uln· mittee held a grJdu;tlion l"tremon) and
Iller of 1969. '1 he companie~ inl'ohcd dinncr for our II sr:tJ.!uating apprentice)
are the Columbll\ lind Southern Electric at the L11.e Uluff Country Club.
Comp:tny. the 1):' Ylon I'o\lcr nnd light I he new journe)'mcn .... ere hooorcJ.!
COll1p:my. lind the Cincinnati GII~ and for their achieverncnh. The progr:tm GUeliS lit Ihe ,ecent 8,adualion dinne, held
Flectric Comp:m)'. This ullit i~ expected \las emceed by Keilh 'Io .... n~. illlJ.! Henry by loce! 979. Escanaba. Mleh" included. fronl
to be cOnlrrl!'te!! hy January I. 1973 . Kobas presented the ccrtificale~ of com· row. te" 10 "Ihl. Donald Hurrall. Rellonal
The fint t\lO lInits .... ere ..,1:lrted in pletion. In ,pec to, end a lo,me, Infl,ue-IOr; Robar'!
Internalional l(epre..cnt:I(il·e Nord, S"yhlly. BUSIness Manaaer; and No",s Haul.
1956 and \lere COrllrrleted in 1959: Unil Inle,nallonll Rep.eun,,,llve. The honored
J .... ;, ... ~tarted in 1961. Hllug. Sixth Dhtrict. IIddre\o,cd the 1lI!IO. lunls. Ihe I.aduates. ",e ~Iand;na . Second
Coni for the!.e units COllies nminly journeymen and 'mid tha t the jtraJ.!ualion 'ow. lelt to 'Iahl. MIch ael e,kopae. J"mes
.... as II rest in Imining Imd Ihat continued Palmeook. Ron.ld Vanderhnden. "nd James
from Soulhern Coshocton Counly. It is eUfa~u Tlolrd row. J ames Kaminsky. Don.ld
1I1so now coming fmlll neighboring upsrlldins ;lIld sk ill proficiency \l ill al· Jacob,on. De,wlth Ca,lson. Leslie Stock,
counties. The ncw unit will burn 11.000 way' be needed to relllain competitive Jam .. Hi ll •• nd l'Ioneld H"whins.

70 tHEW Journol
and 10 main(;lin the status of "expert in Retirement Party Florida, and Loe:'!1 l OSS into Local
your field." He ended wit h a wish that 1055. This now allows us to ha\'e local
lhe new journe ym en \\ ill be a cn:di( 10 unit meetings in P:trlama City, Sneads.
organized labor and to thei r employers. and Pensacola and a combined union
OLher special gUC~[s " 'cre Donald meeting at Dc~ti n , Florida, 10 eom plele
Hu rrell, Regiona l I n~peClor and II for- the blhiness of thc entire local. Thi~ reo
mer ;Ilstrucwr, and Itober, S:lyklly, Iie'e, Ihe local in many w<ly~ and ha~
Busi ness Manager. had an eife<:l on Huendance al meeting5,
Gradu:t!c Gordcn r. lc l' hec was rni~s­ H~ well :t~ increa,ing thc flIell1ber~hip.
ing at Ihc lime Ihc accompunying photo AI,o. il !!ives our p,l ~1 pre,idem.
was taken. DeWitt Gilley, 1I10re liml.' 10 execllte Ihe
DI 11\\ ITII C\RLSOlll, I'.S. dutie~ or the onk~· of bu.ine~\ Illanager.
a job for which he ha~ prme<1 he i~
Steward's Meeting fully qualified. In the I'a,t. Ihe omec~ of
pre~ide n t and bu,ine~~ manager \Ierc
We hnve a fine group of oniccr~. and
we :111 give Ihell1 0111' '"pport on the job
ahe:ld. The new olTIcer, arc I'n:,ident
Gerald Miller: lIu,inc\~ 1\1:lIlager DcWiu
Gilley: Vice I'Te,iuclll Bill Pmton: I i·
nnncial Secretary Charle~ i\lorglm;
Trea~lIrer Wayne i\ lcCal1; Rc(or,ling
Scnetnry Joe William,: Execmile UoarJ
member.. Bill Da~h. James 1,0 ..... \ R.
Jo}ner, llobb}' 1011, W H. I'alc, Bob
greets Ma rlin. Grund. <lnd J, lI :tll-l'cn'ncllln; Unit
Chairman Jim Whorley-I':Ut:t111:t Cily:
and Unit Chairman Joe Il argrove-
The B rOlher~ from all mer Ihe alea
who have been repre ..... ntcd by hucma·
Work Picture Unchang ed; tionlli Repre'>Cnl!llive Bryce W,lger IIhh
him a long and lwppy retircment. We
Annual Outing Held "ill mi..s him J:reluly. H i, help to the
L.U. 981 . l'E\\ ,\1(1":, OIIiO-As of lhj~ Urotherhood ha.~ !leen felt :.11 o\er our
lime, the work piewre for ollr local is area anJ, po~,ihly, in olher are!,\ of the
abolll the same ;I~ earlier in thc year, electrical industry.
rran~rnh~jon work un Ihe 345- KY Good luck, Brother Wa-geT. We would
lille b moving ,moothly at this lime. lile to huvt' yOIl ,trop in on u~ when
Distribution \lork i, a lillie slad.. but Dan MartIn. Local 993. Kllmloops. B. C .• w'" }OU are in the aren.
honoured WIth a retirement party .ecently We also recognize Erslin John-.on.
'>Cvcral tTe"~ are being I.e!,! bu~) by the and waS presented II colou, TV and an en·
Ohio Pm.. c r Company. 8'aved desk se'. He, ... Dave Jo.dan. Social \\ ho recently retired. We :III .... bh
Oll f loe!11 hcll,l ils A!1nLlrd Family CommlUee Chairman, utends besl wlshe, ' 0 BfI)lher J ohn,on lIell lmd hope thai he
Dan 10' e 10"8 and happy .e,,,,,menl. liS Mrs. \\111 not ~pt:nd 100 l11u~h of hi, time \i,h-
Ouling on S<!ptcmbc:r 'Jth at I\loxaheln Manln and Mn. Zmud look On.
" ark. ncar South Zanesville. Ohio. inl!- :lnd lIill drop hy 10 1><:e hi, h,noring
r-Iearly SOO rncmbe r~ .moJ their families of O:m \I :,rlin's retirement. Bruther,. Good Iud, Johnny: \\e ~II '<ly
\~ere present for the hig outing. l' ood Ih;1\ it h,h Deen a p1c:l'IJfe I\or~ing .... ilh
Our local union rnembers pre..cnled
und rcfre~hments .... erc: .,cf~ed Ihruul::lo ... ut !Jan \\ith :1 colour te1cvbion ;lIltl :. dc~~ and for you.
Inc (Ifternoon. SCI "ilh engraving. Mr~. 1I1artin rec<'iveu RUIl II'i O·DO.'OVIN, I' .S.
The Johnny Regan Ban d provideoJ a bouquet of tloweh.
music for u:mcing for thc member-. and In attendance <11 the pari}, \\CTe Inter-
Iheir w i \le~, while the midway pro,idcd
Kenny Meyer Retires ,
nalion;,1 Represcnl;tlin: J. WolfJ::IOJ; and
riues for thc children. h cryone present a number of bu~ine!>.lr Illllmtger; from thc Is H onored by Local I Iq I
had an enjo}ahle :'lfternoon. provin(c. in addition 10 many frienu\
The Oll1ing was arr,lngc() by lIu ,i n e~5 t.U, 11 91. WEST l'AU\1 1U':,\ClI ,
"nu relalivc,. "J.;\ ,- Kcnny Meyer retired re(ently,
Manager Jim Dean. Ahistant Business BrOlher M:.rtin ha, ,pent m;lO} }cnrs lifter 46 year, of ~(\ke, ;1011 .... a' hon·
M:lnagcr DOll Uol1ar, :lnd eommiUec 5Cr'ving our locnl I,nd Ihe 111 1 W. He ored by ollr 101::,1.
mernben Wayne Boley. Wah We~l. Clint ~er1ied :" local unioll rre~iuenl 11011 \\3' 1'. O. Dunnam \\rote thb fXl<.'11i ('spc-
Sleven~, John Barber, Jerry Yo,1, Ted bl"ine" manager for 12 ~car, . He <11.0 ci;lll) for " enny\ retirement.
Kader, llnd Bruce Andcr~on. T hc!!C served ;t~ pre,iden! of the IB EW I' rovil1-
Illcmbcrs did n great jnb and dc,cnc a d:t1 COlliwil and wa, :, Iru,lce \I f the Am I Old'!
Ihnnk )'ou from ever}'one. Joint F leetrieal Indu,try\ Welfare Plan. getting old," "", Illy big word
" 1'111
A con~truclion ~te\\llrd'~ meeting was L. l . RIC'IIM'I). H.M. \\ hen J \\35 only fi~e .
held in 7...ancwi11e on A ugu~1 30lh by 'Til be going 10 school next year."
B u~inc~~ Ma nager Denn. '1 he evening II \11l' ';l"eO-I to be alil'e.
wn, very enjoyable ,md eon~lnlctive. Utility Workers Merge ;
I hc Ohio Power , tc ward ~ urc 10 have a ·T Ill really old;' I said al ten;
New Officers Announc ed " 1'111 reall)' growing up:
'imilar meeling in the nenr fUl ure.
R. V. Bll'il'ilTI, I'.S. I.. U. 1055, I' ENSACOLA. FLA. -It 1'111 hig enoug h 10 sleep alone
And go hunting ..... ilh m} pup."
gi~e~ me greal plea,ur. 10 repon Ihe
D~n Martin Honoured many changes ~inl:: m:ldl' in (llir IIlilily I "Hl~ jU)t ilb-olllihe .... be'lthinJ;
local union in this :Ife:l. When I hlld rea ched flflecn .
At Retire ment Party T he 1110<;1 recent lind the gfe:'!le,' f here werc nol IlInny things I didn·1
I•. U. 99J, KA \II-OOI'S, n,C.-A retire· ( hangc "as lhe merging o f the utilit y know
menl party was held recen tly in honour .... or~ers from Local 624, Panam:1 City, And few I hadn'l !iCCn.

Novembe., 1972
There were many games and prizes.
Retires Clambake Scenes for \vhi eh I than k the contractors.
K. n ny Mey.r, l oca l
119 1. West Pa lm
Plent y o f food and refreshments we re
B.ach , Fla.. ..Iired a v'ailable. and a good time was had by
recently a 'i er 46 all.
years 0 1 s ..... "'e. Presidenl Perry Winlerhah shouldered
the bull of the wor1.; and planning for
the bale. and he did an e.\celleO( job.
Retiree) Norm Taylor. Cla ude Ken-
nedy, Ton)' Oberme)er. Danny Pill man,
J ohn ny Dundon. G arold Cole. Charle~
Hibinger. Tommy Pl u,.o. AI Claps.1ddle.
f ronL lIallocl. Whi ley Stcar. and Sam
Guarino \lere in all('ndance as gucsb of
At I.... ('nly, I was Number One on an}- the local. and it \las a pleasure to see
body'~ Ihl. and vhit \lilh Ihem again.
There .... as nOlhing I .... ould not auad. Other gU~ls incl uded F..llioll Hom.
With my min d or \I ith my fbI. Left to "81'11. e"sinns Manaae r W,lliam H. Bureau of Apprentice) hip and T rainins.
Sh"Uer and Presiden t Pe,ry Win te,hlll , l ocal
U.S. Department of L'lbo r; Frank Car-
Twen ty-fi ve-the grande~1 .tgc th:ll an}' 1249, Syracuse, N."'.. at th e toca l's Annuat
Clamb3~e. roll. SlIper\'i~ing Construct ion Safety
one ha~ been,
Illspector. New Yo rk Stltte Department
T here \I as no problem too greill to
o f Labor; an d Ray Bra dy, Assisl:tnt Di·
.')I)IH' ;
rector of North Ea)1 Apprcnticeship
U fe\ "onder, had no end.
T raini ng.
Thirty ... ,,\ the magk agc I am ~ure <"eryone is forward
To thinl. ba~1. on the pa,1. to a bisser anLl beller gat hering next
11 tH then the thoughl c:trne 10 my mind. ) ear,
" Is life going by too faM?" '1hirteen of our members alle nded t he
Forty came a bit '00
Wireman') (jolf T ourna ment in Detroil
on Augu)t 171 h <lnd 18. h. They arc
And l recalled the !>a) ing,
··Do\lnhill. boy. from th;" point on.- Da,e R:lthbun. Dicl. Fulton. Ed Peel.
And ~w the hair \\-'I~ graying. J immy Wahh, u"'is Le\lis, Pete ,",o... a-
ne),. W. D. Houck. Sy MonToe. Bob
"Fifty hn't bad." l ..aid, Langtry. Geor~ Scarborough. Skip Con-
" . don't fee l rcall) old: non. Joh n and J unior Pride. De-
1 ju)! don't move !tboll' ltS fa~t e"sinns Manllie . Sh"lte, p <esen t$ retirons troit I,ocal jli \I as .he hO>.t local and
Or (cd th,tl I anl bold:' office sec,etary Ma '8"."te Q"inn wit h 8i lll d id " tr;:Jllendou~ job. T he tournament
from tt>e local.
Si:<ty'.' Why )hould that be old'.' wa~ ... ell pl:lnn;:d-good gol f courses.

Where docs il sa) ~ in thc OOook'.' good \leather. and a good lime had by
You don'. have 10 gi~e up a. Ihis point all.
And never give a lool. WALUCE D . IIOliCt;:, P.S.
Retiremenl age b \ ixty'-fhe,
Or \0 \Ie ha ve been tolLl. Local 1304 Mourns
But nOlhing says yo u hllve to ~ i t
A ro und nnd feel that you are oiLl. Death of C ecil W. Morrow
T his h the time thnl you can do I..U, IJO-l. J..IT I'L E ROCK. AR ... .--Ce·
The Ihing~ you tho ugh t of long ago. cil W. Morrow d ied o n A ugust 30th, a~
Oon't thin l. that you, :11 la~t, :Ire old, . he rC~1I1t of a mo.orcyeie accide nt on
[t ~imply isn'l Irlle, A ugu~t 13th. His counsel and guidance
H u ., s M . J USTlC,.. R,S. \I ill be sadly missed by all Local 1304
Annual C lambake Held; Brother ~I orrow wa~ initiated into
Local 1304 on Octobe r 23, 1952. lie \las
Margue rite Quinn Hon ored Lett to "I hl ~t;ree Norm Taylor. B"sh'.n a eh.lrIer member o f the loca l an d for
Manaler St>"ne r. and In ternatlonat Vice
L.U_ 11-19, S YRACUSE. N. Y.- On Au- Presidenl A. R. Johnson. 20 ),ears scr\'ed as bu~ness manager.
gust 26th, our local held its Annual For part of thai lime. he also scn-ed a~
Clambal.e at li inder\\-:lllel's Gro\e in financial o;ecrctar),.
Nonh Syracuse. New YorL. "ith j80 He i~ sun'i\ed by' his ... idow, Leatha
person~ allending. Raw les Morrow: a son. Wayne; his par-
The gueSI ~ included Internntional Vice ents: and a brother and si)ler. He ... as
J>re~ide n l A . R. J ohn~n ; Internat ional gh'en a military funera l al Ihe N:lI ional
Represen ta. ive J ack Barry: B m i ne)~ Cemetery in Lili lc Roc k, ha\'ing serv'ed
'l anager F..d ~ I u rphy, Local 43. Syra- in Ihe Army Air Corps in World War
cu~: and 8 u~iness Manager Charlie II. A memorial scn ice for him \las held
Ro.,e. Local 3j I, Olean, New Yorl.. by Local 1304 on September 71h.
Duri ng ' he course of the clambaLe. 8 rother Morrow "' 3$ a member of
M bs Marguerite Quinn, "'ho has !,en-cd Ihe Hess Mawnie Lodge in lillie Rocl..
the loeal as secre.ary and office manager lie wa~ :letive in church affairs a' . he As-
for 2j ye a rs, was honored by the loe,11 bury Met hodist C hurc h in Li n le Roc!..
on her re ti re me nt. t-I arg received a a nd tau gh t churc h sc hool at Asb ury.
wa tch and an engrowed servi ng tra)'. as I-Ie "'M an active rad io a mateur :tnd
...'ell a" It tre;~sure chest, frOm the melll- wa~ a supervisory engineer al KARK-
ber~ of the local. We " ish Marg the TV in Lill ie Rock. He 011,.0 had an in-
left to ';ahl. P,ess Se c.eta ry w a nau D. .erest in fl ying and water sports.
be)1 of ev'eryt hing and mUlly p lea~ant. H o"c~ and In! lio n at Vlu Presid en t Jot>n .
ha pp y yea rs in retire men t. >0" T AYLOR l. BI,-' IR. J R. , I.R .

IBEW Jou rno l

New Pensioners Receive New Pensioners Picnic In Hawaii
Fi rst Pension C hecks
I.. U. I3Z9, HACKENSA CK, N J ,- Re·
"entl y, we had our fir)t two, charier,
"A" membel"i ret ire, and they ha,\'e now
received th eir first checl s from the 1'en-
sion Fund. The new pensioner.'! nre
Harry S. Ixwe nnd Charles J, KC$sltr_
lIarr)'. a, Ilnenllln \lho starled with
" ublic Sen-ice in 1928, \lill be fa miliar
to nllln) n:lJdC N. I-Ie W:IS the first pre~i­
dent of our local undo for m;l ny yeur~,
llntil his ret irement , the b!!',incss repre-
sentative of System Council V-2.
Charlie. a meterman. started ",ith
I'ubl ic Ser\ice in (9)6,
I lnow that all of Ihe DrOlhers hope
that the y are both enjoying their \lell-
e:,rned retirement.
Il arry wa, in nllelldallce at our l a~ t
uni on meetiny. ilnd I know I express th e
The I"" two, th~rter, "A" members 01 Loul
1329, H at k en5"t~, N.J" to reti'e ",e 5een re o
~.I"lng their fl'5t checks f,o m the PensIon
_ I

. .,
r:.i .t~

feelings o f illl of the IIrothers when I Fund f rom Fln,nclal Setrel.,y Ralph C. Olonl·
.10.•I&ht. From Ihe lell. the new penslone ••
~ay Ihal he i" :II\I:lv~ "'ekome. We are a.e H.rry S. Dove and Cha,t ... J K.. <;~I ... I
al\lay~ glad 10 sec him.
The gentleman on the right in the ac- )ears. At the time of his death. he w;u
comp;:,"yin}! pholo i) Financial s..."Crelary <;erving hii second term as :m Executh'c
Ralph Dionisio, anoth er old·timer in th e Board officcr. We exp rcss our ~vmpa·
local. \0 whol11 I alll indebted for the thies 10 his family.
picture. In the Transportation [)cpartment,
RONAl I) r. 1'lUMt E\', R.S. Arnhmsc Jobin . who ha~ been a dedi-
cllled member for many )·ears. has dc·
cided 10 retirc and lead a lei5urel y life
400 Mem bers Attend of m:bterly inaclhit)" Good IIICk, Am·
Unit I's Annual Pi cnic hro<;e. T:I]"c care of )'our health so you
can collect your full $hare from the Edi-
L. U, IJS7, 1I0NOI.U I. U, III.- On Sep- \On I'eniion Fund.
tcmber 9th. Unit I o f our local held its R. Hutler. In Tran ~portation, wa§ re-
Annll.1I I'icnic. lIaw:liian food was cenlly promoted to mec hanic.
o;erved to Ihe 4()()·p lu~ 1lII:OIIl>c,~ ill al· Don Dahlgren II as in Ihc ho:.pital for
tenllance. :1 ~hort time lind is now bllck 10 \lorl.
"-.alua pig, lomi 'lIlmon, poi, ca]"e. hot We wi,h }Oll \lcll :Ind hope ),ou regain
dog~, beer, juice, chiclen long rice. ami ~our health.
other goodies \lcre :.cned. A gcl-\lell \li,h to Ilob J ohnoon, \lho
Membe~ swam. children parlicipaled is eonvale,Sf;ing in Ihe hOipita!. We hope
in gamc,. and everyone enjo)'ed (he fun you arcn'l there too long, Uob; as the
under the ~u nn Y lIawaiian ~un. old MI}ing I:oes, -You Clln't leep a ,.:ood
Among the visilor. who joined our circuitm(' n down,"
membcr~ for the pic nic, weTC Interna- Recently. E. Sanche/, G. On:l~h, M.
liomll Represent:llivc WHiten Eli, Con- R ae~\. 1\1. Felro, T , lIeLl-;on. ami J . !-id-
sre\~wo/llan P at~y'l Mink, ~I~r .. St'n:l- bright in the lincman Sl~rting cl a~sifica­
lor M:I'j()n Altiery. and Repre...:nt:,liH: lion met ;ill of the requirement, under
Ired Rohlfing. Ihe aUlomatic progre~~ional prom(){iOnal
Bu ~iness Manager-Financial Secrelary procedufC and \lere promoted 10 line-
John P. Guunan feeh th"t the picnic men _ We .. ;~h II,e,1\ long and injury-free
was very sucees,ful and hopes 10 ~e cllreers. Scenes f,om the Annu.t P,cn,c; held by Un,l
more of ollr membcr\ pre~enl neXI )car. Art MldT ha~ been promoled tQ wp- 1. Lotal 1357. Honolulu , HI.
Unit I FxcclIlive C'olllillillce meml~rs plynl1111 li t ChicHgo North, lIm1 lJernnrll
Willi~m Nal-:lmura. Gilbert Kea. Uly St range" (I Iree trimmer. was promOted and we "i~h him numy ILlVIC )C'U~ vi
Yamlgi. Robert Oshiro. t'dmund Kala- to loC nior tree Irimmer. CheSler Ra ce h:\\ hC;llth and happine\~,
hil.i. J'ranl. Villarlllia. and Allen l'crlin ~ Itft for retiremcnt on a di.,.,bilily pen- I' re~ident J ohn J. Seh\lan. \lho (C-
all 't\orled \el)' hard towlird the suc«" ~ion. cently returned from a \lell-de~ .... ed va-
of the picnic. Rcce nt addilions to the Uuilding Ser,'- catIon do" n ~J1h. has appointed RQb..
Many thank ~ anll aloha to these kc Departmcnt arc Jerome "" onll:0ll\· crt J. Lobac.z II~ !L ,,,bslntioll
hard -working members from BLl sjnc~s cry anll M. Cole. Mike Rohan hlld eo n"fu ct ion sleward al C'hicago North.
~ 1 rlnugc r GUlmun. majm sur/:,cry ,lIld is homc eonvak..cing, R. J. McCaffcrty ha s becn promoted to
JOli N F. GUZMAN, B.M. Mike, we hope to see your recol'ery electrical mechaLlic A. Arl Huycs I1wved
complete. from helper to electric,,1 mec hanic U.
In thc Pllreha~ing Deplirtment, Leroy Ne\l additiom in the helper clas~ificntion
Ed Springer Mou rn ed; Konen has reI ired, and "'e wish him life 1_ Ketzbad" K, Rada]"owitz, K.
Ambrose Jobin Retires ",ell. John A. Sj~ora. a ~toelman I, has Varchctlo, F. L. CO\lell. and L. Grzy-
been promoted 10 building repllirnm n, wacz,
1..U. 1367, CIIICAG O. ILL. -We \\ere and Richllrd Carlson has been promoted We are still faced \lith the 5.5% wage
saddened to hear Ihat Ed S",iLlStr to stoc kman. cciling, but we arc re\'ie\ling conlrae't
passed away. He was alw ays a dedicated In the Substation Construclion Dc· proposals for the 1973 negotiations. The
member and was a steward for many parlmcn t, Frank Schulget has fCtired, proposals must be submitted 10 System

Council U-2S on NOlcmber 1st. thaI he ",ould hale enjo)eu Ihe meal a~
Let\ protect our l... ghlathc: luOOr gre:llly 11\ ui\! Ihe JOO-plu\ membefl
Local J 506 Me mbers
ga i n~ b)' voting for ... :mdidutes ra ir 10 \\ho nllended Ih ... meCiing. At any ralC,
labor and ... ~ tabli_h u program 10 protett \\e Ihanl. ,h ... • ... nator for I.«pins his
our lOoorl. ing condition, hy :Itlending the pledge 1I ... \pile his condilion_
monthly m... eting elcr) ~cond I-rida). leI me eonclud ... Ihi, arlkk b) h~uing
I f an)·thin g i, \\ orth mentioning. il another pl ug for Ihe -.o-cllllcd Rur l.e
ddini lclr i, \\orth prim ing. l'lea _e c:11I Harlk ... Bill . nOlI being d ... h,lIed in Con-
mc lIith the nell', especially )011 chid gre,~. We h;n ... dClailell Ihe prol'i\ion~ of
stellard,. olliccr" and sle\\ard" M )' Ihi~ bill in prc\iou~ aniclel,
number il 239_0920. In Ihe pa\1 ~i\ }ear, ,tlont' morf' IhllO
I II 1111 Jtm,'\(),. I'.S. one-million JOb, ha\e t-.een "c,port... u"
out of Ame rica_\OO.OO() in ... Iectronic,
alone-by Am erican-C{lnlro ll ~u mullina-
Necessity of Ey e Care, tional finm '" hich prefer 10 in\'c$1 in
Examination Stressed foreign land, for the purpchC of uploit- memDef1i 01 locel I
e •• ' wOrn i... by P •• Sid .... '
ing Ihe lo\\er "'age \lrIlClllre\ found Th. ne w members. I. U 10
I..f l, I~OZ, I'nTsn ll l!G II . I' A._A fa-
there. r he mlinOW of "mcr ic:U1 ca pital, Sh ins. Hob son. and
ther in hi, mit!\Jl e-_~ O, l at dOlln to dinner
e"pcrli-..:, :lnd jonl ha, ..clcrcl y lIeil~­
"ilh hi, (<llni l)" ,lilt! ,,,I.cll hi, duullllh:l.
ened Ihe n"tional economy lInd s\\ ... ltcd
" I'lca-.e pa~, the pol:uoel." At Ihe com- Ihe ran~~ of Ih ... unelllplo) ... d ,
piN ion of thi' ,'(quell. he ,ullllen ir be-
T he onicerl of your IOCll1 regard
C'iIl11' blind. I hi l jl 11 Irue IIOI),- Ol1e
Bllr~e- I-l lIrt~e il' 1I b;lfumclric p<.llilk;11
Ihul hliPpencd 10 thi ~ writer'" nei H,hbor.
"we 10 1I~ \\ hen a~~s,ing Ihe camlllla-
So )Oll 'oCt how import,lnl il h ;IIII!Ly~ cies of prclendch for po lil il.:lIt onlee. If
10 be con-.cioul of )OUr c)e\ight. I f )OU
a ea nd ill"t ... is nOI for Uurl. ... -Il arl l.e, he is
dl-.coler the leall lnfn ..:t ion in ).)ur \i-
nOI for )011. It h a~ ,imple::1\ IhaL
lion pll·a-.,: 11',' )<llIr (IOC'lnr immf'llii.h:ly,
SUI)!'OII COI' I and Ilur~ e-
We :Ire plt n..c d Ihat BrOl hcr John I lartl. ... !
1I,l jdul. h t-o:KI. 10 "'orl. ufu;r :1 "I,CC~­
fu l uperauon Oil hi, righl C)C for Ihe: !"e-
mOla l of a C:uarilct. he spenl on ... \\eel.
in 1'''''''":101 II01p1lai "mJ more than IJ COPE Clam Boil
Ile ... l. \ al home \lalling for hh ... )e 10
heal properly. Si~lCr \l alhilda l ... ral. h:ld
"'~I!III BUllness Mana.e. p.eunl$
servIce awe.d1; 10 'ellow loc.l 1506 membefl,
,irnil:lr ,urger); '" dill Ifrother !:iIC\C 10 ".hl. H.t Sm'th. 10 yea.s: Odell
Lall.o\ i.:, Be~uc:h~mp. 15: R~y Anderwald. fi~,,: .nd
Dou. W,lbu.n. f,~e
"n int..'r':Ilinll ..a,e \\,,~ UrOlh ... r
Thonms ' 1 unnc) .~, Ilho hall ;1
1l';Jr ducl. Wilh ,urgerr anll !L hili ... pia)· New Members Sworn In ;
lic ,urgery. ,\ ne\\ Ic"r duel repIJlccd tm: Service Aw ards Prese nted
Janmg ... u one, and afler r..... \ Ih;m 1\10
II-eel.\ in Ihe ho\pillir .., urn i\ fin .... I"l. 1506, 1' ,\U;Sl l ' E. rEX _- AI our
Su. }Oll ";C. II h pOl~ihtc 10 corr ... ct rCIIIII:lr me"'linll of AllgU~1 71h. thlcC
eyc: ~ 10 r(!lair C)'CI- -hilt I.:t u~ \trive 10 The c.o wd Ion u UP al the chow hne new member. ",cr~ ' .... orn in by Pre,i·
rel;l.ln alll")\ the l')"'~ t/MI God g;l\C U~ . lIenl J ohn Smilh. Our n... ", membcr~ arc
See )our ... )e doctor ",h"'n ncelleu. Dori\ 1I 01>\on. Alic... R ic h ard~on. :IOd.
STII'lI\r<oll UIIISIIO'-"'t-.:I, P.S. Bcn n) S~ain~.
Sen icc HWHrd, IICl'e :11'0 pre,cnle" at
Ihill mceling by IlII ~ine" ,\ lanager jamcI
Senator Tully Addresses ~:lIhom. I'r... -.enl 10 rec... hc their a\\;u'd~.
C OPE Dinn er-Meeting \\e re Od ... 11 ijc: .. uchamp. lIilh 15 y... ah;
lI ul ~mjlh. lIilh III )enrl; Ray- Ander-
I"U. 150S, "",, 11 1""\, i\ IAS~. 'iWIC "'lilli, \ll1h Il ye ) ... a r~: an d Doug \\il,
Scn:ltof J",eph II I ully. 1)clllocr.lI. hurn. HI,o \lilh I1 l'e )'car:s.
Lo",ell, II lrh\i, .. huICU,. "';I' imllell \0 I ho-.e "'ho \lere not pre sc nl but \lho
addrc" uur Scpll'mt-oer c.oP~ n1e"'"n~ :I, ;1110 rec:eiled 'O:I"I;CC a....-a"h arc Florene
gue" \PC;,I.':I Loul nos Pres"denl 11.,1 O"OOr .... 1.11. I,nds Md ~O:I. "il]' 20 )f,.r\. Dorolhy Slelenl.
' I he Inlitallon "':II c \l ... ndcd 10 the chle l stew.,d Jerry Foa."y .n uny,.td",. op-
ponenl In an "'m- w'eMI' .... con leJl p.lo, to \\ ilh 20 )eafl; Jan ice E" ...s, \\ ilh 10
..... naln .. in d.eference 10 hi, ollll1:lI1ding the COPE dinne. B,Olhll' Fogl"y II I k.'a'e )ellr,; Shirley lt alIClt I,ilh fhe year;,;
{ 100 r ;-) "'I-oor recorll .. nd hi, do",", ope" and J UU)' P" rllu .... "'ilh the )ear,.
\\ relaliun.hip ..... ilh our local. Dc-
Chef Ed Repos •.• ,Iewlld hom lOCI't I~!>. J 'II I S ..... S\"5O'I, 0\1 .
'ril", the (a(:1 th.11 Ihe '>I!nalOr "'''I o;on- Wahh.m. Mass .•• i.hI. poses wllh h,. u ... de.
lale,(ing from" \ ir,,1 inf"'O;lion "nd \\:1\ 5tudy. Ea,I Ben.'so .... ,e.'1;I,a., behInd lhe
~Ii ll in a ,0mc ",h:" -IIC!L~ l'neJ 'U.I .... he: huae pot used 10 cook BrOlh., Repon-. la· W ork Situ ation Is Bad ;
Lcpl hi, pwmi...: h) aueml amI IIdil ... red mOuS Po'luau,," clam bOlt III II •• e.n t COPE
a ,hort. bUI ,Urnng, ~pcco; h on hl\ dClo-
... '''''e.-mee'' ..... Agreement Appe nd ix Signed
lion 10 union, anti Ihe principle, u( un· l.. l r. 1739. H \ RR1 J-:, 0 ' I .-The \\orl.
ioni'lll. lie ul-.o upre' ..... d hi, gralilude ,imaliun hcre i~ ,I ill e:tlr ... mct)· b:ld for
10 Ihe mcn1t>er, of our loc;,1 for Ih ... ir thl\ lime of ycar, al l hough :\ few
1"",,1 'tlppon :'lId for :lIl r ftllure aid Ih ... y Im.tller Joh, are Itllrli ng 10 br ... al.
rnighl choo....: Ili llhe him. IIruund \\ e hope 10 hil\e som... "'orl.
Unforl unatcl). the ..en:llOr could nOI. I;Hcr un Ihil ~ason .. nd in the \\inlet.
0\\ ing 10 hi, Icmpomry illlle,~, remain Our nell f"idenlial :I!ld commerciul
10 partake of Ihe (kliduuI I'orlugtl""c apflCndlll 10 the :agreem... nl has
Clll111 bui l pr... pared fur Ihe COP I dinn er lignell fur a fcw monlhs now, but \Ie 1I0
by m... mbers of our local. We :lfe ,ure not !iCcm to be gelli ng IlS man y jobs

tBEW J ou.nol
Retires Reserve NCO

F'o~d Spence. of Local 1833. Hotsehe-d.,

N.Y, ••• ,,,&<1
.eeenlly and w as hono,.d "' I
pa.t~ .He'l; he is beina p ..... nted w.'h al6
a,llI. LOl li to .i,ht. Treasu ••• Wlrren May·
hood. who was mule. 0 1 ce •• moni.. " th"
pa"y; B.olh.r Spence. ; and P.esident Philip
Loc a l 1898 M e mbe r Compl e t e s
NCO Le ad e r s hip Co urse
I..U. HI'S. I. \ UREI.OJ\ L£, l' A._ Air
"ore\! Ke..en~ St"fT $crge;lnl Ku.h A.
I \l~I. Ihinl·,hifl chief ~I('.'y,"rll. recently
\loa, ~:r,ldLiaICd from :I ,pecial. t\loo-\Iot:el
Non·Commi"ioneJ Ofliccr (1\.CO)
LC!ldcr~hi p Cou rse, ;lIong "i.1o 11'.1 male
KUlh attcndell the Military Airlift
Comm,lnd '1CO A("adcm~ anll \loa, a~·
\isncll 10 .he 1380th S<.:hool Squallron al
"onon Air Force: Il;l,<! in C'ulifomi;t
\Iohile Mlcnding the academy.
She \\a~ u mcmher of "I'" Hight .• he
group in .he .raining cour.,e Ihut \loll'
Membert 0' Local 1739. 8arrie, ani., and 8rothe. Spence. w,lh his wife lI",mled Ihe I'en lim.! Scrull AI\ltrll for
lhe .. w.\165 .elal( In th. lounse O.
the Fo.· Ihe highc)1 academil; "chk,,:mcnl .
m_a Sp<1na B,ewe.y, aft •• a tour 0 1 t"- Onl) ~ix WAF., from .he ~lIliutry
n ..... Sf 'ndullr')' ,n 1"- area. P ar ty Honors R e ti ree
I\ irlift Commanll \Ioe re cli£ible 10 lltlenll
Floyd Spe nce r the :-ICO Academy. lind RlI1h "'3\ the
only WAF 10 graduate in th e lOp half
L ,U, IIIJJ, IIQRSEIIEA ])S, i' ,'.\'.- o f Ihe class of 1973-1"0 we~~ Rc,crvc.
Floyd Srencer. long·lime member o f our The locu l is I'cry proud of Ruth. We
l(X;n1. reliring in 1972. \loa, feted lit a ('.')( ' cl1(l Ollr eongrliluiulion, and wi,h her
part y in his honor 3'!\I'hiu·, Rc",l ufant the Icry be'>t in her Air I· ore.: Ke.,ervc
in I'ine Cil) , New Yorl. Cllfcer.
Brolher Spencer acceptell enlplO)!1Ienl E"LII!I. rlI lJOllLllLIt"O, I'.S.
a~ a mill\loright with Iht WC \I-
inSholl'>l! Flectronk Tu be Dili.,ion on Work Slows So m e what;
OCto ber 17. 1'.1) 1. shortl y Ihe COI1\-
rl ~tion of thc new plan!. O ld -Tim e rs Are Honore d
"Spence:" \OOn carnell Ihe re~pc,.. Imll
L U, 1921 . WA US I-: O-". Olii O-Work
frit'n,l~hip of hi~ fellow v.orler.. \Ioilh hi,
LOlli to .,Sht. JI.r')' DeKhesn •. Da .... Spa."n•. In Wauo;eon has ,Io"cd ..ame" h.LI. bUI
inrectiOll~ good humor anll re"lI) 'mile.
and Walte. C.ompton. Ih .... 01 II>. Local 1739 \Ioe I1TC ,till "orlin!; dail)' o\enime.
m....,bets who wO'ked al the b.ewer')' dunna Ih he :It-h' performed the ta,l, of hi ~
Our local is \er} proud of Si~tcrs
const ruel ,OtI. stand in hont 01 on. 01 th. Irallc .hroughout Ihe plant.
COn i"" PlIn.',. An o~erf1ow no"u of f, ie,l,h ,.ath-
Bealrice Thomas. I ill ian Eicher. Ma rt ha
Leininge r. Hcrtha Flemming, Wilma
ered 10 wi~h Brolher Spencer II n(1 hi, Norden. and Willmella t...rutnill. "ho
from it liS .... e expec.ell. Only time .....iIl \Ioife II lonl! and huppy rCliremelli pc' hu\c 2S )ear... uf scr~ice with
tell. ho .... e~'er. how 5l1cce,sful it .... m be. riod. Spence "as pre'iCllied all ··altertll" lhe WllulrCon " lanufacturin1! Comp'In)'.
Since ou r Ill)1 .... ritinll. )(Inle member; nuil hammer and an :.ppropriatcl)·. 'I he Si~ter, all r«ei\'ed lo\·ely silver
of the local nnll Iheir .... hC'~ enjo}cll a "be nl" )pilt. \Iohich ilia, golll·pl;lIed for I!ifl ~ from the mcmber;. '1II1IerOO' Sb·
tour of the FormO'M'l Spring " rc\Ioery, .he ,pedal occasion. te" and Brother.. completing 20 )el1f5 of
which i~ the newt'l indu~lry in our area, Warren !\Iayhood. our tre",urcr. actcll ..crvice recei\'oo billfolds an d 20 from
Althou~ h the brewery hltS been oper- a~ IIm,'er of cere monie ~ ;,. 1he paTly. .he company.
l'rc~ ident Philip I'uge [luded hi, C{)ngfuI- Our COI'F ticl;:t .. arc not goin G: vcry
aling o nly a fe" lIlonth ~. ~a lc, "ere ~o
good thi, pa)1 MllIllner Ihal a rair·~ IIbl ioll~ and best "ish ... , on Ihe relire· " 'eLl, btu "c ~Iill c:,n uU do OU T rmrt.
ad dUlon is II lrel.lI y under " ..). Wt'U men. o f Spence, a f:oilhful member o f Ihe "'upport our parly lind remember 10
hnve more nel\ ~ l'bout thai laler. m EW. \·ole.
ASIITOi'O R. T UC K, I'.S. WH. I. \III) J . 1'1 \-S I . V . I'. MRS. BUNn: FRY, 1'.5.

No~.mb •• , 1972
25 Years of Service Graduates

Local 1921. Wauseon. OhIO. recenlly honored

Sl~ of liS memlHrs wt>o t>8ve completed 25
yU", of Urvlce WIlt> It>. company_ LeU
10 "gl>l . • te sleward Beattice Tt>omas and
lillian Eict>er.

Banquet Honors Graduates; l ocal 2252 i, bo .... 1ing ,lith Ihe CI U

(CUm thi~ }ear. Good luc~. Sblers!
Financial Secretary Named /1\ good 10 !Ott Sislers J uliu Guerrieri
:lnu Virgini:1 ,\Inrov;lch bad to "or~.
Ll'. 19115. "O KT I-I C,\ "'. TO'. 0 111 0 Shlcr Guerrieri injured her ~nee ... hen
-After a lapse of '>C,eral }ear~ nnd
,he fell: shc's lim ping .. round blll h
under a ne" prosram. our fir,t cia" of
b:le~ to "or~. Nicc to sec Sbter E\elyn
apprentices "as I:!radu:l1ed on September lI aruy bacl.. to \\orl.. again. too. Si,lcr
11th. Then. on September ISlh. a ban·
Arlene Coo" h off on k.l\e to ha\e hc:r
quet "a.~ held at ll oo\er C:lmp for
feCI opcr.lled on-no dance, for Arlene
.~ them und their f"milie,. at "hich time
for a while. BrOlher Jim Gainey i, due
left to rigt>t. Ma rtt>a LeIninger and Bertt>a they were presenled Iheir diplom:K
bacl.. to) "orl.. ;Ifter :1 similar operation.
T .... o \\oere graduateu a, eleelri<:ian,;
Shier G uerrieri has welcomeu :1 ne"
t"o. a~ m:linlenance Illechanic~; and gr.lnd,on. CO ngralu l ation,~
nine. a, tool und die Ill:l~er<.. David
We hale a poel in our mid, .. Si\ter
Schaer aned :os ~pO~l."m " n for the d a~~_
Loui-.c Reinh .. rt. I'erhap\. one month
D"v id Carrd ... " , un:,hle 10 ;lIlenu.
soon. her poem, "ill appear in the
Congratul.llion~. fdlo\Is; it h:l~ !leen a
··Short Circuih" -.cetion of the 'uurn!,'.
long. tough. gri nd !
We ure meeling \\ith Inte rnational
At the September 11th i):ccuti\e
Repre..entalhe l!erman Holle). "ho will
Board meeting. F uley Glenn \\o:'~ ap- conduct a 5tcward'~ and labor ,ehool for
pointed to ~rve aliI the un<:):pired term
three ,es,ion,. I hupe it "ill be .... ell al-
of the laIc Robert Star~, U~ financial
tended .
..cerelary. Welcome to Ihe hoard. t-: uley. II', !llmo~1 election tim,·. 131." ' lire to
an d be,t "i,he, for the future.
vOle. Fir.t. 'Iudy Ihe candidates. and be
I gue~, ,umOler reall} ui.,aPPC<trl'd
'Ib,ollitel) Slire lhat the man ~Oll vOle
when the AClhitiC'~ Commitlee reported
for as Prc\idem 5Uppor15 lubor. We ... ill
that \'1' had C'hanged frOIll golf alld
need him bauly during the ne.'1 fOllr
rumbleball 10 volleyball .md Ix,"linJ:!.
Lelt 10 flghl. Wllm. NOrden and W,II", .. t. }\'an.
Krumm. These program~ <.eem to be! lery popu- Don'\ tluy foreign-made £OIXls. Re-
lar. a~ more than one-third of the mem- member, 1001.. for and ~upporl the union
bcl"'\ participated in al le:'~t one ,port
I.. hel.
during the 1",\ }ear. Ros~ VI LUROSE., P.S.
Bill Devers Married; Due to pcr'lOnal rehon'. Ihi, "ill ho.:
my lu,1 column. I Ihan~ all "ho ha\e
Dean Reynolds Leaves helped in gelling Ihc ne ... ~ item\ \0 me. David C. Wentz Is
and I ... i,h my , ueces..or the \ery be,\. Outstanding Graduate
I_V. 1971:. \LU: :\- rO"' . I' A.-Con·
gralulalion~ to Hill and l~arh;Jr:1 De\t'n. L. U. !297. ALA\IED\. C \LJF.-The
J r. Thcy \\OUC marricu on J ul) 29th in out~tanding "\RF AI:lmeda apprentiee
Ikthkhem. Ptnn;,~" ania. GoooJ Iud" ~ LU 2252 Members Attend J:!r;Luuate for 1971 i\ Da,id C. Wenil.
Dean Rc~nolu, lefl on \usu~t 16th m:tinLenance electriei"n a",isned to See-
for the I\ ir Fon;e. II.: h,ins hi~ Florid a Labor School
lion 651.20. The 21st ,uch recipient.
ba,k l!':IininJ:! at I ad"land Air force I.. U. 2252. IIOLL' \\ 001). Ft,\ .- Rrother WelHz "as honored ut the Su·
Ila ....... In I C'~;I'. GOIXl Iud ~ I'resident D. Nilc~. Si,tcr D. Cormkr, pcrintendent~' A~!>OCiation luncheon ear-
Our IlKal Ihunl.., 1000;lls 25 and 10-19. :tnd Sister 1. Guerrieri .. Uentleu the tier thi~ }'eur_
Long " hmd. Ne.... Yo)rl... und Local Florida Labor School .. \ the Galt Ocean F:L~'h year ,ince 1949. "ilh the e:>.:eep-
1381. lI id"ilk. /'.cw Yorl... for lhc in- .... ile I-Iolcl in Sepll"mber. They reponed lion of 1954 and 1961. the association
vitation to l ung h land for the bll'>Cb'll! thaI the classes "ere 'ery informal iv,,,. hlt' made MICh an award. "hich si ngles
tournament in Augu\!. We arc lool..ins ,, ~ well as being intere~ting. out one apprentice from all who Sradu -
forward to next year\ tournamcnt. Si,ter S. Con)'er~ walked off "ilh :In· :Ltc each year as having done an OLlI-
WilliAM J. 01 VI MS, I'R.LS. other bowling troph y for hi J;! h score. '1:lnding job in all respects. including ae-

76 ISEW J ournol
Outstanding Gra duate lhi, i'''lI~ of Ih~ I Ulimal arOllnd Ihe time MISCELLAN EOU S
of Ihe Annual l' Show. Q. Wha t Is t he new basis lor the injury
Theoutstilndina NAIIF U an) of Ihe OIemben. of other locals rate?
A'em edil IIpp.enhU ... hould happen 10 he In Ihe Cenlral Ohio
•• ldul te 10' 1911 Is A. 200,000 man·hou rs, based on 100
OI~ ld C. Wentz. Lo.
area duri ng Ihi, \lC'CI..·long celebration, 'ull·time employees working 40 hours
ell 22 91, Allm ld", the)' o"e il 10 I hem'iClvc~ 10 ,lOP !lnd a week for 50 weeks. Ho urs and weeks
C.III. spend a little tin1e here. I ;" .. ure you wo rked may vary from industry to In·
Ih:1I )OU \liIl be in for a Irelll of a life- dust ry. but the same base will be used
lirne. for att.
Work has , lOlled dO"11 lernpor.lrily· Q. When will accident data and rates
bccau~ of a major mainlenanc.· olcr- be published. an d how often?
haul. Thi<o h the fir,' la}OFT OUf loe:11 A_ OSHA plans an annual sUNey and
ha) experienced. and \Ie an' a ..."m:d Ihat an nual pubhealton.
it i.. only lempor.. ry'.
Q. What will OSHA do to eliminate un-
T his may be :1 litt le cady. bl!! il i, a safe employee hab it s and acts?
ad~mi c gradc~ . Intdc th eo ry grade. und remindcr 10 gcl your Tc,cr\"l1ion. ill A. OSHA is working wi th the National
~ tlOp performance. ]' j\'\: su p;:rintcndcnl ~ cml)' fur Ihe Chri~lmll" l' aT!) for th~ Institute lo r Occupat io nal Safety and
go Ihrough a rigorOlh proee~~ 10 ma l.c I..ith on Deccmber 23rd . 'Ine parl~ "ill
Ihe .IoCkclion. Health, which has prtmary responSibilIty
be held I"ice Ihal da)' in order 10 gi\e In studying me thods to motl~ate both
The .IoCtection ~tart~ \lilh each division'S (\Cryone a ch;m~'e to ;l\Iend. The other nOmiOlJ1ions for OUbianding ap- the employer a nd the em ployee.
P;Iri) i~ for Nell )'car'\, bll!. al Ihi, Q. How can a small establishment with
prcntice ~ in "rilinll 10 the commilh:e.
lime, the datc i, nol conc lu. he. The limited resources finan ce modifications
via the AppTcnlicc I raining Omce. All loeltl h:" ~onc 10 n 101 of etTori to a,-
rccords pe rt"in;ng to the nominated :11l" necessary to come into compliance?
Mire c\·cryo nc o f a I:OOIJ li me. :.0 do A. The Act includes amendments 10 the
pre m lce~ afe collecte"! and aTC for-
pl:ln 10 alicnd. Small BUSiness Act prOViding fo r flllan·
\larded to the C'onllllince for enduatiun.
On~ of Ihe re:11 h,ne~ O hiO:ln~ \hou1d cial assistance in s uch cases. Apply 10
The COlnm illee Ihen e~tablis hes (tilI C,
:\Od in tcn iew, each nominee in..!i\'idu- be concerned :thalli in Ihi, )car'~ con· th e Small Business Ad minis trat ion.
ally. him a ..erih of que'tion~ sl~"jvllill ' ''~'' j, jvb 'afcl). Fach ycar. which Will clear all proposals through
pertaining 10 hi, job ~iIlIDI i on. as "cll as morc Ihan 14.S00 pcTl>On, ;Irc I..illcod on OSHA to ma ke certain they Will III fact
h i~ perwnal \jcv.~ on ilcm~ of gencr.11
Ihe job and 3nOlhcr 2 ..'i-million )ufrcr in- lead to com pliance.
inlere~t. A point fe.:ord is m~tinlail1ed 11'1 fu rh:,. Q. How were t he Target IndustrIes
c~l ch inler\'ic\lcr on cllch Clmdid"tc, II ho In 1970. COnbil'e" finall )' rCllcled to selected?
has. in addilion. recdve..! poinl~ for his Ihi\ \Cn .....1c" carOllge by p:\\.ing thc Oc- A. On the basis of having high injUry
four )ears as an apprenlice. ba'>l!oJ on cupational Snrety lind HC;lIlh Act. This frequency rates, all of which are more
careful c\'alnalion of hi~ achie\'e lllent~ at:1 hh had lhe ~Irong of th.: t han double the nat,orlal d~erage.
on record. A gnmd 10lal o f all Ihis dala l;tbor mo\'cment. bUI ~lOee lhe la" \las Q. How will OSHA determine the sue·
,inglc~ Olll the llpp rcn lice who i~ Olll- pa.. ~d. it hll' nOl been cnforced a, it cess of its program?
'landi ng. , hould be. No\\. und er p rc~,urc from A. 4.500 Target Industry employers a re
n uring hi\ apprcnli<.;c trai!li!l~, " hich bu~ine'~ fal ("a t, nn.! Ihc CI,.lIlIloc:, vI keeplllg records under a dual system,
, ' aried in Jul}. 1967, n a\id endcd up Cummerce. Con~rc,~ i, Ir)ing 10 de ~lroy cont lllulllg the ZI6.1 syst em lor at
\lith th ree mont h,' ad\llllcement time: the \cry objl:CI of the !;,,,. least sill; months as well as complying
he :llso recehed a Certificale of Comple- In June. Ihe lI ou",", of Rcpresemalhcs With t he new requi rements of July I ,
tion of Ihe Contrnl D:Ha ("orporalton voted 31 2-1.54 10 e\empl bu,ine\\C, \\ilh 197 1,
Ad vanced I'echnology 20H S)~tem' 25 or fc,,"er empluyee\ from compliance Q. What kind of research is OSHA con·
\l ainlen:mce Cou~. Currenll y, he is "ilh Ihc la" for another )e:lr. 1'\\0 ducting?
Qne of four O1;.intenance clcclrid:m~ "ecl..~ Inlr:r. Ihe Scmllr ' ·Ol r.,! 4 ~- 41 10 A. Prtmanly on edministr etlve mlltte rs
who IlHlinlain Ihc 2025 computer .ys- 10\ler il to bu,inc,'>C\ \I ith fCll er 1111In s uch as program e ff ectiveness and o r·
te rn. !5 cm pluyce,. ga nizational stru cture, as well a s on 1m·
]1 , hould al..o be 110ted Ih:lt D:i\id is The Hou'iC \·e",ion of Ihe bill "ould pro~lng statistical programs. Technical
lhe fi"' t mainlen3rn.~ l'kclririan 10 reo e\empl 90 per cenl, and Ihe Scnale'~ \ cr- research on c rit eria for new and Im-
ceh'e Ihi. award. ~ion 85 per cenl, of ;11 hmi nes~ placc, proved standards. Identification o f 10ll;IC
Brother WeniZ \la\ horn in Grand from obc)in~ Ihe ]:1\1. Eilhcr \ersion s ubstances and Similar lact ors are be·
Forl..\. North n"~ota. lind wa, i!TUllu- e:Ul onl y be 1001..e,1 upon Wil h di.,gu-t Ing conducted by the National Institute
:,Ie.! fronl hi gh ,'hool Ihcrc. wher!! he :lIld contempl :I' :1 helra); I! to the worl.- for Occupatio nal Safety a nd Health
cxcellcd in kc hoeley. I ll: allendcd Ihe inl! peoplc o f America. (NIOSH) Within the Department of
UniH'T,ily of Norlh 1),ll..ola before COfII' Heal th. Education, and Welfare.
in!! 10 C:llifornia. 1/ " mlln) hobbie, in-
Q. Does the equipment dealer ha ve an
Clude huming. fi~hing, lind mOlorqde
obligation under the Occupational
riding. A bachelo r. I):,,·id 1in~s in 0 ;11..-
Safety and Health Act to make certa in
land. his products meet sa fe ty regula tions?
We are e,pecially proud of IJrOl hcr Safety Tips A. No, not In hiS capacity as a seller or
Wcnl7.. \l ho has been an m EW member lessor of goods. The Act imposes sa fety
.. incc l)cce01bcr I. 1961). He lIa~ Irall~­ r/JlJlirlllNllrl!/I! ('Ogr 17
obligatio ns only o n employers and
ferred frol1l Loell! 1245 10 our local
Q. What is the long· run rol e of the employees.
~hcn it "as char1t:rcd on March 1.
States? Q. How does the Act affect workmen's
A. They may eventually assume tota l compensation laws?
GlUl'o'l' C . 011.0\\':-:, O.M.
responSi bility for job safety and heal t h A. It doesn't. However, it prOVides lo r
standa rd s and enlo rceme nt prog rams a I S·member National Commission o n
Local' s Wo rk Slowed Dow n; th a t must be at least as effective as State Workme n's Compensati on Laws
the Fede ral req uiremen t s. Th is can be to determine if such laws provide an
Safet y Is Ele ction Issue done t hrough submission and app roval adequate, prom pt and equitable sys-
I.. U. IJJ I. C I R C U~ \' I Ll.E, 0 1110 - 01 State plans. which will be monit ored tc m of com pcnsation fo r job related
Greeling from Circlevine. Ihl" pumplin by OSHA to insure a continued h Igh deaths o r inju ries.
capilal of lhe \lorld. Vou ~h ou ld recei\·e level of o peratio n. cOlllilmrd on P"G~ 86

Novembe r, 1972
INl'EKNATIONAL UROTIIERHOOI) OF Exhibit "e" - Statement of Cash Receipts
EL£c rRI CAL WOltKERS and Di!>burscments
WA SIII NGTON, I) .C. For the Fi sca l Year Ended
June 30. 1972.
FOR TilE F ISCAL YEAR ENDED J UNE 30. 1972 Schedule .. , " -Cash
A, at JUlie 30, 1972.
September II. 1972
International Executive Council Our exa min ation \Hh made III accordance with
International Brot hc rhood of Elcetrical Workers generally accepted audi ting "tandard!>, 'lIld, accordingly.
Wa)ohington. D . C. encluded \uch teM~ of the accounting rccord~ and !>uch
other ll uditin!! procedure~ as we eon\idercd neccs)oary
Gentlemen : in the circulIl)otance;'.
We have eXimllned the accounts lmd records of In ollr opinion. the accompanying l'xhihils present
Inlernational Brotherhood of Electrical Workcrs for fairly the assets and liabilities of International Brother-
the fisca l year e nded June 30. 1972. and suomi! here- hood of ElectriC'11 Wo rl e r~ .. ~ at J une 30. '972, ari!.ing
with the foll owi ng ex hibit.!. <lnd ~chetluJe: from cu,h tran.sacti()n ~. and the cal.h rccc ipt~ and uis·
bur<;elllents made by it during thl! Ibeal year then
Ex.hibit " A" -Statement of A!.scts and Li- ended on a basis consistent with that of the preced ing
<lbi l iti c~ fi senl yeM.
A)' llt J une 30, 1972. Respectfully ,uUlIlilll.:u,
Exhibil " 0 " -A naJy ~i, of Fund A ccounts \VAn~ 1' KI.NOIU CK & COMI'A"I¥
For the Fisc'l l Year Ended By Wayne Kc ndrid
June 30, 1972. Certified Public Aecount;ent


1"\ n: R~A 'ltON A L IIRQTJlt: RIlOOD 01; t~ I.t:C"I RI CA t \\ OR Kt: RS

\\AS III"\C,TO"\ . 1>. c.
STATntF."\T OF ASSllS \"\1> U \lUUTI ES
AS AT JI Il\ t: 30. t972

Gi'NE RAL AND Oft ll R 1 UN!)<"
(!I.. h
On Der>O"it (Includinl,! lime Dt:rosil_) 11.0:'0,)86.87
Undcpo~ilCd Receipl, 2 10.997W
KelU rneJ Chcd\ .
Vice·l're .. idcm,' and DireclIlr,' 01lke I\ccollnl~ t 17.700.00
Office I lind SO.OIl
I nve\lmcnl~ (AI BOllI. Vullle) (S<!c NUlc)
("nrp()r!lIc \Iocl. .. S <l66.-16~.9U
Bond~ . 2J9S.8-18.7.~
Notes R eceiv;thl ~ Sccured by Relll hi ate IIJJltl.087,61
NOlc~ Reccivahlc Securcd DY ('()!lntentl S28.0()O.OO
Claims Under FcJeMl1 lIoll,ing AJmini.lra:u.m
I.olln Gtlllranlee\ I. B<I.79 22.602.7S7.0S
~~\I« Rccci\ahlr-Orhrr ., .... ,. 15-1.601.72
Loan~. Ad\ance~. :lnd Ot:'po"il\ {Sec Nold 13.2010111
Fli rnilUre an d I quiplll('ni (Nc!) (Sec NOle) 615,924.61
Omce Uu ildinlt (See NOle) . , 11.1178.677. 16
Ad\·anceo.. for 1 iddilY Bond Premium, for l.('Cal Union~ 9.5<9.29
Ad'au',;e 1<1 I lcdTKal Worl:cl"'l' lIencfh ~..ocinlion 8 6-l6 80
S 43,61.«1.-147.67
Amount Due Itl I 'cn~ion Benefit t und 2.560.7 15.10
TOTAt GFNFRAI AND mUIR !- UNDo; ASSFTS S -11. 12 ),7)2.57


C:l~ h
On Ot' ( Indudinl:! Time') S I D7~.9.'i~.77
Undepchilell Ih'Ceipl~ WO.t10
tklll b)" M urt ~:,gc
Curre,pondenl t 00.00 S 12.176.445.77
tnvCSlmcnlii (At lloot.. V nlllr ) (Scc N()lcl
Corpo rate St()Cl.~ ......... , .. $ <l4 . ~o,}.582 .77
Bonds ............ .. ..... " .. , ..... . 12,213,996.29

18 tBEW J .... ...,ol

NOle~ Rccc:hable Secure\! b) Keal htllte IOfI,990. l j 1.47
Claims Under Federal H ou~ing Administration amI Vetera n,
Adnlln.,uat10 n Loan GuarantCtl 17. I 43.!iS
Note~ llecehab l~onMruction Loan Ad\ances ............ . 8.024.63$.$6
Rental Equipment (Nel) ................................ . 40. 126.27
Real EMRtl: (Ncl). . .................................. . 16.861.618. 17 211.127.2~-I . 08

Amollnt Due from Ge neral amI Other Funds ................. . 2.560,71!-. IU

T OTAL I'FN!)ION BFNFFIT .. UND ASSFTS .................. . 126.06-1.4 14.95

TOTA L ASSFTS .............................. . S~61.188.1-I1.5:!

Thi ~ statcnu,'nt i~ ,ubjecI to the footnotes ,hown on this 1':'8<'


U Rbilitie~
Railroud Uncmplo)mcnt I ll";~)S~Cm Councils s IM.2-1
Emplo)'ec~' Salary ])edIlCIl0n\
R:lill'tlad Retirement T :.,,; $ 43.23-1.02
Call1l<li:m Retirement raxe~ 216. 16
Brotherhood Rdircrnent ~6.0111.62
Wlthhulding raxe, 59.901.94
Olher . 1.963.111 I3I.·HlO.~1 s 131.566.1.11
Fund ACCOllnllo-i--rom F\hit-oil "H"
Gcner:l] hmd
R e~er\l: for 1 .000se~ on I n,e~tmcnl~ ... , ..... ,. S 11.781 1(,
Reserve for Generlll Operaling F,,;pcn,e'l 12,2'O.K6II.~~ S 32.305.6-19.1 1
Dealh Ik nefil Fund :!.611.659.34
Defense I \lnd , -
Con,enllOn 1 und 1.I14,8W.23
Military Senicc A~se_'menl Fund 15,000.00 -10,990.5 '-1.30
C;u~pcn'>C Account (Sec Note) 1 6~1..\(i
rUND A( COUNT<:!. AND 'iUSI' r N!)F ACCOUNT S -I1.1~3 ,7J2.57


I lahili,ie,
Note I'ny:,hle 10 Loca] Union ...... ,. $ 6.000,00
Good· 1 .. i,h D ~po,il o n Rcal 1·~lah.·
Purch nse nnd I ca~ch:ld AgrCCIl1CIl1 7,2~1I.00
r-scrow Dcpo~its n7, ~02, If) S tlO,7~~ , 10

Fund Accnunt- I fom F~hihil "II"

Rcsene for I o~cs on InVC,lIncnl, $ 14 .nUN.\1
Rcscne fur I'cnsiun 1'1I)1nCnh 21 r.41~.l88..\4 22S.910,6ti2.1:I.'i
AN D FUND ACCOUNT . . . . ... ,.,' ..... nfi,\I64..\J·tq~


SUSPF'i~r ACCOUI\I ~2(.7,18~,'47.52


(AS A r JU:-.IF 10. 19n)
'OTES: Thi~ \t:lIcmcrll \\:... prepared UII Ihc cash reccipt~ and dishur"clllel1h h,l .. i...
Can3dllln dull.lf' ,Ire included in the aho,c figures \\ithoul rc~ard 10 e~eh:ln~e tJitterential'
No allcmpl wa, milde 10 a~ert"in Ihe ,ufflCicncy of th e ,,,Iue of real C"!late ' Ir coJlf.H~ra l '\eI:urin~ note<> re«hllble.
L03n~, IItJ"un~C'o, and del'lO-il\ ... cre chl."CJ.w \\irh rhe detailed account'. oul ... ere nOI ecmfirmed.
t'u rmlUrc and equipmcnt i.. ~laletJ lit co~t. less procecd, of furnilurc flOd equipmenl '(lid and re~T\e for dcprecialion ac·
cumult.ted 10 June 10, 1972.
Olliec huildlOg i~ ..,:tll·1! at Cll'ot, Ics~ fe,Cf,e for depreciation !lccumuh.tcd II) June 10, 1972.
"Sll~pen'e Accounl" i, the cunlrol OecuU!1l o f the e~ce', of unlllJoctilcd reccipts from Hnd ,,'crP")r11Cnts h) loe:.] union ..
1I,,'r 3m')IInl\ due from ]"1.'111 UIl!llO~ for Illlluunts ... hich h:I\c be"n illd",Jcll in "Recelpt~ Allocaled,"
No fund, collecled frum contr:.clor~ for Ihe p3)menl of pension, lire inclu{hl in Ihi, report, 1.S 'llch fund, IIrc controlled
b)' lfUSlees in accordance whh Ihe ernplo)e('~' bencfit ag reement and lire ntll includllolc in Ihe account~ of Intem;,)liomd Urother·
hood of F '~'riclil Worker',

Nov e mber. 1972

FO R T il E I~ ISCA L YEAR ENl)Im J U~E 30, 1972

Prior Audll Report .....•.... $30.1 14,7jO.26 $2A26.9.19.04 $3.9H.S I6. 10 S j4.'i •.'i76.16 $ 2.'i.OOO.OO $209,521 , 144.28
Add :
Increase in Fund Ace-ounls
Intonlc Ree-ci pt! Alloell,eu
During Period-Fronl Ex-
hihit "C" ............. S21,SOO.5i12.ti9 S 274,531!.73 S I ,12~.4.'i~JI8 $ 710.776.99 5343,94.l.J0 $ 47.884A63.12
D i~eount~ 1m I'urthases of
Notc~ Reccivnb1c Sccurc,j
by Rc..1 F ~I"t" ..... 79.2107
Cancellation of NOie Payable
to I .oeal Unions and Olher,
(Contribution 10 Pen~ion
8enefit Fund) ..... _ . jOO.OO
Tran,fem:d from Military
Service A"c'~mcnt Fund 305,379.00
l oud ln crcn~e in Funu Ac-
cou nts _. S~ 1.I100 ..'i82.69 ~ 274,DS.73 SJ,12~,4.'iH8 $ 7 10.176.99 $343.941, 10 S 48.269.576.49
Deduct :
Decrease: in I'und Acto"n,\
Expense Di~burliemenl'i-­
From F"hibit ''C- ... SI9.~54.317.09 S 89.818Al S 40~.60S.96 $ IIU 11.92 S .18.S641O 5 31.342J16.99
Losses on Forceclosllres of
NOle! Recei\'able Secured
by Real EMatc ......... . 677.06
Transferred 10 I'cn\ion Rcne-
fi l Fu nd .............. . 105,.179.00
IkprecifLtion of Bui lding\ lind
Equipment Held us I n"e~1
ment~ .. .. . ...... . 464.06J.87
Depreei:llion of Office Build·
ing ................. . 119.61\1.6 1
I)cpre~ i n'ion of Furniture and
l' qUlpmen, ..... 60.478,21
'-OS~ on Sale of Furnilllrc amj
Fquipmcnl (Former Wa ~h­
inlton. D. C Off",,,l 7U9J. ... 6
Write-OfT of ~Ol("i Recei\ ·
ahle-Olher .. ,. 10.500.00
Adjuslf1Icnt of S'I';pcnsc Ac-
count Control to Balancc
of S ub~i!!i nr)' .. , 111.712 .77
Tolal Occrei\'Se
in Fund Aecount~ ~ 11,I .1I09.611~.2-1 $ 119.11111.-13 $ 4U<.60.~.96 , IIUIl.9:! 5341.941 Jn S ' 1.807.0.'i7,92
NI r ' .... CRFAsr IN FUND AC
COUNTS .. . ...... $ I .IJ90Jt99.4< S 111-1.720.-'0 ~19.8-19.92 $ 629.26H17 S 16A6:!.518,H
IIALANc r JUNF 10. 1972- Til
I ~hlhit "A" ..... 12.3U5.649.71 2.611.659.14 S4.117~ ..HI6.02 SI.174.819.23 $ 2.'i.OOO.OO $225.983.M2.IIS

"'-Io n s: CanOlui;1O uolla~ art" includeu in the abo\c ti[:urc, \O.i!houl rct/ar!! 10 exchange difTerentiak
Thh ~Ia'ement \O.tI~ prepareu on thr Ca," rcccip'~ an,j di'hul">emrnl~ b.t~i,

10 .8EW Journal


~"ATE;\ I E1\" OF CAS II RECEII' TS .\1\0 1) IS HUKSE.\tt: ' ,"S
FOR THE "-ISCAI. YEAK ENO": !) Jl 'E 30. 1972

CAS H BALA NC F J ULY I. 197 1_ I'er I'rim Audit Report ....... . S 24.586.096.43
Rcceipl\ Alioc:.led During Period
Income Rcceipls-To E,\hibit " 0"
General l und
Per ("a pil:I $ 1 1I .4 7.~.O 12.24
Injlial iu n 1-ee~ ... 1.1 41.611 2.20
Rein'lilh:mcnt Fcc, IJ,036 ..'i O
Relllrncd r rea\uries .. 4.433.80
" I k'<!Irical W~JrLtr" Incunle 8.00
~up p lie~ 'iah:~ . 2n.046.46
G:.i n un Redem plion of lIonds .. . . ,. , , . , , ,. 100.00
In.cre'l •..... ' .................... . I.J01.365. .'i2
Rental Inc(lme- Ollie ... Bui lding ~1I 1 .~ 1 2.6IH u )
I' r..:pay mcnl I ee~ un Nll1 c~
R ~cciv a h l e Sccurcd by Re'll
I ' 1II1e . , , 1
Income from Vc nding M al:hinc~ ... 2~!U2
Coll cclion~ in " xce~5 of Ad\·;lnc:."~ fur Fidelit), Bond f'rc·
mium\ fm I.ocal Union, 12.00
r-. l l.... cJl,.n ..:oll~ (".458.56
Total General I'und S 21.8()O.5112.69
Dealh Benefil h ind
I' n Cnpi!;! S IJ1.740.80
Intere't 111.584.10
I)i\iden" 30.945.12
S,lIe, of ("orp(lI"lIIe SIOC).. Rights 268.71
T OIa l Dealh itendi. f und ~7 . U~II.1J

Dden~c lu nd
I'er ([' P lla 5 1.I J 6.9~~.27
In'e fe" 21;11.1 44. 9 7
I' repaymenl I'e<."' "n N"tes
R<.'<!eh:.hle Secured by Real I·~,;. te 1 7~.64

T Olal Ocfcl1..c 1 und 1.32~. 4 U.811

("on\cn liu n l und

Per Cu piln 710.716.99
Mili tarv Sen' icc A"e'~ mC IH l'l1nd
I'er Cnpi ta
I'en,ion Henefi, hunl
I'cr Capiln 514.427.240.00
R cin~ I illemcn ' " <''('<; ~6.2'IO.OO
Inlere" '}.~fi4.1611. ~6
Oil,idend, 2, 1 .~h,.H12.n
Iklll;11 of Rea l " I,lIe 1.41'.426.J2
Rcnml uf F'I 11ipml'nt . ~4,1I75. M
G:ll n on Si,lc~ o f C"OfPOflI1.: ~ lOd.s 24.929.68
G,lin on Redempliun of Il ond~ . 2CO.OO
' ·t'es un N01e1 Rt't'ci\at-k
Secur.:d t-\ ReOl I hlate 149.90'-11
Sale, of (orpUrIl1e 'i.oc).. R ii:hl~ I ~.~2.uW
MI$l:cllanC'Ou, 4Il.HIO
1'01<11 I'emion Henefit I unu 47.IIK4.461.12
1'01:. 1 Income RL'4;t'iph S 72.119.160.~ I

Noniocome Receip'\
Colleclion\ on Not...,; Rccei1i11ble
Secufed by Iteal I ~IUlt S 9.2 18.671.64
Secured b} (ollateral 500.00
Con\lruct ion LUOln Ad va n",e~ 10,168.820. 10
Other . ......... ........ . ...... . 82.943.911
R ed e l11 p l iun~ o r Bond~ Woo\.: Val uc) ~.OJ<1.809. 1 2
S<l1..: ~ of Corron.le Swds (Boo\.: Val ue) ...... . ~1.2r2.5 0
"'..c row Dc~i1 s .......... ......... . .......... . 130.344.07
"leemc:.] Wllrl c.,' lJencfit A ~soc ia tio ll l' re mi.. m~ Collc..:ll'u .. . 4 , r 45.22 0 .80
Fam ily Group Colkt'l ion, .. .......... . JJ. Y<l7. 11
Oh lricI of Co lunt hia Sal t'~ T ax ColI<'<! ted ....... , .. 18.02
Railroad Une mploymcnt T ax-Syslem Cou n e i l~ ....•. . .. . . .. 4,608.06

Nonmb." , 912
Repa ), menls of Loan~. l\d ~:lncu. and ~pm.iIS .... 35,2 11.78
Colleclions of Advanc~'S for I idelil), Bond I'renllums for Local
Unions ...............•..................... 4~.7 5 6.9!l
Sellierncnls of Claims undcl' Federa l H ou ~ in g Adrninblration,
and VClcr:l n ~ AJminiSlmlion Loan Guanlnlec, ........... . 424Afi9A4
Sale of InH~\lmenl Real Emile ~5.00
5.lles of I' urnilurc and Fqlllpmcnl M.OH.IM
TOlal Nomncomc Receipts. 2"'.1}34.)65.79
TOlal Rt'(.:cipl~ AlI oc;lIcd Du ring I'cnod S 102.~14.J2il_ '0
Decrca~c in ~mpcn~ Account 2~0,737,lfithl

TOTAL CAS II RI'(' FII'TS $102 .043.51\9 .14

I'OTAL CASU A C"COUNTAlHll ry 126.629,611:'i.;'i7
r'pcn..e Di ~hLJro;emtnl~To} r ~hibit " W'
G.::nernl Fund
Per Clpitll
Amcricall FeJer:'lion o f I !lbor and C-'lI1Grc\s of hllJu'trial
Org!lnif.1IIion~ S 9 12.63 [.20
Buildin): and Construction Trade, Dejla rlnl ent 66.0()0.OO
Melal T nlde~ DcpaTlllleni . . 50.flOO.OO
Railw" y I mjllo~ce~ D ~pa rtnH.'nl 38.ROR .OO
Uninn 1 nhel and Sen-ice '1mdes Dejl:lrt ment 13.740.00
I nd\l~lrilll Unilln Dep:lrtment 1-16,-100.00
Marit ime -I rad ..... Department 6.00().OO
Canadian I al>our ConMre" .. S:!.fi50.00
ScicmiHc. I' rorc~~ional, and Cultural Fmplv}ee~ -I.ll1nO
In tcrnntionnl " ederation of Buildillg and Wood .... orlcr<i -1,079.62
InlernatiOllal \I elal Worlel'!l I cde ral ion . 2559(dO
Americun FederAtion of I "bor and Con,!!re" of Imlt"lriai
OrganiJ.Jlions N;Jlional AII~ilinries 1.000,00 S I,J21,092,1I2
Conventi,," I ~pcno;es
AmcriCIW 1 elicration of I at-ur and Con(l:re\\ of Inllu \lrial
O'~'UliJ,'Iion~ . S IIl0l!iUi4
BuildioJ( lind Con~lruction Trade~ De partment ~.81!2.06
Mclal I raJe~ Department 2.SS~.2~
Uni vn 1 ilhc-I ;trld S!fvice Tr:,de<o l)epllrtnWll1 1,-1 20,07
Jnd u~lria l Union Dcpartment 2,~4 1 .4-1
Maritime "I rade, Department 2.4111.32
("amldilln I Uh()Uf Congre,~ 707.47
Council on Indu\lri;l1 Rel:lli('n, 1)7.038.-14
Contribul ion' 10 "lational JOInl ,\pprentiee\hip and ., fainin!;
Commillec rur thc FII;'C\ri~ul I ndn~lr)' 116.2~O.OO
OrganiJing I ~[}Cnse~ 3.001._~~ 1.711
Death ("lailll,_ M cmhcr~ 5.2;'iO.OU
E ~change 71.(,1
Fxprc~\. Ir.. illhl. J)ra vage. IInJ 1'n<.tll('C .. , .. , ,. I ('1I.7I1!1.~ I
" ': 'cctricnl WlIr~cr" F ,;pen!oC~ U7!1.11 r .741
"Technlci:,n I IIgineer" I \pen-.c~ ~-I.(i~II.22
Fxpcn~<,-- I nlcm:ltionll l omcc" 2_~8.971l.71
Inlern,_tional \ icc " residenh' omcc~ \11'\I:Cn;lneou~ f'pen~t" 207. IIIU-I
U ue~, <tUh'>trlpliOn\. ConlliIJuliull\. ric. II.jI.2R2_l!fI
Actuari:11 ')crvice~ 8.2~~.O()
Audiling .. Jil.II()(l,Q()
Other Profe,sional Scrvite~ J1M.7"(1.~4
Genentl I ,;pcn\C~ ....... . 610.(,0".44
Inh!rnm ionn l Ollke Supplies 579,1!l12.2_~
T elc pho ne :lnd Telcgrnph 271:1.311.' .14
Refund s 26.R77.-I;'i
Rent nnd [ ir.hl 5!1~.-I0 1 .06{al
" cl'SOnlil I' roper,) Tat S 7,480_2-1
l'mpln)«<I S 1.740.297.~7
In ternlltinn'll OffICCN 661.000.00
R c p rc'iCnlIHi'e~ ~.~~-I.200.2~ 7.7~;'i.-l97.~:!

Chri~tma, B ()IllN~~ 16.;'i2().UO

Emplo)'cc,' Relirement and J)i ~:lhilit~ lienefih 25.011.011
("anndilln Reliremcnt Ta\c\ 2.07'>1.9'>1
Ra ilrulld Re,iremenl T;1\ 408.9::!().44
K;,ilroad Unempl0)menl T,,, nl11J.16
Contrihutiun\ 10 Inlernalionlll Ol1lccl"o. Repre'iCntllthc" ['Ie ..
Ro:rirelllcnl I unJ llu,t 415.416.65
C"o ntrihutiun \ 10 Emplo,~,' RclircmcnI Fund 1 rust . 15S.0()0,OO
Refund~ of Brotherhood Rctircmeot WiThheld fronl Canadian
I'eNonncl and Tran,milled to Kelirement Fund '1ru\t, 16.380.23
Contriblllil)n~ tn National Flectrical Benefit lund 12.77l.l6
Hospimli/ation In 511 rance :!74,938.82

., 'SEW JO"'I\(Jl
Group Insura ncc .......... . 194.8"3.39
Qlher Insurance 64.'87. 19
Loc;11 Ulllon ~uppJ les 10 1.010.06
Union Lalxh 69, 160.IJO
Nationa l Fieclrical Code Hoo ~ \ 78.900.00
In\' ...stmenl I ~pcn!ICS . 46.049,'6
,\c':l ucd Inlclc\1 I' w\II,,-cJ 8.417.)10
Mo\ing F Apcn'c~. . ....... . 23.319 ..16
F:';pc n~c\ of Ofl1ce Building {I nclud ing Sal:lriesl 579.28J.OI
Scholul'>hip" ... . ..............• 51.634.00
Total Generul l und SI9.'.Q.'11.OY
Dealh Ikncfh lund
Death (I;lim~ I tI~.625.00
In''''5Imen l I 'pcn'IC' 4.150.23
Refunds . 4,UO
Total Ik:lth Benefil Fund
Dcfell'l' Funll
Legu! F~ pcn '\"J S 193,7()0.IO
Slri ~ e A~,i~l:IOCc 3.1~0.OO
In\'c\t menl F ~pcO\c, 6.KII3.911
K cfulld~ 1.771.88
Tot;,! Dcfcll'oC ruml 40.~.60~.96
Con~cnliu n I'u nd
CI)Il~e nl i(>n F ~rcme, s MU,l75.M
R efu nd~ 1.1.1K.K.1
Total ('oillCnlitln l un d 111..'\ I 1.CJ2
\1i Jilary "icnke A~\e'''rncm l und
I'('r ("apila TII\ I',ud I '6,962.90
Refund, 1.601,20 ,
Total ~hl l l j\r) \erHce \',e"rnent FUlld lll.~6.j 10
I'en,ion Benefit l und
l'o.:mi\1O Pai d
~t.,rn l!l:" '" LI,c UniL.:"! SL"tc~ S2(j.l1<J2 . .:!CJ4.70
\' cmb.:r~ in CaMdll K21.K02,1I2 S27. 714,097 .52
Death (laml'1 2,~20.060.56
In'e'lmelll I 'pen'>C'~ ~IO.IS9JI4
!'r('mium, on Pun:hll'oC' of llonds Written·Off to 1-"p~n!>C' 114. 1~:'.!I)
,'remium, on l'un,;h;I'C\ of NOl e~ Recei\al;1le S:cur.:d b) KC;II
h l;tle Written·Off 10 I ~pcn'>l' 8.723.04
Accrued Inlefe'l I' ufehll,cd (,(,.6411.02
I nle l'e~1 on Nllle~ I' llyahle to I tICa l Union :lnd Olhel' 414"'5
,.!,:di.:ul I- 'mmination~ 4.160.00
Rcflllld, tflO.7.J t .60
Adminl~,r:l1i\'c I'\pensc,
Ofti..:e F mphl)ce~' Slllnnl'~ s \(,7.(,11 ..\6
itllilroad it eli rcnlcnl 'I :l~ 42.476.5'1
it :lilrn:ld UncmpIO)lIlc n\ 1:1\ 15.505.99
I\ clllarl:ll Scr\icc~ 13.0711.00
Pri nling. ~lI[Jrlic~. n ,· 13.221.97
Rent 41 .0411.00(a)
TOIIII I'<:nsion Ilenctit Fund S'1. 42J I6.99
TOtal F 1i~",e D i.bllr'>Cmenl~ S51.5 12.116.49
Nonexpcn'\e Dlsbul'!>Ctncnl~
I' urc h:l~~ of No\c~ Reccivahle
Sc.'cured h)' Rcal FsIUIC
CFw:c Val ue) S I 9.15.j.499.2~
l .cs,:
DI'>Counh Reec h 'ed on I' urch ao;cs 79.2.'4.17 519.075.264.1(11
Ad\ance~ on Con'tructlon Loan. 10.110. .'177.9 1
Olhel"1i ." , 12.(:00.00
l'urcha'>C~ of Corpor:lle !SIOC~~ .. ~,)77,J96.09
P urcha'>t~ uf nond' (F\cluSl\e uf l'remium~1 1O.609.716.2~
Electrical"\· Bcnefil A~sociatklll Premium, Remmed or
Ad, anced . .. . ..... . 4.1i9~.898.00
Rernillu nee o f Inlcl'c" Collected lur ~Iectrical \\ orl.:efs' Renctil
Ao;socialion ............. . 1.250.00
Family Group t:o ll ccliun~ Kemil1ed 33.9 19.76
D"lfiel of Columbia Sales Tu Remilled 18.02
Kallro;ld Unemp loy1\lent 1"1I,-S),\e1\l Cuuo.;ih 4.44 1.82
Loan', Ad'llnce'. nnd !)cpo<;i" . 28.]00.86
Ad vance~ of " orecIO\ure CO!>ts on Notes Rccci\able Sccured b)
Real FSlale . , 14,920.63
Ad ~lI n cc5 fo r H dclily Bund P r~lT1;u , *" fu , Lo.;al Un ion~ 1.74 ... .'10
D isbll rse m e nl ~ (rum F...:row DcpO'< ilS .... 112.2 15,]3
Add ilion 10 InVel>1 1l1enl itell l Fstllte ,. 12.300,00
Onice Bllildinll COn\ lruelion ....... . 1,550,36K.02
Purc hase-l of l- urnilU re lind Equ ipment .. . 3 10.5 60,'0
Repa ym en ts of NO I e.~ 1'1i}lIble 10 Local Unions and Othc~ .. 2 3,300.00

TOlal NuncJipcn...: Di,hurwlllcnI \ .....•......•.........• . . , .. S ~ 1 .J':I 4 .1<)2..~7
S If)1 .906.3~9 t.6
Incre;,,!: In l,..nrenlllleU I mphl}CCS ~Ial) Ucduclions
TOTA l ('AS H Dl'iBURSI:-\IL .... ,S S IOl. Kn. 167.6.j
CASI·I fl \I \'CI J UN I 10. 1<)72 S :'~.757 .."i 17.9'

lal ( ;("nl:ral fund rCllt:.1 innnne Ulcludes S4U4.':I76.04 rn~IUlI~d in e\fl<!n~~ di_bur.<:mcnt\ ;1\ f,lllIm,;
General hind· Rem ilnu I igh1 s,gl.n~6.0-l
"en_ion Benelll I uml Ren1
(b) Rellc..:1mg ,*u !\htnJl,"'nl III Ihe lImOllnr of \11«.71],77 ltI I-ring ,u_p~n,e ,1~.:,lunt ,"ntrol, mhl a:rccment \-lilh b,"3n.: ... uf ,\lb.
'OlE; (an;< dol1:'I~ .Ir~ 10.:luJ:d 10 rl,C ;Ioo'e figurl" \-li!huU! re)!ard 10 c\,hant:~ d,lTa':l1!lo,h


I'\! H('\ \'1 10'\ \L IHW'I III-:RIIOOU 0 ' : ELio:('IIU(' \ 1 n OI( h I-HS
\\ 'AS III;'\Cn).' \. D.C.

C' \SJ I
\S \1' JI 'E 30. Illn
On J)~PtJ,it
Americlio ~lIIilY and' fll'l (1Impan) Wa,hinglOn. I) (
Gl'IlCrill and Olher I unu,
Vtlll,'h.'r Accoun t ~ 5~6.~1«.~,6~
,';, }'roll A~eullnl :!IJ7.Wf).j'9
Dcrcn~e 11I0l1 Aren.:\ Au:"ount t<: 1.UI
Dcath Benefil I unu Aj!enq Aecounl ~.26:!.81
( ;rrwral hmd A,:cnc} Ac~ounc 62U51 S 1162.861,.~2
PCn\illn Hencfil l und
VOII.:her Aco.:,1II11\ S 11 14 .711.31
Iknefit Account 2U~.()j().OO
A!;el\.:} AceulIn! 17.')')1[.16 l,O~7.779.47

The N .. llllllal Uun)" o f W:l\htngton. Wa_h inglon. D.C

> !.\I20.642.<)~
Gtnl.'r;tI I--und At.'('uunt . J97,807.'~
The l ir'l NMl on:.1 B un~ of \\ ;I,htn~tun. Wa)hmgton. D ,(,
Pll)r.J1I Acetlunt 400.001l.UI
I he B;IO ~ uf NU\;l ~tJl1:" l\1 ulllreul. Quch~~·. ('unnda_
Defen,e I und Account 24.61l('72
The RUll1 1 Ban)" IIf (':lOad;\ 'IOl1lre;ll. ()ut'N:c. Canad:t
Voucher Aenlllnt S 307,97.'.82
f' (Iy rull Ace,lWll . 9,7 ~ O .()() 341.7:!.\.t<:l
T he lI !1n~ of N"\i' SoI.·otia. Chrhlilw,ted. United "iuues Virgin
1>1,,0,1,- ' inle DefX"it_ (United Slale, D..lllarsl
General " lInd "\I ~.20(I.(
D:;tt h Iknetit I lUld 6·,Il.O()O.OO
Dcfcn)C hmd 2.9ll0.f)()O.OO
I','n_inn !lendil l und II O(;(l.f)O(),(1(J 1'-I.700.0t;O.tlO
The B.lIll of Nt":l "'cnli,l. "orllO[u. Onl,lrill. (:In.ld .•-Pen,:un
Benefil , lind
In\",lmcnJ\ A.:t:UUll1 S 1"7 ..\112.77
lIell~fi1 \ e,:oul1l (, fI.j 1 4\
Amal,l!amaled 'f ru,1 ;tnd "'Hmg' Bil")". Chi'''J;o. IIhn.."
Illne Deposil Death Ikndlt I unu S I ~u.n()(I.{J(l
I)crcn~e l und Acc<lIIn1 I n(),1I22.~1«
The Bm lhcrhou l <';1;111.' Ibnl "' lm\a\ ('il\. KJn~a,· I ;tth Ikr.efil
I-und \ cc;oun1
Ameri<;;m I let.:her '\ ;tlilln.\' /l .. n)" :tnd '1rll\1 ('omp;!"'. Indianap(lli\.
'1ime Delhl,il D~alh lIencfh hrnd ~ 1UO.IIW ,(l()
Pl'n~ion Benefit lu nd Aceuunt 7-t7!i2. IO IH.1~2.IO
Uni\cr--u) "-I;ttiunal B•• n)". «lllege ParI.. \I llr~I.\Ild-Tim<' DC('Oloil'
Gcn~r:ll hlild 1.'1 ,OO() ,O()
('olllinenlal Ban)" .\: r TlI'[ l "rnpall}. o\Iilwilll)"ce. Wi c,con,in_ 1 imc
DCp'"il· Ge ncml I unu I ~.O()().O(1
~li:1mi N;'II()l1~1 (If ~11 :lmi. H ori'!;t· l ime Dcpu... i[-P('n~illn
Bendil lunll 20.000.00
Unlled ('Ull1n1l1111l) Nati,l1l ul lI an\... W a, hin gtu n. D.C.-T ime Dc·

£4 IBEW Jou,n,,1
Defense !'lInd . ... .. ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . S 15.000.00
General Fund . . .. . .. . . .. . ... .. .. . . . . .. .... . 30,000.00
Banco de Ponce. Uronx. New Vorl- 'J illlc Dcpo!>ils
Death 8enefit Fund ......... . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . .. S 20,000.00
Defense Fund . . . . . . . . .. . ....... .. . ... . .... . . ...... . 10,000.00
General Fund , .... ,', . .. ... ,., ....... . ... ..... . . ...... . 10,000.00
P~nsion IkncHt hmd .. . . .. . ....... .... ' .• ... . . • ... 10.000.00 80,000.00
Held b) Mortg:lge Correspondent
"cosion lkncfit Fund
Peus;ulI lklldil Imll!. Inc .. Wa"ihin8Ion. D.C. . ......... . 100.00
Undeposilcd Rc«~ iph- Ilcpositcd During the \I onlh of Jul y. 1972
The Ro}a] Bank of Ca n~da . Montreal. Quebec. Canada
V oucher A cco unt ............... . $ 110.747 ..19
" ceoum .
" (I)Toll . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ........... . 1.50.00 $ 1 W.W 7.J9
The Bank of NOHI Scolia. T oronto. Ontario. Canada- Pension
Benefit Fund
I n\c~lmCI11~ A ccount 39(1,00 211 .387.39
Ret urned Chcd~ . 1.937.39
Vice· Prc,idculf Illid D jrcClors' Office A ccou nt ~ 117.700.00
Officc r\lnd . . . . . . ........ ..... . . ... . _ _ '0.0()
TOTAL . . ... . . . ...... . ...... . . . .......... . .. .. ... . . ... . . .. . . S23.7.'i7 ..'I 17.93
NOTF : C:IO:~d ill n do ll urs nrc included in th c ab<)\'c figurn ..... ithout regard to exchange d ifferen1 ial,.

In memORIam Prayer lor Our Decellsec/ M e mb e r,~

I II this SI'(I\(/1/ oflluml. I'giv;ng , il if I'Sfll'cially satl /0 1i.1·' ,lie IUllll es of members 11'''0 (Ire 110 /ol1Ker 11';,11 Ill'.
W elcoml' thl'm. o//r Father, illlo YOllr IIeal'ellly home 1II111 gil'e Ihem r est . Alld rememher /heir families lIlId
f r ielltll' who mOllrn Ihem. Gil'{' Ihem solact.

III !iI/ill' of lIaill lIl1(l slIDerillg. 11'1' do appreciatt! aff ,he bOlllllies YOII 'UII'c bej"/()I\'etlll/Jull 10, fur we AllOW
Ihat it is from }' O/f , our Lord. Ihm aI/ Ollr b1cssings /1ow. Alllcl/.

'\l lIltolrn n . ;'IIllnn', 1.. 11, 16 l\ lb(' r l E. EJ: non, 1..11. 212 Willi:trn Dallo n, 1..(1, :'0 1 J ohn F. Al hrt'e h1. I.. l'. 1439
O;~, S,,."mb,. 0. 1'71 Di., 04,..,17, 1'7! D,.J F.b,w • ., 1'71 1'. /) "J S .." ..",b~, 2. I!Hl

J oe E. Itt-ru n, Sr., L. If. 22 lI t'rbt>rl Go('hd, L..V. 212 Wilb ur Ilcckcr, 1,. 11, :-;0 1 ,\I ch 'i ll K l\Iu" lers, L. lI. 1139
IJi~J AM ' M,' H. 19U Oi<J A p,il17~ 1971 l),rJ Jl"1 IJ. 1'1 11 0,,,' AM ' MI' 1 1. ,~U

W ill i:un K Oli"cr, 1.. 11. 2·' J ohn II l'ncll'r~ lI n. L.U. 2 12 lI enn' ,\ JiIl"r, 1.. 11. liO I I-'rNh'rick n. MeDnnicl. L.U, 14a!1
D irJ S~"'~,,,b~. II, 1' 7~ IJ,~J A~'" fl, /971 D,.J A p,i/" 197! Ui .. J S<"/r",b~, J. "U

J Oj;('llh Kulwra. 1...11. II lI ury Heena n, I..I'. 2 12 Willi a m PO" t'r!l. 1..1'. :101 IIaz.. lllroll80ll, L.F. 1:100
0 ...01 "oIy 11. 1971 Oi.J "'" 11. "71 1J,,01 A ..... " J, 1'7 ~ ...
IJ ..J s~,." b.., I,n

J acoh C. Mohr. 1_11, 41 William Waheln, I_II. 212 {;~>orl:" , ' of{el... hur f{, 1..1!. :;0 1 nllroth~' l 'lt.ur, LU. 1:;00
OJ,J If ..... " J. 1971 O' rJ II". w", 1:. " 7~ 1) •• 01 &/"7 JI, " 71 O,~J S~,.It~,br. ,. I ,,!

Churl .. ~ U. !'ehu llz, 1_ 11. II I-~ dr.:-ar W. 1I 01l r.:-ri'\i', LV. 309 ('1:, rt' IICc Y. ,\ !le u. 1.. 11, :1:;11 1I .. II·n I!in', 1.. 11. 1500
D'rJ A ..... ,/ ~. "71 D, .. J S,p ..... br' ,. /9n /),.J A ..... " J, I, i ! /) •• J A ..... " JI , u n

Gf'ilrtW )l iII('r. I..ll. 86 i)l'ni" G. lI urtlle, I_ l ' . 3:;3 J a mt''' (Jlllld., Clay, 1•. 1 . :;:;'" .\ udrl')' S hulda, Lt'. laOO
IJr.J s.."...... ~., nil Djrol A ......' 18. ,9,1 ,),." A ..... " ~, 1'7! D"J s..~ ...... It .." 1'7!

.\l rr.'(1 Wt'lekcr, 1..11, 130 ItoJwrl J . McGinly, 1..( 1.3:13 Sli m Kilh·n. 1.. ( 1, :;:,8 S1e1la Snl1h·ulI. 1.. ( 1. 1.'.00
Dj.J A..."" 27 , 1'71 O ;.J S."'''m~e ••• 1971 /); rJ S."Umb., II . /97! Die' S." ..... btr, 19;1
Tht'ooor(' O. l J:l·1. I.. I T. 1:11 Charll'tl W. lI all~t' r, 1..1'. 128 Jam.'" II. ) Ioort'. L. t ' . :.:.", Thorna,;, Willl:kye, 1..(1. 1;.00
f)"J S~,./~ ... b~, ". "71 V i,J S~pu ... "n IJ. 19n /),~J A ..... " I! . 1'71 f)',J S ..,.'r_b" J. 1'7!

Syd l1aih'y, 1..1 1,2 12 C. B. l ·lI)'.~on, 1.. 11. 465 I.~· ""n n.·lllll .. I'~'C " . 1..1 ' , :;:;8 J ohn lIanll ll zak, L. U. 1859
D"J M., I , un O"J J .. I~ 11. /9;1 1), .. ,1 S~"tr",b" 16. IV,l 1) ..11 Aw.,,,, J. I',!

J U II1 CM Bu rrell, L. l'. 2 12 J oe Sch illi n l{, I..U. 'iiol F:urJ Sul1i'· :~n . 1..11.7 13 J. S. :lI Urjlh)" L.U . 18:;9
Di,J A, J , I~?l /);~J S.. p ...",b" H. /972 JJ irJ S,,,, .. ,,,b.. ,. 1'71 I);,J s,,.,.,,,b .. , /971

H llrry Hoy le, L.lI. 2 12 Ilt' u r i BIoI, I.. t!. aO I F;. II. l.ons ,,·ay, I..U, 11 11 Tt'(l S l r'lel('ek i. LU. 1859
nt,J / .. 1, 11, /911

No", mbtt, 19 72
Did A",i/ !I, U?l ntrJ If"."" 1', U?l Oir J A" . .. " II, 1IJ11

Safety Tips
co"t;,tIIl'd Imm pilf;C 77
Q. What is the function of the Occ upa-
tional Safety and Health Review Com-
A. The three-member Review Commis-
sion IS a wholly independent, quasi-
judicial body that reviews contested
cases of alleged \/lolaIlOns, Issues cor-
rective orders and assesses CIVil penal-
Q. The Act prOllldes crimmal penalties
for false statements. Do these apply to
both employer s and employeesr
A. Y"OJ, but as a prachcal matter the
employer usually makes the state-
ments, representations, etc., and there-
fore he would normally be the one to
be penllliz:ed.

Q. To whom would a prison term ap-

ply, if assessed as a penalty?
A. Anyone convicted of violating the
prOVISions of Sec t ions 17(e), (I), (g) or
(h) shall be punished by a IlOe, or by
imprisonment, or by both, Such cnmi,
nal sanctions are not "assessed" as
such. Rather, they may be Imposed only
after prosecution and conviction of the
person or per!O('IOs chltreNl in U S. 0'$'
!net Courts in accordance With the
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Under Section 17(e), any employer may
be prosecuted for 8 willful violation of
any standard. rule or order promulgated
uoder Section 6, or any regulation pre·
SCribed pursuant to the Act that caused
death to any employee. Section 17(e)
IS directed toward "any employer,"
which usually will be an IndiVidual, a
partnership or a corporation. In the
latter case, the conduct of business in
the corporate form will not necessarily
Immunize indiVidual officers of the cor·
poration from criminal rllspon5iblllty.
A corporate officer may be criminally
Uable for his act. though done in hiS
official capacity, If he participates In
the unlawful dd eltin:1 Ulltll,;tly, as a
principal, or indirectly, as an alder,
abettor or accessory. Such determina-
tions will depend upon the particular
facts of each case, and will necessarily
be made on a case·by·case baSIS, Sec·
tlon 17(1) makes It a misdemeanor lor JOSEPH 0, KEENAN, International Secretary
any person to gille advance notice of 1125 15th Slrep.t, N.W., Washington, O. C. 20005
an inspection, Section 17(g) is a mis·
demeanor prOVIsion relating to false Enctosed find my check (or money order) for S
statements knOWingly made. Section
17(11) pertaln5 to any pfH50n who 3S-
No. Oesired Item Number Oescription Price
saults an officer or employee of the
Department 01 labor.

Q. Who has the legal liability lor re-

porting acciden ts -th e person who
signs the form , the local manager, or a
My ling size Is: 0 (if ring is ordered) Total $
company e)(ecutive officer? Name Card No.......... _.... _..
A. The employer.
Street Address Of Box No.
Q. Is It a crim inal offense not to list a
report able injury or Illness within 48 City ............ State .................... Zip .................. .
haUl S? The abav!,lrlled I rll cln will be 1UPpllt~ anly whu the ~IO~fr .mouM nl1 Dun rem,ttla,

A. It may be, under Section 17(g). Pa,tUe .n~ uprU I thlr'lt III PII~ by t~t Intern l tlonll. All tun Ife lncluled.
~ -------------- --------------- ------
IBEW J"~"'ul
EWBA Death Claims Paid m Augu st. 1972
1.0<.1 S "rnll me ,\ mo unl Lou l Surna m e Amu "n' I..oca l Surnam e Amoun t
lI opklnl, II. I " ..
lI uegle. W. S. . "
l.Zr,().OO 369 Blai r , J, 1,:!r.O.OO I'en •. (Zl Fllttner. X. M. .. 1,250.00
1.250.00 '84 Cowling. I .. 8, .. 1.2&0.00 Pen •. (3) Ullrtnick. W. E. 1.250.00
Vernier. I •. R, " ' 1.250.00 '84 :\I)'rick, ",O. G, 1.2r,0.00 Pens (3) Mlns, R R 1,2.:-,(100

,, '" .:.
2 Long. J P. 1.200.00 ~O.~ Shea, I " 1.2:>0.00 I'en l. ('IIrIi"le. 0 1.250.00
. 'uur•• J. R, 10250.00 tZt Skruk ..... J , 1.250.00 Pena. (3' Do"'ell. C. W. 1.2.::.<1.00

,,, ....
lllon:h ni. 8 . J . 1.2;)(1.00 IZ:i Puk i n" J . I .. 1.2:;0.00 I' enl. (3) t :'gan, J . J , 1.250.00
Tuher. W. 1,2M1.00 Barne l, C, J, Kttl. A, E.

i:ellu. A.
('ullin.. F. W.
Goerlitz. W. G. ..
We bb, J , W.
I.Z r.o.OO
L.~ r, O ,(){l
I' ''" I.
Pen •. (3)
(3) I'erlmlln. J.
It~ ... ter. W. p ,

, Seh'lIlfe. J . I •.
81iIl('r. J . C
lI amm ~",. J . A.
Ihp'·ood. O. II.
I' .. na . (3)
l'~nM .
R o b~rl~on.
Rothmlln. II ,
Co (;.
lJarn ('U. J . A. G1.Iyton. A, C.
"" 1.250.00
'" 1.!!1lO.00 P~na. St ri ekm an, A, 1.21>0.00

Di eKle r , I' . S.
lIart. II, II,
~1 C<·p Il1.lm, A. II.
'~ I
" t:.
I>o,," ~n, W. J .
A~h"r .. rt. J . M.
t,2 t.(1.00
Pen~. (3)
Penl. 'b)
P"n ~.
lIu~~1. J . G.
JOlin. S r .. W. t:.
J. 1.2<;0.00

Moore. (;. \" " , ;,08 I.o"etl. W. E.
"" Allllrtl. M.
\,2 r,0.00
1.2liO.00 543 Dunkl"o. I ..
Ste\·r', ~on . (L E ..
I ,~r,o.oo
Pe n ~.
Pen s.
6) Le sli e. A. F.
Wunneckc. T,
"'" ])0"" hill' . I. '\1.
MYH~ , (0. W.
:iIi!, Ge rhart, t'. C,
:l 12.r,0
].~riO 00
I·cn ~.
Pcn ~.
(11 )
Alldrc w8. W II ,
Antle. II. A.
:-' ic hob. I). M ,
1.0"K. I .. II,
Prenllce, A, (0 .
AHen. I'. D.
A]l ard. E. ("
Allard. J. W.
Pen a.
I'en ••
(I L)
P I!
Ura)·. ;>'1. ("
,.N. M.
Co rtner, D. 8 ,
1)1I\·i •• e, "
!;ch ullZ. Jr., (" II, liS L Ead a, W. S. .....
"'" II 'H l lnJe. W. " ,
I ,2f,O.00
1,2;,0.00 5!}/i Cook,
" A.
It~u u, E.
" . 1.2iiO.00
Hi " ~ Jl ('r, I) ,
Erl ek~\Jn,
II, , I .. "
1,2fiO.00 605
lJ,u~. Jr .• W. I) , 1,2r,O,Ill) I'ena. (II) Sulli..,II•• II. J. 1.2;'0.00

"'" I. cut. K. (:.

I,U,O .OO til :1
UKrllett. II. I .. "
Mct,lIekey, I: . N.
I' en~.
( 17 )
\ '11 II I[ 0 rll. II.
Fuller. E. V,
Trout. I). )1. " , 1,2fo{l.OO 1118 ForMe)'. (;. W. 1,2;,0.110 I'e u •. (LS) Mem!ie. (;. e. 1.2;'0.00
I)lInlt·t.. ( ', E. 1.~~,o.00 1i25 Jolh.norl'. I .. C. 1.2;oIU1U I'"nl. (26) Curlin. (' . F. 1.2,,0.00
U",lmll n, C. ~; . t:.
" P hillips. W. I.
1.25(1.00 6MI 1.2;,0.410 I' ena. (26) II l1rris. W.
,,7 1.250.00
~llIriu. I .. 1 .~fj(I.oo Ilft1 I'err}' . (" W. 1.:lAO.OO ""nl. (261 Jonn. D. 1.2iiO.OO
:;S Cro uch. Jr .. W. A. 1.2(;0.00 li14 lIay u. W. J , 1.250.00 Pen,. (27) Wut. e, 1.2W.(4)
" II,
MllrKhul1., J . E.
lIa'·e"rll. II,
('olemlln, J, t;.
I'en •.
Pen •.
P"rker. G.
Th om l,son, A. W.
Ie 1.250.00
W.. ller, (; . A. 1.250.00 S~henewark. W. 1.2r.O.OO Pcn a. (:IIi) [,r man , II . I I. 1.2iiO.OO
I'II.bon, C. A,
('uu(' •• E.
1 .~MI.oo
Oli" ... (; .
Eth .. rton. II ". I..
I'~n •.
Mc J)on ald. F, 1'.
lJai!ch, II' e
!lo,,"e. W
E. R.
1,250.00 7111
Obst. I .. II ,
L)·lu. E. I)
1.2.,11 f~'
I' enl.
Pel.elJ. ~I, J
Hanke)'. C. S.

ArledKe, I)
More)', A, F,
W llhi le. II . II .
1.2',(UlO '"
f{ a,,'~, K F
~lcl)lId\.'. J.
I'fn l.
( ~ Ol
( 16)
GlIlIieh;o. J. A, " II. ].250.00
!IH It,·nlle rl. C II ,
StrnHon. II. J ,
1.2M.00 7:'\.1
71;(1 "
~[ el)""I~I. N, t:.
!'enl. 1 UI)
( 16) " bff. W . C.
Itouan. ('. I.
!UJ Wllrn,·r. II, F,
1.2;;000 7i>O
Pr att. II G.
1.2;'{J.OU I'<'n l. ( Ui) Th omnll. E. A, 1.250 .01)

Wr iKht. S A,
Ept he.lon. Jr .•
!'rAU, A. T ,
, 1.2M1.oo
Surr('UI'. T , 0.,
Gilke)·. J t:.
RoumllKoulC. F, A.
(li l l
Phillips. G.
I..~her. ,'.
Hohlell. \\' . II.
,'('ns. 15H lI a",kin$. W. II, 1.2iiO.00
' .ll il'nth,.l. A
~h !C"ir~. I" II .
I'"u~ins, II, II,
1. 2~oIl.oo
O'llhr". F. J), ,
lIul~t t. \ ' J,
U"II .. "I, W . A.
['tn l. U:r,l

1'1''' 8. (10)
Hum. \\' .
lIenn. e. I: .
\{ ~ r ·\OI(I~. (" E.
1:10 M"c(l lu a", 1', II. 1.250.011 UulhlT.l, IL S. I.:!r.().no f'cn l. nUl ](IIYII.ond. II , II , 1.250.00
1:11 ""lleUIC, F. J , 1.250.00 Rtil El ie. J. I', I. ~lill.oo Pen K. (11)
1:1 1
1:1 1
"u,.,h),. M, ~: .
1'" !fOr,,, .... A, J
!o!HIII. F, 1',
Erwin ,
". E.
Uel" ·\.'s, T , 1'.
EJd...,dl,"~, E. 0.
1 ,~liO.OO
l'"nl. (11-1 )
['en l. (1I1l)
Pen s. (80)
Chllrl edo n. J.
1.lIwRo n. J . ('
norm"n. I .. II.
\'oun!:,. G. D , 1.2!\Q.OO
1:11 SlrllnKenu.lI. II, 1.250.00 !l68 Th orn, D, I .. 1.2r.().00 Penl. (Ilr,) J) l'lIni •• E. \.250.00
I:\ti York. It ~:. 1.2.~0.00 !I.i!) :O:e",II)" , W . J . t.2r.O.oo Pen s. (9111 I l iJtleb rllnll. 1.', 1.000.00
11: I Cuteh. J. J , ..... I.~,;O,OO IOU2 I1nrll ~" •• I). 1,2r'().no 1'1'118. (!III) Hodca. F A. 1.250.00
Illd 1I,·IIl"l:'rr, (;. ... . fi~fi .OO 1011 QUlin. W. 1.2GO.01) l'en M. (10:!) Wil son, II . 1.2fiO.00
e, .... )\ !iil ])0)' 10,. A. A : ..... (lo:n
.\I1I1 <'r.
nt','d, \" "
An,lcrsnll. J . W·.. ·
T,,,,,,kll. M.
!.Adner, II F,
Crisp. G. J.
t'"lely. T J
J,·n8I'n. t;, (),
].250 (II)
:!11 ll .. nl(old. 1', A. 1.2!i0.00 124!1 ;>.".lIen. C K 1.2;;0.1111 I' enl. ( 11 0) ('ola;1:)·. E. 1.251).flll
213 )lacE.. chun. O. J. It!!i.oo 1253 Shtl'n. II. A 1.25IUII) I'enl. (110) ~;ntruJ>. J. II , 1,2:,0.00
2:10 $iorl'n~('n, II . 1.. 1.2:;0.01l 12111, $iieg.·.ld, S. C. I.~:;t) (,0 (110, ~·orl!'a. p
" (>111. 1.2:;0.00
;>'1 ~~ A d"m. J. \\'. 1.2!iO.OO 1 :l0~ Fi ah('rt>·, W. T 1,2:;0,00
1:17.1 " tna. (i 12\ ['rr.>". )1. 1.250.00
2r. 1 ' ·\ol·lIl1nll. Jr .. A.J. 1.21\0.00 ~Iay. n. ~, ) ,:!;,n.uu
27 1 II , ] 12~j Harold. I ', e.
I'cn a. (112) \\" ill~m"n, G. II. 1.2;,0.110
lIud.l. 1.20',0.00 1 ,~!iO,()() Pens. 41211 MIII'n. E. I' 1.251'-00
2811 Ed,.dn):lon. " J. M.. 1.250JHl 142!i Steml'lIf'}·. C. K. ~tt , 1I I'CII~. (121) !-;hirJda. c: , M. 1.2;-.o.IH)
:H) ~
I .u~i .. ".
)lMrrt'lt. II.
I' rid"y. n. J.
n. A, " , 1\33.33
1 ~r. 1
Allen . II J .
W olf\'. J, Ii:
~·re,.. U t;.
\.2511 f~)
Pen •• fI~J\j
I'ena. (1251
Mll r ker. II
1'lIrr)·. C. II ", 1.2;>O.f~j
"en~. li2lil Stoppt'r. G. J 1.250.hO
1.~OI I.e"·,~. 11 t:.
~chAlrn .. r. (;. C,
1.~ .... I J.
\{ o~l', II . J.
Hennctt. J 0
$imith. \' A.
1 .~:'(jJH)
"('nl. (I:'~l
Pl'n~. 1\:111
I·en~. (U ~ l
Ioie,..bill. (' II
\liller. J. E.
\l"ker. C. E.
:l2/j f1 rt'f'ler. It. C .... 1.2;;0.011 Th om .. ~. II A, 1.2MIIH) I'l'nl. 11311 B... rI!'Jeren. t :. 1.2fo(l,0I1
:llI2 llM.-hl. It. A •.• .• \,~.jO.OO l!}fi9 Gooch. 0, II . 1.2"').00 l'enl. (!:)Il ( ;allllgh\'r. I: . 1.2:;000
336 (;rulrk. T. J. :11::.r;0 10. (1) Gory. n
Thnml'fton. F'. J.
ChR I'mRn. It. J . "
F..... k ..... II, E. " ,
1 ,~50.oo
1.0. (14(11
I.n. (H21
1.0. (~I:!l
lIit('nour, ('.
RickNI. J . n, ", 1.2511.00
I' ... n~.
I'en •.
11:1 11
f13 ~ 1
[I "oninll'~cn,

!la ker. A
~1I11('r, W. J .
1.0. (jll)
Hulel. T II. "
It,... o. II F.
].2r,0 011
I'en~. 11:111
I'.. n~. 0:111
\lall'('8th. S. J.
\llIlnnc}·. T ,
~1,", ' I" rr,
,·I ... ld,. J. F, " C 1,:>;,04141
1.0. (!1~2)
1.0. (!3nn\
!l oj,k ;II '. W ,
!\O!ebmU llh. "r:.
1.2r, I) .00
l'elli. ( 1 ~4\
l'fnH . 0:11 )
HinKlllr .. ntl. T ,
ReHi ng, J . L ,
:1/i1 (;~ri~. ,I, ,I. 1.2M flO 1.0. (lr;3~) C'hllmp~nc. e, 0" 1,2r, 0.00 l'en ~. (I.~~ \ Street. C, I). 1.250.0{J
' 07 " rlu, G. IL 1.2r.0.00 l'~nl. ( Il !'eters, J , II, 1.250 .00 I'en l. (1~ 4 \ Webb. J. \\' . .... 1.2::'0.00

N .. ~ . mbe. , 1972
Local S ur Amo un t I..o<:al Sur name Amount L. " I Su r name Amo u nt
P ens.
P en,.
P en •.
P en.
( U 6)
1 6~)
W ootl " n. D.
I'rlnee, G. H.
W,llon. II . G. . .
a,lIr, A........ .
hnowski, J . C.. .
Gumble. J.P . .. .
Smith. II. n.
I'e nl. (49~ )
I'e n •. (494 )
I'UB. (500)
I'ena. (501,
I'ens. (1i43)
P en •. l(61)
I'enl. (561)
J Hcger, E. C.....
J allcnski, C.
Cieuynlkl, A . . •
Deeke r . W . J ....
(. ro,'e!, W. I•.
Cha rtrand, t: . • ;.
Dallti. G .••...•••
P enl.
1' .. 0'.
I'en •.
I'en •.
( 1037)
(1 14 1)
L i" ~III1Y,W.
F unde r bu r k, F. . .
K ite, ;\1.
Gronadahl. O. C.
McDonl]d, G. W.
Crox ton. G. C•..
W ilmoth. II . C • ••
I'enl. 19 1I Breehner. H. C... 1.250.00 Pen •. (561) ;\l ul:"illlon, R . . . 1.2&0.00 Pen •. (I 14j) Aughf}·. H. C. ... 1.2r'().00
Pen •. (212) Reenan. II . 1.250.00 Pena. (568) Robillartl. A . . . . 1.:noO.oo I'enl. (I~'i)8) Smith. J. F. I.Z5O.OO
I' enl. (213) Andenon. R. 1,250.00 Prn •. (617; John.on. If. I... . 1.250.00 I'en •. (IZ49} AI.millo, W. M. 1,250.00
l'l'n,. (239) henon. I'. A . . . 1,250.00 Pens. (595) Behringer, I .... . I.Z5O.00 !'en •. (1319) \'olansk}', G. .... 1.2:,0.00
Pen •. (243) fletcher. F. L . . . 1.250.00 I'ens. (596) 0 11 1.. , B. t:..... . 1.:!r;0.00 I'ens. (13;)S) need, J. ,........ 1.250,00
I'el\l. (2~f,) {·unninghllm. N. 1.250.00 I'co •. (595) Smith. J . n.... . 1.2t,O.OU Pens. (1369) \'crmeullen, G. .. 1.21i0.00
Pen. (~Hi) Winzenried. II ... 1.2r.(I.00 I'cnl. (604) Fritchie. I.. . .. 1.:!50.01J I'en~. (l377) Au]t. J . D. \.26(1.00
Pens. (246) I'oe. II 1.:'.i000 "t.n.. (fila 1 !'hillip• . 11. B... 1.!!iIU.oo ,'enl. (13ii) Kleinman, S. ,.. . 1.2<.0.00
Pen. (Z;;21 Bun.n, J. V. . . . 1.2.i0.00 I'.. nl. (613) \\'illillmB. G. W. 1.21Xl.OO I'enl. (U84) WlTner, W. II . .. 1,260.00
Pen •. (280) ('.rll!)n. L ...•••• 1.2,,0.00 Pens. (613) Wilsoll. J. G. 1,2M.00 I'enl. ( 1501) While, B. I). 1.:1..0,00
Pen •. (::92) Ullncl, C. C .... 1.2(i0.OO I'eo •. (617) O'Connor. C. M. 1,250.00 1'1''''. (1(20) 5YJ)nie,,·,ki. W. ,. 1.250,00
Pens. (291i) Ne"'bent, II. ].260.00 I'en •. (6371 Scxto n. E. 1'. 1,21i0.00 Pen •. (1596) Schaefer, J. I' ,. 1.250.00
I'en. (301) Marlinek, S. A.. . ].!?IiO.oo PliO'. (649) W hitlock. H. :'01. 1.2,,000 Jlen,. (l7MI) ~]nughtcr. C. I.. 1.2:;0.00
Pen •. (306) .·olter. G. W . . . . ].250.00 Pen •. (6;'9) Co l by. G. A. 1.:!IiO.OO I'en •. (1178) Kentlhncr, 1'. B... 1.250.00
Pens. (3081 t:ubank. 1'. C. 1,2f.O.00 I'cnl. (659) Salley. III. J. 1.2!i0.00 l'en8. [l98~ 1 Finn, E. B. 1.250.00
Pen •. (310) CUller, J. S. 1,2r.(I.00 I'ens. (660) Conlan. f:. I', 1.260.00 I'en~. (2066) I)cpuma, 1'. J. .. 1.2r.0.00
Pens. (:117) f!lIIl l/er, W . S. . . 1,2,,0.00 Pen!. (~72) I" unbert, I. F:. 1.2r;0.OO PenR. (1.0.) Adria,,"on , L. J. 1.2~0.OO
Penl!. (~47) lIo~I<'I' T. I) . . . . 1.~r.O.OO l'en~. (Sill) W ~II\"cr, J. D. .. 1,2r;O.OO I'l'''~. (1.0.) H"r~lq" I I. ..... 1.2[,0.00
Penll. (3HI) llU1I1 ortl. R ••••• I.zr,o.oo I'en •. (702) C "lIinB, 1'. S . . . . 1,~IiO.OO Pcn". (1.0.) (',,,n. ~;. J. 1.2Ml.00
"cnl. (3 411) IInnlen. II. C. . . ] .250.00 Penl. (703) Lonlt'. J. ~'. 1.21'>0.00 I'en~. (1.0.) Erickson. J. .... 1.2r.o.00
Penll. (3:;n ~Iltchcll. A. 1.2M.0Il Pen •. (704) Zoller, G. 1.2f,O.OO l'en •. II.O.) Fair. F. E, 1,250.00
Pc" •. (:lli~) Clark~tonc. C •.. 1,2:'0.00 PCIII, (716) McKin"~y. II . n. 1.2f>f1.1lO I'cn •. (1.0.) Gill~"J>ie. I). C. 1.250.00
PC,,". (lII'~1 I.IIUl/hll 'l, J. ~: .. . I,Z50.00 J>~II~. (716) M,,~hlcnIJ, J. 1'. 1,::;,O.UO l'l'tlll, (1.(J,1 l ;ouICI. J. 1': •••. , 1,200.00
I'<,nl. (~(;:: Bush, 1'. L ..... . 1.2;;0.00 Pcn •. (721) (;aston. D. L. 1,21'.0.00 I'c" •. (1.0.) H IIIl. O. D. .. 1.2!iO.OO
Pens. (3C,4' ?luke. J. I.. 1.250.00 I'cnl. {7231 :'oladd .. n, J. 2M).IHI I'cnft. 11.0.1 Jl all! .. n. A. ..... 1.2.iO.OO
Pens. !:If,!l) Pell)". J. E. .• 1.250.00 Pcn •. (724;) Ih.bertson. n. 1,:!:.o.IJO I'CIII. (I.O.) lIartcr, O. 711.2!1
Pen.. 31;111 ~ho"'nller, J. I.. . 1.2r,o.00 Pcns. (734) IIArris. n. II. 1.:!IiO.OO l'l'n •. n.Il.1 11 8n·ty. L. J. ],250.00
Pen.. 3771 McBri~n. C. S . . . 1.250.00 l'en •. 116"{1 Whluel!. W . I.. J ,2M.IIO I'cu. (1.0.1 119r~~. 1'. V. 1.2:'.0.00
Pen~. 400) ('11I~·lQn. F. G ... . 1.250.00 Pen •. (7731 Dodgc. K. U.... 1.250.00 Pen •. (1.0.) !l icke)·. J. 1'. 1.250.00
I'en •. nOU) Ayrc . E. 1.250.00 I'ena. (773) Herdman. A. I.:!iill.oo
1Jl}·lhe. G. ~'. 1.2[,0.00 I'enll. (1,0.) Jlub~r. W. F. 1.2,,0.00
l'en •. (412) lIinriehs. J. C. 1.2,.0.00 I'en!!. (17m
I>ens (H~) ~rhoh .. r, f: .J 1.2;.0.00 Pcn. (799) "Iein. A. II. I.Z:.6.OI) l'.. nl.II.U.) "refft. 1', W. 1.250.00
Pen. (1117) Pcnn. (1.0.1 IApioe... P. 1.2;,().00
I'en •. U16) Thoml •• On. F. J. 1.250.00 "ortright. I.. A. 1,2t.f1.00
I' .. n •. (8H) Garret!, n. A. 1,250.00 l'cnR. (l.0.1 :'olad·lIr1anc. T. 1.2;;0.00
" .... "1. (128) Shirr. J, 1' .... 1.250.00 Pen •. n.<J.) :'o l eArdlc. G. 1.2[,0.00
I'cns. H~'!I) Ilacr. F. J . 1.2;;0.00 I'l'n •. (8&0) Ilamil\on. CO. G. 1,~50.00
I'CIIR. (J.O.) Ne>rqui"t. n. A. 1.250.00
I'enk. (4~'!I' I)rak .. , t:. II ..... 1.2,.0.00 Penl. (8.,)S) li caly. C. J. 1,U,o.OO
Jlenl. H~>9) Knight. J. II. 1.2:.0.00 !'I'n .... (1I601 Wilson. I. A. 1.:!~9.!l() I'en •. 11.0.1 !'.It. G. 1.2W.OO
Penl. (flf;5) ;\Iuhiu, H. J. 1,2;;0.00 Pen. (1.0.1 Re>u. J. t'. I.Z:.o.00
Pen •. (,:!!I) ~o ... el1, F. K ... . 1.250.00
Pens. (435) Oliver, G. J . . . 1.000.00 I'enl. (87fj) (;riglb}·. I). A. 1.2f.o.00 I'enl. 11.0.) Ruddock. ~:. A. .. t.250.00
I'enl. (H9) ~nlith, E. \'. 1.2,,0.00 Pcn •. (l1l!9) )Iartin. A. It . . . I.:!;;O.OO l'e.lll. ( 1.0.1 Hun}"lIn. O. E. .. 1.2;.0.011
Pen •. H5!!) Dickert. 1'. 1\1 . 1.2.. 0.00 Pen •. ISS9) Wllile. C. B. 1.:!r.O.OO I'~o •. 11.0.) Sheppard. ~:. 1'. 1,2;,0.00
P"" •. (4741 Mc(·.,... er. 1-'. I .. 1.2;;0.00 1"0'. (914) A ilken. D. J 1:'liO 00 Pen.. (1.0.1 Shomllkcr. n. I..:!,',I).OO
Pen. (417) lJo}·d. n. ('. 1.250.00 I'ens. (9321 Canne>n, T. J . . . . 1.2;.0.00 I'tn •. 11.0. I ~hukf'r. A. 1'. ... I,Z60.IH)
Pens. (479) (·rtl .... el!. G. II. 1.250.00 I'ru. (!H9) Bum.n. A. J. I,:!r.c).oo I'enl. (I.().I 1'herrirn. I.. I.. 1.2.i0.00
Pen •. USI) JaniU. K. L . 1.2fiO.00 I'cnl. (949) (,laude, II ...... . 1.2,.0.00 Pen •. 11.0.1 1'hon'plon. G. C. 1.250.00
Pcn~. ( I ~:t\ HCJ)hol~. It. n . . . 1,2Ml.OO Pen I. (949) Steen. J. n. 1,2r;0.00 I'en •. ( 1.0.1 \"ogt. I.. J. 1.2;;0.00
Pcn •. ( 4ll4) F r cuck. W. F .. 1,2,,0.00 I'enl. (963) Melcher. It. 1,2;'0.00 P"". (1.0.1 Webe r , (,. M. ,. 1,2;,0.00
1'01'AL I'AnU::\ T5 $:;23.773.:!]

ADDRESS NAME ................................................................... _ ............. I
NEW ADDRESS .. _...................................................................... ..
BrotheT1, we want you PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO.
to have your JOUR.
NALI When you have CA RD NO
III •• • •••• _ , ... ,~ ... "h 1.... 1 u.,,,.)
a chango of address,
please let us know. OLD ADDRESS
Be sure to Include your
old address and pl,ole C"r Z;" Cod.
don't forget to flll In
L, U. and Cord No.
This Infotmolion will If YOU HH[ CHANCED taCAl UN I ONS
b, helpful In checking W[ MUST HAVE NUMHRS fJf BOT H
and keeping our rec·
ords straight. Mail To: Circulation Department
InlernJtional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
1125 15th Stree~ ItW., Washington, D. C. 20005

. IS EW J"."nol
for o
Journeymen t , r

Wiremen (

Fundamentals of Motor Control (Code J-l)

Theory I (Code J-2)
National Electrical Code (Code J-3)
Blueprinl Reading (Code J-4)
Theory II (Code 1-5)
Fundamentals of Vacuum Tube Eleclronics (Code J-6)
Fundamentals of Process Control and Instrumentation
(Code J-7) I
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Eleclronics (Code J-8)
Sialic Control (Code J-9)
For informati on about how you can enroll in a Journeyman's

----- Course, conta ct your local Joint Apprenticeship and Training

Committee or the office of the Director of the NJATC.

- --

•- -

G --- -- ----
-= - .
~- -:-

l=-- • 8


Q ~- ~_

" I

-- --
-- :::::...
, -:=
-= -'
-I 01- {

8 = 0 ~

During 1972 more than
14,000 accidental
deaths occurred on the
job. The loss in
earnings to the
stricken families and
other resulting
hardship!> would be
difficult to calculate.
This November, in the
month of our national
elect ions, let us each
resolve to cast our own
pe rso nal vote for
safely, not only on the
job, but in our homes.
Through close
attention and
adherence to

On the Job established safely

practic es at our places
of employment and in
our homes, we can

••• in the Home make a significant cut

in accidental deaths
and injuries. Vote
safety this November
and every month .


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