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Ear lug........................................................................................................................................................................1/10

Ear lug

Geometry Inputs

Attached To Shell
Material A36
Length, L 120 mm
Width, B 84 mm
Thickness, t 12 mm
Hole Diameter, d 27 mm
Pin Diameter, Dp 20 mm
Diameter at Pin, D 84 mm
Load Angle from Vertical, φ 0°
Has Brace Plate No
Size, tw 6.35 mm
Reinforcement Pad
Width, Bp 136 mm
Length, Lp 100 mm
Thickness, tp 8 mm
Weld Size, twp 6 mm
Weld Length, L3 80 mm

Intermediate Values
Load Factor 1.5000
Vessel Weight (new, incl. Load Factor), W 8,545.7 kg
5.4 kg
Lug Weight (new), Wlug
Allowable Stress, Tensile, σt 148.8 MPa
Allowable Stress, Shear, σs 99.2 MPa
Allowable Stress, Bearing, σp 223.2 MPa
Allowable Stress, Bending, σb
Allowable Stress, Weld Shear, τallowable 99.2 MPa
Allowable Stress set to 1/3 Sy per ASME B30.20 No

Summary Values
Required Lift Pin Diameter, dreqd 16.4 mm
Required Lug Thickness, treqd 9.39 mm
Lug Stress Ratio, σratio 0.28
Weld Shear Stress Ratio, τratio 0.39
Lug Design Acceptable
Local Stresses WRC 107 Acceptable
Maximum Out of Plane Lift Angle - Weak Axis Bending 3.75°
COMPRESS recommends a spreader beam be used to prevent weak axis bending of the top lugs.
No consideration is given for any bracing plate from the lug to the vessel.

Lift Forces

Fr = force on vessel at lug

Fr = [W / cos(φ1)]*(1 - x1 / (x1 + x2))
(8,545.7*9.8) / cos(0)*(1 - 1,800/ (1,800 +
= 41,902.6 N
where 'x1' is the distance between this lug and the center of gravity
'x2' is the distance between the second lift lug and the center of gravity

Lug Pin Diameter - Shear stress

dreqd = (2*Fv / (π*σs))0.5

= (2*41,902.6 / (π*99.2))0.5 = 16.4 mm

dreqd / Dp = 16.4 / 20 = 0.82 Acceptable

σ = Fv / A
= Fv / (2*(0.25*π*Dp2))
= 41,902.6 / (2*(0.25*π*202)) = 66.69 MPa

σ / σs = 66.69 / 99.2 = 0.67 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Tensile stress

treqd = Fv / ((D - d)*σt)

= 41,902.6 / ((84 - 27)*148.8) = 4.94 mm

treqd / t = 4.94 / 12 = 0.41 Acceptable

σ = Fv / A
= Fv / ((D - d)*t)
= 41,902.6 / ((84 - 27)*12) = 61.26 MPa

σ / σt = 61.26 / 148.8 = 0.41 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Bearing stress

treqd = Fv / (Dp*σp)
= 41,902.6 / (20*223.2) = 9.39 mm

treqd / t = 9.39 / 12 = 0.78 Acceptable

σ = Fv / Abearing
= Fv / (Dp*(t))
= 41,902.6 / (20*(12)) = 174.59 MPa

σ / σp = 174.59 / 223.2 = 0.78 Acceptable

Lug Thickness - Shear stress

treqd = [Fv / σs] / (2*Lshear)

= (41,902.6 / 99.2) / (2*30.41) = 6.94 mm

treqd / t = 6.94 / 12 = 0.58 Acceptable

τ = Fv / Ashear
= Fv / (2*t*Lshear )
= 41,902.6 / (2*12*30.41) = 57.41 MPa

τ / σs = 57.41 / 99.2 = 0.58 Acceptable

Shear stress length (per Pressure Vessel and Stacks, A. Keith Escoe)

φ = 55*Dp / d
= 55*20 / 27
= 40.7407°
Z = 0.5*(D - d) + 0.5*Dp*(1 - cos(φ))
= 0.5*(84 - 27) + 0.5*20*(1 - cos(40.7407))
= 30.92 mm
Z1 = 0.5*D - sqr(0.25*D*D - (0.5*Dp*sin(φ))2)
= 0.5*84 - sqr(0.25*84*84 - (0.5*20*sin(40.7407))2)
= 0.51 mm
Lshear = Z - Z1
= 30.41 mm

Lug Plate Stress

Lug stress, tensile + bending, during rotational lift:

σ ratio = [Ften / (Aten*σt)] + [Mbend / (Zbend*σb)] ≤ 1
= [(Ftop(α)*sin(α) ) / (t*B*σt)] + [(6*Ftop(α) *L*cos(α) ) / (t*B2 * σb)] ≤ 1
41,902.6*sin(90.0) / (12*84*148.8) + 6*(41,902.6)*120*cos(90.0) /
= 0.28 Acceptable

Weak Axis Bending Stress

Maximum lift cable angle from vertical θ = 3.75°

σb = M/Z = (F*sin(θ)* L1) / Z

F*cos(θ) = 0.5*W => F = 0.5*W / cos(θ)
θ = arctan( (2*σb*Z ) / (W* L1) )
arctan( (2*163.68*(84*122/6) ) /
θ = = 3.75°
(83,805.1*120) )

Weld Stress

Weld stress, direct and torsional shear, during rotational lift:

Direct shear:

Maximum weld shear stress occurs at lift angle 90.00°; lift force = 41,902.6 N

Aweld = 0.707*tw*(2*L3 + B)
= 0.707*6.35*(2*80 + 84) = 1,095.43 mm2

τt = Flug*cos(α) / Aweld
= 41,902.6*cos(90.0) / 1,095.43 = 0 MPa

τs = Flug*sin(α) / Aweld
= 41,902.6*sin(90.0) / 1,095.43 = 38.25 MPa

τ = sqr( τt2 + τs2 )

= sqr( 02 + 38.252 ) = 38.25 MPa
τ / τallowable = 38.25 / 99.2 = 0.39 ≤ 1 Acceptable

Pad Weld Stress

Direct shear:

Maximum weld shear stress occurs at lift angle 90.00°; lift force = 41,902.6 N

Aweld = 0.707*twp*(2*Lp + Bp)

= 0.707*6*(2*100 + 136) = 1,425.31 mm2

τt = Flug*cos(α) / Aweld
= 41,902.6*cos(90.0) / 1,425.31 = 0 MPa

τs = Flug*sin(α) / Aweld
= 29.4
= 41,902.6*sin(90.0) / 1,425.31

τ = sqr( τt2 + τs2 )

= sqr( 02 + 29.42 ) = 29.4 MPa

τ / τallowable = 29.4 / 99.2 = 0.30 ≤ 1 Acceptable

WRC 107 Analysis

Height (radial) 12 mm
Width (circumferential) 84 mm
Length 80 mm
Fillet Weld Size: 6.35 mm
Located On Shell (80 mm from top end)
Location Angle 0.00° and 180.00°
Reinforcement Pad
Thickness 8 mm
Width 136 mm
Length 100 mm
Weld Size 6 mm

Applied Loads
Radial load, Pr 0N
Circumferential moment, Mc 0 N-m
Circumferential shear, Vc 0N
Longitudinal moment, ML 586.6 N-m
Longitudinal shear, VL 41,902.57 N
Torsion moment, Mt 0 N-m
Internal pressure, P 0 kPa
Mean shell radius, Rm 1,795 mm
Design factor 3

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the lug edge

γ = Rm / T = 1,795 / 18 = 99.7222

C1 = 48.35, C2 = 46.35 mm

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / T =0 MPa

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*T) =0 MPa

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = 25.11 MPa

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±414 MPa

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = -1.5 MPa
Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1.5*S = ±207 MPa

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the lug edge per WRC Bulletin 107
Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 21.5937 0.0263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 18.9449 0.0266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0.2251 0.0267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0.1694 0.0267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 1.1796 0.0266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1A 0.101 0.0285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3B* 4.3355 0.0262 -1.503 -1.503 1.503 1.503 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0.0595 0.0258 -13.934 13.934 13.934 -13.934 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total circumferential stress -15.437 12.431 15.437 -12.431 0 0 0 0

Primary membrane
-1.503 -1.503 1.503 1.503 0 0 0 0
circumferential stress*

3C* 21.5414 0.0266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 18.9623 0.0263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0.218 0.0264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0.1761 0.0264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 1.3677 0.0266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2A 0.0621 0.0291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4B* 1.1953 0.0262 -0.414 -0.414 0.414 0.414 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0.1013 0.0274 -22.346 22.346 22.346 -22.346 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total longitudinal stress -22.76 21.932 22.76 -21.932 0 0 0 0

Primary membrane
-0.414 -0.414 0.414 0.414 0 0 0 0
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -12.555 -12.555 12.555 12.555

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -12.555 -12.555 12.555 12.555

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) -22.76 21.932 22.76 -21.932 25.111 25.111 25.111 25.111

* denotes primary stress.

Maximum stresses due to the applied loads at the pad edge

γ = Rm / T = 1,795 / 10 = 179.5

C1 = 74, C2 = 56 mm

Local circumferential pressure stress = P*Ri / T =0 MPa

Local longitudinal pressure stress = P*Ri / (2*T) =0 MPa

Maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = -52.18 MPa

Allowable combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) = ±3*S = ±414 MPa

The maximum combined stress (PL+Pb+Q) is within allowable limits.

Maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) = -7.2 MPa

Allowable local primary membrane stress (PL) = ±1.5*S = ±207 MPa

The maximum local primary membrane stress (PL) is within allowable limits.

Stresses at the pad edge per WRC Bulletin 107
Figure value β Au Al Bu Bl Cu Cl Du Dl
3C* 30.1374 0.0355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 31.7739 0.0385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C 0.1577 0.0388 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C-1 0.1141 0.0388 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3A* 4.3007 0.0376 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1A 0.0973 0.0395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3B* 14.455 0.0342 -7.198 -7.198 7.198 7.198 0 0 0 0

1B-1 0.0553 0.0343 -31.585 31.585 31.585 -31.585 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total circumferential stress -38.783 24.387 38.783 -24.387 0 0 0 0

Primary membrane
-7.198 -7.198 7.198 7.198 0 0 0 0
circumferential stress*

3C* 29.2819 0.0385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4C* 32.157 0.0355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1C-1 0.1649 0.0366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2C 0.118 0.0366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4A* 5.6878 0.0376 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2A 0.0579 0.0385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4B* 4.1965 0.0342 -1.82 -1.82 1.82 1.82 0 0 0 0

2B-1 0.0896 0.0349 -50.359 50.359 50.359 -50.359 0 0 0 0

Pressure stress* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total longitudinal stress -52.18 48.539 52.18 -48.539 0 0 0 0

Primary membrane
-1.82 -1.82 1.82 1.82 0 0 0 0
longitudinal stress*

Shear from M t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Circ shear from V c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Long shear from V L 0 0 0 0 -18.705 -18.705 18.705 18.705

Total Shear stress 0 0 0 0 -18.705 -18.705 18.705 18.705

Combined stress (P L+Pb+Q) -52.18 48.539 52.18 -48.539 37.411 37.411 37.411 37.411

* denotes primary stress.


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