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Corneal adherent leukoma associated with measles

Article  in  Eye · May 2003

DOI: 10.1038/sj.eye.6700353 · Source: PubMed


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Murat Koksal Silay Ugurbas



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Corneal adherent leukoma associated with measles
M Köksal et al

10 Darnell J, Lodish H, Baltimore D. Cell to cell signalling: Comment

hormones and receptors. In: Darnel J, Lodish H, Baltimore
D (eds). Molecular Cell Biology. WH Freeman and Company: Superficial punctate lesions at the bulba conjunctiva and
New York, 1990; pp 738–743. corneal side of the limbus can be seen to be synchronous
11 Demitsu T, Manabe M, Harima N, Sugiyama T, Yoneda K, with the body rash of measles. It commonly resolves
Yamada N. Hypertrichosis induced by latanoprost. J Am without symptoms or sequalae in well-fed and
Acad Dermatol 2001; 44(4): 721–723.
12 Mansberger SL, Cioffi GA. Eyelash formation secondary to vaccinated children. However, these lesions can progress
latanoprost treatment in a patient with alopecia. Arch into the central cornea, and exposure ulcerations at the
Ophthalmol 2000; 118: 718–719. 6 o’clock position may result with perforation or
leukomas in children with protein energy malnutrition
JS Mehta1 ;2 , J Raman1 , N Gupta1 and D Thoung1 and vitamin A deficiency. Bacterial or herpetic
superinfections may develop secondary to exposure
Broomfield Hospital ulcerations, which tends to be bilateral.1–5 Our patients
Mid-Essex Healthcare most probably had malnutrition due to low
Chelmsford, UK socioeconomic status in their childhood, and corneal
exposure ulceration after measles infection progressed
Moorfields Eye Hospital into adherent leukoma.
City Road, London ECIV 2PD, UK The four main mechanisms by which measles may
cause corneal ulceration are sudden decompensation of
Correspondence: JS Mehta subclinical vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia, the
9 Sandringham Court, King & Queen Wharf use of traditional eye medicines, infection with herpes
Rotherhithe Street, London SE16 5SQ, UK
Tel: 07980 691 396
Fax: 08701 316 622

Corneal adherent leukoma associated with measles
Eye (2003) 17, 446–447. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6700353

Measles is an endemic disease that may cause epidemic

outbreaks in the rural areas of developing countries,
although it is rarely seen in developed countries. It may
cause severe corneal pathologies such as adherent Figure 1 Anterior segment photograph of the first patient
leukoma, corneal ulceration, perforation, and may even showing the adherent leukoma located at the 6 o’clock position
lead to phthisis bulbi.1,2 secondary to measles infection.

Case report
Two patients aged 51 and 57 years, respectively, were
found to have adherent leukoma. The patients’ histories
revealed measles infection affecting their eyes in
childhood, which coincides with the epidemic outbreak
in Turkey at the first half of this century. However,
they could not be accurately treated due to low
socioeconomic status of their families. Both the cases had
pupil distortion and adherent leukoma located
at the 6 o’ clock position (Figures 1 and 2). Visual acuities
of the patients were 7/10 and 8/10, respectively,
and ocular examination was otherwise normal. The
systemic and laboratory findings revealed no Figure 2 Anterior segment photograph of the other patient
abnormalities except positive antirubeola IgG antibodies showing similar clinical presentation and location of adherent
in both patients. leukoma secondary to measles infection.

Intraocular cysticercosis
B Agarwal et al

simplex virus, and confluent measles keratitis with or ophthalmoscopically visible intraocular mass. In a large
without exposure.2,3 series of patients referred with the clinical diagnosis of
In the rural areas of developing countries, retinoblastoma, 42% were found to have benign lesions
microbiological and biochemical investigations cannot be that simulated retinoblastoma.1 The three lesions that
carried out rapidly and accurately. Therefore, history and most often clinically mimic retinoblastoma are persistent
morphological appearance of the corneal ulceration hyperplastic primary vitreous, Coats’ disease, and ocular
become important in the diagnosis and treatment. toxocariasis.1 Herein we report a case of intraocular
Measles infection must be kept in mind in the differential cysticercosis in a 5-year-old child presenting with
diagnosis of such an appearance as in our patients, leucocoria, and simulating retinoblastoma.
especially in children from endemic countries. If it is
detected in time, it can be treated with vitamin A therapy, Case report
antibiotic eye drops, and eye patching.
In conclusion, post-measles blindness can be A systemically healthy 5-year-old male child was
prevented by generalizing the vaccination programmes referred with a history of pain and redness in the left eye
and by the addition of adequate vitamin A in the diet of (LE) of 20 days duration. He had been initially diagnosed
preschool children in endemic regions of the world. and treated as a case of conjunctivitis, and later
suspected to have endophthalmitis. On examination, the
LE had no light perception. There was mild lid oedema,
References conjunctival congestion, and mild corneal oedema. The
anterior chamber was deep with 2+flare and a trace of
1 Dekkers NWHM. Post measles blindness. Doc Ophthalmol
cells. The lens was clear and there was a white pupillary
1983; 56: 137–141.
2 Foster A, Sommer A. Corneal ulceration, measles, and reflex. The intraocular pressure by Perkins applanation
childhood blindness in Tanzania. Br J Ophthalmol 1987; 71: tonometer was unrecordably low. Indirect
331–343. ophthalmoscopy revealed retinal detachment and a large
3 Sommer A. Nutritional factors in corneal xerophthalmia (20  18  16 mm) intravitreal vascularized yellowish
and keratomalacia. Arch Ophthalmol 1982; 100: 399–403.
mass. A- and B-scan ultrasonography demonstrated an
4 Sandford-Smith JH, Whittle HC. Corneal ulceration
following measles in Nigerian children. Br J Ophthalmol intraocular mass occupying most of the vitreous cavity
1979; 63: 720–724. and choroidal thickening (Figure 1). The mass showed
5 Rapoza PA, West SK, Katala SJ, Munoz B, Taylor HR. several areas of high internal reflectivity and orbital
Etiology of corneal opacification in central Tanzania. Int shadowing (Figure 1), suggestive of intraocular
Ophthalmol 1993; 17: 47–51.
calcification. As a result of inflammation associated with
a calcified intraocular mass in a child, a necrotic
M Köksal, Ş Kargi and S Uǧurbaş
retinoblastoma and a toxocara granuloma were
considered in the differential diagnosis. The sightless and
Zonguldak Karaelmas University School of Medicine
symptomatic eye was enucleated and sent for
Department of Ophthalmology
histopathologic examination.
On gross examination, the eye was normal in size. The
cut section revealed a large solid intravitreal mass with
Correspondence: M Köksal,
an eccentrically situated cystic cavity. The microscopic
Zonguldak Karaelmas Universitesi
examination showed total retinal detachment, solid
Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları AD
vitreoretinal proliferation, diffuse infiltration by
Zonguldak, Turkey
lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and an eccentric
Tel: +90 372 2610169
abscess cavity (Figure 2). A cyst with a wall lined by a
Fax: +90 372 2610155
wavy cuticle and a smooth muscle layer was noted
within the abscess cavity. Giant cell reaction was noted
within the surrounding cyst wall (Figure 2, inset). The
choroid was thickened with oedema, congested vessels,
Sir, and mononuclear cell infiltration. Although definite
scolex and hooklets were not identified, the charact-
Intraocular cysticercosis simulating retinoblastoma in a
eristics of the cyst wall were diagnostic of cysticercosis.
5-year-old child
Eye (2003) 17, 447–449. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6700340
Several ocular conditions can clinically simulate Cysticercosis, an infestation by the larval form of the
retinoblastoma by producing either a leucocoria or an cestode Taenia solium, is a common ocular parasitosis.2


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