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Unit of Education : Junior High School 1 Talang Kelapa

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/1 (First)

Basic Material : Degree of Comparison

Time : 1 x 10 Minutes


KI.1 Respect and appreciate the teachings of the religion he address to.

KI.2 Respecting and living honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual
cooperation), courtesy, confidence, in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment within the scope of association and existence.

KI.3 Understand and apply knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on the
curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events that
appear to the eye.

KI.4 Processing, presenting, and reasoning in concrete realms (using, parsing, stringing,
modifying, and making) and abstract realms (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and
making) in accordance with what is learned in school and other sources in the same
perspective /theory.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators of Achieving Competence

No. Basic Compentencies Indicators

1. 1.1.Grateful the opportunity to learn 1.1.1 Pray and give thanks before and
English as the language of instruction after learning for the opportunity
in international communication is to learn English as the language
realized in the spirit of learning. of instruction in international
2. 2.1. Demonstrate honest, disciplined, 2.1.1 Demonstrate confident behavior
confident, and responsible behavior in in carrying out transactional
carrying out transactional communication with teachers and
communication with teachers and friends.
3. 3.1 Applying social functions, text structures 3.1.1 Mention expressions used to call
and linguistic elements to interpersonal attention and check understanding and
oral and written interaction texts that response.
involve the act of asking for attention, 3.1.2 Identify the structure of the
checking understanding, appreciating expression used to request
good performance, and asking for and
expressing opinions, and responses,
according to the context of their use.
4. 4.1 Compile very short and simple 4.1.1 Make a short conversation in
interpersonal oral and written writing that is used to say and respond
interaction texts that involve the act of to expressions asking for attention and
asking for attention, checking checking understanding.
understanding, appreciating 4.1.2. Practice conversations that are
performance, and asking for and used to say and respond to expressions
expressing opinions, and responding asking for attention and checking
by paying attention to social understanding.
functions, text structure, and language
elements that are correct and
C. Learning Objectives

After completion of learning students can:

1. Determine the social function of degree of comparison.

2. Determine the text structure of degree of comparison.

3. Distinguish the use of positive, comparative, and superlative degree.

4. With discussion, students can understand the use of degree of comparison and check
understanding within response.

5. Students can use the degree of comparison and check understanding and respond through
discussion activities.

D. Learning Materials

1. Social function of using a degree of comparison:

Maintain group and individual interpersonal relationships.

2. Text structure from the use of degree of comparison and checking understanding.

3. Elements in the use of a degree of comparison.

E. Learning Methods

Approach : Discussion

Model : Fishbowl

F. Learning Resources

- "Be smart English" Package Book Chapter 1

- English textbooks for middle school
- Material from the Internet
G. Learning Media

Tools and materials

- Flashcards

H. Steps for Learning Activities

1. Introduction (1 minute)

a. The teacher prepares students in learning with class hygiene, praying, and registering students

b. The teacher motivates students by showing cards then asking the cards to students.

c. The teacher provides information about competencies and learning objectives to be achieved.

2. Core Activities (8 Minutes)


A. Students listen/see text in the book.

B. Students make discussion groups to do fishbowl method.

C. Students give opinions after discussion.

D. With the guidance and direction from the teacher, students identify the characteristics of
sentences using a degree of comparison.

With the guidance and direction of the teacher, students question the differences between
positive, comperative and superlative degrees, and their responses in various contexts.

Students make examples of the degree of comparison, and re-express the degree of comparision
definition in English.
A. Students analyze how to use the degree of comparison.
B. Students discuss about positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.
Students explain the use of a degree of comparison.
Students explain the definition of positive degree.
Students explain the definition of comperative degree.
Students explain the definition of superlative degree.

3. Closing (1 minute)
Students with the guidance of the teacher explain about the degree of comparison.
Students provide feedback by answering friends' questions.
Teachers deliver information on upcoming learning.

I. Assessment
Totally of
NO Indicators Discussion Technic Form information
The teacher give Positive,
1. student material and Oral Performance 3 comparative,
explain about material superlative.
The student should
2. Oral Performance 3 comparative,
Share the their opinion

Assessment of learning
Material 1
Positive degree
What do you know about positive degree?
Answer key:
Possive degree is not compare anything. For example: i am handsome`
Material 2:
Comparative degree
What do you know about comparative degree?
Answer key:
Comparative degree is when we want to compare two people. For example: Wahyu is taller than
Material 3:
Supelative degree
What do you know about superlative degree?
Answer key:
Superlative degree is when we want to compare more than two people. For example: Kasmir is
the most Beautiful student in the class.

Scoring guidelines
1. ACTIVE 3 10 30
Maximum number of score = 30
Maximum score = 30
Student assessment = gain score x 100
max. Score
Palembang, 05 Jnuary 2019

Head master English Teacher

Aswadi Jaya Bastian, M.Pd Ade Fany D P S.Pd

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