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Can it get any higher?

- Cherished Dee T. Chiongson

“I am willing to strike a deal in the presence of Secretary Briones samgamaestra. You can
choose the date, January, bilisanlangninyo then we can make an agreement or manifesto or
choose whatever kind of document itself. Kayo angisusunodko this year,” – Rodrigo Duterte, in
his speech on January 10, 2019, Bulakan, Bulacan, had excited the public school teachers and
had given them a little hope that it may be the answer to their financial burden. Many received
their fourth tranche increase but can the increase suffice the needs of the public school teachers?
With the rapid increase of prices in the market, teachers could not help but to complain and
whine on how the increase is not enough for their daily needs which also resorted them to avail
loans outside their financial capabilities. With all bills and daily payments mounting up, this has
highly affected the teacher’s work productivity. The salary paid can never compensate the
number of hours and extra work load given to the teachers.
PRD proudly announced in his speeches repetitively that public school teachers’ salaries will be
doubled just like with the police but the government admitted that there was no sufficient budget
for increases yet. Past Education Secretaries had been trying to work on this but it still ends up as
“just proposals”. With the numerous “paasa” announcements, this problem continues so as the
debts of the public school teachers.
Quality teachers shouldn’t be undervalued. With the piling and cramping tasks given to them,
salary is the best motivation tool for them. Full time teachers based on observation, (and
experience), use personal money to pay additional educational stuff. They even have to adopt
children to promote the importance of going to school. with a tight budget in hand, and the
demands of DepED programs, again, the teachers wave to loan sharks since it is the fastest way
to lend money from.
The government seems to choose to be blind on the current public school situation. We cannot
judge some of these teachers who prefer to stay in the service beyond retirable age to pay off
their debts. Teachers can only complain about the pay and heavy workload but cannot quit their
jobs for the reason that it is difficult to find a better one and the emotional attachment they have
developed to the children in many years of teaching.
Government should start valuing the profession and stop thinking that the teachers are so used to
keep up with worst conditions that they would not take any actions. We all should put our mind
and hands together to make change. No other profession or anyone else can do better job in
“being there” for your children but the teachers. With better teachers, we can ensure better future
generations. Now, can it please get any higher?

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