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Introduction to Solar Cooker:
Solar energy is an important renewable energy that we get from the Sun. Solar
energy is used for different purposes i.e. residential and commercial. Solar
energy is one such energy that is available in abundance that too totally free of
cost. As said before it is used for various purposes and one of the most essential
use of solar energy is for cooking and heating food with the help of a solar
cooker. This device uses the rays of the sun and converts it into heat energy for
heating the food. The solar cooker uses the energy of the sun directly for
preparing food just like the plants that use sunlight to prepare their food. Solar
cookers are cheap and use no fuel because of which many people in developed
and developing countries make use of it. Solar cookers are mainly used when the
food is prepared outdoor and helps in lowering pollution and deforestation.

Concave mirrors are the best mirrors to use in these cookers. This is because they
are the only types of mirrors that reflect sunlight in towards a single focal point. If
you use a convex mirror for your cooker, it will not work since they do not have a
focal point

So mirror are used to harvest solar energy. It seems the third option that is mirror
is appropriate in this context. Solar cooker uses sunlight for cooking purposes.
Thesolar panels convert solar energy to heat energy using the silicon cells that are
there in the mirror.

A solar cooker is a container or a device that traps solar energy and helps in
heating and cooking food. It mainly works on three principles i.e. concentration,
absorption and retention. A solar cooker has a mirror that helps in letting the
sun’s UV rays in and converts it into infrared light rays. The infrared radiation has
the power to make the protein fat and water molecules present inside the food
to shake vigorously which heats up the food. The sun’s heat actually does not
help in heating the food but it is the rays derived from the sun which converts
into heat energy and cooks the food. A lid is used to cover the food kept inside a
pot so that the heat energy doers not escape. An effective solar cooker thus helps
in capturing heat and cooks food.
There are three main components to most solar cookers, or you could say three
main principles to effective solar cooking; these being: Concentration (reflection,
or reflectance) Absorption (ability to attract or hold heat. Retention (means or
capacity to retain heat)

you need to sun to cook. Adopting the principles from the solar thermal industry
where salt is used to store heat a solar cooker can now cook 24 hours per day. ...
Without the ability to store heat, a cooker cannot be used, for example, on cloudy
days or at night time when most people eat.

The oil in reciver tube rises up due to natural convection after absorbing heat
from reflector and stores it in the resrrvoir. The temperature at the top top of the
reservoir on sunny days reaches 150 degree c and rarely falss below 100 degree c
even during nights. The reflector has an adjustment with the seasonal variations
of the sun or an arrangnment for automatic solar tracking using a simple clock
mechanism. All types of cooking except frying and roasting can be done with this

Different Types of Solar Cookers:

There are different solar cookers: each with its strengths, each with its uses. It
turns out that human ingenuity has devised a myriad of designs for cooking with
the sun, but most fall into one of three main categories: solar panel cookers, solar
ovens and parabolic solar stoves.

Advance type solar cooker:

In these cookers, the problem of cooking outdoor is avoided to some extent. The
cooker use either a flat plate collector, cylindrical (PTC) concentrator, or a
multifacent or large parabolic (mosaic type) concentrator which collect or focuses
the solar heat and transfer or reflect fron a secondary reflector to the cooking
vessel. The cooking in some case can either be done with stored heat or the solar
heat is directly transfred to the cooking vessel in the kitchen.
Advanced solar cooker that heats and cooks five times faster than a
charcoal cooker. ... That means you can get cooking faster. Other solar
cookersrestrict the way you cook, SolSource solar cookerhas a versatile reversible
pot stand that accommodates a wide variety of cookware andcooking styles.

There are three main components to most solar cookers, or you could say three
main principles to effective solar cooking; these being: Concentration (reflection,
or reflectance) Absorption (ability to attract or hold heat. Retention (means or
capacity to retain heat)

The temperature range can be between 150 F (66 c)to 400 F (204 c) if you have a
well made solar cooker. (you need at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit(82c)to be able
to cook things.)

Concave mirrors are the best mirrors to use in these cookers. This is because they
are the only types of mirrors that reflect sunlight in towards a single focal point. If
you use a convex mirror for your cooker, it will not work since they do not have a
focal point
The vessels will be placed inside the solar cooker and cooker should also
beplaced in direct sunlight. For example on the tarrece. After cooker is placed in
the direct contect in sunlight then the mirrors should be arrranged in a way so
that sunlight should directly hit on the vessel.

you need to sun to cook. Adopting the principles from the solar thermal industry
where salt is used to store heat a solar cooker can now cook 24 hours per day. ...
Without the ability to store heat, a cooker cannot be used, for example, on cloudy
days or at night time when most people eat.

The oil in reciver tube rises up due to natural convection after absorbing heat
from reflector and stores it in the resrrvoir. The temperature at the top top of the
reservoir on sunny days reaches 150 degree c and rarely falss below 100 degree c
even during nights. The reflector has an adjustment with the seasonal variations
of the sun or an arrangnment for automatic solar tracking using a simple clock
mechanism. All types of cooking except frying and roasting can be done with this

Food cooked with a solar cooker is healthy.

When cooking food with low heat, vitamins and other nutrients don't break
down. Furthermore solar cooked foods are free of mutagens and carcinogens
produced by high-heat methods.
The oil in reciver tube rises up due to natural convection after absorbing heat
from reflector and stores it in the resrrvoir. The temperature at the top top of the
reservoir on sunny days reaches 150 degree c and rarely falss below 100 degree c
even during nights. The reflector has an adjustment with the seasonal variations
of the sun or an arrangnment for automatic solar tracking using a simple clock
mechanism. All types of cooking except frying and roasting can be done with this
you need to sun to cook. Adopting the principles from the solar thermal industry
where salt is used to store heat a solar cooker can now cook 24 hours per day. ...
Without the ability to store heat, a cooker cannot be used, for example, on cloudy
days or at night time when most people eat.

The food is cooked in a shallow vessel of the container. The box has a transparent
covering of glass sheet over it. The solar cooker is placed in sunlight and reflector
(plane mirror) is adjusted in such a way that a strong beam of sunlight enters the
box through the glass sheet.

Concave mirrors are the best mirrors to use in these cookers. This is because they
are the only types of mirrors that reflect sunlight in towards a single focal point. If
you use a convex mirror for your cooker, it will not work since they do not have a
focal point
A solar cooker is a container or a device that traps solar energy and helps in
heating and cooking food. It mainly works on three principles i.e. concentration,
absorption and retention. A solar cooker has a mirror that helps in letting the
sun’s UV rays in and converts it into infrared light rays. The infrared radiation has
the power to make the protein fat and water molecules present inside the food
to shake vigorously which heats up the food. The sun’s heat actually does not
help in heating the food but it is the rays derived from the sun which converts
into heat energy and cooks the food. A lid is used to cover the food kept inside a
pot so that the heat energy doers not escape. An effective solar cooker thus helps
in capturing heat and cooks food

Advanced solar cooker that heats and cooks five times faster
than a charcoal cooker
Solsource Cooker has an innovative design which allows you to capture sunlight to
grill, pan fry, slow-cook and boil water. Advance self-healing polymer maximizes the
effectiveness of the solar reflector and ensures durability.
The Solsource cookware heats up five times faster than traditional charcoal. That
means you can get cooking faster. Other solar cookers restrict the way you cook,
SolSource solar cooker has a versatile reversible pot stand that accommodates a
wide variety of cookware and cooking styles. Whether you want to use your light-
weight skillet for panfrying salmon, or a heavy dutch oven for slow-cooking short
ribs, you can simply put your favorite cookware on SolSource solar cooker to create
your favorite dishes.

Solar cookers benefit the environment by: Using clean, renewable, and readily
available solar energy as fuel. Preserving natural resources by not requiring the
use of wood or other biomass fuels to cook. Not producing dangerous emissions
which pollute local environments and contribute to climate change

It reaches 550F/350C
It boils 1 quart of water in 10 minutes
It works with indoor cookware
It purifies water for drinking

The SolSource Sport is only 10 lb (4.5 kg), compared to the hefty 40 lb (18 kg) of the
original Solsource cooker. Solsource sport can be moved in your car trunk for easily
portable emission-free grilling.

Solar cooking can help them to keep more food and improve their nutrition.
Smokycooking fires irritate lungs and eyes and can cause diseases. ... With good
sunlight,solar cookers can be used to cook food or pasteurize water during
emergencies when other fuels and power sources may not be available.


The solar cooker operates with just direct sun light from our sun. No gas, no
charcoal, no biomass – just inexhaustible solar energy.

Solar cookers are mainly used in places where there is no access to electricity or
any other fuel. Also poor people who cannot to afford to buy cookers make use
of this to prepare their daily food. Many people in developed countries however
use solar cooker to prepare food as it helps them save money. The concept of
cooking in solar cookers started in the year 1767 by a Swiss scientist. However
the classis solar cookers made its way in the year 1950. After knowing about
what a solar cooker is and how it works let’s have a look at the many advantages
of this device in our day to day life.

Advantages of Solar-Powered Cooking

There are many advantages to using a solar oven over a regular oven. Solar
ovens harness the sun's energy to cook food. This means you don't have to use
gas or electricity for meals, which saves money over time and is better for the

 Solar cookers help in preserving forests as sun’s energy is renewable and

solar cooker makes use of it which does not cause any pollution to the

 The use of electricity has affected in global warming and as you know solar
cooker does not require any electricity for its working again it does not
lead to global warming.

 Use of solar cookers helps in decreasing global warming.

 Solar cookers do not produce smoke and can be used by anyone to cook

 In summers you can make use of the cooker effectively and also the food
will get prepared within no time.

 Lastly it is totally free of cost.

 It is Very easy to use and is totally devoid of complexities unlike the other

 You can make recipe of your choice with the help of this cooker.
Disadvantages :
After looking at some of the advantages of solar cooker let’s have a look at its
disadvantages. If you are wondering about how a solar cooker can have
disadvantages then you must remember that as every coin has two sides one
good and bad so does this solar cooker.

 It cannot be used when the weather is cloudy as the sun is hidden by the

 Also solar cookers can be used to cook food only during the daytime.

 They cannot retain heat for a long period of time.

 It can cause burns if the device is not built and handled properly.

 It can destroy your eyesight if the beam of the sunlight gets reflected to
your eyes.

 Also sometimes it takes a long time to cook food so it is better to cook in

normal pressure cooker.

 Strong winds too can delay the cooking process of the solar cooker.

 Lastly it can only be used in places where there is excessive sunlight.

 The cooking process takes several hours; hence patience should be kept by
the maker.

You now have a clear idea about what this device is all about and how the
energy of sun is utilized in different ways. Now that you know what an advance
solar cooker is and how useful it can be, make one and use easily.

“However keep the above mentioned points in mind and then go ahead to
utilize it.”

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