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Use This Checklist to Study Languages Every Week!

Learning languages is a beautiful process. I have always enjoyed the initial days of starting to
learn a foreign language because my motivation is at its highest level. But languages are not
something so easy to master and as every study field, they need a plan to follow. If you are
looking for some strategies to plan your studies sessions, then you should continue reading. I
will give you some tips and a guide checklist that you can use every week to practice and learn
in your target language.

I am a Little obsessed with language learning and I love watching videos about being
multilingual, Reading posts about how to master a foreign language, and so on. I really like the
fact that you can get to know a different culture by learning its code (which is their language).
Don’t you like hearing those beautiful sounds that come out from a foreigner’s mouth when they
speak? Oh God, I love so much being able to listen to someone speaking in French, Italian,
Dutch, Korean (my favourite so far), Arabic, and so many other languages!

I did a post a time ago giving you some tips to organize yourself (and your time) so that you can
learn a new language in a easy way. You can read that post by clicking down below:

How to Organize Yourself to Learn a Language in 5 Easy Steps.

If you are looking for some strategies to help you master that beautiful language you love so
much, you are in the right track by being here. In this post you will be given some tips in relation
to creating a checklist for your weekly learning process. Apart from it, at the end of this post I
will give you a checklist already done so that you can print lots of them and use them when you
want to practice your target language but don’t know what tasks to do.

Let’s start!

Tip #1: Brainstorming goals

You need to brainstorm all the things you want to master of the language. Do you want to learn
more vocabulary? Which kind of vocabulary? Do you need to know some gramatical patterns?
Which ones? Do you prefer practicing your listening skills or your speaking skills?
Tip #2: How much time do you have?

This is really important because when you want to acquire a new learning habit (and being
successful at it) you need to be good at time management. How many hours you have each day
or each week to learn? Do you have commuting hours? Do you usually feel bored or have
nothing to do at a specific time? You can also choose to do a certain task in less time so that
you have more minutes to study your target language. Think about this and decide how much
time you will dedicate to you study sessions. You can write this down in the same calendar that
comes in the previous PDF I showed you or just write it on a notebook or journal.

Tip #3: Create a weekly checklist

For this step I can help you. You can create a weekly checklist with all the tasks you want to do
during those following seven days. In that checklist you can include things like reading a certain
chapter of a book, watching a film in your target language, memorizing some vocabulary, etc.
You can do this in a paper, bullet journal, post-it or notebook…or you can download a set of four
checklist (that’s like almost an entire month) that you can fill in with the tasks you want to do.

As I really like to create organization-related things and I also want to help you a little bit more, I
did a separate checklist already written. I mean, these checklisks have already-set tasks that
you can do weekly (or daily if you are really crazy about languages) and you can then tick off
when finishing each of them. Each checklist has ten tasks or ‘homeworks’ that you can do in
separate days or organize around your personal time. Some of them can be done during your
resting hours or commuting time, etc.

You can purchase this set of 4 checklists (40 activities in total) at any price! This is a Pay What
You Want product and the minumum price is $2.

Click the image below to have access to it.

I hope this post could help you find some motivation and inspiration to work towards your
language learning goals. Mastering a foreign language is hard, I know, but when you become
fluent and you organize yourself to study, you feel more secure and motivated to continue

Do you like learning languages? How many do you already speak? Do you want me to talk
more about this topic? Leave me in the comment section below your blissful questions or

By the way…I am about to finish a project that is related to this topic (language learning) and I
am so excited to share it with you. If you want to know more about it, don’t forget to stay tune to
my website and social media.

Have a beautiful day,


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