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Predicting Outcomes

Learning Objectives

1. Students will be able to practice making predictions and support their thinking
with evidence from the text.
2. Improve skills in predicting
3. Use information you already know and what the author is telling you to make a

Welcome! You are now in the listening skills unit. Today, you will be working on listening selections and
you yourselves will listen to short passages and you will try to make infer on the short passages. But it
won’t just stop there; afterwards you’ll be good in making inferences.
Predicting Outcomes

Learning objectives:
1. Use information you already know and what the author is telling you to make a prediction.
2. To predict what will happen nex
3. To predict using the evidence text

Lesson: Predicting Outcomes


Materials: Module

Welcome! You are now in the listening skills unit. Today, you will find out how great are you in
predicting outcomes using the text.

What is predicting outcomes?

Making predictions is a basic reading skill that requires
higher level thinking. To make a good prediction, readers
must consider available information and make an
inference. Good readers make predictions based on textual
evidence. If you use evidence to support your predication,
you can justify it whether you are right or wrong.

Exercise #2

What Happen Next?

1. Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has
seeds for marigolds, orchids and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What
will Maria do next?
a. She will plant c. She will plant lilies
b. She will plant orchids d. She will plant rose
2. Mike likes to play video games on his PSP. He's going over a friend's house to play
games today, but forgot to charge his game system after playing all day yesterday.
What will happen next?
e. Mike’s PSP will explode g. She will plant lilies
f. She will plant orchids h. She will plant rose

3. Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has
seeds for marigolds, orchids and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What
will Maria do next?
i. She will plant k. She will plant lilies
j. She will plant orchids l. She will plant rose

4. Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has
seeds for marigolds, orchids and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What
will Maria do next?
m. She will plant o. She will plant lilies
n. She will plant orchids p. She will plant rose

5. Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has
seeds for marigolds, orchids and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What
will Maria do next?
q. She will plant s. She will plant lilies
r. She will plant orchids t. She will plant rose

6. Maria is growing a garden behind her house. The garden is very sunny. She has
seeds for marigolds, orchids and lilies. Orchids and lilies grow best in shade. What
will Maria do next?
u. She will plant w. She will plant lilies
v. She will plant orchids x. She will plant rose
Exercise #2

What Happen Next?

In doing this activity your teacher will read first the selection several times, and
afterwards, you will be asked by your teacher with some questions. Let’s start!
Read the following passages. Determine what you think is going to happen next. Explain your
answer using textual evidence.

1. The old dog snoozed in his dog house, with nothing but his big nose poking out. The
cat crept closer and closer to the big bone that the dog had only half‐finished. When
the cat was only a few inches away, and certain that she was going to have a
fantastic lunch, a low rumble burst forth from the dog house. It grew louder and
louder, and the dog’s nose began to twitch. Just as the cat reached for the bone…

What do you think is going to happen next?

What evidence from the text supports your answer?

2. As the moon slid out from behind the clouds, the dilapidated old house,
widely believed to be haunted, stood out against the black night like a
silhouette. Frank crept closer and closer to it. Behind him, the school bully,
Roger, who had dared him to go into it, egged him on with taunts and jeers.
Frank thought he saw something moving in the window. Trembling with
fear, but determined to earn Roger’s respect, he climbed the steps up onto
the ancient and rotting front porch. Behind him, Roger was doubled over
with laughter. With a creak, the door of the house flew open…

What do you think is going to happen next?

________________________________________ _______________________________

What evidence from the text supports your answer?

3. Jessie and Freddie put on their snow suits. They got their
hats, boots, and scarves. They went outside and began to
roll the snow in three large balls. They put the largest
ball on the bottom and stacked the snow balls on top of
each other. They went to look for two sticks.



4. Sara and her Mother drove to the computer store. Sara

had her money she had received for Christmas and the
money she had saved. She waited a long time for this day.
Finally, she would be able to look up all the things she
needed for school on a computer and email her friends.



5. The storm began suddenly. The lightening lit up the

sky and the thunder roared loudly. The electricity was blinking
on and off quickly.



You’re doing good! Now, let’s have another exercise!

Exercise #3

Can You Predict?

DIRECTIONS: What do you think happens next? Explain your answer using evidence from the
1. Carol was making a cherry pie. She put her pie in the oven, but forgot to set the
timer. Then she left the kitchen and went to clean up her bedroom. While she was
doing that, the phone rang, and she sat down on her bed to talk to her best friend.
They talked for over an hour, until Carol was startled by a shrill, piercing noise that
wouldn’t stop…

2. John was out hiking in the woods. Though he had been warned by the man behind
the desk at the hotel desk to wear bells on his shoelaces, and to carry bear repellant,
John had gone out into the wilderness unprepared. He was walking along, carefree
and humming, when he rounded a bend and in his path there was . . . Johnny was

3. Jonny walking home on a cool day when the wind caught his hat and carried it out
onto the lake. There was a thin layer of ice that covered the water. The hat sat on
top of the ice layer, looking like the day that Johnny had bought it. Johnny tested
the ice with his toe. It seemed secure, but he could see the water at the edges of the
ice. He carefully tiptoed across the sheet of ice to his hat and picked it up. As he did
so the ice cracked. A large sheet began drifting away. Johnny was surrounded by
cracks. He took another careful step, putting his weight directly on one of the cracks
and then…

Well done! Let’s proceed to the last exercise.

Exercise #4

Guided Practice

A. Making Inference
Infer the following statements. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. “… the fragrance of apples and grapes, of roast pig being split open on a groaning
table, of pine trees dying and extending their perfume.” What occasion is
y. a fiesta aa. Santacruzan
z. Christmas bb. Flores de Mayo

2. They cut the tall windswept grass, whitewashed the stone block and the cross;
after which they set on top of the stone a vase of flower to give it refreshing look.
What occasion is described?
a. a funeral c. All Souls’ Day
b. a harvest festival d. Christmas

3. My fist dug in his soft belly and as he crouched in pain, I swung at him,
hammered his jaw. What was taking place?
a. a massage treatment c. a wrestling match
b. a medical d. a fistfight

4. The sun had long set in the west before they reached the settlement. What time is
referred to?
a. sunrise c. sunset
b. noon d. night

5. He found that overnight, the whole country had been covered with a mantle of
scintillating white. What season is referred to?
a. spring c. autumn
b. summer d. winter

6. The night had come quickly, and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear
the mighty throb of the engine far down below the deck. Where were the people?
a. on a ship c. in a trailer
b. in the jungle d. on a helicopter

7. “Tell them to get ready in surgery. Prepare the patient’s arm from the shoulder
down.” Who gave the orders?
a. a dentist c. a nurse
b. an anesthesiologist d. a surgeon
8. “I have lost my appetite, my legs fail me, my eyes are dim,” wailed the one of
countless summers. Who is the speaker?
a. an unhappy man c. an old man
b. a tired man d. a dying man

9. “I had a dream and I went to Madame Auring to ask her what it could possibly
mean.” The speaker is…
a. romantic c. prophetic
b. inquisitive d. superstitious

10. Some are shaped like dragons, some like birds or butterflies, or fish or even
animals. Some have faces painted on them. They have pitched battles in the sky
and the fun consists in making the fight, in entangling them, and cutting one
another’s string by sudden jerks. What objects are described?

a. fighter planes c. kites

b. lanterns d. masks

Well done! It seems like you really improved. You

indeed do all the exercises and activity excellently.
You enhance your skills in making inference!

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