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60 Tips for Using Slide Rules

Multiplication and Division

1. When you can predict that multiplication will result in a number greater than 10, use
the right index of the C scale so that the product will not be off the scale. But even if
multiplication does produce a number off the slide, the product may still be found
without resetting the index by finding it on the DF scale.
2. When multiplying numbers, slide motion can be minimized by selecting as
multiplicand (i.e., the number set beneath the index of C) the number that is closest to
1 or 10. Use the left index of C for numbers slightly larger than 1, and the right index
of C for numbers that are almost 10.
3. To minimize steps when multiplying (or dividing) a series of numbers, alternate
multiplication and division by resorting to the CI and/or CIF scales to replace
multiplication with division (or division with multiplication).
4. When dividing numbers on adjacent scales (i.e., C and D, or CF and DF) if at least
one of those numbers is labeled on the scale (e.g., because it has one significant figure
or because it is a marked value, such as π), using the cursor to align them is an
unnecessary waste of time.
5. When dividing numbers on the opposite ends of the scale, to avoid excessive motion
of the slide you can:
a) use the CF and DF scales instead of the C and D scales; or
b) replace division with multiplication by using the CI scale; or
c) align the divisor with the index of D, and beneath the dividend on C will be the
quotient on D—which is equivalent to calculating 1 divided by the divisor and
multiplying that result by the dividend; or
d) use the C scale to measure the distance between the two numbers on the D
scale—which is equivalent to asking: “What times the divisor equals the
dividend?” (For example, to divide 8.8 by 1.1, set the index of C to 1.1 on D,
and the answer will be the number on C above the 8.8 on D.); or
e) if accuracy is not necessary, multiply them with the A and B scales.
6. Slide rules with CF and DF scales folded at √10 (instead of π) allow not just
multipliers but also divisors to be selected from these scales (when the dividend is on
D), as long as you remember to read the quotient either adjacent to the √10 index of
CF on DF or across from the 1 index of CF index on D. This trick of jumping scales
may also be implemented in reverse: i.e., when the dividend is on DF. This trick can
reduce slide motion.

7. When the C and D scales are aligned to calculate proportions, values that are off scale
may be found in the CF and DF scales.
8. When calculating proportions for values that are on the opposite ends of a scale (such
as 8.7 and 1.4 when using the equivalence 87 miles = 140 km.), using the CF and DF
scales (instead of C and D) will keep all values on scale (i.e., the values that are off the
CF and DF scales will be on the C and D scales). Likewise, when calculating inverse
proportions for values on opposite ends, using CIF and DF (instead of CI and D) will
keep all values on scale.
9. When dividing several different values by the same number, you can:
a) set the index of C above the common denominator on the DI scale and
multiply it by those values by moving only the cursor and finding the quotient
on the D (or DF) scale.
b) or if you want the quotient to be on the C scale, you can implement the
method mentioned above in 5.d) — namely, set the index of C above the
common denominator on the D scale, and the quotient will be on C above
each corresponding dividend on D. When a quotient is off the scale, it can be
found in CF by locating the dividend in DF.
10. When dividing the same number by several different values, to avoid moving the slide
for each value, you can align the common dividend on D with either the 1 or the 10 of
CI (whichever is closer), and then multiply that dividend by each of the divisors on
the CI scale (by sliding the cursor and reading the product on the D scale). If the
product is off the scale, it may be found by sliding the cursor to the divisor on the CIF
scale and reading the result in the DF scale.
11. When the index of C is already aligned with a number on D which is to be the divisor
in the next calculation, there are two ways to find the quotient without moving the
a) It may be found on C above the dividend on D. For example, if the index of C
is already aligned with 7.5 on D and we want to calculate 1.5/7.5, sliding the
cursor to 1.5 on D gives us the answer on C, which is .2;
b) Or if the slide rule has a DI scale, the product of 7.5 on D and 1.5 on CI results
in 5 on D, and the inverse of this on DI is the desired quotient.
12. Reciprocals of numbers between .4 and 2.7 can be obtained with greater accuracy by
using the log-log scales instead of the CI or DI scale. Another advantage of using the
log-log scales for reciprocals is that they indicate where the decimal point must be.
13. When the index of C is already set to a number whose reciprocal you want, it may be
found without moving the cursor or slide by simply reading the value on C that is
aligned with the index of D.

14. When extra precision is imperative, numbers can be temporarily changed into the
difference of two numbers with fewer significant figures. For example: .963 is changed
into 1 – .037, since .037 has only two significant figures, whereas .963 has three and is
therefore harder to set on a slide rule with precision.
a) If one product in multiplication (or division) has too many significant figures,
it may be reduced to fewer as mentioned above.
For example: .963 · 23 = (1 – .037) · 23 = 23 – (.037 · 23) = 23 – .851 = 22.149
b) When both products have too many significant figures, they may be reduced
to fewer as follows: The arbitrary numbers a and b are subtracted from the
products (x and y) and this difference is also divided by a and b respectively.
Let the product of those two numbers be z.
Thus: ((x – a)/a) · ((y – b)/b) = z
(x/a – 1) · (y/b – 1) = z
x·y/a·b – x/a – y/b + 1 = z
x·y/a·b = z + x/a + y/b – 1
x·y = a·b·(z + x/a + y/b – 1) replacing z gives the final formula:
x·y = a·b·(((x – a)/a) · ((y – b)/b) + x/a + y/b – 1)
By selecting the right numbers a and b, this formula will give the product of x and y to
more significant figures, albeit in a somewhat tedious manner.
For example, if we want to multiply 35.76 by 829.4, the problem is essentially 3.576 *
8.294 * 103. Thus, x = 3.576 and y = 8.294. Selecting a = 4 and b = 8 will reduce these
numbers to fewer significant figures. Thus, the product of x and y will equal:
4 · 8 · (((3.576 – 4)/4) · (8.294 – 8)/8) + 3.576/4 + 8.294/8 – 1) * 103
On a slide rule, this will give 29660, whereas the actual answer is 29679.344, which
means that the slide rule gave us four significant figures. (One wonders, however, if
this convoluted method is significantly faster than simply multiplying the numbers by

Shortcuts for π
15. The value of π/y can be found by setting the cursor to y on the CI scale and reading
the answer on the CF scale. Or instead of using the CI and CF scales, the C and CIF
(or DI and DF) scales could be used.
16. To create a table of y = b · π · x, align the index of CF with the value of b on D, and
then for any x on CF, y is the value above it on DF.
17. To find the area of circles having various diameters, align the c gauge mark (at 1.1284
= √4/π ) with the index of D. Setting the cursor to any diameter on the C scale will
then align it with its corresponding area on the A scale.

18. Radians on the D scale equal degrees on the ST scale (times 100).
For example, 2 radians = 114.6°
19. To determine sines and tangents of angles less than .5°, rely on the approximation:
sin(α) ≈ tan(α) ≈ arc(α) = α·π/180 = α·ρ (ρ is the mark at .01745)
Thus, sin(.4) ≈ tan(.4) ≈ arc(.4) = .00698

20. To determine cosines of angles between 84° and 90°, rely on the formula:
cos(90° – α) = sin(α). In particular:
a) For angles between 84° and 89.5°, mentally calculate the difference between 90
and that angle, and then the sine of that difference on the ST scale will be the
b) For angles between 89.5° and 90°, mentally calculate the difference between 90
and that angle, and then find the sine of that difference using the
approximation: sin(α) ≈ α·ρ

21. Tangents of large angles:

a) To determine the tangent of angles between 84° and 89.5°, rely on the formula:
tan(α) = 1/tan(90° – α). Thus, mentally calculate the difference between 90
and α, set the cursor that value on the ST scale, and the value of the cursor on
the DI scale will be the answer.
For example, to find tan(87°), set the cursor to 3 on the ST scale, and read 1.91
on the DI scale. Since the tangent of angles > 84° is > 10, the answer is 19.1
b) For angles between 89.5° and 90°, rely on the approximation for angles that
are almost 90°: tan(α) = 1/cot(α) = 1/tan(90° – α) ≈ 1/arc(90° – α)
For example: tan(89.8°) ≈ 1/arc(.2°) = 1/(ρ · .2) = 286.5 (multiply ρ and .2
normally, and read answer on the DI scale)

22. The tangents of small angles less than 5° may be found using the ST scale or by the
approximation: tan(α) ≈ arc(α) = ρ · α

23. The P scale can be used to calculate the cosine from the sine of an angle and vice versa,
since sin(α) =√1 – cos2α and cos(α) = √1 – sin2α
This equivalence also allows the sine of angles > 45° and the cosine of angles < 45° to
be calculated with greater accuracy by using to the P scale. Therefore, when the value
of the sine or cosine of an angle is greater than .7, the angle can be found with greater
precision by setting that value on P and reading the answer on S.
e.g.: To find sin(64.5°), set the cursor to the cos(64.5°) and read the answer in the P
scale (.9026); or to find cos(12.6°), set the cursor to the sin(12.6°) and read the answer
in the P scale (.9759).

24. Solving right triangles
1) To calculate the length of the hypotenuse (c) of a right triangle when the lengths of
the other two sides (a and b) are known, rewrite the Pythagorean theorem as:
1 + b2/a2 = c2/a2 , which may be solved easily on a slide rule.
For example, if a = 4 and b = 3, align the middle index of A with 4 on C, and read
the value n (.5625) on A opposite 3 on C. (n = b2/a2) Move the cursor to n+1 on A
(1.5625) and the length of the hypotenuse (5) will be at the cursor on C.
2a) If, however, the lengths of the hypotenuse and one of the sides of a right triangle
are known, the Pythagorean theorem is rewritten as: 1 – b2/c2 = a2/c2
For example, if c = 5 and b = 3, align the middle index of A with 5 on C, and read
the value m (.36) on A opposite 3 on C. (m = b2/c2) Mentally calculate (1 – m), and
move the cursor to this value (.64) on A. Then the length of the other side of the
triangle (4) will be at the cursor on C.
2b) Alternatively, the length of the other side of a right triangle may be found on
slide rules with a P scale without any mental subtraction, since the length of the
other side a = c · √1 – (b/c)2
For example, if c = 5 and b = 3, first calculate 3 divided by 5 regularly with the C
and D scales. Read the value on the P scale that is aligned with the index of C, and
then multiply that value (.8) by c (5) regularly (i.e., using the C and D scales) to
find the answer (4).

Squares and Roots

25. When squaring (or cubing) a number that is not between 1 and 10, first convert the
number into scientific notation and then square (or cube) each part.
e.g.: 23,6002 = (2.36 * 104)2 = 2.362 * 108 = 5.57 * 108
.008632 = (8.63 * 10-3)2 = 8.632 * 10-6 = 74.5 * 10-6
26. When only one of the two numbers in a product or quotient is to be squared, that
number is set on the D scale, whereas the other number is set on the B scale, and the
answer is read on the A scale.
27. The left half of the A scale is for finding the square roots of numbers > 1 with an odd
number of digits to the left of their decimal point; the right half of the scale is for
numbers with an even number of digits. Therefore, if the number on the A scale is an
intermediate result in a calculation (i.e., the product or a quotient), the location of its
decimal point must be determined before finding its square root. This also applies for
the cube roots of intermediate results.

28. The left part of the K scale is for cube roots for numbers > 1 with 1, 4, or 7 digits to
the left of their decimal point; the middle part for numbers with 2, 5, or 8 digits; and
the right part for numbers with 3, 6, or 9 digits.
29. When finding the square root or cube root of decimals between 0 and 1, the decimal
point must be factored out first.
a) For square roots, this is done by moving the decimal point an even number of
digits to the right until at least one digit is to the left of the decimal point.
Thus, the left half of the A scale will be for numbers with an odd number of
zeros between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit (e.g., .0003), and
the right half of the A scale for numbers with an even number of zeros. After
the answer is found, the decimal point is moved half the number of digits back
to the left.
b) For cube roots, the decimal point is moved to the right by a number of digits
that is a multiple of 3, and after the answer is found , the decimal point is
moved one-third the number of digits back to the left.
30. Arbitrary roots (n√a) may be found by either:
a) raising “a” (in an LL scale) to the value of “n” on the CI scale; or
b) finding the value on an LL scale whose nth power is “a.”
For example, 3.5√40 may be found:
a) by aligning the right index of C with 40 in LL3, and finding the answer on LL3
that is aligned with 3.5 on CI; or
b) by aligning 3.5 on C with 40 in LL3, and the number on LL3 that is aligned
with the left index of C will be the answer (2.87).
31. Roots of numbers just below 1 and 100 can be found more accurately with the P and
W scales. For example: √.925 = √1 – .075 = √1 – (.2739)2 = .9618
(The cursor is set to 7.5 on D to produce .2739 on W, and then the cursor is set
to .2739 on D to find .9618 on P.)
32. The P and D scales can be used in reverse; for if P = √1 – (.1 · D)2 , then
D = 10 · √1 – P2 (e.g.: 5.9 on D is aligned with P at .808, and P at .59 is aligned with
8.08 on D.) Therefore, for maximum accuracy in the calculation of √1 – b2 , set b on D
when b < .7 and read the answer on P. But when b ≥ .7, set b on P and read the answer
on P.
33. To find 1 – x2 when x is between 0 and 1, set x on the P scale and read the answer on
the A scale.

Exponents and Logarithms
34. When a value is raised to a power between 10 and 100, the solution will be found on
the next scale further out from the scale on which the value is found (e.g., if the value
is located on LL1, the solution will be on LL2). And when a value is raised to a power
between .1 and 1, the solution will be found on the scale further in.
35. When the C 10 index is used instead of the C 1 index to set the number to be raised to
a power, the solution will be found on the next scale further out (e.g., on LL03 instead
of LL02).
36. To raise a number to 10th power, set the cursor to that number on an LL scale, and the
solution will be on the next scale further out. Conversely, the 10th root of a number
will be on the LL scale further in. A number to the 100th power will be two scales
further out, etc.
37. To find y = ax when y is > 100,000 or < .00001, there are three ways to find the answer:
a) Break up the exponent into two or more parts, and then multiply them
e.g.: 5.37.8 = 5.34 * 5.33.8 = 790 * 565 = 446,000
b) Factor the base and then multiply the parts regularly
e.g.: 285 = (4 * 7)5 = (45) * 75 = 1024 * 16,807
c) Using the equivalence: ax = 10x·log(a) calculate it with the L scale as explained
below in #44.
38. To find y = ax when .999 < y < 1.001, use the following approximation:
a±x ≈ 1 ± x · logea
e.g.: 3.2.00025 ≈ 1 + .00025 · log e3.2
39. To find y = ax when .999 < a < 1.001, use the following approximations:
(1 ± n)x ≈ 1 ± n·x and (1 ± n)-x ≈ 1 – (± n·x)
e.g.: 1.000233.7 ≈ 1 + .00023 · 3.7
40. To find arbitrary roots, calculate them as exponents using the CI scale—but the
answer will be on the next LL scale, since numbers in the CI scale are between .1 and
e.g.: 3.5 √e = e1/3.5 = 1.3307 (e is on the LL3 scale, but the answer 1.3307 is on LL2)
41. To find the logarithm of numbers with an arbitrary base, (e.g., log381), ask the
question: “3 raised to what power equals 81?” Then use the LL scales as when
regularly calculating an exponent, but the answer is on the C scale instead of an LL
42. The method used in #41 may also be used for common logarithms (i.e., base 10)
instead of using the L scale. This method has the advantage of providing both the

mantissa and the characteristic at the same time. It is also more accurate for numbers
between .37 and 2.7 (i.e., if the antilogarithm is to be found on any LL scale except LL3
and LL03).
43. Common logarithms of numbers on the LL3 scale can be found with great accuracy by
first converting them to a number on another LL scale (i.e., a number between .37 and
2.7) times a power of ten and then adding those two logarithms.
For example: log101058.5 = log101.0585 + log10103 = .0247 + 3 = 3.0247
log10694 = log10.694 + log10103 = -.1586 + 3 = 2.8414
44. To calculate exponents on a slide rule that lacks the LL scales (but has an L scale), take
advantage of the equivalence: ax = 10x·log(a)
e.g.: to find z = 27.63.49 calculate 10(3.49 · log(27.6))
To do so, first find log(27.6) by setting aligning the cursor with 2.76 on the C scale
and reading .441 on the L scale for the mantissa.
Add the characteristic of 1 to this (since 27.6 = 101 · 2.76) yielding 1.441.
Multiplying this by 3.49 produces 5.03, which is the power that 10 must be raised to in
order to find the answer.
105.03 = 105 · 10.03, and 10.03 can be found by setting the cursor to .03 on L and reading
1.07 on C. Therefore, 27.63.49 = 1.07 · 105
For negative exponents, the logarithm needs to be manipulated into a negative
characteristic and purely positive mantissa before performing the final 10x operation.
Note: There are two advantages of calculating exponents with this method:
1) It produces results with three significant figures. When however an exponent is
calculated normally (i.e., using the LL scales) the result cannot be read to three
significant figures if it is > 30 (on the LL3 scale).
2) Since most slide rules do not have an LL scale for numbers beyond 105, this method
of using the L scale can be very helpful when exponents result in large numbers.

The W Scales
45. When using the W scales for multiplication, the multiplicand is set on W1 or W2 and
the multiplier is set on W1' or W2'. The product will always be found on the stock (i.e.,
W1 or W2). When the 1 or 10 mark was used to set the multiplicand, the product will
be adjacent to the multiplier (as it usually is) on the stock. When however the red
triangle was used to set the multiplicand, the product will be on the stock opposite the

46. When using the W scales for division, if the dividend and the divisor are on the same
scale (i.e., on W1 and W1' or W2 and W2'), the quotient will be found on the stock at
the 1 or 10 mark. But if the dividend and the divisor are on opposite scales, the
quotient will be found on the stock at the red triangle mark. (It doesn’t matter which
red triangle you use, since when both red triangles of the slide are on the scale, they
always indicate the same number on the stock.) The reason why is because when we
divide (or multiply) by something on the opposite scale, we are really dividing by the
number on the same scale times 3.16, so to correct for this we need to multiply the
result (at the 1 or 10 mark) by 3.16, which leads us to the red triangle.
47. To find the square root of a number > 1 with the W scales, the W1' scale is for square
roots of numbers with an odd number of digits to the left of their decimal point,
and the W2' scale is for numbers with an even number of digits. For the square root of
decimals between 0 and 1, the W1' scale is for values with and odd number of zeros
between the decimal point and the first non-zero digit, and the W2' scale is for values
with an even number of zeros. For example, √.4 = .632 , √.04 = .2

Markings on Specific Models

Hemmi 2634

1. The c mark is √4/π = 1.1284

Since the area of a circle A = ( d/√4/π )2, the area can be found by dividing d by the c
mark, and the answer will be the value on the A scale that is aligned with the index of
the C scale. To find the area of circles having various diameters, align the c mark with
the index of D, and then moving the cursor to any diameter on the C scale will align it
with its corresponding area on the A scale.
2. The ρ° mark is 180/π = 57.29
To convert radians to degrees, multiply; (i.e., set the index of C above the radians on
D, and the answer in degrees will be beneath the ρ° mark on the D scale). Bear in
mind that it is a 2-digit number.

3. The ρ' mark is 60·180/π = 3437.7

To convert radians to minutes, multiply as above, bearing in mind that it is a 4-digit

4. The ρ" mark is 3600·180/π = 206265

To convert radians to seconds, multiply as above, bearing in mind that it is a 6-digit

Faber-Castell 2/83N

1. ρ = π/180 = .01745 (on C, D, CF, DF, W1, and W1')

To convert degrees to radians, multiply; (i.e., set the index of C above the degrees on
D, and the answer in radians will be beneath the ρ mark on the D scale). When
determining the decimal point’s location, bear in mind that ρ is about 10-2.

2. c = √4/π = 1.1284
Since the area of a circle = ( d/√4/π )2, the area can be found by dividing d (the
diameter) by the c mark, and the answer will be aligned with the index of C on the A
scale. If the volume of a cylinder is desired, that value on the A scale may then be
multiplied by the height of the cylinder set on the B scale.

3. M = 1/π = .318310 (on A and B)

This mark is useful when you want to multiply a number on the A or B scale by π and
you want to move the cursor instead of the slide (i.e., you want to perform the

multiplication as division).
For example, to calculate the circumference of a cylinder with a diameter of 6, align
the M mark on B with 6 on A, and the answer is above any index of B on A (18.8). If
the surface area of the cylinder is wanted, move the cursor to the height of the
cylinder on B (e.g., 5) and the product will be on A (94).

4. The correction marks in the ST scale between 4° and 6° are for a more accurate
reading of the tangent, which is slightly larger than the sine of these angles. For
example, tan(4°) = .06994 , sin(4°) = .06976

5. The 360 line on the cursor is situated such that when the central cursor is aligned with
x on the D scale, the 360 line will be aligned with 360 times x on the DF scale. This is
useful for converting seconds to hours (or hours to seconds) and km/h to

6. A (on the cursor) is .8862 times the central mark on the cursor. (1/√4/π = .8862)
Therefore, when the cursor is set to the diameter of a circle on D, the A on the cursor
will equal its area (since it is on the A scale). To calculate the volume of cylinder, first
multiply the diameter by the square root of the cylinder’s height (i.e., align the index
of C to the cylinder’s height on the A scale), then the A mark on cursor will give the

7. When the lines on the far left of the back side of the cursor are aligned with the
antilog of a number on an LL scale, log2 of that number will be at the far right line of
the cursor on the D scale. The position of the decimal point and the sign will depend
on which LL scale is used. For example: log2(1.48) = .566 ; log2(.638) = –.648

8. The distance between the lines on the far left and far right of the front side of the
cursor is 3√3 on the C and D scales, which is a distance of 3 on the K scale. Therefore,
they can be used to quickly multiply or divide any number by 3 on the K scale. (For
example, to multiply a number by 3, set the line at the far left of the cursor at that
number on K, and the product will be at the line at the far right of the cursor on K.)

9. When the “d” mark on the back of the cursor is set to the diameter of a circle on the
W1 or W2 scale, its area is found at the “A” mark on the D scale.
For example, if d = 2.27 mm, A = 4.05 mm2.
In the converse calculation however (when the diameter is calculated from the area),
whether the diameter is to be found on W1 or W2 depends on the order of magnitude
of the area. In particular (since d = 2 · √A/π ), when A/π has an odd number of digits
to the left of the decimal point, the diameter will be on W1; for an even number of
digits it will be on W2.

For example, if A = 1.84 cm2, d = 1.53 cm. But if A = 18.4 cm2, d = 4.84 cm.
The same thing can be accomplished using the slide instead of the cursor. When the
index of C is set above the area on D, the diameter will be at the “c” mark on W1' if
A/π has an odd number of digits, but at the “c1” mark on W2' if A/π has an even
number of digits. (c1 =√40/π = 3.5683)


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