Sie sind auf Seite 1von 52


1.1 Borry, Internalional President

ta ling, in the shun rU Ii . o n \'0'01'''1.:1'''

End The than thc~ a rc on c mpIO)'l.: rs. Th e
lBEW ha' " panlcul"rl) proud reonrd

Gridlocl{- of 'ioellii ng d i sp llte~ with it~ I!mploycl1i

without resort ing II.) ~ I rik~'i . SUI if an
cmp l oy~r ~no\\ s gu ing into a lough
Senators, negoli ulion e~ ~iol1 Ihal Ih\.' cmploycl!1i;
wi ll 1101 he ahle to drcclivcly slri J.. .c.
Pass The thcy (,.;i:l n propose wha tever they ii"l.!-
wag,t: CLl I ~ , bencfil rcuuctiOIl". whal -

Workplace eVer. T il ey know Ihe emplo}ees \\ ill

have 10 go along with it bCC'-l Ll!l.C thL.:

Fairness 8ill fl lt ern:lli vc fo r the employees is "t rik-

ing, ant.! therefore ri!'!"-i ng being IJe l'·
mant:l1ll) re p laced , 11 0\\ '<.; thai for
here'" a ~ou nd being \-v...!ard :lroulld the Uni \\!u
T ShHc:-. tltC$1.! days. You Car' hl!C1r it at pl~lll l gi,lc"i.
union h'1 1I8. and around ~ilc h ~ n wbles. It'., the
h<l li lll ce of powc-r, \1 ~otlnds .1 1m
more li ke .. their way o r I Ill: doorway,"
In fact. when g.lIIng Oll t on 'itrikc
so und or workingpeopk ucmanding Senate can mean. ror all practical purpo~~.
act ion on ant ist rik cr-rcplac\.! l11 \! nl legisl:Hioll. being rircd. then thl.! right 10 slrik l!
and if" . . gc lting louder. becomes ,,1m 5l I11caningleso:.;.. Now. cl early Ih\!
H.R . =' allu S. 55. known liS "The Cesar eco nom~ remain s :-.Iuggish, ilnd milny lirrn~ ilrc
Chavc7 \: orkplace Fairnes,,;: Bill :' would ban in lTOubk . B ut ror lhose firms \() say 10 long·
once AI H.! ro r ull the deplorab le praL:ticc o f tcr m, hard \\lorking e mplo yc c ~ "wc 're having harJ
allowi ng. companies to '"pcnn clncntly replace" limes. so 110\\ \\ c'rc going to ,hl~h your \\Clgc'l
:striking worlcr . It pas:,cd tlu: I louse of Rcprc- and bcnclil"', Take il or leave il." l 0 disclission;
~enla lh cs by a cumfo rt.ot b1c m argi n in June. and no negolli1uo n. That's not what I he colic-ctive
now sits in Ih.: Sena te a f~w vo teS short of bl'ing harga ini ng procr.:s~ is al! about. Tha t's 11tH fa ir.
able to break a threatcn.,;d l'ilih u'ioh.!r. M": <Ill'l.vhik. nd faimt:~s t"l rC~l lly what ) I.I~ . 5 .lIlti S. SS come
\\orker.,. arc in Iroubh.'" . dO\\11 10. A llowing p~rmancnl rcplacc mcnt!<l i~
\! orkcr~ an.~ in trouhle ill Cale rpillar in j ll ~ t nol fa ir.
Illi nois. w h c r~ the thre.1l of bringing in scabs Long ~ lil11l.! United Farm \V(wkcrs l ei1 d ~ r \;'1.11'
crippled a strike acti on lal\ t yenr. \Vo r kcrl\ Cha\cl:, who dir.:u cilrlicr lhi\ vear. rought for fair ~
are in trouhle m Dii:llllolld \"alnut in Ca l ifor~ nc'\.\, dignity, ~rul dl!cr.:ncy for \\C1 rkcf"i all l1is IifC'.
nia, wh ere "tabs were called ill. not just for A nd upon hi~ dea th. lhl..' I cgi ~hl ti ol1 which 11m,
the duration o f the st rik.:, hut p cr lll Cl ~ the powcr to hring Ihose Ihi ng....:: 10 lh~ Arner·
ncntly. Th"' l means unles:t lhc'ioe union ican workplace was namcu in his honur.
worke r~ can c hang~ th ing),. th\!)"rc o ut To the handful of ~cnalOrs \\ ho hold
of work . All heca use tlwy \\Icr~ the key tn passing lh i!.; Ii.!gisliHioll ;)nd
exe r cising tlll.'lf legally pr (J ~ :,e uring Brothe r 11<1\ I.!I":-, Il.:gilC).
lcered right to ' trike. I he time for ilet iun j" nO\\ , I::nu
Thero·, be n " lot of l illk Ihe gridlock. Po" Ihe bill. To Ihe
nbou t "the balilllcc of power ill \vork i n g p ~ o p h.:
III' Ailleriea . dtl
the wc)rl...plact:." \Vell. Ict mt! (ell your pilrl. I f t \ 'C I') union l1l el1lb~ r
you, tile to strike- b the- on l~ called or \\ rotc hi or her :-,enatllr:,
reul balul1cc or power the re is in ur gi ll g tht:J11 to '1U ppOlt •. 55, the
l abor-m~I I1 i:lgeIl1l: 1l1
relations. Ch.:<l rly. Se nate w ill r eliCt. America IlI.'-r.:Js
labor (ries to avoid strikes. which arc thi:, h..:gislation. Th e jol it prolccb
often far mOTe! economically <.il!vas- could hl: your.,;;. t


2 12 19 44 16
lIell)ing 10 Shalll'
'I'hl' "'"llll'"
V1... hiclc:-.
IIIEW Bllihling
Unio n J oh~
Come To Scra nton.
Seve llt h J)l \lril' l \Vin ~
Fj't' I'ayer's
Ohircl iOll I'lall

Pc nnl,~ h ania

IBlm 's
6 18 \1I·Slm·
Oh. Canada
Firsl Dio;;lflCI M~Cl' " ':'1'1) \ \h'elill,!l



10 20
('0'' of tI.. JB!w J A»..SIor TfOlTI Locol 1200 Wovungl'Of'l 40
(;0118('1'\ ing DC mt!ll!oo, )1111 Mc:J.lnl'lQl'1 prOJ>OffH mo W8Al. TV (Channel
I,aboi"s Basil' r1 '" Bol!rm~"/iJ HlI ~fof. bos«.on'j AUSJor GaIM RESEARCH AND
Dio;;t ricl M!.!cl!'-
COVER PHOTO: locol 12015
WoIRiJ' Cr.,. ColifornJ<l mtrl!·
bet Fltd CO" ovtrf,oul, MII<on
tallied, l·od-mOOJ"1fd eNG iMU
l lliiOli Pl'i\'ilrge

Organizing DirftCim
MfI"'m Horton ovr/.n'"9
the 'SEW', ~ MEMO
COO,UW 0:1
B", )'rOt !
Inl. ~j'll. Rj'lires
1'l'es('I'illl ion
Sm illgs -

Progre,J ,\1eemll9


'''l«noIlllnol Pr.,~' s.c.tory
''''"(1!lOn~ '940~oet1l00d
1I2j.I!ilk 51, N,W 1125 1.5tt. SI N.W CIIo,noIM S\l'~ • EdJJor
Wcnh'"9'OA. 0 C 2000~ WOlhl"Qtcn, 0 C 2000S CLYDE aOWDEN Do I. T.~Ot 752JO J.J. hny
cia fBfW locol 387 .s.-wr O.. 1fkI Jounool Du-eclor
lB I8N 7"' S,,", fHOMAS J. SWEENEY Mary Ann YCiA Mete r
'""'tI(lIOOf'Ol T,oKIJUlef Su".201 '2052 8fll.nor Rood
1.58-11 Ho.rrYonAr.coleJr Av'"LItI ~hc»ru. Am'Dna 8501 4 !ond, Caliiornio SIIP'I'I'IIOt
Flvl"'/IfI, N_ VOll 11305 Carol A. Cipolorj
" "I P')/r,el 94602
JOSEPH A. M(CAfFI'Rry SlolI Wrilon
F,fm OiJJrK1 N,~fIt
~/olSEW loc:ol 380 f&~f':~'~tAVOY lham Po~en
f,,~D'JIr'l:1 I)jUtJd 3QOO I,eb P,u 2750 OI.aIra s. .., loom 12 Rulh A. Cobb
KEN J.WOODS H. WADE GUIlll' 5•• • Mc::CANN CoII~,fII P."nlyimnoo Vkto"o II tWt CoIurnb.o
.., Sheppard ~ Eo~r No 2~,,~o.l"" 1.$0 Noll" W'e-' tl:ll'le I~"'20 Conodo V8T Af8
s.,'1e Aill Su,.3OA 5111'- 100
CrI)' tl Nonh vOt\
w,lIowdcrle. 0M0n0 ~s201ZB90 Alobomo
Woltwt e,M.
9A.598 ""'ilA
CaliQfrwg ...... """<1
'UNK J. CAUOU JI. =1993Intemr;Jtional
CIInDdo MlN .5YI 5~'" I.,,'" O,llod """""hood 01 Eiodn<oj

. ....,- ...
g'Sf/1d 2106 (ull MQofI S'·MI
s.or",d{)j511 .:1
Qu'ncy Mouoc~ _ 01169
1200 5<J . ModI Str_
Lc.Ibord ~'J «lUI
s.... IIQ
lIuen'IQIU II.

000 18
,,.. tI Do.""",,
Wool." ,fJ: rog/ll) r~
ra..tdDu"c;1 ~rftOr""'", f .......,.,. O,IA'>t'I lUO f,,,,oct ... _
MY (DWUDi ~.O+<'C)"Al'5
Su,te C
••00 w"

s.... 309
logei" Palkwoy

Suo" 300
, otrIo I).uron
...a-..,. ....... Yor. 12205 ot-CI~ '~73tOl .'"91..., M ..... 05806 <..'0 il(W LocoI $51
fOlltff. Oo)lr>rt r~w.D.." r~J)'''d
PAULJ. wm£ JOH f.WALTlU CAlL LANSDf N \"'-1f>eId~)~
7710 R*Xi ng Rood 330 Shoup A_u. froo-iJln8,.\d"'l) "FIll ()..I..c'
~u'l'\t 9 s..,~2O& s",lle500 tv ... KEITH QU!RIY
Grw::lfW"(llf ()t.1O PO 8<od l 210 ChQfto,OOCPgO. T..,"" .... It 00 [ Adno ..oi aNd
.45137 lduho ~olh, IdMo 83"o5 J7.11 i(DI'MQ CI~, M'uo.... cwl06

" The IBEW Juurnal has gn'ell ISf)
It} I}1t! role oj the }H EW
1I0rker m /It'w alia emergmg tee/lIIoJ·
og\l, (lml holV 'hese worker,\ 1m! helpiug
10 \Jwpe ,Ill' fil/ure. ' says Lot..'l Il 1245.
\\',11",,, ('re:ek, California, 11Il!I1I1>er
he great technology th at Brother
Carr ~peaks o f is the ene rgy sav-
emironmenlall~-sc nlliliye di~tinc·
J-red('fI( k (urr, "And 111\ Imil Lf cur· tl o n that the Sacramento Regional
r('lItl, Im'olw,t! 1\'11" {I weal Icc/mnt· 1 ral1~ it (SRT) achieved with th e
(lin /i/O/lwr Cllrr IS'lpeukillg of expertise of the sk illed members o f
\urrulltt'lIllJ (California) Regimw/ Local 124-. RT is \\ell ··011 the road··
/ "'11\11, "m' of Ilr(' firM mujor IIrhrlll to possessi ng th e largest bus nee t in
11 1tt\\ U'(fIf'lUJf1m /nll diuric/\' 10 UJf1 l11ril Am cric<l t rLln on compressed nalu ra l
to ('rHlffJrnH'ti NWllfal Cio\ ( NG) ga!ot, overhau led, l11uinlaincd anti
pOil/llrf" \ l'/"d£·\, " 'hell nm/pi/n'd 10
in"'pcctcd hy it s union e mpl oyee.
dWH'1 t'''i:IIU'\ 11m, Mmr: lI!i('(I. tlrt' 1t'~'f'l
I hc\t.: m c mhcr~ were train ed in the:
oj pol/111m", prnfiflcrn h\ eNG
Regional TransiL's Rom\.: , Nl:w York.
£'I1,~/lH'\ 111'1 ' "II /lw /lOIJ-exisft'lII-fI fill.'-
facil it y. Brothe" Bill LaForte and J oe
lOr tlll1l ('I/ilumi" la l ~'lIwkt'r~ hlln'
Lent/. classil1cd facility maintenance
IIl1lmlflll!tI lor flt't'o 111111 mt1l11t{jlI1Ura)
'rHm, JIre Cllrr('nI t!11!\t'1 flt!i" IUIJ h" l'"
mechaniCS. arc rc.!~ponsible for main·
In \/'(I'ICI' \IJ/CI' lh e Jlut/·1c)7(h, 1I·1t1'1I /I
ldining the cO lllprc"~()r an d fu eling
r{'pltlC'('" 1111 tH'" older mtxlflt Ims, Awl
-' Ia t lo n:-.. FOLlTl ee n of SR' I '., 16
I/'n/' ( \ ( J ""Iltc/n, If/llelr hI' I"''' mecha nics aue ndcd the tmining se mi-
j'f/wPJ,nl ~'II11 hfr.\ for ",lIt,t'ldulln, 1\ ill nilr~ !<.pun:-.orcd hy the 111;lllufacturcr.

tlt·11I t'f (f h/K/OWr /lofllL\ /0 urt'll r flwln ll.\·,' Iill' I ndll: t ri "~ of America . ba,eJ in
,1011 "'(/1\ ' : \at'IlIUlem(l IV/II he [fCI' of Or·i,kany. New York.
Iltt'\cI /lflll,/ulI//.\ 'nUll Iw."," \I(linlllil'- The Il1cmbcr\ participated 111 a Iwo-
III/.: 11r(, ( \ (, /1(,t'( 11ft' IBLH' ml!l'i/dll' day trainin g ~C~'i.lo n lO Ic.!a rn all the
toeol r245 member Joe Lentz in the ,oofrol
I( \, lfI,.,ulwn IIf I IIClII 11.J.5. new I ~ chnol gicai iI~pcch of com· room of the fueling bay af rile computer, mon;-
prc\~c d natural ga'i- powcl'c u (eNG) fori"!1 fueling of eNG buJ.



Above, Brother Fred elm lighlenJ the mounting

bolts on the comprcued natural gas mnks,
locafed in lite roof of the bus ,

AI left, tocal J245 Bu.sincu Rcprcw nfatiw:

Wayne Greer (eenler/stonds beside Regional
Transi,'s campreued·go:.·powcrcd bu.s, parked
In front 01 tllC Socromcnto Stoic Copilol, with
maintenance woncen John 80wden (left) and
La""," Gill /righ.).

vchicll!s. () 11 lh~ Ilr..; ' day. Illc 1111.:111- in ... ltl llce, wc no ti ccd Ihal a dH ... hhoaru
hcr~ karn !.!o hl'\\ the "hllle ... ) ... h!m dldn 'l helVC a \\Ire CHVcr inslalll:d. 11
wo rh . .an d un lhl.! \Ccond. Ihe \C ....... ion \\a~I1 't :1 ... lillll.lard item. hu t \\C
focu~J ~lric ll ) on the ;,lIl nhut..:" ;lnu fl:qUi.!io,l~ d Iha\ wire cover.. he in\tatlcd
~pccifics of natural g.l,\ compH.::-.:-. iUll. un 11 11 bu:-.e~ . •11ll1 Ih l.!~ wac. W ~ ,, 1"0
h.llowln g m\cn ... h.: Inli nin g.. Loca l d i:-,co vc l"cu iI d ip ~ :--tic~ luhc rubhi ng. on
124::; m~mh\!r-; \\ ..: 11.' IH~\!n 10 Ihe man- the e\.hau,1 pipe It ·... a ll mmnr ."wfl.
ufacturing plant. \\hCrL' they lI\"'rC( t ~J hu t \.\ hen ~llll'rL' r,-'~illg 2.611.000 a
Ih\! Ill!\\ nlllllrai ~a . . ·pm\cn.:u hu"\(;.... a~ hu:-.. )O U \\;1111 It bra nd 11\.'\\ . "
Ihey rolled d,ml1 the .1..... cl11hly 11111.:. hcr "' ILIdyll1~ the 1Il ... \rllCIlOn 111:111-
Accoruing lU Local I:!4:' ~hup !'Ilc" .m.1 uab and ... chlJll1;HH': ... of Ihl: "~"' I CIll ,
L lrncll Gill. \\ho <,,~i ... I'" III rqlair ,lIld Brothcr LaFori c "'ro~c uf the compul -
prnl'nli\c Ilhllllh:nilnl.·l.'. th e RT ... o r~ ... ::Ik l ) rc;lIurc~ of Ihe ... elf-
l1lL:chamc... \\ ..:rc rC'pt;lIl, ihle fur mak- cun ttlln co. C. G
Ing. "'UfL' thilt ··C\ l!1) Ihm}!, Ihill wa ...... up- compre'tMH..... III..: 'liid. " Each or thu:-.c 10 he put un lin the il\j"'embly unit,> hn" a g.I'" I.kllTtor Ih,ll Will ...lll il
lint.! I \\, ~h ,'In till.'re.·· Ihe u nil drml1 al ~o percent of the
B rothl!f John HO\\lkn . .., facili ty Io\\i.!r CXplc'. \I\i C 1111111 In other ".onh.
mallllcnancc worker. uC!'Icrih " "hut when gi.h dl"CUmul ,lh:o.., in conct..'nlra-
he ano fHhcr ... learned 111 the c \\ I I00h Ihat ili C ;;0 pelecil l ur "hat it
Yurio. cla ...... c .... "\Vc wcnt thillugh Ihe wou ltlwJ..c III 1"lCl:OIlh..: cx plo!o.lvc . ..,hut-
in:-.pecllull houl lUll: hy hili,:. Iu I II it h· JO\\ll '" Initid l 'J ilillmnallcally Pn nr
... un: c\,crythlll g h,u.lllCcn ..Ionc. \Vhcn to that. 1,,;\'L' n III jll"'l 111 pcrC~lll 111 the Adjusting preuure on tho "Murphy ponel, If
we found ."oll1cl h,n g \\ ro ng. wc !emc!" cxp l{,..,i\\.· lim it , fall'" co m !! on Brother Lentz ensures thot the €onfocl gauges
ore sel properly 10 aUfomatkally Sh;rrt, JIop,
marl...c<.l it il' .I tldl.!cl. ilild Ih ~ n autolllatically 10 \clllihilc til ..: ltl Ca : ' shutdown or bypoJJ should a problem occvr ot
rct u l'1ll!d 1:-11 ..: 1' In COflcc t It. For Brolh ~1' I .c nt :t ope rate..; the CO!l1- the compressor stanon.


C'NG vchicles. B rOl ha (':-liT reporled.,
'"T hey're going to watc h th e fue l CO Il -
:-,umpliu ll very closely. so that if there
arc an} deviations. lh c~ can notify us
to cherI... for leak ~ ... as '\(.~ ~ai d bt..-forc.
-... ~. .. '-
• in terms of large leaks. there i an

• • --... "
automatic shut--ofr. But \d th smallcr
Icak~. c1o!<lc human inspection is
req uin!u."
• -'~
~- • -

-- • 'j
---- • ... SIal ion
Till' (;NG Fuelin"
Cent ral to th e maintenance and care
of the C IG buses was the construc-
lion of (h e comprc!!':,or ~ talion ~md
fuelin g i ·Iand. from whi ch I BEW
memhc rs wi ll refue l the coaches o n a
daily basis. It is sa id 10 be the la rgest
in Nn rl h America. in terms or fue l vol-
ume at the pump. \ Vhcrc it ordina rily
lakes ~l bo LH 25 lo 30 minut~ 10 fuel
one of RTs coaches at other CNG
stat ions. to fuel a coach at SRT. wilh
the sa me amount of fuel. l:lkl!S about
two-and-onc-ha lf to three minutes.
To su pply SRT's compressed gas
stn ti ol1. Paci[ic Gas an u ElcClric Com-
pany (PG&E) ran a dedicatcd gas line
dir ec tly to the
f"cilit). This gas
main is pre sur-
i7 ed 10 over 300
pound per-
square-i n ch.
whic h i about 10
t imes t he pres-
sure of rno 1 gas
lines. RT -CNG
fkoIhet- Bill IDforle chech the panels in the confrol room of the lueIing boy. compressors step
Ihi" pressure up
putCT terminal h \\hleh he muni turs blow up. \Vcll. It "s 10U percent gas- 10 a t least 3.000
th' fucl ing of the C'NG \'chlcles. Hc no oxygen. pounds-p e r -
also adjusts the pressu re on the Mur- Local 1245 mecha nic Fred Carr has ~quarc - i n ch.
phymatic con t roll \..~ r. com monly known the responsibility of checki ng gas Lines t h ~rcby allow ing
a~ the "Murphy panel" A fcalurc of for leaks and ligh te n ing mo u nting a quicker refuel-
thi~ pand is to e ll!lbl e alltOJ1HHic :Io(ar~ . bolt!<l dO\\n for the eNG tanks. He ing. Said Lee
stop:,.. shutdown. ond b) pl.lS~cs . via pe rforms p re venlO1live maintenance King. Local 1245
CCmltlclo;; on the ga uges the mse lves. in~rc lions on the illl bu~l.!s : docs the member . who
Brother LaForte spoke of the neces- prl.! limi nary check. and all rOlil ine main tains veh icle
si t) to keep the g<l';; vcry dry. " O l her- checks afte r a certain period of scr- upholste ry a nd
\\i!olc," he said. " Willer vapor will vkc. , hen tanks i.lrc ~Cl1 t o llL for test- tu e llng ... rhlS is
[ree7e in the pipe at the nozzle d ue 10 i ng. He makes road cfll1s. deliv .... rs an excili ng tech- I
the cooling e ffect of decompr cs- re p lacement hu:-.e:-. when n cccs~ary . nology , bcca u"e.
"iion ... which IS \\hy Ihl.! dehydrator is a and o\crscc~ the return of truubl ed for one thing. it
r;;cparate unit. You \\oulll \\onder whu busco;; to th e garage. Spcaklng. of pre- loub like this is
can com press that ga:-. and not have it ctlutionar~ m ca.~ ures i ll~litutcd with the bl!Sl Iype of


vch i c le. h ecau~e there is no
ex hau st to pollute the ai r.··
Regional Tfi:m~ it nrd c rl.:d al mos t a
hu nd ri.!d eNG powered hu ~cs, plu s
abou t a uozl.:n s upport vc hicles. T he
first C G b us wenl in lo se rvice in
December 1992 . an u a total of 40
hll \l.:\ hilvlo! sinci.! heen d e liv e red 10
SRT. More th a n 20 of th es e buses
have rece iv ed on-s il e inspcclin ns by
IBE\V cJl1plo)'ec~ and an~ prescntly in
Brothcr John Mc ndunca no leu Ih a l
half the RT ncct wi ll hc convcrtl.!d to
C ' Co \ c h ic les b) ca rl ) 1994. The
who le neeL comprised of 11 2 huscs, is
sc hc dll kd to o perate o n Ihe c1ea n-
DUrn1l1)?, luel by the year 20m. Brother lee King operates 0 specialized hose 10 fuel the Regionol Transi, bus.
" V'IIe rece ntly \\on an ilwa rd for dfi-
dcnc~-our m a inte nance record was Manage ment ha!o. hc~n coming 10 the e nvironment i~ c1ellner. an d sate l~ jo; a
good:' ,aid Brother Carr. He conti n- e mploycc~
and <I"killg 4uc~ tiun!". llley priorit~ _ But 0\ erdll. the labor of IheS\.."
Ur.!U. ··It makes me a liule more excited s.."l)'. 'You're Ihe o n ~.;; \\ho 'I re gomg. to member.;;. a h hough no t direct l:
aholll work . I r"s l ike-I"m making a be working on Ihi ~ -\\ hal uo you thinl.. obscncd b) thl.· cus to m er", keep.;;
diff~rc llc c. You kno\\ . management aboul thisT l 've also hccn Imprc,scd acramenlo r eside nt s moving .
had an c<lo,;icr time deciding to go to wilh Ih eir Ilm-lna ,g.l.'; nh.:n['~1 conce rn \Vhether it's ove rh au ling a Iran'il11b-
~omd h ing like this bccau:,r.! of the ir \\ ith ~fc t) : ' nd Ma int en'lI1cc Man- sion. o\crhauli ng all engine. keeping
faith in o ur m ainte nance depa rtm ent. ager ~Iik c Couke. a~ \\ ell a ... A~is tanl the air con diti oning in ~cn ' icc. or
l ~lint ena n ce ~I a na gc r ~cd Fm:. rea ligning the hrake'i. Ihe ~ J.. ill of
hC:lrl ily agree. a Ihl.!Y cum ment'! LocaJ 1:!~5 mechanics 10;; \\h at mak es
the s~slem \\ orl·..- a priml: ~:\al1lple of
9317 Gas lhe e ntire maintenance ' taff
the lipirit and d edical iun of I BE\V
Clean Natural \11 0:,1 major urbilll Illa~:, tran-
I'btrered 8 Y ... Sit (lIstrlcl" arc fo ll owing thl.! rncmbcn.. •
prog.rc~:, uf RT'~ C G cU.Jches
10 determine if tht!y arc cus t
dfeC livl' and po ll ull on fr ee.
Loca l I ::!-I 5 mcmhcrs helieve
th ai C!': I \ -e h iclc~ \\ ill hecome
I he new s tan ui.1rd po\\e r fo r
rn a~' t ran ~i l and coul d pos!>. ibly
exte nd LO pri viltc l) 0\\ ned allto-
l1l()bill..· ~. \Vhil e th e ro~itionl.;
held h) Lin: IBE \V ullIon mcm-
bers at Region;"!1 Tran.;II·.;; c hi-
cle Maintenan ce Dcpa rlm c nt
arc not in tho.:: mo n: lr<uJitional
work clao,;o,;ific.:ati()n ~ tl f Local
1245. the memhero,; hdi~vc th:-tl
to hI.: imohcJ ill the h:nd posi-
tion of a co n vc~ion I II natura l
g a ~ truJ} rep reo;e nl s I hL' va lue
il nu inh."grity o f Ihe IOF\V and
Not onl y i~ the bl h o r ~ lll a n ~
Completing his inspecrion, Brother LaForte
age m c l1t p artn c r:,hip succc~~­ che<1cs valvcJ on a No. 1 eylinder on unit
fu ll y work ing at S RT . h UI the K-I02.


Inremotional P~jcknf Barry delivering the Intamotionol Secretory Moore diKussing Ifte
meehng l , Iceynofe acldresJ. new 18EW Canadian efectronic trarJJfer pr0-
gram for retirees .

FiI'SI OisLl'irt l\Ieets Amid, I Aftc i Tt:IJ) Wi hun. \UrC ur Local Ill)\\ cons lrtl ction f)rg~lniling cam-
~04. Kllchener. On tario. Busine~!o. pClign~ in th e dJO:;l ri cl havc ~hown r(.!a l
Eeollfllll ic UncC l'tain t)' Alld
Mana ger/ Fin a ncial Secre tary J ~rr)' promise over the I;t!'.t two yea rs.
p om leal Changl.' in l~al1ild a \\,i l~on. sang. Ih L! Crlnadian 'J-atu.JIli.l l !:Hasllng I he government f fomler

T he turbulent \'~"ilters of iagara

Falls served as a filling backdrop
for the bnol Dl str icl's All Canada
Anthem. and introuUclof) anti wel-
coming T\!marks were prcsl!l1Icd by
Ningara F::t lls Mayor \Vayne lluJmp-
Prime ~1inister Brian Mull'nnc~ and
hi!'! conservative '\uCCl'ssor Kim Call1p~
hI.! II. Vicc President Wood~ poinll.!u to
Pr{lgres~ M ec ting. hel d in Niagara son, 1EC Chairnllln Clyd(! Bowden, over ·WO.OOO jobs losl il1 Hllad" since
"ails. Illa,;o , J uly 13 Ihrou gh 16. anti Eigh lh D iSlriCI 113(' momoer 1989. I Ie cited SWlh-ric.\ CIIIUU{U num-
Dt!J...:g~lIcs from local unio ns ll c r o~s Jal1ll.!s McAvoy. First Dblrict In terna- hers showing 40.6(~1 jon, hei ng c realed
('anada galhercd jusl mOlllh. hefore 1I0nai Vice Prc!loid\!nt Ken Woods got a month in Canada 111 Il)X7. But by
this -autumn's clections, to hear. tcll. ri~ll1 down 10 bU<;lOess. The numbers IY90. Canada \la" In,inc, ""'r 71~1I1
and dlSCLISS disturbing neWs Hbout the Hrc distressing. he- reponed. In a scric. jobs a monlh. Uncmrlo~rncnl III 1992
!'Iale of I h ~ coun try's I.:!conomy. :tnd uf ~Ii d (!s. he gra phica ll y ill u,,>trated the W(I:-' up to 11.3 percent nationall y, and

"boul pia" , Ihe IB EW bas 10 bell' Ihe I","", IInion < (including Ihe IBE'W) to over 50 percent in the cOIl..;.tructinn
rncmbcr<ohip thro ug h th e rough have expe ri enced in li e l1uill indu<.;try cl:lTlicr Ihl' year in ,",cvcral
"uten;. th e Case for organizing.;mon~tl'Hting provinces. rhc C'on.,cn i:Hh c.:S. ~UJd Vice


At left, 0 view oI1omtt 01 the JclcgOlCi
offenJing the ConSlnKhon Worhhop

International Vic6lTeJident
Woods lallcing about the difficult
economic times Canaela foces.

Above, standing at oltenrion during

Terry Wilson '.s singing of the
Prl..'''iidcTl I \\'nodl,; ha v,- rai:-.vt! tax(::-. 011 Cnnndirm Natinnol Ant/u1m are,
workingpcoplc \vhi le keeping Ihl.'lll From left, Host Loco' Com mittoo
Chairmon and L«0/636, Toronfo,
down 101' corpOlCltiom•. And in a IllOVC member Dennjs Fra(1(o, Niagara
rum iliHf to l\tl1t!f1can<;. lhe), h,.i\'~ Foils Mayor Thompson, Vice
pa\sed more ,lIld more co ... h lin h ) PreJident woocls, Secrtlory
Moote, IEC member McAvoy,
prm. indal dlll.,I Incal ~o\cmm.:n" \"hlle and lEe Chairman 9owd~.
In\'ing till': fcderal dehl ,k,\ hi\!.h.
Vice Preqdcnl \\'()t)(.1 .... (ncrall mc\-
SfJgC \\oa ... d t;ill ;Jnu lInc4uiHx:al that
l'an:HJa nCl.'d .. change: Ihal IBEW AI ''lIhl, /.oeal 105,
Hamilton, Onrorio, Bus;neu
members mll ~t get ilwolv t'd, both Mon0ger/FinancioISe((CIOI')'
polilical!\ ilml \\ilhill cilch lOCH!. and Joe 8coHiu gives a donolion
Ihat with ca<"'h l1u.:mh 'r im. nl\'cu- '" Nancy 8011 cI "'" Mul~pl.
Sclerosis SocHJIy of Cancda
organillng anJ \-f1l1ng rC~11 pro!!rc"
OJ he regislWs for ",.
can be IIH1UC. progreSi mfM!fing.
Inlclllaliullal Prc!'icJctH J.J. Barry.
th e ml.'Clmg\, keynote ... pt..:akcl . rl.'i n-


(orrell much or \\ hal Viel,.' Prc\ldcnr
Wnodl\ hao 10 ....t} . Pre';<.il'fl! Btlrry foe \\ rillen reporlS ~L'I X'Of in d!'o U3Udi.
said. "C~In:ldn h;ro; heen III Ihe deprh t;; BUI Ihe 1Il0'k.'.\ g.... ,\ tll!pt.d lcd UIfl..'Cllj ecrelarf' omee. In acldillon 10 (he
or a rr.:: CC~ ... jnn for Ihe pal:;t 1\1/0 lind" into an J13 E \V aCcO unt in TorolllO. ea~ and \l'cunry Ihe program uffer;;
hal,. jenr". ""'0 (hOM;.' lucky cnou~h 10 Onl11rio (in R:lltimorc rOr U.S. fu nd!<l.). pcn..,ione,,,, il dbo re present, a MI/)stan-
ha\rl! a juh. ;1 ;~ prohahly i] rCCC~t;;Jon. Thill way (he moncy begins workin,g tial prinling and r<>'it l:Jgc "Hvings for the
HowC\'cr, 10 rhe 15 million whll urc fo r the m...:mher",hip several day... earlier I nl cnulllo nnl. And he reponed that
unC'OlIlIO)ctl, .1111.1 tho"ic 110 'u,,~c, than bcfurI.:. He uQwd the dek'!Wll" III de~r"c 'he di..'C/irnng l11l'mbcn.hip. Ihe
qualified for Lucmp/o) menr I n~ur. 'L.:Ulllurrcnu lh~H O'C Iclircc .. ill "'ei, \Hriou.., fu nu. or the IS Ew h~J\e per-
anCe Bl"n~hl\ lano Iht.:r\!forc not Jocal,,; panicipale III rhl' \ 101llled \\cl/ "I111(C 'il"ll )':, progrc","
coumcd li!) un("'l1lplo)cd l, ir \ i:I Ucprcs. U\a ilil blc electronic IrilJ1~lcr program mCClingc;
~iolJ," He, luo, ... rrc\\CU the dI re ill1por. for pension check . DI'I"i' ... \\ ill he pro- Folllming ur un a Tc~olutH.m pas~d
lane\,! of or.galli/ing, cn l/ing On i:lII loca l \i dcd in a k' lI l'r frOm the
union lenders 10 prov ide " n:
Icade",hip 10 m ake Ih e laugh
decisions and 10 ge l Ihe job done. Presklent Barry
f1t,ftJ and Vice
And he illlroduc'd Ihe dc/cgilles F're,ldent Woods
10 Ihe IBE\ " ne\\' e~( orgdniling (righll .Iond w;/h
and educalion luol. Ihe Alt'mber. CaDOClion Niagara
P....... l7esidenl
\ltip E11uClIf1fJ1I "nrl "'lohill l.,oll(Jf1 ondCfOBob
fnr Orglllu-;,mg (J'":f(I-MEMO. Wa_ (conler/.
IllI ernal ional cCrC lary Jack
MO<lrc tl l \() ~p{lkl"
v.ith alarm abelll
Ihe IB EW ·s decli ning mcml'"n.hip
roll>. I-Ie '"id. '·nohody likes ".d
n~\\<~. hUI Ihi" II:; nOI a maHer 10 be
passed off .tS an ·oh nell" , iIWllion. To
rhe cOnlntr) , il mU"i1 he neighed by ti ll
loca l unions, ilnd by all members
n:gardJ!,!s:) of [he p.a rt ic ular hnm ch Or
cia, ioea li"n o f membership. I , ubm il
10 you. Ihi~ condition j, [I I11clOdalc 10
all or Us 10 g\!1 dead') o.,criou, ,thou!
organlTlOg .. ,
St.·cn:liJf) Moore disCU5.\Cd the nc\\
"Drop Box" method fo r I\Ubmll11ng per
cHpi la p<lymcnr~ 10 the IntcrnaliollilJ.

Abo"'" Manufoctunng
Orgc:miZJ'ng Director
Horton giving on
o"CrView of the ISEW's
new MEMo CO<Irse.

AI left, scm. of /h.

delegates or the
Government Employees


al IhL:! I:lSl I Hl.:.n V 1I11c rnali ollCli Con-
lJen tion. Sccl'Cl:l ry rvh)Ore announced
Ih ~ lo nnHllo n 01 an ad hoc com millcl.!
10 "ilUdy way'" 10 Implement a reciproc-
ity agreemenl for Canad ia n mc m bcr~.
1\ lld he e li ded hi" "pccch o n Ih ~ 'iub-
jeci or politiC". Com paring cOIl"crva-
l ive Prime MilliMt.:J' K im Camphdl\
philosophy 10 l hal of former Ameri·
can Prc~ I Jcnt ROllll ltJ Reagan. eere-
lar~ Moore called on all Cana dian
Illcmhl.!r:-' 10 weigh Ihc i r \'Ole very
cill'dull) \\ ht.:n hL'r gOH'I'nmclll come'
liP for 1'I1'('lioli. \ VOI ~ ... hnp. fo r ('nn -
..,1rllCllllil. I c!cpholle -Manufacluring*
Government Employee:... tili t)'. i.lntl
P: lpcr Mill d ck~:\h':lo,. round..:d ou l the
fir ... , da~ \lj I h~ 11ll!eullg. Local 1565; rhuncJer Bay, locol424, Edmonlon, Local 258, Vancouver, 8rifish
rl he morning or lite meeting':, ~L'L' ­
OnlOrio, I're5jden'/8u~ineSJ Alberlo, Bu~illt!$J Columbjo; memoo,. Horry
Manager leo Broce reports Manager/ Financial Secretory Cossey reports on the Utility
ond d ~lY was c."-:vOll.!d to Ihe su hjec t of on the Poper Mills WoNcshop . Robe,.., lynn rcpom 00me Worl"hop .
orgCl lllllng, M.lllllfacluring Orgafll7ing COnJlrudion Workshop.
Di rector IcI .. in Ilnrtun ran I1UI1-(,'0I1-
~ t Tllctionddcgah.:o; through an 1111 1'0-
dUCli'''l of Ihe I BEW's Ill''' M EMO
C{)UfSC, ",hill: consl ruc lio n dclcg,ah.:s
ath:llt!c L! nil orgn ni l'ing wnr l.: slwp.
And in t hl..: " fll..: l'I1 oo n. dclcgall..::,
l oured C'ill1Hllian iilga ra PUWL:r'<..; 25
cyclL: Ra nk in S tillilln . D elegates bro ke
o ut i nto branch wo rksho ps thc th ird
day, :111 '-' reCOIlVL'I1C U ill •.1 wrap -u p
gl.: llc l'al ...,e...,:.. i011 I hL' fina l day of th e

Delcgolei ano $IOH ot this

yeor'.s Disfricl Progre5~ Meering. fEe memo
ber McAvoy is JeCJIed in the front row (five from
kft). Two to his leh is Vice PrcsKknt WQO<k And
to Brother Wood is left is fxecvfWe A1sislonl f'o
the Intnm ational PtcsicJcnt Bob Bier'itz,


local 124
opem the
Conservmg :"j> • '" I


greets file
delego,", 011
behalf olll!e
mayoral Uxo/23 1 8u~ness Manager Rush teenier}
Kansas City. accepts on IBEW-COPf award on behalf of the
he Eleventh D islr i(.l Pro2.ress
T Mee ting wa ~ helll in Kansas Cll y.
Missouri. from July 21-23. 1993. at th e
members from Vice President fdwards (left) and
Pre, ident Barry fright).

West in Crown Center. and wa s hOSlcu will better prepare members for the
by the Misso uri Stale Confe re nce of future in the e lect rical ind ustry.
Elec trical \Vorkcrs. Temporary Chair- President Barry spoke nex t. lie dis-
lllan/Busines::. Mana ger Lindell Lee. clls..~d the \\fork thm had to be done 10
Local 124. Kansas City. np~nl!d th e reverse ITe nd of pre\·ious years, and 10
meeling. after which rhe invoca tion rend off th e auacks on orga nized tabor.
was given b. Kansas City Local t464 He spoke of the loss o r membership.
Busi ness Manage r Mic hael John son. which he dec mcd "crilical,'" and the
Following Lhe Pledge of Allegia nce. rc!\ult ing loss of jo bs. in virtual ly I,;vc ry
International Vi ce Presid ent Rny uther union. "One very important item
Elhl "rds g ree ted t he delegates. lie that we must SUppO fl." he continued.
Inlemotionof introd uced office rs prc 'cnl: Interna- "is the Cesar Cha vcl. \Vorkp lacc Fair-
V"",e tional Pres ide nt J.J . Barry: Int erna- ness Bill Lha l is stalled in the Senate: '
PresK!ent Lional ecretary Jack !vloore: Fifth and urg.ed lhe delegates to write their
:s;trenes the D is lricl l EC member L. Keith Qu~ rry: scmllors aski ng lhem 10 pass this legis-
imporlcnce Misso uri AFL -C IO Prcsid~nl Daniel lation for the benefit of all workc r~ .
McVey; and Kansas C ity Councilma n Presiden t Barry discussed cducati on-
jng and
training. C h uc k V'/e ber. memh e r o f Local Ihe CO MET and MEMO organ izing
1464. Kansas City. ~'n d e mp loyed by prog ram s-sayi ng. " COMET and
Kansas City Power & Light. Council- MEMO arc pro\ling to be the viable
man \ cocr then welcomed the dele- answe r 10 the unique problems or orga-
gate, and eX le nd ed warm gree ti ngs nizing the unorga nized."
on behalf of the mayor. Following Presiden t Ba rry's address,
In t er nati on al Vi ce P res ident Secretary Moo re prese nt e d his
Edwards !hen addr esse d the Ll e le- rem ark s. He said, " In spite oj certain
gate s. He stressed the impo rtance o r sC lb::.c ks. p rog ress cun a lways be
ke epi ng, la bo r's hasic goals in mind- achieved in une way or anothe r: and I
Ihe most import ant of which is orga- suspect that all of you ha e, in fact.
ni7ing. H e spok e of journeyman ac hieved some worth\\ hilc gains for
tn liJling in fiber op tia--a course Ihal your membr:rs over Lhis pasl YCiU:' lie


Accep/illg rho Addressing
lop /8EW-COPE
award is System
COlJncil U' 26 President
8IJsiness BorrydiJ '
Monoger Feller cUJSes tOe
(>e<o nd .,hl issuf!J of
from V'lCe cancern 10
Presidenf th./SEW.
Edward, (/eft),
Prosi<Jcnl Barry
(J«OfId righ/J
otla Secreroty
Moon. (ri9h ~.


suggested Ihall1'lcmbers just '; pu t their Paren1i ; and all orn cy Jim Walsh, Jol-
p roblems 011 th e Hlble and develop Ie . Wuls h & Hoger. P.
SoIUl i ons.," adtlin g t haI 1hat 's wha 1 On th l! l ast J ay of the prllgres :. .
the <! sessions ::arc all ab Ul. He. lOO, meet i ng. an AIl - D ..::!cgatc-Work~hop
spoke of rm.:mbcrt-.hip and o rgani7jng. Wi:I:-t hdLl. ill which Dircctor of M anu-
warnin g th e de leg at es thal if th ey fac turing Organi :d ng Ml!lvin \-Iorlon
·· ... Llo n·t get Llc"Lll y scrim". the IB E W prcsc nh.:d an in d t! pl h overview of the
will h e :l <.l ea d organIzatIon." H e J"l emlJership EtlUCll tioll and ,\ltoiJi-
inrormcd the <..h.:h!gHlt!S on such topics Ii~ ati o ll for Org'II/;:ill g (M E MO)
ali per capita chL.:cks: drop bmccs: 1.0. program. Following Ih e MEMO out-
fin ance'> and inves tment s: the new Pro- line and rcvic\\. nnslruction, 1anu- Executive
ject Study Teall1. fanned to do a cOm- faeturing and Uti lity Worksh ps we re Secrelary'
prehensive ~Iudy HIHJ eva luation or held. led h) Int erna tional Representa- 5cslomone
IB EW operation': I E BF pe ns ion tIves Carl TUlorino. Craig Iloepner presenls 0
pia",: poli lic;,: and I BEW-COPE. and Bill Ead,. Hnd Kl~nne th aw er. NE8F
updale 10
Sccrcwry IOQrc cungratulated the re pectivchf • AI . . o p articipa lin~ in rl>c dele-
delegates for th eir COPE contrib u- so m e or Ihe work:-;h(1p~ \\CiS EBF gate,
Executive Sccrc t tl r y·T r eas urer in the
lions. Sevcnal loeah,. n::ccivcu awards.
but Ihe lumber On~ award we ill 10 Ani hony SaliJIllOllc.
Loca l 7116. Aberdeen. S utll Dako la. or
Ju ~t berore the do ... \! the general
It "w, accep ted h) Ru~ in c~ 1anager ::..cssion , rcporp; (')f I!ach \\ork. hop ~s­
DU\' ld Feller. 'tern Council U-Z6. ions were given to nil delegate .... In te r-
Another ~ p ccia l CO PE award wa s national Vice Preside nt Edwards then
prc . . ~nlc-d to BlI~i ncs~ Manage r Elliot wi shed the d c l cga t c~ a . . (Ire re tu rn
Rush. LI'X:a l 2:1 1, Sioux ity. Iowa. un home und left lht'm with a rem inder
bcJwlf of it !'. rncmhcr'O. 1hat orga nil'in g. lind train i ng ill new
O lhcr ~p(!akf.! l'~ were Fifth D ist rici technology arc two of th e tuol!'. that
I ~ C member Kcilh Q uerry: Regiullul will el, I'w ncc and pre pare unions for an
D irl.!c\or. Mid\ cs l Nt:. A . Ri clHUd elec trical industry of the fu tu re. 11


All Aboo.dl
Moor. pre--
mo _10_

restored Jleam
rroin "'rough
!he yo.d. of


obs. Jobs. Joh,. n"o hundrc,1 lilt: t'!yuiVlllcnl anu huikJing\ u",cd In \V c'rc going to hHVC a wonderful
] union construction J b:, to he c:l.ilCl. run them. a~ \\ell a ... 10 h.:arn ahoul the ma ll. " In fa t_ Bo,co" and the cit)
That"s what an in ... esimcni uf IBE\\,- rc~,on', proud h,sto". \\crl.: ...0 pleased \\ilh the mvestment
;-. EC A pension fund money br ught I ht.! I OU percent unlOn-tulIl! mall the I BL \V and EC made a nd the
to Scran ton. Penn:,)" an ia. J()h~, that \\-ill he conncctcu 10 the StcanllO\\ 11 \\ork IBE\ Local ::::1. Scnlnlon. mem-
j"t, and [he ~lpprcciatiofl or tlloll~(lnd~ ~ it l.! hy n pcdc:ottriall hridglo: over part of bcl'\ perrormed. that 'hey had July 7.
or north eastern the rail anI. But h ~l d it nOt 1993. proclaimed "J ac k Moore Day."
Pc n nsyl VOl n ia-a rca bee n [or the visio n of IBEW invil l.."d Sccrclnry loor\.! lei lou r the
men and wome n Inlcnmliullai eel" ' tar), Jad, fac,lit). and he ld a dinner [or all 500
\\ho \\ill begin Moore and !'allo nal lec- union workers on the project in the
\\ork in g in . shop- trical Contractor!!l !!I)oocia- Secretar) ' honor,
pmg m. and gener- lion ~rcllti\t: ice
all) enjo) ing the President John rau. the
dO\\TlIO\\n mal l bridge wOllld 1101 con nect 10
l ho..,e :=iOn IJnion any thing, bt:c(lu"Oc th e ma ll
lTl cmbcrb hui lt. wuuld I1I.'VC r have been bui lt.
Th e new mall in Secretary Moore had hio;
Scranton. sc hed- team o f pt!l1;.. ion odvbors
uled to open thi, onduel an in-depth 'tud~ of
month. 10;;; part f a the mall I rojcci. :.tnd he C 0 -
lorger rcd\:\'clop- eluded. ·'t he lIullibel .)
loco' 8' """",- lone Rozelle
ment project calleu removing temporary c;rcl.l;~ ot \\orkeu," Mall uc\clupcr AI
. l(:an110\\'0. Thc the downlown Scranton moll. RUl-cov. OWI1 ~r of Bo~cov ·.;;
i...tlh::rnpling Iu
l,;ity iJepartmc,,, Store. told the
build on its ind ll ... ll'ial an ti ra ilroad her- ScrmlfOIl I'rihum!', Bu r s KI'I:IW C/c-
itage to rcvita lilC it >; his to l'i c du - niuk in J u ly. "Alter I" nUll1 he r of]
5«r.lory Moore Oeh) and Scronlon moll devel-
lown area. teanHown. hClng hUllt 111 IIl ... urar1CC eornpanlc') anu ba nk .. Op«" AJ 8o.scov (righl) speaking 10 the hundreds
pha!'lcs. sit on the site 01 Ihl! CHY' old rc! fu Ito finance the 111 all 1 Moore 01 union work-en at the moll construdioo sire.
rail yard. II promlscr;; to he an exci ting hacked jitl \I ith it $011 million 10:1n 8oscov g<JVe each wonc:er a T-sh;rl 'ike the one
"e rJ WNring. 'f SO yj I)Qcl Maute Day. July 7,
place \\ here people can gel a hand~-o n froll1 it joint !B I- W and ' EC pen- 1993, Thanks Socrclory Moore, If on the Iron',
look at refllrbi!thcu stcmn tmin' anu MOil fund. [11".;;1 110\\ HO pl,),rccnllci.l,\cu, ond "Than .. kx!he Job" • on !he bee• .


Sleomlow n Nononol Historic
Site and Mall, S<:rcntcn, Pennsylvania


Source: NotIonal Pad Services

bs To Steamtown~ USA
Cons t ruction. jecl. and that Boscov and fell ow devel-
J-icim E le ct ric. oper Arnold Prllver we re "s uper sales-
ilnd R. E . Les- me n." Sec retary Moore said , he rind
ni a k E Il:!cl ric- lhc o ther officials "I Ihe pens io n fund
~ll1 ploying were "'l cry happy " wi th th ei r invesl-
LocH I S I mem- menlo and th;)\ I he y were ··very happy
ber .... with the way the mall has progressed .. '
Krawczeniuk The mall hao somewhat of a difficult
of t he Trihulle l ime progress in g ~lS we ll as it did.
rl!poned I ha c According to Scholz. --Lasl wimers
wh~11 fo rmer snow sl rm caused work on the projecl
Brothers Dave Payne fleftJ and Paul McGraw (right) terminate bronch circuits IB E 'N Int e rn a - 1O fall "bout 1\."'0 months behind sched-
in relay panek lionill Execu ti ve ule and caused [Bosco"l to do ubt
Cou ncil m em- wheth er it wo uld be ready in lime for

D escribing the malt project. on

which at any given lim!: Ove r 60
Local 81 electricia ns have hl.!c ll work-
be r an d former Loca l 81 Busi ness
Tanager J ilek iVT c lilt) fi rs t to ld Sec-
retary Moore a~out th ~ mall project
opening Ihis fall. B tH con ' lrucdon

ing. Local 81 BlL"iincss Manage r John .;;evera l yeaN ag.o. and suggested the
Flanagan 'iays. "The overall...struc- meet \\ ilh the de\ elopers. Secretary
ture spa ns three city blocks and has Moore said . " nll! las t thing I w3med
thnx: ancho r stores and lOO speciaJty tu do at lh al time \\ ;t 10 h~ pa ri of a
shops .... lit I is 700.000 square feet mall in downtown Scranton." Thai
a nd will accommooate approxi mately wa berore h ~ met wi lh Pennsylvania
2.200 ca TS wilh deck lind un de rground Go\-crnor R oben Casey ( D ). th e
parking: ' The project is split he twee n developers. and members of the
nt!w co nstruction and renovat ion of Grea ter Scranton Chamher of Co m-
hislOric st ru c lurc ~ . Busin~s::, Ma nager llu:: rcc in th e cily.
Flanagan went on 10 say Ihal th e pro- " You IUlVe a vc ry pl: r~is t ent gover-
ject has employed li ve electrical con- nor. -- Secreta ry Mou re lold SemI/fUll
tracto rs-Jerry Coyne E lec tric . Times ..\trite r Frank Scholz. He said (he l.ocal 8 I member Frank Doherty doing ferm ino-
Regan Elect ric. G.R. Noto Elect ri cal governo r was com mitted to the pro- 'ions in /he electrical room.


from Ich, (OCQ' 163, Wilkes,Borre, Pennsylvania, Bu.~int!S!i Manager/Finoncial Secretary Josepl! (.Qpece; Mid
Wo.sho, otrtCe of Economic and Community Development; Scronfon Mayor Connors; Richard Schroder;
Intemotional VICe Presicknt Don Funk, Thjrd DiJh'id; Secrelnfy Moore; IEC Member JoJ.eph McCofIerty" First 0
and l..ocol8' BuJineu Manager Flanogol't.

crews ha ve worked [0 gel the project They represent

back on schedule"- uniun craftsman- rebirth in the Scr;lIl-
ship comin g through, lon area. T hey h~lve
a ll owed th e inu us-

A cr the pedestrian briJ~" from

th e new mall. Stcamlown intrigue
(rain and history buffs as well 3:-, rail-
tric" buildings, and
ideas of the pas l-
long ngo <1 i s-
road novices. Accordin g In RII ")i ncss.
Manager Flanaga n , "SteanHown
ctlrJcd- to become I.B.E. w. '5 INTER~
an importan t part of

Na tional Histo ric Site was established the vitality of the
by Co ngress in 1986 to ' fu rther public pre sen t. They llitvt:
understa nding and app reciation of the mmlc people pmud,
development of steam locomotives in Boscov told th e
the region .. . .' a nd to represent l abot'~
ro le in bui lding Am erica. " . It 's run by
Time.\ , "111C feeling
of restoring a duwn-
the Natio nal Park Service." town ha..:: OlHde th e
Stcamlown occupies I he 40-acre men and WOmen
rail yar d of th e Delawa re , Lack -
a wanna, an d W este rn R a ilro t:ltl,
wo rk ing on
Im allJ projec t fee l
whic h ope rated there fo r over 100 god." And th at's
years, fTom 185] to 1963, It include; a what Jack Moore
renova te d locomotive repair sho p. Day was all abuut.
originall y builL in 1865; a roundhouse Jac k Moo re Day
and turntahle, o riginally built in 1902:
several ot he r res tored and new bu ild- local 81
in gs: 40 antique steam loco motives: member Eric
and ove r 100 pieces o f res tored terminating
ro lling stock_ branch cir-
Business Manager Flanagan ~ays wi".
th at t he si te "is uni que beca use it is a
working mlliomll park. with ongoi ng
steam train maintenance and rebuild-
ing. as well as having a 26-l11ilc exeur-
ion [steam train ridel lhrnllgh Ihe
Lackawa nna Counl Y counlrys ide."

T oge th er Srr:anllown and the

Stea m town Mall represe nl much
more th an a d cvc ~ opmcn t project.


Mike Holms, of LocalS', moking l'erminofion" at the moll sife. Brother Shawn Doherty installing recessed lighting 01 the moll.

n wa~ ahout ,-;aylllg James Connors pre enl cd Secretury

Ihank yo u for M oore with th e ccrCmtln i:ll key to Ihe

hc1r>lng a COIl1- city. and Bosco\! gave him a bronze
munity feel g""c\ ci-lgll! ... ilt ing nn top or it crystal globe.
aboul itselr. II The inscription on the sm all sta tu e
WilS union me 111- read. "Jack F. Moore. Mall of Vision."
IONAL SECRETARY bers. through And Il'lor~ lhan anything else. Jack
theIr pensIOns. Moore Duy was ahOU I "i~ion.

helping OUl -nf-
\\ork union
nwrnbcr~ ['t.:!l a
jon. II was "hullt
bri n ging pride
The DI &W Railroad;' gone. n,e
contpHnie~ \\ hich u 'cd to line the rail
yard 011 L()(;krawanna Avenue are
g no a< well. BUI th e I BEW and
CA had the vb,ion tn ~cc an oppor-
back to Ihe o ne ,- lU nity to help a ci[y and help union
proud IndUS lri" 1 workingpeoplc. They had the vision to
hcmtland or the bring a downtown hack to life . 10
,MALL PROJECT" count ry.
A[ lh(~ dll1m:!"
bring g.overnment. privute industry.
and organized labor togctllcr. On JLlek
w h ich capped Moore Day in Scranlo n. Pe nn sylva nia.
Jack Moore D ay. it was clear lhat that i:-. a partnersh ip
Scranton M ayor whicll wo rks. dI

Above, a billboard
in Xt(lnton wt'/.
comes Secrelcry
Moore on Jade

AI .ighl, Ilmthe<-
Kevin McCarthy
inslOlfing ligh' fix·
!'urns in the por*ing
garage of the moll.
- '--"
- .\ -
. ., 'j,



Canada's 1991-1993,

At a Glance Januory 1991

"'hat Shall W~ 1J0

About Jobs?

W ith an estimated 1.5 million work-

ers out of work, (a, reported by
the August 7th issue uf The Globe alld
Mail newspaper). and recovery looking
grim. Canada's work force faces the
possibility of pari time employment in
the fu ture. For Ihe unemployed. train -
ing alone is not enough. M ost workers
echo the same cure: Government must
sti mulate the economic growth and cre- March 1993
ate job. \Vilh th e continuing swing 11.3
away fro m a manufacluring-based
economy. to a service-based econom .
and the downsizi ng and rest ructuring flClion. Wh at ca n Ca na dian do about Stalistics CaJ1al/a says. " Real earn-
by large corporalio ns. most Canadinl1s jobs'! Some sa that in th e upcoming ings. red by deflmjng ... earnings
arc discouraged. It is no surprise lhal elecliu n in th e fall , j-o-b·s are likely 10 with Consumer price indexes (CPI), is
Canad ian eco nomi sts (l rc predicting he Ihe li tm us lest for any federal gov- the mosl frequently employed crile-
Ihal Canada's unemployment rale wiIJ ernmen t candid ate. rio n on whi ch to gauge the rale of
stay in ItS current range of I I to I 1.6 exchange of labour servi C5. for con-
percenl for Ihe resl of this year (See Slat is' ics C,lIlada sumer goods and serviccs. As a result.
Chart t). move me nt in re al earnings arc of len
MI',.-1SIll'CS Rcal Wages And
However gluum y employme nt news lIsed fo r moni to ring c han ges in the
'''lIl'chasing Power terms of trade of labuur income fo r
see ms. in Ju ne t993. a gain of 56.()(X)
job~ was reported by Statistics Cunada. The following i~ an excerpt from i.l fi n ~11 product . I-Ience. increases in real
A senior economist in Toron to wrote, fea ture art icle wrillen by economist earni ngs wouJd norm all y be indicatiye
"The joh creation in June and th e Ma rc Pr ud'Homme fo r Sta tis(ics of an improvement in the purchasing
!jobs] weake ning in July are hard 10 Cnllnria, in its February 1993 publi ca- powe r."
interprel.. .. Looked a t oyer a span of tion. 11 discusses real ea rnings as it Data fo r the a nnual earni ngs were
several months, th e economy seemed relal es lu ils purchClsing power. 3nd collected from th e Survey of Consumer
to he averagi ng 15,000 to 20.000 new thus th e "eco nomi c we ll -bei ng o f Filll/llCeS (SCFI . admin istered by the
j{)b~" month. While lhul rate in', bad workers. or viCC~"'Crsil." not her pub- H ousehold urvcys Di vision of tatis-
in good times. it 's disappoinling when licalio n. The Globe " lid Mnil (Jul y l. tic. Canada. Fa milies ::tnd individuals
the economy is opera ting as far below (993). Iclls of sh rinking pay checks in Ca nada. with the exception of resi-
capacity as it is no\ :. Citizens realizc due to risin g personal inco me tax es dents of the Yukon Olne! No rthwes t
th at whether they arc e mployed or an d increasing rctail sal es lllxes to Te rritories. Indi an househo lds, armed
no l. federal stat istics show the real pic- such items as personal insurance. Just forces mem be rs, and in titulionatized
IUrc- an alarmin g 11.6 percen t une m- what is the real buying powe r of Ca na- inmates. It \ as measured fro m data
ploymen t ratc. ThL' arc demanding dians with respec t to earned wages? gathered in 1971 and com pa red over a


211-year period III I'NL L1<1I1g houri) lahour 10Te.: Pilllil'lpalioll of women experience. 'ipnioril), and skill: h\.'ncc.
straigh t-time cal'lling!'l. hefore-tax (lnu (\\ hidt incn.:a'\CJ f rulll .~Y.4 percent in aggregale average earnings \"'iil
ana-lax illI 11 uill carn1l1gs for familie.;; 1971 1057.6 percent in It)~JI). ,inti the deerea ... c. Thi~ dow nw ard tClIllcnc),
and IIIdl\'ldual..;. ,.,bour compensation influx of "ono) bU(111le,," \\ ill also will hI,.' rdnforccd as newe r. ill1lially
per pero;on at WU Th. anu pe r pCTlJOn lend to lI c pn.:s~ a\criJ~c earning:" less prm.lucllvc. an ti Ihll~ loWCr-pi.lid
ho ur. i mportlll11 i li rorm:Hion was Th ese yo ung. WOIIII.,' ., ~ llIcrin g Ih e wor"'~rl<l rep1.ace them . The" ide·
yielde d nn raH..:rns and tre nd" in real labour Illill'kct 111 part - lim !! . high - "p rcad \JiC\\ Ihn l th e purchasing
wage, when 1I1Ocli in conjunctiun \\ ith lurnm..:r. 100\ · payi ng jobs. :otwell" the pO\\ cr of ~lIrn i ngs has not increased
the CPI (Sec Churl 2). numher of pcopk \\ Ilh kml:f incomes. as fast :-L\j in the p aM I ~ cerlain l) "Ii ll
1\ ... Ihe ... c \\()r"'cr... urc anu gain valid - b ecau~c ur the dCl;ll:i.I:-'~ ~)r
~'\p~n~ncc . Ilh:i l ItlCnl11c\ :lrc m o nitored pro du ct ivit y. \Vh ilc nih.·
SUIlIIlI<H)uf Finllin/-ls c ",pc( l cd In r1'';C. lea din g a nd faul l ) conclusion" a rc
It wn~ founu Ihnl pcr,",onal income Th ..· uccn':ihtl;! III I hi: PiJf tlc ip'l lio ll pO$$ iblc. IUrl h l.! f ;lJ1:lly:- J ~ Into me asu r -
pLT ca pita IIll:rc;N.!U dramatically from ralc of IlH.!1I (flOlll 77.3 percell ! 10 73.8 ing. the importti llce o f Ih e Ji ':-.imil il r-
1971 Il) \I)l)\. wh ile the gro~~ tllllll t: ~ t ic percen!. fwm IlJ71 to 1\191. hilS also ilY b e t w ee n wn);! \.! an o G DP
prmJucl (CD !' ) pl!f ca pita WCI'\ higher cont r ihu ted lu dc p n Hver a ' e rchH io ll~ hi p~ . i ~ II cc:unl. II b I he
i n 1971. hUi u ipJ1cU -;Iighlly betwee n earning ... . f\;; me n h:a vc I he lahour hroad er vicw of f l!a l wage mo ve -
I'ml anti IYR3. III 199 1 Ihe GDP fell market in L l ll~i r f)hh,l pn1duc tiv c ments thai will provid . ,. more reliable
el pproxi ma lely I () perce n t bdow pn- YCil1S. throLJ -11 layoffs. rc.;:-. Irucl uri ng es tim ates of chang,t.!!'1 in the econo m ic
sonal inco me, I ~ al'tor s slich ;1::, the a n d I h..: like. I hey t il ke wit h t hem well-b ei ng. of C:'lIHlu ian worke r". 11

Selected Measures of Inflation Adjusted Income and Earnings_

120 120

110 110

Average eorni n;9:,5""::'i-IIIII"',,===:a.-.:::;S;;EP:.:H~/~E:E;;.RH;.:...~ ,..:~===:::=:::::~

100 100

90 90
GDP per capita
80 80

70 70

Personal income per capito 1986-100

60 60
·The figures are converted to indices by
diViding each series by its value In 1986.

50 50
1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991


The National Electrical on cu rn..'n t tr ai ning llccd~ for the . : uhJ cct-----.-.(Jrgnu;z;ug . I BEW Director
Training Directors Association ru ture. B I.!CoIll:-o..: the c1cctricH l COll!'!truc· uf on~lrucl i on Organizing J im Rudi-
lioll In-I de find the cleClric(l1 industry i~ ei l. gave <I comprehensive overview uf
Holds Conference hccnrning mol'\.! technical each day. th e th e COMET prog ram, and he pre-
he ~61h i\nnmll '1ational Elcc-

I13EWI - CA/NJATCI ETDA part· :-,.c nlcd many rcu:-.4,)ns for training
lnc~11 Dm.::clof'O A,,"oClatlon nc~hip i~ commi lkd 10 o rga0l7i ng the dir~ctol' 10 lx:: co nc~rncd ahou t o rg£!·
(NETDA) Conference. w,,,held unorganiled. Ut::Vc10P ll1!! t h t.: full oi7ing. lie n1;1<ie a special plea 10 the
in Portland. Oregon. June 25-30, 1993, pOIl:ll tia! of trainee!'!. while pn..'paJing trai ning uirt!ctu r~. auvisi ng thl.;ITI Lo
and was ho<tcd by the Portland l ATe. arpn.::: n l i c:~!oi III lII Ct.; 1 I he c1H1l1cng..:'\ of rccr uiL hl.:l;lV il y fr0111 th e n o nun ion
Delegates rep rc, ent in g the I13EW. tOrnOIT(lW, anu a ...·.urc'i a highly skill..:u. pool o f w()rkcr ~ whe n <.;ceking new
NECA. and the NJATC' were In att en· compt.:'lcllt workforce. applicanb for Ihei r progrrun~.
dance. and wert' inl roducru by Onl.! of Ihc highltghts of lhl! confcr- ~ cv~nl l \\ (lrkshop~ were held and a
NETDA Chairman Phillip Ilumphrcy. ent'l.' \Vii!) the prc!)Cnti-ll ion of a enifi· brief overView of each one was pre-
"I raining Dire ctor of the Taillpa. calc til' Appreciati on :lwi-lrd to re tiri ng s~n tcd 10 the gathering. After announc·
Flo rida . Area E lect riea l .rATe. who Training Direc tor D an 17,·ildd i ~. from ing that the 19Y4 NETDA Conference
opened the meeting. Som e or con fc I'CC.c.; In ternational Prc:-,ic.h.:nt J.J . Bu rry anc.! would be held in Wil liamsb urg. Vir·
pre,ent were NETDA S<:crclary Dick Int erna tional Secretary J ack Moore. gma. lhc mc..:cli ng was <Idjoum cd. I
Gauthier; JATC xeculivc Director Hrother Faddis
A.J. I'earson: IBEW Technical Ser- ,crvcd 27 ye""
vices Department Direclor Kenn eth as training direc-
Edwards; l BEW In tern ationa l Rcpre- t ", "f Local 4R
<cntative Will iam J. Grostick: NECA and develop·d
Executive Directur or L'lhor Rclalioll'i unIque t raini ng
Geary H iggln: lATe Tr<lIning program, for
Director D ale Eastridge. Phoenix. An - joumcymc n. con-
lOnn: and IBEW Local 4R. Portland. tractor. e ngi ·
Business Manager Edward L. B<lrncs. ncr.::. r ~ an d
Bu:,im:s Manager Barnes. warmly arc h ilcct~ .
welcomed th e allcndccs to the rn~el­ n other high - ISEW DiroctDr of ConsfnKfion
Ckgoniung Rudie;l eJ(p/ains the
ing. after which designated speaker li ght focused on NJATC Executive Director 'SEW COMET Training Program 10
presented their remark •. IBEW Rep- 3 m OS I imponant A.J. Pearson. de/ego ....
resentativl.:: Grostick. of th e inth Di s~
trict ,tan and NECA·s .ccu t ive Locol 48 Business C:;;;liiiijjjiil--~---:-::::di;[iI
Mano9f:r Barnes (or
Director Hi ggjn~ co ng ratulated the
podium} welcomes
training directors fur an oULs tanding conferees 10 Ihe
job done U1 training lhcir worker . and 36ih Mnuol NElDA
Conference. SeoreJ
challenged them to build for the
on the dois (fl'Om
fu ture. Their rClmlrks gave the co nfe r- left) "ro N1A TC
ence a resou nding ~ lar t. Training Oiredor
Eastric/gfJ; NETDA
Executive Director Pearson Secretary Gouri1ier/
add ressed the group regarding affir- NECA becutiV1t
mative action. con!)lruclive apprenlic\: OirecJor Higgins;
ISEW r«hniool
and journcYTTIiIrl s tali:-itics, a nd Services Deportment
brought to the g ro up· a tt ention the Director Edwards;
changes tak ing place in instructional and Ninth Oi.Jtr;ct
ISW Inl'ernotional
courses and materials. ~epresenrotive
onsidcrablc discu~<.;i()n wa<.; roc used (l,ru';"k.


5eventy'e;ght member! of the 208 newly organized memben info Local 520 since August 1988,
proudly hole! ,he Iocol's bonner. Pidvrcc/ in the bod: row (left 10 rigM ore Anisian! Business
Manager/ President Byrom,' Auistant 8usineu Manager/ Organizer Meniwecther; Businen
Manoger/ Finan<io/5«retary Sonvision; and Seventh DiJIric' Vice PresiC/cn, Tole,

to work.
''We've Just liali\ L!"I. the)'
\\(.' 111

SUI1\I"OI1. M~rriwci.lth~r.
Organi/ing PlOgr:lIll anu the Ft":clrical
I ndu"'lr~ At.h anct.:l11cnl Progr.a m

Organized Our and B~ rilm v. cut

AU'III1. \I!oJiling
an~ j(llNlC~
thL! ellY of
th at had
(E IA!')," '-,lid Brothcl Mcrri\\c~l1her.
" We coultln'l ha\l~ dllnc it \\ilhoul
LoCalIBEW-Style- no prC\dlhng. wag.e~ . and did lIul
ph \\ ilh the ellfon.:c.:m~1ll cm1c, bid
COm- Ih ~m . '·
Organi/mg - IB ~ \\ ·~t\1c" created

And we've Won." 'fX'cilications. 0 1-11-\. EEO. IIcen"ing

Ill' overtime. Dl!pcmling upon the
almost 6(X) nc.!\\ J0h'-;. I ht! local \\l'nt
from only 1m\- ing. 11· 15 pcrc~11I or con-
hl:) \\Cn: IIred 01 con linuou:, information recci\'L! d . " t:tlmp la inl :,1 J'uction \\,lrk In it much larger shtlrc.

un t: lllplo)'llIcl1l. c..h.:cn.!ao;;ing wou ld hI..' filed with ci ty oniclal" 10 get <Inll ha ... ohwincu much 01 thc high·
mC1llh cr~ hip , W,H!,l! cuh. flu: I.:onlractor.., In conform to CX i . . tlll!!. tech work . A~"i:-.lant Bu~ine..,' Mall -
hC;I!lh·;n.,ura l1l'c L·uI .... \Vnrc ~ mand:!lt.: ... for labors wages and hCIll!- <igc I /Prc"itk:nl B yr~m ~l(..Itku. "Frulll
hou~cpl;!r-;.onl-l all d pre · fil~. Th e Brolh~r... hec'lIn!.! "cry acti ve the fall 01 11.)\)0. wt.:·\C ~('l l 2211 m ~m­
;'pprcill icc\ wor ~llIp. ou t-uf·ra li(l, anu ill \choo l nOHI'd T1l ~Ctlllg.s, ci t y COllll- hen.. nn GrollI' I. pl ll \ 21x organi/ ing
ulhel' 110 Ilprouur..:l h . . . \\01~i l1 g condi - ell,. ci ty eleclric hoa rd:.. ilnu dirt.'c t mc mhc' .... alit! 150 tfiwcll.'f<.; v.'O l'king,'·
t ion.... t il October I ()<)O . Hewl) mt:l:ting:, with cuslOllln . . 10 po int uul And ill I"" 1,,11 o r I <N2-1W.l. Locol .) 211
:lpl1oi ntl: Li SCVl.: ll lh Dilill iel Loca l 520, ClH,k and specificat ion vlI.l lmion ... by mcmhcr!oJ ~ nj() ycd lull ·m pl oYlllc nt.
Aus tin. T'L'xa .... B lI'IillC"~ MUllilger lIllq u nlificd. 11onunion WOI; and hl.!ncfit:-. rlll d wugc illcrl.!asc:-. for the
Ji mmy S U llvi~ i nll. A""i"itant Bu ... inc~" cnnlnlctol .... 'nley WL!rc q uilL! dfcclivc fi rM till1~ ,nm l-II1Y year.... Th~ outlook
Manager/Organi/!.!1 Ralph Merri - •1110 .., u cc~\sful in gL'lting Davl ... · Bacoll for Ihe rUllIn.', hnghl indccu .
wCHlher. a nti J\"~I" I :ln l HII~il1c:,,,, Man- \\ dge kl!l"lation e<.;lahli,heu in ..,late of Sn"cnlh Di... llict InternatIOnal Vice
agcr/Prco;;ilh.;nl JOnJull llynllll .... aid. 1":\:1:". th ...· Unher-:it) of 'I ~\a ... , HmJ Pn~ .. ,dcnl
On ilk T;lle Jr. gi.l'C Ill;;; ... in ·
"EnlJugh! \\lc·\'\..: gOI wwk 10 un." 01 her corp<,ral iO lls. cere 'JwnJ., . . 10 Iht: org;'1I1i/\!". anu a
Then.: \\l.'rC 220 111 ('111 hI; 1\ out of fter recruillng (Jnu \\ illt hcarlwarnlll1g \\Clc(lllling "peceh to
work nn Rook t '(diu .... nnd I(leal and clct.:l rical workers. Brother Merri - the IlC\\ 111cmhcr:,. Thl' Brolhcrhl}od
ollt -or- IO\\11 opl!n- ... hllpcontractop; weather org.ani/cd upprel1licc\ (who ah. u c0nvc~:-. I" hL!artlc... 1 cungrmllla -
" . . . rc doing. ~S-9n percent of the \\orl. huu three or more lea,,' 1.·\IX'ricncc) lion~ 10 BU'lI1n' :\Ial1J,gcr SUI1\j,ion.
111i, condition wa~ prC\illent lrom the anu Iic:CT1~O e lectricm n..... \\ hilc main- "'",stant Bu .... inc ... " ~lan~l ~ef'\ \.Je rn-
latc 1~)Sn(, through (he filII uf 199(1 talmn~ ~uod rdatill11'> \\ IIh Ihe corpo- \\ci.llhcr ilild B~ r:J1T1 . jl.., \\dl <1') to the
~10Ih" ;'ltcd h~ Johlc"l'-nc~ tlr th t.: mCIl1- ration"'. "The mn:>.1 dfl'eli\c h1«ll.., \\I.! clllirl' I11clllhcr. . hlp of 1.0Cili 520. for
hcr~. and JIlh:rndliona l I' rL!~idL!nt J.J . LL"'t.:U tll turn our juri"dicti on around Ihl.:lr oUl:-.tanLling courage and com -
B<lrr~ .~ I.!d uC<llion and \.lrgallillng ini- Wi" Ih e lBEW Salli ng. Ihe OME"I l111tm CI1 I.

IBEW Technicians and "Robocam" CBS cotneromon ond Local 1212 tMmber Mike
Mark,s cotches "'e oclion /rom the Americon

Calch alilhe Aclion al the 64th league dugout

Annual All-Star Game

or the :!75 !TlIllIo" Am~riC'l n., and
Cal1:ld i rl ll ~ who \\Cn.: 11 01 ab l ~ to ge l
10 (hi, . . lIl11mer· ... h" . . chall /-\11 -
One of th \.' camc:ril~ CBS ll 'tl:lI In
for l{ullOl.'am.
RubuCHI1l 1:-' mnll lltcu o n 1:1 pl;atronn
which Cd n hI,.' ..Hlachl.!o tu a Hlric t ~ of
C4.J\~r Ihl..' gi:lll1i,; \\a ... vcry dIHere"!
Star Jaml: ,wc..l C\ l.'11 r", '\UIllL' of Ihe from th e rc ... t. It wa ... manned not b: a
... urfilcc, at nlO"" an: angle. It i .. pan ic-
4KOOO fun" 'JClual1~ In the BalllIllorc t:illllL:ralll an o n the fie ld. bu t by Iwo
ul.II·ly df!o.:clI\(..' in ti ght "Prlct.:" with
"Iall ium. the clO\CIiiI , ie" tll Ih .., action IBFW tcchOlci"n~ ~llld il computcr in limit ed :leeL"". \\ here' II wouldn't bL'
W3"1 on l e l ~\'i"'lon. And like M) l1lan~ a (, US trailer, I icklltll1l1.:d "Roho- rrm:llc~11 or 'afc to h;nL' a Ci.tnH..'r.:Jman,
national ",pcclaclc\ . . cell by "lI li ion, CiII'l1," tile al11i1 /i ng. n.!l1loll> control I -rom t heir co ntrol hU(H h, Brot hers
around Ihe world . It \\'a"l IB E\\I me lll - l"UI11L'ru i't til\! hrai nchl ld 01 1\\ 0 L ocnl \Varden <I nu SOlle\, "i lh thl.! pu . . h of "'l
he ..... \\ ho caught the nctitln lin e:llnCfa I:?:L!. '\C\\ York . member-. Jltn \ Var- button , eml l11u\c thl:' canlenl III \cy-
anu I roauc;:, \tcu II thrnug.h the magic den :tntl \V,,1t SOUC). Uoth lllL'n arc cral prcprogral11lll.:tI PO'-!i Il OI1'O. Or.
0 1 te levision. long ti me CBS I.!l1l p loycc~, who. "IC\'-
u,ing iI juy:-' Iick . the~ ca n 111(l nCUVcr
1BE\ -n.:pn.: ...cntcd tt.!lcvj.,ion Ilet · em! YCClr... ago, came up with th.: iLlc"l the Ci.lnll'l'il ttl all\ ungh.: Ihe) chnoo;c.
work. C13S. hm.! cxclu'Ij\l,! live broad-
ca~ 1 righl~ \11 the g~lIn t.!.
played Ju l ' 13 At IfJff, CBS Technical Dircdor and tocol
1212 member }eH Ringel in a CBS trajler,
111 Gallimore'", nC\\r Oriole Park al
Camden " anJ". AhnUl 20 ,.ationar)
anti m obi le tek, i:.. i ll il cam I.! l'il .....
mallned h, I BE\V- rcprC\Cn l ed cam-
Crillllcn lncllH_i1n~ onc III a blimp
ho\enng hUlIlll clh ur
fCi,;t oyer [h ~
ficlu- broughl I he gam!.' lO a ollec4
lion or CBf) portahh: IlailCf\, undl,:r
.mu nL'X' to Ih t,.· ... ladluIn. In Ihc tr~lIl ­
<';1'''1, IBI ' \V II:Cht11Cian ... L'd ileu 1hl:
action ... \\ Ilchin!! frum cam!:ra to
camera. mhlng \mll1ll. addmg InU.'.IC.
rU llIlIng re play .... (,IlS then beil llled
lhe ")ho\\ \ id '-Iatcllih..' to I'V 'Ha llon ....
Above. Locol '200 members Jock Hides
\\hkh in turn hro;ltlc"\h!d I hI.! ... I!lllul to (Icft} orn:/ Ed Poinror {right} set up the
I V ...c t... arolll1d th e- globt,.'. MOP'radlo booth in N)e stadium.


Above, Locol 1212 memberJ ond Robo·Vj"ion
founders Walt Soucy (left) and Jim Wordon
(right' ,,#onel nu' 10 their invcntion, RODocom,
before the Jlgrl 01 the AI/·Star Game.

Below, tom' '200, WOJhington, D.C., memberJ

Darryl Mi/chell I/ek, ond .hop ... won! lamoni
William" (righ~ seffing up for WMAR·TV,
Chonnel 2 in Baltimore,

1.0<01 124 I, Philadelphia, mem&.< 80 each,on

stands ned 10 his WHYY' rv remale truck.

Radio and Affiliates unload ed truck·loud'i of eq uipm ent.

At the Show ~t ru ng cable. a::,::,clllblcu camera
~tan u ~. placed ba nk . . ur Ilghlli. and
In addillon In CI3 telc\ biun. BS
buill ela bora te . . dO; 10 prcpa';-aliorl for
m el l\) Wil'. hn"H h:w'I ling 1hi' g:1IlW, H.
tele\'ising the gdOlC. During. Ihe Ja m..:.
muio actualh covered the g:l mc both
profco;:'! ional... worked wJlh th e steel or
i ll l:'l1 gl i~h a~d III Spanish, -And ~BS
tclc; ... bioll affil iah: ~lil li onli from Wash- Local 1200 air -traffic con t ro llers. A nd seconds
ingll)n. D.C . Hahllnorc. Phlladclphid. member ,-,ncr th e last o ut wa") called. the circus
Tim \\ a> being packed up and readIed for
and "'e\eral other ci ti es al:,o sent Ruthe.lonJ
IBE\\ -repn:sentetl tech nician", 10 Ihe ,fond. th e ne'\t e\ent .
"Big Sho\~ ." ;I!'1 did mhl..'r I BE\V-f(' P- L.J.j"J I.j, The clcctronie hearth o f tcicvl!;"ion
WMAR-TV f cp r ~'s~n l sonc of th l.,.' fc..:w COmfn o n
rC'icl1 l ~ d local I V':ita lirlll::o.,
bond~ all Americ;III'i and CfllHltl i Hn ~
In iH l ill mo:-.phcrc Ihat rc~c l11hl ed :l
traveling eirell .... technidn l15 re'v l.,: rbh ly l!njoy. Te levision i\llow~ those in Vi111-
cou\c r alld tho~c III Miami to be a pa rt
Below, working with vicko lope onel indonl of \01l1Cl hin g. It:lpp~ning a l that
,..pIay in 0 CBS lrCiJer oro, from left, LocoJ '200 momCni ill Ballllllorc. rich and pOOf.
member- Johnmorlt Sleworl, Local 1220. Ch~ogo,
member Potrick McGowo:n, and Locol , 212 mem- a l1 ~ one who CiHl get In tI o;;Cl.
berJ Michael NotnonJOn and Raben Hickson. r o most peopk lete \ i"iol1 ~ magic.
lurn it on. and the acri un is th ere. Hut to
th ' men il nd women the IBE\ \' rep re-
:,cll t~ in Ihe rad io and Iclc\ i... ion indus·
In . the magic 1:'\ puulIlg .III thl? pu.."\-"Cs
together. J-or them I \ ,md radiO \\l)rJ..
fOf the millio n" of vic","crs tlOd li~l.:ncrs
\\ ho t Ull C in C\'CI) da~ because Lhey d
Ihl:il job. II i~Il' 1 uh\iI)':-' glanlolOus. hut
il bring."I Ih ~ ma gic of hroadc;lsli ng. the
'pcclacle of the AII- Inr game. to mure
PCUI)lc tha n lhe~ could hope to touch
nlly othl.!r \\ ay. t



Edward Ba",er. The 60·yur pin was one for Iheir panicipation.
ellra special because 011 baad weTI!' ~l '!6 1m recenlly inilmled a nc""
lhrtt \tenerallolls Il[ electricians in thai organizing campaign. Organi.nng teams
famil): Congratula tions! ba\'e bee n eSlablishcd 10 e nable u.s to
BClwely pursue the C(I(]!rol of more and
more electrical manpower in our juris·
diciion. If \'QU haye been selecled as. a
team member. we hope that you have
accepted this excitiog chall enge and
t hank you for your pa rticipa tIOn All
members are c n('ou raged 10 get
i.n\'ol\-ed and nrc welcome to be a pan
01 thIS. organizing conct:pt.
ince our last article. Ihe follo\Hng
Bros. ha\e retired; Will iam E. L.eith:
Richard W. Barber: D.8''Y C. Bmterd:
J ohn M Smith J r.; Harry Olsen Jr .:
CONGRATULATIONS, Norman F. Callahan: Jamts- L. Trigger
and Herbert E. Irela nd Ctmgratula·
RETIREES lions and besl wishes 10 all.
FIRST PLACE LU. 22 ( i,rl s&s pa). OMAUA, NE- Local 26 sadly AnnoUnces the dCinh
TROPHY Eledions of officers werc~ held in June of the folloy. ing Bros; Richard W.
and resu lts Bre we have a few ncv. Wood: Michael Z elasko; E\'erelle ~ .
L.U. 8 (i,mO. T OL E DO. O il -We membef5 on the E"ecutiH: Board ond BOlli-man; Robert L Evlcr and Roben
ha..c cnjo}'cd a good rear on thc ~'ork Eumining Board. New an th.e u«u· B. Gentile. Our condolence~ to Ineil
scene SO far,and \!o~ hope it OOlltinues.. II~-e Board are: Dan :\Iunch , Don families and [riends.
On Juh- 1,·1 the llnd Annual .\hd· Schu~tlc- and Lou Masters Jr. "'ley. on JERRYLOZl~PO"'E. p.s.
west IBEw Softball Tournament was the Examining Boord are: Brad Doyle
loc;ol 24, Baltimore, MD, Mr. e nd Mrs.
held in CleHdBnd, OH Our loca! Drew Frwnd .
and Jerry EI!MStr. Congfll.lulation5 and
team wenl read} to pia}. and we came bl."S1 wishes 10 all. II was g.ood to see the
home with the first place- tTophy. Con- inte rest shOwn in th~ yearS e.leaioru;. CONGRATULATIONS, IBEW!NECA
gralUlalions! We h ave two ne w conlractoTs in
On June 16. our local, along with Om3ha: American Electric, starled br SHERRY AND CONTRIBUTE TO
olher build ing Irades. helped collecl Bro. Chuck Seaman. and Antbony DREW OREGON YOUTH
o~er $S .711O for D oUilr5 Againsl Dia- Elemlc. Anthon} ElecHic used to be a
betes (DAD's Da),). nommion contractor. They signed agai.n 1... 0 . 2-1 ( ). BALTIMOR E. l. U. -18 ( i,rls.f"m.rttM I&('), PO NT·
00 Juh 2l. a \'(~tcran rntmbcr of our bt:cause of the lack of o\'oilable electo· l\ 10--0n Ihe day or the JATC Oass of "AND. O R- Local --18 and NECA
local v.a.~·kIUed on Ihc: Job v.hile u-Ing II cians in the area. It is good 10 ha\'e '93 gmdualioD ceremon~' {Y,O mcmbef"i ~pon~ored the Thlfd- t\n nu.!ll 'Sci I
bucktl truck. Bro. Jim Ugman .... a~48 them back. or Ihe C1ass or '?-1 bad a special cete· Lomax NQuanerback Shoo(oUC Golf
~'ea~ old and an ilClI \'C member o f Ihe The hall has staned a ne\\"lelier ror mon~ of their OY;11. Sberl) Sblevitz and Toumaml!'nt hdd al Ihe Heron Lakes.
Wireman's Golf Association, Jim will the nonunion electrician5 in Ihe area, It Drcw Freund were married on June Golr Course. Portland. OR. A contri·
be sa dl y missed by his family and his is imponam to lei the nonunion ell.:C1r1· 51h, fir').l in Ihe hi<;lOry of Local 2. 1.
:I bution o( 515.500 was dona led to help
unron. cia ns hear t he true sid~ of th ~ storr, Apprentice Fran ~!ilIer served as maid suslain programs for YOUlh in Oregon.
Recentl'.' our I:hapter of the QuahlY and thl:-- \Io'ill help them realize I hil l w<: of honor. Drew llnd Sherry met 10 dl1'j~ Tbe event conlributed to tWO desig·
Connection purchas.ed a mini Gran Prix are a1\ in thl ~ together. as first·year apprenlices in 19~9. Loc<11 naled chllrilies-Young Lire of Oregoll
race car and rnc~ II In gra nd ~[}Ie. T he We held our retired members dinner 24 would like 10 wis h Drew and ShelT}, and Fe lJ ow~hip o f Christial1 Alhle les
ract: team compde.d In a charity race: 10 1II june. We had O\'er 50 n:lired memo th e Ot'SI of l uck and II happy and (FCA). BOlh programs serve young
~ne[jIIDe Anhrit& Foundation bers receivin" year$ of \er~ic pins. hl!aLth, life loeclhcr. people by pro<.lding counseling, leader·
Our Cm.IET classes. a~ wcll aucnd· ThiS )'ear we rre~nled ('Ine 6O,)cllr. Bus'. :\I,T. -Woody McNemar and <hip skills. aDd the opponunil} for
Ihn:e 5S·,ear and Ibn:.: pin:'.. JATC Dir. Frt:d Bachman altendcd Ihe )oung people 10 make nellt kil!'n(k ali
ed and are reaJJ~ ~artlng II) make B dtf·
The :;O·\ca r membo:~ lIIere ' John \\edding. r.epreseming our local and the Ihe\ nel ....orL v.llh olh~rs inHthed in
fen:no:. We hopt: il \\'orks rorc\cryonc
Fil7.gerald. Anbur Anderson .;md Cecil JATC sim'ilar- programs Ib roughoul the
Worley. The SS·,"ear members \\ere region.
8L Y AMERICA.-':' 1~ '{!.liano. M ilton Slaub and Don" CiARY P PRFSTIA ....""I. P s.
"We're pleasl!'d 10 be in\ohed in
D ,,'\' A. :\IAR'Tl1\. ?S aid Tihbcll~. lllf~ bO.)car rneml)cr 1II:t~ a~SI$ling bolh '{oung Life and FCA."
said Bus. Mgr. Edwatd Bamt:s; "We:
SIGNS OF knew til{ll l,y Itlking. pari in Ilus ycar'~
IMPROVEMENT eye nt . our conLribullOn wou ld go
toward programs devOled 10 youth-
L U. 16 ( WAS H- andlha!'sa tcrrificcausc"
IN GTOi\ . D C-\\ e hope everyone Kris Rocke. Young Life Porlland
had a ple-asanl summer. W~ oonlinu<: to Arca Director. explamed IhBI funds
lII olch our "'ork ~ilUlilio" ~rlldunny donalt'ld b) 1he annuol golf e'enl go
~hol\ bigns of Imprmemenl. and anI.· primarily lo\\.ard rundmg for a \Anet~'
iously 8V.'a11 for the lime whcn our con- of ~umm,;r cam ps (Qr youth Rode
tractors who have been awarded some sa id. NWe appreciated Ihe help: Ihis
!arge jobs call fOT increased manpowe r. allows us to conlinue 10 in\e-st In young
T be Re t,red Members' C'l ub h(J ~ p.!opll:' of all age~ in Oregon- who a rc
been busily preparing. for their a nnual our fut ure:'
enh fe-ast as of this wri ti ng. and Il re A recent Oeveland High School Erad·
planning a trip 10 the Sialue of Lihl:rt) ua te Gus Brown Slid. " I like tht! fact that
lind Ellt~ I land. The ;lnnutll Retm:d mEW electricians and 'l'ECA ate: inttr-
'\It:mben' Cluh rame I-lill be drawn at ested in us. Bn;olll'D. 17. reremJ, left fot

Ihe club meeti ng on '\!o\ cmber 13. British Columbia 10 join uth~n:,. rrom
Locol 22, Omoho, NE. 6O-yeor member Edword 6oyef' QC.(ompanied by rh~ gerler- Anyone wishing 10 hu) rame .. eke!:!. a~ Ihc l'Ount~ ID a ka<knhlp camp
etion~ of Boyer ' omity electridenl. mal oontact IlK: local. Thanb (0 ~"cr)· spon5o.)r<!<i by YOWig Life.


III nunheibl ('ulumJ{I 11us ~-ear .. Qual our erfllru II) c,)mh:1.1 nonunion con ..
ltv ('llnnc\:li\)n ~III plUvidc electrical IrUCll(\n and tn \.Ccure II IflO pereenl
bhor ...1kI matc.riilh I()I" 1.' Hlbitat rn.. 181 W "'lltL force We an .tcoomphsh
Jeet .. \1m&: than "70 IBI"W memher<. Ihb ~. a!lcnelinJ I:nIl{en:nctS. scmlnars
h.we . 'rea.h ht-liJCd OOl&.J Itlnt' JI.lbilal and \U:ul.lII~ logtlh~r. \upporl )our
humf' In J ,to (l1:ln~. (in:dc), LooJ: local :dlend vour meetmp..
MUIlI. I..(t\.-<lo1l1ll ~ntJ IlIf' \lor!!:an HRnT lO:-;n. p..s.
Thinks Rlln 'h..:rry. ;In&.! c\cf)·on..:
..... hu h!l~ OIltlln"uh:d 10 Ihl\ riHlnef"'ih lr
~Ilh II rtl! lIl1 l. It undclllne~ nU l com
mllmcnl In "help huild a Oc=Ucr t'om
In Unit)',"
OUIIII I )' (.'WlIll:l:tlOn\ '1:1) projects
IncluJ.::: Kcep the: Ushts l·oundllll(lll.
' h ~ hlnlltl Duy ('lire Center I{ nl RliI!c
locol 48, Portkmd, OR, NECA/ tBEW Ieodenhip, together ..... ith mtrmNtI of Youl\g Uendl l . MArli n I.Ul hcr K io@ DAy
life orwt pro quorterbodc Nclillomo ~, from left: lrQi" il'g otro<tor Motrcl El«trieoi 1'1I1lH,k IIml Ihe D Ht h clI!~ Re .. earch
Training Center Ke"neth Fry; BU$. Mgr./Fin , Soc. Edward Bamel; Sora Bum), 11I~lIlull! .
lomox; J, J. TomurQ , &.Is Brown. li~ Strickland. ExewlNe Mgr. NECA Oregon'
J"MI~lt RINL,. PM t-J,
coIurnbilJ Chcptef" Timolt.y Gault.ier a nd Jl!Mne Pugh.

J. J I <l.mura, a l1~q:! Wilson IlIgh plan.. r ( 1f nut ct.lebroallCm

School &fJlduate and Young Ufe \'olun· The membersbip is \ ('ry proud (II
leer nplamcd. rh~ prolram .. nHer
M 8to. f)(,wudd Hav Wed... "'00 100'" "1 ...
~OUII~ people tbe opportuml) II) IrI)'I,r PlilCC 1I1 the Sc\c;nlh D~t'ppt'cn ucc; ·
locol 90, New Hoven , a , retiring Bu,.
""Iule Ihry roeus their sites on the ship Coni I In Ifors Arlhur I \ Urn ~p. WiIJiom ",m" Moore and his wife
fUlure ~ TamuUl , .... ho allenWicnlll!gc Ln \\'cds 1\ nov. a Journe)lIIdli IU":I1I .. n Betty.
San DII~go :lidded. MNH'AllI31: W 3nd \o'orttnA (or Oaton Ct~ .
Loc:al .4R's donlilion makes I' pt ~ll:l lc Bm. SIe\'e Todorll 100L 11,..,1 pl~ In
fOl man) ... ,ds to .tlte nd thc .. ummer the ApP,ellllce Roden held al Local
camps who wo uld not 0 lhe rw i5e t-e 611. lie repte1en lcd IIllu ~lOn In Ih", CONGRATULATIONS,
able III 1\0 1 Ihin k )OU can mClIsure .. rudcn held In Klln!;a, C ily. MO . un BRO. MOORE
businesS hy i l~ people." September 25.
Former qU8rterback for Ihe St T he WOII.. fJiClurc III our 111":11 is luol. I.. U. 'IO (I I Nt. W II AVEN. CT-O n
Lo uIs/Phoen ix la rd inlll ~: el l Ll}ma~ mgup. We 51i11 11oI\~ n few I1m'l. travel No\' 19. Loca l 90 will he hosl lIIg tI
commented. I apprcciated the added ing: however. mosl of our membel"t ilIC ret lfe ment dmner hllnuring Hus. Rt:p,
<;l,Ipport nf )\F('A / IIH:.W LocaJ 48's Il.nJO)"mg ~or k III lh" a l e ", Will hllll M OO (e. Oro. Moore will ro.:lire
major con trl hu tion: it ..i!flccn t hel t We have lost Ic\eral mcmhcI"' lh" onlXt'.31
in\loh'cmenl In the regwn ~nd Illhal yt:nr. plea'iC' be: ~Ie on and ilt' Ihe Jnb, 1... 11 ..... :., initiated mlo L()(.lII 90 00
Inyoh-emcnl Influence!> O!> I c a ~1 (Jnc S,lfel), b. our'l goal. June 2, 19S3. and ha~ heen B member
young penon tllch year. \II(,\'e rcllrlCd 1.W ·B IU , ''' OlC,:-.:"Ul). A.", Il M Locol 68, Otftv.,.. CO, IRon and SkelT)l (or 4(1 years
our goal ~ 0I5Ot1 wonlng on a Hobiklt for lie ~ emplo)'ed hy M.B. FOSler EI«-
fDWoIIKD L UoIIK,M· . U.M Hllrnonlty proi-t. Iric, nnd ha...... ork('d for m an~' of our
contractor throughout Ihe years. lie
blt$ ...·o rked " gene ral (oreman on
man)' )Ot'l\ mdudmg the Millstone Unit
WORKING TO CONGRA1ULADONS, One ~ucleat Po .... e r Pian!.
Hro. \I oore h.l\ bt:en a d edicated
PROCURE JOBS GRADUATES member o( Local 90. servrng , n the
capacllle~ "I Rec. Sec. lind b,ecull"e
L. "58 (I,em ,"p lI&rlh). D I:.1'HOI I , I., • 110 (1 .0,1 1,,&: ,1' ")' NURFO I. )\ . Llo;l rd membe r si nce 1965. lie served
1\1I- l..ocaI5K and Ol hcr unions belong· VA- LOQl I KO elections .....erc held Il nd p a oommi lice member of the JATC
ing 10 the C1rc8ler IXlroll BulltJlng. fi nd n ur new ly elect d orfu:en ure: 8\1 \. for 22 )t.lRf'I., a Inc.mber o( our negoti3t-
Construction rrades Cou ncil Me MJ!r .fh n ~cc. James Wil ham!>; lire!.. illg comm iu et a nd sec relary for the
a t t,ye ly W j~ d,H1 g 10 ptOC ure jOb$ (or JUnlnr Vaughan: Vi« Pre. 1I 0wa rd (i', R I I~u~ Mgr.. A!>~n (CIMBA l
union const ruction ..... nrkcr~ BUI ld", ... I"orc hand. Trell'l Hl1rvey Mall e r nnd for 12 ye;us, and 35 a JATe inslructor
Trat.l t:~ Co nlrilclll1g, Inc pllln"'! to Ike. I\c~ linH Lung. ExeoHi\'e Board for eight ),elu'S
underbid non union CUfltroClOrt and flu l mcm~f'C nrc Sam Ihad ~ h (lw. Kenny nus MgI . ~posi l o aske d Bill to
more union Intd~peoplt: to ~ lHk. Il unllUI. Lkan I::.... nn!o, ~hle Ilttnll, Joe accept the poo,IU(Kl of Ous. Rep III 1982.
The idem for the councIl 10 fun(IIOn Smllh and Orucc Woolridae. Exam," 11(' ~r\'ed ~I !> I)U!i. Rep. and Rderral
85 a gene ral cunt ra ctorJtO n ~lrucl i on Loc:IJI 66, Houston. l X. Ire. Donald Roy Inl!, Hoard IIlcmbt:u. art: Milch C"I
manager III order 10 bid jOOs for Union Wedes, relalling aft. ta"ing ·,,.t
PIoc:.'" in till! StmInth Di.J;I. Apprtnriu-
loway. DlInnr Crain. John Glm. THI)
OffiC"l:r••Iong wllh mHny Olher dutit:s
Th ... nfr~. as ..... ell allo.all of the offtcers
worken came hon' B 'ilmll:lI pHlJlHlm Lcuch !lnd Roben PhIllips. and members. Will mb\ the dforl, e.ncI-
In MII\Ioaulee. WI "'ip Conlel' h4Jd in Part Arthur, IX. 1 ht J1\"1 f' htld Its a ppr e: nllce~ htp ltlC\ and uc:d,,:allun to Ihl.\; local un,on
Sum mer changc-oyers In the $lUlU aftldulIUOn ceremony t)n June 4. al thl: ami Ihe mEW
plant... hayc belped In reduce 00 1 Hook Ahcnlt:ell OMII Ibnque l Rm Oro. We 1II" .. h n,u and h........ Ife Belly 11UUl)'
I ou l -of·~ork lisl from 900 to 300. We G \1 "ShepM hcrrard. ("haltmlln of health} and harp) )'urs of re tue me nL
uc-stlll hopmg Ihal lhe new VA "IO'>fl1"
lal, lhe new IRS lIuilthng. lind Ihl! long
HABITAT FOR Ihe JA 1{ CUI11JlIIlIet:. ! a~ Master
of Ccn:mon lc ... Bu'i. Mgt. Jam e~
A5 a lwllYli, \U PPOTI you r unum in
\I\ohall!\C:r iUolnnLr )\1\1 ca ll.
awaitcd furnace )fib on Zug 1 ~ 11I",.l W,II HUMANITY Wllllllm' c(lIIg rlt luiDtcd OU I neWCJ I
GRLG \\'11 I'SHIRE.,I· S.
brmg u.. cko-,cr 10 rull eml, Juurm:yman Wi remen ....'110 Art n.. rol-
WI! hope all o( ur membc r\ a nd I..U. 68 0). D ENVE R, O- Rton and 10'11.\: WilImm Bll llllncc, Rll nd lill
Ihe ll fa ml lic.:; clIJnyell the nnnual herry O lson helped lick 011 lI al1llai HI,l lldu , J Anie! lAIO. Richard hamg,
lBEW picn ic oil Bub 1..0 Island. Thanks for lIum3nlt)' of Me lli) D c,\Ycf~ Jo hn Gu rr . J llme, Il u,!thc" James
to a ll wh pUllcip:lled In the a nnu .. 1 .. tl Youlh OIltl. Outld '93." II. PI(}" I hl\chcn\. MiChAel ManRing. Wllhllm
Labt)I Day Parudc<llId pally Jcet that buill four home'! d unn,. "''tlC McLcnney. DaYld l'erry, LoUl~ Rich.
\I AKY J V..."'OElU ...\,.;Ol' rs John Paul 11 '1 \'I"illin AUIt ROil III JtI1U
neyman at I u&.!\lk I kCtnc: ('0 :tIltJ hi
Chllrle .. \<lwycr. \lidtac:l Snulh .and RESULTS
EUlenc Yclton We also congnuulnlc
w,fe he rry. an appr<:nttec M Inltr JATe Director Cll rol Decker. the L. • 98 H.em .... &: il l. P HI LADEt..·
mountain l:ItClnc C(I eOOJ dlnalcd Apprenucc1hlp Commilltc arid In."'ruc· Pi llA, PA-On June 26. our member·
CONGRA1ULAnONS, Qual II} ('o"nel,;llt\n', ,n\()hemenl 10", for Ihru ducchnn a.lllilead....,"'hip ~htp elected rhe folklwmg offICers: Du:s.
~hlch in\ohcd dONlllnl malcflilk Ind Local 80~. ho~t (or the Fnunh \tgr John l)ouJl,.hcny: Pres. Ed Foley:
BROTHERS yoluntccr "N)! fr(lm mUle Ihlln IWII Dl~t un·\\, ron~lrucllOn confcrc:n(C: VIC~ I)re Jarne'i Fa rro ....'; FIn Sec.
L. U. 66 10 .,,&'1), Ito USTO., • ., x- dOlen IUI: WmclIll).:r\. held in June at the Ca ... aher l-i ntel In t fltnn, Wel!.h Jr.: TreaL Edward " cil·
I...ocal fl6 ..... ill he lOCI )ca" old on Janu- The. World Youlh Day prtJtCCI I.. ,U\I Vir!,"u, Beach. VA We lII'ould hke 10 son a~d Ret'. Sec. James ~hckln. Exec-
ary 13. 1994 P,e<;. Oenr.&e J-..a~rm a nd pan o r Ouallt)' C'onnecIIUll·" onr,ml111: Ih .. nl e ... cryonc In a ll end,nee wh{1 ulIYC lJ uard members are: Timothy
Ihe EX.ccullve Uo.ud 3(e .....otk lng on commitment to Ilut'llt lll for Ilumanity ~ hlHcd Ihc lr YICWlO lind expe riences In Dro lll'ne:. Ldwnrd lopplllgcr. RlHry


Fo},. James McOcylU and Jamc$ Mmk I am bapp) to rt':lJOn 00 Jan, 21 guod thml(.S- thlt come! (10m mg,li'
\ h...: all of UO) 10 follolil. On behalr of all
Examining. Hoard mcmbers are: Joe 1994. Ihere WIll be a lestuoonial dinncr niled laoor Local 108 members. we thank hIm for
Agrc ti. Dob Kelleher and KeYIn In honor of Bus. Mgl . Lou B;Ham al COMI:. I ei.;l!'iSts are being held pcri" hi ~ dcdicallofl and selilice.
McQuillen the ('lI meo Rcsta ura nl in Garfield. odically_ Eve ryone IS expected to We would likl! 10 than k our oCficc
Coogralulati<>ru to uur new officers. Mttt infonnalion \\'III he fontu;.lmm!,- all end. Wht:n )our uun comes up. manager. Debbie Webster. ror her bard
and ,000 lock 10 aU of lhe candidates. pkase be (hc.~ as IhlS clas5 IS not (01)' loI>orlr:. d iligencc and e,,:eU~nl record
There are no loser.. amongst men 101>00
L10o,;EL C'OLTlItILtl , rs mfo~tne but ~ 10 (be future \:c:cpmt- Our OC'f1CC rullS \ cry smoothl}
stand up for lhtir \1n1(,o. Ltl Ulo p\ed~ of Ol.lf' industl)' under Debbtc' wpc:r.isIon.
our cooperatIOn 10 our fIeVo' office". for 1"be ,,<'Cd picture III our area ~ good The follOWing members ha\-'C laken
the toorrnous challenge that 1M!!> ahead PENSION FUND with .tli of OI.lT mcmtx.·r; and " number
of l l1lvekm: ".,orking.
dJSabilHY reuremc01 : Bros. Dill Slone.
Jerry Oid.d, Kennelh Lyoo!. <tnd Greg
In July. the PhiliuJelphla ComClltion I_U. l 04lQ~~u), 6 0 TON ••\IA-Ct'lll· Thank III thOSe members who Prince.
ecn lCr opened after the un ion con" strucl iQIl work' lSloll11 slo\o\ In the r-.;cmh work c\J .. nt! Sdturday Lo gcl our hllil Our sympathy goes 10 Ihc ramlHes
strudlon trades completed the prOleCi cast. Again. I would like. 10 thallI-. the r e'IJ~ 10 paml Bro. Ralph II~Tndon. a and friends of our departcd Bros .. Ray
on lime and withIn l1 u':L~ I.:I. Thb. truh locals thai are employmg our travcling pamM before JomlDg Ibc apprentice" Roop. James E!phmgslone. Leroy
umquc faClhl) . ""llh art wo rk 10 riv~l BrM. and istcffi,. II 1<; greatl) !lJlPrccl 'Jup. 'i'm~'oo tbe bulldmg rollo'lo'ln,& our Lauf Horace It Duncan " Rmk", W 0
man)' art mu~ um", \Lolli hl... 1 the IHEW lued. "orlo. lltank)OII Ralph. it really looks Wanen "GO\ nOr~ and Paul Mtlao.J.
~ '96~ convcnuo n. Over 20.000 man · On Ihe subject of tr~yeling Hnd nllX. Dofo\ll\lo. RIZZO JR.. r.s.
d3)'" III'Cn! In\l) the eh:1.1ricaJ ""ork. and c han ging your addrch ; Ihe t'en .. ion JAMES IJ \I{ !VI'YRf~ P"'.
the ceoter is une cily block wide wilh Fund mosl hll\1; (I good upd ulcd
l .3millkm quare feel of floor $;pace. addr(;~. A PrOvl!.'lon 111 Ole Iru~1 dilcU

\ t Arllu W 1"_JUDG E, p.s men I ~ lalC-S i n pan. HI' lnicipanlS are SUCCESSFUL
obhgau:d to IOform thc plun adnuJ\ls· NEW OFFICERS ORGANIZING
tntor of all chang~ of aJdu:_'\.\. If al
~ 6S the plan is (mabie to conlan you LU. 108 CAMPAIGN
LOCAL W ITNESSES or )"our spouse . Vol! "'III presume \UU em.I&lctll. 1A \IPA . Fl-Lucall08
ban' died and lour account balance clec:lt:d nt:'" ofrlcer$ who v;iU !iU\e rnr loU. rn (\&0\. NEW ORLEANS.
CHANGE ..nil be fOlfc lI':d." We don'l wanlthis 10 tnc ne\1 Ihr..:e lean. Coogralubtions to 1,.\-Aftl!T ~5 }leaN lind Ihree QrgoOlz·
hal"rx:n III .m}one, !>O pkasc keep the Ille 101l0l•.-lOS· Bus. MgrJFi n. Sec Flo)-d 109 camp;utns w;Jged b>' IOdl\'idual
L.. U. IIIZ (i&o), l' t\ TE KSON , NJ - fund OIdmimstnllor advised of >'ou r cur· Sugg...: Assl Uus. Mgr. John Murphy;
Bros. and Sisters. \\C arc wi lnt'!ss ing crarlS, a succe ful Mfirst s t Cp~ was
renl addros. The fund oomini<;traw( .-. Assl. Uus. Mgr. Jimmy Connasler. I'res. achlc\'cd O\"t~r 4.1XK1 workers at Avon·
man) nclol> de\l~ lopmcn t .. Ihroup:houl address is .h follo .....s: R W RI\lc\ . John B. Lucas: Vice Pre!>. Gerald
th~ IDEW '1 he~ changes ;lre b4:mg
dale'! \·Oled fLIT um""l rerrN:nlllllOJl 00
Fund AdmmlsUilIOT. 379 Welbcrell '- Whit . Treas. Mark rlui.kncll and Rec.. Jun~ 25. The Ilullding and Conslruc-
made: to hdp ol1r uniOD contraclOrs ".0. DOlI;; 1213. ~boche..lcr cr f:lbD.ltl Sec Mt):e I...r:'!'cnb} E:w:ecumc Board
beller eQmpele agam~t thc n"nunlon lion Trades commilled an InL Rep.,
THIS IS VERY '''PORTANT mc:mhcrs are'!: Martha Watkins ( Inl- plus S'UIOO lIl""ard~ thiS recenl urn·
d~rru;nl lhlt pc: ....... dn the: ll1arlo;c\(ll.!cc-
Althr..: wnung. \l.C u e stili In ncgoti· tron). Joey Chandkr (SEeD). William pai~l. St\cn Int . Rep· fmm the Melal
These e:hanic... will help our m.. mtk:rs a ll on~ Wllh Ihc MIJ I A. 10",11" of Hel Hellrn (Tampa Ship) , ('hnstinc HuUl>-
,1I1d provide them wllh more nppurIlJn!' I'rnde Unions came in and worked o\'cr
monl and I lull. All threc agrl' em\:nl~ Ion (Pullillan Holt). Wilily Defreit.llo n Ihrcc monlh period III tIll" organizing
tics f(lr gamful emploYlIlent. We cannol il rc overdlle. Deli llO!; wilh Ihe puhllc (TlKO), 'Ieve l3uckJe.s (JohllSQn Con·
nlloYo' Ihe nOllunlOn shop,s to unrairly dfu ri . 1111 ~ e l1. Junmy H.U~lo W il~
sector is very dif(,;-rcnl th:Ul Ihe rri~ikttl tlO ls . l!loC_) uud Dalo! Kelty ('l amp3 assigned 10 the campaign and idcntifled
compele wllh our wa~t:. M:.IIe, We:. must seCI(lr. Horlo.:full). thl.:Y will bc Kuled Annalure Works).
belp our employers get the JObs tbal bno dccIUC1iln~ 111 the unli Local 130
~lOn. [Ius \l Sf Aoyd SU&.It.S has al .... lI)'s Org. Jr;vrh 1. antmb.11 III and man)
pa) OUI VolIge!". "hlle ~Iill miLlnl,\Hllnr; heelt a dcdicaled union man. He: brings
our standard of li\ ing and benefits ROB[Rt E. .... Alm. IIM 'IS. of our local members ga'll!.': out hand·
10 tile o(ftee or hou$. my hI.) expcn.:ooc bills.. made lelephone ellIs and allend-
package. Otange tS alwa)~ It hull' 'lmry. a .. an 3ss1 bus. mgT. of Local Il~. an
Tbt uncertainl) of Iwn,!; a lhffcrt!nl cd wccLcnd m~lIn~~ to heir loI>in this
office which he held from 1~89 until
methud (If dOing lhlllg:i 1$ normal This ... ote. We arc .... ~ry proud of o ur Br()!i.
CItIlTWl ~Iop us fmm dOing what is liCe..
WEL(OME, NEW rl'CCntly. HI~ goals liS hus. mltr. will be
li nd SI .. lcr!o who PlHtlclpalcd in t illS
10 s('r'Ye thc Brotherhood. firsl tlnd
co;.snry 10 survive: lind prosper. nOI only MEMBERS furemost. ICI l'lOtecl uOionism. II) o rgll
C.lnlpllign . Sp~ci .. l Ih ,lflh I(t Oro
Anthony tAClllu,.o IIIho III as in allcn-
(Or Wo. but (or the fulure .Jnd for our ni7. the! unorgani7.~d lind to ill1prmc
rultlrc membcT' L U. 106 (i.lL!'<p:&ph5. gu,·I). JAM I-: '. d.uK:.l: e\l~1) Jay dunng !Jus organumg
the health and v.elfare benefits of all
rle:.a~ come 10 the mectmKS_ It IS TOW". NY-Congralulatlons and .... ur~u~
.... he!Je you C3n hear the facts: and abo 'IIIdcome to Ihe rollo", lng nc"'" mcm Pkilse Bllend the Hcnry Miller l\all-
v.. e wouki also lib: to l"CCOf,DlZe for-
b;ne a sa~ in the propel forum. Local be,...,: Ene Taylor. Eric Ecl:bcll. Oris mer Rlr>. \igr. Ron Suw (or hi" tire
109 School. It b H!ry Importanl lhat our
102 lias always done \Ii hal i.s ncct::S.\aT)' Wheelcr. Todd Slocum. Joe Cumarata. less dfom on behalf of our union. Bro. mcmben p.H1icipsk in th~se sahing
10 c:nsurc IlIl' tx.... t pc)~$ihlc .... ork SJlua· Carey Faust. Tim COrdc <lnt.! Juhn c1asses_ rhrllugh a SII1tlOg efron . an
RO il ~uggs h;l~ ~erved Locn l lOS In
lion for k~ Ulcml~rs. t\l!n In IIIIS vel) ('reager man)' capa il les- as iI un it rcC scc.. opt:n shop cml lrnclor ~mploy lO g 14U
,>Iow c:cononuc tim..:. With the hdp and Th~ .mmlill l.Ax;.11 106 summl!t piauI.'
Unit chulrmun. rt('_ 'SCC'•• thrce toCrms ib
ekClriciuru ts presently working only to
.. uppt.lrt or 'he. m~mhc""hlp. lI\·e will con· hdd on July :5. 301 MidwdY ParL \\;t~ a 1l5..... bus_ mgr _and fin al!) M hus. my men !·lene contact the loc31 130
tinue 10 Striw: tow,lrd ,I full union JUris> big,suo::ess.. Thank. you Bf"U'>.. Tom (kc\: nffltt (rw (\lIdll:1 \(\(onnMloo
His commitment :lind dl.:dication II) tht:
du."ti(ln Ihlt ".,'111 @i'lle tremendous and Bruu Parm~nt hlr cooking Iht: IJrolhoerhood make a fine ultmplc for LORRAII'IiF 11 on, P '.
strcnglh and bargaining polI\er_ ben chlden and tl) c!'·t"f),one e lse who
thoug.h the tdea of a 100 percenl Olga· helped. ThiS e"enl ""a~ wned 31mml
nlJ~d area I11Ay hl: Lillfeoloihlc at this entirely toy Oro. Jim Lyons. We need 10
tunc. II is o.:rtainly something thlll we liS gel lhe ""\lId of th is good work lIul III
trut: O1~mhers slmu tlllllwuys asplTll to. the gencrul public $0 Ibey 100 can scc

local 130. New Orleons.lA. opprentices who cDIllplelcd rOOir tenth 5eI'I'1I!5ter of
Local 102, Peterson, NJ. ho, glown and pro5pOflld bemuse of the leadef$hip of daS$rQOm training. Left 10 right, standing: Instructor Rick Munch. WiUiom McAllilfer,
theM thnte men: WI to right, Bdl. Mgf. Lou Barom. Sui. Agent Pal DeI~<rtO and 6ri1t Poner$Qf1. John McNeil and Wendell Adami-. Seoktd: Clinton Compo~n Pre-
Pns. Joer~ . "tOt, p~" Ado m~ and Cloude Itobin_


Treas, Pal Mllklin Con)tTalulalloll !
STEAK BAKE A retirement dinner lind n:cepllon
GREAT SUCCESS honorin,8m J oseph Mnrche!>( VlD"! ACTIVITIES
beld in \1 01) III Iht: (Onlll1cnl<l1 Manor
loU. 166 (i,ecs, m.rlb.IO\I .I& C.II IV) . of NOl"lloall;. Tl\e (Venl .00 marked Ihe L .112 (l&o, .CIN INNATI. OH-
SC II ENECTAOV. Y-Uncmplo)' ';Sth anni\el'!w1.l)· of Local 208. Thanb Our local hno; h"d II by,,), ~ummer. Wc
menl is slill vel)' high (or the Commer· Oro. Marchl."'iC for all your years of. r- hosled Ihe I£lEW Nalional Dowling
clal £Iccllichm Unh We h[l ~ t: many '>'ICC and hcsi 01 luck In )'our rcllfc · TllUlnamcnt 111 JUIIC, IIml thl! Eu~lelll
people who han! cXhaU~H!d bot h "hlle ment (Jrlllc:::d SIII1~ IIll:.W Organiling Con·
llnd federal unemp loymen t bcndl l ~ Bro, Marchese !'er'>'ed 115 bu , mgr rerenee III J ul),. We h,lpe Ihllt 1111 our
We conti n ue: II) hope lor ~i&n!S of for IK }t:iln <} nd ha~ bc.c:n fI union ml.: nt· Bms, and . Islc l S (and tllI:n fa rm lies)
im provement th:u would ching.e l hi~ ber for 40 ye/It'S . li e receive d hit 40· thul eame to Cincinnali cnjoYNI Ihrm-
situation for Ihe hellel , yea I pill a lld saw hl)O SOilS Jn~eph Jr, !.e lvcs a nd lert willi g(u)d me moTles.
COMET meetings are ongoing with locol '204, Cedar Ra pidii, lA, EJ;etlllive and Michael receive their IS-year p ins l.ocal 212 members worked hard to
tIll: inl(: llI of gC ll in~ everyone in Ihe Boord member ood Sicward (Jrl !lnd SOli JalllC'i. receive H 10 yet., p in h{ISI illCM! Ilve n ts , Iw l e njOyed th e
COnSln.lClioll group 10 parliciro'llc, B ro. Siruve 811ch(Jnge more thon 0 walch Reliree James Mallh~'W'5 Q( l.o('al20t5 canlllradcric. We hope 10 sec ),OU all
N ick D iGe nCl'o' [I .", on II!I IIH:W wutch with hi, son Steve SInMI . ....'lI!. al'>() presenled .... llh a 4U )'car pin "limn
from tilt: drawing -.clcctcJ .It Ihe Stcllk S~eial lhnllk~ tl) l):lnct,; ('(Jt11n1iu..:c W,uk h;ls hccn ~!o .... ;111 summer. WI!
Bake from all the particlpanl( of GENERATIONS Chrm, Ronald Sehlllck and COllllllillec WIsh 10 thank Locals HO. Lexingl on.
COMET dUring Ihe past )cnr CnngMt mc.mbcn. RonJld Itlrre!.c, KJ)'Rluml KY. )OI}. Illu"",,Uc. KY. llnU 4}l 1. Indl-
ulalJons! PASSING IT ON! Emond, Michael \1orchese. ral Malkin an:lpolls, IN. for emploring our mem-
It W3~ 3 he:lUliful day. wlIh g;Hl1C\,
L. U. 204 ( U'&·I). CE OAR RA P IDS.
,md Ken 1.01\(1) he,,, LCJcal112 T" \cr)' rortunale lu be
c!OI'il&. door pruo, {ood, (lnd 1)1..... 11). all. Among Ihe speaker were Second ,ufrllundcd I)) somc great IBEW
a chance losharc lilJk! with rcnow rmm· 11\ - 1 he Local 104 plcmc 111 ("re<;IOIl.
11\ WitS lhe sclllng for SORl\: (ami I}
OISI Inl VICC Prcs. Paul Luull-hriln . I..ncu:h W(lTk I'; plckrng up We hope ((I
ben Ind f... mlli-:, the Stellk Ulllu~. Wit lui Rep. R,dli"d I'Jll"$.nulioi . Ire he lp OUI If.I'>'chng BrOt.. And Slslt:n
anol~r ll.II:.t1 ,,~. Aher dmrn.:r I'i~
clchangto; EICCull\·c 11(,.,rd Me mber memOCI find loc:Il4AA nus MgT Fronk next }"(ilr
Mgr. iJemie Mende pa~"Cd OOt ~rvlCC .100 Slc'A'llrd Carl Slru\t.: bas passed his Carroll Jr, ami local '1ft Uu!. Mgl toe;11 212 hell.! a COI'I' !!Cplll Ihe-pol
p illS 10memher". IlIId wa l ches "ere
(lcCUpnll(1I1 3~ II line mechanic lind G)'TO E~p<""II(I. rarne al Ihe Organlzin@ Conference.
;1w:tuktl In rrlirrl" il' wi'll W:lIrhl'~ union !lcll\'i~1 on 1\1 his -.on. 1310. Slcve! fille",," mdmlrfl RIl"I'i Kronm, lh I.IT("JI rlll~lI1/: $1 ,105. The \\omnc i \Ions LOCIII
we re (twll rdcd 10; Bros. II nfOld nnisi. '\m.lVe, In turn, Steve hlid 1m; hunur of of local 35, Dennis M pcdon of local -'(11 Org. nob Rcnaldi , The other hair
IHC~ellt irl~ hl~ fUlher w1lh ;111 1I1EW \\oll~ r rc~nlc(j 1(1 ,",,'unh DIS'- Int Vice
Fron l Or<lpclln. Dou~l a, Sandcr~ all~t J. W.. ller Pur)' an d 1l. IenrmJ In" or
Willialn Iloffmnn. A "pcclol Ihllnki> 10 WDII:h rccogni/ing 25-)"e81'" as a Loc<li lire'. Pllu l WIl li.: I,) he donn ted 10
Loc.11 99. MallY con lraclOo. ,lIld c!ectri·
Bro. Bill lI arper f(lr hili yC1I1'l! n~ cum
2114 TIlclllbcr. ('ongrat ulatlons! cal fiml$ I roen Norwalk (111(1~urro\l n dl!1!lo copr.
m itlcc: chainmlll, I II! will he Illrulll ~ 1I11~
T ho,; lsI Allllul'1 1...-;.:.\1 204 S.:holar- il rea~ took pilr! 111 thll celebratlun. I he C I CCIIIJIl~ [HC- JUS I Mo und Ihe
~h i p Cur\ te~t Wl!S n ~ucccss. T hree 11IJ!h t,;O flh!r find \IoC need 10 help c:lnd i da l ~s
pwition O"'cr 10 UfO. Mike Gruener. as RONAl.!) llARR ESE. P,S
lil ll w ill rel lnnlt I hl' yC:lr
sehoul seniors caughl the c)'e of the help .... li nd elecled lIfltc i al~ can
Ih ll !
WTEN l1u!1l1h!;f. rtppruved Ii I w,) - LlIec:ullvc Ihlllrd wah the1l cssa)'s on Icgl~llIt't! .1.... ,1)'
Ihlnp lhllt lOtlk )'C-II'S of
"Whal 1'111' I l!lInn 11;1.. !lom' hll MI' n
colicctlvc bnr~lIln'ng III {lchlt!~'e
year cont raci with R rai~ or (our l)(r·
cenl UII J ul) 1. 1993. :lI1d July L PJlJ.I
J~cquelinc lanning (NcvlIr.l:I). ·rimoth)· NEGOTIATIONS Oum.. e l it ("O PE, hel ll ge t oul Ih~
A Murphy (Burllngtun). ,IUd Michelle ~ig.n .., onJ
h)· !ttl nleons VOTI:!.
Thb i§ Ihe Iir:o.l rt.liSl! in :l loot-IIIIlC Juc
R ( ..... ..:re Inc lop VOle DRAWING CLOSER Willi Ihe help vI (,01' 1' . ('mCIIlJ1[111
10 agreemenlS ""'l lh ""3,"C frccLe~
Bellef'1II Ihe Sl."h(llllr-.;hlp c'Onlc,,' . "lie MOI)or Dwi~hl 111I.:r)' up..:ne,", our
Th:tnk~ In Ihe ~et(lI"'IIn.j: CClmml1lCe L . :!IO (u~, ATI..A vnC (:ITV , NJ ­
cnnh:~1 WII!. Ofll!'n 10 all de~nUenls or IIU W IIoI;Hinnnl IJ~lwling Tourn:llnl.'nt
ml!mbeT~; Oro)' r.lul Sallih. \tau Qur local held Ib .mnu,,1 ;tIPIJlecl.lhon
mcmbc~ fin ,ood ~tllndmg) or l<~lll .,n.h .1 luu.,mS .. pccch. rolluv,t!tf hy Ihe-
Saphn 3nd I'erenre Ca\'<lnaujdl
20-1 whu were due 10 gra"uah: frUIIl nlghl for rellrell .... mkel" and ~mdu;Il'
A real hlo\lo \lori, deall ICI fIUI Illcrn mg apprenlr~. SJlL'CmllhilnK!> 10 Inl Ke) 10 11M: Clt~ g.lh'n 10 ur UU( Mgr.
hlp! ~hool in Ihe 199:!-93 school )'1:'31. f.r ;llIk Buller. I'"cnd, hke Ihal :lIl'
hc-,... al (iF/ RCA ~I~" ir.l' Shnl)', 'nll:)' Rep, PM RobUoon fllf banding OUt Iht
....en: I(M lhlll hy YCll" end the brooch
(\lIlsldenIIlJII was aisil ,&I\en lu
glfLs and h lr hiS Cf)mmclllS1U the "'em csscnlialto Ihe mrw. Suppon your
!'IAT/A\1 scme!>, tC um..:s, g031~. and puhllcal fnenth..
....ill he closed. We arc In t he (lmcl....~ of l'Iership. ('Oel}!raIUldlions :uld !teSI v. idl
kltl:N of n."(t.)mmendllU{lII On lhe lm~l~
reviewing benefil .. due Ihctn bot h ('s 10 all 11I 1H'ItTLIJRQW.... P.s.
nf 11m erilc,"I. Ihe Flccullvc I1(wnl
through GE and I he I\I-I CIO lx·eau\/.: Nt:gol iJllom••lrt! dr.lwrng dUl>C r . M)
eh(')~c- Ihe t hree ..... illnen. Congr3lula .
uf II " IIIani C'lOSHlI!.,"
'Inn, lHld IlCSl wi~hc.~ ILl ou r Wl!lIIelS.
. Ian wril ing down your prop<)!lals. Fair
wag.I:5, hCllllh henefil:.. fre n ge, (vncH
:-;10..11' (i(n t' n I'., I'.S,
lions, holidays). hencfil!. ~nd pension,
l(l tlH lne II few, hnve been Clirned
111l\Jugll glJml l,,,1I 1 lI e!;ul i .l " lI lI ~ No
O[]e just gi\cs IheOi 10 us
SUCCESSFUL CONGRATULATIONS, II is wilh a he~I vy hCMt IIml I ropurl
Ihe sudden dealh of Huberl G,
FUND RAISING BRO. MARCHESE nu~"tth;ml 1r on I lInl""l() I luhN' Wi" It

EVENT L . 208 Ii). ' ORW Al.K . CT-ln loyal unionisl all of his lif.:, li e was 3
Im'mg hush;md .. nd falher, :In'' In lhlR
June held nur local dedilln of olfi-
\lo t'
I.. • 11(. (i,rt",sPII & t'i), J01..l t..T. II,.... CCf' The fol lo ..... in(!. Vll!le I:leelcd 10 who knew him alrue (riend and honor-
lembcl'l! of lhl' Will·Grund,! CounhL3 "fhct', Bu'i \JR.r O a\ c nlilma'i: I'u:s able man Our condolcnC't."S go oul III
nuilding TraJcs. alon~ *lIh mt.:mbcn Robert Cileh~ilol; Vice Pre!;. Roger hI:> f.Jmll} Jnti (nc-nds..
or Ihe Kunt.:IKcoC :lnd I roquOl~ ('lIunlll"'i J"hn'i(m Ree . Sec. Jnmco;; C'luud and ARI1UIRM MA~lNJ5( •• PS
BUilding I mJ~ anJ Ilk.! 11111101)0 V;llIc),
Bu ilding 1'rades, reccntly colleclcd
(I\ier Sls,noo for the fighl a~IlIO~1 Llul
locol 212, Cin(innoti, OH, Stu. Mgr.
belcs . 'I hl~ m,ljor fund ral~illg c:vel'll.
Fron\.; Butler ond Cincinnati Moyor
Dol lars Aga insl DI3"etc~ (DAD's
Dwighl n llery ,how off the Key to the
D!!),). IS held c\'C.ry F:ll hc l \ D " y week
City, which w(u pre5enrod 10 Fron\.; ot
end. l'h~ rn \Jllic~ cu llelleJ gil III II , ~
the IBEW Notional Bowling Toumomenl.
Diabeles Research InsllHlle at tile Um·
ver;ilY 0 1 Mw ml ml'lorhJu, 111 hope, III
ont.: dil}' finding" Cllre. Local 176 Ilus,
MgT. L~'nn Ficldman ..:crvcV II' co.
chairman I)'
I h l~ tlrca '~ ellmp.lIgn lie
wishes to express his sincere: thanks 10
all the Y{lluntecr~ An(l pe('ple who lo U. 222 (11&11.'11 ). U R LAJ'IlUO , .......-
demalcd lu m;lke Ih ... anolher ),ut,;Co.,· 1he- Jun.,; Cio.:glUiU .... .;("0; bclcJ UIlIJCI Ihc
ful Cuod nl1~mg e \'enl. d,rc:cllun of I leellon Judge Danicl J,
We ~ould also like 10 elic!nd .J fund Jclh:ry, InSlall.JIK)II of lie..... offictD 'I'>'M
~hl:lloM 10 all our IflveJinlli Oros. and hdd Illhe regular merllng in July. 'The
Sistcr'" (lnd all Our relln:c~ HCHK!> Ihe l«1;I1 206, Norwalk. CT. ~ to right: SecOtKl Oi,r. Jill . VIC!!! Pres. Paut louiJhron, Hott- nc\\o orrtCCl'S ale: !lIe .. Juhn J. W~le l
COlIntry, Ole.! Joseph Monhe Ml, loc:ol 20S Pres. ROfKIld Schlock ood Inl, Rep. RKhord Pong- r.; V~ 11'c~, Jllmes Gary Brown; Bus.
DAVit) W, Ut)"H H~, ('.S glOui ot 0 retetll relifMneflI dinner and re<eprion hoIlOt'ing Bro. 10seph MorcheN!. Mgr. JIII1I~ M lIell, Kee Sec. Wesley


J. \"'(It'ldll'~ ami rrca!>_ Ralph IJ St,.,u I\rov.n. l'aUld, Duuan, Kc\·in IlIu· EXllmlntni: member'§;: Rus!,
E"~cull\l.' Boud m~mh.:r~ ,lie: 1(,llph
BRO. JOHN N. moth·l. 1 Itil Iluw..:ln. l{,I\ Sc;Jrfll(.u~h
Cohh, h.url I'rdnl; ,lnd Curti!! Fldum·
D. Dans.Jlmmie R, Iltnc-s and Thorn~ WRIGHT RECEIVES Bnd Rt)hD.~ \\ ilhllm~. who recently gllnncr
o Smtih.. F\anumng OOilrd mcmho¢n PLAQUE hcrnmc our 1l(."v.C'it JO"m~~-men. lhl"; .... 11:1. ;I menlOr;rhle electIon.
ale: JO'>eph,' EI~ D real and Wild.. hu .. ple1..ed up '.i~lm\:""hat nleclin~ tho: candtdatc's (ace to rao=:, lis-
o,.'O~ \\ Thrul'k::r. Cnil ofli!xr. Il[I,! though tl 1.. Ii~d) Vlolt-ICrm lIupeful It:nUlje ~flr"t hamlin IIohal the) v.lluld
L.lI, :no li.tll ). 0 /\ ... tW)(,I... I -
Lnil n~1 Chrm. 1t(1}' Oakley, V1C~ Local no deCled th~ (ollo\l,io, nev. I.,.. more Mo('f~ will hle.I'- .H ¥ill: .l!O M.\! to do ror nur 1\XlIi. ;lnc.llislcning 10
Chrm. Rohc-rl" 1'.lcqucuc .inti fh:£ I\lonjl. the I~~ue" Ihat C('Incern us. lind OU I
"rrlCCr. HII', .\lit' 'till \L-c.. liilf} Dug
c. William F. IIlu, UOII ~21.~ ("hmn, RorWRl \\ II \0" .... R_~ t'''' memher;hlp. Castin~ )(lur \ole ror anl·
j!an; ItT!';:'. Ray Day; Vice Pte!>, Ullrw,:\.
Windell ("rcnshallo, ViL"e {",IlIlIn. GeO'lc thing Ics~ .... ould be like blind tlUSl . It is
" 1Irt';s" W IIiHUll~: 1 ru\ I~ryall lIn lieI'·
r. G<tsl"n ilnd Kct:. Sl!c. JQhll ( Van· -.on ,111.1 l~cc. :\., Roherl l1l1gl1l1_ blX
our lesJlnn~lhll HY til \1<1) current on the
Rlpcr Unit 22::!.3 Chmn Andrcllo B. !5Su~ thai affect U."I. We hope devotion
lllh'l! Ul.ltlrd ml:mbcn nre: Ituh
~llIIlh, Vicc Chtun. \ 1url F Mixon (lOll
I fl!lI(h! I ~\ln , (iMY Il ughcN. Flmer Lil lie. ORGANIZING nm.l dClcmllnation wil l hdp gUide (J\1 1
Rcc. Stc. La rr>' K. Cullins, IlgtamlIl 11\!\\ lc:ldm·!>. CcmgrnlUllllions fi nd b~sl
lionS and ocst wl~hcs to 1111.
1101 \ hn;ufII, Uobby "Dolly" Osborn.::
:l nd Pli ul Shurp. l~lH111 1 11 11 11H lhlllnl
EFFORTS PAY OFF wi~he~ II) CHlr newly de(;led offilX~.
Follulloing ' he mectmg there '...IS II Loall 2&! I!> II)(lking lor vol unteers to
mcmb~1"I (lrc: J~ DuggAn, Kdlil Pllrk· t , . 2~O (1,f1~ , st , (' .t C ~ ,m l &c s).
lInil>' Pany bar becue dinne r. give Ihc1r lime and dedication 10 .....ork
~r, Dc~l er Willrum ... Grcll "(Jnrflcld" SAU,M. m C-llrn. Stc~c Bcholl1 hilS
We herd HUT !>Ct:ond ulbo r Dil} piC· (10 ulHcrent COntllllllecs. Ir interesled.
Smllh ,lilt.! Rl)hc!rt WilhMIK (\mgrnlu heen )\\orn in " .. the nelll uecutive
nic in Orlando. Uhl \C:M·t. picnic hdd latl{ln~!
pltMc call1hl! 10C3J. Your help .... ould
no,ml m. . mher,:u.lnr!!e IU n:pl:lcl: am lml)· he appreciated
10 he cancelled h<:cau"C (If I luTrlcunt: 1 hc ncllo 1Ifficer....... l'rc sworn tnll) Mel Andre:III" We .... ()uld M.c to Ih"nl
Andrew omce aline regular rncellng of Jut} ~II RITOIIE KlRl'El\8ACH. P S
Mel rnr hl~ tn~ll/.h~ Dnd dire:cuun
.'ltcn'" Ihe mcetlng~. carpool wllh Specinl rc:co~ntllun \\",13. gl\(~n III Ihl" I\JYollrd~ Yoh,lt'" be ..1 1m Ihl: llnllher
olher Brother. Supporl our local nh:o:tiAg lu ()Ur r,I!l1 DLb.. M~r.Fin. Se\... hood. Good Iud:, Mc:I!
RALPH o.:;run t'.~. John 'Il Wllilhl v.h(l ch nO! 10 11.In Hm Sle\e Ikhout ..h(I\4L"tI hI!> 111'1111\
10 h:an\lic tuu,h .srlulltions IIIhen he: SHOW YOUR
wr,.cd ft~ \lcwllJd Dt the: Jilme.. Rlw;r SUPPORT
~nmd.n) filler "hint lor 120 JClume)
men We look fMwDrd 10 hovlng L. . 2'12 ii,em.r1h,, MIN·
Slt\c'!. IIIput ~lliIrcd With the l (Jc~d Ilc N EA I'(H.IS , ,\IN-On J ul) 1], Local
IIl reudy h"s come up with ~ome greal 292 swore in its newly elected officers:
~ UAAI!..~I UlflS Bu!>. M gl, Greg !'lharrlll1skt; J#ro. MlCk
I.m~al 280 WOLild lih to appl aud I l an~en: Vice Pres. Gerry Wegner. Fin,
l3rtJ~ IlIlI1 k llclcki:, Rich lollnn lind 1\CC. Jerry Wcsl t.:rh"lm; T rcas Steve
("hll~k I( oscnhergl!r (01 lheir \\<01 1. :lS C"Iayp.ltch an<1 Rcc. ~c. Dou.!!, Presser.
~tcwllrdS lln our three Inrger j(lb~ In the Execuuve llo;)rd members Il re~ Larry
arell Wil h (lIll employmcnt plus lOt) ChHk, Du;:1; Harttln, Dt:nms Slmoll!>un.
Ir:l\clc-n working. a good stewlIId is a Ken Wesu: rcn. Joh n Noonan, Ken
tll)t benerlt Slbben and ~ l lke: Weidll, EUmlnmg 2HU b. \'ery proud ~nd grateful Board members ar~, J ohn lI all. Jeff
10 lbe tru~chnJ Brolber> Ilnd Slst<!n fl)r, Ot!nnK Blanchard., T)Qn Lubin·
Ihl:H c:x..-cllcnt v,ofl lind ~ki and I3<H! Sch~nl:d,~r. Conpalula·
We couldn'l have done \udi I good job lion ~
wllhoullhelrsl>llh The \I,(lrk pldure in our Jurisdiction
Our organizing effortS arc nanml to remains 510", ......ith almost 200 members
(10) 011 Gerdc<il Eh:ctuc c:mJllu)'ec~ 011 Book I 1\0 big JUbs lire: slated for
locol 266, PhoeniJ:, Al, Pump Crew. for the on1r.;~ Ihn term .Ic: YoM pl~nl· mled In hit\·~ 1.oc.a1:bi(1 repl~nt Ih~m Ihe. .... tnl~r. 100 1\ could be anolher cold
left 10 right: 8ros, Morty Nellis, Equip· ~d • plaque hy the members of Local In colleclive' bargftiomg A ~p~c:ill one. lIopefully. things will improve
ment Operotor '4, Steve Soncedo, 270 In apprccll\lInn clf 13 )'e:ar~ nf dedi t ha n k~ 10 Bro. Mike: I'eltr,oll ro r muk· IICI{I sum mel
Pumphelder ond Brion forehond , cliled t'tCH'ice 18 bus. mgT.Inn. sec. 10 ing the imf10Ssihle ~"ihlt_ The bail ie Atlh~ lime of Ihi~ ~Titing. our Bros..
Temp. LQCal270 DUTln& hi.. tenure 1ll,: M: r\'CU hl\~ JlJ~1 hegulI! 1I11d Sisler.. hi KARE·TV are stili work·
R\ II lru\tce On Ih~ SOlllhcrn lll.'(lflC.ll ing withoul Rcontract. under c:ondilions
JH(I(Y n I' reHER. I' ,S.
J leu hh Fun d, the Southern r:Jecll(ca l Impo sed hy Gtlnneu, II corporation
Hetl rcntcn l I· u nd, n~ ..... CJlll~ nn I he IIOlori()w, fOr b U~l lng Ulm"ln!>. We hOpe
MEMBERS ~)(eeUli\'c committee 01 both or Ihcr.c every I DE W membe r will show Iheir
KEEP WATER fund' I Ie se l vt,al on the InveMmcnt ~uppu rt I'ty re rusing \I) patronlLC "USA
Rev1ew vollllll1el! (Or the RC:lm!menl MEMORABLE Today." a Gannell publicatiol1. and it!
FLOWING Fund_ HI: also Krvcd IS Sec,·Treas. or ad ... erll~e"-, Be aggfes~i\·e. tOllk~ aclion,
the Knul\'llIc SUlld1ll8 lind Ctln'\.lruc· ELECTION call or \liTtle Ihe~ Ddveftl~ers and lei
L. .266 fll ), PKO ESIX. AZ-W.u:r lIOn Trades Council. OUf best .... 'shc~ 10 them know hOY> )'QU feel.
is Ihe IIreblood (Ie Afl70n3. Metr~ I••• 288 (I.u.r1i&:'..-p.), \VAl ERlOO.
hIm In uny ftuurc C'ndclWflM A hn.'lilhoughl ....-c lire only ~trong
Phocnl'l; could ne\'tr nounsh and su!>· IJ\-Our IQl:aJ held II~ dcttlOn 01 Olrl'
Wdc()Inc to our nc'llo-cU mcmhcr~ ",,'ht:n lIIe IHto" in numbers and Slid.
lam tbe rapid poflulatlon pOYolh thatH my Yarber and Dcnl OUWn. ('('In·
ur .. m June:. with lhe (ollcrwlUR re .. ulb
Pres. Mul 'IlcwtQn; Bu\-_ \1., \V.dc top.C:lher The labor mo\emc:nl needs
~njo~"S .... Ithout it gralulahon .. am.! hel.1 uf luck to Ke~m c,teh Jnt.! e\·cry one u~ We. can do bel·
l..Khtr; Vu,-e Pte.. Ruu Vla~l.;: Treol\
Local 261i memben ,,"orking for the tert
Dennis Baldwin and Rec ec, Larr)'
Sail RiH'f PmJec1 IIrc the dn\'mg fom:
h{l!.t r.xecullve Board Tell)" S'o\ (iREO HANSEN. p.s
Ihal krtp<> Ihe 'o\31cr nowlOg.
Membe .... such all M3rl~ .... ell" .tnd
SI~\'C: Sancedo have tht responsibility
ror repairing and inslnlhng deep well
pump~ lhllt pull 1he wl\lcr lip ITI.lm lhe
ground deep below Ihe dc~e rl floor
I he water IS pumped mto ra lll1b for
irrig.!ui.)n W1Uer is <11\0 suppUed from
these wells for domcsl ic usc. Local 266
j,,; \'c:ry proud of Its membcn that keep
Ihe water nollo·lOg.
CongraluJalmnt. to our liyhillo Com
mlllt:t' for a Job wdl dOlle. 1111~ follov.
ing BrM. a.nd Sillier" did J ~plt.ndtd Job.
S(e~e R~amer. Pbil Pen~$, fleetor
010. Rogn Harmon. Jert)· Kiln and
locol 210, Colt Ridgo. TN, poff &UJ.
Mgr./fin . s.c. )oJ,n N. Wright is pic-
Auentl ~our umt mcellngs and IlIke tured Cliong wim hit. foriwf John E.
;In ;aCIl\C part In }our umoll
Wrighl, who if thl: oW.1f living mem-
Qwoo J R lAt.'''' 0'1:. P S
R bin of local 210, Locol 292. Minn.opolls. MN. IHIwfy elected oH'ken..


Newly elected officers. of Loc:ol 294, Hibbing, MN, left to right: Vic. Pr... Gre; Topel: loc:al320, Poug hl<Mpsi., NY, ala, Mgt . Fronk Moher (o ng rotu late~ Community Se,..
Bus., Mgf, Ed Jones; be(utivt· BCKl rd member Don; l reos, Pol Dfl mofoil; ... ice Award recipientl : Jo, Newman , John Fariello, Ru u ell Bevil!r and Nail Rich'er ,
Ree, Sa(. Jeff Hart; fires. , Dan Quirk and Executi.... aoard memDef Lyle Thronlon,
The (deC-lions for this Commu nit,' commIt to tbe Building TTadc~ lhllt Ihe
Our COMET program ha§ ('Onllnu~d Scmce A\\..lTd Gre mnde b~' a wmnTli· Orcal ~ Iall core l'I'('Ifk and all of Kolrs
INSI DE to hI,! ~ucce" .. (u l l' llh apprcnllct\ ~'I. I tC ton~lstln& ot union. compan)'. Ind tenant construction ..... 11 be tOO percenl
AGREEMENT v,1!1I 21 ,t1Uma}ml'n al1cnlhng IAH,;( "nn~lImrr rrJ1rr~f'nIJIIlvr .. WE' \\nu1ll nnWIII
The IIltgclm, (unu h ... !xcn innclsed. lII:e to commend these mt:mber~ for The Union lIan' proJec1lon. ~ilh
SEnLED and I-\C'- ure actl\c1~· (Junoumg "tlrL In tbelt ('"mmltrntnl '0 their communj· "'ork ronllnumg III the current ralC. IS
our Juri\dklion We: hQ\e bell un v.ork 11e\. 1 h"nL~ 10 III of OUI membt'B \\.00 thol our local ~hould \\orL 175.000 to
l. U. 29.. (l.u ,em . rt~ ,"p lll& t! e ~1. HIR ·
on our large proJect';. \\ hleh has do \'olunt('tf wo rk t!Hou!hoUI aur 200JXXl houni more Ihis \"Car than 1992,
DING. MN-The .... Or~ piclufe i,l (lU I oren. While the ~ 1 ",Lel Rec(wer~' ProgrAm
local has nQ I tmp ro\ed, We hli'>C' 15 allo\\J!d (JUI Bo.A I lbl 10 dip bclm\ tht:
SO line, ThIS IS quite ~n Impro\'cmc nt I-.D\\'ARD WRIGHT, I'JJ, canno t U k.: all l he credll for this
me n on Hook 1 T he .... urk pi c t u l ~ fOI I n cn~~'e, ccrninly our me mbers c(ln
O\r:r Ihe 224 mc m ha~ 11~ l cu JU.!Il (\\.(J
the winlC'r looks prm) blea k ua kss II IIpprt:dtllt Ih!.' pl)si t h~ result!> 11ur ,\ IRP
major pmJl"tt brl'bk~ Thanlo:~ In all lhe monlhs ago.
U ur l1 e~nLwtlng I ~'am h;l~ dom: we.1I funds arC' creating.
siSler loca ls who h:l\C' prollided \\lJtk
(or U'i. in ~curinlt d..:cent and frllltl-I.'5 in
\'-;tSI!§ MARKET Kudos to Kon Hal1. our JElf Con-
tract ('omphiUICC Offietr. ror dung ,he
it Ihrcl.'.yur (ontrllCI. ben dunnp the
Wr. settled our il1\ldC' .uHeemenl \\llh
wme bard nrgoli.alini! from our com-
high unemplo~ men I perilXl. the l('am RECOVERY nOl)'(lgn81('1~ contractor; on pre,alhn~
\\,1£1: lobs tor non<omplianr:e Ka~ a1<.o
millee. \\ e 1:01 n (our· .. eat conlrael
managed 10 gel. substinlillli rll"C
"hll.:h the memhcr.. hlr unRnIR1I1u~l}
PROGRAM conducts worksbor (or diffeTCnl Ig.e'n·
with some dCCt1l1 mone)'. Thanks 10 CIC'> on contraCI .. dmml~lra1ion 1~'SlIe~.
BrO'§ \\ illie SIXI I... Ed lCIOts. RIchard ratifitd I~ t. . JJZ iI,o,r&51). A..'1 JOSE, CA-
Our \\Ol k. pI":!UTe hol~n'l changed. us we ~uch as contraci compliance and pre·
Anderson and iom PaNoJn for wnrking \~IIIIlt!. \\ae:e ,,,sue-.
Ilr ~ \1111 ,l\'crag1nQ. 1l00U\ AI) on Boo~ I.
50 haro to 5en le our conlract. CahfLlrnia SIHlt A'>!!l'JCiation I)f Elcc-
O Uf local t:'eej l o n ~ were held with O ur new apprellllC!! ctll~~ uf H11~ II
Ihird uf wht" if nOllnnlly ~ h o u l d tx!. and uica l \H1 tk cr~ held II( f lTS t Annual
Ihc following results: I'res. Onn Q Uir k: CO PL Bl! ntdll Gol! Tou rll aml' nl .1 1
B u'" i\1H-, .IFi n cc. Ed Jonl,''': Vice refl ect.. nu r 510\\ worloi piclu rc fo r the
IM~ll:Uupk Ilf \'C'!ln The ou!·uf·\.\ork Sunol Valier on Aug. 1. Thanks 10 the
Pre~. Grl!'!)' Toptll; Tll!a~. P,lI Dum;rt;l1!.
book fo r Ihe Wln lC'r of li19 1 WI~ the \olunlce", \\hl) hc1pclllllilke lhe acthi·
and ReI:. Sec. lerr Hart. E~ctulhe I~ II ~U\,"o.!s.,"!
IdrgC'~1 ~lnCC' Iho: 'SITlLr of the earl,
Board mcmhl!'" are, Dan Gilrn~un. Thonli."l11 oilihe H'(uilicer; rOT \\Jur
Cor), Lafrance. SII!H~n Murph) ~nd 1970\
OUf ~htrkel Rccu~e~ l)roBlllm hll'" hdp at the l ·ntOn Sooth at thl: S'anta
lyll' Thr{'ln50n Eumimnlt Board Chlrl Counl~ Flutground., the Labol
rc(urn~d •• huu! S~.OO In \\.ltJ,b and
ml!mher~ .. re le\l!n Finch. Dunne
rnnp;c\ rUt l.'ach '51.011 in\- ted ~inee liS Da\ Fe\1l1 lito llnd Ih(' Annual PICI1IC.
Lorenz and leHTroumbl}'. CongrBtula·
lion, 10 "II wht~ \\ ere dec1ed l InCepllOn. Each mcm th jI\l.rt1~~ ahuul 1JE.\ \lA'" WISOO\l P.S
Apprenl1cc-ship m(en IC\\.5 were held 150 "'ork!.:", on MR P (unded Job.., 11IC
~b n Jllr.t AH' lIn and thl' Orenl Mull nl'l!!
fnr the CllIn m,F. ve tl r, !"hen.: ha<; I'o ecn n
lilt uf dl.!le u ,~i() n On ti ther huil dillg II IWI'I ~,xx! I!~Jl m J'ih.~ oj MR P jotK Loetll
new un i on ha ll and IIrrrcntlc.:~ h lr -'~:! i n ~ c~tctl \ Inrk l' t Rect'\'~ r)' 1'lInd~ BUY UNIO N
1{1 nHlke cefl,lin Ihe rr:...'1.:rllly ttlllllllCltt:l
training (llci1iI ~' t)f remuddin~ Lht' e.~i~1
ing building (or ool h .Henll "-iI~ In 1\11 11I1IOn juh. \\ c ha'·C' l. V. JJ6 U&CIIlv), CIII C.\ GO. 11. -
1 here ha~ heen a gre.lI lIeltl (lr J ... wmmnlcd II IM!{e ,urn III \ lfl P fund .. 'Ilt h\olll()n~ lIgll pnxlu~·b. "cre mrl5lh
cU~.!Iion on ..... An-A in our <lrI:3. \\ c locol 302 , P\eo$Onl Hill, CA, or our 10 cn~url! the rccrnl" Slimed Great \ IADE I~ TIlE l' A.'· .nd Ihere "',1'\.
hope thai II b \ull:d dl,l\loQ. \\e no:!c:tlUI rtKf1nl annual picnk. Bro. Charle. M.1I1 \\.111 ~ Ihe .... me, 'Our \1RP lund ... a gtklll chance the UnTon L:ahd 'o\'0l'j dl~'
pll' cd a mJJor rule In gcllln! Ibc £en-- plll~cd 'iOml'",here. Cn(onun:nd::-. It is
ktep r1ll ..1;-I111 (1'1': ~1IT1: (In nur -.trLlUlr5 FendJey .how, 1M "Righi StvW fOf' 0
wtceuful picni(. " Roof Seer, ~ crul cnn l wt:lur. Kill! c.on",t ruclmn 10 8 llillerenl \IOI~ no~ un inl0 an~
lind T\:pr...'Senlali\'\~ I() \OIe nur \\.3\',
We hUH' had ~nme Iud. HI (lUr area
wilh all·union agrct:"mcnts. WI! IO~1 II
h l~Jflb ill Bmo;c CIL~callc Ifl h ll!,cn Llcc·
lriC. Thi.!l wIHIId h.we hd pcd put lIIMY COMMUNITY
p ~op k 10 \~ olk
R1!mcmhcr Ik U1111111. 11m Ul1llm "lid
auend your union meel in(!.5.
lot.. 32(1 (lI.I,&rll\ ), I)OVG IIK U "I'.
'){fl n \\! I·.A l't' ,.\ p, SW. \ '_10111 m(rn~'" <lJ ':'it
\\cto= n~clpulnl\ of the C llltllnuOI1\ \cr
VIa:: '"''''.lid f(ll tlll:1T \Iootk ~ \0Iunl(1"o
A SUCCESSFUL Wilh \lIril'u\ nr,gI.nll.1ll{.'M IhrHlIgbllut
Hu(\wn Vulk-~ I hl' m~oII!1u,lIH1n~ that
PICNIC ('iTch III the: I1l C llltH:J~ ..... l1I l.. nl for
l. . 302 (i,f1 ,m &~p") , I'L t:'\ SMto;T recr.;I'teJ fl don,Hlon 'I he m..:m h l!r~
1111.1., C,\ - loc,.1 ~()2\ tl ll lw fl i picnic r ('cC)\l tT1 ~ the ;\wurd, \\C II.': Bn '~ 1~ 11 ~\
",:1 ~ II g.Qod (Ini!. W e hll~c Ct1J(I~CU tllI ~ UC\'lcr. lur Il l' \\\ 1r~ ..... ll h the l" IIY 0 1
tradition wilh fdlu" mcmi'ICrlI, fnmll) 'Je .... l'o urp.h Au~l1i.(IT~ "ul lee: hlhn
and friends [or 311 ~ear. rh,\ \'C3r'~ rIC FUIl,"llll. I{lr hh w('rk .... lIh IIIL' Nt\\. Local 332, Son JaM, CA, Newty ~ offi<t1l, IkK!t raw, left io right: becuti...e
nK pro\cJ tet ~ t'fljo),able. lind Ihe:~' Yllr'" t..,1K:clal OIYnTllio: Jo." ","Cl'lmllll Board m41mber Sal Ventura , Vi.c;e Pres. Dick PenDl, beoculive Board memb«i Poul
pcflplt' IIII1.:nil1lli!. (Lf1~alt:dICl hll\C! d ror hi' wo,1.. 'oItth HuJ",n RI\CI Hnu'" Morkcwih. crwJ Jim Willi"ms., Prl;l:,.. Gerald pfeiffer and &us. Mgr./ Fi". Sec. SteYe
pkaSdnl \:xpcncncc: \\ c: l'an', Voall 10 inl:' RruJ 'enl RlC.:hler. lor hi'> "' ..ilL IHlb Wright. Fron. rrrw. ief11o right. froos. ' ere RIryfl. Ul!!(UtiYI(I Board mH'lw Poul Peru
doiIJ!,!! the Ihghbntl Lillie L\:d~UC and Roc. Sec, Ilobcrf Trogni. (Not pictured · Executive Board membeor Terry Gray).


m.tJOr drranmc:nl (1r d.-.rounl ..tOrt ilnd ~alhenng sigrlllures la send 10 our 01 f('1Irec:S. Ih~~ held therr Oll\ld ('Olt. 'brl. Hag@erty, Richard
~ou "'III hl\e I hard lime flodln" ek:('1ed offlo.Jl~ tu,Ulg them I\CIt to "up-- olh Annual ""llln,hke O;liH, Plncak.e Cillaldo. Itpben Fuller and Rober!
"'I .loDE:: I' THE L'SA or I union por1 Ihe "\orth I\ menan Fre ~' I ude Breakfast 1M Ihl: parking, tOi It 'tI.a~ fill,e 11llld
label (tn Jln, IhUIF ~(Jme reLaI' "Iorei A,rcemenl " .... FiA UI lis prc,enl greal 10 §ee somt:: of 'be -old jourl\t)· '\0\1 Ihat eie('hon Ire o\cr. \\,e Irt
lake great pains to pOint "ul "'e '!;ell form_ \\ e fee l ~ ·\!I·A will cost the me n" th.t man~ of us .pprenllced ..nltdl l) ing our rank Ind intensifying
" \ 1·\OE:. I \ THI.: L SA produclI M United Statc§ jo"~ .. nd busmesse!>, \\ e under hnck In action agaIn, DrOll our focus o n recaplurin& Ihe wark
Wal Mart SlCm~. Inc. Bnd S,lIn'~ Cluh urge olher local t ~ inlorm lti Ir el led u\\n~ne Glb~ons. -aTl Ander on. eroded by nonumon Corte:» 1ft our area.
arc tood (>:ample, The) Mllp Ih~m· llfficiallo OCtilClf leellllg£ on :-:A I;"'('A GeUl~c (lord}. Ro~ HUllnn. Bill A nc"" undel"ltanumg an d re·dcdlC'allon
sehes In the 0.11;. hUI m pracllce -.e k We regret 10 inform )'OU o ( the p:& Shon. Gcorge J.i:, J bnn) K u rc~ba. 10 the louncl tng prlllclplc\ of the 10 E W
out as JI matt er o f corpora l ~ polic) 109 of retiro!d 8ro~. Wilhom Young. Bi ll RBII.luli. nnd Bob L il mont "erved "xi~t as mOl'CI and more of our memberS
gOO<k mJIie o~('rftea~ Th!.!y :lrm', Ih. Fred Dov.en Qnd \ laf\;1n \lOtlre. We uf! nnpjnclo;s. bacon Dnd coffee \NItti attend COME.T mectlnls, peacefully
only ones. I khO" llifo 001 Ill~a) ~J.W, offcr amdolence~ I{I thelf f<lmllics and panacbe Bnd humor Wcll ckIne.lcmlt· dC'monSlrlle lor lob, lind become
but "hen "uu tl, II m~mtlt:r of \our f"ends. men-anti "'~ dOD I me.m tht bJCOfl t mo~ pohllCall), !lure
(amill' COC:S hopp(n~. mdkc I POI~lI or 'ThlUlk. als.o to 'lil\t1 Bud Lamant. On JUlte 12. the. onnW11 Oam Steam
looll:ln~ for a 'I.\DE 1'\ THE CS'\" H-:I<o Sbort !lind \ ta1) Gibbon'!; whO ""I) I'Icll.Jlklldtd. 1I.11d. ~ tune "'0\5.
U:~, Then look fOI Ihe uilinn label II supervl5cd lad pro\'ldcd some belulY had tw.U The fine: lurnout of memo
v.e don't look or ask for II. "'': lire: pan 10 gO with Ihe -beasts."
bers (~pel.·urll) Inc dll~ nfter OUI C1l1m
of the problem DUrln8 the hour.. 01 BOOK I CLEARED Next I ue, ~iUhs of the nHfk"ltOn
Slenm) for the CII) of I TO\ .~ Flag DOl)'
8:00 I.m and 7:00 p.m. ~'ou '.an cnll I· Hlles on • ~1em{lrl.lndum of Agre~·
S(KJ-LSA-J NIIU Idenllf~ .oods mnde L.U. J6.1'a tl .nrt.cS&fH I, men! • .and I..ocJI4:!4· l U J'L ~UCtb!> \II
parade I:ho",,, Ih. conlmulng pJrlicipl
in the USA. More IIll IHH l ol nl l). II~ HU CKI'OHU , Il.-Loc'11 :.t).J·s Hook I th~ rcc~nl pro\'rnc;iAl eleClIOn. Remcm· lion of our loco I in community·based
Unton memheri', \Ie shoulu promole clcan.:d in Jul)" and "c put 54 Bros. on 10 bu~·
bt:!r the -;\I.lde in Canud .. Inhel. t\CI!V Il ICS,

b u~ mg union \I IU:IU~\'cr po~~ihl e Book II 10 \\-ork. After expeTienel!li DA\-E A ... OlJtSO.... PIU.S,
The {olk""'m, list o{ \lem"I,~lnll"c I,cr>, hlgb unen\pl ),ment faf se"l!fal
unwn IJbellocatl(1n hns heen rtrlllll~ )lcDr~. 11'~ IrClIl to see mosl of our
Crom Ihe Ar l · 10 UPiOD libel l\ mem"'C=I~ "orkmg.
Sen. Ice Trade Dept Glu\I: -UI\lrJe of thb "\\rilinJ. lM Chrysler Plant
tbc upper cdae; 'e'kue~ ~m.1I Clld. to 8!;1\1!kfl'. IL \I~ I.D !.be final ph~
Coah-hntnl oj 10 1(,k pc!<.ket; 1"')1' of 1"C'looJln, and "as to be ooml"lcl d
rtla\· ·front hem IIf Jacket. RlIIln"car. vmetnne In Au!!-1l"I The JOb "'ent 'Io·ell
Sporu~(ar &. Hu,~ Ol.ll(r"(.r- and «'\C DUr local .. ,,",t of "l'rL Some
I~~er pocke l ~hln~--bf,tlllm (If franl otb« jobs in our area life being s)o'lo'cd
111111, Snu¥.- ¥our 130)\ i'Car-ln"lt.!e deMn ~ Ihe weal~r Hopefull}. \ -JO(b-
pockel: SUII.)-m Ide right hlp poc"lw. crNalll!'e "ill gl\·C. \J$ som~ relief and M
Biltn i n~ ")UII.. - .... \th \\1t.' ut hm; B1vu~· wt\11;1c v«-Jd r r y,;ork \o\c:U mto tnc fall
cs-nedline or side hem; ("h i lure n '~ Thro ugh our olga ll ll ing. largell!lg.
.....·.u-lII:ckli lic. Dle~~ c"t-ullille I I~ I II.
irull!Je hem. imliJe ~e jJ m wilisihiind tlr
~i .. kctitiK .i IlJ h~IIJb illiug dCvrl~, VUI
locltl has gllined hack mO'iI or the work
(,o\ lrtNOI\ CUOMO
in our area. The e IItctic~ ,eem 10 be
neckline: kirts -waislb;md or t>c'O\\
7IPp~t; lip'( 1el"l'lwear & Rol'te~ \·erv cCfeclI'·c \\'1)05 10 combat tbe l)I.. TER-POWER MEANS
neelllne or side ~e;&m ~"t~lers s.. nonunion and .ue k.c\ (actors in keep.
Knn .... e.r· 'l<:l1n'11n sltuulJcr I1AJ Coal, ing our memben ~'orkin, lind our
&. J.lcL(~~lov. ri!!,hl <lml twlc umun ~trun!-
Hdp kccp Amencan) ",orkin," BC\' '\"Of \lllLER. p:;
l~IQ '
LARR'· 1. \l OllJ.LR. R ~ lKl:.AS.
L U. 3..1 0 ( t.Il.rl~.c nl&' I,a) . I., ' CHA .
t.u. 'U~ (I,o.u.rr.lno.n b.rls.e(' m. local 438, Troy, NY, left to righi, &ui.
\I E"'iTO . CA-LO\:al ).411 memher~
:a:S & !lp." EU" O ....·I"O". \l\-Our Mgr . Joh" MocoukJy ood P"~ /a..9 . NEW IBEW / JATC
.autlu.1 ' kUllk l" t\ ppre~i;ltivn ' ight FrwderKJ.. NJ'rWe.-ver pehlion lor joIn
turn~d nut In larf,c numt-t'n for OUt
helJ J unl" .5. in IlK- ¥.-~II "'ppmntw \hll from oubide the 5;a~ CClpitoI k iidi"9' BUILDING
.annu",1 PICIIU; bt:1J Jul~ 241h 111 (j1h'04."
.... oods GoIcnl,lb... as .. litlk mort &pc.
Ranch UI Rio Linda, CA There 'Iloe:~ L . 494 t 'II L \\A
('Iallhan ptl:st ~e.n bceau'll' it .I~
gamr.lur the .....k 1I101la: "llh ...lflhall. ELECTION I\ U:. \\ t-1nuBda)'. Jul) 1. 1993. 'us
marhd Ihis locnls Mlh ;lnnnerun II rerJ Icll(, ua, lor (lur kQ\ T~o hun-
\-olk)bJII.ll1'1~ !'iUl:' ~nd hmll" Itll the:
I'rom humhle hqinnmp; III lIP- • "hen
:Iduh The fOl,u and dnnk. "'I rlenl!' {Int of tb~ C'arlic:r bU~lIle!>!l mal1a&t'r~ RESULTS dred and I1h)·.fl~c memb<n ;dlenJc.J
(1,1 1 .and A :orel.:illl Ih,lUk~ III the
u\Cd hi" home hlr 5('·1.'11\1 \"Cars liS Ihe
the 11\"li1 ,cn~.1 mtmbenhlp meeting
many I) ro\. lind IsteJ\ .."hl) htiperJ LU. -138 tIl. TROV. N\ '-On June! 11. In th e II I!\lh cl)n~ lI l1clt:d Local 49-l
busln-.:!IS offkt:. lo 1993 wh~I C \\c tlYon d Local J.~S cleclcd nc~' offlctn: for the
with t hl~ e\ocnl l'lnd tn IIro. Hnh pt.(r~·· 25,\)1)1.) ~q. ft IUlIldmg. complete \\l lh tneeu"J, a.nd amI:( buUdil\~. Tho: new
mlln ror putting ~ t nil loge the r. 1I!:);l lhri:c }crll~. ('"I)Jlgrnl ullltll)lI\ go 10 h Ullllrn ~ Cl!nhlll1~ U!,!MI() "'t. h. of mc{:t·
CItIMhlO.-n .... mc~tlllg hl! lI .Hld of l'ice~. il
011 JUly 11'111\, ! (lCa l .\.oI1I1I1ern i'f!r'l Ibl! follO Wing.: Bus. "' !lr J oh" Ingond t)rfll.:e ~PIICC, r ite Flcctricnl
til l! be ";lid VoII\:) pnm,. thlll our prQgrcSlJ
and conlractor on.:c 1l11lltn rJ~llhll<ld "he.lUlIl)': Pr~s .. ntl Org Frcuenl'i, JA I (' I~ ICII~1II8 2,4110 s~. ft of ~pacc
hilS N:en nOlc .... orlhy.
lobm and m!lt~nrJ' fur rh~ "(:cl1"d ~INhcrgr:l. Viet l'rQ. O.Hld Burl 1m I h~ hllHrhnr 1\ 1:;1~1I) ~CCI· ...\i"l~ Irnm
Tim prop-feu "'M mlld.:- pn\~lble hy
"Vietnam Vcleran\ StllnJrJ'An, 1 Iti, ec. Stephen Kra~nopoltki: I'r(Iu Ihe IrcC'"'I!,. bem! only 1II few blocks
the countJe: hours or hard \\ot!t from
C"cnt ItIH'" rJl\rl,u.:cu \ ICtnlm \'(I(f' [)out-las WilLie ,lI1d Rcc ~c , Dun lrom Ihe OU.. hOlIl,l AH: , lnlC:rcbange
m-.:mbt:rI ami kal unml1 oHirer'i (I\'~r
USi .. chanle h' ,1I:ar upll"llrt: ~r\ll<l' the y(,D.~ To them. v.e. in the ple:~nl
aid Cunnin,ham. FXecull,"e nUiltd .. "h I-tlYJ 'll'ol ttul ~c :lre k>calcd 1ft a
upnJ. CdUII rrohkm . reg .. ~n dflHn, ~ .... \kbl o( ~nu. memher, .rC': Thom. CO..... le\(ln. litlle: 'odl~, an"a "llh II parl;.ll1~ 10.1 npu
f'l"I\ilc'Q anJ In "p,l(ulunll~ Itl arrl\ During our \icmb\:,,' Arrrl.'ri3tian
(Of C'mp\l.'ymc.,,' .... lIh 'he .. anc\!) a el'l' '\Igb!. ~car'i ul <,cruce (lIn .. "'c,~· pre·
aes th.11 pdnlOpitr" l'her 451'1 \ rclndm 'meet 10 the r~J~rng 4t"'~ear pins 10
\ ·clcr.uu attended Ihll t:\CnL rhan L ~ Ian Ru ....l"II. J oe Schmldl and Ray
10'1 RlCh,lId f l .olI\" .UlJ Jr.:II} l).. t.I~1 r. . 1 I hamill>; J!I.)C'.tr r im to HertllC:
donallng Iheu lahm, And 10 Pla,c! Letourncau. AnrJ) PnwJen.:huk. George
Flcctnc nnd Gear!!\! 1"0\ Compal\)' for Popdl (tnd IJoh Mon dl JI~~t!dt plll ~ III
dllll.H,"~ the millen;ll Ol'nc Ih'hj)clQl:.. \ like ~orthccHl and
AlI .·f it dismDI \.\In~u ,Ind (\cll Ken Purt:dl Thc 20- lind lS-YCIH s..:r
"tU"C "f1rtrl~ uur
,*"olk plclun' htl, \ICI! lI .... arJ ...... hleh \o\cr\: p,.e~ntcd duro
Impro\cJ t:on,IJerahl). ' 111\1 of 11ur mg 1he c\otnll1g "erc h")() numerou~ 10
mcm~r"\ lire rtf)" v.m\.ln,· "nlhtn h~l, but l."OftjfTIIUIOIM1n .. \(I illJ.
lanl! krm. nit ...,I) "huIIl, th.11 1I.I\e 10 Bt~1 ""Wtc!oo til Roo M,..:Ilr1I1J.hl "ho
~ l.·t'lmpklcd tw the fnll ·nt..... I~·r. !'luI rCCI."I\cd a .... mch on hl~ re:UTI:!mo!'nl \\ e
III~ nicc h411mll full c.:mpIU)nh:nlll,MIIl nnpe }(lu'U becomc '" \OIUllhk JdJillon
On thc rnhlle .. 1'\ol·cnc. 111,11 1('Cal " I,) the L{I(;(iI"~ II.:.IIICO, 1'00' Locol 494, Milwcukee, WI, new 18EW I JArc building.

28 ' •• W JOURNAL/OCT08ER 1993

III Iron I of the buildm,. rcrhaps our
ffk:clln~ allcudanC'e 'tII11I.Ju", Impnl\e
m~nl Rrn... and SI\h:l". 11 _ould be WORD
nlC( to ~cc some fie'" Iltt'S at tbe
mllnlhl) meetings L . _ 5 M~ (1. II .r l1l. rr ~.\ III~ .~~& .. C\).
Ill!.. f!\mum, Md ..... lIu .. ct' 'tlmme l fc ..· T LS I\ . O ll. -Worl. i:i sI ll ...... hut
IWIII '-\!:I'iQn hIlS hnd ullolher 5uccc::....ful Ihll nl. , \0, the uniun \\- 1.' hll\1: n uc
IU 'L 111 1 ~ )Cll r \Oa~ C"lJCl.:wlly fcwu rdml! rc~ourcc) 1/1 light ~.Id: \\ I! h,I\'C IWI:(
1,1, u~ In \1ilw:lu~ cc. II~ l IMl" .. l)ilVLc,l· 500 I't ji":U!\' \I m VIII' 1t,...;]I, lI ml \\hl· n ~'c1ll
\\111 h,lI.ll hc lI-IXlth hin luJay tI,·icbral i('n Ihin l. .lh\)111 il. Ih,1t ",I Ml;lhlc \UUrl·C IIf
ttl,:re. Wh <11 a grellt 'tII,,;d. hlf unum p (l~<'r Ye t II~ Wlft.:mcn \l C know Ihlll
tt\,ldl', AmcrtcanrmHk. (llol'ncu and po~C( unl,II'pcd 1~ nul " urlh .m\lhU1!l
filn~ t,f the ,., ,,, .. leM molun.:\dc In Ihe H alf (If Il~ ;lfe "orking '" our Jun,du.:·
""{If'' ' 1 he cuillliudlll!\l (.I lhe ~\l:all 1I0n.iI llfl) I!nc n lime. aml lh ll t I~ II
tabor fmC\: Bul on the:: busint~\ hvnl
~.I~ 1111: ( lu ,hl' lal.droml. dunn~ loc.c:l1540, Conton, OH, 1993 grodu·
\\ohleb ram of th~ frct"\Io"~ v.crc d .. J'w.'"d ON,. \\ e hnpe \Utl dlttnl m~, III .... c harJ" C''Cert:I''my. \lur pU~CI'
otel, Ironl row. left to rig"': .to. Rippl,
111 illlu .... the! (HCr IfH),(l1l1l (\elc'" 10 \\ vrk Ihh ummer induill:J II majOr e~~i"1 fur Ihl: dlmh uf our hu .. m~r
elu i, Irwin, Sheni Reid, Gary App;
IUri\'!,:, III an (Inkr'} fol\h i{]n \clernl flf l'ep;1lI 1(111 I I thc C'ollxrt Steam PI.lOl lImllhc same rc .. fallhru l So lor Ihe
bode row, ~h to right: Kevin 5toclu:f,
0111 members IIo.crc pm' h\ Idtc A 1m: ~t l"1fd o n Ihe Inehn..: ~ml ("(11\. ~'luJ "' Ihe' UIIIUU I d J dl1~l\t:e ~\t"1'}
Tim lash. Rc:lY Rigg', Pol 0111. t ony
p:tt1 We heard Ihe\ had II IIteOl lIme! \t)Vr. ht.:l\\-etn the COli )' ,lfd lind Ihe mcmPcr 10 C'(IOlril"tulc JUS! , \Io n dB) OUI
Hoddi)C and Steve Polye.
Our l1u .... mgr. lind h l~ MJ.II ,Ire cun plnnl, Cil u~mg cltensil'e d(lmil~' to the uf Ihe \cal to hdflllul ,11 Ihe hall II
!mu iLII ... Io,orl. lIlg IV ur,U OI /C <l nd sign :o) .. lI:m. I, hi Ihc BUilthn/-: 1 1 ,\dc~ you figure ~.I~1U It.:gular ..... lIrl.u\~ h,\ur-.
ur nnnun ion d.:clril.: ••1 .,;unl rut'l ors III CONGRATULATIONS, 10\..11.., i1 \\11' lIuel. o n IlIIe III III'IU O\l III a le;lT. ~ll rch tl ill e mber ClIO 01:11\1111':
mall'l\ 1.... 0 .... cd;,~ As il l ~·il)S. our t.:kc· 16 ()I 111I),c h Il U I~ 1.II..In!1. u n e III hI'
the !iIe.' Ail i hell hmd \\ ork b p:l}i nl!.
off a, fl H! rlC\\ ";)) 1111.11:1111... 'fI!IlCt.! up .... ,
GRADUATES IlIel.lll' ~ell· tlll'r..: to pl""de ' ''flp.)rl h\·c "h ~lu d It, " ur~d ........ s. I~
rat Ih l~ >e3r C"n"r;lIulu I IO"~ 10 nu~. 1,. l l. 5-W (i&IJ I. CI\Vl O "". UII-Ihc hUrJ 'AC,,"_ <llId IIIng buun. til m,I"l· 111\: .....lIuldll'll!d !Uu~h done. hut Ih.m\.;,!li.·
\1 )! F r.lul \\ dnd hi" ,Inff. lin..! gf.l.IU.ltc.. "r !Iur I~n 11I~lIk \pI1h.:n- 1ll!t.:C',.Ir\ rep'"'' rhilnl..,lu 1111 cII )rtU l kif the UllItln. each mcmbl.:n· I.l ilhlul
\ld\:\11TlC In Ihe nc,\\ 1111 W mLmlll:~ I ~hlr 1nd Rbld~·nlillllr,lInllllo' dw...'1 t ,,,.••\ "i"x (nnllflUC'> 10 ~tn"l: III ctry.4I oonln hul\lIn \\lluld l~ lI"'c b;HUlg 10llT
I rfll\, HI M" ..... "'1. P 0;; ",..:1..: tUlOmcJ :II d h .. n'l"l·1 hdJ ,II Ihl! mlt.: ' \ j!r... ~'ml:nI:'I ~ crt.: :>,~rn;d ICI.:l.'nlh full'lIme a''il hu,_ nl):......11 nt> C,,"' I
1"0UI Winds R... qolUrllnl \ 1111 .... lIh Ih~· 11111" .... mit: Ihe CII, (lr I1l~r..:1lCt: HUI \lh.11 can I d"l·,~ t !l,u.llnnlcC ,'\ur
hll!h~''iol cia.,'!. .1\cr;(~c \\,crc Jtl\cn to: (.lll ClI.:\\. IIIcmhc~"S lind n~\\' ."lr~;lnllcd bu!._ mftr.... 11 b.IH do 101\1. lUI ,nu II
LOCAL U ADOPTS " Ri,1. \I anlc~. Rich· !lun.lh":l Ic,n Ilin J'-'=r,cllIl l TS Group, \ hll~h,'11 luur Teall) IOC!;TC-an~lhlA1t rrom

I-tl\. \coll Blldller, Tim I " .. h. \JIlU 'r:w::< 1lI~1 Ccntl!r til nlt;!mbefb) .1nd ",,""lein!' ra:\;uhnr ~age Itlh\ thai hJH'
W il l "lm~ an J Ra.., Rli!~~ C"mll!lulul.1 l1um ... . IS\ I{..:!.kl t\lil' Afwn;al flO ",~m h..:en lei '\I'r l!;Hlus l ~ 10..... : handhillifl~
Ilfl n, a nJ guud Itlcl. In Ih..: ycar~ Itl bt.:h ) \\..: \10.111 1 tu lOIc1cnmc thl"W n c ~ ;m un l .u r )llh '>IHe .ldlll!! lJmUIl rmp,j
I.. . 510 lUI . IIO UG II I O~ . \II -It gandil hOU'I.:-tt.\·hlI U~1! in rour nl!l~1t·
(l 'I\\e1 ml.:m~r-...
\h' lulJ 11n.1 be nuh.'d Ih.11 \l 1,hi!!,lII.C'"{l":· horhnud_ I hl·rt.: I~ no hmil III thc leg
d 311)' Ihe Upper I'cninsul!1. hib b) lar Ihe lUI KL'l ') ',"It 11 . " 1". P_S '\C IYI{'t-' 1'1n\ Yo!:r...: Il wartlcd nl Clur
Jil l) IIIcdllll! 1\ bll-}e,Jr r ln ..... ,,~ .1 \.1,lin,1 ",orl.: lh:1I COtlld 1"1\: dUIIl!.
m",! '-CCIIIC HIIJ hller-Irc\! hill h~ il~s m Wc\~ IUlli "lIIIC "r..:-ur ,-"""I"e<l II\'O: ldcj\~
Ihl: nal ion. Local .~IO h .l~ rn.uje: ,I wm cd to K\ ~h~1t Buonc O;h lJ~\IIl. Iii'i )CM
pillS \\ erc nVo ilrtkd
J C \lcCulioch
('In ler. \Iollr l. but ml..: rn~lI. 1111 mnllct
mlll1k:nl 10 lIo our part lu ~C' thl.ll Ih~y
lr I J\\IHd nUlmp~"n unfJ P.:rey ho\\, ~" eilll\-c. call hllrdly t uke ,an! u l "II
rc nu in thai ' If Y(IU tr.l\d 1111 \1 1}'i In the hU~lIle.,~ th,It nt.'cJs hI he ,june
\I Hqucllc Cnunl). \1·73 In hun ("0lIn1) , WELCOME, N EW St.:ah .~t\"t.:"f Jlln~ 'Al'r" 1I'"d 10·
Let"' g...t .... '''1111.1.'1..: .u...t Jv ..... 1I.. t\ 11\.'"1.:
• >1 \ll~ In Hougtlllln ('mmH_ ~ "lire In JOIhnn, ("~Ip..:t. Gl.:l)rg.e rJ~I\.r""ll{wJ .
\\,oIlch 101' th~ nc ........J!n... th,lt rwd;um tlk:
M EMBERS Pell:) (mnch. [: \\ lI t:ndrr,on, ~I"\ "lftCl\ f'CTlI;nt \lr the ~upk lin
the mccl 000·1 L:ntl\\ "hat Ihe lin \\
t .... o-lluic ~c:(lllln" of Ihtr.c fUUIe .. huH' Lt. . 5~,\ p.himt). \\ dlt..m \ltt .1n~ J .. lI olTldfi. f)..nllld
,,_ much I~.... ~ .... h,n "'lllnJ~ f(ll' If pc~
I~"'t·n "ItOOph....r~' our kat untOn. Aha. Smll h ,m,j liheft \"JII.lI.'t'. \1,ln," ulli"
.... AId! f(lf tIK "Rockland. ~ta"
"iIUHltal). t\I _-lnh:r\!M'<' Inl new rk JIm·, I. Ik.......... Im \llU an~. thc\ -.tile
·;.IIm! In Bpph:nllCe dJ .... c.. ~ct. hdll Juh 1Ih rln·. ran~,"~ rr(lm 25 throu~" I~ ~c.J'" ca n·1 be Cln }\lU r (idc Le"~ ~r , ..: d tht.' ..
In, (In Iht: fir:1 ' .... o-mlle ~Ion 'OUlh on li nd Sih. wilh :!2 rn ,p' ,,", hl.:"p inncr, II"N ' numl·, nu, hi 11"1. \Io'cr( nl~u a .... <lfd
\Io llfd.
US.J". 1I~llI lbrilu ~h d\I\~n l n\\' n Rod ..... kdt· t1 lu ,lUrlm "icpl Our apprcIIl!cc t.:d, (·OIl!!llIlul'l l l(ln~1
hind nnd cOnLinmnJ; mlnh for (JIll! mih:. Ikmcml:lc i llu r Vt.: ...! riln ~ in \jml.!i1I \1 " n~I(M I"' 1 P "i
cnllrdi 'l!lInr'~ ofl1 cc hll~ hud 1\ \.1.: 1)' fl u,,"
II' we tlfe In t he p r'l(":~" of '·'llU1I1lg" up \llIllIliCt p rcpil ll "A l'lT the h\l,: elIlS'S her :lnd 11 ;1 \·t.: a JPYOus Ilnd 5llrl' Th.tnl.$·
rur IIt.n ~I!ctl{)n o,J,;lm h!lc )!IV \1l 11 hrll"JII~!
·/\tt (lrl i ng~ u hlgh\\,,,) m,,:ulI'i that
I he La~lr Day R.llly .11 'prlllJo\ I\.tl. .
I lx.\1 51t) h3~ siglll.:d agt1,;clllcnl, '.ulh I u\<:umltla. ~, IS linn' :Jr.'I ," .1 huttc ,uc· III I 1"'1)..\ \1 PtI1l.UI .... P\
Ihc \ih;hl~nn D ~ r aTlmC'nI tlf rra ns-
~alMIO ( \ (·oon ,1 ... 1111;,: Ih;(1 fm the
nc~II""" ~ur'i. \\,e Dj!:r-« 10 rl\:~ urtrash loc:ol 5.58, Sheffidd.
00 Ihc-....; "adoph:J- ....'\.111IU~ tll lm:h.....I' Al. member" of !he
Ilu,-"'(' lIfl"k..... each ~0:1Ir. on d3t~ as desJg.· Colbef1 Steam Pklnl
n,llI.:d h)' \1 -OOr In 1"L'OlJ!lIIhun tor our joInlle, from left,
I'tllltl" \1 !lO I \IoIIII"N1(llIn IlIIracU\-C Sros. HiRord Jef·
slp,u on th(h(: M:t.:lwm 1I1111~h\loa}' lh .1I fre ys, lorry He~ler,
\\,111 I I!CU~ nI /C 1.,1C,I) 5111 iI~ b~ l l\i! Donnie Terry, Rolph
rnr tlml '>I!l.:l ll1ll hI hl ~h \\fI)
re~I){ ' l l\il'l l! Moyes ond Tommy
I h f~ 11rnj cct I' 11 01(1'\1 lnlcrt.: ~lin ~ and Pier(\!!.
" III')\;lhll' 1;\1'111 I\PllHl\inmll:l} c}I! h. I!,~
of 1I (I~h \\'Ch! plct.;cd III ' 1111: kal \IIould f~m lefT. &.ros. leon Colemon, Don
Ii~c tlllh .lI1~ th o,..: IIII.IIVI\h.llll .. ~hn Cc:lmerOf\ ond ChcJrtM Oovis enicJyins
"\lIn.ll..:d IhClr ft..:c tlmc lu mJ~c the firsl me feUOWJhip of 0 locoI584. Tubo.
p"klir ~~uJ ;(Iid en""'.Ihl~ OK, picnic 01 <>illahoma' s toile Murroy.
Y,I UIA \1 J t. \KL\(),\ . \ _I'

Locol 510, Houghton, NEWLY ELECTED

MI . M·95 hi9hwor
d tKm ' vp utI'W, left 10
right: Kevin Goodman. I "U. (,02 (tU &'II). I\M f\KIU,O . rx -
10n Wile)!. Will OI~n. T he rolhl.... mp. mt.:mho:rs \\,ert.: r;:co:n tty
Suli. Rintokl , Steve del.-le d . lI IIa'''' ul l ..nGII i"l4I!: I're... \01 .1..
Wol~f5. MCHic Ande-r- l'Icl'\(1O J r. Hu' Mgr Ti n Sec. Clu)'wn
\00. Mike Contai" Gory Whlll· \ I fl' I'll" nll ~ \\' ,hull Il n ll
WOII1mer, Milce Niemi. I rca~ Ci ,u~' ("lllltcr CXCCUII"C Uoltrd
Jerry lIi.age, George mcmttc r .... n: Dun U du~h lt c\ Ur.HI
8orosJo:o. Don l'hompJOn . Galll~. Joo: I\hhm. DilyKi Rlchc\. hmlcli
hr"nte Ma.fieId ond Slll\a1111 .\lu.I Iltlh \lulll C·milWollula.
Chol BUSCIkowdl.i. \I(ln~'
lim, D Ull!!hl u!)" hM h"cn


nam~d t(l ~er"...: on Ihc ApPH'nticc .:area ,huu!cJ o.oun imf\tvh· ~llh lhe.' pili und lhi: comrany hll" nlll IIcgohalcJ 10 ,..~incool.S and umbrellllS. Yoc wClllheretf
COlftmillcc. n:plaong lUll rdJ'\l!r .... ho ros.:d dt\l!lnpmenl uf 'h.: "n\Jrun· ~('(tdlallh "oIlth Ihe unIon rt.pre~·n' .. - lI¥hl [0 Wflletlmcs hC.1\') r,lInfllll to dis·
I'i "Ieppmg dO'IIon after 31 }C'arto of '\oCr melll,,1 Pr,llccllOtJ ,\~cncy slaled ((1r II\C~ I1lc), lI'>Cd big prnfits lind polhiC'l'llI rd"~ our ~unecrru. 10 Dl.Il:>uqueland cHi-
.. icc 110 Ihe commlUee, C('Ingrillula- Oar Cil~. A pl,IhCI.lnum" ;11 .... , ..lilted (onlllcts 10 block tlllr unclnrl,nmc:nl I~'n'" [hert' ....... rc appro.timlltci}, 200
lions. Don. IH! Lllo\\ ~ou Will!,'OUl! fOT con"lruC1l0n '" Dclu. ('"allege. lea\'III!!, tlllT mcmbcn; \",UlI'U\ menns or mel!, .... Clml!n ,IOd dll ld,~n from :.C\CfI1I
Job, We wish Jim the best of luck in hb Our ",.. nnbl ronsralulI1 I I011'~!I ullt \UI)ftI,rl lal'Or 0'llamzallons on hand to lei Wal-
future cmlenl'ors 10 li m teo Unoc r who jun IclircJ II I We rolincd ,IUrt" tllr.lcl 1ft July lW2 M:) fI know Ili 31 the", arc nOI hi ring
T he wMk sil ua liOl1 is gOl)d. I he tlw Cf1u (If JUf1c. We .til hOIK' you CUll We .... ctlo: wa!II11£ for Ihe flnn l l1lcdical ellough 01 our local ;ahor force. Thc
books IJre clcar , and wc ure .... urking WHlL' 10 remllin In l!OOU health find Ihal inS ll rl1l1CC f i~ure~ bcflHc ~i~n lll g. In rully S\lpp\}f h:r~ In :ltlcuuuncc recog.-
somc tra\clt!~, )I}UI bb! )C,lrs ,II C ~'d to! cunnI No"emi'Cr 1'0192 \~~ \Vt:'C Inld that Ihe nile lhill Ihc~ arc the \eT) &"lllle p:oplc
11 1flns arc b~'ing rT1l1iJC 10 h(lld .1n Also rClirinll ullcr.l!l )'clIn i!. HIO insufnnct: prC11H1JIIlS w(lu ld he over I hnl WIII ·Mart h{)pc"lo reap a prohl
aWJrlb b.m4u~1 in Janullr\ 1m Plcao;c Ocmlu Hickmall'llDllrltuIIl- dOll hIt' Ihe rll lihcd rlgun:. We then from III rl'lail !;o1!cS: lind liIal thcir m~­
call the 1()l"81 for uaci dille. time lind 11(iII IInu r.C!U Yo L'ihlo:' fllt ,I h.tpp\ and learned th.1I ('IP~ hlld t>ccn u\crchnr!t. sage needs 10 be h~'Brd,
location.. he31lh~ ]'1;!UI'Cmenl IIIP. It~ union cmphl\ees und under On Juh 24, Inemhers 01 I ocal1~
Rctirl!d memil.;h- .lre ur~.:d 10 all~nd rlro. }Ide, I!drm' l h,l!Io 1,.I'~t.I 01\\;1\ c:h.lf!!ln!! II.. R,,"unl('ln cmplo)ces. \\'e ;ind Olber Iradeli hdpoed make orne
Ihe rCHrec..."; meeungs on the Jib !"Ul'S- ~I < IUS a mem~cr lor morc thlln In nlll(lnucti 10 ..... llIl IIndel C'ltlenSlnn!> much nel!ded repair<; and addillons 10
dol.) of ~\el")' monlh years. HIS futher VeTIl I""rei Ired I ural unlll ApnI2.&. IQo,)3, "oIbik ~lIcmplinj; the Wa:J1m,SIOIl :o.cig,bhorhood Cenler.
The local scnd~ II srmpluh} and (on- b92 mernber. On bth.dr oflhc mcm}\cl'\ 101 Ii!'~oh~ these pro"ltm~ ,\ ft~r Ihal Illl'i reT1tel 5ef'\C"i the IXKJr and ncooy
dolences 10 thl."' fnlUllies and fnend~ of I eXlend Ih..: BUfh~'r ralm l." OUI hC!1l1fch tilile \\c conllnued lu .... orl. hUI \lllhL1Ut (If Dubuquc, The fo!lowlIIg helped on
our re<:entl)' dep.arto!d ml!mbe~: Wes- s)'lIll'alh!o' Ilnd prn\en .\1 11) he H!~I in a (,~nl ract. The cdlllflany ~'xpcc:lcd us to lhls \'ilal proJects: Bros. Doug Blong,
ley Lamb. Pee w ee lion on. Lyle P peacc. ~tI ik!.: hul we didn't, ,I) the} II)Cketi the 1 crry !)cMulO . O .... el1 Lc .. ~cr. Kcn
While .mu Frarll Welcb 1'0\1 0\11INt). I'" dvol'!S. !311~h , 1)1In Dolter mId nan Hnl1lnlel1.
A spruce up. delln up. fi lf-up WOf).. ( )lIr lorl'f:ll hc r. c.lm..: 10 lhl~ counlry During Ihe fir<;1 portion of lhis )·..:ar,
par1} IS ~hcd\L leJ fUT the ent! of Oclo- wi t h ,I drc.tlll. ~l!ekin8 freedom and {JIll \.\ nrL ha:. held lip .... e ll . We we n:
ber. call Inc local officc for more opporlunlt)· fDf Ihtm,d~'cs olUl Ibe-If evcn !iblt!' to help 5uppon a few of our
detllil~ l amiht:~ 1 hey work.ctltoglllhcr find lro ..chng Bros. The <;coond half of this
lal alert. wur k §afe . and attend wheo ncc~"~ary gLl\1;! Iheir h\'es 10 ~i:<1I is starting oul wm&::whllt ~Io ..... c:r
}OUI umon meellngs maL:~ IhlS coulll~ II beller ror nil "'llh the nllny "'eslher betng It ractor m
of U! 10 lI\e \Vbt,:n!ll bam burnt do.. n gelling some 01 ou, jObs undel'"\\"3\
the: pcllplc Intn;:d In,:clher lind ~ullt a RON )·.
IIc,," LUIC_ \\ hcn.t lob needed 10 b.:
donI.' c\·CI)'t\!1L· JOined lor-clher !tnt! ~OI
THANKS, II dt'"!:'

If evcl)' Bro. and ':i~tcr rrom c(")U~lt(l CONGRATULATIONS.
COII\! jOiIl lOB-ethel \l Il h the allil ude
111111 II hi our hallie. OU t war and ou r GRADUATES
L.U. 648 (i.o.u:&-spu). II AMI LTOl\', fnm illc,. ",c elm wIn J ust like our Inrc·
O I·I- l nside, o utSide. It nd rl.!s itlcnt inl I..U. J lr. (i.rl!..!> u). II OUSTO N.
Inthcn. we ell!l iighl 10 ensure that OUI
oonlnH:1 negotialiuns are progrcsotin, TX--Congrlltulalions 10 our 38 grlldu-
children ;m!,lllur chdt.lren·~ ChllUf~n \.\,,1
The annual picnic .... as fI !IoIICCI.:SS ['Il1n!!, aJlpro:=nliQ!S-3 line gmup o f jour-
bll';': Ihe rip,htlo ","otk :Jnd Ihe in a fre ..,
despile a mid-aftl!moon thundcf'lonn nC)'man wiremen who will call')' on Ihe
l1\nd ~l"ilh(\ut theIr emph»'crs u~lng
lhul bu.::kcd 001 rll"'cr and d:nnpcncJ IS!:::\\' Irfldillon Ilf bemg the besl inlhe
(lesilipu tactiC!> lu red\1l;:c Ihcm tnLIJ
the eyent. FOrlUn.tlel} th~ !Ioun c.lme electrical indu~tf)!
\Ia\cl) III~ no(loo laIC, but \Ioe mUSI
l'!acl;; uUlllllo"mg r: .. el")l.>nc Il;'Il:oj") I..oe3l1lft a 1<;0 r~l7~ Ibe IIIJi\ld-
\\o(trL IClgether To,..:dhcf .... c: CliO timid
the n:mamderot Ihe tla~. l1unl.~ ( I) Ihe ual d~hllncmcnls of \ 1ike \tcDl'ma ld
IhM harn. And 10g..:lh.:r 'ftc ha"l: Ihe
orgaruzen. !p01lSCI~ Ind all "ho bclpcd wbo won th e outsta.ndinf. app ren tice
maiJ;c tlru. e\ en! SUOCCM.fuL ';;' rtntr:1h 10 hi~ "'w.ln{.~ '('('i!clhel n.... ,ud al the 7111 DISc. Apprcnllce Cou-
l.cKal 702, Wlisl Franlr:fort. IL, 8ro. Den· .... c l'un flP.llll rc~lur;: 11m grc.tll.mtllo
Voiunlcen worked hard 00 hOI tes!. This conlC!>1consists of mEW l0C3J
nis Uln9 in front of (IPS office. whllt I~ onel' \1,::1\. Il'S: Ilmt ....'c Slopped
mug!!!} Jays cll llcCllII!t don:Hlo n<; for \l niun'; from I"X. O K, /\ /.... I\M and KS
lu')l 1(lOaking al Ihe hnlllc~, It·" lime \\oe
Dollar~ Again ~1 Dlanel!!!. Ovor S1.00e) This \\3S the jlrSi Illile a 1.oc.3 1 716
wu!' ~()lIcctcd Locld f4jl; mcmb(.'1"S t1!~(1
slarll:O fi8h ling Ihe '~3r, 3 war aboul u PJl renll~c h Ei~ CIl1: r \\'o n 11m conl<.:~1
\olunteercd Ihdr lilll!.: to win:: il loc,1I "THIS IS OUR ri~ flt ~, d renlfl~ :mt! hOIJC~ for ,til "f \1"
Gout! Job MiL.c l We nrc a ll proud or
11\ time ""I: reaJiz&:d "T il lS I VR
sheller house T hanks ml:mbcrs for BAnLE TO FIGHT" you. us also r.:cognizc Ibe inslruc-
11ATI LETO FiGl rJ ~
belpmg Ibose less fortunl1le 10r;.(I1 nur apprenticeship uol \'I' hn
Our 10('31 \\;1S rc:prek!r\lcd III bOlh L • 702 (I.o,tl . 1l 0\' . (,d1 .rts.r1 b.~p :i.I .tiI ' T)i\\I[J E \ I (" ..... EFI ' p..s "cre lO~rulJ)~ntal in lIohkc·S.§uC'C&':M.
Ih.e (BEW BQ'4lmg Tournament In $;ltlO. WEST FRAJ."'oI KFO RT. Il-In rhe apprenllce class or 1993 also
Cinl;innatl and the 2:2nd Mll.twe~1 1"'K2 l'rC'. RC:lptJ drew Itt.: r'N b\{.~ allend~d the ('ons~luctlOn Organizing
ISEW Sorlball Tournamenl in Clc .. c· from Ihe "mer-clln .. ur~er ~h.(n he LABOR RALLY Membership Educalion Training class
lunl,!. ('onf.rall,lll1uon<;, sof(tt(lllch fot alluYo(l.I Ihe feplacemcnillf Iht!' /\ If (COMET), lind ean no'ol lake on the
plaong!.Ccondm Ihe B DI\"\.'II)11 ( i ,e m~'(> I':r h", OU8 UQ 1:..
L.U. 11)4 j(lh uf (lrganllmg IhC' unorgani7cd In
traffic C'UlIlnlilc:r, the: nallOn .,lnOO
Local bJt' mourn'!il Ihe pa~sing. I'll b) and .....:uchcd. "aying uTlII $ llA1 - JJ\-Local 704 III continulnj! dforts our juri diclion, Mosl of Ihe apprcn-
100Igtimc rnclIJbcr~- Bm . H:ury cncuuru~lns Wal·MItIl 10 lure IO t· W lICe<. Iclt that all member.-. ShlJuld l.Hte
' ILL IS NOTOUI(S t'O l· l( il rl ." C)uT
Iledgcpcth (Ma) 29). nro. Pau l Wer· I!It:ctrici~nt;. duri!!@; the ~mstnlctioll of a the d a5:>. Bro. Dunne Picazo comment-
Bro, [JlllJ SI~ltJr;. In 1111: tl J\.IW A 3rt'
muth (J une I), Bro. Mike V{'gl (June Dubu(IUI: 0:1\\:1' Siore Bu\ \1gr, DUll ed, "I rctlli:re now Ihat my I'C"Crvtllions
IIllwflgll ll1lt( 101 jlt .. ! .ulll fu irl lc'llmcnl.
S),ero. harle.:, tlcdge!)llih (J unCo 19), I IUl11l11el . .... ll h Ihe: <i\lPPC)I! !If Ihe Oody, ahoul organi7i ng we re nol ba!oeu upon
3nu we all ~t:ltld by ~u)'lnl! nTI li S IlAT·
3nd On). Donald Schudfcr St (J une I'lrgpnl1td n l:tbor mlly. raets." Bro. Bruce Ponce sUlI~ d . ~ 1t )S
TLI~ IS NO'1 OliRS TO FI G liT .. AI;
21). We c::ctend our ueeJle.' l l'oyll1pflth i ~~ 011 Jul)' 17. :lImed wlIh OlH ~i~Il~. OlWIOLL" Ihal If a local I1l1nllt nrg:HlllI.:s
to Ihclr fumlli .."'li and friends. tholls:md .. 01 ~llllcd uninn workers Me
j"llaecd on Ihe um:mpl\)ymenl TClII~
ROGER D I" I.E' II, P S .... celdy, millions of Amcncoln rush 001
10 hu} fOrTt&fl made al" Ind Imported
dOlhlnl(,. ~llc, lug Ihnl II dCle'in'l rn:lkc.
PROPOSED a dlffcrcn~ Ibue. unIon y,.ml
~n return 10 {hI! ..... ork forC\: they Irc
DEVELOPMENT r('d uCl.'d In .,cceplI"!l- mlntJTIum ""'age
I. • • 692 (I&spll l. SA V CIT Y. :\11_ Joll'; malung bnrel~ enll u ~h nll1nC" In
Thanks to thc Jllan~ I()(al.~ throughoul &IH by_ A!!!tjn , yoc lI{alUJ II}' h)gcl hcr
Ibe Sixth DI~t, who ha ... c provide r.! u~ ""niching nod saytnJi "TillS nAil LF
with employmenl while the .... ork PiC - IS N OT OUR' 1'0 FIG HT," Why.
lu rc in ou r jurisdict ion rema.ins ~Iow. lIcc.uuo;c v.c :Irc ..... ( Irk lll~. we Imvc JOP,.
For IhO<oC of you ..... ho h<l\'l! been 1ft !:(In- llOd "'I! dOn·, \\';1111 1\1 jl.:lJpilrdLlc rillY·
struction long enougb, I'm su,.: you thin~ ',\oe hn .. ~ SHlce it doeSII', dirl!&:Il\'\\ lhot Ihl' "'ork:. in illIr .(tl\cn :neu allect US,
iC~ms 10 g.Q in C)d~ W..: look forward On ~ I ,W .!n. I9'B. lhc CeOirallllln(ll\
to a time whom ",e C;-It) pr{l\'lde employ· PubliC :)enrll.:(" ('ofllpan) (C IJ'\) IOtk.aJ
ment 10 \llh'::l loals durmg Che:ar slOl\ Ibe doors QR liS unl n worb,;~. Tbq· Loca170A. Oubvqtte. lA. memben. pCII1Kipotingo il'l 0 Ulbor Rally to 5et Wal-Mart
~de The cmplopuenl outlook (11r our mO\·ed 111 CUlllpan)' clnl.I{)~~t.... t(l "oIur\... ! rhey OT. not hiri ng el'lDll9h of our iocol Jabot- fon:e.


loto1716. Hou~Ion , TX, COMET dou for apprentices givetl by, from left, lronl row: Pres. Don lord lind a'S, locol B14, ~ali Cl, MO, manning me
Dc'" WortMm lit me: union holl. Miuoori AFl'(lO Bootb at !h. Min ouri
Stnt.! f air, ThCHTlClS J. Kraus, local
the qUlIhf u:d d e(.ln ciall'. the 0111\ pillet: exec-lIen t meeting un d CtlrnllH:I1ICd on QI cHlr 1.1IIgll1al charter il mu ~, nnd :I 1439, 51. louis, MO, Woymcn
l1 conlrHctor CII !l get qUlllificd elect ri· lin: oIJlslundin g work o t the h()~t locals lilpd pin Bouham. Michael f . JohnW)n, Terry
cians I~ through lIUI ~l1ljn l1 Imll." II) l\1 ~tl( c Ihl ~ ~ \'c nl '«I clljl1)'lIhle. Qllr IInnllll l nlllnb~lvln!t I'ollt! Allen. 1.0<011464, KonHiI City, MO.
Out o r~llnilinJ\ dfons 0\ Oil CnpJt~1 hlla1!) Local 7-12 uflu s L".)ngratulil '- Drhc is currentl) underwny. Look r\Jr June K... hlmoll, lo<;al 814, Sedalia.
scored 1I dlleet hit rhe e nt l1 1{l )'ec~ lions and bcSl \\ i~b e~ to mcmhc-n Flo'Vd Ihe colkct ion C{IIHrunc rs whIch lun't!
voted In fa \-or of umon r~pr~se:nltltlull R \lb lll ~on ..... ho re i Ired l\lIh 4J vt!~rs been plae.:: ... ,:11 nlllhc major f:tcdHle~ 1)11 place .. ent I() rJros_ Ken ny Wilson.
The c.1 mp31(!11 , .. fM h om 1 1~ l; r d!,le 10 $Cf'\ICC: Om.. Mgr. Pcter Glllmskllo\ hll (lU I rall road~ 'our vonulIOO"- ""111 he (1ml O'I-!arc lind Jllnm~ J . )h~n. wllh
the unfair 13Dor f'UC1Ic\: ch11r8t:\ lile'" ccJchralc.. 2...·i-\C'ars 1o\1Ih LI1I,;.1174L and ':ilm:crcl, appreclat~d Bi'O'I. R J. WI1:1()n. W n~nc Bunan and
llgllin'l:t Iht cmplQ)c r concc:'mln, the 10 DiU r~,tll~rel' \\ho IUS ro!<"tntl}· mM.- On lui) 30. I'JC~ Clyde T3ksas. R~ rum Uroom I IDI!ltnll~ third. Scnlng IJ$
election and the unfair Inbor proctll'C n.... c. '-'hh Schimnn .. l..l an'" Fin Se~ . lin :r.11c.:rnllte team iIIt: nr~ Har~
strike b) Oil Capitul Cmpl\l~C(!S, (\.IIHWIIA:".. VP Gem. Oausc allcndcd tht: fart:\\tll cd n.:u. John Baker and Roo Gibbens,
WOld ... cannot e\:plt.-""S m'Y ~ra lllud c ebT3~on for (omlcr IlIinOlt Slute \FL· ~ 11K' lirclIl 1l00xl uf '11.1" hm. had a
for the J'7 roYI.!B. cumfort ing wi ll d~ nn'" ClO Pr~, Rich W;JJ~h. Uro Wal!..h ha!o Icmfic Impacl nn ou r norlhern mem-
Inve lOhown du n ng my r.rnnd~( tn·s III mo\ ed on 10 Ihe poslMn of Dlreclor of henhlp . Whol u~l.:d 10 he Il HJ· or 15·
IIC ~. ELECTION OF A FL-C'I0 COPE 1Il Was hm!1,IOn , DC lillie ptC:''''lIlt dm'c h:l~ ,tretched mtn II {1I 1l I.) nOO[)All .. II.S, OFFICERS Among lhose in mtcndanct were Scm,· \J()·mJlc trip. A large pari of our Sl·r·
IQT~ Paul Simon ItnQ C,lfol MQ~ctc) 1111'(' lI'rrjlill~' i.. IIl1d"r WIlIH In Ilrf:a..
I...U. 1M l ilo.n . rt~.~p lil &ICI1) . K:NOX- Braun Wt: nll lo\l ..h Rich much ~UCl"CSs whete 1111: Missouri, JlI~,tle . Grand. and
VII. LE. TN-Local 760 held its elec- in his new posilion. nih~" rl\'\'r~ ho\'c hunt lhwug.h Dllmer·

AGREEMENTS lion 01 oHII:cr~ In June. I'h e nc~ R.\HolO..: 0 WII);1 p" 0\& lc.,.c~ and lhkcs. Our memhe~ arc
Vicrc mS/:1lh:t.1 011 Jul~- 23. ('08-
of{rCt:J"i dolO~ a tr emcndou~ jop of restoring
RATIFIED palulatioos 10 Ihe foHowlOg: Prcs.lon- <;C:T"\"ICC. ga!>. ciccl nc lind tt!lcphl1m: B!I
"IC' lIunle~', uu ~ \IRUFin Sec Ol en rcecdlnf! Wlth~h al1o"'. Olher ha\'e
L. U. 742 (mo&., . DEEP R'V~; R . Me\iJlI:ln; Vice Pre!\;. John D.L Mal'tin; MAIL· IN BALLOT un5c:III~ h t~ ."olunu:ercd m Sllnd-hag.
ON-Rcsuh~ of Ihe n:cc nl e lection of fl'"g. evacuation ami dean-up efforts.
ofh«:crll arc all fH 11ow'i! l}rc!I. nnh
Trn,;.Jlffi WIIIIKC and Rec. Sec. Dal;d A SUCCESS Our hit .. rc uf( 10 ~ hn~c m ~n lind
t"mn1"hll1l . executive 1:10:111.1 mcmhcf<'
I logaboam ; Vice r'r~~, Mike Whlln . lite: John W orne It. (,hnr l (~ King. L. U. 804 (i&ol. KlTC II EN ER. 01'01- WUnl cn II I the " Iho thc rh nod. Our n

DUl>. Mgr. PCle r Gnllnski: Rce. Sec JIm McDan iel. Jim Mille r. Cli fford On Jun~ 25. Ux'td 1!04 held liS e l cCli~lll hearts llo I)ut to those people whose
Shellil Wendl; 1' 111 Sec. Sheltc), Morns " lIunc)' " Ow c n ~. Anhul Pn rri ~, jim or 10c:l I union officC'l'8. ('ol1 gnd u l~l!tm s homc~ were dcvn~1nted h)' the flllnd.
1111(1 Trt':l\<; nri:ln I'1ntlnl'n, rnner.111111l' go OUI It I ~ h~ roll(\wlIIJ!. mcmb<:1"0 whl) NC I!,Ol ilHiom wit h C'holilOI\ Valley
S\,.u, IJlL/ugIIIlUc! Rllst) Sto')\cr. A .51\C-
liOll'i l we n:. tll.:clcd; IJII~ i'.lgr. JLlrry W d ~'lII , TClcphllllt,· ('urp. hill!! occn Cl)ncludcd
ci tl l l hll"k~ 11.1 Iltl,:'\1(1n BmmJ for all
Decp Rive r H~l!r O
lind Pcmhrnk.c Pres. I larry Ilolloway: Vice Pres.. Da... c .... it h .1 Ihrcf-ye ar cont racl ra tific:d b,
their hnrd work..
Ekctric Light n;wc nlllrll.!d new 00111..«' On AlI &u~t 12. CUnHruLtion Org3' Chambcrlin . Trc3~. Gille, PBfl"e IInl;! our members working there. Nc.gotia-
the agfc-emenl • bUll ne Onlluio Sodnl nlzing OireC1or Jim Rudil:li. held II une Rec::. Sec. (irer Woods, [ xeculhc Ilon~ With \hssoun Pubhc ::'Cr\'ICC' rind
Conlracl 15 afk't!llh~ De!!!! Rt~'cr IIIC Il1~ Board member; an:: Jim \l clnOl<; Dalll,! Ccntnll Missouri Plcelri.:: ('oopcrati\c
dll) ~c m in81 for I.ocal 760 and Ihe
hen as well os !)cmb,okc Il )dro Knoxvllit': Outldin,@ Trade. Educalion Remk llandK.: n Ic, elJ. IIrc ,00ng ~11J.... ly. hut Jlr(lgJC!i.~ is tx.-ing
emplo)ces and o rg unillng hold lOp priurity In Local SOJ wi~hcs to congralulltc all mlldc in both CilSc~
Bu~. Mgl Galinsk.I amI F.xecutlvC' those candldtltcs II 110 participaled in
Local 760. With the IrillOlO& and ht:lp JI 1 SlII .... Al\L.... IJLRG.P
tlOarCi mcmbc:fi uoug IceliCs and J'aul of the members. we are looking for.- lhis years elections. Prior 10 (f('c1ions
R)'lJ,n I,tllt': nded Ihe All {'noodo. prt)grc~'I: ward 10 (I 101 of ~ u~ lhe mcmher;hlJl p3sscd n mOl1Un 10 u'-C'
Meet ing lIIl\il'l~rn F'l lh (II Jul). l he a mail· in ballol. Ahh ou9-h Ihere Wit.)
Ihree dclega tes Slated lhlll Ihis 'Was ilO
Remember UlIICJII nlectmgs are on
Ihe 41h Friday of each month. Please "om!! ~kepw':l ..m a.. 1(, how successful CONTRACT
mIlkc cve ry I.!florl t(l !l Ucnd. Sec }'{lU MU..lI ,I Hllllli!; I--'lu\" edulI~ w ...uld lIe. Ihe RATIFIED
t h c I ~. r(;S\lll~ were !)O'i(IIVC. Eighty.tltrce per.
cent or the mcmOers.h1r p;lrl lcip.-It cu in L U. !t24 (tl. TAI'III'A , "'1..-Locn I 824 ·~
GLf....... MC'\IIlJ.AN.llMJF.S this years elections. comp.nTcd 10 some contrilci ntgoillili ons hegan Ihe first
Ihirl~ prrn'nl in Ihl'l rn· ... inll .. f\1rfl lllns or
IIo cek May. nnd on July 1 we reachl!d
Ihrtt }ean ago. The mail·in ballot has Q \Ilnlaltve agreemenl Tht: co ntrtict

FOOD DRIVE dcarl)' elevated the dt!mocmllc proce~"5 wu tattned on July 24lb }-hgbJlgta.... of
ror dectia& lI ilhin our local uftifin Ih e cOnlr.lcl Include a gcneral1o\ 3ge
UNDERWAY UKfCUc (If 4 pemn t 1151 )'ear). 3 pcr·
BRflT\lcKr;:\LIJ;.• P S;
eenl (lnll year) and j percent (3rd
1..\.1.794 (n ), C UI AGO, II...-A len
ycar). with an I'Iddi lionll14 pcr~nl in
18ti'r'c agrtcmcnl was Ie-achcd with thc
the ~cc(lnd And Ihird ,eM" under a
Uell RtlilrOAd In Chicago Syst em
Council 10 It:n. Chnn. AI1 Gom-.ali::s,
THE GREAT retlnt l~crf(lnnllnCC I'lan:
We arc pleased 10 rcport thlll (lUI ->f
Vice Chmn. Mike &himun~ki Rnd A"SI. FLOOD OF '93 'our dn~~ i fl clitlOll upp,nld t: rroposal~ .
Chrn n HOII (j(Jn/~ l cs wert: on the
t. u. 814IU& I). SEDALiA. MO-Our wc wtrc 1uecessfll l in gam ing three .
Negolialing Committce, Plans for Ii flIt.-
members PlHtlClpo tcd ill th e Fm;t rhls C(1IJ (lICS In 1.12.5 of Our Local 824
.ficalion vote hy thc mcmbcnhip are
m cmbcr~ being upg.radcd to (l 1:II~hcr
Ix'.lng ronnuhllcd a'!. or th l~ WIllIng, AnnUlI Mi!r$ou r! t'ublic rvieC!1I0CW
t l n ,~in tat i o n 1 hI! tolal f'ltckage \\8S
S e ~ c n l} flvl! years (lgo. on Sept. IS. Local Union 814 Lmemllll'S Rodeo (11\
Jui)' IO. todclermine which Ihree leoms
worth "pproxlJnlucly til) million donllf'S.
1918. IDEW Local 79-$ was chartered. We hll\c- been ~ uc~:ssfu l Wllh o ur
To celehrate Ihls hisionc e ... ent nnd co wljuld compt.'11! In Ihl~ )'C3J<i 8111)nul
in"lde orglnuins progrpm and ha~e
1DcoI7A:2. Deep River, ON. mrmben expren our appreciltli n. Lornl 79J bas Lin man's Rodeo. Ta"1DJ flrtl pllte
honors were Bros. Ted 8 «: issc nher7.. !oigncd up .ll7 OI!~ memhe~
give the · .numbs vp. Iign to !he Big ~nl the foll(lVilllg glrt ~ 10 eaeh of our
h lhers /s.g Si~ten Bowfmg FunchuiM!l', members and arfiliales: a re production Ocvc StOlpe and Jay lIohne. Second Gl'Y A lJ,.r..C,LAIS.8.\I

.aEW IOURNAL/OC'OH'" 1993 31

It lulifficuillorompeh! :tg.IIDSl lhe low
'uJ,es 01 Ihe non WI ion hut .... Ilh (lu r
13r,cllng program our cmllractol!. ha\c
hee n ~uccc~s ru l In n::!tOlnln!: IIHIIC uf
til.: commercial ,,(n!.
I we) (If (IUf mcml1C:11i ha~e formed iUl
clcclncnJ rnntra;;ting firm ailed ··Elee-
In (·ntfl. 1m:: We wi ~h IIl llch SUt."Ce'>-..1O
Hrm, Jeff Wil liumsQn and Chuck f{eb·
hoilin Ihdr ne,,", 11U"llI e,~
I'hc I'mlrth Di~lric;l I'rogn:ss Meet·
III~ ..... u.. att l'llth'J II)' Uu<; \l gr, Greg
(jMe .Jnd Prc~ . J un Rm,~ 1 he ("l1n-
lruclion WQrkshop dcalt ..... ith or!!aniz-
mg herr local unIOn In allcn d ..mcc
goa\-!: It report {In Ihcir organiLIng &Cli~i­
hc~ Int. "re-;, Hurn t:mphiJ~ized Ihal
~lrgJnlltn& i~ I 0 the lM~I\ ..J of
Ihc IBf\\ ' Int. 'icc. Jad: 1\1oore
Icpnrlcd the I~~ of - memhershlfl
ha~ 'ul'Ituhled. and ....·l lh our national local 1106, Ma son , MI. membel's enjoy roc. day at Michigan InlemGrionol Speed-
urgaulIlllgdflJr1." Iht: 11]1; " "III hope- way. to right: Lonnie Fo.. [);ano Adam:li, Shoron Griffin, ph,.tlis Kerr, Roy Duw
fuli), reclaIm IhL majont) of the electri- boT, lim wade gnd Ste~ Sorks.
cill work III (I Ie" ' ·COlrs.
Mlch lp.all Intunalil)nal Spcedwa) in
We would like 10 th a n}; all o.f our job AGREEMENT B rnnkl)'11 dUTln g Ihe f(IUrlh or th~
.. le ....'u rds Inr Ihe lln~ul Jon t h c~ JI) I n
Lotal948, Flinl, MI, Jason Visser, J,on of jltolL:cling IJU r juri,Jktinn and mai ll - RATIFIED Inl ofllll lillllUI Rat'"' ll J Champions
(iROC, ,cries CC&S cmrloyccs han·
Locol948 member Russell Viner WOI t;,in ing II goud relliliun<;hip whll our L . II l)tlll,e:Il,&rIU). MASON, [\11- Jh: jclcCOOlrllUlHC.lII Oil~ al MIS
aworded 1+18 ~y Scoul't of Americo cU,l!ll1l t:f\ MClllh ~ r .. a l All T rUlIlC!'> rallfied ,I rite Muskegon lInit ha5 a o e ~ E:<e(:-
Notional Court of Honor IOf Heroism Our annual picnic ..... as held o n Sept. thr(c-yca r itgrccm..:nl, I"he IIgh:emcnl utl~ e Ijonrli T1Icmhcl The- Ho.1rt! seleci
Award. It\. III the Bu lChcf Ren d 4· H Camp. rcncCL<; Ihe lUJlJUnilln e(lntpl'hllUlI III cd tllnll~r VICe I'r Irt'ne Schorc~ 10
.... ilh pklll)' uf fovd.Il'lmc~. and (un for th e soundlalarm I/ldu'ilt) \h,:mbcrs rcplllce !Jm. Wilhltm 'O;pencer. who
(l1111\1r memhcT'i lind thell familit· ...
a~d 10 glH~ up one Voce). uf \acnltnl1 rl!~l~no.l from the Rll.1rd.
LIFE SAVING 1 h.Jnl.~ III the lnh:r1l1lnmcnl omn1l1- in th~ IlC!l:l 11\ nmnllb.. 10 ata:plil "lIge
tee and lllhc rs "" ho .....orki:d to make SII.-\HI L ASrt:", rs
AWARD Ihl<;Ix:cn.~mll a ~u~
(reele. and IQ utterl II ill rt'rC'CnI (tl
pa ~ on medli,:')1 A "age ;HId medlc.J1
L t'. 948 li.em .rlS~plI&clllq. n , U~l·. nlAIU tF AK\,OI 0.1'.5. ~ ncf ju rc·op~ner I~ . chcdulcd f(lf
/'I1I-Jasun i~M~r <;(In or I ()ca l 114M I~ Member.. ""ho had been ~Iud, al
member Russell V!Mer ..... as awardcd 3 5(J r,creel'll \\oag.: ralC ... ill ~e( un
Ille Uoy ScouL'~ (If Amcrlca Nulum,,! mcn:<lSC II" lin ,"(renlenlal pu~ ~(uk' TROLLEY LINES
Court u[ 1I 0nor fo r lI urem,1n AW:lrd WORK IS SLOW .... os nq;flllllkJ
Ja~n.lI )(I·ycar old Mlh gr/lck:r ~n ved II The Local I lOCI nc~oIi con· COMPLETED
1 y~Hr old frnm (hll .... llln~ hy al~pl ylll ).l I•. U. 1J7{1 (I. rl !>,~ I &C) . l\F:tSO· .;i .. u:J ul Ilu~ Mgr.J l'i n. Sec. DlI l1
I .ONCV I f; \\ . W /\ -Work has btlcn L.U. 1116 (II,C I1l&h·l1l. T CS O N,
s kills acquired in II P!A s pon ~urcd Krll!.z vn~ki . A"st. Uus, I\ l gr. Robe rt A'I.--OII JUlie II. IllCul 111ft dccled
~ D rnwn J>roofmg" d .l~~, II! ~ )oungcr ~'c r )' slow. bU I lhere is work on lhe Alexander, Steward om Sonncvilk t:lnd
l!llli/on A, IIf thc \:1'1 unum IIll!cl mg. new o(ficer:i fot Ihe next three )·cars.
brOlher, Ju lin. a lerted JIUQIl IlulI a Tom FIsk 'fhe cOlltmcl ...... , C\tclIJcd
WI! hnd ,Ib....,ul 70 I'I:Oplo.: on Book I. and Oil' 01,: ,",' IcprClI-l'nla l/\CS li re: !lu s
luu ng'Stcr h ..ul fll ll cn IIItn IhOl.' Id~c \;:- onl! monlh afler Ihe lI\iti~ll,ad:.a!lC ~I g( lI n. Sec. R)le (Jot) C.ul: Pres.
Immcdiatcl) he scm nnmher hOi for \I\ cr 5(Xl (In 8(11)" II We tJon'l e~pe~1 .... 0<; IUrncd down lor a ""'L'clnd linn! h)'
I., he .lhle 10 I:mrlCl\ .. n)' tr.nclcn. u/llil O:l~·id ThQmn~: Vice Pre5 John MUIr.
help l ie h!ld hi" bmtilci huld h.. the II1cm~r... lllll.! u fcJelul J11cdillh:t) Kcl,; . Sr..: . Sluttri OH:r , he:ts. Ge ne
ank.ll."5- while he rCa<:hcd the lill ie bo" ncXI )ear
Our arl1lU.11 plc-ni.,; .... ;t~ held 1)1)
was conllK'ted. Uro. Kru."'~'n'kl nflted, P~nl at. n~cted 10 the Exec:uu,,( Do:ud
B~ hl~ qUK"1. Dchnt\S and dear IIl1nLlIIg ~ \" e re.ll1~ "ani III oC\pr~"'~ t}UT 11I:lnls
AU$u~1 12. ,1\ the usual Trojan sile . ;src Rohen n urn<; (Pnwcr Product lun ••
• polenllal double lraged), w~u l1H1I(lcd La th~ memocf'ihip fl)r tid:m,: logl:lhcr.
n us. \l 1lf ('lIMite \I.u"'hnll ha .. beld " \cl)llnt' hflJ 1'I guod lime The "'"("1(11.. Rkburd C I\(jIc:lhl (Tran.sporlilolion).
AII- hunies it\'"nle;J mure ctlnceS!>mn!> Jcs"c d.enltltJ 1/\1 Lln!!:e, Vada
man) dant .. in COMeT nainlng fo r Illg wJ~ June ~ u~tl31 h) Dim Lund and Wc ... t:rc .,bk l(j ~lllk:m lO bac!. llff"
Ihe men\hershlp "you haH~ U(ll ~cn !loll !)mll h llllm!.~ far the IHelll Job! I..cSucur (Adlllllliliol nlhon) .Jnd Robc.o rl
" t'm h~ ..... In our lelc{·tll1l1\llIUlt·:ullln
A bdn411cl llt1nonng our graduating Pc:nnmgHIn (flecl ric ), Ra ndy flder
1t)IICO~ILI'da . pk.l..c'lf!.nUpIUdn lI nih prm Iele: t d~p honl! ,cn let:. lor
appren llC'i;'''' \Ioa< held in Junc. Congral· .... 11~ dc.led ("hllll m/lll uf Unit 1. wll h
HI, The LI)cnl1)4H 'lfflcers lind many rna", of the lain. und rcslhilis held
ulhtliln~ hc~1 ~'f Jr.lm I kndcrson ~T'\'II1S liS Vi<:~' Chair·
COlltruct Oro. recent l., ullem.Jcd u " Blue and !Lll·k In the )cnr, throl~ghoul 11011 l llille pholo uccompll II1 UI\ Dnd Tum l\1ltllon e ,IS Rec Sec.
Pn r1t for Ihe 1 ~~rllo" llf()gru rll , rhc-~e, Illll..'ud nying thi, Icport. th l.' m cmber~ (11 t1ngrutulI1I1 0 1\~1
alo ng wilh LIt her draft s by Ihe Incol BILL LOEIJ.l'.5. C' &s r ch.:p hl)lIl: cnluy I h~· du) :11 I)elwccn Dec, 1992 and April o r this
unioll Mt. wurkinf,: to reclAim llur ~ h..rc
)'e:lr \'(lllIll l ct'r<; wmkcd 3n CSl il1llltcd
of the ',l. ork III Ihe arca
Local 1)4..'( mllurns Ihc pa,si fl g o( 2.500 ,,'onSl rUClion mon-hours to belp
M rC('fC111~' I ucwn\ FlcCllie T r(l l1 ey $),,,-
I3rm. Nelson Schmidt. Daviu 'Bo bu
8uSM:1. rnm ilas~ham Clifford VIII\ tern Tue50n rIcelril: P""l! r do na tt:d
derlcafT and " ormM M Whll1.!l~ Sch.ltl Ihc UK 0' Ihrn (qulrmenl noo !BE \\'
Our ronrlolence .. go nullo their ruml Hllufll(:cn dlll11llcd Ihe ir dIUrda)~.
c '·C'nm~ aflcr wmk, Lbl."lre:(pcrtise and
hes and rlitnili.
Ihelr cr,,[t<;ml'lhshll' Itl cumplclc Ihe
Conl:.ralul311ons Imll he<;! .... I'ihn ,0
10 Clbf:rl ~Sllln" Simmon" ~ild Granl o'>erhrnd C(tthoIl'lH:tion of the IloIIl!Y
\\ Iloox .... ho r~l\cd rln' rur ~S·>el1n­ linn. 'IoUHnl! the !roUe) ~'oll1mJttet"
of union sen ICe 10 IfoC., 194:-1. .1pploxmlmd,; SlIJO,OO)' Former m.11
111 ti I'n:~. Ken S,I ~'iI1e ..... [Ij chosen 10 sit
J;\(.... WllL!A M:'oo )l.S 011 the- truIJC}'~ BOllld M DII·ecturs
Dis ling uishe d ho nors 10 Josh
l)eSj1.un , ' o n III IJr~I . J()hn DeSpain .
TARGETING who recently ,"",on the atiuMI H igh
School Wrcsillng C'ompetition i n both
PROGRAM frcIHI}'h: .1Ild ~ rc~·o !Of th e 209 Ih.
ltx...1 1111'1 keep" Amuno beuutlful
t..... 96S O,n.r1s.tplI,'(:ea l" ), 90th Tu~on lilld Spfln~ef\'illt! hlwt!
PA Kl\ .... RS"n ll HC. \\ V-OUI ... urk 0re:anl/cd hlJth .... ny clenn.llr commit,
outll)o continue 10 1't~ 110 ..... "lib lotgr 970, Keiw·longview, WA. groolHl'hng gppntntices honored 01 their bcnqtfet in lee<t
Shun-Icrm ,oh~, \~ c ",, (lulll like "u r June IIIro, fronl rlllw, Wt to right: Sean fulton. Kirk Lowe, Kirk leRoy. Dennis Rote)'. A bew."r IchH'''ns~lIr ~lIh Ihe man·
cnmrar:lnn HI hccorne ."lc"'<I~e lind Dick R.idefo. Tony Fremefll, SteYe nih.. Soc"
Row: Dub Maru , U. Hoffman, Oennit .J~l:nk"nl of Alurn4,; Tn:c: ~ H~... ulled ill
bid morc of the "mall Commcn:-...J toI~ Whitney. Jim Reed, Tom Sathre, Kevin Sedke, Jeff Elbert one! Dave Sma', liJ I- W ..I ic!.e"" helllg .dkl'. u:J 011 COffipa·


ny ~ hICk' Itnd nc:guI.atIOM In lflCTC35C
the clI1plu:-..:c·) Ixlll.:fil packllge.
:'UARVro(!.A'I 10'11. P5. DAY
LU_ 1230, Windw:w.
ON. momben. held
TRANSMlnERS- o "Health 0Qy"' In
the pculaing lot aI
PROCEED WITH ... G<o<. ...",,101.
CAUTION! Stoff"om ......,
~'portic i
I.. U. Ino Inb). l111CAGO, IL-A t potctI. h was 0
I Hu l 12211' .. tcqP!!)\. the N.. tlUlla l sunny day ond
Iniltlutc of Occupational Safer) .and everyontI! found " 10
Ih:a lth (:'IoI IO\1 1l recen ll> mca<;urell be a potiti.e. f"n ,
I ('YI'I~ nf rll'('II f1mnr.lH·tiL; null'llinn o.nd s",u·re4~"9
ClInUITI!I fttlm H'~fj (electromc ne\los· interaction.
~.Ithc riug) cliUlprnCll1 ill ~c ... cra l ' V
~tat kJn 10 Cllkal!(l.
Unl\.' 'WI.: rernemt'ICr \l;hcrl.: we c,lme mcntJ I Is..\oue~ ~ u L h ,II> Jub \oCf,:urt l)
H[("O MM LNI)EI) rll ,\ T PORT
ELECTION from. the eLI,,;; II hcIIIJ .... il! he Illng ond hoors of ... <~, k. scOlonl", Rnd hctllth nnd
T ERS ..\Rr NOI 10 II I U:-i H) RESULTS hflrd. I~y htllwrr l1g uur Irddi l iun li nd penSlO1I hem:fils IIrt' \Ioh.lll)1I1 II rU'i lind
HANIJ III-Ill 'I em show t hallhe~ predceessl)f~. v.e lJo'ill ga ln sm.: np,l h 10 SISters arc fighlJn~ for '1h C~1! 1~'Ucs. are
111I111>1(1I1It:1), m.IY ell1 it oI~ wudl 1I~ lIuu- I.. • 1m (II). WII ,I\III\G LON, DE- face the ('Ih~ t ~elc~ hdnrc 1I ~:t~ onlnn 1"~1 !loll Imr"" rl l'ln l .a . .... nlte. Wllh(ltll
h ie the o<:cup llt ional standard fOf local un",n ch:clIons wcre held in mcmbut. nc !ilruRWc will nOi be ca...y. Ihc....e i.ssucs nllnc 01 Ii'>e IOoliuld 1111\c
11II1;rn""'fIVI,l IItJl.IllUn Althnugh mca June. Our Ilffice l" nre "" lollo",!!: Prc~ hutl hc rC IJo ,lnh \10111 1'1\: II1lhe ICglK.')' "'c Jvb~ lodilY·
sur\.'m!,;",' rrom Ihe ~idl's and back~ of Mllrshall Anlo!l!.on: VICe: I)II!... 11,lmld leAve l'lChind PlellSC hc.:lp supl"HI nur rcll(lw lllll~ orl
thl.' 111111 .. 11111)' hI.' Wll hlll ....,IMI I.. n ll1'ild lirirrmann; Bll ~ Mgr I'uul Simun: Fif). ,\III' nll yflUr Inrn l un lnn rn,·~'t\n&~ mrmhl:" l.i'!'~ ~hnw l'mr'ilrH h ! Ameri·
ercd {If h ~ Slife ()cCuplllionnllimil.S. YOll Sec . h hmheth hu:. I rcu" Joyee Il ul! , rhl ~ 1.. lhe pllll't.' where II nit llC)lllI\ ca ant.! nonunion Wl llll.' .... wluu " force
"hO\lld 'lUJlethcll!S.') 11 \'lHtI :lny unncl't.... Rec. Sec. Kathlee n I'horb)'; 1)0'o'cr Unit ulli(lI1~ can ~. LeI cH~l)une knuw Ilml
siny ex~urc. ('hmn. Fl u)t.1 Ul y,cn l ; Vle~ ('hmn W(; arc nOI JU~I It small "roup thai 15
YOlO Ani," \1ICI(OWAVE SIC"!!D Enss Bnd l rOll l(t;C, \111.(1. Woo- beltl~ ~ lIIgled nul U:t's shoVo nur force.
TRANSMI n I: RS SII OUI.D lIE leyh:lnd. ~'XeCU I I"'C: ijll.ull members our sizc. our sollda"l)
~ KII) MOLN Il:O WHf:of'.. B eiNG arc: nabnt:1 AI"',"I Jllhn Houkk::n. Paul
Ca rllmanico. John McCall. Steven
SUPPORT FELLOW Alh!nd ~nu r IOCilI Uli lun nrcclln~~.
USLO 'IIH ICOI"I ER FLIGHTS 3Jld find OUI \l,hat is haptll.:nlJlI: in )I)ur
('onIIOualllclJu\tmenl lint.! shlhmg. the ewbcrt) fl ank 01,19)' and Rnnald UNION MEMBERS city. count ). ~lalC' IHIt,! Clluntry Be
t/I:ill lu 1.":1:11 otlitf.lI!i:tI ¥l'ltl! tilt: leloc:ivl:l Walker C'Oft8l'",ulallOll~ 10 1111. dwa re: of Whill 1$ IU.lJlJ'K=l1In)! tu u lhe l
could exru'\.C the piiol .nd enr olher On M:l)' 26. VoC ptllcba~d ('topen)' L • 1306 (UII"'), IH' C UR, I un ion ml."m~rs t'lecnu~C' believe me.
person 11\ Ihe heliCopter 10 c~u:C:"I\le (or the (IHUlc \11c: IIf our klCill ofrltt Grt:l!tings from ( enHll1 II 01,11 Loeal yOIJ couk! be: next
IImounl\ of mICfTlVo'a\C radlillton. Our regular m('lnlbl) meetings afC 1306 COI'E I'IIme IS gmng weI( 10 rlr,
One lucky lllat] nOn rnc:mher WIII"'1n KI;,\!I~ R. UI "ITI I'.~
IN 111'1 n eKS ARF R Ff'OM tH'llllhr "ml TUr"llt) "r rnih monlh
\I FNDED FOR LJVE-VE III CLE Please pbn 10 .mcnd and brin! a local a nc.. limon· mAde 25-UK:h color RCA
MA "I~ rc<il.. sboVocd thai mo!il lruds Brother or SNI.'I "'llh vou ldC:\'I"iK)!! 1ft '>cpt
Our sch lllrsbip conlUl hn IU I
in thl: Chicago IIrCIl -.;th capabihl) of 1'-'lTR](-tA NF\\-'BFRRY. ps. cI~d and the ...·Inner will ~
h\e "'nt\ do 001 h",vc: trllcrlock\ " 'hlCh
prevenl fIIleru ... ;i\C It;'ln~mIHtD from announced ~II\ On~ $4(Xl ~ s.;.hol ANNIVERSARY
ar~llIp WIll I'te Iwardl!d f('lr Ih e best
IfinsmUlln, Ixforc they IIrt In I fuU)'
IIII~ pL)'i.lhun, nils can cause unneces-
cs!.ay on MWhr Arc l nlOO\ ~c:alcd In L.U. 1340 (i,n&c.m l, ~"'H'ORT
sary expoSUft: 10 the ('operator and let Todays Sooct)')" ' EWS. VA-llello Ihu~. tlnd SIMet!;
mt.c" In Ihe Immwhnc alell Central lL h:t~ j)een dcet~ftd I ~W r from Newpml j'l. e... ~1 Wur1. I' low al
rwo WAY RADIO AND CELLU· Zllnc:' hy !>C\'C l llt UIIIUn... AI< of Ihl '" he ..1 Some J'lr Ollllltln~ IJflIJet.t~ at Ihe
LAR 'I FLEI)1I0N~ ANTE NA , IF writing. Ihe Uros. nnd SISlers or l.ocal Yorkto"'n Oil Refin cr) lind Ihe Union
I RllCK Mn IJN'I I'1) OK " IOl lNT- 702 arc lodell 0 111 rl om ('IPS A (W Cnmp Pape r Mill III c\llli d
EO O\f Till· WIN D 1II ELD. Local KJ1 is locked uut from A£ St;1 relieve us some. \ta n) thnllk\ 10 loe31s
II OU!) UP MOVED "0 Til E Icy. UAW 1...QCil17!i 1 nrt ~ HII WlthOula In Shemeld. A1.. ('hlltttinvnp, TN.I.eI(-
ROOt Of' IIlheAK. COnlr.'lel ",hh CIlIl.l'J'lllIal a nlll MW ingtl)u , K'I . ;rn d I hlllllllglllll, 0 11 rm
N IOS II liAS IU: rOMM EN O(1) workers tilT ughout Ihe stDt arc on e mployi ng ou r memhc ('11 Ihe road
~tri kc:. Yuut su pporl l~ ro,e,ll ly III'1JrIX.·lollcli
I'ROClmUH I- In' IMnEMENTED These lockou l IlfId st rik es 1m· nol a Uur Loca l s ';m h Anniwrsar) .... :u.
,,01( At I I.!NO PFRSONNI' L I'or rc.:sull or slIlI ple ......'I;C I~WCS, J UlI\ln cclchrn led J uly 10_ It wus II Ille:t~lIn l
mill imi ninl\ is advisnble r r ~arc opera.·
mlll 01 J::N( i CQUlJl!l W1I1
U:-il IJI." i J\lJ~:-i1 i'ojLJ \:!l) U 11'-
f"und th,11 wlule eqUipment loc:oll2.46. Adrian. MI , Sis"I'J, from
\Ioas not ~bo~e the occupationnl sian· left: 1os.ia Rodela, Elto Brl.l(~ner, Sue
t1nru, ~uch equipment ~1I11 prcscnlcu 0 rcrylor Qf)d CIofiI'lO Holt wen recenriy
rebtl\oely high C~f'IllSUI I.: ttl ekctromag- GWCrded their 1.S-year MrVN:e pim.
nett<: (udd.. Se\\:I\11 ra 'ommt:nllatlol\S
... erc m.ld.!
I. t\ S r~w p.:upk 8) pqs"lbk hl,uld CONGRATULAnONS,
be: uptl:loCd.
2. 1-'l c'h~1(h fliT del'clop,"" B (emulc
~V!lote nl (ur Ilpcr.llrn~ till: dl!gau~~t:' L . 1246 (em), AOH IAf\. MI-I 1''.J!.li-
... ouk! hf rrudcnl lion and URton VlIlu(1 ,0 hand in hand
-; It IS suggulcd IIlal ,III)' lapcs .... llh ('1111 \ 1\1t'f"o of Ihe Ulmnl n.ot rn(·
which hnuld MI bc upo ..ed 10 IOVolflt Sl~tt:n .... crc ft'c...:rUI) ""lIrded
dcg;nMm~ ,hlluki t.r rClIM.wtd hom the thc" ~·)c"r J'lln\ JIKh; RO<kI:l. EHII
IIle!!' on !'Ith!."! "I~ko (tr /'Iny "''all near II Brurl.ncr. "iUl: 1.t~lur .. nli I>.mo... Ilol!
lkgaU!.M:1 C:~lflgratul_ lion' ~''"IC''
Ill\." NI()SII 1I1\1.·"II,allon 1\ stili 111 It I~ ImpUJlanl lor u, lu rc:mcmbtl
pr O&n: . as tnea u,cml.'nl~ (rom the thai if II \!Iocrc nOI for lhe . nrlCe and
flelll nfl.'; ~tlll he lng ~\'ilIUltlcd Loca l hard Vo·nr1. III Iho\(' .. 110 (anlc hcJore
1220 'W ill cont inui.'" 10 rcpon any ncw UI, 1Ioe ...·ou ld nQt h( enJoyin8 the Loc:oIIJAO, Nfowpon ~ , VA, &ro!., left to rishr.: Org. Raynard Wood, SO·yeor
inlonnnllOl1 In Ihe )mwral w3ge~, hcnefit~. nnll .... orkmg Cl.~ndilloru; pin recipient Merton Walton, Bus, Agent R'ic.hord Adoms ond SQ-year pin recipient
JESStc'A I.OUAN, n.M. .... e h'I~'e l('ocIny. Hugh Dye, 0' me 50th Anni't'ef'wtry ceJebrotioo.


'>U~ lhanks lO Bros.. Raynard Wood.
\la rk KCI!tslmg a nd Bu\_ Alen l
Richnrd Adams' hanl \\'On.. OFFICERS
Fih),·ycor mile lones were eS lnh·
lishcd h~ l:lro ~. Hu gh Dyc. Alvin I.. • 1484 UIOW I. S'\' RACUSE. ''\'-
McCall. ,\1 erton Wa lton . Ilobart L. .. lee lL-v ror three-yea r terms were:
'ngram, Car1t<ln I', lI urdy and Lloyd K, Prcs.ffiU5. Mgr. harles Dorell: Vice
Kldcnour. Bro. lack Lc ....'IS rcCt! lVcd Ius f>r cs. T\m"lh~' \1l1rphy~ Fm. Sec. r-'1 ikc
Oc ck~ T reas, Thomas Slack an d Rec.
40-year rl!cugllli ion . Uro. Boll h)'
Scc. K:II l'. n Hoyle. UnIt 14M.! orIiccrs
Phillips was al'Kl soh: rtdpienl of a 30-
include: Ch rm , Linda Edwards. Vice
)'l!ur pm A lut of !trcnl >'cor; we re put
Chrrn [Jernlc Roc al1d R ee . Jerry
In bv ulllhe:>!! men C-ongr,ltu/ation:>
~OOI . Elitc uti" e [Jo.ud members arc::
and bcsl wi5bcs 1('1 all! Fmnl. I\ngckri . AndrCtt Bidwell. Terty
Our salt Ilf'I;: '1111 oul the re .....urklng 80"(;n. 'ancy eonro)'. R.ichard Mulca-
fo r a belltr (ulurl':_ Keep up Ihc goud he}' . OMY O'Unen and Michael
\loork (cllo\\. .. It~ ~'ou are OUf be~1 S",,«ney, C<mgtatulalu;Jns!
weapons a~airut the nonunion prob- Nc\.lo :.tcy,.llnh mclude: Marl. Rucci-
lem fhe: ll.mhhiJl' yo u \umclimcs na. Ronald Gossen. Die\: MacDonald.
I!nc()untcr ulI~ I(j.!o hly will n t be: (IIr- Sieve Pmo lind Cindy RohcrL
g<lltcn. You hll\'(' our undying stlpport! For the 161h consecut!\e year. Local
Ine VA St:IlC t\ I-L·CIO CUI1VI!IlIl()n 1-lK4 hilS sent :l tcnm 10 Ihe lB E W Sun-
was htl.l Aug. 27·2H 8u ... A gC ll1 Dull Tournament . Dro. Terry Knicker-
AlIam_ . Org. ka)nard Wuod. I)rt:s L'O(;kcr I~ rnonllgmg Ihc Ii'!lm.
James A\'try and Prt.:s, Sec. \ Ierrill
Ilarll i:lllcndcd We ~111 have (urther
inf()rmallc,m In the ne'(l l...~ue
H,ne a ~O(M.! l-Ial1n .... ~ n ,wdoJ GTe,,!
Thantsgl~ Ing.
l.U. 2020 (em ), COlJl.tBUS. 0 11-
On July 11), Local 20211 e1ened new
officers (or thc next three ytllrs: l'res.
CABLE SPLICER find Acting Bus_ Mgr. U1nc Bush~ Vice
Pres. Alan Cornwell; Rrc. Sec. Eileen
SCHOOL Boggess; Fin. Sec. Te;: rry !Jaker nnd
GRADUATION Treas, Nal\e\, Jones. [xcc\lI ivc Board
mcmher.. are: She lb) Jones. 1)lIul 0
LU . 1460. Joilet, It,. graduates of t+WJ ('r;tmer. Pili Dorsey. Joe F. Kistler and
Ca~ Splicer Schaal. Sovthem Region Paulrne WQrkmlln Congrulo lallOn\
01 tfw: WoeslWn Region Training ~nter . ,,"d ~I Yo il>hl.! 10.111.
Congratulations. go to the following: \Vf'l:hlll!, the- be-SIlO Bro. Cha rlie
fredrick Blunt, Kevin Glynn. Perry Jen.- Brgngg. who M!ncd as ('Iur pMI I'res.
nings, RKl Kn'bhiumJs, Kevin Monson, lor a Hual of 11 vcan. lie aoosef\-ed os
Gi~ Rabfnson, Kurt Vekt. Ste¥CI M0n- Sec: ·Trell5, or tbe EMJ Cooncil and on
tiel Jr_, Michael Wagner and James the Exccu!l\'c Board. li e is no\\' sen.'ing
Weydert, Oeman~trotors ore: Will iam cm I hI!! Natlonalllt!3lth Care Cost ('on-
Lowrey, Joe Yukon. John [)aPron. tomment Committee as the IBEW rep-
George Amerio ond Jome:o. Haubner . U::.cntulhc , Congrolld ll tl(ln~ , Charhe!
Instructor: Ruu~1I McPherson. MAROAR,,-r FI.AN,\OAN, I'.S

Brothers and Sisters , we
want you to have your ADDRESS CHANGE? All Press Secretaries
JOURNAL I When you have PhOlographs submitted
a change 01address. please NA ME fo r use in the .lournal
let us know_ Be sure to
must be glossy, clea r
Include your old address NEW ADDRESS
and please don't forget to fill prints. Malle or peb-
in L. U. and Card No. This CITY SlATE. ZIPCOOE ble-fi nished prinls do
in formation will be helplulln
nOI reprod uce well.
checking and keepmg our
records straight Polaroid prints a re
lInacceplable. II color
If you have changed locaf
unions, we must have photograp hs are su b-
numbers of both. milled. include lhe
Mail To : Address unc ul Jl cgil li vc sirip
OLD ADDRESS (PlMse a~ mal~ng IlIbei (rom maqazlf!8')
Change Department which co r res pon d s
International Brotherhood wilh the phol ograph.
of Electri cal Workers
lides arc acceplable.
SUite 903 Photos submilled by
Washinglon. D.C. 20005 Oon'l forget to reg is te r to YOl e at your new a ddress, rax cannol be accepled.



Local Fights to Negotiate

Equitable I~abor Practices
C:l'IIll'IIlllIinois Public
S('I,,'irr C : fllIll}an~ Rt'nt'gl's
On Nt'golial ('d COIIII'II!'I
ver the years. mCIllhc f'~ of Local
O 702. We ' t Frankfort , Illinois ,
have been ahl..! 10 uccessfull y ncgoti·
a l e hundrcd!\ of conlrHCls w il hout
work sto ppage". dc~p i lc some of the
unn':l:l:-,onablcnc,\s of some employers.
Recent ly. in ncgoti(l l ing a cont ract
hetween the lOCH I and Cent roll Illi nois
PlIblic S..:rvice o m pany (("I PS). m an-
ag e m ent com m iltcd the ult imate
arfron l tu Lu(.;(l i 702'~ l: 1I 1p l u yl.:l:~ . In
the nego tialt!d conlnlCl. emp loyees
were offered a reduced hea lth -care
emp loyee contribut ion. fr m $199 per
month 10 6..1.50 per mOtllh , and H sub-
"wndard wage package in lie u of
reduced hca llh-carc rrcl11iurn~.
Aft er the members ratified what
Locol 70'1 memberJ pich t CJPS ofter- the company loclceJ them oul.
the y though t W"' a good fai th offer.
and befo re th e co ntr act could be and on Ma rch IX, 1993. IP a in g od faith . Their con ' iClion.,
siglwd. r i P. claimed Ihilt fI mistake final ffeT. it still contained the same strengthened. proving to the company
had hccn made. and th e employees' premium and in suran ce Iha l the the lockout would he IIn ... u ccc~sful. On
contribution \\ould incrcH"tc rrom I RB had ordered th e parties to August 25. 1993. C IPS called an end
$64.50 III $179 per month. with sub- renegotiate. and a mcOlbcr,hip vote to the 14-week lockout. admill ing the
~ lantiall y uccrca",cu
bcnclib. LOI...ol 702 rejected the final offer 7 10 I. uselcssm:, of th e effort to pum~h Ihl.!
!tIed unfair lahor cha rge, against ClP On 1ay 20. 19'JJ. the com pan ille- work c r~ and their l ;lnllhc:':>. \Vo rk er'
with the Nillional Labor Rc lation5. gall y loc ked out LocHI 702 Illemhers. were i\~kctl 10 start reporting bad. tu
Board (. LRB) [or bad fatth bargain- hired "'OOle nonunio n work ers and work A uguSoI 2ft
ing. The LR B nullified the agrcc- u,cd compan y , upervbof> to do the harges before the [\dtional Labor
rn ent "nd ordered th e pnrtics to work. in effect allcmpling 10 ~ l arvc Rdaliun "l Board urc ~lill pending.
ren egoti ale the contract. mcmhc rs oul. C I PS re lied on their tac- Back -pH), iss ue" will he se ttled wh ell
After th e parties rClUrI1 ..:d to th e tlCs to financiall) d c\'a~ tatc the 1 cal thl;! hoard has concl uded Its 10\ cs lI-
bargai ning tahle. CIPS n r~t o nl y uniun member, <.Inu force th em 10 ga lion \\le hope IPS m<lI1agcl11c nt
rcfu:-,cd to hono r their agreeme nt. but ~ u hm i t to ba t! fa i th hargainin g. will bl.:gin bargaining in gout! rlllth
adtkc..l fur l he r red uctions In hc nc fi ls Iherehy weak ening I he union. iHld work wit h I.I1I..:al 702 toward it
on th e tab le. Negot iations continued lJut L al 702 me mbers stood fi nn. goal III rc ach ing it lair Cl g.rcc.:mcnt for
wit h Local 702 me mbers hold ing firm, demand ing tha t Ihe company bargain .a ll concerned. e


IBEW's re turn on invesl-
ment ror money
spent encouragi ng
Conservation conservation.

Begins Co mmitted to
using union e lecl ri-
cia ns. G \VS con-
"At Home" tracted with I-I as li p
Electric 10 perform
the installation of
Enrl'g)-Sal ing Ughl illg
the ne\\ lighting sys·
Illsl aUrd al Illlrl'llal ional
te m. using Local 26.
Ollil'(' Washington. D.C..
members to do the
S eeki ng to red uce the ligh ting and
electrical expcnst!s r~quircu 10
Tun the I nterna ti ona l Office, t he
work. Sai d Local 26
Foreman. Bil l Gate-
IBEW has found the answer-3 wood. " \ Vht:n 1 pu t
"retro-fil" syslem. developed by G WS this reflector in
and Associ.ttcs of Hyallsvill~. Mi:lry- under the new "T·
land. G\! S is an environmental com - S" lam p . you gel a
pany. commilled to providing energy much. if n Ol more
crticicnl. cost saving. high-tech ways li ghl Ihan you gOI
to fw"ni sh substantial light ilt a lower Comporing the old ballast and the new high-e~ with th e o ld U-2 nu-
wattage Ihal would decrease th e heat ciency electronic ballast are (from left, fronl} orcscc nt s .. . an d with the rebat e, the
Foreman Mike Southward and Foreman Sill IB EW will save qu ile a bi!.·· T he
and air poll ut ion emilted du ring elec- Gotewooc/. In the reor are (from left) Brothers
tric power generation . Tbe new sy~­ Rice and Luber. installation crew, Loc::! 1 16 Foreman
lem uses new-age electronic ballasts. ~'like South \ ard. members Rich Rice
electronic "T-8"lamps. and reflectors. would re alize and Leroy
The old system at the International quite a savings. Lub er. and
Orfice used a standard magnetic bal- P EPCO ' s apprentice
lasl. with two 40-watt fluorescent U-2 rebale program Shawn Bri ck·
lamps in each fixture. When adding is pari of an ini- erd. in s t a ll ed
up Ihe wallage ror 300 fixtures at 80 tiat ive by th e t he new e lec-
walts per rixl ure. Ihe lBEW foun d compa ny to fos- tronic ba ll asts.
that a great deal of elec tri city wa ler conserva- reflectors. and
consumed. And the resul lS of an lion 10 avoid new -age lamps
energy audit done on the cu rrent sys- bui lding costly throughoul Ibe
lem. as compared , ... ilh the new reLro- new gene rating I nternational
fit system showed Ihat ,h,.ee times the equipment. Office. Th e
electricily \Va being used. I nth c May Local 26 apprentice Foreman Golewood pre- benefils 10 Ihe
The all-around savings generated 24. 1993. issue Shawn 8ri,kerd prefabs pores the fixture for the IB E \\, a re real-
with the new system . was just what of The Wash - theJigh' 5oclcets. new OO1losl. ized with bette r
th e Int ernational was looking fo r. illgtOIl Post. an l igh t qua l i t y:
OW' evaluated the syslem and gave ~lfticle about lower load on
its recommendation: install new cool- energy-sav ing air-conditioning
operating electronic ballasts. and two equipmen t and systems: lower
"T-8" lamps set in each fixture under PEPeO rebale maintenance
light aluminum renectors. manufac- lated Ihat parI costs; ene rgy
lur"d by members of Ihe Sileel Meta l of PEP eO's savI n gs for
Worke rs Un ioll. By so Lloing. it would motiv atio n is yea rs to come,
provide the same amount of light as tha t reg ul ators and adv anta ·
the old sys tC'lll. but wi l h il sl:w ings of h ave change d geo us P EP eo
approximalely $ 10.000 per month. Ih e rules to r ebates . You
and approxjmately 5 120.000 annually. allow t he com- could say that
And with the $45. -0 per fixture rebale pany 10 bui ld the IBE W has
Foremen Southworcl ... Gatewood installs new
from POiomac Electric Power Com- into iL~ charges removeJ old hotseshoe "seen the
""·8" new-oge eJedronic
pany ( P EPCO). Ihe BrOlherhood 10 customer a «uorescent lamps os .•• lamps. Iighl . ·· L


AnAgenda Forging Ahead With COMET
For Renewal:
Conference Mountnin Sletes Line lATe members proudly pose behind COMET's plcu:ord.

A thrcC-da y confcrcnc",o, beglllning

July 19. 1993. '\C"
held at W",h-
'ngton. D.C.', Il yaH Regency Capitol
O n Ma\' 15. 1<),1:1. the IB E W COII-
.,(mell'OII Ol'gtmr:.hlK J\I('mhcn/llp John",n. Local 113. ('<dorado Spring, .
I:.IJucmioll TrmJW1~ cour.;c (COMET) Colorado. and BUSII1C"!-! H.cprc . . cnla·
lI ill hutol. Sc\'crall,"nured AFL-C10
wa,,> conducted ror Ihe Mountain Stil!l::-, live Dan ~l C'rowl1(''I\cr. Local 111.
communi ty :1CII"Io.; I ... from throughout
Line Join t ppn:Tllicc ... hip T raining Den er- b th of \\hum assisted \\ ilh
the lIutiull participated in thl: confer-
\lll11millee (JA I C) in De nve r. Col· the training and provided total ... up-
t..' ncc rhe llnpre')sh C rosier of out -
orado. T here \\ erl.' 31) lIll.'mbl'r::. in pOri for the orgnni1ing. program. nd
spcak!.:r~ includcu
attcmJal1cc. and the part icl p _uion fc\ cl International Prc..,iucnL J,J. Harr) sent
Allornc), Gena... ' Jarh.'t I~ eno: eel'\.?- \\;1">cxcdknl. :a lette r of congratul:llions :md e ncou r·
tary of Hea lth HmJ Ilull1an Scn' icl!~ Eighth Di::.lrici Internationa l Rl!prl!- agement to the Illl'mbefs. fLlnh~r rdn-
DOllm, Shalal;o: AFt-nO President SCll la ti H' 1 l'if I )rl't: lctllhl' program forcing thl' illlJx)rlancc uf "urg~ll1i/iJ1g
Lnllc Kirk land: I BF\V I nh.:rnillional wi th 13usines' Mdll ~lg,,:r Ma r::.hall L. the unorgani/t.:d," I
Pre. . idl!nl J .J _ I3mT}: L '<t:cut!ve Dlrec-
til' .I"yce D. ~Iillcr. (;1"" \cilin~
Cnrnml~o;;ion. U .S. O('ri.lrlmC'1lI of
Lanor: ' ational :-''iOCialioll of Lt.:ttcr
The International Visitors
('"rrlers Preo:;idcnt \ 111 en l R. Som-
hroll!): EXCClIli\c Dirt.!cltlr Ronald E. And Labor Exchange Program
Pollack. Famlli e~ USA: and Interna-
lional Pre:-.iucnt Gerald \\ . Mt'Enl l!c, Welcolnes Brazilian Unionists
A I' ME.
Some of the underl) '"g them es of
Ihl: :-,pcakers \\ere. ~c(lIng people h<Jd,
to work, cOCl lllinn r.uilliing. bomeleo;;o:;-
m,::-,:-t. i1ffordahlc health-carl'
for all people, a I1l,H1Ud l l' for ;;;ocial
Chill1!tC. and educatioll. Ami a~ Presi-
dent Barry hal,( o,;nid mall) lime'S " \V,~
n1 U!'I 1 cornhat ignorancc. the \\iI:-.le of
human potcntia l lhat cxi,\I'" in Amer-
ica .... Il \ lilll!.! for e"l11rnl1nil~ ~en ic~
In he Joined hy the lahor 1110V!.!mcnl.
I \:\,o/e l11 u')ll o rganil.c!" Prc:, idcnt ur the
COlllm unica ti ons Worlo.. Cni {.f i\rnc ri c~t
Morton Bahr rci tl.' l illcJ thai we all rhe An·CIO /nterna lional'ors and labor Collective &"goining Agreemenb ancJ the C.I.R.
mu .. t Icad by ~x amJ1lc . EJCchange program, which promo res conlec's Brazilian lobar represenlotive5 included F;"s l
between American labor and other orgon;za - Vice Presiden, Paulo Pereira do Silva,
AI the closing ce remony. 1:1 moving, lions wirhin rile Forea Sindicol (which repre' Mefa1workers Union 01 Sao Paulo; President Jose
Ll'ibutl: honoring the l:ttc Arthur Ashe senls a 900d percen' of organized lahor in Roberto cJru 5cnlos~ futile Warlc:er.s Union of
Brazil), recenlly we/camctllhe 8razi/ian dele- Sao Paulo,- Presidenl Claudio de Camargo ere,
was pre:,clltcLi by Presiden t Kirkland. 9ation 10 the ISEW, Dir4ldor of the Council 011 Melo/workers Union nI O.'tOSCO; and Presiden'
Accepting the i"\w;lrd \\ i"\~ Donf\ld L. Indusfrial Relations Deportment Everett t.uiz cIe Oliveiro Rodrigues, Voila Redondo
DI..:I1. t: ha inn a n or ProScrvc. In c.. nil Lehmann, and IB EW Con.s ftuc'ion and
Mainlenance Deporlmonl Intemalianal
MetalWOl'kers Union.
IBEW members sfending wiNl the inrer,.,o,ionol
heh nlf l,r i\ ... lw·~ wHlnw_ . I c i-lnn ~ Representative Ro~rl "Bob" Fogotti hosted Ihe v;s;1ors are Repre5enlo";v~ Fogolti "QftJand
M iJ u lou::.~amy-A~hl.!, f Brazilian group, and cJjscu.ued such Iopin as Diredor Lehmann (socond ri9htJ.



gas. carbon monoxide, hydl<l71ne. alco-

Power for The A typical fuel cell.
bol. ammonia, hydrocarbons. and mcl-

Future: The _I i,~, I. al~ have been u~cu Hl\ fuels. Some fue ls
a rc much mo rc COS il y lhan o thers.
An oxidant is added al th calhode.
Fuel Cell The cU lhud c is the po~ iti, c e lectrode

il1lhe fuel cell. A I Ihe cathode posilive
"art I ionl.i are d ischarged. or negative ions
electrolite arc (ormed. This is where reduc ing

W hal looks like" ballery, bUI ca n

produce electrici ty wi l hout a
general r or any moving pam? The
reactions occur. R e ducing actions
occur when electrons are gained. 1n
th is case. the oxidant gl:lin~ electrons.
answer is the fuel cell, a small device Oxygen. a ir, hydroge n perox ide , ch lo-
that produces electricity in a co nlin u- rin e and o the r s ubstances have been
ou manner through an electrochem i- used a oxidants.
cal reaction laking place within the The ciecITode serve as the catalysl
cell. Fuel c lis ar ~n ironmemally ~o th ey need a large surface area. In
harmless. quiet. a nd efficient. As elec- o rder 10 reduce costs. platinum and
lricily is produced by Ihe cc ll so ,lfe o lher n'Io\':'I,,15 of lhat group ~\re incor-
heal and pure. drinkable waler. porated 11110 electrodes made or less
Fuel cells s upply e leclrical cnergy in logelher cnn produce severa l watts of expensIve metals so lhal their calalytic
much the same way as a ba II ery. In e lectrical energy. Many "stacks" can propertic~ are increased. In order to
bOlh Ihe bRlle ry and Ihe fuel cell, pr duee hundreds of kil "alb. ensu re efficient gas absorp tio n. the
chemical reactions C(HLSC electrons to e lec lrod es m usl be highly porous.
be released o n ne e lectrode and made
rill'! C(,II Co 111 11011 ('II I s U,ually Ihe mo re highly porous por-
to nU\\ lu a M:c.:um.l electrode through lion is nexi to the fuel or oxidant input
an ex ternal circuit. 1 he difference A fu I cell is made f a fuel, an oxi- clOd the Ie porous portion is next 1
belween balleries and fue l ce lls is tha I da nt, two e lectrud es. lind an e1ec- lhe eleClr Iyte.
in batteries the active compolle nl~ are lro lyle (sec \-Igu rc I.). I'h e fuel used The electroly1e is a nonmetallic elec-
combin ed within the e lectrodes and are in a cell may be a ga\. a liquid, or a tric cond uctor which carries Current by
chemically changed during Ihe rcac- solid. The suhslan cc is called" fuel Ihe mO\f:nwnl nf inns \Vhe n 1he fuel
tion. lllC chemical components of the beClIIL,e II is oxidIzed by Ihe xidanl. [s oxidi/cd. it 10 es elect ron s which
balleT)' arc expended by lheir conSlanl Oxidnlion occurs whe n the electro ns n w from the anode through the cl ec-
use. 1n fuel cells, a cont.inu(Jus supply of in tin t1 1111l1 are losl. In this C3"iC, lhe lrol)ftc to th e cathode cau~ing the oxi
a gas or liquid fuel i'5 givcn to one clcc- ruel los\! ' c lCC lrOn& because i t has dant to gam e l eclron~. This reaction
!rode and an oUlside source supplies been ox idi<cd. The fud is added 10 Ihe cuusc~ ch:ctri c currc nllo flow.
Ihe ther eleclrode "ilh oxygen or air. cell al Ihe a node. I he ""<Ide 1 Ibe Eleclrolyles may be phos phoric acid
The conlinuoul.i su pp ly or chem ical negaltvc electrode in Ihe fucl cell. or an alkali like pOI;\ssium hydroxide.
componen ts cau"iCS electrical e ne rgy to -'on t rary tu elect ron ic theo ry in or a sah Stich as molten sodium car-
I1e suppliee! hl' fllel r"lI, flIT a rnn,idcr- whirh Ih e calhode i, rega rded as the lXmc:ite. E h:c..:tlUl y lc~ l:unuuct iunicall y
ably longer period Iha" from ballerics. negative (elect ron -emitting) terminal at dirferent temperalures. For instance.
The amounl of currenl produced by :lnd the (lnode il:' the po~itive (elec- a mixture of solid ca1clUm i\nd zirco-
a fuel cell is depe nde[U upon the bU r~ tron-collecting) lerminal . 111 electro- ni um oxides conduct io n.icaJl y at tem~
face arca of the cell. A si ngle, s mall che m ica l devices the cat hodl.! b the pcr:lIures above 760' C ( 1400' F).
cell ca n produce o ne vo ll or less of p iti\lc term inal while the anode is Moll en alkali metal c~l rbonat cs and
eleclnclIY. Mnny cells. when they arc the neg.ative. HlTc·earlh OXIdes conduct Jonlcally
·'::,tacked" anti licparatco hy conduc~ AI Ihe anode of th e fuel cell. nega- !lhove ~50' C (1022 F). Aqueous aci ds
tive bUi impcrmcahlc 'Cpara t o~, pro- tive iOI1~ urc lIischH rgcd or r(J~itivc such !IS phosphoric acid und solid poly-
JUL t: all im.: n.:a~l!o amo un [ o( io n\; ;lrc formed. Thl~ h, wh erc the oxi~ mers co nd UC I ionicall y al 150'-220'
deClrlcily. A few small\\o\ "<;t<lckc(\" di1ing rCt1c~ion occur. ' 1 drog,cn, coal (302 -42S' F) and IOO' +C (212' +F).


The electrolysis A diagram of a fuel
of waler, cell showing the chemical reaction
that occurs within the cell.
a mJ uirl:l:t I:lI1Tenl elec tricity i~ pru-
uuccd. I he cll'Clriclly flows through
3n c~h: rntll Ctn,:UII W,lIcr I:.. produced
(>ee Figure J.l,
t he \arict~ nll.'ic(;lrolylc .... fuc ls and
npcr:llin!! 1l:1Hp,,' rillurc ... dlla\\ fud
cdl:.. In Ix: llliln ll f~1 IlIrcll 111 a ".nkl~
of wa} ... Il owc\l·r. even tho llg.h t he
COmhlll[1 lion .. t)1' clC!.'t lt llytt:. JUL·1. ux i-
da nl. tc m pcralille and othe r faclor:..
;IPIW ;H 10 h i ' limnlt-.... f'o n ... i, h'fa tl0ns
",lIch il, cn .. , and pr,lctica lit ) reJ uce elec:trctyte
" thc:..c pu ...... ihiI1l1C ... i l1lt l " only c1 fe'\\
com h111;1t11m... "ud ce ll ... ;trl! c b"'~lfled H1 -+ 2H'.2e '!, 0 7.. 2H· ... 2e-+ H20
+ I I " b}' the.: h,!mpCra lu fe mng.e of the elec- portihon
trolyte. "Il1CC that dl..'linc\ IIIC t~ l)C of
fuclth:IlI'\ u
n.: ... pcclivcly. Solid I)xidc:-,. mUl\t u,",c a ales and olh~r ...alt..;; .• lnJ moJirkd Lir-
temperature Ill' II~I() I IIX)" (IR32"- 1'111'1 <:l'lI 1)4'\('111111111'111 conium IIxide Were lI!-1cd a... electrol tcs
2111 2 Fl, al varying tc m pc r:lI l1rc". "' he cl c c-
Fue l <.:<.: 11 :-. WCIC fir:..1 developed i ll
t rode ~ wc.:rc mau e o f pUI'llIl:-' 1111..: lal or
England d uring lhe ea rly da y" 01 dcc-
ca rbon.
~(~HC~ I inlls ill Wal ('I' trocllcml~ l ry . 'i r \Vill ill nl On)\'..: (IHl l-
A> the 19511:. hegan, U .K. J)av tyan,
Eh'drol~sis IR(6). a Bliti ~h Judge anti ,cil: nti"l.
of t he So\iCl U n io n .... uccc~dully
Imcn tc(\ the.: flr .. t ruc\ cell more than
In order hJ unl.lcr,t.lnd lhe opcra~ rC~drc h ct..l 'WIill electro) Ie:.. fur high-
150 year. a~o. (il\)\l.' U\l.'U hydrogen
Lion or u fuel cell. it i\ he lpful to lempcratur~ fue l ce ll" ,t nd IOf high
and o\~gcn .1'" !ue!... cIIta l)/Cd on plat-
undc~tand fl"" Ih ~ rnnclplcCi of the imlm d~ctro(.le.. \1,) pn.xJuce electricity.
ilnd \t n\ temperature alla lil1": dcc-
common waler clcc l r" I ~ ~i:-. c'li pcri- Rc,carc h l.'onl in m:d IllI o ugh the lrnlyl\! h~drogc n - (l,<) gen ccll,
men l. In lhi"i l.' xpcrimCIlI. tin o'(iual1OIl IXOO" tI\ ,e\er,,1 ...ciC IH .... t ~ Ifled d irfer- A:-. the "Spacc I ~acc " i rll cn!) iri eu,
and reduc tit) n rC~l c l ion llCcu r". Twu ent conccpl~ It) Clca t..' p racli cal fu el cnerg) that \ \ :1";; ...tahlc :and highly cff'i-
Clcl:lltldc~ arc I l1l l1lcr~c d In :111 c1ec - ce ll o,;. SU lli e I l icd lI 'Ii ll ~ IlIlIIpiIlOU :-' cknt wa nccllcd for sate llit el'. and
IfOlyl c Lhnl b divided by a porolls Scp- nnncom.luc lof... to hold Ih l! elec tro lyte. 01her sp accc ra II. New "PPOfllll1i lies
aralnr. T he 'icpal'iltnr Cllsurc!-. I hat the u:-.i ng a l:ill bOll b.....e to uec rctl!)1.! th e fo r fuel cell rCi\cnrcll. "'lIl: h a ... lhe
g.t,\,;, tlwt \';\tJ h'c fl !..11ll Ih \! 'S u rface of amount of platinum l'lecded til hl! Jcvc !oplllc nt o f new l11ah.:ri" IIi, has.
Iht! two clcctroJc~ uo nol mix. \Vh en u<:;e<i. u"'lng. a "1)11..1 electrol) tI,,!. and an been jU,\1 one IIf thc h.!c hnologica!
dircCI current electricit y apphed from alkal ine electrolyte. advanccmc l1 h uf t lH.Ja)"~ pmctical fuel
an ext ernu l ... uurcc cru~~c. the elec- AftCf \ orld War 11. the develop-- et:lIs. A~ further improvement, 111 elec-
trod es. Willer IS dccol1lrx)~d and ()X~­ ment of ne\\. techno logic, .mu t hc trode matcriab anu cun . . tfuc ti nn ta~e
gcn ga:-. COllie, from one cicl'Irouc .md demand ror 11 '\\ "<lurec" of nllnpollut- phlce and the co ... t of conventio nal
hydrogen com e... from Ihe other (see ing p(lwer-.lccl.'icllItcd. fue l cell fu els rio;e. fu~1 cell, WIll hccom~ a n
Fi!!.u rc 2.). fe~cmch. tvlil it:ll) :lilt.! 'pace program" incrcll<;i ll gly nUI'ac tivc 1I lt ernuti\c
were al-;o lo ok II'':: J(l r I1C\\ power powe r ~O llrCe.
,ourcc'\. Millly kil1"''' or fm::1 ce ll~ we re Fivc Iypcs of f ut.:! ce l l:-. illIll th eir
~{'al'1 iOlls ill a Hasi(
rrovcn 10 h L' fe;I'lhk . Il ydro£c..! n . ap pllt'a li ol1'\ Wi ll hI..' dl ..(·U .......,·d 111 Ihc'
FIli'I Cell mdhyl uicuh,)1 (mt.: th <lno l). h)UfaJinc_ ··T~ch T ;l1k" ;Jrl ir h' in IW\I nh)nlh·~
\V hclI the prun.'uurc 1~ rc\ver-.ed. as anti o ther .... mpk hydnx:arhon\. \\vcre [BEW Journal : 1\4ucou~ acid fu~1
in Ihe fucl t·e11. II \ H-~cn gil':" cro\~CS one u"'cd a... fuel ... , J\ ir ,tnu o\ygcn were cells. a qu eous illkalinc fuel cells.
electrode {cathode} ami h)drngcn 110, oxi dtllw•. (\)nCcnlr:lleu a l k~1 molten caroonll tc cell .... "olkl OXide fud
c ros~c, the Olhe.:r ci..:ctrodc (anode) line or Hcid 'Olliliol1~, multen ca rbon- cells. and ~olid polymer fuel cclh., '11



Who O f (llIIl/hi/alUIII .

{{I1/( fO
{.)('I""a/,,,, //l OS, il/fpfl r~
Il'orl-.illgpeople ill C{/fwc/u is
compet itor to mo rrow , so new cm ploy-
ment prognHl1s will n~ed a cha mpi on
their h(>u/th-care sy.\ lt'm. llI/employ- rrOlll another party. Meanwhile_ many
Be 1I1l'''' cowpellwllinll. lahor STandards.
mHf un UpaliuHa/ III.'a/11r and Slife'.,
n c \\'l~ u n~m p l oycd \\'orkl.:rs arc having
difficult y qualif; ing. for unempl oy-
Canada's Leadt'l'ShilJ lip .,'umtillri/S-lill IInder allllck. primarily ment Ins ura nce ahcr rcrorms wcrc
For Election hecG//'i(! of the ('mtlltry's hili/gef deficit, inslitu lc.d in th e o;;ystem begin ning two
Some of r/it' problems }(II:e(/ hy CWIlI- ) ca r~ ago. (Sl!C "Canadian La bour
ast Norell/ber. Fo(er~ ill the UHiled
L SW{es elecred a 11t'U' presidem whose
campaign hafl/( cry h·'lIS ··Challge.""
tlilln " ()({~n alld l\ ' o r killbjJeV!} h~ (11"(:'
si/lJll1lari::.en below.
Report:' {BEll' j O/lrn al, July IW3,)

~ 1('di C<II' ('

This t/UIW1lI1 i'oter.'! ill Cmullia- who
I l n(,IIIII I O~"l('nl
Ilppear 10 demand dumge from their Every candidate in the Tory leader-
POlilificlIls (111 II-ell-will elect a primi' Canada's unemp loyment nile hm· ship campaign last ~pring. lalkt:!d about
mini,Her. Tlw clIJuUdmes 1101 olily mJ/.\{ CI"$ around 11.5 pcrcent: some rcglon~ health-care's increasi ng cost, and most
acknm l'/edg(' fhe stagge ring probl£'l1/s are crippled by rates ove r 25 perce nl. men tioned the possibility or impos ing
c:ulljromifll; the elU ll/eli" " economy Ulld S t a t i~lics ind ica te the. eco nom y i~ user fees. A Ju ly MlIcleall'slCfV poll
socicry. bill mllsr propose sO/lIIi() /IS 10 st rength e ning. b u t th~ re ported up turn fou nd gO pacenl o f Co nserva ti ve dcl-
lhose problems. has not inc reased ru ll -time employ- egi.ltc~ favor uscr ft:es if th e fees Wt;f(.'
Like iB neighbor 10 ,he stJurlr. ment "i ignifica nl l). The Tory conscn a- earmarked to defray health-care co L"i.
C(lIlIIC/a is slruggling (lUI of a prlJ~ tive gO \ ern meIH remain" commilt~d But user fees would kill th e principle
fonged refe~sion. Many of CIII/mla '.) to the rationale Lhat toda y"~ dislocu- of uni\'cr~al accc~s to hC~l lth-care with-
Iwegra{ sodal pro 'rll/Wi illc(' a/lam ion tion s wi ll mak'-.' Canada a st ronger ou t direci hilling or patients. Oppo-
nents r user fc:es
Esrimale's of Canada's Totol Govemmenl Debl. abo argue th at i l
new hureaucracy
will arise to col -
CBRS $639 ..
leci the fees_
"h, ch could
C.O. Howe lnsl. $615 .. increHse hea lth-
car(! costs rathe r
than Lic cr(:<lSc
Dept. of f in, $605 .. them, In addi tio n,
poorer ci t izens
BCNI 5570 .. might postpo ne
gell in g care
beca u c of t he
Moody's $561 .. rces. Ag.,'lin. co~ls
could rise as these
SlolsCon $522 .. people reject Icss-
cxpl!nsi ve basic
cart" an d ev . . . nt u-
all y require
mor e-expensive
$0 SIOO $200 $300 $400 S500 S600 $700 tH,lvanced ca re.
Billions Finall~, from an


150 U.S CPI·w ~asea 0' II'ICIeA pcwI\B. dI.flr'ljllhe IasI troCJIW1
UNITED SlA1£S CANADA 1M 0," 1he ncrease dIn'1g d'la. paSI year wao; 37 nI8.
CPloW CPI lAO pcWItr.or 2 7"'f.,
Month Yeor (l 982·8A:loo) (1986=100)
130 ,..... caNtdn CPI naeued 0 3 Inde .
01' O~ The locteaY OIJnllO
pcIInts dUMQ
tNlltil month
paSI yeat WiUi:U ,,~.

July ,993 142.1 130.5 pointl. 01 I 6"'-

Sou""" us DepartrNJnlol Labor
June '993 142.0 130.2

-t •
110 and Stall5l1CS Canaoa
P,epared by. IBEW Depar1mM11 01 Rcsefu ch
July ' 992 '384 128.4 100 and Economks, Augus11 993•
• \ 0 N

ilic1llogic'II ' tanupoillt . leanng i\\\<ly at . . uh..,t:lI1th c wa~ to CUI the delicit . the 4ua1il~ or Ihal eUlIcntion ',' Tn
till, IlIll.., t bd",iL uf ~lK,.:iltl 1'1 Og"l1l1~ ICP- \ IltCI'" ,huulu lie <.lICit !"1,,1I future iIllP1U\t;: 411alit~. ,litlulJ the pro,illCc~
re"cllt~ to many p..!<>plc a 'io1:1\1on oj altcr11pl~ to ra mrod "udicil-rcuuclioll" rc hnqui~h th c! ir con:-.litUliondl Jun dic·
th .... ",oddl c011lract bct\\een the lana- Ic.I! i . . lallon t hro ugh the federlll or tion over cu ucatltlil. and con~~t)l1cn tl ~
tliall gO'vernmcnt an d thc cit i l~ n)) of pr ov inci nl gO\ cr nrncnb. COl1!oo id c l thei r prt.!l'Ugativc 10 ,~t I.;tanoard,,'! O r
Canada. On l ill iu Prcm il.:r Boh Rite', slIccc ...... lu l do viable alt crnathl.:-' to nationa l
Olher th rea t.." to the hl!u ll h·ca ro...: :-'Y!oo· l:ill ll p:lign la"lt ~p nll g nnd :-. 1I 11l 1l1o...:r to ~ t illlllll rd ~ l,;x i ~t'!
l elll nrbe from pruvim: ial !.! nort~ 10 P"'" h l:-' "Social COIHrilcl Act." Th i~
llilll burJgd dcficil 'i. In July. for e xam· II1 C~I ~lI rl:. une of Ih l! IOlJghe~t puh1ic- 'I'hr Urc isillll Is loul's
pie. J\l hcrta· ... reelCC h,xl Con'lcr\Hti"e "ector wagc-rc;,;traIl11 hill~ in Canilumn
1' 0 ft , Ih t vuU r i" ('(IIIatlll, ,,,ill
p,o\('rnmcilt illllloun cu it" '-!Chcuulc:d hl ...t ur~. ra~~d \\hell the. c\\ Dellloc-
..,pending clIt!ot-all1ong thl.'ITI. a cut of decide "hich ca ndidah: i... lx:\1 LllIa!!-
ra tic Pmt~ gO\crnment cxerci\Cd elo·
ficd to prc'ild c o' er the ledernl gU\ ·
67 .S Imllion in ho"'pllal tundlllg. which ' urc. 1"0 rare :! hill1"n a yca r rwm
"ill ca~ 1 ahoul 2.000 peoph.: into Ihl.! crnment in the coming yea ..,,_ Learn 1.1\
Ontitrio\ $.t.l·billilln fla~ roll. the ge)\'-
uncmp l,» Illl:nt l i nl!.~. much (I", )Xl~"ibl c ahou t all tht' candl
e rnll1t.!J11 ma) ahrogalc ~ ~I'tlllg, wage
dal es :In<.l whe re Ilwy 'tand on thl!
""'llh' menl~ ;tnd fore,: limn)' pnlvlm:i(11
i~suc~ which nwlte l' most to you. thl!
TIll' Ih'liril to tilkc a
fl ll d l1lu nicipi!1 cmp lnyl'c ..
\\' or kin gpe r~o n an d the voter. Ih lld
maximulll of 12 uay, of unpaiu leave it
h :)1 nllle year::. ueficit reductioll ha:-. puhlic omcial> accounl ahic for Iheir
YC:11 a nd accept pay fl'cl! /c\' for the next
been i.l recurri ng goal of Ihl' ('onl£na· act io ns. not t h e \cn t imenh the)
Ihrt.:c year\.. L1ch Icgl'·,iauon will ha\l~
'I\C'. \Vhile the g.ovcl'Ilment nll.l~ no Il)c re l ~ eXrrl':-'~ 111 :-.pecdn:s. A~ cir-
ad\cr~ df":Cb U!"X)Il lan:ldian~ in the
longer run a defici t In <.Ia~-Io-da! l:lIlTI,tanccs permit. hold the ca ndi-
opl:nllion'\. interest pnymcnts o n the pi i\ at r.!. as "ell ilS the puhlic: ~ctor.
dat es account:lhlc for th eir \ O t1l1 ~
IMtlOlHlI deh t COI1\umc "ho ut o ne- record~ .
third of Ol(a\\a', tntal rl." Clllh!. Ma"· You knm\ \\hat nl.·l'd~ to b(.' dOth:,
\1\'e program and ,ervu:e cuh "ould ('i.llJada·, l!xpl! n ~c:-. Oil cduc;Hlon arc You kno\\ hem ll'J do It. And rcnH:I1I -
be needed 10 mak!.! illly 11l.:adwClj in hi gher per ca pita . than a ny ot her ber. ull e )!Ol e-yollr rofe-Cllll mukr
",liI~ h ilil I Ill' flt:h l H ..,'·('na n o 1110<.;1 (''1 11- C(llI lltl') in the world. But whllt ahou t the l/ifferelU:t'. ,
dIJall!:-' will hesi tnte to propose bdore
th e election. As with PlOP"":!" to con·
trol m e Ulc:~re co~ t ". dcfi cll clIlling. will
dl.!cpl y affect th e "ell -heing and :-,Iilfl-
ulInJ of li ' ing of Canm.lian working- And the Number Is ...

GO\ l'm11lenl Cui bOld.s

A lmost everyone agrees the
nalionaJ debt i ~ u threat 10 lhe
tubility of 3naua ' s economy.
amo ng o ther items. huge liabilities
in c ivil-service pension fund.!oo .
Be tween th ese 1" 0 sources alone,
The l:ubi ncl i:-. all Cl.I'V targe t whe n II w Inrgc is th is threat? Estimates th e difference in numbers in R3
h.: ad c l's d eciue to l:UI gov er nm e nt ci lcu by several d iffe re nt sou rces bill ion. The accompan yi ng chari {(It
'pe ndi ng. I\nolh(.' r tL'l1l p llng tt1rget is vHry from tc n ~ o f hillion 'S to hun- lefl) pre'e"" ,I", fieTl res cil ed hy
thc public sed or it ~e lr . wit h over dre Is of billi on, of d o ll ars. For Sev~ 11 pro minenl ~o llrccs. ( ote:
2tl5. 0()() wor kers. 10 th e g.e ne ral cxo mplc. the federal fi mmct;: depart· C IIR S = <Inadi il" Bo nd Rill in g
ll ppr()"al of 010,t people. Primt' Mini,- men! u~cs t he "public accoulltlj:" Service, BCNI - Busine,< Council
ler Kim lilmpbdl Jcc rea~cJ the ~ izc calculatio n of comb1l1cd federal· o n , alional I sue, and OECD =
or her cahlll l! l. But fev., people hdic\'e provi ncial debt. la lislics Canada Organization for Economic Coop-
incrc:'!,lng the unemployment rolls emplo) a mel hod which excludes, era tion llT1d Development .)
with fired go\ernment workt! rs is a

,,,OW 10UIIHAL/OCTOBER 1993 41


hand~ and kn~ ......... T he rre~ h e~1 air

will he dosc.."illo Ihe Ouor.

Family Perishes O. D ecide un a Il1cclil1J.: place uul side

.hc hUIlI C and lTHl J.. C ~urc CVl!ryone
know~ wh~re that place is so lhat

In Fire! Oll can count family m t! mber').

7. Ca ll Ihe lire depanmenl from a

ndghhor\ home. St<l) on the tele-
phone untillhc opera tor ha~ all the
info r ma t ion needed. your name
anti a tldrc~s.

"\dten Rescued K Keep an~one from reent ering the

hurning huiltlll1g IU re\Cuc a pel or
1\\tee e\\\ "' ,ome pri7c po ~c!oo\ion.

\n ~\lat\~"~~~ .~.\.t.~:....... ".. ~n1C \\urning Ihm \\ell-placcd ~1l1okL'

........... dc.lI.:ctors will pruvide can m ttkc the

difference bel ween life and dea th. The
mure \ lIlokc OCIl!ctors 1hat you install
in you r hlline . lhe more your cha nces
incrca:-.e Ilml ~uu v.ill suni\c a firc-. A
"illlokc dc1cdHr ~ hould he in!rl.allcd in
of the Illost import .. nt aClion~ you can
the m .
Imgic headline,,"
e have all -.;;ccn
like these and heen saddened by
And unfo r tu nately . t hc!'!c
lake to pl'OIect yo ur life and Ihe live,
flf lholo,t! you Invl.:.
each bedroom and in the hall way OU I-
side .hc hcdmum mCl!. In~tllll a smoke
de t e (.' for lI hn vc ~ tllirw c ll s. o n each
traged ie erve as reminders thal fami- I . Dnl\\ a noor plan of yo ur home le,er of the home, lind ill Ihc b1l!rl c·
lies muM he prt.!parcd in the event of , howing all pO'Sible ",its from each me nt . Be ~un.• lu hu~ only those
fire In their homes. But many people room. Remember. th~ \.. indo"" is a smoke lh:!t~ctor:-. that carr) the Cnder-
have not take n the necc:;,~a~ tcp:, to possible CXI!. If the bcdroums (irc "riter'" Laboratories ( L) s~mhol.
prepare Ih ' IT familil.!li to cvacuah.: H on the M.:cond noor, in!Jlali a rope and follo\\ the Installation instructions
burning home. It is ",tim.te u Ihal ladder r s me olher device ill each carefully.
bedroom ~o th:1l th...: window coul d An additIonal defense aga ins t fire in
there arc 2.0 mill ion rc~i d c n li al fires
be u~l.: d as H mea n' o r esca pe. I f your hom!.: i~ a fire..: exti nguisher.. II can
per year- fire that is darker. 'il1lokicr.
bedroom" arc 11\ th e basement.
hotter and fnsl~r than one can irnaginl\ he lI\ed 10 " eel' a ~mall fi re..: from gel-
I1Ulkc 'ture 11m! l:Icce~" 10 the hase-
People gcl Imppcd in their own homes l ing ott t or control. A fire l'xtingui~he.:r
ment \\indo\,~ i~ nut blocked .
bccau\c they ca n 'I find their way ou t in should ill! instullcd in r..:vcr~ room that
the dark. lost fire fatalities occur 2. Practlce a fir\! drill in the h me just P SC'i a potential fire hazard . Fire haz-
a~ child ren do in :-,ch 01.
bl;:l\\ ccn th e hours of 2:00 a. l11 . and ard areas include Ih ~ kitch~n. garage.
6:00 a.01 .. c milL ing po isono us gasc~ J . Make ccn ain that cvcryone under- b"II,c mcl1 t. wn r k,hop , a nd furnace
Ihat uffocate while pc pic slcep. They !\tilnds Ihtll if Ihey hear the smo ke..: room. B ~c,ic protect ion \\lluld requi re
uic from smoke in halat i on because de tec tor or hear ,",O lllconc ~ hou t " fire r..:M1I1g.Ul'5he..:r on each level of thl!
the~ had no warn mg. Because a home FIfU:.. the) ,h uld im11lediately house.
can be lotally consumed In naDlC'!' In
c\"acu:lIe Ihe homc" Thou"anu, of dcathlii and Inju ries
Ie than [j\lC minutc~. there is no time 4. T eHch th em to reel the d uo r before could be prevented each year if every
10 \\3Stt.!. Your fa lmly mu.;;;( know wha l the) open it . If the door IS hot, it is home in<.;ta lleo s moke detectors anti
to do 111 order 10 get out quickly. Take n Ol 10 be opened . T he nltcrna tl! fi re exti n gUl~hcr~. and had a rire
il11Jllcdiall! stcp~ now 10 pla n fi re t;!>.i l will hHve to be u ~c d to escape. escape plan. It would be \ . . i ~e to draw
c'\Capc procedures in your home. 5. Prepare yo ur rltllli l ~ for Ihe possi ~ your file escape.: plan loday. check you r
\Vhc n planning an cscnpc routl.:. hil ity that in order to escape u fire smokc de..:teclo~ and fire cxtinguishers.
include the entire ramil),. 'I his is one Ihc~ may h:wc to cnm I Olll on (hclr Tomorro\\ could be too lale.. I



Vernon Neihoff
V ernon Thum<ls Nci holf. Inlc rn il l ilJl1i11 Rcprcscn-
tntivc from th e Tenth Distl'i c1. tlnno u nc,-: ~ his
relircment from lhe IHEW efrective AllgU ... t 1, 19,):;.
Born Clnd riJi scd i n Pad uca h. K entucky. Bl"t)lh cr
,, Nci holT juin ed thl: Brolh ~ rlltJ oJ upon his initialion
. .. ' " into Loca l 475, Pauucah , in Ma y 1952--4 1 yeAn. ago ,
In h i~ locill he served a ~ cha irman ilntl recurding sec-
rC l tlfY_ on the Execu ti ve I3Uil l"(1. a ~ chairmll!l o f Ihe
Gri cv"ll ce olTIll1itl ce.;'1I1 I on lhe CO I.) I~ Cummit-
tcc. He alst) :-.~rvcd 41:' gClIl..!ral chui rm nll o f Sy:; lCllI
Coun ci l No. I (J and prcs idl!111 o r Sy~ t C Ill Shopc l"a ft
Federa l ion No. YY. as " uclcgmc to the AI- L-C IO
Area Counci l , Hnd 11:-' a delcgatr..: to :-.ix IB E'N Ill l c r~
n:lliona l ConvC-l )1i or'~ ( \.vh crc h ~ scrved H" a memher
o r the Law. anel G rieva nce and I\rpci.ll~ Com mittees.
and a ~ ch;-lirrmlll o f Ihe Escort COllllllill cc).
Appoi nted all Intern ational rh.:p rclo)c nla li vc Apri l I ,
1977. Brother Neihorrw", ""igned t" the Ten th Di,-
tri ct, rcp rcs.c lH ing the IHRW 's r;l i1rnad em ployees.
where hI..' cont't,,;n l nl t ~.: u 0 11 orga nizi ng. Ih.:go li.llions.
and agreement rc vicw. 111 add ition to hi:-. d u ties Ull
the Te nth Distric t s.ta ff. hI! also :;;crvcc.l (I I; Nrnillllal
Rai lruad Adju , tJ11 ent Board allu Ill in•.", I Ugh-Speed
Rail Boa rd I11cmbl.!r. as cn-ch air of N I'R C\ Lahur-
M anagcmc l1 l Cum rnilh!L!, as a memher Il l' Public
Law Boun.l:-,. with the [!l11p l oye~s A lco hol and IJ rug
Pn lgram . and as D em ocrat ic Precinct Chai nn un.
Bro th er Nci hoff al h.!I1ded St. John I l igh School
illl J Pauucnh JUI1iol' Co ll ege •• IS well ,10;; co mpleti ng

I ~ h or co urses 11l the University o f Ken tu cky. UlI iv(' r-

sity of Ill ino is, Cornell Univ c l'~ i ty. and the Gcorgc
Rules to LIVE By MC i.1I1), Instltu te. li e served in the U.S. Army, <mu is
a rn em ber or the. Kl1 j ~h t~ o f Col umb us. Amcri cli tl
I IT es t your moke detectors once "neh week. Legion, and Moo:-.c lub,
I I Repl"cc the b"ttery in each smoke detector at least Wi th his wii"e. D orol hy A nn. Uroth or Nei hoff is
O Il C~ a yea r. the proud parent u r fu ur. and gnul upnrcnt of seVe r1-
V Cl t:f1n smok e dele tors HI least once a ye<lT. 1\ mu-:ician (Ind fmlll!.!!" "il.!rni -pl'o hH:-oc hu l1 plilYl:!" and
Illanage r, he S~ly"i he cnj oy:-. l11u .. k, ha'l-c1mll. bask et-
V ever remove the ballery fl"Ol11 a smoke deteclor. ball. and po lit ics. A nd the Officers. stri fe :Ind mCn1-
V" Check your fire exting.uishers at leas t Once a month. bl! l'sil ip wish hi m all th l' bl.!::.t i n 1110:,l.' purS.Uil ~ uming
his well -deserved retirement. ,


Notice to Enlployees Covered by IBEW Union
Security Agreements:
Fcc I'Hyel's Ohlc'fl,lon I'lan ror 1994
supporting ce rtain ac t ivilic ~ of the name. your mailing Hddress. the local
T he ational Labor Relations Act
pt!mlits employers ilnd unions 10
include in their coli CliVe bargaming
Inlernatiolltl l and it.s local unions, i.lnd
to ootain a reduction in their agency
union to which you pay fees. your non-
mC'mber ident ification numbe r (if
agreement provisions requiring fee:,. In particular. objcctor:s are J..nown). and your social securit num-
employees to become l:tIld remain charged on I) for acu,"tie, or projcclS ber. In addition. if you move during
members of the union as a condition whIc h arc r,,"'onably related to collcc the yenr. please advise the In lerna-
of employment. in states where Ih c~c tive barga inin g. xA mp lc!,- of such Ii nal ccretary of yuur new aduress.
provision~ arc allowed. U nder fcdera l "chargeahle " act ivities lIrc negotiat - Dues and rees paid by employees
lalV, emplo)'ees may rulrill Iheir oblig- ing. enforcing and admini<;tcri ng col- covered by I BEW ba rgain ing agree-
at ions under these "un ion cc urity lec tiv e ba rga ining ug rcc mcnts: ments consist of a portion payable lO
agreements" ei th er by joining the infonnal meelings wit h employer rep- the local union and a ponion which is
un IOn. and thereby enJ )'lIlg Ihe rull rc'-Cnlauve"-: meetin~ "ith employee lmn!;fcrred to the International. Dur-
rights and benefits or union membe r- on cmployment·re luled ihsues; pro· ing January 1994. the Inte rnational
ship. or by simply ruifililng Iheir finan- ceedings on beha ll of workers under a nd Ihe applicable local union will
cial obligal ions to the un ioll . the grievance proced ure. in clu din g mai l separa te reduction checks 10 each
Emp loyees who clect 10 become arbi tra ti on; and in tern al union admin- bjector who has med a timely objec-
agency fee payers- lhal i " who choose is.tra lion and management. tion wi th the Internalional Secretary,
not to become rull-fledged IBEW Am ong aCliviti~ considered "non- cdong with dClailed explanat ions of
member>-forfeit the right 10 enjoy a c h ~l rgcablc ." which objector; are not the expenditure on which the fee
number of benefits available only to required to suppon. a rc ,upport of red uctions arc based.
member . Among the benefit avail- poli lical candidates. gcneral c mmu- The reductions are based o n the
able only to full uni n members are the nil)' service. legislati ve aClivllies. cer- percen tage of th e unions' ex:pendj·
righ t In alI eno tlnd paniripfliC in lin ion tain CO>t~ of affil ia tio n with tll res Ih :H wcn~ M evo1f~ d 10 " non-
meeli ngs: the right 10 run [or union nOrl - (BEW o rg~l ni z:Hi ons. and mcrn- chargea ble" activit ies during th e
of[ice, and to nominale and vote fo r hers-only bcneflts. previoLLs fi scal year. as defi ned above.
candidales for union office; the right to The procedure for obtaining a fee F r example. the international deter
paniclpate in contract ratification and r~ductlo n
is set f rth in rull below. By mined that 15.26 percent of its expen-
strike vote: the right to partici pate in way of summary, the objection plan ditures ror the 1992 fiscal yea r were
tile d velopment and formulation of run & on a cnlc ndar year basis. and ror " nonchargeable" activities. The
mEW policies: Ihe right t participate objecti ns must be filed allnuall y. Fee loca ls' nonchargea ble porti ons vary.
in the formulation of IBEW collective poyen. who wish 10 ti le objections for with local unions devoting between 5
btll guilling ucnmn<.ls: Hnu the right 10 ca lendar yca r 1994. 111U'l do s dW'lllg pt.:rccnt und 10 percent of their annual
scrve as delega tcs LO th e Interna ti nat the 111 nt h of vember 1993. Ohjec- expenditures to " nonchargeable"
Convention. lions mull be addressed to the Interna- ac ti vities. In no year has any IBEW
Fee payers arc gene ra ll y charged Ilonal ·ecre tary. IB E W. 1125-15th local union spent a greater percentage
thc same dues and Initiati n fees uni· trcet. .W.. ashingt n. D.C. 20005. of its expenditures on "noncharge-
formly required or IB EW members. and n""1 be postmarked durin!!, the aile " nctivities tban the Jnlernalional
However, under Ihe tl.!rms of th e ovelllber open p el iod. 10 special did . although some of Ihe locals u e
m EW Agency Fee Payers Objecti n form is required to rcgj ~tcr an ohjec- the Inte rnational'S per entage to cal-
Plan. agency fe~ paye rs Illay objeci 10 Iion. Ilowevcr, please include your full culate their own annual red ucti on.

The IBEW Agency Fee Payers Objection Plan

I. onmernbers' Right to Object related to collective hargaintng. For (including. for example. negotiating
Any employee who is not a member purpose, t thlS plan. uch activi ties and e nrorcing collective barga ining
or the IBEW and who pays agency will be rorelT d to '" ';nonchargeable agreemen ts. dealing with employers
fees to an IB EW loca l union (L ) acti vities:' TIle agency fces paid by a on cmployment-related concerns, and
pursuant to a collecti vely bargained fcc payer who perfects an objection union ad ministraiion).
union security provision in the niled under Ihe procedures :sci rorl h bclo\\' 2. Procedure for FiJjllg Objections
ta tcs. WIll have the righ t to object to will he red llced to r~nect the expendi- hjections must be made annually
expendit ures of hi:s or her fees rur tllre< of the L and the IB EW that and WIll be effective for a ingle calen-
activi l ie~ which arc not reasonubl} arc u'\cd ror "chargeabh: acti vi lics·t dar year (January J-Dccel11bcr 31).


All UI lIll'" I lIulil;~ uf I III~ pli111 \\'ill he IIHCln ational will determine thc p r~ appoi nted by the American Arbi-
published in t he [BEW l VI/mal in ce nl age reduclion to be app licd to the tralion A""eialion ( AAA )
October of each year. Each fcc pa ye r per ca pit el purtion of th e obj,,:clu r\ Ihr ugh its Rul es (or Impartial
fees. and will i sue check. rc nectin g D etermina tion of U nion Fees.
who wishes LO rile an ohjectlon must
issued on Jun e I. 1986.
do so in writing. addressed to the the rcuuC'tion in pc!r capi la pa ymcnts
Int e rnat iona l Secretary ( IS ) a t the to \I,hich Objectors arc entitled. In e. uch appeal> will be consolida ted
Int ernat ion al Orfice of th e I13 E W. add Ilion. each IB EW LU "ill eslahlish 10 the e<lenl practicable and heard
3'\ soon iUi the AAA can schedule
1125-15 th Street. .W .. Wa hi ngton. its own procedure fo r dctt:mlining the
the arbitration. ll1e prcsemJlion to
D .C. 20005. In regis tering their objec- reducli n III It S paTti n of the agency
the arbitrator \VIII be either in wnl
tion s, objectors mu st Include their fces 10 which objcclo,," arc ('nlitled and ing or al a hearing if req uested by
name and address. th e LU to which (or rcd uclIlg the objt.!cturs' P~I)'1T1CnIS any objcclor(s). If a hearing b held.
they pay fees. their nonmember iden- by Ihe appropnme amounts. an bjcclor who does not wish to
tification number. if known. and their 4. Cil icul aiion o r R eciu r ti on in I"er atl\!nd may submi t his or her views
social security number. Objections Cupita 1)~lym c nt.s in \\ riling hy the datc of the hear-
must be pos' - ma r~ c d durin~ the Bef re Ihe beginni ng of Ihe c.1lendar i n~ . If a hearing is not requesled.
monlh of ovembcr preceding th e Ihe arbi tra lor will sci a dale by
vcar. Ihe IS" ill cal ula te the reductio n
calendar year for which th e obJccllon \"hich all written subm i~s iolls will
in Ihe Inl erna lional's per capita to
will ht: in effect, or rllllil1 [!, Ihe first 30 be receIved and will decide the case
which uhject!..)!' \: ill he entitl ed A~ fol~ based on Ihc recorus submilted.
days after th e objec tor commences lows: llle IS will determin e the Inter- The fntCrnalio nal \\ ill bear th e bur-
paying fees I a n IBFW '" n a t io nll r~ tOlal opcrati n ~ expendi tures den f ju.tlfying its calculalions.
required by a colleclive bargaining for all purpose, during Ihe preceding
agreement. Objections muM be d. The CO'" of th e arbitrat or's services
fil\Cl1l year. the cxpt:nditures made for and Ihe cost, of any proceedings
renewed annually. du ring the month Clcli vll ics whi ch arc chargc<lhle 10 before the a rbit rato r will be borne
o{ November. "hjector>. a nd the nonc hargeab le hy Ih e Inl e rnali ona l. fndividually
3. Reduction in Age nc)' Fees expenditures. The I will th l.::l1 calcu- incurred Cosls will be borne by th e
The age ncy (ees of nonmembers late th e rntio of cha rgeable f1 nei n n~ purty incurring them.
wh o file lime ly objccl io ns will be chargcahlc expenditures to to tal e. While the appeal is pe ndin g. Ihc I
re d uced for Ihe 12-lI1onlh period expenditures. These calcu lalions wil l will hold in escrow a portion of the
hee.inning .J an uary I of Ihe year for be ve rified by an independen t audi lor. r~c::. pHid by object rs in an 3rnount

whi ch th ey are registering their objcc- sufficie nt 10 insure that Ihe ponion
S. Per C" pita Reduct io n Check
of the fcc reasonably in d ispule will
tj ns. and ending Decc!:m ber 3 1 of thai No lalCr than Januar 31. Ihe I will
nol be expended during Ihe appeal
calendar year. (Timely obJeclions filed mail to each individual who has filed a procedure. In the evenl thai th e
by nonmembers who I,;nL~ r a bargain· time ly bjection a check representing impartial arbilrat or detcnnin ' that
ing uni t during th e cOllr~c of iht.! year the reduction in per capitH paYlllcnh the ohjecturs are enti lled to a
will be effecti ve through December 31 10 which he or <he i, enlltled for th e gl-cu ter reduction in (h eir fee pay-
o f Ih at year). Un less adv o lher- entire ca lendar car. The rcuuction men" Ihan Ih"l calculaled by Ihe IS.
wise hy their respective L ·,.objccto,," check" will h\! accompan ied b an additiOilOJl checks will be i\sut.!d at
will be expecled 10 remll Ihe full (!!\pla nati on of ho\\ Ihe amou nt Wal;; Ihe close of the appea l proced ure
amount of fecs charged Ity their rc"pec- detcnnincd ami un c~ pl una l ion of the for Ihe halance of Ihe red uction d ue.
a~ determined by lhe arbitra tor.
rive L ·s. 0 laler than January 31. appeal procedure.
both Ihe International and Ihc LU 10 6. Ap pcul to tm purliul A rltitmto r
r. The dcclsion of the Imparllal "rbl'
lrutor Will be final and binding.
whi ch Ihe o hjeclor pays agency fees An ohJcctor who has riled a timely
will mail to e"eh objecwr who perfecls objection and who die;;agree, \Yuh Ih!..~ 7. A llp e lll , rrom l ocal nio n Fee
hic;; or her objection under thi~ plan a per capIta reduction pro'idcd b Ihe RcduC1 iollli:
check re necting the redu lion in pay- I . in Ihe belief Ihat il doc, nul accu- An objeclor who ha, flied a timely
men te;; to which he or she j" entitled or rately reneet the 1I11crnationar~ C:o..PCIl- objeclion and who disagrecs wilh the
will o lherwi,e a d.i se the ohjcc tors ditures on chargeable activities. may reductio n provided by Ihe LU 10
how their payments wi ll be reduced. appeal tu an indepcnJcnt ulbitnltor. which he or she pays agency fees. in
I he hellef II docs not tU:C'lIrmdy reO .ct
Age ncy fees arc com posed of a por- a. The appeal mu;:,l be made In writ ·
tion forwnrded to the Internati onal 3::. the L " expenditures on chargeable
Il1g and I11U-.;l b\! TI.!cClvcd in the
per capita taxes. and a portion retained "ffice of Ihe I wilhin 30 day' f activiti-.;:-.. may appeal through proce-
by lltt! LU. \VIa l.:11 the IS receives the date o n which the IS m ail~ the d ure, estahlished by Ihe LU. In Ihe
lime ly objectio ns. he will forward th e ohj..:ct.or hi~ o r he l pC I' capita c,enl any ItJect r challenge.. ho lh the
nam es of the objectors to the LU's to reducllon check. The appct11 , hou ld reduclion rece ived from Ihe IS a nd
which they pay Ihd r agency fces. A. explain the hasis of tht.! challenge. from I he L U. , uch "PI co Is will be
se t fOl1h in grealer deln il below. th e h. Th e impart ial urbi lrat.or Will be coord inated.


T he IBEW is now offering - a plan ," Pre si dent Barry
members 0 unique benefit
des igned to cut the cost of
fomilies' prescription medico· Uolon sa id. "The service is espe·
cia lly valuable for anyone
who must toke a doily pre-
tion. Union Privilege Health
-Iv-Ilege ~~~i~~ionpreSs~~~e a~e;i;:
Needs Service is a conve-
nient discount mo il-s ervice
pharmacy that offers mem-
bers sign ificant savings over
Pr -Io I S tiO~::~:r~~n:~~;~e b~:i:;.

Hr - t-
the cost of most neighbor- lies-including relatives not
living w i th them-con use
hood drug sto re prescrip- the service, and there is no
tions . enrollment charge or
" With prescription

Prescrlp Ion ~::~:~~:!~;::~S;

annual fee. The IBEW
drug prices increasing
a lmost doily, med ica-
tions have become a
major expense for
credit" policy that lets mem-

union members and their
bers defer payment during
famil ies," said International
union-sanctioned str ikes of
President J.J. Barry. " That's
30 or more days.
why we developed a safe,
convenien t and reliable pro- Prescriptions are de li v-
gram with special union- ered 10 to 14 days after the
members-on ly features to order is moiled by the
assis t our members with member. Postage and
their prescription needs." handling are free. To
" Union Privilege Health receive a prescription
Needs Service is idea l for order form , members
med ications not covered by should co il 1-800-
health insuronce plans, or 452-9425 , between
for members wi th re latives 9 a.m. and 5 p .m.
who ore not eligible for Eastern time, Monday
reimbu rsement under through Friday. t

• Savings. Signilkmll
. avings compared to typical
neighborhood plwillacies.
• Safety. Licensed pharma-
cists check el'cl)' prescription.
Information: • Convenience.
A frec mcmbers-onl b ncOt from Union Privilege lIealth Needs M~til -scrvice dclivcl)'.
your union. Savings available tu Service do National Pharmacies, t'ostagc is free.
your entire f<unify, even relative ' MEDCO, P.O. Box 8385, • Union.
not UviJlg with you. thuTisburg, PA t7105 Unionized employees.



PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in July 1993

L."I wmllllMl 'ITICItJnl .... L 5umom, lmoynt .... S",rrtOme AMOIIIII L" . Sl/fTlGmt Amolllli

Coy. U . xllotn, W. H. N.il1Qn, T. .41' Otto. c. L

It'Vone, J. ...
Kreul'. P. J.
~. s.
~WCftSOII , A. It.
OIbo. A,J.
wHl1et, K. , J
luutll, J. w.
~Iri MJ, .. G, '"
MaIl, W. Wei, It. l' 1toMt. D. W.
Miadi, 1 P. s..yk.. H ~. J.~ ,. Hcn-.O. N.
IwU, P.J.
. C. J. I.... ... ~
Mot., K.L
Do"n, t K. ... HoI, D. l
lodoH, D L 41
eontn, I. L
lithanhol!, I. K.
O'MeI.a, G. M.
.... W.
VIfIUIh. l. O.
K4m0s. U .
~, lS.
. I . A.
•, ,
, ........ ~L
Forbti, C. M.
Mr«(lI, G. E.
0-;, a
..... M.
&oneI, G.l
' J WeY, F. t .
Glock, N. L d' JJ
Fi~r,f Oom.J ' p, .' Aol'Oll. S. l • J._ ~
""". M
Anhom, D. D
Gob;" D. 1.
laIt, J. r.
H'tttaIa,U. c. ,.1
Hahn. R. K.
Ionob., 1. P.
1iMnqt', I.f. • .!:o
..'" .
a..\k. L
l'IIilips Jr" N. L
(~~.G. P.
", 'Xl
Hoc:1t"i. A. A.
" • J
~ <I~)'J
.,,, R. It.
.kYfa:. l. J.

label, J. A-
Mertdilh.• •• ,.
,'.! MGUrtf. £.
Acker, H. W.
2 o!l)')(/
PO'. Jl0
PO' 31 ?
LtM!. W. R.
And.rlO!!, A. M. , ,J r)- :0
, ::t'J. T.

MlNin, W, S. Wo.H. M. '2 ~':OC Pr. Williom~1 . L X,

".. ,
A. l


if~ , F. L So;;r." ~ H.
W IH, p, L.
' f .....r, C.A.
Hd'lngkNI, L f.
'2t.~r£ f~
f, " <
Corrillo, w.
8o\dwin, Y. e.
J.: Y!
[ .try; :c
"f.4 Green, D. E. 2 '11
O'KOM, N. A. • l!-.omOI Jr., 1. B OlWl. T. C. '0000 ' Serry, H. L ~ .j" :xJ

Htmpetlf" O. l .
McloM, D. W. ...'" A.ckir. G. C.
Jon.. . G. ~
.' l<do, \, J,
"""",,,J.~ , 00
FauHII, M. 1>.
Y-.,W. T.

FORI.h., W. H. 1r000000000Ci Labat. L M. 1.00(( Hotftr, C. w

..... L D. ""'1. V.l xhooolol!. I. I<. [-'00.(, McKtnIM. M. E.
"Yen, 1. J

...... LL (hmtenstn, C.
" """". L W.
~ , P. ~ ,. I~., I.J.
OIiIKIII, M. G. ......,..i.F.
.... W.
K_. ~I<.
1aK'-w, A.
...., ~W
HoIImd. ~
MO<.... A.
~' LW
SlOm. P.
l~ko , M.
logttquiU, No. e.
M<G.o1h, F. «XI)) .........,.
_ . A.

igmlt, tH.. Copa, f. J. ......... U ,"OJ ~ Iicklmg, R

Setm6, o.
, Miller, D. S.
Sl.l1o. ... p
Bt<ko. L
Niltl, G H.
Po;.ttrs, T. J,
l ....cOC .\'
SMnOan, W.
0010. 1<. J. 2;aOC
'.l,: ~~

hcw, L Kopoww, E. SI\><m. E. J. <'XY: McBndt, R. It 1 ''XiOC

!>fey.,e A.
Ktnnedy, W. C. Trierwtil., P 4"f.'fJ Reitz Jr., R. J. ? ~'fjrr
'J-r; lanthier, R Htb6, L M. UhClnn, G. H. .. 4"(1 '1.1 Smrm, F. J 2 t.X'({)
<",', WNtItr, O.( . Mormi•. F. O. Voomttt, C. O. Lips. G. "Jt.X:~

J"n~ct, J. l ,.
,... Chole,C. L ~W. W.
24:( )
I tI'1 00 ROIJ(h, G.
• L' Yogi, M. t.
Zimmer, f J. ,. ttuiman, W. ~
s.,...L H J'
. •. t .
t ':" J Cwnmll'9~. O. D•
Oic~.non, R. t
_ . 1.... SIlotmaktr. B. W. MilloMft, H. C. • 4:)J X _ ,W.J .
c.,.Iood ' .... L ltd.. w.D. Wblod.J. ... s...,.. I. D.
McxKey, I. I. "",od. ~ G. xhllMr, C. """'. W.K.
NtGI, J. S. ~w.
ftllk.L E.
lhomol. L L
,""". ~
....... WI
1""','.... l'iunktlt, l. t
ft<N., It G.
... .''''
Nichobon, G. A.
..""" G. W.
r~5. M. p.d., O. t. 0Iu.00hI, J. l. Sdtwtth., O. O.
.....,. D. ... Piette, H. i.. ....."M.N. c-,..I,G
OrroI,J. N.
Xh.tu,G. L ,. ~"'l
$a( , tt:.
.b\I'IOII, E W.
CopoIooi, A. I.
f~. "' J
Didin*,. G. A.
, s,.m.or.dl, J. J.
wd~, K. A.
P')'VI", W. e.
Irondt, <: o.
SdwoI. W. O.
Potm., 5. I.
D. A..
~4 Xl
HeGm, R. a
~. H. J.
"'wo, L A.
lncIenm!, C. G. Slonecipher, J hl
Damng, L £. '"
'.1 Inborten, M.
Owen!, t.
Adom~. W H.
S..,.. L
tonl\allll, C. Fou , M.
ctwiuenWl, £. C.
l.tC X
'<I Brown, R. f. Peeft)', W. M. Corl.on. R. H.
1·1 Cramen,J WiI~, LO. Lall, (. R, Em, R. J. "rr 'Xl
Boehl, L E. Rafter, W. D. Carney, C. M.
( L I .ltffords. T. L
Cheotham Jr .• H. G.
,. """'. I . L Mootm, P. O. Unlllfflllllll. W f.
Trognl, P. W. ltoom.D. S. ....d Windham. to
Sltwart, T. ( (omp W. k P'odIord, W.l Angle, O. k.
Upo,J.W 0e&arft:1a, I MoIf.:d, J t, IIaU 8. ~
&oId1olilt. H A. K"""'r. H 5 Hind. l S. _W. ~
Genu, 1. L _ .U. t-n, K.W -I labtrtt. P.
!'tRm, l.
MonUIII, C. W. Fntz. G, l .",o"I.L
Alta...... J M. MdI..,. ~G ...... DD Codtroh, 1.1.
eom..di, l1. "gyJr .. t.L IoMb,. LM. ~oeOtt. ~ f.
....... W. I
...... , ~
Iol.dacl, W J.
w....,ll , 1.lO!... M. J.
,w.,;., J.G.
aon, G. W.
r...,.....o. ••
KroI/$. [. W. Aw-oIf,l Anut'" M. D.
Icdo~. e.J. l ir.karel, I.
1.1"", ~
xali~, P. P.
Htllt-.etk. J. W
....... , 5. 1. S)<\H.C " GriMi~, R. L


"". -- -
Sandrn,tt. W.
Mer, l.l
friedIi, ,,, I
to<" .......
to.., LC.
F;~ It
:::'::fC, t.
Iowtr. O.
"'" -- -
Jo<boo, H. t
W...,;a, . ....
.Iamti, G. M.
Jcw\oI,;, A. F.
"". --
Denneft, D. M..
DoH ~
"."", 0,
Dunl:CIt\, No. r..
f Gttttlwood, W. E.
wogller, t
1ooW!, R. A.
rometO, W. L
........, 11
Toy\><, J, C
MorriI,G. F.
2400 00
•P Eciwo,,", M, J,
r,reh. R. A.
(,,,oIi, C. Mo<ong, L C, 0 PotUI, "] 4() 00 P, fin.W.smo"~, J. T.
HoOOoA, R. Whi~II, J.S. a " " Walent, P, l ',o!\ )00 P ...., 1.1.
Ntilhow, W. J. Dilon, c. t. oc Mrtch.11, V. J' )OC' P.. Gi*", W. W,
""*r," C
hIel,W. ( .
. . -, J, M.
"'" Niwtomb. Po III
WII. W, W.
It ero..s,w. ~
,."",... i<" D, l HunItt, Lt G<ody, J, ' Xl I Hiatt, H. T.
o.. , W. ~ ComoI, V. Mor1Olo, L Y.
~. D. N.
....., G. t
MoMI"", U .
~ •• A.'"
KOtIt'Od, P. ""
...., M.L
"""" H. L
Itutft, H. L
JaLI., F.

__ . ll:.
• G. 1l
~""' , W. D.

WoIbnl, tf. A. I
~. w,
Y , s.M.
.... Koooody, H.t

• ,
Coop!t, W 8 P~ ~ i",Ir_,L P K,M, 1J.
" Corwn., 1 L ~J, '. vol A.l ....., l
Toy. G. J
CrowslIow, G. ,, n...,GI
• P. J.

fr1WfW'l . A. G
o!OC :' p
I.h., D.A.
~ , M.E. 400)J
lIiortl, I I
"""'r,C J
~. H. 5. WoIIIo, L H. '(X) In J(X)OO P,.. M3bmcII, 0, f.
Btoo, V,
Cochron, 1, A.
HtIton Jr., I. t ~
.' "'...., H .
"Iller, L
Hendenhot, E. E.
'X 00
'- NOe, l. e.
Moore,I. ' .
WomOl k, D. W.
" f""

BurtiiOll, D, V. :S]RI Noon."., I, '00 J P"" yl _ou, C. p, dOC ;I) Ie. C Morrii, H. W.
CoIebl,im, W. B.
Ouncon, t ,. I~,jl"
Derrkk, W,
Jotdon, H, F.
• .!CC ~O
40000 ,P." '\
Trogen.... K. J,
COII'Iillc." J, E.
"00 ~O
400 "(I
I,.. C
'eo C
M,. r~, A.. 1,
Neubert, J, A,

,.,,.., ..
I", l('opH, G, C, HiM, ' .H, J 20.0 O'""&hu,,, V, p,
Wiltlt, H. E.
~H. ',
J' Ntwnwm, J "
.....,. C. D, 80. \
J :-J

C ~in, f , W •

WoIk., l. L
....., CC
......, LL
... ""-y, I, J
.... ,W,
tMOJr" i. (.
• ~Sj ~~
• -j.! -,!
I41M, CW.
MaNw. J.A.
s...r."M.c, """"'" f L ,., Mop<, L l
_ , C,!
J.-.., L
""-. L I. .... ,"", I M.
Uo,d.D, L
CoIdoo.a, A. M. shooIo, lD JOO
klliltfW, J. C.
lowman, tN. 100
, IoogoI.l
ArIdenon, C. A-
Bolt., l ''''' , ~,, (.1
_ _ . I, W. .IX! :0
~, D, F,
~Il.ood, J. 1.
Wf(J¥t(, K, J.
Xl I
P. r
flICk., •. I,
P'tlnon, L P. ; J:>J 00
( t)JOO
I, 01
Iondtmtr, E. C.
8onb, J. T.
0 StN."', N, C.
Swmn., C,
SwanMll'l, G, W
] .l(()

MotIhMOtl, F.
• Bvri:in, •.
'1 Blown, E, H.
TomeIl, U

Elmen, A, G.
':.1 00
.:~'() 00 P. ".< Jtnnil19" N, R.
Ttmll, C. c.
d:),J 00
d~OC P4~1
'I CoMan, M.l
P..., 0 Toy\><, J. C. ] .:0000
TNffy,J. M.
_ , I, M.

'" l'l;"\lt MoffI" P.

fIer, I' ':'11 HommoIId,J. L
: J:,'(IOO
• J'X' X
CroY'ffl, J, H,
e.ou, J. A. , J , T""P ...... Word,J, N. ,'':C{)
S I ,J7D,.91.7~


In•• rnatlonal
Brotherhood of Number admitted 10 pension lasl monlh 454 455
Electrical Total number on pension 157
Q() 59972
Total pension payme nts last month $ 5229680 0 $ 0 38670 8
'ension and
Death aeneflt T0101 pension payme nts last 12 monlhs $ 62571 02834 $ 140 'Xl6 048 ()Q
Payment Report Death benefits paid last $ 1 37049876
July 1993 Death benefils paid lasl 12 months $ 1644372327


T he IBE\\ lakes greal plea,ure in
announcing Ihe Foundrr$' Scholar>hip
Imenl':Ul College T I t la). The ' \J lIill be
adrninblered in c",nmlrnilie, IhrOllghoUi Ihe
Program for 19<)... I niled SI<II('5 and Canad.. orr memher ("
The Jill"\" offers ils member> a IIl:L\iIllUIll 1l)1).\; December I, 1995; and .1:11111"1') 22 ,
of 12 Founders' ScIU)hll~hips annu:u l) for uni- I'll) I. The ,l eT lIill he adminislered in COlli-
lersil) slllll) leading 10 hachdo,', rlegree, in munillL" Ihroughollt Ihe I oiled SI:tK~ and
specified fiel(b. The nUlllber of schol:'rships ()ula,ht 011 October 2.\. 1995; Ikcembcr II,
:!II:rrd,'tl i, delenllin(~1 Il) die numher of 1995 ; alld Fehrll:try 5, l'i'k /111
qualified applicall"'- one ",hola",hip rcquiR11 papers mll,t he ,,'Ccilcd b~
for e,ch 15 qualified applican", or Ihe Schol"",hip Selcclion C0l11n1l1-
major fmeDon u,erl<rf. The >chlllar- ICC III r.'bnr:ll'\ 11. I (~) I.
ships arc cach wonh a 1Il:L\iIllUIll of COl11plet~ inform:lIinn 011
~ Ll,UUO tli>lrilll,leti during :r nUl\i- reqllil'l.' IllC'JlIS, in stru ctions
Illum of eighl years of undcrgr.rtlll- :lnd offida l :lpplic;nion fo rm,
ale ,I utl) 1(III"rd a bllc helor's m:t~ Iw ohmined from your local
d('gfl~ in au) apllrOlctl field . TIK1 union or h) I\liring 10:
lIiII be gralllcd on a cornpeillile IBE\I Founders' Scholarship
basi' I', 'Iu:uificd c:Il,ditl:lIC> from all branch- t\ dmin isfra lor
es of the IBm\: I Il~- 1 5dl SITlOCI. .\ ,11
Tire IIlEW Founders' Scholarsh ips hOllor "",hinglon. D.C. !0(10';
Ihc slIl:u,1group of ,~il kxl and lblk"letl lIire· I'lease nOlc: Th" i, :m adilit progrcllll to
Illcn and lin emen who, in ,\ol'ember IX'll , Ill' IIsedl,)' /l1£lr II/ember' !bell/sell".\'. II b
organi/cd Ihe Inlern:lIion:u Brolherhood of 1101 open to ,,,n, and d:l!!glllers of members.
ElcclricaJ \\ orxe,.". unbs Ihe son, :md d:Il,g1l1C'" Ihelll<che, af'('
Eligibi lilJ - IllI:11 member, IIho hale eligihle melllhc,.". \l1lCn writing, be SIIre to
ococn 10 continuou, g,>O<I ,I:ulrling for :11 1C'.Ist include )O ll r 18E\I local union number
four )e:trs b) Ihe lime UK1 he'llin col- and )'our card I1l1 mher. l1re Office,." of
leg!;.' sUld~ 01' :In: ll ri ~i n al mem- Ihe IR EII' arc indeed pleased Ihe
her. of" local union chal'lel'ctl Brolherhood is ahle 10 IIlTer IheS(' 1Il1""
les.) Iluu , four ycar, :Ire eligible 10 founders' Sclro'\In..hi(l~ W j/:-. mem-
appl) for Ih ,' !'",",der,' he,.". II is their hope Ihat. OIer
Scholarships. II is funher Ihe ye",~, Ihe :",arrb II ill con·
required . IIhere applica- Irihllic nOI (llll~ III Ihe
ble. that "pprclllice;. ,h,,11 per,unal delelopmenl
half conrp1l1(11a full. (or- and a('hiClcmcnl erf Ihe
ma l "IJprenlice,lr ill a, )lIccessflll ca ndi -
L':il:thlished in Iheir Ir.lde dales, hili abo 10 Ihe
and m'ea, developlllcll i :Inrl
,lppli e:tllI> an' re- improvemenl o( Ihe
'Iuircd 10 take eilher cleelrical intlu 'Il~ , of
Ihe ~rhol:l'lir Iplilllde 1\ hich tIle 161:" "a
Tesl (S.ITl or Ihe lital pan. =

Send for IBEW Scholarship Applications

Please send me the leallel , " 1994 IBEW Founders' Scholarships,"
and necessary applicalion materials.

NAME _ _ __



ISEW Locat Union No Card No.

Note All mfor matlOn mUSI be SUpplied

1115- 15t h Street. N. W.
W,,,hin gtol1 . D.C. 1tHHJ~

I <G)<G)~
" - - - ' - - - - = = - - - " ' 1 '......;.~~- • . Reminder

Draw Decide On
A Floor Outside
Plan Place

Call Fire

Evacuate ~~~ Do Not

Home Reenter
Hot Doors

Freshest Air Have Fire

Is Close Extinguishers
To Floor

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