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1. Masda nearest Sharp Syahri

2. Sari Saputri
3. M.Irpan Verdyan




In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, We pray gratitude for the
presence of Him, who has mercy, guidance, and Inayah him to us, so we can complete this paper
about hypertension .Makalah contains the conclusion outgrowth in nursing management system
that has been discussed in English class.

Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings in terms of
sentence structure and grammar. Therefore with open arms we receive all comments and
suggestions from readers so that we can fix this scientific paper.

Finally, we hope that papers about hypertension can provide substantial economic
benefits and inspire to the reader.

Bukittinggi, June 16, 2019

Table of contents


Preface .......................................................................................... ..i

Contents ............................................................................................. .. ... ii


A. Background .............................................................................. .... 1

B. The problems ........................................................................ ....... 2
C. Interest .......................................................................................... ..3

A. Hypertension concept ........................................................................... .. 8


A. Hypertension conversation ........................................................................ 13


B. Conclusions ....................................................................................... 15
C. Suggestions .......................................................................................... ..15


1.1 Background
High blood pressure, better known as hypertension is a disease that gets the attention of
all societies, given the effect it has both short term and long term requiring long-term
countermeasures comprehensive and integrated. Hypertension raises morbidity (illness) and
mortality (death) is high.
Hypertension is a disease that arises due to the interaction of various risk factors a person
has. Various studies have linked between the various risk factors for hypertension.
Based on research that has been done tenyata prevalence (incidence) of hypertension
increases with age. Of various epidemiological studies conducted in Indonesia showed 1.8 to
28.6% of the population aged over 20 years are hypertensive.
Hypertension, there are currently a tendency that the more urban communities suffer from
hypertension than rural communities. This is partly connected with the urban lifestyle associated
with hypertension disease risks such as stress, obesity (overweight), lack of exercise, smoking,
alcohol, and eating foods that are high in fat.
With age, almost everyone has experienced an increase in blood pressure, systolic
pressure continues to increase up to 80 years and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the
age of 55-60 years, then reduced slowly or even declined drastically.

1.2 Problem Formulation

a. How definition of hypertension?
b. How to measure blood pressure?
c. Explaining the causes of hypertension?
d. Explaining the symptoms of hypertension?
e. Explaining the result of hypertension?
f. How hypertension prevention?
g. Explaining the treatment of hypertension?

1.3 Objectives
a. To find the definition of hypertension.
b. To find out how to measure blood pressure.
c. To find out the cause of hypertension.
d. To know the symptoms that caused.
e. To find out the result of hypertension.
f. To know the prevention of hypertension.
g. To determine the treatment of hypertension.


2.1 Definitions
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood pressure or force of blood
pressing on the walls of the cavity where the blood was. High blood pressure (hypertension) is an
increase in blood pressure in the arteries. (Hiper means Overrated, tension means to pressure /
stress; so, hypertension is a circulatory system disorders menyebabkankenaikan blood pressure
above normal values.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children normally have a
blood pressure that is much lower than the adults. Blood pressure is also affected by physical
activity, which will be higher at the time of the activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure
is also different in one day, the highest in the morning and lowest at night while sleeping.

2.2 Measuring Blood Pressure

On examination of blood pressure will get two numbers. Higher numbers obtained when
the heart contracts (systolic), the lower figure obtained when the heart relaxes (diastolic). Blood
pressure is written as systolic pressure diastolic pressure slash, such as 120/80 mmHg, read one
hundred and twenty over eighty. With age, almost everyone has experienced an increase in blood
pressure, systolic pressure continues to increase up to 80 years and diastolic pressures continue
to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then reduced slowly or even declined drastically.
Blood pressure is written with two numbers, in the number of units of mmHg
(millimeters of mercury) on the tool blood pressure / blood pressure meter, ie systolic and
diastolic. Is the highest systolic blood pressure is when the heart is being tapered or doing
contraction. Diastolic is the lowest number that expands when the heart is in the final relaxation.
For example, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg systolic pressure means 120 and a diastolic
pressure of 80 mmHg.

Blood pressure is the pressure generated by:

a. The strength of urgent heart bud content of the left ventricle to the blood entering into the
trunk artery.
b. Prisoners in the arteries to blood flow.
c. Autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and the sympathetic.

Classification of blood pressure

No. Classification systolic diastolic
1 Optimal <120 mmHg <80 mmHg
2 Normal <130 mmHg <85 mmHg
3 high normal 130-139 mmHg 85-89 mmHg
4 mild hypertension 140-159 mmHg 90-99 mmHg
5 hypertension was 160-179 mmHg 100-109 mmHg
6 severe hypertension > 180 mmHg > 110 mmHg

Normal blood pressure

Blood pressure of each person varies daily, depending on the circumstances, and are
affected by the activities of a person, so normalpun blood pressure varies.
Adult when blood pressure indicates the number 140/90 mmHg is considered normal
upward. There is a perception of low blood pressure is not good, it is less precise. Because
statistics show that people with low blood pressure have the same age with so-called normal. The
best thing is to maintain normal blood pressure and the assumption that increasing age the higher
the blood pressure is not a problem, is the assumption that needs to be clarified, because it is
based on statistical data of parents whose blood pressure in the normal range, the tendency gets
lower stroke disorder. Check your blood pressure regularly at least every 6 months or whenever a
doctor / health facility.

2 classification known hypertension (based on the cause), namely:

a. Primary hypertension (hypertension idiophatik), in which the cause is not known with
certainty. It also said that hypertension is the impact of lifestyle and environmental factors.
b. Secundary hypertension, hypertension that occurs because of the severity of other diseases
such as abnormalities in the kidneys or keruskanan of the hormone system.

WHO classifies hypertension based on the presence or absence of abnormalities in other organs,
a. Hypertension without abnormalities in other organs.
b. Hypertension with heart enlargement.
c. Hypertension with abnormalities in other organs in addition to the heart.

Classification of hypertension by high blood pressure are:

a. Borderline hypertension: blood pressure between 140/90 mmHg and 160/95 mmHg.
b. Mild hypertension: blood pressure between 160/95 mmHg and 200/110 mmHg.
c. Moderate hypertension: blood pressure of 200/110 mmHg and 230/120 mmHg.
d. Severe hypertension: blood pressure of 230/120 mmHg and 280/140 mmHg.

2.3 The cause of hypertension

There are two kinds of hypertension, which is essential and secondary.
a. Essential hypertension is the hypertension that is largely unknown cause. There is 10-16%
of adults suffer from high blood takanan.
b. Secondary hypertension is a known hypertension causes. Hipertesnsi only a small part of
this type, which is only about 10%.
Some of the causes of hypertension, among others:
a. Because hormonal, for example from the adrenal glands.
b. The use of drugs.
c. Smoking because nicotine contained in tobacco.
d. Alcoholic beverages.
e. Abnormalities in the kidneys.
f. Intracranial disorders leading to increased intracranial pressure or because of its location
near the center persyarafan that affect blood pressure.
g. Abnormalities of the large blood vessels (aorta) that koartasio aorta where the aortic arch is
continuous with the aortic decendens.

2.4 The symptoms of hypertension

The symptoms of hypertension, among others:
a. Most had no symptoms.
b. Pain in the back of the head.
c. Stiff neck.
d. Fatigue.
e. Nausea.
f. Hard to breathe.
g. Restless.
h. Gag.
i. Easily offended.
j. Difficulty sleeping.
The complaints are not always going to be experienced by a person with hypertension.
Often a person complaining of pain behind his head, irritability and difficulty sleeping, when
measured her blood pressure showed normal blood pressure numbers. The only way to determine
whether there is hypertension simply by measuring blood pressure.

2.5 Consequences of hypertension

Hypertension if not controlled can cause serious complications, including:
a. Kidney damage.
b. Damage to blood vessels.
c. Cerebral hemorrhage / stroke.
d. Paralysis.
e. Enlargement of the heart / heart failure.
f. Narrowing of the coronary arteries / heart attack.

2.6 Prevention of hypertension

A person's risk for getting hypertension (but essential), can be reduced by:
a. Checking blood pressure regularly.
b. Maintain ideal body weight.
c. Reduce salt intake.
d. Do not smoke.
e. Exercise regularly.
f. Living on a regular basis.
g. Reduce stress.
h. Do not rush.
i. Avoid fatty foods.

Primary Prevention:
a. Enough sleep, between 6-8 hours per day.
b. Reduce high cholesterol foods and multiply physical activity to lose weight.
c. Reduce alcohol consumption.
d. Consumption of fish oil.
e. The supply of calcium, although only slightly lower blood pressure but calcium is also quite

Secondary prevention
a. Yamg makanam healthy pattern.
b. Reducing salt and sodium in your diet.
c. Physically active.
d. Akohol reduce intake.
e. Quit smoking.

Tertiary prevention
a. Controlling blood regularly.
b. Exercise regularly and adjusted to body condition.

2.7 Treatment of hypertension

The best treatment of hypertension are:
a. Always control blood pressure regularly to see her doctor.
b. Always take medication regularly even without a complaint.
c. Reduce salt intake.
d. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit.
e. Adhere to medical advice.


Case of Narration
AA patient named Mr. Aan aged 55 years (weighing 85 kg), commissioner of a well-
known national company, Came to the hospital complaining of dizziness, stiff neck, dizzy eyes.
Mr. Also Aan Complained of productive cough and throat afternoon. Mr. Also Aan Complained
that it was very difficult, to expel his phlegm. It is known that Patients are active smokers and
Often sleep late at night. After the examination, the results are as follows:

Blood pressure : 142/91

Heart rate : 70 times per minute
cholesterol : 214 mg / dl
triglycerides : 100 mg / dl
Blood sugar : 120 mg / dl
gout : 4.7
Immediately then brings his son his father to the nearest hospital, then after reaching the hospital,
the father and son Immediately met with the nurse at the day's assignment ...
"Father and son arrived at the hospital"
Mr.A: Assalamualaikum nurses (with a sluggish father's condition) ..
Nurse: Mr. Walaikumsalam, please sit down (while letting me sit)
"There is something I can help with" (while serving Patients with a smile)
Mr.A: That's how, Suddenly I worked while I felt a complaint of dizziness, neck stiffness, why is
that so?
Nurse: MmmDid you sleep well last night?
Mr.A: No,
nurse: before you move, are you having breakfast?
Mr.A: I rarely eat breakfast, my workplace is far from home and I go to work early in the
Nurse: Hmm ... so yes, sir okay ... now let's check your vital signs, and the room there, let me
help you father ...
Mr. A andson: okay nurses, (bring the father to the room for a review)
Child: Can I come in right?
Nurse: Of course here you can, son ... for checking, I explain how you are doing for you to sit
while waiting for the examination process
"The room will be Examined by TTV first to ascertain what the disease is."
Nurse: Good sir. I will check the vital signs to check blood pressure first, right?
Mr.A: ok ..
Nurse: I will check blood pressure sir, (Measuring blood pressure) your blood pressure is 142/91
Father has a problem with his blood pressure and he has hypertension, so it must be stepped on
for fear of being dangerous to you sir ...
Mr.A: So yes nurses, what is hypertension?
Nurse: Hypertension is a disease because of high blood pressure, blood pressure itself is the
power of blood flow from the heart the which pushes the walls of blood vessels (arteries). So the
strength of your blood pressure can change at any time, Because It is also affected by your
activities ...
Mr.A: ooo so yes nurses, so what should I do?
Nurse: Now, I will give this medicine for 3 days after that, your father can go back to check his
blood and measure it later ... So for now your father give enough rest at home
Mr.A: I will come back home, .. thank you, in the next three days I will return for the next
Nurse: see you
3 "3 days have passed and it's time Mr.A. come to Rs for further examination and see changes
from Mr. A"
at 8:30 in the morning, Mr.A and his son Came to see the nurse on duty that day ...
Mr.A: Assalamualaikum nurses ...
Nurse: Walaikum to sir, please sit sir ...
Mr. A: Yes ...
Nurse: How was your father after he was given the medicine yesterday?
Mr.A: Alhamdulillah, the dizziness is not too vulnerable, but I still feel nauseous and my
shoulder still feels heavy, what happens?
Nurse: Oh yeah, okay ... today we will measure your blood father.
Child: Why do ice he need a blood test sir?
Nurse: Yes, Because blood tests are very Necessary, it will help you to cause less blood pressure
than relatives
children: What blood tests should be done for my father?
Nurse: a blood test is usually done to monitor your blood pressure. there are blood test indicators
that you should know, there are lipid profiles (blood fat levels), uric acid levels, magnesium
levels, and urine protein levels, glucose levels
children's: well, it looks you nurse explained it ver clear
nurse: will we use a sphygmanometer to see Mr. blood pressure ... Do
you agree with this?
Mr.A: I agree, Sus.
Nurse: Alright, sir, let's partner yes
Children: What device will be used later?
Nurse: this tool is called a sphygmanometer, this will show how much blood pressure the father
has ...
Children: okay ... The
nurse during the examination you can not talk, calm and relaxed, do you understand me?
Mr.A: Understand nurses ..
Nurse: Sister can be next to her father, let's start huh ... it will take 10-15 minutes ...
Mr.A: Good luck ...
Nurse (taking action), you have finished. ...
Mr.A: What about the results?
Wow, your father's blood pressure is slightly in accordance with the previous one, it takes
enough time for you to get his blood pressure back to normal.
Nurse: Later I will give another recipe for your father, the result is much better, sir ...
Mr.A: This is harmless right?
Nurse: Not yet when the father is still there to recover, I hope sir with the hope that both of us
can recover ...
Son: Amen, thank you very much for helping my pack to be better, and I am very happy
Nurse: Thank you
Mr. .A: I am very grateful that there are still better hopes.
Nurse: keep up the spirit, sir ... :) and you should start limiting your consumption of salt,
Diligently exercising, and stop smoking.
Mr.A: Yes, thank you for helping us


A. Conclusion
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood pressure or force of blood
pressing on the walls of the cavity where the blood was.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children normally have a
blood pressure that is much lower than the adults. Blood pressure is also affected by physical
activity, which will be higher at the time of the activity and lower when resting. Blood pressure
is also different in one day, the highest in the morning and lowest at night while sleeping.

B. Suggestion
Hypertension is a global health problem that needs attention because it can lead to death
in developed countries and developing countries. WHO data in 2000 showed that worldwide,
about 972 million people, or 26.4% Earthlings hypertension with a ratio of 26.6% men and
26.1% women. This figure is likely to rise to 29.2% in 2025. Of the 972 million people with
hypertension, 333 million are in the developed countries and the remaining 639 were in
developing countries, including Indonesia.
So, to overcome the hypertensive diseases including other infectious diseases, the Ministry of
Health make policy, namely:
1. Develop and strengthen early detection activities actively hypertension (screening)
2. Improve public access to early detection services throughPosbinduPTM
3. Improving patient access to treatment of hypertension through the revitalization of health
centers for control of NCDs through Increased resources professional health workers and
kompenten in an effort to control the management of PTM PTM particularly in primary
health care facilities such as health centers.


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