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Please keep in mind this is ​rough material that is only partially

finished.​ Certain sections are only brief summaries or notes. The final
section (the most important) is basically complete and provides
enough information to follow the instructions as intended.

This was originally going to be an e-book costing around $10. It took some time
to write and put together - if you find it helpful and would like to donate you can
send Bitcoin to this address: 1ADCQNWZFe51BL97NyPJkQ2GmRWA5KHf1K
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Feel free to share this document with anyone you think it could help.
How to Stop Masturbating Forever
Quit Your Masturbation Addiction in 60 Days using Meditation,
Mindfulness and Habit Psychology

Table of Contents

Part 1: Mindset, Mental Models & Preparation

My Story

Harmful Effects of Excessive Masturbation and/or Internet Porn Usage and Benefits Reported
from Quitting
> Masturbation and Social Anxiety
> Masturbation and ED
> Masturbation and PE

The Right Mindset to Ensure Success in the Long Run

> Having Realistic Expectations

2 Mental Models To Use Throughout This Process

> Plato’s Model of the Human Soul
> Letting a Part of You Die

Why Meditation and Mindfulness?

Understanding Thoughts, Mindfulness and the Thinking Mind

Understanding Habits and Compulsive Behaviour

Moving Towards a Healthy Expression of Your Sexuality

Part 2: The Program

8 Week Program

Bonus Exercises To Speed Up the Process

Extras:​ Accountability Worksheet Included

Harmful effects of masturbation and internet porn and/or benefits people report
from quitting

Masturbation and Social Anxiety

> personally a huge issue
> if you suffer from social anxiety and you’re addicted to masturbating, you may
find that it is a major cause or the primary cause. enormous benefit to quitting
> theory about doing stuff in private you’re ashamed of, no one knows but you
still know & this is why you are nervous/have anxiety
> the kind of person you see yourself as - the kind who sits in front of a computer
screen in the dark jerking off to hot girls instead of talking to them in real life

Masturbation and ED
> also personally experienced, will go away when you quit, although it may take
some time for your dick/nervous system to readjust

Masturbation and PE
> this sucks but it will also go away after enough time

The Right Mindset to Ensure Your Success in the Long Run

> this is a long term process, relapsing along the way is fine as long as you are still
progressing in the long run - you are still moving towards the ultimate goal of quitting completely

What to expect(?)/Realistic Expectations

You can quit, but it will take some time. There is no magic cure that will make you stop this
addiction, it is (currently) an ingrained behaviour and it takes time to get out of the habit.

This program is 8 weeks and then there’s more info on after that. But by the 8 week mark you
will have a very solid grasp on all the elements and your own relationship to the addiction and
all its aspects and - if you’re not completely quit by then - I’ll feel completely confident leaving
you to complete the process yourself.

There is NO DOUBT that you CAN quit. It is 100% a fact that you can do it - it’s just a matter of
how long it’s going to take to be completely done with it. So you can be content in that
knowledge that you 100% CAN do it.
2 Mental Models for You To Use Throughout This Process

Model for thinking about temptation

Plato and feeding the monster - the more you feed it the stronger it gets, the more powerful it
gets, the hungrier it gets
it’s the same with an addiction or a compulsive behaviour
I know I was thinking about my addiction all throughout the day, it was taking up massive
amount of time, especially if you counted the time I was zoned out thinking about it
I didn’t understand this yet and I kept feeding the monster

Every time you do the behaviour you’re feeding the monster

Every time you think about it or have thoughts related to it you’re feeding the monster

The program detailed at the end of the book is based around this concept - we’re slowly going
to starve the monster until it gets weaker and weaker and then dies completely.

If you try to stop completely, the monster is too big and hungry and you can’t resist it’s pull. But
if you slowly feed it less and less, it gets weaker over time and the pull gets easier and easier to
resist - until it dies and you leave that part of yourself behind completely.

While I’ve used Plato’s analogy of the monster to explain this - it does actually hold up
scientifically as well. The brain is made up of neurons which are connected by neural pathways,
the more we use these pathways the more ingrained they become in the brain. And when we
stop using them, the less used to using them our brain is. So when we think certain thoughts or
perform certain actions, we are deepening the neural pathways, and when we refrain from these
thoughts or actions, those pathways lessen as well.

Model for thinking about letting go of a part of you/a part of you has to die/a person has
to die

an old version of you is going to die during this process - a weaker, less happy, less actualized
and less fulfilled version is going to die and be replaced by a new, better version of you. This is
something to celebrate and actually something to look forward to - life as this new person is
going to be much more fun - but that doesn’t mean the dying process isn’t going to be difficult
and sometimes downright painful.

You’ll likely also find that conquering this habit is going to give you benefits in other parts of your
life as well, and that you can build on it later to break other bad habits and create good ones.
Why Meditation and Mindfulness?
> Came in conjunction for me as part of a broader process, but In many ways
meditation/mindfulness is the perfect tool to help you quit this addiction.
> the way the mind works and what meditation is actually training you to do
> not only that, but separate from this it’s an extremely good/useful habit to develop and will
continue to serve you in all kinds of ways after you’ve quit the addiction
> you’ll find it a useful tool in all areas of your life - it just also happens that it’s
the best tool to use to help quitting this addiction

Mindfulness, Thoughts & the Thinking Mind

> You’re not your thoughts - they are arising independent of you, according to pre
existing factors, experiences, etc.
> You can decide how to react to your thoughts - this includes urges and desires to
> the more you think a thought, the more you will think it. The less you think a thought,
the less you will think it. That’s part of why this works as a gradual process, you gradually lessen
and lessen until it’s gone completely.
> generally you’re needing to think about something before you do it. If you don’t think
about it, you won’t do it.

Understanding Habits & Compulsive Behaviour

> ‘habit energy’
from a buddhist perspective, the reason you are so compelled to jerk off currently
is because it’s a part of your habit energy.
> power of habit, understand & identify the trigger
> is it escapism? (probably) - once you’re done with this addiction you’re free to
focus on more important aspects of your life and deal with the stuff you’re escaping from - but
clear the foundation first

Moving Towards a Healthy Expression of Your Sexuality

> Retraining mind/dick connection to get aroused around real girls
speed it up by getting with them, but it will happen if you just wait long
enough/wait for it to reset
> This is something to let go of, let it go & it will be in your past, no longer a
part of you at all anymore. You’re ‘free’ of it completely.
> By definition you’d rather be with real girls
> this comes as a part of an overall process of becoming a different and better person
The 8-Week Program

There are a number of habits and behaviours to incorporate but it’s a (very) small price to pay
for getting rid of this addiction for good. We start small in this program and build from the initial
steps, slowly.

If you follow the steps EXACTLY then I can pretty much guarantee you will beat your addiction
in these 8 weeks.

Although it may take more than 8 weeks to be completely free of the behaviour itself (not
masturbating once for 3-6 months) at the very LEAST this program will get you from
masturbating daily or more to LESS than once per week - not what anyone would consider an
addiction anymore.

Whatever remains of the addiction after the 8 weeks are over will be EASILY manageable for
you with the tools you develop here.

There is an 8 week accountability worksheet to go along with the

program. Print it out and track your progress as you go.

Click here for the worksheet

Week 1 - Beginning Meditation Practice

Welcome to the first week. All we’re going to be doing this week is building the habit of
consistent meditation. The practice for this week is to sit and meditate for 5 minutes each day.

Meditation is the perfect tool to help you quit your masturbation addiction - here’s why:

Meditation gets you very familiar with the workings of your own mind. The entire purpose of
meditation is ​awareness​ - awareness of breath, awareness of physical sensations, and in
particular awareness of thoughts.

When you meditate, you are practicing ​noticing​ thoughts arising in your mind. You try to stay
focused on an object of attention (the breath is the most common) or you maintain open
awareness - without getting caught up in the thinking mind.

The reason this helps you stop masturbation is because for the action of masturbation to
happen, you need to think about it first. Most likely, you need to think about it and - more
importantly - ​keep​ thinking about it - right up until the point where you start doing it.

While these thoughts are often coupled with physical sensations (arousal, lust and so on) it is
the thoughts themselves that cause you to carry out the action of watching porn and/or

Meditation will provide you with the tools to get better control of how you react to the thoughts in
your mind (not control of the thoughts themselves, but how you respond to them

Meditation can also eventually replace your masturbation habit as a habit of its own. If you
masturbate before you go to sleep at night, this is also a great time to meditate.

If you’ve never meditated before, here are a couple of resources to start you off:

> Headspace
Headspace is a popular meditation and mindfulness program that works on a subscription basis.
You can try the first 10 days for free, and after that it costs about $10 per month. The program
includes a wide range of sequential guided audio meditations and you can also download the
Headspace app on your phone.

> Fragrant Heart

Fragrant Heart is a website with a range of guided audio meditations - the Fragrant Heart Learn
to Meditate in 5 Days course is how I originally started meditating. All of the meditations on
Fragrant Heart are free.
Choose one of the resources above to get started, or any other meditation program.

So the important points for the first week are 1) training your attention and awareness of the
mind during the meditation practice and 2) training the habit of meditation itself.

In order to ingrain the habit, it’s best to meditate at around the same time every day. Most
people meditate first thing in the morning, or in the evening before bed. Ideally you will meditate
at around the same time every day, but this isn’t 100% necessary. What’s most important is
stringing together 7 days - one full week - of meditation.
Week 2

Exploring the Mind

Learning About Your Own Thoughts
Watching Thoughts & “PMO”

Here in Week 2 we’re going to increase the length of the meditation to 10 minutes per session.
If you’re following the Headspace program and already doing 10 minutes per day, great, just
stick with that for now. If you meditated for 5 minutes per day last week, this week increase the
sessions to 10 minutes.

This week we’re also going to add another element to the process. During meditation you have
been noticing thoughts arise in the mind - here we’re going to carry this practice over into day to
day life.

Throughout the day, just begin to notice whenever a thought about porn and/or masturbation
arises in your mind.

From now on I’ll refer to porn and/or masturbation as “PMO” which stands for
“Porn/Masturbation/Orgasm”. PMO is easier on the eye than “porn and/or masturbation” and it’s
also easier for me to write ;)

Although the “O” stands for orgasm, for our purposes here this only applies to orgasm that is
achieved through masturbation. Feel free to have as many orgasms as you like during sex - this
can actually help the recovery process from the addiction by re-training your brain (and penis) to
get horny around real girls.

But if you’re not having sex with any girls then sorry, no orgasms.

So this week, throughout your day, begin to just ​notice​ when a thought about PMO arises. Just
note to yourself - “Oh, there it is again.” There’s no need to judge yourself for having the
thought, and there’s no need to even judge the thought itself. Just notice it with a neutral,
non-judgemental awareness - the same kind of awareness you’ve been cultivating in your
meditation practice.

Now this doesn’t necessarily include ​all​ thoughts of a sexual nature - just ones related to PMO.
So for example if you see a girl you like walking down the street and you think, “Damn, she’s
hot,” - that’s one thing. But if that thought is followed by, “I’m going to jerk off to her tonight” -
those are the kinds of thoughts you want to be paying attention to. Again simply ​note​ the
thought to yourself, and try to do this throughout the entire day.

So don’t even worry about the actual jerking off just yet - we’ll get to that later. The focus right
now is on becoming more aware of your mind and thought processes.
So Week 2 has two parts:

1) Continue to meditate once per day for 10 minutes per session

2) Note when thoughts about PMO arise - just notice these thoughts with non-judgemental
Week 3 - Learning to Let Go

During this week we’ll continue on the meditation practice at 10 minutes per day. You may have
started to notice a difference in your day to day experience thanks to the meditation at this point
- you may be feeling more aware, less scattered, and more present with your experience. If not,
that’s fine and don’t worry about it, just stay consistent with the program.

This week you’ll also continue to notice thoughts about PMO, but we’re going to add in another
element here. Again it’s the exact same process you’ve been doing in the meditation practice -
first ​notice​ the thought about PMO, then once you’ve noticed it, simply ​let it go.​

You’ve been practicing this every day with your meditation and you should have a pretty firm
grasp on what this feels like in your mind - every time you let go of a thought during meditation
and bring your focus back to the breath or your object of focus - that’s what we’re going to do
here with your thoughts about PMO during the day.

As you know from the meditation, if you simply ​allow​ a thought to pass, it will pass. If you let the
thought go without engaging it, without entertaining it - it will just disappear in the same way it

Now it is probably going to be more difficult to let the thoughts about PMO go because they are
related to addiction and compulsive behaviour. And once you do let them go, they’ll come back -
again and again. But just keep letting the thoughts go, every time they come back. Let the
thought go and return your attention to whatever you were doing before. The more you do it, the
easier it gets.

Now again, don’t worry too much about the actual masturbation. If you find you’re better able to
resist the temptation at this point, that’s great - try to go ONE day of this week without
masturbating. If you can’t do that yet and you still succumb to the temptation, that’s OK.

So to recap, the focus for this week is:

1) Meditate for 10 minutes per day

2) Notice when the thoughts about PMO arise in your mind

3) Let the thoughts go and return your focus to whatever you are doing
Week 4 - Habits, Triggers, and Starting to Stop

This week we’ll continue on with all 3 elements of last week:

1) Meditating for 10 minutes per day

2) Noticing thoughts about PMO

3) Letting go of these thoughts

The challenge for this week is this: choose ONE day out of the seven where you don’t jerk off.
You’re probably used to masturbating every day - all you need to do within the next 7 is take
one day off.

This is the part where we really start addressing the behaviour itself. By this point you have a
pretty good grasp on your own mind and thinking processes, especially as they relate to PMO.

So building on what we’ve done so far - for ONE day this week you cannot masturbate under
any circumstances. It may be difficult, it may feel impossible, but this is a massively important
step - to stop the addiction you do at some point need to ​stop​ the behaviour.

As you’ve been doing, continue to let go of the thoughts related to PMO all throughout your
days. Once it comes to the time where you would normally masturbate - keep letting go of the
thoughts as they arise. Recognize that you don’t HAVE to do anything - you can maintain
control of

You may have to suffer in order to do this - if you have to suffer, that’s ok. If you can’t sleep,
then don’t sleep.

Compulsive behaviours don’t just happen out of nowhere - there’s a lead up of events, a build
up of preceding behaviours. In habit psychology the event that precedes a habit is called a
“trigger”. For example, someone who has a beer after work every day comes home, unpacks his
stuff, gets a beer from the fridge and then sits down in front of the TV. It’s not just the beer that’s
the habit - it’s the whole series of behaviours.

If you think about your masturbation habit, you can probably break it down the same way. Do
you usually masturbate at a certain time every night? Do you start off by visiting certain
websites? Do you lock the door of your room or something like that?

Try to identify these behaviours, and write them down.

Regardless of your specific behaviour, if you’re masturbating at night this likely because certain
conditions are met:
1) Being alone

2) Being on the computer

3) It being night time (most likely)

Maybe you take your computer to your bed to jerk off or you have some other habit that you do.
The key is to recognize the lead-up behaviours and events (the trigger) and then to
INTERRUPT the trigger by doing something completely different.

So going off the above - don’t be alone, if you can.

Don’t use the computer late at night

- Choose a time of day where you get off and do not go back on no matter what.
- Leave your computer in a different room at night. Put it in the living room or if you live
with roommates give it to a roommate to hold on to until the next morning.

Identify the pattern of behaviour that leads to your habit - then BREAK that pattern by doing
something DIFFERENT than what you would normally do. All the while continuing to ​let go​ of
any thoughts about PMO that arise in your mind.

One masturbation-free night this week is the minimum requirement - of course, if you can do
more then go ahead. If you are not able to go one night without masturbation then DO NOT
continue on to Week 5. Just keep trying until you can get ONE day off - but you should be able
to this week.
Week 5 - Keep Making Progress

This week we’re going to increase the length of the meditations to 15 minutes per day. You’ll
also continue to notice and let go of thoughts about PMO throughout the day - you should be
getting pretty good at this by now, and you may have noticed that the frequency of the thoughts
is lessening. If not, that’s ok too.

This week we’re going to add in a second day of NO PMO. So any two days this week do the
same as you did last week and INTERRUPT your pattern that leads up to masturbation. These
can be any two days - one after another or not. Either way is fine - just be sure to take TWO
days off within the 7 day period. If you cannot do this yet, keep trying until you can.

So this week we have:

1) 15 minutes of meditation per day

2) Notice PMO thoughts and let go of them

3) 2 masturbation-free days within the 7-day period - achieved by INTERRUPTING your habit

Use the habit-tracking PDF to track your progress and keep yourself accountable.
Week 6 - Gratitude for Quitting

Week 6 continues on from Week 5 with 15 minutes of meditation per day as well as noticing
your thoughts about PMO and letting them go - you should be used to doing this by now.

This week take two days off again - but this time it must be two consecutive days, one after
another. Try for 3 days if you can - 2 consecutive and a third at some point during the week - if
you can’t get 3 days that’s OK. But this week you have to hit a minimum of two CONSECUTIVE
days with no PMO.

We’re also going to add in one more exercise this week - it’s an affirmation that you will write
down, affirming that you have quit this addiction.

The affirmation will be one you create for yourself, and it’s in the form of giving thanks for
already having quit​ the addiction.

In doing this you combine two powerful psychological tools - you are telling your subconscious
mind that you have ​already quit the addiction​ (you have) and you are associating extremely
positive feelings of gratitude with becoming the person who no longer has this addiction.

So the affirmation is phrased in the present tense and is based around feelings of gratitude.

For example:

I’m so thankful and grateful NOW that I’m not addicted to masturbating

I am so grateful that I’ve now quit porn and masturbation forever

I’m so thankful and grateful NOW that I am completely free of this addiction

The exact wording isn’t super important - what matters is the sentiment of gratitude for ​already
having done it​.

When you write your affirmation each day, really ​feel​ how good it’s going to feel once you’re
done with the addiction forever. Although you may not have stopped the behaviour itself 100%
yet - you can still be grateful NOW for the fact that in the near future you ​will have.​

So to recap this week:

1) 15 minutes of meditation per day

2) Notice PMO thoughts and let go of them

3) 2 consecutive masturbation-free days within the 7-day period - achieved by INTERRUPTING
your habit pattern. Go for 3 days if you can.

4) Write down your gratitude affirmation daily

Week 7 - ’Not who I am anymore’

This week the meditation is upped to 20 minutes per day, and you’re still going to continue
noticing the PMO thoughts arising and letting them go as they do.

If you’ve followed the program up to this point then the truth is that you’re over the hump now -
you’ve overcome the most difficult parts of quitting the addiction and from this point on it’s just
about erasing the remnants of the habit patterns in your psychology.

Continue on with the gratitude affirmation this week as well - really ​feel​ the gratitude for being
finished with this part of your life.

This week hit at least 3 consecutive days off with NO PMO - and try to go for 4 days total or
more if you can. 3 consecutive days is the minimum to continue on to Week 8 - this should
definitely be achievable for you now.

We’re going to add in one more element this week as well - after you 1) notice your thoughts
about PMO and 2) let them go - now add a third step and repeat to yourself ​That’s not who I am

So the 2-step process of noticing thoughts and letting them go has just become a 3 step
process. The reason for introducing this third step now is because if we’d done it at the
beginning of the program, subconsciously you would’ve known it wasn’t true.

But at this point, you can tell yourself “That’s not who I am anymore” because ​it really isn’t.​ Your
identity has changed - you are no longer a person suffering from an addiction. You are someone
who is very very close to completely being over their addiction for good. The compulsive
behaviour doesn’t define you anymore, it doesn’t control you - you are the one in control. If you
can stop for 1, 2, 3 or more days at a time - you can stop for good. You don’t need this thing
anymore and it’s time to let it go forever - time to leave that part of you behind and let it die.
Week 8

Welcome to the final week - by the end of the next 7 days you will more or less have completely
banished your addiction forever.

This week we will continue to meditate for 20 minutes per day, continue noticing-letting go and
saying to yourself “That’s not who I am anymore” and continue the gratitude affirmations.

This week don’t masturbate for 4 days or more - once you do that, the truth is that you’re not
really an addict anymore.

What do I do after week 8?

Just continue prolonging the periods you go without masturbating. If you can quit for good,
great. If you relapse, don’t worry about it and just start again. (See below for more info on

The amount of time you go with no masturbation will get longer and longer, until you are done
for good. This will vary from person to person.

What if I relapse?

If you relapse, that’s OK.

It doesn’t make you a failure

It doesn’t mean you’re falling back into the addiction
It doesn’t mean you’ve lost control
It doesn’t mean you should give up
And it definitely doesn’t mean you should say “fuck it” and start masturbating again

You had a compulsive behaviour which you’ve let go of, and there was still something left over.
That’s OK. Old habits die hard - addictions die even harder.

If you relapse the most important thing it to keep it to just ONE day. If you masturbate once after
a streak of no masturbation - maybe you’re drunk one night, or you just can’t resist, or whatever
- it’s OK. Just start from where you are the next day.

Relapsing is normal - gradually the length of time between relapses will get longer and longer
and eventually there won’t be any at all. If you relapse, just accept it and move on. Don’t blame
yourself, don’t beat yourself up about it, just forget about it and move on. Don’t even think about
it at all - you can even pretend like it never happened.
There is an 8 week accountability worksheet to go with the program.
Print it out and track your progress as you go.

Click here for the worksheet


Please feel free to share this document with anyone you think it could help.

This took some time to write this and put together - if you find it helpful and
would like to give something back you can send Bitcoin to this address:
or Paypal ​


Thanks and good luck!

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