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Third Grading Examination in

Mathematics 9

Direction: Read and analyze the problem provided carefully, write the letter of your answer on the space provided for.
1. In CDE which is the included angle of sides CE & CD?
a. LC b. LD c. LE d. LCDE
2. In PQR which is the included side of LP & LQ?
a. PQ b. QR c. PR d. RP
3. The following listed below about trapezoid are true EXCEPT. a. An isosceles trapezoid has congruent legs.
b. the base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
c. The diagonal of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
d. The median of a trapezoid is half the sum of the legs.
4. It is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
a. parallelogram b. Rectangle c. Rhombus d. Trapezoid
5. Quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram. If mLA=x+40 and mLC=2x+10, what is the mLA?
a. 30 b. 70 c. 50 d. 90
6. Quadrilateral EFGH is a parallelogram. If EH=3x+6 and FG=x+16, what is EH?
a. 5 b. 20 c. 6 d. 21
7. Quadrilateral EFGH is a parallelogram. If mLF =2x and mLE =5x+40, find mLE.
a. 20 b.140 c.70 d.150
8. If the perimeter of XYZ is 46 cm, what is the perimeter ABC?
a. 23cm b. 46cm c. 92cm d. 184cm
9. The area of the kite is 48 dm2 . If the length of the shorter diagonal is 8, what is the longer
diagonal? a. 6 b. 12 c. 18 d. 24
10. Refer to the figure below, quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezoid.
If DC=36 and AB= 84, what is EF? a. 48 b. 96 c. 60 d. 102
11. Refer to fig. In item no. 7, if EF=44 and DC= 64, what is AB?
a. 20 b. 22 c. 24 d. 54
12. Refer to the fig. below, ABC with E & F are midline.



If EF= 120 cm, what is BC? a. 60 cm b. 180 cm c. 120 cm. d. 240 cm

13. If BC=54 cm, what is EF? a. 54 cm b. 9cm c. 27 cm. d. 3cm
14. What is the ratio of the measure of one angle of a rectangle to the sum of the angles of a
rhombus? a.1/3 b. 2/3 c. 1/4 d. 5/6
15. Find the geometric mean of 3 & 48.
a. 24 b. 8 c. 13 d. 12
16. Find the missing term in the proportion 6/8=3/x.
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
17. The measures of the acute angles of a right triangle are in the ratio 2:3. Find their measures.
a. 40 & 50 b. 20 & 30 c. 36 & 54 d. 35 & 55
18. Express in simplest form the ratio of CD : EF, if CD=30 and EF =7. a. 3/7 b. 7/3 c.30/7 b. 7/30
19. To be able to apply the SSS Congruence Postulate, what additional information is needed in the
following pair triangle?


a. LE ≡ LP b. LB ≡ LQ c. LC≡ LR d. BC ≡ QR

20. What is measure if the angle marked x in the fig. below?

a. 25 b. 35 c. 45 d. 90

21. Quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus where mLB =105 and mLDAC=35, D C

What is the ratio in simplest form of mLACD: mLD?
a. 8/21 b. 7/21 c. 21/8 d. 21/7
350 1050
22. The ratio of the measures of two supplementary angles is 4 to 5.
Find the measure of the smaller angle. A B
a. 40 b. 50 c. 80 d. 100
23. What is the ratio of AB: AC in simplest form in the figure? A
a. 28/2 b. 24/28 c. 7/6 d. 6/7 18 16
10 8
24. Two complementary angles are in ratio 2:3 .Find the measure of the larger angle.
a. 18 b. 54 c. 36 d. 72
25. ABC ˜ DEF. Find the perimeter of DEF.
a. 9 b. 7 c. 8 d. 6 8 6 4 Y

4 X
26. A theorem that states, in a right triangle, the square of the length of its hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the
squares of the length of its legs. a. 30-60-90 Triangle Theorem b. Pythagorean Theorem
c. 445-45-90 Triangle Theorem d. SSS Similarity Theorem
27.The word trapezium and trapezoid come from the Greek word “Trapeza” which means,
a. table b. floor c. book d. refrigerator
28. He was the mathematician who introduced the Cartesian coordinate system.
a. Pythagoras b. Rene Descartes b. Albert Einstein d. Euclid
29. What can you say about any two consecutive angles of a parallelogram?
a. they are always congruent b. they are sometimes complementary
c. They are always supplementary d. They are both right angles
30. How do you describe any two opposite angles of a parallelogram?
a. they are always congruent b. they are supplementary c. they are complementary
d. they are both right angles
31. A polygon with four sides is ______. a. Quadrilateral b. Triangle c. Pentagon d. n-gon
32. Which of the following statements is true? a. Every square is rectangle b. Every rectangle is square
c. Every rhombus is a rectangle d. Every parallelogram is a rhombus
33. What can you say about any two consecutive angles of a rhombus? a. They are always congruent.
b. they are supplementary c. they are sometimes complementary d. They are both right angles
34. How do you describe any angle formed in a rectangle? a. They are always congruent
b. They are supplementary c. They are complementary d. They are right angles.
35. The following listed below is true EXCEPT.
a. a parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
b. a diagonal of a parallelogram form two congruent sides.
c. in a parallelogram , any two opposite sides are congruent.
d. In a parallelogram, any two consecutive angles are complementary.
36. A parallelogram with four equal sides. a. rectangle b. Triangle c. Rhombus d. Trapezoid
37. It is a special type a square. a. rectangle b. Triangle c. Rhombus d. Trapezoid
38. Which of the following quadrilaterals has diagonals that do not bisect each other?
a. square b. rhombus c. rectangle d. trapezoid 7x-1
39. What are the measures of the sides of parallelogram SOFT in meters? S O
a. {2m, 1m} b. {5m, 6m}
c. {8m, 13m} d. {13m, 15m} 7x-2 5x+y

40. Find the length of the longer diagonal in parallelogram FAST. 6x+y
a. 8 b. 31 c. 46 d. 52 F A

41. Find the value of yin the figure below.
a. 24 b. 30 (3y-17) 0

c. 35 d. 50
42. In rhombus RHOM, what is the measure of LROH if LHMO=350? R H
a. 350 b. 450 c. 550 d. 900

43. In a rectangle KAYE, YO= 18cm, find he length of the diagonal.

a. 6cm K E M O
b. 9cm.
c. 18cm. 18cm
d. 36cm A Y
44. Which of the following statements could be false? a. The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.
b. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
c. The diagonals of a square are perpendicular & bisect each other.
d. The diagonals of a rhombus are congruent and perpendicular to each other.
45. The perimeter of a parallelogram is 34cm.If a diagonal is 1cm less than its length and 8 cm more
than its width, what are the dimensions of this parallelogram?
a. 4cm x 13 cm b. 5cm x 12 cm c. 6cm x 11cm d. 7cm x 10 cm
46. A cross section of water through is in shape of a trapezoid with bases measuring 2m and 6m.
What is the length of the median of the trapezoid? a. 2m b. 4m c. 5m d. 8m
47. The diagonal of an isosceles trapezoid are represented by 4x-47 and 2x+31. What is the value of x?
a. 37 b. 39 c. 107 d. 109
48. Which of the following statements are not true except. a. A trapezoid can have four equal sides
b. A trapezoid can have three right angles c. The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
d. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid bisect section other.
49. Which of the following statements is true? a. A trapezoid can have four equal sides
b. A trapezoid can have three right angles c. The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent.
d. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid bisect section other.
50. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram have measures (x+30) 0 and [2(x-30)]0. What is the measure of the
smaller angle? a. 300 b. 800 c. 1000 d. 1400
51. Which of the following conditions is not sufficient to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?
a. Two pairs of sides are parallel b. Two pairs of opposite sides are congruent
c. Two angles are supplementary d. Two diagonals bisect each other
52. Which of the following quadrilaterals has diagonals that do not bisect each other?
a. Square b. Rhombus c. Rectangle d. Trapezoid
53. It is a quadrilateral with pairs of congruent and adjacent sides.
a. trapezoid b. kite c. rhombus d. square
54. What is the perimeter of a 30-60-90 triangle whose shorter leg is 5 inches long?
a. 5√3cm b. 15+5√3cm c. 15+√3cm d. 10+5√3cm
55. The length of the sides of a triangle are 6cm, 10cm, and 13cm.What kind of a triangle is it?
a. Regular Triangle b. Acute triangle c. Right Triangle d. Obtuse Triangle
56. The ratio of the volumes of two similar rectangular prisms is 125 : 64. What is the ratio of their
base areas? a. 25:16 b. 25:4 c. 4:5 d. 5:4
57. The ratio of the sides of the original triangle to its enlarged version is. The enlarged triangle is
expected to have_____. a. sides that are thrice as long as the original
b. an area that is thrice as large as the original c. sides that are one-third the lengths of the original
d. angles that are thrice the measurement of the original
58. The length of the shadow of your one-and-a-half-meter height is 2.4meters at a certain time in the
morning. How high is a tree in your backyard if the length of its shadow is 16 meters?
a. 25.6m b. 10m c. 38.4m d. 24m
59. A map is drawn to the scale of 1cm:150m. If the distance between towns A and B measures 8.5 cm on the map,
determine the approximate distance between these towns.
a. 2175m b. 1725m c. 1275m d. 2715m
60. Which of the following statements is/are true about trapezoids?
a. The diagonals are congruent b. The median is parallel to the bases c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b

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