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How long do you feel bad after chemo?

The worst of this acute vomiting most often happens about 5 or 6 hours after chemo.
Delayed nausea and vomiting starts more than 24 hours after chemo and up to 5 to 7
days after treatment. It's more likely with certain types of chemo.
Chemotherapy-related Nausea and Vomiting | American Cancer Society
Search for: How long do you feel bad after chemo?
How painful is chemotherapy?
There can be other reasons for pain besides the chemotherapy, such as the cancer
itself. If the pain is related to chemotherapy, doctors can treat it by: Givingpain-
relieving medications. Blocking pain signals from the nerves to the brain with spinal
treatments or nerve blocks.
Side Effects of Chemotherapy | Cancer.Net
Search for: How painful is chemotherapy?
Do the side effects of chemo get worse with each treatment?
Side Effects of Chemotherapy
 Yes. Your health care team can help you prevent or treat many side effects. ...
 Tell your doctor about all the side effects you notice. ...
 Fatigue. ...
 Learn more about cancer pain and how to manage it.
 Mouth sores usually happen 5 to 14 days after a treatment. ...
 Diarrhea. ...
 Nausea and vomiting. ...
 Constipation.
More items...

Side Effects of Chemotherapy | Cancer.Net

What not to eat during chemo?

Foods to avoid (especially for patients during and after chemo): Hot, spicy foods (i.e.
hot pepper, curry, Cajun spice mix). High fiber foods (i.e. raw fruit and vegetables,
coarse whole grains). Fatty, greasy, or fried foods.

How long does it take for your immune system to return to normal after
Treatment can last for anywhere from 3 to 6 months. During that time, you would be
considered to be immunocompromised — not as able to fight infection. After finishing
chemotherapy treatment, it can take anywhere from about 21 to 28 daysfor your
immune system to recover.Sep 4, 2014
How long does the first chemo session last?
Chemotherapy treatment varies in length and frequency and depends on the individual
treatment plan prescribed by your doctor. Some last as long as three orfour hours,
while others may only take a half-hour. Your doctor can provide an estimate of the time
involved during your first consultation.

Why do you lose your hair during chemo?

Chemotherapy may cause hair loss all over your body — not just on your scalp.
Sometimes your eyelash, eyebrow, armpit, pubic and other body hair also falls out.
Some chemotherapy drugs are more likely than others to cause hair loss, and
different doses can cause anything from a mere thinning to complete baldness.

How long is a cycle of chemotherapy?

Most chemotherapy treatments are given in repeating cycles. The length of
acycle depends on the treatment being given. Most cycles range from 2 to 6 weeks.
The number of treatment doses scheduled within each cycle also varies depending on
the drugs being given.

What foods taste good during chemo?

Try foods that are less sweet:
 Drink beverages such as diluted fruit juice, milk, buttermilk, lemonade, ginger ale or
sports drinks.
 Choose desserts that aren't as sweet, such as yogurt, custard, pumpkin pie, fruit, baked
fruit, fruit with cottage cheese, fruit crumble, plain doughnuts, or graham crackers.

What are good snacks for chemo patients?

8 Healthy Snacks to Deliver to Patients
 Peanut butter and crackers or peanut butter and apples/bananas.
 Hummus, pita chips and veggies.
 Chicken, tuna or egg salad for sandwiches or on crackers.
 Trail mix.
 Cheese sticks.
 Yogurt with fresh berries.
 Guacamole or bean dip and corn tortilla chips.

What is good for chemo patients to eat?

Certain foods can help ease the common discomforts from cancer treatment. Conquer
constipation by drinking water and eating high-fiber foods like beans, lentils,
vegetables, and fresh or dried fruit. Drive away diarrhea with bland foods such as rice,
bananas, and apples.Mar 6, 2017

What can you eat during chemo treatment?

Diet for Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy
 Plain or Fruited yogurt.
 Fresh fruit and cottage cheese.
 Poached egg and toast.
 Toasted bagel with a small amount of peanut butter.
 Cereal and milk (try Lactaid® milk, or Soy milk, if lactose intolerant)
 Chicken rice soup with saltine crackers.
What foods should be avoided during chemotherapy?
Foods to Avoid During Cancer Treatment
 Cold hot dogs or deli lunch meat (cold cuts)—Always cook or reheat until the meat is
steaming hot.
 Dry-cured, uncooked salami.
 Unpasteurized (raw) milk and milk products, including raw milk yogurt.

What is the fruit that cures cancer?

Practitioners of herbal medicine use soursop fruit and graviola tree leaves to treat
stomach ailments, fever, parasitic infections, hypertension and rheumatism. It's used as
a sedative, as well. But claims of the fruit's anti-cancer properties have attracted the
most attention.Jul 10, 2018

What not to eat when fighting cancer?

Foods to avoid as a cancer patient
 Deep fried, grilled, barbequed, baked meats since subjecting animal protein to high heat
creates carcinogenic byproducts called heterocyclic amines.
 Excessive intake of salt, sugar, and oily foods.
 Red meat and processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausages
Tips for Managing Eating Problems and
Your Diet after Chemo Treatments

Good nutrition for chemotherapy patients can be affected by poor mouth care, fatigue, pain, and
fever, as well as the many symptoms that can occur during and after
cancer chemotherapy treatments. The goal is to know how to combat these symptoms and maintain
an adequate diet after chemo.
Goals for managing symptoms to achieve a good diet after chemo:
Loss of appetite for food (Anorexia)

 Plan ahead - plan a daily menu in advance.

 Make every bite count - choose high calorie and protein foods (i.e. casseroles, fortified
milkshakes, peanut butter added to snacks).
 Pack snacks to keep on hand at all times.
 Strive to eat at least 1/3 of your calorie and protein needs at breakfast.
 Eat 5-6 small meals per day (this helps to sneak in extra calories and protein).
 Don't be afraid to try something new, this might spark your appetite.
 Be sure to follow good mouth care practices.

Difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia)

 After chemo treatments, soft foods may improve swallowing problems. These tend to go
down easier.
 Consider high calorie and protein milkshakes. Liquids tend to be the best tolerated,
especially if the difficulty swallowing is related to a narrowed esophagus.
 Chew solid foods thoroughly.


Foods to avoid (especially for patients during and after chemo):

 Hot, spicy foods (i.e. hot pepper, curry, Cajun spice mix).
 Fatty, greasy or fried foods.
 Very sweet, sugary foods.
 Large meals.
 Foods with strong smells (foods that are warm tend to smell stronger).
 Eating or drinking quickly.
 Drinking beverages with meals.
 Lying down after a meal.

Diet tips to try:

 Small meals throughout the day.
 Refrigerated or room temperature entrees.
 Rinse mouth with lemon water after eating.
 Suck on ice cubes, mints, or hard candies.
 Distractions such as TV, music, or reading may be helpful while eating.


Foods to avoid (especially for patients during and after chemo):

 Hot, spicy foods (i.e. hot pepper, curry, Cajun spice mix).
 High fiber foods (i.e. raw fruit and vegetables, coarse whole grains).
 Fatty, greasy, or fried foods.
 Rich desserts.
 Nuts, seeds, or dried fruit.

Beverages to avoid (especially for patients during and after chemo):

 Beverages that are very hot or cold.

 Beverages containing caffeine (coffee, strong tea, soda, and possibly chocolate).
 Use caution with milk products.

Diet tips to try:

 Low total fiber or good soluble fiber source (i.e. rice, bananas, white bread, oatmeal, mashed
potatoes, applesauce, skinless/boneless chicken or turkey).
 Increase the amount of sodium (salt) and potassium in your diet.
 Drink plenty of fluids.

Constipation can be caused by cancer treatments and pain medications.

Diet tips to try:

 Increase the amount of fiber (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains).

 Drink plenty of fluids.
 In some cases a low residue diet (low fiber) may be appropriate with increased clear liquids.
 It is important to discuss which diet is right for you with your dietician and physician.

Dry mouth (xerostomia)

Diet tips to try:

 Mouth care is important to maintain a good diet, especially during and after chemotherapy.
 Try a "swish and spit" solution; mix 1/2-1 teaspoon of salt or baking soda with a glass of
water. Do this 4-5 times daily or more often.
 Avoid oral care products that dry the mouth (i.e. products containing alcohol or peroxide).
 Try lubricating your mouth with artificial saliva.
 Swish and swallow a mouthful of olive oil or vegetable oil. This will lubricate the mouth and
esophagus for about 15 minutes. Some people cannot tolerate this.
Mouth sores (stomatitis)

 Try a soft, pureed, or liquid diet to decrease chewing.

 Avoid citrus and tomato based products.
 Try to maximize calories and protein with fortified nutritional milkshakes (i.e. Boost).

Taste changes

 Mouth care is important to maintain a good diet, especially during and after chemotherapy.
 Try a "swish and spit" solution; mix 1/2-1 teaspoon of salt or baking soda with a glass of
water. Do this 4-5 times daily or more often.
 Try to suck on mints or lemon hard candy to keep mouth fresh.
 Try using plastic utensils.
 Add herbs, seasoning, and marinades to foods to enhance flavor. Avoid bland flavors (i.e.
vanilla). Try fresh fruit.

Note: We strongly encourage you to talk with your health care professional about your specific
medical condition and treatments. The information contained in this website is meant to be helpful
and educational, but is not a substitute for medical advice.

Can you eat seafood while on chemotherapy?

You may be instructed to avoid certain foods, such as raw fish, raw shellfish,
unwashed fruit, raw milk, and raw egg products, while you're receivingchemotherapy.
... Some patients find that spicy foods are more irritating while they are
on chemotherapy.

What foods help with nausea from chemo?

Suggested foods:
 Cream of wheat, oatmeal and cold cereal.
 Soups.
 Cold sandwiches.
 Cottage cheese.
 Hard boiled eggs.
 Plain pasta, rice, noodles and mashed potatoes.
 Toast, dry Saltine-style crackers, natural potato chips or pretzels.
 Canned fruit, applesauce and Jell-O.

What vegetables are good for cancer?

 Sweet potatoes.
 Broccoli.
 Cauliflower.
 Brussels sprouts.
 Bok choy.
 Spinach (preferably organic)
 Kale or collard greens (preferably organic)
 Peas (fresh or frozen)

 Is chemotherapy painful?
 BTCP is known as a "flare" of pain, and can be severe. Chemotherapy or
radiation induced pain - is most often a form of nerve pain. It can cause
peripheral neuropathy (painful numbness of the extremities), or paresthesia
(numbness and tingling of hands, feet or any extremity of the body).

Here are some of the more common side effects caused by chemotherapy:
 Fatigue.
 Hair loss.
 Easy bruising and bleeding.
 Infection.
 Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
 Nausea and vomiting.
 Appetite changes.
 Constipation.

What does chemo do to your body?

It targets cells that grow and divide quickly, as cancer cells do. Unlike radiation or
surgery, which target specific areas, chemo can work throughout your body. But it can
also affect some fast-growing healthy cells, like those of the skin, hair, intestines, and
bone marrow.Sep 10, 2017

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