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Hon Andrew Little Minister of Justice Minister Responsible for the NZSIS Minister for Courts Minister Responsible for the GCSB Minister Re Minister for Treaty of Waitar ibe for Pike River Re-entry Raymond Huo, Chair Justice Committee Pariament Buildings Wellington Dear Raymond Inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections: foreign interference As the Justice Committee conducts its inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections, | invite the Committee to look at the resilience of our electoral system against foreign interference risks, provide any recommendations for improvement, and reassure the Public that they can vote and participate in future elections with confidence. Foreign interference in democratic elections is, and will continue to be, a matter of pressing concer. New Zealand has a resilient, robust electoral system that mitigates against undue influence, fraud and interference. Regardless of whether New Zealand is subject to foreign interference attempts, we need to ensure our electoral system remains resilient and our elections are free and fair. Itis vital that New Zealand's electoral system is protected against illegitimate interference by foreign states. At the same time, our electoral system needs to encourage democratic Political participation by New Zealand voters, including those from ethnic communities. We need to make sure all New Zealanders, and those who have made New Zealand their permanent home, can participate. Our inclusive approach to political participation is one of our greatest strengths and while we should not tolerate illegitimate foreign interference, we need to ensure our electoral system continues to uphold the very values we seek to protect. Foreign interference will be a relevant consideration when the Committee examines the use of media, including social media, during the New Zealand elections. Other issues related to foreign interference that the Committee may wish to consider, are: ‘* Whether the current regulation of campaign financing is appropriate and sufficiently transparent, including whether the current threshold for foreign donations remain appropriate ‘+ How well the system for investigating and prosecuting breaches of the Electoral Act 1993 is operating * Whether there are sufficient protections against interference via electoral advertising, including through social media. 1644817707] Prvate Bag 18041, Pariament Buldings, Welington 6160, New Zealand HE alitle@rninistersgovtne I] beshivegovtne Officials from the Ministry of Justice will be available to support the Committee in its inquiry, including consideration of foreign interference, | look forward to receiving advice from the Committee on these issues. Yours sincerely n indrew Little inister of Justice

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