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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and
prostate gland.
Posted in Pelvis by Sahaja on January 5, 2009

35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and prostate gland.

Anatomy of Seminal Vesicle & Prostate Gland

Seminal Vesicle:
*Retroperitoneal, except the tip, which is intraperitoneal

General Info:

long tube (10-15cm), that coils down into 5cm

produces seminal fluid – alkaline substance, w/ fructose, choline
enclosed by dense endopelvic fascia
are lobular glandulated structures that are actually pockets that formed off of the DD
lower end becomes narrow & from ducts which join ampulla of DD –> make ejaculatory duct
Does #OT store spermatozoa


@ post side of prostate

located inf/lat to ampulla of DD, against the fundus of the bladder
tip lie post to ureters, where peritoneum of rectovesical pouch separates it from rectum
inf end separated from rectum via rectovesical septum

Blood Supply:

inf vesicle a/v (int iliac a)

middle rectal a/b (int iliac a)

Lymph Drainage: int iliac l.n.

#erve Supply:
S#S - controls rapid contraction, during ejaculation - superior lumbar & hypogastric n
P#S - pelvic splanchnic n, inf hypogastric (pelvic) plexus

1 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Ejaculatory Duct:

General Info:

union of ductus deferens

formed @ neck of bladder
enters prostate @ post surface –> runs down, med, forward –> opens lateral to seminal collicus, on prostate urticle
on post wall of prostatic urethra
peristaltic contractions of musc layer of ductus deferens & ejaculatory ducts
propel spermatozoa w/ seminal fluid into urethra

Blood Supply: deferential a (inf vesicle a)

veins –> prostatic and vesical venous plexus

Lymph drainage: ext iliac l.n.

#erve supply: inf hypogastric plexus

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

below the bladder, and is around prostatic urethra
prostatic capsule – has a dense CT fibrous capsule
prostatic sheath – has a soft CT capsule around fibrous one – derived from pelvic fascia
is continuous w/ paraproctium (the CT fibers around rectum), and paracysticum (CT fibers around bladder)

3 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Two parts:
Glandular portion (2/3)
lat – make most of pass of prostate, lat to urethra
post – behind urethra, below ejaculatory duct CLINICAL NOTE – is palpable via rectal exam
med – around urethra, b/w it and ejaculatory duct

Prostatic glands – produces seminal fluid that causes odor of semen

contains Prostatic specific antigen (PSA), prostaglandins, citric acid, acid phosphatase, proteolytic
make about 20% of seminal fluid
this fluid + secretions of seminal vesicles + secretions of bulbourethral glands + sperm = semen
Urethral crest:
on post wall of prostatic urethra, and has # of openings for prostatic ducts on either side
has ovoid shaped enlargement called seminal collicus - where 2 ejaculatory ducts, prostatic utricle open
@ top of colliclus = prostatic utricle, small impression (analogous to female vagina)
Prostatic sinus:
groove b/w urethral crest & wall of prostatic urethra
rec duct of prostate glands

Fibromuscular portion (1/3)

ant – ant to urethra, no glandular substance


ant = pelvic wall, musc fibers, has retroperitoneal fat in front of it, b/w it and pubic symphysis
post = seminal vesicle, ductus deferens, ampulla of rectum
sup = bladder
inf = urethral sphincter, deep perineal m, UG diaphragm, levator ani

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Blood supply: inf vesicle a, middle rectal a

drained by prostatic venous plexus (b/w fibrous capsule & prostatic sheath) –> int iliac v

#erve supply:
Both PNS/SNS to contract smooth m
PNS – pelvic splanchnic n (S2-S4)
SNS – inf hypogastric plexus

Histology of Seminal Vesicle & Prostate Gland

Slide # 69 Prostate *H&E

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Structures to Identify:

prostatic glands
glandular epithelium
smooth m
excretory ducts
prostatic stones
CT stroma

General Info:

located inferior to neck of bladder

seminal vesicle combine with the ductus deferens and open as ejaculatory duct here
surrounded by dense CT capusle
urethra leaves bladder and passes through bladder, and is called prostatic urethra.
largest accessory sex gland, several functional zones
30-50 glands arranged in concentric layers = mucosal, submucosal, and peripheral
Mucosal –> secrete directly into urethra
Submucosal/Peripheral –> secrete into urethra via ducts
Citric acid
Serine Protease (PSA) –> Clinical NOTE: if increased, can be early sign of prostatic cancer

Epith: transitional (urothelium) epithelium

Prostatic Glands

look like popcorn

have glandular epith = simple columar epith –> cuboidal
are small, branched tubulo acinar glands
may have circular very pink prostatic stones
calcifications of cellular debris in the gland
# increases with age
Very characteristic of prostate. — LOOK FOR THESE, if u think it is the prostate.
between glands = fibromuscular stroma, with loads of smooth m bundles, and collagen and elastic fibers

6 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Prostatic stones

The stroma encircles an area called the seminal collicus, that has no glands

At top of seminal collicus, is located the C shaped urethra, with the utricle underneath. Ejaculatory ducts open on either
side of utricle

*cant see uticle and ejaculatory ducts in slide, but need to know them theoretically

on the lateral sides of the collicus are the prostatic sinuses (the end of the C), where the ducts of the glands open into.

Excretory ducts: columnar epith, stains darker than glands

Slide # 68 Seminal Vescicle *H&E

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Structures to Identify:

2 muscular layers = circular, longitudinal
irregular large lumen, with mucosal folds
ductus deferens, if seen

General Info:

an outgrowth of the ductus deferens

produce yellowish, viscous fluid, that contains high amt of fructose,which is energy for sperm
produce most of the fluid found in semen
are elongated glands on the posterior side of the bladder
duct of seminal vesicle combines with ductus deferens to make ejaculatory duct
vesicles are single tubes whcih are coiled and folded on themselves
in cross section, look like separate lumens, but it is all one

Secretions contain:

other simple sugars
amino acids
ascorbic acids
prostaglandins (originally discovered in prostate, IMP in inflammatory processes)

Cross section through region of ampulla of DD, so can see both DD and seminal vesicle

Ampulla muscular coat, tinner than rest of DD, and has secretory epithelium


Epith = columnar or pseudostratified columnar, very invaginated (kinda looks like lumen of gallbladder)
has mucosal crypts, made by infoldings of the mucosa
smooth m
rich in elastic fibers
very cell rich
goes into the primary mucosal folds
secondary mucosal folds are the ones that u cant see open up into epithelium (look like closed sacs)

Muscular Layer

rest on thick layer of smooth m cont w. DD

smooth musch has inner circular and outer longitudinal layer
contractions of smooth m. wall during ejaculation pushes substances through ejaculatory duct

Adventia – no peritoneal covering

Embryology of Seminal Vesicle & Prostate Gland

8 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

Genital Duct formation:

Paramesonephric duct starts to develop, but later regresses, due to MIF

Mesonephric duct forms = epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, efferent ducts of testis

Tagged with: ejaculatory duct, infraperitoneal, Prostate, prostatic stones, semen, seminal collicus, seminal vesicle,
sperm, utricle

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« 34. The anatomy, histology and development of the testis, epididymis and ductus deferens.
36. The anatomy, histology and development of the ureter, urinary vesicle and urethra. »

9 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

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This site was made for the Anatomy, Histology, Embryology class in 2nd yr, 1st semester at the University of Debrecen. All
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We combined Practical class notes, Moore, Board Review Series textbooks of Gross Anatomy and Embryology, Langman’s,
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Created by Sahaja Parsa and Anne H.

contact: sahaja.parsa[at]

10 of 12 1/31/2010 10:59 AM
35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

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35. The anatomy, histology and development of the seminal vesicle and pr...

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