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Very fine (x20 price) $1200 Swordbreaker (sai) and Messer [longsword with falchion mod] ($875, 6

lbs sw+2 cut, thr +1 imp) or axe (fine x10 price sw+3 $500)

Starting money $100 TL3 $2000 TL4 200 points?

Idea Duelist Bard, embellishes stories about himself


Sai - Avg

Axe/Mace – Avg

Fast draw

Main Gauche - Avg

Disarm – sai skill - cannot exceed sai skill + 5 – hard. Use disarm for roll to hit as well as quick
contest. Opponent can make dx or st based roll

Bind weapon – sai – 3 - cannot exceed sai skill – hard. If doing after parry bind weapon vs parry or
dodge. If offensively bind vs any defense.

Feint – sai skill – cannot exceed sai+4 – hard. Defender takes defense penalty equal to victory

Counter Attack – sai skill – 5 - cannot exceed sai skill – hard. After successfully doing any defense use
on your turn attack with this skill. -2 to foes parry or resistance roll, -1 dodge or block.

Use defensive attack with axe and can still parry

Deceptive attack on counter attack

Get ambi dexterity or offhand weapon training

Technique mastery (Bind Weapon) – Could buy Bind at Sai +4 max instead of Sai max [1]

Enhanced Parry [5] one weapon [10] all. +1 parry

Luck? [15] 1 hour

Armor Familiarity -1 encumberance penalty [1]

Weapon Bond [1] +1 skill

Combat Reflexes [15] +1 defense, +1 parry, +2 fright checks, never freeze, +6 wake up, +1/+2 init


Perfect Balance

Charisma [5/lvl] +1 on all reaction rolls +1 to Influence rolls. +1 to Fortune-Telling,

Leadership, Panhandling, and Public Speaking skills

Handsome [12]

Sensitivity? – vhard per – success +1 defenses and attack, success by 3 = +2

Flexibility – [5] ?

Hard to Kill [2/lvl]

Hard t subdue [2/lvl]

Smooth operator talent?

Language Talent [10]

Voice? [10] +2 with the following skills: Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Mimicry, Performance, Politics, Public
Speaking, Sex Appeal, and Singing. You also get +2 on any reaction roll made by someone who can
hear your voice.

Body language – per avg

Brawling – dx easy NO DEFAULT

Carousing – Ht Easy

Combat Art Fencing – DX

Current affairs – IQ easy

Disguise – IQ AVG

Detect Lies – Per Hard

Enthrallment - Will hard

Captivate – Will hard

Persuade – Will hard

Suggest – Will hard

Sway Emotions – Will hard

Erotic Art – DX AVG

Filch – DX AVG

Forgery – IQ Hard

Heraldry – IQ AVG

History – IQ Hard
Leadership – IQ AVG

Public Speaking IQ AVG

Savoir Faire – IQ Easy

Tactics – IQ Hard


Sex appeal

Fast Talk


Light scale torso dr 3 $150 basic

Light scale arms and legs dr 3 low tech

Skill Ability Diff Default / Requirements Details
Acting IQ Avg IQ-5, Performance-2 or Public Deceive and pretend
Body Language Per Avg Detect Lies-4 or Psychology-4 Gauge feelings
Brawling DX Easy None
Carousing HT Easy HT-4 Skill of
Combat Art Fencing DX ?
Current Affairs IQ Easy IQ-4 or Research-4 Assimilate quickly what
qualifies as news
Detect Lies Per Hard Per-6, Body Language-4 or Tell when someone is
Psychology-4 lying
Disguise IQ Avg IQ-5 or Makeup-3 Altering appearance
Enthrallment Will Hard None. Requires Charisma 1 and Enthral people through
Public Speaking 12+ storytelling
Fast Talk IQ Avg IQ-5 or Acting-5 Talk others into doing
Captivate Will Hard None. Requires Suggest at 12+ Tell a story so skilfully
that those listening do
what you want
Persuade Will Hard None Bring audience to your
point of view
Suggest Will Hard None. Requires Persuade at 12+ Give audience a simple
Sway Emotions Will Hard None. Requires Persuade at 12+ Instil audience with
one emotion
Erotic Art DX Avg DX-5 or Acrobatics-5 Knowledge of
advanced sexual
Filch DX Avg DX-5, Pickpocket-4 or Sleight of Steal something in
Hand-4 plain sight
Forgery IQ Hard IQ-6 or Counterfeiting-2 Fake documents
Heraldry IQ Avg IQ-5 or Savoir-Faire(High Society)-3 Recognising and
designing coat of arms
History IQ Hard IQ-6 Know history
Holdout IQ Avg IQ-5 or Sleight of Hand-3 Conceal items
especially those filched
Leadership IQ Avg IQ-5
Performance IQ Avg IQ-5, Acting-2 or Public Speaking-2 Act on the stage or
screen to impress or
Public Speaking IQ Avg IQ-5, Acting-5, Performance-2 or Give a good speech
Savoir-Faire IQ Easy IQ-4 Appropriate behaviour
Sex Appeal HT Avg HT-3 Influence
Tactics IQ Hard IQ-6 or Strategy-6

Talent (Acting, Carousing, Current Affairs, Detect Lies, Fast Talk, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire, Sex
Appeal, Enthrallment, Captivate, Persuade, Suggest) Story Teller Bard? 12 skills 10/lvl add in history
& heraldry?

Talent (Acting, Current Affairs, Detect Lies, Heraldry, History, Fast Talk, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire,
Enthrallment, Captivate, Persuade, Suggest) 12 skills 10/lvl

Upgrading armor with wealth –

Steel Corselet 6DR 35lbs $1300 Basic

Steel Laminate Plate 5DR 30lbs $900 Basic

Mail and Plates 5DR 20lbs $1,000 -1Dr vs Crushing Low Tech

Segmented Plate Heavy 5DR 32lbs $1200 Low Tech

Brigandine Medium 5DR 20lbs $1800 Low Tech


Heavy Mail 5DR 9lbs $600 -2Dr vs Crushing Low Tech

Mail and Plates 5DR 10lbs $500 -1DR vs Crushing Low Tech

Brigandine Medium 5DR 10lbs $900 Low Tech


No real better for the price and weight efficiency

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