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Statistics, Probability and Chaos

Author(s): L. Mark Berliner

Source: Statistical Science, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Feb., 1992), pp. 69-90
Published by: Institute of Mathematical Statistics
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Accessed: 15/08/2011 11:09

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Statistical Science.
Statistical Science
1992, Vol. 7, No. 1, 69-122

Statistics, Probabilityand Chaos

L. MarkBerliner

Abstract.The studyofchaoticbehaviorhas receivedsubstantialatten-

tionin manydisciplines.Althoughoftenbased on deterministic models,
chaos is associated with complex,"random" behavior and formsof
unpredictability. Mathematicalmodelsand definitions associatedwith
chaos are reviewed.The relationshipbetweenthe mathematicsofchaos
and probabilisticnotions,includingergodic theoryand uncertainty
modeling,are emphasized.Populardata analyticmethodsappearingin
the literatureare discussed.A major goal of this articleis to present
some indicationsof how probabilitymodelersand statisticianscan
contribute to analyses involvingchaos.
Key wordsand phrases: Dynamicalsystems,ergodictheory,nonlinear

1. INTRODUCTION tionsofchaos,I offera reviewofthe basic notions

ofchaos withemphasison thoseaspectsofparticu-
Chaos is associated with complex and unpre- lar interestto statisticiansand probabilists.Many
dictable behavior of phenomenaover time. Such
of the referencesgivenhere provideindicationsof
behaviorcan arise in deterministic dynamicalsys- the breath of interestin chaos. Jackson (1989)
tems. Many examples are based on mathematical
providesan introduction and an extensivebibliog-
models for (discrete)time series in which, after raphy [also, see Shiraiwa (1985)]. Berge, Pomeau
startingfromsome initial condition,the value of and Vidal (1984),Cooper(1989) and Rasband(1990)
the series at any time is a specified,nonlinear discuss applicationsof chaos in the physical sci-
functionof the previousvalue. (Continuoustime ences and engineering.Valuable sourcesforwork
processesare discussedin Section 2.) These proc- on chaos in biologicaland medicalscienceinclude
esses are intriguingin that the realizationscorre- May (1987), Glass and Mackey (1988) and Basar
spondingto different, although extremelyclose, (1990). Wegman(1988) and Chatterjeeand Yilmaz
initial conditionstypicallydiverge. The practical (1992) present reviews of particular interestto
implicationofthisphenomenonis that,despitethe statisticians.Finally, useful, "general audience"
underlyingdeterminism, we cannot predict,with introductions to chaos includeCrutchfield,Farmer,
any reasonableprecision,the values ofthe process. Packard and Shaw (1986), Gleick (1987), Peterson
forlarge time values; even the slightesterrorin (1988) and Stewart(1989).
specifying the initialconditioneventuallyruinsour Section 2 presents discussion of the standard
attempt.Later in this article,indicationsthatreal- mathematicalsetup of nonlineardynamicalsys-
izations of such dynamical systemscan display tems.Definitionsofchaos are reviewedand chaotic
characteristicstypicallyassociated with random- behavioris explainedmathematically, as well as by
ness are presented.A majorthemeofthis studyis example. Next, I review relationshipsbetween
thatthisconnectionwithrandomnesssuggeststhat chaos and probability.Two key pointsin this dis-
statisticalreasoningmay play a crucialrole in the cussionare: (i) theroleofergodictheoryand (ii) the
analysisofchaos. suggestionofuncertainty modelingand analysisby
Stronginteresthas recentlybeen shownin nu- probabilisticmethods.Statisticalanalyses related
merous literaturesin the areas of nonlineardy- to chaos are discussed in Sections 3 and 4. In
namical systemsand chaos. However,ratherthan Section3, the emphasisis on some "data analytic"
attemptingto providean overviewof the applica- methodsforanalyzingchaoticdata. The goals of
these techniquesbasicallyinvolveattemptsat un-
derstandingthe structureand qualitative aspects
of models and data displayingchaotic behavior.
L. MarkBerlineris AssociateProfessor,
Department the notionsof(i) estimationofdimen-
of Statistics,Ohio State University,
141 Cockins sion,(ii) Poincaremaps and (iii) reconstruction by
Hall, 1958 Neil Avenue,Columbus,Ohio 43210. time delays are reviewed.]Althoughstatisticians


are now beginningto make contributionsalong specifyingthe initial conditionis in the sixth
these lines, the methodsdescribedin Section 3 decimalplace. This sortofbehavior,knownas sen-
have been developedprimarilyby mathematicians sitivity to initial conditions, is one of the key
and physicists.In Section4, I discusssomepossible componentsof chaos. To amplifyon this phe-
strategiesformethodsofchaoticdata analysisbased nomenon,the firstframeof Figure 2 presentsdot
on main streamtechniquesforstatisticalmodeling plots, at selected time values, of the dynamical
and inference.Finally,Section5 is devotedto gen- system correspondingto 18 initial conditions
eral remarksconcerningstatisticsand chaos. equally spaced in the interval [0.2340, 0.2357].
There are two messages in this plot. First, note
that the images of these 18 points are quickly
2. MATHEMATICS,PROBABILITY AND CHAOS attractedto the unit interval.Second,the initial
2.1 The Complexityof NonlinearDynamical
conditionsappear to get "mixed" up in an almost
noncontinuousmanner.(However,forthe logistic
map, xt is, of course,a continuousfunctionof xo
A simpledeterministic dynamicalsystemmaybe forall t). The secondframeofFigure2 is a scatter-
definedas follows.For a discretetime index set, plot of the values of the logisticmap after2000
T = {0, 1, 2, ... }, considera timeseries { x,; te T}. iterates against the correspondinginitial condi-
Assume that xo is an initial conditionand that tionsfor4000 initials equally spaced in the inter-
xt+1= f(xt), forsome functionf that maps a do- val [0.10005, 0.3]. There is clearlyessentiallyno
main D into D. (D is typicallya compactsubsetof meaningfulstatementsabout the relationshipbe-
a metricspace). Chaoticbehaviormayarise when f tween x2000and xo, even though x2000is a well-
is a nonlinearfunction. definedpolynomialfunction(of admittedlyhigh
To begin,somenumericalexamplesforone ofthe order) of xo. (Note that presentingthis graph
morepopular examples of dynamicalsystems,the for 2000 iterates is a bit of "overkill." Corre-
logisticmap, are given. The dynamicalsystemis spondingscatterplots aftereven a 100 or so iterates
obtainedbyiteratingthefunctionf(x) = ax(l - x), wouldlook quite the same.)
where a is a fixedparameterin the interval[0,4].
Let xo be an initialpointin the interval[0,1];note 2.1.1 Some mathematicsfor nonlinear dynamical
thatthenall futurevalues ofthe systemalso lie in systems
[0,1].To get a bit ofthe flavorofthismap,example This discussionis intendedto providesomeflavor
computationsare presentedforan importantvalue of the mathematicsconcerningthe appearance of
of a: namely,a = 4.0. Figure 1 presentstimeseries complexor chaoticbehaviorin nonlineardynami-
plots of the first500 iterates of the logisticmap cal systems.The presentationis a bit quick, and
corresponding to the initial values 0.31, 0.310001 untilSection2.1.3, considersone-dimensionalmaps
and 0.32. The firstthing to notice about these only. More complete details maybe foundin Collet
series is that their appearance is "complex." In- and Eckmann(1980),Rasband (1990) and Devaney
deed,one mightbe temptedto suggestthese series (1989). We begin by consideringthe long-run
are "random." Also, despitethe similarityin the behavior of a dynamicalsystemgeneratedby a
initial conditions,visual inspectionof the series nonlinearfunctionf. The studybegins with the
indicatesthat theyare not quantitativelysimilar. considerationof fixedpoints of f; namely,those
To make the point,I have includedscatterplotsof pointsthat are solutionsto f(x) = x. The key re-
these series,matchedby time.The first25 iterates sult in this contextis the followingproposition.
ofthe maps in theseplotsare indicatedby a differ- Using conventionalnotation,let ffn(.) denotethe
ent symbol fromthe rest. Points falling on the 450 n-foldcomposition of f.
line in theseplotssuggesttimevalues at whichthe
corresponding values ofthe systemsare quite close. PROPOSITION 2.1. Let p be a fixed point of f. If
We see that quite early in time,the three series I f'(p) I < 1, then thereexistsan open intervalU
"predict"each otherreasonablywell. However,the about p such that, forall x in U, limn-+o fn(x) = p.
similarityin the series diminishesrapidlyas time
increases.(The rate ofthis "separation" is in fact Under the conditionsof this proposition,p is an
exponentialin time.) Note' that, except for very attractingfixed point and the set U is a stable set.
early times, the series correspondingto xo = i i
It is also truethat if f'(p) > 1, p is a repelling
0.310001 is really no betterat predictingthe 0.31 fixedpoint. (In these two cases, p is said to be
series than is the 0.32 series. Also, predictions hyperbolic; if I f'(p) I = 1, p acts as a saddle point
based on xo = 0.31 when the correctvalue is and moredelicate analyses are required.The rest
0.310001 are verypoor,even thoughthe errorin ofthis discussionfocuseson hyperbolic points.)

0.6 o.6
0.21 0.
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400

series series

1.0 -



100 200 300 400


1.0 x x1 .0 0 x x 0 X
0 0
0.8 - 0.8

0.6 - X 0.6 x
| R | 0~~~~
O~~~~04 x
A 0.4 ?
X A 04 t x

0.2 -- 0 x 0.2
op x Qo0 x x
, X
0191t' XX-tx 00X0

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


1 .0 1 10@ .'T,,..'*-. ,.::' ,'

0.8 .. . 0.8

0.6 . ;
'* 0.6

A ... ... A
0.2 t. 0.2 t.;

0 0 0. . . . . . .

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

B (ii) C
FIG.1. Examples ofthe logistic map: a = 4.0. Initial conditions:(A) x0 = .31; (B) X0 = .310001;(C) X0 = .32. (i) Time seriesplots for
times 26 - 500. (ii) Scatterplotsmatched by time. In topplots, 0 denotes times 1 - 15 and x denotes times 15 - 25; bottomplots show
times 26 - 500.

1.0 8 0
* x
0.8 4 X > + 0~~~~~~ x
o x X +

0 ~~~x+

0.6 0+
0 x 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

t + 0 X

0.4- +
x~~~~~~ o

0 O +
0 0

+ +

0.2 +

20 30 40 50 100 200
1.0 d.~~~~~~~~~~~~
0.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 (i)


8. *|;. -fi;!rX
.:; .,a.

P I~~~~~~3~~.
' .

6 * _

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

FIG.2. Mixingbehaviorofthelogisticmap: a = 4;0. (i) Dot plotsfor18 initialconditions.0 denotesxo = .2340,.2341, .2342,.2343,
.2344, .2345; x denotesxo = .2346, .2347, .2348, .2349, .2350, .2351; + denotesxo = .2352, .2353, .2354, .2355, .2356, .2357. (ii)
Scatterplotoflogisticmap at time2000 againstxo for4000 xo's in [.10005,.3].

Considernow the logisticmap definedearlier. the iterates x,,=

ing fixed point. Furthermore,
The fixedpointsofthis map, i.e., solutionsto the ff(x) are monotonically decreasing for all x in
equation x = ax(1 - x), are easily seen to be 0 and (0,1],but boundedfrombelowby zero,and so, since
Pa = 1 - 1/a. Notethat f'(x) = a(l - 2 x). We now f is continuous,limp,f (x) = 0. Note that this
considerthe behaviorof iteratesofthe logisticfor argumentalso happensto coverthe nonhyperbolic
various a. case when a = 1.
1. a < 1: Because f'(O) = a < 1, 0 is an attract- 2. 1 < a < 3: First,notethatnow 0 is a repelling

fixedpoint.The transitionfromattractionto repul- Further,we applyProposition1.1 to f2 to inferthe

sionoccurredas f'(O)increasedto one at a = 1 and existenceof a stable set, U, corresponding to p,
became greaterthan one for a > 1. This is a flag such that for all x in U, lim j, nX f2n(X) = p, An
that thereis a potentialchange in behavior.Con- analogous claim is true for Pl A bit more work
siderthe otherfixedpointPa. Notethat I f'(Pa) I = thenyieldsthatforall x (0,1),exceptforthepreim-
12 - al < 1, and so Pa is an attractingfixedpoint ages of 0 and pa, and for3 < a < 1 + V1, xn is
if 1 < a < 3. Thus, for all 0 < x < 1 there is a asymptoticallyattractedto oscillate between pi
chance that limn ,f'fn(x) = Pa. This conclusionis and Pl Note that,theoretically, xn need not actu-
alreadyguaranteedforthe stableset ofPa. It is not ally everreach pmor Pi exactly,althoughnumeri-
hard to demonstratethat iteratesof any point in cal computations typicallyindicateexactoscillation
(0,1) eventuallyenterthe stableset. The conclusion on thistwo-pointattractor.
is that for almost all, in the sense of Lebesgue Because I f2't(p)I = 1 at a = 1 + 6 and
measure, x in [0,1], limn,fn(x) = Pa. The only I f2/(pu)I > 1 fora > 1 + V", we (correctly) antic-
exceptionsare the endpoints0 and 1. ipate another bifurcationat a = 1 + V in which
3. a > 3: Now both 0 and Pa are repellingfixed the periodtwo attractorsplits into a period four
points.Because f'(Pa) > 1, Pa can no longerattract attractor.However, the analysis based on the
iteratesofthe map exceptfor x's such that there analogs of(2.1) and (2.2) forthis,and later,bifurca-
exists an n such that ffn(x) = Pa. This set is the tions is no longerfeasible.More delicatetools are
collectionof preimagesof Pa. This set is countable, needed to mathematicallydescribethe behavior.
because there is a "denumerable"algorithmfor The resultis that the perioddoublingbifurcations
findingthe preimages:Namely,firstfindthe solu- ofperiods4 to 8, etc.,continueas a increases,on to
tionsto f( x) = Pa. In this stepthe solutionsare Pa "period 2X" at a,. = 3.56994.... The fundamen-
and 1 - Pa. The next step is to "invert" 1 - Pa to tal mathematicsexplainingthe "period doubling
obtaintwomorepreimages,etc. Also, notethatfor cascade" is due to the physicist,M. Feigenbaum
all a, the preimagesof0 are 0 and 1, but 1 has no (see Feigenbaum,1978). For a > a,, the asymp-
preimages.To see what happens to otherpoints, totic behaviorof the logisticbecomeseven more
considerthe fixedpointsof f2(x). (Fixed pointsof complexthan perioddoublingcascade and is still
f2 are periodicpointsofperiod2 forf). Now, we notcompletely understood.We observemoreperiod
mustsolve doublingas well as aperiodicbehavior.For some a
xn appears to wander on a "singular" attractor
(2.1) a(ax(l - x))(1 - ax(l - x)) - x = 0,
(i.e., a Cantor set), whereasforother a, particu-
larly, a = 4, as x0 varies, xn wanderson a "con-
a fourthdegreepolynomial.However,we can recog- tinuous" set. One interestingphenomenonoccurs
nize that both 0 and Pa are solutions.Accounting in a small intervalof a's near 3.83... . In this
forthese solutions,we can findthe remainingtwo region, a period 3 attractorappears, and then
by solvingthe qi!adratic quicklyundergoesits ownperioddoublingcascade.
a3x2 + (Pa - 2)a x This factimpliesfurther complications in that,if a
is such nontrivialthree-cycle behavioris possible,
(2.2) + a3(1 + Pa(Pa - 2)) + a2 = 0. then all other cycles have solutions.That is, if
f3(x) = x has nontrivial solutions, so does f n(X) =
The solutionsare
x, for all n. This result is a consequence of
Sarkovskii'sTheorem[see Devaney(1989), Section
Pu = [a + 1 + `a2- 2 a - 3 ]/2a and 1.10]. Also, see Li and Yorke (1975). On the other
Pi= [a+ 1 - Va2 -2 a -3 ]/2a. hand,foreach fixeda, thereis at mostone attract-
ing periodic cycle. That is, except for a set of
Note that, of course,f(pu) = Pi. First,these roots Lebesgue measure zero, all initial values lead to
are real and distinctif a2 - 2 a - 3 > 0 or if a > 3. pathsthat are attractedto the same periodiccycle,
At a = 3, Pa = Pu = p1. That is, we observe a bifur- ifthereis attractingcycle.We have seen a version
cationat a = 3, in whichthe attractingfixed-point of this propertyabove: for 3 < a < 1 + V, there
Pa splitsintotwo pieces. Next, we ask forwhat a are nontrivial solutions to both f(x) = x and
of f2? Note
are these rootsattractingfixed-points f2(x) = x. However,onlythe period2 cycleis at-
that tracting.The periodone cycleis onlyobservablefor
- 2ax(1 - x)), the preimagesof Pa and 0.
f21(x) = a2(1 - 2x)(1 To illustratesome of the ideas concerningperi-
and so f21(pu)
= f21(pl) = 1 - (a2 - 2a - 3). odic behavior,considerthe case of a = 3.83001.
Tlru I , - t .2 _ . qj I . i y
This value of a correspondsto an attractingthree-

cycle with attractor 0.1561 ... -. 0.5046... - .

0.9574.... Figure 3 presentsa scatterplotof the
values of x500against xo for 800 xo's equally
spaced in the interval[0.17, 0.3]. After500 iter-
ates, all of these initial pointslead to paths that 0.64
approximately cyclethroughthe attractor;but the
phase of the cyclingvaries in a complicatedfash-
ion. This suggestsa formof sensitivityto initial 0 .4
conditions,at least forpointsoutsideofstable sets .
,G,,values in ,.the attractor,
!'G0,;. in the ..I-
0 2- :.,,,.,
corresponding to
periodiccase. By exploringotherinitialconditions,
we can in factestimatethe stable sets correspond- @ ? | ~ ~I ~
~~~~~~~~~~~I 'Sl

ing to the threepointsofthe attractor;that is, the 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4
threeattractingfixedpointsof f3. For example,my a
computationsindicate that the stable set corre- FIG. 4. Iteratesofthelogisticmap.
spondingto the point 0.1561... is approximately
I, = [0.14545,0.163571.This estimatecan be veri- tivityto initialconditionscan occurwithLebesgue
fiedby checkingthat f3(X) E11 forxE 1I. This cri-
terionwas numericallysatisfiedfor2000 equally measure0. Maps forwhichall pointsmustseparate
spacedpointsin I,. underiterationare said to be expansive.However,
To summarizethe asymptoticbehavior of the expansivenessis typicallytoo restrictiveformost
logisticmap, considerthe plot in Figure 4. This maps. (For example,considerthelogisticmap when
plot is intendedto indicate the attractorof the a = 4. The initial conditions xo and 1 - xo result
in identicalrealizationsofthemap.Therefore, since
logisticmap as a functionof a. For a gridofvalues
of a from3.45 to 4, iterates 101 to 221 of the xo can be chosenarbitrarily closeto 0.5, expansive-
logistichave been plotted.The result,knownas an ness cannotbe claimed).However,the set ofall x
orbitdiagram,is an interesting, complexobject. leading to any periodicbehaviorwhen a = 4 is a
set of Lebesgue measure zero. This sort of phe-
2.1.2 Whatis mathematical nomenonis related to anothercomponentof the
mathematicaldefinition ofchaos,namelythe set of
There does not appear to be a universallyac- x's leadingto periodicbehavioris densein D. That
cepted,mathematicaldefinition ofchaos. Thereare is, complex,aperiodicbehaviorcan arise despite
differentwaysto quantifywhatone mightmean by the existenceof denselydistributedopportunities
complexor unpredictablebehavior. The primary forwell-ordered behavior.This is implicitin the
conceptappears to b& the notionsensitivityto ini- claim of Li and Yorke (1975) that "period three
tial conditions, implieschaos." I thinkthe way mostpeoplewould
like to interpretsensitivityis as if the map were
DEFINITION2.1. f: D -+ D. displays sensitivityto almost everywhere,typically,in the sense of
initialconditions there exists 6 > 0 such that for Lebesguemeasure,expansive.
any x in D and any neighborhoodV of x, there
exists a y in V and n 2 0 such that fn(x)- D is almost everywhere
fn(y)I > 6 expansiveifthereexists 6 > 0 suchthatforalmost
all x in D and almost all y in D, there exists
suggeststhat thereexist pointsar-
t'his definition n 2 0 suchthat I fn(x)-fn(y) I > 6.
bitrarilycloseto x thatseparatefromx duringthe
time evolutionofthe dynamicalsystem.However,
AlthoughI have not located discussionof such a
the definitiondoes notsay all pointsmustseparate,
there may be relationshipsto some of
apparentlyleaving open the possibilitythat sensi-
the definitionsrelatingchaos and randomnessdis-
Anothermathematicalconceptassociated with
definitionsof chaos intuitivelyinvolvesthe rich-
I .. . .. . . .I..... . ... .. .... . . . ness ofchaoticpaths.

DEFINITION 2.3. f:D-+ D is topologicallytransi-
0.21 0.24 0.27
tiveif forany pair of open sets U, V in D there

FIG. 3. Periodic behaviorof the logisticmap: a = 3.83001.

ofX500 versusx0 for800 pointsin [.11, .3].
Scatterplot exists n > 0 suchthat f (U) ln v is not empty.

This definitionsuggests that some paths of the

dynamicalsystemgeneratedby f eventuallyvisit
all regions of D. In fact,it turns out that f is 0.2
topologicallytransitiveif and onlyif the map pos-
sesses a path thatis dense in D.
To thispoint,I have onlylistedpropertiesassoci- 0.0

ated with chaos, but have not given an explicit

definition ofchaos. Indeed,different definitionsex-
ist. The popularizedview ofchaos revolvesaround -0.2

sensitivity to initialconditionsas in Definition2.1. , I-

A now standardand more complete,mathemati-
cally motivateddefinitionis given in Devaney -1 0 1

(1989, page 50). Namely,a map is "chaotic" if it

has the propertiesof:(i) sensitivityto initialcondi- (i)

tions (Definition2.1); (ii) topologicaltransitivity

(Definition2.3); and (iii) periodicpointsare dense.
Other related definitionsof chaos (positive Lia-
punov exponents,as introducedin Section 3.1.1,
and the existenceof continuousergodicdistribu-
tions, as introducedin Section 2.2.3) involveno- 300 400 500
tions of ergodictheory.See Collet and Eckmann
0 100 200

(1980) forfurtherdiscussion. FIG. offirst2000 iter-
5. PlotsforHenonmap. (i) Scatterplot
ates. (ii) First500 iteratesofx.
2.1.3 Dissipative systemsand chaos
Much ofthe complexbehaviorofthe logisticis a
resultofits noninvertibility.Indeed,noninvertibil- Carleson(1991).] To get a feelforthis map,Figure
ity required to observe chaos forone-dimensional 5 presentsa scatterplotofthe first2000 iterations
dynamicalsystems, as defined here. However,ev- (the attractor)ofthe map, as well as a time series
erywhere invertible maps in two or more dimen- plot of the "x" series. These computationswere
sions can also exhibit chaoticbehavior. Among the based on the conditionsa = 1.4, b = 0.3, xO= 0.4
manyinterestingfacetsof dynamical systems, one and yo = 0.3.
area that receivesmuch attention is the study of This example illustratestwoimportant aspectsof
strangeattractors.The basis issue is the long-run chaotic behavior. First,note that the complex geo-
behaviorofthe system.As time proceeds, the tra- metrical structure of the Henon attractor. This ob-
jectoriesofsystemsmaybecometrapped in certain ject is of fractal dimension. Such objects appear in
boundedregionsof the state space of the system. the study of many dynamical systems. The mathe-
As notedeven forthe logisticmap, these trapping maticsthat suggestsuch behaviorare as follows.
regionsor attractors can display remarkable oddi- The Henon map, viewedas a transformation from
ties. An importantexample in two dimensions is R2 to R2, has Jacobian equal to -b. If 0 < b < 1,
the Henon map. This map can display the property we make the geometrical observation that Henon
ofhavinga strangeattractor;that is, the attractor map contractsthe areas of sets to whichit is ap-
"appears to be locallythe productof a two-dimen- plied. More generally,such maps are said to be
sional manifoldby a Cantorset." This quote,along dissipative. (Maps that maintainarea underitera-
with a motivationof the map, may be found in tion are conservative.) Intuitively,the complex
Henon (1976). Also, see the previousreferences for limiting behaviorofchaotic,dissipativedynamical
discussion.The Henon map is givenby the follow- systems is the resultoftwo competingmathemati-
ing equations: cal trends. Dissipativenesssuggeststhat iterates
tend to collapse to sets ofLebesgue measurezero.
(2.3) xt1 = + yt - ax2 and Yt+1 = bxt However,an effectof chaos is to prohibitperiodic
behavior.The naturalresultsconsistentwiththese
forfixedvalues of a and b 'and t = 0, 1, .... This twophenomenais forthe systemto be attractedto
invertiblemap can not onlypossess strangeattrac- an inflnite,singularset ofLebesgue measurezero
tors,but also display strongsensitivityto initial (in an appropriatemanifoldofRk). Such attracting encounteredearlier. [The rigorous sets are knownas strange attractors. (The above
verificationofmanyofthe propertiesofthe Henon heuristicsare notcomplete.For example,conserva-
map is actually very difficult;see Benedicksand tive systemscan displaychaoticbehaviorwithout

being attracted to singular attractors. Rather, here. The reader can find a valuable discussion of
conservative systems can have attractors that are the basics in Press, Flannery, Teukolsky and Vet-
colorfully called "fat fractals"; that is, complex terling (1986).
geometrical objects that are essentially "space-fill- The followingexample of (2.5) is used in Section
ing." Such systems will not be considered further 4. The differentialequation, known as the Lorenz
.n this article. The reader may consult the refer- system, is extremely popular in the literature on
ences fordiscussion.) chaos. The system,given component-wise,is
Second, note that there is a relationship between
the roles of time and dimension in the definitionof dx/dt = a(y - x),
dynamical systems. In particular, (2.3) can be writ- (2.6) dy/dt = -xz + rx - y,
ten as a one dimensional relationship if we allow
dz/dt = xy - bz,
consideration of more lags of time:
where a, r and b are constants. Lorenz (1963)
(2.4) x = 1 + bxt1 - ax.
considered this systemas a rough approximationto
Statisticians familiar with more conventional time aspects of the dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere.
series modeling might see a kinship between (2.4) Figure 6 presents plots in phase space of a numeri-
and a "nonlinear autoregressive model of order 2." cal approximation of a solution to (2.6) where a =
I will return to such concepts in Section 4. 10, r = 28 and b = 8/3. (I tried to indicate why the
attractor is nicknamed "The Butterfly.") For this
2.1.4 Continuous time dynamical systems:Differ- famous choice of the parameters, the solutions (see
ential equations Figure 7) display sensitive dependence to initial
Continuous time dynamical systems arise natu- conditions and "unpredictable" fluctuations. For
rally in many applications in which the time almost all initial conditions,orbits are attracted to
evolution of the quantities of interest,composing a the object displayed in the various panels of Figure
k-dimensionalvector x(t), are modeled via differen- 6. Note that I have plotted points fromthe discrete
tial equations. In particular, consider a initial value time numerical approximation in this figure.
problem where x(O) is an initial condition and the "True" solutions to (2.6) are continuous and are
dynamics ofthe system are quantified by the differ- attracted to a "continuous," yet strange attractorof
ential equation Lebesgue measure zero, since the Lorenz system is
(2.5) dx(t)/dt = F(x(t)), t > 0.
2.2 Randomness and Chaos
The value x(t) describes the state of the system at This section reviews various relationships be-
time t; the domain of possible values of x( ) is tween chaos and randomness. The key ideas
called the phase space. A specific solution to (2.5), involve the interrelations between sensitivity to
"plotted" in the phase space, is known as an orbit. initial conditions, uncertainty modeling and er-
As in the case of discrete time, solutions to (2.5) godic theory.The discussion emphasizes ideas, but,
can be chaotic in the sense that some views of the forthe sake of brevity,not rigor.
solutions may appear "random," solutions display
sensitivity to initial conditions and, in the case 2.2.1 Uncertainty,chaos and randomness
of dissipative systems, now indicated when
The main topic ofthis section is how uncertainty,
1 /a xi < 0, orbits are attracted to strange
especially in the presence of complexity,naturally

leads to the use ofrandom or probabilisticmethods.
Traditional methods for numerically solving dif-
I will begin with a historical perspective. An early
ferential equations typically involve discrete time
and persuasive suggestion that deterministicmod-
approximations. The simplest method, in the con-
els may be of limited value is the followingdiscus-
text of (2.5) uses the approximation x(tn+l) =
sion of Laplace, circa 1800, (from Laplace, 1951,
h F(x(tn)) + x(tJ) where the stepsize, h, is small
page 4):
and tn+1 = h + tn. Thus, numerical solutions to
differentialequations are themselves typically dis- Given for one instant an intelligence which
crete time dynamical systems. For the actual could comprehend all the forces by which na-
computationsin this article, I used a more sophisti- ture is animated and the respective situation of
cated approximation known as the four-point the beings who compose it-an intelligence suf-
Runge-Kutta method. This method appears to be ficiently vast to submit these data to analy-
considered a standard method for solving differen- sis-it would embrace in the same formulathe
tial equations. Further details are not relevant movements of the greatest bodies of the uni-

10 - > '. ~~~~~~1-

.. 1**'

W: ~ ~~IZ ) j

oV l ~~~ S[ljii l*jl j-u l ji ~ ji9


l l l

2000 4000 6000 80000

. ..'-
* ..*.
* -...
... . . -.
--e. .

40- -i 1 -tl, t "'

10 - ' E X '- il i i* ! '-'*' i - @| *

IN, %e-eZ

-it-- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : *
2000 4000 6000 8000
(i) FIG. 7. Time seriesplots fortheLorenz system.

verse and those of the lightestatom; for it,

nothingwouldbe uncertainand the future,as
the past,wouldbe presentto its eyes.
Afterbrieflyreviewingsome of the success of sci-
ence,Laplace continues:
All theseeffortsin the searchfortruthtendto
lead [humanintelligence]back continuallyto
the vast intelligencewhichwe have just men-
..~.: A tioned,but fromwhichit will always remain
. Laplace beautifullyitemizesthe need forperfect
knowledgeof the natural laws and initial condi-
tions in deterministic analysis. However,he also
clearlyquestionsthe relevanceofhis "vast intelli-
gence" vis-a-vishuman efforts.[Laplace has often
been misunderstoodin this regard. Readers of
Laplace who emphasize the firstportionof the
above quote seem to believe that Laplace was a
strictdeterminist.For example,see Stewart(1989,
pages 11-12). For a particularly
Laplace, see Gleick (1987, page 14) Laplace also
wrote, "It is remarkable that ... [the theory of
probabilities]shouldbe elevatedto the rank ofthe
most importantsubjects of human knowledge"
FIG. 6. TheLorenzattractor:
Four viewsoftheLorenzattractor (Laplace, 1951, page 195). These are hardlythe
based on iterates1001-8000 of the four-pointRunge-Kutta algo- wordsofa strictdeterminist.]
rithmwith stpsize = .01. A primaryexample of the use of probabilistic

methodsto partiallyovercomedifficulties in a com- mane to my currentthesis,however,is Poincare's

plex,deterministic settingis statisticalmechanics. explicitsuggestionthat we can perceive"chance"
The keyissue is the studyofthe motionsofa large to be at works as a result of our uncertainty.
number(on the orderof 1024) ofparticlesfloating Poincarewentfurther bysuggestingan operational
aroundin a box. Suppose that the systemis such approachfordealingwithsuchproblemsthatbasi-
that we can assume that the motionof all the cally involvethe treatmentofunknowninitialcon-
particlesare governedby the deterministic laws of ditions as random. (This idea is known as the
motionofclassical physics.In principle,we should "Methodof ArbitraryFunctions"and will be dis-
thenbe able to compute,given all ofthe requisite cussedfurther in Section5.)
initial conditions,the exact futurebehaviorofthe
entiresystem.However,we immediatelyrecognize 2.2.2 Defining chaotic to be random
a problem:can we ever claim, for such a large I will only give a simple description,based on
system,that we actuallyknow,-withsufficient ac- Jackson(1989), ofthe basic idea ofwhat is known
curacyto perform the calculations,all ofthe initial as symbolic dynamics. Consider a discrete time
conditions?At least for the last 140 years, the dynamicalsystemsuchas the logisticmap. At each
commonly agreeduponansweris no. Indeed,in the iterate,xn, n > 0, ofthe process,we will associate
presence of uncertaintyconcerningthese initial a simpleindicatorfunction based on the locationof
conditions, the motionofthe particles(or,at least, xn. In particular, suppose we let Yn = 1 if Xn ES
observablefunctionsofthese motions)not onlyap- and Y,,= 0 otherwise, whereS is somesubsetof D.
pear "random,"but are successfullymodeledvia That is, each initialconditionofthe systemis now
stochastictechniques. associatedwithan infinitesequenceof0's and l's.
The secondpertinentclass ofhistoricalexamples
directlyrelates to nonlineardynamicalchaos. For
methodshave longbeen sug- DEFINITION A map is chaoticif forany se-
gestedin the area of fluiddynamics,particularly, quence of0's and l's, thereexistsan initialcondi-
turbulence;see Grenanderand Rosenblatt(1984, tion yieldingthe same sequence of Yn's defined
Chapter5) forpertinentdiscussion.The genius of above forsomefixedS.
Poincare anticipateda great deal of the current
interestin nonlineardynamics.Considerthe now The idea here is that if this definition
is satisfied,
frequently cited commentsof Poincare,circa 1900 the deterministic dynamicalsystemis, in a sense,
(fromPoincare,1946,pages 397-398): at least as richas Bernoullicointossing.For exam-
ple, it turnsout thatthe logisticmap is chaoticas
A very small cause, which escapes us, deter- long as a is large enough(a > 3.83 ... ) to permit
mines a considerableeffectwhich we cannot periodthree(and, thus,all higherperiods)behav-
help seeing,and thenwe say that the effectis ior. There is a directrelationshipbetweenDefini-
due to chance. If we could know exactlythe tion 2.4 and the mathematicaldefinitions relating
laws of nature and the situationof the uni- to periodicpointsbeingdense,as describedin Sec-
verse at the Initial instant,we shouldbe able tion 2.1. I will returnto symbolicdynamicsin the
to predictthe situationofthissame universeat followingsubsection.
a subsequentinstant.But even whenthe natu-
ral laws shouldhave no furthersecretforus, 2.2.3 Ergodic theoryand chaos
we could know the initial situationonly ap-
Perhaps the strongestrelationshipsbetweende-
proximately. If that permitsus to foreseethe
terministic chaos and randomness are found
succeedingsituationwith the' same degreeof throughconsiderationof ergodictheory.[Only a
approximation, that is all we require,we say
cursorypresentationis givenhere. Some valuable
the phenomenonhad been predicted,that it is
references include Breiman (1968); Cornfield,
ruledby laws. But it is not always the case; it Fomin and Sinai (1982); Eckmann and Ruelle
may happen that slightlydifferencesin the
(1985); and Ornstein(1988).] To motivatethe cen-
initial conditionsproduce very great differ-
tral ideas,imaginethatsomearbitrarysystem(sto-
ences in the finalphenomena;a slighterrorin is under study.Consider
chastic or deterministic)
the formerwould make an enormouserrorin one experiment in whichwe will observethe evolu-
the latter.Predictionbecomesimpossible,and tion of some variable ofthe systemsovertime. In
we have the fortuitous phenomenon. anotherexperiment, we will observethe same vari-
This eloquentpassage capturesthekeypointsfor able as in the first,but forseveral "similar"repli-
our discussion.It includesthe mathematicalprob- cates of the same systemat a given time point.
lem of sensitivityto initial conditions.More ger- Ergodictheoryseeksto answerthequestion,"When

can we expectthe averageofthe data, overtime,in 400

the firstexperiment,to be the same (in expecta-

tion)as the average ofthe data, overthe replicates 300
at a fixedtime?" There is an intriguingrelation-
shipbetweenthe questionofergodictheoryand the
familiarquestionof "independentversusrepeated 200

measures" observations.Of particularinterestto

Bayesians, the role of exchangeabilityin ergodic
theorydeservesattention.Pursuitoftheseissues is

beyondthe scopeofthispaper.
To see the role ofergodictheoryin deterministic
chaos,we will need a bit offormalism.Considera 0.0000 0.1 625 0,3250 0.4875 0.6500 0.81 25 0.9750

probabilitytriple(X, F, P), where X is a sample (i)

space for some experiment,F is a a-algebra of 300

subsetsof X and P is a probabilitymeasure. As-

sume X is a subset of R1 and, thus,permitP to
representa probabilitymeasure or corresponding 200
distributionfunction.Next, we introducea func-
tion, f which maps X to X. For X distributed
accordingto P, considertherandomvariable f(X).
The function,or transformation, f is said to be 100

measure preserving(or invariant) with respectto P

ifthe randomvariable f(X) has distributionP. To
solidifythis definitionby example, let X = [0,11
and let P be the arc-sine[orbeta(0.5,0.5)] distribu- 0.0000 0.1625 0.3250 0.4875 0.6500 0.81 25 0.9750

tion, with probabilitydensity function p( x) = (ii)

{wr/x(1 - x) }I-. It is easy to checkthatthe logis- FIG. 8. Example of ergodic behavior: Logistic map, a = 4.0. (i)
Histogram of 4000 iteratesof xo = .20005. (ii) Histogram of the
tic function, f(x) = 4 x(1 - x), is invariant with logistic map at time 2000 for 4000 xo's in [.10005, .30005].
respectto P.
A fewmoredefinitions are neededto relatethese
ideas to dynamical systems. For an invertible show that exceptforX, forwhich P(X) = 1, any
transformation f, a subset AeF is invariantif invariantsubset must be denumerableand thus
f `(A) = A. For a noninvertible f,invarianceof A have P-measure0. Ergodicbehavioris suggested
means ft(A) = A forall t > 0. Further,f is said to by consideringsamplepaths ofthe logistic.Figure
be ergodic if for every invariant subset, AeF, 8 (i) presentsa histogramof 4000 iteratesof this
P( A) = 0 or 1. That is, if f is ergodic,samplepaths map, beginning at the initial condition xo =
of the dynamicalsystemobtainedfrom f do not 0.20005. Figure8 (ii) presentsthe histogramofthe
becometrappedin propersubsetsofthe supportof values of the logisticmap at time 2000 for4000
P, but rathermix overits support.(Note the corre- different initial conditions.In both cases, we see
spondenceto topologicaltransitivityin Definition the appearanceofsomethinglike the arc-sineden-
2.3.) Furthermore, if f is ergodicwith respectto sity.In the construction ofFigure8 (ii) I have used
two probabilitymeasures P, and P2 on the same what is perhapsthe mostimportantfeatureofthe
measurespace,theneitherP, = P2 or P1 is orthog- applicationofthe ergodictheoremto deterministic
onal to P2. With this structure,we can state a dynamicalsystems.The key point is to note the
simpleversionofthe ergodictheorem: powerofthe "almostsure" convergence ofthetheo-
rem.That is, the initial condition xo the system
If f is measure-preservingand ergodic on (X, F, need notbe randomlygenerated according to P for
P) and Y is any random variable such that E( I Y I) ergodicity to applyto the resulting dynamical sys-
< oo, then tem. Indeed,the initial condition need not be "ran-
domlygenerated."We must onlyavoid sets of P-
1n measure zero. (For the arc-sinedistribution, this
'(xo)) -+Ep(Y) a.s.(P), asn -oo. Furthermore, for
n i=l Y(f means Lebesgue measure zero.)
any logisticwith large (a > 3.83 ... ) enough to
To illustratethisresult,again considerthe logis- admit periodiccycles of all orders, each periodic
tic map with a = 4 and let P correspond to the arc cyclegeneratesa discreteergodicdistribution that
sin law. To see that f is ergodic,it is not hard to assigns equal mass to the components of the cycle.

Note that all these distributionsare mutuallyor- the stronglaw of large numbers.Pursuing the
thogonal. An implicationof these considerations deterministic argument,I will leave it to philoso-
suggest that, to observe ergodic behavior corre- phersto debatethemeaningofthe claim,"Starting
spondingto the arc sine forthe logisticwith a = 4, at initial conditionxo = .2958672..., the proba-
we mustparticularlyavoid the preimages(see Sec- bility that Yn = 1 and Yn+1 = 0 is 0.52 if
tion2) ofall periodicpoints. n = 101oo.''Althoughthere is nothing"random"
Actually,the above argumentsofferonly a par- statementstillmakessense to
here,the probability
tial explanationofwhywe see ergodic,apparently me.
randombehaviorin computer-generated dynamical
systems.Electroniccomputerscan onlyrepresenta 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND CHAOS
finite,although,fortunately, quite large numberof
In thissectionI will reviewsomeofthe problems
numbersand thus no numericallycomputeddy-
associatedwithchaoticmodelsand data thatare of
namicalsystemcan trulybe aperiodic.In the logis-
particularto statisticians.
tic map exampleofFigure 8, the initial conditions
were necessarilyonlytruncatedreal numbers,and 3.1 Measuring Chaos
thus, lie in a set of Lebesgue measure zero. A
possible explanationof why we still can observe Importantquestionsarise in attempting to char-
behavior expectedunder the ergodictheoremin- acterizewhat a chaotictime series of data should
volves the so-called shadowing property.The idea look like. Intuitively,a chaoticseries should look
is that the computer-generated orbitofthe system "random,"butthisintuitionis notnecessarilyeasy
is, in a sense,an approximation to sometrueorbit. to quantifyin termsofthe mathematicalor proba-
The result is that we can be reasonablyconfident discussedin Section2.
that,ifpropercare is taken,computerresults,espe- 3.1.1 Liapunov exponents
cially aggregatedresultssuch as the histogramsof
Figure 8, do in factcapturethe correctqualitative One of the most popular measures of chaos,
featuresofthe system.The requiredcare alludedto Liapunov exponents,are based on mathematics as-
in the previous statementrefersto the roundoff sociated with the sensitivityto initial conditions
errorpresentin the numericalcomputationofthe conceptdescribedin Section 2. [Nearly all of the
nonlinearfunctionf. Furtherdiscussionofcompu- general referencesgiven here presentdiscussions;
tationalissues fordynamicalsystemsis beyondthe especiallysee Eckmann and Ruelle (1985).] Con-
scope ofthis paper [see Guckenheimer and Holmes sidera univariate,discretetimedynamicalsystem
(1983); Hammel, Yorke and Grebogi(1987); and where xn fn( xo). To studythe impact of varying
Parkerand Chua (1989)]. initial conditions,it is natural to considerderiva-
The storyof ergodictheory,chaos and random- tives dxn/dxo. The Liapunov exponent,say X(so),
ness is stillnotcomplete.A mostintimaterelation- is definedas (x0) = limn- (1/n) log[Idxn/dxo ].
ship accrues fromthe followingresult. Under the Notethatvia the chainrule,dxn/dx0can be repre-
assumptionsof the ergodictheorem,if the initial sentedas a productand so X((xo), underappropriate
conditionxo is generatedaccordingto P, the se- conditions,may be subjectto the ergodictheorem.
quence { Y(fi(xo)) = Yi(xo), i > 0} is a stationary If so, then X(x0)= X, independentof x0, almost
stochasticprocess. (The probabilisticstructureof surelywithrespectto an appropriateergodicdistri-
this stochasticprocessvaries withthe ergodicdis- bution.Under such circumstancesX is a quantita-
tributionused to generatexo.) Thus,ifwe chooseY tive measure of the dynamicalsystem'sdegreeof
to be the identitytransformation, Y(x) = x, the sensitivityto initial conditions.In particular,the
deterministic dynamicalsystemwithinitial condi- approximation
tion somehowchosen,with care to avoid sets of (3.1) dxn z eXndxo
P-measurezero,is a realizationofa stochasticproc-
ess. This result is also importantin symbolicdy- suggeststhat forlarge X,small changesin initial
namics;indeed,the previousstatementprovidesa conditionsresultin separationofpaths at an expo-
naturalgeneralizeddefinition ofchaos in the spirit nentialrate as n grows.
of Definition2.4. Considerthe symbolicdefinition Notethat,in the ergodiccase, Xcan be estimated
ofSection2.3 forthe logisticwhen a = 4 and S = froma singletimeseries.This meanswe can assess
[O,.5].In this case, if the initial conditionhas the sensitivityto initial conditionseven thoughthe
arc sine distribution, it can be shownthat the Y's data is based on a single x0. Of course,this as-
are actually independent,identicallydistributed sumes that ergodicity applies and thatthe xo that
("equally likely")Bernoullirandomvariables.[For generatedthe data is in supportofthe appropriate
related discussion,see Breiman (1968, page 108).] ergodicdistribution.(Recall the ergodicdistribu-
In such a case, the ergodictheoremcoincideswith tions, althoughorthogonal,need not be unique.)

Furthermore, by using an appropriateindependent (Kolmogorov)capacityof A as

sample of initial conditions,we can potentially
combineestimatesof Xto obtainmorepreciseesti- l
(3.3) dc = limsup (A, )
matesand associatedstandarderrors.
I have definedXfora univariatedynamicalsys-
tem;extensionsto higherdimensionscan be found A secondmeasureofthe size ofa set is the Haus-
in thereferences.
Also,theworkofNychka,McCaf- dorff dimension,dH. Althoughin a sense it is
frey,Ellner and Gallant (1990) on estimatingLia- mathematicallymore pleasing than versions of
punov exponentswith nonparametricregression (3.3), it definition
techniquesis ofspecial interestto statisticians. and will be omitted.It shouldbe notedthatvarious
authorsdefineddc (or one of its cousins) as the
3.1.2 The geometricstructureof chaos fractal dimension of A, while others, including
A secondclass ofmeasuresofchaos involvesthe Mandelbrot,definethe fractaldimensionto be dH.
notion of attractorsof dynamical systemsmen- This is unfortunatebecause these measures can
tioned in Section 2.4. Attemptsat characterizing differ:in general, dH s dc. For the Cantor set in
complexgeometricalobjectshave a long historyin one dimension, dH= dc = log2/log3, suggesting
mathematics.Spurredon by the modernworkofB. that the set lies in some meaningfulfraction,al-
Mandelbrotand others,as well as the relationships thoughofLebesguemeasurezero,ofthe unitinter-
to chaoticdynamicalsystems,therehas been con- val. The fractaldimensionofthe Lorenzattractor
siderable research in the general area of fractal introducedin Section 2 is about 2.04, suggesting
geometry and its applications.Valuable references, thatthe attractorlies entirelyin a manifoldofR3,
at various levels of mathematicalsophistication, but notR2, and is a fractal.
include Mandelbrot(1982), Barnsley (1988), Peit- There are othermeasuresof dimensionin addi-
gen and Saupe (1988), Kaye (1989) and Edgar tion to those mentionedabove. Some of the meas-
(1990). The presentationhere followsthose in Ru- ures oftenstudiedin the chaos literaturemay be
.elle (1989), Baker and Gollub (1990) and Rasband motivatedby the suggestionthat one relate the
(1990). Also, see Farmer, Ott and Yorke (1983), geometry ofattractors,the structureofergodicdis-
Guckenheimer (1984) and Takens (1985). tributionsand the mathematical propertiesof
The startingpoint is an attemptgeneralizeno- chaos. To motivatethe potentialof such interrela-
tions of geometric"size" of sets lyingin Rk, from tionships,pretendwe are facedwith a problemin
the conventionalideas of "length" (k = 1), "area" whicha discretetime,chaoticand ergodicsystem
and "arc length" (k = 2), and "volume" and evolvesfromone oftwo possibleinitialconditions.
"surfacearea" (k > 2), in cases in whichthe com- As we watchthe evolution,we actuallygain infor-
plexityofthe sets ofinterestprohibitsmeaningful mationabout whichinitial conditionwas the true
categorization bythesefamiliarmeasures.(The sort one,because sensitivityto initialconditionsimplies
ofset to keep in mindis the Cantorset;this"large" that the paths separate quickly,no matterhow
set has Lebesgue measurezero.) The mostreadily close the two candidatesare. In this sense some
understoodclass ofmeasuresinvolvesthe notionof authorsclaim that chaoticpaths "create informa-
tryingto "cover"the set ofinterest,say A, lyingin tion" about initialconditions.[Berliner(1991) pre-
a compactsubset of Rk, with k-dimensional boxes sentsan analogousargumentin termsofstatistical
withsides oflengthe, small number.If k = 1 and information.] Alternatively,sensitivityto initial
A is simplyan intervalof length L, clearly the conditionsalso suggeststhat we have decreasing
"number"of "boxes" used to coverthe intervalis information aboutthefutureofa dynamicalsystem
approximately, ignoringintegerpart corrections, as timeincreases.Considerthe followingheuristic
N(A, e) = L/E. For A, a k-dimensional cube with argument.Supposethatthe compactphase space of
side L, we have that N(A, E) = (L/E)k. For such a univariate dynamicalsystemis discretized,at
nice sets A, a little algebra suggests the usual least forour observationofit, into J cells ofequal
interpretation ofthe dimensionof A: and small size, say dx. Further,we will agree to
summarizeour uncertainty in the state ofthe sys-
log N(A, E) tem througha discretedistribution on the J cells.
(3.2) ?-0 log (1/E) A familiarmeasure of our uncertaintyabout a
randomvariable distributedaccordinga probabil-
Different measuresof dimensionare based on this ity distributionis the entropyfunction;for any
notionof "covering"A. [For general A, the limit distribution,P, on the J cells above,the entropyof
in (3.2) may not exist.] For example,foran arbi- P is Ent(P) = -iJ 1Pi log Pi, where Pi is the
trary,compactset A lying entirelyin Rk to be probabilityofthe ith cell. Next,supposethat at a
covered by k-dimensional cubes, define the givenpointin timewe knowthatthe systemlies in

a particularcell. The corresponding P has entropy mationmeasuresare considered:

zero. (Actually,a betterargumentwould quantify
ouruncertainty in the-initialconditionvia a proba- lPi
(3.5) lq(P) =
bilitydistributionover the cell knownto contain q - 1 6-o loge
the system.That is, our entropy,as a measure of
uncertainty, is virtuallyneverzero. The basic idea in q. For q = 1, a
Note that q( ) is nonincreasing
can be conveyedwithoutthiscorrection.) At a large limitingargumentyieldsthe representation
futuretime point,say t, chaos suggeststhat the
processwill be in one of approximately, ignoring
integerpart corrections, exp(Xt)cells, where X is (3.6) 01(P) = -lim Ent (P())
6--+o log e
the positiveLiapunov exponentof the system[re-
call (3.1)]. If a uniformdistribution on thesecells is which is known as the information dimension.
appropriate,the resultingdistribution has entropy [21(P) can also be relatedto Hausdorffdimension;
approximately equal to Xt.Thus, entropyincreases see Ruelle (1989).] Furthermore, the capacity d,
as the forecasttime increases.Providingrigorfor coincideswith tO(P). The key notionofthe rescal-
this argumentis not easy; a key pointis that the ing involvesconsideration ofthe rates at whichthe
futuredistributionneed not be uniformon the attractorfillsthe appropriatespace. In particular,
candidatecells, but rathershould involvethe ap- note that,unlike (3.4), (3.2), (3.3), (3.5) and (3.6),
propriateergodic distribution.Nevertheless,this respectively,all involvelimitsthat are scaled by
intuition suggests that the asymptoticrate of loge. For example,the information dimensionis
changein entropy,representedby the information not equal to the entropyof P. Distributionswith
dimension,introducedbelow,providesinformation differententropies,but similarstructure, can have
about the structureof the problem.Further,en- the same information dimension.
tropyor the information dimension,may,in some To estimate ,( P) froma finiteset of data, con-
settings,be directlyrelatedto the Liapunov expo- sidera decreasingsequenceof ej's. For each ej and
nentsofthe system.The theoryis incomplete,but corresponding partitionofthephase space into J(ej)
discussioncan be foundin the references underthe "boxes," we need to estimateall of the Pi. For a
topicofthe Kaplan-Yorke Conjecture. discretetime dynamicalsystem,it is natural to
We now turn to descriptionsof othermeasures estimatethe 'i's by the corresponding proportions
and to problemsofestimationofthese measuresof of the data in the boxes. Most proceduresproceed
dimension.These two aspects are intimatelyre- by graphing log(Z!Ay) versus logej and
lated in the sense that a given measure is often estimating q(P) by the slope ofthe least-squares
definedas the result of a given estimationproce- linear fittedline throughthese points. This ap-
dure. The typical set-upis one in which "long" proachseems to reasonablein principle,but some
realizationsof the systemunder studyare avail- art is involved.In particular,Ej's which are too
able, but the true attractorand corresponding er- large will notcapturethe structureofthe hypothe-
godic distributionare unknown. This suggests sized attractor.Also, ej's whichare too small lead
problemsof statisticalestimationbased on data. to too many emptycells, resultingin a loss of
The standardmethodsare based on the assumption structure.Afterall, the truedimensionfora finite
thatthe processis ergodicand thatthe data covers set ofpointsofzero.
a sufficiently longtimeperiodto be representative In general,large values of q are usefulin relat-
of the ergodicdistribution.For example, suppose ing geometricstructureto probabilisticstructure.
we are to estimate a functional; say (, such as An importantexample,knownas the correlation
entropy,of the ergodicdistribution,P. The first dimensionand due to Grassbergerand Procaccia
step is to partitionthe phase space of the system (1983), is givenby 02(P). To motivatethis dimen-
into J(E) "boxes," each of side E. Ignoringevents sion define,for a given ergodicdistribution, the
on the boundariesofthe boxes,definePi(E) as the function
probability underthe ergodicdistribution ofthe ith
box; let ^(E) representthe corresponding (multi- (3.7) Pr(IX- YI cr),
nomial)approximation to P. Assumingthe attrac-
torlies in a compactset,it i'sreasonableto assume for r > 0, and where X and Y are independent,
that identicallydistributedrandomvariablesgenerated
fromthe ergodicdistribution understudy,provides
(3.4) (P) = lim (p(E)). some probabilistic informationconcerning the
structureof this distribution.To empiricallyesti-
To unifyvarious measures discussedso far,the mate (3.7) based on a set ofdata, { Yi}i=1,N' froma
class ofrescaled,generalizedRenyiinfor-
following discreteergodicdistribution, Grassbergerand Pro-

caccia (1983) considerthe quantity that can be informativeabout any underlying

1 structure.
C(r) = N 2Z.[IO,r](
I YiYiI) 3.2.1 Poincare Maps
where I representsthe usual indicatorfunction. Suppose a particularcontinuoustime dynamical
The correlationdimension is defined as systemis understudywiththe intentoftryingto
understandsome featuresof the dynamics.The
dGP= HAL" log C(r) particularsystemmay be a knownchaoticsystem
log r being studiedvia computerexperimentsor an un-
In conclusion,mostofthe traditionalprocedures known systemdisplayingcomplex,"random" be-
havior being observed(withouterror!)in nature.
describedin the literaturestrike me as what a
Faced with complexbehavior,perhapsin high di-
statistician would describe as "nonparametric
mensions,we studya subset of the data carefully
methodofmoments"procedures.Also,the effects of
chosento provideinformation aboutthe underlying
observationerror,arising fromvarious plausible
dynamics.Specifically,one definesa Poincaresur-
error models, is not completelyunderstood.For
faceofsection,as somemanifoldin thephase space,
newermethodsand furtherdiscussionalong these
whichthe realizationofthe systemstrikes"trans-
lines, see Wolff(1990) and Smith (1992) in the
versally."We then considerthe successivevalues
"statisticsliterature"and Ellner (1988), M6lleret
ofsomesubsetofvariablesofthe systemeach time
al. (1989) and Ramsey and Yuan (1989) in the
the systempasses throughthe section.
The above suggestionis easily illustratedforthe
3.2 Data Analysis: The Search forStructure Lorenz system.We considerthe Poincare section
consistingofthe two-dimensional plane, {( x, y, z):
To set the stage forthe topics of this section, x = y}. Next, simply constructa "time series"
considerthe following"experiment."Suppose I { .. ., x(r), x(r + 1). ... } of the values, in time
providedyouwitha data set { xnln= 1,1000consisting order,of x each time the solutionpasses through
of computer-generated iteratesof the logisticmap the section.The fundamental pointis thatthe new,
fora randomlychosen initial conditionand with lowerdimensionalseriesis a discretetimedynami-
a = 4, buttoldyou nothingabouthowthe data was cal system,althoughon a different timescale from
generated.As a data analyst,you mightbegin by the original,that inheritsimportantqualitative
lookingat a simpletimeseriesplot ofthe data. As featuresfromthe original.Indeed,there actually
indicated earlier, the resultingtime series plot existsa function, say f,suchthattheiteratesofthe
would suggestthat the data are indeed random. new series may be representedas x(r + 1) =
However,no reader-ofthis paper would be fooled f(x(r)); f is knownas a PoincareMap. The Poincare
intomakingsuch a conclusion.For example,ifyou Map forour example is numericallysuggestedin
consideredfittingan autoregressivemodel to the Figure9. To obtainthismap,I simplyrecordedthe
data, you wouldprobablyfirstlook at a scatterplot values of x at each intersectionofthe systemwith
of xn+1 versus xn. Of course,this plot would look the chosensectionand thenscatterplotted x(r + 1)
like a plot of the function y = 4x(1 - x). That is, against x(r). Althoughnumericalerrors are of
by simplyconsideringthe "rightway" to look at coursepresent,note that the pointsappear to fall
the data, the deterministic structureofthe logistic on some functionquite tightly.(The data forthis
map would simplyappear despitethe randomap- figureare based on 20,000iteratesofthe numerical
pearanceofthe originaldata. On-theotherhand,if solution,whichresultedin 429 intersections.)To
insteadofthe originaldata, I providedyou witha indicatethe natureofthe map,I also scatterplotted
time series ofthe corresponding symbolicdynamic x(r + 2) against x(r) and x(r + 10) against x(r).
ofthe data (i.e., { Ynln=
11000 where Yn= 1, if xn > The resultsare simply(numericalestimatesof)the
0.5, and 0, otherwise),then there is nothingthat appropriatecompositions ofthe PoincareMap.
you could do to findthe now hiddendeterministic The value of the above typeof analysis may be
structureofthe underlyinglogisticmap. more than theoreticalin suggestinginteresting
Whereasthisexamplefallsfarshortofindicating ideas fordata analysis.For example,imagineana-
the complexity associatedWithchaoticdata analy- lyzingdata froman unknown,yet chaotic-looking
sis, it does suggestone of the fundamentalques- system. If we were fortunateenough to find a
tions: What operationscan we performto chaotic PoincareMap such as the above throughdata anal-
data to "find" any underlyingdeterminism? The ysis, we made great stridesin understanding the
second part of the example presents a warning system.In particular,some deterministic element
concerning the "designofexperiments"forchaotic of the systemis identified.Further,in the Lorenz
data analysis: we must try to observe variables case, notethatthe PoincareMap is a noninvertible

15t X2nd\ X
R 10 R 10
T T0 \
U 0- U O

-10 -10

-10 0 10 -10 0 10

3rd loth

R 10 - R 10
I! E
T )T
U 0 *,, U 0
-' - '--;., ',il
-10-\ ' -IO

-10 0 10 -10 0 10

FIG. 9. Poincare Map and its iterates.

univariatemap, as was the logisticmap, thereby

suggestinga sourceofthe apparentchaoticbehav-
ior. Note that there appears to be some potential ; 9~~~~~~~~~~~j
for limited predictions(also see Nese, 1989). If
intersectionsof the systemwith the Poincare sec- 30 -.
tionare practicallyinterestingin the contextofthe z
problem under study, the empiricallyobtained 22.5
PoincareMap offersveryprecisepredictionsofsuc-
cessive values of some variable at pointsof inter- 15
section.To amplifythe predictiveidea, considera
bivariate time series { . . ., (x(r), z(r)), . .. } in the
-10 0 10
Lorenzsystemexample.A scatterplotofthis series
is given in Figure 10. Note the very"tight"rela- FIG. 10. Scatterplotofz versusx on thePoincare section.
tionshipbetweenx and z on the Poincaresection.
This suggeststhat predictionsofthe value of z at
an intersectiontime can be made given only the underlying,but unknown,dynamicsdrivingthe
corresponding value of x. Finally, to enhancethe processof interest,offerschallengesof interestto
value of either of these types of prediction,we the statistician.In particular,one may notbe able
mightcombineforecastswithdata analyticallyob- to observeall ofthe important dynamicalvariables;
tained information concerningthe waitingtimes, indeed,we maynoteven knowwhichvariablesare
measuredon the originaltimescale, untilintersec- important. A potentialapproachto data analysisin
tions. A plot of the values of x at returnsare such cases is usually knownas reconstruction by
plottedas a functionof returnnumberin Figure timedelays.Primaryoriginatorsofthe main ideas
11. Histogramsof the waitingtimes forthe data are Packard,Crutchfield, Farmerand Shaw (1980),
used to obtainthe Poincare Map are presentedin Takens (1981) and D. Ruelle (see Ruelle, 1989).
Figure 12. To motivatethe idea, considera simpledynami-
cal systemwitha two-dimensional phase space (see
3.2.2 Reconstructionby time delays
Section2.1.4). The firstcoordinateofthe systemis
The studyofexperimentaltimeseriesdata, in an somefunctionovertime,say x1(t). The othercoor-
attemptto understandimportantfeaturesof the dinateofthe systemis x2(t) = dx1(t)/dt. In such a

I o.
... ...
.. .. . '''. ' .. ..'

-10- .. ,..:....'

100 200 300 400

FIG. 11. Time seriesplot ofreturnedx byreturnnumber.

40 sidera k-dimensionaldynamicalsystemx(t) evolv-

30 ing in continuoustime.Definea univariatesystem
20 IIh { Y,} where the y process is given by Yt = h(x(t))
10 X } --- LJl I f. L. - I
fora functionh: Rk -+ R. A discrete,multivariate
time series is now constructed by definingvectors
30 44 58 72 86 100 vt as vt = (Yt, Yt+T ..*, Yt+(n-l)7) forsome choice
Ist WAITING TIME of r and n. The claim, based on the theoryof
Takens (1981), is thatanalysisofa sequenceofsay
Nt's ,at time t, t+, t+2 -...t +Nr, permits
certaininferences,asymptotically, concerningthe
qualitative,especiallygeometric,behavior of the
originalsystem.Theoretical justificationofthisidea
stemsfromthe topologicalresultknownas Whit-
10 ney's EmbeddingTheorem.Of course, there are
rLUdnELL6 n Lr6
assumptionsunderwhichthe methodology works.
63 83 103 123 143 163 183 203 223 The crucialone oftheseis that n ? 2 dH + 1, where
ZniLdWAITING TIME dH is the Hausdorff dimensionof the attractorof
the originalsystem.Thereare also interesting sta-
tisticalissues relatedto the use oftime delays. In
25 particular,reasonablechoicesforthedesignparam-
20 eters r, N, n (in practice,dH is unknown)and the
15 embeddingfunctionh are neededfordata analysis.
10 r It is typicallythe case that h is chosento simply
"pick off' one of the componentsof x. Depending
on h and assumingN musthave somereasonable
315 380 445 510 575
bound,X-shouldbe chosento be large enoughto
overcomethe verystronglocal "correlation"in the
FIG. 12. Histograms of waiting times until return to Poincare process,yetbe small enoughto capturethe impor-
tant dynamics of the process [see Liebert and
Schuster(1989) forpertinentdiscussion].The im-
case, we quickly recognizethat we can learn a pact ofthe presenceofvarioustypesofobservation
great deal about the structureof the behaviorof errorson analysesseemsto be onlypartiallyunder-
this process,in particular,characteristicsof the stood. [See Abarbanel,Brown and Kadtke (1989)
phase space plotof x2(t) plottedagainst x1(t),even forsome work in this direction.]Beyondthe ref-
ifwe can onlyobservex1( ) at a discretecollection erences already given, the reader may consult
of time points.This is possiblesince,forsmall h, Broomheadand King (1986) and Rasband (1990)
X2(t) [xl(t + h) - x1(t)1/h. Therefore,a large forfurther discussion.Nicolisand Prigogine(1989)
numberofobservations, close to each othertempo- discuss the implementation of the methodin an
rally,of the firstcoordinateof the systemtell us examplebased on climatedata.
about some characteristics ofthe entiresystem.A
3.2.3 Other methodologies
second example is based on the Henon map. Al-
thoughthe map is definedin (2.3) is in R2, (2.4) It seems quite natural to attemptto tryto fit
suggests-thatall the dynamicsof the processare convenient,flexiblefunctionsto chaoticdata. The
containedin the single "x" coordinateif only we goals are similarto thosein nonparametricregres-
view the data appropriately. sion[see Wahba (1990) forgeneraldiscussion].Such
The basic idea extendsto generalsystems.Con- goals include data smoothing,interpolationbe-

tweenobservationtimesand short-time prediction. cal regularityby Hopf.See Engel (1987) fora very
The potentialhere is actuallyverylarge. I cannot valuable discussion.To quicklycommunicatethe
dojusticeto the directionhere,but offerthe follow- idea, recall the ergodictheoryreview of Section
ing referencesto the interestedreader: Lumley 2.2.3 and the corresponding exampleofthe logistic
(1970), Crutchfleldand McNamara (1987), Farmer map with a = 4. In this case the arc-sinedistri-
and Sidorowich (1987), Casdagli (1989), and bution is a continuous, ergodic distribution.
Kostelich and Yorke (1990). Furthermore,the Invarianceimpliesthat if xo is generatedaccord-
referenceby Nychka,McCaffrey, Ellner and Gal- ingto the arc-sine,thenat everytime t, xt also has
lant (1990) is especiallyrecommendedto statisti- an arc-sinedistribution.However,some intuition
cians forits new results,as well as reviewin this suggestedthat xo need not actuallybe generated
direction. accordingto the ergodicdistributionfor ergodic
behaviorto manifestitself.Hopf'snotionofstatisti-
4. STATISTICAL ANALYSES FOR CHAOS cal regularityis a rigorousresultalongtheselines.
The result is that, under mild regularitycondi-
4.1 ParametricStatistical Analysis forChaotic tions,includinga continuousergodicdistribution,
Models say P, if xo has any distributionthat is absolutely
Geweke (1989) and Berliner(1991) are the pri- continuouswith respectto P, then as t tends to
maryreferences forthis section.A naturalclass of infinity,xt convergesto distributionto P. That is,
modelsforwhichthe statisticianfeels "at home" the initial distribution"washes out." (Note the
are based on the specification
ofa dynamicalfunc- natural correspondence between this notion and
tion drivingthe systemunderstudy.Assume that the conceptof stationary,ergodicdistributions in
the functionis knownup to a finitecollectionof Markov processes.) The applicationto Bayesian
parameters.Specifically,the dynamicalsystemis forecastingis immediate.Under the appropriate
assumedto be drivenby the relationship conditions,if we computea posteriordistribution
forunknowninitialconditionsand thatposterioris
(4.1) xt+1= f(xt; -0 abso-lutelycontinuouswithrespectto a continuous
ergodic distribution, then our implied predictive
where f is specifled.The parameter - and the distribution forxt as t growsmustcollapseto the
initial value xo may both be unknown.Further, ergodicdistribution.This is a strong,statistical
assume that,at some time points,we observethe reflectionofthenotionofunpredictability ofchaotic
x-processwithobservationerror.Dependingon the processes.The strength oftheresultis thatthereis
model we use for the errors,we an constructa nothingphilosophicalto debate beforeaccepting
likelihoodfunctionbased on data forthe unknown implicationto forecasting.The theoremsays that
quantities.Even in verysimpleexamples,such as underperfect conditionsin whichtheprioris agreed
the logisticmap observedwithindependentGauss- to be known and correctlyspecified,and thus,
ian errors,the resultinglikelihoodfunctionscan be Bayesian computationsare uncontroversial appli-
extremelycomplex,intractableobjects. Berliner cationsofprobability theory,long-term predictions,
(1991) offerssomeheuristicsconcerning the behav- moreprecisethan thoseassociatedwitha continu-
ior ofsuch "chaoticlikelihoods."For example,it is ous ergodicdistribution, of chaotic processesare
possibleto relate chaos as measuredvia Liapunov impossible.
exponentswithFisher information concerningun-
known initial conditions.Chaotic processes ob- 4.2 Statistics and Dynamical Systems
served with errorproducestatisticalinformation There is a huge literaturedevotedto statistical
concerning initialconditions.However,thevalue of analysesfordynamicalsystems.Statisticiansregu-
this information forpredictionis limited.Specifi- larlyconsiderthe modelwith"systemequation"
cally, if maximumlikelihoodestimatesof initial
conditionsare sought,one is firstfacedwitha very (4.2) xt+1 = f(xt;') + zt,
difflcultproblemoffindingsuch estimates.Even if
one were able to obtain a good estimate of xo, where { zt} is itselfa stochasticprocess,and "ob-
sensitivityto initialconditionsmoderatesthe value servationequation"forthe observabley
ofsuch estimatesin the contextofprediction.
(4.3) Yt = h( xt) + et,
Berliner (1991) considersBayesian forecasting
based on modelsas suggestedin the previouspara- where h is some functionand e representsmeas-
graph. Bayesian forecasting,in the presence of urementerror.The inclusionof z in (4.2) is sug-
unknowninitial conditions,is intimatelyrelated gestedas a natural,morerealisticversionof(4.1),
to ergodictheoryvia a phenomenoncalled statisti- whichallows some notionoferrorin the specifica-

tion of f, as well as the possibilityof unknown 5.1 Impact of Chaos on Statistics

environmental effectsinfluencingthe evolutionof
the process. Study of (4.2) and (4.3), especially First,I suggestsome philosophicalimplications
when f (and h) is a linear function,has been of chaos forstatistics.Section2 containeddiscus-
popular for at least 30 years under the general sion of two centralpointsthat relate mathemati-
topicofKalman filtering. See Jazwinski(1970) and cal chaos to probabilitytheory.These were (i)
Meinhold and Singpurwalla (1983) for review. Poincare's notionsrelatinguncertaintyabout as-
Studyof generalizationsof (4.2) [typicallywithout pects of deterministic processto randomness,and
(4.3)] that allow for dependenceupon more time (ii) the various relationshipsbetweenergodicthe-
lags ofthe x process,but assume f to be linearand ory,stochasticprocessesand chaos. The firstpoint
z to be white noise is a subset of classical time ofdiscussioninvolvesfoundational impactsofthese
series analysis as in Box and Jenkins(1976). Also notionson statisticalphilosophy.For example,con-
fordiscussionofrelatedideas involvingstate space sider the "sacred cow" example of elementary
modeling,see Aoki (1987). Key recentreferences statisticscourses:the probabilisticstructureoffair
on nonlineartime series include Kitagawa (1987) coin tossing.What is meantby "the probabilityof
and Priestly(1988); also, see Gallant (1987). A key 'heads' is 0.5?" The typicalexplanationrevolves
referenceon Bayesian analyses ofdynamicmodels aroundthe frequencyinterpretation ofprobability,
is Westand Harrison(1989). but relies on some primitivenotionofrandomness
Few would argue withthe claim that relatively on the part ofstudents.[ManyworksofI. J. Good
littleofthe mainstreamstatisticaltimeseriesliter- are verypertinent here;see Good(1983).]Ofcourse,
ature expresslydeals withissues in chaos, such as Bayesianteacherstypicallyquestionthe validityof
the problemsdiscussedin Section3. [An important the frequencydefinitionand remarkon the "sub-
recentworkthatis, at least partially,motivatedby jective" assertionof the coin's fairness.However,
notionsofchaos is Tong (1990). This highlyrecom- one mightraise the questionofthe existenceofany
mendedbookofferssubstantialreviewofchaos and randomnessin this context.If we knew all the
related work in nonlineartime series.] However, pertinentinitial conditionsfor the coin toss, we
chaoticdata analysis shouldnot be viewedas fun- could apply the laws of physicsto determinethe
damentallydistinctfrom mainstreamstatistical outcomeofthe toss [see Engel (1987) forprecisely
timeseries analysis. Consider(4.2) and (4.3) with- such computations;also, see Ford (1983)]. It can
out any error(z and e) terms.If the analyst as- thenbe claimedthat our use ofnotionsofrandom-
sumes, as is customary,that (4.2) generates an ness in coin tossingis really a reflectionofuncer-
ergodicprocess(i.e., past its transienceperiod),the taintiesabout initialconditions.
mathematicsdiscussedin Section2 implythat the Notethatthisdiscussioncoincideswitha portion
data drivenby (4.3) forma realizationofa station- ofthe Bayesian philosophyofstatistics.In particu-
ary stochasticprocess. This conclusionapplies to lar, a key componentofthe Bayesian paradigmis
the original series as well as data based on any the modelingofuncertainquantitiesas iftheyare
(measurable) h function.Thus, the inferencebase random.Perhaps the moral of deterministic chaos
fordata analyticprocedures,such as the methodof and its modelingvia probability can be exemplified
timedelaysor symbolicdynamics,is the same as in witha simplechallengeto thereader:can youcome
generalstationarytime series analysis. This com- up witha physicalmodelor a real statisticsprob-
mon foundationfor chaologistsand statisticians lem that resultsin randomnessthat does not stem
can hold in the presenceof observationerrorsas fromsome deterministicuncertainty?(The only
well. Supposethat the et's are iid. In modelswith- "rule" in thismindgame is thatyourcannotresort
out the z terms,if the x processis ergodic,(4.3) to quantummechanics.)If the answeris no, or at
correspondsto a stationaryprocess. More gener- least not withouta great deal of work,then per-
ally,if(4.2) yieldsa Markovprocessthatis station- haps we are led to one of the commonanswers
ary and ergodic, (4.3) still yields a stationary given by Bayesians to B. Efron'squestion,"Why
stochasticprocess. isn't everyonea Bayesian?" (Efron, 1986). The
''answer" is thatthe questionis vacuous:everyone
is a Bayesian. (Of course,I am referring to model-
5. DISCUSSION ing. I am aware that not everyoneapplies Bayes'
Two discussion points concerningchaos and Theoremin reachingconclusions.)My pointis that
statisticsare consideredhere. First,what does the frequentist statisticiansmayfindit evenmorediffi-
emergenceofchaos suggestaboutstatisticalmodel- cultto adhereto theirtraditionalviewofstatistics.
ing?Second,whatcan statisticiansand probabilists Specifically,the notionofa finedistinction between
bringto the practicalstudyofchaos? randomand unknown,but deterministic, quanti-

ties seemsuntenablein practice.A further problem subjectivistmodels. However,no scientistshould

forthe frequentistinvolvesthe notionof "repeata- wish to be restrictedin the incorporation of addi-
ble and identical"experiments.Most statisticians tional, case-specificinformation. Also, I question
would agree to the nonexistence,at least at a the practical importanceof the notionof "objec-
verypure level, of such experimentsdue to ever- tively interpretedprobabilities,"since one must
changingenvironmentaleffects.Beyond environ- firstsubjectivelydecidethatthe laws underwhich
mental effects,however,chaos suggeststhat be- such probabilitiesare derivedactually apply and
cause one couldnevertrulyclaim identicalsettings are completein a givensetting.
foreven controllablefactorsand, since even slight Beyondphilosophy, statisticiansshouldbe inter-
errorsmay have great influence,repeatable and ested in chaos in lightofthe numerousopportuni-
identicalexperimentsare not possible. This prob- ties for potentialresearch contributions.Also, I
lem deprivesthe frequentistany foundationfor believe that the techniques,such as reviewedin
inference. Section3, beingdevelopedto deal withchaosshould
These pointsalso bear on discussionswithinthe be considereda partofmainstreamstatisticaltime
Bayesian community.Specifically,I referto the series methods.As chaos becomesmore popular,
subjectiveversus objectiveor necessarian contro- such techniqueswill be usefuland "expected"by
versy.The notionsofergodicdistributions, statisti- our colleagues,in day-to-day statisticalconsulting
cal regularityand Poincare's methodof arbitrary and collaborativeresearch.Finally, many of the
functionsall containrelevantmessages in this re- notions and modelingstrategiesassociated with
gard. [Engel (1987) includesan excellentreviewof chaos may prove useful in other statisticalprob-
the methodof arbitraryfunctions.]Considerthe lems. As an example,it is interestingto speculate
followingremarksofVon Plato (1983): on the value of ideas about spatially distributed
chaoticprocessesin statisticalimagingproblems.
It will be interestingto see what kind of an For an introduction to "spatio-temporal chaos,"see
escape fromthe recentlyestablishedrigorous Crutchfieldand Kaneko (1987) and Crutchfield
resultsin ergodictheorythe subjectivistschool (1988).
on the foundationsof probabilitytheorywill
take. 5.2 Impact of Statistics on the Analysis of Chaos
It has been traditional to think that de- One possibleavenueforscientific inquiryin vari-
terministicsystems allow only subjectively ous settingsrevolvesaroundthe questionofdecid-
interpretableprobabilities.There is howevera ing whetheror not a particularphenomenonor
differenttradition, in which the 'stable data set is deterministic,yet chaotic,or random.
frequencyphenomenaof nature' (to use an (For example,see Berge,Pomeau and Vidal, 1984;
expressionofHopf)are accountedforby objec- Brock,1986;Bartlett,1990;and Sugiharaand May,
tively interpretedprobabilities,despite the 1990.) It is importantto firstdecide if such a
view that thesephenomenaare supposedto be questionmakessense.I have alreadyaskedwhether
governedbylaws ofnatureofthe classical sort. or not "ordinary"randomnessis simplya resultof
uncertaintyin the presenceof determinism.Re-
I claimthatthe "escape" alludedto byVon Plato is gardless of the foundationalanswer,statisticians
unnecessary.There is nothingto escape from.As should be able to make operational contributions
Savage (1973) explains: along these lines. Note that such issues are chal-
Personal probabilityworks well in science lenging,because deterministic, chaoticmodelsand
whereverprobabilityseems at all relevant;in stochasticmodels typicallybothcan be made to fit
particular,the personalisticpositiondoes no data. (Again, I referin part to the relationship
violenceto any genuineobjectivityof science; between ergodic, chaotic systemsand stationary
and finally,the personalisticpositiondoes not stochasticprocesses.)Specifically,recall the gen-
neglectany appropriaterole offrequencyor of eral structuresuggestedby (4.2) and (4.3). When f
symmetry in the applicationofprobability. is chaoticand z is omittedfrom(4.2), the interpre-
tation of the model xt+1 = f(xt; 77)as deterministic
The finalphraseofthis quote impliesthat no sub- seemsto be irrelevantin termsofprediction, since
jectivistwouldclaim that fundamentalknowledge, meaningful predictionsmust stillbe Al-
such as containedin ergodicproperties,
concerning ternatively,the inclusionof z in (4.2) need not be
a systemunder studyshould be ignored.Indeed, based on an assertionthat the phenomenonunder
ergodicdistributionsand other "objectivist"sug- study is innatelyrandom,but ratherthat f, al-
gestions are natural candidates for benchmark thoughof some value, is not capable of capturing
analyses and startingpointsupon whichto build aspectsofthe process.Impor-
all the deterministic

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