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Connected Learning
Connected Learning Tec2Screen®
The new dimension in learning Bringing Connected Learning into the learning laboratory

Connected Learning creates a new dimension in learning by seamlessly connecting the virtual
and the real worlds. It combines familiar learning methods such as face-to-face, hands-on and
self-guided learning and hereby vanishes the boundary between theory and practice through
direct interaction between software and hardware. This makes simple and intuitive learning

The learning methods are tailored to the individual abilities of the student as part of a compre- Courses and simulations
Content for learning, informing,
hensive learning scenario. This is the key to fast and enduring success in learning. The learning
controlling, measuring and
process for basic and ongoing technical education and training is raised to a higher level of programming
quality and sustainability.
The interface between the
virtual and the real worlds
Connected Learning enhances professional competence and media literacy while increasing
independence. Furthermore, it maximizes the appeal of the training and guarantees that the
learning experience is enjoyable and motivating.

Base unit, connects the iPad
to the Connects

System or safety plugs for
various functions


self-guided learning

face-to-face With its patented Connect interface, Tec2Screen® represents the

link between the real and the virtual worlds, and together with
the base forms the core of the system. Courses and simulations
developed by Festo Didactic deliver the content for learning,
informing, controlling, measuring, regulating and programming,
which can be linked to hardware via the Connects. Students can Power supply
thus explore the exciting world of technology through interactive 4 mm safety sockets as an
experiments. alternative to compact plugs
Connected Learning
The key to success

Technology trends in ever shorter cycles are leading to greater com-

plexity in dynamic, increasingly networked industrial environments.
in their workdays, which demand an ever-increasing level of profes-
sional competence and media literacy as well as the ability to act

scarce resource for companies and for economies – yet they are also
the key to their success. New and attractive learning concepts
going technical education and training, thus allowing employers or
educational institutions to position themselves as innovative and

As a leading global supplier to technical educational institutions

and as a provider of consulting and training services to industry,
Festo Didactic supports its partners in overcoming these challenges.
The new Connected Learning concept systematically prepares and
trains individuals for working in dynamic and complex industrial

of students by making sure not only that training content is communi-
cated effectively and in line with their needs, but also that it can be
learning is successful in the long term.

Connected Learning is implemented using the mobile, multimedia

and interactive learning companion Tec2Screen® from Festo Didactic.

4 5
From conveyor of knowledge to learning coach
Changing roles of teachers and trainers

High-quality training must be geared towards work and business

processes and use future-oriented technologies in everyday training
activities. Having a strong link between training and operational
processes as well as modern technologies allows the development
of a wide range of skills and aptitudes and therefore develops the
student’s professional competence.

This presents trainers with a major challenge, as the individual learn-

ing paths require guided learning that is tailored to the needs of the
student. Instead of being mere conveyors of knowledge, trainers are
developing into learning coaches who are able to identify and foster
weak areas, while their strengths can be actively developed.

The transformation into learning coach is supported by the learning

management system “Classroom Manager”, which allows trainers to
assign training content individually and to document and evaluate
learning progress as well as learning statuses. Learning methods and
learning content can be recommended and assigned in line with the
student’s learning path and previous knowledge as well as his or her

6 7
Enjoyable and motivating learning
The focus is on the student

The patented Connects of Tec2Screen® provide a seamless and clear

link between theory and practice. On the one hand, they ensure suc-
cessful learning for the student, while on the other, the interactive
and exploratory experiments maximize motivation and the joy of
learning, despite complex technology. The direct feedback provided

In addition, Tec2Screen® connects students and encourages them to

exchange themselves through collaborative learning. With the sup-
port of the trainer as the learning coach, new knowledge is acquired,
ble structure of the learning units means that Tec2Screen® can be
learning process as well as to the student’s learning speed. Training
content can be repeated and relevant information can easily be
looked up, thus promoting exploratory and self-directed learning.

The system’s mobility also makes it possible for users to learn at

home or on the move. Using Tec2Screen® with the iPad teaches stu-
dents how to work with new digital media and develops their media
literacy. The iPad can be integrated into training in other ways, too –
for example when giving presentations. This ensures that training
remains at the cutting edge of technology.

Connected Learning will support technical education and

training in virtually all areas offered by Festo Didactic in the
future, including automation technology, electrical engineering,
mechatronics and ĆXLGHQJLQHHULQJ; it can therefore be inte-
grated into a wide range of current and future learning systems
from Festo Didactic, as well as into various learning scenarios.

8 9
Connected Learning in automation technology
Multimedia support for practical tasks

The modular production system MPS®

From module to training factory

Practical at every level MPS® stations Each station has its own focus

The modular production system This system is for anyone who Two stations – Distributing and
MPS® sets the right challenges attaches great importance to 6RUWLQJrDUHVXIąFLHQWWRUHSUH-
and provides appropriate learn- industrial education and training sent a simple, practical process
ing environments for various in mechatronics and automation for basic training in automation
requirements: technology, and the enduring technology.
• Differentiated functions value and robustness of the
• Individual and combined units equipment: This simplest of all combinations
• Different drive technologies • The system for the WorldSkills offers numerous basic functions
• 0DWHULDODQGLQIRUPDWLRQĆRZ mechatronics world champion- of automated production:
• Modern and variable control ships since 1991 separating, feeding, identifying
concepts • Stations represent the most and sorting. Each additional
common sub-processes in any station adds new learning ob-
automated production system jectives. But all stations were
• Platform for problem-based designed with one common
practical training goal: transferring user knowl-
In order to be able to follow all The project-based and practical Practical work is supported by Interactive, multimedia dialogue • Maximum industrial relevance edge to the actual operation of
the work steps when designing exercises in the Tec2Screen® instructions during the design, with the technology and learning in automation and handling modern automated production
mechatronic systems or when courses are supported by multi- FRPPLVVLRQLQJDQGIDXOWąQGLQJ systems makes it possible not technology DVHIąFLHQWO\DVSRVVLEOH
carrying out commissioning, media content (videos, anima- processes. At the same time, only to learn about processes
PDLQWHQDQFHDQGIDXOWąQGLQJ tions, tests, programming and digital media literacy is encour- through the virtual SimuBox of
in actual practice, an in-depth measurement exercises) to aged by providing background Tec2Screen®, but also to read
understanding of their relation- ensure that the learning process information (testing physical signals in order to gain a step-
ships and functionality is is interesting and motivating. laws through experiments, by-step understanding of the
required. In practical hands-on training, reading wiring diagrams and processes by establishing a
students can explore the training GDWDVKHHWVIDXOWąQGLQJLQ clear visual link between the
packages, MPS® modules and mechatronic systems). virtual and the real application.
stations or individual compo- )RUH[DPSOHSUDFWLFDOIDXOWąQG-
nents themselves using a QR ing can be supported by techni-
code scanner and therefore gain cal documentation.
a better understanding of the
associated technologies.

10 11
Connected Learning in automation technology
Practical simulations for application in the real world

PLC training packages

From buttons to automation solutions

Control, process, training The process is the key From manual to automatic

Forward-looking training is An ongoing production process Clarity on the one hand, maxi-
ultimately all about reliable and cannot be taken “out of opera- mum industrial relevance and
HIąFLHQWDXWRPDWLRQRISURGXF- tion” for training purposes. practical transfer on the other.
tion processes: Therefore, the key is to offer the Devices and solutions for auto-
• Automation systems must ULJKWoDUWLąFLDOpWUDLQLQJSUR- mation/PLC technology meet
correspond to those of future FHVVHVWKDWDUHHFRQRPLFDOĆH[- all requirements:
workplaces. ible and practical: • From simple to complex
• Processes must be as close • Virtual: CIROS®, FluidSIM® or models
as possible to those used in EasyVeep offer hundreds of • From manual control to relay
actual production. different processes that can be • From digital mini control
• The training content and controlled via EasyPort or system to PLC
methods must lead to profes- OPC.
sional competence, which pro- • Real: the best process envi- The balance is achieved because
spective specialist staff can ronment is provided by the the learning system for automa-
use to secure the future for modular production system tion technology is integrated
The representation of complex With Tec2Screen® different tech- The direct link between real and Furthermore, by connecting themselves and their compa- MPS®. vertically and horizontally.
subject matter using simple, nologies, programming langu- virtual systems is provided via a Tec2Screen® to a control system nies‘.
clear simulations is an essen- ages and application areas of user-friendly interface. Students the process model can be realis-
tial part of modern training PLC programming can be realisti- literally have the process in the tically programmed and simu- These requirements are met by
systems. cally tested and simulated, both palms of their hands and the sig- lated. The student can change the PLC training packages from
in terms of structure and repre- QDOĆRZFDQEHIROORZHGWKDQNV the parameters of the simulated Festo Didactic in order to ensure
sentation. Logic control systems to the lines connected to the process to identify the effects in that training is as realistic as
with basic logic functions as well iPad. Simulations for a set of a direct and practical way and to possible.
as simple and complex process pedestrian lights, a sorting sys- gain an understanding of the
controls with sequences can be tem or a linear axis, for example, relationships and consequences.
created. It is thus possible to allow the newly gained knowl-
learn through experimentation edge to be applied and consoli-
in a safe and practical way with- dated, while also making the
out any real effects or conse- VWXGHQWDZDUHRISRVVLEOHąHOGV
quences. of application from many differ-
ent areas of learning and work-

12 13
Connected Learning in electrical engineering

Electrical engineering/electronics training packages

Modern and exciting training

Everything from a single source Proven concept Rapid transfer

Regardless of the control and Festo Didactic’s proven and con- Whether in initial professional
drive technology used, electrical tinuously upgraded teachware training or more advanced
engineering always plays a role: concept also underpins the courses, it is essential to be able
Whatever the focus of the train- training packages for electrical to recall what has been learned
ing, electrical engineering and engineering. It is based on pro- and apply it immediately. This is
electronics are part of the basic ject-related exercises that in- easier to do if the worlds of
knowledge for all areas of pro- crease in complexity from one learning and work are as similar
duction, process and automa- exercise to the next. The knowl- as possible.
tion technology. edge gained is revisited, rein-
forced and consolidated in sub- That is why the training pack-
With learning systems from sequent exercises. ages for electrical engineering
Festo Didactic, learning labora- contain only industrial compo-
tories – be they complete, indi- Theoretical content is illustrated nents, and the exercises in the
vidual or modular – can be and communicated more clearly course documents are based on
equipped for any application with the help of the accompany- a professional environment.
Measurement technology is a Tec2Screen® provides exercises Tec2Screen® offers an ideal for- Supporting documents such as and budget, whether for teach- ing photos and videos. The doc-
XVHIXOLQVWUXPHQWIRUIDXOWąQG- and tools for recording and mea- mat for editing the measured textbooks, circuit diagrams or ing basic principles in building uments are available in teacher
ing and optimizing systems not suring values. Virtual measuring values, making it easy to analyze technical documentation are systems or control or drive tech- and student versions and exer-
only in electrical engineering, instruments such as the multi- the recorded measurements. available in digital format and nology. cise sheets can simply be
but also in many other areas. meter or oscilloscope can record Setpoint/actual value differ- can be used to analyze the val- printed as required. All projects
both analog and digital signals. HQFHVVLPSOLI\WKHLGHQWLąFDWLRQ ues. Theoretical training content include practical problems.
They can be used to measure of cause-and-effect relation- such as Ohm’s Law can thus be Drawings, images and videos
various values in electrical engi- ships. When examining electrici- taught in the same practical and give a broad view of real-world
neering, such as voltage, current ty-consuming devices, for exam- exciting way as the world of industry.
or resistance. ple, students can easily recog- semiconductor and digital tech-
nize the potential for savings. nology. Tec2Screen® can also be
used as a function generator for
learning about alternating cur-
rent technology.

14 15
The easy way to explore and learn complex technology

Pneumatics and hydraulics training packages

Technology that moves

Didactic plus Choice of learning environment 0RGXODUDQGĆH[LEOH

The workbooks accompanying Festo Didactic offers convenient The training packages from
the training packages contain and diverse training environ- Festo Didactic have a modular
project-related exercises of ments for a wide range of topics: structure. For example, you
increasing complexity. There are • Self-study with the multimedia could start with the basic level
also positional sketches, illus- training programs of electropneumatics and then
trations, videos, cross-sectional • Designing and documentation move onto the advanced level.
drawings and animations, which with FluidSIM® Or you could begin with electro-
explain how things look in the • Practical implementation with hydraulics. The choice is yours.
real world. For a complete and the training packages and the
expert treatment of the topic of exercises in the workbooks as If you would like to explore a
pneumatics and hydraulics, the well as Tec2Screen® courses particular specialized topic, all
training also covers basic phys- and simulations the equipment set components
ics, technical calculations, • Functional testing and opti- of our training packages can be
VDIHW\HIąFLHQF\DQDO\WLFDO mization with measurement ordered separately, so you can
IDXOWąQGLQJDQGSURIHVVLRQDO technology and FluidLab® turn your own ideas into reality.
Project-oriented experiments Pure theory is made exciting and Students can learn about the Most of the features of the iPad documentation.
in the courses are always illus- interesting thanks to the close technology and study the train- can also be used for modern
trated using concrete problems link to reality and everyday ing content either independently teaching. For example, projects Practice-oriented basic and
and case studies in order to working experience. Practical or in groups. The integrated QR can be documented with the ongoing technical education and
support practical learning. experience is all about making code scanner in Tec2Screen® integrated camera or logs can be training using industrial compo-
learning last so that students provides a new means of acquir- created using the iPad. The use nents provides students with the
retain the information they have ing information with access to of state-of-the-art media not FRQąGHQFHWRDSSO\WKHDFTXLUHG
acquired in the long term and relevant media content in the only increases student motiva- knowledge in the workplace.
are able to use it in their daily form of videos, animations or tion, but also enhances the way The components of the training
work. Control systems are easy technical documentation. they deal with new digital packages are specially selected
to analyze with Tec2Screen®. Unknown components can thus media. for the exercises in the work-
In addition to recording end be looked up and more detailed book.
SRVLWLRQVWKHSUHVVXUHDQGĆRZ information can be retrieved.
rate can also be displayed. The
the user’s hand is clearly visible
at all times.

16 17
Connected Learning
Networking the learning laboratory


Connected Learning brings together not only the real and virtual
worlds, but also the entire learning laboratory thanks to a simple, Simulation
complete solution.
Classroom Manager
WLAN allows the simple and uncomplicated setup of an independent
network without a connection to the local network or Internet. This
means that the system can operate independently of the available
IT infrastructure. Integration into the existing network environment
is also possible. Access
The relevant hardware can be purchased together with support for
initial installation and commissioning, if required.

To accelerate the learning process, courses and individual learning

units can simply be transferred to the student’s Tec2Screen® via
WLAN. This is done using the learning management system
“Classroom Manager” which is installed on the trainer’s PC work-
station. With Classroom Manager, training content can be managed MPS® Sensors MPS®
and assigned, and the learning progress of each individual can be Simulation Simulation
assessed and documented as well.


Festo Didactic Inc.

Eatontown, NJ 07724
Phone: +1-732-938-2000
Toll Free: +1-800-522-8658


MPS® Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd

Québec (Québec) G2N 2K7
Phone: +1-418-849-1000
The role of new media in the learning laboratory of the future Toll Free: +1-800-522-8658
To share learning progress and experiences within a group and
to make it easy for trainers to present new information, Festo Germany
Didactic has developed a concept that allows the content of
different devices including tablets, PC workstations, etc. to be Festo Didactic SE
shown on a projection screen. The trainer can decide centrally ® ®
Rechbergstraße 3
which device is to be projected via a WLAN signal and display the 73770 Denkendorf
content for everyone in a fast and simple process. This additional Phone: +49(0)711/3467-0

56743 en 2015/07
feature makes it easy to integrate new media into modern train-
ing methods.


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