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LEARNING PLAN Name: Gennyleen Joie U.

Agum Grade: 7
Subject: Mathematics Duration: 30 Minutes

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. illustrates the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) for
ungrouped data;
c. calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped data;
d. describes the data in terms of mean, median, and mode; and
e. appreciates the importance of measures of central tendency (mean, median,
and mode): ungrouped data that they may relate it in a real life situation.

II. Learning Content III. Learning References and Materials

Measures of Central Cartolinas

Tendency Blackboard and Chalk
Mean, Median and Mode Pictures
of Ungrouped Data

IV. Learning Procedures

A. Pre-Lecture/Motivation

 Routinary Activities
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Arrangement of chairs
 Checking of attendance
 Review of the previous lesson

Ask the students the following questions:
a. Have you ever experienced to compute the average of your grades for
you wanted to compare it with your other classmates’ grades? How did
you compute it?
b. Have you ever experienced to check the papers of your classmates in a
test, organizing them, and knowing who will divide the results into two
equal groups?
c. Have you ever experienced to determine your grade that you always
encounter in your report card?
d. Do you know that in these everyday experiences at school, we always
encounter the three measures of central tendency? Why do you say so?
B. Processing/ Students Activities

Lesson Proper

 The students will be introduced to the topic, Measures of Central Tendency

(mean, median, and mode) ungrouped data.

Introducing a song for Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data

Mean means average (2x)

Mode is the most (2x)
Median is the middle (2x)
Now you know (2x)

Example: These are Abby’s math test scores

86, 97, 84, 73, 63, 88, 97, 100, 95
From this given data, compute for the mean, median, and the

a. To solve for the mean of this given data, since mean means average. We
must add to the given data and divide it by total number of data.

∑𝑥 86+97+84+73+63+88+97+100+95 783
𝑥̅ = 𝑛
= 9
= 9
= 87

Where ∑ 𝑥 = is the summation of x or the sum of the given data

n = is the number of values
b. For the median, based from the song median is in the middle or in the
midpoint of an array. The median will be either a specific value or will
fall between two values. But first, we will arrange the data in ascending
63, 73, 84, 86, 88, 95, 97, 97, 100
Since, the middle point falls 88,
𝑥̃ =88 The median is 88.
 How to find a median the median when two numbers are in the
 Add the two numbers and divide it by 2.
c. Lastly for the mode which is the most frequently in the data set.
A set of data can have:
 One mode
 More than one mode
 No mode

Arranging the data in ascending order makes it easier to find the


63, 73, 84, 86, 88, 95, 97, 97, 100

The value 97 appears twice.

Mo= 97
C. Product/Assessment

 The students will be divided into two groups.

 Each group will have a small paper that contain different problem and they
will answer the following questions that is being asked.
 Each group will assign a presentor to present their work and discuss how
they come up their answer.

D. Integration/Valuing

 The students will appreciate the importance of the word central in

associating it with the word center.


How will you define the word center? Who is the center of your life?
How about God did you make him as a center of your life?

E. Agreement/ Assignment

To be written in a ½ crosswise.

 Compute for the mean, median, and mode of your grades in your 1st and
2nd Grading Period in any of your report cards and in any class year.

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