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Aviation Maintenance Management

13. Aviation Maintenance Management

This chapter provides a basic understanding of aviation maintenance, aviation maintenance management,
the fundamentals parts of aircraft maintenance which includes establishment of a maintenance program,
development of maintenance program, a typical airlines definition of maintenance, goals of the
maintenance program, and the type of documents required for a maintenance program. The requirements
are set forth by the FAA for a maintenance program per the Advisory Circular (AC).

We also discuss the technical services department and its role in aircraft maintenance as well as the
services provided. These departments include engineering, production planning, technical publication,
and the airlines training.

The material support for an airline is separate from the maintenance, technical service, and other
departments. We show an example of how the stores and logistic department operate. Finally we show the
airlines an oversight function that includes quality assurance (QA), quality control (QC), reliability, and
the safety program of the airline.

13.1. Aviation Maintenance

Aircraft maintenance in the early days of aviation was performed "as necessary," and the machines often
required several hours of maintenance time for every hour of flying time. Major maintenance activities
consisted of overhauling nearly everything on the aircraft on a periodic basis. Even though the airplanes
and their systems were quite simple at first, maintenance carried out in this manner became quite
expensive. With the increasing complexity of the aircraft and the onboard systems over the following
years, that expense rose accordingly.[1]
The modern approach to maintenance is more sophisticated. The aircraft are designed for safety,
airworthiness, and maintainability, and a detailed maintenance program is developed along with every
new-model aircraft or derivative of an existing model. Then the initial maintenance program can be
tailored by each airline to accommodate their individual operations. This ensures continued airworthy
operation under any circumstances. Backing up that individual undertaking are the ongoing efforts by
manufacturers, airlines, and regulators to improve design and maintenance techniques and to keep the
aviation industry on the leading edge.

Of course, such a sophisticated approach to maintenance requires sophisticated management both in

development of the initial maintenance program and at the airlines to accomplish all that is necessary to
maintain that superior record of safety mentioned earlier.

It takes several disciplines to properly conduct the maintenance activities at an airline:

Maintenance: the hands-on, "nuts and bolts" labor required to accomplish the actual work

Engineering: the design, analysis, and technical assistance required to support maintenance work

Management: the organization, control, and administration of the many facets of the maintenance

13.1.1. Aviation maintenance management

The definition of management in any industry is the people who are hired to seek the corporation's
interest and administer the organization's activities. We will define management in an aviation business
organization as an act of getting people together to accomplish the desired goals and objectives in aircraft

Managers in the aviation industry consist basically of a director of maintenance (DOM), base or station
manager, and the front-line supervisors. Aviation organizations, such as commercial, commuter, and
charter airlines, need a management team to be successful. To become a successful manager today, one
must be agile, highly focused on the organization, flexible, and able to adapt rapidly to changes in the
aviation environment.

13.1.2. Aircraft maintenance management structure

The organizational structure of aircraft maintenance management in a corporation may vary depending on
the size and structure of the airline. The typical aviation maintenance structure consists of a vice president
(VP) of maintenance and engineering, a DOM, an aircraft maintenance manager, and an aircraft
maintenance supervisor. Figure 13-1 shows a typical airline maintenance organizational structure.

Figure 13-1. Typical airline maintenance organizational structure.

13.1.3. Role of management in aviation

A manager directs and coordinates department activities through subordinate supervisors. The manager
reviews and analyzes reports, records, and directives and confers with supervisors to obtain data for
planning department activities, such as new commitment, status of work in progress, and problems
encountered. Managers must communicate effectively. Effective communication is critical to the success
of all managers and their subordinates, especially with regard to communicating the company's
objectives. Semantics play a crucial role in this communication. Managers must learn to develop good
listening skills. This is one of the most important skills that can help managers be successful.
Aircraft maintenance managers play a very important role in aviation maintenance. They know how to
deal with this organized chaos, and good managers build their airline or maintenance department and their
maintenance base into a very successful team who can tackle any obstacle with total confidence. As a
maintenance manager or upper-, middle-, or front-line manager, you are constantly bombarded with all
kinds of problems and issues, such as aircraft that are out of service, aircraft parts availability, production,
subordinate behavior, deadlines for audits, e-mails, upper managers' odd requests, and other challenges.

The airlines are a service industry, and all aircraft must be available and in good flying condition.
Unavailability of an aircraft means that the aircraft is not going to make the flight it has been scheduled
for; thus, the manager has to do everything possible to correct the problem. The challenging and
demanding work of aircraft maintenance management and its concerns is very complex, and the work
requires an individual with great focus, diligence, and effective organizational skills. Daily challenges
must be prioritized based on available flying aircraft and time, and managers must have creative decision-
making abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.[2]

13.1.4. Fundamentals of maintenance

The aircraft maintenance department provides maintenance and preventive maintenance to ensure
reliability, which translates into aircraft availability. These functions do not preclude a random failure or
degradation of any part or system, but routine maintenance and checks will keep these from happening
and keep the aircraft in good flying condition. The maintenance of an aircraft provides assurance of flight
safety, reliability, and airworthiness. The aircraft maintenance department is responsible for
accomplishing all maintenance tasks per the aircraft manufacturer's and the company's requirements. The
goal is a safe, reliable, and airworthy aircraft.

Maintenance, of course, is not as simple as one might conclude. There is one important fact that must be
acknowledged: not all systems or components fail at the same rate, nor do they all exhibit the same
pattern of wearout and failure. As you might expect, the nature of the maintenance performed on these
components and systems is related to those failure rates and failure patterns. The aviation industry has
developed three management techniques for addressing the in-service interruptions created by the items
that must be operated to failure before maintenance can be done:

Equipment redundancy

Line replaceable units

Minimum aircraft dispatch requirements

Equipment redundancy.  The concept of redundancy of certain components or systems is quite
common in engineering design of systems where high reliability is desirable. In the case of redundant
units—usually called primary and backup units—if one unit fails, the other is available to take over the
function. For example, in aviation most commercial jets have two high-frequency (HF) radios. Only one
is needed for communications, but the second one is there for backup in case the first one fails.

Line replaceable units.  Another common concept used in aviation is the line replaceable unit
(LRU). An LRU is a component or system that has been designed in such a manner that the parts that
most commonly fail can be quickly removed and replaced on the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to be
returned to scheduled service without undue delay for maintenance. The failed part then can be either
discarded or repaired in the shop as necessary without further delaying the flight.

Minimum aircraft dispatch requirements.  This concept is used to minimizing delays for the
aircraft maintenance department and in aviation is known the minimum equipment list (MEL). This list
allows a vehicle to be dispatched into service with certain items inoperative provided that the loss of
function does not affect the safety and operation of the flight. These items are carefully determined by the
manufacturer and sanctioned by the regulatory authority during the early stages of vehicle design and test.
Many of these MEL items are associated with redundant systems. The concept of the MEL allows deferral
of maintenance without upsetting the mission requirements. Figure 13-1 is a diagram of a typical airline
maintenance organization structure. It shows the manager of maintenance position.[3]

13.1.5. Establishing a maintenance program

Although there has been a considerable amount of improvement in the quality and reliability of
components and systems, as well as in materials and procedures, over the 100-year life of aviation, we
still have not reached total perfection. Aviation equipment, no matter how good or how reliable, still
needs attention from time to time.

Scheduled maintenance and servicing are needed to ensure the designed-in level of perfection
(reliability). Due to the nature of the real world, some of these components and systems will, sooner or
later, deteriorate beyond a tolerable level or will fail completely. Aircraft components and systems fail in
different ways and at different rates. This results in a requirement for unscheduled maintenance that is
somewhat erratic and uncertain. Those components exhibiting life limits or measurable wear-out
characteristics can be part of a systematic, scheduled maintenance program.

13.1.6. Development of maintenance program

The maintenance programs currently in use in commercial aviation were developed by the industry using
two basic approaches: the process-oriented approach and the task-oriented approach. The differences in
these two methods lie in (1) the attitude toward maintenance actions and (2) the manner in which
maintenance actions are determined and assigned to components and systems. Although the commercial
aviation industry has recently gone to the task-oriented approach for the most recent airplane models,
there are many older airplanes still in service whose maintenance programs were developed by the
process-oriented approach.

The process-oriented approach to maintenance uses three primary maintenance processes to accomplish
the scheduled maintenance actions:

Hard time (HT)

On-condition (OC)

Condition monitoring (CM)

Hard time process.  Hard time is a failure preventive process which requires that the item be
removed from the vehicle and then completely overhauled, partially overhauled (restored), or discarded
before exceeding the specified interval. Hard time is also applied to items having a direct adverse effect
on safety and items subject to reliability degradation with age but having no possible maintenance check
for that condition.

On-condition process.  On-condition is a failure preventive process requiring that the item be

periodically inspected or tested against some appropriate physical standard (wear or deterioration limits)
to determine whether the item can continue in service. On-condition must be restricted to components,
equipment, or systems on which a determination of continued airworthiness may be made by
measurements, tests, or other means without doing a teardown inspection. The on-condition process also
encompasses periodic collection of data that will reveal the physical condition of a component, system, or

Condition monitoring process.  The condition monitoring process is applied when neither the hard
time nor the on-condition process can be applied. The CM process involves the monitoring of the failure
rates, removals, etc., of individual components or systems that do not have a definite lifetime or a
noticeable wear-out period. Condition monitoring is not a failure preventive process as are HT and OC.
Condition monitoring systems consist of data collection and data analysis procedures that will portray
information upon which judgments relative to the safe condition of the vehicle can be made.
The hard time and on-condition processes are used for components or systems that, respectively, have
definite life limits or detectable wear-out periods. The task-oriented approach to maintenance uses
predetermined maintenance tasks to avoid in-service failures. Equipment redundancies are sometimes
used to allow in-service failures to occur without adversely affecting safety and operation.[4]

13.2. Typical Airline Definition of Maintenance

This definition was taken from the text of a "typical" airline's technical policies and procedures manual
(TPPM). Maintenance is defined as "those actions required for restoring or maintaining an item in a
serviceable condition, including servicing, repair, modification, overhaul, inspection, and determination
of condition."

This is not incorrect. However, it merely describes what maintenance people do; it is not descriptive of
the intent or the result of maintenance activity. In the Federal Aviation Regulations, FAR Part 1,
maintenance is defined as "… inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement of parts."
Again, this describes what maintenance people do, but it is not a definitive description of what
maintenance is intended to accomplish. Maintenance is the process of ensuring that a system continually
performs its intended function at its designed-in level of reliability and safety.[5]

13.3. Goals of a Maintenance Program

The goals of an airline maintenance program can be stated as follows:

To deliver airworthy vehicles to the flight department in time to meet the flight schedule

To deliver these vehicles with all necessary maintenance actions completed or properly deferred

To ensure the realization of the inherent safety and reliability levels of the equipment

To restore safety and reliability to their inherent levels when deterioration has occurred

To obtain the information necessary for adjustment and optimization of the maintenance program
when these inherent levels are not met

To obtain the information necessary for design improvement of those items whose inherent reliability
proves inadequate
To accomplish these objectives at a minimum total cost, including the costs of maintenance and the
cost of residual failures

13.4. Functional and Potential Failure

The role of the maintenance program is to reduce failure. A failure is any unsatisfactory situation that can
be unacceptable now or in the future.

Functional failure is the inability of an item to meet a specific performance standard. It is no longer
satisfactory. It may have broken or just lost capability to meet the standard. It must be corrected. Potential
failure is a detectable condition which shows that a functional failure is imminent or could happen very
soon. Maintenance must be done if functional failure is to be prevented. When potential failure is
detected, it alerts maintenance to perform actions to reduce the probability of a functional failure.

Both functional and potential failures can be classified in terms of their detection. The primary question
is, Can the operating crew detect that a problem has occurred or is about to occur? This will become very
important to the decision logic used to develop the maintenance program.[6]

13.5. Documentation for Maintenance

The documentation for maintenance is required by the FAA. Advisory Circular AC 120-16E, Air Carrier
Maintenance Programs, refers to the air carrier maintenance manual system, maintenance
record/documentation keeping system, and various other requirements. There are four different types of
documentation written in detail by the aircraft manufacturer and airlines for their individual process:

1. Manufacturer's documentation

2. Regulatory documentation

3. Airline-generated documentation

4. ATA document standards

13.5.1. Manufacturer's documentation

Table 13-1 indicates the documents provided to an operator by the airframe manufacturer for maintenance
of the aircraft. The form and content of the documents sometimes vary from one manufacturer to another.
The table identifies, basically, the type of information the airframe manufacturer makes available to its
customers. Some of the documents can be customized for the airline or operator to only include
configuration and equipment. These are called customized documents by the manufacturer and are noted
at the bottom of Table 13-1.

Table 13-1.

Title Abbreviation

Airplane maintenance manual* AMM

Component location manual CLM

Component maintenance manual CMM

Vendor manuals VM

Fault isolation manual* FIM

Illustrated parts catalog† IPC

Storage and recovery document‡ SRD

Structural repair manual SRM

Maintenance planning data document MPD

Schematic diagram manual* SDM

Wiring diagram manual* WDM

Master minimum equipment list MMEL

Dispatch deviation guide DDG

Configuration deviation list CDL

Task cards* TCs

Service bulletins SBs

Service letters SLs

* Customized to contain customer configuration.

† Customized on request.

‡ Information may be included in AMM for recent-model aircraft.

13.5.2. Regulatory documentation

The FAA issues numerous documents related to maintenance of aircraft and their systems. Table 13-2 lists
the more significant of these documents. In the United States, federal laws are collected into a document
known as the Code of Federal Regulations or CFR. Those laws related to commercial aviation are under
Title 14 of this code, aeronautics and space, Parts 1 through 200.

Table 13-2.

Title Abbreviation

Federal aviation regulations FARs

Advisory circulars ACs

Airworthiness directives ADs

Notice of proposed rule making NPRM

13.5.3. Airline-Generated Documentation

Table 13-3 lists the documentation that the airline will generate to carry out its maintenance activities.
Again, these documents may vary in name and actual content from one operator to another, but the
information identified here must be addressed by airline documentation.

Table 13-3.

Title Abbreviation

Operations specifications Ops Specs

Technical policies and procedures manual TPPM

Inspection manual IM

Reliability program manual RPM

Minimum equipment list MEL

Task cards* TCs

Engineering orders† EOs

* May be manufacturer written, customer written, or a combination.

†a Issued for maintenance not identified in standard maintenance plan.

13.5.4. ATA document standards

ATA codes are designed to help understand different systems or system types on aircraft and their
subsystems and are assigned a chapter number. Table 13-4 shows the chapter assignment per ATA
standard. Also the ATA standard can help the continuous analysis and surveillance system (CASS) and
the reliability department keep track of any premature failure and warranty work. These ATA coding
systems are uniform for all models and types of aircraft, and all aircraft manufacturers use the same
coding system.

Table 13-4.

ATA Subject ATA Subject

5 Time limits, 37 Vacuum

maintenance checks

6 Dimensions and access 38 Water/waste


7 Lifting and shoring 45 Central maintenance


8 Leveling and weighing 49 Airborne auxiliary


9 Towing and taxiing 51 Standard practices and


10 Parking, mooring, 52 Doors

storage, and return to
11 Placards and markings 53 Fuselage

12 Servicing 54 Nacelles/pylons

20 Standard practices- 55 Stabilizers


21 Air conditioning 56 Windows

22 Auto flight 57 Wings

23 Communications 70 Standard practices—


24 Electrical power 71 Power plant (package)

25 Equipment/furnishings 72 Engine (internals)

26 Fire protection 73 Engine fuel control

27 Flight controls 74 Ignition

28 Fuel 75 Air

29 Hydraulic power 76 Engine controls

30 Ice and rain protection 77 Engine indicating

31 Indicating /recording 78 Exhaust


32 Landing gear 79 Oil

33 Lights 80 Starting

34 Navigation 82 Water injection

35 Oxygen

36 Pneumatic 91 Charts (miscellaneous)

13.6. Requirements for a Maintenance Program

There are certain regulatory requirements that each airline must adhere to and certain additional necessary
maintenance activities that airlines need to have in place to carry out their approved maintenance program
requirements. The aircraft and aircraft systems are sophisticated, with miles of wires to chase,
electromechanical valves, airframe systems, engines, auxiliary power units, hydraulic systems, and
navigation systems, all of which require a well-trained professional technician with aircraft systems
knowledge, experience, and a keen mechanical ability to correct any kind of discrepancy according to the
approved maintenance program.

The FAA has outlined the aviation maintenance program in Advisory Circular AC 120-16E. The FAA
requires each commercial airline to have an operations specifications (Ops Specs) document authorizing
the maintenance program. The following is an example of a maintenance AC 120-16E. It describes the
scope and content of an air carrier aircraft maintenance program. It explains the background of these
programs as well as the FAA regulatory requirements. FAA AC 120-16E describes these elements:

1. Airworthiness responsibility

2. Air carrier maintenance manual

3. Air carrier maintenance organization

4. Maintenance record-keeping system

5. Accomplishment and approval of maintenance and alterations

6. Maintenance schedule

7. Required inspection items (RIIs)

8. Contract maintenance

9. Personnel training

10. Continuous analysis and surveillance system (CASS)[7]

13.6.1. Technical services required for airlines

The engineering department covers the duties and responsibilities of the technical experts of the
maintenance organization. This includes development of the airline's maintenance program from the
airframe manufacturer's data and creation of the policies and procedures that govern the execution of that
program. Engineers are usually identified by some specialty: civil, mechanical, electrical, aeronautical,
transportation, nuclear, to name a few. In an airline the engineering department is made up of the more
experienced people of the maintenance organization. They must be knowledgeable about the total
maintenance operation as well as the airline and regulatory requirements. Engineering also provides
assistance to maintenance for the solution of difficult problems and performs investigation of
maintenance problems noted by the reliability program, as well as problems brought up by mechanics or
by personnel from the quality control and quality assurance organization.

The production planning department plays a key role in planning and scheduling and is the heart of the
maintenance and engineering (M&E) organization. Although the title production planning and control
(PP&C) is common throughout the airline industry, the activities actually performed sometimes fall short
of the ideal notion of what PP&C should be.

The PP&C organization is primarily responsible for planning and scheduling all aircraft maintenance
activity within the airlines. The PP&C is responsible for all maintenance activities performed on the unit's
aircraft. Duties and responsibilities of PP&C include forecasting future maintenance requirements and
activities, planning and scheduling major checks for the current operational situation, and exercising
control of the maintenance in progress. They are responsible for ensuring that personnel, parts, facilities,
and special tools and test equipment are available for each planned maintenance event and that the
activity is accomplished successfully and on time.

The technical publication department is vital to aircraft maintenance operations, since this entity is solely
responsible for receiving and distributing publications throughout the airline maintenance bases, hubs,
and smaller stations. Below are three functions of the technical publications department:

1. To receive and distribute, within the airline, all those publications issued by outside sources

2. To print and distribute the publications generated by the various organizations within the airlines

3. To establish and maintain a complete, up-to-date library system for all such documents needed for
M&E operations

Maintenance-related documents are classified as either uncontrolled or controlled documents.

Uncontrolled documents are issued for general information only and are not used to certify airworthiness.
They do not require any of the tracking system requirements discussed below for controlled documents.
Controlled documents are used to certify the airworthiness of the aircraft, engines, and components. Each
controlled document will contain a list of effective pages (LEP) and a record of revisions to the document
identifying the revision number or letter and the date of that revision.

The training department of an airline is responsible for the proper training requirements of its employees
per the FARs. This includes flight crews, cabin crews, ground handling crews, aircraft maintenance
technicians (AMTs), inspectors, auditors, managers, and computer operations and administrative
personnel. The technical training organization is also required by the FAA to keep records of all training
accomplished by each employee. A significant portion of their training—especially for flight crews and
maintenance personnel—is accomplished prior to their being hired by an airline.[8]

13.7. Material Support—Stores and Logistics

Material support, inventory, stores, logistics management is one of the key units within an airline's
maintenance and engineering organization. The material support organization's responsibilities include
concerns about replenishment of stored parts, cost of inventory, forecasting of new and in-house available
inventory, realistic physical space of the inventory, replenishment of minimum and maximum, repair
parts, returns and defective parts, bogus parts, knowing the supply network and its demands, and the
ongoing process of utilizing aircraft parts. Material and other items needed daily require a sophisticated
maintenance support operation.

Inventory control refers to a continual effort to supervise the supply, storage, and accessibility of aircraft
parts. It is inventory control's responsibility to ensure that all necessary parts and supplies are on hand and
available at selected locations throughout M&E. The airline's logistic management and inventory control
strives very hard to maintain a good balance since aircraft parts are expensive.

13.7.1. Material Purchasing

Purchasing is responsible for the procurement of all parts and supplies used by M&E. They deal mainly
with suppliers and manufacturers, attending to such things as specifications, costs, delivery, etc.
Essentially, purchasing has primary budget control in material and works closely with finance on
expenditures and budget matters. Purchasing and inventory control work together to avoid Aircraft on
ground (AOG) situations because the part(s) purchased in the AOG situation will be expensive. The
purchasing and stores departments work together on aircraft parts purchases, warranty, and modifications
(discussed later in this chapter) due to cost and budgets.
13.7.2. Support Functions of Material

The support function and material management vary depending on the airline's structure and size.
However, some of the activities may be combined for the departmental convenience. These are some of
the support functions:

Parts ordering

Parts storage

Parts issuing

Controlling of parts and logistics

Handling of parts and supplies

Storing of the aircraft parts and material can be the biggest hurdle for the stores management due to
storage of parts under specific conditions due to being delicate or having a refrigeration or air-conditioned
environment requirement. Below are the some of the stores areas that are subdivided into different

Quarantine area

Flammable, hazardous materials (hazmat), and refrigeration area

Serviceable, nonserviceable, and red-tag parts area

Parts issue and return area

Parts receiving inspection area

13.7.3. Parts control

Controlling parts covers a variety of activities. This controlling of parts going to and from internal
maintenance organizations, vendors, or outside repair contractors and warranty holders is the primary
control function of material, but there is an additional control requirement. Parts are occasionally
removed from larger assemblies (officially authorized or not) to facilitate line or hangar maintenance
efforts and to quickly return an operating aircraft to service.
One of the parts control processes employed by many airlines is the "parts quarantine" area. This area is
used to separate parts removed from aircraft until it can be determined whether repair is necessary or
whether a unit can be returned to stores for reissue.

One of the other functions that come under this topic of controlling parts, a rather important financial
consideration that airlines sometimes overlook, is the handling of warranty repairs. It is a fact that many
aircraft components are expensive and that maintenance costs are also high. It is very important, then, for
an airline to take advantage of any warranty claims it may have to avoid unnecessary costs.

13.7.4. Other Material Functions

Some functions previously discussed are basic material department functions that directly affect the
maintenance department. There are some other functions and activities in stores and material day-to-day
operation for their own support or maintenance support activity. These items are as follows:

Obsolete parts

Parts receiving—quality control

Loaner parts—bogus parts

Tool calibration program

Stock level adjustment

Shelf life items

Exchange, warranty, and medications

13.8. Material Department—Budgeting Efforts

The modern approach to management requires each and every manager to be cognizant of the cost
requirements of the organization that she or he commands. If M&E wants full control of material as we
suggested in the beginning of this chapter, then M&E must take full responsibility for the costs incurred
and the budgeting of the whole activity. This is primarily the responsibility of the director of material, but
he or she will (undoubtedly) delegate to each manager the responsibility for his or her own activities. Of
course, in the final analysis, accounting and finance at corporate level will maintain oversight of the effort
and make the final determination as to budget allocations. After all, accounting and finance also has a
boss—the CEO of the airline.

One of the major problems in establishing stock levels is the cost of the items stocked. Some airlines
overstock to hedge against running out of an item when it is sorely needed. The result of this overstocking
may be to minimize maintenance downtime and subsequent delays and cancellations, but the penalty is
having too much money tied up in supplies that are not used, not needed, or in some cases that become
out of date or obsolete while sitting on the shelf.

The other extreme embraced by some airlines is to invest very little in spare parts, thus minimizing the
amount of money needed to start up and run the airline. The downside here is that the maintenance
downtime, as well as the delays and cancellations, tends to increase to the detriment of the flight
schedule, passenger satisfaction, and even the quality of maintenance. Like so many things in the airline
industry, budgeting and stock levels both become precarious juggling acts that require skill, dexterity, and
perhaps a little luck to carry them off.[9]

13.9. Oversight Functions

The airline oversight functions are driven from the FAA AC 120-16E, mentioned previously under the
heading "Requirements for a Maintenance Program." FAA Advisory Circular AC 120-79A provides
further details on the oversight as well that refers to the continuous analysis and surveillance system
(CASS). The CASS requirement through its oversight function encompasses specific areas of interest that
assist the director of maintenance in maintenance program evaluation (MPE) for the oversight efforts.

13.10. Quality Assurance

The quality assurance (QA) department oversees and perform audits to confirm that operations
specifications (Ops Specs) are established and are followed per FAR 121.373, Continuing Analysis and
Surveillance. Paragraph (a) of §121.373 reads as follows:
Each certificate holder shall establish and maintain a system for the continuing analysis and
surveillance of the performance and effectiveness of its inspection program and the program
covering other maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations and for the correction
of any deficiency in those programs, regardless of whether those programs are carried out by
the certificate holder or another person.

In support of the FAR §121.373 requirements, a quality audit should be performed on each and every unit
within the M&E organization. This means the auditor, or audit team if one is required, will look at
administrative and supervisory aspects of the operation being audited as well as the performance of work.
In relation to work performance, the auditor will look at:

The adequacy of tools, test equipment, and facilities

The competency of assigned personnel (licenses, training, skills, and skill levels, etc.)

Shop and office orderliness

The use and handling of tools, parts, supplies, and paperwork

These audits also consist of aircraft records, required inspection items (RIIs), airworthiness directive
(AD) and service bulletin (SB) compliance, major repair and alteration, safety training, safety equipment,
and accident/incident reporting of the airline.

13.11. Quality Control

The inspection function of an airline M&E organization is part of the basic maintenance program
established by the operations specifications as well. The required inspection items (RIIs) also include
oversight checking of newly hired or newly trained personnel to ensure they are performing up to
standards. To carry out all these inspection requirements, it is necessary to establish a quality control
function within the M&E organization. This function can take various forms.

The airline normally establishes the basic inspection policies for all dedicated and delegated inspectors to
abide by. The policies most generally accepted by the industry address the following areas:

Use of an inspector's stamp for official acceptance of work

The continuity of inspection across shift boundaries

The countermand of inspector's decisions

Reinsertion of rejected work buyback

The inspection of one's own work

In addition to the inspection activities mentioned above, the quality control (QC) organization has
responsibility for special nondestructive test and inspection techniques, the calibration of certain tools and
test equipment used in maintenance, and a number of special reports to the regulatory authority
concerning maintenance problems.

The nondestructive test and inspections are a number of special test and inspection activities used in
maintenance that require the partial or complete disassembly of components and some that require other
means that render the tested unit unserviceable. To avoid the disassembly or destruction of components,
several methods of test and inspection have been developed to provide a look at or into certain component
and system conditions without permanently destroying the parts. The quality control normally performs
the NDT/NDI types of inspection due to extensive training provided to the QC personnel. Table 13-5
shows different types of NDT/NDI techniques.

Table 13-5. Types of NDT/NDI Techniques

X-ray To view internal condition years of certain

materials to indicate internal holes, cracks, or
other problems.

Ultrasonic Similar to x-rays but uses high-frequency sound

waves. Internal aberrations will conduct the
sound differently and thus generate different
patterns on the monitor.

Eddy current Eddy currents set up in various materials exhibit

certain patterns. Internal cracks in materials
would alter the pattern and thus show areas of

Dye penetrant Special dyes are introduced into various flow

systems. Leaks in the tubing, gaskets, connectors,
etc., will be identified by leakage of the dye at
the errant point.

Magnetic particle Chip detectors are strategically placed in engines

to detect metal particles in the oil indicating
engine wear.

Boroscope To view the internal condition of the jet engine

rotor blades, a special video probe is inserted into
an access hole in the engine. The internal section
of the engine then can be viewed on an external
monitor while the engine fan is rotated to view
all blades. Caution: The probe must be removed
and the access hole secured before running the

The FAA does not specify what items should be identified as RIIs but does require the airline to evaluate
its own work program and identify the RIIs applicable to its operation. In addition to identifying RIIs, the
airline must specify who in the organization or any other contract organization is qualified and authorized
to perform these inspections.[10]

13.12. Reliability

Reliability equals consistency. It can be defined as the probability that an item will perform a required
function, under specified conditions without failure, for a specified amount of time according to its
intended design. The reliability program is a valuable means of achieving better operational performance
in an aircraft maintenance environment, and it is designed to decrease maintenance-related issues and
increase flight safety. The intent of this program is to deal systematically with problems as they arise
instead of trying to cure immediate symptoms. This program is normally customized, depending on the
operators, to accurately reflect the specific operation's requirements.

There are two main approaches to the concept of reliability in the aviation industry. One looks essentially
at the whole airline operation or the M&E operation within the whole, and the other looks at the
maintenance program in particular.

13.12.1. Types of Reliability

There are four types of reliability related to the maintenance activity:

Statistical reliability

Historical reliability

Event-oriented reliability

Dispatch reliability

Statistical reliability Statistical reliability is based upon the collection and analysis of failure, removal,
and repair rates of systems or components. Event rates are calculated on the basis of events per 1000
flight hours or events per 100 flight cycles.

Historical reliability Historical reliability is simply a comparison of current event rates with those of
past experience. Historical reliability can also be used by airlines wishing to establish a statistically
based program. Data on event rates kept for 2 or 3 yr can be tallied or plotted graphically and analyzed
to determine the normal or acceptable rates.

Event-oriented reliability Event-oriented reliability is concerned with one-time events such as bird
strikes, hard landings, overweight landings, in-flight engine shutdowns, lightning strikes, ground or
flight interruption, and other accidents or incidents. These are events that do not occur daily in airline
operations and, therefore, produce no usable statistical or historical data. Nevertheless, they do occur
from time to time, and each occurrence must be investigated to determine the cause and to prevent or
reduce the possibility of recurrence of the problem.

Dispatch reliability Dispatch reliability is a measure of the overall effectiveness of the airline
operation with respect to on-time departure. It receives considerable attention from regulatory
authorities, as well as from airlines and passengers, but it is really just a special form of the event-
oriented reliability approach.

13.12.2. Purpose of a Reliability Program

A reliability program for its intended purposes is, essentially, a set of rules and practices for managing
and controlling a maintenance program. The main function of a reliability program is to monitor the
performance of the vehicles and their associated equipment and to call attention to any need for corrective
action. The program has two additional functions:

To monitor the effectiveness of those corrective actions

To provide data to justify adjusting the maintenance intervals or maintenance program procedures
whenever those actions are appropriate

The reliability program consists of seven basic elements as well as a number of procedures and
administrative functions. The basic elements are:

1. Data collection

2. area alerting

3. Data display

4. Data analysis

5. Corrective actions

6. Follow-up analysis

7. Monthly reliability report

13.12.3. Other Functions of the Reliability Program

The reliability program helps engineering in the investigation of the alerts item that often results in
change in the maintenance program, which means changes in specific tasks, adjustments in the interval at
which maintenance tasks are performed, and changes in the maintenance processes (HT, OC, and CM) to
which components are assigned. Adjustments in the maintenance interval may be a solution to a given
problem. The reliability program should provide the rules and processes used to adjust these intervals.

On the administration and management side, a reliability program will include written procedures for
changing maintenance program tasks, as well as processes and procedures for changing maintenance
intervals (increasing or decreasing them). Identification, calculation, establishment, and adjustment of
alert level and the determination of what data to track are basic functions of the reliability section.

The reliability department analyst in conjunction with maintenance control center keeps a watchful eye on
the aircraft fleet and its systems for any repeat maintenance discrepancies. The analyst reviews reliability
reports and items daily, including aircraft daily maintenance, time-deferred maintenance items, MEL, and
other out-of-service events with any type of repeat mechanical discrepancies.
The solution of reliability problems is not the exclusive domain of the reliability section or the
engineering section; it is a maintenance and engineering organization wide function. This group approach
ensures that all aspects of the problem have been addressed by those who are most familiar with the
situation. Also the interaction of the FAA with the airlines in the reliability programs provides an
oversight. This lets the regulatory authority know that the airline is attending to its maintenance problems
in an orderly and systematic manner and gives the regulatory people an opportunity to provide any
assistance that may be required.[11]

13.13. Summary

The aircraft maintenance department, with the help of inspection department and with the oversight of the
FAA, helps ensure a healthy maintenance department. It is their objective to properly and safely maintain
aircraft for flying passenger, pilots, and flight attendants.

During the inspection of an aircraft if any type of design defect or malfunction is discovered, it is the
maintenance department's priority to bring to engineering and/or the aircraft manufacturer's attention to
help avoid any type of incident or accident.

The postcrash investigation normally conducted by the National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) helps
provide authorities with the clue and cause that may have led the aircraft to crash. The NTSB's
investigation provides details that if aircraft systems have malfunctioned for its design application, pilot
error, or a maintenance malfunction. These are the types of investigations which help authorities, aircraft
manufacturers, and maintenance personnel help understand the dos and don'ts of the aircraft system and
system integration. If there are any findings for any type of malfunction of aircraft system or equipment,
the NTSB provides its findings and recommendations to Congress and the FAA. Most times these types
of recommendations with the aircraft parts and systems become Airworthiness Directives that an airline
operator must comply with in order to produce safe and reliable aircraft.

13.14. Review Problems

1. What are the three disciplines to properly conduct maintenance activities in an airline?

2. Describe the modern approach to maintenance in your own words.

3. In the fundamentals of maintenance, what are three management techniques that address in-service
4. The developments of maintenance program define the on-condition (OC) approach process.
True False

5. What is the difference between the functional and potential failures?

6. Manufacturer's documentation and regulatory documentation are the required documentation per
Advisory Circular AC 120-16E.
True False

7. The FAA has outlined the aviation program in which Advisory Circular?
a. AC 120-79A

b. AC 121.373

c. AC 120-16E

8. Uncontrolled documents are the types of documents that are issued for general information only.
True False

9. Inventory control refers to a continual effort to supervise the supply, storage, and accessibility of
aircraft parts.
True False

10. The airline's oversight function is driven by FAA AC 120-16E, but FAA Advisory Circular AC 120-
79A provides further details on the oversight.
True False

13.15. Endnotes

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Advisory Circular AC 120-16E, Air Carrier Maintenance
Programs, 2010.

Federal Aviation Administration, Advisory Circular AC 120-79A, Developing and Implementing an

Air Carrier Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System, 2010.

Kinnison, H., and T. Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
[1]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012.

[2]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, p. 145.

[3]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, p. 10.

[4]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, p. 15.

[5]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, p. 34.

[6]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, pp. 38–39.

[7]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, pp. 79–80.

[8]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, p. 105.

[9]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, pp. 181, 185, 187, and 193

[10]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, pp. 195, 197, 210, and 212.

[11]Harry A. Kinnison and Tariq Siddiqui, Aviation Maintenance Management, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill
Companies, New York, 2012, pp. 217, 118, and 283.

Tariq Siddiqui: Aircraft Materials and Analysis. Aviation Maintenance Management, Chapter
(McGraw-Hill Professional, 2015), AccessEngineering
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