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In the last few decades there have been more and more cases of famous people being

chased and harassed by newspaper journalists. Some people think that famous people in the
media should not expect to have a private life. To what extent do you agree?
Over the past years technology have made gigantic leaps especially regarding how
incredibly fast the information travels nowadays. In this circumstances it is no wonder that the
media have come to evolve too and the idea of having a private life is proving to be difficult
even for normal people.
To begin with it is worth mentioning that being famous involves also the idea that
people will look up to that person expecting him to be a role model. Assuming a public position
and having the power to influence people’s lives comes with the price of having to sacrifice his
private life at some extent and not so many people take this in consideration at first.
Nevertheless it is wrong to assume what someone should decide or believe regarding
their personal life. Regardless of being famous or not everyone should have the right to use
their free time as they see fit so they can have a balanced life that would permit them to be
happy. Failure of doing so will evolve to problems like depression and we have a lot of living
examples to prove that.
Furthermore people should learn how to respect those around them. All sorts and forms
of harassment should not be tolerated or encouraged because one should always ask himself
how he would feel if he would find himself in the same position.
To sum it up I would state that everyone should be entitled to have a personal life and
that we should regard famous people firstly as simple persons and just afterwards as

Education is considered vital for the future of any society in today’s world.
Governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children
between the ages of 5-15 years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
The ability to learn and understand basic and complex concepts surrounding us is what
granted our species the means to evolve faster than any other one on Earth. Education is at the
core of this evolution and finding better means to improve it is something that should
preoccupy us.
Firstly throughout history education was reserved for the upper class and general access
to it was strictly limited on grounds of wealth, gender, race and others. Having an educational
model that is compulsory for everyone eliminates those differences and gives everyone,
regardless of their background, the chance to study and have limitless possibilities.
Secondly governments have the responsibility of assuring the proper and constant
development of their country. The compulsory educational system provides the means by
which these objective is achieved regardless of the political rotations and their never ending
change of public agenda keeping in mind that the access to education should not be something
Nevertheless, in their first years children learn everything mainly by playing or spending
quality time with their family so they should have the opportunity to do so. Having them
enrolled in a public school system might force them to respect strict learning patterns that are
not always suitable for them. This might decrease their motivation to learn and thus, limit their
basic potential.
In conclusion, even though there is not a straight answer regarding the age by which
education should be compulsory, it is definitely something that should occupy an important
part of our lives and constantly shape how our society evolves.

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