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REVIEW PA SIS Recombination – process that happens to chromosomes

when gametes (egg and sperm) form.

Genetics – branch of science concerned with genes,
heredity, and variation in living organisms. *During recombination, homologous chromosomes pair
up and exchange stretches of DNA. Recombination
Genotype - gene or genetic make-up that each progeny makes new allele combinations, which can then be
will have. passed to offspring.
Phenotype - the trait and outward appearance observed
Sex-linked - refers to any genes associated with the
in an organisms. chromosomal sex of an individual.
Dominant – if phenotype is fully expressed. X-linked – sex-linked trait that is found on X
Recessive – if phenotype remains unexpressed. chromosomes.

Heterozygous – alleles are different from one another.  Color blindness -An X-linked recessive trait
Example: Aa where a affected individual could not distinguish
red from green color (red green color blindness)
Homozygous – alleles are the same. Example: AA, aa  Hemophilia - X-linked recessive trait where an
Punnett Square – s a square diagram that is used to affected individual suffers from delayed blood
predict the genotypes of a particular cross or breeding clotting during injuries because of the absence of
experiment. certain blood clotting factors.

Gregor Mendel – humble monk, part-time scientist, Y-linked – sex-linked trait that is found on Y
founder of the entire discipline of genetics. chromosomes.

Mendelian Laws of Inheritance:  Hypertrichosis pinnaeauris - Y-linked trait where

affected males have hair growing from their
1. Law of Dominance – dominant allele covers the external ears.
recessive allele. Dominant allele produces the
same phenotype in heterozygotes and in Sex-influenced traits - Any trait in a diploid organism
homozygotes. whose expression is affected by an individual’s biological
2. Law of Segregation - chromosome pairs (and sex. A trait that occurs at a higher frequency in one sex
their alleles) are separated into individual over the other.
gametes (eggs or sperm) to transmit genetic Sex-limited traits - Any trait in a diploid organism whose
information to offspring. Example: ABCD = AC expression is limited to just one biological sex.
3. Law of Independent Assortment - genes for Typical and Non Mendelian Inheritance:
different traits pass independently.
 Mosaicism - condition in which cells within the
same person have a different genetic makeup.
Homologous chromosome – carry the same sequence of  Genomic Imprinting - refers to certain genes
genes; however, not the necessarily the same alleles for that are differentially inactivated or switched off
those genes. during gamete formation. Example: Prader Willi
and Angelman Syndromes.
Sex Linkage – applies to genes in the sex chromosomes.
 Mitochondrial diseases - clinically
Genes are considered sex-linked because their
heterogeneous group of disorders that arise as a
expression and inheritance patterns differ between
result of dysfunction of the mitochondrial
males and females.
respiratory chain. Example: Pearson syndrome,
Sex Chromosomes - determine whether an individual is leber optic atrophy, mitochondrial myopathies
male or female.  Epistasis - type of polygenic inheritance where
the alleles at one gene locus can hide or prevent
*Females have two X chromosomes, and males have an the expression of alleles at a second gene locus.
X and a Y.
*Autosomes are non-sex chromosomes.
Pedigree - Making use of diagrams showing the ancestral 2. Affected children of an affected parent and an
relationships and transmission of genetic traits over unaffected parent must be heterozygous Dd,
several generations in a family. because they inherited a d allele from the
unaffected parent.
Uses of Pedigree: 3. The affected parents of an unaffected child must
 Determine the mode of inheritance be heterozygotes Dd, since they both passed a d
 Determine the probability of an affected allele to their child.
offspring for a given cross. 4. Outsider rule for dominant autosomal pedigrees:
An affected outsider (a person with no known
*Each generation is shown in Roman numerals and each parents) is assumed to be heterozygous (Dd).
individual is numbered. 5. If both parents are heterozygous Dd x Dd, their
affected offspring have a 2/3 chance of being Dd
and a 1/3 chance of being DD.
Hallmarks for Y-linked:
1. Traits on the Y chromosome are only found in
males, never in females.
2. The father’s traits are passed to all sons.
3. Dominance is irrelevant: there is only 1 copy of
each Y-linked gene (hemizygous).
Hallmarks for X-linked:
1. The trait should appear in all daughters of an
affected male.
2. The sons of affected fathers will always be
normal because they obtained the Y
chromosome from their father and not the X
chromosome with the allele in question.
3. Mothers pass their X’s to both sons and
Hallmarks of X-linked Recessive:
1. The trait appears in approximately half of the
male offspring from a normal female.
2. Maternal effect genes are usually recessive.
3. Males get their X from their mother.
Hallmarks of Autosomal Recessive: 4. Fathers pass their X to daughters only.
5. Females express it only if they get a copy from
1. Males and females are equally likely to be both parents.
2. On average, the recurrence risk to the unborn Hallmarks of Mitochondrial:
sibling of an affected individual is 1/4. 1. Mitochondria are only inherited from the
3. The trait is characteristically found in siblings, mother.
not parents of affected or the offspring of 2. If a female has a mitochondrial trait, all of her
affected. offspring inherit it.
4. Parents of affected children may be related. The 3. If a male has a mitochondrial trait, none of his
rarer the trait in the general population, the offspring inherit it.
more likely a consanguineous mating is involved. 4. Note that only 1 allele is present in each
Hallmarks of Autosomal Dominant: individual, so dominance is not an issue.

1. All unaffected are dd.

DNA - set of instructions needed to make a living thing. DNA –Self-replicating molecule that is present in almost
It is the blueprint of life. Stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. all living organisms.
Nucleotide - composed of an N-base, sugar DNA Replication (Genomics):
(deoxyribose) and a phosphate group.
 Happens in the S phase of cell division. (nucleus)
Function of DNA:  DNA is replicated in a semi-conservative manner.
 DNA strands separate and serve as templates for
 repository of genetic information
the production of new DNA molecules.
 sequence of bases
 encodes the blueprint for life processes Enzymes and their functions:
Functions of RNA: DNA Helicase – unwinds molecules

 Information in the form of base sequence is DNA Gyrase (topiosemerase II) – opens up the strands
transformed (transcribed) into mRNA, tRNA and
Single strand binding proteins – keeps DNA from
 DNA is the template copied into RNA by base
pairing. G with C; A with U. Primase – synthesizes the RNA primer. Makes primer.
Starting point of polymerase.
4 Levels of protein structure:
Primer – a piece of RNA.
1. Primary – sequence of amino acids (letters)
2. Secondary – interaction between adjacent DNA-polymerase III – synthesizes in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
amino acids (words)
3. Tertiary – 3D folding of the polypeptide DNA-polymerase I – removes primer. Repairs any
(sentences) missing binding protein in DNA.
4. Quaternary – arrangement of multiple DNA ligase – makes a phosphor-di-ester bond which
polypeptide (paragraphs) glues the new and old DNA strands together.
Physical Functional *Cytosine forms 3 hydrogen bonds with guanine.
Biomolecule Property Relevance
*Thymine makes 2 hydrogen bonds with adenine.
DNA Complementary Allows each *Strands of DNA are antiparallel.
base pairs strand to serve
as a template Transcription/RNA synthesis (Transcriptomics)
for replication - Happens in the nucleus.
and - Process of making RNA from DNA template
RNA Uracil Nitrogenous
base found only - RNA polymerase attaches to a promoter (TATA)
in RNA located upstream from the gene being
Protein Amino (N) Start of - Attachment is made possible by polypeptide
Terminus polypeptide sigma.
chain - Initiation will not start unless ATP is absorbed by
Amino (C) enzymes.
Terminus End of *Downstream is 3’ to 5’. Upstream is 5’ to 3’.
Peptide bond chain Elongation
- Enzymes attached to the TATA box will go
Links amino acid
downstream and create the RNA.
Termination V. selection process to screen which cells
actually contain the gene of interest
- Enzymes reach the end of the DNA template. VI. sequencing of the gene to find out the
Translation (Proteromics) primary structure of the protein

- Happens in the nucleus EcoRI – is a restriction enzyme found in Escherichia coli.

- mRNA goes to cytoplasm to direct translation Targets G AATTC.
- synthesis of protein from mRNA template
Foreign DNA can be inserted to cells by:
 Heat shock
- A small unit of ribosome attaches itself to the  Electroporation
methylated cup.  Viruses
- The large unit of ribosome follows.  Gene gun (biolistic)
- tRNA brings the equivalent amino acid to the
Gel electrophoresis - technique that uses a gel made of
a polymer as a molecular sieve to separate out a mixture
Elongation of nucleic acids (or proteins) on the basis of size,
electrical charge, and other physical properties.
- tRNA goes from the A site to the P site and binds
together forming an amino acids chain.
- end of translation
*P site – peptidyl site
*A site – aminoacyl site
Peptidyl transferase – creates/ facilitates creation of
polypeptide bonds which binds amino acids together.
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase – makes sure that the
amino acids that tRNAs bring are correct.
*for every amino acid, there is a corresponding

Classical Breeding - focuses on the mating of organisms

with desirable qualities.
Recombinant DNA Technology - joining together of DNA
molecules from two different species that are inserted
into a host organism to produce new genetic
General Outline of Recombinant DNA:
I. cutting or cleavage of DNA by restriction
enzymes (REs) – isolation of gene of interest
II. selection of an appropriate vector or vehicle
which would propagate the recombinant
III. ligation (join together) of the gene of
interest with the vector
IV. transfer of the recombinant plasmid into a
host cell

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