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Francis Parochial School

Talisay, Camarines Norte


(S.Y. 2019 - 2020)



NAME: SCORE: _________


I – MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter which corresponds to your answer.

1. Which is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

a. aesthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. philosophy
2. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral values virtue
and evaluates human action?
a. aesthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. philosophy
3. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?
a. esthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. metaphysics
4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?
a. esthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. metaphysics
5. What is really only an extensions of a fundamental and necessary drive in every
human being to know what is real?
a. esthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. metaphysics
6. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave everything to
God which is Bathala?
a. bahala na b. bayanihan c. pakikisama d. kalooban
7. Which is reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and
subordinates holds the whole group together?
a. bahala na b. bayanihan c. pakikisama d. utang na loob
8. Which is the philosophy of “living in harmony with nature”?
a. bahala na b. bayanihan c. pakikisama d. kalooban
9. Which Filipino value is helping others in times of need?
a. bahala na b. bayanihan c. pakikisama d. kalooban

10. A simple data that comes from the outside that passes to our senses.
a. arguments b. knowledge c. fallacies d. truth
11. A series of statements that provide reasons to convince the reader or listener
that claim or opinion is truthful.
a. arguments b. knowledge c. fallacies d. truth
12. Statements about the world or reality which may or may not curry truth.
a. claims b. biases c. fallacies d. propositions
13. It is tendency to look for and accept information in a way that confirms one’s
belief and reject ideas.
a. correspondence bias
b. confirmation bias
c. conflict of interest

d. cultural bias
14. A tendency to judge a person’s personality by actions without regard for
external factor or situations.
a. correspondence bias
b. confirmation bias
c. conflict of interest
d. cultural bias
15. Attacking the person instead of the argument itself.
a. Ad hominem
b. Ad baculum
c. Ad misericordiam
d. Ad populum
16. “ If you do not agree with my political opinions, you will receive flat 70 on your
a. Ad hominem
b. Ad baculum
c. Ad misericordiam
d. Ad populum
17. “ Marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman; therefore, gay
marriage should not be allowed”
a. Ad antiquitatem
b. Dicto simpliciter
c. Hasty generalization
d. Post Hoc
18. Assuming that what is true for the whole is true for its parts.
a. Fallacy of composition
b. Fallacy of division
c. Petitio principii
d. Post hoc
19. Statements that assume the claim to be true and provide reasons why the
statement is true.
a. beliefs
b. explanations
c. opinions
d. doubt
20. A specific kind of appeal to emotion in which someone tries to win support for an
a. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
b. Argumentum ad misericordiam
c. Argumentum ad hominem
d. Argumentum ad baculum
21. Whatever has not been proved false must be true.
a. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
b. Argumentum ad misericordiam
c. Argumentum ad hominem
d. Argumentum ad baculum
22. This is the cycle of transmigration or reincarnation of the soul?
a. Affinity argument
b. Argument from opposites
c. Cyclical argument
d. Recollection argument

23. Attempts to prove that the soul, arguing that it is capable to know immutable
and eternal realities.
a. Affinity argument
b. Argument from opposites
c. Cyclical argument
d. Recollection argument
24. This banks on the idea that all knowledge is a form of remembrance on the part
of the soul?
a. Affinity argument
b. Argument from opposites
c. Cyclical argument
d. Recollection argument
25. Claiming that the soul is the essence of a person?
a. Affinity argument
b. Argument from opposites
c. Cyclical argument
d. Recollection argument
26. It is what animates life that intermingled in the entire universe.
a. Water by Thales
b. Soul by Thales
c. Soul by Heraclitus
d. Air by Anaximenes
27. Fire itself is generated and kept alive by that thing called moist.
a. Fire by Heraclitus
b. Water by Thales
c. Air by Anaximenes
d. Soul by Heraclitus
28. Is intrinsically dependent upon matter.
a. vegetative soul
b. sensitive soul
c. rational soul
29. This soul is inherent to all animals, and is used for sensation and locomotion.
a. vegetative soul
b. sensitive soul
c. rational soul
30. This soul is specific and exclusive only to a human.
a. vegetative soul
b. sensitive soul
c. rational soul
31. This holistic world view is based on the principle that the natural world has
inherent value.
a. Anthropocentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Technocentrism
32. This philosophical perspective puts human needs and interests to be of highest
value and importance.
a. Anthroponcentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Technocentrism

33. This type of view believes that it can provide solutions to all environmental
a. Anthroponcentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Technocentrism
34. It is the most popular theory which states that the proposition is determined by its
relationship to the way things actually are in the world.
a. Correspondence theory
b. Coherence theory
c. Pragmatic theory
35. This contends that a proposition is true if it is consistent with a system of other
propositions considered true.
a. Correspondence theory
b. Coherence theory
c. Pragmatic theory
36. An argument where force, coercion, or the threat of force, is a given as a
justification for a conclusion.
a. Argumentum ad ignorantiam
b. Argumentum ad misericordiam
c. Argumentum ad hominem
d. Argumentum ad baculum
37. This fallacy is also referred to as coincidental correlation, or correlation not
a. Equivocation
b. False cause
c. Hasty generalization
d. Petition principia
38. The fallacy is commonly based on a broad conclusion upon the statistics of a
survey of a small group that fails to sufficiently represent the whole population.
a. Equivocation
b. False cause
c. Hasty generalization
d. Petition principii
39. This type of fallacy in which the proposition to be proven is assumed implicitly or
explicitly in the premise.
a. Equivocation
b. False cause
c. Hasty generalization
d. Petition principia
40. It refers to the thing or the field where the science works.
a. being
b. principle
c. material object
d. essence

II. TRUE or FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statement shows evidence of truth and the
word OPINION if it manifests such. If the statement is “Truth”, give the theory that justifies
its truth. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______________ 41. The snow is white.

_______________ 42. The sun is the center of the solar system.

_______________ 43. Masculinity is the superior sex.

_______________ 44. Filipino voters are personality-oriented rather than issue oriented.

_______________ 45. The apple is red and crunchy.

_______________ 46. Federalism is what the Philippines needs in order to improve the lives
of the people.

_______________ 47. Divorce is both illegal and immoral.

_______________ 48. The moon is the satellite of the earth.

_______________ 49. Education is the key to success.

_______________ 50.H20 is a chemical substance that all living organisms need in order to

III. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following words and phrases referred to by the
following statements.

______________ 51. It deals with the ethical relationship between a person and his/her

_____________ 52. It is a value system based on the principle that the natural world has
an inherent value.

_____________ 53. It is a philosophical perspective which puts people’s needs at the

highest value.

_____________ 54. It is a value system that intensively inquires about people’s set of
values and lifestyle that cause serious environmental problems.

_____________ 55. It is a point of view which claims that environmental resources are
unlimited, and the rapid increase in human population does not lead to scarcity in
natural resources.

_____________ 56. It is the type of view which believes that it can provide solutions to all
environmental problems.

_____________ 57. This viewpoint is human-centered and believes that the natural world
exists for man alone.

_____________ 58. He believed that human nature is determined by one’s soul.

_____________ 59. He believed in the idea that a person is her/his soul.

_____________ 60. He believed the soul is part of the body that animates it.


61-70. How important is environmental philosophy in solving environmental issue?


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