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MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 12 TOPIC 81: Some people think that men and women have

different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs
are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a view that both males and females born in the world are gi ed with their
own characteris cs, so there will be jobs suitable for each gender. I partly agree with
this idea because of some reasons which I will explain below.

On the one hand, we must recognize that hard works require more physical strength
are fi er for men than for women. For example, those jobs such as firefighters,
miners, securi es police, etc. are mostly done by men who not only have good
physical founda ons but also are well and hard trained. If women are reluctant to
undertake such works, they may not be able to accomplish well, but even suffer
serious injuries. Besides, most women are not physically fit and tough like men, but in
return they are so er and more dexterous, who mee ng specific tasks such as
sewing, cooking and child care, etc. When women are doing such jobs which require
less muscle strength but more ingenuity and sensi vity, they will take their
advantages, fulfill their tasks be er and feel more comfortable in their works.
On the other hand, there are always special cases where women can do “hard jobs”
even be er than men. For instance, many female police and security guards are
appointed leaders above men and receive many honors. They work with passion and
always devote themselves. Although they are female, but with the will and harsh
exercise regimen, they can handle difficult situa ons such as catching criminals,
suppressing thugs, etc. In addi on, many men are capable of doing well in women's
jobs like cooking, and some of them are the talented chef whom we can see on TV
shows. Moreover, when someone has enough passion and effort, they can do any
job whether it is appropriate for their gender or not.

In short, although each gender may fit with certain types of jobs, I think when both
men and women got enough passionate and training, they can do well in any job they
There is a view that both males and females born in the world are gifted with their own
characteristics, so there will be jobs suitable for each gender. I partly agree with this idea because of
some reasons which I will explain below.

On the one hand, we must recognize that hard W&抖性work runcountl 陪句“卡e』旦旦旦出ιmore physical
strength 甜苦叶立fitter for men than for women. For example, those jobs such as firefighters, miners,
提牵制抖钊es-豆豆豆且丘!Y._police, etc. are mostly done by men who not only have good physical
fol』『 a阳1s /ohv阳 I make-u 口/constitu
to undertake such works, they may not be able to accomplish well, but even suffer serious injuri叫主
ko can so sanh ~ho women. I让 do trir khi trona bai no bcJo la MEN ARE MORE SUITABLE THAN WQ._MEN.
thi viec so sanh moi can thiih . Besides, most women are not physically fit and tough like men, but in
return they are softer and more dexterous, who mee钊何苦 can meet the reauirements of specific tasks
such as sewing, cooking and child care, etc. When women are doing such jobs which require less
muscle strength but more ingenuity and sensitivity, they will take their advantages, fulfill their tasks
better and feel more comfortable in their we冉swork. ’ cach lam tot la ta di neu cai strene:ths cua
tune: sex la dc

f4l, i;w~ !1,w1fi,. iJ cg[! ll~ ?J!Jfl, UJgt flJl,!/l mgt~ go,g ~mgt~s f!f!~ f!r! i!Jf!J~gl~t fllWf!Wf,~W,Uf,s
which enables them to oerform well in certain tasks. Men αre deemed to be strona. confident αnd
decisive. These αualities αualifv them in critical areas such as earnina bread and butter for the home
and makina decisions for the familv. or kev oositions in a corooration like manaaer. Manv are
emoloved at the construction sites. industrial zones and in the armv. as tvoicallv defined bv
conventional stereotvoes Meanwhile. women are more suited to doina household activities due to
their oraanizational skills. Also. women are meticulous and can take a aood care of others. makina
careers which entail childcarina and childrearina such as beina a nurse or assistant their strona suit.

On the other hand, there are always special cases where women can do “ hard jobs" even better than
men. For instance, many female police and security guards are appointed leaders above men and
receive many honors. They work with passion and always devote themselves. 剧在抖@划gfr-J豆豆口g且监
旦国豆豆豆!:!.l_they are female, but with the will and harsh exercise regimen, they can handle difficult
situations such as catching criminals, suppressing thugs, etc. In addition, many men are capable of
doing well in women ’ s jobs like cooking, and some of them are the talented chef~ whom we can see
on TV shows. Moreover, when someone has enough passion and effort, they can do any job whether
it is appropriate for their gender or not.
I have olan a nether lavout that vou can use

REASON 1: Greater eaualitv at the workolace : suooortina: oast (men manaaers women doina
housechoresJ >< nowadavs: thev can have freedom over their occuoation. no restriction olaced: =
househusband (well take care of 4 children}+ female manaaers like (name a famous fiaureJ REASON
2: education has made the ohvsica/ and mental weaknesses νanish. makina modern oeoole more well·
rounded. Trainina courses (soft skills/vocationαl learninaJ = aive oooortunities for different aenders to
oursue their oassion and interest= araduallv become oroficient at it

In short, although each gender may fit {with} certain types of jobs, I think when both men and women
got enough passionate and training, they can do well in any job they want.

ACCURACY 7 吧, 7.0
MINH HOANG ESSAY 11 TOPIC 63: Development in technology causes
environmental problems. Some people believe the solution in these problems is
everyone accepts a simpler way of life, while others say that technology can solve
these problems. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
With the rapid development of science and technology, ecological environment is
also affected a lot. There is a view that everyone needs to simplify life to protect the
environment, while others argue that technology is the key to solving the problems. I
will discuss both of these views in my essay bellow.
On the one hand, a simple life away from technology somehow can par ally reduce
the nega ve impact of technology on the environment. For example, when we
reduce the amount of fossil fuels vehicles and replace them with simpler
transporta ons such as bicycles, large amounts of toxic emissions will decrease and
the increasingly exhausted mineral fuel can be save. Another example of technology
abuses that affect the environment is that developed ci es such as Tokyo, New York,
etc. have used too many adver sing light systems, large screens that cause light
pollu on. If we remove the dazzling displays and replace with the tradi onal
adver sing billboard ones, we can save large amounts of electricity which are used in
things that are not really needed. However, I think simplifying life to protect
ecosystems is impossible and leads us to go against the course of human

On the other hand, many scien sts have started to consider the environment more
and invent technological solu ons that can both serve people and be friendly to
nature. For instance, today, the world has successfully in fabricated sep c bags
instead of tradi onal plas c bags. We can use it and throw it at ease without fear of
pollu ng the environment. In addi on, many countries with advanced technology
have developed and successfully used clean energy sources such as nuclear power,
wind, solar. etc alterna ve to fossil fuels. The environment has significantly reduced
pollu on and people can live safer and healthier. Science and technology s ll needs
to be further developed, but unlike in the past, it not only serves the immediate
interests of human beings but also the long-term interests of nature.

In conclusion, I think human life s ll needs to be developed by technology. A life lack

of technology will be very tedious and inconvenient. We need to use technology in a
smarter way which balance the interests of people and nature.
With the rapid development of science and technology, ecological environment is also affected a lot.
There is a view that everyone needs to simplify life to protect the environment, while others argue
that technology is the key to solving the problems. I will discuss both of these views in my essay

On the one hand, a simple life away from technology somehow can partially reduce the negative
impact of technology on the environment. For example, when we reduce the ame二ηt ef t乙:I f\.tel§
》eR+e恰s- number of vehicles running on fossil fuels and replace them with simpler tFaF丁speFt二ti乞口=

means of transoortation such as bicycles, large amounts of toxic emissions will decrease and the
::了===:二二!γ =::巳二二二te兰二ll... mln旦回! fuel can be save!!. Another example of technology abuses that
affect the environment is that developed cities such as Tokyo, New York, etc. have used too many
advertising light systems, large screens that cause light pollution. If we remove the dazzling displays
and replace E且豆旦_with the traditional advertising billboard ones, we can save large amounts of
electricity which are used in things that are not really needed. ~owever, I think simpli句ing life to
protect ecosystems is imp。ssible and leads us to go against the course of human devel。pment~--
counteraraue nav ko thuve·t ohuc lam. do trU'&c co exolain rift thuve·t ohuc eek bien ohao lam aiai
。uvet de van de. xona lai ahi 1 ciiu rift naan ko thuvet ohuc ohu dinh he't di 弓’ doan nav ta chi can di
neu actions va result la dc. c6 the bo ohan reasons ra

On the one hand. there are some olausible reasons whv acceotina a environmentallv-friendlv lifestv/e
can curb the intensitv of environmental troubles. Firstlv. this oractice is svnonvmous with the
decreased demand for aoods consumotion. Consumers would refrain from the installation of such
technoloaical devices as an air-conditioner in their bedroom. ourchase foodstuffs in oaoer baas or
their own baskets. for examole. This can abate the toxic aas emissions and reduce the number of
olastic baas endina uo at landfills. Secondlv. walkina or trove/lino bv means of the mass transit like
bus or underaround train to commute to work or school can be another measure. In this wav. exhaust
fumes released into the atmosρhere from orivate cars and moto比vc/es would be sharolv decreased.

On the other hand, many scientists have started to E&骨到ee← show more concern for the environment
m醉e-and invent technological solutions that can both serve people and be friendly to nature. For
instance, today, the world has successfully ini l l fabricated septic bags instead of traditiona l plastic
bags. 飞气’ e eaR 二 se 'ta REI tRFew it it refer cho cai el?? 步 thev can be used and thrown awav at ease
without fear of polluting the environment. In addition, many countries with advanced technology
have developed and successfully used clean energy sources such as nuclear power, wind, solar主旦旦rgy.

ill 豆豆alternative~ to fossil fuels. The environment has significantly reduced pollution and people can
live i旦主safer and healthier二旦旦昼ill旦旦. Science and technology still Ree6s严旦旦旦且to be further
developed, but unlike in the past, it not only serves the immediate interests of human beings but also
the long-term interests of nature.

In conclusion, I think human life still needs to be developed by technology. A life 协Ek-ef lackine in I
旦且且2且 technology will be very tedious and inconvenient. We need to use technology in a smarter
way which balance~ the interests of people and nature. 吧’ thieu summar ize cai simoler lifestvle

Jn conclusion. while Jeadina g simgler lifestvle can be emg lg ved as an e ft ectivr;, gggroach in combatinfl
-- ‘吗?

environmental issues. I would believe that the aoolication of cuttina edae technoloaies a lso has its '-.
distinctive merits in easina those oroblems. 飞
ACCURACY 6 I 7 吧’ g~?
MINH HOANG ESSAY 10 TOPIC 9: Some people think that computer and the
Internet are more important for a child’s education than going to school. But others
believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively.
Discuss both view and give your opinion.
In today's modern world, the Internet plays an important role in educa ng children.
While there are a number of people believe that informa on technology should be
consider more crucial than tradi onal class, others think that teachers and schools
are the main factors helping the children to learn efficiently. I will discuss both of
these views in my essay below.
On the one hand, the development of the Internet has enabled people to ac vely
access informa on and acquire knowledge faster and more cost-effec ve, especially
with young people with the ability to quickly explore. Today's children can self-study
the subjects they like online by searching and reading the materials themselves or
taking online courses without having to wait for teachers to teach them directly at
schools. This will save me, money and energy of children and also teachers because
they do not have to reinterpret what pupils have already learned and understand.
Moreover, with the rapid development of the world today, knowledge is updated
con nuously and daily. Contents in the tradi onal school’s curriculums can quickly
become obsolete a er a few years. This makes the Internet a valuable, indispensable
and modern source of knowledge for students. However, I think we cannot deny the
benefits of tradi onal schools and teachers to students.

On the other hand, schools are places where students not only gain knowledge but
also so skills when interac ng and communica ng with others. This cannot be
replaced by informa on technology. A child who wants to develop comprehensively
needs to be cul vated in both knowledge and life skills. If children study primarily
with a computer in the room, they will gradually closed with society and poor in
communica on and leadership skills, which are important for a successful person. In
addi on, when pupils accessing the extensive informa on resources on the Internet
themselves, they are easy to mislead and receive false and malicious informa on.
Thus, they need teachers as important íntructors to be able to use the Internet
effec vely.

In short, although the Internet is a powerful learning tool for children, teachers and
schools always play important parts of an effec ve educa on.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 9 TOPIC 40: Technologies have developed very fast in the past
10 years. However, some people think that technological progress has brought
negative effect on humanity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the
Since the 2000s ll now we have been through a lot of great progress of science and
technology, a typical example is the 4.0 revolu on in 2018. To a certain extent, I agree
that the development of technology has affected nega vely on human being.
However, I believe that the posi ve impacts of technological advances has outweigh
the nega ve impacts.

On the one hand, we can not completely deny the bad effects which modern
technology brings. Firstly, automa on in today's world can pave the way for robots to
deprive jobs from employees. Many manual, repe ve jobs such as tex le workers,
bank tellers, laborers, etc. can all be replaced by automated programmable machines.
Unemployment in developed countries can be exacerbated, many people can be poor
and even homeless. Secondly, Informa on technology and connec vity today are
gradually leaving people out of the real world and engulfing them in virtual world. For
example, today's the young are less care about what people around them are doing
but only focusing on the computer screen or the smartphone to check Facebook’s
news feed, messages, comment on others photos or read the eye-catching ads and
many others “killing me” ac vi es. They are turning themselves into slaves of
technology from me to me since they do not know.

On the other hand, technology also makes human life more comfortable and happy.
For example, with the help of science and technology, many disabled people can live
and work normally and healthy by the support of suppor ve devices such as hearing
aids, ar ficial limbs, smart wheelchairs, etc. Beside, technology enables people to
work faster and more efficiently to spend more me entertaining and enjoying life.
For instance, we do not need to spend all day choosing and buying goods, which can
now be done with just a few clicks at home with a computer or a smartphone and the
product will be shipped to anywhere you require. Moreover we can also count on the
support of medical technology with ssue-transplanta on methods that can restore
damaged organs to the extent that they need to be removed, or the development of
ar ficial intelligence technology which can analyze and predict the natural disasters,
protect the lives of thousands of people. I can spend a month and s ll can not list all
the benefits that technology brings to this life.
In short, technological advances have brought a lot of good things to people’s life
which have overcome the nega ve impacts it created.
Since the 2000s till now we have been through a lot of great progress of science and technology, a
typical example is the 4.0 revolution in 2018. To a certain extent, I agree that the development of
technology has affected negatively &件human being~. However, I believe that the positive impacts of
technological advances ha乡outweigh the negative impacts.

On the one hand, we can not completely deny the bad effects which modern technology brings.
Firstly, automation in today's world can pave the way for robots to 6e,抖》e- take/steal iobs from
employees /deorive manual laborers of their iobs. Many manual, repetitive jobs such as textile

workers, bank tellers, laborers, etc. can all be replaced by automated programmable machines.
Unemployment in developed countries can be exacerbated, 呈且且many people ea件 would then be
poor and even homeless. Secondly, Information technology and connectivity today are gradually
leaving people out of the real world and engulfing them in virtual world. For example, 在00a-y+-1豆豆豆』t

the young are less e辞令 concerned/ the voung care less about what people around them are doing but
only focusing on the computer screen or the smartphone to check Facebook’ s news feed~, messages,
照mm史!U豆 on others~ photos or read the eye-catching ads and many &白efS-Q且主L”killing time”
activities. They are turning themselves into slaves of technology from time to time since they do not

On the other hand, technology also makes human life more comfortable and happy. For example,
with the help of science and technology, many disabled people can live and work normally and
healthy by the support of supportive devices such as hearing aids, artificial limbs, smart wheelchairs,
etc. Beside~, technology enables people to work faster and more efficiently to spend more time
entertaining and enjoying life. For instance, we do not need to spend all day choosing and buying
goods, which can now be done with just a few clicks at home with a computer or a smartphone and
the product will be shipped to anywhere you require. Moreover we can also count on the support of
medical technology w ith tissue-transplantation methods that can restore damaged organs to the
extent that they need to be removed, or the development of artificial intelligence technology which
can analyze and predict the natural disasters, protect the lives of thousands of people. I eaη 二peAa 二
ffi0ηtk 二已过二till€二己已et list -11 "」n 』《--~:」山-· ·--」__ .,..,. ..』,:---」&』:p 1 :&气 [Ibo.
曰“‘ U 』町、川、_,,‘’、,,_“、......、,·- bJ -…·泣,-“’‘....,...、,
nhil'na nduna ko,
bhat t阳

In short, technological advances have brought a lot of good things to people’ s life which have
overcome/ which overshadow/outweigh the negative impacts it h豆豆created.

ACCURACY 7 吧’ 7.0 r mot s6 loi cσban loi ra o intro va conclu. trong khi bodies kha sach loi. ng ta se
sinh nehi v运 trinh dol
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 8 TOPIC 39: Many people believe that teachers should take
the responsibility for the students to judges what is right and wrong and behave
well, while others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss
both view and give your opinion.
In the educa on field, teachers consistently play an essen al role. Some people claim
that teachers are only an occupa on to teach students about knowledge and
academic informa on. Others advocate that teachers should teach not only subjects
but also ethic and cultural behavior. I will discuss both of this view in my essay below.

On the one hand, academic subjects are a synthesis of the precious intellectual
resources of humanity that are summarized a er many years of researching and
discovering. Students who are well-trained in academic or scien fic fields such as
Mathema cs, Physics, Chemistry, etc. can contribute a great deal to the development
of the country in the future. They can invent new machines and technologies that
help boost human produc vity, or remedies that can cure illnesses to save lives and
many others useful things. We can look at Japan as an example, since children are
well educated in science and technology and theore cal knowledge, it has become a
major economic power in the world since the IXX century un l now.

On the other hand, moral or ethical behavior is an integral part of an educated man
and also an important factor in the success and happiness of a human. In my opinion,
ethics and behavioral subjects must be included in the curriculum alongside
academic subjects since the elementary level. Because that is the stage when
children begin to shape their personality, if they are not taught in me, they are likely
to become frustrated and mischievous when they grow up, regardless of their
academic intelligence. For example, a secondary school student in Vietnam who is
well-educated in informa on technology with innate ability but lacking in ethical and
legal educa on, hacked into the ministry's website for the purpose of disturbing the
image of the minister. This was a wake-up call to academically oriented educa on,
which has made it possible for children to use their abili es to create great

In conclusion, I think teachers should focus on teaching students about ethics and
how they interact with each other alongside with theore cal subjects. That will
create the sustainable and comprehensive development of students.
In the education field, teachers consistently play an essential role. Some people claim that teachers
are only an occupation to teach students about knowledge and academic information. Others
advocate that teachers should teach not only subjects but also ethic and cultural behavior. I will
discuss both of this view in my essay below.

On the one hand, ~cademic subjects are a synth臼is of the precious intellectual resources of humanity
that are summarized after many years of researching and discovering] 弓, Oat maint ooint nhU' vav ko
dun!! nha. main ooint ohai tra loi truc tieo dc claim tronl! de bai la: can sour the arowth of a countrv.
Students who a 『e well-trained in academic or scientific fields such as Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, etc. can contribute a great deal to the development of the country in the future. They can

invent new machines and technologies that help boost human productivity, or remedies that can cure
illnesses to save lives and many e曲e恃空血旦LUseful thiings. We can look at Japan as an example, since
children are well educated in science and technology and theoretical knowledge, it has become a
major economic power in the world since the IXX century until now. 吧’ 50U khi discuss side 1. can
counteraraue tir onlv trona claim de oosition flows sana de bαlanced view

Ql1, !fl~ g[!~ /1,f!,[lf!,. fJlt1~nlf,f!,Wl,f1: WJ WJ/x, f!~αgetJJ}f, ~Y,12,~~~ ~αn 12,~ 12,tg~wJ~ m~ ~~m~ ~f!~~· Il:l~ tir~t
factor to take ;nto consider,α tion is time mαnaaement. Time is so limited that it is not adeauate for
teachers to transmit moral lessons instead. thev have to orimarilv focus on the core value of academic
learnina. Additionallv. orofessional knowledae is what assist students in securina a well- oaid iob with
a decent income in the future. One salient examole is beina a doctor as a orofession: no one c罚
become a ohvsician without takina the trainina courses with in-deoth knowledae related to their 后百
such as mathematics and bioloav .。nd with limited time soent on them. it would be difficult fo町
children to become a comoetent doctor who is resoonsible for the fate of million oatients. However,
··eachers can easilv manaae time vi,α extracurricular αctivities or intear,α te moral stories in othe ·
essons. and I would believe that we should stress the imoortance of academic knowledae but it doι
ot mean the comolete exclusion of moral contents

On the other hand, moral or ethical behavior is an integral part of an educated man and also an
important factor in the success and happiness of a human. In my opinion, ethies aA才告eh二二’ieFal
5l:f剖e供s- subiects about ethics and correct wavs of behavior must be included in the curriculum
alongside academic subjects since the elementary level. Because that is the stage when children
begin to shape their personality, if they are not taught in time, they are likely to become frustrated
and mischievous when they grow up, regardless of their academic intelligence. For example, a
secondary school student in Vietnam who is well-educated in information technology with innate
ability but lacking in ethical and legal education, hacked into the ministry’s website for the purpose of
disturbing the image of the minister. This, as a wake-up call to academically oriented education, has
made it possible for children to use ~heir abilities to create great consequence缸国……

In conclusion, I think teachers should focus on teaching students about ethics and how they interact
with each other alongside with theoretical subjects. That will create the sustainable and
comprehensive development of students.

ACCURACY 7 吧’ 7.0
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 7 TOPIC 33: Some people think that criminals should be given
longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
Many people believe that the reduc on of the crime rate will be achieved more
effec vely through longer prison terms. In my opinion, it seem to be a very
reasonable solu on but also comes with drawbacks.
On the one hand, I would argue that longer me in prison is effec ve in dealing with
offenders. One reason is that those who intend to break the criminal law will be
aware that the punishment they will suffer is very heavy, so they would not dare to
take guilty ac ons. They will know that many years in prison will make them suffer
from loneliness, depriva on, torment, etc even the physical pain of collisions with
other prisoners. A day in jail can last a year in prisoners' minds so many years in
prison will be a terrible obsession and an awful warnings to decrease criminal acts
and protect the safety of the community.

On the other hand, I think that staying long me in jail can make prisoners more
hateful to society and government. They can use tricks to escape from prison or take
revenge on the person who sued them and put them in jail a er being freed. Such
people are very dangerous to society because they can commit crimes with more
sophis cated and difficult methods in a mind filled with resentment and experiences.
The crime rate since not only does not decrease but also increases with higher
severity. There was a case in a Vietnamese prison due to poor management which
gave the opportunity for several dozen prisoners to escape and cause disturbance to
neighboring areas. Many residents were threatened, robbed and assaulted when
confronted with escaping criminals. The police had to take months to control the
situa on and improve the security of the regional security.

In conclusion, increasing in the dura on of imprisonment can not definitely cause the
reduc on of crime rate but it could be a worthy solu on for the government to
consider to bring maximum benefit to society.
Many people believe that the reduction of the crime rate will be achieved more effectively through
longer prison terms. In my opinion it seem主 to be a very reasonable solution but also comes with

On the one hand, I would argue that longer time in prison is effective in dealing with offenders. One
reason is that those who intend γ11-Ae 注te付 to break the criminal law will be aware that the
punishment they will su仔er is very heavy, so they would not dare to take guilty actions. They will
know that many years in prison will make them su何er from loneliness, deprivation, torment, etc even
the physical pain of collisions with other prisoners. A day in jail can last a year in prisoners' minds so
many years in prison will be a terrible obsession and an awful w岳阳斗吨争旦旦国旦旦_to decrease criminal
acts :去 JHetee-t the safe可 e.f. ~e E-eA'! A'H:ffi i勺’ rt!g ~ agk: gg ag ~ ~gt l!£L ~ ~l 吧, ~ ~Q ~b~ ~~~b pg
ra la 2 nhU': F!J,rJJ:l~!1Jlfl.~· Wt:lα,t~rm il:[lgWg!J[[l~!l,t ~!1, b,~fg gro~~t UJ~ ~f!Jet¥, gt t~~ ~t:l~
communitv. When severe offenders are behind bα时, thev are no /onaer a threat to the societv and
oeoo/e can eniov their own lives more safelv.

On the other hand, I think that staying long time in jail can make prisoners 口ere hatef~主豆豆L旦旦旦
hatred fchi n6i la sth is hateful to sb 1 to society and _t:overnment. They can use tricks to escaf>e from
prison or take revenge on the person who sued them and put them in jail after being freed. Such
people are very dangerous to society because they can commit crimes with more sophisticated and

difficult methods in a mind filled with resentment and experiences. The crime rate since not only does
not d熙熙吏盟主 but also increases with highe 『 severity. There was a case in a Vietnamese prison due to
poor management which gave the opportunity for several dozen豆豆f prisoners to escape and cause
disturbance to neighboring areas. Many residents were threatened, robbed and assaulted when
confronted with escaping criminals. The police had to take months to control the situation and
improve the security of the regional secL』 rity.

In conclusion, increasing in the duration of imprisonment 日件响。在旦旦旦 definitely cause the

reduction of crime rate but it could be a worthy solution for the government to consider t旦fili!!g

maximum benefit to society.

ACCURACY 7 吧, z.g l g~o~ ~~ ~~i o~~ g i ~\~~ ob~ ~~~o OQ ~b~ !~ 1~. QQ gg~¥ i ~~~ ~i !;!Q ~!!~~!~·
xone: bodv 2 lai bao n6 ineffective. thl rot cuδc cai position la e:l ko ro: dune: ra nen e:hi la bodv 1
effective. bodv 2 c6 cac Phuone: ohao khac bo sune: hieu aual
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 6 TOPIC 27: Most country want to improve standard of living
through economic development; however, others think the social value is lost as a
result of economic development. To what extent do you think the advantages of
economic development outweigh its disadvantage?
In the past few decades, with the development of science and technology, many
countries in the world have achieved remarkable economic growth. This strongly
influences the society in both posi ve and nega ve ways. Despite the limita ons, I
personally think that economic development in general has brought many benefits to
On the one hand, many people argue that the rapid development of the economy has
disappeared many social or cultural values. One example is the concep on of pure
and sincere love of young people has now gradually gone and replaced with
pragma sm in love. People come together by the appeal of the monetary value, such
as villas, cars, luxury gi s, ...not by the harmony of the soul or the knowledge. Beside,
economy grow requires people to work harder and may no longer have me to pay
a en on to the tradi onal values of the family. For instant, many young people are
overwhelmed with their jobs and forget to visit their family on public holidays, or
even look a er parents when they are sick or have problems in life... They are only
running for money but forget that home is where they were raised and a place to

On the other hand, people’s living standard are improved by the growth of the
economy. This is evident through the development of services and goods that are
increasingly available and accessible to a wide range of people. With declining
poverty rate, many children in remote areas now have the opportunity to go to
school, get health care,... and have access to the development of society. Moreover,
when the economy develop, the government will have more resources to invest in
modern technology and infrastructure that will make the country more prosperous
and gain compe ve advantages in the world... Seen in this light, economic
prosperity has considerable posi ve impacts on people.

In conclusion, although there are some demerits of financial development related to

social values, I believe that they are outweighed by the posi ve impacts on people's
In the past few decades, with the development of science and technology, many countries in the
world have achieved remarkable economic growth. This strongly influences the society in both
positive and negative ways. Despite the limitations, I personally think that economic development in
general has brought many benefits to society.

On the one hand, mainy people a『gue that the rapid development of the economy has e+二二1919eaFe去
transitive verb 电, cal:!sed man '(_ ~() ci(ll ?_r cultural valu~~ to disag~ea r. <:)ne e_xampl~ i~ th~ ccmce_pti()n
of pure and sincere love of young people has now g陆d甜甜沪 [adverb nav dune: v&i dδne: tl.r dane: thav
doi. chll' e:one la mat het roil gone I has been E阳duallv fadine: and replaced with pragmatism in love.
People come together by the appeal of the monetary value, such as villas, cars,-J!且且luxury gifts,
τ.,-,-not by the harmony of the soul or the knowledge. Beside~, eEeAeffi甲」旦旦旦旦旦k..伊@恃缸旦旦血
requires people to work harder and may no longer have time to pay attention to the traditional values
of the family. For ffi钝击时坦且主旦旦, many young people are overwhelmed with their jobs and forget to
visit their family on public holidays, or evenj型L主旦 look after parents when they are sick or have
problems in life= They are only running for money but forget that home is where they were raised
and a place to return.

On the other hand, people’ s living standard-a陀主 improved by-且i!ιthe growth of the economy. This
is evident through the development of services and goods that are increasingly available and
accessible to a wide range of people. With declining poverty rate~, many children in remote areas now
have the opportunity to go to school, get health care,= ltrona task 2 ko bao h duna 3 cham & bat ki
E旦l and ~ave access to the development of socie叫ηM¥巳~~~~,!引~~!}~Im!;~~g「,Q,M@t __
about bv the develooment of societv. Moreover, when the economy develop~, the government will
have more resources to invest in modern technology and infrastructure that will make the country
more prosperous and gain competitive advantages in the wo毗π ~een in this light, economic
prosperity has considerable positive impacts on peopleJ 吧’ ~~ ~~u Q~X g\ ~ ~~gl~\!1 ~~m ~gv~wmeoJ
invest vao dau: modern farming eauioment = better oroductivitv = croos can comoete in orices with
neighboring countries ...

In conclusion, although there are some demerits of 如afl€i叶立E旦旦旦旦k_development related to social

values, I believe that they are outweighed by the positive impacts on people's wellbeing.


MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 5 TOPIC SỐ 15: More and more people work at home and
study at home with the development of computer technology. Do you think it is a
positive or negative development?
It is true that the Internet as well as computer technology has become an important
part of modern life. Telecommu ng, which means working from home with the help
of telephone lines, and, online and distance educa on have become very common.
This situa on has both, advantages as well as disadvantages.

The most important benefit is that it saves me and money of employees and
students. They don’t need to waste me going and coming from work or college.
They save on the fare also. What is more, they can set their own metable of work
and study. On top of that, people find more me for their hobbies and family
commitments. This situa on also benefits the physically challenged and those living
in remote areas. We can get online educa on from any university in any part of the
world and work for any office in any corner of the world. So, technology has given
opportuni es for many people for whom none existed earlier. In this sense it is
narrowing the bridge between the rich and the poor…Another big advantage is to the
environment. As less people have to move out of their homes, less petrol and diesel
is used and less pollu on is caused. Traffic conges on, which is a big problem in the
ci es, is also lessened. We all know that at peak hours, traffic moves at a snail’s pace
because of which people are forced to slow down the tempo of life even in this
fast-paced world.

On the nega ve side, there is a decrease in face to face communica on which is

isola ng us socially. Working alone from home can be very boring at mes. When you
are in a proper office, there is a work atmosphere which keeps you going. Moreover, I
do not think it is possible for a computer to be as effec ve as a real teacher. Many
jobs and subjects involve physical ac on. For example, it would not be possible to
study dance or drama without contact with others. If everybody worked and studied
from home, imagine how unhealthy and lazy they would become.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that technology has eased our life in many
ways and this is both a nega ve as well as a posi ve development but on the whole
the posi ve side outweighs the nega ve side.
It is t 「ue that the Internet as well as computer technology has become an i mpo 「ta nt pa 「t of modern life.
Telecommuting, wh ich means w。「k i ng from home w ith the help of telephone lines, and, on line and
distance education have become very common . Th is situation has both, advantages as well as
d isadvantages.

The most i mpo 「tant benefit is that it saves t ime and money of employees and students. They don’ t need
to waste t ime going and com ing from work or college. They save on the fa 「e-i:H捕~: ...Vlf_~(]_t_i~ _「Tl_D_f(!!_---
they can 坦t their own t imetable of work and study. 卫n__~op_()f_ t_h_a_ t,_二步F豆”何~-OS,呗[,,;:,呼σ1白-…2、
la 1 nauoi vie't 此而 /iet ke connective ra nh旷 thi 照照!更 find more t ime for thei 「 hobbies and fam ily
commitments. This situation 比o ben巾 ~he physi叫ly challengedfil时those l ivi n~_i n 「emote a「eas.
We can get on line education f「om any universit y in any part of the world and work for any office in any
corner of the wo 「I d. So, technology has given opportun it ies fo 「 many people fo 「 whom none existed
earli er. In th is sense it is narrowing the bridge between the rich and the poor ...Another big advantage is
| 川e envir … nt. As ↓e吐血r_pe州e have 川…ut of thei 「 homes, less 阳川d d iesel is
used and less pollution is caused. T「affi c congestion, wh ich is a big problem in the cit ies, is also lessened.
We all know that at peak hours, traffic moves at a snail’ s pace because of wh ich pe。p i e are forced t。
slow down the temp。 of life even in th is fast-paced world. 吧, ~ w. ~o. ~€!. £~σ !X!}Jj~ t~ e,b,m
aao d占 nao th6v nh1占u ideas th) cif tuna he't ra nhU' tren. mJi bodv chi 2 main ooints thδi. ohfa tren b vie't
ft nh6t aa th6v 5 main ρoints roi VG ko suooort dav du

On the one hand. there are countless benefits of workina or studvina from home. .First and foremost.
this new workina style of/ers people increased flexibility in and full control of their timetab怡, which is
likelv to dir”的ish the unnecessαrv hiah stress leνels at work and thus boost their oroductivitv while
αivina them oooortunities to soend more time with friends and familv. For instance. workina mothers
find this incrediblv heloful for them to make their own arranaements to maintain the balance between
career development and children ’s upbrinaina. Furthermore, people who choose to be teleworkers
could economize α areat deal of exoenditure bv not havina to sauanderina it on dailv travel costs since
aeoaraohical barriers are totallv eradicated in the virtual offices.
On t he negat ive side, t here is a decrease in face t o face commu nication w hich is isolat ing us socially.
Wo 「k i ng alone from home can be very boring at t imes. When you a「e in a proper office, t here is a work
atmosphere wh ich keeps you going. Moreover, I do not t hink it is possible for a comput er t o be as
effect ive as a real t eacher. Many j obs and subjects involve physical action. For example, it w o uld not be
possible t o study dance or drama w it hout cont act w it h ot hers. If everybody wo 「ked and stud ied from
home, imagine how unhealt hy and lazy t hey would become. 吧, 民cab cua band 6. tuv nhien duna kh6
chfnh ;62
To put it in a nutshell, I pen dow n saying t hat t echnology has eased our life in many w ays and t his is
both a negat ive as well as a posit ive development but on t he w hole t he posit ive s i de 。 u twe i ghs t he
negat ive side.


ACCURACY 7 哩, §.Q [~~ ,e,b~DS, ~ ~g!;! ~b! ~~ ~gbi ¥tfu 1 !g!gDl

The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four
different a rac ons in Brighton. Summarise the informa on by selec ng and
repor ng the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
The chart depicts the percentage of visitors coming to England who went to four
different tourist a rac ons in Brighton from 1980 to 2010.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that the percentage visi ng the Pier and the Pavilion
increased over the years, while the propor on of visitors traveling to other loca ons
In 1980, the Brighton Pier received only 10% of the total number of visitors to
England. Despite some minor fluctua ons, this number rose from around 12% in
2000 to 22% in 2010. The percentage visi ng Pavilion also increased, from 23% in
1980 to nearly 50% in 1995. However, this number was subsequently reduced to 35%
in 2000 and con nued down to about 30% in 2010, slightly higher than the fes val.
The most popular holiday a rac on in Brighton in 1980 by visitors to England was the
Fes val. Although 30% of the total a ended the Fes val in 1980, this percentage
dropped slightly to 28% by 2010. In 1980, the number for visitors to the Art Gallery
was 21%. It climbed to a peak of 38% in 1985, but then dropped drama cally to less
than 10% by 2010. Then is became the least popular loca on at the end of the
The graph below shows the consump on of fish and some different kinds of meat in a
European country between 1979 and 2004.
Summarise the informa on by selec ng and repor ng the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant
The line graph illustrates the number of four different types of food that people in an
European na on consumed between 1979 and 2004.
In general, fish was the least used food in the European country during the period
shown. Besides, spending on beef, lamb and fish all decreased while there was a
fluctua ng increase in the figure of chicken.
It is easy to see from the graph in 1979, the amount of beef consumed the most,
about 220 grams per person per week. Chicken and lamb were consumed less,
approximately 150 grams with chicken and exactly 150 grams with lamb. However,
fish accounted for the lowest amount with only about 60 grams eaten.
In the period from 1979 to 2004, the country saw a strong growth in chicken
consump on to around 250 grams. In contrast, only about 50 grams of lamb was
consumed, compared to about 40 grams of fish in 2004. Although beef consump on
peaked in 1983 with nearly 240 grams, the number dropped to just over 100 grams in
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 2 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: It is impossible to help all people in the
world, so government should only focus on people in their own country. To what
extend do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that it is impossible to help all needy people all around the world,
and therefore governments should only care about those who live in their countries. I
totally disagree with this idea.
One reason is that today it is possible to offer interna onal relief quickly and
efficiently. Modern means of transporta on enable state agencies to provide support
within hours to remote areas in the world. There have been numerous recent
examples show that government relief has reduced the hardship and protect lives.
The recent tsunami in Japan le behind tens of thousands of people who become
homeless and fell into desperate need of food and shelter, but the response of
governments around the world was immediately. Very quickly, food and tents
offerings were delivered by air, along with health workers and vaccines.
Another reason is that I consider that we should share moral responsibility to help
those who lack the basic necessi es of life. These needs have no geographical
barriers and governments should recognize their interna onal obliga ons with other
countries. It is not enough to place responsibility only on chari es and interna onal
relief organiza ons like UNICEF or the Red Cross. Such organiza ons recognize that
we share humanity together, and the sufferings of no individual should be ignored in
anywhere in the world. Governments must not only provide interna onal assistance
as part if their budget but must also provide money to foreign aid agencies.
In short, although of course governments have to deal with urgent issues in their own
countries , they have the means and the moral responsibili es to fulfill their
interna onal response to all those in need of help.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 1 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Some people believe that studying at
university or college is the best route to successful career while others believe that
it is better to get job straight after school. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
Right a er gradua ng high school, young people o en wonder if they should
con nue to study in higher educa ons or not. Many young people believe that going
to study at university or college will be the best way to ensure a successful career,
while others believe that working upon high school gradua on is the be er choice.
Working straight a er high school is beneficial in some ways. Firstly, thanks to works,
young people will be able to earn money as soon as possible, and since they will likely
be mature enough, they shall live independently on their own income. It is obviously
common knowledge that having a job leads to even more maturity. Secondly, a
person who chooses to get a job instead of pursuing higher educa on has the ability
to advance faster in his or her career. This gives them a lot of hands-on experiences
and skills in their chosen profession.
On the other hand, there are many reasons why people choose to con nue studying
a er high school. First, college and university equip young people with higher-level
qualifica ons which most employers expect these days. University graduates usually
get a much higher salary than those without a university educa on. Moreover, the
job market is becoming more and more compe ve and now everyone is
recommended for a degree, as hundreds of candidates who regularly compete for the
top jobs. Owning a degree is an obvious advantage that a bachelor has. In Vietnam,
graduates with a technical degree are highly paid and easy to get a good job.
In conclusion, it is clear that both working immediately a er high school gradua on
and choosing to con nue higher educa ons have their own special benefits.
đánh số bài lại từ 1 phía trên
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 12 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Some people think that there should be
some strict controls about noise. Other think that they could just make as much noise
as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is assumed that certain measures should be taken to control noise. Meanwhile,
there are individuals who claim that they have the freedom to make noise as they
please. I would argue that it would be be er to reduce noise.
On the one hand, there are various reasons people prefer to make noise as they
want. Firstly, many of them feel more comfortable and freer by making noise from
different ac vi es while working or entertaining. For example, le ng the
loudspeaker sound louder to enjoy the music makes them feel relaxed a er a long
and busy working day, even though it can disturb neighbors. Secondly, many people
assume that noise is a part of industrializa on and moderniza on process, so it is
inevitable. Traffic noise or engine noise seems to have become familiar to urban
residents. Therefore, they feel there is no specific reason for noise control.
On the other hand, I think it would be more beneficial to set strict rules for noise
control. The first reason is that noise has harmful impacts on human’s health. For
instance, some of my friends cannot sleep at night because of intrusive sounds from a
nearby industrial zone. If this situa on lasts for a long me, it will definitely lead to
deteriora on in their both mental and physical health. Moreover, labor produc vity
can be reduced as a result of noise. Many white-collar workers complain that they
cannot focus on work because of the constant noise coming from the street
In conclusion, I personally think that in order to have a be er life, the noise should be
limited, although there are many people who s ll make a lot of noise without any
considera on for others.
It is assumed that ce 「ta i n measures shm」 I d be taken to cont 「o l noise. Meanw hile, the「e are indiv iduals
w ho claim that they have the f「eedom to make noise as they p lease. I wou ld argue that it wou ld be
better to reduce noise.

On the one hand, the 「e are various reasons people prefer to make noise as they w ant. Firstly, many of
them feel more comfo 「tab le and freer by mak ing noise from d i ffe 「ent activit ies wh ile w orking O「
ente 「ta i n i ng. For example, letting the loudspeaker sound l oude 「 to enjoy the music makes them feel
relaxed after a long and busy w orking day, even though it can d isturb neighbors. Second ly, many peop le
assume that noise is a pa 「t of industrialization and modernization process, so it is inevitable. Traffic
noise or engine noise seems to have become fam ilia 「 to urban 「es i dents. Therefore, they feel there 1s no
specif ic 「eason fo 「 no i se cont 「o l.

On the other hand, I th ink it w ou ld be more beneficial to set st 「i ct ru les for noise cont「o l. The f irst
reason is that noise has harmful impacts on human’ s health. Fo 「 i nstance, some of my friends cannot
sleep at night because of i nt 「us i ve sounds f「om a nearby i ndust「i a l zone. If th is situation lasts for a long
t ime, it w ill definitely lead to deteri o 「at i on in their both mental and physical health. Mo「eover, l abo「
P「oduct i v i ty can be 「educed as a 「esu lt of noise. Many w h i te-co ll a「 WO「kers complain that they cannot
focus on w ork because of the constant noise com ing from the st 「eet t「ansport .

In conclusion, I personally th ink that in orde 「 to have a better life, the noise shou ld be lim ited, although


TASK RESPONSE: 6 r unclea 「 position , a strict examiner can give this score1 I 8 rif there is no p「oblem with


雪~ 2£i ¥Q:l ~ g~l £Q ~ ~l~im~ SQQ!r~~iC!QrV !:!b!! !~!}· go~i!iQ!} !}~U ~iS£!,!~S gQtb ¥i~~s m~ f~¥Q[ 1 ~i~~ ~
unclear. see how I arrive at a balanced position

It is assumed that certain measures should be taken to control noise. Meanwhile. there are individuals
who claim that thev have the freedom to mαke noise as thev olease. Both views will be discussed and
mv balanced oosition will be aiven.

On the one hand. there are various reasons oeoole orefer to make noise as thev want. Firstlv. manv of
them feel more comfortable and freer bv makina noise from different activities while workina or
entertainina. For examole. lettina the loudsoeaker sound louder to eniov the music makes them feel
relaxed after a Iona and busv workina dav. even thouah it can disturb neiahbors. Secondlv. manv
oeoole assume that noise is a oart of industrialization and modernization orocess. so it is inevitable.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 11 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Prison is the common way in most countries
to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effec ve solu on is to provide
people with a be er educa on. Agree or disagree.
Many people argue that reducing crime rates would be more effec ve if more
advanced educa onal pla orms were introduced than prison sentences. I do not
agree with this view, because I find that each op on has its own advantages and both
contribute an indispensable part in preven ng crime.
On the one hand, I think that prison is very effec ve in dealing with offenders. The
first reason is that when a person commits a crime, he or she will be aware of the
offense and must learn that unlawful ac ons have consequences. For example,
murderers or drug dealers must be jailed for many years and such a sentence will act
as a deterrent.
They know that they will face the loss of freedom, social exclusion and isola on by
those around them if they carry out such a criminal act. Another reason is that when
serious offenders are behind the bars, they are no longer dangers to society and
people can walk on the street or relax in their home more safely.
On the other hand, I realize that educa on also plays an addi onal role. First, in
schools, students need to learn some aspects of the law related to their everyday life.
Once they interpret the laws, they will be be er prepared to avoid situa ons that
could put them into labor camp of make them become vic ms. For example, the
young nowadays need to learn important laws about driving safety on the streets.
Secondly, in prisons themselves, there should be educa onal programs focused on
providing prisoners with the skills and qualifica ons they need to find a job when
they are released.
I believe that prison sentences are a necessary weapon against criminals, and I do not
agree with the idea that merely having a be er educa on will be a more effec ve
means of reducing crime rate.
The graph below shows relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables,
sugars and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 1978 and 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Data are from the Bureau of Labor Sta s cs and represent the U.S. city averages for
all urban consumers in January of each year.
NOTE: What do the numbers represent on the y-axis of the line graph? They are NOT
percentages, they are simply numbers which represent the Consumer Price Index
(CPI). This goes up or down [usually up!!], and the numbers are simply numbers
which indicate how much this index is going up or down over a period of me.
The line graph shows informa on on changes in the prices of these different food
groups from 1979 to 2009 in the United States, and the overall trend of the
consumer-price index over this 30-year period.
All the lines on the graph have the same star ng point in 1979. Over the period, the
consumer-price index rose steadily from about 60 in 1979 to over 200 in 2009. Prices
of sugar and sweets and carbonated drinks showed similar trends. Although the
prices of these items also rose, they were consistently lower than the consumer-price
index since 1987. A er many minor fluctua ons, the price of sugar and sweets on the
graph was 200 in 2009, higher than the final price of carbonated drinks at 150.
The prices of fresh fruits and vegetables rose sharply in general, especially a er 1989.
From the same star ng point of about 60 at the beginning of the period, prices of
these commodi es stopped at more than 330 and above the consumer-price index in


Birth rates of China and the USA
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below compares changes in the birth rates of China and the USA
between 1920 and 2000.
Summarise the informa on by selec ng and repor ng the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
China: ĐỎ


MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 8 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Although more and more people read news
on the Internet, newspaper will remain the most important source of news. Do you
agree or disagree?
Many tradi onalists say that while more and more people can access to the Internet,
conven onal newspapers will s ll remain the main source of informa on. I totally
disagree with this view.
In the digital age nowadays, the speed and convenience of the Internet has led to the
growing popularity of online news. Firstly, the Internet is able to provide
up-to-the-minute news as it happens, 24 hours a day everyday. As long as I have a
smartphone or laptop with me, I can almost immediately connect to the Internet,
surf the websites, and access the informa on I care about all over the world.
Secondly, more and more people are connected to the Internet and this trend is likely
to con nue. The more widespread the accessible of the Internet, the more people
will come to rely on it as their news source.
In contrast, tradi onal newspapers have limita ons which affect the popularity of this
type. Cost is the main reason for discouraging those people who view this as a source
of informa on. Compete against free online available news, newspaper publishers
are facing declining sales volumes. Some mainstream American newspapers now
offer online versions along with the printed edi ons to catch up with this trend.
Another disadvantage of newspaper is the amount of paper consumed in the
produc on process. With the growing awareness of the environment, there is a body
of public opinion that refuses to buy newspapers because this involves cu ng tree
and transpor ng them to paper mills. At present, this is not a big issue, but
controversial environmental problems will almost certainly gain ground in the future.
In short, I would argue that newspaper will con nue to decline significantly, and more
and more people will use the Internet to update news or access informa on.
Many trad it ionalist s say that wh ile mo 「e and more people can h旦旦旦access to the Internet, conventional
newspapers w ill st ill 「ema i n the main source of information. I totally d isagree w ith t his view.

In the d igital age nowadays, the speed and conven ience of the Internet has led to the growing
popu la 「i ty of on line news. Firstly, the Internet is able to provide up-to-the-minute news as it happens,
24 hours a day e崎坪由γ主旦旦旦豆豆y. As I。 ng as I have a smartphone or laptop w ith me, I can almost
immediately connect t o the Internet, surf the websites, and access the information I ca 「e about all ove 「
the world. Second ly, mo 「e and more people are connected to t he Internet and th is trend is likely to
cont inue. The mo 「e w idesp 「ead the a€€e5S悔↓e』access i bi li tv of the Internet丘, t he more people w ill come
to rely on it as their news sou 「ce.

j n cont阳st, trad iti。M newspapers have lim itations w h ich affect t he popu larity of th is t ype. c。st is the
main 「eason for d iscou 「agi ng those people who view th is as a sou 「ce of information. Geffi阳艳
旦旦旦旦旦旦旦aga i nst f「ee on line f ava ilablel news, newspaper publishers are facing declining sales
{volumes} . Some ma i nst 「earn Amer ican newspapers now offer on line versions along w ith the p「i nted
ed it ions to catch up w ith th is t「end.

I An时叫时川age of newspa阳
the growing awa『eness of the env i ro『1 「nent, there is a body of public opinion that 「eh」 ses to buy
newspapers because th is involves cutting tree~ and transport ing them to paper m ills. At present, th is is
not a big i 削
sue, b L』t cont 刚e陀i a l envi ronme 阳 I problems w i 川I a l mo
。st 阳

『’ chb na't, c6 the' bi oft toρic. bGi h6i la SOURCE OF NEWS~ n~hla JG chi h6i & Phuong dien cuna egg thonf!i_
tin thoi chifna m州 NO IMPORTANT 阳 SAO, cac main ooint nhU' cost ko hO'.刀3

In short , I wou ld a「gue that newspape 「 w ill continue to decline signif icantly, and mo「e and mo 「e people
w ill use the Internet t o update news or access information.

ACCURACY 7 步 ? fcant mark th is essa~]

See th is essav wh ich is mo 「e co 「re ct

On the one hand. I have to aaree that orinted newsoaoers are still one of the maior sources of news
even we are livina in the information era. First of all. newsoaoers have a Iona historv of their oresence
as a verv traditional chαnnel of communication which most oeoole could αfford to oossess. Secondlv.
comoared with online news. information in orinted oress is more trustworthv because it 必 written and
reviewed bv orofessionαl iournalists and editors before beina oublished/released to the oublic.
Fina/Iv. holdina a newsoaoer is indeed a oleasant exoerience with which oeoole would like to start a
new dav or to end a hard workina dav.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 7 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: It is more important for schoolchildren to
learn about local history than world history. To what extend do you agree or
It is true that some commentators argue that it is more important for children to
study the history of their own country or region, rather than the history of the world.
I disagree with this view, because I believe that schools should teach local, na onal
and world history equally.
On the one hand, it is significant that schoolchildren should learn about their local
history. Firstly, knowing about the past of their region or country will foster a sense of
belonging and pride in each child. For example, by studying how earlier genera ons
fought and made sacrifices for the freedom of the country, Vietnamese youngsters
will appreciate more the value of the way of life and liberty that they enjoy today.
Secondly, young children also learn about the origins and core values of their
motherland through history lessons. As a result, they will gain a deeper
understanding of each tradi onal event, and be mo vated to carry on the best
customs for genera ons to come.
On the other hand, the value of studying world history must not be underes mated.
The modern trend towards globaliza on makes it all the more necessary for
schoolchildren to have some knowledge of people from other ethnic groups and
different tradi ons. Armed with this broader perspec ve, it will be easier for them to
form a mutual understanding if they know about the origins and past development of
other people across the world. Another important factor is that a study of world
history provides youngsters with an overview of the inter-rela onship of na ons and
how interna onal historical events, such as the end of colonialism, have shaped
contemporary society.
In conclusion, I would argue that it is equally important for schoolboys and schoolgirls
to study local history as well as world history.

MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 6 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Some people say that the protec on of wild
animals and birds are given in the protec on of wild animals and birds. Do you agree
or disagree about this opinion?
It is argued that the protec on of wild animals and birds are a rac ng too much
a en on and too many social resources. I personally and totally agree with this view.
I think there are two main reasons why people care too much about animal
protec on. One reason is that many non-governmental organiza ons have been
established in order to protect animals all around the world. However, they are too
concern about animal-related ac vi es in many parts of the world. For example,
PETA, an animal welfare organiza on, was quite unreasonable in denouncing singer
Katy Perry when she used ger and elephant images in her music video called “Roar”
for commercial purpose while she did not mean it. Furthermore, ar cles wri en
about wild animals can be shared rapidly on the Internet. If a bear is cap ve
somewhere, the news about it will instantaneously spread on social networks such as
Facebook, Twi er,... on a large scale.
In addi on, too many resources have been spent to protect wild birds. First of all, any
wildlife protec on project requires a dy amount of money to be made, in which
infrastructure and research are two of the most costly. The more difficult the research
to conserve wild birds DNA, the more expensive it is. Secondly, spending on these
protec on projects in somewhat unnecessary. While this funding can be created to
improve the quality of life in some locali es, inves ng in protec ng birds can be
considered as a waste of money.
In short, it seems to me that both interest and resources are focused too much on
the protec on of wild animals and birds in this modern world.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 5 TOPIC TỰ CHỌN: Many people go to university for academic
study. More people should be encouraged to do voca onal training because there is a
lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers. To what extend do you
agree or disagree ?
The fact is that many people want to pursue university educa on rather than to
a end a voca onal training course. While no one can deny the need for college
graduates, I fully agree that we should encourage more appren ces such as
electricians,… or other essen al manual labor workers.
There are two main reasons why we need more skilled workers such as repair and
installa on of electrical and water systems. Firstly, such workers play important roles
when new buildings are constructed or exis ng buildings need renova on or simply
maintenance. In fact, in many countries, a long-term maintenance worker is recruited
among skilled workers to work at hospitals, schools or museums to ensure the safety
of those living and working in the buildings. Secondly, in developed countries, the
current imbalance in the economy causes college-educated unemployed while skilled
workers are in short supply. Government in these countries therefore need to work
with employers to ensure further voca onal training is required.
More people should be encouraged to enroll on voca onal training courses. The
mission of schools is to combine the relevant subjects into the curriculum, therefore
not all the emphasis placed on preparing for university study. Many boys and girls are
not academically inclined, but this does not mean schools should treat them as
failures. For example, school seminars can provide an opportunity to learn "prac cal
skills" that adapt the theory of physical lessons to prac cal applica ons. Parents
should also help their children choose careers, explain good job prospects and wages
for qualified and skilled manual workers.
In short, I agree that it is important that we encourage more people to par cipate in
voca onal training because without skilled workers, society cannot func on
effec vely.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 4 TOPIC tự chọn: Everyone should become vegetarian because
they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people decide to be vegetarian because the vegetarian diet supposed to be
be er for the human body. Although I agree that plant-based foods provide us with a
healthier diet, I do not think that people should stop ea ng meat in order to enjoy
good health.
There are a lot of reasons why vegetarian is beneficial. Firstly, science has shown that
vegetarianism are less likely to suffer from chronic disease, diabetes, some forms of
cancer and obesity. This is thanks to the fact that a healthy vegetarian diet is usually
low in fat and high in fiber. Secondly. Ea ng plenty of vegetables provide us with
adequate nutri on to support the body. For example, fresh spinach is a source of
vitamins A, K, E as well as extremely plen ful calcium. Therefore, instead of ea ng
many kinds of food to absorb these vitamins, we just need a bowl of spinach that is
However, there are some disadvantages to take into considera on before becoming a
vegetarian. Perhaps the first thing that daily vegetarian’s meals are not really balance,
vegetarian maybe lacking in calories to meet their energy needs. As a result, they will
feel sluggish and cannot work with intensity. In addi on, raw, steamed or s r fried
foods retain more vitamins and minerals than boiled and fried foods. Consequently,
tradi onal cooking methods such as Vietnamese are encouraged to apply to the
vegetarian cuisine.
In conclusion, vegetarian diets although healthy, are not always appropriate for
everyone and require careful considera on of food choices and prepara on of meals.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 3 TOPIC tự chọn: People should follow the customs and
tradi ons when people start to live in a new country. To what extend do you agree or
Many people think that foreigners should adapt to local customs when they came to
reside in another country. I totally agree with this view.
Newcomers are likely to face difficul es if they do not follow the rules of conduct in
their host country. Firstly, it will become almost impossible for them to blend into
their new environment. For example, an entrepreneur who comes to live aboard and
starts a business must pay a en on to the country’s businesses prac ce. There are
quite many risks, not only just about the law, but also simply in terms of engaging and
keeping customers. Secondly, newcomers can commit crimes if they do not respect
the way of life and customs of indigenous people. For example, in Singapore, people
would be considered dirty and rude if li ering or pulling gum in public places.
Besides, there are many benefits to foreigners when they are accustomed to the
customs and habits of their new country of residence. One benefit is that local people
will be more hospitable when they feel newcomers are showing respect for the local
way of life. The crea on of close links with local communi es will lead to deeper
integra on and mutual understanding. Another good point is that the abundant
experiences that newcomers derive from experiencing different aspects of local
customs will lead them into community life and avoid isola on with society. On
fes vals as well as na onal holidays, they will in par cular feel “belonging” to this
new country.
In conclusion, I think that it is essen al for foreigners to live up to their local customs
in order to fully integrate into society.
MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 2 TOPIC tự chọn: Whether or not someone achieve their aims is
mostly by a ques on of luck. To what extend do you agree or disagree ?
It has been suggested that the success of some people is largely due to luck rather
than their own efforts. However, I completely disagree with this view.
I believe that only determined and industrious people will be successful in everything
they do. Hard-working people o en achieve their goals. For instance, Steve Jobs
spent thousands of hours coding and researching to create the great Macintosh
opera ng system we are using nowadays. Another clear success story is that Nick
Vujicic, an Australian-inspired speaker, who has suffered from a rare disorder that
cause his body to lose its four limbs. Despite the absence of limbs, Vujicic s ll holds a
bachelor’s degree in accoun ng and finance; he got married and currently travels
around the world to inspire people as a mo va onal speaker.
On the other hand, by contrast, luck is only a small factor in determining success. First
and foremost, one cannot rely solely on luck to be successful. If a student does not
prepare for the exam, the change he or she will fail no ma er how lucky e or she it.
Secondly, luck only appears for some mes. For example, winning the lo ery is
blessing because it does not require any effort. It purely depends on luck, yet, he or
she cannot win the lo ery for the rest of his or her life.
In conclusion, for all the reasons I have stated above, I am absolutely believe that in
order to achieve our goals in life, one must be extremely determined and
hardworking to pursue his or her passion ll the end.

MINH HOÀNG ESSAY 1. TOPIC tự chọn: As well as making money,

businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
The idea that, besides making money, enterprises also need to have public
responsibili es remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while genera ng
profit is the main priority for each company, I agree that they should also transact
their businesses in a socially responsible way.
On the one hand, efforts to maximize the profits of companies can benefit society.
Firstly, the more profitable the business is, the more taxes it pays to the government.
As a result, the authori es have revenues to cover essen al areas including educa on
and health, aiming to improve the quality of life in society. Secondly, by earning a dy
profit, enterprises have the chance to grow their businesses. For example, companies
can use capital to expand produc on, to create more employment opportuni es for
the community.
On the other hand, there are several important reasons why businesses should
embrace the need to be socially responsible. The first reason is that their ac vi es
affect the environment. Uncontrolled produc on ac vi es can cause serious
environmental damage such as global warming which resul ng from factory
emissions or irresponsible industrial waste treatment. For example, if plants install
waste treatment systems instead of releasing chemical waste into rivers, water
pollu on can be controlled. The next reason is that enterprises should help those
who are less fortunate because they have enough money to do so. For example, a big
corpora on such as Unilever or Vinamilk have enhanced their image in the public eye
through humanitarian ac vi es such as giving scholarships or charitable dona ons.
In conclusion, although I believe that making a profit was a fundamental principles of
business, I think that businesses should think deeply about their social
responsibili es.

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