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The document oontains
aontaina materials on the Soyuz-Apollo
Soyuz-Apollo ttest
e e t and
consists of two parts,
p a r t s , prepared by the USSR and USA ssides res-
i d e s res-
Both parts
parta outline the purposes and program of
of the miseion,
the spacecraft design, the flight plan and information an
on joint
and unilateral scientific
s c i e n t i f i c experiments.
Brief biographies
biographies of the cosmonauts and a~tronauta,
astronauts, the joint
mission crew members,
member@, are also presented*
presented. The document covers
technical support activities mission control and gives
a c t i v i t i e s providing rnia~ion
i n f o m a t i o n about the ASTP Soviet and American leaders,
Aa the
the USSR and USA parts of the document have been prepared
b n the section8
independently, there might be duplication Iin sections dealing
with the joint activities.
The document i s intended for
docwnent is e p r e s e n t a t f v e ~and various
for press rrepresentatives
mas information
mass information means.
INTRODUCTION ....................................... ill 10
1.11 Background .
Background . " . . . . . . . . . . . .,. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . .
III .. .. .. 10
1.2 Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz joint
j o i n t test
t e s t pproject
r o j e c t objectives.........
objectiveaaee.~~ ... 13

PROBLEMS .. 0.0 .... 0..................
............................. 15
2.1 Spacecraft
Spacecraft compatibility
compatibility condi tions and principal
conditions principal
s o l u t i o n s accepted
accepted for
f o r Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz Test Mission .0. l 15
2.2 Compatibility
Compatibility of
of ground flight
f l i g h t control personnel...
personnel ... 18
2.3 Methodological
Methodological compatibility.......................
compatibility ....................... 20

SOYUZ SPACECRAFT o ...................................
33 1
0 Purpose.
Purpoae Brief .
Bfief data
data on
on Soyuz spacecraft
spacecraft flights
f l i g h t s , .... 22
3. 2
3.2 Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
spacecraft description .......................
d e s c r i p t i o n ................ 25

3.2.1 General description
General d e s c r i p t i o n of the Soyuz spacecraft ..
Soyuz spacecraft.. 25
Main c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e .. .......................
Main characteristics......................... 25
General-arrangement diagram....
diagram .................. 25
Description of the
the spacecraft modules:
modules. .... ....... 31
De Vehicle
scent Vehicle. ...........................
. 0
O r b i t a l Mo ...........................
dule .......
Module 34
Instrument-Asrsembly Module ...............
Module .... 38

3.2.2 Pexipherial Docking System
Androgynous Peripherial Systern (APDS) 41
(APDS) 41
Purp .................................. 4141
0 sa . * *

APDS .........................
APDS development ................ 42
APDS sign ..............................
design 43
APDS operation during docking/undocking.
APDS docking/undocking .... 45
The difference
The difference between Soyuz Apoll.o
Soyuz and Apol~o
docking.eYetQ~ij ~8 ...........................
d o c k i n g . @ ~ s t 8............. 50

A t t i t u d e and Motion Control System (AMCS)

3.2.3 Attitude
3.2.3 (MCS) .... 50

- 2 -
ANICS function
function and
and structure.
s t r u c t u r e Command .
Command sensors
senflors 51
Vision devices. orientation
Vision devices, o r i e n t a t i o n monitors
monitors and
and cont-
rollers ..................................... 52
Soyuz t a r g e t s ........................
docking targets
Soyuz docking . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Onboard orientation ...................
o r i e n t a t i o n lights.......
lights 53
MCS jet j e t thrusters
t h r u s t e r s and rendezvous -.correc-
and rendezvous correc-
i a g propulsion
propulsion sy aystem ......................
stem . . . . . . . . 53
.ANICS modea ..................................
modes..................... ............. 54
ADnCS operation
operation during
during rendezvous,
rendezvous, approach approach
and docking .................................
and docking .. '. . . .. . . . . . . . . 56

3.2.4 Life
Life support
system (LSS) ......................
(LSS) .......... 58
Purpose and
and composition .....................
composition ..... 58
Gas composition
composition support
support system
system ........ .............. 59
Pre suits
ssure sui ts ............................... 61
T h e m 1 control ......................
c o n t r o l system
system ................ 63
Food supply
supply system ..........................
system ..................... 66
Water supply
supply system ........................
system ................... ., ..... 68
clothe^ ..................................... 6969
......... '

Individual hygiene
hygiene facilities ............... 6969
a c i l i t i e a ...
Waste management
management system .....................
system.............. 10
3.2.5 Radio/Electronic equipment .....................
& d i o / ~ l e c t r o n i cequipment..................... 71
Volume communication
communication system
system ..... ................. 11
. . ~ . . . ~ . . ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~7474. . . . . * . . .
TV-aygtem .' *
Cable communication
communication system
system...... .................. 14
Command radio .......................
radio system........................
system. 74
Onboard te.',emetry .................
system... 15
Orbit parameters
Orbit parameters measurement system,
measurement system.. ........

3.3 Basic
Basic data
data on
on the
t h e Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
spacecraft launch
launch vehicle
vehicle. ...... 7676
- 3 -
3.4 Biomedical requirements ...................
............................... ' 78


a*.... ~ ..... * * ~ * * . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e e * o o * e . . 81

4.1 .................................
Nominal mission model .. 81

4.2 Explanation of the preferred
p r e f e r r e d mission pprofile.
r o f i l e . Launch
windows I " 84

Spacecraft launch sequence ...... 84
Launch windows . "...................... 86

Launch time ........ 87
Assembly orbit
o r b i t ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e m . . . e 88

Soyuz ..............................
~ o y u zmaneuve rs .................
maneuvers 89
SOYUZlanding .....
Soyuz 89

4.3 Soyuz
Soyuz independent flight .............................
f l i g h t .......... 89
Description .................................... 89
Timeline of major events .......... '

4.4 ...............................
Rendezvous and docking ...................... 92
Description ...................................
I>escription lll 92
t h e major events
Timeline of the eventa

4*5 Crew joint

j o i n t activity
a c t i v i t y in the orbit ....
orbit...--.^...-.-..-..--.. 95
Spacecraft rendezvous ... 96
Approach and docking .... 97
Docke ....
f l i g h t ...
d flight ......e.......*e.o.o..m 97
Undocking. redocking and final
Undocking, f i n a l undockinge
undocking . 102 .....
J o i n t experiments during the independent fflight
of the spacecraft ....
Separation of the
t h e spacecraft ... 104
pacec craft..,.....^........^

4.6 Soyuz independent flight
Soyuz a f t e r the spacecraft separation 117
f l i g h t after
Description ..b..................*....~~~......
Description................................ 117 d
Timeline of major events. ................ ~ ~
e ~ e n......
t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

- 4 -
4.7 Preparation
Preparation for
for descent;
descent; Soyuz
Soyuz descent ................
descent .. 118
Timeline of major
Timeline of major events

0 8 Crew recovery
C.rew .........................................
recovery ..... , .................................. 119

SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS .............................

5.1 Unilateral
Unilateral scientific ..................... 121
s c i e n t i f i c experiments
experimenta ...
Astrophysical experiments
Astrophysical ....................
experiments ..... 121
Photography of
Photography of the
the soJa
sola rr corona
corona and
and zodiao:al
light against the
l i g h t against the background
background of the night
of the night sky
sky 121
Investigation ofof refraction
reflaction and
and transparency
of the
of the upper layers of
upper layers of the ........
the atmosphere........ 122
Photography of
Photography of daytime
daytime and
and dusk horizon ......
dusk horizon...... 123
Biological experiments
Biological ......................
experiments ....... 124
Micro-organism growth . 124
Fish embryonic
Fish embryonic development ...................
development ... 125
Genetic experiments
qenetic .........................
experiments .. 125

5.2 Joint scientific
Joint s c i e n t i f i c experiments ..........................
experiments 127
A r t i f i c i a l solar
Artificial s o l a r eclipse .....................
eclipse.. 127
Ultraviolet absorption
U+traviolet .....................
a b s o r p t i o n ...
.. 134
Zone-fonning fungi ...........................
Zone-forming fungi........................... 139
Microbial exchange
Microbial ...........................
exchange. 143
Multipurpose furnace
MUltipurpose ........................
furnace 146

6.0 TELEVISION ......................................
TELEVISION PIAN.......................................
PIAN* 153

6.1 Onboard television
Onboard ...................................
t e l e v i s i o n . 153
6.2 Ground-based t e l e v i s i o n ...............................
Ground-based television............................... 154

- 5-
INTE~CTION .............D....................... III 160

7.1 Flight
F l i g h t control
control ........................................
Control c r i terta
Control eri ..............................
t e r i a . 160
Responsibilities ..............................
Reaponsibilit ies .......................... 160
Information exchange ..........................
Inf o m a t i o n exchange.......................... 162

7.2 Mission Control Center ................................
Control Center................................ 162
Purpose. personnel and facilities
f a c i l i t i e s of the
t h e MCC .. . 162
Main control .......................
c o n t r o l room (MCR) .. 164

NICR function during the flight ....,...........
f l i g h t . 165
MCR support teams . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
MCC Instrumentation/Computer
Instrumentation/Computer complex ..........
complex ...... 171

7.3 MCC t r a i n i n g .......................... ......

MCC personnel training................................ 173

8.0 CREW TRAINING , '. 115


9.1 on the
Information on t h e Soyuz crews ........................
crew~l...... 179
I st crew:
1st Leonov A.A
Leonov ...................,............
A.A...... Ill , 179

Kubaaov V.N.
Kubaaov V.N.

2nd crew:
2nd crew: Philipchenko A.
A*& ...........................
V. 182
Rukavishnikov N.N.
3 d crew: .............................
Janibekov V.A. 185
B D.
Andreev B. D ..
4th crew:
crew: Romanenko
Rornanenko Y. .............................
Y.V.V. .. 186
Ivanchenkov A.O.
Ivanchenkov A.0,

- 6-

9.2 Information on the USSR management ffor ASTP.........
o r ASTP,.,,..... 188
ASTP organization scheme......................
ASTP scheme.,......,,..,,..,...,, 189

REFERENCE INFORMATION...............................
INFOHMBTION...,.....r..r.....r.c.......... 198

10,1 The
The agreement of May Nay 24, 1975 between tthe h e United
S t a t e s of America and the Union of Soviet Socia-Socia-
l i s t Republics
Republics on cooperation ini n the exploration
and peaceful usesuses of space..........................
space.,..,...,................. 199

F I G U ~ S. ... . .o*. +.
, , ,. *. w
. . .. ... ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .m .. ... * * o*.o .* o * o. . * . . . . .. 8
LIST OF TABLES...................................................
TABUS****o...*..o.o........*.*,oo..*.*.o*..e.**.* 9

- 7-
1.1 Rendezvous
Rendezvous and
and doeking
docking of
of the
the Soyuz
Soyuz and
and Apollo
Apollo space-
craft during
during teat .............................
t e s t flight.............................
flight 12

General view of the
view of t h e Soyuz
Soyuz spaoecraft
spacecraft (8i
( s i de
d e view)
view) ..... 27
General view of
General view of the
the Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
epacecraft (front
( f r o n t view)
view). ... 28
General view
view of
of the
the Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
spacecraft (top
(top view)
v i e w ) ...... 29
The DeBcent
Descent Vehicle arrangement
Vehicle ar'l'8.ngexnen ......................
t ...................... 32
The Orbits3 Module arrangement ....................... 35
Docking System.......................................
soyuz/ApoUo epacacraft docking achematic.. ........ ,
Thennal control system schematic ....................
Apollo/~oyuz t e s t mission communication l i n e e ........
).10 Soyuz launch
Soyuz launch vehicle.. ................................. 77
vehicle . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
4.1 Mission p r o f i l e . .....................................
Mission profile........ . . . . . . . . 83
~.2 Aetronau-tfiand
Astronauts cosmonauts vehicle-to-vehicle
and cosmonauts vehicle-to-vehicle transfer
aagm ..............................................
diagI'Bm.. ., .......... *' .. 106-112

4.3 Joint
J o i n t activities ................................
a c t i v i t i e s plan............
plan 113-116
5.1 Soyuz
Soyuz and Apollo attitudes
and Apollo a t t i t u d e s for
f o r "Artificial
" A r t i f i c i a l Bolar
eclipse ................................... 133
eclipse experiment".................................
5.2 UV-absorption
UV-absorption experiment
expefiment diagram
diagram..... .................... 136
5.3 Multipurpose
Multipurpose furnace
furnace experiment
experiment cartridge
c a r t r i d g e ........... 151
5.4 Furnace
Furnace experiment diagram. .........................
experiment diagram.......................... 152
7.1 Apollo/Soyuz
Apollo/Soyuz joint
joint flight
f l i g h t control
control schematic .
schematic.... ..... 161

- 8 -


Table 4.1
4.1, 0 Nominal launch time and Launch
launch windows for.,.,
for. 81
aeveral dates.

Table 7.1.
7.1, The
The USSR onboard television transmissions during
the Soyuz
Soyuz and Apollo
A p o l l o spacecraft jjoint ..
flight 155-
o i n t flight, 155-

- 9-
For Release:

1 .I -
% s t flight
f l i g h t of the Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz test project
test p roject
(ASTP) is i n accordance vvith
i s performed in i l ~ i t hthe USSR/USA
USSR/USA agreement
on cooperation in
i n the expl(\)ration
e x p l @ r a t i o n and peaceful uses
u s e s of space in
o r d e r to
t o develop compatible means of rendezvous and docking for
the Soviet and American manned spacecrnf t and stations.
~nanned spacecraft s t a t i o n s , This
f l i g h t l"'eflects
~ e f l e c t sthe desire
d e s i ~ eof both countries
c o u n t r i e s to
t o create
c r e a t e material
b a a i s with the aim of enhancing the objective
o b j e c t i v e of furthering
f u r t h e r i n g the
s a f e t y of mam1ed
manned space flight
f l i g h t and supporting scientific
s c i e n t i f i c experi-
ment ss progralil
program ini n the
t h e future.
Sirice 1970
1970 representatives
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of the USSR Academy of Science
and the USA NASA have been discussing
diacussing technical
t e c h n i c a l questions of the
development of compatible rendezvous and docking systems of manned
s p a c e c r a f t s and stations.
s t a t i o n s , During
Dusing the first
f i r s t jjoint
o i n t meeting of the
USSR and US specialists
s p e c i a l i s t s held
h e l d ih
i h Moscow
Noscow in
i n 1970, October 26-27
26-27 both
s i d e s exchanged their
t h e i r views and information
i n f o m a t i o n on the major direc-
t i o n s to
t o be followe
followedd in
i n assuring
a s s u r i n g compa tibili ty of rendezvous and
docking systems.
A t this
t h i s meeting working groups were set
s e t up to
t o develop and
approve technical
t e c h n i c a l requirements for
f o r compatibility
c o m p a t i b i l i t y of these systems.
Subsequent meetings were
w e r e held
h e l d in
i n June and flovember
November 1971 to
1971 to
d i s c u s s technical
t e c h n i c a l requirements for spacecmf t systems, approve ba-
f o r spacecraft ba-
s i c technical
t e c h n i c a l decisions
d e c i s i o n s and guidelines
g u i d e l i n e s for
f o r providing compatibility
and discuss the possibility
the p o s s i b i l i t y of carrying
c a r r y i n g out the manned flights
uaing existing
e x i s t i n g spacecrafts
s p a c e c r a f t s in
i n order
o r d e r to
t o test
t e s t the compatible means
of rendezvous and docking in
i n the middle of the
t h e 70's.
70's, The meetings
of specialists
s p e c i a l i s t s of the
t h e Academy of Sciences, USSR and NASA, USA were
h e l d in
i n Moscow and Houston alternately
a l t e r n a t e l y and
a n d were headed by the
t h e Aca-
- 10 -
deinician B.Petrov,
B, Pet rov, Chainnan
C h a i ~ n a nof
of Intercosmos Council, USSR Academy
Sciences and R.Gilruth.NASA
of Sciences R, ~ i l r u t hNASA
, Manager, I3anned
Manned SSpaceflight Center.
p a c e f l i g h t Center,
The Stumnary
S ~ m n a r yDocument was signed
s i g n e d on A p r i l 66,, 1972 dduring
April u r i n g tthe
meeting of the
t h e representatives of tthe
h e USSR Academy of
of Sciences and
IJASA, This meeting was held
h e l d ttoo discuss
d i s c u s s qquestions
u e s t i o n s ppertaining
e r t a i n i n g tto
t h e development of compatible means of rendezvous and dock
the in^
docking of
t h e USSR/USA
USSIR/USAmanned spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t and stations.
s t a t i o n s , The document ssaid
t h a t the
t h e test
t e s t mission
clisuion with the
t h e sUbsequent of the S
subsequent docking of Soviet
and American spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t was considered
c o n s i d e r e d ddesirable
e s i r a b l e iin
n oorder
r d e r tto
o ttest
t h e compatible means of rendezvous and docking,

On May 24, 1972,

1972, in
i n Moscow, A,W,Kosygin,
A.N.Kosygin, Chairman of
of tthe
Council of Ministers
Ildinisters of
of the Soviet Union aand States
n d United S t a t e s PPresi-
dent R.Nixon
R,Nixon signed
s i g n e d an
a n agreement between tthe
h e two nnations coope-
a t i o n s on coope-

b ration
r a t i o n in
i n the
t h e exploration
e x p l o r a t i o n and ppeaceful
e a c e f u l uuses of oouter
s e s of space. Both
u t e r space,
s i d e s agreed to
t o develop compatible means of
of rendezvous and docking
and conduct in 1975 the
i n 1975 t h e first
f i r s t test i s s i o n iin
test m n oorder
r d e r ttoo ttest
e s t tthe
means by accoplishing
accoplifihing docking of tthe
h e Soviet Soyuz-type sspacecraft
S o v i e t Soyuz-type pacecraft
and American Apollo-type s p a c e c ~ atf and tthe
Apollo-type spacecraft h e ttransfer
r a n s f e r of
of cosmonauts
a u t r o n a u t s (see
and astronauts K,Bushuyev, a corresponding-member
f ig.1.1). K.Bushuyev,
( s e e fig.1.1). corresponding-member of
the p p o i n t e d an ASTP D
Academy of Sciences, was aappo~nted
t h e USSR ACademy i r e c t o r from
t h e Soviet
the S o v i e t side, G,Lunney -- from tthe
s i d e , and Doctor G.Lunney h e Arnerican
~nerican sside.

t h e main objectives
Determination of the o b j e c t i v e s and sstages
t a g e s of he m
of tthe is-
s i o n , definition
sion, d e f i n i t i o n of
of the
t h e basic
b a s i c reqUirements o r compatible and in-
requirements ffor in-
t e r a c t i n g systems were essentially
teracting e s s e n t i a l l y completed dduring
u r i n g tthe
h e meetings
of specialists
s p e c i a l i s t s held
h e l d in
i n the
t h e second hhalf n March, 1973.
a l f of 1972 and iin

- 11 -
New compatible
docking system


Docking module
Docking module


F I G U R E 1.1

( ( (
I n October, 1972
In 1972 tthe
h e timing
tirning for
f o r carrying
c a r r y i n g out the jjoint

~ ~ o l l o / ~ o ytest
t ue szt mission
111iasionwas -
nras determined - July
J u l y 15, 1975.

A s technical
t e c h n i c a l requirements were deterrllined
d e t e m i n e d development of
the systems
syatems and technical
t e c h n i c a l documentation to
t o be used
use d for
f o r the
t h e manu-
f a c t u r i n g of
o f compatible equipment was initiated.

Prom October, 1972 until
u h t i l April, 1974 the
A p r i l , 1974 t h e jjoint
o i n t reviews
yeviews of
t h e compatible equipment were hheld
e l d tto
o assure
assuse successful
s u c c e s s f u l accomplish-
n e n t of tthe
h e mission.

Ground tests
t e s t s of
o f compatible means started
s t a r t e d from October,
1973 in
1973 i n order
o r d e r ttoo develop component
cornponelit designs and checking ttheir
h e i r pper-
f ormance ,
The final
f i n a l tests
t e s t s of compatible means installed
i n s t a l l e d on the Soyuz
and Apollo spacecraft a t the
s p a c e c r a f t are conducted completion at launch:
t h e launchl

1.2 ~ollo-SO,yuz jjoint
kollo-So,yuz o i n t test
t e s t pproject
r o j e c t objectives

The primary objective

o b j e c t i v e of Apollo/Soyuz
Apollo/Soyuz jjoint
o i n t mission i s ttoo
check technical
t e c h n i c a l requirements and solutions
s o l u t i o n s for rendezvous
for x e n d e z v o ~ sand dock-
i n g of future
f u t u r e manned spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t and stations.
The performance of this
t h i s mission includes
i n c l u d e s the
t h e following:
a ) testing
t e s t i n g of a compatible rendezvous system in
i n orbit;
b) testing
t e s t i n g of androgynous
androgynous docking assemblies;
c) verifying
c) v e r i f y i n g tthe
h e techniques of transfer
transfer of cosmonauts and
d) performance of
o f certain
c e r t a i n activities crewB
a c t i v i t i e s of US and USSR crews
i n docked flight;

- 13 -
e ) gaining of experience in
i n conducting jjoint
o i n t flights
f l i g h t s by
i n case of necessi-
US and USSR spacecraft, including, in
ty, rendering aid
a i d in
i n emergency situations.

The perfo~mance
performance of Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz jjoint
o i n t ttest
e s t mission is
is a
s i g n i f i c a n t step in
i n developing international
i n t e r n a t i o n a l cooperation in re-
i n re-
search and u
t i l i z a t i o n of
of space for
f o r peaceful purposes.

- 14 -

2.1 Spacecraft compatibility conditions and pprincipal

r i n c i p a l solu-
t i o n s , accepted for
f o r AEOllo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz Test Mission

To accomplish manned spacecraft and stations

s t a t i o n s rendezvous
i t is
and docking it i s necessary to
t o meet three b
a s i c requirements:

First -
F i r s t requirement - compatibility of docking units,
units, that
is a l l assemblies which directly
i s of all d i r e c t l y interface
i n t e r f a c e during docking. The
docking units
u n i t s must be universal, active/passive, or
o r as
a s they are
,,either spacecraft can be the
now called, androgynous, because !,either t h e one
waiting for
f o r assistance
a s s i s t a n c e or
o r rendering aid.
aid. For this purpose a basi-
cally for
c a l l y new compatible androgynous docking system was developed for
the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft.

Second requirement - compatibility of the
t h e means of provid-
of provid-
rendezvous. The active
ing spacecraft ranging and rendezvous. a c t i v e vehicle using
radio or
o r optical
o p t i c a l means, must find
f i n d the passive one (not excluding
t h e ground facilities i t with the given ac-
f a c i l i t i e s support) and approach it ac-
curacy using Reaction Control System; mechanical contact of the
two docking systems
systema should be ensured.
The passive vehicle u s u a l l y assists
assists the active
a c t i v e spacecraft
in i t s radiosystem operating in
i n tracking and rendezvous, using its in
transpond mode.
mode, That is
i s why similar
s i m i l a r principles
p r i n c i p l e s should be used when
developing radiosystems of both spaoecraft.
spaaecraft, They should also
a l s o have
t o parameters,
the agreed to parameters.
i s also
It is a l s o necessary to
t o meet these requirements when pro-
viding voice communication between the crews. To provide tracking
and rendezvous with the
t h e vehicle, not t rransmi
a n s m itting
t t i n g any radiation,
n e c e s s i t y arises
a necessity a r i s e s to
to u t i l i z e the optical
utilize o p t i c a l means of tracking and

- 15 -
ranging, or
o r a radar operating on the b
a s i s of reflected
r e f l e c t e d signals.
I n the first
f i r s t case the u
unification i s ne-
n i f i c a t i o n of a number of elements is ne-
cessary,which provide optical
o p t i c a l measuring (unification
( u n i f i c a t i o n of docking
t a r g e t s , agreement on vehicles surface light r e f l e c t i o n ann
l i g h t reflection and ab-
sorption coefficients) and use of optical
o p t i c a l measuring devices with
unified characteristics.
For providing spacecraft visual detection and defining
t h e i r mutual poaition
position the onboard unified flashing beacons and
orientation lights
l i g h t s must be used.
I n the
t h e ASTP mission
miasion tracking and relative
r e l a t i v e motion parame-
t e r s measurements (radial
( r a d i a l speed and distance be
tween spacecraft)
spacecraft )
a r e provided by the Apollo radiosystem with
are the transpond-
ing part installed
i n s t a l l e d onboard Soyuz.
Beaides that,
t h a t , an optical
o p t i c a l system is
i s used, by means of which
the Apollo crew can track Soyuz during rendezvous at of
a t a distance of
several hundred kilometers, and also apacecraf t mutual
a l s o determine spacecraft
a t t i t u d e , For tracking in
i n the darkness at
a t a distance of dozens of
i s equipped with flashing beacons,
kilometers the Soyuz is beacons. At
A t the fi-
rende evous phase (during
nal rendezvous ( during approach) the spacecraft mutual posi-
t i o n is
i a determined visually by means of Apollo alignment sight
s i g h t and
the Soyuz onboard orientation lights
l i g h t s and docking targets.
A l l parameters measured are
a r e fed
f e d into
i n t o the onboard computer,
which provides data, necessary for
f o r guidance during rendezvous.

Third requirement - spacecraft habitable modules atmosphe-
re parameters compatibility, specificallY,compatibility
specifically,compatibility of its
i t a com-
p o n e n t ~and pressure, because the crew cannot transfer
t r a n s f e r from one
spacecraft to
t o another, if
i f they have essentially
e s s e n t i a l l y different
d i f f e r e n t atmos-

- 16 -
PC* The concepts of conditioning inside
i n e i de the habitable modules
can be different but the environment parameters must be close.
I n the previous flights
In f l i g h t s Soyuz atmosphere p
r a c t i c a l l y cor-
t o that
responded to t h a t of the Earth: pressure - 750-860
750-860 rom -
Hg, oxygen --
mm Hg,
20-25%t -
78-73$, ApollO
20-25%, nitrogen - 78-73%. Apollo atmosphere consists
c o n s i s t s of
of pure oxy-
gen with pressure of 260 rom
mm Hg.
C r e w transfer
t r a n s f e r from t o Apollo
from Soyuz to A p o l l o without any special
measures taken would result
r e s u l t in
i n decompression disturbances (itch,

o i n t and muscle pain etc.),which
etc.),which are accounted for
f o r by rapid
r a p i d nitro-
gen excretion (bubbles
(bubbles can obstruct blood vessels
vesaels and disturb
blood circulation
c i r c u l a t i o n in
i n different
d i f f e r e n t organs).
i t is
To avoid decompression disturbances it to
i s necessary to
gradually reduce pressure, preserving O
pressure,preserving O22 ppartial o r to
a r t i a l pressure or to
carry out the nitrogen desaturation (pure
(pure oxygen breathing for for

'cv several t o remove the nitrogen from blood). For

aeveral hours to F o r the ASTP a
special Docking (Transfer) i s developed -- a kind of an air-
(Transfer) Module is air-
lock with changeable atmosphere;
atmosphere; after
a f t e r docking it i s to be locat-
i t is locat-
ed between the habitable modules.
modules. The DM is
i s inserted
i n s e r t e d into
i n t o orbit
together with Apollo. During the crew spacecraft-to-spacecraft
t r a n s f e r the Docking Module atmosphere corresponds t o the atmos-
correspond~lto atmoa-
phere of
o f the habitable module with which free
free communication via
internal i s established.
i n t e r n a l hatch is i t was
established, To exclude such a process it
f i n a l l y agreed to
t o reduce the total pressure in
t o t a l presmre i n Soyuz maintaining
the same absolute oxygen content.
content, Usage of
o f Docking Module and
reduction of pressure in ( t o 490-550
i n Soyuz (to 490-550 mm Hg) practically
Hg) p r a c t i c a l l y ex-
clude desaturation
desatura t i o n process and ensure
enaure fast
f a s t and safe spacecraft-
to-spacecraft t r a n s f e r without complete compatibility of space-
to-spacecraft transfer
c r a f t atmospheres.

- 17 -
2.2 Compatibility of ground flight
f l i a b t control
c o n t r o l personnel

J o i n t flight
f l i g h t of Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft brought up
a number of
of new problems of flight
f l i g h t control
c o n t r o l to
t o be solved by So-
v i e t and American

Spacecraft flight
f l i g h t control i s a very complex process which
c o n t r o l is
involves the use of a wide network of tracking stations
s t a t i o n a spread
around the globe, several
s e v e r a l computation centers, a great
great variety
of support equipment with complex interaction
i n t e r a c t i o n and p
of many specially
s p e c i a l l y trained
t r a i n e d specialists.
s p e c i a l i s t s , All
A l l required information,
informati on,
from the data on the state
s t a t e of h
health o f cremembers up to
e a l t h of t o the
exact location
l o c a t i o a of spacecraft, is
i s routed thru
t h r u the numerous commu-
n i c a t i o n s channels ttoo the Mission Control Center.

During the jjoint

o i n t flight
f l i g h t Soyuz and Apollo will
w i l l be control-
l e d by the Soviet and American Mission Control Centera
Centers rrespecti-
especti- ur)


Such an approach towards flight

f l i g h t control
c o n t r o l requires
requiree a strict
coordination of activities
a c t i v i t i e s of tthe
h e USSR and US ground control
c o n t r o l pper-
i n the
sonnel in t h e course of performing all
a l l operations in
i n mission in-
miaaion in-
cluding spacecraft docking and crew jjoint
o i n t activity.

The complexity of the mentioned problems is

ie that each
eide worked out its
i t 8 own
o m documentaion in.accordance
i n .accordance with the prin-
c i p l e s adopted and established
e s t a b l i s h e d in i t s country.
i n its country,

Organization of the jjoint

o i n t mission control required the
formulation and adoption of shared principlecll
principles of flight
f l i g h t control
which could become the basis for
for working out jjoint
o i n t documentation
specifying control
c o n t r o l personnel activities
a c t i v i t i e ~ lin
i n nominal and contin-
gency situations.

- 18
It was
wae essential
e s s e n t i a l to
t o overcome
overcome the language barrier,
b a r r i e r , or-
a l l o c a t e responsibilities
ganize an exchange of information and allocate responsibilitie~l
i n nominal and contingency situations.
in situations,

Discussions and jj ooint

i n t efforts
e f f o r t s have reaul
r e e u lted
t e d in
i n an agree-
i n t e r a c t i o n , Then
ment on interaction. Then the documents specifying
specifying joint
j o i n t activi-
ties c o n t r o l personnel during flight
t i e s of ground control f l i g h t were issued,These
w e r e issued.These

a l l basic
documents included all b a s i c guidelines for t h e Mec
f o r the interaction
MCC interaction
d e t a i l s of specific
and details s p e c i f i c activities
a c t i v i t i e s of the US
US and USSR Mission
Control Centers. Moreover, t i n e schedules
the documents contain time schedules
f o r interaction
for Control Centers
i n t e r a c t i o n of the Control foxmats for
Centers and standard formats for
data exchange.

The language barrier

The language b a r r i e r was t o be overcome
was decided to overcome thru
t h r u in-
0.n duty in
t e r p r e t e r a O,n
terpreters i n MCC.
MCC, For W i s s i o nOootrol
F o r communication between Mission Cmhl
* Center a , standard terminology
Centers, teminology will I n t e r p r e t e r s will
w i l l be used. Interpreters will
use the same
use the t e r n s and phrases.
same standard terms phrasee, r e p o r t s will
Verbal reports w i l l be
transmitted in
i n the
the receiving
receiving side
s i d e language. Both American and
i n t e r p r e t e r s will
Soviet interpreters t h e reports
w i l l hear the r e p o r t s in
i n English
English and Russian.
A l l verbal calls
c a l l s will
w i l l be initiated
i n i t i a t e d with the
the identification
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of aa
followed by
called person followed by the i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of aa calling
the identification c a l l i n g per-
eon, Every working
working station
station 1n Centers will
In Control Centers w i l l have standard
identi f i c a t i o a ,

- 19 -
2*3 Methodological
Methodological compatibility

It i s impossible
It is imposaible to
t o perform
p e r f o m the
the joint
j o i n t spacecraft
spacecraft missions
by different
different countries,
countrie a, without
without solving
solving the
the problems
probLems of
of methodolo-
met hodolo-
g i c a l compatibility.
compatibility, These
These are:
are: terminology
terminology regulations,
regulations, marks
agreed, unification
u n i f i c a t i o n of
of coordinate
coordinate systems
systems and
and initial
i n i t i a l data
data for
j o i n t calculations
calculatione and
and so
so on.
on. A
A demonstrative
demonstrative example
example - reaching
reaching -
agreement in
i n providing
providing Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz mission t r a j e c t o r y compatibi~
mission trajectory compatibi-
li ty,
A t the
the beginning
beginning of
of the
the joint
j o i n t work
work on
on the
the project
p r o j e c t there
appeared some
some differences
differences in
i n understanding
understanding and
and use
use of
of some
some ini-
t i a l meanings
meaaings and
and definitions
d e f i n i t i o n s by
by each
each country.
country, These
These differences
were mainly
mainly explained
explained by
by traditions
t r a d i t i o n s of
of each
each country
country in
i n space
apace re-
search. So
So the
the joint
j o i n t work
work began
began from
from the
the agreement
agreement on
on the
the initial
data and
and definitions.
definitions, Coordinate
Coordinate systems
systems were
were agreed
agreed upon.
upon, For
For de-
ecribing the
scribing the numerical
numerical characteristics
c h a r a c t e r i a t i c s the
the metrical
metrical system
syatem was
was ac-
ac- wr"
cepted, and
and for
f o r preflight
p r e f l i g h t calculations
calculakions the
the upper
upper Earth
Earth atmosphere
was taken
taken as
a s proposed by the
proposed by the USSR
USSR and
and the
the Earth
Earth gravity
g r a v i t y model,
model, pro-
posed by
by the
the USA
USA (further
( f u r t h e r they
they were
were called
c a l l e d "the
"the ASTP
ASTP models").
T h i s agreement
agreement ensured
ensured the
the compatible
compatible results
r e s u l t e of
o f trajectory
t r a j e c t o r y cal-
culations performed
performed by
by each
each country,
country, and
and their
t h e i r identical
i d e n t i c a l under-
st anding.
I n some
In some cases the traditional
cases the t r a d i t i o n a l concepts
concepts were
were retained,
retained, if
they did
they did not
not principally
p r i n c i p a l l y effect
e f f e c t the
the work.
work. For
For example, i t was
example, it waa
decided to
decided t o retain
r e t a i n the
the orbital
o r b i t a l concept,
concept, traditional
t r a d i t i o n a l for
f o r each
each coun-
t r y , but
try, but both
both definitions
d e f i n i t i o n s of
of the
the word
word orbit
o r b i t were
were clear1y given in
clearly given in
the terms
the terme of
of both
both the
the USSR and the
USSR and the USA.
A l l this
t h i s activity
a c t i v i t y resulted
r e s u l t e d in
i n the
the conunon
common "Trajectory
guage '' which
guage" which proves
proves useful i n mutual
useful in mutual understanding
understanding of
of specialists

- 20 -
working on this
t h i s and future programs. In
f u t u r e programs, I n some cases
caEjes compatibility
was achieved by compromise
compromi~se decisions as w
aEt the
t h e case with agree-
ment on Apollo and Soyuz
Soyue launch time.
time. After
A f t e r it
i t was proved to
t o be
impossible to
t o equally meet both countries
c o u n t r i e ~ llaunch time requirements,
the American and Soviet sides
sidea refused to
t o fully
f u l l y follow their
t h e i r tradi-
t i o n a l limitations
l i m i t a t i o n s and agreed on a compromised launch time.
For familiarization with
familiarization w i t h and understanding of methods and
approach, that
t h a t the
t h e cooperating sides
side8 used in
i n solving
~ o l v i n gdifferent
d i f f e r e n t pro-
blems of ballistics
b a l l i s t i c s both sides
s i d e s exchanged brief
b r i e f mathematical des-
c r i p t i o n of the methods for
cription f o r defining and planning space objects
motion: the US described procedures of Apollo rendezvous, and the
procedures of the
t h e Soyuz
Soyua forming
foraing the assembling orbit.
The ttrajectory con~atibility was checked during jjoint
r a j e c t o r y conlpatibility ex-
o i n t ex-
periments on tracking the Soviet spacecraftSoyuz-16
spacecraft SOYUZ-16by tthe USA
h e USA
and USSR ground stations.

- 21 -

3.1 The spacecraft purpose, brief

brief data on ItSoyuzN
"Soyuz" space-
c r a f t flights

The Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft is
i a designed ffor
o r solving a variety
of objectives in
i n the near space, among them:

a ) to
a) t o develop autonomous navigation, guidance, maneuver-
ing and rendezvous
rendezvous procedures and vverify
e r i f y the concepts
of designing and maintaining the Earth space astati-

b ) to
b) t o study the space flight conditions influence on
f l i g h t conditione
human 0organierm;
rgani am;

o ) investigate possibilities
c) utilizing
p o s s i b i l i t i e s of u space-
t i l i z i n g manned space-
c r a f t for o r the benefit of
f o r the Earth research ffor of the ...."

USSR national economy;

d) to
t o conduct Bome
some technical and sscientific
c i e n t i f i c experiments
in space.

During the period from 1967

1967 ttoo 1975 15 manned Soyuz
1975 15
spaceshipa accomplished their
t h e i r flight programs:
f l i g h t programs:

Soyuz- 1
Soyuz-1 23-24 April.
2)-24 1967
A p r i l 1967 cosmonaut V.M.KOMAROV
Soyuz-) 26-30 Oct. 1967 _tl ...
Soyuz-4 Jan,
14-17 Jan. 1969
1969 _"_
,~t, .
Soyuz-5 Jan,
15-18 Jan. 1969
1969 cosmonauts V.V.VOLYNOV
Soyuz-6 Oct,
11-16 Oct. 1969
1969 -"-
,n, ,S, SXININ

- 22 -
Soyua-7 12-17 Oct.
12-11 Oct, 1969
1969 cosmonaute
cosmonauts A.V.FILIPCHENKO
A, V, F I L I P C H E N X O
Soyuz-8 13-18 Oct.
Oct, 1969
1969 ,11, V.A.
A. S. Y E L I S E Y E V
Soyuz-9 1-19 June
1-19 1970
1970 -_"-
Soyuz-10 23-25 April
23-25 A pril 1971
1971 -11, V.A.SHATALOV
A. S.
Soyuz-1 1 6-30 June
6-30 1971
1971 _It_
G. T.
Soyuz-12 27-29 Sept.
27-29 Sept, 1973
1973 _"-
-11- V.G.1AZAREV
Soy~z-13 18-26
18-26 Dec.
Dec. 1973
1973 _It_
-11- P ..
SO~UZ 14- 3-19 July
3-19 July 1974
1974 _"-
P, R, P O P O V I C H
S O ~ ~ Z - 1 5 26-28
Soyuz-15 26-28 August 1974 _"-
G. V,
L. S*DrnIN
Soyuz-16 2-8 Dec. 1974 A.V.FILIPCHENKO

During these flights

f l i g h t 6 the following objectives were
a ) soyuz-4
a) Soyue-4 and Soyuz-5 pperformed
e r f orme d automatic rendezvous,
manual approach and docking of two manned vehicles, that assembl-
ed the first s t a t i o n with a total
first experimental space station t o t a l weight of
12924 kg on the Earth orbit.
o r b i t , During the flight
f l i g h t in
i n docked confi-
i n space suits
guration the 2 cosmonauts in s u i t s with
w i t h individual life
support systems
syatems performed the EVA and accomplished spacecraft-
to-spacecraft transfer
to-spacecraft transfer,o

b ) During Soyuz-6,
b) Soyu~-6, Soyuz-7
Soyuz-7 and Soyuz-8 group flight
s c i e n t i f i c and technical
scientific technical experiments H e r e accomplished, includ-
ware includ-
ing different
d i f f e r e n t methods of welding tests various metalsjin
t e s t s using varioua metals'in

- 23 -
low vacuum and
a n d weightless
w i g h t l e s s conditions, navigational tracking in
flight, spscecraf t interaction
f l i g h t , mutual maneuvering, spacecraft i n t e r a c t i o n and their
t h e i r com-
munication with ground stations,
rnunication s t a t i o n s , located i n different
l o c a t e d in d i f f e r e n t areas of
the USSR and wi th ships of t hhee USSR Academy of Science simulta-
with simulta-
neous control
c o n t r o l of 3 spacecraft flight.

c ) Soyuz-9
Soyuz-9 performed a 424 hour flight
f l i g h t during which an
extensive program of bbiological s c i e n t i f i c experiments was
i o l o g i c a l and scientific
accomplishe d.

d ) Astrophysical observations and spectrography
spec trography of some
p a r t s of the sky were conducted onboard Soyuz-13 using ItOrion-2"
telescope system.

e) Soyuz- 1, Soyuz-3,
e ) Soyuz-l, Soyuz-3, Soyuz-10, Soyuz- 11, Soyuz-12,
Soyuz- 10, Soyuz-ll, Soyuz- 12, 30-

yuz-14 and Soyuz-15 spaceships tested

yuz-14 t e s t e d some onboard and new moder-
nized systems
system8 both in
i n independent flights i n the jjoint
f l i g h t a and in o i n t flights
flights 4

with Salut-type
Salut-type stations.
s t a t i o n s . Moreover, mmanne
unmannedd Soyuz-type space-
c r a f t were t o develop in
were launched to i n flight
f l i g h t certain
c e r t a i n subsystems
aubsysteme and
some elements of spacecraft.
spacecraft .
f) According to
t o the
t h e Soviet preparation plan for
f o r tthe
joint Apollo-Soyuz
Apollo-Soyuz mission two unmanned Soyuz type spacecraft
f l i g h t s were sucoessfully
successfully accomplished (Coemoe-638
(Cosmos-638 A'pril
A 1 p r i l 2, 1974,
and Cosmos-672 August
Coemoa-672 A uguat 12, 1974).The S O J U Z - ~ ~with Filipohenko
1974.) .The Soyuz-16
and Rukavishnikov on board performed itsi t s mission from 2 thru
t h r u 8Dec.,
1974. The Soyuz...
Soyuz-1616 is
i e a prototype of the spacecraft forr tthe
f o he
Apollo-Soyuz flight
Apollo-Soyuz i n 1975. During the 6 day flight
f l i g h t in f l i g h t the onboard
systems modified according ttoo the jjoint
o i n t flight requirements were
f l i g h t requirementls
euocessf"u2ly tested.
t e s t e d , Tested were new docking unit and its
i t s automa-
i c s , orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n and guidance system, life
l i f e support system.

- 24 -
I n addition the crew activities modes
a c t i v i t i e s and operation mode8
were checked during the flight,
f l i g h t , when solving the tasks identi-
c a l to
t o those for
f o r the future
f u t u r e mission in
i n 1975.

3.2 Soyuz spacecraft

Soyuz spacecraft description

3.2.1 General description of the Soyuz spacecraft

Main characteristics:

weight. .........,.,....
maximum weight...
Spacecraft maximum 6.8 tons
Maximum length
Maximu.m length., ..........................
.......... 7,5
7.5 mm
Maximum diame ter
&ameter......................4e*. 2.72
2.72 mm
Diameter of the habitable modules . m
2.2 rn
Solar panel span..
span..,............,..~.4~..~. 8.37 mm
Total volume of the habitable modules..
modules ... m3
10 m3

Soyuz constructive arrangement

The Soyuz spacecraft consists

The c o n s i ~ t sof three main modulea:
-- Descent Vehicle (DV);
- Nodule (OM);
- Orbital Module (OM);
-- Instrument-Assembly
Instrument-Assembly Module (IAM)
(lAM). .
the Soyuz spacecraft iiss shown iin
General view of th~ n Figu-
re 3.1
re 3.i
The left
The l e f t part
p a r t of the spacecraft c o n ~ i s t sof
consists of the dock-
ing system an.d i s joined
and Orbital Module, which is joined ttoo the Descent
Vehicle, The
Vehicle. i n turn
The Descent Vehicle in turn is joined through a ffront
i s joined ront
s h i e l d to
heat shield t o the Instrument-Assembly
Instrument-Assembly Module with ssolar
o l a r panela
i n s t a l l e d , Mechanical
installed. apacecraft modules iiss
Nechanical connection of the spacecraft
performed using the pyrotechnic joints.
joints. Location of
of tthe
h e main out-
e x elements of the spacecraft systems i s shown iinn the Soyuz space-
aystems is space-

- 25 -
c r a f t general view (Figures
(Figures ~1,32)~3). The
3u1,3.2j33). elements of
of compatible

meark inserted
means i n s e r t e d to
t o support Apollo/Soyuz
Apollo/Soyuz test
t e s t project
p r o j e c t are
are outlined
particularly .
The Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t consists
c o n s i s t s of the
t h e following main sys-
t ems:
- attitude
a t t i t u d e motion control
c o n t r o l system for
f o r flight
f l i g h t and descent;
-- rendezvous and correcting
c o r r e c t i n g propulsion system;
- approach-orientation
approach-orientation propulsion system;
-- radio
r a d i o communication systems;
- electric
e l e c t r i c power supply
aupply system;
- docking
docking system;
- radio
r a d i o guidance
guidance system
system and system for
f o r providing rendez-
voua and
and approach
approach using optical
o p t i c a l devices;
- parachute
parachute system
system and soft
s o f t landing system;
- life
l i f e support
support system
syatem complex;
-- onboard
onboard equipment
equipment control
c o n t r o l system.

- 26 -
( ( (


1 12 23 6 2 3 13 19 14 15 4 19



18 r9

7,13 m
7,48 m


Y C5 f y C6

8.37 m

7 12 23 6 14 24 6 13 11

/7 \ \
I \

ZC5 I ~=_=~~ba.JU'
~ ZC6



~ 2.72m



( ( ...

7,48 m

6 5




11 - Androgynous
Androgynous peripheral docking
docking system,
22 - Orbital
Orbital MOdule,
33 - Descent
Descent Vehicle,
44 -- Instrument-Assembly
Instrument-Assembly Module,
55 - Solar
Solar panels,
66 - VHF-radio
VHF-radio station
s t a t i o n antennas
antennas on
on the frequency of 121,75
the frequency 121,75 Mhz,
77 -- Apollo
Apollo VHF-radio
VHF-radio s t a t i o n antennas
station antennas on the frequencies
on the frequencies of
259,7 Mhz and 296,8
Mhz and 296,8 Mhz,
- the antennas
88 - the o f the
antennae of the radio
radio and t e l e v i s i o n ~8tem,
and television syatem,
99 -- the of the
antennas of
the antennas the command
command radio l i n k and
radio link trajectory
and trajectory
-the antennas
10 - the
10 antennas of
of the
the radio telemetry system,
radio telemetry system,
11 -- the
11 antenna used
the antenna t o communicate
used to communicate with
with Earth,
12 -docking target,
12 - docking target,
13 -- onboard
13 onboard orientation
orientation lights,
14 - flashing light
14 - flaehing l i g h t beacons,
15 -- sun
15 sensor,
sun eensor,
- ion orientation
16 - ion
16 o r i e n t a t i o n eensor,
17 -
17 - infra
i n f r a red o r i e n t a t i o n sensor,
r e d orientation sensor,
18 -- optical
18 optical orientator,
- approach and
19 - approach
19 o r i e n t a t i o n engines,
and orientation engines,
-o r i e n t a t i o n engines,
20 - orientation
20 engine^,

- approach-cormcting engine,
21 - approach-correcting
21 engine,
22 -- the
22 the hatch
batch for the crew
f o r the crew ingress,
- external rrv
23 - external
23 camera,
TV camera,
24 -- windows.
24 windows.

To Fig, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.

- ,30 -

The Descent Vehicle (Figure14)

i s intended for
f o r crew lo-
c a t i o n during insertion
i n ~ e r t i o ninto
i n t o orbit,
o r b i t , orbital
o r b i t a l flight,
f l i g h t , controlled
descent through the atmosphere, parachuting and landing. The de-
w e n t vehicle is
i s a he
me t i c a l l y sealed compartment, provided with
two viewing windows on its
i t s sides
s i d e s and one window with sighting,
device. s h e l l of the compartment is
The shell with heat
i s covered With
shielding material on its
i t s outside, and thermal insulation
i n s u l a t i o n and
i t s inside.
decorative materials on its inside. Cosmonauts'
Cosmonautst panel spacecraft
c o n t r o l handles equipment of the main and supporting systems,con-
eystems, con-
a i n e r s for
f o r the scientific
s c i e n t i f i c equipment to
t o be returned and emergency
i t for
f o r the crew are also
a l s o located in
i n the descent vehicle,
For the ASTP there is
i s an additional control panel in
descent vehicle ttoo provide compatible radio-stations
radio-stations and external
l i g h t s control. Special lights
l i g h t s and additional brackets for
f o r TV ca-
mera. mounting are installed
mera i n s t a l l e d to
t o provide colour TV transmission,

- )1 -

11 ~ - Portable
Portable light
l i g h t with
with autonomous
autonomous power
power supply,
upp ply,

22 -- Loud
Loud speaker,
33 - Working
Working light,
44 -- VHF-radio-stations
VHF-radio-stations control
c o n t r o l panel,
55 -- Hatch
Hatch wheel,
66 -- Hatch,
Hatch, cover,

77 - Special
Special illumination
illumination lamp,
88 - Command-signal
Command-signal device,
99 - TV
TV camera,
10 -
10 - Instrument
Instrument panel,
11 -- Sighting
11 Sighting device,
12 -- Equipment,
12 Equipment,
13 -
13 - Control
Control handles,
14 -
14. ~ Window,
15 -
15 - Cosmonaut
Cosmonaut couch,
16 -
16 - Equipment,
17 -
17 - Couch
Couch leg,
18 - - Parachute
Parachute container.

Fig. 3.4
Fig. 3.4

- 33 -
The Orbital
- O r b i t a l Module (lJigure35) is
Module (Figure3.S) i s intended for
f o r conduct-
ing scientific
ing s c i e n t i f i c experiments,
experiment a, for
f o r crews spacecraf t-t o-spacecraf t
crews spacecraft-to-spacecraft
t r a n s f e r s and for
f o r the
the rest
rest of the
the crew.
The orbital
o r b i t a l module
module consists
c o n s i s t s of two
two hemispheres
hemispheres oon-
nected by aa oylindrical
c y l i n d r i c a l insert.
The androgynous
androgynous peripheral
p e r i p h e r a l docking
docking mechanism
mechanism with an
i n t e r n a l hatch, having aa cross-seotional
cross-sectional diameter
diameter of 0.8
0.8 m
m is
mounted on
on it.
i t . The
The orbital
o r b i t a l module
module has
has two
two viewing
viewing windows.
windows, The
t h i r d window
third window is i n the
i s in t h e cover
cover of the
the docking
docking mechanism
mechanism hatch.
At the bottom of the
A t the t h e module
module there i s aa hatch connecting
t h e r e is connecting the
the Or-
b i t a l Module
Module and
and the Descent Vehicle,
t h e Descent a s well
Vehicle, as as aa side
well as s i d e hatch
f o r the
for the crew t o enter
crew to e n t e r the
the spacecraft
spacecraft on
on the
the launch
launch pad.
The interior
i n t e r i o r of
of the
the module
module consists
c o n s i s t s of
of aa sideboard
and aa "Sofa",
and "SofaIt, which
which contain
contain oontrol
c o n t r o l panel, instrumentation
inatrumentation and
equipment of
equipment of the
t h e main
main support
support systems.
systems. Scientific
S c i e n t i f i c equipment
equipment is
a l s o looated
located in
i n the
the Orbital
O r b i t a l Module.
To the
the joint
j o i n t Apollo/Soyuz
Apollo/Soyuz mission
mission the following equip~
the following equip-
ment is
i s provided
provided in
i n the
the Orbital
O r b i t a l Module:
-- transponder
transponder of
o f the
the ApollO
Apollo VHF-radio-station
VHF-radio-station with
with an-
tennas and
and autonomous
autonomous power Qupply for
power ~upply f o r it;
- junction
junction box
box for
f o r connecting
connecting the communication or
the communication o r te-
l e v i s i o n equipment
equipment transferred
t r a n s f e r r e d by
by astronauts
a s t r o n a u t s from
Apollo to
Apollo t o Soyuz
Soyux during
during transfers;
-- additional
a d d i t i o n a l VHF
VHI? transoeiver;
- compatible
compatible system automatics unit.
system automatics unit,

Special lights
l i g h t s and
and additional
a d d i t i o n a l brackets
brackets for
f o r TV
TV cameras
and cine
cine and
and photography
photography equipment
equipment are
are installed
i n ~ t t a l l e din
i n the
the module
t o provide
provide colour
colour TV
TV transmission
tranarnission to
t o Earth
Earth and
and movie
movie and
and picture

- 34 -
( ( (

2 1 18 17 31 30



11 -- Hatch
Hatch cover,
22 - Docking
Docking mechanism;
- Hand-rail,
33 - Hand-rail,
44 - Water
Water dispensar,

55 -- Waste
Waste container,
66 -- Access
Access hatch,
77 -- Waste ccollector,
8 - Folding ttable,
99 -- "SideboardH,
" 51 deboard II ,
10 - Systems control panel,
11 - TV camera,
12 - Tools, communication cables,
13 - Container ffor
o r sscientific
c i e n t i f i c equipment,
14 -
- ]'ood container,
15 -- Medical kkit,
i t , headset,
16 - TV camera,

17 -- TV light,
17 light,
18 --
18 Apollo TV-camera
19 -
19 - Working lights,
20 - Container for
f o r onboard documents,
21 -- Junction box,

22 -
22 - "Sofa",
23 - Cover,
24 -- Container for
24 f o r stowage
atowage of cine and
cine and photography
equipment, pressure
pressure suits
suits and
and sleeping
sleeping bags,
25 -
25 - Fire
Fire extinguishers,
26 -- Window,
26 Window,
27 -
27 - container
Container for
f o r pressure
pressure suits
s u i t s hoses,

- 36 -
28 - Decorative covering,
29 - Container for
f o r transferred
t r a n s f e r r e d equipment,
30 -
30 - Gas
Gas analyzer,
31 -- Handle
31 Handle of the valve of
o f the module pressurization

Pig, 3.5

- 37 -
Antennas of
of compatible VHF-radio-stations,
VHF-radio-stations, antennas of
a d i o and television
t e l e v i s i o n system, main and additional
a d d i t i o n a l docking ttargets
f o r approach and docking in
i n a manual control mode are located on
the module exterior
e x t e r i o r in
i n the vvicinity
i c i n i t y of the external
e x t e r n a l TV camera.

The Instrument-Assembly
Instrument-Assembly Module
Nodule is
i s intended for
f o r carrying
the principle apparatus and equipment required for
f o r orbital
o r b i t a l flight.
This module structurally
s t r u c t u r a l l y consists
c o n s i s t s of intermediate, instrument and
assembly sections.
The intermediate section
s e c t i o n which jjoints
o i n t s the descent ve-
i c l e with the instrument section
s e c t i o n has a ttruss
m e s structure.
The engines with a thrust
t h r u s t of 10
10 kg each ,propellant
tanks and propellant feed
f e e d system of the approach and orientation
engines system, are installed
i n s t a l l e d in
i n tthis
h i s section.
On the intermediate section
s e c t i o n exterior
e x t e r i o r there are:
- the small rradiator
a d i a t o r of the thermal control system;
- front
f r o n t attachment p
o i n t s of the solar
a o l a r panels;
- antenna of
o f the command-radio link.

The pressurn-sealed
pressure-sealed instrument section
s e c t i o n has the shape
of a squat cylinder with two ends.
end^. The equipment of the attitude
motion control system, spacecraft onboard equipment
control system, radio communication system, program-timing de-
vice, radio telemetry system, electric
e l e c t r i c power supply system.
system. are-
l o c a t e d in
i n the instrument section.
section, The infra-red
infra-red orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n sen-
B O and
~ s e c t i o n outer
sun sensor are mounted on the instrument section outer
~ u xace.
The assembly section i s of a cylindrical
s e c t i o n is c y l i n d r i c a l shell
s h e l l design
ie connected with a conical shell
which is s h e l l which ends with the base

- 38 -
mounting ring for
f o r the
t h e spacecraft installation
i n s t a l l a t i o n on tthe
h e launch-ve-
On the outside of tthe
h e assembly section
s e c t i o n there are a ra-
d i a t o r of the thermal control aystem, 4 approach and orientation
c o n t r o l system, orientation
engines with a thrust
t h r u s t of 10
10 kg each, 8 orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n engines with
a thrust
tbmst of 1 kg
kg each, and rrear
e a r attachment ppoints
o i n t s of the Bolar
The rendezvous-correcting
rendezvous-correcting propulsion system is
i s located
i n the assembly section.
section. It consists
c o n s i s t s of
of a main engine, a back
up engine,
engine, propellant tanks and bipropellant feed
f e e d system.
aystem. In
I n ad-
d i t i o n ttoo that,
dition t h a t , the radio communication and telemetry antennas,
i o n sensors of the orientation
the ion o r i e n t a t i o n system and some of the
t h e bbatte-
i e s of the electric am installed
e l e c t r i c power supply system are i n s t a l l e d in t h e vi-
i n the vi-
c i n i t y of the base ring.
cinity ring.
The instrument-assembly
instnunent-aasembly module also
a l a o contains
c o n t a i n s solar bat-
s o l a r bat-
t e r i e s in
i n the
t h e form of two "wings",
tlwingsv, consisting
c o n s i s t i n g of three panela
each. Antennas for
f o r radio communication and telemetry in
i n the VHP
range and short-wave
short-wave band and onbQard
onbaard color
c o l o r orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n lights
axe located on the end panela
panels of the solar
s o l a r bbatteries.
For the Apollo/Soyuz test
t e s t pproject
r o j e c t tthe
h e following
following elements
of the compatible rendezvous system are mounted on the instrument-
aesembly module:
-- flashing
f l a s h i n g light
l i g h t beacons;
- a d d i t i o n a l docking target
- an element of the additional t a r g e t (on the
section) ;
instrument section);
- c o l o r orientation
- onboard color o r i e n t a t i o n lights so-
l i g h t s (on the ends of so-
lar panels).
l a r panels).

r e t r o r e f l e c t o r s for
The retroreflectors f o r jjoint
o i n t ultraviolet
u l t r a v i o l e t absorption
a r e mounted in
experiment are i n the orbital
o r b i t a l and instrument-assembly
- 39 - - -
The Soyuz modules are
ere externally
e x t e r n a l l y protected with shield
vacuum heat insulation
i n s u l a t i o n of green color. Moreover, the Soyuz
spacecraft is
i s covered with a jjettisonable
e t t i s o n a b l e nose fairing
f a i r i n g equip-
ped with an emergency recovery propulsion system
aystem to
t o protect the
spacecraft during the phase of passing lower atmosphere layer.

- 40 -
3.2.2. Andxogynous
Androgynous Peripheral Dockin,g Syatem (r
Docking System l g3 6)
( Flg3

'r Purpose,

The androgynous peripheral docking
docking system (APDS)
(APDS) is
i s de-
signed to
t o provide spacecraft docking and undo eking and is
undocking i s one of
tae main compatible
tke main compatible means f o r the spacecraft
means for s p a c e c r a f t rendezvous and docking,
t h a t will
w i l l be t e s t e d during the ASTP mission. The APDS is
be tested i s a modi-
f i e d docking
docking system,
ayatem, which differs
d i f f e r s from
f r o m previous
previoua versions developed
according to
t o the
the "pin-cone"
npin-conell schematic, and used for
f o r docking both
the USSR
USSR and
and US
US spacecraft.

The Docking
Docking System
System performs the followi~
following functions:
- impact energy
energy absorption;
- initial
i n i t i a l mechanical
utechanical connection;
- spaoecraft
spacecraft alignment
alignment and
m d retraction;
- spacecraft hard mechanical connection and docking
- spacecraft
i n t e r f a c e sealing;
- spacecraft
spacecraft undo eking and separation.

Docking can
can be performed
perfomned under the following
following conditions:

- spacecraft approach rate

- spacecraft i s 0.05-0.3
r a t e is m/sec;
0.05-0.3 m/sec;
-l o n g i t u d i n a l axes
- longitudinal axes displacement t o 0.3m;
di~placementup to 0.3m;
-- pitch,
p i t c h , yaw and roll
yaw and r o l l misalignment
miealignment up to
up to 7;
- angular v e l o c i t i s a : for
angular velocities: an active
f o r an a c t i v e spacecraft up to
- for aa passive
- for pasaive spacecraft
spacecraft up
up to O . l0O/8ec;
t o 0.1 /~ec;
- lateral r e l a t i v e velocity
l a t e r a l relative v e l o c i t y up
up to m/sec,
1.0 m/sec.
t o 1.0
configuration provides
APDS configuration
APDS providea an i n n e r tunnel
an inner tunnel for
for the crew
t h e crews
t o transfer
to t r a n s f e r from one spacecraft
from one spacecraft to
t o the
the other.
docking, APDS
'$hen docking,
When APDS can i n either
can be configured in e i t h e r active or
passive mode.
passive mode. The cosmonauts are
The cosmonauts are provided with
w i t h information on APDS

* primary units
primary u n i t s operation.

- 41 -
APDS Development.

a d American spe-
During the first meeting of the Soviet and spe-
c i a l i o t s in
i n October 1970
1970 the both sides
s i d e s provided data to
t o develop
a pprinciple
r i n c i p l e structure
s t r u c t u r e scheme of docking system.
It was necessary
necessssy to
t o develop an
an active/passive
active/passive system ca-
pable of docking with any spacecraft of
of the given type(androgynous
type). The US and USSR specialists
s p e c i a l i s t s provided different
d i f f e r e n t schematics
of docking system. In
of I n addition, an androgynous
androgynouu principle
p r i n c i p l e was de-
f i n e d ( t h e so called principle
called p r i n c i p l e of reverse symmetry).
The second i n June,1911
xjecond meeting was held in June,1971 in
i n Houston,USA.
For h i s meeting the
Por tthis t h e USSR side
s i d e had prepared a new draft of"Tech-
nical Requirements for
f o r Docking Systems".
Systemsff, The draft
d r a f t was used as
aa a
basis t o determine ttechnical
baais to e c h n i c a l requirements
reqUirements for
f o r development of the
i n the
By the meeting in fall 1911
t h e fall 1971 the both sides prepar-
s i d e s had prep*
ed ttheir
h e i r own drafts
d r a f t s for
f o r a principle
p r i n c i p l e structure
s t r u c t u r e scheme.
scheme, As
A 8 tthe
h e result
of the discussion the joint features of the scheme, which was ttoo
meet the compatibility requirements were worked out, It was also
agreed upon that
t h a t each side would develop its
i t s own system, and these
s y s t e m could differ from each other.
other. Most of tthe
h e Soviet proposals
on the pprinciple
r i n c i p l e scheme had been adopted.
t o provide ttoo the USSR and U
It was decided to USS docking sys-
t e m ~compatibility by using a common principle
principle structure
s t r u c t u r e scheme
and standardizing main dimensions of interacting
i n t e r a c t i n g elements
e l e n e n t s when ful-
f i l l i n g the technical f o r the structure.
t e c h n i c a l requirements for a t r a o t u r s , In addition,
load^, temperatures and some
aome other similar
similw parameters
pmametsrs were regulated.
In the
the course of development and fabrication
f a b r i c a t i o n docking system
of each country was thoxoughly
thoroughly worked at
a t and tested
t e s t e d separately
s e p a r a t e l y and
o i n t l y by each side.

- 42 -
P i r s t the USSR and US DS scale mock-upe
First t e s t e d joint-
mock-ups were tested joint-

* ly;
l y ; then their
t h e i r full-scale mock-ups development tests
full-scale mock-ups t e s t s were performed
as well as testing
t e s t i n g of dooking systems, ppractically
r a c t i c a l l y identical
i d e n t i c a l ttoo thoae
to d u r i n g the mission. And at
t o be used during a t last
l a s t the ppreflight
r e f l i g h t mate check
f l i g h t DS
of USSR and US flight performed. loreover,
DS was performed, Moreover, the USSR Docking
System was installed
i n s t a l l e d on Soyuz-16
SOW-1 6 and thoroughly ttested
ested during
d w i n g the
spece flight.
space f l i g h t . In
I n this f l i g h t , a special
t h i s flight, s p e c i a l ring simulated the Apollo
docking ring. Main docking WId
and undocking operations, including the
functioning of latches
l a t c h e s which provide rigid connection of spacecraft
have been checked

APDS Design.
The docking system consists
consists of the following
following pprinciple
assemblies :
Dockine: system base
bas~ is
i s the main structural
s t r u c t u r a l member ttoo which
main docking system
aystem assemblies are
a r e attached.
On the
the front i s a structural
f r o n t end of the base there is s t r u c t u r a l ring,
the other end of the base has a flange
flaage for
f o r attachment ttoo the
the space-
c r a f t orbital
o r b i t a l module.
module. The baee
base is
i~the pressure-tight
preesure-tight construction
and consists of a cylindrical
consista of part, formiDg
c y l i n d r i c a l part, forming a tunnel
twmel with aer hatch
which is
i s locked from inside.,
Guide rriBS
i q consists ring, hollow in
consists of a ring, f a cross-section and
5' 0 to
guides located 4
three gUides 45 t o the longitudinal axis of the docking
axis of
system, The guide rring
system. i n g is
is installed
i n s t a l l e d on six
s i x supporting
s u p p o r t h g rods, attach-
pairs. Supporting rods attachments are the kinematic connec-
ed in pairs. connec-
t i o n s between the roda
tions f o r the guide ring lateral
rods and provide for l a t e r a l dis~
placement and roll
plaoemen-t daring attenuation(three degrees of freedom).
r o l l during f~eedom),
r i n g supports three
The guide ring l a t c h e s with undock-
three capture latches
tog drives.
Ing driva s.
l a t c h e s together with capture latches
Body mounted latches latches perform
docking. They are
spacecraft docking. an the docking system base
i n s t a l l e d on
a r e installed

- 43 -
are equipped with solenoidD
m d are
and t o perform
s o l c n o i d c to u n l . n t c h i q by aa paszfve
perform unJ.atching passive
s p a c e c r a f tl,
spacecraft. 4
dads support
s u p p o r t the r i n g and connect
t h e guide ring i tt with
c o n ~ ~ o cit w i t h tthe g u i -r2ee
h e F,ui
d r i vvee and docking syDtem
r i n z drt
ring syr:i;ern base. [l'11e roda
':'he ro a r e ball
ds are s c r c w s , tha
b e l l screws, t h at
c o n v e r t the
convert t h e stroke
s t r o k e of acrcw rod
o f the screw i n t o rotary
mcl into r o t a r y moti.on
moti.on of
o f the nut
.Lhe nut
v i c e vversa.
and vice e r s a , The rrod configuratio:? allows
o d configuration t o change its
all^,^:^^ to i t s length
r e l a t i v e ttoo the
relative 'the attachment ppoints.
o i n t a . 'l'he
Ill-ic rrods
ods a r e utto.chod
are t o the
attcichcd to the
t h r o u ~ hjjoints
base through oir1.t s :.{ t h r e e degrees of freedom
with three f r e e rloni which transmit
t h e rotar.y
the rotarty motion of the
t h e rods
rocia to
t o tthe
h e base a8:3embly. rods
'ho rods
arrr:xmb'r,y, '1The arc
a t t a c h e d to
t o the
t h e guide
e u i d e rring
i n g at
a t three
t h r c e ppoints
o i n t s through
tlirough rod
r o d connecting
o i n t s which provide
provicte kinematic
lcinematic connection
conriection between tthe
h e crews.

Guide rJ2~llg
i q cri
d r i vvee together
.Loget h e r with
i l ~t,h
i d i f f eren-l;ial assembly
differential a ~ n e r n b l ypper-
f c ~ m atwo basic
ferms furlctions, The first
basic functions. P ~ : ~ n e t i ois
first function ins to
t o provide for
1-otntion of the
rotation t h e guide rring
i n g about lateral
l a t e r 2 1 axes
a x e s (pitch
( p i t c h and yaw) du-

r i n g tthe
ring h e impact
i u ~ p a c tattentJation.
a t t e n u a t i o n , The second function
f u n c t i o n is
is ttoo retract
and extend
axtend the
t h e guide ring. ring rotation
r i n g , The guide rbilzk; r o t a t i o n is
is accomplished
through misalignment of
of the
t h e length
l e n g t h of
of' three
three rrod pairs.
od p airs, The
misaliGnment i s accomplished
misalignment is Gear differentials.
accompli.~lhedby two gear d i f f e r e n t i a l s . !J.'he
The impact
i s absorbe
energy is absorbedd by spring loaded
l o a d e d mechanisms, which also s e r v e ttoo
a180 serve

r e t u r n the
return t h e guide ring i t s initial
r i n g ttoo its i n i t i a l ponii;ion. The supporting
position. [l'he sup2orLing rods
a r e move
are movedd by a uriva, no tors and
d r i v e , having two motors a d d i t i o n a l differen-
a n d an additional differen-

S t r u c t u r a l ring
structural l~a t c h
r i n latch provide hard, p r e s s u r e - t i g h t con-
hard, pressure-tight con-
n e c t i o n of
nection t h e spacecraft.
o f the s,)acccraft, They consist
c o n s i s t of eight
c i g h t active and eight
a c t i v e ane. eight
p a s s i v e hooks, electrical
passive e l e c t r i c a l drive of' the latches
d r i v e installed on one of latches
a n d closed-loop
and closed-loop cables
c a b l e s
conneet;inp; them.
them, Each a c t i v c hook has
dach activo has a
ope r a t e d mechanism,
cam operated mechmizrn, which performs i t s opening and tightoning.
p e r f orr~isits t i g h toning,
Correspondin;; hoolcs
Corresponding hooks of the p
passi sya tern are
a s s i vvae docking system c a p t u r e d by
ase capture

a c t i v e hooks.
active hooks, The ppassive
a s s i v e hook hhas
a s a stack
s t a c k of
of p r e l o a d e d bellville
preloaded bellville
s p r i n g s pproviding
springs r o v i d i n g a definite
d e f i n i t e force
f o r c e for
f o r the docking interface
i n t e r f a c e pre-

1oa ding.

- 44 -
Each passive and active
a c t i v e hook is equipped with a pyrobolt
to i f necessary. p
t o provide, if r a c t i c a l l y instantaneous undocking,
practically undocking.

i n together with the socket is

Guide ppin f o r the
i s designed for
spacecraft exact alignment during the final
f i n a l phase of rretraction.
When the DS is i n active
i s in a c t i v e mode the
the ppin
i n can move rradially
a d i a l l y ttoo compen-
gate for
sate a t m c t u r a l distortion
f o r thermal and structural d i s t o r t i o n of s t r u c t u m l ring.
o f the structural
When the docking system is i n passive mode, the guide pin is
i s in auto-
i s auto-
i n its
matically locked in i t s central
c e n t r a l position,
The structural
s t r u c t u r a l rring
i n g is
is also
a l s o equipped with docking interface
s e a l contact sensors and sensors indicating
seal i n d i c a t i n g the interface
i n t e r f a c e seal
s e a l com-

Spring thrusters
S p r i n g thrusterg are located on the docking rring
i n g and pro-
vide spacecraft separation when the latches
l a t c h e s are
a r e opened.

Dockim interface
DOCking -
i n t e r f a c e seal
seal w i l l provide pressure integrity
will i n t e g r i t y of
interfaces. Docking interface
the docking interfaces. i n t e r f a c e seal
s e a l consists
c o n s i s t s of two con-
c e n t r i c rubber rrings
i n g s seals
s e a l s on each system.
system, The sealing is perform-
i s perfom-
e d according ttoo a "seal-to-seal"
ed tlseal-to-sealrl type.

i s a ppart
The manhole cover is t h e docking system and is
a r t of the is
used ttoo close the ttransfer
r a n s f e r tunnel of the spacecraft.
i s manually performed by the
The manhole locking/unlocking is
crew. The manhole is
crew. i s sealed by a sealing mechanism, which has eight
l a t t e r being connected with each other
eccentric type latches, the latter other
cloaed cable connection.
by means of closed I n case the cover sealing
connection. In s e a l i n g me-
chanism fails, o r even all
f a i l s , several or a l l hooks can be opened or
o r closed
by means of
of its
i t s disassembling and subsequent assembling
assembling,g The Docking
System is
i s equipped with alarm and meter system which pmvide
provide all
a l l data
about DS operation.
operati on during docking/undocking
APDS 0Eeration
w i l l first
During the mission the Soyuz docking system will

- 45 -
operate in
i n aa passive mode, and during redocking in
i n an active mode.
a c t i v e mode.
$pacecraft docking
docking schematic is
i s given in
i n Fig.3J
P r i o r to
t o docking
docking the active
a c t i v e DB
DS guide ring
r i n g is
i s extended in-
t o forward
forward position,
p o s i t i o n , and the
the passive DS
DS guide ring
r i n g is
i s retracted
t o its
i t s most
most rearward position.
During approach the
the spacecraft are
a r e oriented
o r i e n t e d relative
r e l a t i v e to
each other
other so
so that
t h a t the
the DS
DS guides
guides of one spacecraft be approximate-
l y opposite
opposite the
the DS
DS hollows
hollows of the other.
During spacecraft contact (impact)
(impact) the guides of one DS
s l i d e along
along the
the guides
guides of the
the other
o t h e r one, thus absorbing the space-
c r a f t impact
impact energy;
energy; then the
the active
a c t i v e DS
DS guide ring
s i n g contacts with
t h e passive
passive one, and
and initial
i n i t i a l capture and spacecraft alignment is
accomplished, Then
Then the
the spacecraft retraction
r e t r a c t i o n and their
t h e i r rigid
r i g i d coupl-
i n g is
i s performed.

Attenuation of
of spacecraft r e l a t i v e motion is
spacecraft relative r e a l i z e d by
i s realized
the guide
guide ring's
r i n g ' s moving
moving in
i n any
any direction
d i r e c t i o n (on
(on all
a l l six
s i x degrees of
freedom) and
and energy
energy absorbing
absorbing units
u n i t s (springs
(spring8 and brakes).
brakes), The ring
movement in
i n all
a l l direction
d i r e c t i o n is
i s provided by changing the length of
the six
the roda.
s i x rods.

The i n i t i a l capture
The initial capture is latches
i s performed by three capture latches
on the
on the guide
guide ring,
r i n g , which
which capture body-mounted
body-mounted latches
l a t c h e s of the
t h e pas-
s i v e system.
sive system.

The spacecraft
The spacecraft alignment i s achieved by spring
alignment is spring mechanisms,
l o c a t e d on
located on the
t h e guide
guide ring on the
and on
ring and the drive.
case the
I n case
In the spring
spring energy
energy is
i s not adequate
adequate for
f o r alignment,
the active
the a c t i v e DS
DS ring
r i n g is extended into
i s extended i t s most forward
i n t o its forward position
( t i l l stop)
(till s t o p ) by
by means of the
means of the drive,
drive, and
a n d the
t h e spacecraft are
a r e aligned

- 46 -
The guide ring retraction
r e t r a c t i o n is performed
i s perf means of the
omned by mean8
drive after
a f t e r the
t h e spacecraft alignment.
alignment, During the llast of re-
a s t phase of re-
t r a c t i o n the guide pins
pine and sockets, located on the sstructural
ring, perform
perf om spacecraft
f i n a l alignment.
alignment, When rretracting ex-
e t r a c t i n g and ex-
tending the guide ring
r i n g electromagnetic locks,
locke, which prevent the
guide ring misalignment, can be activated.

Spacecraft rigid
r i g i d docking.
d o c k i q , After the docking interface
touching structure latches
l a t c h e s perform rrigid interface
i g i d docking and interface
sealing, Then the docking interface
i n t e r f a c e and spacecraft tunnel lleak
t e s t a are
are performed.
performed, The docking process iiss completed,

Undocking is
Undocking i s performed by an active spacecrafts capture
latches release and then by opening the structure llatch hooks. If
a t c h hooks, If
necessary, undocking can be performed
perfomed by a passive spacecraft by

body-mounted latches
l a t c h e s release and opening the sstructure
t r u c t u r e llatch pas-
a t c h pas-
sive hooks.
sive hooks,

i s perfomed
Spacecraft separation is performed by spring tthrusters,
~etrically s t r u c t u r a l rings of
located on the structural of both systema,af-
t e r the latches
ter l a t c h e s release

A l l principal operations including sstructural

All t r u c t u r a l llatch
a t c h ope-
r a t i o n dUring
ration during docking and undocking are redundant.
redundant. Capture llaa ttch
undocking as s t r u c t u r a l latch
as well as structural l a t c h active and passive hooks
i s provided by pyrotechnic devices.
opening is
The docking system can perf
The o m all
perform a l l operations during dock-
ing/undocking automatically or
o r each operation ~ e p a r a t e l yby iiniti-
separately niti-
ating commands by cosmonauts oorr via command radio com-
a t i n g appropriate commands com-
l i n k , The system operation monitoring iiss perfomed
munication link. performed by
cosmonauts control panel indication and by the ground personnel
'~r telemetry),
(( teleme try)
-- 47 --

Body mounted latches Thrusters


Guide pin

/If/..... J I II Structural latches

Docking inferface

Supporting rod Capture latches

Guide ring (extended) Guide ring (retracted)



( ( (
v 1.
1. Initial
Initial contact 2. Guide ring
ring mate
mate and
and capture

and retraction
3. Mutual alignment and retraction 4. Hard
4. Hard and
and pressure-tight
pressure-tiqht coupling

Cosmonauts' transfer
5. Cosmonauts'



The difference between the Soyu~
Soyuz and Apollo Docking

The USSR and US docking system designs have considerable

differences, The differences are based on previous ex-
a r e primarily baaed ex-
perience of
of each side specialists
s p e c i a l i s t s and uutilization
t i l i z a t i o n of different
s t r u c t u r a l procedures in
i n manufacturing structural
a t m c t u r a l elements.
elerneat s.
o f the principle differences of docking systems in-
One of
volve those in r i n g systems.
i n attenuation system and guide ring systems,
Unlike the Soyuz docking system electromechanic system of
the Apollo is a t t e n u a t o r s and elec-
i s equipped with autonomous gyro attenuators elec-
r i c drive with cable connection.
Another essential
e s s e n t i a l difference it
i t tthat
h a t the Soyuz docking
system has electric
e l e c t r i c drives
d r i v e s for
f o r capture and body-mounted
body-mounted latches
and pyrodevices for
f o r re
dundant undocking.
However, despite the difference in
i n docking system designs,
the fulfillment
f u l f i l l m e n t of agreed upon pprinciples
r i n c i p l e s and requirements pro-
vided their
t h e i r compatibility and made Soyuz/Apollo
Soyuz/~pollodocking possible,

3.2.3 Attitude and motion control
c o n t r o l system

Attitude and motion control system function and structure


a t t i t u d e and motion control system is

The Soyuz attitude i s ttoo provide
the spacecraft attitude
a t t i t u d e control.
This is: build-up o r i e n t a t i o n modes; long-term
build-up of orientation long-term mainte-
nance of the spacecraft specific
s p e c i f i c orientation - a t t i tude hold;
o r i e n t a t i o n - attitude
spacecraft attitude
a t t i t u d e hold with the generation of
o f a reaction pulse
of the approach - correcting propulsion system (ACPS);
(ACPS) ; approach
control during the spacecraft rendezvous.

- 50 -
AIklCS includes: command sensors; converting
AMCS convertirg and switching
devices; monitoring and attitude
a t t i t u d e control
c o n t r o l aids
a i d s and spacecraft con-
r o l l e r s ; rreaction
e a c t i o n jjet
e t microengines, approach-correcting propul-
approach-correcting propul-
s i o n system.
The spacecraft attitude
a t t i t u d e control
c o n t r o l may be conducted both auto-
matically and manually. The crew can select
s e l e c t a control
c o n t r o l mode. Auto-
matic modes can be initiated
i n i t i a t e d by ground radiocommands.
radiocommands. During auto-
matic orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n sensing devices supply data on the spacecraft at-
i t u d e and rrotation
o t a t i o n rrate.
a t e , The onboard logic
l o g i c device converts these
data into
i n t o on-off
on-off commands
commands for
f o r thrusters
t h r u s t e r s which control
c o n t r o l the space-
c r a f t turns.
The manual control loop enables the crew ttoo orient
o r i e n t tthe
o r stars.
spacecraft t~oo the Earth, Sun or s t a r s , During the orientation
i s sighting
mode the crew is points
s i g h t i n g these reference p o i n t s using optical
devices or
o r spacecraft p
o s i t i o n transducers.
transducers, The spacecraft orien-
a t i o n accomplished by means of hand controllers
c o n t r o l l e r s which provide on-
off signals
s i g n a l s to
t o orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n engines.

Command sensOrs
Infra-red horizon sensor senses the Earth and atmosphere
infm-red radiation and provides the spacecraft orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n to-
wards the Earth center.

I o n i c sensors respond to
t o t hhee counter flow of ions
i o n s which
a r e the atmosphere "traces"
"tracest1 at
a t these altitudes.
a l t i t u d e s . These sensors ge-
nerate control
c o n t r o l signals
s i g n a l s when the
t h e spacecraft longitudinal
l o n g i t u d i n a l axis
a x i s de-
v i a t e s from its velocity
its v e l o c i t y vector during the spacecraft orbital
o r b i t a l mo-

i s used during the

Sun sensor is t h e spacecraft orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n to-
wards the Sun. The sonsor has two side central
s i d e search zones and the central

- 51 -
f i e l d of view. The Sun is
of view. usually
is u ~ u a l l yacquired at
a t first
f i r s t by one of the
i t is
sensor search zone, and then it i~ "carrie
" c a r r i e dd"u to
t o the sensor mid-
mi d-

Anaular-rate pickups are electronic/gyroscopic
electronic/gyroscopic instruments
t o measure the spacecraft rrotation
o t a t i o r i velocity.
velocity. The instruments con-
v e r t i n g units' integ:rate
i n t e g r a t e velocity
v e l o c i t y signals
s i g n a l s and issue
issue control
c o n t r o l signals
t o the
proportional to t h e spacecraft rrotation
o t a t i o n angles.
Onboard the
t h e spacecraft there is
i s a gyropackage comprising
two gyros.
gyros, This assembly maintains the spacecraft set
s e t orientation
and allows t o pperform
allow^ to e r f o m programmed turns.

Viaion devices, orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n monitors and controllers

Vision and orientation

o r i e n t a t i o n monitoring devices and controllers
a r e located at
a t the crew stations
s t a t i o n s in
i n the descent vehicle,

Cosmonaut l a sighting
s i g h t i n g device is
i s an optical
o p t i c a l device designat- .~

e d for
f o r visual
v i s u a l observation of the o r the other
t h e Earth or o t h e r spacecraft du-
r i n g its
i t s approach.
approach, It has a central
c e n t r a l and p
e r i p h e r a l field
f i e l d of view.
The earth
e a r t h edge p
o s i t i o n in peripheral
in p e r i p h e r a l zones
zones allows
axlows ttoo ori-
e n t the spacecraft towards the Earth centre.

Ground speed in
i n the central
c e n t r a l field
f i e l d of the sighting
s i g h t i n g device
i s used when performing its
i t s yaw orientation.
On the outside of the DV windows shade gauges are
a r e located.
The cosmonaut perf oms the spacecraft orientation
performs o r i e n t a t i o n towards tthe
h e Sun
by the shadow on the gauge screens.

Using the controllers

controllere the cosmonaut provides the
t h e space-
c r a f t rotation
r o t a t i o n or
o r translational maneuvers.
t r a n s l a t i o n a l maneuvers.

The cosmonaut's
cosmonaut's panel include data display facilities
f a c i l i t i e s and
c o n t r o l systems.
the spacecraft control aystems. The panels with two cornmand-sig-
comnd-sig- 4

- 52 -
n a l devices and the DV instrument board aare
r e used during the AMCS


Soyuz docking targets

The main orbit-deployed

orbit-deployed docking ttarget
a r g e t iiss llocated
o c a t e d on tthe
outside of the
t h e orbital
o r b i t a l module near the docking system,
It comprises a cross placed iinn ffront of the screen which
r o n t of
i s the target
t a r g e t base. There is
i s also
a l s o a ccross pattern
ross p a t t e r n aavailable
v a i l a b l e on
the base screen.
lrkiithboth crosses aligned the Soyuz X-axis
X-axis iiss ddirected
towards the
t h e observer.
observer, Besides the main ttarget orbital and in-
a r g e t the orbital. in-
strument-assembly modules carry
c a r r y fixed plates
fixed p l a t e s with marks which
serve as
as an additional
a d d i t i o n a l target.

Onboard orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n lights
Onboard orientation l i g h t s -- rred,
o r i e n t a t i o n lights e d , green and ttwo
w o white
ligths -
l i g t h s - are
a r e mounted on solar batteries.
solar b a t t e r i e s . They allow tto approxima-
o approxima-
t e l y determine
detemine the approaching spacecraft mutual pposition.
The Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft will
w i l l carry
c a r r y two fflashing
l a s h i n g llight beacons.
i g h t beacons.
a r e to
They are t o detect
defect and identify
i d e n t i f y the spacecraft during tthe
h e mission
d a r k phase at i n i t i a l stage
a t the initial (early approach),
s tage of approach (early approach). The
beacons flashing
f l a s h i n g light
l i g h t will
w i l l help tto
o iidentify
d e n t i f y the spacecraft aagainst
s t a r background.
the star background.

M~CS jjet
e t thrusters
t h r u s t e r s and approach-correcting
approach-correcting ppropulsion

The attitude
The a t t i t u d e and motion control
c o n t r o l system,control jjet
e t tthrust-
c o r r e c t i n g propulsion sys
e r s and approach correcting
ers tern comprise 14 approach
o r i e n t a t i o n engines (AOE)
and orientation (AOE) each of 10 kg-thrust and 8 orien-
(OE) , 1 kg-thrust each.
t a t i o n engines (OE),

- 53 -
These thrusters
t h r u s t e r s are fired
f i r e d in
i n various combinations accord-
i n g ttoo the spacecraft control
c o n t r o l logics.
They either
e i t h e r provide control
c o n t r o l moments and make the space-
c r a f t turn
t u r n about its
i t s mass centre or
o r they enable ttranslational
r a n s l a t i o n a l ma-
neuve rs .
The descent vehicle also c a r r i e s 6 control
a l ~ ocarries c o n t r o l thrusters
which are fired
f i r e d during the
t h e vehicle descent phase,
The approach-correcting
approach-correcting propulsion system (ACPS),
(ACPS), which
i s designated to
t o generate a correcting
c o r r e c t i n g and a rate-damping reac-
rate-damping reac-
t i o n pulse, has a one-chamber
one-chamber approach-correcting
approach-correcting engine (ACE)
(ACE) of
417 kg-thrust
kg-thrust and a two-chambers
two-chambers backup correcting
c o r r e c t i n g engine (BOE)
with steering
s t e e r i n g nozzles of 411
411 kg-thrust.
Yhe ACPS has self-contained bipropellant
self-contained b i p r o p e l l a n t tanks,a propellant-
tanks ,a propellant-
feed system for
f o r each engine and appropriate automatic systems.

AMCS modes

The Soyuz flight

f l i g h t program provides for
f o r the spacecraft differ-
e n t orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n and attitude
a t t i t u d e hold at
a t each mission stage.
stage, The prio-
r i t y of
of these procedures is
i s defined by concrete purposes.
Orientation modes - both automatic and manual - begin with -
searching reference points,
points. The spacecraft rrotates
o t a t e s with constant
speed until
u n t i l a specific
s p e c i f i c reference point
p o i n t is
i s acquired by the sensor
o r the
t h e cosmonaut's
cosmonautts sighting
s i g h t i n g device.
device, Then the sensor central
c e n t r a l axis
i a aligned with tthe
h e reference point direction.
The orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n sensors are
a r e fixed
f i x e d rrigidly
i g i d l y on the space-
c r a f t modules.
modules, Their alignment with celestial
c e l e s t i a l bodies selected
provide8 the spacecraft orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n rrelative
e l a t i v e to
t o these bodies.
b o d i e ~ ,Af-
t e r tthat
h a t the spacecraft attitude
a t t i t u d e is maintained.
i s maintained,

Automatic orbital
o r b i t a l orientation i s performed using ionic
o r i e n t a t i o n is i o n i c sen...
sen- d

- 54 -
s o r and infrared
i n f r a r e d horizon sensor.
Vfhen using the IR-sensor
IR-sensor the spacecraft Y-axis
Y-axis ((lateral
axis) is
i s directed
d i r e c t e d towards the Earth centre.
centre, The iionic
o n i c sensor
a l i g n s the spacecraft X-axis
X-axis with orbital
w i t h the o plane. The space-
r b i t a l plane, space-
c r a f t can be transferred
t r a n s f e r r e d from its
i t s orbital
o r b i t a l oorientation
r i e n t a t i o n tto spe-
o any spe-
c i f i c position
p o s i t i o n in
i n reference to
t o celestial
c e l e s t i a l reference ppoints
o i n t s using
programme d turns.
To perform this
t h i s procedure the gyros are uncaged aatt the de-
s i r e d moment
lnoment and store
s t o r e the reference pposition
o s i t i o n ffor
o r any sspecific
The Soyuz c o n t r o l system allows ttoo perform pprogrammed
Soyuz control mgrmed
t u r n s without using gyros
gyma of a gyro package,
package. IIn
n tthis angular-
h i s case angular-
r a t e pickups and their
t h e i r integrating
i n t e g r a t i n g devices aare used.
r e used.
The gyro package and angular-rate
angular-rate pickups allow tto main-
o main-
t a i n the spacecraft attitude.
a t t i t u d e . To maintain the oorientation space-
r i e n t a t i o n the space-
craft needa compensation of disturbing moments due ttoo the eeffect
c r a f t needs of
f f e c t of
the g r y v i t a t i o n a l field.
t h e atmosphere and the Earth gryvitational .field,
angular-rate pickups iillustrate
The gyro package and angular-rate l l u s t r a t e func-
t i o n a l redundancy when performing orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n ooff one ddefinite type.
e f i n i t e type,
The different
The i n solving similar problems in-
d i f f e r e n t approaches in in-
c r e a s e s the spacecraft control
creases e l i a b i l i t y and iits
c o n t r o l system rreliability t s "surviv-
" surviv-
abili y".
a b i l i tty".
one-axis orientation
The spacecraft one-axis o r i e n t a t i o n towards the Earth iiss
hosizon sensor, while iits
i n f r a r e d horizon
provided by the infrared t s oorientation
along the motion direction i s performed by use of
d i r e c t i o n is of iionic
o n i c sensor.
On generating a reaction
On r e a c t i o n pulse by tthe
h e approach-correcting
s t a b i l i z e d and maintain its
w i l l be stabilized
assembly the spacecraft will it^^ aatti-
tude unchange d.
a t t i t u d e stabilization
The spacecraft attitude s t a b i l i z a t i o n iiss provided
provided by the
The special t h i s system measures the vvelocity
s p e c i a l device of this elocity

- 55 -
increments and upon achieving a specific
s p e c i f i c value shuts off the pro-
pro- ~

pUlsion system.
During the spacecraft sun-orientation
sun-orientation the onboard-automatic
device provides the spacecraft
spacecmf t rotation
r o t a t i o n and exposes solar batteries
s o l a r bat teriea
t o the sun radiation.
r a d i a t i o n , When the proper p
o s i t i o n is
i s achieved, it
i t can
be maintained by means of two ways, namely by twist,
t w i s t , during which the
spacecraft m a ~ n t a i n sits
ma~ntains i t s attitude
a t t i t u d e like
l i k e a top,
t o p , and by vibrations
vibration0 about
the Sun direction
d i r e c t i o n ,o
The cosmonaut may pperform
e r f o m the spacecraft orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n of any
type both in
i n manual and automatic modes,
During automatic modes, which are
a r e of great importance, the
cosmonaut usually
u s u a l l y monitors
monitor^ the process using tthe
h e display, sighting
device or
o r signalling
s i g n a l l i n g system on the cosmonaut's panel.
The rig'ht controller
c o n t r o l l e r is
i s used by the cosmonaut
coemonaut to
t o ensure the
spacecraft control
c o n t r o l through each of tthe
h e tthree
h r e e channels, setting
s e t t i n g the
spacecraft rotational t o 3 degrees p
r o t a t i o n a l speed up to per
e r second.
I n the
In precision
the p r e c i s i o n mode the
t h e controller
c o n t r o l l e r enables the cosmonaut
t o use some pulses of control
c o n t r o l jjet
e t engines which provide the space-
c r a f t minimum rotational
r o t a t i o n a l speed and fuel
f u e l consumption.

AMCS operation
MCS ope r a t ion during rendezvous, aEproach
approach and docking
Two revolutions pprior
r i o r to
t o docking the Soyuz crew manually
t u r n s the spacecraft to
t o perform its
i t s orbital
o r b i t a l orientation.
o r i e n t a t i o n . During
h r i n g this
o r i e n t a t i o n the spacecraft X-axis
X-axis aligns
a l i g n s with its
i t s vvelocity
e l o c i t y vector,
i t s Y-axis
while one of its i s directed
Y - a x i ~ is d i r e c t e d towards tthe
h e Earth centre.
centre, On ac-
complishing orbital
o r b i t a l orientation i t is
o r i e n t a t i o n it i a maintained automatically using
the spacecraft AMCS.
AMCS. Upon detecting
d e t e c t i n g "Soyuz"
nSoyuzl' with "Apollo"
llApolloll optical
o p t i c a l de-
v i c e ~the spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t begin their
t h e i r approach.

- 56 -
To facilitate
f a c i l i t a t e "Soyuz"
tlSo.yuzll detection and identification
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n during
e a r l y approach at
a t the orbital
o r b i t a l dark phase the Soyuz
Soyuz instrument-assembly
module carries
c a r r i e s body-mounted
body-mounted flashing beacons,?he flashes
f l a s h i n g beacons.~he f l a s h e s of
of the white
l i g h t allow to
t o detect the spacecraft at a t aa distance
distance of hundre dscf
hundreds of
The onboard coloured orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n lights
l i g h t s located
l o c a t e d on solar
s o l a r bat-
t e r i e s are
a r e used to visually
v i s u a l l y determine the spacecraft attitude.In
a t t i t u d e . I n case
of need the crew may establish
e s t a b l i s h communication between the spacecraft
by switching on and off
o f f the onboard lights,
l i g h t s , should the radio con~uni
c a t i o n between the spacecraft be not established
e s t a b l i s h e d for
for some
some reasons.
The Soviet
Soviet spacecraft docking
docking target
t a r g e t can be observed from
at aa distance
distance of 200 meters.
With the
the distance
distance of aa few
few dozens
dozens meters, the
the target
t a r g e t allows
t o determine
determine the
t h e spacecraft
s p a c e c ~ a f tattitude
a t t i t u d e and
and distance.
distance, The
The precise
p r e c i s e align~
ment uSing
using the target
t a r g e t is
i s performed
perfonned at
at a distance
distance of approximately
10 meters.
During approach
approach and
and docking
docking the
the Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft changes
changes its
o r i e n t a t i o n mode.
mode, After
A f t e r that
t h a t it
i t maintains
maintains its
i t s constant orientation
r e l a t i v e to
t o celestial
c e l e s t i a l bOdies.
To observe
observe the
the docking
docking target
t a r g e t it
i t is
i a convenient
convenient to
t o automati-
c a l l y maintain
maintain such
such inertial
i n e r t i a l orientation,
o r i e n t a t i o n , since
since the
t h e conditions
conditions of
of the
t a r g e t illumination
i l l u m i n a t i o n do
do not
not change
change during
during the
the spacecraft
spacecraft approach.
When in
i n the
the vicinity
v i c i n i t y of
of "Apollo",
I1Apollo1', the
the Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft
turns about
about its
i t s X-axis
X-axis and
and sets
s e t s into
i n t o position
p o s i t i o n fit
f i t for
f o r docking.
The orientation
o r i e n t a t i o n system
system stores
s t o r e s and
and maintains
maintains this
this position.
The DM
1381I contact
contact sensors
sensors respondrespond to
t o the
the spacecraft
spacecraft contact
contact and
and dis-
'Cr able
able thet h e Soyuz
Soyuz attitude
a t t i t u d e and
and motion
motion control
c o n t r o l system.

- 57 -
3*2,4 -Life support systems.
systems. Purpose Mand
and composition

The main function of the Soyuz life

l i f e support systems
(LsS) is
i s ttoo provide life
l i f e supporting conditions during the flight
f o r the crew ttoo perform ttransfers
r a n s f e r s and jjoint
o i n t activities with the
Apollo crew.

ZSS provide and maintain the required atmosphere,
temperature and sanitary
s a n i t a r y conditions.
conditions, The LSB
LSS also provide the
a l s o provida
c r e w with food and water.

a s follows:
Functionally the systems can be divided as

- gas composition supply system;
-- pressure suit
s u i t set;
-- thermal control
c o n t r o l system;
- food and water supply systems;

- furnishings
f u r n i s h i n g s and hygiene facilities.

For the Soyuz/ApOllo

Soyuz/Apollo flight
f l i g h t the
t h e gas composition support
~lyatemwas modified ttoo provide a ppossibility
o s s i b i l i t y of establishing
e s t a b l i s h i n g an
atmosphere with preasure
pressure of 490-550
490-550 mm Hg,

l i m i t was taken close to

The high limit t o maximum which excluded
the necessity
the n e c e s s i t y of performing de saturation; the low limit was taken

t o ensure safety
to ( t h e oxygen volumetric contents not more than 40761,
s a f e t y (the 40%).

- 58 -
The Soyuz pe rc entage and cosmonauts'
Soyuz atmosphere high oxygen percentage cosmonauts stay-
ing i n the Apollo oxygen atmosphere
i n g in atmosphere made necessary to
t o perform ad-
d i t i o n a l fire
f i r e safety
s a f e t y certification
c e r t i f i c a t i o n of the most part
p a r t of the
t h e Soyuz
equipment and assemblies, and in
i n some
some cases
cases the materials
m a t e r i a l s used
we r e replaced.

The joint
j o i n t flight
f l i g h t required that
t h a t the thermal control
c o n t r o l EWstem
should also
a l s o be developed: the wrovisions
grovisions are
a r e made
made to
t o protect
protect the
Soyuz structural
s t m c t u r a l elements from
from the
t h e Apollo engine
engine plume
plume heating
during the docking,
docking, a heat-exchanger
heat-exchanger in
i n the form
form of a bracket was
developed for
f o r the Apollo transceiver
t r a n s c e i v e r installed
i n s t a l l e d in
i n the Orbital
O r b i t a l Mo~
dule .
Gas composition support system

Gas composition
composition support system is
i s designed to
t o provide in
t h e Soyuz
Soyuz spacecraft (and in
i n the
the docking
docking module
module when transfer
t r a n s f e r tun-
n e l hatches are open)
hatches are the required life
open) the l i f e supporting
supporting atmosphere
atmosphere com-
p o s i t i o n and
and pressure, oxygen and
and carbon dioxide
dioxide partial
p a r t i a l pressure
and hazardous
hazardous impurity
impurity contents required. The
GCSS proVides
provides module
pressure equalization
e q u a l i z a t i o n and
and depressurization both during
during the
t h e space-

- 59 -
crcaft autonomous and jjoint
o i n t flights,
f l i g h t s , monitors module p
r e s s u r e inte-
inte- ~

g r i t y and atmosphere contents.
c o n t e n t s , If
If necessary, the
t h e GCSS provides gas
leakage make-up
make-up and maintains the suit pressure
suit p required.
r e s s u r e required.
I n the
t h e first
f i r s t orbits
o r b i t s the Soyuz spacecraft pressure
spacecraft p r e s s u r e slightly
exceeds the atmospheric pressure
atmosphedc! p r e s s u r e 'because of
of the module additional
p with
ressurization w i t h oxygen performed at
a t the
t h e launch site.
~ i t e ,The addi-
tional pressurization
tional p r e s s u r i z a t i o n will
w i l l provide the
t h e normal oxygen contents
c o n t e n t s for
t h e subsequent depressurization
d e p r e s s u r i z a t i o n ttoo 490-550 mm Hg.
490-550 mrn Hg, Following the
t h e com-
p l e t i o n of the jjoint
o i n t activities with tthe
h e Apollo crew the Soyuz pses-
sure is
i s increased
i n c r e a s e d to a s a result
t o atmospheric as a i r ppressuriza-
r e s u l t of the air ressuriza-
t i o n from a specially-designed tank.
specially-designed tank,
The removal of carbon dioxide and hazardous
i m p u r i t i e s excreted
e x c r e t e d by the
t h e crewmen as well as the replenishment of
the oxygen consumed during bbreathing
r e a t h i n g are
a r e performed by the regenera-
t i o n facilities
f a c i l i t i e s installed
i n s t a l l e d in
i n the Descent Vehicle and the Orbital
Orbital 4
Module. The operating
Module. o p e r a t i n g principle i s as follow~
p r i n c i p l e is follow@ a i r is
air i s supplied
t o the regenerators
r e g e n e r a t o r s by means of fans; i n the
f a n s ; in t h e regenerators
r e g e n e r a t o r s contain-
ing potassium superoxide the
i n g potaaaiwn a i r is
t h e air purified
ia p u r i f i e d and enriched
e n r i c h e d with oxy-
gen, when the rregenerator
gen, e g e n e r a t o r is
i s inoperative
i n o p e r a t i v e or
o r the CO C02 2 concentration
i n c r e a s e s up to
t o tthe
h e high level, l e v e l , the air air is i s supplied
s u p p l i e d ttoo the CO
C 0 2 ab-
2 ab-
The DV rregenerator
e g e n e r a t o r is
i s used only at
a t the
t h e phase of insertion
and during the
t h e autonomous flight.
The DV rregenerator
e g e n e r a t o r is
i s controlled
c o n t r o l l e d by the crewmen from
f r o m the
DV panel,
panel. The OM regenerator
r e g e n e r a t o r operation i s performed automatically
o p e r a t i o n is automatically
i n response to
t o commands of the gas anylyzer. The regenerator
r e g e n e r a t o r cont-
r o l can also be performed from tthe
h e DV and OM panels.
The monitoring of the atmosphere composition maintained
by the
t h e regeneration
r e g e n e r a t i o n facilities
f a c i l i t i e s is
i s performed by two gas
gae analyzers

- 60 -
installed i n the Descent Vehicle and the
i n s t a l l e d in t h e Orbital
O r b i t a l Module.
When O O2 and CO
GO2 contents
2 c o n t e n t s exceed allowable values, the
t h e DV
gas analyzer
a n a l y z e r produces warning signals.
A pressure-and-vacuum
A pressure-and-vacuum gauge and a pressure integrity
i n t e g r i t y check
u n i t , producing sign~
unit, sign& when leakage is
i s more than 70-90
70-90 rom
mm Hg/hr,
Hg/hr, are
i n s t a l l e d in
i n the
t h e OM to
t o verify
v e r i f y tthe habitable
he h a b i t a b l e module, ttransfer
r a n s f e r tunnel
and interface
i n t e r f a c e integrity.
Should leakage occur, it
i t may be compensated from the
t h e air
s t o r a g e tank designed for
f o r module p
r e s s u r i z a t i o n during a p
e r i o d of
time required
r e q u i r e d for
f o r tthe
h e crew to
t o don their pressure
their p r e s s u r e suits.
Oxygen-nitrogen mixture (40%
(40% oxygen)
oxygen) can be supplied ttoo the
p r e s s u r e suit
s u i t both manually and automatically
a u t o m a t i c a l l y for
for a p
e r i o d of time
r e q u i r e d for
f o r the
t h e spacecraft
s p a c e c r a f t descent and landing.
A ppressure
A r e s s u r e control unit
control u n i t is
i s available
a v a i l a b l e onboard
onboaxd the spacecraft
t o maintain the module p
r e s s u r e within
within the specified limits,
s p e c i f i e d limits.

~ressure suit
Pressure s u i t set

The set
s e t comprises two pressure suits,
s u i t s , four ventilation
four v e n t i l a t i o n sys-

terns, two inflight pressurized
i n f l i g h t bags, p r e s s u r i z e d collar,
c o l l a r , two sets
s e t s of flight
f l i g h t gar-
ment and two headsets.
headsets. The pressure suit i s a soft
s u i t is s o f t pressure shell
wi th a bbuilt-in
with u i l t - i n soft
s o f t helmet. The helmet is
i s rigidly
rigidly fixed
f i x e d with an
opening window,
window. The pressure suit
s u i t is
i a provided with removable gloves.
The crewmen have their
t h e i r pressure suits
s u i t s on during the
t h e Soyuz orbit
o r b i t in-
s e r t i o n , docking and undocking with Apollo, and descent. During the
o t h e r flight
f l i g h t phases the pressure suits
s u i t s are
am stowed in
i n the bags in
t h e Orbital
O r b i t a l Module.
During the suited l i f e supporting
s u i t e d operation the necessary life
c o n d i t i o n s are established
e a t a b l i s h e d by v
e n t i l a t i n g the pressure suits
s u i t s with
c a b i n air
a i r using
u s i n g ventilation
v e n t i l a t i o n facilities
f a c i l i t i e s installed i n the DV.
i n s t a l l e d in DV. Each

- 61 -
pressure suit
s u i t is
v e n t i l a t e d separately
s e p a r a t e l y by iits
t s vventilation sys-
e n t i l a t i o n sys-
tem. Should one of the DV ventilation
v e n t i l a t i o n system ffail,
a i l , another
v e n t i l a t i o n system provides ventilating of both pressure ssuits.
v e n t i l a t i n g of uits.
If necessary, pressure
preaaure suits
s u i t s can be vventilated gas mixture
e n t i l a t e d with gafs
supplied by the spacecraft onboard system.

The activation
a c t i v a t i o n of the gas mixture supply system aass
well as
as deactivation of pressure suit
s u i t vventilation
e n t i l a t i o n systems are
automatic. These operations can be performed manually as


The pressure suit

s u i t donning and doffing are performed
i n the Orbital
O r b i t a l Module; during donning and doffing the pressure
s u i t s are
a r e ventilated
v e n t i l a t e d with cabin air of the vventilation
a i r by means of entilation
systems installed
i n s t a l l e d in
i n the OM.
OM, These vventilation
e n t i l a t i o n systems aare
f o r the suits
used for s u i t 8 drying. s u i t drying involves two
Pressure suit
phases: s u i t s are
two pressure suits am being dried simultaneously,
the~ each pair
p a i r of gloves is
i s being dried.
dried. One ppair of gloves
a i r of
is t o a ventilation
i s connected to v e n t i l a t i o n system
s y ~ t e musing a sspecial
p e c i a l device
i n a kit
i s stowed in
which is k i t with tools.

A f t e r drying the pressure

After s u i t s are stowed iin
p r e s s u r e suits n the in-
f l i g h t bags.
flight bags,

A f t e r the spacecraft landing the crewmen eegress

After e e s s the
t h e i r pressure suits
DV with their s u i t s on.

t h e DV splashdown oorr emergency escape a

I n case of the
cosmonaut without doffing a pressure suit
s u i t will don a pressu-
r i z e d collar
rized c o l l a r and leave the DV.

- 62 -
Thermal Sya t em
The m a 1 Control System

. The Soyuz Thermal Control System provides the follo\r.,ring:

- o f 15-
- habitable module temperature within the range of 15-
2 5 O ~ ,habitable module rrelative
e l a t i v e humidity within the
range of 20-70%; instrument bay temperature within the
range of 0-40
range 0-40c;C;

- s e t temperature of equipment and different

- set d i f f e r e n t components
of the design including APDS components and Apollo ra-
d i o set
s e t installed
i n s t a l l e d in
i n the Soyuz spacecraft;
spacecraft ;

- module atmosphere vventilation.

During the orbital

o r b i t a l flight
f l i g h t the spacecraft structural
s t r u c t u r a l ele-
ments are heated from external
e x t e r n a l and internal
i n t e r n a l heat sources: the Sun,
Earth, equipment and crewmen.
crewmen, Besides,
Be sides, during the spacecraft jjoint
f l i g h t the Soyuz is
flight i a additionally
a d d i t i o n a l l y affected
a f f e c t e d by the Apollo attitude-
c o n t r o l engine plume heating rrates
a t e s and heat transfer
t r a n s f e r through the
Docking Assembly. The heat generated by the spacecraft external
surface is
i s absorbed by space with temperature close
c l o s e ttoo absolute
ze 1-0.
The Soyuz Thermal
T h e m 1 Control System is
i s designed to
t o minimize
the spacecraft unregulated heat transfer
tranaf e r through its
i t s external
e x t e r n a l sur-
face to
face t o space
apace environment, on one hand, and, on tthe
h e other
o t h e r hand, ttoo
take excessive heat from the spacecraft internal
i n t e r n a l heat sources and
dissipate i t in
d i s s i p a t e it i n space environment.
The Thermal Control System comprises thermal insulation
and hydraulic system.
The shield-vacuum
shield-vacuum thermal insulation
i n s u l a t i o n is
i s placed on the
s p a c e c ~ * a f external
et x t e r n a l surface and allows ttoo minimize heat exchange
between the spacecraft and space.

- 63 -
hydraulic system (Fig.
The bgdraulic 3.8)
(Fig. 3.8) rllhe
The circulating
f l u i d accumulates the h
e a t from internal
i n t e r n a l sources and dissipates
i t in
i n space.

The hydraulic system comprises units for

f o r heat collection,
moisture collection,
c o l l e c t i o n , hydraulic system control,
c o n t r o l , heat rrejection
e j e c t i o n and
air ventilation
air v within the
e n t i l a t i o n witbin modules.
t h e modules.
sgstem operates as follows.
The hydraulic system f ollowa.

h e equipment and crewmen is trans-

The heat generated by tthe
t o the
ferred to t h e air
a i r circulating
circulating w i t h i n the
within t h e modules. A i r circulation
modules. Air circulation
w i t h i n the i s perforned
t h e modules is performed by fans. a i r is
fans, The heated air i s sup-
p l i e d ttoo tthe
plied h e habitable module heat exchanger-condensers
exchanger-condensers and in-
strument gas-to-liquid heat exchanger where it is
strument bay gas-to-liquid i s cooled by
h e hydraulic system liquid.
l i q u i d temperature within tthe i s main-
h e hydraulic system is 4
The liquid main-
a i n e d by regulator
ttained r e g u l a t o r changing flow rate
r a t e of the
t h e liquid
l i q u i d going to
h e radiator
r a d i a t o r to
t o be cooled.
The habitable module air temperatwe
temperature required is
i s maintain-
r a t e of air
ed automatically by changing flow rate o h a t ex-
a i r supplied ttobeat ex~

changers ttoo be cooled. When tthe

h e air
a i r is i n tthe
i s being cooled in h e habi-
a b l e module heat exchangers the air w
water vapors condensRte
a t e r vapoxB canCens~.te
on heat moi~iturecondensated
olull_"acas. The moisture
neat exchanging surfaces. c o n d e n ~ l ~ t ais pump-
d pump-
ea out by a pmp
ed into the
pump into the moisture collector.
I n addition
In a i r cooling, tthe
a d d i t i o n to air i s performed by
h e cooling is
h e hydraulic system liquid
l i q u i d passing through tthe
h e channels of tthe
s t r u c t u r a l elements (for
structural ( f o r example.
example, cooling of the Apollo radioset
mounting bracket
The hydraulic system consists
c o n s i s t s of two hydraulic
bydraulfc circuits:
c i r c u i t and instrument
habitable module circuit i s con-
c i r c u i t which is
i n s t r u n e n t bay circuit .rrr

- 64 -
( ( (

II T 7
- 1-------1

-----, -----, I I.

I I i I
I 21~
I /181 I
I 12
I 2. I I I 8 I
I 3 I3 I I 9 I
I~ I
1 4 1 I 14

1 I I 11 I
I :6 :
I 5 7 1
: I I I \ /- _ I 10
I I I _ _ L ._ _ I
L _ --1I _ _l
I _ LI _ _ J

HEAT ACCUMULATION ELEMENTS: 2 - Heat exchanger-condenser; 11,14 - Heat exhcnager; 5 --- Transceiver bracket

MOISTURE ACCUMULATION ELEMENTS: 3 - Moisture removal pump; 6 - Condensate collector

HYDRO-SYSTEM CONTROLLERS: 7 - Hydraulic pump; 8 -- liquid flow regulator; 10 - Compensator; 4 - By-pass valve


VENTILATION ELEMENTS: 1- Fan; 9 -- Heat exchanger fans;


nected to the radiator-emitter. The circuits are connected by liquid-
to-liquid heat exchanger. The excessive heat of the habitable module ~

circuit is transferred in the heat exchanger to the instrument bay

circuit with lower temperature and the excessive heat of the instru-
ment bay circuit is dissipated as a result of radiator-emitter sur-
face radiating to space environment. The circuit liquid circulation
is performa d by ptunps.
Throughout the Soyuz flight the Thermal Control System is
operating automatically. The only operation performed manually is
a regular condensate pumping out from DV and OM heat exchangers.
The docking system thermal mode is provided by the shield-
vacuum and fiber thermal insulation of DS surface as well as by
the covers with certain optical characteristics (placed on uninsu-
late d surface s )

Food Supply SYstem

A cosmonauts daily food-ration comprises various natural
food products packed into aluminum tubes and tin cans. The food
ration also involves a wide variety of bread packed in cellophane
(Borodinskiy, Rizhskiy, stolovy, Honey cake) and as a desert can-
died peels, refractory chocolate, sweets, ship's biscuits, etc.
All these products are very nourishing. Food nourishment
value of daily ration per capita is 2700-3000 Cal that fully co-
vers daily energy losses of t he organism.
During the flight the crewmen take food four times every
24 hours.
The menu is made up to every crewmen's taste (three differ-
ent menus, each repeated every fourth day). The following is the
menu of the 3d day:
I. Breakfast. Meaty paste, Borodinskiy bread, sweets Pra-
line, coffee with milk.

- 66 -
II. Launch. Cottage cheese cream with black currant puree,
a honey cake.

III. Dinner. "Kharcho" soup, chicken meat, Stolovy bread,

prunes with nuts.
IV. Supper. Meaty puree, Stolovy bread, Rossiyskiy

The overall nourishment value of the third day ration is

2843 Cal with protein contents - 126 g, oil contents - 130,5 g,car-
bohydrate contents - 271,1 g, water contents - 670,5 g.
It should be noted that the menu of the third day (dinner)
comprises cottage cheese cream with black currant puree. It is ve-
ry tasty food product made of a high-quality cottage cheese. It is
mild and has a faint taste of black currant jam. It's nourishment
value is 413 Cal.
Prunes with nuts are also very tasty. The combination of
prunes and nuts is not so dry and more tasty.
The first courses, some meat products (bird puree, meaty
puree), coffee with milk are less tasty when cold than when warm-
ed up. Taking this fact into consideration a heater is provided
aboard the spacecraft. The heater allows to warm up tubes with
food stuff.
Three sets of dinner are provided aboard the Soyuz space-
craft for the US astronauts. The dinner comprises first courses,
canned meat, bread, prunes with nuts, sweets.
The daily ration food stuff is enclosed in individual
packages labelled in Russian and English to indicate the date of
food taking.
Aboard the Soyu~ spacecraft there is a folding table on
which the cosmonauts and astronauts using hold-down facilities m~y

- 67 -
place their food stuff to have a meal.

Water Supply System

The function of the Water Supply System is to store and

supply potable water .
The portable water is stored in a storage tank installed
in the Orbital Module. The ball-shaped storage tank has two cavi-
ties: one for water, the other - for air. There is a diaphragm to
separate the water and air cavities.
When the water cavity is being charged with water the di-
aphragm is bent thus expelling all the air from the air cavity of
the ball-shaped tank. Water expelling is performed by the diaph-
ragm at an excessive pressure in air cavity. The excessive pressure
(compared with the environment pressure) is created by the hand
The accepted daily value of water consumption per capita
is 1,7 1.
The difference between the tank potable water and ordinary
potable water is that the first contains silver ions permitting
storage of water in the tank for a few months; an throughout the
storage period the tank water doesn't acquire an unpleasant odor,
taste and remains transparent.
The receiving device is designed to receive water from
the storage tank. It has a valve and a socket to install an indi-
vidual mouth-piece. Individual mouth-pieces are provided in the OM
for the cosmonauts and visiting astronauts.
For ease of water consumption three II space glasses ll are
provided in the Descent Vehicle. The body of the glass is like a
bellows: it is folding up as water is being consumed. In the upper
part of each glass there is a button-type by-pass valve to open

- 68 -
the water cavity, and a receiving tube to consume water. When a
glass is empty, it can be refilled with water from the tank.


The Soyuz cosmonauts' suits are made of thermal resistant

fabric specially manufactured for ASTP mission.
The suit of sports style (a jacket and trousers) will not
restrict movements and will ensure convenience in workQThe
pockets of the suits are large enough to hold all necessary things
(note-books, pencils).
If required, the cosmonauts may put on a wool cardigan
under the jacket.
The constant wear garment (a part of the inflight clothing)
is made of cotton-flax knitted linen with good physiological and
hygienic properties: hygroscopicity, air permeability, steam perme-
ability, water absorption.
The cosmonauts' light leather boots are protected by co-
vers made of linen 101a.
The inflight clothing as a whole ensures comfort for the
cosmonauts to stay in the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft.

Personal Hygiene Facilities

The personal hygiene facilities comprise damp and dry nap-

kins and towels, combs, hair brushes and nail-files.
Damp and dry napkins are made of gauze, they are convenient
for use and have a pleasant smell of jasmine. Damp napkins are damp-
ed with lotion. Damp and dry napkins are used for face, hands and
mouth cavity hygiene.
Damp and dry napkins are provided for sponging a body.

- 69 -
Towels are made of linen.
For every day's toilet the cosmonauts use an electric ra-
zor equipped with a specific hair collector.
Each cosmonaut has an individual toilet set.

Waste Management System

The Waste Management Sys"tem is placed in the Orbital Module.
The operating principle is based on transferring liquid wastes (uri-
ne) by air flow to a collector where the particles are divided into
liquid and gaseous phases. Solid wastes (feces) are collected and
stored in pressure-tight volumes. The system prevents solid and
liquid waste unpleasant odors and impurities to penetrate into the
atmosphere of the spacecraft.

- 70 -
3.2.5 Radio/Electronic Equipment
The Soyuz spacecraft radio/electronic equipment includes
radio/telephone communication system, TV-system, cable communica-
tion equipment, command radio communication line, telemetry system
and orbit parameter measurement system.
The spacecraft radio/electronic equipment together with the
ground radio equipment (the ground station and MeC equipment) provide
voice communication with the Soyuz/Apollo crews, observation of the
crew activities via TV-communication lines, TV-transmissions from
space, the spacecraft systems remote control from the ground, the
spacecraft system/assembly operation monitoring and determination of
the spacecraft trajectory.

Radio/telephone communication system. The Soyuz voice communication

system provides HF/VHF communication with the ground and also with
the Apollo.
VHF range is used for communication with the spacecraft
i n1si ght of the VHF-ground stations. HF range utilization provides
air/ground communication with the spacecraft out of the ground sta-
tions sight.

A compatible voice communication system which operates in

VHF range at two American frequencies and at one Soviet frequency,
was developed for the joint flight. This system provides the Soyuz/
Apollo communication during rendezvous phase and after docking, and
also that with the USA ground stations when the two spacecraft are
in these stations AOS (aquisition of signal). Similar equipment in
the Apollo spacecraft provides Apollo communication with the Soyuz
crew and the USSR ground stations (Figure ~9) when the two space-
craft are in the USSR stations ADS.

- 71 -
Joint examination of the rendezvous system compatibility
problem concluded that it is impossible to develop in a short time
an inte~lational radio system which provides the spacecraft relat-
ive attitude and motion parameters determination. Therefore it was
proposed that the voice communication system be used to measure
range between the spacecraft. For this purpose the Soyuz was equip-
ped with the USA VHF transceiver to provide voice communication and
besides serve as a transponder or provide reception, conversion (to
increase noiseproof feature) and retransmission of "measurement sig-
nals" radiated oy the ApollO VHF system. Range between the space-
craft is measured by comparing phases of "measurement signals" ra-
diated by Apollo and of those retransmitted by Soyuz. Range is
measured automatically without interrupting spacecraft-to-spacecraft
voice communication.
The voice communication system includes the following:
- two transceivers supplied by the USA and the USSR and
operating at American and Soviet frequencies respectiv-
ly to provide spacecraft-to-spacecraft communication;

- VHF/HF transceivers for communication with the ground;

- speaker box and audio signal amplifiers;
- microphones, dynamics, headsets;
- antennas.

Radio communication system control is accomplished through

the cosmonaut control panel.
Volume controls for signals received via voice communication are
also built in this control panel. There are three individual volume
controls at each cosmonaut station to control volume of signals of
the air/ground, Soyuz/Apollo and internal communication lines.

- 72 -
( ( (

// 259.7 MHz

Tracking and voice

_ e
z :z.- 121 . 75 MH z s;:
S S'"
~ Z zr 5
S ~
7' ~ 296.8 MHz 'S -' SOYUZ




.~~ Television

USA Network USSR Network


The selected transmitters are switched on via PrT
(push-to-talk) built in the cosmonaut seat arms and the control
panels or mounted on cables attacheo. to headsets.
The Soyuz spacecraft is equipped with two sets of
antennas for spacecraft-to-spacecraft communication. The anten-
nas are mounted on the orbital module. Omnidirectional rao.1ation
pattern is practically provided by these antennas which is very
important for the spacecraft arbitrarily positioned in space
relative to each other.

TV-system. A four camera TV-system is used in the Soyuz

spacecraft. Three cameras are installed inside the spacecraft:
one in the descent vehicle and two in the orbital module. One
camera, mounted outside, looks at the docking system.
Two of the internal cameras procide color transmission.
After docking a color TV-camera can de transferred from Soyuz
and connected to the Soyuz cable system in Apollo.

The TV-cameras are switched~nIrom the Soyuz. Both cos-

monauts and. asbfonau1a will be participating in the TV-reporting.
During reporting,pictures will be simultaneously transmitted
to a Soyuz ' onboard TV -screen and to the ground.
Besides transmission of TV scenes) the TV equipment pro-
vides monitoring the Soyuz system parameters. The equipment
control is accomplished by commands from the ground or directly
from tae spacecraft.

Cable communication system

Following the spacecraft docking,the df"Cking system elec-

- 74 -
trical connectors,which provide spacecraft-to-spacecraft voice
and TV cable communications rare manually mated.
The cable communication system equipment including J-boxes
to connect headsets and TV cameras were specially designed
for this test project.

Command radio s~stem. Command radio system provides uplink

transmission from the USSR ground control stations to the Soyuz
of commands to remotely control the spacecraft systems. After
being received by the Soyuz onboard receiver a command
switches on or off various onboard systems or changes the sys-
tems' mode of operation. CommandS which have ~u 00 into effect
when the spacecraft is out of the USSR ground control station
AOS shall be delivered to a special memory device where they
are stored until the appointed time and then delivered to the
~ spacecraft automatic controls.

The command radio communication line provides downlink

transmission of signals which confirm reception and execution
of commands transmitted to the spacecraft and also verification
of the board and ground time.

Onboard telemetry system. Onboard telemetry system

provides the spacecraft system opera~ion remote monitoring on
the ground. Onboard system operation parameters are automatically
measured, coded and transmitted to the ground.
Information received on the ground is automatically de-
coded and processed so that the flight managers and specialists
oan at any time have on request any information on the measu-
red parameters they are interested in.

Real time transmission of telemetry data is accomplished
when Soyuz is within the USSR measuring station AOS. When the
Soyuz is out of the USSR measuring station AOS, telemetry infor-
mation is stored in special memories.

Orbit parameters measurement system. The Soyuz onboard

radio system in conjunction with the ground measurement faciliti-
es provides accurate measurement of the spacecraft orbit para-

,., Basic data qn the SOyuz spacecraft launch vehicle

The Soyuz spacecraft launch vehicle (Figure 3.10)
has , stages.
~ stage consists of 4 side units, each of which is 19m
long~about 3 m in diameter and equipped with the ~our-ehamber

engine and two steering chambers having a total vacuum thrust

of 1.02 tons.
II stase is a central unit of about 28 meters, with
maximum diameter of 2.95 meters, eqUipped with. the four-chamber
engine and four steering chambers having a total vacuum thrust
of 96 tons.
III stage is a unit of 8 meters in length with a
diameter of 2.6 meters, equipped with four-chamber engine (with
steering nozzles), generating a vacuum thrust of ,0 tons.
Launch weight of the launch vehicle (with the Soyuz spacecraft)
is ,..., ,00 tons.
At launch the engines of the I and II stages are igni-
ted simultaneously. The operation of the second stage continues
following the jettisonning of the 4 side units. The third stage
is operative following the cut-off of the II-nd stage engines.

- 76 -


.... -
...... '"
'" ....

0> .-
U Q)

'"a. c0
Vl U
N 0>
~ ....








Oxygen-kerosene propellant is used for all stages of the
launch vehicle. The full length of the launch vehicle (with the ~

Soyuz spacecraft) is ~ 49 meters. Maximum diameter is 10.3 m (sta-


3.4 Biomedical requirements

The spaceflight biomedical requirements imply all means
and measures used at the various stages of design, preparation and
flight implementation to prevent illness or functional disturb-
ances which may hinder realization of the flight program.
On designing the Soyuz spacecraft for the joint mission
with Apollo the first biomedical problem solved was the choice of
ga~ atmosphere to exclude human decompression disturbance during
cosmonauts' transfer from the Soviet spacecraft to the USA space-
Much attention was paid to the cosmonauts' rational work/
rest regime to maintain a high level work capacity. During the
period of crew activities time is allowed for rest, eat period, hy-
gienics procedures, active rest period. These procedures alternate
with work periods to avoid overstrain and to schedule the most
responsible actions for periods of the maximum work capacity.
For the purpose of disease-prevention provision is made
for Soyuz and Apollo crew members' partial isolation before the
flight. The fact of the matter is that for some preset time period
the crewmen or both sides will have primary contacts with a
limited number of persons. In view of the flight short duration

the main procedures and the crews' joint activity will be perform-
ed under conditions of severe weightlessness adaptation. ~

- 78 -
As is generally known,during the first days of human
being under weightlessness conditions Borne disagreeable feeling
(specifically, with abrupt motion) and objective changes may oc-
cur which usually disappear on the 5th or 7th day of the flight.
That is why the crewmen will be under regular surveillance of the
ground medical personnel and all their activities should be planned
with regard to medical requirements.

For the purpose of medical monitoring the cre\ re-

ports on their state will be used along with registration of phy-
siological parameters (electrocardiogram, respiratory rate) and
spacecraft environment inflight characteristics.

Concurrent with medical monitoring dose monitoring will

be conducted to determine the level of radiation effect.

Radiation safety service will also predict radiation le-

vel in the spacecraft inhabited modules and in the mission trajec-
tory and forcast solar activity (flares).

One more specific feature of Soyuz/Apollo experimental

joint flight is that five cosmonauts and astronauts will be in
space at a time. This will provide a great quantity of preflight
and postflight data on human state during space flight. Due to the
spacecraft different flight duration it will be possible to reveal
characteristic features of organism weightlessness adaptation using
flight data of medical observation and human postflight response

For this purpose it is necessary to simultaneously carry

out the both spacecraft crew's pre- and postflight basic examina-
tion using similar or identical methods of investigation and func-
tional test, conducted according to unified procedures.

- 79 -
In so doing crewmen state of health is evaluated and
potential latent diseases or functional anomalies are revealed
which require remedial or preventive interventiono
Preflight and postflight medical data together with
preflight examination allow to evaluate general human response to
space factors and to study readaptation behaviour under conditions
of terrestrial gravity force with the process of weightlessness
adaptation not accomplished.
Preflight and postflight examination program for the
both spacecraft crews comprises the following procedures: medi-
cal examination, individual drug response testing, clinical and
laboratory investigation, biochemical investigation, cardiovas-
cular system observation when in rest and during functional test,
vestibular and immunologic examination. Both Soviet and American
specialists have agreed upon procedures and time schedule for the
Soyuz and Apollo crewmen primary pre- and postflight examination.
The crews preflight examination is to be conducted 30,
15 and 7-10 days prior to the flight according to the full pro-
gram, while just before the flight only partial medical examina-
tion will take place.
The crews' postflight examination will be carried out
mainly on the day the mission is accomplished, then on the 1st
and 3d day after the flight. Should some abnormalities be re-
vealed, this examination will be periodically repeated.

- 80 -

soyuz is launched to the Earth orbit by a launch-vehicle

from Soviet launch complex at 15.20 Moscow Time (12.20 GMT) on
July 15, 1975. The Soyuz is inserted into a 188 by 228-km orbit
at an inclination of 51 0 48', with orbiting period of about 88.6
min. Following the Soyuz insertion the Soviet tracking stations
calculate the real insertion orbit. The results are used to cal-
culate the correcting impulses and the required data is trans-
mitted to the spacecraft. During two days of the flight the Soyuz
performs a number of maneuvers to transfer to the circular 8ssem-
bly orbit with an altitude of 225 km, that is, the orbit for per-
forming the docking operations. In the 5th orbit when passing the
USSR station coverage zone the Soyuz orbit parameters are once
more radio measured and a decision is taken to launch Apollo.At
7 hr 30 min after Soyuz launch the Apollo will be launched from
the Cape Canaveral launch site,USA.After the orbit insertion the
Apollo will extract the docking module and perform a number of ~~neu

vers requ!red for the spacecraft rendezvous.The docking will be made

in the 36 orbit when the two spacecraft assume the required mu-
tual location (51 hr 55 min~after the Soyuz lift-off). From this
moment on,the joint two-day flight of the docked spacecraft
starts. The crews make sure that the TIM systems function normal-
ly; the crews transfer from one spacecraft to the other. The
first transfer in performed by American astronauts and during
the two days of the docked flight each member of the Soviet and
American crews will visit the other spacecraft, Soviet and Ame-
*) Here and further times are given for the nominal plan.Ac-
tual flight times can differ from those given.

- 81 -
rican crews will conduct joint scientific experiments and radio-
TV transmissions from the spacecraft.
During the docked flight the spacecraft are oriented so
that the required Apollo thermal mode and the required position
of Soyuz solar panels are ensu~d.

At 95 hr 42 min after Soyuz lift-off the spacecraft Wl-

dock but there are still some joint experiments to be conducted.

The experiments which need the orbital maneuvering of the space-
craft, redocking and re-undocking are conducted after the undock-
ing. After final separation of the two spacecraft each will con-
tinue its own activities independently.
The Soyuz retro-rocket is fired during the 97th orbit
and the Soyuz DV is separated after the braking. The DV enters
the lower atmosphere layer and performs the controlled descent.
After that the parachute develops and the Soyuz lands. The land-
ing will be performed in the given area of Kazakhstan at about
142.5 hr GET. The Apollo will continue in orbit for approximate-
ly 3 days after Soyuz landing.9 days after the Soyuz lift-off the
Apollo will splash down in the Pacific ocean west of Hawaiian Is-
lands. Thus the joint ASTP program will be accomplished.

Launch of a second Soyuz

To increase the probability of completing the joint
mission the Soviet side will have a second Soyuz spacecraft
available which will be launched in the following cases:

a) a contingency causes a premature landing of Soyuz

prior to its docking with Apollo;

b) Apollo is not inserted into orbit during 5 days af-

ter Soyuz launch.

- 82 -
( ( ( "

I Sepa,,"on

"p pwa c h Doc kod II; 9 ht """l'l'''''CC:::::---
(two days) Apollo
orbit Q)




2 3
Soyuz landing
(USSR) '.~


(Pacific Ocean)

Time from Soyuz lift-off (days)


Second Soyuz flight profile will be basically similar
to that of the first Soyuz. Differencies will be determined by
the circumstances of a second Soyuz insertion.

4.2 Explanation of the preferred mission profile. Launch


Every flight is preceeded by a trajectory analysis which

aim is to choose a flight profile. A flight should meet different
constraints and requirements detennined by peculiarities of the
launch vehicle insertion zone, reqlirements for the spacecraft
landing, flight goals, spacecraft design peculiarities and many
other factors. A specific flight profile and launch time can be
chosen only after the joint analysis of all the above-mentioned
Spacecraft of two different countries designed for dif-
ferent purposes will be participating in this joint mission, that
is why the constraints and requirements for the two spacecraft
are so different. The ASTP mission profile, launch windows and
launch times are chosen so as to maximally meet the requirements
of both sides.

The spacecraft launch sequence

The chosen spacecraft launch sequence takes into account

a possible change of the launch azimuth of Soyuz and Apollo
launch vehicles and the effect of the launch date shift of the
spacecraft landing conditions.
During the spacecraft insertion into artificial Earth
Satellite (AES) orbit and maneuvering aome motion parameters can

- 84 -
deviate from the calculated. That can be caused by random errors
in fUnctioning of the spacecraft and launch vehicle control sys-
tems, inaccurate current parameters of the Earth atmosphere and
other errors. These errOrs cause so-called orbit parameter
spread. As a rule such spreads are not great but nevertheless
they should be taken into account when launching the second
spacecraft since the orbital planes of the two spacecraft should
coincide. Orbital planes can be adjusted by changipgthe launch
azimuth of the second spacecraft. If Apollo is launched first
then the launch azimuth, if necessary, will have to be changed
by Soyuz and this is not admissible. Soyuz insertion zone corres-
pondsto the populated territory of the Soviet Union. Since the
launch vehicle stages are jettisoned onto the Earth the location
of populated areas should be carefully considered when choosing
the launch azimuth and insertion program.
According to the adopted profile Soyuz is launched first
and Apollo will have to make the necessary correction of the ac-
tive portion which is admissible since Apollo has its insertion
zone over the ocean. Following the first spacecraft orbit insert-
ion there can arise a necessity to postpone the second space-
craft launch, - this was also considered when choosing the space-
craft launch sequence.
With the Soyuz launched first the Apollo launch delay
would only better the Apollo splash - down conditions. If Apollo
is launched first the Soyuz launch date shift would worsen its
landing conditions. The above-mentioned and some other consider-
ations determined the preferred launch sequence fOD the space-

- 85 -
Launch windows

A launch window is a period of time during a launch

which ensures the fulfilment of the mission tasks and meets the
given constraints.
The Soyuz launch time is chosen so as to meet the follow-
ing conditions during the first daily orbit on the landing day.

a) Prior to the Soyuz retrorockets engagement cosmonauts

should have a possibility to manually operate the orientation sys-
tem. To satisfy this requirement the spacecraft during the requir-
ed period should pass over the lighted side of the Earth.

b) Soyuz DV landing must take place at least one hour

before sunset in the landing area.TWsis necessary for the space-
craft rescue following its landing.

The desirable time of day for Apollo launch is deter-

mined by the following consideration involving the requirement
of having daylight in the splash-down area for the DV rescue.

The splash-down in case of an abort after lift-off or

the splash-down in the Pacific at the conclusion of the mission
must take place at least 2-3 hours before sunset in the landing
area. To meet these requirements the spacecraft launch windows
were determined for every launch date during 1975. If these
launch windows had a common range a compromise decision with re-
spect to the USA and USSR constraints would be reached by choos-
ing a launch time from this range.
However different geographical location of USSR and USA
launch complexes and different requirements resulted in no such
common range. that is why it appeared impossible to simultaneous-
ly meet the constraints of both sides.

- 86 -
The discussion of this problem resulted in a compromise
decision based on the following moderated constraints of both
1) Soyuz launch windows for the period from March, 1
through October,1 are detennined so as to ensure the nominal land-
ing in the 3d orbit of the nominal and reserve landing days; for
the other periods- in the 2nd daily orbit.

2) Nominal "daylight" time for Apollo rescue is reduced

by 25 minutes for the period from March, 1 through OctOber, 1;
for the other periods - by 50-90 minutes.

The launch windows determined on the above-mentioned ba-

sis meet the constraints of the American and the Soviet sides;
these launch windows were used to determine the nominal launch
Nominal launch time and launch windows for several
dates are given below (Moscow Time) in T,able 4.1.

Launch date July, July, August, AUgUst, Sept. , Sept.,
1 15 1 15 1 15

Upper limit of the

launch window 15.44 15.30 15.08 14.40 14.09 13.38

Nominal launch
time and lower
limit of the
launch window 15.34 15.20 14.58 14.30 13.59 13.28

Spacecraft launch time

Soyuz may be launched any time, provided that it is

within a launch window. For this particular mission the Soyuz

- 87 -
launch time was determined so as to provide the landing.condi-
tions for a second Soyuz, if it has to be used.

Apollo launch time is determined by Soyuz launch time

since the Apollo must be launched into the Soyuz orbital plane.
For the first time such an opportunity occurs at 7.5 hours after
Soyuz launch (it is called the first launch opportunity).
The Apollo will be launched at 22 hr 50 min in Moscow
Time, 19 hr 50 min in Greenwich Time, 14 hr 50 min in Houston
Since the Earth makes one revolution around its axis
per 24 hr and the spacecraft orbital plane in space changes re-
latively slowly the ~acecraft trajectory every 24 hours passes
over the same regions of the Earth surface. This proVides Apollo
with additional launch opportunities. They occur once per 24 ho-
urs during four days and each launch opportunity starts 25 minutes
earlier than the possible launch time on the day before. The Soyuz
flight profile remains the same for all 5 launch opportunities of
Apollo. except for the docking time and the duration of the dock-
ed flight.

Assembly orbit
An assembly orbit is an orbit of an Artificial Earth
Satellite (AES), an orbit of the spacecraft docking. Assembly or-
bit parameters for the joint mission were determined with respect
to the mission tasks. spacecraft design capabilities and peculia-
rities. Thus these parameters were determined so as to ensure
such a mutual attitude of the spacecraft at the time of Apollo in-
sertion which is acceptable for their rendezvous.

- 88 -
During the flight the Soyuz '{rill perform several maneu-
vers. Their aim is to make up for errors which can occur during
the spacecraft insertion, to form a circular assembly orbit for
Soyuz and Apollo docking and to ensure such a mutual attitude of
the spacecraft at the time of Apollo insertion which is necessa-
ry for rendezvous. These maneuvers are performed either by the

crew or by commands from Earth.

Trajectory correction data - the time, the duration of
propulsion system operation and the thrust vector orientation
during a maneuver - is determined using the results of actual or-
bit measurements and is transmitted to the spacecraft when it is
in the coverage zone of a Soviet tracking station.

Soyuz landing
First three orbits of every day (first daily orbits)
occur (due to the Earth rotation) approximately over the same
regions of the Soviet Union where the Soyuz landing must take
place, that is why these particular orbits are used for the
spacecraft deorbiting. If necessary the Soyuz landing may be per-
formed in the first daily orbits of the following (reserve) day.

4.3 Soyuz independent flight

Soyuz independent flight begins frOID Soyuz insertion

into AES orbit and ends with Soyuz and Apollo rendezvous (accomp-
lishment of rendezvous maneuvers).
During this flight the Soyuz insertion into an ellip-
tical 188 by 228 km orbit with an inclination of 51.8 0 will be

- 89 -
performed and during the first and second days of the flight
(which correspond to 4th and 17th orbit), a circular assembly
orbit with an altitude of 225 km will be established.
The Soyuz crew will reduce the pressure in the living
modules to 520 mm Hg, verify radio and TV communication and con-
duct the planned scientific experiments.
The sequence of main flight operations and crew acti-
vities is given below.

Orbit GET Main events

00:00 1975, July 15/12:20 GMT (15:20 MT) -

Soyuz launch from the launch complex
at Baikonur

1st orbit Orbit insertion. Separation from the

launch vehicle. Deployment of solar pa-
nels and antennas.

3d orbit Verify voice communication modes:

2 hr 51 min communication of the USSR MCC with Soyuz
spacecraft via USA communication network;
2 hr 53 min communication of the flight controller
in the USA MOC with Soyuz.

3d orbit Dinner (40 min)

4th orbit Perform the first maneuver to form a

circular assembly orbit with an alti-
tude of 225 km

- 90 -
Orbit GET Main events

5th orbit Orient solar panels to the Sun

7 hr Report from the USSR MCC to the USA MCC
on the Soyuz readiness status based on
the r~sults of the first maneuver.

5th orbit Conduct experiments:

"Zone-forming fungi" - (observe and pho-
tograph the ZFF);
It micro-organisID growth lt - (observe the
micro-organism growth);
ItFirst embryonic development lt - (unstow
Biocat- device, secure it in OM).

7th orbit Supper; prepare for sleep period.

8-9 orbit 8-10 hr Begin 1st rest period.

Sleep period (8 hours).

14 orbit Morning toilet Breakfast (30 min).


Spacecraft systems check.

15 orbit Conduct experiments:

Micro-organism growth (observe the mic-
ro-organism growth)
t1ZFF" (observe and photograph the ZFF)

16 orbit Lunch (30 min)

17 orbit Perform the second maneuver to estab-

lish a circular assembly orbit with an
altitude of 225 km

18 orbit Orient solar panels to the Sun

19 orbit 28 hr 11 min Verify TV communication lines between

Soyuz and the USA MCC

- 91 -
Orbit GET Main events

19 orbit Dinner (40 min)

22 orbit Conduct experiments:

"ZFF" (observe and photograph the ZFF)

23 orbit Supper (30 min). Individual time.

Evening toilet.

34 hr 20 min Begin the second rest period. Sleep

(8 hours)

32 orbit Conduct experiments:

"ZF:B'11 (observe and photograph the ZFF);
"Micro-organism growth ll (observe the
micro-organism growth)

33 orbit Orient to the Earth for "braking ll

Conduct experiments:
"Photography and visual observation of
daylight horizon ll

Spacecraft rendezvous and docking

Soyuz/Apollo rendezvous and docking will take place

during the 3d day of Soyuz flight (with the Soyuz inserted into
a circular orbit with an altitude of 225 km and an inclination
of 51,8 degrees); the Apollo will conduct a number of maneuvers
to approach the Soyuz.
This maneuvering will result in the spacecraft dock-
ing. A pressure~tight interface will link the spacecraft. The fol-
lowing compatible means are used for rendezvous and docking: ex-
ternal orientation lights, beacons, USA and USSR VHF-radiostations,
an optical sighting device and docking targets.

- 92 -
The sequence of Soyuz main flight operations and crew
activities is given below:

Orbit GET Main events

33 orbit 48:34 Apollo performs a maneuver to ensure the

required difference in altitude between
the spacecraft for Apollo onboard navi-
gational measurements. Distance between
the spacecraft is approximately 480 kID
and reduces in the progress of rendezvous.
The Soyuz is in the orbital orientation

34 orbit 48:43 Distance between the spacecraft is about

441 km. Apollo crew begins visual track-
ing of Soyuz using a sextant; the crews
check the compatible VHF - communication
means. Prior to entering the darkness
in the 34th orbit the Soyuz crew switches
on the beacons.

49: 18 Distance between the spacecraft is

about 269 km. Apollo performs a correc-
tion maneuver to control the phasing
and plane differentials between the
spacecraft in altitude and angle.
49:26 Distance between the spacecraft is about
241 kID. so~~z transponder and Apollo
transceiver are on. Apollo starts track-
ing of the Soyuz using VHF-radiomeans.

49:55 Distance between the spacecraft is 150

km. Apollo transfers into co-ellipti-
cal orbit (the orbit with constant dif-
ference in altitudes referenced to the
Soyuz orbit); this brings about con-
stant difference in altitude between

- 93 -
------------------,---------------------------~------- ---------------
Orbit GET Main events

the spacecraft. The Soyuz crew begin pre-

paration for docking and transfer at the
beginning of the 35th orbit: perform ne-
cessary manipulations with equipment and
systems, required for the docking and
transfer, don pressure suits, inform the
MeC and Apollo on rendezvous operations
and get the required information.

35 orbit 50:54 Distance between the spacecraft is about

39 km. Apollo starts transferring into
interception trajectory.

51:52 Distance between the spacecraft is 2 krn.

Apollo retards, reduces its relative ve-
locity and flies around the Soyuz for
assuming the initial position prior' to

51:31 Distance between the spacecraft is JO-

50 m. Apollo station-keeping relative
to Soyuz, the docking systems are facing
each other.

36 orbit 51:40 The Soyuz crew is in DV,the hatch bet-

ween DV and OM is closed.

51:45 On the Apollo request the Soyuz rolls

for ensuring the required orientation
of Apollo high - directional antenna to
the communication satellite which will
transmit to Earth the information on
the rendezvous and docking progress.
After the roll the Soyuz maintains the
mode of inertial attitude hold.

- 94 -
Orbit GET Main events

51:50 After the final check of the spacecraft

systems Soyuz and Apollo crews con-
firm their readiness for docking. Apol-
lo approaches the Soyuz using the opti-
cal sighting device, installed aboard
the Apollo and the docking target mount-
ed on the Soyuz. The crew maintain the
radio communication exchanging the in-
formation on the progress of the main
operation accomplishment. The Soyuz ex-
ternal survey TV camera is activated
to control the Apollo motion; Soyuz
crew perform photography of the appro-
aching Apollo.

51:55 The docking systems of the two space-

craft are captured and retracted; the
interface is sealed. Apollo maintains
the orientation of the docked space-
craft. The crews report to Earth on
the complete docking and prepare for
transfer from one spacecraft to the

4.5 Crews joint activitl in the orbit

Soyuz/Apollo crews joint activity can be specified as

1. Spacecraft rendezvous;

2. Approach and docking;

3. Docked flight;
4. Undocking, redocking and final undocking;
5. Joint experiments during separate :flight of the space-

- 95 -
6. Separation of Soyuz and Apollo.

Main events of cosmonauts and astronauts joint activity are

referenced to ground elapsed time (GET), l.e. time from the Soyuz

Spacecraft rendezvous
The crew of Soyuz ana Apollo perform maneuvers to bring
the spacecraft (they are in different orbits) as near as 30-50 m,
they also establish spacecraft to spacec~dft radio communication
and check all the systems involved in it.

Orbit GET Main events

33 orbit start joint activity in orbit. Prenare

the orbital orientation systems.
Conduct "Photography of daylight hori-
zon" experiment.
Establish Soyuz orbital orientation s~
that solar panels are properly lightea~
this is necessary for tracking of the
Soyuz using the Apollo sextant.

34 orbit 49:05 Establish radiocommunication with

Apollo and verify systems of radio-
communication between the spacecraft.

49:26 Activate VHF ranging

35 orbit 51:00 Prepare Soyuz inertial attitude hold


51: 18 Prepare docking system for operation.

- 96 -
Approach and docking phase
Apollo approach to the Soyuz (Soyuz is in the inertial ori-
entation mode), spacecraft contact, as well as rigid coupling
of two spacecraft and docking interface sealing are performed
during this phase.

lution GET Main events

36 51 :45 Estqblishment of the Soyuz inertial ori-

entation prior to docking
51:55 Docking
51:57 Soyuz system monitoring and rough pressu-
-52:1:; re integrity check of OM and DV
52:13 Cosmonauts transfer from DV to OM.
52:1~ Exact pressure integrity check of Soyuz
-52:40 and interface volume between spacecraft

Phase of the flight in docked configuration (fig.4~2)

Crew back-to-back transfers, joint scientific experiments,

TV coverages and film and picture shooting are performed during
this phase.

lution GET Main events

52:47- Tunnel 2 pressurization and pressure

52:57 integrity check (tunnel between the
37 53:00- Pressure Garment Assembly (PGA) doffing
53:12 and PGA connection to the fan for the
,8 54:47 Flight engineer rechecks tunnel 2 pres-
sure integrity after DM pressurization.
Soyuz commander stows FGA's.

- 97 -
lution GET Main events

54:48 Hatch 4 opening

54:50- DM/Soyuz pressure equalization. Prepara-
-55:0; tion of the astronauts and cosmonauts for
TV coverage of the rendezvous in the
55:01 Hatch 3 opening and astronauts transfer
to the Soyuz. Joint TV coverage of the
rendezvous (greetings).
55:38- Joint activity period of the USSR and
-56:44 USA crews in the Soyuz; cosmonauts and
astronauts exchange the flags of their
countries, souvenirs and sign a joint
document on the first international space
docking. They perform film and picture
shooting and have joint dinner.
39 56:44- Transfer of the docking module pilot and
-57:10 Soyuz flight engineer into DM to conduct
joint "Multipurpose Furnace" experiment.
Flight engineer returns then into OM.
Transfer kits for "Microbial Exchange" to
DM. Exchange of "Rhythme - 1" devices.
Apollo commander transfers into DM.
57 :I5 Close hatches 3 and 4. Monitor tunnel 2
57:24- Pressure integrity check of hatches 3 and
-57:30 4.
40 57:;5 Conduct experiments: "Microorganism
growth", "Genetic studies", "ZFF".
58:II Presleep systems checkout
59:00- Sleep period
46 66:30- Ind.ividual time
-67:30 -98-
lution GET Main events

67:,,0- Postsleep sys~ems checkout

67:45- Breakfast
47 68:42 ~econd transfer initiation.
"Microorganism growth" experiment
48 69:22 Cosmonauts open hatch 4
69:29 Hatch 3 opening.
69:31 Astronauts proceed to DM-8oyuz atmosphere
69:36 Command module pilot transfer and USA
equipment transfer into Soyuz
69:48 Soyuz commander transfer into JJM (thus,
flight engineer and DM pilot stay in the
70:03 Close hatches 3 and 4
70:11- ApOllo flight engineer and commander
- 70: 17 check pressure integrity of hatches 3
and 4

70: I7- Joint activity period of the flight engi-

-75:30 neer and eM pilot in ~he Soyuz, when TV
coverages, tilms and pictures shooting,
diD.ller and Z one-forming fungi joint
experiment are performed
70: 03- Transfer of the Soyuz and Apollo comman-
-70: 53 ders from the docking module into the
Apollo command module

- 99 -
lution GET Main events

70: 53- Joint activity period of the Apollo com-

-74:40 mander, Soyuz commander and docking module
pilot in Apollo, when TV coverages, films
and pictures shooting, dinner and MUltipur-
pose Furnace j oint experiment are performed
51 74:40 Initiation of the Soyuz and Apollo com-
mander transfer into Soyuz
52 75:28 Flight engineer opens hatch 4
75:36 After DM-Soyuz pressure equalization,
Apollo commander opens hatch 3. Initiation
of the DM-Soyuz atmosphere mixing
75:47 Soyuz commander transfers into OM
75:57 Command module pilot transfers into DM
75:59 Apollo commander transfers into OM
'/6:02 Flight engineer transfers into DM
76:08 Closing of hatches 3 and 4 (thus/Apollo
and Soyuz commanders stay in the Soyuz)
76:15- Pressure integrity check of hatches 3 and 4
76:22- Joint activity of the Soyuz and Apollo
-79: 53 commanders in the Soyuz, when TV coverages,
films and pictures shooting
Microorganism Growth and Microbial Exchange
joint experiments are performed
76:22- Flight engineer and command module pilot

- 100 -
lution GET Main events

transfer in the Apollo, when TV coverages,

films and pictures shooting, Microbial Ex-
change scientific experiment are performed
54 78:54 Flight engineer and docking modUle pilot
transfer initiation into DM
79:27 Soyuz commander opens hatch 4
79:30 Docking module pilot opens hatch 3. Initiati-
on of the DM-8oyuz atmosphere mixing.
79:40 Docking module pilot transfers into OM and
Microbial Exchange experiment
55 79:55 Docking module pilot retur.ns into DM
79:56 Flight engineer transfers int'o Soyuz.
80:14 Parting of the cosmonauts and astronauts.
80:24 Apollo commander transfers into DM
80: 28 Close hatches 3 and 4
80:34- Pressure integrity check of hatches 3 and 4
81:00 Zone-forming Fungi experiment
56 81 :30- Supper
82:10- Presleep systems checkout
82 :;0- Individual time
-83:10 1

- 101 -
Revo- GET Main events

57 83:10- Sleep period


62 90:15- Individual time


91:30- Postsleep systems checkout

-91: 45

63 91:45- Breakfast

93:00- "Microorganism Growth" experiment.

-94:25 llZone-fonning Fungi" experiment and system

Phase of the undocking z redocking and final undocking

Spacecraft undocking is performed during this phase. Soyuz

docking assembly is set into the active position, and the A.pollo
docking assembly is set into the passive one. Then crews perform
redocking, systems check after the docking, pressure integrity
check of the interface volume and final undocking.

Revo- GET Main events


64 94:25- PGA donning and transfer into DV


95:42:05 Undocking

- 102 -
lution GET Main events

95:50 Establishment of the Soyuz inertial

orientation and the setting of the
Soyuz docking system into the active

66 96:11 Spacecraft recontact

96:20- Docking completion


96:20- System check:


96:45 Flight engineer transfers into OM

96:45 Soyuz commander transfers into OM

96:45- Soyuz and interface volume pressure

-97: IO integrity check

97 :25- Dinner
67 98:35 Cosmonauts return into DV

98:45 Hatch 5 closiDg

98:46 System preparation for undocking

99: 06-
Final undock1ng

- 10, -
Phase of the joint e;Eeriments during the separate
flight of the spacecraft

During the phase t~ Apollo spacecraft performs the Soyuz

fly-by at different distances and in different planes, keeps
the orientation that is necessary for Ultraviolet Absorption
experiment and performs the TV coverage and photography.

lution GET Main events

68 99:10 Establishment of the orbital orien-


99:10- Conduct the experiments "UV-absorptiontt

-102:45 and "Study the possibility of obser-
vation and identification of stars
in the daylight part of the orbit".

99:20 TV coverage

,99:24 Open hatch 5

99:24 Oosmonauts transfer into OM

99:30 PGA doffing

102:05 Film the Apollo

Phase of the spacecraft separation

During this phase the Apollo performs orbit-transfer
manoeuvre. After the completion of this manoeuvre the crews
proceed to the autonomOUB phase of the flight.
- 104 -
Revo- GET Main events

70 102:45 Preparation of tne Soyuz systems

for the spacecraft separation.

71 103 :41 Apollo orbit-transfer manoeuvre

103 :40 Perform the sun orientation

104:03 Conduct the scientific experiments

"Genetic studies", "Microorganism
growth", "ZFF".
Complete "UV-absorption experiment.

Photograph the Apollo spacecraft.

The joint orbital activity of the Soyuz and Apollo

crews on this phase of the flight is over.

- 105 -


Tunnell~ r Tunnel 2

Command Docking Orbital Descent

Module Module Module Vehicle
(CM) (OM) (OM) (DV)

Hatch 1 Hatch 5

AC - Apollo Commander SC - Soyuz Commander

OP - Docking Module Pilot FE - Souyz Flight Engineer

CP - Command Module Pilot



The first transfer

Cosmonauts and as-

tronauts location
prior to transfer
1. initiation

Open hatch 2

AC and DP trans-
2. fer into DM

Close hatch 2

.'OM pressurization
3. to 490 mm Hg


OM - tunnel 2
pressure equali
zation (cosmonauts)

280 520

Open hatch 4


OM - Souyz pres-
sure equalization
6. Open hatch 3

AC and OP transfer
into Souyz

AC and OP trans-
fer into OM


Close hatch 3

Close hatch 4

Tunnel 2 depressu-
rization to 260 mm Hg

9. DM depressuriza-
tion to 280 mm Hg
and OM oxygen
pu rge (astronauts)

260 520

Open hatch 2

10. AC and DP trans-

fer into CM

Second transfer

CP transfer into

SC transfer into

"':osmonauts and as-

tronauts location
after the second
12. transfer

The third transfer

SC and AC transfer
into Souyz

13. CP and FE transfer

into Apollo

Cosmonauts and ast

ronauts location
after the thin!
14. transfer

The fourth transfer

FE transfer Into

AC transfer into

Cosmonauts and ast-

ronauts location
after the transfer

( ( (


Soyuz orbi t. Orbit 37 I !Orbit 38 I Orbit 39 I brbit 40 I Orbit 41_
Ground elapsec
time 52:00 53:00

I 54:00
I 55:00

56:00 I ::17:00

59:00 I
se and FE Joint TV cove- b
Soyuz com-
Plander (sa)
...... transfer rage of the ~ (Equip- sa &;nd FE Sleep
~ Lt"I into OM ane rendezvous. ment tran- presleep
e -..-;
perform Doff and d:ry PGA' a f
Souvenirs ex- ~ s er.?r
f systems
(8 hours)
Soyqz ~ pressure
.r-! integrity
Prepare for the chSIlge. s:l th~ J 07 nt
~:-t SCJ.entJ.-
N astronauts rendezvous
~ flight en- .!>:l
() check Joint lunch. ~ fie expe-
fineer 8 <l> riment s )
/ ~

Television TV TV TV TV

comman- AC and DP remove CM/mr hatch ~~
I AC and DP transfer in-I
dar and activate DM systems; trans- to eM. Initiate fur- I Sleep
CAC) . period
.--.. fer into OM with equipment -PO
rt.l nace system expen- (8 hours

Prepare for the transfer to the
I mente Pre sleep sys-

pilot (DP) Lt"I
terns check

0 ~
.,-4 I~~
...-l Command .!>:l
0 ()
Po module 0
OF performs solar orientation ~
< pilot (CP) A Eat period I Presleep systems checkl

, , 1
Ground elap sed 52:00 53:00 ' I
54:00 55 ;'00 56:00 57:00 58:00 59 :'00
time. Apollo
reVolution I I
I Rev.. 3q ~v.31 I IRev.3~ rRev.33 Rbvo34

Orbit I Orb. 47 I I Orb. 4 8 1 I Orb. 49 I l 0rb 50 I I Orb. 51! 10rb. 52
GET 67:00 ! 68:00 69 :~O I 70:00
71:00 72:00
.I 73:00
. I 74:00 75:~0 r

SC and FE postsleep systems
H FE and CP joint activity Lilllch
"CI v
r-! check. Breakfast ~
r-.- I:l
AM ~
;:j +>
FE 0.0
<D.q 0
ro-..- \/

....... I AC transfer AC and DP

m +>
0 Furnace system experiment completion
AC H Pi m ..-l into JlII1 transfer
;:j v <:tl +>
(1) G-i ctl into eM
rl ..!.:l +>
Ol CI'l l:l ,
co ..p ~ (l) AC, DP and SC joint Lunch
'-" Ol .~
o P=I
"CI 0. 0 activity
DP 0

..!.:l H
0 0 ctl
Zone-forming fungi experiment
<D (l) rl
Pi "CI .q 0
0 Ol

CP trans~\
CF transfer
(1) 02
<D P-l S fer into I into Soyuz
CP r-l
I A (l)

I o-
I 1m \
, ,
169: 00 01
~ 7 2: 00
73:00 I 74:00 75: 0 p
I 71 :00 0

67:00 68;00 7 :00\

I Rev. 3:11 IRev.401 Rev.4~ Jtev.42] IRev.4Jj ~441

( (
( ( ('


10rb. 53 I I Orb. 55 I j Orb. 57 I 8
GET 76:00
I 77:00
79 : 00

I' 80: 00
82:.00 183:00
I f
~ I se se, FE t

sa and AC joint acti vi ty. IViicrobi- SC and FE have supper
AC and and perform presleep Sleep period
+>~ a1 exchange experiment DP joint (8 hours)
!ii0 activity systems check

FE ctl~ aj~



~ g~ and FE DP and FE ~ to ,......,
AC ~ ~::s transfer transfer s4~ to

AC and DP trans F-I
~ 0 into eM into nVl AG, DP and OP have ::s
1 10 o
If.l CP, DP and fer into CM supper and perform ~
(1)0 0
L,+> +> FE joint presleep systems co
r~ r:: s4 activity .......,
DP S::-ri 5=l-ri
a:I ro s:l0,-i check '"0
h~ F-I ctl o
~ (l) or!
Microbial exchange expe-
CF riment P.

~.~ 79:00 I
Rev. 76 :'00 I 77 : 00 78:00 80:00 81 :1 00 82 : 00 83:001 84:00
IRe~ ~481 ~
v.461 mev" L1. 7

Orbit lOrb. 63 I I Orb. b4 IOrb. 65 , Orb. bb I IOrb. 07 I I Orb. be> I
GET 91:00
93:0~ I 94:00
96: 00, I 97:00
, I 98:00
I ,I 99:00
~ Don spacesuit, ,-..,.

se co se and FE perform postsleep systems transfer into

DV and prepa-
.:::t- ttl s:::
-P .r-! ~.. SO and ]'E chek sy- .. Orientation
'-" l!"\ ~.!:<:
check and have breakfast re for undock-
ing. Artifici- ""
CD 0
..-1 0 ~ stems operation; ~-- f'or fi'lm
'~ al solar ec-
lipse experi-
H ~ .. transfer
into OM.
Lunch ~O'
Apollo pictu-

8 cy
ment .!:<: ,.!:<:l\
FE () 0
re shooting
g 0
s:: Q)-r-! ~ ~
:::> ~-p
~ :::>


..-.. I
AO Sleep period
(8 hours)
AC, DP and OP
perform post-
Orientation for undock
ing. Prepare for undoc -

Lunch. Orienta-
for film
s::: CT\ tion for undock- CY'I
sleep systems ing. Artificial solar ,-..,. 0
'r-! J
0\ shooting.Per-
N .p ing J

check and have
eclipse experiment ~
.. f'onn ultravi-
olet absorp-
Q) 0'1

l~ ~p ~
'" ....

tion experi-
bO O.r-! bO
~ ~ M s:: ment.Apollo
OP -r-!
~ ~g 14
0 0'0
~0 0
'0 HCO .g 'd (106:41)
s:::: <D..s:::: ~
:::> , P-l-P :::>
Rev. 92:00 9 .3: 0 0 94:00 95:'00 1'::16:00 97:00 98:'00

~ev.551 *evo561 nev.5'il lRev.581

lRev.59 f


( ( (
4.6 Independent flight of Soyuz after the sEacecraft sepa-

Soyuz independent flight begins after the Apollo performs

the maneuver to separate the spacecraft so that they do not c01-
During this flight the Soyuz crew conduct ASTP scientific
experiments, verifies the functioning of the spacecraft systems,
stores and packs the equipment which is to be returned to Earth.
During this flight the Soyuz crew conduct TV-transmissions
from the spacecraft in the USSR MOe coverage zones.
Following is the sequence of the main events:

Orbit GET Main events

71 orbit Supper (.30 min)

Prepare for sleep period

72 orbit Sleep period (8 hours)

78 orbit Morning toilet

Breakfast (30 min)
Spacecraft systems check

78-80 orbit Verify the functioning of the spacecraft sys-

tems operational during the descent

80 orbit Orient solar panels to the Sun

80-82 orbit Conduct scientific experiments:

"ZFF" (observe and photograph the ZFF, trans-
fer and stow in DV).
Fish embryonic development (transfer and stow
Bioka t- 3 de vi ce )

- 117 -
Orbit Get Main events

83 orbit Individual time. Dinner (30 min)

84 orbit Conduct the experiment: "Photography of the


85-86 orbit Stow the equipment to be returned to Earth

86 orbit Individual time. Supper (30 minutes).

Prepare for sleep period

87 orbit Sleep period (8 hours)

4.7 Preparation for descent; Soyuz descent

The Soyuz descent begins after the crew rest period on

the last flight day. The crew don pressure suits. transfer to DV
and close the DV hatch from the DV side; release OM pressure by
150 mm Hg to make sure that the DV hatch is pressure-tight. ori-
ent the spacecraft for "braking". The retrorocket is activated at
the given time following the commands of the onboard automatics.
After the retrorocket deactivation the spacecraft modules are se~

parated and the DV performs a controlled descent into the given

landing area. The sequence of major events is given below:

Orbit GET Main events

94 orbit Morning toilet.

Breakfast (30 min).
Check spacecraft systems

- 118 ..
Orbit GET Main events
-----------------------_._-..~ _,_._ .. _..
94 orbit Don pressure suits.
Crew transfer to DV.
Close hatch DV-OM

95 orbit 150 mm Hg pressure drop in OM.

Make sure the DV hatch is pressure-tight

95 orbit Make sure the pressure suits are pressure-

Prepare for descent

96 orbit Orient spacecraft for "Braking'!.

Activate retrorocket.
Module separation.
Parachute deployment.
DV soft landing.

4.8 Crew recovery

After completion of the technical and scientific experi-

ments program in AES orbit the cosmonauts will be returned to
Earth. DV will land in a preter.mined area of the Soviet Union.
The DV is designed for landing but it is also equipped with speci-
al systems, ensuring the cosmonauts security in case of a splash-

In the landing area the cosmonauts will be met by a specially-

-trained rescuse team. The group will consist of technical experts,
doctors,flight record Certification Officers.The rescue team will be
equipped with everything necessary to arrive in time to the landinR

- 119 -
site and render the required aid to the cosmonauts.Planes,helicopter~

ships and landrovers will be used for rescue. Technical experts

and doctors of the rescue team are usually well-trained parach~

tists and underwater swimmers. The doctors of the rescue team will
be provided with the required medicaments and equipment which can
be used in the field under any weather conditions. During the des-
cent and after the landing the cosmonauts and the rescue team will
maintain the 2-way radiocommunication.
After the DV landing the cosmonauts will open the hatch
covers and prepare the containers with scientific equipment and
filming for transportation.
If necessary they may use the emergency kit which contains
the camp outfit, warm clothes, swimming means, communication means,
food, water etc. After the cosmonauts land and leave the DV they
doff pressure-suits and don their flight-suits. Containers with
scientific equipment and filming are handed to the specialists of
the rescue team. At the landing site the cosmonauts will be sub-
jected to the first postflight medical examination. In case the
DV splashes-down, the cosmonauts will stay in the DV till the ar-
rival of a rescue team. In this case the cosmonauts will doff
their pressure-suits, prepare the swimming means, communicate
with the rescue service and wait for arrival of one of its team~

- 120 -
5.0 Scientific experiments
The program of scientific experiments scheduled for Soyuz
mission provides for unilateral and j oint experiments.

5.1 Unilateral scientific experiments

Unilateral scientific experiments involve astrophYsical
and biological experiments.
Astrophysical tests are based on the metrophotography
approach. that is on the use of calibrated photometric films which
make it possible to perform light measurements. Moreover. it is
important that each photo-picture should be exactly time;.,referenc-
ed. These experiments are conducted with the use of the same auto-
matic camera with a command unit that is used in the Artificial 80-
Iar Eclipse experiment (ASE). Given below is a brief description
of astrophysical experimente.

Photography of the solar corona and zodiacal light against

the background of the night sky

The experiment envisages a number of shots of the night and

dusk sky with the Sun at different angles behind the horizon of the
Earth, that is under conditions of solar eclipse by the Earth.
This experiment, carried out in addition to the joint ASE
experiment. will be an attempt to find coronal rays at large angu-
lar distances from the Sun in order to corroborate a hypothesis
of extensive solar corona., Visual observation by the Soyuz crew
will serve the same -aim.
Coronal ra,y-s will be identified or singled out among pos-
sible structural formations of atmospheric origin by the absence
of their visible shift against stars.

- 121 -
Investigation of refraction and tr~~sparency of the upper
layers of the atmosphere

The aim of the experiment is to measure atmosphere refrac-

tion and solar light absorption by the atmosphere. The experiment,
in particular, will assist to experimentally determine altitude
distribution of air density in the stratosphere and troposphere
which is of great importance for the solution of the problems of
meteorology and atmospheric optics. Moreover, the experiment will
make it possible to obtain initial data for the development of equ-
ipment for autonomous astronavigation and orientation of spacecraft.
The experiment involves photography of the Sun when it
rises or goes behind the horizon of the Earth. The referenced pic-
tures will make it possible to obtain the altitude distribution of
atmospheric layers.
Refraction of the atmosphere is determined from the sola!'
disc image flattening. Atmospheric absorption (vs. altitude) is de-
termined in terms of the film darkening both fol;' each image and
for the whole set of solar disc pictures obtained for different po-
sitions of the Sun above the Earth's horizon. The shooting will be
carried out in the narrow spectrum with the use of band-pass filters
to prevent the blurring of the Sun's pictuI'aa due to atmospheric dis-
persion of the light.
Some of the aims of this experiment will be gained addi-
tionally by photography of setting stars. In this case, "deform-
ation" of the portion of a sky of stars (!lstar grid") in the course
of its going behind the horizon will give atmospheric refraction,
and the measurement of the darkening of the setting stars will de-
termine atmospheric absorption.

- 122 -
Photography of daytime and dusk horizon

This experiment is divided into two independent procedures:

- Photography of daytime horizon,
- Photography of dusk and night horizon.

The aims of the experiment are to determine characteristics

of light-scattering by atmospheric air, investigate stratospheric
(at altitudes from 15 to 25 Ion) and mesospheric (at altitudes from
40 to 60) layers of aerosol, make an attempt to discover and inves-
tigate noctilucent and nacreous clouds, and analyse dependence of
altitude aerosol distribution on geographical and meteorological
factors. Moreover, the theory available makes it possible to use
photographic data of dusk horizon to quantitively assess atmosphe-
ric scattering within the altitudes from 30 to 150-200 km.
Daytime and dusk horizon is shot with the use of band-
pass filters.
The program of astrophysical experiments scheduled for the
Soyuz flight in the joint mission involves applied technical expe-
riments as well. In particular, the program envisages visual obser-
vation and photography of light effects in the vicinity of the space-
craft, and investigation of the possibility of the observation and
identification of stars with the spacecraft on a daytime portion of
an orbit.
In this experiment the window is protected from the Earth's
high lights by the same sunshade that is used in the Artificial So-
lar Eclipse experiment.

- 123 -
Biological Experiments.
The biological experiments are conducted to study the effect
of weightlessness, space radiation and Earth's magnetic field on
the growth, development and heredity at different organisms. Pecu-
liar feature about these experiments is that they are conducted in
thermostats and the organisms develop mainly during the flight. To
make the organisms develop during the flight the cultures are placed
into the nutrient medium, the seeds ar~ wetted, the shoots and de-
veloping fish are fixed onboard the spacecraft.
~'[!herrnostatic control of a biological obj ect is provided by

ttBiokat" - biological thermostatically controlled capsule maintain-

ing the given temperature to an accuraoy of O.50C.
~he device consists of a casing and a power supply unit.
The casing contains the central cylindrical passage surrounded by
the elements ensuring thermostatic control; and the inserts with
biological objects are placed into the passage.
fhere will be three thermostats onboard the Soyuz. They are
intended for conducting the folloWing experiments: ttMicro-organisms
growth", ll.l!'ish embryonic development", and "Genetic studies".

"Micro-organisms Growth"

The aim of the experiment is to study the effect of space-

flight factors on the rate and character of the micro-organism
growth, mobility of bacteria cells. Possible changes in morphology,
genetics, aurvivalability and radio-sensitivity of cells will be
determined. The experiment will use the culture of protea vulgaris,
which is characterized by high mobility in solid and liqUid nutri-
ent media. The insert has the form of a capsul~ and is made fram
transparent material. The' butt end of the capsule has the buttonl

- 124 -
of the inoculation device under which an ampule with the micro-
organism culture is located. The cavity with the ampule in is con-
nected to special chambers filled with nutrient media containing
the indicator which changes its colour when effected by micro-or-
ganism wastes thus forming the visual growth boundary.

"Fish embryonic development "

The aim of the experiment is to study growth and develop-

ment of water animals under the weightlessness conditions. The ex-
periment will reveal embryonic and genetic changes and peculiarities
of formation of the vestibular apparatus of developing fish.
Two inserts-aquariums are placed into "Biokat", one of the
aquariums will be used for the preservation of the developing fish
at the completing phase of the flight. The fish from the other
aquarium and the preserved material will be brought back to Earth.
The experiment will use well-known aquarium fish - Danyo Rerio or
Cardinal. The inserts with fertilized roe of thmse fish will be
installed onboard the Soyuz immediately prior to the lift-off.

n Genetic experi"ment"

The aim of the experiment is to study the weightlessness

effect on the cell division, genetic structures and radiosensitivity
of different biological objects:
-chlamydomonada zygotes which do not germinate in darkness
for a long time. Peculiarities of the ch1amydomonada cell
division when effected by space flight factors will be
-seeds of crepis and arabydopsis will be steeped during
the flight; the shoots will be fixed. In the dividing
cells of the shoots the frequency of chromosome

- 125 -
restructures will be studied. The effect of the spaceflight fac-
tors on radiosensitivity of the dry seeds of these species t the
frequency of embryonic and chlorophyllous mutations will be studied.
All these objects in the appropriate capsulas will be
also placed into one of the Biokats.
Along with the flight experiment a number of laboratories
in this country will also conduct control experiments maintaining
the same temperature conditions as in the "Biokatt! devices.
Following instructions from the MOC the scientists will
conduct experiments in the same manner as the cosmonauts will con-
duct theirs in the orbit.

~: Unilateral experiment program may be changed depending on

the specific conditions.

- 126 -
5.2 JOi,t scientific exnerimenl;S

ArtL-fic-.ial solar ~g)ipse experiment \ Fit;:) i)

llrtificial solar eclipse exper~Lment was proposed by the
USSR side o ':Ph:Ls experiment requires the po.rticipatton of both space-

craft during docking and undocking. fl1he eXl.;eriment is to obtain from

onboard the Soyuz a series of photoc:raphs of the solar corona 2nd :Jat-
IIlosphere H around Apollo while the Sun is eclipsed by Apollo. 'j1his
flight gives the opportunity for testing new methods of studying the
solar corona. and the t1 a tmosIlhere II around the spacecraft. It is the
first solar eclipse scheduled by man. It win occur on July 19, 1975
at mi dday unive rsal tLne.

Solar eclipse. Theinterest it presents for scientists.

Solar corona is the most external, extremely rarefied lay-
ers of solar atmosphere Practically , it consists of fully ionized
hydrogen plasma. i. e. protons and electrons. Its temperature reach-
es 1 million clegrees. Solar corona stretches for great distances and
the Barth is in its externaJ. part.
High-energy particles and electromagnetic radiation which
effect the earth atmosphere and practico.lly all geophysical ef-
fects are formed. in solar corona. In the visible part of s!)ectrum
the SOlar corona shows itself as a weak glow which is nothing else
but sun light scattered by the electrons of coronal plasma. Self-
radiation of solar corona takes place in the invisible part of spec-
trurn. in the f,eneral, in the shortwave purt. Corona brit;htne sa mil-
lion times as weaker as the brightness of solar disk and usually
corona is not seen on the backe;round of bright day sky. Corona be-
comes visible from the Earth only in case of total Bolar eclipse.
while the solar disk is fully eclipsed by the Moon and the sky
brightness decreases million times. It is precisely this happy cir-
cumstance that has allowed for the solar corona to be detected at
the remote past. However its' physical nature was discovere d only

" 127"
during lasli d.ecades.
Total solar eclipse is a very rare phenomenon. So, total
solar eclipses may occur at the same geographical point, in average,
once in 300 years. The duration of the full phase of the eclipse
usually does not exceed 1-2 minutes. The total time of observations
performed during the whole history'of total solar eclipse observa-
tions using optical instruments does not exceed two hours. However,
the most important discoveries in astrophysics as well as in geophy-
sics were made based on these observations. Corona may be investi-
gated out of the eclipse, for example, in short-wave spectral range.
However, for some reasons it is impossible to get the total and re-
liable information using only these methods. The single way to con-
duct out-of-eclipse solar corona observations in visible part of
spectrum is to create artificial solar eclipse. This principle is
used as the basis for so called out-of-eclipoe coronograph. Artifi-
cial solar eclipse is realized in the device itself: the image of
solar disk is shut by non-transparent screen of larger diameter. As
the level of atmosphere background brightness is high under the
ground conditions, the observations of solar corona using these co-
ronographs are possible in close vicinity to the edge of solar disk
(the range not more than tenth parts of angular radius of the Sun).
At the same time the observations of corOna up to dozens of angular
radii are of great interest. In general, the observations out of
atmosphere should enable to perform this kind of observations. How-
ever, the installation of out-of-eclipse coronographs aboard the
spacecraft increase insignificantly the possibility for solar coro-
na to be studied in comparison to the ground conditions. Artifici-
al solar eclipse experiment provides more reliable conditions to stu-
dy solar corona. It is reached by eliminating the errors caused by
the light reflected from the Earth, effects of difraction on the

- 128 -
\ .

edge of artificial "moon" and effects of the Soyuz atmosphere (So-

yuz is in shadow), i.e. factors that limit the possibility to car-
ry out onboard investigations using coronographs. The other merit
of the method to be used in this experiment is the employment of
rather simple and compact recording equiment.

About spacecraft Ilatmosphere". Spacecraft atmosphere is

another object of study. Under conditions of space vacuum, conti-
nuous evaporation (sublimation) of different materiaw from the space-
craft surfaces takes place.
At first absorbed gases,water and other volatile substances
will leave the spacecraft surface. Microformations - "dust partic-
les ll - may also leave the spacecraft surface. Additionally the fail-
ure of surface layers of the structure itself occurs. All materials,
as well as metals, are subjected to the destruction but to a different
-degree. Organic materials and different kinds of coatings are es-
pecially unstable. Micrometeorite particles, cosmic and solar radi-
ation intensify this process. All products of Ildepreciation" leave
the locality of the spacecraft not simultaneously. So, at present
it is considered that there is a peculiar atmosphere around space-
craft. This atmosphere is enriched by the outgassing of sealed com-
partment and especially by exhaust products of reaction engine.
Contamination around the vehicle under orbital flight con-
ditions is effected by the incident flow of the Earth residual at-
mosphere, pressure of sun light and so called "solar wind". So the
vehicle with the "atmosphere" around looks like comet. But we must
take into consideration that the terms "atmosphere" and "comet"
are used only as graphic phrases. Actually, they describe rare
medium which differs from the undisturbed space medium. It 1s
necessary to take into account this difference as all observations

- 129 -
.. ,

are conducted inside the Jtcomet ll The components of this lIatmosphe-

re lf change physical characteristics of the environment and, conse-
quently, may result in operation of important vehicle systems and
instruments. They may also introduce errors into scientific infor-
mation. "Atmosphere" around the vehicle causes appreciable changes
into optical characteristics of the environment, therefore optical
instruments are especially subjected to its effect. Effect of the
contamination around the vehicle may result in increasing induced
illumination and in disturbance of useful light signal by the cloud
components as well as in changing optical characteristics of the in-
struments as the result of contamination effect on unprotected op-
tical surfaces. So it is impossible to conduct complicated experi-
ments in space and to develop and improve important systems of ve-
hicles without taking ~to account different effects concerning the
change of physical characteristics of the environment around the ve-
hicle. But to take into account all these effects it is necessary
to study them in conjunction with all space factors which couldn't
be created at the laboratory. Artificial solar eclipse experiment
provides reliable possibilities to perform this kind of investiga-
tions. This experiment gives the opportunity for registing the ge-
neral pattern of light aureole ("atmosphere") around the spacecraft
to be obtained from the other spacecraft under reliable conditions,
while this spacecraft is in the shadow of t he first one.

Experiment description. The experiment idea is rather simpl~

but the high techniques, precise piloting and cooperation of all

spacecraft crew activities are required to perfoJ:'!II. this experiment.
Artificial solar eclipse experiment will be performed as followso
Before undocking the spacecraft link of Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft
is oriented with high accuracy by placing the longitudinal axis to- ....",i

- 130 -
wards the Sun (Apollo from the side of the Sun) and stabilized in
this position. Separation will be performed according to the sche-
dule. After undocking control systems of both spacecraft will keep
the initial orientation mode. The separation rate of the spacecraft
is to be approximately 1 meter pet second along the Sun-Apollo-So-
yuz line. When performing orbit translation both spacecraft will go
away along this line.
During the separation the Apollo spacecraft will occult
the Sun creating for Soyuz onboard observer the artificial solar
eclipse conditions. The separation will continue until the rela-
tive distance of 220 m is reached. At this distance angular dimen-
tiona of artificial "moon" (Apollo spacecraft)for Soyuz onboard
observer will be twice as great as dimensions of solar disk. When
the distance of 220 m is reached the direction of translational
motion along the Sun-Apollo-Soyuz line reverses in order to return
into position for redocking.
The experiment will be performed along the sunrise part
of the orbit to crossing the terminator in order to eliminate the
Earth induced illumination of the Soyuz hatch window and the part
of the Apollo spacecraft visible from the Soyuz. At this part of
orbit the Sun is raised for both spacecraft but there is night in
that part of the Earth where spacecraft flies at this time. A spe-
cial baffle installed on the Soyuz will provide additional protec-
tion from the dawn light for Soyuz hatch window. Scheme and sche-
dule for the experiment are given in figures.
During the artificial solar eclipse the photography of
solar corona and "atmosphere" around the Apollo will be performed
through the Soyuz docking hatch window. The photography will be
performed with the help of automatic photocamera with programmed
control unit. Photometrically calibrated highly sensitive film

- 131 -
will be used. Apollo crew will perform film-shooting of the Soyuz
spacecraft in order to receive data required to analize (after the
flight) conditions for Soyuz window occultation. This experiment
attempW to find coronal rays on the background of night sky, i.e.
when the Sun is eclipsed by the Earth. Additionally synchronous
ground-based observations of the Sun will be performed to determine
the interaction between the structure of the outer corona and ac-
tive features of the solar disk and limb.

- 132 -
( ( (

Spacecraft attitude at the moment

of crossing terminator
(T a + 250 sec)

o~s ~
Spacecraft undocking.

Spacecraft attitud
at the end The beginning of the experiment

--- (T 0+ 75 sec)

--- :;:
SPO<'ccaft a
at the moment
su nrise (To)

From the Sun


Ultraviolet absorption experiment (F:ig,S~2)

Experiment objective. The objective of the experiment is

to measure the concentration of atomic oxygen and nitrogen in space
at the altitude of the flight. At present time the density of ato-
mic oxygen remains uncertain, and the density of atomic nitrogen
has never been significantly obtained. This experiment attempts to
measure the 0 density and the N density down to 5 x 10 6 Atoms/cm 3
at 220 kIn.

Scientific value of the experiment. Different types of

mass-spectrometers will be the main instruments to be used during
investigation of chemical composition of the outer atmosphere of
the Earth. All types of mass-spectrometers reliably register mole-
cular and inert gases, such as 02' N2 , Ar, Ne and do not register
atomic oxygen and nitrogen. These components recombine qUickly,
i.e. turn into 02 and N2 The method of resonance absorption with-
in ultraviolet spectrum allow to determine reliably the density
and composition of any components of the outer atmosphere.
The determination of the density of atomic oxygen and
nitrogen will help to solve many indefinite physical problems con-
cerning the outer atmosphere of the Earth. Ultraviolet absorption
experiment gives the opportunity to compare the results received
in this experiment with the data obtained using mass-spectrometer

Experiment description. During the experiment the degree of

signal absorption within UV-range will be measured. These signals
correspond to the resonance frequencies of atomic oxygen and ato-
mic nitrogen. For this purpose the signals from reSOnance 80urSes
at the defined range will be Bent by the mirror of the spectrometer

- 134 -
installed in the DM of the Apollo. These signals are directed to-
wards the retroreflector installed on the Soyuz and returned back
to the spectrometer of the Apollo.
To eliminate Doppler effect during data taking period the
line-of-sight is to be perpendicular to the orbital velocity vec-
tor within solid angle of +15 0 The axis of solid angle is normal
to the velocity vector.
The measurements of the concentration of atmospheric spe-
cies around Soyuz spacecraft are taken to evaluate the effect of
"atmosphere" around spacecraft arising from the outgassing of the
compartments and attitude control thruster burn. These measurements
will be made while Soyuz flies along the Apollo track. Soyuz space-
craft is to be within the solid angle of a o with its axis direct-
ed along the orbital velocity vector.
The concentration of atmospheric species will be measured
at some designed distances between spacecrafts. The distances up
to 500 meters will be determined by accelerometers of the Apollo
spacecraft; for a separation distance gr~ater than 500 meters ra-
dio system will be required. This system will be used during rendez-
vous before spacecraft docking. The experiment will be conducted in
68-71 orbits, after final undocking of the two spacecraft. A cali-
bration of the device must be made by Apollo in darkness prior to
the first data measurement. The measurements of the concentration
will be made within +20 latitude of the equator, at nominal dis-
tances of 150, 500 and 1000 meters. The duration of each measure-
ment is up to 8 minutes. During measurements, Soyuz must be in the
orbi tal plane and Apollo will be oriented with i te longitudinal
axis towards Soyuz. The optical axis of the spectrometer will be
pointed at the retroreflector installed on Soyuz. Measurements of

- 135 -
APOLLO DEVICE 0 D The first measurement Apollo maneuver
CALIBRATION at a distance to take the second
START OF EXPERIMENT of 150 meters measurement


, I I ~ r , I , I , I , I I I I r , I 1 I I I~

OhOOmih Oh30min 1hOOmin 1h30min 2hOOmin

The third
I I The second measurement I I measurement
at the distance
of 150 meters Apollo maneuver to ta ke ::It the distance
the second measurement of 500 meters
~ Iii
2 h 00 min
i; i I 1'1
I I I 1'1
iii i'4hOOmin


The fourth measurement
Apollo maneuver to take
the fourth measurement
c=J at the distance of 1000 meters

' I
4 h DOmin
I I I ij'
I 1 I ~'r)
l I'"
~ I I"


( l (
particles concentration around Soyuz will be taken at high latitu-
des, at a distance of 150 meters between the spacecrafts. The dura-
tion of measurements will be 5 minutes. The Apollo crew will be re-
quired to perform maneuvers to provide necessary orientation for
both spacecraft during the experiment.

Equipment and its characteristics. Three retroreflectors

installed on Soyuz along longitudinal and transversal axes are the
part of the spectrometer assembly required to conduct the experi-
To increase the measurement accuracy it is necessary to
obtain the highest reflectivity for optical surfaces of the ref-
lectors. It makes some difficulties for manufacturing and perform-
ing preflight preparation. The fact is that the reflectivity of
special mirrors made of glass and coated with a layer of pure alu-
minum does not &xceed 0.8 for wave-lengths at UV range (1200 to
1356 R). Taking into account that the reflected signal is to be re-
turned in the direction of the incoming beam the retroreflector is
specially designed. Each retroreflector cube consists of 3 mirrors
at exactly 90 0 angles with respect to each other. At this design
the incoming light makes 3 reflections on the mirrors and thus the
net reflectivity is not more than 0.512. To prevent the formation
of aluminum oxide that decreases the reflectance of aluminum, mir-
ror surfaces are coated with thin film of magnesium fluoride. This
film must be sufficiently thin to be properly transparent at spe-
cified wave-Ienghts.
Any contaminations of optical surfaces (moisture, drops
of oil and solvents, etc., effects of corrosive gases produoed by
thrusters) result in sufficient decrease of reflector sensitivity.
Taking into account this fact, each of three retroreflec-

- 131 -
tors is furnished with sealed protective cover, which is to be
opened just before the experiment initiation. The reliability for
the covers to be opened is checked out under ground conditions du-
ring independent tests and after retroreflector installation aboard
the Soyuz spacecraft.
Special measures must be supported to provide protection of
optical surfaces from external contamination.
Spectrometer assembly is installed on Apollo. It consists
of Ebert-Fastie spectrometer, telescope - the device for retroref-
lector tracking, light sources - for generation of resonance elec-
tromagnetic vibrations with the following wave-lengths: 1200 A;
o 0
1304 A and 1356 A; transmitting and receiving optics, electronics

Note: The experiment sequence can be changed to enable the Soyuz

crew to visually control the Apollo maneuvering.

- 138 -

The investigation of the natural biological clock, ef-

fecting the main biological rhythms, constitutes on important
part of the complicated biophysical process and the general theory
of life system regulation. Growth periodicity, cell development
and division, changes in activity and propagation, are considered
to be the main rhythms. The basic data on different aspects of
this problem have been determined. However, we are still far from
the solution of the main problem. This problem is the correlation
between the periodicity of the cell processes and different peri-
odical factors external to the organism which are required to de-
termine the main biological rhythms of the organism and its sys-
tems. It is necessary to study these questions in order to under-
stand the most important general biological regularity. The ans-
wers to these questions are required for SUbsequent investigations
of prophylaxis and the theory of decynchronousis, intensification
of general reactiveness and resistance, and selection of the opti-
mum work and rest modes. -The investigation of space factor effects
on the Earth biosphere constitutes an important part of space bio-
physics. There is considerable data on the solar effects on the
biosphere, for example, on a number of leucocytes and rate of dif-
ferent diseases of man, animals and plants. It has been shown
that space radiation takes part in formation of space flight fac-
tor biological effects. The high biological effectiveness of had-
rones and heavy nuclear particles of high and Buperhigh energy
have been shown as well. Hadrones - particles capable of strong
It is necessary to study space particles effects on
the organism to ensure biological safety during prolonged space
- 139 -
flights, especially beyond the limits of the earth radiation
belts. The objective of the zone-forming fungi experiment is to
study the effect of space flight factors (weightlessness, over-
load, space radiation) on the main biological rhythms.
The USSR proposed to include this joint experiment in-
to the flight program. The Puschino strain of Actinomyces levo-
ries (natural growth) is used as the object of study.
This fungus is cUltivated using hard nutrient medimn.
The quality of the chosen object is the visually observed differ-
ence between correct round zones of mycelium growth (transparent
rings)and spore-forming zonee(prot~udimg white band).Inrappearan-
ce fungi rings are like the cut of a tree.The other qualities of
this fungus are the following: comparative resistance, sensitive
to zone-forming synchronization when illuminated, synchronizati-
on during prolonged periods of time, suitable range of zone-form-
ing periodicity - one zone (ring) per 1 day, capability of g;row-
ing in Petri sealed dishes. Local death of some cells, delay in
growth and development (caused, for example, by the damage of hea-
vy nuclear particle) may be visually observed along the asymmetry
line of formation or along the break line of the next spore-form-
ing ring. The fungi zones are kept for one month or even longer
The program of the joint Apollo-Soyuz flight will allow
space investigations of biorhythms using the identical biological
objects cultivated within different time belts. The time differ-
ence between the USSR and USA laboratories engaged in the pre-
flight cultivation of fungal culture is approximately 9 hours.
This experiment is oonducted using the device "Rhythm--1" special-
ly designed for these purposes by the USSR side. Two Petri dishes
- 140 -
with fungal cultures and a plastic detector to registor the flow
of heavy nuclear particles (hadrones), coming within fungus growth
zone are installed in the device body.
The cultivating of fungal culture will be done by the
USSR and USA laboratories 7 days before launch.
Approximately, 200 Petri dishes will be loaded with me-
dium and fungi plated. Then Petri dishes will be placed into an

incubator and cultivated for 3-4 days. The required zone-forming

rhythm is provided by illumination of 100-200 lux: from 0900 to
2100 hours, local time (duytime) from 2100 to 0900 hours (dark-
ness). The imposed rhythm is maintained for a long time includ-
ing the period of flight and postflight processing. 24 hours be-
fore launch 16 round colonies with perfect rings (no breaks and
asymmetry) are selected from Petri dishes. 8 devices with select-
ed colonies in Petri dishes are assembled in a sterile box. The
installation of the devices aboard the spacecraft is carried out
)-4 hours before launch. Two experimental and two control devices
are selected. 4 backup devices will ramain at the laboratory.
The devices will be photographed before installation
to register the initial state of fungal cultures. The transport-
ation of loaded devices at all stages of the experiment will be
performed in special thermostatic containers designed by the USSR
During the flight both crews will regularly (approxima-
tely every 12 hours) take pictures of t1Rhytbm-1" devices in order
to register fungal growth rates. When docked the crews will ex-
change devices (one of two installed onboard each spacecraft).
At the landing areas the research group specialists
will take pictures of fungal colonies and provide their quick

- 141 -
delivery (not more than 2 days) to the USSR and USA laboratories:
At the laboratory the specialists will analyse cosmonaut and as-
tronaut notes, pictures and the type of the returned fungi. There
will be also determined the number of rings, the time of their
formation, zone width and localization of deformed areas. Detec-
tors are removed, processed, analized using a microscope in order
to find particles tracks. Particles are identified by their charge
group and energy ranges. Local anomalies of zone-forming fungi
rhythm are checked against particle track co-ordinates. Relation-
ship between zone-forming rhythm anomaly and the values of parti-
cle charge and energy is analyzed. Similar investigations will be
performed using control devices (not flown). Extensive plating
will be done taking samples from unchanged and deformed ring sec-
tions. This is done to determine the possible changes in fungal
properties, inherited by subsequent fungi generations. The results ~

of the investigation conducted in space and laboratory conditions

will be discussed at the special symposium and prepared for publi-
cation 8S joint works.

- 142 -
At present sufficient data are available which illu-
strate that man's prolonged presence in sealed compartments and
the effect of space flight factors on man's organism may result
in diseases caused by the representatives of the trown" man's mi-
croflora (automicroflora). The course of these diseases is simi-
lar to that of "autoinfection". This means that microorganisms
which Ithave lived peacefully" with the man -"host" earllier may
cause suppura tiva diseases, quinsy and other diseases ~
As a result of space flight factors the ability of a
man to resist invasion by microorganisms may decrease. Diseases
may be caused by the microorganisms contained on man's integu-
ments which are unharmful under usual conditions but in space
fl:i"ght they acquire Ilaggressi ve" (pathogenic) properties.
There are some other reasons of crew diseases in space
flight. The main reason is the transmission of infection by the
people which are the pathogenic microorganisms carrier (staphi-
10cocci, meningococci, pneumococci, etc.). But susceptibility
to these diseases may increase when infection resistance decrea-
ses. The mechnism of microbe transmission is the basis of the so
called "cross infection" which is being studied now in hospitals
and other medical offices.
At present "the cross infection" is considered to be
the main reason of crew infection diseases during the space
"Microbial Exchange Test" to be performed during the
joint Apollo and Soyuz space flight attempts to evaluate the
character and conditions of microbial exchange between crewmem-
bers and crews of bothspacecraft in space flight.
- 143 -
Organism infection resistance will be thoroughly stu-
died during preflight and postflight crew members' examinations
with regard to the fact that decrease in organism infection re-
sistance may cause diseases during the space flight.
The main objective of the experiment - to determine
the character and conditions of microbial exchange - will be
achieved by studying qualitative and quantitative composition
of the man's integuments and mucosa flora to be performed befo-
re, during and after flight. The detailed investigation of micro-
bial types and isolation of different microorganism species will
be performed to determine the peculiarity of different microor-
ganism exchange.
It was decided that USSR and USA specialists would stu-
dy different microbial groups in order to conduct investigation
more successfully. But both sides will study those microbial
groups in which they are especially interested at the present
stage of space investigation.
In addition to cosmonauts' and astronauts' microflora
microbial samples will be taken from all crew members and inner
surfaces of both spacecraft. This will allow to assess the role
of inner surfaces in microbial transfer under these specific
conditions. A specific device was designed for taking samples
from the different sites of the crew members' integuments and
from inner surfaces of Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft during the
flight. This device is also used for storage and delivery of
microflora samples to the Earth where the analysis of these
samples will be performed.
The device is a tube made of fluoroplastics with a
screwing sealed cap. The end of the tube,is a capillary which
- 144 -
is filled with specific maintenance fluid. A small cotton swab
is placed on the free end of the capillary. During the storage
the swab is continuously moistened with maintenance fluid con-
tained in the capillary. The tubes are placed into specific
cloth trays.
It was agreed that the USSR side would provide tubes
for investigations to be performed before, after and during the
The investigations have been already performed by USA
and USSR scientists to determine maintenance fluid composition
for different types of microorganisms. Maintenance fluid compo-
sition developed by the USSR side was chosen to maintain micro-
organisms sampled from crew members' integuments and from inner
surfaces of both spacecraft. Maintenance fluid composition de-
veloped by the USA side was chosen to maintain microorganisms
sampled from oral cavity and throat. All samples will be ana-
lysed at the laboratories of Moscow (USSR) and Houston (USA) in
the presence of scientific representatives of both sides. All
samples will be diVided and sent to the laboratories of both
sides to be studied there.
The results of "Microbial Exchange Test" will be do-
cumented as joint scientific works.

- 145 -

In the near future the space will be not only the wide
field of research but it will be used for numerous technological
processes of production to be conducted.
Even at present the use in production process of such
natural space factors as ultrahigh vacuum and wightlessness is
of great interest for manUfacturing of metals and semiconducting
materials needed in some electronic, electric and instrument in-
It presents great difficulties to create "space" vacuum
under earth conditions and we are not able to maintain weight-
lessness for SUfficiently long time. This is why it is impossible
to perform and investigate numerous "space" new materials produc-
tion processes of scientific and practical interest~

Weightlessness seems to be very much perspective for ma-

nUfacturing new metal and semiconducting materials formed of ele-.
ments with substantially different specific weights through their
cristallization from liquid state.
Under ground conditions it is either impossible or very
difficult to create such composite materials due to the so-called
"weightyn element segregation which causes heavy elements to de-
It is anticipated that big semiconductor crystals manu-
factured under weightless conditions, including that formed of
elements with sufficient difference in their specific weights,
will possess such semiconductor properties which are infieasible
under ground conditions.
Such crystals will enable us to design new semiconduct-
or devices for electronics, computers, space radio Slfstems, in-
strument engineering etc.
- 146 -
Weightlessness will allow to manufacture the so-called
composite materials with fusible basis and more refractory and
heavier second phase. We may preset the second phase material
distribution under ground conditions with components solid phase
and this distribution has to be maintained after the basis melting
in weightlessness conditions.
When on the ground the heavy second phase will deposit
after melting.
Calculations show that such composite materials fabri-
cated under weightlessness conditions will possess unique mecha-
nical, electric and other characteristics.
Of no less importance is a use of ball-formation of
fused metals and semiconducting compounds in weightlessness con-
ditions to fabricate perfect balls for bearings of different
purpose, fabrication of semiconductor spheres and so on. We may
also expect ball-formation of different powder systems when melt-
ing u~weightlessnes8 conditionsc The investigation of this
process is significant not only for material producti.on under
weightlessness conditions, but also for such space technological
procedures as welding, treatment of biochemically active raw ma-
terials and so on.
During ground metallurgical procedures it is of signi-
ficant importance to know actual rate such processes as solid
metals high-temperature dissolving in various liquid systems,
metal crystallization from liquid phases, new phases melt grow-
ing. Ground determination of such processes' actual rate is in-
feasible because of fluid convection flows due to gravitation.
The knowledge of actual rate values will allow to cont-
rol ground metallurgical reactions more precisely.
- 147 -
While placing strong emphasis on space utilization
and above all on weightlessness usage in scientific and techno-
logical purpose, during the Soyuz and Apollo joint mission So-
viet and American scientists will perform a number of experi-
ments to reveal weightlessness effect on some metallurgical and
chemicrystallization processes in metals and semiconductors. The
experiments were suggested by American scientists and generally
titled as "MUltipurpose furnace tl The scientific program of these
investigations was developed in the Institute of metallurgy of
the USSR Academy of Sciences.
To investigate weightlessness effect on melting of me-
tal compound consisting of metals with different specific weights
and melting points aluminium. was taken with tungsten balls im-
pregnated and oriented in a special way. The compound is to be
heated up to 11000 under weightlessness conditions. In this
case aluminium will melt and tWlgsten balls will partially dis-
solve in it.
This experiment will allow to learn basic possibility
to fabricate composite materials with structure of elements with
substantially different specific weights, using metallurgical
processes under weightlessness conditions.
The experiment will also allow to determine actual
rate of tungsten dissolving in aluminium and to evaluate convec-
tion part in this process.
Semiconductors monocrystalllzation from liqUid melt
was suggested to be studied using gennanium containing Si 2%
Due' to convection melt flows fabrication of such Ge-mo-
noc~ystalls with silicon uniformly distributed allover the bulk
is a problem of great difficulty.
- 148 -

Ball-formation in weightless conditions will be inves-

tigated through melting aluminium powder. This experiment will
allow to reveal the processes of melting and powder materials
crtstallization in space.
The purpose of these joint experiments is also testing
of the future technology of material production onboard long-term
space stations.
This technology is based on raw production materials
which are stored up on the ground and then they are supplied to
the orbital plant-stations.
Upon completing of technological processes ready-made
articles are transferred to the Earth.
This technology will be tested when performing Furnace
System experiment.
Material samples prepared on the Earth and placed into
special cartridges (Fig.~ are supplied onboard the Soyuz space-
craft to the orbit.
After the spacecraft docking the cartridges with samples
are transferred into the docking module and placed by astronauts
into a special automatic furnace. On completing technological
cycle the cartridges are transferred to the Earth by the Soyuz
The Apollo automatic furnace construction allows to si-
multaneously heat 3 cartridges up to 1100oC. Each cartridge con-
tains 3 quartz ampoule with samples. Ampoule 1 contains alumini-
um impregnated by tungsten balls, ampoule 2 - germanium impreg-
nated by silicon, ampoule 3 - aluminium powder. Ampoules and sam-
ples are fabricated by the Soviet side. The furnace maximum tem-
perature range covers only ampoule 1 and partially ampoule 2. By
- 149 -

selecting graphite and copper inserts inside the cartridge tem-

perature is slowly reduced towards the cold end of ~he cartridge.
When reducing ampoule 1 temperature in accordance with
the program preset, sOlid-to-liquid phase interface in ampoule
2 with Ge-Si alloy encapsulated will be slowly shifted.
This method is used to obtain Ge: 8i monocrystals under
weightlessness conditions.
Ampoule 3 temperature is 700C which ensures aluminium
powder melting. Ampoule 1 maximum temperature is being maintained
for 1 hour. The duration of the experiment from cartridges load-
ing into the furnace to their extraction is 10 hours.
To investigate weightlessness effect during "Furnace
System" experiment the USSR and USA scientists will conduct si-
mulation experiments using the USA flight furnace in MSC prior
to the Soyuz/Apollo joint mission.
Identical simulation experiments are performed in the.
Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
The above mentione d materials fabricated in g round con-
ditions will be used to perform the entire program of scientific
The results obtained will be further utilized during
postflight analysis of metal and semiconducting materials fabri-
cated under weightlessness conditions.
Thus, successful implementation of Furnace System pro-
gram will allow to found the basis of future production teohnolo-
gy to fabricate materials on space orbital plant-stations.

- 150 -
( ( (

SIS case

Ampoule 2

SIS pipe

I nsulat ion
Ampoule 3

tTl Graphite
I Heater

Thermal insert Plug

Thermal insert






N /0/ /
I /8, . /.//
200 /0>////
/ ~/ // ./
<0 ///
Cartridges // / D...' Cartridges
to Apollo
o 0 0 ~;;;"<";;<)~~;;'''~////J////////////JO / / / ~ / / cccO
Furnace Furnace

o transfer
to Soyuz
Loading the switch-on switch-off removal
furnace with
o 2 4 6 8 lOT i me, h rs
_ _ _....
1----1',\ I I I I I I I I I I I II ...


( l

Onboard (using the Soyuz TV cameras) and ground based

television transmissions are planned to inform public on the
progress of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft joint flight.

6, f Onboard television
Onboard television transmission will be carried out in
accordance with the planned sequence of scenes to show activities
of the crew:
- preparation for and performance of docking of the So-
yuz and Apollo spacecraft;
- intervehicular transfer operations;
- joint activities (experiments, conversations etc.);
- docking/undocking tests;
- preparation for and undocking of the Soyuz and Apollo

During the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft j oint flight

(from 48 hours GET through 108 hours GET) 23 onboard television
transmissions are scheduled to be carried out, 4 being transmi t-
te d from the Apollo spacecraft.
The following TV cameras of the Soyuz spacecraft are
used for onboard teleVision:
_ portable color TV camera of the Orbital Module
(TK-I) ;
- fixed black-and-white TV camera of the Descent Ve-
hicle (TK-2);

- portable colour TV camera to be used in the Soyuz

and Apollo spacecraft (TK-3);
- 153 -
- external black-and-white TV camera (TK-4).

Control of the TV cameras (TK-1, TK-) and TK-4) is pro-

vided via command radio link (GRL) and using the command-warning
device (CWD). Control of TK-2 camera is prOVided via GRL only.
List, contents and times for the USSR onboard televi-
sion transmissions are given in Table 7. 1

6,2. Ground based television

List, contents and time for the USSR ground based tele-
vision transmissions TED.

- 154 -
( ( (

Tabl~ 7. 1.

step .: Revo-: Ground :
lu- : elapsed: Index:
Scene .: Place,
: mission
:TV trans-:
. Contents
:tion : time
: : :TV
camer: min :
1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8

1 34 48:50 TV-5 Soyuz crew ache dule d DV (TK-2) 9 min MOe co~nents on crew acti-
activities. vity.
2. 35 50:23 TV-5.1 Soyuz systems fami- DV (TK-2) 8 min se and FE co~nentson So-
liarization. yuz spacecraft systems.

3. 36 51:56 TV-3 General view of Apol- OM ('l'K-4) 9 min MOC comments on docking.
10. Soyuz crew com- DV (TK-2) se report on Apollo and
ments on docking pro- Soyuz spacecraft docking.

4. 37 53:29 TV-9 SOJ~z crew prepara- OM (TK-1) 5 min SO and PE cOI!l..' TIents on
tion for meeting. meeting preparation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .
-----~-----~------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

5. 38 55:02 TV-9.1 Hatch 3 opening.Meet- OM (TK-) 4 min SO comments on hatch 3

ing of crews with OM opening and AO and DP
of the Soyuz space- transfer to OM. Greet-
craft. ings.

6 .. 47 68: 12 TV-9.2 Soyuz crew activity OM (TK-J) 8 min Cre,vmen conversation

after the first around the table.
transfer. Eat peri-

~ 7. 48 69:34 TV-10 Hatch 4 opening to OM (TK-J) 3 min SC comments on transfer

(T'\ initiate the second preparation.

8. 48 69:45 TV-10.1 SO transfers to OM (TK-1) 5 min Moe comments on crew ac-

Apollo. tivity and SC transfer
to DM.

9. 49 71:05 TV-10.2 Joint activities in eM (TK-3) 5 min Familiarization with the

Apollo during the Apollo m~ systemso
second transfer.

( ( (
( ( (

1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8

10. 49 71 : 17 rrv- '10.3 Joint activities in So- Old (TK-1) 5 min Familiarization of Dr' \"i th
yuz during the Dccond the So,yuz systems

11. 50 72:33 'l'V -10.4 Joint activities in CTii (tfK-1) 4 min FE comments on the Earth
72:38 Apollo during the se- 5 min observation
cond transfer

12. 51 74:06 TV-l0.5 Joint activities in So- OM (TK-1) 4 min "M.ixe dl' crew cOITLments. Oon-
74:11 yuz during the second 4 min versation at table. Heport
transfer on the space food

\.11 13. 52 75:39 TV-11 Crewmen activity in So- 01'lT (TK-1 ) 4 min MCC comments on crewrnen
yuz during the third acti vi ties
transfer. Hatch 4 open-

14. 52 75:43 '1'V-11.1 Crew joint activity in 1)1-.'1 (1'K-3 ) 5 min ilICe comments on the SC
Apollo during the third transfer from uu to the
transfer Soyuz mil
1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ 7 8

15. 53 77:11 TV-11.2

rt ... ..,.
Joint activities in Apol- IJM (TK-.3) 5 min Joint press-conference of
10 during the third trans- :nixe d crew in GM

16. 54 78:44 'l'V-11.3 Crewmen activities in ON (TK-l) 3 min Exchange of souvenir emb-
Soyuz during the third lems and tree seeds.

17. 63 91-54 TV-12 crew activities

SO.\fUZ OLI (TK-1 ) 7 min comments on completion
after the fourth trans- of the crew program. Eat
:fer period

,r ,..., ("1.

'vI 18. 64- 93: 15 T\T-14 So~ruznominal activities. DV ('l'I(-1 ) 5 rrtin ~

comments on completion

93:27 Joyuz system check out 4- min of the cre\"! progrcun

19. 65 94:47 'llV -14. 1 Soyuz crew preparation O!',i (YK-1 ) 4 min l,lee comments on docking
94:59 for undocking DV (TK-2) 5 min preparation

~. ,
20. 00 96: 15 1
l V-14.2 He docl{ing OL'l (11K-4) 9 min comments on redocking

96:21 and AI'DS operation

( (. (
( ( (

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
------- -- ,----_._---~-~-----

21. 68 99:21 '1'V-1S.1 Cosmonauts report on re- DV ('l'K-2) 4 min ;..;c and
YL'~ corrlIuents on re-

99:26 suIts o~ the second un- 4 min suIts of the second un-
docktng clockine;

22. 69 100:53 'l'V -18 Cosmonauts activities DV ('l'K-2) 5 min sc comments on cornpletjJJIl
after unclocking of' the r)ror~ram

23. 70 1CO:26 TV-IS Cosmonauts activities DV ('1'K-2) 3 min FE c ornment:3 on lJI,T ttAVIGL;;'['
after unclockine AB.:..;O"iP']'IOU experiment per-
formed by Apollo.

7.1 Flight control

Control criteria

During the joint flight preparation the two sides agreed

that the USSR mission control center (MCC-M) should control the So-
yuz flight and the US mission control center (MCC-H) should control
the Apollo flight, and that sufficient number of communications
lines be provided between the MCC-H and MCC-M to coordinate joint
activities of the centers.
Maximum flight safety is the main criterion of the joint
flight control. Also, a number of organization criteria as a base
of joint flight control implementation were developed.
Each MCC controls joint flight in accordance with mutual-
ly developed and agreed to documentation, and effective crew joint
activity coordination is provided.
The Flight Directors control the joint flight and coordi-
nate MCC activities. Correctness of decisions made in the course
of flight control is the Flight Director responsibility.
Each country appoints a team of specialists to work at
the other country MCC and to provide the required consultations
for that country Flight Director.

Responsibility Assignment

Responsibility assignment in nominal and contingency si-

tuation was agreed upon.
The Soyuz flight control is the USSR MCC responsibility.
The Apollo flight control is the US MOC responsibility.

- 160 -
( ( (

Voice channel
< Voice and ranging channel ~

~ a:;
c :::l :::l <lJ C
c c VI VI C c
c (jj c
.s::. '"E
<lJ C
.s::. '"
.s::. Q)
U E u

u ---c
> '"
E '"
E > >
E E t-
0 o
u U

us command/measurement complex USSR command/measurement complex

I us Technical Seven voice channels
US Flight USSR Flight USSR Technical
Director Director Director Director
for ASTP for ASTP
Two teletype channels
! + -.
USSR team of US team of
US personnel Two TV-channels USSR personnel
special ists specialists

US Mission control center Two voice channels for air/ground

USRR Mission control center
communication translation

US launching complex USSR launching complex


In accordance with the main flight control criterion, in
case of a contingency in either spacecraft, the MCC which learns
of the contingency first should immediately inform the other MCC and
take actions to ensure the crew safety. If either crew finds out
a contingency and no communications line to either MOO is avail-
able, the spacecraft commanders agree upon their action and come
to a decision to proceed with the mission program.

Information exchange
Information exchange between the two MOCs is accomplished
via the following communications lines: voice, TV, teletype and
Command/program, trajectory, telemetry a nd TV information
is exchanged between the MODs during the flight. Transmission of
schematics, facsimile and other graphic data is provided. A figure]!
below is a schematic of communications lines between the MCCs and
the two spacecraft.
If need be, either MOO can communicate with its space-
craft flying over the other side ground station after the communi-
cation is agreed upon with the other side. Voice link can be pro-
vided e1ther by remote keying from the MOC or through a designated
specialist in the other MCO after permission is granted.
Also, the two sides agreed to exchange air/ground voice
communication records.

7.2 Mission control center (MCC)

PuEPose, personnel and faciliti~8, MCC

Mission control center functions to control manned space-

- 162 -
craft and automatic vehicles of "Moon ll , "Venus" and lIMars ll type.
Also, the flight control is supported by the USSR ground stations
such as Djusali, Evpatoria, Ussuriysk, Ulhan-Ude, Kolpashevo, Tbi-
li8i, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and research ships of the USSR Aca-
demy of Sciences in the Atlantic Ocean water areas and computation
centers of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The MOO responsibilities during the flight are as follows:
- collect, process and analyze the information (telemetry,
traj ectory and TV) arriving from t he ground stations and
research ships through ground and satellite communica-
tion links;

update, change, if required, the flight program and im-

plement this program;
- practically direct the activities of the ground track-
ing stations and scientific research ships of the Acade-
my of Science;
- communicate with the computation center to provide the
measurement data processing reliability;

- interact with the mockup and simulator setups and conso-

- interact vdth the search-and-rescue complex.

The mission control center personnel includes:

- managers and cognizant specialists (whose stations are
in the control room);
- USA consultative team (a room near the control room);
- support teams (whose stations are in the MOe building
and who provide the control room with all the necessary
information apd preliminary proposals to control the

- 163 -
The mission control center involves:
- computer complex;
- TV-equipment that provides reception and indication of
TV-information transmitted from the USSR space launch
area and the spacecraft, and also, indication of tele-
metry data and support team information on individual
display facilities;
- voice communication equipment that provides the MCC
personnel with all the necessary internal and external
communication links;
- display facilities for individual and collective use
to display all the necessary information to control
the flight.

Communication lines between the MCC and the Moscow TV

centers are provided.

Control room
The flight control is accomplished in the control room.
The personnel activities in the control room are directed by the
Shift Flight Director.

The following people man their stations in the control

- Shit\ ~light Director;
cognizant specialists responsible for the primary space-
craft systems;

- cognizant specialist responsible for ground tracking

station network normal functioning;
- cognizant specialist responsible for flight program
time line working out;

- 164 -
- cognizant specialist responsible for complex analysis
of onboard system operation;
- operator-cosmonaut who performs voice communication
events with the crew;
- Project Technical Director representative;
- trajectory specialist;
- cognizant specialist responsible for scientific expe-
- medical officer responsible for the crew-medical exami-
- MCC Shift Director and cognizant specialists responsible
for the MOO primary systems (communications, information/
computer complex, information display systems etc.).

All the specialists' stations are equipped with standard

panels, data display facilities for collective and individual use,
and communication facilities for the specialists to directly commu-
nicate with each other, Shift Director and support team outside the
control room.
The personnel works in th~~12-hour shifts with about an
hour overlap for taking over-procedure. During the flight the take
over procedure is performed without causing any delay in flight

Control room functions during the flight

The mission control center takes over the spacecraft cont-
rol from the launching complex immediately after the spacecraft se-
paration from the launch vehicle third stage.
Up to this time the control room personnel monitor onboard
system operation via telemetry channels and observe the crew acti-

- 165 -
vities by TV-communication link and listen to the crew/launch cont-
rol team voice exchange.
The central screen displays launch vehicle progress
throughout the period of orbit insertion.
Following the spacecraft separation from the launch ve-
hicle, the control room personnel monitor, via telemetry channels,
the spacecraft antenna and solar battery deployment, establish com-
munications lines to the spacecraft and start the onboard system
operation checkout.
The cycle of operation described below is followed.
When the spacecraft reaches the ground station-AOS (aqui-
sition of signal) (the spacecraft progress is displayed on the cen-
tral screen), transmission of command to the spacecraft is started
in accordance with the flight program. The personnel in the control
room monitor the command transmission a nd reception onboard the
spacecraft. The appropriate onboard system are switohed on. The
ground stations start reception and retransmission to the MCC of
all the telemetry and trajectory infonnation and also TV-retrans-
mission from the spacecraft. The telemetry and trajectory informa-
tion is automatically processed by the MCC computers and displayed
in the control room at the rate it is being received.
Cognizant system specialists thoroughly analyse the tele-
metry information, assess each onboard system status and operation,
and present the assessment results to the cognizant specialist res-
ponsible for the system complex analysis. Cognizant system specia-
lists can communicate with the support team whose stations are out-
side the control room, and consult the 18tter, if required, or get
additional information on the onboard system operation.
In case of deviations from the normal modes of onboard

- 166 -
system operation, the complex analysis specialist analyses the
effect of the failure on each system, prepares his proposals to
eliminate the failures and correct the scheduled modes of onboard
system operation, and informs the Shift Flight Director of these
The medical officer responsible for the crew medical exa-
mination thoroughly analyses the biotelemetric data, evaluates the
crew physical condition and informs the Shift Flight Director of
the results.
As trajectory information is processed and orbit parame-
ters determined by the computers, the trajectory data are automa-
tically displayed on the alphanumeric board in the control room.
The trajectory specialist in the control room can commu-
nicate with the trajectory support team.
In flight the operator-cosmonaut performs voice exchange
wi th the crew.
The specialist responsible for the ground station network
monitors the station operation, informs the Shift Flight Director
if deviations from the scheduled program are observed, and takes
appropriate action to eliminate the deviations. He can directly
communicate with the ground station personnel.
The Shift MOC Director monitors the MOO support teams ac-
tivities and also informs the Shift Flight Director of any devia-
tion, and takes appropriate action to eliminate the deviatiohs.
The Shift Flight Director summarizes all the information
and comes to a decision with regard to the progress of the flight.
If no devia tiona in the ground and onboard systems ope-
ration were observed, permission is released to proceed with the
nominal program.

- 167 -
If program correction is required, this is accomplished
by the specialist responsible for the program time-line.
Corrective actions can be taken during both the current
and the sUbsequent events. The spacecraft model and the cosmonaut
complex simulator can be utilized, if required, for failure iden-
tification and corrective action verification.
The worked out decisions are implemented by Mee transmitt-
ing radio commands to onboard systems and radio message to the crew.
During Apollo/Soyuz joint flight a consultative team of
US specialists will support the flight from the USSR mission cont-
rol center by providing (1) consultations for the USSR Flight Di-
rector on technical questions pertinent to the US spacecraft and
(2) communication with the Apollo crew in the USSR ground station
AOS, if required.
The consultative team is stationed in a special room (near
the control room) equipped with standard panels and facilities,and
provided with all the necessary data pertinent to the Soyuz space-
The US specialists in the MCC-M can communicate with the
MCC-H at any time through voice and teletype channels or transmit/
receive the necessary data by facsimile.

The control room support teams

Besides the specialists in the control room there are sup-
port teams in the MeC.
The specialists who support the control room activities
work in separate roams equipped with standard panels similar to
those in the control room.
The support team responsibilities are as follows:

- 168 -
- provide information and computation data for the per-
sonnel in the control room to use it as a base in making
decisions with regard to the flight program;

- consult the specialists in the control room and help

them in analyzing the onboard system operation;

- provide implementation of decisioB made by the Shift

Flight Director;
- control the MCC facilities operation.

The support teams include:

The spacecraft onboard system specialists

- prepare and provide display of all the necessary addi-
tional information about onboard systems for specialists
in the control room;
- consult the control room specialists and assist them in
onboard system operation analysis;
- provide failure identification on the spacecraft model,
if required;
- systematize the telemetry data processing results;
- change telemetry data processing computer progra~, if

Specialists responsible for flight program planning

- prepare changes in the flight program, if required, based
on onboard system operation analysis results and the
Shift Flight Director decisions;
- work out commands transmission plan for onboard systems
and radio messages for the crew;
- provide and display the necessary information for the
specialist in the control room responsible for the flight
program working out;
- 169 -
Trajectory specialis,i
- provide the necessary trajectory computation data in or- ~

bit determination, scientific experiments, AOS, the space-

craft coming into and going out of the shadow and the
spacecraft maneuvers, and these data display;

Air/ground communicqtion specialists

provide the MCC/spacecraft continuous communications via
ground stations;
- provide voice channel keying from one ground station to
another as the spacecraft passes them over;
- provide record of voice exchange with the crew;
- provide ground/air voice communication line for the US
consultative team, if required;

Ground station network operation coordination specialists

- provide information on the ground station operation for
the specialist responsible for command/measurement com-
plex in the control rooID;
- coordinate the ground station operation in accordance
with the program;
- insert changes into the ground station operation program,
if required;
- send commands to onboard systems through ground stations;

MCC-M/MCC-H communication specialists

- provide all center-to-center communication lines proper
functioning, and the required communication lines keying
according to the established list of priority, if any
channels fail;

- 170 -
Search and Rescue Facilities Representatives
- communicate with SRF management;
- provide information on search status for Flight Direc-
tor and display facilities.

The control room support teams work in two 13-hour shifts.

The total number of the flight control people is 100.

Mce Instrumentation/Computer Complex

The instrumentation/computer complex includes the follow-
ComEuter Complex processes all numerical information in
accordance with control tasks.
Primary, auxiliary, and special computers function in real
time. The usual procedure is to use two primary computers for cur-
rent center problems, the other two standing by. Each of the pri-
mary computers can provide processing of all of the TLM and trajec-
tory data.
Processing results are 'routed to facilities of individual
and collective use and to those of control. Only one of the comput-
ers is operative at a time; in case it fails the other computer
takes over.

TV-equipment provides several TV-channels between the MCe

and the country communication centers. In the MeC TV-information
is routed to the display facilities and video tape recorders.
Recorded TV information can be fed into the display faci-
lities. Flows of TUM information are routed from the control and
distribution equipment output to the computer complex through the
monitoring and conversion equipment.

- 171 -
Voice cornmunication equipment provides the MCC with hund-
reds of voice and TLG communication lines to support the flight
Some of voice communication lines provide numerical data
exchange between the MCC and grou~d stations, launch pad, simula-
tion facilities, backup control centers and other users.
Other voice communication lines provide efficient command
communication between the Mee personnel and the crews, ground sta-
tions and other facilities supporting flight control.
Voice communication lines connect the MCC-H and the MCC-M
(eleven voice communication lines,two of these having both voice and
facsimile capabilities; two teletype communication lines and two

The primary display facilities for individual use are the

personnel station monitors of 625 and 1125 standard.
Monitors of two types are used to display ordinary TV pic-
tures (625 lines) and documents requiring better image sharpness
and higher resolution (1125 lines).
Display facilities in the control room include:
- alphanumeric display of trajectory information pro-
cessing results, most important information on the
flight plan and this plan progress, reference data, in-
formation from the timing system; the alphanumeric dis-
play is controlled by the computer complex with capabi-
lity of manual data input;

optical projectors to display in large scale screens

maps the spacecraft trajectories and positions, ground
station location and AOS, the vehicle prelaunch prepa-
ration program and that of injecting the vehicle into
a satellite orbit in form of graphs and tables;
- 172 -
- large scale TV-projectors to display live transmission
from the launch site and spacecraft, the spacecraft sta-
tus and crew-condition analysis resUlts, most important
reference data on the flight program.

Also, installed in the MOC are:

- uplink co~nand transmission remote system with capabili-
ty of transmitting commands through ground stations;

- display facilities of individual use (displays) which

provide efficient interaction of the specialists and the
computer complex;

- teletype-writers to exchange data with the ground sta-

tions and other organizations.

7.3 MOO Personnel Training

The MOC personnel performs training sequence during the
spacecraft flight preparation. In the training use is made of simu-
lators, the spacecraft physical/mathematical model, equipment of the
ground stations, the USSR computer center and scientific research
stations. Participating in the training are the spacecraft crews
and the ground station personnel.

During the training the flight program is practised in

real time and also the MCC interaction with the ground stations
and the computer centers of the USSR Academy of Science. Poten-
tial contingencies onboard the spacecraft and at the ground support
facilities are considered during the training as well as efficient
ways out of these contingencies - with the crew safety-provided.
During preparation for the joint Apollo/Soyuz flight it

- 173 -
is necessary for the MCC personnel, the Soyuz crews, the mock-up
and simulator complex and the ground support complex to perform
additional joint training sequence. Objectives of these addi-
tional trainings are as follows:
- familiarization of the USSR and US specialists with the
USSR and US MCCs and these MCCs peculiar features;
- examination by the USSR and US specialists of the Soyuz
and Apollo systems and these systems functioning during
the joint flight;
- all the communications lines functioning checkout, the
MCC-M/MCC-H information exchange procedure checkout;
- the MCCs operation cyclogram training;
- training in finding ways out of potential contingencies
introduced by the flight trainers with the crew safety

The training is performed under conditions very 0108e to

those of real flight.

- 114 -

The Soyuz crewmen training consisted of the crewmen

self-dependent training and of the joint Soviet and American
crewmen training.

Soyuz crewmen self-dependent training included: theory,

flight, medical examination and physical training and also simu-
lator training and practical course.
The purpose of Soyuz crevvmen theoretical training was
to study:
- Soyuz spacecraft design, power supply system and confi-
- equipment structure and arrangement;
- spacecraft instruments and systems;
- flight scheme, ballistics and program;
- scientific and photography equipment;
- manual and automatic systems modes;
- space naVigation theory.

The purpose of flight training was to develop cosmonauts

prOfessional qualities in conditions maximally approximating
those of space flight.
Flight training included: flights using trainer aero-
planes and test-bed aircraft to train activities under short-
termed weightlessness conditions.

Crewmen training of practical knowledge to control Soyuz

system was conducted using Soyuz complex simulator.
Spacecraft motion simulation dUring visual observation
was provided by electronic and optical devices.

- 175 -
The complex simulator comprises Soyuz descent vehicle
and Soyuz orbital module.
During practical studies crewmen tried on flight suits
and mastered their work stations in mock-ups and in the space-
craft, and also operated with scientific and photography equip-
To purpose of ~dical training was to strengthen cos-
monauts' resistance to some space factors (g-load, isolation,en-
vironment limited area, gas atmosphere and so on).
This included centrifugal and vestibular training, alti-
tude chamber training with pressure and gas atmosphere increased
and reduced similar to actual flight modes, as well as periodical
medical examinations.
Physical training was aimed at maintaining cosmonauts'
excellent state and physical readiness through generally streng-
thening and special exercises.

Crev~en joint training included:

- familiarization with Soyuz and Apollo systems ensuring
the joint mission;
- study of documents on crews joint activities;
- OM mock-up contingencies training;
- crew interaction training in Soyuz and Apollo mock-ups;
- testing of radio communication between Soyuz and Apollo
- crews joint training in Soyuz complex simulator (Gaga-
rin Cosmonauts' Training Centre, USSR);
- crews joint tranining in Apollo mock-up and simulator
in Johnson Space Centre (USA);

- 176 -
- crews familiarization with Apollo spacecraft and with
two Soyuz spacecraft;
- cosmonauts' study of the English language and astrona-
uts' stUdy of Russian as well as study of American and
Soviet space terminology.

Cosmonauts and astronauts joint training was carried out

both in the USSR and the USA. The Apollo spacecraft and its sys-
tems were theoretically studied by cosmonauts in JSC (USA) in Ju-
ly 1973.
The Soyuz spacecraft was theoretically studied by astro-
nauts in Gagarin Cosmonauts' Training Centre in November 1973.
Crewmen joint training in Soyuz mock-up and complex simu-
lator was carried out in Gagarin Cosmonauts' Training Centre
(USSR) in July 1974 and May 1975.
Crewmen joint training in Apollo mock-up and simulator
was carried out in JSC (USA) in September 1974 and February 1975.
In February 1975 the crewmen were familiarized with Apollo
spacecraft and in May - with two Soyuz spacecraft.

- 177 -
- 178 -
9 ~ 1~ TnfoY'l:Jntion on H:e ::"'CYT'.Z c:r'ev:s

Commander - LeOHev Alexey Arkbipovich.

Colonel Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov,USSR space-pilot, Hero of

the ~oviet ili~:Lon was born in 1934 in village of Listvyanka, Lemerovo
After World War II the IJeonovs moved tc the city of l'~alinin

grad. In 1953 ~1 r:oID8omol member Leonov L.A~ entered an aviation sehool.

He graduated from it \';i th ['oIl LOI.i.OurS diploma and became a professional
military pilot o
In 1957 he joined the Co~nunist Party of the Soviet Union.
~rhe Headquarters highl;y urrreci1xte Alexey i~rl{hipovich f s ekill, self-
control, discipline. He is a well-trained parachutist - performed
more than 100'~ut'2 jL:cmps of varying degrees of difficulty.
In 1960 with the first group of Soviet cosmonauts he began
training for tl, Dpoce flight.
Cn r/;arch 18, 1965 he made a space flight in Voskhdd-2 space-
craft(with Pavel Eelyayev as the commander).On that flight IJeonov
went outside the ship. His walk into open space opened a new chapter
in the history of space exploration.
All the subsequent years the cosmonaut continued his studies
and training. He participated in proparation for all Soviet space
flights. In 1968 he graduated from the ZhykoYskiy Air Porce Academy.
A.A. Leonov is a member of the YotU~; Communist League Central
COIDmittee (YCLCC), and a deputy to Moscow Regional Soviet o He is a
vice-president of the D00R-Italy Friendship Society, the Chairman of
the Constituent Council of the Press and News Agency.He is an honorary
citi~en of towns: Kemerovo, Kaliningrad, Vologda, Kremenchug, N~lchik,

Belgorod, Drogobych, Sochi, Chuguev, Termez,KapsQ~as, Sofia (PRB),

- 179 -
Perm, Ust-na-Labe (Czechoslovakie), Altenburg (GDR), Houston (USA).
A,A.Leonov has a passion for painting. Me is a member of
USSR painter's union. His paintings were exhibited in LIoscow, Orel,
Simferopol, Bratislava, Prague, ottawa, Helsinki and in the Bjenal
annual show. Ueia also keen in filming, hunting, \'vater skiing, track
and field athletics, parachute sport.

Rewards: Hero of the Soviet Union,

Hero of the DRV,
Hero of the PHB,
18 orders and medals, including 8 orders and
medals of other countries and:
TsiolkoYskiy Gold Medal, Great Gold Medal of
FAI, 1st degree diplo~a,

Great Gold Medal of Ch.SSR Academy of Sciences

(For Services to Mankind).
Gold damask blade.

Leovov's wife, Svetlana Petrovna, graduated from a Tea-

chers Institute,!she is en editor. 'I'hey have two daughters:
Victoria, 13 and Oksana,7.

Flight Engineer - Kubasov Valeriy Nikolaevich.

Valeriy Nikolaevich KUbasov, USSR space pilot, Hero of the

Soviet Union was born in the town of Vyazniki, Vladimir region.
In 1952 Valeriy graduated from a secondary school with a
silver medal and entered S. Ordzhonikidze I'iToscow Aviation Institute.
After the graduation from the Institute Valeriy began working
at a design bureau where he revealed comprehensive knowledge
and aptitude for scientific research. In 1969 Kubasov received

- 180 -
candidate's degree in science. He is an author of a nUiuber of
papers on computation of flight vehicle motion.
In 1966 V.Kubasov was named to cosmonaut corps. He tUldcr-
went a comprehen3ive flight preparation program. In 1968 he joined
the CPSU. In January 1969 V.Kubasov was cosmonaut -CeLiseev1s back up
for Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 flight. In October,1969 he vms flight-en,zi-
neer for the 00yuz-6 mission (the spacecraft corrwander - Georgiy
Shonin). During the flight along with a number of other scientific
experiments the first metal-welding experiment was conducted.
V.Kubasov is an honorary citizen of towns: Karaganda,
KalU#;a, Vladimir, Vyazniki, Houston.

Rewards: hero of the Soviet Union,

:.i:siolkovsldy Gold tiiedal (USSH Academ,i of :3cience),
medal "E'or valiant labour in connnemoration of
VI. Lenin centenarytl,
emblem "]'01' active participation in Komsomol
Galli Medal of Yugoslavian Academy of Science,
medal ltlfor development of virgin landsu, and a
nwnber of medals of other countries.

V.Kubasov has a passion for filming, hunting, fishing,

skiing, water skiing.
Kubasov's wife, .Lyucl.mila Ivanovna, graduated from l.i08COW

Aviation Institute; she is an engineer at a machine-building plant.

Il'he Kubasov8 Inv(~ tl,"10 children: l\atya is 8 and .Jimn is 3.

- 181 -
~econd Crew~

Commander - Filipchenko Anatoliy Vasiljevich.

Colonel Anatoliy Vasiljevich Filipchenko, USSR space pi-

lot, twice a Hero of the Soviet Union was born on February 26,1928
in the village of Davydovka, Voronezh region.

He completed seven years of school, worked as a turner,

studied at Air Force School. In 1947 he entered the Chuguevo
Higher Pilot Training School; he graduated from it with an honours
diploma. In 1951 A.Filipchenko was commissioned in Air Force.
Prior to joining the cosmonauts corps A.Filipchenko had advanced
from junior pilot up to senior inspector-pilot of a air division.

A.Filipchenko joined the CPSU in 1952.

In 1961 he graduated from the Air Force Red Banner Academy
(now it is called the Gagarin Air Force Academy).
A.Filipchanko was named to cosmonaut corps in 1963. He
continued to master his skill, piloted the supersonic planes and
got the test-pilot proficiency. When preparing for the spCloe

flight A.Filipchenko studied thouroughly the theory and acquired

practical skill for conducting scientific experiments. In January,
1969 he was Shatalov's back up for Soyuz-4 flight and in October,
1969 he was the co~uander for Soyuz-7 orbital flight. In June,
1970 A. Filipchenko was Nikolaev's back up for Soyuz-9 flight.
In December, 1974 A. Filipchenko with cosmonaut N. Ruka-
vishnikov perforrnecl the orbital f'l:i,ght onboard Soyuz-16 as part of
the preparation program for ASTP.
A.Filipchenko is an honorary citizen of towns: Karaganda,
Kaluga,Sumy, Chita, Lipetsk,Ostrogozhsk, Davydovka, Arkalyk.

- 182 -
A. Filipchenko is an ardent sportsman and a shooter, he is fond
of hunting and alxGo-tourifjm.

Rewards: two orders of Lenin,

two medals "Gold Star",
"Valor award",
Order of the BanneI' with ,liamoada(HPR).
Order Ilstar of the Republic, 5th degree(RPR),
a number of Soviet medals and medals of other
E'AI medal named after Gagarin.
Tsiolkovskiy Golcl lIedal (USSR Academy of Science),
Small Gold Medal of the ENEA.

The cosmonaut's wife Yelizaveta Alexandrovna is a house-

wife. They have two children: Alexander, 18, and Igor, 14.

Plight Engineer - Rukavishnii:ov NickolliY Nickolaevich.

The USSR cosmonaut, twice the Tiero of the Soviet Union

Nickolay Nickolaevich Rukavis~J1ikov was born in 1932 in the town
of Tomek. After finishing school in 1951 he entered the Moscow
Engineer-Physical Institute and graduated from it successfully in
195.7. Results of Rukavishnikov' s diploma papers were pUblished in
a scientific magazine.
After the Institute Rukavisbnikov works at a machine-build-
ing plant. He works at the design, development and fabrication of
spacecraft automatic and manual control systems.
In January 1967 Rukavishnikov was named to cosmonaut corps.
In April 1971 he performed his first space flight as a reserch engi-
neer during Soyuz-10 mission(commander Shatalov V.A, flight engi-
'-" neer Yeliseev A.S).
- 183 -
Rukavishnikov N.N. is a CPSU member from 1970.
In December 1974 Nickolay Nickolaevich Rukavishnikov par-
ticipated in the Soyuz-16 mission, which was the ASTP precursor test
Rukavishnikov is an honorary citizen of tovms: Tomsk,
Karaganda, Kaluga, Arkalyc,Kayht1y, Suche-Bator.
Rukavishnikov N.N. is an amateur radio operator and a good
Rewards: two orders of Lenin, ~wo "Gold Star ll medals of
Hero of the Soviet Union.
Order of Buche-Bator,
Gold star of Hero of the MPR,
Gold Medal of Tsiolkovskiy ( from the USSR Academy
of Science),
Minor gold medal of ENEA
NIedal "For valiant labour in honour of Lenin's
Gold Medal of the Ukrania SSR Academy of Science
and others.
He 1s also entered in the book of Honour of IeLCC.

His wife, Nina Vasilievna, works at a machine-building

plant. The Rukavishnikovs have a son Vladimir, born in 1965.

- 184 -
The Third Crew.

Commander - D~hanibekov Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Major Dzhanibekov Vladimir Alexandrovich, the USSR coa-

monaut, was born in 1942 in South-Kazakhstan region. After the war
he and his parents moved to Tashkent. Having finished the Suvorov
military school he entered the highaviation school in the to\VD of
Eysk in 1961.
In 1965 he got the diploma of pilot-engineer and stayed
in the school as a pilot -instructor.
In 1970 Dzhanibekov A.A. joined the CPSU. and was named
to the cosmonaut corps.
Vladimir Alexandrovich is an amateur radio operator, and
he has a passion for painting.

Rewards: the 20 th Victory anniversary in the Great

Patriotic War,
tbe50 th anniversary of the USSR Armed Forces,
for irreproachable service, III grade.

Dzhanibekov'a Wife, Lilia Munirovna, has graduated from

the Oonservatoire and now she is a music teacher at school. The
DzhanibekovB has two children:lnna, 5 years of age and Olga, who
was born in 1974.

Flight Engineer - Andreev Boris Dmitrievich.

Cosmonaut Andreev Boris Dmitrievich was born in Moscow, 1940.

After the school in 1968 he entered the Bauman High Technical school.
When a student he took part in the activity of the student scienti-
fic-technical society, took English courses. After the High School
beginning with 1965 he worked in a design bureau aa an eng~neer, and

- 185 -
as a chief of the scientific-technical information department.
In 1969 he joined the CPSU. In 1970 he was named to cos-
monaut corps. Boris Dmitrievich is a good skier, bycycle-driver, he
likes hiking~ He is also a good car drivero

His wife. Tamara Vasilievna, has graduated from the Bauman

High Technical School and as an engineer.
The Andreevs have two children: Dima was born in 1969,
Tanya - in 1972.

The Fourth Crew

Commander - Romanenko Yuriy Victorovich.

Major Yuriy Victorovich Romanenko was born in 1944 in the

village of Kaltubanovskay, Buzulukskiy district of Orenburg region.
Soon his parents moved to Kaliningrad. After finishing school Yuriy
worked as a fitter for a year. In 1962 he became a student of the
High military aviation school in Chernigov. Yuriy graduated from the
school with an honours diploma and stayed in the school as a pilot-
In February, 1965 Romanenko joined the CPSU.
In 1970 he was named to cosmonaut corps. In December, 1974
he was a backup- cosmonaut for Philipchenko A.V. during preparation
for Soyuz-16 mission.
Y.V. Romanenko has a passion for underwater hunting and
painting, he is also a good car driver.

Rewards: The Victory 20 th anniversary in the Great Patrio-

tic War o
tl The 50 th anniversary of theUSSR Armed Forces"

- 186 -

"For irreproachable service, III degree II.

Romanenko's wife, Alevtina Ivanovna, is a music teacher.

Their son, Roman, is 6 years of age.

Flight Engineer - Ivanchenkov Alexander Sergeevich.

Cosmonaut Alexander Sergeevich Ivanchenkov was born in 1940 in the

town of Ivanteevka, Moscow region. His father volunteered for the

front in the war first days and perished in 1942 nearby Rzhev. His
mother died soon after the war. Alexander was brought up by his
father's sister.
Having finished school with the gold medal in 1958 he
entered the Moscow aviation school. When a student he acquired skills
in spacecraft design, participating in the students' design bureau.
After he graduated from the Institute Alexander worked
as an engineer in a design bureau. He works at the choice of space-
craft design parameters by computers.
In 1970 he was named to cosmonaut corps.
In 1972 he j oine d the Communist Party of the USSR.
In December, 1974 he was a back-up cosmonaut for N.N.Ruka-
vishnikov during preparation for Soyuz-16 mission.
Alexander Sergeevich is fond of tourism, basketball, moun-
tain skiing.
His wife, Rimma Alexandrovna, is a doctor in the First
Moscow Medical Institute. Their daughter, Tanya t is 6 years old.

- 187 -

9.2 Information about USSR directors for ASTP, Organization

Joint coordinated activity of the Soviet and American spe-
cialists were required to provide the Soyuz/Apollo spacecraft com-
patibility,to prepare for and conduct the joint mission.
To fulfill the task both sides agreed upon the ASTP pro-
gram management and planned the joint activities for the period
up to 1975.
ASTP organization scheme, presented below, was adopt-
edt The USSR and US working groups met in Moscow and Houston. At
the times between meetings communication between tpe groups was
provided via voice and teletype channels, or by mail.
The meetings of separate and all working groups (plenary
meetings) were held regularly at agreed upon time.

- 188 -

Academy of NASA, USA

Science. USSR Project Techni-
Project Techni- General technical Direction. cal Director
cal Director Agreements approval and accom-
plishment, activities coordi-

Working groups Principle functions Working groups

Mission model and operaion
Mission model
Mission plan
Mission control
Communications between
control centers

Guidance and control

Requirements for tracking sys-
tems during guidance and ren-
Support provisions for dock-
Optics and orientation lights
Control systems

Mechanical structure of the No.3

Docking system

Communication and tracking


Air-to-air and air-to-ground

radio-voice com.rnunication

Ranging equipment spacecraft

cable communication

No~5 Life support ,s.Y..stem and crew

- 189 -
J\ 3 frJ?

- 190 -
( ( (

Boris N.PETROV - Chairman, "1ntercosmos u Council USSR

Academy of Sciences

B.N.Petrov was born in 19I3. He is a Doctor of technical sciences, pro-

fessor, academician - secretary of the Mechanics and control processes
division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the
USSR Academy of Sciences.
B.N.Petrov is a great scientist, founder of the automatic control of
industrial objects and new technical objects.
H B.N.Petrov was made a valuable contribution to the organization of the
international cooperation in peaceful use and exploration of space.
Petrov's work received the international recognition. He is a Member of
the A~ademy of Sciences in ChSSR, GDR, HNK, and NKB. Member of the Inter-
national of Austronautics t Chairman of the Technical Committee (contro1 in
space) of the International Federation on automatio control.
t(C2.r.~[3 t~Lnt in .P__ BUDdlJZBV. -=--..ld-:j.:JE ri'eG,mi~al Director for iL.J'Ei-'

Born 1914, in Cherten, i\,iosalsk dL:::trict, Kalu-:'3a region. In 1941 he

eraduated from the Ordjonikidze Uoscow Aviation ~chool.

Hor practical works on applie d dynarnics and ctrength E:.Bushuyev got

a doctor's degree in science. In 1960 he became a corresponding member of

the USSR Aco. clerny of Science s.
\.D K. Bushuyev 11.9.8 been presented nurfl2roLls .sovernrnent awarus: the Bel'o

of' Socialist J.Jabour, covernment an(l Lenin prizes, t'i,ro Orders of I.Jenin and

Order of October iBvolution for his contributions to the space exploration.

1\S the USSH Technical Director for AST2 he "vas respom;ible for the

technical. ffio.DHsen1ent of AS'l'P i'rOl~} the Soviet

(. (. (

( ( (

Vladimir A.SHATALOV - Soviet Cosmonaut Training Leader

Shatalov was born in 1927 in the town of Fetropavlovsk of the North-

Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the Kachino Air Foree School in
1949 and the Order of Red Banner Air Force Academy in 1956 (now the
Yu.A.Gagarin Academy).
V.A. Soatalov flew the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-8 spacecraft in 1969 and
Soyuz-IO spacecraft in I911.
H He is the Soviet cosmonaut training leader since 1972. In I912 V.A.Sha-
talov was confered the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (twice). He is
also rewarded with many Soviet and foreign orders and medals.
Ale~~ 0. Y3LI:5.6'c.;:;v - U3~.m. Flip;.ht Director

Born 1934 in Zys(lra, l(alu;:::;CJ region. In 1975 he e;raduated from tfJe

BcH.llnan I/osco," Hizher 'l'cC'.hnic81 ;:;;chool. In 1969 he participated in 30yuz 5

and Soyuz 8 mii3cions Hnd in 1971 - in Soyuz 10 mission. In 1972 he eerned

a doctor's degree in science.

For his contributions to s!:",e!ce exploration Yelise,yev was twice

awarded the title of Hero of" the Soviet Union and eot Order of llenin and
+:- other orders of the USSR and other countries.
Under his supervision the 'iuections of .j oint,niry,jon control v18re
agree d, the TJ3SH rICe persormel trainin.z Vias l'erforme d.

( ( (
(' ( (


Vladimir A.TIMCHE}~O - Working Group 1 Chairman

Born 1931 in Porkhov, Pskov region. In 1955 he graduated from the

Ordjonikidze Moscow Aviation School.
Por his contributions to the space exploration he "vas awarded 11Badge
of Honour" order in 1961 and Order of Lenin - in 1971.

1-1 V. Timchenko is USSR Deputy Director for ASTP and ','lorking group 1
chairman. In his capacity he vva.s in charge of que stions on the mission pur-
pose a.nd task definition, the Soyuz spacecra.ft modification program and
mission trajectory support development.
Victor TBGOS'L..\.:.V - dOll'C! i'l(;. G~~C'UP 2 CIll1Lc'L'lX

Born 1931 in Lloscow. In 1955 he gredu8:i;ed from the Bauman I,Ioscow

:-iisher Technical School. In 1959 he dei'cnded his thesis and e<:l,rned a can-

didats I G degree in science. Since 1365 he is an G-f3sistnnt proi'e:::;8or 0:[' the

l'.'108COVi Physical 'l'echnical School.

For his contribution to the development of national economy Dr.Lego-

0'\ staev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Gold Medal of NEAE (Na-
tional Economy Achievements Exhibition) and the Medal for Valiant Labour
presented to him on the occasion of the loath anniver.sary of Lenin's birth-

Under his 8upervj_sion for A,YFP there vrere developed procedures and

conditions for spacecraft approach, and compAtible equipment for space-

craft acquisition, guidance and approach. Dyn8mic calcul9.tions o:f the Soyuz

control system durins approach livere perfo:rmed, and COD(Etions i'or these Ope-

rations performance were determined.

<. ( (, a

( ( (



Born 1933 in Archangelsk. In 1956 he graduated from the Bauman Mos-

cow Higher Technical School. In 1968 after defence of his thesis he earn-
ed a candidate's degree in science.
Under his supervision a principally new androgynous peryhperal dock-
ing system (APDS) was developed to be used for Soyuz/Apollo docking

V. Syromjatnikov was responsible for fabrication and development of

all DS units beginning with DS design phase up to its flight testings.
Borj..s V. HIKI'rIJ'J - :,tOHKING GROUP 4 Cl-!:AIPu.JIlN

Born 1919 in Novosibirsk. In 1941 he graduated from the Boscov;, Com-

munication Engineers' School.
For his contributions to the space exploration he was awarded Badge

of Honour in 1961.
cc Undr his supervision for ASTP radio communication network between
the spacecraft and the ground 'il'aS de te rmine d, radiocommunica tion and rang-
ing systems compatibility te sting were performe d, spacecraft radio fre quen-
cy compatibility was verified, the possibility of Soyuz/Apollo TV and audio
coverage when crews' visiting the other spacecraft was provided, pyro de-
vices safety testing was performed.

( l (
( (


Born 1920 in Moscow. In 1949 he graduated from the Bauman Moscow

Higher Technical School. For his contributions to the space exploration
he was awarded Orders of Lenin, Badge of Honour, Space Exploration Medal
of the USSR Academy of Science.
Under his supervision there were developed provisions for Docking
System and Apollo radio set, installed in Soyuz, thermal mode; provisions
I and materials for equipment and cosmonauts' suits fire safety in pure 02

environment, and life support system was updated to meet compatibility

re qui rement s.

- 2UO -


Text of the agreement on cooperation in space

between the United States and the Union of So-
viet Socialist Republics signed in Moscow on
May 24, 1972:

Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics concerning cooperation in the exploration and
use of outer space for peaceful purposes,
The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socia-
list Republics,
Considering the role which the USA and the USSR pJay in the
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,
Striving for a further expansion of cooperation between the
USA and the USSR in the exploration and use of outer space for

Nothing the positive cooperation which the parties have al-

ready experienced in this area,
Desiring to make the results of scientific research gained
from the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes
available for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries and
of all peoples of the world,
Taking into consideration the provisions of the treaty on prin-
ciples governing the activities of scates in the exploration and use
of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, as
wel~ as the agreement on the rescue of astronauts, the return of as-
tronauts, and the return of objects launched into outer space,
In accordance with the agreement between the United States of

- 201-
1'\ .

America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Hepublics of exchanges

and cooperation in scientific, technical, educational, cultural,arid
other fields, siEne d April 11, 1972, and in to develop fUl'ther
the principles of mutually cooperation betvveen the tvlO
Have agreed as follows:

-_. i c 1 e

The parties will develop cooperation in t he fields of spece

meteorology: study of the natural envirorunent: the exploration of
near Earth space, the moon and the planets: and space biology and
medicine: and in particular, will cooperate to take all appropriate
measures to encourage and achieve the fulfillment of the lIsummary
of results of discussions on space cooperati.on between the US Ha-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration and. the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR" of January 21, 1971.

Art i c 1 e
~ ~ 2
_ _,,__"-"A""_

The parties will carry out such cooperation by means of mutual

excr...anges of scientif:Lc information and delegations, through meet-
ings of scientists and specialists of both countries, and also in
such otber ways as may be mutually agreed. ~Toint working
may be created for the development and imple~i1entation of a p p r 0-

p ria t e programs of cooperation.

Art i c I e J
l1'he parties have agreed to carry out projects for developing
compatible rendezvous and docking systems of United States and ;30-
viet manned spacecraft and stations, in order to enhance the safety
of manned flight in space and to provide the opportunity for c 0 n-
- ?l)(~ -
d u c tin g joint scientific experiments in the future. It is

}Jlanne d that the first eXJ)erimental flight to te st the se systems

be conduc te d dllrintC 1075, envi saging the docking of' a US i-\pollo-
type cpacecITIft and a Joviet JOjuz-type opacecraft with visits of
nstronaut~1 in each other's spacecrafts. '1'he implementation of these
pro,iects will be carried out on the basis of princiQlles and proce-
dures wh:Lch will be developed in accordance wi th tbe OUffili1(lr,y of re-
ml.l ts cf th2 mcotin.e; between representatives of' the U::':;N'ational

I,eronaLltic~3 and Spece Admin:Lf3tration EU1d the USSR Academy of ,:.lcien-

ces on the c:u,estion of' developing compatible systems for rendezvous

and docking of' marmcd spaCeGI'<3:ft and space statLona of the USA and
the U:3.)R, date d April 6, 1972.

Jl r tic l_~~_~4

rphe parties will encoura8e international efforts to resolve

problems of international law in the exploration and use of outer

spewe for peacef'ulpurposeG with the aim of strengthening the legal
order in space and furthcr developing international space law and
will cooperate in this fiel d.

I, r~t L c__.-1__e__..2.
f['he parties may by mutual agreement determine other areas of

cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful

purposes o

Article 6
Ifhis a[;reement shall enter into force upon signature and shall
remain in force for five years. It may be modified or extended by

mutual a[~reernent of the parties o

- 203
Done at Moscow on the 24th of May, 1972, in duplicate in the
English and Russian languages, each equally authentic.
For the United states of America

Richard Nixon

For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Aleksei N.Kosygin

- 2U4 -

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