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2019 ADSAI Math 2 First Periodical Examination


1. The numbers being added is called _____________
2. The answer in addition is called _______________
3. The process of Adding numbers or putting two or more numbers together is called _________________
a. Addition b. Sum c. Addends
4. Property of addition where you will add zero to any number and the sum is the number itself
5. Property of addition where changing the order or position of the addends does not change the sum
6. Property of addition where changing the groupings of the addends does not change the sum
7. ( 9 + 8 ) + 5 = (5 + 8 ) + 9
8. 95 + 0 = 95
9. 12 + 13 = 13 + 12
10. 7 + 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 + 7
11. 45 + 54 = 54 + 45
12. 0 + 100 = 100
a. Commutative b. Identity c. Associative
Add the following numbers
13. 458 + 68 = _______
14. 765 + 45 = _______
15. 872 + 218 = ________
16. The sum of 346 and 413 is ___________
17. 187 plus 389 equals _____________
18. The total of 352 and 187 is ______________
19. 483 + 347 = ____________
20. 456 + 645 = ____________
Problem Solving
21. There were 396 people watching the final basketball game at the gym. After the second game , 125 more people got inside
the gym. How many people were there in the gym? _______________
22. Mr Suarez sells 165 pieces of tomatoes in the morning . he sells 54 more pieces of tomatoes in the afternoon than in the
morning. How many pieces of tomatoes did he sell for the day? _____________
23. Lieza saves P40 to buy a gift for her sister. Her mother gives her another P20 and her father gives her another P10. How
much does Lieza have now? _______________
24. The number we take away from is called _____________
25. The number being subtracted is called _______________
26. The answer in subtraction is _______________
27. It is the process of taking away a number from another number
28. Subtraction is the inverse of ___________
a. Subtrahend b. Difference
c. Minuend e. Addition
d. Subtraction
Fill in the missing number inside the parenthesis to make the statement correct
29. 47 + 25 = 72 ___ - 25 = 47
30. 100 – 49 = 51 ___ - 51 = 49
31. 20 + 34 = 54 54 - ___ = 20
32. 95 -25 = 70 10 + ___ = 95
Write an addition and subtraction sentences using the given numbers
33. 8 , 9 , 17 ___________________ ____________________
34. 6 , 13 , 7 ___________________ ____________________
Fill in the missing number
35. 8 - ___ = 1
36. 5 + ___ = 10
37. 15 – 12 = ____
38. 59 – 23 = ____
39. 67- 34 = ____
40. 45 – 12 = ____
41. 597 – 134 = _________
42. 965 – 213 = __________
43. 388 – 127 = __________
44. 2 786 – 765 = ___________
45. 9 834 – 7 123 = ____________

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