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Mahasiswa, Jurusan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Dosen, Jurusan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Email :,

This study discusses how to Test Simple Linear Regression of Land Area on Production Results of Logging
Carpentry A Timber Jungle. The data used are the data used in this study are data taken each year, from 2008 to
2017. This study studies how the influence of land area on the production of logging wood A Timber Rimba. It
turns out that the area of land greatly influences the amount of carpentry wood production. In this study, a
regression equation is obtained, namely Y = 852.8 + 119.4 X, which means that each hectare can produce about
972.2 trees. From this research can be an illustration of how to produce maximum production with existing land.
This research can be applied by predicting how much carpentry wood needs in the next 5 years. Then prepare
adequate land to produce the wood needed. Considering that the carpentry wood in its growing period until it
can be used as a carpentry material takes 5-10 years.


Indonesia, as a country known for its rich R is the result of the collaboration of
natural resources, is blessed with abundant natural statisticians and mathematicians around the world.
resources, especially forests. Indonesia has a vast R was created by Ross Lhaka and Robert
expanse of forest around ± 99.6 million hectares or
Gentleman around 1990. The S-language based R
52.5% of the total area of Indonesia (Badan Pusat
Statistik). Forests as the lungs of the world are was developed at Bell Laboratory in 1970 by John
valuable assets that need to be preserved for the Chambers. R (language and software) is now
sake of future generations. Forests in Indonesia developed by 20 people known as the R Core
store biodiversity with a variety of flora and fauna Team. R is also known as DSL (Doman Specific
in it. The forest is a habitat for various endemic Language) software. Over time and after decadu
flora and fauna, so the existence of the forest can 90s, the data journey that was only 5 times the
be a protector of the existing flora and fauna. Forest
development eventually became 50 times more.
management is absolutely necessary, because the
destruction of the forest can threaten the The rapid development of data after 2005 is also
destruction of thousands of flora and fauna species. known as Big Data. R as a programming language
In addition, good forest management can also be a and software framework position is very important
source of life for the surrounding community. because competitor mltiplatform can also import
Forest preservation is not only the this data (big data) from other programs (Database
responsibility of the government, but it is our Management Program) such as Twitter data
collective responsibility as a caliph on this earth to analysis (TwitterR), Hadoop, Google API, Oracle,
always preserve the universe and its contents for Mysql and etcetera. R is becoming stronger
the benefit of all humanity. This is where the because of the support of packages or modules that
important role of Perhutani in conducting business can only be used for cartridge games (load and
management, management and protection of forests unload). The usefulness of R is not only limited to
that are used for public benefit without ignoring statistical analysis. By creating packs and making
profit. improvements in many fields, R has developed into
Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional a very useful tool for the needs of all types of data
Division is responsible for 20 FMUs in the Central management.
Java region.
There are several advantages to using the R
Program, both as information technology
professionals, business analysis, or others. These 3. See a summary of the linear regression model
benefits are discussed in the following points. created using the summary function (model).

1. Free: R is available to you at no cost, The saying, Simple Linear Regression Test or Multiple Linear
"give someone a data analysis tool and he will learn Regression in essence has several objectives,
to analyze data" is never right. namely:

2. Cross-Platform: R runs on Mac, Windows and 1. Calculate the estimated average value and the
many Unix systems. value of the dependent variable based on the value
of the independent variable.
3. Open Source: R is an open source that allows
you to train your genius in a way that is not done 2. Test the hypothesis of dependency
by closed software. characteristics.

4. Programmable: R is a powerful yet direct 3. Predict the average value of the independent
programming language designed to compliment the variable based on the value of the independent
formation of complex strategies. variable outside the sample range.

5. Extendable R: R can be expanded through The coefficient of determination (R-squared) is a

thousands of available packages. measure that shows how much variation in the data
(Data is an item that represents facts, text, graphics,
6. Graphics: R contains powerful graphic images, sound, analog or digital video segments.
capabilities. Do you want to make a plot using Data is the raw material of the supplied system by
simple stipulations from time to time or a complex data producers and used by users of information to
battle map layout, R is ready to use. create information). Can be explained by a
regression model (A model is a representation of a
7. Supported by the community: R has a broad
set of process components, systems, or subjects,
community of users who continually update and
generally developed for understanding, analysis,
contribute to their abilities.
improvement and or change in processes. A
We can use regression analysis to inform our representation of information, activities,
predictions. Regression analysis is a data modeling relationships, and events. The model can be
technique that helps us understand how different manipulated to test assumptions A simulation that
variables change with each other. Regretesis examines the number of units that can be processed
models must include at least one dependent in each hour under a certain set of conditions is an
(outcome) and independent (predictor) variable, example of the model.Different diagrams, the
although several of them can be included. We can model does not need to be graphical.A model can
use a regression model to predict results based on be a picture, diagram or mathematical formula.
data available to us.
The Linear Regression Equation from Y to X is
Simple linear regression is the most basic form of formulated as follows:
regression analysis, it uses a single independent
variable to predict the outcome of a single Dengan :
dependent variable. To begin experimenting Y = dependent variable
regression analysis in R, we create a simple linear X = independent variable
model in the following way. a = intercept
b = slop
1. Use the lm function (formula, data) to create a
linear regression model. 3. METHOD

2. Display the contents of the linear regression The data used in this study are data taken annually,
from 2008 to 2017. This data was obtained from the
model variable on console R by calling the model
annual Statistics book from Perum Perhutani.
that has been made.
The complete data can be seen in the table
Tahun Produksi Kayu Area and Carpentry Wood Production Graph
Luas ( Ha ) Pertukangan

2008 10 2227

2009 17 3506

2010 225 29021

2011 219 26324

2012 343 40365

2013 307 38840

2014 205 26744 From the figure, it can be seen that the plot size and
production of carpentry wood are already linear, so
2015 225 29021 it can be continued with the regression test.

2016 219 26324 Results from Linear Regression Test

2017 343 40365

The above data were analyzed using the Linear

Regression method using the R program. Simple
linear regression analysis is one of the regression
methods that can be used as a statistical inference
tool to determine the effect of an independent
variable on the dependent variable.


Based on Figure 2.3 can be seen, has been obtained
Data on the Area and Production of Carpentry the value of coefficient intercept = 852.8 and x =
Timber A Timber Jungle from 2008 to 2017 that 119.5. Then the value of R-squared or
has been processed using R software to obtain the Determination Coefficient is obtained which shows
following results.
how good the regression model is formed between
Area and Carpentry Wood Production Graph the dependent variable and the independent
variable, the R-squared value obtained here is
0.992 or 99.2%, which means that the variable X
has a contribution effect of 99, The other 2% and
0.8% are influenced by other factors.

In the results also obtained p-value 1.149 e-09

<0.05 which means that there is an influence
between Variable X (land area) against Y Variable
(production yield).

In Coefficients can be used to model the equation

equation from linear regression. Based on the
From the picture above the plot can be seen if the results, a linear regression equation is obtained,
plot tends to go up To be more convincing we can namely Y = 852.8 + 119.4 X.
make a linear line, and get it like Figure.
Then proceed with the Correlation test to see the
strongest relationship between the dependent
variable Y with the independent variable X.
Correlation test results Model Summary

Std. Error
Mo R Adjusted of the
del R Square R Square Estimate

1 ,997a ,993 ,993 1174,594

a. Predictors: (Constant), X

Based on the Summary Model table from SPSS, the

From the above calculation results obtained R square is 0.993 where the value is almost the
Correlation value of the regression equation above same as the results of the analysis conducted by the
is 0.995 where the value is very high which means R program, which is 0.9927.
the relationship between the dependent variable Y
and the independent variable X is very close.
99.5% are influenced by the independent variable Sum of Mean
X and the other 0.5% are influenced by other Model Squares df Square F Sig.
variables. Then proceed with making predictions
when there is an area of 225 Ha. 1 Regres 165593 165593
sion 7503,52 1 7503,52 ,000b
Prediction Results 5 5

Residu 110373 137967

al 64,575 0,572

Total 166697
4868,10 9
In figure 2.5 we get a prediction when there are 225
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Ha will produce at least 27717.8 trees. The
prediction is obtained by using the Regression b. Predictors: (Constant), X
formula that was previously obtained by a
regression test that is Y = 852.8 + 119.5X. Based on the ANOVA table from SPSS, the
significance value of 0,000b is equal to the
Then calculate the error error from the prediction significance value generated by the R program,
results that is with the formula: 1,149 e-09, where the value is the same as that of
the SPSS.
(original value-predicted value) / (original value) X
100 Coefficientsa

And the resulting error is 4.4% so this regression Standar

equation model has an error of 4.4%, where the dized
error is calculated to be very small or this Unstandardized Coeffici
regression model is a good model. Coefficients ents

Compare with SPSS Std.

Model B Error Beta t Sig.
Then the results will be compared from using the R
1 (Const 1722,2 800,11 2,15
program using SPSS. The results obtained using the ,064
ant) 64 1 3
SPSS program are as follows.
X 116,19 34,6
3,354 ,997 ,000
2 44

a. Dependent Variable: Y
Based on the Coefficients table there is a difference Basu Swastha, 2001. Manajemen Pemasaran
in the Constant value / constant that is equal to Modern; Yogyakarta: BPFE
1722.264 when compared to the value obtained at 10
Sugiyono, 2013, Metodelogi Penelitian
R that is 852.8. The intercept variable is also Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung:
different, the SPSS is 116.19 smaller than the one Alfabeta
in the R program that is 119.4.
Mardalis, 1999, Metode Penelitian Suatu
5. CONCLUSION Pendekatan Proposal. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
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Statistik, Surabaya: CV Duta Aksara, 2010.
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obtained, namely Y = 852.8 + 119.4 X, which Bisnis UGM.
means that each hectare can produce about 972.2
trees. From this research can be an illustration of Astuti, Septian Puji. 2015. Modul Praktikum
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