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Simple present compro/compra/copramos

Positive Negative Question

S+verb + S/ES (she/he it) S+ DOES +N’T-NOT + verb (in infinitive) Does + subj + verb(in infinitive)?
She speakS He doesn’t speak Does he speak?
S+verb (in infinitive) S+ do + n’t-not + verb (in infinitive) Do + subj + verb(in infinitive)?
We work We don’t work Do you work?
Present progressive or continuous esta trabajando/comiendo
Positive Negative question
S+verb to be + verb +ing S+verb to be + not/n’t +verb +ing verb to be Subj+ + verb +ing ?
She is working She is not working is she working?
Present perfect he caminado / ha estado
Positive Negative Question
S+aux (have/has) +verb in past S+aux (have/has)+not/n’t +verb in past aux (have/has)+subj +verb in past
participle They’ve been married for participle participle ?
10years. They haven’t been married for 10years. have they been married for 10years?
Simple past miró /miraba caminó/caminaba
Positive Negative Question
regular verbs: S+verb + ed S+aux (did)+ N’T-NOT verb in infinitive aux (did) + S+verb in infinitive?
She watchED She did not watch did she watch?
Irregular verbs: S+verb IN PAST Irregular verbs: S+ aux (did)+ N’T-NOT aux (did) + S+verb in infinitive?
We spoke We did not speak did we speak?
Past progressive or continuous estaba trabajando/comiendo
Positive Negative Question
S+verb to be (was-were) + verb +ing S+verb to be (was-were)+ N’T-NOT + verb to be(was-were)+Subj+verb+ing?
She is working verb +ing was she working?
She was not working
Modals verbs
can puedo puede
Positive Negative Question
S+can+ verb in infinitive S+can+ N’T-NOT+ verb in infinitive can+ subj+verb in infinitive ?
She can play She cannot play can he play?
could podía pude podían pudieron
Positive Negative Question
S+ could + verb in infinitive S+ could + N’T-NOT+ verb in infinitive could + subj+verb in infinitive ?
She could work and study at the same She could not work and study at the same could she work and study at the same
time time time?
Would ria comería gustaría viajaría
Positive Negative Question
S+ Would + verb in infinitive S+ Would + N’T-NOT+ verb in infinitive Would + subj+verb in infinitive ?
She Would play She Would not play Would he play?
Should debería
Positive Negative Question
S+ should + verb in infinitive S+ should + N’T-NOT +verb in infinitive should + subj+verb in infinitive ?
She should play She should not play should he play?

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