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Fenómeno Sísmico

MSc. Ing. Victor Ernesto Arana Vasquez

Estructura de la Tierra

Corte de la Tierra desde el núcleo hasta la exosfera (no está a escala).

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 2
Estructura de la Tierra

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 3
Origen de los Sismos – Formación de los
Continentes (Alfred Wegener)

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 4
Formación de los Continentes
(Alfred Wegener) – Algunas Evidencias
Plegamiento de falla

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 5
Origen de los Sismos – Tectónica de

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 6
Principales Fallas


Ing. Sismo-Resistente 7
Tectonic plates and world-wide distribution of earthquakes. (Fuente:
Earthquakes, by Bruce A. Bolt. Copyright 1978, 1999 W. H. Freeman and
Ing. Sismo-Resistente 8
Origen de los Sismos – Epicentro e

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 9
Origen de los Sismos – Epicentro e

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 10
Origen de los Sismos – Epicentro e

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 11
Ondas sísmicas y estructura interna de la Tierra

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 12
Ondas Sísmicas

Ondas Primarias P:
Hacen que las partículas se muevan en la misma
dirección de su propagación. Causa la compresión y
dilatación del material.
Estas ondas son las más veloces, por lo que
alcanzan primero la superficie.
Pueden viajar en la roca, magma océanos y el aire.

Ondas Secundarias S:
Hacen vibrar la roca en la dirección perpendicular a
la de su propagación. Tienen menor velocidad que
las P, pero mayor a las Ondas de Superficie.
Debido a las deformaciones angulares que
producen, no pueden propagarse en los océanos.

Fuente: Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes, by

Bruce A. Bolt.

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 13
Ondas Sísmicas

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 14
Ondas Sísmicas

Ondas Love:
Mueven el suelo horizontalmente en dirección
perpendicular a la de su propagación.
Son las causantes de los daños en las

Ondas Rayleigh:
Mueven las partículas en un plano vertical,
haciéndolas describir elipses. Estas ondas son las
de menor velocidad de propagación.

Fuente: Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes, by

Bruce A. Bolt.
Ing. Sismo-Resistente 15
Velocidades de Onda en la Estructura de la

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 16
Reflexión, Refracción y
Transformación de las ondas de

Fuente: Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes, by Bruce A. Bolt.

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 17
¿Cómo se detectan y registran las ondas

Seismogram at Berkeley, California,

from a magnitude 5.3 earthquake
located 90 km away, northeast of Santa
Cruz on 27 June 1988. This recording of
the vertical component of ground motion
clearly shows the separate onsets of the
P and S waves. Time increases on the
Ing. Sismo-Resistente trace from left to right. 18

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 19
Localización de Sismos

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 20
Localización de Sismos

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 21
Medida de los Sismos

Earthquakes are complex multi-dimensional phenomena, the

scientific analysis of which requires measurement. Prior to the
invention of modern scientific instruments, earthquakes were
qualitatively measured by their effect or intensity, which differed
from point-to-point. With the deployment of seismometers, an
instrumental quantification of the entire earthquake event—the
unique magnitude of the event—became possible. These are
still the two most widely used measures of an earthquake, and
a number of different scales for each have been developed,
which are sometimes confused.
Engineering design, however, requires measurement of
earthquake phenomena in units such as force or displacement.

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 22
Medida de los Sismos – Magnitud

Se relaciona con la cantidad de energía liberada durante el

evento. Se puede decir que mide el tamaño de un sismo

Magnitud Local
M L is local magnitude (which Richter only defined for Southern California), A is the
maximum trace amplitude in microns recorded on a standard Wood-Anderson short-
period torsion seismometer, at a site 100 km from the epicenter, logAo is a standard
value as a function of distance, for instruments located at distances other than 100 km
and less than 600 km

Magnitud de ondas superficiales

where Es is the total energy in ergs. Note that 101.5=31.6, so that an increase of one
magnitude unit is equivalent to 31.6 times more energy release, two magnitude
units increase is equivalent to 1000 times more energy, etc

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 23
Medida de los Sismos – Magnitud

Subsecuentemente, debido a la observación de que los sismos con

focos en profundidad no se registran a partir de ondas superficiales
con periodos cercanos a 20 s, una Magnitud de Ondas de Cuerpo
(mb) fue definida.

Magnitud de ondas de cuerpo

Body wave magnitudes are more commonly used in eastern North America, due to the
deeper earthquakes there. A number of other magnitude scales have been developed, most of
which tend to saturate — that is, asymptote to an upper bound due to larger earthquakes
radiating significant amounts of energy at periods longer than used for determining the
magnitude (e.g., for M s , defined by measuring 20 s surface waves, saturation occurs at
about Ms > 7.5). More recently, seismic moment has been employed to define a moment
magnitude Mw.

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 24
Medida de los Sismos – Magnitud

Magnitud momento
where seismic moment M o (dyne-cm) is defined as
where μ is the material shear modulus, A is the area of fault plane rupture, and 𝑢 is the mean
relative displacement between the two sides of the fault (the averaged fault slip).
There is no standard definition for these, but the following is an approximate categorization:

Relación entre la Magnitud Momento y

otras escalas de Magnitud.
Fuente: FromCampbell,
K.W., Strong GroundMotion Attenuation Relations: A
Ten-Year Perspective

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 25
Medida de los Sismos – Magnitud

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 26
Medida de los Sismos – Magnitud

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 27
Medida de los Sismos –
In general, seismic intensity is a measure of the effect, or the strength, of an earthquake hazard at
a specific location. While the term can be applied generically to engineering measures such as
peak ground acceleration, it is usually reserved for qualitative measures of location-specific
earthquake effects, based on observed human behavior and structural damage. Numerous
intensity scales were developed in pre-instrumental times. The most common in use today are the
Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI), Rossi-Forel (R-F), Medvedev-Sponheur-Karnik (MSK), and
the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) scales.

MMI is a subjective scale defining the level of shaking at specific sites on a scale of I to XII.
(MMI is expressed in Roman numerals to connote its approximate nature). For example,
moderate shaking that causes few instances of fallen plaster or cracks in chimneys constitutes
MMI VI. It is difficult to find a reliable relationship between magnitude, which is a description of
the earthquake’s total energy level, and intensity, which is a subjective description of the level of
shaking of the earthquake at specific sites, because shaking severity can vary with building type,
design and construction practices, soil type, and distance from the event.
Note that MMI X is the maximum considered physically possible due to “mere” shaking, and that
MMI XI and XII are considered due more to permanent ground deformations and other geologic
effects than to shaking.
Ing. Sismo-Resistente 28
Severidad Local de la Sacudida –

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 29

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 31

También llamados Tsunamis. La palabra “tsunami” es de origen

japonés. tsu significa “puerto” y nami “ola”
Son fenómenos marítimos que se producen a lo largo de las costas.
Consisten en trenes de ondas de periodo largo que pueden alcanzar
alturas de 30 m.
La gran mayoría de maremotos son generados por levantamientos o
hundimientos de los fondos oceánicos causados por sismos de origen
tectónicos (90% de casos).

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 32

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 33
Plan de Evacuación ante Tsunamis en las
Costas del Callao

Ing. Sismo-Resistente 34

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