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Global Warming, the Problem of the last Decades

It’s not a secret for anyone that in recent years the climate has been constantly changing. We
have seen how the temperature has increased alarmingly, how millions of animals have died, and
how the poles are running out due to the global warming. It is a natural phenomenon which
affects in the first grade the environment and in the second grade the man. It is consequences at
present are not so visible as in some future generations, the increase of the sea level, the spread of
illnesses, the great droughts are the most worrying for experts. In 2012, the countries of the
Sahel, in North Africa, suffered a food crisis that affected some 18 million people due to the lack
of rain. (Naranjo J, 2018)

The global warming refers to the constant increase in recent years in the temperature of the
planet, both in the atmosphere and in the oceans. The atmosphere is a relevant factor for global
warming to occur given that the deterioration of this because of the greenhouse effect which is a
concentration of gases in the atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide that causes the sun´s rays to
enter the planet directly producing the increase of the temperature inside the atmosphere. It is a
fact that the real reason for which this happens is the man´s action. The pollution that it has
created over time and the misuse of natural resources, have caused the environment to gradually
come to an end.

One of the most worrying consequences of the global warming is the increase of the sea level
which will produce great floods, causing several cities to disappear under water and millions of
people die and thousands more will be left homeless. Then, why does global warming cause sea
levels to rise? The first reason is the thermal expansion when the water heated by the rise in
temperature, tends to expand, that means, the oceans occupy more space. The second reason
according to the web page National Geographic is the melting of the frozen territories of
Greenland and West Antarctica that is accelerated by global warming. This process is negatively
influenced by the filtration of fresh water from the surface, which acts as a lubricant for the ice
streams and helps them to slide more quickly. That means, the fresh water filtered to the base of
the ice sheets melts, weakens and slide into the sea (National Geographic, 2010). The last reason
is that the glaciers do not return to their normal form because Global warming makes snowfalls
softer, winter is delayed and spring is ahead.
Another consequence of it are the long droughts produced that this phenomenon brings. It is
known as climate change to the modification of climate components such as temperature rainfall
among others, these changes are produced by the inadequate use of energy, the combustion of
petroleum products, the contamination by garbage and the excess of industrial processes creating
accumulation of gases in the atmosphere. Instabilities in the climate will produce natural
phenomenon such as droughts, cyclones and frequency and intensity of rainfall. Due to the
droughts the ecosystems will reduce them and kill all life in them. Also the human race will be
affected by the scarcity of resources producing famines.

To conclude, it is proved that the global warming is a problem that has been developing several
years ago which affects the entire world, no one is exempt from these consequences. We can see
that these are enough and all seriously affect life on the earth planet. Many people still believe
that does not exist do nothing to prevent it given that they do not see the problems that are
happening and do not expect them to have consequences in the future, our task is to inform those
people about this phenomenon, to show them that it is real, that global warming exists and
convince them to help us decrease and delay their consequences.

1. Naranjo J. (4 de mayo de 2018) La ONU alerta de una “grave hambruna” en el Sahel.
Recuperado de
2. National Geographic. (5 de septiembre de 2010) El aumento del nivel del mar.
Recuperado el [Acceso: 17 de marzo de 2019].

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