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[4 pHrLrpprNE DArLy TNQuIRER . if;,(,g , '-q "Y*XH,1i"TJi#,i"i,?l

A4 l

A fourney for God and country i

ttiixffiff".H*;:iloto*"u"., ;H,flTi"'[TaH',ifr"r""1,tril'.1#: ;::;l"t;li":"i,'f#,r,:'X"*y;"Et

when he wasln high sthoot. "My par- ents. ' felt that he was being called by Jesus tol
#j'l3""i'i""ffi*mff#,Hf,ii:Hi."'f"#?',il1'tHt""mw: -t.r'r'r'f.!rlr(.rrtrry ff*"?lf:#iliililiffJ:n*5lt
["'[""'.1ii,lt1!,fitr*:Fli#l! .,.rl ;,
ii"frii^T''-:ff:At':::q'q",ll,:?"T- 1&3!:jifiry::4:J,,tiliTfi

sil':,,lli.'ffiJl"H,3il1'I;;Yi,11trfl;'j.H'HHi.'1y.'""ffiffiH"fl: |{Lwj#n l:ffij;"ffiHs*"irffi*"iTi"liHl

*'m;r;*|rj]*$*ffi;f; ffi1*ffi"lj"#:#:ffid ' sxii+:H.,ii::::ffiT":i
:fr,"",T';:fi*'ffifftf:j'. ffilI ;fffi,:rsf,"j,1*tiliL fl"$'#r: ," 11"rT'li:":Jlil*:'fi"nil;1ffi9
'"rtYJ,''on,r 16 durins.that
Lhat's why it was so easy for me to
be have the supDort of tiode idealistic Ia
dents who had become his 'disciplei"

tirown rny fami- Offce. , ^""lTh"

nardships that frere Advocate General peace
- Jeius," hi continued. ffbtu gibt". as Word of 6"6. holding Bible teachings at the school
know mY library the House (rt r\vy
lanueva said. opet:9,h:19lh-:;lf inut he to
^*";il Jtooa ut the forefront of slqdent Villanueva rel
iYott have no right to reforms I
,"ili.I; Pce. this new role to eiiectuate an$ f91.t
college tu"tt for a rninute!" ;#;;ii"* ot tt" Peop\g.
ffi;;hii refused the PhiliP-Pines to
irilf;-iiution of of
il'J,*^o.,iliuu Pt"orutsors who God' "so that t
il;;;;1 .i"titt in ravor qf student ;;i;;;;a nationbe used
;#il;;ions. ue revealed that look- i#ilffii*u u'ro" thesecond
as a model
ffi;.#K;;luri ttt"tPish at his audaci- ;ilTtffi;iiJhe exPlained
ry. i;;;il;';s," for starters'
Before even graduating
from col- The cong'""*'*' I

tegi vittunuer/a iras eiven the

chance u.." si"j"sbPies of,the ofryolV n-$t
il"t.".t in colrege his fellow congressmen il"t witlI:l
dent, the late t RI"S;;1"I3:#'.'"',:in "At least theY are Presented
;tffi;; .o"tiatt*d his " godfather'f .fr;""ft i.uo ittt one and "".tJ1

o"iiiotit* and nationalism' -

t'":'i1;;gitt for a total of
vears, before
l;ij \iill"t n..'lt'
was teaching
mY ':t"*$f-:'-il-;Fiflfi
ffi; r."a.ttttiP did.the right
ffi; ;ii aurin g ffi;; ttt.Y attigttuttd me 1l jel
*: *Xo i..'r sood governance
students during the time and even "ln nation builcling, moral varue l

the farmers, the medical and peace are a must. I would like to believ
workers to not believe in God. If horise leadership did the. right thin
there was God, how come millions of when they designated me as deput
our people are languishing in abject speaker for good governance anr
poverty and very few are wallowing moral transformation. "
in wealth?" "If you really love God, you shoul
"My philosophy back then was- also love your country," he continuer
belief in God is just a product of the "Part of my mission in my earthly exis
fertile imagination of human minds. tence is participation in law-making.
What we need, I would say, is unite will not be here forever.I might as wel
rnasses of our people for a national make excellent use of my God-givcr
rlemocratic revolution, the only way to seat in Congress," Villanueva conclutl
establish a just and humane society," ed.

Bro. Eddie villanueva is sworn into office as cIBAC Representative Deputy speaker Bro" Eddie villanueva, seen here with crBAC secorrd lsraeli Ambassador Rafael Harpazthanks Deputy Speaker
by Malolos, Bulacan Mayor Gilbert "Bebong" Gatchalian. represg"ntative Domeng Rivera, refiles the vetoed Security of Tenure bill. Bro. Eddie for the latter's continuous support for lsrael.
\,. ii * \t

But little by grenade was thrown at htm ano frrs

"iitil, 6,i"toil.

r. ,rll ol'those disappeared. family as they were entering the bun-

He Werlt uctLr\ L\, r r-lr Llru rrv':g *r-/ J I
and when Garcia saw him, the execu- | ll
lly llrr: time he entered college at galow of his mother-in-law. ti've dean immediately ordered his sec- [ ll
I lrrivr.rsity of the Philippines in Dil- "I was carrying mY daughter, then 5- retary to give Villanueva a full teachinS I fl
n, llrt' lamily was barelY making year-old joni, who is now Bocaue mayor, assig,irrnent which will have the latte.r i f
in my arms when I heard a thud on the

s nrr'('|. After one semester in UP, t"ail,irr11, l'ull time, from morning until Iil
nrollrct, itr tears, told him that she ground. I turned to look and saw th;rt il cvettitrl',r l;tsscs. llll
kurplr.r t,rrr give him money for his was a grenade," recounted Villailttt'v;t' 'l'lrt' lir sl livc trtinutes of his classes llt I

r yrl,ry ( onullute to school. "When I "As an instinct clf a father, I shit'ltlt tl ttty llt' wrtttlrl ttst' lo sharc his le;trrrirrlls fl
cl;utghttlr witlt ttry lrotly. ltt k'ss llt,tll ,t

I nrV tnollrct' t'rying, that's whctt I ;rltrlttt fr",tt:; ,ttttl I ltt' llilllt'- "S<ltttt'l irrrcs I f{
lrlr.rl to';irt1) lo st:llotll." sct'otttl, lltt' 11rt'tt,ttlc lrlcw ol1."'l'lrc It rlltl wottlrl lirl r,o ttt:;pitt'tl I wrlrtlrl l'rltr rt;l ll
ol tltc lrttrrl',,tltlw w,t:; tlr':;ltoyltl- 'l'lrr'
lllrr ulrlrr lrt'olltt't lll) irrrrk trr lilllllllr",," ltt' tt.r.tll|rl lil

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