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out your score.

Take note of the items that you wont be able to conectty answer and look
for the right answer as you go through this module.

1. Before doing an interview, the interviewer should know a good deal of knowledge
about the topic of the interview. In order to formulate sensible questions. what skils
can help the interviewer gather or synthesize information?
a. comprehension
b. IlnguIstic
c. IocatIon
d. psychomotor

2. What do you mean by psyche and temperament?

a. the heart. the life-force that drives a person to decide on things bad OI good
b. the inner self. the essence of the soul plus the strength of body and sod
c. the mind, the deepest maughts, beliefs plus the nature or character of the
d. the soul, the inner thoughts, Outlook and humor plus the attitude of the person

3. Long before any written form of Iterature. what was the principal form of literary
entertainment of the Koreans?
a. describing persons
b. narrating hIstory oraly
c. reciting poems
d. telling legends orally

4. Confucianism and Buddhism are two of the great religions in the history of the worid.
What do you think is the contribution of Confucianism and Buddhism to Korean
a. aesthetic intensity
b. dIvuneserIousness
c. spiritualweakness
d. thematic depth

5. After reading a Korean legend, you notice one striking similarity between Korean and
Filipino legends. What similarity' Is this?
a. Legends from both countries described the rich natural resources back then.
b. Legends from both countrIes narrated ethnIc rituals practloed by the natIves.
0. Legends from both countries were orally transmItted fIrst before they were
d. Legends from both were written by ordinary people.

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6. You are reading a Korean story with two to three difflcult words In eVery page. What
should be the best immediate strategy '13 use In order to deal WIth the difflcult words?
3. Define words through context.
b. Get the dictionary and look up the meanings of the difficult words.
c. Highlight the difficult words and get back to them later as soon as I finish reading
the book.
d. Just ignore the words. I had betterjustfinish reading the book.

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