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Batch Replication

Batch Replication is an additional module from Aperta Active Check which is used to implement the
File level replication between the Primary and Backup Front End servers

After the batches are balanced the batch replication export is triggered automatically. Some of the
work sources have specific dependencies and these will be explained below in the relevant sections.

When the batch replication job runs, it creates a remote transmission file, which gets placed into the
folder and that gets imported into the Backup server

These folders paths are configured in Site Designer variables section – Refer installation document
for more details.

After the batch replication export has been run for each type of work, the Work Source Summary
and ICL Departures tiles should contain the same information, including matching totals on both the
main and replicated server.

The ICL departures tile should contain the same information apart from the time which does not get
populated on the replication server.
Out Clearings

The batch replication export in the Out clearings work source is at a run based level and it’s only
triggered after receipt ACK file for the ICL is received from PCHC.

 If all items in the ICL file Accepted by PCHC then the batch replication export will run.
 If part of the file fails (Accepted with Exception) then the batch replication export will still
 If the whole file fails then the export will not be triggered. The items can be re-exported
following the normal process and upon receipt of an accepted ACK the batch replication
export will run automatically.

In clearings

For In clearings, the batch replication export is triggered for each run automatically once the batch is
imported and Auto Balanced by the Front End system.

Check that the totals for the work source match in the work source summary tile.

Outward Returns

Upon receiving the ACK file for each Outward Return ICL file, the Batch Replication task will be
automatically triggered

If part of the file fails then the batch replication export will still run.

Check that the returns tile matches on both Primary and Backup sites. Also, check that the totals for
the work source match in the work source summary tile.

Inward Returns

As soon the Inward Returns batches are balanced the batch replication export is triggered for each
run automatically.

Check that the totals for the work source match in the work source summary tile
InHouse Clearings

The InHouse Clearings batch replication export is triggered automatically for each run once the batch
is balanced.

InHouse Returns

For the returns the export is triggered manually at the end of the day.

Archive Only

The batch replication export for Archive Only work source is triggered automatically at a run based
level once the batch is balanced.


If you need to find a specific problematic run then you can use the search option.

Select the number in the run column on the work source summary tile and then use the search box.
From here you can manually re-run the batch replication export for a run based export.

1. Clean up the ApGlobal.Keyvalues table on the Backup site

2. Follow the below settings in the table

Settings Primary Site (MTP) Backup Site (HO)

Virtual Transport ID 99 499
Base Transport ID 1 201
File name - CustomerSettings.xml
File location –“Program Files (x86)\Aperta Web
Common.ini (For Insert items) 11 15
Importer.ini (For PDC) 12 16
File name - Dispatcher.INI Add correct server Add correct
File location – “\AiDPS\Customisation” name [] server name []

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