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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
School Division of Bulacan
Binagbag National High School

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10


At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Identify Tangents and Secants in a circle.
2. Determine the unknown measure of an angle.
3. Apply the theorems on angles formed by tangents and secants in solving real-
world problems.


A. TOPIC: Theorems on Angles formed by Tangents and Secants

B. REFERENCE: Mathematics Learner’s Module Material pages 185-193
Visual Aids Chalkboard
Laptop Chalk
D. STRATEGIES: Brainstorming, Group Activity, Think-Pair-and-Share,
Observation and Problem Solving


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a. Opening Prayer

Everybody stand up, _______ kindly (The teacher and students will pray.)
lead the prayer.

b. Greetings

Good morning everyone! Please take Good morning Ma’am!

your seats after aligning your chairs and (Align their chairs and pick up the
picking up the litters under your chairs. litters under their chairs.)

c. Checking of Attendance

Ms. Secretary, kindly check if we have (Secretary) We don’t have absentee

absentee today. today Ma’am.

d. Checking of Assignment
Class, do we have any assignment None Ma’am


 Recall

Now let’s have a short recall about our

previous topic.

Tell me something about tangents. A tangent is a line that intersects the

circle at exactly one point called point
of Tangency.

Very good! How about secant? A secant is a line that intersects the
circle at exactly two points.

 Motivation

Before we start the discussion of our

lesson today, let’s have a short game. This
game is called ‘Yes No Stand Up’.

How are we going to play this? I will

flash some questions related to our topic. All
you need to do is to stand up when your
answer is no, then remain seated when your
answer is yes.

Am I clear? Yes Ma’am!

Great! Now that you understand, listen

carefully. Those who will get the wrong
answer will go to the side of the classroom.
Then the students who will get perfect scores
will be given prizes later on.

Okay! Let’s now start!

(Stand Up or Remain Seated)

(Go to the side)

(Stand Up or Remain Seated)

(Stand Up or Remain Seated)

Those who are standing kindly go to the


(Stand Up or Remain Seated)

(Stand Up or Remain Seated)

(A round of applause)

Very good everyone! Kindly give yourselves a round


Your prizes will be given later on.


Let’s now proceed to the discussion of our topic

today which is all about the Theorems On Angles
Formed By Tangents And Secants.

This is what we are going to do. First, I will

draw a conclusion regarding the first theorem which
will serve as your example.

Afterwards, the class will be divided into four

groups. This group will be the group one, two, three,
and four.

Each group will be given an envelope with an

illustration inside. Each group will be given ten
minutes to study the illustration and draw a conclusion
about it.

A representative of each group will discuss the

theorem that they would formulate.

Any further questions class? None Ma’am

Alright! Now for the first theorem.

(post the visual aids)

This is circle E. I have here two lines and I will

form two secants using these.

I will name our first secant as NX and the

second one as MY. NX and MY intersects at a certain
point. Let’s name this point as P. Due to the
intersection of lines, we have formed an angle.

What angle is that? Yes _________? Angle XPY

Very Good!

We have formed angle XPY. Angle XPY Arc XY and Arc MN

intercepts’ two arcs, what are those? Yes _________?

That’s right! The angle intercepts’ Arc XY and

Arc MN.

We can get the measure of the angle by getting By making a central angle that will
the half of the difference of its two intercepted arcs. intercept the two arcs.
But how can we get the measures of the two
intercepted arcs?

Very Good! We can draw a central angle that Because the measure of a central angle
will intercept the arc, but why should we use a central is equal to the measure of its intercepted
angle? arc.

Very well said! The measure of a central angle

is equal to the measure of its intercepted arc. By doing
that, we can get the measure of the two arcs.

Can someone draw the two central angles that (The student will draw the central
we will use? Yes _______. angles.)

Okay! Very good! Now anyone who can (The student will measure the two
measure the two angles? Yes _______. central angles.)

Good job!

Now that we have the measure of the two arcs, Find the half of its difference.
what are we going to do next?

Very Good! Now, the difference of the two arcs (Answer the difference)
is? Yes ______?

Alright! Now the half of its difference is? Yes (Answer the half of its difference)

Finally, we found the measure of the angle

formed by two secants intersects in the exterior of a

We can summarize everything with this

formula. (Post the visual aids)
Angle formed by two intersecting lines = (bigger arc –
smaller arc)

Yes Ma’am!
Do you understand class?
(Every group will form a circle.)
Now that you understand, every group should
form a circle and start their brainstorming.
(Starts their brainstorming.)
Here’s the envelope of each group. And your 10
minutes starts now!
(After 10 Minutes)
(Arrange their chairs)
Okay! Time’s up. Kindly, arrange your chairs.
(Representative will discuss)
Let me call on the representative of group 1.
(claps five times)
Give them five claps!
(Representative will discuss)
Next, Group 2 representative.
(claps five times)
Give them five claps!
(Representative will discuss)
Next, Group 3 representative.
(claps five times)
Give them five claps!
(Representative will discuss)
Last but definitely not the least, Group 4
(claps five times)
Give them five claps!
Yes Ma’am!
Good job everyone! Do you understand your
classmates’ explanation?
None Ma’am
Any questions?

Now that you understand the different theorems

on angles formed by tangents and secants. Let’s check
your understanding.

Again what are the theorems that we have (Each group will enumerate their
discussed? theorem)

Alright! I have here the list of all the theorems. Yes Ma’am!
All you need to do is to tell me what formula
describes the theorems. Am I clear?

(Flash the activity on the board) (Participates)

Good job everyone!


How can we get the measure of an angle formed By getting the half of the difference of
in the exterior of the circle? the two intercepted arcs.

How about the measure of an angle formed in By getting the half of the sum of the
the interior of the circle? two intercepted arcs.

Lastly, how can we get the measure of the By getting the half of the measures of
angles formed in the point of tangency? the intercepted arcs.

Very good everyone!

This lesson will help you get through to our
next lesson. It will help you find the measures of
angles formed in the exterior and interior of a circle.
You were given a chance to apply your previous
learning in our subject.


Now to test your understanding, answer this real

world problem with your seatmate. Read and analyze
the problem carefully. The illustration is given on the
board to help you understand the problem better.

I will give you five minutes to answer the (Answer with their partner)

(Show the Problem)

1. The sun’s rays hit the earth such that the

tangent rays determine when daytime and
night time are. The time and Earth’s rotation
determine when certain locations have sun. If
the arc that is exposed to sunlight is 178°,
what is the angle at which the sun’s rays hit the
Earth (x°)?


Okay! Time’s Up! Pass your paper properly. (Pass their Paper)


Here’s your assignment for tomorrow. To Yes ma’am!

answer these problems, you need to apply what you
have learned today. Am I clear?

Now! Everybody get your cell phones and take (take a picture)
a picture of your assignment.
Do you have any questions about our topic for None Ma’am

Do you enjoy our session? Yes Ma’am

If that’s all, everybody stand up. (stand up)

Goodbye Cl;ass! Goodbye and Thank you Ma’am!

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating teacher


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