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In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the constitution to assure the public of
accountability and transparency?

a. rural development and agrarian reform

b. public enterprise and incentives to needed investments
c. balanced and healthful ecology
d. full public disclosure

2. The important factors which have contributed to the weakness in the internalization desirable social values are the:

a. lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values.
b. use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective
c. lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another

3. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent:

a. timawa
b. maharlika
c. aliping namamahay
d. aliping saguiguilid

4. The gallant champion of Filipino rights during the Spanish regime was:

a. Father Diego de Herrera

b. Father Martin de Rada
c. Saint Francis Xavier
d. Bishop Domingo Salazar

5. Who said that Rizal is the greatest son of the malay race?

a. Antonio Ma. Regidor

b. Ferdinand Blumentritt
c. Don Pedro Paterno

6. At the bottom of the judicial system during the Spanish time were the:

a. regional trial court

b. municipal trial court
c. justice of the peace court
d. barangay court

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