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MEAM 609


Final Examination Questions, First Trimester AY 2019-2020

1. Define “Acts of unlawful interference” under Annex 17 (Aviation Security) of the Chicago Convention and
enumerate at least four (4) of the acts or attempted acts covered therein. Under the General Principles
of Annex 17, there are three (3) primary objectives. Name one (1) of the three primary objectives and
discuss. 5 pts

2. Define Aviation Security. How is it achieved? Name at least four (4) government agencies tasked with
providing aviation security in the Philippines and describe the tasks and functions of each of the four
agencies. 8 pts

3. Define “Human performance” and “Human Factors principles”? Discuss how one affects or is a factor of
the other. Define the concept of “Safety” within the context of Aviation, as distinguished from Aviation
Security. 7 pts

4. The diagram below, as illustrated in the ICAO Safety Management Manual (Third Edition, 2013),
illustrates Prof. James Reason’s “Swiss-Cheese” concept of accident causation. Explain and discuss
this concept: 10 pts
5. The SHE-LL Model is a conceptual tool used to analyze the interaction of multiple system components.
The SHE-LL Model contains the following four components: a) Software (S); b) Hardware (H); c)
Environment (E); and d) Liveware (L). Define each component and discuss the interface of Liveware
with each of the four SHE-LL components within the context of aviation. 10 pts

6. The events of 9/11 forced public decisionmakers to examine how aviation security was being provided
and how to improve it. What were the three primary options for screening passengers and controlling
access to secure areas were proposed after 9/11? Discuss briefly each option. 9 pts

7. It was said that only 2 of 102 other countries with international airports had airlines handling the
security function. What was the primary rationale for excluding airlines from the security function?
6 pts

8. What is the Israeli Security Model of aviation security? Discuss briefly. 5 pts

Total: 60 pts

Additional instructions

I. Use the APA style of citation for your footnotes. In case of trouble, use Google Scholar to properly cite
your sources.

II. Please avoid PLAGIARISM. Do not cut/copy and paste your answers. Re-phrase, paraphrase or
summarize phrases, paragraphs or ideas from your references.

III. You are not allowed to discuss the exam with your classmates. This is an individual requirement.

IV. Submit your answers via WORD document, Arial font, font size 12, and standard document borders to
Ms. Jeankei Ramos. She will consolidate all your submissions and submit it to me via email by 12:00 midnight

V. Late submissions to Ms. Ramos will not be accepted by her, but submitted to me, with corresponding point

VI. Any act of cheating or dishonesty will be dealt with accordingly under school regulations.


Prepared by:


Professorial Lecturer

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