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Safety Online

Here are our tips

to help keep
your family safe
Step one: Keep personal
information personal!
ƒ Make sure not to give
away personal details.
Eg.address, phone
number or credit card
account numbers etc.
Remind kids that
sharing info about other
people can harm them,
that sharing info like
school name, sports
teams or hobbies can
be used to identify them
Step two: Don’t talk to
ƒ Remind them that they
should be careful about
who they add to their
friends’ list and that
people are not always
who they say they are.
ƒ Let your parents know
who you are talking to
at all times.
ƒ If someone treats you in
a bad way just ignore
them or tell an adult.
Step three: Cyber strangers
vs. Physical strangers.
ƒ Online friends should
not be met offline.
Explain that strangers in
the online world pose a
threat to them as much
as strangers in the
physical world.
ƒ So don’t ever meet up
with a guy/gal you meet
on the internet if you’re
not sure who they are.
Step four: Supervise the
ƒ Keep the computer in
an open area and be
aware of other
computers and other
devices children may be
using outside the home.
Placing the computer in
a family room or kitchen
is an ideal location.
Step five: Cyber control!
ƒ Trusting your children is
very important but some
parents might consider
installing software that
allows them to control
where children go
online. These programs
give the parents a
better understanding of
what the child is doing
online and how to set
Step six: Think like a child!
ƒ Search blog sites to see
what information they
are posting. To ensure
children are not
engaging in risky online
behaviour, parents can
do an online search to
determine information
availability of their child
and act to remove
threats if present.
Step seven: Pay attention to
online photos!
ƒ Know the type of photos
your child is posting
online through devices
such as videos and
webcams or camera
phones. Parents should
be aware of the imagery
children post on the Web
exposing them to online
predators and strangers.
ƒ Don’t send pics of
yourself to a person you
don’t know.
Step eight: Go with you
ƒ If you feel threatened or
uncomfortable by
someone or something
online, they needs to tell
their teacher or another
trusted adult who will
know whether or not to
report an incident to the
police and your Internet
Service Provider. Having
students speak up can
prevent someone else
from becoming a victim.
Step ten:
ƒ Tell your child not to open
SPAM, junk email and
texts. Tell them not to
believe it, reply to it or use
it. It could be anything
from a virus to an
inappropriate film or
image. Software can be
purchased to prevent junk
mail and SPAM.
ƒ Do not upload files sent
by an anonymous person.
Step nine: Teach!
ƒ The most important of
all the steps. Parents
must try to educate their
children in as many
aspects of the internet
as possible. They must
be made aware of all
possible dangers.
Educating them is the
first step in achieving
total security online. Its
better to prevent than to
The most important advice!
ƒ The most important
advice you can give is
to tell your child not to
spend all their time on
the computer, playing
games, etc. This
reduces time online
thus reducing chances
of becoming a victim
to predators.

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