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My lunch By myself!

Khaled, I know how physically confident you are, but

today I saw you independence and confidence grow
a step further.
Today when I helped you to get your lunch out of
your lunch bag, you gave me a very un-impressed
look! & then snatched your lunch and lunch bag away
from me! I knew that you were very hungry as you
had already been asking for lunch! I took a step back
to see what you wanted. To my surprise you put the
lid back on put everything back in your bag and then
began again by yourself un-doing the zip taking your
lunch out and then taking the kid off!
Your too gorgeous Khaled! You were so determined
to do it on your own you had to pack it up & start
again! I love how you can non-verbally communicate
with us, I was given a very stern look! And I knew that
you didn't want my help, even though you were hun-
gry! I love your independent spirit and your confi-
dence is now spilling over into other areas of your
learning, I think you might believe that you are 10 not
Your awesome Khaled! I will continue to observe your
growing problem solving skills and ensure that there
are enough challenges for you. You will certainly
keep the teachers on their toes as you are so deter-
mined to master every challenge!
Love Teacher Liz

Look at your faces!

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