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Grade 9

1. Arya has been showing his best effort in learning additional math this semester.
He is able to understand new concepts in math without difficulties. He did well in
the semester exam and I hope he continues to excel in this subject. Good job, Arya.
2. Claen has shown her best effort in learning additional math this semester. She
is always keen to learn new concepts and eager to complete given assignments.
However, this subject requires consistency and individual research in order to
improve. Clara needs to add more times in reviewing and discussing math problems
otherwise I strongly suggested her to focus in the math-extended subject. Good
luck, Clara.
3. Dylan has been showing his best effort in learning additional math this
semester. He can understand the new math concepts at ease and perform well in
discussion about math problems. He needs to improve in applying the math concepts
accurately. I hope he continues to excel in this subject. Keep it up, Dylan.
4. Evonnie has been showing her best effort in learning additional math this
semester. She is always focus in class and completed the given assignments. She
practices the math questions however she need more reviews and researches in order
to improve. I hope she continues to stay focus and be more confident in additional
math subject in the next semester. Keep it up, Evonnie.
5. Kezia has been showing her best effort in learning additional math this
semester. She is always focus in class and tries her best to complete all given
assignments. She reviews the math questions regularly however she need to be more
consistent in solving more difficult questions. I hope she continues to give her
best and be more confident in additional math subject in the next semester. Keep it
up, Kezia.
6. Rachit has tried to give his best effort in learning additional math this
semester. However, he still struggles applying the new concepts to solve math
problems. He did not perform well in the semester test and I strongly advised that
he takes the math-extended subject instead of the additional math. Good luck,
7. Tyo has tried to give his best effort in learning additional math this semester.
He can understand the basic concepts, however, he still struggles applying the new
concepts to solve math problems. Tyo needs to add more times in reviewing and
discussing math problems otherwise I strongly suggested him to just focus in the
math-extended subject. Good luck, Tyo.

Grade 10

1. Aika has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses a lot of basic math concepts and I hope she
would improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the
math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

2. Krista has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She is focus in completing given assignments and always aims to achieve
more than average. I hope she continues to excel in this subject and takes the
math-extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

3. Skye has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She is focus in completing given assignments and always aims to achieve
more than average. I hope she will be more confident in this subject and takes the
math-extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

4. Jonathan has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. He pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. However, he needs to show more written work in solving math problems.
I hope he continues to excel in math and takes the math-extended for the IGCSE exam
next year.

5. Conan has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. He pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. In addition, he needs to practice more in solving past papers to
achieve a higher grade. I hope he continues to excel in math and takes the math-
extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

6. Tigra has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. In addition, she needs to practice more in solving past papers to
achieve a higher grade. I hope she continues to improve in math and takes the math-
extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

7. Morghan has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. In addition, she needs to practice more in solving past papers to
achieve a higher grade. I hope she continues to improve in math and takes the math-
extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

8. Kali has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. In addition, she needs to practice more in solving past papers to
achieve a higher grade. I hope she continues to excel in math and takes the math-
extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

9. Manon has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses a lot of basic math concepts and I hope she
would improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the
math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

10. Noa has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses a lot of basic math concepts and I hope she
would improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the
math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

11. Kirara has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses some basic math concepts and I hope she would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

12. Romeo has tried to show his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math
this semester. However, he still misses a lot of basic math concepts and I hope he
would improve by doing more reviews and practices. He also needs to stay focus in
completing assignment and add pace to his work.I suggested that he takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

13. Benjamin has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, he still misses some basic math concepts and I hope he would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that he takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

14. Lea has not tried to meet the expectation in learning mathematics this
semester. She is not focus in class and fails to complete given assignments. She
also lacks many basic concepts in maths. I hope Lea would be proactive in seeking
extra help from teachers or tutors to keep up with the learning. I suggested that
she takes the math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

15. Putu Sananda has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math
this semester. However, she still misses some basic math concepts and I hope she
would improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the
math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

16. Vincent has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, he still misses some basic math concepts and I hope he would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. He also needs to stay focus in
completing assignment and add pace to his work. I suggested that he takes the
math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

17. Bernado has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, he still misses some basic math concepts and I hope he would
improve by doing more reviews and practices and by not missing classes. I suggested
that he takes the math-core for the IGCSE exam next year.

18. Nana has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. She pays attention fully to understand new concepts and perform well in
discussions. In addition, she needs to practice more in solving past papers to
achieve a higher grade. I hope she continues to excel in math and takes the math-
extended for the IGCSE exam next year.

19. Amanda has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses some basic math concepts and I hope she would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

20. Tim has shown his best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, he still misses some basic math concepts and I hope he would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that he takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

21. Jersey has shown her best effort to complete the learning of IGCSE-Math this
semester. However, she still misses some basic math concepts and I hope she would
improve by doing more reviews and practices. I suggested that she takes the math-
core for the IGCSE exam next year.

Grade 11

1. Isabella has started with a good motivation to learn the Pure Mathematics 1 this
semester. However, she could not maintain the focus until the end. This subject
requires a lot of practices or researches and she needs to be more diligent by
completing given assignments in time. She also needs to be more active in
discussing solution to math problems. I hope she will be more focus for a good
result in the next semester.

2. Karen has shown eagerness to learn new concepts in Pure Mathematics 1. She
practices well and completes given assignments in time. She is also active in
discussions to solve math problems. She needs to be more confident in her solutions
and I hope she keep on practising with past papers problems to achieve more higher
grades in the next semester. Keep it up, Karen.
3. Liquido is always prepared for a math lesson this semester. He has been
practicing with past papers frequently and aims to achieve highest percentage in
his AS Level exam next year. I hope Liquido stays focus and never hesitates to
discuss solutions to math problems that will help him improve his skills in
achieving his goals. Keep it up, Liquido.

4. Maxim is quite contented in learning Pure Mathematics 1 this semester. He is

always active in discussions and can complete given assignments in time. However,
he needs to stay away from distracting himself or other classmates and stays focus
in the lesson. I hope he will improve much by doing more practices from past
papers. Keep it up, Maxim.

5. Nina is trying hard to learn the Pure Mathematics 1 this semester. She misses a
lot of basic math concepts from IGCSE. This subject requires a lot of practices or
researches and she needs to be more diligent by completing given assignments in
time. She also has to prepare herself with extra lesson and self-study during free
periods to keep up with the current concepts. I hope she would also be consistent
in learning math or find other alternatives to meet the university requirements in
the future.

6. Shakilla is trying hard to learn the Pure Mathematics 1 this semester. She
misses a lot of basic math concepts from IGCSE. This subject requires a lot of
practices or researches and she needs to be more diligent by completing given
assignments in time. She also has to prepare herself with extra lesson and self-
study during free periods to keep up with the current concepts. I hope she would
also be consistent in learning math or find other alternatives to meet the
university requirements in the future.

7. Luna is trying hard to learn the Pure Mathematics 1 this semester. She misses a
lot of basic math concepts from IGCSE. This subject requires a lot of practices or
researches and that is why she also has to prepare herself with extra lesson and
self-study during free periods to keep up with the current concepts. I hope she
would also be consistent in learning math by adding more pace and effort in solving
math problems during class.

8. Talya is always contented in learning Pure Mathematics 1 this semester. She is

always active in discussions and can complete given assignments in time. She stays
focus during class and always look for the deeper understanding of a new concept.
She is advised to keep on practicing with past papers during her free periods and I
hope she will be more confident in math and get higher result in the next semester.

Grade 12

1. Fani has shown her best effort in studying Pure Mathematics 2/3 this semester.
She maintain focus in the beginning but could not maintain it to the end. I hope
she will not let herself be distracted easily and preserve to finishing the given
assignments or past papers without delay. She is advised to do more studious
practice in math to achieve the highest grade in the final A Level exam next year.

2. Illyra has shown her best effort in studying Pure Mathematics 2/3 this semester.
She maintain focus in the beginning but could not maintain it to the end. I hope
she will not let herself be distracted easily and preserve to finishing the given
assignments or past papers without delay. She is advised to do more studious
practice in math to achieve the highest grade in the final A Level exam next year.

3. Fani has shown her best effort in studying Pure Mathematics 2/3 this semester.
She maintain focus in the beginning but could not maintain it to the end. I hope
she will not let herself be distracted easily and preserve to finishing the given
assignments or past papers without delay. She is advised to do more studious
practice in math to achieve the highest grade in the final A Level exam next year.

4. Yan has tried to show his best effort in learning Pure Mathematics 2/3 this
semester. He has not been very consistent and neglects to achieving complete
solutions for a math past paper problems. I hope he stays focus and does not give
up easily before finishing his tasks. He is advised to do more studious practice in
math to achieve the highest grade in the final A Level exam next year.

5. Huy has lost many basic concepts in pure math 1 to continue with the pure math
2/3. He has given up to continue the lesson because this subject is getting a lot
more difficult and requires consistent practice. I hope he would find other
alternatives in meeting the university requirement for his future goals.

6. Naufal has started with a good motivation to learn the Pure Mathematics 1 this
semester. However, he could not maintain the focus until the end. This subject
requires a lot of practices or researches and he needs to set more priorities into
this. He is advised to do more studious practice in math to achieve the highest
grade in the final AS Level exam next year.

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