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technical proposal ELECTRONIC COPY

For SR-836/I-395 from West of I-95 to MacArthur Causeway Bridge and I-95 Pavement Reconstruction
and I-95 Southbound to SR-836 Westbound and SR-836 from West of NW 17th Avenue
to Midtown Interchange (SR-836/I-395/I-95)

Volume 1: Design and Construction Approach to the Total Project

Financial Project Number(s):
I-395 Reconstruction 251688-1-52-01 (F.A.P. 3951-501-I), MDX 423126-1-52-01,
I-95 Pavement Reconstruction 429300-2-52-01 (F.A.P. 0951-685-I), Miami Dade Water & Sewer 251688-1-56-02,
I-95 SB to SR 836 WB Connector 423126-2-52-01, MDX Work Program Number: 83611

Contract Number: E-6J53

Submitted to:
Florida Department of Transportation, District 6

Submitted by:


Transmittal Letter


E6J53 I-395 Reconstruction technical proposal, volume 1

F e b ru a ry 2 8 , 2 0 1 7

A ttn . M s . N a d in e C h in a p o o
F lo r id a D e p a r tm e n t o f T r a n s p o r ta tio n , D is tr ic t 6
Procurement ffice
1 0 0 0 N W 1 1 1 th A v e n u e , R o o m # 6 2 0 2
M ia m i, F L 3 3 7 1 2

RE: Miami Community Builders JV Technical Proposal for the SR 836/I-395/I-95 Project, Contract Number: E-6J53

D e a r M s . C h in a p o o ,

T h e M ia m i C o m m u n ity B u ild e r ( M C B ) J o in t V e n tu r e o f C o m m u n ity A s p h a lt C o r p .( C A C ) , a s u b s id ia r y o f O H L , a n d P a rs o n s

C o n s tr u c tio n G r o u p a n d P a r s o n s T r a n s p o r ta tio n G r o u p ( P a r s o n s ) , a lo n g w ith o u r s u b c o n tr a c to r s a n d s u b c o n s u lta n ts , a p p r e c ia te s
th e o p p o rtu n ity to b e p a r tn e r s w ith F D O T a n d M D X in th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f th is im p o r ta n t p r o je c t. M C B fu lly u n d e rs ta n d s th e
im p o r ta n c e o f th is p r o je c t r e g a r d in g s a fe ty a n d th e m o b ility o f th e tr a v e lin g p u b lic , e n h a n c in g th e c o n n e c tiv ity o f th e a d jo in in g
c o m m u n itie s , a n d im p r o v in g th e u r b a n e n v ir o n m e n t o f th e p r o je c t a r e a , th u s im p r o v in g th e q u a lity o f life fo r lo c a l r e s id e n ts .
M C B is th e te a m th a t is b e s t s u ite d to s u c c e e d in th e d e s ig n a n d c o n s tr u c tio n o f th is p r o je c t; w e h a v e e x te n s iv e e x p e r ie n c e in
successfully delivering local and national pro ects with significant aesthetics and community involvement requirements. L/CAC
led the oint venture for the reconstruction of the SR- / 3 Interchange, right here in Miami, which is FD T and MD s largest
Design-Build-Finance (DBF) pro ect to date. Parsons has led pro ects such as the kcIC N pro ect featuring a new cable-stayed
b r id g e o v e r th e M is s o u r i R iv e r, w h ic h is n o w a n in te g r a l p a r t o f th e K a n s a s C ity s k y lin e , a n d th e H a s tin g s A r c h B r id g e o v e r th e
M is s is s ip p i R iv e r, w h ic h is th e lo n g e s t fr e e s ta n d in g a r c h in N o r th A m e r ic a .
A d d i t i o n a l l y , we are unique in that our design team is an actual partner in the joint venture construction team, a l o n g w i t h t h e
construction team. In other words, we are a true design-build oint venture where every partner has a financial interest in ensuring
the pro ect succeeds. This means that our design and construction team s ob ectives are completely aligned and that our collective
success will be determined by delivering the pro ect on time, on budget, and with a high degree of quality. This integrated team s
p r im a r y g o a l is to d e liv e r th e im p r o v e m e n ts w h ile m a in ta in in g s ta k e h o ld e r a n d c o m m u n ity s u p p o r t th r o u g h o u t a ll p h a s e s o f th e
p r o je c t. T h is g iv e s y o u th e c e r ta in ty w e c a n d e liv e r.
M C B h a s d e v e lo p e d a p r o je c t th a t im p r o v e s m o b ility a n d s a fe ty w h ile a ls o p r o v id in g a c a ta ly s t fo r r e c o n n e c tin g a d jo in in g
c o m m u n itie s . T h e fo llo w in g a r e th e h ig h lig h ts o f o u r p r o p o s a l:
+ An iconic Signature Bridge – ur bridge design passed the ARC review in the first round. e have provided a Signature
B r id g e w ith a n e x te n d e d s e r v ic e life , w h ile r e d u c in g th e r is k o f im p le m e n ta tio n th r o u g h p r o v e n c o n s tr u c tio n m e a n s a n d
m e th o d s a n d w ith o u t a n y r e q u ir e m e n t fo r a d d itio n a l r ig h t- o f- w a y ( R O W ) .
+ O u r approach bridges use cast-in-place (CIP) construction, w h i c h p r o v i d e s a s m o o t h s u b s t r u c t u r e a n d s u p e r s t r u c t u r e
tr a n s itio n a t la n e r e d u c tio n a r e a s a n d a s tr u c tu r e w ith u n in te r r u p te d lin e s a n d a c o n s ta n t d e p th th r o u g h o u t, a llo w in g fo r
enhanced aesthetics and pier location exibility (minimizing pier locations). This opens up the underlying local streets for
community use and minimizes construction impact on Florida East Coast Railway (FECR).
+ A c o m p l e t e enhancement of the urban environment t h r o u g h t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f l a n d s c a p e a n d s t r e e t s c a p e e l e m e n t s t h a t
e n h a n c e th e o p e n s p a c e , a llo w s th e c o n n e c tiv ity o f a d jo in in g c o m m u n itie s a n d c r e a te s a s e n s e o f p la c e fo r lo c a l r e s id e n ts .
+ Maximized mobility and safety to the traveling public and residents by eliminating construction maintenance of traffic (M T)
phases and utility con icts.
+ Geometric Enhancements - Significant reductions in structure complexity, interchange height and maintenance requirements
were achieved by two dramatic geometric enhancements. The SR- 3 EB CD road was shifted into the median of the SR- 3
mainline to improve constructability, minimize complexity, and reduce the impacts on existing development. The geometry of
the I-3 5 B Connector was modified to reduce the height of the Midtown Interchange, which reduced structure length and
a s s o c ia te d m a in te n a n c e .

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations



E6J53 I-395 Reconstruction technical proposal, volume 1

O th e r e le m e n ts , s u c h a s r a m p d e s ig n e n h a n c e m e n ts , r e d u c in g M e tr o M o v e r c lo s u r e s , a n d v a lu e - a d d e d fe a tu r e s lik e e x te n d e d
w a r r a n ty p e r io d s , a r e d e s c r ib e d in o u r p r o p o s a l. A fu ll lis t o f o u r 2 4 a p p r o v e d A T C s a n d o u r m a n y p r o p o s a l fe a tu r e s is in c lu d e d o n
the Pro ect Solutions Map in Volume 1 of this technical proposal. All 3 approved APTEs are included in the proposal and explained
in Volume . MCB was able to include all approved and conditionally approved ATC s and APTE s in this Proposal (except ATC 1 ,
w h ic h d u p lic a te s p a r t o f A T C - 1 3 ) a n d w ill m e e t a ll r e q u ir e m e n ts th a t w e r e lis te d fo r th e c o n d itio n a l a p p r o v a ls .
S in c e th e M C B te a m w a s fo r m e d m o r e th a n 2 6 m o n th s a g o , w e h a v e c o lla b o r a te d th e e ffo r ts o f a tr u ly in s p ir e d g ro u p o f
p r o fe s s io n a ls w h o h a v e d e d ic a te d m u c h o f th e ir liv e s o v e r th is p e r io d to p e r fe c tin g e v e r y a s p e c t o f th is p r o je c t in a n e ffo r t to b r in g
th is n e a r ly d e c a d e o ld v is io n to a s u c c e s s fu l r e a lity . A s y o u w ill s e e th r o u g h o u t o u r te c h n ic a l p r o p o s a l, w e h a v e le ft n o s to n e
u n tu r n e d , a n d w e a r e d e d ic a tin g a n d c o m m ittin g th e s e s a m e in d iv id u a ls w h o h a v e d e v e lo p e d th e s e in n o v a tiv e s o lu tio n s to b e th e
ones that ultimately deliver this iconic pro ect to FD T/MD and the City of Miami.
O u r te a m h a s e n jo y e d w o r k in g w ith F D O T a n d M D X in th e r e c e n t p a s t a n d th r o u g h o u t th is p r o c u r e m e n t p r o c e s s , a n d w e lo o k
fo r w a r d to c o n tin u in g o u r p o s itiv e w o r k in g r e la tio n s h ip w ith y o u d u r in g th e im p le m e n ta tio n p h a s e o f th is c r itic a l a n d im p o r ta n t
p r o je c t.

Y o u r s tr u ly ,

J o h n M o r r is D o n a ld D . G r a u l
P r e s id e n t P r e s id e n t, C o n s tr u c tio n
Community Asphalt/ L P a r s o n s C o r p o r a tio n
L e a d J V P a r tn e r o f M ia m i C o m m u n ity B u ild e r s ( M C B ) Minority JV partner/Lead Designer of Miami Community Builders (MCB)

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations

Table of Contents

Table of Contents MIAMI COMMUNITY BUILDERS, joint venture

E6J53 I-395 Reconstruction technical proposal, volume 1

A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 1

A.1 The Project and Unique Issues
A.2 Design Management
A.3 Approach to Segmenting the Total Project
A.4 Interface with Stakeholders and Public during Construction
A.5 Design and Construction Quality Management Plans
A.6 Exceeding Stipulations and Requirements
A.7 Collection and Conveyance Systems
A.8 Construction Phasing/Sequencing
. Traffic ove ents, Operations, and Safety
B. Team Staffing and Experience 17
B.1 Key Personnel
B. CB Organization
B. Staffing uality and vaila ility
B.4 Experience on Similar Projects
B. Benefits of the CB Organization
Organization Chart
C. Design-Build Value Added 20
C.1 Broader Value Added Features
C.2 Additional Value Added Features
C.3 Additional Warranties
C.4 Signature Bridge Service Life

D. Construction Methods 23
D.1 Construction Management
D. Coordination Plan to ini ize Construction Changes
D.3 Quality and Suitability of Project Elements
D.4 Environmental Design and Erosion/Sediment Control Plan
D.5 Incident Management Plan Implementation
D.6 Noise Mitigation Plan and Understanding of Limits
D. ini ize i ration and Settle ent pacts to Near y Structures
D.8 Utility Coordination and Construction

E. Maintenance of Traffic 35
E. ini izing pacts to the Environ ent,Pu lic, d acent Properties, and Structures
E. Se uencing of Bridge Construction and Roadway Traffic Control Plans
E. Traffic Control Plan Consistency with Pro ect Seg entation, Phasing, and Schedule
E. ini ize Traffic Phase Changes
E. Benefits of Construction Phasing Se uencing
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations

Table of Contents MIAMI COMMUNITY BUILDERS, joint venture

E6J53 I-395 Reconstruction technical proposal, volume 1

F. Innovative Aspects 42
. ini ize or Eli inate tility Relocations
F.2 Materials
F.3 Workmanship
F.4 Enhance Future Expansion of the Transportation Facility
F.5 Exceeding Materials to Enhance Durability
F.6 Unique Concepts and Cost Savings

G. Maintainability 46
G.1 Maintainability and Durability
G.2 Approach to Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
G.3 Structure Health Monitoring System (SHMS)
G. Signature Bridge nspection and aintenance anual Benefits
G.5 Signature Bridge Inspection Access
G. Signature Bridge esthetic Lighting aintenance Benefits
H. Conformance with MDX Aesthetics Manual 50

Addenda and Questions/Answers Acknowledgment
Key Staff Resumes

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations

Section A – Understanding and
Approach to the Total Project
understanding and approach
to THE total project
Section A

A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project

Fenced work zones, way-finding signs, protective
MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: enclosures, smart work-zones, and appropriate detours will
+ Iconic constructable Signature Bridge keep the public safe during construction. MCB will work with
+ Solutions integrate aesthetics and constructability FD T to disseminate public information notifying changes,
+ Geometric enhancements to improve safety, durability, incidents, and closures with ample time to accommodate
and minimize impacts the work. ur team has worked with FD T and MD on
+ Project-wide MOT to reduce user impacts other pro ects and we understand good traffic operations
+ Proven project delivery techniques to ensure success will ensure the continuity of toll revenue on SR- 3 .
+ Our integrated JV includes our designers and builders Performance of the ITS and Smart ork zone is crucial for
– we build what we design optimal traffic ow. ur phasing is set up to ensure continual
ITS coverage, and our team is available / to support
A.1 The Project and Unique Issues repairs should any part of the system malfunction. MCB has
teamed with FIU s Professor adi who will improve the
Total Project performance of our SMZ equipment by utilizing his state of
A s th e o n ly fu lly in te g r a te d d e s ig n - b u ild jo in t v e n tu r e p r o p o s in g the art traffic analysis software developed for FD T. Further
o n th is im p o r ta n t p r o je c t, o u r d e s ig n e r s h a r e s a le g a l a n d details of our approach to maintaining traffic movements are
financial stake in the delivery of the pro ect. MCB combines the provided in Sections A. and E. Our phasing plan allows
construction expertise of Community Asphalt (CAC) and Parsons us to construct a third of the pro ect efore the first
Construction Group (PCG) with the engineering and design a or traffic shift.
expertise of Parsons Transportation Group (PTG). MCB can
3. Utilities and Third Parties – MCB s strategy for minimizing
uniquely demonstrate a unified design-build team will be fully
con icts with utilities is avoidance. This is accomplished by
e n g a g e d th r o u g h o u t th e p r o je c t d u r a tio n to d e liv e r a s u c c e s s fu l
in v o lv in g a ll in te r e s te d p a r tie s in p la n p r e p a r a tio n a n d th e
pro ect. e have specifically structured our solutions to provide
c o n s tr u c tio n p r o c e s s , r e c e iv in g in p u t, a n d p r o v id in g
the best value to the Florida Department of Transportation
feedback to satisfy the goal of being utility clear, with
(FD T), Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MD ),
maximum efforts made to avoid utility con icts. e have
stakeholders, and the traveling public with an optimized
a l r e a d y eliminated or reduced 70 percent of the impacts
schedule to meet critical milestones. MCB has identified eight
to utilities by modifying the span arrangements along I-3 5,
critical aspects by which we will deliver a successful pro ect.
by revising alignments and by refining the design.
1. Stakeholder and Community Involvement – MCB has . Aesthetics – MCB was one of ust two teams meeting the
met with numerous stakeholder groups, including the City of aesthetic scoring criteria on the first round of the Final
Miami, Miami-Dade County, the Arsht Center, and several Aesthetic Submittal.
c o m m u n ity r e d e v e lo p m e n t a g e n c ie s , to g a th e r th e ir in p u t o n Figure A.1.1: View of Proposed Corridor
the reconstruction. As a result, MCB s design for the new
structures and the open space under the bridges was
c o n c e iv e d to c r e a te p le a s in g , in v itin g , a n d s a fe a r e a s fo r th e
public. MCB will continue public involvement and the
engagement process to ensure critical ob ectives are met.
e have addressed all of the Contractor Commitments as
d e s c r ib e d th r o u g h o u t th is s e c tio n a n d p r o v id e d
enhancements through our numerous ATCs and APTEs as
described on page 3 of this section, with accompanying
volume for the APTEs. Section A. outlines the MCB plan
for interfacing with the public and stakeholders.
. aintenance of Traffic OT MCB s M T reduces the
number of traffic switches from five to four. This will simplify
Key aesthetic features include the following:
through-travel, minimize traffic accidents, and optimize level
of service during construction. Furthermore, we recognize + A Signature Bridge unique to Miami that provides a
the construction zone will be traversed by pedestrians and landmark that will be recognized worldwide.
bicyclists and will provide for their safety. + Integrated design elements to create a unified visual
language for all pro ect elements.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 1

+ pen connections between the neighborhoods to revitalize CAC owns its own eet of Road Rangers to provide incident
the area from vertown to the Bay. response during its construction pro ects. The Road Rangers
+ igh-quality landscape and streetscape design treating vehicles are operated by CAC employees working in the
each zone equitably. pro ect area to keep traffic owing during an incident and/or to
+ pen spaces that link venues and allow festivals, provide any required clean-up. CAC is the only local company
community events, and markets under the bridges. with their own internal eet of vehicles with experienced,
+ pen spaces that accommodate development and ob certified, professionals providing this type of service to
growth in the area under the bridge. FD T another unique advantage of the MCB Team.
+ Meet and exceed the MD Aesthetic Guidelines. e are aware of the critical importance of emergency
Aesthetic elements are further discussed in significant detail e v a c u a tio n a n d o f m a in ta in in g a ll e v a c u a tio n r o u te s a s
in Volume Aesthetics Manual. usable 100 percent of the time. Consistent with this
5. Durability and Maintenance Access – MCB team brings approach, we recognize the importance of hurricane
e x p e r ie n c e fr o m 1 2 e x te n d e d s e r v ic e life b r id g e p r o je c ts to e v a c u a tio n p r e p a r e d n e s s a n d o f s e c u r in g th e jo b s ite d u r in g
d e l i v e r 100+ years of service life i n t h i s a g g r e s s i v e severe weather events. MCB will exceed the requirement
environment. ur team members have designed, built, to stabilize the structure within 24 hours’ notice to resist
inspected, and maintained bridges worldwide, including the 142 mph wind by designing all temporary stages for this
award-winning / 3 Interchange with more than 0 wind speed. Based on our previous experience with ma or
structures in Miami. e have integrated the knowledge pro ects such as the John James Audubon Bridge and the
g a in e d fr o m th e s e e ffo r ts in to a h o lis tic a p p r o a c h to r e d u c e Cooper River Bridge, we know workers protect their families
maintenance cost and increase service life for the Signature during the final hours before a storm hits and they may not
Bridge, as identified in Section G. . e will provide FD T be available to secure the construction site. Therefore, the
and MD with a service life team that integrates designers, pro ect will be storm prepared at all times, allowing the
service life specialists, and construction quality. workers to tend to their families. For more information on our
approach to safety, see Section D.1.
Our 100+ year service life design provides access to
every maintained element, including all aesthetic . Project Commitments – MCB will meet or exceed all
lighting features. c o m m itm e n ts m a d e d u r in g th e e n v ir o n m e n ta l p r o c e s s ,
ur approach, based on experience with the inspection and including the I-3 5 aesthetic requirements in our proposed
maintenance of similar structures throughout the United design. ur methods address all commitments related to
States and around the world, provides access for hands-on Grove Park, parking availability, the Florida East Coast
in s p e c tio n o f a ll c o m p o n e n ts , in c lu d in g a ll a e s th e tic lig h tin g Railway (FECR), the MetroMover, the MetroRail, the Miami
features, while minimizing confined spaces, maximizing River crossing, Biscayne Bay, and working near agner
safety relative to potential work zone conditions, and Creek. MCB will formally track each of these commitments
p r o v id in g s a fe a n d a m p le s p a c e fo r r o u tin e m a in te n a n c e to confirm they are met. Based on previous MCB experience
activities. Further details on our approach to durability and working with FD T and MD , there is assurance that our
maintainability are provided in Sections G and . team will proactively cooperate and track actions to ensure
all shared commitments are achieved. Sections A. , and A.
. Public Safety and Emergency Management – MCB further explain our approach to pro ect commitments.
shares FD T s commitment to safety, implementing a
zero-incident safety culture to protect the safety of the public, . Meeting Design Requirements – MCB has achieved the
FD T, and construction personnel. MCB s safety plan will overall goal of exceeding the system s performance on all
drive a zero-incident safety culture for all employees and four pro ects (I-3 5, SR- 3 , I- 5, and the B Connector)
subcontractors. MCB s safety performance is demonstrated through the measures as detailed within Figure A.1.3: MCB
by our experience modification factor (see Table A.1. ), I-3 5 Reconstruction Corridor Solutions Map on the
which is below the industry standard for all firms. following page.

Ta le . . Experience odification actor

Year OHL Community Parsons C.J. Mahan
01 0. 0. 0.5 0.
015 0. 0. 0.55 0. 0
01 0. 0. 0.55 0. 3
013 0. /0. 1 0. /0. 1 0.5 1.00
01 0. 0. 0 0.5 1.00

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 2

Figure A.1.3: MCB I-395 Reconstruction Corridor Solutions Map

R e d u c e d e x p a n s io n jo in ts a n d b e a r in g s in a p p r o a c h b r id g e s b y 3 3 % I-3 5 B Ramp Modifications - B Conn, ES Conn,
F1 5 Lowered profiles by as much as 0 feet improved aesthetics
E N C o n n , R a m p F & N E 1 3 th S t
F2 C o n tin u e d b r id g e 7 to p r o v id e s p a c e fo r s h a r e d u s e p a th u n d e r n e a th 10 I- 3 9 5 A lig n m e n t fo r S ig n a tu r e B r id g e Refined alignments to accommodate the footprint of our Signature Bridge
G e o m e tr ic r e v is io n b r id g e 1 4 o n ly r e q u ir e s w id e n in g a t o n e s id e limit Improved the weaving on EN Connector. Reduced ramp profiles by as much
F3 13 R e a lig n m e n t o f S R - 8 3 6 E B C o n n e c to r & B r id g e s
as 1 ft. Simplified C-bents straddle bents
F4 B r id g e 1 7 r e q u ir e s n o fu ll c lo s u r e s o f M D X E B fo r c o n s tr u c tio n 15 Revised Design for bridge 5 idening Grove Park Area Im p r o v e d a e s th e tic s , r e d u c e d c o n s tr u c tio n im p a c t, & b e tte r q u a lity
A lig n e d p ie r s w ith th e s tr e e t g r id , r e d u c e d n u m b e r o f c o lu m n s , a v o id e d
F5 Reduced number of M T phases down from five to four I-95 24 I- 3 9 5 A p p r o a c h B r id g e P ie r L o c a tio n s
u tilitie s , & a llo w e d c o n s ta n t d e p th s u p e r s tr u c tu r e
F6 N o u s e o f te m p o r a r y b r id g e s 28 M e ta lliz e d C o a tin g S y s te m fo r S tr u c tu r a l S te e l P r o v id e s lo n g e r s e r v ic e life fo r m e ta l c o m p o n e n ts

F7 M a in ta in tw o la n e s a t I- 9 5 S B to S R - 8 3 6 W B , te m p E - N C o n n e c to r R a m p , R a m p s E N & N E 29 Column Box Girder Soffit idth E lim in a te s a b r u p t te r m in a tio n o f b o x g ir d e r s to im p r o v e a p p e a r a n c e

F9 N o w e e k e n d s h u td o w n o f R a m p S E & n o c lo s u r e o f I- 9 5 N B A u x ilia r y R a m p 30 Fiberoptic Structural ealth Monitoring System Improve reliability accuracy of S MS

A B C s lid e m e th o d k e e p s te m p o r a r y w o r k s o u t o f F E C R R O W 32 E x te n d e d S e r v ic e L ife o f S ig n a tu r e B r id g e In c r e a s e s s e r v ic e life o f S ig n a tu r e B r id g e

40 N W 1 s t A v e & 1 3 th S t fro m F E C R to N W M ia m i C t Improved geometry operations for traffic, bicycles pedestrians
F10 50% of utility con icts avoided, 0% reduced 100% mitigated
P r o v id e s la n e b a la n c e a lo n g N E 1 3 th S t & a llo w s d r iv e r s to a lig n b e fo r e th e
41 N E 1 3 th S t fro m N E 1 s t S t to R a m p G (I-3 9 5 W B o ff-ra m p )
F11 Approach bridges accommodate exible filler clearance over FECR R a m p E & F d e c is io n p o in t. Im p r o v e s B ik e & P e d e s tr ia n a c c e s s
45 C IP o n F a ls e w o r k M e th o d fo r I- 3 9 5 A p p r o a c h S tr u c tu r e s E lim in a te d s e g m e n t jo in ts to im p r o v e d u r a b ility
F12 N o w a lls o v e r 4 0 ft ta ll, n o p e r c h e d w a lls
46 U s e o f S tr a d d le B e n ts o n I- 3 9 5 Im p r o v e d a e s th e tic s & r e d u c e d m a in te n a n c e
F13 S ig n a tu r e B r id g e e x c e e d s 3 0 0 ft h e ig h t
47 Revised Transition Pier for Bridges 1, , M o v e d s tr u c tu r e tr a n s itio n to im p r o v e M O T & m a in te n a n c e a c c e s s
F14 F u ll d e p th 1 1 .5 ” c o n c r e te p a v e m e n t r e p la c e m e n t in b o th I- 9 5 & M D X
48 R e v is e d B r id g e s 1 8 & 1 9 B r id g e s 3 3 & 3 4 Clarified new location of bridges
F15 C a b le C r a w le r & G P R C r a c k S c a n te c h n o lo g y p r o v id e s d e ta ile d b a s e lin e in s p e c tio n 86 Decreased ramp grade from .0% to . 5%, eliminated a DV by providing the
53 Geometric Revisions to Ramp D-1 D-
Gap Acceptance Distance, increased acceleration distance by more 00 ft
F16 L o a d r a tin g to o l p r o v id e d , o n to p o f r a tin g r e p o r ts F14
54 C o n c e p t fo r M e tr o M o v e r P ie r S u p p o r t S tr u c tu r e E lim in a te d s ta y - c a b le s fo r M e tr o M o v e r & r e d u c e d r e q u ir e d c lo s u r e s
F17 ork at Jury parking completed first, to maintain available parking capacity 87 58 G e o m e tr ic R e v is io n s to N E C o n n e c to r Im p r o v e d S to p p in g S ig h t D is ta n c e . E lim in a te d S S D E x c e p tio n
F18 Ret. walls east of Biscayne Blvd are designed to withstand ooding sudden water-drop 59 S h o u ld e r W id th R e d u c tio n a t S ig n S tr u c tu r e o n S R - 8 3 6 A c c o m m o d a te d o v e r h e a d s ig n fo u n d a tio n s
F19 All Signature Bridge temporary phases designed for 1 MP wind F12 60 I- 3 9 5 N E 1 1 th T e r fr o m N . M ia m i A v e to B is c a y n e B lv d A d d e d a la n e o n N E 1 1 th T e r & e lim in a te d in a d e q u a te v e r tic a l c le a r a n c e
F20 Side shifter on bridge 1 keeps cranes off bridge 72 Zone - Parking Access E lim in a te d th e N E M ia m i C t d e a d e n d a n d im p r o v e d a c c e s s to p a r k in g
F21 C IP c o n s tr u c tio n e lim in a te s u n r e in fo r c e d jo in ts a n d s tu b - o u ts F5 79 S h a r e d U s e P a th B r id g e o v e r F E C R M C B e n h a n c e m e n t im p le m e n te d b y F D O T fo r a ll te a m s
F22 1 0 0 + y e a r s s e r v ic e life S ig n a tu r e B r id g e F6 86 P a v e m e n t J o in t O v e r la p o n I- 9 5 Im p r o v e d q u a lity o f p a v e m e n t & M O T
F12 87 U s e o f E x is tin g I- 9 5 M e d ia n P a v e m e n t Simplifies M T reduced impacts to the public
59 F7 47
L e g e n d
S ta k e h o ld e r s & C o m m u n ity 5 ZONE 1
Maintenance of Traffic

Blv ayne
48 58 ZONE 3
U tilitie s & 3 r d P a r tie s NW 14th St 14 13

NW 3rd Ave
F8 NE 13th St

A e s th e tic s F20 40 41 F18 project
NW 7th Ave

NW 12th

D u r a b ility & M a in ta in a b ility F4

NW 10th

P u b lic S a fe ty & E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t

79 53 Segment
P r o je c t C o m m itm e n ts

E x c e e d s D e s ig n R e q u ir e m e n ts 72 NE 11th Ter

F9 60
Miam Wagner Creek

N Miami Ave

NE 1st Ave
i Riv

NE 2nd Ave
Signature Bridges
NW 17th Ave

er F10
F17 F13 F19 10
Approach Bridges
F15 F16 28
15 F1 F11 24 45 I-3 9 5 S e g m e n t
project F22 30 32
limit F10 F21 29 46 I-9 5 S e g m e n t
N project M D X S e g m e n t
B r id g e s

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 3

I-395 Specific ind tunnel testing will demonstrate the cable-stayed structure
Signature Bridge – The Signature Bridge concept re ects the proposed by MCB will not be susceptible to galloping or wind
unique nautical, natural, and cultural history of Miami and instability. ur ind Engineer, Peter Irwin, is the professor of
provides a monumental urban icon that will proudly take its place practice in wind engineering at Florida International University
on the city s skyline. The Signature Bridge meets the desires of (FIU) and will involve FIU throughout the whole process.
the community with an iconic, durable, high-performing structure Approaches to the Signature Bridge – The approach bridges
exceeding the RFP requirements, see following Table A.1. : leading to the Signature Bridge continue the theme of the natural
Table A.1.4: MCB Signature Bridge Enhancements Miami environment with an expression of palm fronds on the reveal
of the pier. The pier shapes (per APTE 55) also subtly re ect the
Feature CB Benefit RFP Minimum
Min. Apex of Pylon 50/300 ft. 5 ft.
gentle curves of the pylon structures. The approach bridges are
Min. Deck Thickness/Planing Tol. w/ 0.5 .5 w/ 0.5
comprised of CIP, post-tensioned box girders (per ATC 5)
Min. eight of ighest Stay 0/ 0 ft. 1 0 ft.
s u p p o r te d o n s in g le c o lu m n s a n d s tr a d d le b e n ts a n d fo u n d e d o n
Min. Signature Bridge Length 53 ft. 50 ft.
prestressed driven concrete (PSC) piles. The span arrangement
Suspended Length 500 ft. 500 ft.
proposed by MCB via ATC 24 eliminates eight columns f r o m t h e
Stay Corrosion Protection Three Layers Three Layers
RFP Concept and aligns the columns with the north-south
street grid to reduce visual impact from street level. ATC revised
The inclined pylons create a dynamic profile and asymmetrical the RFP straddle bents to reduce the number of bearings and to
cable arrays, providing a profile that changes when seen from reduce maintenance. verall, we have reduced the number of
different locations in the city. The B and EB structures bearings from 246 to 165. MCB s approach provides a smooth
complement each other with their gently curving pylons stepping s u b s t r u c t u r e a n d s u p e r s t r u c t u r e t r a n s i t i o n a t l a n e r e d u c t i o n a r e a s
down in scale to the north. The smooth concrete box girders and a structure with smooth lines and a constant depth throughout,
a v o id th e ju m b le d m e s h o f in te r s e c tin g b e a m s a n d c r o s s fr a m e s allowing for enhanced aesthetics and pier location exibility. This
which define a steel box girder solution. o p e n s u p th e u n d e r ly in g lo c a l s tr e e ts fo r c o m m u n ity u s e a n d
MCB ATC 24 eliminated eight out of 86 columns and aligns minimizes construction impact on FECR.
them with street grid and facilitate box girders with MCB s concept allows for all exterior girder webs to transition
constant depth and overhang width, to improve urban
smoothly along the length of the pro ect while maintaining a
landscape beneath the bridges.
constant overhang width and structure depth (ATC ). Figure
R DI, a leader in wind engineering, will provide its expertise in A.1.5 - Comparison of Span Lengths provides a rendering of the
mitigating the risk of unacceptable wind-induced vibration. concept illustrating the visually pleasing aspects of this concept.

Figure A.1.5: Comparison of Span Lengths

E x p a n s io n J o in ts E lim in a te d


C o lu m n s A lig n w ith S tr e e t G r id In c re a s e d N u m b e r o f S p a n s O v e r 2 2 5 ft


Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 4

The CIP box girders are fully prestressed longitudinally and + ATC-53 improves ramps D-1 and D- to reduce the grade
transversely to minimize cracking. The nature of the CIP and provide additional acceleration length.
construction has proven to be a better option from both a + Maximized stopping sight distance on the NE connector, a
maintenance and aesthetics stand point. CIP does not critical ramp carrying trucks to Port of Miami, providing safer
require the use of concrete with extremely rapid strength and better traveling experiences. (ATC 5 )
gain, hence, improving the long-term durability of the + Improved alignment of N 1st Avenue connecting to N
structure through the reduction of thermal cracks. The 13th Street to improve stopping sight distance and
elimination of segment joints and provision of continuous dramatically increase the curve radius (ATC 0).
reinforcing over the entire length of the span eliminates The MCB team s experience and information provided in the
water lea age through the oints, i proves exural RFP demonstrate subsurface conditions are consistent with the
perfor ance, and results in a etter final product. inally, overall geology of the area. hile the RFP borings terminated at
the damage that inevitably occurs on precast segments a depth of approximately 5 feet, in our experience, the lower
from stripping, match casting, storage, transportation, and Fort Thompson formation transitions at about -100 to -110 feet
erection is eliminated. into limestones of the Tamiami formation. MCB will mitigate the
The box girders have transversely prestressed deck slabs and risk of variability in depth to get pile capacity through
a r e p r e s tr e s s e d lo n g itu d in a lly u s in g e x te r n a l d r a p e d te n d o n s , supplemental geotechnical investigation with deeper soil borings
with exible filler. The spacing between expansion oints has and by using 100 percent PDA during installation of the piles.
been optimized with the span lengths and is generally around MSE walls and fill embankments are planned for all of the bridge
1, 50 feet. Finger oints will be used to accommodate the abutments and the fill area east of the FECR. The near-surface
movements. In order to reduce the maintenance associated with soils and limestone can adequately support the proposed fill,
b e a r in g s , m o n o lith ic in te g r a l p ie r s a r e u s e d in e a c h c o n tin u o u s with acceptable factors of safety for external and global stability
frame. The remainder of the piers will support the box girder with and acceptable settlements.
a single line of elastomeric bearings.
Local Roadways, Urban Design, and Landscape – MCB has
The span length for the approach viaducts has been optimized made numerous improvements to the city road network. Shifting
near the preferred 5 feet and ad usted to provide the highly and realigning NE 13th Street and NE 11 Terrace significantly
d e s ir a b le a lig n m e n t o f a ll s tr u c tu r e p ie r s a lo n g th e n o r th - s o u th im p r o v e d b ic y c le a n d p e d e s tr ia n a c c e s s to im p o r ta n t c u ltu r a l
street grid. Furthermore, the number of columns has been resources, like the Arsht Center and Frost Perez Museums.
reduced by 11 percent (eight columns) by incorporating wider The alignment of the piers provides a greater sense of order and
box girders to provide a brighter soffit as viewed from below in c r e a s e s s ig h t lin e s im p r o v in g o v e r a ll a e s th e tic s a n d c o r r id o r
(ATC ). All post-tensioning has been designed to meet the safety. The reduced number of columns and the eliminated fill
requirements of the Structures Design Guidelines (SDG) and the section ust east of the FECR allowed the bike/pedestrian
RFP. MCB has also accommodated the addition of 10 percent c o n n e c tio n to b e m a in ta in e d o n th e s o u th e r n c o r r id o r o f th e
a d d itio n a l p o s t- te n s io n in g fo r fu tu r e s tr e s s o r c a m b e r pro ect and provided space for the ramps to the SUP crossing of
corrections. The phasing of the bridges has been coordinated the railroad track.
with the M T plans, and all footings have been placed to avoid
con icts with existing foundations. The infrastructure under the bridges, from simple benches to pieces
of art, a pet area, utility drops, and a football field, are designed to
Bridges and E (EB connector) are continuous, with no fill p r o m o te c o m m u n ity u s e a n d p r o g r a m m in g u n d e r a n d a r o u n d th e
plug in this region. This provides a continuous bicycle and bridges. igh quality trees will remain in place and tree worth
pedestrian connection in the proposed greenway zone on the preserving transplanted. ver 1, 00 new trees will be planted,
south side of the alignment with a shared-use path (SUP) bridge including over 1, 00 palm trees, which more than 50 are mature
over the FECR and the opening of the area under the EB Royal Palms up to 50 feet tall.
connector at this pinch point.
I-95/I-395 Interchange – MCB has made several changes to the
MCB recognizes critical clearances affecting the design and in te r c h a n g e a r e a to s p e e d c o n s tr u c tio n a n d p r o v id e b e tte r v a lu e
construction of the viaducts in this region. This also affects the SUP to FD T. Bridge 13 has been shortened and I-3 5 B placed on
bridge. Construction over the FECR is addressed in section D.3. fill ust west of N 3th Avenue. This provides a clean termination
The functionality of the connections in the RFP has been of both EB and B I-3 5 bridges and minimizes maintenance by
maintained, but the details have been improved, as follows: reducing bridge length. Bridges 1, , and 3 are steel plate girders,
+ ATC-5 moved the gore point of the EN connector farther similar to bridges 0 and 1 for visual consistency and their layout
east, reducing the height of bridge over I-3 5 and the was revised through ATC 5. The transition of structure type for
length of bridge 1 and associated maintenance. bridges 1, , and occurs naturally ust east of N 3rd Avenue at
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 5

the gore point for the EN and ES connectors (per ATC ). This These reductions are a maintenance benefit to MD , further
eliminates the transition in bridge type over I-3 5, as well as the improving operations by moving traffic farther from existing buildings.
need for falsework for a concrete straddle bent over active lanes Figure A.1.6: ATC 15 Improved Piers Near Grove Park
of I-3 5 B during construction.
Widening of the MacArthur Causeway – This work has been
lim ite d to r e m o v in g o n e o v e r h a n g , a d d in g a g ir d e r lin e a n d 4
replacing part of the deck. Span 1 will require partial removal 2
and replacement to provide the required cross-slope.
MetroMover Pier Replacement Structure – MCB s solution for 2
the MetroMover structure, approve through ATC 5 , provides a 3
h ig h - v a lu e s tr u c tu r e m a in ta in in g th e c u r r e n t v is u a l a p p e a r a n c e
D ia g o n a l
and allows the Signature Bridge to become the dominant visual S tru t
statement for EB and B travelers on I-3 5. MCB proposes to S a w c u t
1 (ty p )
u s e a p a ir o f s im p ly s u p p o r te d s te e l b o x g ir d e r s c o n n e c te d b y
two cross beams and bearing on four reinforced concrete
columns at the ends of the two box girders. This concept offers a
number of advantages over the RFP design:
1 Partial Demolition 3 Build New Pier
+ Prefabricated elements minimize disruptions to
MetroMover operations 2 Widen Pier Cap 4 Closure Pour
+ Eliminate specialized stay cables for more economical Available geotechnical data shows an upper layer of limestone
in s p e c tio n a n d m a in te n a n c e at a relatively shallow depth. Many of the bridges will be
+ Eliminates dead load moments on foundations, which can supported on prestressed precast square concrete piles. Piles in
r e s u lt in la r g e c r e e p d e fo r m a tio n s proximity to existing bridges will be predrilled through upper
+ No temporary pylons needed, which reduces traffic impacts, limestone to minimize vibration to existing structures. All piles
reduces MetroMover closures, and improves driver safety will be monitored dynamically utilizing the Pile Driving Analyzer
Redundant drilled shafts are used to support the MetroMover (PDA) in order to minimize pile overdrives and vibrations.
Bridge. Drilled shafts were successfully used to support the The continuous, elevated EB CD road will be constructed using
nearby MacArthur Causeway Bridge. prestressed driven piles for reliability, except at five locations
where multi-shaft drilled-shaft foundations will be used due to
MDX Specific th e n o is e a n d v ib r a tio n s c o n c e r n s o f n e a r b y h o s p ita ls a n d
The first element of the pro ect is the widening of the bridge
sensitive tolling facilities. Drilled shafts are used for Piers to 10
(bridge 5) over the Miami River. MCB has developed an
of the EB Connector bridge in the median of SR- 3 for the river
attractive solution to the widening of the piers in the Grove Park
pier foundations and pier strengthening on the Grove Park piers
District by minimizing the foundation strengthening required and
of bridge 5, and for two bents on bridge 3 .
respects FD T s commitments to the local community, please
see Figure A.1. . The proposed scheme does not require The superstructure type will be consistent among these four
post-tensioning, includes columns similar in size to the existing, structures, using low-maintenance and reliable Florida I-Beam
and provides a fully new foundation for the new column. The (FIB) girders. All structural elements, including walls, piers, and
mudline foundations for the Miami River Crossing will be girders, will meet the MD Aesthetic Guidelines, including pier
constructed on drilled shafts to minimize the impact to navigation shape, color, and texture treatments.
and reduce scour potential. A new low-maintenance fender The widening of bridges required to achieve the additional lane
system will be constructed using ultra-durable composite widths, new lanes, and shifted alignments will be done using
elements and equipped with a new navigational lighting system. superstructure types (including matching AAS T girder
The new EB collector-distributor (CD) road starts at N 1 th shapes) to match the existing bridge. MCB is also providing an
Avenue with a new Florida I-beam underpass. The MCB concept alternative alignment eliminating north side widening, new
for this CD road makes a dramatic improvement to the operation beams, and substructures for bridge 03 3 carrying the N
and complexity of the new structures by shifting them into the connector over N th Avenue.
median of SR- 3 instead of keeping them on the south side. All concrete pavement will be replaced in kind, providing greater
ith significantly shorter spans, it reduces the nu er of durability than asphalt options, and all new alignments have
cantilever piers C ents fro eight to five. been optimized to remain within the provided right-of-way.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 6

This includes eliminating a nonstandard horizontal alignment pavement is replaced (pavement is removed, the slab is placed,
(non-collinear compound curve) on the ramp to North River and pavement is placed back temporarily). This reduces the
D r iv e a n d im p r o v in g th e le v e l o f s e r v ic e fo r th e 1 2 th A v e n u e amount of work required to be performed during pavement
Ramp to SR- 3 EB by providing an additional lane. This will replacement, which improves available cure time.
allow more vehicle storage at the intersection on the red light
in d ic a tio n a n d im p r o v e p r o g r e s s io n th r o u g h th e in te r s e c tio n o n to A.2 Design Management
EB SR- 3 . Impacts to toll facilities have been eliminated at ur design team is an integrated part of the JV staff, thereby
the 12th Avenue SB ramp to SR-836 by starting the s tr e a m lin in g o u r d e s ig n a n d c o n s tr u c tio n r e s o u r c e s a n d
reconstruction after the toll zone. The SR- 3 IB CD road has processes: One Project - One Design-Builder. The MCB team is
been moved farther away from the existing Spring ill Suites a fully integrated design-build team with Parsons leading the
and ighland Park Lofts, minimizing the impacts on the design supported by local design subconsultants. The design
residents. Finally, the profiles have been optimized to provide team will utilize a host of best practices developed from our
additional stopping sight distance. here the pavement crosses experience on 3 .5 billion design-build of pro ects such as:
the agner Creek Box Culvert, we will use lightweight, high-
strength materials to avoid adding loads. + Co-location - Key design and construction personnel will
be co-located in the pro ect office ad acent to the pro ect.
MCB s realignment of SR- 3 EB associated with our ATC 13 Both design and construction management teams will be
allows for a significant reduction in the widening required for bridge c o - lo c a te d to e n s u r e c lo s e a n d c o n tin u o u s c o o r d in a tio n
, see Figure A.1. . It also eliminates all of the straddle bent amongst each other and with FD T. This will facilitate
columns in the parking areas, as shown in the RFP Concept. s e a m le s s c o m m u n ic a tio n , p r o m o te tr a n s p a r e n c y , a n d
Figure A.1.7: Future EB and WB CD Roads facilitate quick resolution of issues as they arise.
+ Discipline Task Forces - Pioneered by Parsons in the
mid-1 0 s, the task-force approach is a proven technique
to resolve technical issues quickly and correctly. This
s tr u c tu r e d fo r u m , fa c ilita te d b y c o - lo c a tio n , is c h a ir e d b y th e
design discipline leads and DB coordinators. The goal of
these groups is to bring designer, contractor and owner
together to discuss critical technical issues and empower
them to develop solutions. It also offers opportunity for
over-the-shoulder reviews by all parties, including FD T,
MD , and stakeholders to facilitate issue resolution.
The addition of the B connector from I- 5 SB to local exits will + Integrated Design/Construction Schedule - The schedule
provide desperately needed connections from I- 5 SB to the is th e p r im a r y to o l fo r c o n tr o llin g a n d m o n ito r in g p r o g r e s s o f
western side of the interstate. There are significant challenges the pro ect. MCB has integrated the design tasks and
with bridges to providing the connection. MCB has dependencies with the construction activities to identify
significantly reduced the offset distance for several cantilever priorities and prevent delay of critical path activities. The
piers (C-bents) by up to 5 feet. e will be using FIB girders for schedule will consider third-party review requirements and
this section to provide consistent appearance with bridges 1 to lo n g - le a d p r o c u r e m e n t ite m s to e n s u r e d e s ig n is c o m p le te d
1. MCB will maintain all parking areas during construction. or accelerated as necessary to meet pro ect deadlines.
+ Interdisciplinary/Constructability Reviews - Construction
I-95 Specific engineers and superintendents will perform a
As with MD , MCB has chosen to use the FD T provided proven
constructability review of each design submittal to confirm
pavement design for the I- 5 portion. The main two issues for
design details, means/methods, and material availability, as
in-place pavement reconstruction are safety of the work zone and
well as safe construction access. The design discipline task
the amount of time the pavement concrete can cure before traffic
leads will review each design package consistency with
is placed back on it. This cure time dictates the required cement
their discipline. An Internal Review Meeting will be held to
in the mix, which is directly related to durability issues. MCB will
resolve comments into the design.
maximize the use of the longer multiple lane closures. This will
+ Document Checking - A comprehensive review by the
both improve safety of the work zone because it avoids the use of
discipline lead will be made for conformity with the contract,
work zone islands with traffic on both sides, and increases the
accuracy, completeness, and presentation. Checklists will
time available for concrete cure. An important aspect of this work
b e p r e p a r e d to e n s u r e c o n tin u ity a n d c o n s is te n c y
is the need to place sleeper slabs near the bridges per Index 30 .
throughout the disciplines and the various subconsultants.
e will set up a separate operation placing the slabs before the
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 7

These activities and others will be fully described in the form of and technically proficient in the discipline correlating directly to
policy and procedures in the Pro ect Management Plan (PMP). the challenges of their assigned segments.
Included in the PMP will be a basis of design which compiles the Bill will be responsible for monitoring design progress with
design task protocols including design criteria, standards of Frank, the segment managers, and discipline leads to make
practice, design codes, and pro ect specific quality and technical sure the design stays on schedule and all design packages are
requirements for each design task. These protocols guide the coordinated across the disciplines.
development of plans, calculations and specifications. The Design
uality Plan identifies how we control our design content and Document Management - Control of design information is of
quality as summarized in Section A.5 and is also part of the PMP. c r itic a l im p o r ta n c e in a fa s t- p a c e d d e s ig n - b u ild e n v ir o n m e n t in
which multiple users, both local and remote, require up-to date
The pro ect Safety Plan will include policies and procedures information. MCB will be using a web-based information
ensuring safety of our employees and guests. Even in design, management system, SharePoint, for document interfacing with
we consider the safety of construction crews and traveling public FD T and stakeholders as well as for internal communications.
throughout the design process. Safety will be discussed in each All documents will be revision controlled, ensuring correct
task force and input from designers and construction staff, along access to the current version of each document, while
with maintenance aspects, will be incorporated into the design. maintaining record copies of all previous versions. All
Organization and Responsibility - The design management requirements for design submittals will be followed and will be
team is led by our Design Manager, Bill Little, and our Deputy detailed in the PMP.
Design Manager, Frank Liston. Bill will be responsible for the For design drawings and model management, we will be using
production, quality, and timeliness of the design packages. is Pro ect ise software which allows for remote access while
experience with FD T District and as Deputy Design Manager controlling baseline drawings. All updates to the design will be
on the ad acent Port Miami Tunnel Pro ect is invaluable in done in real-time minimizing pro ect re-work and con icts.
understanding the unique corridor character. This experience will
be leveraged to develop a compliant, safe, and practical design. A.3 Approach to Segmenting the Total Project
Through the use of an integrated design/construction schedule MCB s three Segment Managers will manage the development,
they will set priorities for the design team to support the submittal, and review of the design packages in their respective
construction schedule. ur Segment Managers and discipline segment, I-3 5, MD , and I- 5. hen it is necessary to deliver
leads and, most importantly, our overall Structures Design Lead, component submittals, MCB will deliver all components related
Greg Shafer, PE will work closely with Bill and Frank to ensure to the particular design package in one submittal (for example,
full coordination with the critical structures discipline. all piers for a bridge). Based on the sequence of construction,
M T requirements, and duration of design and construction
MCB will have a designated Design Pro ect Controls Manager
activities, the priority for each design package has been
(PCM). The PCM will be responsible for maintaining the design
established. Efficiency in design is an ob ective, as it results in
tasks on the pro ect schedule, evaluation of earned value, and
h ig h e r q u a lity , s o a s e q u e n tia l d e s ig n p r o c e s s is im p le m e n te d
monitoring design budget.
where feasible.
The day-to-day interface with the construction team will be
Table A.3 on the following page indicates the anticipated design
through our Design-Build Coordinator, Marti n Bolster. Marti n will
packages and anticipated order of delivery. The design
coordinate between design, corresponding construction segment,
packaging follows the construction schedule, and packages
and discipline teams to minimize construction delays. Marti n has
have been prioritized in order to facilitate early transiting of M T
been heavily involved in this pro ect with the entire team from day
phases. For I-3 5, the first priority is to open the B and EB
one and will continue that dedication until final completion.
connectors to allow traffic to be moved from the existing I-3 5
This organization will be in place on day 1 and is especially bridges and facilitate the reconstruction of the mainline bridges.
important for early construction packages, where critical f course, the Signature Bridge for B traffic is the most
coordination is required with other pro ect activities, such as complicated activity in this phase, with the longest duration.
utility relocation and permitting. To facilitate design management Therefore, the design package will be submitted with component
and effectively manage the schedule, we have segmented the s u b m itta l fo r th e fo u n d a tio n e le m e n ts s e p a r a te fr o m th e
pro ect design into the same three segments identified in the remainder of the bridge. Design limitations require the
RFP: I-3 5, I- 5, and SR- 3 . Dedicated Segment Managers s u p e r s tr u c tu r e a n d p y lo n b e c o n s tr u c te d s im u lta n e o u s ly , s o
will be responsible for the delivery, reviews and comment these components are submitted together. Similarly, a
resolution of the work performed in their segment. These component package for the foundations and piers of bridge will
Segment Managers are proven pro ect managers, Florida PEs, be made in order to facilitate the early start of work.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 8

Table A. 3: Anticipated Design Packages and Order of Delivery A.4 Interface with Stakeholders and Public
during Construction

Package Contents
ver the past few years, FD T and MD have held numerous
Preliminary + Survey, geotechnical, wind studies, water sewer community and stakeholder meetings as part of the
1 Submittals relocation, and design exceptions/variances
environmental process and program s development. In addition,

Master Plans + As listed in the RFP. Prior to 0% design packages
Permitting + Per agency requirements MCB has individually met with FD T, MD , the City, the County,
+ New Approach bridge (Component Submittal r e g u la to r y a g e n c ie s , u tility c o m p a n ie s , r a ilr o a d s , lo c a l
for Foundations/Substructure) businesses, public organizations, and other stakeholders (see
+ New approach bridges 5E, , and 10
1 Bridges + New interchange bridges 1, , 3, and interchange
list) during the procurement phase of the contract. These efforts
Phase 1 allowed MCB to further enhance our understanding of the issues
bridge widening ( 0 3 )
+ New B Signature Bridge (including component important to the stakeholders. ur team took this valuable
submittal for foundations) in fo r m a tio n a n d a d ju s te d o u r d e s ig n a n d m e th o d s to in c o r p o r a te
+ Roadway, embankment, retaining walls, signing,

1 Roadway
misc. structures, and pavement marking mitigation measures/approach that best addressed stakeholder
+ New approach bridges 5 and 11 concerns/issues. ur solutions were then communicated to
2 Phase + New interchange bridge 13 and interchange bridge confirm their acceptance. This proactive approach established
widening ( 0 5 ) an effective interface with stakeholders. This provides which
Bridge + New EB Signature Bridge
3 Phase 3 + New MetroMover pier replacement structure g iv e s u s g r e a t c e r ta in ty
3 Landscape + ardscape/softscape and parking o f o u r p ro p o s e d Stakeholders:
1 Roadway + Median work (temporary and permanent)
i m p r o v e m e n t s h a v i n g + South East Overtown and
Phase 1 c o n tin u o u s p u b lic Omni/ Midtown CRAs
Bridges + New B CD road bridges , 3, and . + Miami Commissioners for D2
Phase 1 + idening of Miami River Bridge
s u p p o rt a n d
e x p e r ie n c in g m in im a l and D5
Bridges + Bridge widening on SR- 3 ( 0300 and 0150). + City of Miami Departments

Phase + Bridge widening on B CD Road ( 03 3) is s u e s d u r in g th e + Miami-Dade County Departments

Roadway + Roadway, embankment, retaining walls, signing, construction phase.
3F in a l misc. structures, and pavement marking
+ Utility Companies
+ New EB CD Road bridges 1 , 1 , 1 , 0, and 1.
MCB will continue to + Permitting Agencies
Phase 3 + I-3 5/I- 5 interchange bridge widening a p p ly th is a p p r o a c h + AACPA
d u r i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n t o + Frost and Perez Museums
I- 5 Complete + M T roadway, drainage, and bridge modifications

+ Miami Parking Authority

ensure we are
+ AA Arena
The construction of the new I-3 5/SR- 3 interchange bridges e ffe c tiv e ly a n d + ll oard lorida Brightline
and widening of existing bridges are not on the critical path, so efficiently interfacing + The Underline
th e y a r e d e s ig n e d a s e a r ly a s p o s s ib le to p r o v id e o p tio n s to th e with stakeholders and + Local Medical Facilities
construction team for sequencing, however they will not compete the public.
with critical path items for design resources. For the steel girder ighlights of features we included in our design and construction
bridges, ordering steel plate material is often on the critical path. methods to ensure stakeholder acceptance are described below:
Therefore, this item is included in the planning for delivery of
related design packages. The top priority for the MD work is + Per ATC 10, the Signature Bridge does not encroach the
the SR- 3 median work, including both temporary widening AACPA buffer and does not require additional R/ or
and permanent improvements. Also critical is the start of easements.
construction of the B CD road bridges ( , 3, and ). After + A lane is added on NE 13th Street to mitigate the AACPA
the median work is complete, it will be necessary to widen traffic ow concerns (APTE 1).
bridges 01 and 0 on the SR- 3 mainline. + School bus staging is added for the PAMM and the Frost
Museum (APTE 3).
The packages identified represent large blocks of work + Improved pier alignment in vertown promotes more open
n e c e s s a r y to p r o g r e s s th e p r o je c t to th e n e x t s ta g e o f and inviting space (APTE ).
construction. Each bridge will be assigned its own design + Recreational areas and a shared-use greenway connect
package (DP) designation so the work can be tracked and, if vertown to downtown (APTE , , 3).
n e c e s s a r y , p r o g r e s s e d o n a s e p a r a te s c h e d u le fr o m th e + Significantly reduced utility con icts.
remaining elements of the designated package. + Construction impacts to FECR and the MetroMover are
minimized, as explained in Section D.
+ Monitoring of traffic and ad ustment of our smart work zone
minimizes impact to the traveling public.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 9

To continue our successful management of the stakeholders, we MCB understands the importance of traffic impacts to the public
have provided a full-time Stakeholder Manager, Sudie and is sensitive to avoid complaints due to unclear traffic
Bredemeyer ( L), who has been intimately involved in the situations. As evidences by our award winning superintendent
outreach efforts conducted to date from the onset. She will be John Baarda (see Figure A. ), MCB provides excellent
supported by our Utility Manager, Lydia Santiago (Aleman), who coordination of our M T to make sure FD T and MD do not
will coordinate with all utility owners and related permitting receive complaints from the public. e added a traffic and public
agencies, and by Jose uintana (Marlin Engineering), our liaison (TPL) to our staff to keep the traveling public abreast of
Maintenance Liaison, who will coordinate with FD T, MD , construction progress. e will post signs throughout the pro ect
County, and City to ensure the constructed improvements will be with the contact information, and the TPL will take all calls and
maintainable in an efficient and safe manner. e have also connect the callers with the best person to address their issue,
employed Professor Mohammed adi to coordinate the ITS and whether it is the PI , our maintenance and litter crews, or one of
traffic design with local urisdictions and to monitor and improve our construction leads.
ow during our temporary traffic phases. These senior managers Impact Mitigation Approach - Another element of efficiently
have strong relationships with the stakeholders they interact with and effectively interfacing with stakeholders is to develop a
and will facilitate the design and approval processes with them. m itig a tio n a p p r o a c h fo r a n y p o te n tia l im p a c ts th a t m a y a r is e
They will maintain effective lines of communications with the during construction. ur approach will minimize inconveniences
stakeholders to ensure the information we have as the and effectively communicate anticipated construction activities.
project progresses is up to date and decisions involving the ur mitigation strategy consists of three phases:
sta eholders are ade in a transparent and efficient anner.
1. Proactive co unication four wee s efore
To maintain an efficient and effective interface with the public, construction This phase consists of using all the
we have assigned a Public Relations Lead, Dana Politt (Adept), communication tools available in a strategic way to increase
to support FD T s Public Information fficer (PI ) on all public public awareness of potential impacts prior to the
involvement and community awareness efforts, and we propose construction.
providing weekly pro ect tours, where our management provides . onitor and refine during construction The second
the public an explanation of the work at hand. These tours have phase is triggered once construction begins. MCB will
p r o v e n o n p r e v io u s p r o je c ts to b e a v e r y p o p u la r e v e n t fo r th e monitor the area surrounding construction activity.
public. MCB will initiate an educational program for Miami-Dade Communication with the stakeholders identified in Phase 1
schools, where the students learn about highway construction provides useful feedback regarding the level of the
and the Signature Bridge. MCB will engage a local artist to inconvenience and possible refinement of mitigation
finalize the pattern of the light features in vertown (per APTE strategies.
3). e will also discuss the preferred activities included in Zone 3. Respond to issues and i ple ent solutions during
1 (i.e. volleyball, soccer, basketball, pet areas, etc) per APTE 5 construction The third phase includes the implementation
with the vertown CRA, the City of Miami, and the County. In all o f m itig a tio n m e a s u r e s n e e d e d to m itig a te u n fo r e s e e n
cases this coordination will occur before the 0% plans are issues and complaints from impacted stakeholders.
completed, allowing FD T to retain the final say.
This three-phased approach provides stakeholders an
Figure A.4: MCB Minimizes MOT Impact to the Public opportunity to receive real-time information, provide feedback,
and collaborate regarding the construction activity or impacts.
The typical required mitigation approaches during construction
activities include:
1. Traffic, dust and noise/vibration control
. Maintenance of pedestrian and vehicular access
3. Business access
. Minimizing property impacts
5. Utility disruption and relocation
The combination of the outreach efforts conducted, coordinated
design, construction methods proposed, added stakeholder
m a n a g e m e n t p o s itio n s , d e s c r ib e d m itig a tio n o f c o n s tr u c tio n
issues, and the relations of our managers with stakeholders,
MOT superintendent, John Baarda, receiving an award from Governor Scott allow MCB to significantly exceeds requirements for efficiently
for his role on the SR 826/SR 836 Interchange Project. and effectively interfacing with the stakeholders.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 10

A.5 Design and Construction Quality Management Plans Figure A.5: Design Quality Plan Quality Organization - To avoid compromising quality for production, we have
established an independent reporting structure for our quality organization. This
Design Quality Management Plan - The JV Members of MCB are IS 1 N o te s : 1 ) D o c u m e n ts a n d R e c o rd s fro m 2 th ro u g h 1 8 g o to
B o x 1 2 – D o c u m e n t a n d R e c o r d s C o n tr o l.
s tr u c tu r e m a in ta in s th e in d e p e n d e n c e , a u th o r ity , a n d a u to n o m y o f q u a lity c o n tr o l
001: 00 -certified company for quality procedures. Parsons standard policy is team members from the construction management team. ur uality Control
INTRODUCTION F e e d b a c k lo o p
2 ) A c tiv itie s fr o m 2 th r o u g h 2 0 a r e a u d ite d p e r B o x 1 7 – A u d its .
to provide a design quality management plan (D MP) for every pro ect, which P r o c e s s flo w Manager, Alirio Barrero will be responsible for the implementation of our quality
incorporates standard quality procedures, along with client procedures. The management system ( MS) and is empowered with stop work authority. ur
MP is prepared to ensure consistency in reviews and quality of all work quality management process is delivered using a detailed process to track,
p r o d u c ts , in c lu d in g p la n s , te c h n ic a l d o c u m e n ts , a n d e le c tr o n ic d e liv e r y 2 3 analyze, and report all aspects of the work before and during construction. This
packages. The D MP will be developed based on the PACE approach outlined Q u a lity P r o je c t 6 p r o c e s s is e n h a n c e d b y p r o m o tin g th e c o n tin u o u s im p r o v e m e n t o f q u a lity
in the Figure A.5. The development and implementation of the plan will be P ro p o s a l In s p e c tio n
Q u a lity P la n a n d processes using management training, rigorous inspection, and testing. e
D e v e lo p m e n t P ro c e d u re s a n d T e s t P la n 8
overseen by our Design Manager, Bill Little, PE, and uality Assurance ( if a p p lic a b le ) P e rfo rm a n c e accomplish this by doing the following:
Manager, Dennis Leahy, PE. The team will proactively manage the design PLAN P M e a s u re m e n t
C r ite r ia + Developing work plans that detail every aspect of construction for any
submittals to provide complete and accurate plans and specifications the first 5 4
S u b c o n tra c to r P e rs o n n e l 7 element of work, including construction methods, equipment and manpower
time. ur independent peer reviews for the Category structures will be Q u a lific a tio n S e le c tio n / M e a s u r in g P la n r e q u ir e m e n ts , s c h e d u le a n d c o s t e x p e c ta tio n s , lis t o f a p p r o v e d m a te r ia ls fo r
performed by Garcia Engineers, except for the Signature Bridge, which will be a n d S e le c tio n O r ie n ta tio n P la n ( if a p p lic a b le ) incorporation in the work, C hold points, and quality expectations. These plans
performed by McNary Bergeron Engineers. The D MP will incorporate the
are reviewed by the entire pro ect team before starting work on any activity.


following elements, consistent with our corporate IS 001 quality procedures:
+ Setting expectations for our field crews to perform the work in compliance
Continual Constructability Reviews - ur proposed Design-Build (D/B) with our work plans and contract documents.
Coordinator, Marti n Bolster, PE, has managed the investigation and design 9 1 0 11 1 2 + Providing a quality management process to ensure work is performed in
P r o je c t W o rk P ro c e s s
during the pursuit phase by including our proposed construction staff from MCB
to maximize the design for quality, construction, and sequencing, resulting in
ACT A O r ie n ta tio n
a n d T r a in in g
a n d P ro c e d u re
Im p le m e n ta tio n
C o r r e c tiv e a n d
P r e v e n tiv e A c tio n
D o c u m e n t a n d
R e c o rd s C o n tro l
accordance with the work plans and contract documents.
Deficiencies During the course of construction, C inspections and testing
overall value for FD T. This provides the team with the confidence to move into
may determine particular work element is not in accordance with the
the pro ect design and execution phase while fine-tuning the design in lieu of
specifications. Alirio and his staff will record the deficiency with a non-
ma or design changes. Marti n will manage the constructability reviews, an
conformance report (NCR). The MCB JV team will maintain a log of NCRs and
essential component of design and plan development for D/B pro ects.
1 3
submit this log to FD T weekly. NCR resolutions are sub ect to FD T approval.
Constructability reviews will continue during post-design using prompt and 1 6 D e s ig n a n d 1 4 1 5
Constant monitoring of the work, regularly reviewing scheduled responses, and
diligent shop drawing reviews and transparent engagement with the construction CHECK C T e s tin g
( if a p p lic a b le )
T e c h n ic a l R e v ie w s V e r ify
V e r ific a tio n
D u r in g timely follow-up will make sure that requests for information (RFIs) and NCRs
and engineering inspector s (CEI s) team. S u b c o n s u lta n ts
C o n s tr u c tio n
are acted upon and revised documents are distributed to the field as scheduled.
Construction uality Control Plan C CP The C CP will cover both
ur Construction Manager, Randy Svilar, is responsible for implementing all
preconstruction and construction phases, as well as temporary and permanent
corrective actions necessary to bring work into compliance and to resolve NCRs.
work produced by MCB, our subcontractors, and vendors. Construction C
uality is central to the culture at both MCB JV companies. e are proud that
includes examining, inspecting, checking, sampling, and testing materials for 1 9
17–20 L e s s o n s
o u r s u p e r in te n d e n ts a n d fo r e m e n a d d r e s s q u a lity a n d s a fe ty b e fo r e s ta r tin g
in-process or completed work to determine conformity with the RFC plans, 1 7 2 0
L e a rn e d work and they maintain quality standards during each work activity. ur field
design standards, and specifications. The plan will provide guidance for the C lie n t
EXCEL A u d its 1 8
F e e d b a c k engineering staff perform C checks before our inspectors and the CEI perform
development of subordinate quality systems and procedures mentioned above. M a n a g e m e n t
R e v ie w
the final inspections. e are committed to exceeding FD T s expectations for
Our team is committed to delivering a quality system and providing value to C on the I-3 5 Pro ect.
FDOT. The C CP will apply to all activities, including material source inspections,
equipment and services, qualifications, certifications and training of personnel, the continual calibration and maintenance of the measuring and testing equipment and will
environmental compliance, records, and procedures, as well as the construction itself. e maintain required certifications. The C labs will be AAS T accredited. A.6 Exceeding Stipulations and Requirements
understand FD T will provide CEI and quality assurance engineering. MCB is will partner with
The MCB JV team s C inspectors and technicians will perform sampling and testing in MCB is delivering solutions that meet and exceed the requirements of the RFP. ur
the CEI and will abide by to FD T s independent assurance (IA) procedures.
accordance with all applicable standards. FD T and its partners will have the opportunity to experience working with FD T and District gives us a clear understanding of FD T s
aterials Testing and nstallation erification C inspectors and testing technicians will perform sampling and testing at the production and pro ect facilities to confirm that production procedures for delivering design documents for design-build pro ects, as well as the specific
have the necessary experience, training, and certification required for their respective processes are providing work conforming to contract requirements. All documents will be design requirements outlined in the Plans Preparation Manual, Structures Design Manual,
assigned tasks. Inspectors and testing technicians will have no tasks other than C-related reviewed and approved in accordance with the C CP to validate that the information in is Drainage Manual, and the other applicable requirements and guidelines. MCB recognizes this
activities. The work of the MCB JV team and all subcontractors performing construction, accurate and all work complies with requirements of the contract. is a structures-dominant pro ect, inclusive of a complex interchange with up to four levels. This
fabrication, or installation will be inspected and/or tested by the C staff and will be sub ect to requires careful attention to the roadway design requirements early in the process to allow the
FD T monitoring and audits. The C CP will include quality control procedures ( CPs) Materials will be tested either by our on-site personnel or an off-site lab. This includes
structures design to proceed with reliable alignment and profile information.
detailing responsibilities, testing/sampling, processes, inspection procedures, methods, and materials that are traditionally tested in the field, such as concrete slump and air tests. Air,
soil, and asphalt density tests will be performed by our on-site C technicians. Materials MCB has reviewed the concept design for compliance with all roadway design criteria and has
record keeping. CP will verify tools, gauges, instruments, and other measuring devices are
traditionally tested off-site, such as concrete compressive cylinders, will be properly made changes and improvements where necessary. A summary of our design enhancements
properly maintained, controlled, calibrated, and ad usted. C laboratories are responsible for
transported and tested at an off-site lab. is provided in Figure A. on the following page.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 11

Figure A.6: Exceeding Project Requirements

L e g e n d Location Criteria Compliance Improvement Location Criteria Compliance Improvement
S ta k e h o ld e r s & C o m m u n ity + D is ta n c e b e tw e e n 1 2 th A v e & I- 9 5 N B r a m p s i-95 I- 3 9 5 E B o n M a c A r th u r C a u s e w a y B r id g e + Reduced the No Curve PI alignment de ection angle from 1 degree to 0 minutes
in c r e a s e d fr o m 1 ,0 1 8 to 1 ,7 6 8 ft project
limit N E C o n n e c to r (I-9 5 S B to I-3 9 5 E B ) + E lim in a t e d t h e r e q u ir e d d e s ig n e x c e p t io n f o r S S D a lo n g t h e r a m p ’s in s id e s h o u ld e r
Maintenance of Traffic + R e m o v e d 4 h o r iz o n ta l c u r v e s r e q u ir in g d e s ig n + Reduced highest elevation on alignment by approximately 20 ft
A e s th e tic s v a r ia tio n s fo r le n g th o f c u r v e + Im p r o v e d S S D o n th e h o r iz o n ta l c u r v e
+ E lim in a te d 2 r e v e r s e c u r v e s w ith o u t a ta n g e n t E N C o n n e c to r (W B C o n n e c to r to I-9 5 N B )
D u r a b ility & M a in ta in a b ility + In c r e a s e d s h o u ld e r w id th fr o m 1 0 to 1 2 ft to p r o v id e th e r e q u ir e d S S D
S R 8 3 6 E B C D R o a d s e g m e n t b e tw e e n c u rv e s + R e d u c e d le n g th o f B r id g e 1 b y 1 5 2 ft
P u b lic S a fe ty & (F ro m 1 2 th A v e . to + Interchange yover ramp to I- 5 NB: + Im p r o v e d K v a lu e

E m e rg e n c y M a n a g e m e n t I-9 5 /I-3 9 5 ) – In c r e a s e d r a d iu s c u r v e fr o m 9 5 5 to 9 6 8 ft E S C o n n e c to r (W B C o n n e c to r to I-9 5 S B ) + Im p ro v e d S S D

I-395 Segment
P r o je c t C o m m itm e n ts (a k a E B C o n n e c to r) – R e d u c e d th e d o w n g ra d e fro m 4 .2 9 to 2 .9 5 % + Reduced maximum profile grade from % to . 5%
– P r o v id e d g r e a te r s to p p in g s ig h t d is ta n c e ( S S D ) S E C o n n e c to r (I-9 5 N B to I-3 9 5 E B ) + Improved SSD by optimizing vertical profile
E x c e e d s D e s ig n R e q u ir e m e n ts – E lim in a te d th e n e e d fo r a w id e n e d
+ In c r e a s e d g a p a c c e p ta n c e d is ta n c e fr o m 8 0 to 3 0 0 ft
o u ts id e s h o u ld e r R a m p D 1 (U S -1 to I-3 9 5 E B )
BRIDGES + In c r e a s e d r a m p a c c e le r a tio n le n g th fr o m 6 0 4 to 8 5 8 ft
+ E lim in a te d s u c c e s s iv e c r e s t- s a g - c r e s t v e r tic a l c u r v e s
+ In c r e a s e d th e ta n g e n t d is ta n c e b e tw e e n r e v e r s e c u r v e s fr o m 0 to 1 7 6 ft
S te e l G ir d e r B r id g e + Reduced the maximum elevation by 18 ft N E 1 1 th T e r r - N M ia m i A v e to N E 1 s t A v e
+ I n c r e a s e d t h e r e v e r s e c u r v e ’s e x it c u r v e r a d iu s f r o m 3 9 t o 6 0 0 f t
C o n c r e te B o x G ir d e r B r id g e L e g e n d N E 1 1 th T e r r - N E 1 s t A v e to B is c a y n e B lv d + M in im u m n u m b e r o f c o n tin u o u s la n e s in c r e a s e d fr o m o n e to tw o
B r id g e W id e n in g R F P A lig n m e n t N W 1 s t A v e a n d N W 1 3 S t + In c r e a s e d th e r a d iu s fr o m 6 5 to 1 4 0 ft fo r th e c u r v e a t th is in te r s e c tio n
M C B A lig n m e n t + In c r e a s e n u m b e r o f tr a v e l la n e s fr o m 2 to 3 b e tw e e n B is c a y n e B lv d & N E 2 n d A v e to m a in ta in
C o n c r e te G ir d e r B r id g e N E 1 3 th S tre e t
a t a m in im u m 3 t h r o u g h la n e s f r o m B is c a y n e B lv d t o t h e e x p r e s s w a y ’s e n tra n c e ra m p s
A p p r o a c h S la b B a r r ie r R e p la c e m e n t
L e g e n d
M e tr o M o v e r /B r id g e R e tr o fit
B5 R F P A lig n m e n t
S ig n a tu r e B r id g e i-95 M C B A lig n m e n t
P r o je c t L im it
W e s tb o u n d C o n n e c to r E lim in a te d w id e n in g
o n n o r th s id e o f
A rs h t A rt C e n te r b r id g e 1 3 & 2 7
P a r k in g

R e d u c e d
B3 12 M o v e d g o r e p o in t to
e le v a tio n
i-95 r e d u c e b r id g e le n g th & E lim in a te d a b ru p t
b y 8 ft. B4 lo w e r h e ig h t o f r a m p s te rm in a tio n s o f R e d u c e d n u m b e r o f P r o v id e d u p g r a d e d
i-95 to r e d u c e m a in te n a n c e b o x g ir d e r s to e x p a n s io n jo in ts & c o a tin g s to m e ta l
R e d u c e d w id e n in g 21
& in s p e c tio n c o s ts im p ro v e a e s th e tic s a s s o c ia te d m a in te n a n c e c o m p o n e n ts
o n n o r th s id e o f 29 1
M o v e d b r id g e 1 7 to b r id g e 2 8 & 1 4 30
m e d ia n to e lim in a te 27 13
Im p ro v e d ra m p D /m e rg e

Biscayne Blvd
C - b e n ts & im p ro v e 4 o n to I- 3 9 5 to in c r e a s e s a fe ty
g e o m e try (s e e ta b le ) 28 5w
33 14
NW 7th Ave

NW 14th St 26B 31 3 6w

NW 3rd Ave
NW 12th Ave

11 10 NE 13th St project
MetroRail limit
26A B1 7w
i-95 5e 15
24 8,9
NW 10th Ave

2 sup
23 17 E lim in a te d 4 th - le v e l
te m p o r a r y b r id g e to NE 11th Ter

B2 6e
22 im p r o v e o p e r a tio n s 7e E lim in a te d s ta y c a b le s o n
i-95 M e tro M o v e r s tru c tu re &
A lig n b r id g e p ie r s
Wagner Creek

N Miami Ave

NE 2nd Ave
16 in c r e a s e s tiffn e s s to im p ro v e

NE 1st Ave
Miami River 25A w ith N -S s tre e t P r o v id e d 1 0 0 + y e a r
NW 17th Ave

g r id to im p ro v e p e rfo rm a n c e & re d u c e
s e r v ic e life fo r
a e s th e tic s s p e c ia liz e m a in te n a n c e
25B R e d u c e d E B C D S ig n a tu r e B r id g e
profile up to 1 ft
E lim in a te d
project s e g m e n t jo in ts to U p g ra d e d S H M S
limit Eliminated fill under R e d u c e d n u m b e r o f b r id g e
fo r S ig n a tu r e B r id g e
im p r o v e d u r a b ility E B c o n n e c to r to
p r o v id e b e tte r b ik e /
c o lu m n s
s p a c e b e
to im p r o v e o p e n
lo w v ia d u c ts &
p e d c o n n e c tiv ity r e d u c e in s p e c tio n c o s ts

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 12

MCB is fully engaged in the changes that FD T has made to the Any existing cross drain or storm sewer found to be hydraulically
post-tensioning requirements, as outlined in Structures Design inadequate or found to have insufficient design life will be
Bulletin 1 -0 , including the use of exible fillers. MCB staff is replaced or refurbished. The City of Miami drainage design
actively involved with ASBI on the development of the first ever criteria will be used for new drainage systems on improvements
training for the use of exible fillers in post-tensioned bridges. As to roads belonging to the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County.
a leader in the design of post-tensioned concrete bridges, MCB
will implement all of the requirements for design and detailing of
I-395 Specific
Durability and maintenance access of the bridge deck drainage
post-tensioned tendons, as described in Bulletin 1 -0 and
collection and conveyance systems is a high priority. All
shown in our proposal plans.
c o lle c tio n s y s te m s a r e d e s ig n e d to c a p tu r e th e r e q u ir e d v o lu m e
This pro ect is a transportation facility located in a highly visible of stormwater runoff and meet spread criteria (RCT Paper No.
urban environment. Therefore, the impacts of the facility on the 1 ). Specific inlet design has been selected for the I-3 5 bridge
City, as well as the aesthetics of the structures within the City, scuppers to fit within the overhang and ow into the collector
must be critically considered early in the design. MCB has in s id e th e b o x g ir d e r to e lim in a te a n y p ip in g o n th e o u ts id e o f th e
provided the required 225-foot span length with 19 to 25 feet structure and provide aesthetically pleasing exteriors.
of vertical clearance for all of the approach spans.
The Signature Bridge will become a landmark that represents Figure A.7.1: I-395 Bridge Deck Drainage
Miami. This unique structure has been developed to specifically
exceed the visual and structural requirements of the RFP. e 1
h a v e p r o v id e d a d r a m a tic b r id g e e x c e e d in g th e m in im u m p y lo n 2
and cable height requirements as shown in Section A.1, and 4
provide a unique and bold statement that says Miami, with 3
substantially extended service life.
During final design phase, MCB will incorporate the RFP provided
geotechnical studies into our engineering considerations while 1 B r id g e S c u p p e r
performing supplemental geotechnical exploration. In order to 2 C o n v e y a n c e P ip e
mitigate schedule risks, muck delineation will be performed, 3 D r a in P ip e
where applicable, to further delineate and define horizontal and
4 C le a n o u t 4
vertical limits of unsuitable material. The supplemental
geotechnical study will include field exploration for roadway, 5 M a n h o le
bridges and associated walls, and other miscellaneous structures, 6 P i p e t o W e l l 5 6
such as overhead signs and ITS. The field crews will work in
compliance with the FD T M T standards and directives. Scuppers are located upstream of the bridge oints to reduce
Pile and drilled shaft installations will be supervised and certified by maintenance by increasing the service life of the oint material. The
the team s geotechnical foundation design engineer of record scuppers are also placed at pier locations so proposed down-drains
(GFDE R). e will provide experienced Construction Training can be hidden within the piers (See Figure A. .1).
ualification Program (CT P)-certified driven pile and drilled shaft nce collected from the pro ect improvements, stormwater
inspectors necessary to comply with the specifications. The runoff will be conveyed to either deep gravity well or in ection
GFDE R will review pile and shaft driving/construction records and well (pumped) stormwater management facilities.
laboratory test results to confirm construction complies with plans
e have improved the pretreatment system identified in the RFP
and specifications and provide Contractor C inspections, followed
by incorporating nutrient-separating baf e boxes to provide a
by foundation certifications for all pile and drilled shaft foundations.
superior level of treatment to the stormwater runoff before
discharging through the well systems. These structures remove
A.7 Collection and Conveyance Systems a wide range of nutrients, sediments, trash, et cetera, as well as
The design of the storm drain system will adhere to the new being maintenance friendly. The final location of the separating
c r ite r ia fo r th e u s e o f d r a in a g e a n d u tility c o n v e y a n c e s n e a r baf e boxes and drainage wells will be strategically located to
e a r th - r e ta in in g s tr u c tu r e s , a n d a ll fa c ilitie s a r e d e s ig n e d to m e e t a v o id c o n ta m in a tio n a r e a s , a v o id d is r u p tio n o f b u s in e s s e s a n d
current FD T criteria, combining District drainage standards the Urban Design Zones, simplify maintenance access, a n d
with the pro ect s aesthetic requirements. All existing cross aid in the mitigation of salinity intrusion.
drains and storm sewers that are to remain will be desilted and
checked for adequate hydraulic capacity and design life.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 13

To address ooding concerns in the vicinity of Biscayne facilities within the existing right-of-way. Damaged inlet grates
Boulevard and to use the drainage wells to their full capacity, two and pipe-end treatments will be replaced, along with cleaning
stormwater pumping stations have been incorporated within the and desilting the existing I- 5 drainage system. Edge drains will
I-3 5 corridor. The pumping systems will increase the ow to the be provided to reduce the potential for water-pumping-induced
receiving well systems and produce a higher hydraulic head in stresses on the new rigid pavement.
areas where the topographic elevations are too low. The pump The MCB Team is cognizant of the frequent ooding located
s ta tio n s c o n s is t o f a p o llu tio n c o n tr o l s tr u c tu r e , tr a s h r e m o v a l within the I- 5 NB inside travel lane (Sta. +00) due to an
unit, wet well and pump unit, and a check and gate valve unit existing collapsed pipe and will identify a safe, cost-effective
before discharging through a force main to the wells. long-term solution early in the pro ect, to eliminate this hazard.
MDX Specific
The collection, conveyance, treatment, and attenuation of A.8 Construction Phasing/Sequencing
stormwater runoff within the MD section consists of inlets, ur construction phasing/ MCB maintains existing
bridge scuppers, exfiltration trenches, and wet and dry retention s e q u e n c in g s c h e m e s is traffic patterns for a third
facilities. The pro ect was divided into eight ma or drainage well-coordinated among the of the project’s duration.
basins. e have incorporated some modifications into the maintenance-of-traffic,
c o n c e p tu a l d e s ig n to in c r e a s e th e o v e r a ll tr e a tm e n t o f th e p r o je c t drainage, and permitting leads and our construction team. ur
and to reduce the long-term maintenance. In Basin 1, additional task force ensures every proposed phase of construction is
water quality volume has been added by integrating a weir into c o o r d in a te d a m o n g th e d is c ip lin e s to v e r ify m a in te n a n c e o f
the existing dry pond. In Basin 3, the concept drainage system traffic, including pedestrians/cyclists, and temporary drainage
water quality is provided through a French drain system. will be provided in support of the proposed sequencing.
owever, in our proposed drainage system, the water quality is
ptions were developed and compared to ensure the cost-
p r o v id e d th r o u g h a d r y p o n d , a n d th e F r e n c h d r a in h a s b e e n
e ffe c tiv e n e s s o f e a c h o p tio n a n d d e te r m in e if it c a n a c h ie v e th e
used to achieve the drawdown requirements. Using this dry
permitting requirements. These elements played a ma or role in
pond significantly reduces the amount of French drain, which
the construction and staging of the entire pro ect. ur detailed
reduces long-term maintenance issues.
analysis was coordinated with ad acent construction pro ects
For bridges composed of structural steel, the pipes will be and maintaining agencies, resulting in several benefits to safety
p o s itio n e d in s id e th e b a y s in a m a n n e r to h id e th e c o n v e y a n c e by improving the quality of existing traffic operations, minimizing
system and to accommodate temperature-related expansion/ the number of phases, taking advantage of newly constructed
contraction and exibility at the expansion oints. Each overall portions of the work as soon as possible, and maintaining
system will be designed to facilitate repairs by providing access to ad acent properties.
m a in te n a n c e - fr ie n d ly a c c e s s p o in ts a n d c le a n - o u ts a n d c o n s id e r in g
Relationship Construction Phasing/Sequencing and MOT-
ushing ow velocities in the pipe layout (See Figure A. . ).
As detailed in this section, MCB performs all work that is outside
I-95 Specific of existing traffic in Phase 1 this amounts to 3 percent of the
The emphasis along I- 5 is to maintain the existing stormwater pro ect duration having minimal impacts on existing traffic
collection and conveyance systems, while preserving the historic operations. In addition, the number of construction phases
ow patterns and providing additional stormwater treatment were reduced fro five to four, resulting in fewer traffic
shifts, increasing safety for the traveling public.
Figure A.7.2: Injection Well System with Pretreatment

M a in te n a n c e
A c c e s s P o in ts
F lo o r A c c e s s F lo o r A c c e s s

F r o m S to r m D r a in T o In je c tio n W e lls
C o n v e y a n c e S y s te m
F o rc e
N u tr ie n t R e m o v in g B a ffle B o x M a in
C h e c k G a te & V a lv e U n it

W e t W e ll & P u m p U n it

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 14

Table A.8: Phasing Plan Summary

Phase Improvements
ur revised layout of the Signature Bridge, per ATC 10 allows existing I-3 5 traffic to remain in its current place for the first months after NTP. e have
developed a detailed demolition phasing plan that resolved con icts between existing and new foundations to assure stability of the existing structures.
Phase 1 Build the B I-3 5 CD road, including bridges 1, , , , 10, and 11, along with the ma ority of the EB I-3 5 CD road (Bridge and half of Bridge
3) and ad ustments to local roads to accommodate the ramps on and off the new I-3 5 CD connectors. e plan the narrowing of the MacArthur
Causeway traffic late in the phase to shorten disruption of traffic.
Phase Immediately uses the newly built structures from Phase 1 to take traffic off of the existing I-3 5 B mainline. The remaining new I-3 5 B mainline
structures, Bridge 5E, and Bridge 5 , can then be constructed along with the widening of bridges 1 , 13, and 15 and the second half of Bridge 3.
Phase 3 Traffic is placed on the new I-3 5 B mainline, so the building of bridges E, , Signature Bridge , and the median pier for the MetroMover
Bridge is in progress and completed.
Phase All traffic is on new structures, while Bridge 15 and the MetroMover retrofit are completed, along with modifications to local streets and ramps.
ATC 13 allows us to build the B connector road in phase , instead of in phase . This early availability generates revenue for MD . e also modeled the
demolition phasing and coordinated the existing and new foundations.
Phase 1 Perform median work to connect the existing bridges and perform mainline widening work, except on the north side of the Miami River, which opens
up the widening work of existing bridges on the south side, along with foundations for Bridge 1 that are outside of the existing bridge footprint. The
additional ury parking lots are constructed right away, so construction impacts does not affect parking capacity.
Phase Traffic is moved onto the widened bridges to the south, so we can build the B connector bridges and ramp, along with the widening of the existing
bridges and roadway on the north side over the Miami River.
Phase 3 Traffic is moved onto the newly built B CD bridges on the north side and to the outside mainline after the MetroRail, to make the median available to complete
the EB CD roads and bridges. These roads tie in to the newly widened bridges 13 and 1 on the I-3 5 pro ect the only interface between the pro ects.
Phase Finally, the portions of Bridge 5 over the Miami River are constructed.
The I- 5 pavement replacement has been scheduled to maximize the area built during multi-lane closures, where productivity is high, and minimize the single
lane closures. e reconstruct SB I- 5 fully before starting the NB paving. The work for I- 5 is mostly independent from I-3 5 and MD , except for the tie-in to
the I-3 5 and MD ramps. The tie-ins are completed before the ramps, to avoid duplicate impacts on the traveling public.

Another ma or enhancement of our maintenance of traffic was to allow inspection and remediation of issues at the agner
increasing the number of lanes from one to two for the I- 5 SB to Creek Box Culvert ( CBC). ur subcontractor Marlin
SR- 3 B ramp, the temporary EN Connector, and ramps EN Engineering has provided us guidance on the required work that
and NE to improve level of service (L S). Please refer to we need to schedule and clear direction on our design of the
Section E.3 for a detailed description of each of our construction road over the CBC to ensure that further damage is avoided.
phases and M T enhancements to provide significantly better e also provide three-month buffers for work by the TSI at all
L S and reduced phasing impacts. Table A. above provides a modified and new toll locations on the pro ect. As discussed
summary of our ma or construction phases. earlier in this section, we have scheduled our work for bridge 5
Temporary and Permanent Drainage - e prioritize the early to be out of the ury parking lot after Phase 1, so the number of
in s ta lla tio n o f th e p e r m a n e n t d r a in a g e to r e d u c e te m p o r a r y available spaces is never reduced.
construction dewatering. A preliminary drainage analysis was Because of the long period without changes to existing traffic,
developed for each M T phase to verify control spread, avoid the reduced number of traffic shifts, the improved L S for
standing water, and avoid impacts to third-party properties. All te m p o r a r y r o a d s a n d r a m p s , th e d e ta ile d m o d e lin g o f te m p o r a r y
drainage work in the city streets below the freeway will occur d r a in a g e , th e e a r ly b u ild o f p e r m a n e n t d r a in a g e , a n d o u r r ic h
before the start of ma or work on the actual freeway. Completing b u ffe r s o n a ll p e r m it d e p e n d e n t, o u r c o n s tr u c tio n p h a s in g
all the drainage improvements as early as possible allows for the significantly exceeds the requirements for M T, temporary and
use of higher capacity stormwater systems to deal with any permanent drainage, and permitting.
construction dewatering requirements.
Permitting- e schedule the ad ustment of the MetroMover
. Traffic ove ents, Operations, and Safety
structure, the crossing over the MetroRail, and the work over ell-thought-out geometric designs that provide the highest
Biscayne Bay and the Miami River in the last phases of the degree of traffic operations are of critical importance to this
pro ect to allow a period of roughly three years to coordinate the pro ect. Through our in-depth study of the RFP concepts and
design, develop work plans, and receive the necessary permits. through many design iterations, we have developed a number of
At the FECR, we keep all construction equipment and temporary geometric ATCs that improve traffic operations. In our ATC 5, t h e
works out of the railroad R to ensure an expedited permitting basic form of the I-3 5 B Connector, including Ramp F, ES
process while maximizing safety and schedule certainty. ur Connector, and EN Connector remain unchanged. owever, the
s c h e d u le p r o v id e s a th r e e - m o n th b u ffe r in e a c h a p p lic a b le p h a s e horizontal and/or vertical alignments have been revised and the

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 15

entire weaving section has been shifted to the east so the ES and improves traffic ows by adding an eastbound lane from east
Connector can cross over I-3 5 B near a low point with a of NE 1st Avenue to east of NE nd Avenue. The realignment is
lower profile. The length of the revised weaving section is 1,535 significant because the current alignment is horizontally
feet, nominally more than the RFP concept. constrained by MetroMover bridge piers to one eastbound
All the geometric elements of the revised horizontal and vertical through lane that has a posted vertical clearance of 15 feet 3
alignments comply with the FD T design criteria, utilizing original inches. The realignment also improves pedestrian facilities by
design speeds. The shifting of the entire B Connector weaving providing increased open space along the south right-of-way line
section to the east allows the ES Connector and EN Connector to for a friendlier pedestrian access to nearby public spaces.
begin at a lower elevation, resulting in a reduction in the profile CB acco odates traffic ove ents during
grade of EN Connector for a length of 1,500 feet. The grade construction to maintain or improve existing conditions.
reduction along this ramp is more than 0 feet vertically for a
distance exceeding 00 feet a significant improvement. ur approach to M T focuses on providing both access and
ur ATC 13 proposes to shift the horizontal alignment of the safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Our phasing
SR- 3 EB Connector to the median of SR- 3 , which allows plan allows construction of almost 40 percent of the project
bridges connected to B1 to also be shifted generally to the north. with ini al changes to existing traffic patterns. e will
The weaving distance on the SR-836 EB Connector is complete and open the B CD roads early in the pro ect, adding
improved from 1,018 feet to 1,768 feet, exceeding the capacity and relieving the existing weaving conditions.
minimum AASHTO requirement of 1,600 feet. All other weaving It is imperative a safe roadside be maintained at all times. In
distances will be equal or greater than the RFP concept. The accordance with FD T Design Standards, during nonworking
profiles of the SR- 3 EB Connector and Ramp J are reduced hours, all clear zone obstructions and drop-off hazards will be
over most of their lengths and by a maximum of feet and 1 removed or shielded by an approved device/traffic barrier. All
feet, respectively. These lower grades provide better traffic barriers on bridges or along retaining walls will be Index 1 , Type
o p e r a tio n s a n d a r e le s s in tr u s iv e to a d ja c e n t r e s id e n c e s a n d K traffic barrier. here it is not practical to remove exposed ends of
businesses. The profile grade line of the SR- 3 EB Connector is traffic barriers from the clear zone, the exposed end will be shielded
more uniform with fewer vertical curves and provides better sight with an impact attenuator. ur M T will include the extensive work
distance over its length as well as improved aesthetics. on the at-grade street system where the lateral clearance/clear
ur ATC 53 proposes changes to the horizontal and vertical zone and drop-off criteria will be universally applied for public safety.
alignments of Ramp D-1 (Entrance Ramp from Northbound At all entrance and exit ramps, the existing acceleration/
Biscayne Boulevard to I-3 5 Eastbound) and Ramp D- (U-Turn d e c e le r a tio n d is ta n c e s h a v e b e e n d e s ig n e d to m e e t o r e x c e e d
from B NE 13th Street to EB Ramp D-1). It moves the ramp’s FD T design requirements. All proposed weaving sections have
entrance gore point about 25 feet to the east and provides 858 been assessed, and the weaving lengths have been optimized.
feet of acceleration length, which exceeds AASHTO’s required Pedestrian and bicycle access through the work zone is a critical
length of 610 feet to accelerate from 20 mph to 50 mph. It design component, as the Museum District, Arsht Center, Marlins
p r o v id e s a d e q u a te e n tr a n c e r a m p g a p a c c e p ta n c e c r ite r ia , a n
Park, and other attractions are in close proximity to the pro ect. All
improvement compared to the RFP concept, and decreases the existing bicycle and pedestrian movements will be
maximum Ramp D1 grade from percent to . 5 percent. accommodated, in conformance with ADA standards,
ur ATC 58 improves the alignment of NE Connector, a left-side throughout construction.
exit ramp in the Midtown Interchange with a design speed of 0
mph and a downgrade of almost 3 percent. The required SSD
for a roadway with these features (FD T PPM, Volume 1,
Chapter , Table . .1) is 315 feet. owever, the visual
obstruction caused by existing bridge piers, the RFP concept
design for the NE Connector (I- 5 SB exit ramp to I-3 5 EB) has
a minimum SSD of only 5 feet and requires a design
exception. This ATC modifies the NE Connector horizontal and
vertical alignments to provide the required 315 feet of SSD for a
design speed of 0 mph and a downgrade of 3 percent.
ATCs 40, 41, and 60 all propose refinements to the at-grade
s tr e e ts a n d r e s u lt in n u m e r o u s g e o m e tr ic a n d o p e r a tio n a l
improvements. For example, ATC 60 realigns NE 11th Terrace EB
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations A. Understanding and Approach to the Total Project 16
Section B – Team Staffing
and Experience
team staffing and experience
Section B
B. Team Staffing and Experience

Audubon Bridge (LA), and Tacoma Narrows Bridge ( A). ur

MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: Segmental Design E R, Tom Stelmack, recently introduced
+ Extensive history of our key staff working together curved U-beams in Florida at the Boggy Creek pro ect, and has
+ Matrix organization coordinated by discipline and worked on several impressive segmental and CIP box girder
geographic area pro ects including the California igh Speed Rail. Marti n Bolster
+ Truly integrated design-builder assures project success has a proven track record as a technically capable and persistent
DB Coordinator at the fast paced I-35 pro ect, where 3
B.1 Key Personnel million worth of work was fully designed and constructed in less
than 11 months, while still maintaining safely and high quality. e
ur team s key personnel averages more than 3 years of has worked on a variety of complicated bridge and infrastructure
relevant experience with complex signature structures requiring a pro ects, including T.B. Manuel Bridge (FL) John s Pass Bascule
h ig h le v e l o f a e s th e tic r e q u ir e m e n ts a n d b u ilt in d e n s e u r b a n Bridge (FL) Cooper River and Audubon cable-stay bridges and
environments. The pro ect is led by Peter Sanderson, who brings the billion Riyadh Metro pro ect, in Saudi Arabia. ur field staff
0 years of experience and has managed similar high-profile is set up to tackle all disciplines, from the technical Signature
pro ects. is experience includes I-5 5/I- 5/Sawgrass Bridge to the approach structures on I-3 5 and bridges along
Expressway Interchange, I-5 5/I- 5/ SR- Interchange, and MD . ur Construction Manager, Randy Svilar, has led the
MacArthur Causeway Bridges, as well as many cable-stay construction of both Audubon Bridge in Baton Rouge, LA, and the
bridges, CIP concrete bridges, and steel composite deck I-35 Bridge replacement. e has a history of successful
structures. Peter has twice been recognized by ENR for his cooperation with Peter, Marti n, and many from our design team,
c o n tr ib u tio n s to th e in d u s tr y r e g a r d in g s p e e d o f c o n s tr u c tio n a n d including Greg Shafer. Randy leads a team of strong
good relationships with owners and communities. e is supported superintendents, many of whom have been working in the greater
by our Design Manager, Bill Little, who has spent much of his Miami area their whole careers.
career in District , leading the design for Port of Miami Tunnel
and other significant pro ects in South Florida. Bill taught the ur E Rs for steel and concrete girders bridges and roadway,
FD T Advanced M T Training for 1 years. ur Signature Sam Phan, Ted Davidson, and Rhet Schmidt, have successfully
Bridge Design E R Greg Shafer and Construction E R Tom designed a host of Florida pro ects for all owners in District ,
Spoth have been in charge of world -renowned bridges, including including MIA Mover, North Corridor MetroRail Extension, and
Carquinez Strait Bridge (CA), Tagus River Bridge (Portugal), widening of the Sawgrass Expressway.

Table B.1: Relevant Experience of Our Key Personnel

% Availability
during Scope
spans >550 ft

High Level of

Local Project
DB inance



Yrs .of


Position/Name Brings to the Project

Constr. Pro ect Manager: Peter Sanderson 0 100 Proven leadership and community focus
Constr. DB Coordinator: Marti n Bolster 1 100 F i n d s b e s t - f o r - p r o j e c t c o n s t r u c t i o n s o l u t i o n s
100 Performed and supervised all roadway disciplines on
Constr. Roadway Superintendent: Reynaldo Dominquez SR / 3 Interchange pro ect
Constr. Superintendent (Segmental Bridge): Randy Svilar 35 100 Constructed ma or cable stay and box girder bridges
Constr. Superintendent (Steel Bridge): Michael Sinclair 100 D steel erection and other bridge experience
Constr. Superintendent (Signature Bridge): Mark utchins 100 Builds iconic cable stay bridges nationwide
Design Pro ect Manager: Bill Little, PE 3 100 Proven mega-pro ect design leader M T expert
Design Roadway E R: Rhet Schmidt, PE 100 Creative, conscientious geometry expert
Design E R (Non-Signature Bridge): Sam Phan, PE 0 100 F l o r i d a c o n c r e t e g i r d e r b r i d g e e x p e r i e n c e
Design E R (Signature Bridge): Greg Shafer, PE 3 1 100 Designed longest cable-stay bridges in USA
Construction E R (Signature Bridge): Tom Spoth, PE 3 2 100 orld renowned long span ( 1,000 ft) bridge expert
Design E R (Segmental Bridge): Tom Stelmack, PE 3 3 100 orked all concrete box girder types
Design E R (Steel Bridge): Ted Davidson, PE 2 1 100 F l o r i d a s t e e l a n d c o n c r e t e b r i d g e e x p e r i e n c e
Aerolastic Model Testing: Peter Irwin 3 100 FIU professor and global wind expert
Signature Bridge Architect: Kevin Ashby, AIA 30 100 Envisions practical, beautiful iconic structures
Urban Design Lead: Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk 3 100 orld-class Miami urban designer
Total Year of Experience Cumulative/Average: 523/32
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations B. Team Staffing and Experience 17

This pro ect requires significant interaction between structural MCB designated the following contractors and consultants for key
and aesthetic disciplines, Lead Architect Kevin Ashby will lead elements of the work:
this effort. e has worked on many large bridges, including most + C.J. Mahan Construction Company (Signature Bridge)
recently Goethals Bridge, in New ork City. Given the + Gosalia Concrete Contractors (PCC Pavement)
importance of the urban design and streetscaping, Elizabeth + Bob Barricades (traffic control devices)
Plater-Zyberk from DPZ is aiding context-sensitive, modern, and + Manuel Diaz Farms (Landscaping, exclusive to our team)
exciting use of the space underneath and along the I-3 5 + Marlin Engineering (Maintenance)
structures. More detail of the relevant experience of our key
personnel is shown in Table B.1. ur manpower curve in Figure B. shows our expected labor force.
Figure B.2: I-395 Total Project Anticipated Manpower Curve
B.2 MCB Organization
ur matrix-based management structure integrates each pro ect I-395 Total Project Manpower Curve
segment and each discipline, with well-defined reporting lines

Cumulative Manhours
promoting coordination between the design and construction P1 P2 P3
disciplines at all levels. The reporting relationships are clear, and

Craft Employees
issues are solved at the lowest possible level. ur staffing plan
matches FD T and MD s escalation ladders to provide a clear
chain of command. ur construction pro ect manager controls a
pro ect-wide staff, including pro ect controls, design and
construction quality control, safety, financing, environmental
compliance, and the DB coordination. Each pro ect has its own
s e g m e n t m a n a g e r, d e s ig n m a n a g e r, a n d c o n s tr u c tio n m a n a g e r, Time
led by overall design and construction managers. As discussed P1 Phase 1 - O p e n W B C o n n Craft Employees
in Section A. , we have added the stakeholder manager, ITS P2 Phase 2 - O p e n W B I - 3 9 5
I-3 9 5 I-9 5
and traffic liaison, railroad coordinator, maintenance liaison, M D X 8 3 6
P3 Phase 3 - O p e n E B I - 3 9 5 C u m u la t iv e D e s ig n
S MS lead, and public liaison to our organization to address the
specific needs of the pro ect.
Please refer to the organizational chart for a complete list of
ur staff will be supplied by the lead JV partners:
participants and scope of each subconsultant/subcontractor. The
+ Co unity sphalt Corp C C , a subsidiary of L, is MCB team will maximize participation by local businesses and
one of the largest contractors in Florida, specializing in road small and disadvantaged business enterprises (SBE/DBE).
construction and transportation infrastructure, having built/
reconstructed approximately ,000 miles since its inception. B. Staffing uality and vaila ility
CAC proudly offers more than 00 professional personnel in All our team members were specifically selected for this pro ect
Miami-Dade County, five offices in Miami, four asphalt based on their knowledge of successfully implementing long-
plants, a quarry in Miami-Dade County, and a eet of more la s tin g , a e s th e tic a lly p le a s in g s tr u c tu r e s a n d p r o v id in g
than 30 pieces of heavy construction equipment. in fr a s tr u c tu r e a n d c a p a c ity s o lu tio n s fo r tr a n s p o r ta tio n a g e n c ie s
+ Parsons Corporation Parsons i s u n i q u e a s a f u l l - s e r v i c e across the United States. Table B.1 shows the relevant
transportation designer and builder no other North experience of each key personnel. More detail on each key team
A m e r ic a n c o m p a n y h a s th e d e p th a n d b r e a d th o f d e s ig n a n d member s relevant qualifications can be found in their resumes.
c o n s tr u c tio n c a p a b ilitie s u n d e r o n e r o o f, in c lu d in g a n u m b e r Key personnel in all roles identified in this technical proposal will
o f s ig n a tu r e s p a n s , m a r in e b r id g e s , a n d s tr u c tu r e s in h ig h ly be available for the duration of their scope.
dense corridors. Parsons has completed more than 13 DB ur C, Safety, and Environmental Managers are on the pro ect
pro ects in Florida and has more than 1 staff available for the full period of construction.
from our Florida offices. Design staff will co-locate in Miami,
with supporting teams throughout North America. ur There is a statewide construction labor shortage due to large-
management staff will mobilize to Miami and employ 100 scale pro ects across the state. MCB has large pro ects
percent local craft labor. wrapping up ust in time for this important pro ect. e can also
draw technical expertise for the more complex elements from
our national and worldwide personnel resources.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations B. Team Staffing and Experience 18


B.4 Experience on Similar Projects e plan to segment the work into three primary work fronts:
MCB team members have delivered more than 135 challenging 1. I-3 5 Downtown Corridor
pro ects locally and throughout North America, at a combined . MD SR- 3 and B Connector
value of more than 10 billion. e are confident no other team 3. I- 5 Pavement ork
c a n p r o v id e th e fo c u s e d r e s o u r c e s , ta le n te d a n d e x p e r ie n c e d Each will be led by a segment manager experienced in that
p r o fe s s io n a ls , a n d p r o v e n m a n a g e m e n t s y s te m s to d r iv e th is particular scope. System-wide functions will be managed by the
pro ect to a successful completion. p r o je c t e x e c u tiv e to e n s u r e c o n s is te n c y o f th e c o r r id o r, in c lu d in g
Members of our team have been integral contributors to some of M T, public relations, third-party, and utility coordination.
the world s most iconic bridges and interstate pro ects. ith our The interface between design and construction will be centrally
knowledge, lessons learned, and history together, we possess a managed through DB Coordinator Marti n Bolster and will be
deep understanding of how to complete this monumental pro ect. divided into similar segments, with a responsible design lead
For additional similar pro ect experience for our 1 key positions, assigned to each segment. Marti n will chair weekly meetings to
please see their two-page pro ect resumes. develop design and confirm construction means and methods.
MCB uses task forces, over-the-shoulder reviews, co-location, and
B. Benefits of the CB Organization a n e le c tr o n ic d o c u m e n t m a n a g e m e n t p la tfo r m to s u c c e s s fu lly
ur core team (Jeff Smith, Bill Little, Kevin Ashby, Jose manage the design and construction of the pro ect. ur construction
uintana, Greg Shafer, Randy Svilar, and Marti n Bolster) has management approach will be explained further in Section D.1.
been together, working on this pro ect, since ctober 01 and
One hundred percent of our key personnel are available for
h a s th e r e s o u r c e s r e a d y to h it th e g r o u n d r u n n in g to e n s u r e th e
co-location on the I-395 project location, based on the
pro ect is delivered. ur matrix organization demonstrates
needs of the project. In addition, our key subcontractors
efficient and effective communication lines we manage per
and subconsultants are locally based companies and will
discipline as well as per area. D e s i g n , c o n s t r u c t i o n , a n d
be available for co-locating.
m a in te n a n c e a r e a ll p r o a c tiv e ly le d a n d in te g r a te d in to th e
overall pro ect. ith a formal partnering program with FD T, we will develop and
together define processes and protocols for aligning the team
Many of our team members have worked together during the design and construction phases. The partnering program
successfully on previous signature projects
including the I-35W Replacement in Minneapolis, MN,
will provide protocols for issue resolution, dispute avoidance, and
the Audubon Bridge in Baton Rouge, LA, the celebrating milestones throughout the life of the pro ect. Co-locating
SR826/836 Interchange in Miami, Reconstruction of the pro ect office will allow daily informal communication and
I-95, and the widening Sawgrass Expressway. provide an environment in which each participant is considered a
stakeholder in the pro ect s success. The MCB JV team will provide
MCB has formed a fully functional organization guided by a oint communication and coordination with the MCB team, FD T, and
venture (JV) committee having established policies and stakeholders through weekly and monthly schedule update
procedures to operate as a cohesive group. The JV is fully meetings, task force design meetings, design meetings, weekly
integrated with seconded staff from our respective organizations. schedule meetings, weekly/ monthly C meetings, weekly team
ur DB coordinator, construction manager, public information coordination meetings with designers/contractors and stakeholders
e x p e r t, u tility c o o r d in a to r, p r o je c t c o n tr o ls m a n a g e r, a n d p r o je c t during critical design/ construction periods, and weekly MCB JV
e n g in e e r a n d th e c o m p lia n c e fu n c tio n s o f q u a lity , s a fe ty , a n d team coordination with FD T s community outreach team to
environmental report directly to Pro ect Manager Peter provide advance notice to all affected stakeholders.
Sanderson, and compliance reporting will have independent
The MCB JV team will also hold internal weekly meetings to
report authority to the JV committee. The design manager and
discuss costs, personnel, and general compliance. This information,
c o n s tr u c tio n m a n a g e r a r e e a c h r e s p o n s ib le fo r th e ir te a m s ,
as well as cost reports, schedule updates, and C updates, are
which are individually placed in the segments of the pro ect.
sent to our Pro ect Manager, Peter Sanderson, and our executive
Peter will be our single point of contact with FD T and will report board members weekly and monthly for review and comment.
to the JV committee. ur pro ect management plan will clearly
The goals of our truly integrated JV align perfectly
id e n tify th e r o le s , r e s p o n s ib ilitie s , a n d a u th o r ity o f o u r fu n c tio n a l with DOT and D a high uality pro ect, delivered
managers, as well as cross-functional procedures. It will also on time and on budget.
provide a verification process confirming compliance with the
contract and regulatory requirements. In summary, MCB provides a staff with the experience it takes to
c o n tin u e th e s u c c e s s o f th is im p o r ta n t p r o je c t a n d o u r m a tr ix
organization will manage the work at hand successfully.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations B. Team Staffing and Experience 19
Organization Chart

Organization Chart
* T h e R F P r e q u ir e d p o s itio n o f D e s ig n E O R ( S e g m e n t a l B r id g e s ) is r e p la c e d w ith D e s ig n E O R
FDOT Project Manager (A p p ro a c h S tru c tu re s) a n d C o n s tr u c tio n S tr u c tu r e s S u p e r in te n d e n t ( S e g m e n t a l B r id g e ) is r e p la c e d
J a c q u e lin e S e q u e ir a , P E w ith C o n s tr u c tio n M a n a g e r a s M C B h a s p r o p o s e d a n a lte r n a t iv e c o n s t r u c t io n m e t h o d a n d is n o t
JV Executive Committee u s in g s e g m e n t a l te c h n iq u e s .

J e ff S m ith 1 T o n y G e a c h 2
Construction Project Manager J o h n M o r r is 1
R a n d y S c h u ltz 2

Independent Peer Review Design Quality Assurance P e te r S a n d e rs o n 2

Safety Financing Manager Environmental Compliance Construction Quality Control

Signature Bridge M c N a r y B e r g e r o n 1 7

Other Structures G a r c i a 1 5 D e n n is L e a h y P E 2
P e te r B e r r io s 1 R u th M c M o rro w 2
G ilb e r to T o r r e n s 1
M ir e n S o to m a y o r 1 M a r k E a s le y 1 3
A lir io B a r r e r o 1

Design Quality Control Construction Design-Build

Design Project Manager Coordinator Construction Manager Project Engineer Office Business anager
Structures T o m W a i t s , P E 2

Geotechnical D a n B r o w n A s s o c i a t e s B ill L ittle , P E 2 M a r tijn B o ls te r 2 R a n d y S v ila r * 2

R o r y W a lte r 2 R ic h a r d B jo r k la n d 2
Civil K e i t h T r a v i s , P E 2

DISCIPLINE I-395 Segment Manager I-95 Segment Manager MDX Segment Manager
TASK FORCE LEADS I-395 Segment Manager I-95 Segment Manager MDX Segment Manager DISCIPLINE
D a v id G r a ff, P E 2
J a m e s H ic k s , P E 2
R o n G a r la n d , P E 2

Roadway Design Roadway EOR Construction Roadway Superintendent Construction Roadway Superintendent Construction Roadway Superintendent
C h r is tia n M u la ir e , P E 2
J a m e s H ic k s , P E 2
C h r is tia n M u la ir e , P E 2
R h e t S c h m id t, P E 2 R e y n a ld o D o m in q u e z 1 R e y n a ld o D o m in q u e z 1 G u ille r m o B e n ite z 1

Design Structures EOR (Signature Bridge)/MetroMover Design Structures Construction Structures

G re g S h a fe r, P E 2 EOR (Non Signature Superintendent
Design EOR (Approach Structures) T o m S t e l m a c k , P E * 2 P h illip W a lk e r 2 3 Bridge) (Signature Bridge) Construction Structures
Structures Construction Structures
Geotechnical R a f a e l P i n a , P E 1 4 M a r k H u tc h in s 2 Superintendent Structures/Geotechnical/
Geotechnical S a m P h a n , P E 2 Superintendent
G re g S h a fe r, P E 2 (Steel Bridge) Miscellaneous Structures
Design EOR (Steel Bridge) T h o m a s D a v i d s o n , P E 2 J o s e p h C o rra 1
R a m a k u m a r V e d u la , P E 2 2
Geotechnical Cast-In-Place M ic h a e l S in c la ir 1
Signature Bridge Architect K e v i n A s h b y , L E E D A I A 2 L o n g o b a r i P a o lo 1
Aerolastic Model Testing P e t e r I r w i n 2 1 R a m a k u m a r V e d u la , P E 2 2
V in c e n z o F e r r u z a 1

aintenance of Traffic J ig n e s h R a th o d , P E 2
J ig n e s h R a th o d , P E 2
J ig n e s h R a th o d , P E 2
aintenance of Traffic
MOT Superintendent J o h n B a a r d a 1
MOT Superintendent J o h n B a a r d a 1
MOT Superintendent J o h n B a a r d a 1
P a tr ic k G ib b o n s , P E 2 J o s e V a z q u e z 2 J o s e V a z q u e z 2 J o s e V a z q u e z 2 Incident Management

Third Party/Utilities Coordination Utility Coordinator L y d i a S a n t i a g o , P E 1 0

Stakeholder Manager S u d i e B r e d e m e y e r 1 Stakeholder Manager S u d i e B r e d e m e y e r 1 Stakeholder Manager S u d i e B r e d e m e y e r 1 Third Party/
L y d ia S a n tia g o , P E 1 0
V in n ie L a V a lle tte , E I4
SUE Director D e n n i s S t a n t o n 1 0 Public Liaison M a r g a r i t a D e l g a d o 3 Public Liaison M a r g a r i t a D e l g a d o 3 Public Liaison M a r g a r i t a D e l g a d o 3 Utilities Coordination
A r a c e lly A n d o llo - S o to 1 0 D e n n is S ta n to n 1 0 M a r k C h u z h ik 2
Railroad Coordinator M a r k C h u z h i k 2 Public Relations D a n a P o l l i t t 3 Public Relations D a n a P o l l i t t 3 Public Relations D a n a P o l l i t t 3

Traffic Signing TS Tolling ITS/Tolling I a n S t . Y v e s , P E 2 Ia n S t. Y v e s , P E 2 Ia n S t. Y v e s , P E 2 Construction Specialties Construction Specialties Construction Specialties
Signing Traffic D a v i d W a g n e r , P E 2 D a v id W a g n e r, P E 2 D a v id W a g n e r, P E 2 Traffic Signing TS Tolling
D a v id W a g n e r, P E 2 Superintendent H e r m a n P a o 1
Superintendent H e r m a n P a o 1
Superintendent H e r m a n P a o 1
TS Traffic Liaison M o h a m m e d H a d i 2 8 M o h a m m e d H a d i2 8 M o h a m m e d H a d i2 8

Urban Design/Landscaping Urban Design L i z P l a t e r - Z y b e r k 8

Signature Bridge Architect Signature Bridge Lightning F a i t h B a u m 1 2
B o b D u g a n 9
Landscape Manager N i c o l a s D i a z 2 5
Landscape Manager N i c o l a s D i a z 2 5
Urban Design/Landscaping
K e v in A s h b y , L E E D A IA 2 Landscape Architecture B o b D u g a n 9

Drainage Engineering Manager E l i e H o m s i 2 Engineering Manager E l i e H o m s i 2 Engineering Manager E l i e H o m s i 2

M D R e h m a n , P E 1 6
L u is F e r r e r a , P E 2
J im K o r y , P E 2
Construction Engineering
M u rra y S a n to ro , P E 2 B r ia n W itte 2 B r ia n W itte 2 B r ia n W itte 2

Miscellaneous Structures Roadway/Structures &

S h a n n o n M a r p le , P E 2
S h a n n o n M a r p le , P E 2
D a v id D e lk , P E 2
Maintenance Liaison J o s e Q u i n t a n a 1 6
Maintenance Liaison J o s e Q u i n t a n a 1 6
Maintenance Liaison J o s e Q u i n t a n a 1 6
J ig n e s h V y a s , P E 2 ROW Maintenance

CADD Management Survey M a n u e l V e r a 1 8 GPS/Modeling Management BIM Modeling R a v i V a i s h 2

Project Controls H e n r y P r o l 2 Project Controls/Schedule Lead
C a r l F e r la n d 2 3D Modeler K e v i n O ’ C o n n o r 2 R a v i V a is h 2 Construction EOR (Signature Bridge) R o b e r t O r tiz 1
Survey M a n u e l V e r a 1 8 T o m S p o th , P E 2

F D O T 1 O H L /C o m m u n ity A s p h a lt ( C o n s tr u c tio n J V M a jo r ity P a r tn e r ) 8 D u a n y a n d P la te r - Z y b e r k ( U r b a n D e s ig n ) 1 5 G a r c ia B r id g e E n g in e e r s ( In d e p e n d e n t P e e r R e v ie w ) [D B E ] 2 2 T ie r r a S o u th F lo r id a ( G e o te c h n ic a l D e s ig n ) [D B E ]

M C B M a n a g e m e n t 2 P a r s o n s ( C o n s tr u c tio n J V M in o r ity P a r tn e r /L e a d D e s ig n e r ) 9 E D S A ( L a n d s c a p in g D e s ig n ) 1 6 Marlin Engineering (Roadway Stormwater, Traffic Analysis, Maintenance) DBE 2 3 T r a n s y s te m s ( S tr u c tu r a l a n d C iv il D e s ig n )
C o n s tr u c tio n 3 A D E P T S tr a te g y & P u b lic R e la tio n s ( P u b lic In v o lv e m e n t) 1 0 F .R . A le m a n ( U tility C o o r d in a tio n a n d S u b s u r fa c e U tility E n g in e e r in g ) [D B E ] 1 7 M c N a r y B e r g e r o n & A s s o c ia te s ( In d e p e n d e n t P e e r R e v ie w ) 2 4 G o s a lia C o n c r e te C o n tr a c to r s ( P C C P a v e m e n t R e c o n s tr u c tio n ) [D B E ]

D e s ig n 4 T B E C a r d n o ( U tility C o o r d in a tio n a n d S U E ) 11 H ille r s E le c tr ic ( E le c tr ic a l D e s ig n ) 1 8 M .G . V e r a & A s s o c ia te s ( S u r v e y ) [D B E ] 2 5 M a n u e l D ia z F a r m s ( L a n d s c a p in g )

K e y In d iv id u a l 5 C J M a h a n ( S ig n a tu r e B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n ) 1 2 I llu m in a tio n A r ts L L C ( L ig h tin g D e s ig n ) 1 9 N o v a E n g in e e r in g ( E n v ir o n m e n ta l) 2 6 B r ig h tv ie w L a n d s c a p e ( L a n d a n d h a r d s c a p in g )
6 C o n e & G r a h a m , In c . ( C o n v e n tio n a l B r id g e S tr u c tu re s ) 1 3 K is in g e r C a m p o A s s o c . ( M O T , C iv il D e s ig n , E n v ir o n m e n ta l M a n a g e m e n t) 2 0 P E D E L T A In c . ( S tr u c tu r a l D e s ig n ) 2 7 C T I C o n s tr u c tio n T e s tin g a n d ( C o n s tr u c tio n Q u a lity C o n tr o l)
7 D a n B r o w n a n d A s s o c ia te s ( G e o te c h n ic a l Q C ) 1 4 L a n g a n ( G e o te c h n ic a l D e s ig n ) 2 1 R o w a n W illia m s D a v ie s & Ir w in In c . ( R W D I) – ( A e r o la s tic M o d e lin g & W in d T e s tin g ) 2 8 F lo r id a In te r n a tio n a l U n iv e r s ity ( S tr u c tu r a l H e a lth M o n ito r in g )
Section C – Design-Build
Value Added
Section C

C. Design-Build Value Added C.1 Broader Value Added Features


ur value-added features cover the complete scope and apply to

MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: all four pro ect areas. MCB was able to include all value-added
pro ect features suggested in the RFP, as well as value-added
+ Expanded value added features for the complete project bridge components. Please refer to Table C.1 and the modified
+ Increased value added durations up to 10 years
special provision for Value Added for more details.
+ Added one-year maintenance after construction
+ Cost savings from fully integrated JV allow MCB to offer C.2 Additional Value Added Features
extended warranties and stainless reinforcing steel in
the Signature Bridge As shown by the symbol in Table C.1, we have provided
a d d itio n a l v a lu e - a d d e d p r o je c t fe a tu r e s to c o v e r a ll p e r m a n e n t
work in the pro ect and applying to all sections of the pro ect.
Table C.1: MCB Design-Build Value-Added Features
arranty Period ears
Minimum Add’l Total Value Added
Project Feature Measurable Standards Remedial Work Plans
Value Warranty Criteria
Asphalt pavement (cat 1, , and 3) 5 2 7 Per section 33 - Value-Added Asphalt Pavement
Road & drainage features

Portland cement concrete pavement 5 5 10 Per section 355 - Value-Added PCC Pavement
Pavement markings 0 7 Material defects Repair or replace defective
V is ib le d e fe c ts
Guardrail, fencing, and attenuators 5 5 10 im p r o p e r in s ta lla tio n m a te r ia ls
Barrier walls roadway concrete 5 5 10 Per bridge concrete defects criteria, standards, and remedial plan
D r a in a g e p ip e s , m a n h o le s , in le ts , p o n d s 5 5 10 Loss of fill, deformed pipe, Repair/ad ust/replace item
System will provide
ells, pumps, and specialty treatment v is ib le d a m a g e , r o a d in q u e s tio n a s n e e d e d to
0 5 5 d r a in a g e p e r d e s ig n
s y s te m s settlement, leakage p e r fo r m in te n d e d fu n c tio n
Bridge components: expansion oints 5 5 10
Bridge components: coatings 5 5 10
Bridge components: bearing devices 5 5 10 Per section 5 - Value-Added Bridge Components (rev 3-1 -15)
Bridge lighting/electrical systems 5 0 5
Bridge drainage systems 5 5 10
Structural and misc. steel defects ( ), including
5 5 10 Conformance to Non-conformance or Repair/replacement of non-
th e a n c h o r b o x e s a n d e m b e d d e d ite m s
Section 0 c o r r o s io n c o m p lia n t ite m s
Sign and ITS structures 0 10 10
Stay cables: strand, anchors, wedges, Conformance to D e fe c ts a n d n o n - c o n fo r m ity Replacement of non-
5 5 10
dampeners, stay pipes, and fillers Attachment A-1 o f a n y p a rt o f th e s y s te m c o m p lia n t e le m e n ts
Structure feature

Post-tensioning systems: strand, anchors, F ille r p la c e m e n t a n d Loss of strand diameter Replace deficient tendons
5 5 10
wedges, wax, and grout filler s tra n d a re a and voids in filler and filler
Concrete defects in CIP foundations,
5 5 10 + Clean all spalls 1/ deep, with area 30 square
substructure superstructure Spalls inches, patch with approved materials
Post-tensioned concrete girders 5 5 10
Precast concrete girders 5 5 10 Cracks + Per section 00- 1, Table 1 and Section 11
A p p r o a c h s la b s 5 5 10 + Clean up delaminations 1/ inch on the riding
D e la m in a tio n s surface patch using approved materials
Slope pavements 5 5 10
ardscaping 0 5 5 V o id s + In ect voids over 5 cubic inches or over 10% of any
member using method approved by E R
Retaining walls, including ood hardening 0 10 10
Miami River fender system, incl. nav. lights 0 5 5
Material defects V is ib le o r o th e r d e fe c ts , Repair or replace defective
Lighting enclosures Signature Bridge 5 5 10
im p r o p e r in s ta lla tio n leaks m a te r ia ls
Access system Signature Bridge 0 5 5
Small and large mounted signs 0 5 5 Per section 00 Loss of re ectivity Replace signs
Aesthetic roadway lighting 0 5 5
Other Features

Structure health monitoring system 0 5 5 Premature failure of Replace or repair damaged

Material defects
components, faulty wiring/ o r n o n - fu n c tio n in g
ITS 0 5 5 im p r o p e r in s ta lla tio n
c o n d u it e q u ip m e n t
Signals 0 5 5
Landscaping 2 10 Tree survival Tree mortality Replace with mature trees

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations C. Design-Build Value Added 20

Figure C.2: MCB’s Holistic Approach to Life-Cycle Optimization

Service Life Analysis Materials and Coatings

M a
D e s
ig n C o a t in t e r ia + Service Life analysis demonstrates MCB + Stainless steel reinforcing bars for all footings,
ge i c g S la enhancements shown in Table C.3 reliably piers and pylon substructure.
e provide a 100+ year service life + Internal anchor boxes and stay anchor heads with

n d tio n
le c

enhanced metallized coatings (ATC ).

S tr

+ Concrete superstructure and substructure for long

life and minimal maintenance.
Strategic Design SHMS and Maintenance/Inspection
A s s u ra n c e A

Holistic Approach
R o b u s t S e n a ly

ta tio n
to Life Cycle + CIP box eliminates segment oint and duct coupling + Robust, actionable S MS system includes high
is s u e s durability fiber-optic strain gauges (ATC 30).

p le u a lit y
Cost Optimization
+ Footing piling located fully below groundwater + Experience-driven detailing for ease of inspection/
m e n
+ MSE walls with armoring in Biscayne Blvd. region for maintenance with 3D prototyping.
rv i si


s storm surge. + Integration of FD T staff in task forces.


M a in te n a n c e ,
S tr In s
Quality Implementation
u c tu p e c tio n , a n d r in g
ra l H e a lth M o n it + Mandatory w/c ratio verification of production CIP concrete before placement.
+ Full prequalification testing/ performance validation of all concrete mixes.
+ Stay installation by experienced teams ensures intact corrosion protection system.

This includes retaining walls, signs, ITS, signals, bridge elements, ur proposed value-added solutions provide a demonstrable
roadway elements, drainage features, and aesthetic elements service life of greater than 100 years. MCB has been involved in
such as hardscaping, lighting and landscaping, listed in Table C.1. more than 10 extended (100-plus-year) service life bridge pro ects
In addition to providing all required access equipment to maintain throughout North America. e integrate the knowledge gained
the Signature Bridge, MCB will provide a full baseline condition fr o m th e s e p r o je c ts in to a h o lis tic a p p r o a c h to s e r v ic e life , s e e
assessment of the Signature Bridge upon completion of the full Figure C. . ur goal for this pro ect is to reduce life-cycle costs to
structure as further described in Section G, using the same FD T. In addition, we have coordinated extensively with our
equipment that is used to assess the cables and deck of the expert concrete and steel suppliers already.
Sunshine Skyway Bridge biennially. This technology (robotic By using proven techniques to achieve durable concrete, such as
in s p e c tio n o f a ll s ta y c a b le s a n d m u lti- fr e q u e n c y g r o u n d -
stainless steel reinforcing, silica fume and increased cover, FD T
penetrating radar GPR inspection of the deck) will be repeated can be confident in achieving the 100+ year service life of the
two years after the completion of each bridge to confirm our signature bridge (See Table C. ). All reinforcing in Extreme
design assumptions and S MS data have a good correlation. Exposure conditions, such as end bent piling, end bent caps, pier
ith regard to landscaping, we have partnered with Manuel Diaz footings, pier columns and pylons below the deck is stainless
Farms to provide continuous service and warranty on all our steel. Durability in the superstructure is achieved with additional
enhanced landscaping, including our large Royal Palms. cover and ultra-low permeability concrete using silica fume.
Computational Methods - e will implement a probabilistic,
C.3 Additional Warranties Fick s diffusion-based analysis for service life of reinforced
Table C.1 provides a thorough matrix of the value-added features concrete elements. This approach follows the FIB 3 Model Code
that MCB will supply to FD T, MD . ur general approach is all for Service Life Design and ACI 3 5.1R Service Life Prediction
bridge and concrete features are warranted for 10 years, pavement a n d h a s b e e n u s e d o n c o n te m p o r a r y e x te n d e d s e r v ic e life
and pavement marking for seven years, and all elements that structures like the hio River Bridges East End Crossing. Fick s
include mechanical or electrical components will have a five-year diffusion approach provides methods that can be reviewed by
warranty. MCB will pass any additional manufacture warranties FD T, as software is readily available (see Table C.3).
above the time frame to the owner and will continue to maintain
the complete project for a full year, per attachment A-03 Table C.3: Concrete Service Life Computational Method
r e q u ir e m e n ts , a fte r p r o je c t c o m p le tio n to fa c ilita te a s m o o th
MCB Approach Alternative Approach
transition from the construction phase to the operation phase. This Method Fick’s Diffusion Multiple Mechanistic
allows D and DOT to eco e accusto ed with the C fi E style analysis
system, while MCB takes full responsibility for warranty and Transparency IG L
maintenance. This prevents technical resolution from being (Published approach) (Proprietary)
Basis Modified Diffusion Model Full Transport Model
hampered by contractual discussions.
Software Life-3 5 (freeware) STADIUM (proprietary)
C.4 Signature Bridge Service Life ptions
Pro ect Usage
Probabilistic available
+ hio River Bridges
Probabilistic available
+ Goethals Bridge
MCB commends FD T s desire for a high-performance Signature + astings Bridge + New Bridge over St. Lawrence
Bridge reliably serving and representing Miami for the long term.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations C. Design-Build Value Added 21

Table C.4: Concrete Design Enhancements for 100+ Year Service Life
Concrete Element Enhancements from FDOT/RFP Baseline
Min. Silica Fume
Classification Cover Max. w/c
Element/Location Exposure Table* Other Service Life Description
Piles Below ater Silica fume reduces
Extreme No 0% % 3 " 3 " 0.3 0.35 100+ years
Table p e r m e a b ility
Stainless steel strands
End Bent Piles Extreme es 3% % 3 " 3 " 0.35 0.35 150+ years
r e in fo r c in g

F o o tin g s Extreme es 0% 0% .5 .5 0. 1 0. 1 Stainless steel reinforcing bars 150+ years

Stainless steel reinforcing
d r a m a tic a lly im p r o v e s d u r a b ility
End Bent Extreme No 0% 0% .5 0. 1 0. 1 Stainless steel reinforcing bars 150+ years
Substructures Extreme No 0% 0% .5 0. 1 0. 1 Stainless steel reinforcing bars 150+ years
Pylon Below Bearings
Extreme No 0% 0% .5 0. 1 0. 1 Stainless steel reinforcing bars 150+ years
Pylon Above Bearings
Moderate No 0% % 2 " 3 " 0. 1 0.35 100+ years Silica fume reduces
p e r m e a b ility a n d in c r e a s e d
Box Girder Exterior Moderate No 0% % 2 " 3 " 0. 1 0.35 100+ years
c o v e r d e la y s p e n e tr a tio n o f
Additional 0.5 sacrificial wear
Box Girder/Top of Deck Moderate No 0% % .5 3 " 0. 1 0.35 100+ years c h l o r i d e s
surface, zero allowable tension
Applying Splash Zone restrictions In addition to a minimum 50% ground granulated blast furnace slag
For steel element coating life, we commit to use the coating lives reliable data and makes sure FD T meets all applicable F A
published in the NACE publication, Expected Service Life and requirements for inspection of critical infrastructure. ur
Cost Considerations for Maintenance and New Construction scanning technology will not require any traffic closures.
Protective Coating ork. This has particular value for FD T, as Figure C.5: MCB’s Concrete Service Life Quality Process
we have already integrated the results into our proposed
solutions by using enhanced metalizing coating systems (ATC PREQUALIFICATION PRODUCTION
) in lieu of the RFP-baseline paint systems.
Design Details - In addition to our detailing enhancements Use assumed mix properties
and aging characteristics CIP Mix Plant Production
shown in Figure C.1, MCB fully commits to precluding temporary
a c c e s s o p e n in g s a n d o th e r s e c o n d a r y c o n c r e te p o u r s in th e Mix MCB w/ cm
Run model Delivery testing
deck. owever, full access is provided in the box girders and
pylon for inspection and maintenance. Prequalify/test
If w/ cm OK, Place
mix “points”
Field Quality Control - MCB recognizes strict conformance to the
c o n s tr u c tio n q u a lity p la n is e s s e n tia l to a c h ie v in g e x te n d e d s e r v ic e Validate model and
iterate as necessary CIP Mix Placement
life. Therefore, we will implement prequalification testing at the
p la n t fo r th e d iffu s io n c h a r a c te r is tic s o f o u r m ix e s to v a lid a te o u r Incorporate transport- Check Surface Resistivity
related UQLs into QC/QA Against UQL
computational assumptions. hile doing so, we will correlate the
mix diffusion to FD T surface resistivity measurements to establish
Approve Mix
upper quality limits for field quality control. Furthermore, we will
implement best-practice AAS T T31 Microwave Testing of CIP
c o n c r e te fo r th e s ig n a tu r e b r id g e d u r in g p r o d u c tio n to e n s u r e Structure Health Monitoring System - Per ATC 30, we will
water-cement ratios are within tolerance before being placed. This provide an S MS that is more reliable and less susceptible to
provides a leading-indicator to assure production quality.. This has damage from lightning strikes, described in Section G, greatly
been implemented on the 100+ year service life Goethals supporting the service life goal for the Signature Bridge. It
Replacement Bridge and astings Bridge, see Figure C.5. detects chloride penetration into the deck and footings, UV
MCB will provide complete baseline condition assessments of e x p o s u r e o f th e c o n c r e te a n d s ta y p ip e s , m o v e m e n t o f th e
the stay cables, deck, and foundations, followed by the complete j o i n t s , v i b r a t i o n s i n t h e c a b l e s , s t r a i n , t i l t a n d v i b r a t i o n o f t h e
F A-required biennial inspections, during the construction pylon legs, and deck, de ections, and concrete quality
period and for the first two years afterward. This includes throughout the bridge. This tool along with regular inspections
a s s e s s m e n t o f c h lo r id e p e n e tr a tio n in th e fo o tin g s , s c a n s o f th e and our added CableScan and CrackScan inspections, gives
deck to review changes in elevation, and full crack inspections of FD T a complete real-time picture of the state of the structure.
the deck. These inspections will confirm the S MS is providing This is particularly important after severe weather events.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations C. Design-Build Value Added 22
Section D – Construction Methods
Section D

D. Construction Methods a superior level of quality and safety, in a timely manner. e will
be the single point of contact. ur JV Executive Committee,
which includes our designers, will provide oversight and
MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: c o r p o r a te s u p p o r t to th e c o n s tr u c tio n p r o je c t m a n a g e r to e n s u r e
+ Fully integrated DB team improves quality and schedule the timely delivery of a quality and safe pro ect to the community.
+ Innovative use of common, safe construction methods The construction Segment Managers (I-3 5, I- 5, and SR- 3 )
+ Scaled methods and equipment to balance the needs of will report directly to the Construction Manager, Randy Svilar,
community and project who will, in turn, report to the Pro ect Manager. The three
construction segment leads are matched with their design
D.1 Construction Management counterparts. The resulting relationship between the design and
hen FD T chose the DB delivery over the traditional model it construction leads results in their working together to develop a
improved the alignment between contractor and designer. To design that can be efficiently constructed. ur design-build
take the next step in improving this alignment, MCB fully coordinator (DBC) is responsible for ensuring the design meets
in te g r a te d th e c o n tr a c to r a n d d e s ig n e r in to th e J V , in s te a d o f th e th e o v e r a ll p r o je c t s c h e d u le a n d th a t d e s ig n d e c is io n s a n d
traditional prime/sub relationship. This equates our design group constructability reviews are completed in a timely fashion. e will
shares in both the risks and success of the Pro ect. e build also verify the design packages are sequenced in alignment with
what we design. By being more efficient, we are more th e p r o je c t s c h e d u le a n d th a t is s u e s a r e r e s o lv e d in a tim e ly
competitive, which allows us to provide more Value to the manner. ur construction superintendents are responsible for
wner. Key features of this approach are integrated design generating detailed work plans for all activities, for their
and construction staff and schedule: meaning no design and approval, and for ensuring compliance by all field personnel. The
construction misalignment, improved schedule efficiency, quick work plans pay strong attention to construction safety. To
r e s p o n s e to c h a n g e s a n d u n fo r e s e e n e v e n ts , a n d o v e r a ll le s s fu r th e r p r o m o te c o lla b o r a tio n , th e d e s ig n a n d c o n s tr u c tio n
risk to pro ect success. ith a fully integrated design and build m a n a g e m e n t s ta ff, in c lu d in g th e q u a lity c o n tr o l m a n a g e r, s a fe ty
team, we build what we design with less risk to FDOT. Due to manager, stakeholder manager, and public relations lead, will
o u r t r u l y i n t e g r a t e d t e a m , t h e r e i s no finger pointing FD T is co-locate with the design team within half a mile of the pro ect.
r e m o v e d fr o m b e in g in th e m id d le o f a c o n tr a c to r a n d d e s ig n e r
Project Safety – Safety and quality are at the forefront of both
as occurs in the traditional contractor/designer relationship. ur
MCB s JV partners core values. ur philosophy is to Plan the
f u l l t e a m h a s a single goal - project success. ur design and
ork and ork the Plan. ur advanced safety systems, including
c o n s tr u c tio n te a m s s h a r e a s in g le c o m m o n o v e r h e a d s tr u c tu r e ,
fr e q u e n t in d e p e n d e n t a u d its , a r e s tr ic tly im p le m e n te d o th is
which reduces the cost of building the pro ect. These savings
Pro ect. ur focus on safety not only includes our staff, but also the
are directly transferred to FD T through either a lower price or
traveling public and all of the surrounding community members.
additional scope and improved aesthetics. Finally, our truly
i n t e g r a t e d J V g u a r a n t e e s continuous engagement of the fullCharitable Giving - As a pillar our team s core values, upon
team, throughout design, construction and the warranty period. completion of bridge construction, we will donate the remaining
lumber and plywood to abitat for umanity to help build a
As described in Section B, our pro ect organization is set up as a
number of new family homes.
m a tr ix to e n s u r e c le a r r e s p o n s ib ilitie s fo r d e s ig n a n d
construction quality for production and management. ur Partnering - MCB supports partnering at all levels of the pro ect,
IS - 001-compliant organization mirrors FD T and MD to as it is a key to success. e will implement day-to-day coordination
provide clear and instinctive roles and easy escalation needed. among our quality control officers and the construction engineering
MCB will continue a task force approach to coordinate the many inspection (CEI) leads, our PR consultant and FD T s and MD s
facets of the design and construction. FD T and MD will be public information officer (PI ), and between our pro ect executive,
invited to oin the task force meetings for over-the-shoulder and FD T/MD pro ect managers.
reviews of the design as it progresses and to make sure Schedule - MCB has developed the master pro ect schedule
expectations are clear from the start of the process. ur leads with input from all stakeholders. e loaded the primary
during the proposal phase will continue through the design and resources (manpower, equipment, and cost) necessary to
construction phases. c o m p le te th e p r o je c t in to th e p r o je c t s c h e d u le in c lu d in g b o th
ur Construction Pro ect Manager, Peter Sanderson will oversee design and construction activities the Gantt chart will be
all design functions and personnel, as well as the overall supplemented with an easy to use linear schedule that shows
construction of the pro ect. e has the responsibility and the full pro ect on a single page.
authority to make sure that sufficient personnel and resources D u r in g th e e x e c u tio n o f th e p r o je c t, th e p r o je c t te a m u p d a te s th e
are made available to complete the design and construction with schedule bi-weekly. MCB will hold regular schedule coordination
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 23

meetings with FD T/MD and our team members to develop a are closely monitored, attained, and exceeded. CAC s excellent
three-week look-ahead schedule. The critical path, pro ect DBE participation rate is a testament to our commitment to
milestones, and the pro ect completion dates are all reviewed inclusion and community engagement.
and used to proactively manage the work in the field.
The MCB team is unique in its approach as a truly
Meetings - ur meeting schedule includes weekly progress integrated Joint Venture, and provides better value, better
meetings with FD T and MD , weekly design progress quality and continuous engagement of the full team
meetings, construction progress meetings, design review throughout the Project.
meetings (as detailed in Section A), and pre-activity meetings,
where we make sure all parties are ready to start a new activity,
D.2 Coordination Plan to Minimize
including the CEI (Corradino), owner, our safety, environmental Construction Changes
and quality staff, operators, and construction crews. Internal task Clear and concise coordination will be a ma or focus of MCB
force meetings and constructability reviews occur twice per week throughout the duration of the pro ect. The pro ect will require a
during the design phase. e will go and meet the stakeholders well-defined communication plan among the MCB team,
as needed with our design and construction leads to coordinate including subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors. Another
the proposed design, and, as construction gets underway, this element key to the success of minimizing construction changes
coordination will be executed in the day-to-day activities to is our efficient organization capable of executing a complex
minimize impact on local streets. pro ect on an accelerated schedule. ur construction
Adjacent Project Coordination – e schedule I- 5 work to m a n a g e m e n t a p p r o a c h p r o v id e s o u r m a n a g e r s th e a u th o r ity ,
avoid concurrent impact by the Segment 3 repaving pro ect. e r e s p o n s ib ility , a n d a c c o u n ta b ility to a d d r e s s a n d s o lv e is s u e s
will coordinate with the ma or pro ects in the area, like the Miami promptly at the appropriate level. ur extensive experience in
orld Center, to avoid traffic impact from concurrent pro ects. s u c c e s s fu lly e x e c u tin g d e s ig n - b u ild p r o je c ts h a s ta u g h t u s th e
ur work will avoid closures during public events and holidays. following best practices described in the following Table B. ,
which we will utilize for this important pro ect.
Subcontractors Management – MCB is capable of self-
p e r fo r m in g e v e r y m a jo r p o r tio n o f th e p r o je c t, in c lu d in g th e Table B.2: Best Practices Highlights
design, if this becomes necessary. e will self-perform ma ority MCB s unique truly integrated design build team
of the standard and approach structures, the earthwork, base brought in the design team as a full JV partner. This
Integrate JV
in te g r a tio n im p r o v e s q u a lity a n d s c h e d u le , r e d u c e s
and asphalt, retaining walls, and to provide the Road Rangers. risk, and provide FD T and MD with better value.
Risk Management – Risk management is paramount in our MCB s key design and construction personnel will be
co-located in a pro ect office. This will help achieve
approach. e track design and construction risks and will share s e a m le s s c o m m u n ic a tio n a m o n g th e d e s ig n e r s ,
our risk register with FD T and MD , so we can work together Co-location
contractors, and the wner to ensure transparency,
to mitigate risks and share success. e also provide monthly accountability, and to address key constructability
concerns before they reach the field.
financial reports, for both the owner and our banks.
MCB schedules both its design and construction
E-construction - MCB fully embraces and takes advantage of Design/
activities to determine which design activities will be
the available e-construction tools. e use collaboration software given priority to meet construction windows and allow
Schedule for owner and third-party review. This is also helps
within the team as well as for coordination with the wner and identify long-lead procurement items.
stakeholders. ur experience with large construction pro ects Now an industry standard, the task-force approach for
total project

proved the benefit of equipping our field staff with e-tablets. They DB pro ects was introduced by Parsons during the I-15
pro ect in Utah, in the 1 0s. It is a proven technique
can always access the latest plans and efficiently initiate, track Discipline Task to resolve technical issues quickly and correctly.
and resolve site issues with the help of the full team. Forces This structured forum will bring designer, contractor,
and owner together in a weekly, structured format to
Maintenance during Construction – MCB has a designated discuss critical technical issues. To conduct over-the-
maintenance liaison who coordinates the work throughout shoulder reviews and identify cross-disciplinary issues.
construction and for the first year after completion of the pro ect. Before any design package submission, a thorough
Marlin Engineering supports our maintenance effort and our ITS Interdisciplinary/ interdisciplinary and constructability review will be
Constructability performed. Each discipline lead, superintendent, and
designer and contractor will be on-call / to solve problems Reviews construction engineer will provide comments, discussion,
that may occur. resolution, and incorporated prior to submittal.
For significant risks like geotechnical risk or use of a
DBE/SBE – MCB recognizes the importance of hiring local, Risk Reviews new construction method, MCB includes specific review
women- owned, minority, disabled, or veteran-owned businesses meetings with the pro ect team and sub ect matter experts.
in communities in which we work. MCB is in the process of Design-Build
MCB underlines the importance of a strong design-
build coordinator, whose role is to ensure daily
organizing a DBE outreach event in March 01 in the vertown Coordinator
integration of design and construction operations.
area. e will ensure 10 percent DBE and 3 percent SBE goals
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 24

e have incorporated the following features to minimize changes: a controlled work space and allows the use of small cranes.
+ Utilization of D BIM modeling to coordinate all disciplines, Figure D.3 shows a typical falsework bent, including important
risks, interfaces, and construction methods for designing. safety measures like handrails and toe-boards. here the
+ Resolved all con icts with existing footings and confirmed falsework crosses local streets, we place barriers along the
stability of all existing structures in each phase. bents to prevent impact from a collision. Pedestrian crossings
+ Expanded the available geotechnical and survey information are provided with an additional barrier to separate them from
with additional data where gaps were present. vehicular traffic and to eliminate fall hazards.
+ Extensive use of e-construction techniques improves The FECR corridor contains four rail lines and a large number of
efficiency and coordination. utilities, including a 13 kV overhead powerline. e engineered an
+ Reduced impacts compared to the RFP and conformed or ABC construction method (details on page ) eliminating con icts
exceeded all commitments and permit requirements. with the rail and power line. ur method at the MetroMover (page
+ ur design for the MetroMover and over FECR all but ) minimizes work around potential lead paint on existing girders.
eliminated impacts to existing facilities and operations. ATC-5 helps keeps our workers safely away from the
+ Eliminated any need for additional temporary or permanent MetroMover, reduces impact on its ridership, and the traveling
easements, or R to perform the work. public. ur top-down method at the MacArthur Causeway Bridge
+ e have resolved 100% of the utility con icts through avoids marine construction risks. e screen possible
elimination, reduction and mitigation. contaminated soils and water before the start of ma or excavation
D.3 Quality and Suitability of Project Elements and installation of wells. All bridge footings are coordinated with
traffic phasing to ensure safe working space behind barriers.
Total Project I-95 Specific
In this section, we explain our approach to public safety and The I- 5 pavement reconstruction requires work nearby live
worker safety, as it relates to our construction methods and traffic, behind temporary barriers. e will maximize the use of
design choices. To ensure public safety, the traveling public is multiple lane closures to perform the work, which increases
kept separated from our work at all times using rigid barriers. production and provides more working space to reduce the
Traffic phase shifts and nightly closures are announced well number of total closures and inherent risk. e will avoid
ahead of construction to avoid surprising the public. They are work-zone islands, where live traffic runs along both sides of the
installed using certified M T installers, certified aggers, and work zone, to avoid driver confusion and increase worker safety.
off-duty police officers to guarantee visibility of our crew and to
help enforce the temporarily reduced travel speed. The MCB MDX Specific
team will coordinate with local tow truck operators to provide a The work along SR- 3 is characterized by the limited available
quick response to remove stalled vehicles. space for construction equipment. ur ATC 1 moved the
alignment to provide more space to work and fewer straddle
Safety is our core value and permeates our organization, bents and c-bents over traffic, which greatly improves
design, and methods. We will endeavor to build this construction safety. The following are additional measures
project with zero incidents. incorporated to optimize the quality and suitability of safety in our
construction methods: we employ a side-shifter t o e r e c t t h e
Worker safety starts with a well-thought-out plan. ur
bridge 1 girders without the need to put cranes on the existing
superintendents operate by a strict work plan including thorough
bridge . ur TTCP allows traffic to be diverted around the
hazard analysis, required personnel training, and communication
area where bridge 1 girders are placed, so girders and caps
protocols. ur world-class construction engineers analyze all
are erected outside of traffic and traffic doesn t need to use a
crane movements and temporary works to comply with
detour. ur work over the MetroRail will be performed during
requirements from S A and stakeholders, including FECR and
nightly closures. At the Miami River and in the Interchange
MD-DTP . e have fully coordinated and engineered our
ponds, we work from trestles to avoid marine operations. e will
temporary works with the E R and our construction staff. The
expose the agner Creek box culvert in phases outside of
following lists specific safety measures to maximize quality and
traffic. The new narrow retaining walls are attached to new walls
suitability of safety in our construction methods.
to the existing walls, so no removal nearby traffic is needed, and
I-395 Specific all work can occur safely behind barriers.
ur demolition methods avoid risk of falling debris compared to
traditional methods. Throughout the Signature Bridge and I-3 5
approach the CIP girders are built on falsework, which provides

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 25


Structures e do not require falsework to support the structure or train loads at

any time. The foundation consists of small-diameter drilled shafts to
minimize the vibrations on the existing structure. The sequence of
All our temporary works for bridges and are
designed to withstand a full hurricane event, so
n o la s t- m in u te a d d itio n a l b r a c in g n e e d s to b e
Figures D.3.2: Signature Span Construction Sequence

Total Project construction is detailed in Figure D.3.1. All work fits in the allowed installed while the pro ect prepares for a severe
ur construction approach to the pro ect strives for uniformity. e use standard closures, and we only need to employ a temporary bus weather event. e have modeled the bridge,
-inch precast piles that are 100 percent PDA tested wherever service for the closure in step , where we transfer the bridge onto and each step in the temporary works in a D
possible. ur modern clean diesel pile-hammers reduce noise, its new pier. model, as shown below. As an example, this
vibrations, and construction time. e use small diameter drilled shafts showed us that due to a con ict between the
in locations where we work in a waterway, near a noise- or Signature Bridge form traveler and the permanent cables, we will
settlement- or vibration-sensitive receptor, or where space is limited. need to build the northern leg of the EB bridge
MCB has fully engineered the temporary works and construction
e designed our concrete elements to minimize thermal control of up to the third stay cable before we can finalize Step 1: Construct North & South WB legs to EL 135 Step 2: Install struts and temp stays, continue to top
methods for bridges and , as shown in the proposal plans and
mass concrete, and our footings are placed above the Miami layer to the stays in the B bridge.
Figures D.3. alongside this text. The footings are the only ones in
minimize the required dewatering volume. e increased all footing
the pro ect that penetrate the Miami foundation layer and require e install the fiber-optic strain sensors, GPS,
concrete clearances to .5 , to improve durability. ur blended use of
internal wells to manage the dewatering without using a seal. The and accelerometers and tilt-meters as we build
precast girders, steel girders, and CIP superstructures helps ensure
n o r th e r n m o s t fo o tin g im p a c ts a n e x p e c te d c o n ta m in a te d s o il a r e a , the bridge, to allow us to measure the stresses,
availability of the materials and gives us the ability to spread the work
which will require removal, in coordination with the CAR contractor. de ection, and loads in the deck and the pylons
among various crews and (DBE/SBE) subcontractors. Expansion
The deck will be CIP on falsework to eliminate vertical construction during construction to confirm our design
oints in existing bridges will be replaced when bridges are widened.
oints and to allow the use of concrete mixes that have better a s s u m p tio n s a s b r id g e c o n s tr u c tio n
I-395 Specific long-term performance. e will cast the top deck slab in two progresses. The complete S MS on each
The widening of the existing MacArthur Causeway Bridge (bridge 15) placements, so each deck only has a single construction oint. All Signature Bridge will be finished after the Step 3: Connect pylon legs Step 4: WB structure complete
is planned in Phase A, where we have enough space to work permanent embedded items are hot-dip galvanized or stainless s tr u c tu r e is c o m p le te d , s o fu ll m e a s u r e m e n ts
without affecting traffic. The design mimics the concept plans, i.e., the steel. The durability of the deck is further enhanced because it c a n b e o b ta in e d c o n tin u o u s ly fr o m c o n s tr u c tio n
deck on span 1 of the B structure will be raised to provide the r e q u ir e s n o te m p o r a r y o p e n in g s fo r c o n s tr u c tio n a c c e s s o r p o s t through to the operation phase. FIU s Professor
required cross slope. The overhangs are removed by saw cutting and tensioning anchor block-outs and does not incorporate any partial Michael Bienvenue will guide the structural
using small lifting equipment. A platform under the deck ensures that depth precast elements. The form surface will provide an excellent health monitoring system, similar to the work
no material can reach the bay. e will place a barrier and temporary concrete finish for all visible surfaces. e place and later remove FIU has done for the I- /I- 3 Interchange.
wall along the construction area and cover the oints and scuppers to our falsework over Biscayne Boulevard in a single nighttime closure e will review the design, guide installation of
make sure all slurry and debris is fully captured and ad acent traffic is per bridge, after which local traffic will only be affected during the the sensors, and analyze the data it generates
safe from debris and hindrance during construction. The temporary two nighttime placements of the deck concrete. These closures will up to the moment that FD T takes ownership
roads are built using fill and soldier pile walls where they are near be coordinated to avoid impacting events at the AACPA, the of the system. Step 5: Construct to EB legs to EL 135, install struts & temp stay Step 6: Connect pylon legs
existing bridge foundations. museums, and the American Airlines Arena. All forming material is
completely removed from the bridge upon completion.
ur re-design of the MetroMover was originally prompted by a
desire to keep the de ections in the structure within tolerance, but The bridge is built in two phases, so traffic on I-3 5 can remain in its
quickly turned into a completely new concept that allows current location during construction of the B structure. The more
construction of the complete substructure without impacting than 300-foot-tall pylons are built using custom ump-forms, a
operations of the MetroMover. te c h n o lo g y th a t o u r te a m h a s u s e d o n m a n y p r o je c ts , in c lu d in g th e
John James Audubon Bridge, the Port Mann Bridge, and the Cooper
Figure D.3.1: MetroMover Sequence River Bridge. The pylon geometry requires multiple radii, which is
made possible by exchanging panels in the ump form as the work
2 progresses. Stability of the pylon in the temporary condition is
p r o v id e d b y in s ta llin g te m p o r a r y s ta y s a n d a s tr u t in th e la te r a l
d ir e c tio n o f th e b r id g e a n d b y in s ta llin g s e le c t p e r m a n e n t
3 2
1 (longitudinal) stays as the pylon is constructed. e use large
5 n e o p r e n e c o m p o s ite b e a r in g s a n d a s in g le e x p a n s io n jo in t, b o th o f
which facilitate construction and provide for easy maintenance. The
1 B u ild S u b s tr u c tu r e class V coating is applied upon completion of each pylon.
2 P la c e G ir d e r s ur overall approach allows us to use equipment reduced in size,
3 In s ta ll C r o s s B e a m s which minimizes the noise and vibration impact within this close
4 T ra n s fe r S u p e rs tru c tu re L o a d proximity to the AACPA.
5 R e m o v e E x is tin g P ie r

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 26


I-395 Approach Bridges A e s th e tic s a n d m a te r ia l u s e a r e im p r o v e d b e c a u s e th e b r id g e

follows the roadway alignment exactly, with no stub-outs or abrupt
changes. The use of falsework allows use of fully integral piers and
The falsework beams fit under the Figures D.3.6: Approach to Work over FECR
wings of the permanent structure
a n d a r e lifte d in to p la c e a n d r o lle d
Along with the Signature Bridge, the I-3 5 Approach Bridges (bridges
integral straddle-bents, using the same falsework as the box girders. out after the span is completed.
, 5, , , 10, and 11) have a crucial interaction with the urban design
Figure D.3.5: MCB Design Straddle Pier for Bridge 6W Pier 3 ur formwork system is panelized
elements below the bridges. MCB recognized the relatively large
and movable to allow optimal use
number of on- and off-ramps, varying widths, splits, and gores, along
of the small windows of work over
with the desired minimum 5 feet span lengths, made a CIP solution
the railroad. The system safely
the best fit for the pro ect. ur extensive experience with precast
works under the existing overhead
segmental pro ects has taught us that the required variation in ange
13 kV power line, and our bent
widths and the limits in pier placement, required to keep the oints
s p a c in g h a s b e e n s e t u p to a v o id
square, reduced our exibility to provide a pleasing layout that avoids
te m p o r a r y im p a c t o n th e m o r e
utility con icts. By using the CIP on falsework approach, we can skew Step 1: Place beams delivered from bridge Step 2: Place falsework panels
fragile utilities in this area. All
the piers to align with the local streets and to avoid utilities. This
construction will be done outside
allowed an optimized span layout, which uses only constant-depth
the FECR R and within the
girders throughout the I-3 5 portion of the pro ect, which improved the
Finally, CIP construction avoids concrete quality issues associated aerial easement. The shared-use
aesthetics in the vertown area. e will provide a constant
with precast segmental construction, as shown in Table D.3.3. ATCs p a th b r id g e c o n s is ts o f r e la tiv e ly
overhang width throughout all approach structures. Upon
, , 5, , and APTE 55 captured our revised column layout, the small steel members and will be
completion of construction, we will donate the lumber to abitat for
constant overhang width, use of CIP construction, improved straddle attached to bridge immediately
umanity, which should help to construct multiple residences. All
bents, and a revised column shape reduces maintenance. a fte r it is c o m p le te d to p r o v id e a
formwork is removed upon completion and no partial depth precast
The available space for erection equipment constantly reduces as link between vertown and the
panels are used.
construction progresses. ur analysis of using precast beams and cultural district.
Table D.3.3: MCB CIP Construction Methods
s e g m e n ts fo u n d th e e x p e c te d d e liv e r y a n d e r e c tio n e q u ip m e n t h a d e leave all local roads open
Item CIP Segmental trouble fitting between the bridges in the last phase and exceeded the th r o u g h o u t c o n s tr u c tio n fo r
I-395 Step 3: Build bridge girders Step 4: Slide falsework away from rails
rated capacity of the existing bridges and local roads. The CIP p e d e s tr ia n , b ic y c le , a n d v e h ic u la r
Acceptable Skew 30+ degrees Square oints
Girder depth Constant -10 Varies to 15 feet method requires small mobile cranes, which fit in even the final stage traffic. ur falsework bents are laid out to provide the required sight Figure D.3.7: Typical Falsework Over Roadway
verhang width Constant -0 Varying width to 1 feet of construction. nce the falsework has been placed, building the distances for local streets. here pedestrians and bicyclists need to
Unreinforced oints None Every +/-10 feet concrete girders on top is relatively standard concrete work, allowing cross the falsework, we provide additional protective scaffolding.
Post tensioning A ll lo n g itu d in a l te n d o n s r e p la c e a b le Grouted tendons not replaceable us to bring in DBEs, SBEs, and other local subcontractors to build During erection and removal of the falsework, as well as during the
A n c h o r lo c a tio n In accessible diaphragms In top and bottom slab placement of the concrete deck, we close the street underneath and
their share of this important pro ect and gain valuable experience.
Concrete mix ptimized for long term performance ptimized for early strength
Straddle bents Integrated with deck A d d s to s u p e rs tru c tu re d e p th Before the post-tensioning of any part of the pro ect is started, we will p r o v id e a d e to u r fo r th e tr a v e lin g p u b lic to th e a d ja c e n t s tr e e t c r o s s in g
Column Slender based on permanent loads ide due to erection loads do a full-size mock-up test and train our personnel in the proper drying the bridge.
Placement location Placed in final position Constructed in precast yard of ducts and use of exible filler. ur personnel will oin the FD T e have mapped all con icts between existing and proposed
andling transport Not required Transported to obsite Flexible Filler Certification Training this spring in Tallahassee. footings. This allowed us to solve them all by modifying the shape of
Erection Small cranes to erect falsework Lifted using large equipment
Because CAC, our lead partner, is constructing the All Aboard Florida the footings. ur demolition and construction phasing have been fully
Figure D.3.4: Typical Falsework Bent (AAF) pro ect in this location, we know at least three out of the four rail c o o r d in a te d to e n s u r e th e s ta b ility o f th e e x is tin g b r id g e s th a t a r e
lines at the FECR crossing our pro ect will be in use during removed in each phase. Temporary columns will be required in two
T w o le v e ls o f s a fe ty r a il T o e - b o a r d s a t tw o le v e ls c o n ta in construction of the approach bridges . e use a nearly 130-foot-long locations to ensure the stability of the existing structure.
p r o v id e a s a fe w o r k z o n e m a te r ia ls fr o m fa llin g ( ty p ) Photo by Dean Morris, Morris Engineering Inc (MEI)
falsework span to fully bridge the FECR property and the ad acent In summary, CIP on falsework optimizes the ability to provide highest
utilities, as shown in Figure D.3. . Temporary vertical clearance will be possible quality and most suitable structures resulting in benefits of Figure D.3.8: NW 2nd Avenue Falsework
within FECR and AAF requirements. ith expected closures of th e p r o je c t, im p r o v e s a r e a s u n d e r th e b r id g e s , r e d u c e s im p a c ts o n
approximately five hours, we have devised an ABC system that can the environment, and provides exibility to avoid con icts with utilities.
be placed and removed in those short time frames.

F a ls e w o r k is
b ra c e d fo r
s e v e re w e a th e r
e v e n ts (ty p )

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 27


Midtown Interchange closing SR- 3 EB. At the crossing over agner Creek, we will use
redundant BMPs to keep the turbidity within the 0 NTU limit. The
piers along the MetroRail will use predrilling to avoid impact to the
Figure A: MSE Wall Figure D: Bridge 25 Typical Section Phase 1 & 3

MCB will use steel I-girder bridges for all bridges in the I- 5/I-3 5/
e x is tin g r a il lin e , a n d d r ille d s h a fts a r e u s e d a t th e b e n t n e a r e s t to
SR- 3 interchange. Bridges 1 and are modified per ATC 5 and , 2
the existing toll gantry to avoid impact by construction. Bridge 1 is
which lowered their profile up to 1 feet, changed their start and end 1
built off-line and will not affect tolling revenue of MD .
points and shortened the structures. All footings are built without 2
impacting traffic. The number of steel girder lines for bridge 3 is Bridge 5 has been enhanced by ATC 15 and our construction 1 B a s k e tw a ll 2
increased to six, which allows the bridge to be built in two phases. methods. First we build the South portion of the piers East of the 2 N e w M S E W a ll S e le c t 3 3
This removes the need to use temporary bridges in this location. Miami River, so the ad acent ury parking over ow can be built early G r a n u la r
3 E x is tin g M S E W a ll D ia g o n a l
in the pro ect. Per ATC 15, the substructure for piers in the Grove to r e m a in
F ill
S tru t
A t th e e a s t s id e o f th e in te r c h a n g e , c o n s tr u c tio n a c c e s s to b r id g e s 1 ,
Park area, are built using struts and by removing one of the columns S a w c u t
, 3, 1 , 13, and 1 is provided at the ground level using standard 4 6 " ± g a p fille d w ith
(ty p )
altogether. This method (see Figure D) reduces the footprint of our lo o s e s a n d 4 1
equipment. The work in the center interchange for bridges 13 and 1
construction operation near the istoric District and moves the
and the SR- 3 bridges west of I- 5 (bridges , , 30, and 31) will
permanent footings and temporary works away from the ad acent
utilize trestles in the pond to keep the pond drainage capacity
properties. MCB will provide accommodations to the affected
available throughout construction without requiring extensive
residents during construction operations where impact to residents
temporary additional drainage systems. ATC 1 and refinements of 1 Partial Demolition 3 Build New Pier
cannot be avoided. More detail of our approach to ad acent Figure B: Bridge 32 Typical Section
our design allowed the widening of bridges 13/ and 1 / to be
properties is provided in Section E. 2 Widen Pier Cap 4 Closure Pour
placed on one side of the bridges, instead of both side this improves
constructability, access, and long-term performance. Along N th The water piers may not start until the Army Corps and Coast Guard 3
Figure E: Bridge 25 Trestle
Avenue, access is sufficient to build the portions of bridges , , , have approved our permit applications. e have scheduled 1
and 3 in that location. months plus a three-month buffer to obtain these permits. As shown 1 Build Substructure
T r e s tle O u ts id e o f
in Figure E, we use trestles to build the foundations and substructure 2 Tie in Superstructure C le a r a n c e E n v e lo p e
The retrofits of the six I- 5 bridges are performed concurrent with the
of piers 15 and 1 in the Miami River. This minimizes closures of the Transfer Load
phasing of the pavement replacement. The replacements of the rails 3
4 1
n a v ig a tio n a l c h a n n e l a n d p r o v id e s o p tim a l c o n tr o l o f o u r c o n s tr u c tio n
are done before the approach slab replacement to minimize 4 Remove Existing Pier
quality. ur use of cased drilled shafts is chosen to avoid excavation
concurrent work in the relatively short nightly closures. The tie-ins to F o o tin g M a in ta in s N a v ig a tio n a l
a n d v ib r a tio n im p a c t to th e a d ja c e n t p ile fo u n d a tio n a n d to m e e t th e C le a r a n c e E n v e lo p e
I- 5 at bridges , 1 , 31, and 3 are phased to occur after the H y d r a u lic P r o file
strict turbidity requirement of 0 NTU above ambient background levels.
pavement in that section of I- 5 has been completed to assure the
bridge can be opened as soon as it is available. ur method for The fender system will be built from a small barge that is placed
N o E x c a v a tio n
building bent of bridge 3 is innovative and allows traffic to continue outside of the Miami River navigational envelope. The existing Figure C: Bridge 17 Foundation Access U n d e r m in in g E x is tin g
throughout construction we build a straddle bent right over the fenders are removed as the new fenders are constructed to make F o o tin g s
e x is tin g c a n tile v e r e d p ie r a n d tr a n s fe r th e s u p e r s tr u c tu r e lo a d o n c e sure the bridge is protected at all times. The pile spacing is ad usted 3
1 Figure F: Bridge 17 Girder Side Shifter
the new bent is fully stressed in place, as shown in Figure B. to avoid the subaquatic duct bank that crosses the Miami River.
ur ATCs 13 and significantly revised the alignment of bridge 1 As we get to the western limit of the pro ect, we will ad ust our
and replaced bridges 1 and 1 with 33 and 3 . The straddle bents equipment to stay within the FAA restricted airspace for Miami P ie r 8 1
and superstructure can be placed without full closures of SR- 3 EB International Airport. At the far edge of bridge 5, this means we can 1
not exceed 130 feet of height, which is a manageable restriction. 2 2 ’ - 5 5 /8 ”
mainline. MCB has designed a custom side-shifter (see Figure F) that
is placed on the bents that cross existing bridge . This innovative ur permanent retaining walls are proven mechanically stabilized 1 R e m o v e E x is tin g D e c k
erection machine places the girders without putting any crane on earth (MSE)-type walls. In locations where the wall is placed near an 2 2 B u ild N e w S u b s tr u c tu r e Pick from Truck
existing bridges 5 and . ur foundations for all structures in MD existing wall, we either use a secondary buried wire wall, or we use
and the B connector were laid out to avoid all con icts with existing 3 R e p la c e G ir d e r s a n d D e c k 2 Shift in Place
a hard connection to the existing wall, with drilled-in anchors (see
foundations and ma or utilities. Figure A). This approach avoids removal of the existing wall, which
The bents south of bridge will be built before it gets widened to would undermine the existing roadway, and avoids traffic impacts.
make use of the available space. Bridge is partially removed to MSE walls will be constructed around end bent piling after the piles
provide a construction corridor of approximately 0 feet wide for the are installed and will be constructed of select fill material. Exposed
bridge 1 bents. These foundations use drilled shafts to allow small fills will be covered with temporary protective fabric between
equipment and to minimize vibration impacts on the existing c o n s tr u c tio n p h a s in g a n d te m p o r a r y s lo p e d r a in p ip in g is u s e d t o
foundations (see Figure C). Upon completion of bridge 1 , the bridge provide positive drainage. e use thicker panels, larger aggregate,
decks will be rebuilt using new girders, which will improve the and special strap material for the walls east of Biscayne Boulevard,
expected service life. Bridges , 3, and will be built without so they can resist ooding up to EL 0.0, as well as the sudden drop
in water level afterwards without causing damage to the wall.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 28

Roadway concrete, and getting the ob done and opening up to traffic on

Total Project time every day. ur paving equipment and work plan are set up
ur ATC s 5, 13, and 53 have significantly improved the to p r o v id e m a x im u m c u r e tim e fo r c o n c r e te , p r o v id in g p r o p e r
functionality of the roadway, but also improved construction strength and the mix can be less hot , which reduces long-term
access to build the roads. More detail is provided per pro ect cracking. e install the sleeper slabs in a separate operation
below. MCB will incorporate into our plans CAC s lessons from the pavement reconstruction.
learned from its long history of building roadways in South
Florida, such as the early installation of M T and Stormwater
MDX Specific
At MD , we will achieve nearly all of the concrete paving outside
Pollution Prevention Plan (S PPP) devices, minimized drop-offs
of nightly closures. e use the concept pavement design to
ad acent to existing traffic, 100 percent pedestrian and vehicular
provide the highest quality. e will make sure the top of the
a c c e s s to lo c a l b u s in e s s e s , a n d n o ir r e g u la r a c c e s s a lo n g th e
agner Creek box culvert is available for inspection without
limited access R of the pro ect.
requiring specific M T measures, and we have scheduled a
Earth-moving operations will coincide with clearing and grubbing, three-month buffer per phase to allow repairs to the culvert.
so disturbed areas will not be exposed. All excavated materials will
be analyzed for reuse within the pro ect, and temporary erosion Drainage
measures, including drainage, will remain in place on slopes until Total Project
roadway operations allow permanent performance turf placement. Drainage piping and structures will be placed during earth-
Stockpiling will be minimized to avoid dust generation. MCB will moving operations so as to minimize trench excavation depths
not reduce available parking area at any time. and control the ow of excavated materials. Drainage elements
All bases and asphalt paving will be placed by experienced CAC will be bedded with approved FD T bedding materials for
crews utilizing local FD T-approved, CAC-owned, and operated i n c r e a s e d a c c u r a c y i n g r a d e p l a c e m e n t , u n i f o r m t r e n c h b o t t o m ,
aggregate and asphalt plant sources within short haul distances and haunch stability of the structures. This process will also
from the pro ect. Asphalt placement will be with state-of-the-art reduce construction time and do away with potential voids under
equipment and asphalt carriers owned by CAC. Temporary structures or pipe, particularly at oints.
pavement marking specialty subcontractors will be scheduled to All new drainage systems will be left clean, surveyed, and
follow behind paving operations. Both paint and tape videoed. Existing systems within the pro ect limits will be
applications will be utilized dependent on the roadway or protected from inclement new construction activity throughout the
structure surface. MCB will monitor pavement markings for wear pro ect and will be desilted and returned to FD T in a clean
and visibility during regularly scheduled M T inspections. operating condition. The wells and pumps will be installed early in
Pavement markings will be removed by water blasting. the process to assist in conveyance of temporary drainage. The
I-395 Specific c le a n - o u t b o x e s a r e p la c e d u s in g s h o r in g to a v o id im p a c ts to
MCB has added many improvements to both the I-3 5 roadway ad acent utilities. Temporary drainage will be provided in every
sections and local streets, as discussed in Section A. The main stage of construction, with sufficient treatment. The existing
c h a n g e s fr o m a c o n s tr u c tio n s ta n d p o in t a r e th e e x te n s io n o f systems will be fully desilted, and repairs will be performed where
bridge through the fill plug east of the FECR and realignment needed. During all construction activities, positive drainage will
of local roads. The extension opens up the area for the special- be maintained to avoid the ooding of travel lanes, trapping of
use path and reconnection of NE 11th Terrace and makes water, excessive spread, and damage to ad acent property.
construction of the retaining walls along I-3 5 less complicated.
The realigned local roads (see ATC 0, 1, and 0) allow us to
minimize roadway closures and the quality is improved. I-395 Specific
A n im p o r ta n t c o m p o n e n t o f o u r c o m m u n ity b u ild in g s tr a te g y
I-95 Specific involves providing FD T with an exceptional landscape and
e have submitted ATC and to improve the quality of the hardscape design in the I-3 5 corridor to help reconnect the
pavement and commit to pave all of the NB lanes before vertown neighborhood and to celebrate the cultural district in
removing ma or replacements in the SB lanes. The work will be zone 1. ur landscaping plan is elaborated on in Volume and
coordinated with the ad acent I- 5 pavement pro ect. in c lu d e s m a in ta in in g o r r e lo c a tin g a ll h ig h q u a lity tr e e s in p la c e
during the appropriate schedule windows. n top of that we install
ur designated subcontractor, Gosalia Concrete Constructors,
over 1, 00 new trees, including nearly 1, 00 palm, of which more
has relevant experience replacing pavement on I- 5, including
than 50 are mature Royal Palms, up to 50 feet tall. This plan is
the addition of sleeper slabs, per index 30 at the bridges. The
closely coordinated with Manuel Diaz Farms to make sure we
firm understands safe work, the importance of high quality
provide FD T with mature trees at the completion of the pro ect.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 29

Manuel Diaz Farms is the foremost supplier of palm trees in Florida identify and mark all environmentally sensitive areas and monitor
and has the expertise to relocate trees. The interaction between aquatic wildlife species. All field personnel will be educated on
th e la n d s c a p e a n d h a r d s c a p e d e s ig n fe a tu r e s c o m p le m e n ts th e the proper methodology of working in and around
proposed roadway configurations for pedestrian and traffic environmentally sensitive areas while minimizing the adverse
movement. By modeling in 3D we will make sure that the effects of construction related activities. All supervisors (field
ir r ig a tio n s y s te m s , a e s th e tic e le m e n ts , lig h tin g , fo u n d a tio n s , superintendents and foremen) are National Pollutant Discharge
wells and pumps, pavements and bases, and concrete atwork Elimination System (NPDES)-certified and have extensive
are not in con ict. construction experience working around sensitive wetlands and
protected species.
MDX Specific
e will prepare all applicable areas along SR- 3 for future Due to the large quantity of structural foundation work, as well as
landscaping under separate contract. new drainage systems, there will be the need for substantial
dewatering within the pro ect limits. ur team s vast experience
D.4 Environmental Design and Erosion/ with construction within the Miami area provides proven
Sediment Control Plan knowledge and physical expertise to plan a detailed dewatering
program that will constrain subsurface water movement to within
The MCB team protects the area s water quality and minimizes the pro ect limits. e will obtain a class 5 dewatering permit from
e r o s io n a n d s e d im e n ta tio n v ia e ffe c tiv e b e s t m a n a g e m e n t FDEP at the outset of the pro ect. ur field personnel will
practices (BMPs) will minimize impacts to the environment and monitor for strict compliance to the permit conditions, and we will
impacts to the surrounding stormwater management facilities h a v e a d e d ic a te d tu r b id ity m o n ito r in g p r o g r a m in p la c e
and local collection and conveyance systems. throughout the use of dewatering.
Over two decades, CAC has successfully operated D e m o litio n o f e x is tin g s tr u c tu r e s a n d c o n c r e te p a v e m e n t
ad acent to over environ entally significant sites removal operations, both produce large quantities of dust. MCB
with no detrimental effects. CAC’s CPPR score is an has analyzed where this demolition must take place and has
exceptional 11 out of 12 points. p r e p a r e d a d e ta ile d m e th o d fo r th e s u p p r e s s io n o f a ir b o r n e
particles. e will saw-cut and lift the concrete in neat, clean
The MCB team will develop and follow a site-specific sections rather than use breakers, processors, and hammers, to
comprehensive S PPP and erosion/sediment control plans, avoid dust, vibrations, and noise. MCB plans to have a minimum
including key measures: of two full-time erosion control crews on-site at all times during
+ A full time environmental compliance officer with the construction of the pro ect.
authority to stop any of our work when non-compliant BMPs ur team will assist with the preservation of archaeological
o r o th e r e n v ir o n m e n ta l c o n c e r n s a r e d is c o v e r e d findings if unearthed within the pro ect limits. e will halt
+ Stormwater and groundwater discharge permits in operations within the limits of an archaeological finding and
accordance with FDEP and SF MD requirements facilitate FD T s investigative efforts, until the state medical
+ Proper identification of environmentally sensitive areas and e x a m in e r, s ta te a r c h a e o lo g is t, a n d c u ltu r a l r e s o u r c e c o o r d in a to r
e n d a n g e r e d o r p r o te c te d s p e c ie s confirm that work may resume.
+ Erosion control measures along all environmentally
Before full-scale activity, the MCB team will undertake a limited
sensitive areas, the R , drainage outfalls, shoreline, and
p h y s ic a l in v e s tig a tio n o f p o te n tia lly c o n ta m in a te d a r e a s , a s
canal banks before the start of construction
prescribed by our team s contaminated assessment plan. This
+ Ad ust construction methods and use sufficient and
will be prepared by our environmental consultant, Nova
r e d u n d a n t tu r b id ity c o n tr o ls in lo c a tio n s tu r b id ity le v e ls m a y
Engineering, which also generated the Contractor and
not exceed 0 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUS)
Remediation Contractor (CAR) reports that delineated the
+ btaining and monitoring background water quality and
existing contaminated soils and water. The plan will specifically
tu r b id ity a s r e q u ir e d b y th e c o n d itio n s o f th e p e r m it
a d d r e s s s u b s u r fa c e a n d a b o v e g r o u n d c o n ta m in a n ts , in c lu d in g
+ Providing dust control during construction operations to
lead and asbestos. Should contamination be found, we will
prevent wind-borne dust from leaving the site
immediately notify FD T and facilitate FD T s remedial
+ Designated manatee spotter when there is construction in
activities through the CAR contractor, including providing M T.
and around bodies of water (e.g., Miami River)
Total Project I-395 Specific
ur Environmental Design Manager, Mark Easley, and our The widening of the MacArthur Causeway Bridge occurs over
S PPP/M T Superintendent, John Baarda will, meticulously Biscayne Bay, a designated Aquatic Preserve (BBAP), which is
an utstanding Florida ater. No in-water permanent work will
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 30

be required. Installation of turbidity barrier and accompanying to coordinate with the Road Rangers and agencies, as needed,
monitoring efforts will be instituted, as well as netting to prevent to assist FD T/MD with maintaining the pen Roads Policy.
any material from entering the bay. Barriers will be installed with Key elements of our IMP include:
least interference to the existence of sea grass. Special attention + Certified M T supervisors assigned to each shift.
and details will be developed to protect the local existing + ur traffic and public liaison s contact information will be
stormwater runoff collection and conveyance facilities. We will placed on signs throughout the pro ect corridor. All calls
model the proposed project drainage features and their from the public will be directed to the appropriate entity, be it
connection to the existing features for every construction the Road Rangers, a commercial towing company, our litter
phase to ensure we control the ows and prevent sedi ent pickup/mowing/sweeping/graffiti removal crews, our
from impacting downstream systems. maintenance crews, or in some cases the CEI or owner.
I-95 Specific + D e ta ile d a c tio n p la n s fo r d e te c tin g , r e p o r tin g , a n d m a n a g in g
The main focus within the I- 5 segment involves protecting the incidents detailing how the MCB team will respond to
existing drainage features while maintaining historic ow accidents and hazardous waste spills, remove debris from
p a tte r n s a n d c o n tr o llin g th e la r g e a m o u n ts o f a ir b o r n e d u s t a n d the roadway and R , and assist disabled vehicles.
s u r fa c e s lu r r y d e b r is g e n e r a te d fr o m th e r e m o v a l o f c o n c r e te + An emergency response contact list, to include local law
pavement. MCB is uniquely qualified to mitigate these effects enforcement and emergency responders, traffic incident
through the use of water misting and, at the same time, management teams (TIMS), and severe incident response
removing slurry with vacuum trucks. vehicle (SIRV) operations.
+ A tropical storm/hurricane preparedness plan that
MDX Specific a d d r e s s e s th e r e q u ir e m e n ts a n d c o o r d in a tio n r e q u ir e d in
Emphasis will be to protect the local existing stormwater runoff the event the team is directed to put the plan into effect.
collection and conveyance facilities. e understand that the + An action plan that will incorporate the IMP into all M T
Miami River and agner Creek are a part of the BBAP and are phasing and construction preplanning.
therefore also utstanding Florida aters. They aid in ood + Ensure that sufficient M T devices and equipment are
control for a significant portion of Miami-Dade County, and this available on demand to accommodate proper warning,
pro ect proposes a significant amount of construction over the protection, and cleanup if needed at the incident. Centrally
river and alongside SR- 3 . MCB uses trestles for this work to locate traffic control devices and equipment within the
m a in ta in fu ll v o lu m e o f p o n d s a n d h y d r a u lic o p e n in g o f th e r iv e r pro ect for use during emergencies.
throughout construction. ur team employs duplicate BMPs and + Coordination and contact with local firms qualified in
will monitor and record the turbidity generated by construction hazardous and special waste cleanup.
within and along the river to ensure that turbidity levels will not + All incident response trucks are equipped to handle
exceed 0 NTUS above natural background levels. Installation of hazardous and special waste containment.
BMPs within the channel will be coordinated with the U.S. Coast + CAC owns its own eet of Road Rangers to provide incident
Guard, so in the case of ma or storm events, our crews can response during its construction pro ects. The Road
discontinue water-related construction activities, and remove the Rangers vehicles are operated by CAC employees working
barriers that could impede water ow and navigation. in the pro ect area to keep traffic owing during an incident
and/or to provide any required clean-up.
D.5 Incident Management Plan Implementation
CAC has successfully implemented IMP, most recently while
Total Project leading the SR-836/SR-826 Interchange DB project, and
The MCB team will develop a comprehensive, pro ect-specific previously as they we rapidly deployed resources to assist
the emergency responders following an airplane crash
Incident M Plan (IMP), which will be coordinated with FD T landing on the mainline in Hollywood, Florida.
District and MD Traffic Incident Management (TIM) team
before beginning work on the pro ect. The plan will establish A key element to managing transportation operations is making
priorities, goals, and key points of contact required to effectively sure the IMP emphasizes prevention over reaction. ur IMP will
respond to various incidents, with the overall ob ective of a d d r e s s d e b r is r e m o v a l, d u s t c o n tr o l, te m p o r a r y d r a in a g e ,
s e c u r in g a n d r e d u c in g th e tim e n e e d e d to s a fe ly r e o p e n tr a v e l regional events (e.g., Arsht Center events, Perez Art Museum
lanes and maintain safety in the event of an incident. The plan Miami PAMM events, eat games, and other AA Arena
will include elements of the Rapid Incident Clearance Program functions) where necessary, pro ect maintenance, and good
created by FD T District for I- 5 and I-3 5. housekeeping practices to help prevent incidents. ur IMP will
Coordination with the MD Road Rangers will also be included also include services to help stranded motorists and local law
as part of the IMP. The MCB team will have a supervisor on call enforcement clear lane blockages after crashes.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 31

D.6 Noise Mitigation Plan and + e use 100% PDA to reduce driving time and minimize
hard (loud) driving.
Understanding of Limits + Predrilled pile holes dampen pile-driving noise.
e understand noise mitigation is especially important to avoid + Using only small-diameter shafts reduces noise.
disturbance to performances and practices at the AACPA to + Use engine muf ers on all equipment and turn off
avoid stress for the residents in vertown, along Biscayne equipment when it is not in use.
Boulevard and the Grove Park istoric District and to avoid + Use of local utilities for electricity, water, and sewer avoids
distractions during medical procedures at the University of Miami diesel generators and reduces construction traffic.
and medical facilities along MD . Figure D. below shows the + ur Signature Bridge, ad acent to the AACPA, requires no
sensitive receptors for noise, vibration, and settlement impacts. excessive or continuously loud steel erection activity.
Noise impacts are reduced by our: bridge demolition + ATC 13 moved the EB CD Road (MD section) away from
methods, CIP construction, drilled shafts and predrilled pile the sensitive receptors south of the MD Pro ect
holes, relocation of D EB CD roadway, and wall + ATC 10 moved the Signature Bridge away from the AACPA,
contained fill used in lieu of te porary ridge. which reduces impacts to the facility.
+ CIP construction of the approach structures allows a
Construction noise will under no circumstance exceed established significant amount of work to be built during the daytime.
L10 plus 5 dBA for a cumulative period of two minutes in any + ATC 5 ur MetroMover design reduces impacts to the
0-minute period for daytime and nighttime. e provide this AACPA, MetroMover, and ad acent condominiums.
through a number of design and construction solutions: + e replaced all temporary bridges with wall-contained fills,
+ Demolition impacts will be minimized, through the use of a which reduced noise greatly.
more precise method, using saw-cutting in stead of + e will make special provisions for relief of the Grove Park
breakers and hammers. residents if loud construction activities can not be avoided.
+ Use of pile driving diesel hammers with automatic hydraulic
trips improves driving times and reduces noise.

Figure D.6: Noise Mitigation Plan


16 17
10 13
6 7 8 14
24 I-395
9 11 25 29 Segment
22 27 30
5 23
18 19 21 33
3 28 32
1 26 31
4 20 limit
project mdx
limit Segment project

1 G r o v e P a r k H is to r ic D is tr ic t 11 D ia b e te s R e s e a r c h In s titu te 22 O v e rto w n Y o u th C e n te r
2 T a tu m H o u s e 12 B a s c o n P a lm e r E y e In s titu te 23 S t. J o h n B a p tis t C h u r c h
3 1 1 th J u d ic ia l C ir c u it 13 H u s m a n In s titu te fo r H u m a n G e n o m ic s 24 T h e C h r is t C h u rc h
4 M e r r ill- S te v e n s D r y D o c k C o m p a n y 14 D e p a r tm e n t o f N e u r o lo g y 25 F E C R
5 Miami-Dade State Attorneys ffice 15 B a d e s a H e a lth H o s p ita l 26 M a r q u is M ia m i
6 U m M e d ic a l C e n te r 16 F r e s e n iu s K id n e y C a r e M ia m i 27 Z iff O p e r a H o u s e (A A C P A )
7 A p p le b a u m D ia g n o s is Im a g in g C e n te r 17 C a m illu s H o u s e 28 M e tro M o v e r G u id e w a y
M ille r S c h o o l o f M e d ic in e 18 D r. W illia m A . C h a p m a n H o u s e 29 S e a rs T o w e r
8 S ilv e s te r C a n c e r C e n te r 19 B o o c h e r T . W a s h in g to n S e n io r H ig h S c h o o l 30 K n ig h t C o n c e r t H a ll ( A A C P A )
9 L o is P o p e L ife C e n te r B la c k P o lic e P r e c in c t B u ild in g P a tr ic ia & P h illip F r o s t M u s e u m o f S c ie n c e
B a c h e lo r C h ild r e n R e s e a r c h In s titu te
20 31
10 21 C u lm e r O v e r to w n B r a n c h L ib r a r y 32 M e tro M o v e r M u s e u m P a r k S ta tio n
33 P e re z A rt M u s e u m M ia m i ( P A M M )
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 32

e will develop a technical special provision (TSP) for our work I-395 Specific
nearby the AACPA. Before we finalize our work-plans, we MCB incorporated the following features to be reduced vibration
determine the ambient noise levels at all sensitive receptors. ur and settlement issues:
construction noise monitoring and mitigation plan will evaluate
+ ATC 5 moves the alignment of bridge South to reduce
p o te n tia l im p a c ts , o u tlin e m itig a tio n m e a s u r e s , a n d s p e c ify
impacts at existing roadways.
monitoring requirements. During construction we continually
+ Drilled shafts at the MetroMover Bridge and SUP Bridge
measure noise levels to confirm our impacts are as planned. If
avoid impacts to the existing structure and rail lines.
we exceed allowed noise impacts, the operation is modified and
+ ATC allowed pier placement away from existing utilities
monitored until the predicted impacts are acceptable.
and existing structure foundations.
MCB will coordinate our work-hours with noise-sensitive + Temporary roads in the interchange use sheet pile walls to
businesses, residents, and facilities and support FD T and MD avoid settlement impact on the ad acent existing structures.
in its c o m m u n ic a tio n e ffo r ts to a d d r e s s n o is e is s u e s a n d
Due to its function as a performing arts center, the AACPA is
complaints from stakeholders and the public.
considered particularly sensitive. Installation of the footings for
the Signature Bridge and approach bridges may result in
D.7 Minimize Vibration and Settlement vibration impacts during construction. In addition to using proper
Impacts to Nearby Structures vibration reduction procedures, we will coordinate timing of this
Total Project construction with AACPA administration to avoid conducting
Avoidance is the ideal solution for minimizing vibration and such activities during scheduled events. e monitor for
potential settlement impacts, therefore we submitted several vibrations and settlement near the MetroMover, FECR, nearby
ATCs that considerably reduce the probability of damaging existing bridges, roads, walls, and existing utilities. Support of
existing structures. excavation will be designed to avoid subsidence wherever we
build within 10 feet of ad acent utilities.
F ir s t, a d e ta ile d s u r v e y o f th e b u ild in g s lo c a te d a lo n g th e p r o je c t
alignment will be conducted to determine their sensitivity to MDX Specific
construction vibration and settlement. Findings from the survey, D e s i g n f e a t u r e s t h a t r e d u c e v i b r a t i o n a n d s e t t l e m e n t i s s u e s
along with previously measured vibration levels from impact include the following:
piling and other activities, will be used to estimate expected + ATC 13 moved the alignment away from properties along
vibration levels. ur Settlement and Vibration Monitoring Plan the South of the corridor.
(SVMP) evaluates expected impacts, outlines mitigation + The bents of bridge nearby toll gantries utilize drilled
measures, and specifies monitoring requirements. Before the shafts to avoid impact to the sensitive toll systems.
s ta r t o f m a jo r c o n s tr u c tio n a c tiv itie s th a t c a n c r e a te h ig h + e use drilled shafts where the bridge 1 piers are placed
v ib r a tio n le v e ls a n d c a u s e s e ttle m e n ts , th e m a x im u m s e ttle m e n t in the median of bridge to avoid impact to its foundations.
and vibration thresholds will be established. The SVMP will be + ATC 15 removed the need to place temporary works nearby
updated throughout the construction period as needed. If results the historic Grove Park istoric District.
of measurements indicate we are about to have an impact, the + Drilled shafts at the water footings of bridge 5 avoid
operation will be modified or additional appropriate control settlement due to excavation nearby the existing foundations.
measures will be implemented to eliminate impacts. The + Drilled shafts in the bridge 5 bents along the Grove Park
monitoring system is set up to provide feedback to our neighborhood avoid vibration and settlement impacts.
Construction Manager when a threshold is approached. If this + Bridge 3 piers and utilize drilled shafts to avoid
happens, we stop relevant work and ad ust our methods until damage to the ad acent structures.
monitoring proves that settlement and vibrations are within
acceptable limits. istoric and medical sites are located at least 50 feet from the
pro ect corridor, and it is not anticipated that they would be
impacted by construction-related vibration. owever, vibration
CAC has extensive experience using modern automated
monitoring will be conducted at a representative site during
vibration and settlement sensing technology from the
All Aboard Florida construction project, which crosses activities that could create high vibration levels. e will
the downtown I-395 corridor. We will employ these coordinate with the hospitals and other sensitive receptors to
same systems for this Project. plan our work outside of critical times, such as surgeries.
Support will be provided to FD T and MD in their coordination
e ffo r ts b e fo r e a n d d u r in g c o n s tr u c tio n to a d d r e s s s e ttle m e n t a n d
vibration issues related to construction and how complaints from
the public are handled.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 33

D.8 Utility Coordination and Construction local roads. This generates significant aesthetic benefits, also
helps avoid many potential utility con icts. e revised the
FD T has invested considerable effort in coordinating with utility
alignments of bridges 1, , , and via ATCs 5 and 10. To
owners, and our team has continued this effort during the
eliminate further con icts, our Signature Bridge has no con ict
procurement by meeting with all utility agencies, in some cases
with any utilities. In total, our ATCs and refinements fully avoided
multiple times. After award of the pro ect, utility coordination will
3 of the listed potential utility con icts and significantly
b e a d d r e s s e d b y a fu ll- tim e u tility c o o r d in a tio n s ta ff th a t
reduced the impact of another 1 con icts.
coordinates directly with the utility owners. Both Aleman and
Cardno will provide utility coordination and subsurface utility Based on the values in the utility con ict atrix, this e uates
engineering (SUE) to provide ample capacity to coordinate. to a saved potential relocation cost of up to $17,119,267.
During construction, we will avoid impact to the utility corridor
All utility agency owners (UA s) will be invited to the pro ect
along the FECR by spanning our falsework over its R
progress meetings, so issues and con icts can be solved. e
altogether. e use accelerate ridge construction BC
will have one-on-one meetings with each utility to have more
methods to slide the falsework into place, so no cranes are
specific discussions. ur team uses a proven pro ect-specific
needed under the overhead powerlines. Finally, our adjusted
utility tracking report to serve as a working tool to track the
footing layout eliminated or minimized all of TECO People’s
disposition of the utility con icts for the duration of the pro ect.
Gas gas line con icts.
Based on our analysis of the remaining utility relocations, we
don t expected impact to the pro ect s critical path. I-95 Specific
Our TC s and design refine ents have eli inated and The reconstruction of the I- 5 pavement doesn t cause new
reduced of the listed potential con icts in the utility con icts. e are aware of the 1 . 5-inch gas line crossing
Pro ect and resolved all significant con icts along D .
I- 5 near station 135+50 and will both train our crews and ad ust
The MCB team has taken the following measures to alleviate the our equipment to make sure that pavement replacement in this
utility challenges: location doesn t affect the gas line.

+ Scans and soft digs will be performed early to verify MDX Specific
locations where construction is required near known utilities. ur approach to SR- 3 is again the avoidance of all con icts.
+ Temporary support of existing poles by UA s has been ur ATCs and 13 supported this goal and were complemented
identified and will be coordinated before construction. by revisions to our structure foundation layouts. ur total list of
+ Temporary shutdown of utilities will be considered a last con icts for this section comprises 11 items, none of which
option, but may be necessary to avoid relocation. If this require more lead time than three months. The con icts are
option is required, it will be coordinated early, and we will located at the existing cross streets (N th Avenue, N 10th
minimize impact time for the required shutdowns. Avenue, N 1 th Avenue, N 13th Avenue, and N S and N
+ e locate and clearly mark all existing facilities right after River Drive). e have again avoided all con icts with the
NTP to confirm locations and address impacts in our design. TECO gas lines and adjusted our fender system at bridge 25
+ The existing utilities to remain in place will be protected to straddle the subaqueous conduit that crosses the Miami
during the construction to avoid disruption. River just south of bridge.
+ e keep services operational at all times and an approved
In summary, our focus on avoidance results in the elimination
splicing plan in the unlikely event of an interruption.
and reduction of the far ma ority of the con icts already and will
+ Coordinate all switchovers from old to new risers and new
be continued after Award. This ensures that utilities will not affect
service points with FPL-Distribution early in design phase.
progress and significantly exceeds the requirements.
+ verhead survey will confirm equipment safe distances to
powerlines and identifies any con icts with our methods.
+ here the UA s allow, MCB will perform or support
relocation work to control the schedule of the relocations.
ur results in solving con icts to date are listed in detail in
Section F.1 and are summarized in the following. Upon award of
the pro ect, we will continue improving our design and methods
to eliminate and reduce the remaining utility con icts.
I-395 Specific
ur CIP construction method (per ATC , 5, and ) for the
I-3 5 approach bridges allows us to line up foundations with the
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations D. Construction Methods 34
Section E – Maintenance of Traffic
Section E

E. Maintenance of Traffic
Public - During peak hours and special events, all existing
MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: freeway and ramp lanes will be maintained. e will progressively
+ Traffic in existing pattern for a third of the pro ect duration im p r o v e m o b ility b y o p e n in g a d d itio n a l la n e s a s th e p r o p o s e d
+ Reduces nu er of traffic shifts and i proves LOS eastbound collector-distributor (EB CD) and westbound ( B) CD
+ Safe mobility for pedestrians and bicycles roadways are constructed. This approach will maintain or improve
+ Designer is fully engaged in all aspects of MOT e x is tin g le v e ls o f s e r v ic e a n d p r o v id e r e lia b le a c c e s s to a ll h e a lth
including daily i ple entation and traffic analysis c a r e fa c ilitie s , a r t a n d s p o r ts a r e n a s , r e s id e n tia l n e ig h b o r h o o d s ,
and commercial districts within the pro ect limits. Providing for a
E.1 Minimizing Impacts to the Environment, safe and efficient work zone, both for traversing vehicles and
Public, Adjacent Properties, and Structures construction workers, minimizes impacts associated with in ury
and delay caused by incidents in the work zone. Our concepts
ur taskforce meetings with FD T and MD are a forum to
have been designed to construct the project in four main
address any issues that are identified by stakeholders and to
phases with ini u traffic shifts. e are providing wider
coordinate traffic lane closures, lane shifts, and other
lane widths and shoulders for emergency refuge areas as
miscellaneous items. A comprehensive public notification plan
construction progresses. This will assist motorists
will be implemented to ensure advance notifications of work are
experiencing vehicle breakdowns or crashes within the work
appropriately announced. All pro ect notifications/updates and
zone and will enhance safety for emergency responders.
feedback on incidents will be communicated though our public
involvement procedures and use of smart work zone technology. Adjacent Properties - For construction, we provide a safe and
Communication is a critical aspect in mitigating construction efficient work zone by primarily accessing the site off the local
impacts. ur team has developed and will implement a road system, using the highway network shoulders, or using
comprehensive traffic management plan (TMP). e use our allowable lane closures in off peak periods. e will review
Parsons Asset Data and Information Management (ParADIM ) construction loading on existing and proposed bridges and will
integrated building information modeling (BIM) technology to modify our construction methods as required. ur proposed use
model construction phasing with our schedule ( D modeling). of CIP instead of precast structural components reduces weight
This promotes communication, coordination, and operational on existing or proposed bridges during delivery. e have
efficiency through the entire life cycle of construction. incorporated all work restrictions, including those at Grove Park,
the omen s Detention Center, University of Miami medical
Environment - e have provided a design maintaining traffic
facilities, St. John s Baptist Church and the Miami Skills Center,
and construction inside the R with no temporary construction
in our work plans. e avoid parcel 5 3 altogether and
easements anticipated, except in areas where parking or storage
minimized the portion of parcel 1 1 we need to occupy to build
is required outside of the pro ect limits. By progressively
the Signature Bridge, so any temporary reduction in parking can
improving level of service through the work zone, impacts to the
be mitigated within the pro ect R .
e n v ir o n m e n t p e r ta in in g to e m is s io n s , c a u s e d b y c o n g e s tio n
delay through the work zone, and impacts due to incidents are Structures - MCB has carefully laid out the M T phasing to
all reduced. After each traffic shift, we have Professor adi a s s u r e a ll e x is tin g s tr u c tu r e s a r e s ta b le in a ll p h a s e s , e s p e c ia lly
analyze actual traffic ow to ensure the new alignment functions when the structures are partially demolished (See Figure E.1).
as planned and make ad ustments until traffic performance of e moved our footings away from existing foundations and
the new traffic layout is satisfactory. ur work phasing near u tilitie s u s e d d r ille d s h a fts , to a v o id im p a c t to e x is tin g s tr u c tu r e s
Biscayne Bay, agner Creek, and Miami River is set up to avoid and tolling infrastructure. ur temporary walled fills are designed
impacts to any of these utstanding Florida aters. to avoid impact to nearby structures.
Figure E.1: MOT Phasing Coordinated with Bridge Demolition

3 C o n n e c t E x is tin g B r id g e s

1 A d d s u p p o rt
2 R e m o v e b e n t 3 p a r tia lly 1
3 B u ild n e w s tr u c tu r e

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 35


Finally, our detailing of each MOT phase is such that every structure footing can be freely accessed without requiring lane
closures for anything but placement of bridge girders and sign structure gantries.
E. Se uencing of Bridge Construction and Roadway Traffic Control Plans
The MCB solution re ects significant coordination and is the result of many iterations and refinements developed during the design
process. hen reviewing the bridge drawings, note the phasing and traffic patterns are indicated on each bridge. The following
Table E. describes our efforts to harmonize the bridge construction with the overall sequencing shown in our traffic control plan.
Ta le E. Bridge Construction Se uencing Coordination with the Roadway Traffic Control Plans
Item Location RFP Solution Methods
Total Project
Drilled shafts have been utilized as a method to reduce the overall size of the pier construction footprint.
1 V a r io u s NA here needed, this smaller footprint will provide MCB the room needed to construct the piers without
interfering with traffic.
The traffic control plans provide an existing phased bridge demolition plan that depicts cut lines
2 V a r io u s NA
between each phase.
Bridge This was the fill section between ur ATC changed this location from fill to bridge. The location of the expansion oint between bridges
1 Pier Bridge bridges and E that facilitated and E was chosen at this pier to facilitate construction of bridges and E in two different phases. This oint
E Pier 1 a temporary bridge. location allows us to place the temporary fill that is needed to be used before bridge E can be built.
Temporary bridge and roadway
The MCB design team coordinated the design and sequence of Bridge 3 to allow it to be constructed in
2 Bridge 3 were shown to construct the
two phases without the need for any temporary works.
new bridge in two phases.
Allows the EB Connector to be ur TCP provides a two-lane temporary detour of the EB Connector that splits piers and of Bridge
3 over EB
reduced to one lane. . This allows MCB to maintain lanes open on the EB Connector while constructing these piers.
Phase 1B was created to specifically address the work that requires the EN Connector detour to be
Bridge 1, , operational. By performing this work in Phase 1B, we are able to hold off on opening the EN Connector
Allows the NE Connector to be
over I-3 5 detour until absolutely necessary. hen the detour is opened, we are providing two lanes while the
reduced to one lane.
NE RFP allows for one lane. The bridge piers for Bridges 1, , and have been all been designed to be
constructed while allowing for operation of I-3 5 B, the EN Connector, and the EB Connector.
ur design extends the bridge to four spans and incorporates a section of earth fill between Bridges 13
Bridge 13
5 Two-span bridge. and 5 . This earth fill allows for the use of a temporary connection between Bridge 13 and the existing
over I- 5
I-3 5 mainline that eliminates the need for the fourth-level temporary bridge shown in the RFP plans.
MDX/SR-836 Connector
Bridge C-bents footings may impact The RTCPs provide a two-lane temporary re-striping of 1 th Avenue off-ramp that splits piers and 5 of
ver Ramp the 1 th Avenue off-ramp. Bridge . This allows MCB to maintain two lanes open on the off-ramp while constructing these piers.
The RTCPs provide a one lane temporary detour of 3 EB. This single-lane detour will be utilized when
Bridge 1 Allows full closures for certain constructing the elements of Bridge 1 that would typically require a full closure. In addition, the MCB
over 3 EB overhead work. design utilizes precast elements for the large straddle bents in this area to reduce the number of times
the detour needs to be utilized.
Proposed foundations for MCB roadway and bridge design teams developed ATC 13 to move the bridge to the median of existing Bridge
3 Bridge 1 c a n tile v e r p ie r s h a v e east of 10th Avenue. The traffic control design teams modified the phasing of Bridge to account for the
constructability challenges. median work. This moves EB Connector traffic away from properties on the south side of SR- 3 EB.
Bridge 5
MCB s bridge design and traffic control design teams coordinated the design to shift the oint mid lane
Median RFP showed the connection.
to minimize cracking due to differential de ections of bridge overhangs.
1 V a r io u s Not defined. Bridge railing retrofits to be done after completion of pavement and approach slab reconstruction.

E. Traffic Control Plan Consistency with Pro ect Seg entation, Phasing, and Schedule
ur overall approach to the pro ect is to construct as much as possible in open areas without
Our phasing plan allows us to
impacting traffic, to reduce the number of ma or phases from five to four, and to progressively construct a third of the project
and continually alleviate traffic (vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian) congestion along the efore the first a or traffic shift.
pro ect corridor. e have developed a detailed, resource-loaded pro ect schedule that is
driven by our design/construction phasing and efficient construction. here we identified risk areas, we added oat as mitigation. An
important aspect is our construction of much of the CD road systems and all of the B Signature Span before significantly altering
existing traffic patterns. This provides the traveling public a familiar and reliable route for over 35 percent of the pro ect duration. In
developing our design concepts, we assessed our construction phasing approach in detail. For example, in some space-constrained
areas, we chose drilled shaft foundations rather than making additional traffic shifts to accommodate space for pile arrays.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 36

Schedule Narrative
ur construction phasing plan provides continuous access to all facilities, businesses, and residences within the corridor. Pedestrian and bike path access will be maintained through the work zone at all times. For local road construction, sidewalk improvements will be staged,
accommodating bikes and pedestrians at all times. e are also aware the corridor serves as an important hurricane evacuation route. e will prepare a detailed plan for hurricanes and other emergencies. The below Table E.3 and following M T phasing maps provide details of our
ma or phases and segments of the pro ect, with additional details provided in the Technical Proposal Volume 1 TCP roll plans:
Table E.3: Schedule Narrative
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

The schedule s critical path for I-3 5 is governed by the Signature Bridge and approach structures. e build the EB and B Signature Bridge sequentially to facilitate M T.
+ Represents approximately 3 % of the I-3 5 work and is the + Represents approximately 5% of the I-3 5 work. + Represents approximately 1 % of
longest phase in the pro ect. + The new EB CD and B CD are opened. the I-3 5 work.
+ In this phase, temporary parking will be secured. A portion of the + The same number of travel lanes as in Phase 1 are maintained on the completed
EB CD is built, connected to the existing I-3 5 mainline via a CD roadways and on the existing EB I-3 5 mainline and CD road, with traffic + The EB I-3 5 mainline construction is
temporary connector near N Miami Avenue. The entire B CD is shifted to facilitate the construction of the proposed B I-3 5 mainline. Mainline complete, with the EB CD traffic
+ Represents approximately % of the I-3 5 work.
constructed, along with the tie-in connector ramp (Ramp F) for EB SR- 3 exit ramp traffic to N Miami Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard is shifted shifted onto this newly constructed
+ The B I-3 5 mainline is complete, with the travel lanes shifted onto this roadway and a two-lane exit to N
I- 5 from the local roads, as well as Ramp G. onto the proposed CD road. The 1st Avenue/ nd Avenue/1 th Street entrance to
roadway. In Phase 3B, EB SR- 3 traffic to EB I-3 5 traffic is shifted onto this Miami Avenue/Biscayne Boulevard
+ The existing lanes are maintained on the EB and B mainline B I-3 5 is maintained on the existing B I-3 5 entrance, while Ramp E (local

roadway, as well, with an extra westbound mainline lane provided. In addition, provided on the permanent Ramp B.
and CD. All remaining entrance and exit ramps are maintained in road ramp to B I-3 5) is constructed, and nd Avenue/1st Avenue/13th Street
the proposed parking lot across from the Arsht Center is open in this phase. This facilitates the construction of all
their existing condition. Temporary pavement is constructed for access to I- 5 is provided via the proposed B CD Entrance Ramp F.
the EB connector and the EN connector, and two lanes of traffic + A temporary connection built in this phase between the proposed B mainline + These traffic shifts facilitate the construction of the EB I-3 5 mainline and the fa c e ts o f th e r e m a in in g p o r tio n o f th e
are placed on them at all times. Complicated road and drainage widening (Bridge 13) and the existing I-3 5 EB mainline allows the elimination of EB Signature Bridge, as well as portions of the mainline/EB CD exit ramps to EB CD roadway from N 1st Avenue
construction of the permanent EB connector next to I- 5 can be the fourth-level temporary bridge shown in the RFP concept. To make room to N Miami Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard (ramps B and C). to NE 1st Avenue. Local roadway
completed behind temporary barriers, and Bridge 1 can be construct permanent pavement on EB I-3 5 at the MacArthur Causeway bridge, c o n s tr u c tio n is p e r fo r m e d in th is
completed. In addition, the gap between the EB connector at the three lanes of temporary pavement and temporary walls are proposed, as is a phase, as well as ramps D1 and D ,
tie-in provided with the SE connector can be constructed with temporary shift of existing Ramp D1. This will provide exibility to keep all lanes a n d th e r e m o v a l a n d r e lo c a tio n o f th e
traffic open without temporary closure. open when constructing the new roadway at different elevations. MetroMover pier.
ur ATC 13 has significantly revised the geometry of the SR- 3 EB Connector which leads us to build the B connector road first. e have allotted three months for the integration of tolling systems at each added or modified tolling location. e have made significant effort to
provide more than the required parking at both the women s correctional facility and the court. Parking locations and phasing are shown in our traffic control roll plots. Phasing of MD work is independent of the other portions of the pro ect, aside from the ramp tie-ins to I- 5 and
revision of the mainline B and EB lanes from MD to I-3 5. Two important schedule drivers for the MD segment work are permits that are required for water footings of Bridge 5 and the sequence for modifying the ury parking spaces. e have placed an1 -month buffer
before the water work in the Miami River after consulting with the Coast Guard. ur schedule provides ample buffers to allow inspection and possible remediation of issues at the CBC. Phasing for the agner Creek Box Culvert ( CBC) inspection/repair begins in Phase B
and continues through Phase b. The concept involves closure of one lane on the mainline when the CD roadways are operational, which ensures that the capacity of the existing roadway is maintained.
+ Represents approximately % of the MD work.
+ The B CD is open, which separates the 1 th Avenue weave movement from + Represents approximately 1 % of
+ Represents approximately 3 % of the MD work. B SR- 3 . An additional westbound lane is provided on the B CD that
+ Represents approximately 1 % of the MD work. the MD work.
+ Proposed construction includes median barrier removal and facilitates between six and four through traffic lanes. In Phase 3B, Ramp is
+ This phase completes work on the mainline SR- 3 widening, as well as the + All ma or bridge work is complete,
temporary pavement and drainage at proposed crossovers. ther open to the EB CD separating NB 1 th Avenue to I- 5 weave traffic from EB
construction on the B CD. Staged parking lot construction is completed and will

work includes the construction of Ramp K and mainline SR- 3 SR- 3 traffic EB SR- 3 traffic is moved to B lanes after 1 th Avenue and with remaining work on local
immediately open when construction is complete. Reconstruction work on the B roadways being performed. The
widening required to shift traffic away from the BCD the four remaining lanes on the EB roadway take EB SR- 3 traffic to I- 5 and
mainline begins using off-peak lane closures. SR- 3 EB connector is open to
construction in Phase . The first phase of proposed parking lot Biscayne Boulevard. ork includes continuation of B SR- 3 pavement work
c o n s tr u c tio n n e a r 1 2 th A v e n u e is a ls o p e r fo r m e d , s o th e + The same number of lanes as in Phase 1 are maintained, but are shifted to avoid using off-peak lane closures and beginning construction of EB mainline paving. traffic, thereby eliminating the SB
fo u n d a tio n s in th is a r e a c a n b e c o n s tr u c te d a n d fu r th e r overhead bridge construction. In Phase B, the NB I- 5 ramp to EB SR- 3 is + The number of EB lanes provided varies from three to seven. Providing for the 1 th Street to I- 5 traffic weave. The
construction impacts don t affect parking capacity. proposed to be diverted off-peak to the B CD. By doing this, paving work will be temporary bridge connection in the median and mainline widening in earlier total number of B and EB lanes is
completed without a ramp closure. NB I- 5 traffic to 1 th Avenue will be diverted phases allows for traffic to be shifted during construction of EB CD bridges maintained. The final portions of
+ All traffic is maintained in existing patterns on EB and B p a v e m e n t a r e c o n s tr u c te d u s in g
to N River Drive and back to 1 th Avenue via a local road detour. overhead, not requiring lane closures while constructing Bridge 1 . EB SR- 3
SR- 3 . off-peak lane closures.
traffic will be diverted when necessary around EB CD overhead work where
bridge 1 crosses the mainline, thereby eliminating full closure of the highway.
The work for I- 5 is mostly independent from I-3 5 and MD , except for the tie-in to the interchange, where several ramps connect to I- 5. MCB will reconstruct the I- 5 pavement on the NB lanes completely before starting the SB work. ur approach to the I- 5 portion of the
work is to construct areas from one bridge to the next, in phases, as shown in the concept plans. This minimizes the length of the construction zones, improving safety for the public and construction crews. e first build the NB I- 5 lanes from south to north and then build the SB

lanes from north to south. All I- 5 work will be performed at night using single- and, double-, and three lane closures, in accordance with lane closure requirements, and work will not be performed during special and sporting events. Bridge railing work will be performed behind
barriers with shoulder closures after pavement has been constructed in those areas. Bridge 3 and improvements on the NB I- 5 to I-1 5 ramp will be staged, allowing our team to keep this ramp open in all phases of construction.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 37


MOT Phase 1
P h a s e 1 -S R -8 3 6 m o s t te m p o ra ry m a in lin e m e d ia n d e c k w id e n in g a n d th e p o r tio n o f th e M ia m i R iv e r
I-3 9 5 S e g m e n t M a in ta in E x is tin g D r a in a g e P e r m a n e n t D r a in a g e B r id g e w id e n in g w o r k is c o n s tru c te d a lo n g w ith R a m p K , w ith tr a ffic s h iftin g o u ts id e o f w o rk a r e a s , w h ile
M D X S e g m e n t B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n
N o n I-3 9
d e c k w
5 a m a jo r
id e n in g w
p o r tio n
o rk a n d
o f th
R a m
e E B C
p G w
D a n d W
o r k w ith
B C D is c o
tr a ffic b e in
n s tr u c te d a s w e ll a s
g s h ifte d o u ts id e o f c
th e te m
o n s tru c
p o ra ry m
tio n a r e a
a in lin e m e d ia n
s .

T y p ic a l S e c tio n s
R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n
T r a ffic A r e a s 3 3
C u rre n t T e m p o ra ry P a v e m e n t T e m p o r a r y P a v e m e n t C o n s tr u c tio n ( P r e v io u s P h a s e )

C o n s tr u c tio n T e m p o r a r y B a r r ie r T e m p o r a r y C h a n n e lin g B a r r ie r

2 RFP: E x i s t i n g n u m b e r o f tr a v e l la n e s s h a ll b e m a in ta in e d a lo n g I- 3 9 5 a t a ll tim e s .
MCB: O u r d e s i g n h a s e lim in a te d th e te m p o r a r y b r id g e a n d k e e p s s e p a r a tio n b e tw e e n W B th ro u g h tr a ffic a n d th e W B C o n n e c to r.
Benefit: T h e W B a n d E B C D r o a d w a y s a r e o p e r a tin g in th e ir p e rm a n e n t c o n d itio n in P h a s e 2 fo r b o th o p tio n s . T h e M C B te a m c o n c e p t
is a d d in g la n e s a b o v e th e e x is tin g R F P c o n c e p t ( 5 W B a n d 5 E B la n e s c o m p a re d to 3 W B a n d 4 E B la n e s ) a n d e lim in a tin g th e w e a v e s
b e tw e e n I-9 5 a n d I- 3 9 5 tr a ffic to a n d fr o m d o w n to w n . A d d in g la n e s a n d e lim in a tin g w e a v e s b y d e fa u lt w ill im p r o v e c a p a c ity .

2 3

1 RFP: T h e D e s i g n - B u i l d F i r m s h a l l m a i n t a i n e x i s t i n g p e d e s t r i a n a c c e s s o n a l l s i d e w a l k s , t r a n s i t f a c i l i t i e s , a n d a t a l l i n t e r s e c t i o n s .
MCB: W e o p e n n e w p e d e s t r i a n b r i d g e o v e r r a i l r o a d e a r l y . T h e n e w p e d e s t r i a n b r i d g e a t t a c h e s t o b r i d g e 7 w h i c h i s b u i l t i n P h a s e 1 .

4 4

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 38


MOT Phase 2
P h a s e 2 -S R -8 3 6 th e W B C D a n d th e M ia m i R iv e r B r id g e W id e n in g is c o n s tru c te d w ith tr a ffic b e ig n
I-3 9 5 S e g m e n t M a in ta in E x is tin g D r a in a g e P e r m a n e n t D r a in a g e s h ifte d o u ts id e o f c o n s tr u c tio n a re a s , a n d th e n o p e n in g th e W B C D in th e la tte r p o r tio n o f th e p h a s e ,
M D X S e g m e n t B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n
N a n
a n
d o n
d C D
I-3 9
ro a
5 th e W
d w a y s ,
B m a in lin
a n d th e C
e is c o n
D ro a d
s tru c te d
tr a ffic s h
w ith
ifte d
m a in lin e
to th e n e
tr a ffic
w ly c o
s h ifte d
n s tru c
o n to th e
te d C D ro
e x is tin g
a d w a y s .
E B m a in lin e

T y p ic a l S e c tio n s
R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n
T r a ffic A r e a s C u rre n t T e m p o ra ry P a v e m e n t T e m p o r a r y P a v e m e n t C o n s tr u c tio n ( P r e v io u s P h a s e )

C o n s tr u c tio n T e m p o r a r y B a r r ie r T e m p o r a r y C h a n n e lin g B a r r ie r


1 I-395-6
RFP: W e e k e n d c l o s u r e o f R a m p S E ( N B I - 9 5 t o
E B I- 3 9 5 ) p r io r to P h a s e 2 o p e n in g to tr a ffic ; to
c o m p le te th e p u n c h th r o u g h /c o n s tr u c tio n o f th e
E B C O N (S B I-9 5 to E B I-3 9 5 ).
MCB: W e d o n o t t o u s e t h i s c l o s u r e . A t t h e e n d o f
P h a s e 1 B w e w ill fir s t m o v e th e S E C o n n e c to r
o n to th e n e w E B C o n n e c to r w h ile m a in ta in in g th e
E B C o n n e c to r in its P h a s e 1 B c o n d itio n . O n c e
th e S E C o n n e c to r is s h ifte d w e c a n c o m p le te d
th e p u n c h th r o u g h c o n s tr u c tio n w ith o u t im p a c tin g
a n y tr a ffic .
Benefit: B y a v o i d i n g t h e f u l l c l o s u r e , o u r
p r o p o s e d M O T o p tio n p r o v id e s fu ll c a p a c ity
d u r in g c o n s tr u c tio n , th u s p r o v id in g s u p e r io r L O S .

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 39


MOT Phase 3
P h a s e 3 - S R - 8 3 6 th e E B C D is c o n s tr u c te d w ith m a in lin e tr a ffic s h ifte d o u ts id e o f c o n s tr u c tio n a r e a s a n d
I-3 9 5 S e g m e n t M a in ta in E x is tin g D r a in a g e P e r m a n e n t D r a in a g e o n th e W B C D r o a d w a y . O n I- 3 9 5 th e E B m a in lin e is c o n s tr u c te d w ith m a in lin e tr a ffic s h ifte d o n to n e w ly
M D X S e g m e n t B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s B r id g e C o n s tr u c tio n
N c o n s tr u c te d W B la n e s .

T y p ic a l S e c tio n s
R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n P r e v io u s R o a d w a y C o n s tr u c tio n 3 3
T r a ffic A r e a s C u rre n t T e m p o ra ry P a v e m e n t T e m p o r a r y P a v e m e n t C o n s tr u c tio n ( P r e v io u s P h a s e )

C o n s tr u c tio n T e m p o r a r y B a r r ie r T e m p o r a r y C h a n n e lin g B a r r ie r


RFP: C o m p l e t e c l o s u r e s o f I - 3 9 5 , S R - 8 3 6 ,
I- 9 5 , r a m p s , a n d B is c a y n e B o u le v a r d w ill 4 4
o n ly b e a llo w e d fo r o v e r h e a d b e a m e r e c tio n
c o n s tr u c tio n , b r id g e d e m o litio n , s tr a d d le
b e n t a n d th e d e m o litio n o r in s ta lla tio n o f
o v e r h e a d s ig n s tr u c tu r e s ( in c lu d in g IT S
1 g a n tr ie s ) .
MCB: O u r A T C d e s i g n f o r B r i d g e 1 7 c r o s s e s
o v e r 8 3 6 E B . T o p r e v e n t fu ll c lo s u r e s o f
8 3 6 E B a n ig h tly c r o s s o v e r w ill b e u s e d to
p la c e o n e la n e o f E B tr a ffic o u ts id e o f th e
w o rk z o n e s o o v e rh e a d w o rk c a n p ro c e e d
w ith o u t n e e d in g a fu ll c lo s u r e .
Benefit: K e e p i n g t h e E B 8 3 6 o p e n w i l l
r e d u c e o v e r a ll u s e r d e la y c o m p a r e d to th e
u s e o f fu ll c lo s u r e s .

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 40


E. ini ize Traffic Phase Changes B CD could be built in Phase 1 and A and opened in B,
while work on the footings, piers, and the direct connector bridge
CB reduced the total nu er of traffic stages fro is being performed concurrently on the EB CD, so this
five to four. modification was pushed by the schedule. The a or enefit of
I-395 opening this CD road early is we eliminate a major point of
In this segment, we have successfully reduced the overall ma or congestion caused y B SR exit traffic to th venue
phase shifts from five to four. Clarity has been provided, as each weaving with the entrance traffic to B SR .
of our traffic control phases has two sub-phase components: I-95
1. Ma or mainline, ramp, and CD roadway shifts. I- 5 mainline work required on single-lane ramps will require an
. Minor traffic shifts of mainline, ramps, or CD roadways are off-peak FD T standard, nightly lane closure. ork being
d e ta ile d fo r g a p o u t c o n s tr u c tio n o r c o n s tr u c tio n o f proposed includes construction of NB I- 5 work within the pro ect
temporary facilities required for the next phase. limits first, in areas of four separate segments at a time. The SB
An improvement to the traffic control concept is building a ma or I- 5 work will then be constructed in four separate segments.
portion of the EB CD and B CD roadways in first phase, shifting ur ma or phasing improvement is constructing the outside lanes
CD road traffic onto these in second phase, and shifting both EB first and then the inside lanes. The advantage of constructing
and B mainline I-3 5 traffic to the existing EB I-3 5 mainline outside lanes first is the ramps are only affected once.
and CD roadways, allowing for construction of a ma or portion of
B mainline I-3 5 traffic lanes. In the third phase, EB and B
E. Benefits of Construction Phasing Se uencing
mainline I-3 5 traffic is moved onto newly constructed B lanes e have identified several pro ect components that will be
to allow for construction of an EB mainline lanes. Phase places completed early, which is re ected in our roadway TCPs. By
traffic on each newly constructed bound, allowing for all remaining opening completed portions as work progresses, we help
portions of mainline and CD roadways to be completed. alleviate traffic problems benefiting the public. The following
Figure E.5 illustrates segments we open in each phase and are
MDX further described as follows:
For the SR- 3 /MD segment, we successfully reduced overall
ma or phase shifts from five to four. Each of our ma or traffic + Alleviation Milestone 1: pen I-3 5 B Connector. This
control phases has two sub-phase components, one for a ma or eliminates weave between NE 12th St. on-ramp and I-95
mainline, ramp, and CD roadway shift and the other where minor SB ramp occurring in existing condition, a n d i m p r o v e s
traffic shifts of mainline, ramps, or CD roadways are detailed for operations along I-3 5 by providing two additional travel
g a p o u t c o n s tr u c tio n o r fo r th e c o n s tr u c tio n o f te m p o r a r y fa c ilitie s lanes along the B connector at the completion of Phase 1.
required for the next phase. e improved concept traffic control + Alleviation Milestone 2: pen SR- 3 B Connector.
plans by constructing and opening B CD before opening EB Eli inates con ict etween B vehicles entering fro
CD. Phase 1 provides for widening of mainline SR- 3 traffic I-95 SB ramp and B vehicles trying to exit at NE 1 th Ave.
lanes and temporary median construction to allow for shifts. Provides a connection to health district/civic center area.
+ Alleviation Milestone 3: pen SR- 3 EB Connector. This
Phase A provides for construction of the B CD, which is open eliminates NW 12th on-ramp to I-95 NB weave, reduces
in Phase B. Phase 3 completes construction of the EB CD, and traffic volume along SR- 3 EB, and improves EB to I- 5
Phase completes construction of pavement. The owner s NB movements by opening bridge 1.
concept built and opened the EB CD before the B CD. e + Alleviation Milestone 4: pen MD EB and B through
noted the EB CD consists of the largest construction lanes. SR-836 through lanes will be completed before
components in the MD pro ect limits, and we determined the I-395 segment, at around 0 percent of total contract time.

E.5: Timing and Duration of Major Construction Elements

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2
I-95 No Traffic NB Pavement Replacement SB Pavement AM -MD AM3-MD AM -MD
Impacts pen B pen B pen EB B
Significant Connector Connector th r o u g h la n e s
o p e n in g MDX Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
a lle v ia tin g SR-836 No Traffic Median Parking Lot B Mainline EB Connector Mainline Finishes
traffic. See WB Conn Impacts idening on South Side
section E.5 AM1-I-3 5 pen B Connector I-3 5 Complete
fo r in fo r m a tio n Phase 0 PHASE 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
I-395 No Traffic B Connector/Partial B B Mainline EB Connector Complete EB
Impacts Mainline/Partial EB Connector Connector
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations E. Maintenance of Traffic 41

Section F – Innovative Aspects
Section F

F. Innovative Aspects
s tr o n g ly fo c u s e d o n p o s itio n in g b r id g e s u b s tr u c tu r e a n d
MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: foundations to avoid or reduce future and existing con icts with
+ 25 ATCs approved and 24 incorporated utilities, which yields a direct monetary benefit to FD T. A key
+ 32 APTEs approved and all incorporated aspect is our construction method for the I-3 5 approach
+ Design refine ents and enhanced construction methods structures (ATC , 5, and ), which utilizes CIP construction.
+ Truly integrated JV brings innovative solutions and This method allows for easy pier relocation and span length
savings allowing an increase of scope and high quality ad ustments. Using this advantage, combined with revised
level of aesthetics alignments for other I-3 5 bridges (per ATC 5, 10, 1, , ,
and 3), results in a relocation savings of up to $17 million.
The MCB team recognizes FD T views innovation as the More importantly, we were able to eliminate the con ict with the
catalyst for pushing the entire transportation industry to new FPL line at 3rd Avenue, the con ict with the Florida Power and
levels of efficiency, safety, and economy. e embrace this vision Light (FPL) line along N 13th Street, and the con ict with the
and have developed the following innovative concepts. -inch sewage force main along N 13th Street. In the MD
F.1 Minimize or Eliminate Utility Relocations section, MCB has eliminated all ma or utility con icts, including
those with the gas lines and subaqueous duct bank that cross
MCB has mitigated all utility con icts, by either full elimination, or the Miami River. The Table F.1 below provides a detailed list of
by minimization and by mitigation in our schedule. ur design is the eliminated and minimized utility relocations.
Ta le . nnovative Design Construction that ini izes or Eli inates tility Con icts
Master Plan Symbology UAO Existing Utility Con ict Prelim. Reloc. Cost ATC or other Min. Elim.
FPL-T1 FPL TM UG TM l3 KV Line. Bridge Foundations ,000,000 5
FPL-D FPL Distr. 13 KV BE Line Bridge Foundations 00,000 5
FPL-D 13 KV BE Line Foundations Re ective Pond 3, 00,000
FPL-D10 13 KV BE Line Re ective Pond 50,000
FPL-D11 13 KV BE Line Reconstruction of N. Miami Ave 0,000
FPL-D1 13 KV BE Line NE 1st Ave Foundations 5 0,000
FPL-D13 13 KV BE Line Bridge Foundations 50,000 10
FPL-D1 D15 Two 13 KV BE Lines Reconstruction of NE 13th St Pending/ 550,000 3
TPG-1, 5, Teco PG GM Bridge, Pond, Embankment 1 0,000
TPG- , 3, , , , , 10, 11 , , , GM Pond Bridge Foundations 50,000 10, , 3
TPG GM , GM, GM, GM Pond Bridge Foundations 0,000 10, , 3
AT T- , ,11,1 , 13 AT T BT Buried Cable Bridge, Pond Embankment 10, , 3
AT T- -BT Cables Pond Embankment
AT T-10 T Aerial Cable Ramp, Roadway Embankment 1
AT T-1 15 BT Cable BT Cable (300 FT) Embankment D e s ig n
C MCAST-1 3 Comcast BTV and TV Foundations Embankment 1 , 5, 10
LEVEL3-1 3- Level 3 BF Cables Bridge Foundations N/A 10,
FD T ITS-3 FD T - 1- DPE F C Bridge Foundations N/A
FD T ITS- D -1. 5 DPE F C Ramp Bridge Embankment N/A -
TR-1 S R-1 MD ASD 10 M San Bridge Foundations
TR- S R- 1 M 10 San Proposed Pond
TR-5 S R-5 M San Embankment Pond
TR- S R- 1 M San Reconstruction N. Miami Ave
TR- S R- M San Embankment Pond
TR- S R- 0 M San NE 13th St Embankment , 00,000
TR- S R- M San Pond, Bridge Foundations 10
TR-10 S R-10 -1 M San Bridge Foundations 10
TR-11 S R-11 3 M 1 M - SAN Foundations Embankment PF
SE ER-1 FM 10
SE ER-13 SAN 10
MD SA Duct Bank AT T Subaqueous Duct Bank F e n d e r s y s te m Not known D e s ig n
MD Gas Line Teco PG C.I. Gas Line F o o tin g Not known D e s ig n
Total Savings: $17,119,267*
Based on the preliminary utility con ict matrix
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations F. Innovative Aspects 42

F.2 Materials
The MCB team has developed a number of ATCs and design refinements that focus on using materials to improve all aspects of the
design. The following Table F. indicates where an ATC specific to material utilization has been incorporated into our design. Many
of our 3 approved APTEs utilize more durable materials, such as colored pavers, more aesthetically pleasing fixtures, and durable
plantings. These APTEs are discussed in Volume .
Table F.2: Innovative Use of Materials
Item ATC Title or Feature Description and Benefits
Alternative igh Performance Coating System Provides for exceptional durability of selected steel components in the Signature Bridge cable
for Structural Steel: Metallizing stay system and anchor boxes.
Fiber-optic Structural ealth Monitoring Use of state of the art sensors provides more accurate and reliable data, eliminates impacts by
ATC 30
System weather and increases life of sensors.
Use of stainless steel reinforcing in key elements of the Signature Bridge that are sub ect to
ATC 3 Extended Service Life of Signature Bridge
uctuating salty groundwater.

CIP concrete for Signature Bridge deck and CIP concrete reduces construction oints in deck and maintenance is less than a steel composite
pylon. deck would require.
CIP decks for Signature Bridge and Approach CIP concrete decks have time to cure under normal temperatures and with proper moisture,
Bridges providing a great finish and durable end product.
CIP Construction on Falsework Method for Provides monolithic structure which eliminates the oints between segments and PT duct
I-3 5 Approach Structures couplers in segmental construction.
Revised design for Bridge 5 idening - Piers idening design for Piers 10,11,1 , and 13 uses conventionally reinforced concrete in lieu of
ATC 15
10 through 13 post tensioning or steel elements.

Prefabricated girders allow rapid erection and reduced traffic impacts. Retrofit of existing steel
ATC 5 Alternative MetroMover Pier
girders doesn t require field welding.
SUP bridge is attached to bridge overhang and combines steel carrying elements to reduce
ATC Shared Use Path Bridge
dead load for durability.
Incorporates attachment of shear connectors to existing plate girder webs which eliminates the
D e s ig n Bridge 3 Piers and
necessity for field welding.

Use of Lightweight Concrete for Bridge

D e s ig n Eliminates the need to strengthen existing bridge for cross slope correction.
ATC Concrete Pavement Joint verlap on I- 5 Shoulders Proposed oint overlap increases pavement quality and long term performance.
D e s ig n Use of Lightweight Concrete for Bridge idening Eliminates the need to strengthen existing bridge for cross-slope correction.

F.3 Workmanship
This pro ect presents many unique opportunities to creatively combine advanced construction techniques with engineering tailored
to MCB s strengths. ighlights are our side-shifter at MD , the improved design of the MetroMover and the beautiful cast-in-place
structures in I-3 5. A more complete listing follows below in Table F.3:
Table F.3: Innovations to Improve Workmanship
Item ATC Title or Feature Description and Benefits
Predrill pileholes and 100% PDA of all Minimizes noise and vibrations impacts, reduces chance of damage to the pile from driving too hard and

p ile s accelerates pile installation.

CIP construction on falsework Provides continuously reinforced monolithic concrete structure with no full depth oints, PT duct couplers
c o n s tr u c tio n m e th o d or temporary PT. Allows use of concrete with low heat of hydration, to improve long term performance.
ur falsework requires no supports in the FECR R we longitudinally slide the long span into place
Method ABC falsework over FECR
and avoid impact to FECR.
CIP structure allows full deck slab to be placed with minimal construction oints, and concrete with lower

D e s ig n Concrete Signature Bridge

heat of hydration.
Alternative concept for MetroMover pier Construction sequence accomplishes the required work within the brief nightly windows for train down
s u p p o rt s tru c tu re time.
Use of existing I- 5 median concrete Use of existing median concrete reduces required demolition during nighttime work, opening up time for
p a v e m e n t paving and concrete cure.
Realignment of SR- 3 EB Connector Reduced number of C-bents and shorter straddle-piers allow traditional construction, with fewer phases
ATC 13
a n d a s s o c ia te d b r id g e s and post tensioning.
Revised design for bridge 5 widening - Utilizes step by step construction sequence that minimize impacts to ad acent properties and provides
ATC 15

piers 10 thruough13 easy access for high quality.

Inverted T Pier caps utilizing beam Inverted T Pier caps allow girders to be hoisted up and slid over to final position no need to place
lifte r s to e r e c t g ir d e r s cranes on existing bridges.
Bridge 3 piers and elimination of Incorporates attachment of shear connectors to existing plate girder webs, which eliminates the
D e s ig n

field welding necessity for conventional field welding.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations F. Innovative Aspects 43


F.4 Enhance Future Expansion of the Transportation Facility

ur design provides all the RFP requirements for future expansion, including the Beach Corridor envelope to the south of
MacArthur Causeway, where our MetroMover Pier design allows for all required clearances. In addition to providing the baseline
requirements, we also scoured the design to ensure the pro ect will provide a viable transportation corridor for both present and
future users. ur design provides for future expansions in five additional ways:
+ Future widening – ur design of all standard bridges facilitates future widening. ATC 13 opens up space for this along MD ,
as does ATC 5 for the I-3 5 pro ect.
+ Future strengthening – The I-3 5 approach structures design provides 10 percent more future tendon capacity, should truck
weights increase and current AAS T L- 3 live load be increased. Section A provides more details.
+ Miami Streetcar and Baylink – ur design facilitates the possible future Miami Streetcar pro ect that is planned to cross I-3 5
along N. Miami Avenue and NE 1st Avenue, as well as the Baylink. Clearance for the catenaries is provided.
+ Urban use for areas below I-395 structures – ur structures provide maximum use of the space below, by aligning piers
along cross streets, which opens up spaces below for a variety of future uses. e have provided utility connections to facilitate
recreation in these areas.
+ Potential for dedicated special use lanes for truc traffic in and out of ia i Port Although the pro ect utilizes nearly
100 percent of the available R , our design team s experience with the Miami Tunnel pro ect and our knowledge of the area
allowed us to envision a future special-use lane taking truck traffic directly from I- 5 to the Miami Port. ur design allows this
dedicated lane to be built in the future to enhance traffic movement and safety of the interstate corridor, as shown below in F. .
Figure F.4: Potential Dedicated Special Use Lane for Truck Lane

F u tu r e M ia m i
S tre e tc a r S to p s

D e d ic a te d S p e c ia l U s e L a n e
fo r tr u c k T r a ffic to M ia m i P o r t

F.5 Exceeding Materials to Enhance Durability

This pro ect sets a new standard regarding the durability of bridge structures and incorporates a significant aesthetic aspect. e
have invested in providing extended service life for the Signature Bridge, as described in Section C. , and durable aesthetic
enhancements throughout the I-3 5 corridor, as evidenced in our 3 approved APTEs that are explained in Volume and one
example in Figure F.5.1. ur APTEs utilize modern materials, fixtures and construction methods to improve the appearance of the
I-3 5 corridor while they reduce yearly maintenance cost and increase connectivity and future use of the area under the bridges.
ighlights of our enhanced durability elements are listed on page 5, Table F.5. .
Figure F.5.1: Hardscaping from the Viewpoint of the Local Streets

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations F. Innovative Aspects 44


Table F.5.2: Innovation to Enhance Durability

Item ATC Title or Feature Description and Benefits
Increased concrete clearance to .5 for all Given the uctuating salt groundwater at the elevation of the footings, additional
D e s ig n

footings on the Pro ect concrete clearance will provide longer service life.
Use of concrete pylon with service stresses limited
D e s ig n Eliminates cracking under service load that can reduce long-term life of the structure.
to ksi
Metalizing System for Signature Bridge steel Provides for exceptional durability of selected steel components in the Signature Bridge
c o m p o n e n ts cable-stay system.

Flood-proof retaining walls east of Biscayne Stronger wall panels and larger aggregate allow oodwater to come up and retreat
D e s ig n
Boulevard without impacting the walls performance.
Provides continuously reinforced monolithic concrete structure with no epoxied
ATC 5 CIP construction on falsework construction method
segment oints, PT duct couplers, or temporary PT.
Reduced length of straddle piers and number of C-bents, which improves long-term
ATC 13 Realignment of SR- 3 EB Connector
structure performance.

Revised design for bridge 5 widening - Piers 10 idening design for Piers 10,11,1 , and13 uses conventionally reinforced concrete in
ATC 15
th ro u g h 1 3 lieu of post-tensioning or use of steel elements.
e use the proven 11.5 thick concrete pavement for both MD and I- 5, to provide
D e s i g n Concrete pavement

the best possible pavement design.

F.6 Unique Concepts and Cost Savings

MCB feels our approach to truly integrate our design and construction team is the way of the future. It provides efficiencies that directly
benefit FD T and MD in this Proposal and will provide you better value during construction. MCB is proud of the 5 ATCs and 3
APTEs that were approved by FD T and MD and we believe all of them are unique concepts that work well together and prove our
vision for this important pro ect is beneficial for FD T and MD . e are proud some of our early ATCs, such as the shared-use path
bridge over FECR and the improved barriers on bridges 1 and , were incorporated into the RFP as required scope, which
underlines their merit. The Table F. below highlights our most significant ATCs, along with other unique ideas we incorporated:
Table F.6: Innovation that Demonstrates Unique Concepts and Reduces Costs
Item ATC Title or Feature Description and Benefits
MCB s true integration of our design and construction companies provides FD T and MD
JV Contract Truly integrated Joint Venture with better quality, easier coordination and the full involvement of the full team throughout the
pro ect duration and warranty period.

Method Par-a-DIM -D model incorporates Asset Data and Information Management with D BIM Model.
All pile foundations are 100% monitored using Pile Driving Analysis (PDA), to minimize
Method 100% PDA
damage, noise, vibrations and pile length.
Moves Signature Bridge to eliminate utility con icts, avoid parking garage R and AACPA
ATC 10 Signature Bridge Alignment
buffer zone, and allow two-phase M T.
D e s ig n Signature Bridge Full concrete deck and pylon design provides durable, aesthetically pleasing design.
I-3 5 Approach Span Layout and CIP
ATC , 5, CIP construction allows pier layout that improves aesthetics, utilities, urban space, and cost.
Method ABC method over FECR Sliding falsework fully spans FECR R and eliminates impact on overhead powerline.
ATC 53 Geometric Revisions to Ramp D-1 and D-
Provides safe merge distance traffic entering I-3 5 EB at Biscayne Boulevard.
Alternative Concept for MetroMover Pier
Unique design improves long-term maintenance and reduces construction impact on ridership

Support Structure and I-3 5 traffic.

Provides continuous and unrestricted NE 11th Terr. and SUP connecting vertown to the
ATC 0, 1, 0 I-3 5 Reconnecting the City Street Grid
cultural district.
ATC Shared-Use Path Bridge over FECR The area beneath the bridge overhang provides a SUP walkway, which is shielded from the weather.
Provide baseline and follow up inspection of Signature Bridge using robotic CableScan and
V a lu e Robotic inspection
GPR/DeckScan technology to assure structure performance and calibrate S MS.
Upon completion of the CIP on false-work bridges, all lumber is donated to abitat for
V a lu e Falsework to
umanity, to help build numerous family homes in the Miami area.
V a lu e FIU Involvement FIU guides S MS and FIU all of ind supports wind studies Signature Bridge.
ATC 5 I-3 5 B Ramp Modifications Improved geometry lowers interchange 1 feet and reduces bridge areas.
Revised Design for Bridge 5 idening - Solution provides aesthetic solution and reduces construction footprint nearby historic Grove
ATC 15
Piers 10 through13 Park.

Realignment of SR- 3 EB Connector and Flatter vertical profile improves traffic safety and moves elevated structure away from ad acent
ATC 13
a s s o c ia te d b r id g e s properties.
Method Sideshifter erects bridge 1 girders No cranes on the bridge needed and no full closures of MD EB for girder erection.
D e s ig n Bridge 3 Pier Aesthetic solution maximizes structural capacity of pier and reduces traffic impact by construction.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations F. Innovative Aspects 45

Section G – Maintainability
Section G
G.1 Maintenance and Durability

G. Maintainability
MCB has adopted an approach that provides exceptional
maintainability and durability for all components of the pro ect.
MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: The team s integrated design approach is geared to selecting
+ Safe and convenient maintenance access materials and developing structural details that will minimize
+ Actionable, reliable health monitoring system maintenance costs and facilitate straightforward inspection to
+ Design features lower maintenance effort ensure minimal service costs. Table G.1 below describes the
+ Fully engaged design team through warranty phase more significant features that our team is incorporating into the
pro ect to provide enhanced durability and reduced maintenance.
Table G.1: Enhanced Maintenance and Durability for both Design and Construction
or Durability
Feature Benefits Exa ple of where the Specified pproach is used in the Pro ect
Approach to design that improves maintenance and durability
Simple and secure inspection access + Signature Bridge pylon and deck access for hands-on inspection.
r e q u ir e m e n ts + MetroMover structure design allows for interior access for inspection of all surfaces.
Exterior access for inspection of pylons and Signature Bridge pylon design has connection details built in to allow the mechanical
a e s th e tic lig h tin g attachment of inspection equipment to allow for close inspection of exterior surfaces.
Service design of Signature Bridge pylons from foundation to pylon tip meets ksi
Limiting crack width in pylon
service stress limit.
ATC 3 Alternative igh Performance Coating System for Steel Components (of
Upgraded coatings on structural steel
Signature Bridge) provides exceptional durability for critical elements.
+ I- 5 bridge 3 Piers and with concrete straddle beam instead of steal.
Bridge designs that minimize maintenance
+ MD bridge 1 has shorter straddle bent and fewer C bents, per ATC 13.
Provide hardscape urban spaces that can be Use of concrete pavers for hardscaping such that urban spaces can be easily reconfigured
e a s ily r e p r o g r a m m e d fo r c h a n g in g u r b a n n e e d s for different types of events and activities (e.g. farmers markets, festivals, etc.).
MCB team commits to providing concrete pavement design (in accordance with FD T
All highway paving will be rigid pavement
Standards) throughout the entire MD and I- 5 section of the pro ect.
ATC Concrete Pavement Joint verlap for I- 5 Shoulders provides for thicker
Increased pavement thickness at I- 5
pavement (matching lane pavement thickness).
Reduce total number of bridge bearings Reduced number of bearings by 30%.
Reduce number of expansion oints Reduced number of expansion oints significantly.
Concrete cover is the best solution to reduce corrosion risk all footings (that are in the
Increased reinforcing steel cover on footings
tidal brackish groundwater) will have cover increased to .5 inches.
Approach to construction that improves maintenance and durability
+ I- 5 bridge 3 Pier construction sequence.
+ MDT Metromover Pier design (ATC 5 ) Construction Sequence.
Construction sequences that avoid overstress + ATC bridge 5 Piers 10,11,1 , and13 Construction Sequence.
c o n d itio n d u r in g c o n s tr u c tio n p h a s e s + Detailed Signature Bridge Construction Sequence.
+ Bridge 1 beam lifter avoids large cranes on existing bridges.
+ Delivery of FIB girders for MD to avoid heavy load on existing bridges.
Eliminate precast segmental oints ATC 5 CIP Construction for Approach Structures.
Augment FM5-501 testing of w/cm ratio with
Improved quality assurance of concrete all pours.
AAS T T31 testing
D e d ic a te d m a in te n a n c e te a m fo r e x is tin g a s s e ts MCB provides a pro ect-wide Maintenance Liaison, Jose uintana, of Marlin Engineering,
d u r in g c o n s tr u c tio n to coordinate maintenance needs during design and construction.
Extended warranties that exceed the minimum
Pro ect-wide see Section C.3 for a list of extended warranties.
r e q u ir e m e n ts
Provide comprehensive maintenance post- Pro ect-wide one-year comprehensive maintenance obligation to begin after each asset
c o n s tr u c tio n fo r o n e - y e a r p e r io d (bridge, roadway, etc.) is opened to traffic.

G.2 Approach to Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

MCB recognizes an effective life-cycle cost analysis approach for this pro ect is focused on reducing maintenance and rehabilitation
costs over the service life of the pro ect assets. Through implementing our holistic approach to life-cycle cost optimization, introduced in
Section C and reiterated in G.1 above, we have focused on highly reliable solutions that invest upfront, minimize the frequency of, and
simplify maintenance operations. ur focus includes minimizing traffic-interrupting maintenance activities wherever possible to mitigate
user delay costs, which can compound life-cycle impacts to the users and communities this pro ect serves. ur robust and effective
approach to design and construction quality ensure high-performing assets, with minimum defects.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations G. Maintainability 46

To illustrate the tangible benefits of our approach, Table G. summarizes the life-cycle benefits and savings compared with the pro ect
baseline concept and other possible alternatives.
Ta le G. Life Cycle Benefits and Savings
MCB Optimized Approach Baseline Comparison Life Cycle Benefit
100-year service life, through optimized design,
Standards based design with 75- Increased time-to-replacement of asset and
increased concrete cover, and use of silica fume and
year service life minimization of concrete repairs during service.
stainless steel reinforcing steel in concrete TC
Metalizing of anchor boxes and stay anchor heads
FD T standard paint systems 50% additional time until first maintenance coating.
(ATC )
1-inch sacrificial, integral wearing surface for top of -inch sacrificial , integral wearing Allows for multiple resurfacing operations to restore skid

deck for Signature Bridge s u rfa c e resistance with no loss in capacity.


F ib e r - o p tic s tr a in m o n ito r s fo r h e a lth m o n ito r in g Traditional vibrating wire strain Provides more reliable data with an expected life more
system (ATC 30) g a u g e s than double that of traditional systems.
Armoring of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls Check FD T MSE wall requirement
Ensures wall integrity during storm surge events.
near Biscayne fo r th is a r e a
Significantly increased relia ility for uninspecta le
Stainless steel reinforcing in end bent piles Black bar and uncoated strand
Steel box girder or segmental Eliminate painting of steel elements and oint durability
CIP monolithic concrete structures
c o n c r e te b o x g ir d e r issues on segmental box girder.

D is c b e a r in g s o r la m in a te d e la s to m e r ic b e a r in g s Pot bearings Eliminate common failure of seals on pot bearings.

Reduced maintenance and replacement costs for the
Eliminated four expansion oints on I-3 5 Utilized 1 expansion oints on I-3 5
a d d itio n a l jo in ts

Rigid concrete pavement ptional asphalt pavement Extended service life before topping or repaving.
Reconfiguration of landscaping with no full-shade Landscaping elements in full-shade
Full-shade plantings at high risk of failure within.
Wide Aesthetic

p la n tin g s c o n d itio n s
Project Project

Pavers can easily be relayed, providing exibility to modify

Use of concrete pavers for hardscape areas Traditional concrete surfaces
spaces for changing community needs.
All footings have .5-inch concrete cover -inch concrete cover Increased clearance mitigates premature degradation risk.
100% PDA on all piles D r iv in g c r ite r ia Avoid damage to the piles, which reduces service life.

G. Structure ealth onitoring Syste S S ur total S MS system comprises four categories of sensors:
Members of our pro ect team have designed or installed 1. GPS and Potentiometers to Measure Global Movements
s tr u c tu r e h e a lth m o n ito r in g s y s te m s in a n u m b e r o f c o m p le x of Structural Elements – Measure movements at oint
bridges, including the hio River Bridge, oodrow ilson openings across deck surfaces, between pylon and deck.
Bridge, and the I-35 St. Anthony Falls Bridge. This experience . Sensors to Measure Internal Movements of Structural
will help us design and install a system that provides real-time Elements – F i b e r - o p t i c l o n g - s t r a i n - g a u g e s e n s o r s ,
monitoring of the Signature Bridge. It will monitor loads, accelerometers, inclinometers (tiltmeters) - measure internal
stresses, movement, and de ections throughout the structure strains and deformation of critical structural elements. ur
and will localize and quantify damage, if it were to occur. The will utilize S F fiber-optic long-gauge sensors strategically
system provides reliable, early warning, actionable data to positioned to collect the necessary data (ATC 30) resulting
monitor the structural health of the Signature Bridge over its life. in the following advantages:
Key challenges include the following:
+ Long-gauge sensors are not affected by local
+ False ags due to noise in the readings imperfections and are more accurate than strain gauges.
+ Premature failure of sensors due to incorrect installation + The accuracy of the deformation sensors picks up any
+ Susceptibility to electromagnetic interference change in stresses of structure before damage occurs.
+ Non-actionable or ambiguous data + The fiber-optic sensors are impervious to weather,
+ Technology that isn t easily upgradeable electromagnetic interference, and lightning.
ur S MS addresses the above issues by replacing traditional + Extremely durable service life (more than 5 years).
strain gauges with fiber-optic sensors and fully integrating it with + Combined accelerometers/tilt-meters will sense vibrations
the bridge design. ur CIP concrete design for pylons and and de ections for cables, pylons, piers, and decks.
superstructure facilitates the embedment of sensors, which
ensures their survival over time.

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations G. Maintainability 47


The sensors are set up to detect any change in structural G.4 Signature Bridge Inspection and
behavior, with multiple sensors detecting all possible failure
modes for example, if a bearing locks up, this is detected
aintenance anual Benefits
b y th e p o te n tio m e te r a t th e jo in t, b y th e tilt- m e te r a t th e MCB s designers have developed maintenance and inspection
pylon and by the fiber-optic deformation sensors (that detect m a n u a l s f o r s i m i l a r p r o j e c t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e J o h n J a m e s A u d u b o n
a change in longitudinal compression of the deck). Bridge in Louisiana the kcIC N Bridge in Kansas City and the
A 5 Cable-Stayed Bridge in Montreal. e will develop a
3. Sensors to Measure Environmental Conditions -
document will provide concise and thorough explanations on the
Temperature, UV radiation, humidity, and wind are
structural configuration of the bridge, the materials and methods
m e a s u r e d a c c u r a te ly a n d r e c o r d e d d a ily , a s th e y c a n
used to build it, and how to inspect and maintain it to ensure
in uence bridge behavior and performance.
longevity. ur Maintenance Liaison, Jose uintana, previously
. Sensors to Measure the Internal Condition of Structural
the District Maintenance Engineer for Turnpike, will ensure that
Elements - Corrosion sensors to measure rate of chloride
I M strategies are clear while incorporating best practices and
intrusion into specific concrete elements.
industry-standard safety awareness. MCB s manual will provide
The placement of the sensors is shown in Figure G.3. e will the following benefits:
provide backup batteries for all data loggers, so data is still
+ wner s guide to maintenance approach and operation
collected when electricity fails. The S MS controls will be
+ Identification of structural elements, including maintenance
located inside the pylon and will be directly connected to the two
o f m e c h a n ic a l a n d e le c tr ic a l c o m p o n e n ts
other control location using the ITS fiber. Power and sensor
+ A p p r o p r ia te in s p e c tio n a n d m a in te n a n c e fr e q u e n c ie s
cabling will be placed in separate conduits, and all enclosures
+ Proposed method to perform inspection and maintenance
will be weatherproof. Florida International University s (FIU s) Dr.
+ Step-by-step maintenance service procedure
Michael Bienvenu will guide our S MS effort, similar to the work
+ Guidance for operating thresholds and tolerance limits
at the SR- / 3 Interchange. is staff will be involved in the
S MS design and will provide guidance during placement of the ur experience on complex pro ects indicates the following
sensors. The system will be brought online as construction critical factors will ensure the manual has real value for FD T:
progresses, so FIU can interpret sensor data during 1. Reduce interruptions, enhancing safety of traveling public
construction. Upon completion, this will help us establish . Safety of maintenance personnel will be provided by clear
actionable thresholds to trigger warnings. Finally, FIU will collect in s tr u c tio n s o n e le m e n t in s p e c tio n a n d s a fe a c c e s s
and analyze the provided data for the first year after completion 3. Efficiency of procedures
of the Signature Bridge and provide a detailed manual and . Durability The manual will be viable over the life of the
tr a in in g p r o g r a m to fa c ilita te a s m o o th tr a n s itio n o f th e s y s te m s tr u c tu r e a n d a d a p ta b le to c h a n g in g te c h n o lo g ie s
from MCB to FD T.
In addition, as a high-value electronic appendix to the M I manual,
Figure G.3: SHMS Sensor Layout MCB will provide an innovative load rating tool for complex bridges
pro ects, including cable-stayed and segmental structures. This
F ib e r o p tic
d e fo r m a tio n s e n s o r s tool for the Signature Bridge will be preprogrammed to allow FD T
A r r a y o f fib e r o p tic to rate it for any live load configurations. ur team has provided
s e n s o rs this tool for the astings Bridge (tied arch, Minnesota), the akota
P o te n tio m e te r Segmental Bridge (Mississippi River, Minnesota), the St. Anthony
T iltm e te r Parkway Bridge (segmental, Minneapolis), and the MnD T
A c c e le r o m e te r ighway 53 Bridge (haunched steel girder, Minnesota).
W e a th e rs ta tio n , G.5 Signature Bridge Inspection Access
in c l. a n e m o m e te r,
p y ra n o m e te r
The MCB design provides a structure with exceptional durability
C o r r o s io n s e n s o r
o f th e c o m p o n e n ts th a t a r e m o s t v u ln e r a b le to s e r v ic e life
L o a d c e ll a t e a c h deterioration, and we have submitted ATCs and developed design
s ta y c a b le concepts to achieve this exceptional durability. There are four key
areas where our design for inspection access provides benefits:
Each fiber sensor
location is paired with + Easy access to critical bridge components
a temperature sensor + Minimal traffic disruptions and distractions necessary
+ Minimal specialty inspection equipment required
+ Secure access to non-public areas

Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations G. Maintainability 48


For the Signature Bridge, the structure is divided into critical Access to all platforms will include multiple entry and egress
categories, according to the inspection routine required (See p o in ts fo r s a fe a c c e s s a n d e v a c u a tio n , in c lu d in g th e e v a c u a tio n
Figure G.5): of an in ured worker, should the need arise. All access points,
1. Pylons – Inspection access is provided to interior of pylons such as access to box sections and pylon access doors, will be
by platforms and ladders. Exterior access is provided by secured from unauthorized access. Visual and motion-sensing
above deck level with secured access. electronic surveillance will be provided at all entry points. Each
. Superstructure Box Section – Inspection access to all component of the stay-cable system will be accessible for
interior spaces is provided through sofitt openings which inspection and maintenance. Reference strands will be included
can be accessed by man-lifts from below. to p r o v id e a m e a n s o f a s s e s s in g th e c o r r o s io n e n v ir o n m e n t
3. Su structure reinforced concrete piers Conventional within each stay. ithin the pylon tops, stay cables will be
inspection access by man-lift. anchored within a steel anchor box with anchor heads and steel
. Cable Stays and Attachment Hardware – A c c e s s t o s t a y framing fully accessible. Platforms at each stay pair will be
a n c h o r s a n d d a m p e r s is v ia m a n - lift fr o m th e g r o u n d fo r provided for ease of inspection and maintenance.
lower anchors and via permanent access inside the pylon The pylon interior will be accessible above the roadway level
for the upper anchors. Inspection of stay sheathing can be through a secure access opening that allows access to the pylon
accomplished by CableScan robotic inspection. leg interior. S A confined space requirements will be
Figure G.5: Pylons – Inspection Access a d d r e s s e d , a n d a p p r o p r ia te lig h tin g , v e n tila tio n , a n d s tr a te g ic a lly
located emergency response stations will be provided.
ithin the pylon legs, full vertical height access will be provided
from the solid pylon base termination at deck level to the pylon
tops using steel ladders. At the pylon top, a hatchway will be
p r o v id e d to a p la tfo r m a c c e s s ib le fo r th e m a in te n a n c e o f
o b s tr u c tio n lig h ts , e x te r io r in s p e c tio n p la tfo r m s , a n d p y lo n - to p
2 davit systems from within the lantern. Electric hoists will be
provided at the top of each pylon, as will anchors for rope
access tie-off, as required.

G.6 Signature Bridge Aesthetic Lighting

aintenance Benefits
3 The basic feature of the MCB aesthetic lighting design for the
Signature Bridge will be to utilize lighting components that have
an exceptionally long life and reliability. Regarding maintenance,
1 A c c e s s L a d d e rs the lighting design has the following features:
2 A c c e s s A b o v e D e c k L e v e l fo r S e c u r ity + Controls located inside control room within the pylon leg.
3 M o v a b le In s p e c tio n P la tfo r m + Lights along bottom deck can be accessed from below.
+ Flood lights for the stay cables are located on the deck.
+ Lights along the outside of the pylon are accessed by a
MCB will provide the complete baseline inspection for both removable access platform, anchored at the top.
bridges, as well as the follow-up inspections two years after + Light feature at the top is self contained, hurricane proof,
bridge pro ect completion as part of this proposal. The results of and will have access from inside the pylon.
the inspections will be correlated to the data from the S MS to + Light fixtures on the end bents and embankments can be
make sure the system is calibrated to the findings in the field. accessed from the ground.
MCB s solution is a closed-box girder structure with internal None of the aesthetic light maintenance requires closure of the
end-to-end inspection access to the maintenance-free interior. I-3 5 EB or B roadway. Given the very long life of the
Entrance is provided by lockable hatches at pier and abutment proposed fixtures (up to 100,000 hours), the frequency of
locations. Internal LED lighting, ground fault interrupter-protected replacement for the aesthetic lighting elements is minimal. MCB
receptacles, and utility inspection and maintenance access will will provide an access system to maintain the paint system and
be provided. LED lights along the outside of the pylon legs. The system is
m o d u la r, h a s n o e le m e n ts th a t a r e v is ib le to th e p u b lic , a n d c a n
be transported in a pickup truck.
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations G. Maintainability 49
Section H – Conformance with
MDX Aesthetics Manual
Conformance with MDX
Aesthetics Manual
Section H

H. Conformance with MDX Aesthetics Manual

MCB’s Key features and benefits in this section: Construction requirements, including storage, laydown yards,
and vehicle access were also reviewed to determine their impact
+ Reduced impacts to the surrounding communities on the mature vegetation. Sites where some of the mature palms
+ Designer remains engaged through construction to ensure could be relocated were analyzed to ensure that relocation only
aesthetic commitments are recognized and implemented occurred once, increasing the palms survivability.
As landscaping on the MD is included at a later date under
MDX Specific s e p a r a te c o n tr a c ts , it is c r itic a l to r e d u c e im p a c ts o n th e e x is tin g
The clean and simple aesthetics of the structures allow the vegetation. By approaching MD s existing vegetation as an
public to relate the design of the Miami-Dade Expressway (MD ) asset and incorporating it into our design process, MCB s design
and meet FD T standards. Providing additional aesthetic integrates into the existing environment rather than fitting the
treatments to the structures would disrupt the visual unity. landscape around the structures after construction. This
Integrated into the clean aesthetics are the mature landscape approach results in reducing the construction s impact on the
and ponds, softening the structures impact on the surrounding la n d s c a p e a n d , m o r e im p o r ta n tly , s u s ta in in g th e v is u a l u n ity
c o m m u n itie s , a n d c r e a tin g a h a r m o n io u s v is u a l e n v ir o n m e n t between the structures and the landscape.
between the structures and landscape.
Figure H.2: Example of Retaining Wall and Landscaping
Figure H.1: Color Palette SR-836

MCB s design of the MD continues this approach by following

the MD Final Enhancement Manual, as required in the RFP.
The proposed structures placement and their construction were
c a r e fu lly p la n n e d in o r d e r to r e d u c e im p a c ts to th e m a tu r e
vegetation. The proposed structures follow the clean, simple Figure H.3: Column Type A
design of the existing elements, but also were developed to
r e d u c e im p a c ts o n th e s u r r o u n d in g c o m m u n itie s a n d u s e r s o f
the corridor during construction, to allow ease of access for
maintenance and inspection, and to continue the unified visual
environment. The requirements of the Enhancement Manual
were satisfied as noted in the Table . below.
MCB reviewed the existing vegetation to determine the
significance of the design for landscape, avoiding impacting the
mature palms and trees in the vicinity where possible.

Table H.4: Required Enhancement Manual Compliance

Element Requirement Conformance


Meet FD T standard All walls designed in accordance with FD T Structures Manual

Retaining alls Use of corner, top, and end coping panels Provided as shown in the photo
Accent finish color Accent Finish A and SR- 3 color palette
Noise alls V a r io u s None on this pro ect
Type A, B, and C columns Used accent panels on two sides
Column detailing A s p e r th e r e fe r e n c e d e ta ils

Superstructure types Use of steel plate girders and concrete FIB girders
Color Meet SR- 3 Palette
RT Structures Concrete upright steel horizontal member Provided with details, finish, and color as per manual
At-grade signs using concrete upright and steel horizontal member D e ta ilin g a n d c o lo r a s p e r m a n u a l
Sign Structures
Structure-mounted signs with steel upright and horizontal member D e t a i l i n g a n d c o l o r p e r m a n u a l
Lighting Luminaires, housing, components, and poles Detail and finish in accordance with manual
Miami community builders Exceeds Expectations H. Conformance with MDX Aesthetics Manual 50

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