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Hypertensive crisis -a sharp sudden rise in blood pressure, which is accompanied by vascular
spasm or increase the volume of circulating blood in the circulatory system.
Under what terms tonometer can talk about hypertensive crisis? Different people have different
these figures. If a person`s life pressure readings were 90/60, the crisis it can occur at rates of
120/90, and in patients with essential hypertension grade 3 crisis can begin at rates 250/180. That
is why a high rate is not yet a symptom of a hypertensive crisis. We must always take into account
the "working" pressure, and increase it by more than 30 mL of mercury is considered one of the
symptoms of hypertensive crisis


1. Hypertensive heart disease
2. Traumatic brain injury
3. Pathology kidney
4. Endocrine diseases and other


1. Sharp rise in blood pressure by 20-50 units
2. Severe headache
3. Weakness
4. Dizziness
5. Nausea, vomiting
6. Blurred vision or flashing flies
7. Sweats
8. Contractive pain in the heart
9. Panic, fear of death
Some of the above symptoms of hypertensive crisis cannot be present.


Crisis may last 2-3 hours, sometimes longer. The longer it lasts, the worse the consequences -the
vessels are in a state of spasm, disturbed nutrition of the brain tissue, heart, eyes and kidneys.
Therefore it is necessary to provide emergency care to a patient


1. Remain calm, do not fuss.
2. Patient should take reclining position, lifting the head -this will create the outflow of blood from
the head. Recumbency is not advisable to take.
3. Undo tight clothing.
4. Hot foot bath, if not varicose disease.
5. Chill on the neck and head
6. Eliminate all sources of noise, turn off the TV
7. Should not drink water -it can cause vomiting and gag reflex increases the pressure.
8. Adopt drug lowers blood pressure -korinfar, Capoten, captopril. Dramatically reduce the
pressure impossible. Process should stretch for 3-4 hours. A sharp drop in pressure can cause
vasospasm, metabolic disorders in the brain.
When blood pressure less than 180 to take first quarter tablets 30-40 minutes to measure pressure.
If dropped, take 1/4 tablet. And so on.
9. What to do when a hypertensive crisis if the hand was not drugs that lower blood pressure. You
can drink and 2 tablets noshpy anything sedative -Valerian, Corvalolum, valokardin.
10. Adopt-anxiety drugs, because hypertensive crisis -it`s an adrenaline rush, which is
accompanied by the fear of death, the person is in panic fear, from which the pressure continues to
grow and tablets may not be effective.
11. What if opened nosebleeds when hypertensive crisis? Boggle is not necessary, it`s the opposite
well -when the blood flowing, intracranial pressure is reduced, otherwise could burst blood vessels
in the brain. Throw back his head can not be, otherwise it will leaking blood, but can not be lower
and lower, to put on the nose cold. Moisten the bandages and hydrogen peroxide zatomponirovat
nose. Regret bandage is not necessary, is sometimes included in the nose up to 2 meters of
bandage. After 10-15 minutes, nosebleeds usually goes.


It so happens that the man took the medicine, but it did not help him. What to do? Is it possible to
take another medicine or can not take two tools simultaneously? There is nothing wrong in taking
the two drugs, but need to know which of them is stronger. Korinfar act quickly -within 15
minutes, the pressure is reduced. Kapaten starts later, but the pressure is reduced and slower, and it
is necessary for crises. So drink after corinfar kapaten no sense.
In addition, we must remember that the same drugs produce short or prolonged action, such as the
drug has korinfar retard, which is effective only after 4-5 hours. For emergency hypertensive crisis
when this drug is certainly not suitable
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Once the blood pressure returned to normal, to drink 20-30 grams of motherwort tincture,
hawthorn or pion or mixtures thereof. 3-4 days after taking these hypertensive crisis tincture 3
times a day. At night you can take 1/4 tablet light hypnotic Medazepam, Phenazepamum
If the patient takes some pills rates from chronic disease. 1-2 days after hypertensive crisis better
to abandon them for 1-2 days. This does not apply to antibiotics and receiving antihypertensives
Noise in the head, dizziness, blurred vision after a hypertensive crisis continue to exist for a few
days. These days need to rest and avoid physical and emotional overload, not being in the sun, do
not bend, do not work on a computer and do not read the fine print.

Meal after hypertensive crisis: limit the intake of salt, pickles and marinades, hot spices. Talk to
your doctor -may need to replace ordinary table salt in a salt with low sodium. Well in the diet
include honey, walnuts, vegetables, fruit, juice of cranberry viburnum, chokeberry, broth hips.
1. Broth hips: Half a cup of dried rose hips to 1 liter of boiling water -hold 15 minutes on a steam
bath. Or brew briar in a thermos. Drink tea instead.
2. Juices: Mix 1 cup of beet juice, carrot, horseradish, honey and the juice of one lemon. Take 1
tbsp. liter. 3 times a day before meals for 1:00.
3. Infusion of fennel seeds: 1 tsp. seeds pour 0.5 cup of hot water. Infuse for 30 minutes and drink
before meals 3 times a day. Fennel seeds can be replaced clover flowers.

How often can be repeated hypertensive crisis in a patient.

It depends on the reasons that caused it. If the cause of the unusual heavy work, stress, alcohol
abuse, it is one-off crises. But here we need to seriously examined. Make ECG, ultrasound of the
heart -it is important to exclude hypertension. Often people do not feel high blood pressure and do
not know that they have hypertension, so treatment is not carried out, and complications of
hypertension develop slowly until they catch up with stroke or heart attack.
If the cause of crisis -hypertension crises and repeated after 2-3 days, then here there is an
exacerbation of hypertension and requires serious treatment rather correction of treatment by a
physician, neurologist, ophthalmologist.


If you have measured pressure and found that it is very different from the usual indicators, should
calm down and re-measure another 1-2 times. If the measurement results are disappointing, it is
necessary to assess the situation -if you can cope with a crisis of their own or have to call
If high blood pressure is held for over an hour and is not reduced, thus suddenly broke it appeared
numbness in the hands or feet, pain, choking, then it may be Pre-stroke conditions, then require
immediate hospitalization. If there is no such indication, you can try to lend itself to help with
hypertensive crisis alone.
We must clearly understand the rule -the pressure cannot be reduced sharply, otherwise may
develop stroke. To reduce the pressure during hypertensive crisis need to get other drugs than
those who are hypertensive applies daily. Namely not prolangrovannogo tablets, and a short-
acting, which can be sucked under the tongue. With this drug resorption directly into the blood
stream, ie, act as an injection. The safest for these purposes are the hood and prazosin. Each
hypertensive patient should have them in the medicine cabinet in case of crisis. Often doctors
"fast" is used in dibazol injections, magnesium -it`s just a waste of time, their effect is much
weaker than the effect of the above drugs.
So, the patient takes a pill under the tongue. After 30 minutes, measures the pressure. If it is
reduced, more than anything else to do, just to measure the pressure and monitor the trend. The
main criterion -for 3-4 hours it should be reduced by 25 percent from baseline. If after 4 hours of
this reduction has not occurred, then sucked another pill.
You can use a folk remedy -moisten cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply to the soles. for 10
After a hypertensive crisis typically increase the daily dose of medication, it is desirable, in
consultation with the attending physician. And you can add to the usual medicines traditional
medicine: tincture of herbs, reduce pressure, a mixture of juice of beets, carrots, lemon, garlic
juice with honey.

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