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David Giba

Mrs, Scharf

ERWC / Period 5

21 August, 2019

Self-Portrait One-Pager

I am not not a strong reader by any means. Especially when in regards to academic

reading, like from a textbook, I usually have to re-read passages. In terms of literature, I always

have to ask myself whether a passage has rhetoric or figurative language, which I struggle to

identify the latter. I am above-average in understanding and/or interpreting vocab, but unfamiliar Commented [1]: it's great how you can introduce an
idea and give a detailed example of how you struggle
words can ruin my momentum when reading something; and considering my reluctance to ask

questions, I am a slow reader. Noticeably, I read texts with historical context better, or generally

anything non-fiction. I want to develop better methods to identify certain language, and develop

a system of skim-and-analyze, so that I don’t have to take so long re-reading passages. Writing-

wise, I tend to struggle in organizing my writing coherently, so I like to look at examples of an

assignment, and then brainstorm general ideas into however many paragraphs are needed for the

assignment. I strive to use logos and ethos primarily in any writing I do, so summative essays are

the easiest for me, and argumentative essays are my weakest. I like to creatively come up with

metaphors and use symbolism, but it isn’t a strength of mine, and I need to improve on it. Also,

in terms of cohesion, It would help if I developed better methods to explain my evidence in order

to keep the same ideas together, and also expanding my vocabulary wouldn’t hurt.

I am not a strong goal-setter, but I was able to achieve a 6:30 mile last year. I would pre-

determine my day based on how much homework I had, making time to go on a run later in the

day. I would drink plenty, and have a solid meal just early enough. Eventually, everyday became
habitual, and with the medium-distance runs I did, plus determination, I was able to get a 6:30

mile time.

Generally, I am a visual and tactile learner coalition. Pictures tend to speak a thousand

works for me, and they help illustrate a situation. In history for example, it is easier to see a

picture of an occurrence, or a graph portraying a demographic to see what was going on at the

time. Doing activities is my second best way to learn. Especially in the sciences, it’s easier to do

a lab in order to observe a relationship or a reaction, considering how science is intended to

explain our reality, it is easier to understand something that is happening right in front of me.

During socratic-style conversations, I tend to let the debate develop, listen to it, and then

fit in my opinion once someone makes a relevant claim. I try to be as polite as possible when

refuting someone’s claim, but I otherwise try to compromise with others on matters where I have

a less radical stance on something; though I’m not radical on many topics. Subsequently, I like to

interact with others to get an answer, or debate a topic. With this, I tend not to directly ask the

teacher questions, because I will work with others on a problem, unless I can solve it alone.

Thus, I would say that I’m still very introverted, but by the demands of teamwork and

collaborative discussion, I have become more extroverted across my high school years.

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