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Pattern: Admiral's Hat Pattern: Azure Shoulders

Pattern: Argent Boots Pattern: Big Bag of Enchantment

Pattern: Argent Shoulders Pattern: Black Silk Pack
Pattern: Azure Silk Cloak Pattern: Boots of Darkness
Pattern: Azure Silk Gloves Pattern: Boots of the Enchanter
Pattern: Black Swashbuckler's Shirt Pattern: Brightcloth Cloak
Pattern: Bloodvine Boots Pattern: Brightcoth Gloves
Pattern: Bloodvine Leggings Pattern: Brightcloth Pants
Pattern: Bloodvine Vest Pattern: Brightcloth Robe
Pattern: Blue Linen Robe Pattern: Cindercloth Cloak
Pattern: Blue Linen Vest Pattern: Cindercloth Gloves
Pattern: Blue Overalls Pattern: Cindercloth Pants
Pattern: Bright Yellow Shirt Pattern: Cindercloth Vest
Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag Pattern: Colorful Kilt
Pattern: Crimson Silk Cloak Pattern: Crimson Silk Shoulders
Pattern: Crimson Silk Robe Pattern: Earthern Silk Belt
Pattern: Dark Silk Shirt Pattern: Felcloth Boots
Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch Pattern: Felcloth Hood
Pattern: Enchanted Runecloth Bag Pattern: Felcloth Robe
Pattern: Enchanter's Cowl Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders
Pattern: Felcloth Bag Pattern: Festival Dress
Pattern: Felcloth Pants Pattern: Festival Suit
Pattern: Flarecore Gloves Pattern: Frostweave Gloves
Pattern: Flarecore Leggings Pattern: Frostweave Pants
Pattern: Flarecore Mantle Pattern: Frostweave Robe
Pattern: Flarecore Robe Pattern: Frostweave Tunic
Pattern: Gaea's Embrace Pattern: Ghostweave Belt
Pattern: Glacial Cloak Pattern: Ghostweave Gloves
Pattern: Glacial Gloves Pattern: Ghostweave Pants
Pattern: Glacial Vest Pattern: Ghostweave Vest
Pattern: Glacial Wrists Pattern: Gray Woolen Robe
Pattern: Greater Adept's Robe Pattern: Green Silk Armor
Pattern: Green Holiday Shirt Pattern: Green Silk Pack
Pattern: Green Woolen Robe Pattern: Green Woolen Bag
Pattern: Icy Cloak Pattern: Hands of Darkness
Pattern: Icy Scale Bracers Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak
Pattern: Icy Scale Gauntlets Pattern: Mooncloth Bag
Pattern: Lavender Mageweave Shirt Pattern: Phoenix Gloves
Pattern: Mantle of the Timbermaw Pattern: Phoenix Pants
Pattern: Mooncloth Pattern: Red Linen Robe
Pattern: Mooncloth Robe Pattern: Red Linen Vest
Pattern: Orange Martial Shirt Pattern: Red Mageweave Gloves
Pattern: Pink Mageweave Shirt Pattern: Red Mageweave Headband
Pattern: Polar Bracers Pattern: Read Mageweave Pants
Pattern: Polar Gloves Pattern: Red Mageweave Shoulders
Pattern: Red Linen Bag Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest
Pattern: Red Woolen Bag Pattern: Red Woolen Boots
Pattern: Runecloth Bag Pattern: Reinforced Woolen Shoulders
Pattern: Runecloth Boots Pattern: Robes of Arcana
Pattern: Runecloth Cloak Pattern: Runecloth Headband
Pattern: Runecloth Gloves Pattern: Runecloth Pants
Pattern: Runecloth Robe Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders
Pattern: Satchel of Cenarius Pattern: Runecloth Tunic
Pattern: Soul Pouch Pattern: Shadow Hood
Pattern: Sylvan Crown Pattern: Shadoweave Mask
Pattern: Sylvan Shoulders Pattern: Spider Belt
Pattern: Sylvan Vest Pattern: Spider Silk Slippers
Pattern: Tuxedo Jacket Pattern: Star Belt
Pattern: Tuxedo Pants Pattern: Stormcloth Boots
Pattern: Tuxedo Shirt Pattern: Stormcloth Gloves
Pattern: White Wedding Dress Pattern: Stormcloth Headband
Pattern: Wisdom of the Timbermaw Pattern: Stormcloth Pants
Pattern: Stormcloth Shoulders
Pattern: Stormcloth Vest
Pattern: Stylish Blue Shirt
Pattern: Stylish Green Shirt
Pattern: Truefaith Gloves
Pattern: White Bandit Mask
Pattern: Wizardweave Leggings
Pattern: Wizardweave Robe
Pattern: Wizardweave Turban
Pattern: Bottomless Bag Pattern: Belt of the Archmage
Pattern: Cloak of Fire Pattern: Gloves of Spell Mastery
Pattern: Cloak of Warding Pattern: Robe of the Archamge
Pattern: Core Felcloth Bag Pattern: Robe of the Void
Pattern: Felcloth Gloves Pattern: Truefaith Vestments
Pattern: Flarecore Wraps
Pattern: Inferno Gloves
Pattern: Mooncloth Circlet
Pattern: Mooncloth Gloves
Pattern: Mooncloth Leggings
Pattern: Mooncloth Shoulders
Pattern: Mooncloth Vest
Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt
Pattern: Robe of Winter Night
Pattern: Runed Stygian Belt
Pattern: Runed Stygian Boots
Pattern: Runed Stygian Leggings

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