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A short story is one of the forms of fiction writing, and we all know that fiction is a series of

events made from the imagination of the author. It is a prose writing which does not depend on
verses, rhymes or meters for the organization and presentation of the narrative.


It is the time and place of which the story revolves. The time of the story tells when did the story
took place, meanwhile, the place of the story is the geographical location of where the story
happened. Other authors include the weather condition, social condition, and mood or
atmosphere of the story. These sub-elements can make the readers engage more of the story.

It is either the person is in a work for fiction, or it is solely the characteristics of a person.
Characters remind themselves that they should be consisted and motivated. There are
characters that are individual, developing and statistic.

It is the narrative sequence on how the author arranged his or her ideas. This is a planned,
logical series of event that has its own beginning, middle, and end. There are five essential
components of the plot:

Introduction: It is the beginning of the story, in which the character and setting are described by
the author.

Rising action: It is where the events of the story have become a little complicated, and the
conflict of the story is revealed.

Climax: It is the highest point of the interest and the turning point of the story. A good climax can
make the readers wonder what will happen next, they will ask themselves whether the conflict
will be resolved or not. A good climax makes the readers wonder and read more.

Falling action: The events and conflicts of the story begin to resolve of themselves. The readers
will have a hint of what will happen next and whether the conflict will be resolved or not.

Denouement: It is the final outcome of the story. The events and conflicts are untangled and

This is the vital element of a short story, without the presence of conflict, there will be no plot. It
is not merely a form of an argument between two characters, but rather it is a form of opposition
that faces the main character.

Point of view
When you write a story, a point of view must be needed to the angle from which the story is
narrated. Some of the points of view are innocent eyes, extreme consciousness, first-person
and omniscient.

The theme of a short story can be a guide, it can control or insight of the flow of the story. The
theme may be the thoughts of the author.

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