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Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd.

Arief Cahyo Utomo 15712251067


The Influence Of Learning Style Against The Results
Of The Study In Elemenary School Grade IV
Arief Cahyo Utomo

This study aims to find out: (1) whether there is influence of learning style against the
results of the study grade IV SD N pajang 3 Surakarta school year 2014/2015, (2) how
much learning style against the results of the study grade IV SD Negeri Surakarta 3 pajang
school year 2014/2015. The population in this research was all grade IV SD N pajang 3
Surakarta school year 2014/2015. data collection Technique used was a question form,
interviews, and documentation. Analytical techniques used were simple regression
analysis was preceded by analysis of the prerequisite test, namely the test of normality,
linierity and significant of regression. Based on the analysis of data with a 5% significance
level obtained thitung > ttabel, namely 2.34197 > 2.468 and the determination of the
coefficient of 11.8%. Conclusions in this study are as follows: (1) there is significant
influence between the learning style against the results of the study grade IV SD N pajang
3 Surakarta school year 2014/2015, (2) learning style or influence contributions amounted
to 11.8% against the learning outcomes grade IV SD N pajang 3 Surakarta school year

Key word : learning style, result study

1. Introduction

Learning is a psychic/mental activity which takes place in the active

interaction with the environment produces changes in the knowledge,
understanding, skills, values and attitudes. At the time of now learning can be
affected by a variety of things, one of which, namely learning style. Learning style
is the way we like to do the activity of thinking, process and understand
information. Each student has a style or preferred way of learning respectively. In
this learning style is divided into 3 types: visual (image), audiotori (voice), and
kinaesthetic (motion). This can be seen when we pay attention to students when the
learning process takes place, such as students who have a visual learning style was
more interested in the material using the pictures.
The student's learning style is certainly important to note for an educator. As
an educator should do the preparations with regard to strategy and what method
will be used to convey content, so that the material can be presented to students
with different learning styles to good use.
Pay attention to the learning styles of students while teaching is one of the
efforts made in order that the students get the results educators learn good ones.
Therefore, the author would like to conduct research under the title "Learning
Style Influences Student Learning Outcomes Against the class IV SD Negeri
pajang 3 Surakarta school year 2014/2015."
Based on the above background, the problem can be identified, namely: the
teacher is less attentive to the learning styles of students, there is the possibility of
learning outcome differences between students with different learning styles,
teacher teaching does not match the learning styles of students, the influence of
friends playing against the student's learning style. So that directional runs research
and as expected, then the research is limited to: learning styles of students
examined include the type of audio, visual, and kinesthetic, learning outcomes
students on subjects of mathematics class IV SD N Post 3 Surakarta school year
Based on the above issues, then the restrictions made the formulation of
issues, namely: (1) is there any influence between learning style against the results
of the study grade IV SD Negeri Surakarta Post 03 school year 2014/2015? (2)
how big pengaruhgaya learning towards a learning outcomes grade IV SD Negeri
Surakarta pajang 03 school year 2014/2015?
Research objectives to be achieved include: (1) to find out whether or not
there is pengaruhgaya study results study grade IV SD Negeri Surakarta Post 03
school year 2014/2015. (2) to find out the magnitude of the influence of the style
of study towards a learning outcomes grade IV SD Negeri Surakarta Post 03
school year 2014/2015.
The results of this study are expected to provide benefits, there are: (1) as
scientific papers, research results are expected to contribute to the development of
science. (2) can add insight and knowledge about the benefits of learning style
against the results of student learning. (3) can be used as a guide and reference for
the research activities of its kind at the time to come. (4) if it turns out there is a
learning style influences student learning results, then the school should pay
attention to learning styles. (5) as input for the students of the importance of
learning styles to improve learning results.
There are several theories that are used for research and improve the basis in
research. The theory contained in the review of the literature that contains about:
definition learning, definition learning styles, understanding indicators the results
of learning, learning outcomes and indicators.
Slaats, Lodewijks, and Van der Sanden (1999:489) stated that '' learning styles
of students has a wide range of possible applications in education '' of such
opinions classify there prefence students can study to detect the potential learning
problems at an early stage to select appropriate teaching methods. A lot of research
on learning styles has been done in the field of higher education (Biggs, 2001;
Busato, Prins, Elshout, & Hamaker, 2000; Coffield, Moseley, Hall, & Ecclestone,
2004; Guild, 1994; Hartman, 1995; Vermetten, Lodewijks, & Vermunt, 1999).
Although there is a lot of research on the classification of the learning styles in
different types of learning but the target and his approach is the same
Learning style is a broad concept that plays a crucial role in the outcome of
education classes. Student Favorites and their own learning style plays an
important role in the poverty-related principles of education and this favorite
delivered to different learning styles (Leung & Weng, 2007).
Learning is defined as the process by which knowledge is formed into the
transformation of the experi-independence. People use learn to adapt and reach the
daily conditions, provide to increase the variety of learning styles. The concept of
learning styles has received great attention in the pragmatic texts and various
models have suggested that en-hanced appreciate how active teaching (Arthurs,
2007). A variety of learning style theories and frameworks have been developed in
conjunction with instruments that operationalize the accompanying learning style
construction (Dunn & Griggs, 2003; Loo, 2004).
The student's learning style can be used to design the learning in the
classroom. As revealed below "Design educators recently started to explore the
characteristics of learning styles of students that can be used for the improvement
of leaning in design" (Demirbas & Demirkan, 2003; 2007; Demirkan & Demirbas,
2008; Kvan & Yunyan, 2005).
According To Gulo. W (2004, p. 8) write that learning is a process that goes on
inside a person that changed behavior in thinking, being and doing. purwanto
(2002, p. 844) that quotes the view of Morgan suggests that learning is a relatively
settled any change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice or experience.
Moreover, Winkel (2009, p. 59) describes the learning is a mental activity which
takes place in the interaction with the environment produces changes in
knowledge, skills and understanding of the values and attitudes that change are
constant and trace. Berdasrkan opinion above, it can be concluded that learning is a
change in the behaviour of individuals who are relatively settled as a result of
experience and social interaction that involves many processes. The process since
we are born until we die and certainly in a State of conscious and done
Gunawan (2004, p. 139) wrote that learning style is the way we like to do the
activity of thinking, process and understand information. In addition, De Potter
(2009, p. 85) says that learning style acts as a strainer for learning, processing, and
communications. Based on some of the opinions above, then it can be inferred that
the style of learning is a process of acceptance and processing of individual to
learning that he received.
De Potter (2009, p. 166) wrote down some indicators of a learning style that is
divided three dimensions, namely the visual, kinesthetic, and audiotori. Visuals
consist of neat and regular, considering the colors and pictures, readers and a good
speller, uninterrupted uproar. Audiotori consists of access to sounds and words,
easy split attention, love to listen, love talking, can remember instructions.
Kinesthetic consists of using body gestures, like the things related to physical,
speaking slowly, many move, given the physical contact involved.
Suprijono (2009, p. 42) stated that the results of the study are the patterns of
deeds, values, understanding, attitudes, skills and appreciation. Shah (2006, p. 141)
says that the results of the study are any kinds of learning activities produce
something distinctive changes i.e. the results of the study. While according to
Tirtonegoro (2001, p. 153) revealed that the results of the study are the results
obtained in the form of traces that result in changes in the individual as a learning
activity. From some of the above notions can be concluded that the results of the
study is the result of the accepted students after doing a learning activity and
capability of students after siswamenerima his experiences.
Muhibbin Shah (2011, p. 149) write down some indicators of the results of the
study are divided into three aspects, namely the cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. Cognitive consists of observation, memory, comprehension,
application, analysis, and sistesis. Affective consists of reception, greeting,
appreciation, internalization, and characterization. Psychomotor skill consists of
moving and acting skills, and verbal and non verbal expression. Based on these
study results indicators, researchers using only cognitive aspect, because through
the cognitive aspect is easy to quantify and has its own benchmark.

2. Method

Place used for research is the SD N pajang 3. Research was conducted as of

December 2014 to February 2015. The population in this research is all grade IV
SD N Post 3 Surakarta school year 2014/2015 as much as 41 students.
Determination of magnitude of samples taken using the formula written by slovin
Sarwono (2006, p. 120). The sample used as many as 37 respondents. The
sampling technique used was simple random sampling technique through the
lottery. The variable in this study is a learning style as a independence variable and
results of student learning as a variable dependence
Data collection techniques used in this research are (1) the question form.
Question form is used to obtain data about the learning styles of students. Now
type used in this study was the now closed in the form of multiple choice. (2)
interview. The interview done with class IV to obtain additional data on the
student's learning style. The form of interview used is systematic interviews. (3)
documentation. Documentation of methods used to gather information related to
the observed SD learning results and grade IV SD N pajang 3. The collected
documents such as: school profile, organization structure, the condition of the
school and others. For the data analysis techniques in this study using simple
regression analysis techniques.

3. Results Of The Research

A professional teacher must pay attention to the students as a whole be it

physically or non physical, one is learning style. Pay attention to the child's
learning style can make it easier to aim for the process of teaching and learning
activities so that students can follow the process of KBM properly.
Students learn a variety of styles affect how teachers teach in conveying the
subject matter. The use of strategies, methods, and models must be adjusted to the
right which is certainly based on the material to be delivered so that students can
receive the material thoroughly with maximum.
How to overcome the student's learning style can be done a variety of ways
including through an observational approach and to each individual on a regular
basis. The intent of the periodical is here in performing observation and approach
is done by a process that gradually so that the student learning style can be seen
Learning style is one of the factors that can affect student learning outcomes,
although its effects may be only slightly, but the learning styles of students remains
essential to note by each teacher
After pra test is done these terms, then do a test of keberartian regression.
Keberartian regression test is used to see if a regression means or not in the study.
Keberartian regression tests between learning style students learning results
obtained against Fhitung of 4.440 at the 5% significance level db (1.35) of 4.121.
Because Fhitung > Ftabel (4.440 > 4,121), then the relationship between the
learning style with a learning outcome is meaningless.
The results of linear regression analysis on the influence of learning style
against the student learning outcomes acquired the regression line equation Y =
138.692 + 0.951 X. The determination coefficient obtained through calculation,
namely amounting to 11.8%. This means that the learning style gives a donation of
11.8% against the results of student learning. Hypothesis test results with the test t
value obtained thitung of 2.468 and ttabel of 2.34197. Because thitung > ttabel,
namely 2.468 > 2.34197 then this means there are significant effects between
learning style against the results of student learning.
4. The Discussion

Research on learning styles have been conducted by several researchers

including by Iqomuddin (2013) showed no significant influence between the
liveliness of the students in the Organization at the school and the learning styles
of students towards the achievement of learning math, then Mutoharoh (2011)
concluded that there is a positive and significant influence on learning style and
learning difficulties against the achievements of student learning, while Priyanto
(2013) concluded that there was significant influence between independence and
learning styles of the students towards the achievement of learning math.
In this study had similar results with research conducted by Mutoharoh and
Priyanto. It can be proved that there was significant influence between the style of
study with the results of the study conducted by the researchers now with previous
researchers. However, this research has a different result against the research
conducted by Iqomudin, which has concluded that there is no influence between
the liveliness of the students in the Organization and style of learning with the
learning achievements. The difference of this conclusion can be caused by
variables that affect student learning achievements, besides the accomplishment of
learning can be affected by a variety of things, either from within or from outside
the student student
1. internal factors (factor in students), covers two aspects:
a. Physiological Aspects (which are physical) among others tone (muscle
tension) the physical, eye, and ear.
b. psychological aspects, among others, the level of intelligence/intelligence
students, the student's attitude, aptitude, interests of students, students and
students ' motivation
2. External factors (factors from outside students), i.e. environmental conditions
around students who are differentiated into two types, namely the environment
environmental and social nonsosial. Environmental nonsosial such as parents,
the family and in schools as teachers, the labor education (principal and its
representatives), as well as classmates can be affects the spirit of learning a
student. Furthermore the social environment including students is community
and neighbors also my teammates around the students.
3. Factors of learning approach (approach to learning), which is the type of effort
that includes student learning strategies and methods used to conduct the
activities students learn lesson materials. Getting in the way of student
learning is getting good results
Research conducted on grade IV SD N pajang 3 Surakarta year 2014/2015
turns learning style gives a small effect against the results of student learning. But
learning styles must be fixed in the notice, because the slightest influence should
still be taken into account so that the maximum learning gets results

5. Conclusions

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of the results described
earlier regarding the influence of the style of study towards a learning outcomes
grade IV SD N pajang 3 academic year 2014/2015 can be drawn the conclusion:
1. Based on the results of the calculation of hypothesis testing is done using t-test,
analysis of the retrieved value thitung of 2.468 and ttabel of 2.34197. Because
thitung > ttabel, then Ho denied. Then it can be inferred that there was
significant influence between the learning style against the results of the study
grade IV SD N Post 3Surakarta school year 2014/2015.
2. Based on the results of the calculation obtained coefficient determination (KP)
of 11.8%. This means that the style of belajarmemberikan donations or the
influence of 11.8% against the learning outcomes grade IV SD N Post 3
Surakarta school year 2014/2015.

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