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A n I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2008 C e r t i f i e d O r g a n i s a t i o n


Paper Code: UN415
Solutions for Class : 8
5. (A) Cost of x metres = d
1. (A) 4o = 1 = 14 (Since ao = 1.) d
⇒ Cost of 1 metre = < ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟
∴ I and II have equal values. ⎝ x⎠

2. (C) M.P. of cycle = 880 d

∴ Cost of y metres = < ⎛⎜ × y ⎞⎟
⎝N ⎠
S.P. of cycle = 770
⎛ yd ⎞
Discount = (880 – 770) = 110 =<⎜ ⎟
⎝ N ⎠
Discount percentage = × 100 = 12.5% 6. (A) Let the other rational number be x.
880 Then,
3. (D) Given n ≠ 0
⎛ −11 ⎞
N+⎜ ⎟ = −3
Here, n could either positive or negative ⎝ 5 ⎠
or a fraction.
⎛ −11 ⎞
If n is –1, then 2n is less than n. ⇒ x = −3 − ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 5 ⎠
If n is a fraction such as then n2 will be 11 −3 11
2 ⇒ x = −3 + = +
less than n. 5 1 5
4. (C) If length and breadth of a respectively, its −3 × 5 + 11
area is A. 5
After 5% decrease in length and −15 + 11 −4
= =
95 5 5
5% increase in breadth, l = l and
100 −4
105b Hence, the other number is .
b= 5
7. (C) From the figure, the angle marked ‘m’ is
95 × 105 given by
Hence its area = lb
100 × 100
360o – 180o – 45o
95 × 105
Change in area = lb – lb = 360o – 225o = 135o
25 (or) m = 180o – 45o = 135o
= lb
10000 8. (C) 72 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
∴ Percentage decrease in area If K = 3
25 72 × K = 72 × 3 = 216 = 63 is a perfect cube.
= × 100% = 0.25%

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9. (A) No. of T.V sets sold in May = 50 1 1 8
16. (D) = 0.25 ; = 0.33 ; = 0.53
Total number of T.V. sets sold 4 3 15
= 40 + 20 + 60 + 30 + 50 = 200
7 13
= 0.29 ; = 0.27
∴ The required percentage 24 48
= × 100% = 25% 7 13 1 1
200 So and lie between & .
24 48 4 3
10. (C) The given solid has 8 faces. 17. (C) Let the angles be 3x, 7x, 6x and 4x.
11. (D) x2 = 16 ⇒ x = ±4 and ∴ 3x + 7x + 6x + 4x = 360o or
y2 = 4 ⇒ y = ± 2 20x = 360o or x = 18o. The angles are 54o,
126o, 108o and 72o. We see that adjacent
angles are supplementary but opposite
angles are not equal. Clearly, it is a
18. (A) The smallest value for n such that 5n is
a square is 5.
⇒ 75np = 75 × 5 × p
=3 × 5 × 5 × 5 × p
∴ The greatest possible value of
(x – y)2 is 36. To make 75np a perfect cube, p will have
to have factors 3 × 3.
12. (B) Let the required number be x.
∴ p – q ⇒ n + p = 5 + 9 = 14
We have,
19. (D) If two sets of four consecutive integers
3x 3x have one integer in common, the total in
− = 150
4 14 the combined set is 7., and we can write
the sets as
21 x − 6 x
⇒ = 150
28 n + (n + 1) + (n + 2) + (n + 3) and
(n + 3) + (n + 4) + (n + 5) + (n + 6)
150 × 28
⇒x= = 280
15 Note that each term in the second set is
3 more than the equivalent term in the
⎛ 10 ⎞
n first set. Since there are four terms the
13. (B) < 1331 = < 1000 ⎜ 1 +
⎝ 100 ⎟⎠ total of the difference will be 4 × 3 = 12

n 20. (B) The figure in option(B) gives the top view

1331 ⎛ 11 ⎞ of the given solid.
⇒ =
1000 ⎜⎝ 10 ⎟⎠
21. (D) The number of trees in a row is the same
⎛ 11 ⎞
⎛ 11 ⎞
n as the number of rows in the garden.
⇒⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ ⇒ n = 3 years
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 10 ⎠ ∴ Number of trees in a row = 17956
7.83 × 7.83 − 1.17 × 1.17
14. (A) 1 1 79 56 134
(7.83 + 1.17 )(7.83 − 1.17 ) 23 79
6.66 69
9 × 6.66
264 1056
= =9 1056
15. (Del) The question has been deleted as the
units are not the same in the question ∴ Number of trees in a row = 134
and the options.
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22. (C) 230 + 230 + 230 + 230 27. (B) The number of vibrations in one second
is the frequency of a sound. The higher
= 230 (4)
the frequency (number of vibrations) is,
= 230 × 22 the higher the pitch of the sound.
= 232 28. (D) Friction is the force which opposes
motion. It prevents slipping and sliding
23. (D) πr12h1 = πr22h2
when moving along a horizontal surface.
In ice hockey, friction allows the players
h1 2 ⎛ r1 ⎞ h2 1 to control the puck. In tug-of-war, friction
Given: h = 1 ; ⎜ ⎟ = =
2 ⎝ r2 ⎠ h1 2 allows the participants to grip the rope
tightly. In rock climbing, friction allows
r1 1 the climber to keep a firm grip on the
⇒ =
r2 2 rock and avoid failing. Friction is not
useful in swimming because it makes
∴ r : r2 = 1 : 2 moving through the water more difficult.
24. (B) (3x – 4) (5x + 7) = 15x2 – ax – 28 In the case of swimming, a swimmer’s
head is raised above the water, two hands
⇒ 15x2 + x – 28 = 15x2 – ax – 28
constantly push back the water and
Comparing the coefficients of like terms, simultaneously moving the legs up and
we get a = –1. down to move forward.
25. (D) Let the number of women needed to 29. (B) Electric charge can flow through
clear the land in 1 day be ‘x’. conductors. Flow of charge in a conductor
Number of women and number of days is called electric current.
are inversely proportional. 30. (C) A force is a push or a pull. A pushing force
∴ 5:x::1:4 is exerted on the trolley to move it,
frictional force keeps a billiard ball
⇒ x = 4 × 5 = 20 stationary and a magnet exerts a pulling
∴ Number of more women required force on the refrigerator door. Sunlight is
= 20 – 5 = 15. heat and light energy - there is no force
31. (A) Only saltwater is an electrolyte. Alcohol,
distilled water and petrol are non-
26. (C) Regular Reflection electrolytes.
incident ray reflected ray
32. (C) Without friction, we cannot create heat
by rubbing our hands. Without friction,
cycling and walking will be impossible. To
move a table on the floor we need to
apply a force. Friction is not required. In
the presence of friction, movement will
Diffused Reflection
be more difficult.
incident ray
33. (B) The image formed by a plane mirror of an
reflected ray object placed in front of it is virtual,
erect, behind the mirror and of the same
size as the object.
34. (D) Frictional force always acts in the
opposite direction to the motion of the
Diffused reflection is the reflection of ball, and hence it cannot change the
light from a surface such that an incident direction of the rolling steel ball.
ray is reflected at many angles rather Gravitational force always acts down to
than at just one angle. A pane of glass as the centre of the Earth, and hence it
well as a mirror will create a regular cannot change the direction of the rolling
reflection (specular reflection), whereas ball.
the surface of a horizontal wall will
create a diffused reflection.
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Pressure is a scalar quantity; hence it 43. (C) Friction is useful when we want to slow
does not have a direction. down the motion of an object or if we
want heat to be produced. It is a nuisance
Magnetic force can be directed anywhere
when unwanted wear and tear takes
depending on the position of the
magnet. Since the rolling ball is made of
steel, it will be attracted by the magnet. 44. (D) The Sun is the centre of our solar system.
Hence, magnetic force can change the It is a star because it produces light by the
direction of the ball. fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium
atoms which produces heat and light.
35. (D) Copper sulphate is a suitable electrolyte
The Sun has been the source of heat and
to electroplate an iron nail with copper.
light as it is now since the Big Bang, the
36. (D) Sound waves are collected by the outer event that caused the formation of the
ear and directed to the eardrum. The universe.
eardrum vibrates and transmits the
45. (C) Lightning is actually a flow of electrons.
vibrations to the ear bones in the middle
Electrons will prefer to flow in a medium
ear. The inner/internal ear has cochlea, a
that is of lower resistance than the air
coiled structure filled with a fluid having
which is a poor conductor. The lightning
tiny hair cells inside where nerve cells
therefore will prefer to strike something
convert the sound vibrations into
like the metal flagpole that is tall (nearer
electrical impulses which travel along the
to the clouds) and is a good conductor.
nerve to the brain.
46. (C) The extension of spring balance
37. (D) The way a rock responds to stress
measures the force exerted by gravity on
depends on its temperature, the speed
the object hung on the hook. The greater
of stress applied and the confining
the force exerted, the greater the
pressure on the rock.
extension of the spring. Hence, the
38. (A) Transferring a charge by touch is called reading will be affected by the location.
conduction. When an uncharged body is At places where the gravitational force is
touched with another charged body, the larger (e.g. at sea level), readings will be
uncharged body gets charged and the higher than at places where the force is
total charge on the charged bodies gets smaller (e.g. on a mountaintop). The
equally distributed between the two spring will lose its elasticity if it is
bodies in contact. constantly extended. This results in less
39. (A) We are able to hear sounds that are only accurate readings.
within a limited range of frequencies, 47. (B) Among the given options, the speed of
from about 20 Hz to about 20 000 Hz. sound is least in sea water. Speed of
Sounds with frequencies below and sound is least in gases, medium in liquids
above this range cannot be heard. and maximum in solids.
40. (D) During the process of electrolysis, 48. (B) The Braille system uses 6 dots.
electrical energy is converted to chemical
49. (A) When electric current flows through a
conductor, some amount of electrical
41. (B) Gravitational force is a pulling force energy is converted into heat energy.
exerted by a large object (e.g., the earth)
50. (B) Increased friction allows for better grip.
on the other objects. Magnetic force can
Putting rollers under a heavy object
be a pulling or pushing force exerted by
reduces its surface area in contact with
a magnet on magnetic objects or on
the ground. Hence, there is less friction
other the magnets. Both forces do not
when the object is moved.
need physical contact to act on objects.
42. (A) The number of images formed when two Chemistry
plane mirror inclined at an angle of 30 o 51. (C) Fossil fuels (like coal, oil and natural gas)
is are not reusable, recyclable but they are
360 sustainable.
n= −1
= = 12 – 1 = 11 images.
30 website :
52. (D) Statement 1 : Ozone layer absorbs in non-luminous flame without leaving
harmful radiations such as UV and any residue. Hence, no soot is produced.
prevents it from reaching us. When a
61. (C) The useful properties of the steel alloy
hole is present, the UV rays are free to
for making a car are that it should be
pass through the Earth’s atmosphere,
strong and hard and is resistant to
exposing us to this harmful radiations.
Statement 2 : CFCs, stand for
62. (D) Recycling material involves reprocessing
chlorofluorocarbons. These substances
the material so that it can be used again.
act as catalyst which decompose the
ozone, causing ozone depletion. 63. (A) Carbon fuels like wood, coal, petroleum
release unburnt carbon particles. These
Statement 3 : The primary function of the
fine particles when inhaled by human
ozone is to absorb the harmful UV
beings cause respiratory problems like
radiations. Radio waves are still able to
pass through the layer.
64. (C) Bees wax is obtained from beehives.
53. (D) Some characteristics of metals are:
65. (B) Sulphur is a solid whereas oxygen and
(i) Malleable and ductile. Metals can
hydrogen are gases. Iron, copper and
be easily shaped and made into
aluminium are all solids and metals.
sheets and wires.
Mercury, water and alcohol are all liquids.
(ii) Majority of the metals are in solid Carbon, silicon and phosphorus are all
form at room temperature, except non-metals.
66. (D) Iron is replaced with PVC in the making
(iii) Generally form positive charged of water pipes as PVC is cheaper, lighter
ions and help to conduct electricity. and does not rust.
54. (C) A polymer is a big molecule 67. (B) Persons sleeping in a closed room where
(macromolecule), which is made of many coal is burnt is fatal because a poisonous
repeating units (monomers) bonded gas, carbon monoxide is released. It this
chemically together. gas is inhaled, it can kill them.
68. (A) Anthracite contains about 90 - 95% of
Monomers Polymer 69. (D) The three R’s, which are to reduce, reuse
and recycle the material, will help to
55. (C) During the combustion of fossil fuels, increase the life of the reserves of a
oxygen reacts with the fuel to convert the material.
stored chemical energy into heat and
light energy. Complete combustion of 70. (A) Zinc is higher up the reactivity series
the fuel produces carbon dioxide and compared to copper, indicating that it is
water. a stronger reducing agent compared to
copper. Hence, it is more likely to be
56. (D) A flame produced by burning a substance oxidised to zinc(II) ions while reducing
always points upwards because the hot copper(II) ions to copper solid.
gases produced during burning are
lighter and rise up. Biology
71. (C) Centriole and centrosome are the
57. (D) Mercury cannot be used to make drink characteristic feature of animal cells.
cans as it is a liquid at room temperature
and is poisonous. 72. (D) In the given flow chart X-represents
testes, Y-Ovum and Z-fertilization.
58. (D) Strip ‘S’ is the most absorbent material.
73. (B) Bacteria present in the root nodules of
59. (D) A raw material is sustainable if there are the leguminous crop plants have the
lots of reserves of that material. ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen to
60. (D) A non-luminous flame (sometimes called form nitrogen compounds. Some of these
a “roaring flame”) produces a hot, steady are used by leguminous plants and the
flame in blue due to complete rest are left in the soil to enrich it.
combustion. The fuel is completely burnt
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74. (B) Fungus glow mostly in moist, dark and called field fallow.
damp places.
84. (D) Fertilization is the process during which
75. (B) The given figure represents fertilisation a sperm fuses with an egg cell to form a
or syngamy of sperm and ovum. zygote. A female destined zygote have
44 + XX.
76. (A) Hydra reproduces by budding.
85. (D) Cholera, anthrax tuberculosis and
77. (A) Rhizobium bacteria live symbiotically.
typhoid are bacterial diseases.
78. (B) Nerve cells are the longest cells in our
86. (C) Bacteriophage is a virus that uses
bacteria as a host.
79. (D) The iris of the eye, uterus and bronchi
87. (D) Transplantation is founding in paddy,
contain smooth muscles.
flowering plants and vegetable crops.
80. (B) Lysosomes are suicidal bags and
88. (B) Resources like air, water, soil and sun are
mitochondria are the power houses of
natural and renewable resources.
the cell.
89. (C) Paleontology is the study is fossils.
81. (C) Adrenaline hormone is called flight of
fight hormone. 90. (D) To replinish the nutrients in the soil, to
control weeds and pests crop rotation
82. (A) The correct sequence of the stages of
method is used.
growth is : zygote, embryo, foetus, baby,
child, adolescent, adult.
83. (D) Leaving the land or field uncultivated is

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