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Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol.

17 (3): 76-85



Zhi Xiong Chong1, Mustafa Alshagga1*, Khaled Ahmed Saed2 and Saba Kassim3
1Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Science, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Semenyih, Malaysia
2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Aden University, Yemen
3Taibah University Dental College and Hospital (TUDCH), Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding author:
*Mustafa Alshagga,


Khat leaves chewing/use, which imparts amphetamine like effects on the user, is widely practiced in parts of Africa,
the Arabian Peninsula, and among the diaspora communities from these regions. Basic clinical and epidemiological
studies from different settings have reported associations of acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, and
cardiomyopathy, with khat chewing /use. This review aims to analyse the current evidence of the impact that khat, or
its active constituent, cathinone, has on the cardiovascular system (CVS), particularly in two parameters, heart rate
(HR) and blood pressure (BP). Subsequently, the possible mechanism of actions of how khat impacts these
cardiovascular parameters is discussed, and different studies’ findings are summarised appropriately. The analysis of
literature suggests that khat could influence HR and BP by most likely causing tachycardia and hypertension and the
impacts might be dose-dependent and time-dependent. However, most of the studies involved different species and
study designs, and had different limitations. Additionally, the underlying mechanisms of khat effects on these CVS
parameters remain unclear. Therefore, more studies are needed to further support the current evidence of the impacts
that khat has on the CVS parameters of HR and BP.
Keywords: Khat, cardiovascular system (CVS), heart rate, blood pressure, cathinone, Review

INTRODUCTION aforementioned findings. Therefore, this review

aimed to assess and summarise the impacts of
Khat or Catha edulis is a common recreational khat on HR and BP.
drug used/chewed in Africa and Arabic regions
especially in Yemen, Ethiopia and Somalia. It has METHODS
a slightly sweet taste and an aromatic smell that
attracts people to chew it for recreational A systematic database search was performed in
purpose1. The main khat components include March 2017 to look for relevant articles on the
cathinone, cathine, norephedrine, and impact of khat on the cardiovascular system (CVS),
pseudoephedrine. Cathinone and cathine are the and the study method (Figure 1) was adopted
most active bio-compounds of khat2. Cathinone from previous systematic review studies 2,6,7. Four
has structural and functional similarities to electronic databases, namely PubMed, NUsearch-
indirectly-acting sympathomimetic agents like UK, Web of Science and Science Direct, were
amphetamine. Excessive khat consumption is employed for the literature search. Khat-related
related to mood disorders, metabolic disorders, keywords like Catha edulis, khat, qat, mirra and
and cardiovascular diseases 2–4. Frequent khat use murungu, and Khat bio-substance-related terms
is also suggested to have negative impacts on the like cathinone, norephedrine, pseudoephedrine
socio-economic function of an individual, as well and cathine were used during the search. CVS
as on the country at large1. parameters which were used in the search
included heart rate, tachycardia, blood pressure,
For the past 25 years, numerous studies have hypertension, and myocardial infarction. All
shown that excessive khat use could lead to acute relevant quantitative studies, either cross-
coronary syndrome, cardiomyopathy, and heart sectional or experimental studies, and any clinical
failure 4. Structural mimicry between khat trials that involved animals or humans were
constituents and indirectly-acting included. The excluded studies were systematic
sympathomimetic agents allows it to activate the reviews, case reports, letters to the editor,
sympathetic nervous system, thereby elevating articles written in languages other than English,
the blood pressure and the heart rate 3. duplicated articles, khat studies on non-CVS
Specifically, the impact of khat and ethanolic parameters, and any other articles which were
extracts of its active constituent, cathinone, on unrelated to both khat and CVS.
the cardiovascular system (CVS) parameters of
heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) have been
reported from different settings1,3–5. However,
there is a gap in knowledge to substantiate the
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

Articles found using

databases searching

Articles left after

duplicates removal

Excluded articles: Literature reviews,

Articles containing keywords like
commentary, case reports, articles about
heart rate OR tachycardia OR
khat effects in pregnancy, paediatric studies
blood pressure OR hypertension

Original articles used for


Figure 1: Study flowchart which was modified from a previous study on approach to report systemic reviews 46.

RESULTS increase heart rates in both animal and human.

This possibly suggests that cathinone is one of the
The effects of Khat on Heart Rate primary bioactive compounds of khat that causes
Kha thas been shown to increase the heart rate an acceleration of heart rate. The main difference
(Appendix table 1)in some animal and human between the animal and human studies was found
studies 8–11. In one animal study11, male Wistar rats in the timing of the onset of the increasing heart
(n=10) were supplied with 3g/kg of the rat’s rate. The maximal heart rate was noted at 2 hours
weight (equivalent to 0.5g/kg consumption among post-khat administration in the human study 9
khat chewers) of oral khat leave extract. Maximal compared to the 40 minutes in the rat study11.
heart rate was recorded at 40 minutes post-khat Literature has suggested that plasma cathinone
administration (study duration: 1 level usually peaks at 2 to 3 hours after oral
hour),accompanied by decreased atrial administration in human, and so it is expected
depolarisation (PR waves) and prolonged that the maximal heart rate was observed at 2
ventricular repolarisation (QT waves) intervals11. hours post-cathinone administration 9,12. One
The increase in the heart rate was significant possible reason to explain the faster onset of
(p<0.05) when comparing control and khat- maximal heart rate in rats is the higher dose of
treated rats and the heart rate differed by 5 to the extract which may have caused a speedier
12.8% between both groups at different intervals. drug absorption and distribution rate in rats than
Khat-induced tachycardia were also reported in in human. There are probably additional
human studies using the active compound of khat components of khat extract that could affect
(cathinone).In a human placebo-controlled study heart rate, or it may also be possible that some
(n=6, male)subjects were administered cathinone other unclear drug-body interaction exists that
at a concentration of 0.5mg/kg, and the subjects’ could have led to a quicker drug absorption and
heart rates were observed for 8 hours after action, which might be interesting to study
administration8.Compared to the control, heart further13–15.
rate among cathinone-treated group was very
significantly elevated (p<0.001). An experimental crossover human study has been
carried out in Saudi Arabia (n=21; unspecified
Another human study used cathinone gender) showed that chewing 45g of khat leaves
concentrations of 0.8mg/kg, and the study significantly induced tachycardia (p<0.05)among
duration was 9 hours but the increase in the heart the participants during and after exercise
rate among cathinone-treated group was compared to placebo ingestion 16. The mean heart
insignificant (p>0.05)9. Both the animal and rate + standard deviation (SD) of the khat-treated
human studies have been recorded the heart rate group was 15.8 + 11.5 beats per minute (bpm)
at regular intervals after drug administration. higher than the control group. This finding
Regardless of the variation in dosage, khat leave indicates an additional impact of khat on heart
extracts and cathinone have been shown to rate, over the accelerated heart rate induced by
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

exercise. A crucial limitation of the study was the levels in the synaptic cleft 4. This causes
inability to differentiate the baseline heart rate sympathetic over-activity and tachycardia. So, if
of the participants, and an absence of information cathinone could act like amphetamine in causing
on any history of life-related stressors and sympathetic over-activity, this would highlight a
exercise tolerance before khat administration17. central, rather than peripheral effect of khat or
Regular exercise is well-known to accelerate the cathinone on heart rate4. Moreover, the standard
heart rate via sympathetic nervous system dose of khat used in the 3 arms probably
activation, compared to placebo in many neglected the differential affinity of adrenergic
studies18,19, but in the long-term, exercise receptors for sympathomimetics10.
actually lowers both stress and heart rate.
On the contrary, an organ bath study (90 seconds)
Another cross-sectional human study (n=664; using male albino rabbits heart tissue (n=6)
mixed gender) in Ethiopia has shown that the showed that khat extract significantly (p<0.05)
mean heart rate among khat chewers (76.3 + decreased heart rate in a concentration- and
11.5bpm) was significantly higher (p<0.05)than time-dependent manner by exerting negative
non-chewers (73.9+ 12.6bpm)20. Even though this inotropic and chronotropic effects 1. Compared to
study has used a validated questionnaire and a the rat and human in vivo studies that showed
consistent data collection method, it could still be khat-induced tachycardia 8,9,11, this ex vivo study
biased based on the self-reporting of results. used 50, 100 and 250mg/mL of khat extracts
Additionally, the number of participants who have (extracted using 70/30% water: ethanol). It could
habits of smoking and drinking coffee were be the difference in the study design and the
significantly higher among the chewers than the variation in the khat concentration used that
non-chewers. Since the half-life of caffeine would explain why bradycardia was observed 23,24.
ranges from 2 to 12 hours 21,22, and cathinone and The exact mechanism that caused this
cathine half-lives are 1.5+0.8 hours and 5.2+3.4 phenomenon is unclear, but Al-Hashem et al.
hours, respectively 12, it is unclear whether it was suggested that khat might alter membrane ion
caffeine or khat that induced the tachycardia. movements (Ca2+, Na+) that can delay
Also, it is unclear whether the chewers consumed depolarisation, thus causing bradycardia, which
similar khat doses every day, and the heart rate reduces coronary perfusion and induces myo-
measurements were taken between 8.30am and necrosis 1. Khat-induced noradrenaline release
6.30pm, independent of the timing of khat could indirectly trigger α1-adrenoceptor-
ingestion 20. It is unclear if the difference in heart dependent coronary vasoconstriction by
rate between khat chewers (76.3 + 11.5bpm) and promoting Ca2+ ion entry into vascular smooth
non-chewers (73.9 + 12.6 bpm) would have a muscle, thus worsening myocardial perfusion and
tangible clinical significance rather than just further depressing cardiac contractility 1. Several
statistical significance. case reports also have suggested a possible
association between khat consumption and
Studies that attempted to explore the mechanism coronary vasoconstriction 25,26. Major drawbacks
of action of khat effect on heart rate are scant. A of the ex vivo study include the use of the whole
human, double-blinded, 3 arm cross-over, khat extract without simultaneous comparison to
placebo-controlled study (n=63; all male) the khat active compound (cathinone), in addition
involving khat, indoramin (selective α1-blocker) to the presence of tannins and flavonoids in khat
and atenolol (selective β1-blocker), showed that extract which probably have inhibitory cardiac
atenolol could potentially reduce (p<0.05)the effects by anti-cholinergic or anti-histaminic
significantly elevated heart rate induced by khat, mechanisms27,28.
but could not do so for elevated heart rates as a
result of indoraminadministration10. This suggests Generally, based on the different reports in the
that heart rate acceleration among khat chewers literature in which the relationships between khat,
is mediated by β1-adrenoceptors rather than α1- or cathinone, consumption and heart rate have
adrenoceptors. Once activated, a G-protein been studied, it is shown that khat, or cathinone,
coupled receptor (Gs-coupled ß1-adrenoceptor) plays some kinds of role in accelerating the heart
dissociates, activates adenylyl cyclase (AC), and rate. However, all these studies did not explain in
increases cytosolic cyclic adenosine detail the impact of khat on stroke volume,
monophosphate (cAMP)which activates Ca2+ myocardial contractility and cardiac output, or
channels 19. This Ca2+ influx promotes actin- identify secondary neuro-hormonal mechanisms
myosin interactions, increases heart contraction that could elicit changes in heart rate. In addition,
forces, and causes tachycardia 19. Definitive most reported studies 1,8–11,16have limitations such
knowledge of a direct effect of khat or cathinone as the use of different samples like khat leaves
at the receptor level is lacking. Nevertheless, the extracts vs cathinone active compounds, different
structural similarity between cathinone and compounds concentration, short study duration
amphetamine allows for cathinone to function as (generally ranging from several hours to several
an indirectly-acting sympathomimetic agent. months), small sample size (generally n<100), lack
Amphetamine could promote the release of of repeated study results, and recruitment of only
monoamines and reduces their reuptake, thus, males in both rat and human studies, which raises
increasing dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin gender bias concerns. Any or all of these
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

limitations would probably affect the various (n=63; all male) in 2005 10. In that study, it was
study findings 29–31 shown that khat-induced hypertension could be
antagonized significantly (p<0.05)by atenolol
The effects of Khat on Blood Pressure (selective β1-blocker) but not indoramin
As noted in the aforementioned studies, khat, or (selective α1-blocker) 10. This suggests that khat-
its active alkaloid cathinone, influences both induced hypertension is associated with ß1-
heart rate and contractility, and therefore, adrenoceptor-mediated tachycardia. Increases in
increases in cardiac output, which is a major sympathetic activity after khat, or cathinone,
determinant of mean systolic blood pressure. All administration probably could be elucidated by an
pooled studies in this review are summarised increase in renin secretion from the kidney, and
(Appendix table 2).In Ethiopia, four cross- an increase in the activity of the renin-angiotensin
sectional studies were reported, including a very aldosterone system (RAAS).The RAAS activation
large-scale study (n=4001; mixed gender) 32 and might cause increase in blood volume and this
another two smaller studies (n=667; mixed gender) might increase the peripheral vascular resistance
and (n=422; all male) 33. An additional study reflected in elevated diastolic blood
(n=330; mixed gender) has focused on the pressure36,37,39.
population in Eastern Ethiopia 34. Most studies
showed that khat could significantly Another two organ bath experiments
(p<0.05)elevate diastolic blood pressure 20,32,33. (n=unspecified, both used guinea pig tissue)
Khat chewing was shown to increase mean showed that cathinone could significantly
diastolic blood pressure with beta coefficient (β) increase (p<0.05)coronary vasoconstriction in a
of 1.9 compared to non-chewers 32 and generally dose-dependent manner 36,37. Cathinone was
khat chewers have higher mean diastolic blood shown to cause peak coronary vasoconstrictions of
pressure 75.0 + 11.6 than non-chewers 72.9 + 11.7 the guinea pig by 56.5 + 13.8% and 56.5 + 4.2%
mmHg 20.Besides, khat chewing was also shown to when 1mM 36 and 300µM of cathinone 37 were
increase adjusted odd ratio (AOR) + confidence administered respectively. It was unclear why
interval (CI) of diastolic blood pressure (AOR:5.43; almost similar peak vasoconstriction was
CI: 2.05-14.38) 33.Systolic blood pressure was produced when two different cathinone
found to be elevated significantly (p<0.05) only in concentrations were given, but it could imply that
one study (AOR:14.95; CI:5.49-40.66) 33,while 300µM is the maximal cathinone concentration
insignificant systolic blood (p>0.05) pressure that could cause peak vasoconstriction and
elevations were observed in the earlier study further increasing the cathinone concentration
(beta coefficient (β) of 1.6) 32 and another would not produce more vasoconstriction. On the
mentioned study also showed insignificant other hand, it was postulated that khat-induced
increase in the systolic blood pressure among khat vasoconstriction is not mediated via α1-
chewers (116.9 + 17.8 mmHg) compared to non- adrenoceptors or indirect-acting
chewers (116.1 + 16.8 mmHg)20. The insignificant sympathomimetic action, but could be related to
systolic blood pressure elevations were not the release of endogenous vasoconstrictors like
explored further. However, diastolic blood endothelin and angiotensin, although the
pressure has shown in most studies to be elevated mechanism was unclear36,37. This suggests the
by khat, which is more useful in the assessment of possibility that the khat-induced vasopressor
peripheral blood resistance 35, thereby causing effect could be mediated by an endothelin-
high blood pressure 36,37.Khat chewing is also induced release of prostaglandin and
associated with an increased risk of hypertension thromboxane A2 (vasoconstriction effects) 37,39.
(AOR: 1.98; CI: 2.99-5.46) 34.In a study conducted Further pharmacologic and in vivo studies will be
in Yemen, involving undergraduate medical needed to verify this hypothesis 30.
students (n=100; mixed gender) 38, blood pressure
was shown to fluctuate among the khat chewers. Interestingly, a study conducted in Yemen (n=74;
mixed gender) suggested that khat would reduce
On the other hand, an animal study involving male blood pressure significantly (p<0.05) in which the
Wistar rats (n=10) that were administered 3g/kg baseline SBP among chewers was 105.2 + 1.9
rat’s weight of khat leave extract, and two mmHg compared to non-chewers 105.8 + 1.8
placebo-controlled human studies (n=6; all male) whereas the baseline DBP was 68.2 + 1.6 among
which used 0.5mg/kg and 0.8mg/kg cathinone chewers compared to 71.6 + 1.6 among non-
concentration, have all shown that khat, or chewers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
cathinone, could possibly significantly increase only report that suggests such a possibility40. This
(p<0.05) blood pressure in vivo, in both time- and study did not explain the underlying mechanism,
dose-dependent manners 8,9,11.For the rat study 11, but instead, correlated reduced cognitive
the SBP among khat-treated rats was 8.1 to 26.3% function and blood pressure to khat usage 40. In
higher than the SBP of the control while the DBP this study, the khat consumption habits of the
was 22 to 53.5% higher in the khat-treated group. participants were standardized (chewed 5
The mean SBP and DBP differences in the two hours/day, 5 times/week for almost 6 years), but
human trials were not explained further 8,9.The the consumption dosage was unclear. Therefore,
possible mechanism of how khat induces it could be the consumption dosage that explained
hypertension was suggested by a human study why khat led to lowered blood pressures.
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

Different khat, or cathinone, concentrations mainly focus on African and Arabic populations.
might be associated with different selectivity Other parameters like khat chewing /use history,
towards the adrenergic receptor. In this study, it blood pressure measurement techniques, and
could be the activation of the α2-adrenergic timing of blood pressure measurement should be
receptors that led to sympathetic outflow standardized to ensure reliability of the results.
inhibition and hypotension 19. Since the reported
usual cathinone concentration that is associated Animal and human experimental studies should
with hypertension is 0.5-0.8mg/kg 8,9, it might be focus on obtaining participant subjects of both
that a lower or higher cathinone concentration genders, in order to avoid the inability to
consumption favours α2-adrenergic receptor standardize or generalize results due to gender
occupancy, but more studies will be needed to biases. It is also advisable to use larger sample
validate this hypothesis. sizes and longer study durations to test the impact
Many of the reported studies suggested possible of khat in vivo. There are still some gaps to be
associations between khat consumption and filled in the literature, with regard to the exact
hypertension. However, most of these studies only mechanism of how khat affects different CVS
focused on the Yemeni and Ethiopian parameters. Therefore, more studies should be
populations20,32–34,38 which did not take into done in the future to further establish the
consideration potential inter-population relationship between khat and adverse
variations 41. Most cross-sectional studies 20,32– cardiovascular outcomes, as well as to identify
did not really standardize or mention the khat the exact underlying molecular mechanisms.
consumption habits or usages among the
participants, which is significant because Declaration of interest: The authors report no
different dosages consumed might affect blood conflicts of interest. The authors alone are
pressure differently 42. responsible for the content and writing of the
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Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85


Table 1: A summary of the khat influences on the cardiovascular system based on human studies/reports (n=10).

Human Studies / Reports

Khat effects on the cardiovascular system (CVS)
Author(s), Gender/sample size (n), study design, dose Heart rate Blood pressure Other CVS Study strengths and weaknesses
year (Study duration) (beats (mmHg) effects
Brenneisen M (n=6), placebo-controlled balanced In vivo study that showed khat effects
et al. experimental study, 0.5mg/kg cathinone - on CVS but subjects grouping was
1990 a, b oral capsule or placebo (8-hours study). (S) (S) (S) unclear, n was small and study
duration was short.

Widleret M (n=6), double-blinded placebo-controlled In vivo double-blinded study that

al. balanced study, khat leaves extracts - showed khat effects on CVS but n was
1994a, b containing 0.8mg/kg cathinone or placebo (NS) (S) (S) small and study duration was short.
(10-hours study).
Hassan et M (n=63), double-blinded 3 arm cross-over In vivo double-blinded study that
al. placebo controlled study, khat dose showed khat effects on CVS mediated
2005 a, b standardised but dosage was unclear + - via ß-adrenoceptor. But, n was small,
either placebo or 50mg atenolol or 25mg (S) (S) (S) study duration was short, khat dose
indoramin (4-months study). used was unclear.
Tesfaye et M and F (n=4001), cross-sectional study, 20% Large n, intra-population study but
al. 2008 b chewers vs 80% chewers (Study duration not - - involved smokers, alcoholic which
specified). (NS) (S) affected study reliability and did not
explain mechanism on how khat
affects BP.
Laswar and M and F (n=100), cross-sectional study, 54% Small n, did not exclude smokers and
Darwish chewers vs 46% non-chewers, study done in - F (NS) F (NS) - other HPT risk factors but
2009b year 2004. demonstrated association between
increased study tension (seniority of
medical students) and khat usage.
Getahunet M and F (n=667), cross-sectional study, Moderate n size, use of consistent
al. 50.3% chewers vs 49.7% non-chewers - data collection methods but
2010 a, b (Study duration not specified). (S) (NS) (S) significant higher smokers among
chewers than non-chewers affected
study reliability.
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

Birhane M (n=422), cross-sectional study, all chewers Intra-population study with moderate
and (9-month study). - - n size, included smokers, alcoholics,
Birhane (S) (S) did not justify how khat affects BP.
2014 b

Nakajima M and F (n=74), cross-sectional, 49 khat Correlated khat usage and reduced BP
et al. chewers vs 25 non-chewers - (S) (S) - and cognition but failed to explain the
2014 b (1-day study). mechanism and small n.
Sallamet Gender unspecified (n=21), experimental In vivo human study, subjects
al. 2016 a crossover study, 33ml placebo juices or - - - grouping unclear, small n. Unreliable
33ml juices + 45g ground khat leaves (3- (S) findings as it studied khat effects on
months study). HR post-exercise.
Seifu et al. M and F (n=330), cross-sectional study, Khatrasied BP but Moderate n size, almost all subjects
2017 b 91.81% khat chewers vs 8.19% non-chewers - it was unclear - are khat chewers, but did not exclude
(1-month study). whether it raised other HPT risk factors like smoking.
SBP, DBP or both.
All the human studies/reports were arranged according to chronological order.
means increase; means decrease.

BP: Blood pressure, HR: Heart rate, SBP: Systolic blood pressure, DBP: Diastolic blood pressure, M: Male, F: Female, F: Fluctuates; S: Significant, NS: Not significant, n: Sample
size, ECG: Electrocardiogram, AMI: Acute myocardial infarction, DM: Diabetes Mellitus, HPT: Hypertension
a –Khat and heart rate theme; b–Khat and blood pressure theme
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017, Vol. 17 (3): 76-85

Table 2: A summary of the khat impacts on the cardiovascular system based on animal studies/reports (n=4).

Animal studies / Reports

Khat effects on the cardiovascular system (CVS)
Author(s), Study model/gender, study design Heart rate Blood pressure Other CVS Study strengths and weaknesses
year (sample size, n), dose (study duration) (beats (mmHg) effects
/min) SBP DBP
Al-Motarreb Dunkin-Hartley guinea-pigs/M, Cathinone Ex vivo study, direct assessed khat
and Broadly experimental organ baths (no. of baths - - - significantly effects on tissue and proposed
2003 b used not clearly stated), cathinone 0.01- increased possible mechanism but n unclear,
1000µg+ use of other sympathomimetic coronary effects on human might differ.
and its blockers (1-day study). vasoconstriction
in a dose-
Baker et al. Guinea pig/M, experimental organ baths Cathinone Ex vivo study, direct assessed khat
2007 b (no. of baths used not clearly stated), - - - significantly effects on tissue and proposed
cathinone 3-300µM + use of other induced possible mechanism but n unclear,
sympathomimetic and its blockers (1-day coronary effects on human might differ.
study). vasoconstriction
in a dose-
Al-Hashem White albino rabbit/M, experimental organ Decreased Ex vivo study, justified results well
et al. 2012 baths (n=6), 50, 100 and 250mg/ml khat (S) - - myocardial but n was small, short study duration.
leaves extracts (90 minutes). contractility.
Al-Hashem Wistar rat/M, experimental (n=10 for In vivo study, rats grouping unclear,
and Shatoor control and n=10 for khat leaves extracts Decreased PR small n, short study duration and did
2012 a, b treated group), oral dose of 3mg/kg (60 (S) (S) (S) interval and not clearly justify how khat affects BP
minutes). prolonged QT on and HR.

All the animals studies/reports were arranged according to the chronological order.
means increase; means decrease.

BP: Blood pressure, HR: Heart rate, SBP: Systolic blood pressure, DBP: Diastolic blood pressure, M: Male, F: Female, S: Significant, NS: Not significant, n: Sample size, ECG:
a –Khat and heart rate theme; b–Khat and blood pressure theme

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